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Marketing Management
(MBA 201)
Ramon Christopher C. Alon

Dennis M. Booth, Ph. D.

1. Your client is an accounting firm engaged in tax practice, business outsourcing
and corporate fianc services. Ethical standards of the accounting profession,
however, restrict advertisement and direct solicitations. They want to market
and promote but are deterred by ethical standards. You were asked: How do
we market when we cannot even advertise or solicit directly?

Advertisement by professionals is incompatible with the qualities of integrity and
independence which a professional is expected to process, especially when these
acts are motivated by a desire for personal gain. Advertising is often regulated as part
of more comprehensive economic regulation aimed either at protecting consumers
from deception, coercion, and decisions based on insufficient information, or at
influencing the supply or demand for goods or services. For this reason, there have
been long histories in regulating and restricting professional advertising.
In the early years of their professional career, members may find this restraint
inconvenient and irksome. A question may arise in their minds as to how they would be
able to find professional work if they are not permitted to advertise or solicit work. A
little reflection would show that professional work cannot be secured either by
advertisement or by circulars or by solicitation. It can only be obtained by a member
gradually building confidence in his ability and integrity. The service rendered by an
accountant is of personal and intimate nature and its value can be appraised only by
personal contact and experience. A public advertisement is likely to lead to an
impression that the professional person is overanxious to win confidence which
however will have the opposite effect. The satisfaction of clients would be the best
advertisement which would lead to other clients. Unabashed advertisement would
affect the public esteem in which the profession is held and would act to the
disadvantage of its members. An advertisement is not a key to success in the
profession. It is the quality of service which attracts and retains the clients.

2. In their best-selling book Blue Ocean Strategy, Professors W. Chan Kim and
Renee Mauborgne argue that companies can succeed not by battling
competitors in red oceans, but rather creating blue oceans of uncontested
market. By this, they can create a leap in value for the company, its buyers, and
its employees, while unlocking new demands and making the competition
Questions: How can you utilize the Chan-Kim-Mauborgne Model in creating a
blue ocean for your present organization? Will your strategy be forthcoming in
just one element of the marketing mix (say, by highly differentiating the quality
of your product and services) or is in totality of the mix?
I am presently in the government education sector. I will give my best in giving
strategy that will help the organization using the Blue Ocean Strategy.
I want to visit first the meaning and what is behind the Blue Ocean Strategy. The
Blue Ocean Strategy is Blue Ocean Strategy suggests that instead of focusing on
beating the competition you focus on making the competition irrelevant by
creating a leap in value for parents and students, thereby opening up new market
space where there is virtually no competition. The authors suggest that to break out
of red oceans, companies must break out of the accepted boundaries that define
how they compete. Kim and Mauborgne point out that untapped value is often
hidden in complementary products and services. The key is to define the total solution
buyers seek when they choose a product or service. A simple way to do so is to think
about what happens before and after your product is used.
With this, new strategy can be implemented to provide new opportunities:
1. Introduce new vocational program.
2. Introduce new language learning program.
3. Introduce Traineeship and Apprenticeship Program.
A school is a corporate entity in a red ocean of imperatives that require solution-
driven action such as demand exceeding supply leading to too many students in a
class, real or imagined overwhelming workload encountered by teachers and
pedagogical issues of learning and teaching mismatch. Teachers can address those
issues from a blue ocean perspective by initiating value innovations that offer new
alternative approaches, practices or services to make their schools dynamic, vibrant
and capable of seizing transformative opportunities in the ocean of society.

3 The concept of satisfaction has been identified as integral to marketing in
business and society. Providing customer satisfaction is a powerful marketing
philosophy, the driver behind the success of such giants like Wal-Mart of United
States and Matsushita of Japan.
Questions: Just exactly how must firms commit themselves to the concept of
customer satisfaction? How much they go about operationalizing a concept
that is both intangible and philosophical? Can such a concept be indeed
Yes the concept can be actualized. The concept of Total Quality Management
can be expressed as Achieving success through delighting the customers. Total
Quality Management is defined as a strategy for improving business performance
through the commitment and involvement of all employees to fully satisfying agreed
customer requirements, at the optimum overall costs, through the improvement of the
products and services, business processes and people involved.
Customer Satisfaction refers to the measure of how products and defined
as the number of customers, or percentage of total customers, whose reported
experience with a firm, its products, or its services (ratings) exceeds specified
satisfaction goals.
Within organizations, customer satisfaction ratings can have powerful effects.
They focus employees on the importance of fulfilling customers expectations.
Therefore, it is essential for businesses to effectively manage customer satisfaction. To
be able do this, firms need reliable and representative measures of satisfaction.

Customer satisfaction is not an objective statistics but more of a feeling or
attitude. It enhances customer loyalty, which is the feeling of attachment to or
affection for a companys people, product or services. If a customer is happy with a
product or a service it has hired or purchase they will pay their bills promptly, which
greatly improves cash flow-the lifeblood of any organization. Customers that are
satisfied will increase in number, buy more, and buy more frequently. By delighting the
customer you can turn satisfied customers into loyal customers. Loyalty generates
repeated purchases and increased revenues, thus leading to organizational
excellence. Employee satisfaction is needed to support continuous improvement and
external customer satisfaction. Delighted employees who feel proud of their work
have an outstanding performance, thus having a positive impact on business

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