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1. Determine the normal length of the curve

0 1 32 2
= + + y x x at a point where the
slope is 1.
a. 10 units
b. 9.13 units
c. 11.31 units
d. 8 units
2. The cost of the fuel per hour for running a
ship is proportional to the cube of the
speed and is P13!0 per hour when the
speed is 12 miles per hour. "ther costs
amount to P#$00 per hour regardless of
the speed. %ind the speed that ma&es the
cost minimum.
a. 1# mph
b 12.8 mph
c. 1!mph
d. 20 mph
3. %ind the largest area of an isosceles
triangle with verte' at (02) that is
inscribed in the ellipse 36 9 4
2 2
= + y x .
a. #.3# s*. units
b. +.09 s*. units
c. +.+9
s*. units
d. !.20 s*. units
$. , &ite at a height of #0 feet is moving
hori-ontall. at a rate of ! feet per second
awa. from the bo. who /ies it. 0ow fast is
the cord being released when 100 feet
are out1
a. 3.28 ft2s
b. 3 ft2s
c. $.28 ft2s
d. $ ft2s
!. , parabola with a'is parallel to the '3a'is
has its verte' at (00) opening to the
right. The latus rectum is $. %ind the
ordinate of the center of curvature of the
curve at (12).
a. 3$
b. 33
c. 32
d. 31
#. The sides of a triangle measuring $0 m
32 m and 1# m increase at the rates 2
m2s ! m2s and 3 m2s respectivel.. %ind
the rate of change of area.
a. 102.0# s m /

b. 138.$2 s m /
c. 113.#9 s m /
d. 12+.33 s m /
+. The velocit. of a particle along a straight
path is
3 4 t t v + + = where t is time of
travel is seconds and v in m2s. %rom the
start it travels 8 m in 1 second. %ind the
total distance it travels in 2 seconds.
a. 23.3 m
b. 2#.1 m
c. 29.+ m
d. 20.! m
8. %ind the radius of g.ration with respect
to the .3a'is of the area bounded b. the
curve y x 4
= the line 4 = x and the line
. 0 = y
a. $.+
b. $.1
c. 3.1
d. 3.+
9. %ind the volume generated b. rotating
the area in the third and fourth *uadrants
bounded b. the curve 900 36 25
2 2
= + y x
and the '3a'is about the '3a'is.
a. #28.3 cu. units
b. #02.$ cu. 4nits
c. !+#.$ cu. units
d. !!0.3 cu. units
10.%ind an e*uation of the curve that passes
through the point (0 1) and whose slope
at (x y) is xy.
2 x
e y =
2 y
e x =
e y 2
e y =
56T4,T6"7,8 P9":8;<5
5ituation 1= The di>erential e*uation of
famil. of circles is given b. the
dy y dx x ) 3 ( ) 5 ( =
11.?hich of the following gives the e*uation
of the circle that passes through the point
a. 0 25 6 4
2 2
= + + y x y x
b. 0 9 10 6
2 2
= + + y x y x
c. 0 9 6 10
2 2
= + + y x y x
d. 0 25 4 6
2 2
= + + y x y x
12.The chords of the circle in the previous
problem have slopes of 2 and are
bisected b. its diameter. Determine the
e*uation of the diameter.
11 2 = y x
11 2 = + y x
11 2 = y x
11 2 = + y x
5ituation 2= ,n area is bounded b. the
parabola x y 4
= and the line
12 2 = y x
13. ?hich of the following most earl.
gives the area bounded b. the parabola
and the line1
a. $1.#+ s*. units
b. $0.#+ s*. units
c. $2.#+ s*. units
d. 39.#+ s*. units
1$.?hich of the following gives the
coordinates of the centroid of the
bounded area1
a. ($2)
b. (32)
c. ($1)
d. (31)
1!.6f the area is rotated about the line
4 = y
determine the volume generated.
a. 1309 cu. units
b. 1903 cu. units
c. 1390 cu. units
d. 1930 cu. units
5ituation 3= , bod. moves such that its
acceleration as a function of time is
1 2 3
+ + = t t a where t is in seconds
and a is in
/ s m . ,fter 2 seconds its
velocit. is ! m2s and has traveled #0
m from its starting point.
1#.?hich of the following most nearl. gives
the initial velocit. of the bod.1
a. + m2s
b. 8 m2s
c. # m2s
d. 9 m2s
1+.?hich of the following most nearl. gives
the ma'imum velocit. of the bod.1
a. + m2s
b. 10 m2s
c. 9 m2s
d. 8 m2s
18.?hich of the following most nearl. gives
the total distance traveled at its
ma'imum velocit.1
a. !2.92 m
b. $!.33 m
c. $0.19 m
d. 38.$2 m
5ituation $= , curve has a slope of 2 2 + = x m
at an. point on it.
19.6f the curve passes through the point
(212) determine the e*uation of the
a. 0 4 2
= + + y x x
b. 0 16 4
= + y x x
c. 0 16 2 2
= + + y x x
d. 0 28 2 4
= + y x x
20.?hich of the following most nearl. gives
the tangent length of the curve at the
point (212)1
a. 11.32 units
b. 10.19 units
c. 12.1+ units
d. 13.#1 units
21.?hich of the following most nearl. gives
the subnormal of the curve at the point
a. +2 units
b. +$ units
c. +# units
d. +8 units
5ituation != , tan& is in the form of a cone
with its top open. 6t can contain
1520 ft of water. (unit weight@#2.$
22.4sing the least amount of material
determine the ration of the height to its
a. 0.#3
b. 0.+1
c. 0.++
d. 0.89
23.?ater /ows at the rate of min / 5
ft into
the same tan& which is initiall. empt..
?hen the tan& is full how fast is the
surface rising1
a. 0.011 ft2min
b. 0.013 ft2min
c. 0.021 ft2min
d. 0.01# ft2min
2$.,t the instant the tan& is full the water
source is shut and then a pump is placed
on the top of the tan&. Determine the
wor& re*uired to pump all the li*uid inside
the tan&.
a. 30183+ ft3lb
b. 3833+0 ft3lb
c. 31083+ ft3lb
d. 3383+0 ft3lb
5ituation #= , curve has an e*uation
cos 6 = r .
2!.?hich of the following most nearl. gives
the area enclosed b. the curve1
a. 12.!# s*. units
b. 28.2+ s*. units
c. !0.2+ s*. units
d. +8.!$ s*. units
2#.?hich of the following most nearl. gives
the perimeter of the curve1
a. 2!.13 units
b. 28.2+ units
c. 18.8! units
d. 21.99 units
2+.?hich of the following most nearl. gives
the length of the curve from = 0 to
= 60 1
a. $.+8 units
b. !.2$ units
c. 3.2$ units
d. #.28 units
5ituation += , parabola is given b. the
2 x x y = .
28.?hich of the following most nearl. gives
the curvature of the parabola at the point
a. 2 rads2unit
b. 1 rad2unit
c. $ rads2unit
d. 3 rads2unit
29.Determine the center of curvature of the
parabola at the point (11).
a. (1 A)
b. (1 223)
c. (1 B)
d. (1 322)
30.?hich of the following most nearl. gives
the length of the subtangent at the point
(3 33)1
a. 1 unit
b. 0.80 unit
c. 0.+0 unit
d. 0.+! unit

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