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George T.

123 North Avenue, Atlanta, GA 30308

Bachelor of Science in Management degree candidate with strong communication and leadership skills. Seeking a sales or
strategic marketing position with a leading technology company expanding into international markets.
G$"*G&A &N+T&T)T$ ", T$%-N"."G/, %ollege o0 1anage2ent Atlanta, Georg3a
Bachelor o0 +c3ence 3n 1anage2ent (ece2ber 2010
Concentration in Marketing
G4A5 3.6
Awarded Scholarship by .S. Congress to ser!e as "outh Ambassador
Study Abroad #rogram $ Costa %ica &'(()*
College of Management %esearch Assistant+ Sur!eyed students and reported results directly
to dean of college resulting in effecti!e change.
4*",$++&"NA. +6&..+
,esigned- published and promoted 3./page marketing 0eb site.
1stablished- managed- and sold lawn ser!ice consisting of '( clients.
2ounded and maintained car detailing ser!ice responsible for '. clients.
4*",$++&"NA. +A.$+
Sales 3 4elemarketing for i#hone accessory products !ia web- which in!ol!ed making sales
presentations and answering customer 5uestions.
#erformed door/to/door sales calls to obtain clientele for a newspaper and landscape ser!ice companies
Solicited Atlanta business professionals for sponsorships of Susan 6omer Cancer 0alk
%"11)N&%AT&"N +6&..+
Composed business news articles as an intern and authored editorial articles as a freelance columnist
for the Atlanta Daily World Newspaper.
#erformed reading- writing- and speaking acti!ities in Spanish while participating in a language
immersion program in Costa %ica.
7"*6 $84$*&$N%$
Atlanta (a3l9 7orld Ne:;<a<er +an ,ranc3;co, %A
Intern Summer 2010 and Summer2009
AB% &n;tru2ent %o2<an9 1acon, GA
Production Line Assembly Summer 200
Georg3a &n;t3tute o0 Technolog9 Atlanta, GA
Administrati!e Assistant" #nder$raduate Pro$rams 200%
'olunteer5 Senior Citi7ens Ser!ices $ deli!ered meals to seniors in metro Atlanta8 raised 9.(( by soliciting donations
"rgan3zat3on;5 :perations %esearch Club &;#/Membership*8 #hi #hi #hi Sorority &4reasurer*
&ntere;t;5 ;iolinist / Atlanta Symphony Student #rogram

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