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... through Bertha Dudde

Natural phenomena .... Temperature ....
Star .... Prediction ....
Time !lie and people don"t change their mind# untold oul $ill
perih% unle the &ord till o!!er them 'i lo(e in the lat hour%
$hen 'e $ill )ring the horri!ic detruction o! all $orldl* thing
home to them ....
And therefore pay heed to days which will significantly
differ from the usual time of the year.
The lower the sun stands the brighter will be its shine and
extraordinary heat will astonish people ....
This will give rise to all kinds of assumptions ....
People $ill loo+ !or$ard to the approaching time partl* $ith
cheer!ul con!idence and partl* $ith an,iou reer(ation% and the
human )eing $ill )e inclined to ac+no$ledge upernatural

-et onl* !e$ conider their relationhip to God .... The* don"t
realie that God 'imel! $ant to direct their thought to 'im%
the* don"t e(en tr* to loo+ !or a connection )et$een 'im and the
e,traordinar* natural phenomena .... .ndeed% the* (er* /uic+l*
get ued to it and don"t deri(e the lightet )ene!it !or their oul.
For i! onl* the* $ould pa* attention the* $ould undertand the
call !rom a)o(e.
But i! the* do not conider their relationhip $ith the 0reator%
the* remain earthl* minded and don"t accept an* piritual gi!t.
1nd all thee e,traordinar* natural phenomena are e,preion
o! piritual acti(it* )* po$er $hich are u)2ect to God and
$illing to er(e 'im. More spiritual currents will emerge and
make themselves known to people in various ways, and *et
people $ill not pend much thought on them% !or the po$er o!
dar+ne ha tremendou in!luence and !ight againt all piritual
recognition .... it trie to $ea+en the Di(ine%
cone/uentl* humanit* $ill onl* e(er pa* attention to earthl*
e(ent and remain indi!!erent to God" acti(it* in nature% e(en
though people clearl* $ill )e )ene!iciall* a!!ected )* them. 3ut a
mall num)er ee God" hand reaching out to people and tr* to
enlighten their !ello$ human )eing% )ut the* onl* ac+no$ledge
ph*icall* percepti)le )ene!it and not an intruction !rom a)o(e
that intend to caue a change o! human thought.
And in this time of well-being, caused by the suns
extraordinary effect at an unusual time, an event will take
place which should even make spiritually blind people
think ....
A star will separate itself from the firmament and change
its path ....
This stars radiance will far exceed all others, it will shine
brightly at night and approach earth o that thi appearance%
too% i unuual !or people and *et at the ame time demontrate
that the 0reator o! hea(en and earth i in !ull control and thu
alo dictate the mo(ement o! tar according to 'i $ill.
nce this star becomes visible, humanity will be getting
ever closer to the spiritual turning point ....
.t i o!!ered o much piritual aitance that it reall* onl* need
$illpo$er to accept thi help% *et it gro$ e(er more o)tinate%
it thin+ing )ecome e(er more deluded ....
1nd the time i not !ar a$a* o! $hich the &ord aid on earth that
the $orld $ill )e turned upide do$n i! the human )eing cloe
hi heart to all piritual iue. The light $ill alo hine $here it i
a(oided% !or the light" radiance $ill )e o )right that it
penetrate e(er*thing% and e(en the pirituall* deluded peron
$on"t )e a)le to a(oid eeing% )ut he $ant to re2ect it an*$a*%
and thu in the end he $ill )e conumed )* the light ....
!or everything bright, light and clear banishes
darkness .... 1nd the light $ill de!eat the dar+ne in o !ar a
dar+ne ha to retreat once the light o! truth )rea+ through.
And lies and illusions will crumble but truth will last for all
eternity ....
Pu)lihed )* !riend o! ne$ re(elation o! God 4 .n!ormation%
do$nload o! all tranlated re(elation% theme5)oo+let at6
&oo+ alo6
"hat fate is ahead of our present world#
1 e/uence o! deater% $hich are ahead o! u until thi $orld
come to it end. The preent generation i the lat one on earth
)e!ore all creation $ill )e made ane$ out o! the eternal &o(e5!orce
o! God% a i $ritten in cripture.
NO 0OP-R.G'T 5 P8B&.0 DO91.N
!reel* *e ha(e recei(ed% !reel* gi(e. 9at. 1:6;
WORD o! GOD 5 re(ealed )* the .nner Word to Bertha Dudde !or
the @ndtime $e preentl* li(e in ....

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