St. Mark's Catholic School: Adding Value Examination Results

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Headteacher: Mr. P. Enright, B.A. (Hons), M.A.

106 Bath Road, Hounslow, Middlesex, TW3 3EJ

Telephone: 020 8577 3600, Facsimile: 020 8577 0559
e-mail: Web-

St. Mark’s Catholic School

Newsletter No.45 October 2009

the DCSF published value

Adding Value added measures for GCSE
Our record breaking and ‘A’ Level results. These Results
examination results this measures were very
Following the correction of
summer were outlined in positive for St. Mark’s,
a mistake by one of the
the Examinations Special 1015.3 for GCSE and 1010.7
examination boards another
Newsletter. Well done to for ‘A’ Level.
student has achieved five or
all those students who Congratulations and thank
more A*-C grades with
achieved not only the best you to teachers and
English and Maths taking
results in St. Mark’s 50 parents who played such a
the total to 81%. Apologies
years history but also the crucial role in adding this
to Rachael Rodrigues for an
best results in Hounslow value.
error on the Exam Special.
Local Authority. Last week
Rachael gained 10A*/A
grades at GCSE – well done.
Open Mornings/Evenings
Thank you to the large five occasions. Sixth Form Year 7
number of students who students were superb as We are delighted with the
assisted during the Open guides and car parking way our new Year 7 have
Mornings and Evening. assistants. Students settled in at St. Mark’s.
Anthony Franklin and working within Thank you to Ms Lavelle and
Gisselle Babaran in Year 8 Departments during Open her Team of Tutors for
spoke very effectively to Evening also created a very greatly assisting in this
large groups of parents on positive impression. process. It was lovely to see
so many parents at the Year
7 family Mass on 17th
needy families. These
Charity Activities activities, including cake
A soup lunch to raise funds sales, computer game
for CAFOD was held on competitions, beat the National County Team
Friday 2nd October. Sixth goalie, raffle, Year 7 Championships
Form ASDAN students are Halloween Disco, Year 8
Talent Show, five-a-side Congratulations to Callum
currently organising a range
competition, guess the Mitchell who was selected
of activities to raise funds
baby etc, will commence to represent the Middlesex
for our annual Christmas
after half term. Swimming Team in the
party for Senior Citizens and
National Championships on
collection of presents for
Sunday 18th October.
Year 13 French Work Experience 2009
On October 4th at 5:30 am, with pupils that adored home in the evening.
six Year 13 students went them and showered them Congratulations to the
off to France with Miss with hugs and kisses every students involved on their
Green to begin a week’s time they saw them! perfect behaviour; their
work experience. Suzi and Finally, Camilla worked on wonderful, positive
Rebecca worked in the the front desk of the attitude throughout and for
world renowned Bayeux Bayeux Tourist Office, their courage in going off
Tapestry, handing out audio welcoming visitors and and working in another
guides to tourists and advising them of what to country unpaid for an
learning about the Battle of see and where to go. At entire week. What a great
Hastings and Guillaume le the end of the week they thing to put on their CV!
Conquérant. Ciara, Macalla drove across France to see Well done!
and Evelyn worked in the famous “Mont St
Bayeux Primary Schools, Michel”, before heading

Year 9 French Play visited by various make-

over “fairies”, who climb
Moroney, for instance,
responded almost fluently
On Friday 24th September, through his window, to a question about sports
the day before the basically harass him and and Nathan Mohammed
European Day of Languages, make him dress up in all even went up on stage and
all Year 9s watched a play sorts of crazy clothes. It played the guitar! It was a
being performed in French was very witty and we thoroughly enjoyable
in St. Michael’s Hall. The were especially impressed experience for all involved
two French actors involved when the actor went into and hopefully all Year 9s
were hilarious, performing a the audience several times now see that languages are
play where a boy who and asked pupils questions not confined to just the
cannot get a girlfriend is in French. Mason classroom.

discuss various aspects of

Rock School PTA school life with a member
Well done to all those Around twenty parents of the senior team. The
bands that participated in attended our first PTA PTA have organised a
the recent Rock School meeting of the year on 29th Social/Quiz Night for Friday
Concert. The event drew a September. The PTA are 20th November. Tickets
large audience and the hosting a Parents’ Forum on will go on sale after half
standard was impressive. 17th November. There will term. Please do come
During this year the Music be an opportunity to ask along with friends if you
Department will use our general questions and are able to.
new studio to produce a CD
featuring our school bands. timetable could be
December 3rd suspended to allow
The above date was alternative activities to take
identified on the school place. This will now be a
calendar as a potential normal school day.
“drop down” day when the
Cathedral. All students are
50th Anniversary Events requested to attend with
As you are aware the School a magazine to celebrate their families. We do
celebrates its 50 t h our anniversary. Any appreciate the sacrifice of
Anniversary in May 2010. photographs from former giving up a Saturday
On Friday 7th May there is a students would be most afternoon but this is a once
social event commencing at welcome. Please e-mail to in fifty years activity.
7.00 pm. We hope to s t a f f r o o m @ s t - Please put it in your diary
welcome back a large or for next year. For Chelsea
number of former students post directly to Mr Enright. supporters in particular, it
and staff. There will be All originals will be does not clash with the
brief speeches, tours of the returned. On Saturday 8th annual trip to Wembley for
school and an opportunity May, we have organised a the Cup Final (15th May
to catch up with old friends. celebration Mass at 2.00 2010).
We will be putting together pm in Westminster

These are available for

Storytelling Tesco Vouchers pupils to use in the LRC at
Training We have just received two all times, and are a very
new PC notebooks in the welcome addition to our
Any Year 7 pupils wishing to LRC, courtesy of the many resources. Thank you all
take part in Storytelling Tesco vouchers you all very much for your
training should see Mrs collected last summer. support.
Fitzmaurice, in the LRC.
There will be a training
session, at Brentford Free Books for Year 7 Pupils
Football Club, in November. Every Year 7 pupil in the now made their choices,
We take part in this every country is to be given a free and the order has been
year, and go out to Primary book. This is the third year sent off. We now await our
schools to put our new skills that this scheme has parcels! There will be
into practice. This is great operated, and it is a opportunities to read all 12
fun for everyone, especially fantastic opportunity for books, as we will have a
the younger students. our students. They have all swap box in the LRC.

Diary Check Into Sixth Form Evening

Our recent student diary On Friday 5th November Year 11 parents are invited
check demonstrated that students in Year 11 will to attend. Any potential
the vast majority of pupils experience a range of Sixth external applicant for the
are using the School Diary Form taster lessons. In the Sixth Form in September
very effectively i.e entering evening there will be a 2010 are also encouraged
the pattern of homework in formal presentation. All to attend.
advance, putting “none set”
if appropriate, ensuring the
diary is signed each week
and keeping the diary free
of graffiti.
Year 10 Diphtheria, Tetanus and Polio/MMR Immunisations
The dates for these coming into school to give like to have it could they
immunisations are as consent forms and to talk please pick up a consent
follows: to your child on 6th form from Matron at
November 2009. If any school on the 6th
Tuesday 23rd February and pupils in Years 11, 12 or 13 November 2009.
Wednesday 24th February have not yet had this
2010. The nurses are immunisation but would

Examinations Handbook Joint Council for

Qualifications Notice for
The 2009 – 2010 the regulations and Completing Coursework/
Examinations Handbook for procedures. The dates and Controlled Assessment and
all candidates in Years 10, arrangements for the issue the Regulation Notice and
11, 12 and 13 has been put of results in Summer 2010 Warning for written and
onto the School Website - are included in the on-screen exams. If you
the link is News and Events, Handbook. have any queries or would
Exams Information. We like a paper copy of the
would ask that all After half term all Handbook please contact
candidates and their candidates in Years 10, 11, the Exams Officer, Mrs.
parents/carers read it and 12 and 13 will be given a McDonnell, on extension
ensure they are aware of booklet, which includes the 208.

everyone had the Wednesday or in

Extraordinary opportunity to meet him. just enjoying each others
We are all ordinary people As he said Lourdes is a very company on a Thursday.
but when we allow God to special place where we are Mr Harvey from the RE
work through us we can given unique opportunities Department and I have just
become and do the extra- to pray, to help each other, had a wonderful weekend
ordinary. I see this at work to care for others and to with some of our 6th
so often here at St celebrate together... formers at St Cassian's a
Mark's people putting in making it so much more retreat house in Kintbury.
that little bit of extra effort than a good holiday a Another opportunity for
to help each other and pilgrimage is so much more our students to discover
achieve their very best. and more refreshing. It is in they are extra ordinary. We
This was evident in our helping others we discover offer this as a small group
students who came to the best in ourselves. I retreat as not everyone can
Lourdes with us as part of certainly saw that in action take a whole weekend out
the Westminster Pilgrimage in our students who of life to discover just how
in the summer holidays. We worked hard as Red Caps great they are but it is so
are recruiting again for next all week. fantastic for those who can
summer so please Each week in the experience it with us. Year
encourage everyone you Chaplaincy at lunch 12 will all have a day of
know in the 6th form to time we have students who reflection on the last day of
consider joining us. We fund I like to think of as people this half term which will
raise during the year to help of power who come to give them all the chance to
with the cost. Archbishop explore their faith through take some time out to grow
Nichols who led us this year creative work on a as people. For those who
was very friendly and Tuesday, discussion on a really find they want to
grow in faith we offer the as the staff have the best social teaching can be put
6th formers a group on a possible start to our year into action by working with
Friday called Affinity when with a Mass and it is out of others of different faiths
they can spend some time that that everything else and no faith, to explore our
thinking about things of the flows. Miss Thatcher has common values. We will be
heart rather than the head. been encouraging some of taking another delegation
Some of our Year 10 our students to become next half term to the
students have signed up for active in the liturgical music Barbican. If any parents
Youth SVP. This is an for our weekly Mass and want to get involved with
organisation which enables those students are really this aspect of our school
them to give some care in making our celebrations life please contact the
the community. We have a into something Chaplain.
variety of things they can do special. Another thing Our Catholic life at St
from visiting the elderly that makes these Marks involves everyone.
through to helping at an Eucharistic gatherings each We have representatives
after school club for week so special is the way from each year now on the
younger children or the students help in their Justice and Peace group
spending time with young preparation. Each student and I am always delighted
people who have learning from Year 7 to 10 will be when more staff, students
disabilities. Last year's Year involved in that or parents want to get
10 had a group who were preparation at some stage involved in what is
very committed to this work during the year. In addition h a p p en i n g in th e
and it was really good to to this they all will spend chaplaincy at St Marks. We
see them giving up their some time in the chapel as can do nothing without
time to help others. part of their RE lessons. God's help and everything
Following on from Year 7's Year 11 and Year 8 in we a c co m p l i sh is
special Mass to celebrate particular have been doing underpinned by prayer. If
their arrival at St Mark's that this half term and anyone associated with our
each form has been having some of Year 11, 12 and 13 community would like to
an afternoon in the Chapel have been coming for an join us in our half termly
to think about what it extended prayer time at prayer group we meet in
means to be part of the the start of the day. the middle of each half
Catholic community that is St Mark's, as part of West term on a Monday in the
our school. We start by London Citizens, has been Chapel at 11.30 a.m. the
sharing lunch together and involved in thinking about next prayer meeting takes
it gives them time to get to how the life of people in place on Monday 16th
know each other a little London could be made November. Do let me know
better and consider how better. A delegation to expect you.
they can contribute to our attended a meeting in I hope you all have a restful
school life. Chelsea to consider what half term break.
The Mass is at the heart of policies might be promoted Love Peace and Joy
our School and we are very to bring that about. This is Roseleen (Lay School
fortunate to have Mass a way for our young people Chaplain).
celebrated every week. We to think about how Catholic

Paul Enright

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