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National Conference on Electrical & Electronics Engg.

-14), 5 Jun 2014, H!
College of Engg., !"lore
Title of the paper (24 font)
Name of the author
, Name of the author
, Name of the author
(12 font)
Designation, address, email-id, phone number (10 font)
Designation, address, email-id, phone number (10 font)
Designation, address, email-id, phone number (10 font)
Abstract (12 font)
This eletroni doument is a !! "title, te#t, heads, et!$ in
its st%le sheet! &'()T)'*+, Do Not -se .%mbols, .peial
'haraters, or /ath in 0aper Title or *bstrat! (10 font)
Keywords (12 font) 1e%2ord 1,!(10 font)
1. Introduction (12 font)
This template, modified in /. 3ord 2010 and sa4ed
as a 53ord 67-2003 Doument8 for the 0', pro4ides
authors 2ith most of the formatting speifiations
needed for preparing eletroni 4ersions of their
papers! *ll standard paper omponents ha4e been
speified for three reasons, (1) ease of use 2hen
formatting !! (10 font)
No! )tem 0artiulars (esult (emar1s
Table 1 , Name of the table (6 font)
2. Section Heading (12 font)
The template is used to format %our paper and st%le
the te#t! *ll margins, olumn 2idths, line spaes, and
te#t fonts are presribed9 please do not alter them! :ou
ma% note peuliarities! ;or e#ample, the head margin
in this template measures proportionatel% more than is
ustomar%! This measurement and others are
deliberate, using speifiations that antiipate %our
paper as one part of the entire proeedings, and not as
an independent doument! 0lease do not re4ise an% of
the urrent designations (10 font)!
3. Section Heading (12 font)
The template is used to format %our paper and st%le
the te#t! *ll margins, olumn 2idths, line spaes, and
te#t fonts are presribed9 please do not alter them! :ou
ma% note peuliarities! (10 font)!
;ig! 1 , Name of the figure (6 font)!
4. onc!usions (12 font).
0rospeti4e authors are re<uested to send the title of
the paper and an e#tended abstrat not e#eeding =00
2ords (ma# 1 page) of the proposed researh papers
before 1=
of /a% 2014! -pon aeptane of the
abstrat, the authors are re<uested to send the full
length manusript in the )>>> 2 olumn format (full
paper submission not e#eeding ? pages, title-24 font,
author-12 font, designation @ address-10 font,
*bstrat-12 font, abstrat ontent-6 font, .etion
headings-12 font, te#t matter-10 font, referenes-6
font, figure @ table aptions-6 font, entire te#t matter
in single line spaing, left-right-top-bottom margins of
1 inh, *4 paper siAe) 2ith the partiulars of the
orresponding B presenting authors @ o-authors,
designations, address, et b% email to
tmanCunathDgmail!om (10 font)!
"#$#"#%#S (12 font).
"1$! Name of the authorBs, 5Title of the paper8, Name of
the onferene, Eenue, 0aper id, pp!, Date, /onth @
:ear of the 'onf!, (6 font)
"2$! Name of the authorBs, 5Title of the paper8, Name of
the Fournal, ).GN No!, )..N, Fournal 0aper id,
Eolume, )ssue (No), pp!, /onth @ :ear of the
publiation! (6 font)
"3$! Name of the authorBs, 5Title of the Goo18, ).GN,
0ublisher Name, Name of the ountr%, >dition, No!
of pages, /onth @ :ear of publiation! (6 font)
"4$! http,BB222!2i1ipedia!org (6 font)
Aut&or 'iogra(&ies (12 font).
(1-2 paragraphs of eah author 2ith photo)
/atter (6 font)

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