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At ABC Co., one of our responsibilities is to develop our staff on a continuous basis. The
philosophy of Human Resources Management is to "Encourage growth and career
development of employees by coaching, and by helping employees achieve their personal
Career development is the ongoing acquisition or refinement of skills and knowledge, including
job mastery and professional development, coupled with career planning activities. J ob
mastery skills are those that are necessary to successfully perform one's job. Professional
development skills are the skills and knowledge that go beyond the scope of the employee's
job description, although they may indirectly improve job performance.
Since career development is an ongoing, dynamic process, employees may need
encouragement and support in reviewing and re-assessing their goals and activities. At ABC
Co., We contribute significantly to your staff member's career development by supporting their
career development activities.
All key employees fill in the Individual Development Plan (IDP) every year and remarks are
given by manager on last years IDP
Guiding Principles
Employers support for career development is important because:
Current information about the organization and future trends helps employees create
more realistic career development goals
Focus on skill development contributes to learning opportunities
Opportunities for promotion and/or lateral moves contribute to the employee's career
A greater sense of responsibility for managing one's own career contributes to self-
Career planning and development clarifies the match between organizational and
individual employee goals
It's cost-effective to use your own staff talent to provide career development
opportunities within your department
Career development increases employee motivation and productivity
Attention to career development helps you attract top staff and retain valued
Supporting career development and growth of employees is mandated by the
Philosophy of Human Resources Management

Roles We Play
COACH: Helps employees identify strengths, weaknesses, interests, and values by
maintaining open, effective communication and ongoing encouragement.
Encourage two-way dialogue
Show employees how to identify their skills, interests, and values

ADVISOR: Provides organizational information, realities, and resources to employees.
Help employees develop realistic career goals based on department's needs and their
individual development plans
Help employees understand the current opportunities and limitations
Advise employees on the feasibility of various career options
APPRAISER: Evaluates employees' performance in an open, candid way and relates this to
potential opportunities.
Provide frequent feedback in a way that fosters development
Conduct performance appraisals that define strengths, weaknesses, and career
development needs
Relate current performance to future potential in realistic ways
Use an individual development plan as a tool for continual feedback and development

REFERRAL AGENT: Helps employees meet their goals through contacts with people and
Help employees formulate development plans and consulting on strategies
Provide opportunities for experience, exposure, and visibility
Assist in seeking employees' placement lateral or vertical


Individual development plan purpose
Set priorities for your career development
Identify goals that are mutually beneficial to you and your employer
Select the best available activities and the resources needed to help you achieve your
Set a timeline for achieving your goals

Individual development plan sections
Developmental goals for the coming year
What do you want to achieve?

Relationship of goals to the organizations goals
How will the organization benefit from your development goal?

Knowledge, skills, abilities to be developed

What will you learn?

Developmental activities
What are the best development activities for the goals that you have identified?

What resources are required for you to engage in the development activities time,
funds, help form others, and so forth?

Date for completion
IDPs are usually written for a one -year period, but some employees prefer to set short-
term (1 year), medium-term (2 years), and long-term (3 years) goals. The longer time
frame may be necessary if, as a goal, you want to earn a degree or certification in your

Individual development plan

goals for the
coming year
of goal to the
skills, abilities
to be
Resources Date for
Goal 1

Goal 2

Goal 3

__________________________________ ______________________
Employees signature Date

Remarks by Manager with respect to Last years IDP

_________________________________ ______________________
Managers signature Date

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