The Burden of Domination

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The Burden of Domination.

Domination is a trait of animal society ; we read about dominant males getting the most food and
getting all the girls, we read about the survival of the fittest ; animal life in fallen nature is all about to
dominate or to be dominated. Such also is the trait of demonic society ; demons dominate each others
using violence and fear ; as can be seen in the lives of those who conjure themselves to the works of
satan such as war mongers, sadists, marxists, sexual dominators, bullies, gangs, fraternities,
freemasonry, sect leaders, tyrants, brain washers, raists, torturers etc...
Sadly, domination is ervasive in many human cultures as well, mostly in laces of the world where
the !osel has not yet been received as such ; articularly in "frica and "sia ; yet, domination comes
at a cost ; the burden that #esus reached was light but the burden of domination is heavy. $hen
someone is %broken& into domination, the broken human being becomes a burden to the dominator or
eventually to society when the dominator gets tired of laying with his victim ; that is the cost of
domination. So why the hunger to dominate ' (f course human domination has it)s gratification ; the
one who dominates is the boss, the one who calls the shots ; it)s a ower tri ; oftentimes it serves as
comensation for the most destitute in society who exerience some fulfillment in dominating in
some marginal human community like a street gang no matter how isolated and disconnected from
society that community might be.
*et there are at least + cases of holy domination as shared by !od $ho in the final analysis is the only
legitimate dominator,
-. /hildren are called to be submissive to their arents as a necessity to be raised by them ; and so on
the material level the children are a burden to their arents.
0. $ives are called to be submissive to their husbands as a necessity for harmony, eace and
roserity of the family ; and so on the material level the wife is a burden to her husband.
+. 1embers of 2atican aroved holy orders ermanently trade some or all of their ersonal freedom
in exchange for the siritual benefits of membershi ; and so on the material level these members are
a burden to the order or to the arish.
3nfortunately, instead of receiving these as examles of legitimate domination, they end u being
used as an excuse for indulging in fallacious 4if not satanic. forms of domination,
-. some arents abuse their children, emotionally and hysically forgetting that children were
entrusted to them by !od ; 0. some husbands beat u their wife into submission forgetting that
husbands are not called to tramle their wives but are called instead to love them and that it is wives
who are called to freely submit to their husband and finally, and this one is true articularly in the
troics where the climate romotes sloth 4la5iness., +. Some lay /hristian communities imlement
unaroved vows and covenants that most of the time conflict with the teachings of the /hurch ; this
tyically maintains a comfort 5one for both lay and clerical leaders who use it to sychologically
coerce resources and unconditional obedience from those under them 4in the name of #esus $ho
never coerced anyone. thus robbing their victims of their right and duty to individually develo and
use the gifts of the 6oly Sirit 4in articular stewardshi, charity and discernment..
So why is the devil so busy trying to deceive human beings into bondage under fallacious forms of
domination ' The answer oints back to the /ross, #esus died on the /ross to restore our otion to
freely choose to belong to 6im, love 6im live for 6im and worshi 6im as our !od... So our freedom
is the key to our salvation ; without freedom, no choice, without choice, no sincere charity or love,
without love no sincere relationshi with #esus. $orse yet, if we belong to a /hristian community that
has bound us under eer ressure with some shoddy vow that necessarily overlays our batism or
matrimonial vows, unavoidable failure to kee that vow can in fact damage our relationshi with !od
4at least on our side. and thus even ut our salvation in jeoardy...
7n every case, evil forms of domination are an attemt by the devil to ut us back under the yoke of
the 8aw and the slavery of sin ; essentially to undo 4if it were ossible. the 9edemtion of /hrist on
the /ross. This is just an attemt by a defeated woe ; yet a very crafty one who can easily intimidate
us or bully us out of Salvation if we are inattentive or ignorant of the teachings of the /hurch.
7n short, it)s all about the freedom we need to sincerely choose !od in our life ; if you are submissive
to someone who does not in fact have legitimate authority over you but who makes so many
unverified claims and constantly warns you and others about the bad things that will haen if you
refuse to submit into blind obedience, then no matter how miraculous, holy and sincere that
dominator may be, you should get out of that relationshi, as your very salvation might deend on it.

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