Top 10 Resume Mistakes

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Avoid the Top Ten Resume Mistakes

Your boss has annoyed you for the last time. You're going to look for another
job and move on. You turn to the blank computer screen in front of you and
start writing your resume.
How hard can that be? Apparently, it's a task not to be undertaken lightly. ost
resumes circulating in cyberspace and on paper are terrible and actually do
more harm than good for the prospective job seeker. How can you avoid
resume mistakes? !et's look in on our "ctional co#worker to see where the
mistakes are lurking$
1. UNDERGRAD FORMAT ## %f the guy in the ne&t cubicle is writing his
resume in the same style that he's used since college graduation, he'll lose.
'he old curriculum vitae, or block style, format with ()bjective( and
(*ducation( listed on top are not appropriate for anyone with more than three
years of professional work e&perience. uch more e+ective is a ,# to -#line
overview of your uni.ue professional strengths.
2. NO DATES ## )ur friend has jumped around a lot and does not want
prospective employers to think he's a /ake. 0o he lists the companies but
eliminates the dates for each position. 1rong$ !eaving dates o+ your resume
will surely cause eyebrows to raise and make people wonder what you've been
up to lately.
3. FATS !UT NO "#$A$$ ## r. 2ob 0eeker has listed his responsibilities
under each job title. 3ut what separates him from the crowd? A great resume
should include accomplishments and achievements that you have been
instrumental in making happen. %ncreased widget sales by 4-5 in si& months$
3rought in 6- new clients with total billings in e&cess of 7688,888$ 9on't be
afraid to brag a little ## just be honest.
%. &#T&ER AND 'ON ## )ur co#worker has changed "elds more than models
change out"ts at a fashion show. His resume looks like a jumble of job listings.
%f you have e&perience in more than one "eld and it needs to be included on
the resume, consider grouping the types of jobs together under speci"c
headings such as (%nstructional:'raining( or (;ustomer 0ervice:0ales.(
(. GRUDGE FATOR ## 9on't include the reasons you've left or are leaving
your job. 9o not mention (se&ual harassment,( (lawsuit,( (workers
compensation claim,( or ("red me for no good reason.( 0ome situations are
better e&plained in person, if at all.
). "ERSONA* #NFO ## <o one cares if you are single, married, play the
#the battle for glorious victory
trombone, or enjoy league bowling. ?ersonal information does not belong on a
resume. 9o not include your age, race, gender, or blue ribbons for gardening.
+. *ONG,-#NDED &#STOR' ## )nly your relatives have the patience to read
through every job you've held since stocking groceries in high school.
?rospective employers want to know what @*!*AA<' *B?*@%*<;* you've had
in the past 68#6C years. Highlight the most recent jobs and consolidate the
past into several lines on a strong 6# or C#page resume.
.. S*O""#NESS ## )ur friend is in such a hurry to "nd a new job that he thinks
printing the resume on green or orange paper will get him noticed fast. He'll
get noticed ## and then dropped in the circular "le$ 'here is a co+ee ring stain
on the hand#written envelope, which also happens to have the return address
of his current employer in the corner ## <o, no, no. !ooks count$
/. NO A""RO"R#ATE TARGET ## 2ust because our co#worker is fed up today
and wants to "nd a new job A.0.A.?. doesn't mean that he should send a
resume to every ad that appeared in the 0unday newspaper$ 'ake the time to
target the jobs for which you really have a chance of being interviewed. 9oes
your level of e&perience match the re.uirements listed?
10. NO REASON FOR SEND#NG RESUME ## )nce you have carefully checked
over your professionally written resume to ensure that the salient points
mentioned above have been addressed, don't forget one of the most important
adjuncts to a good resume ## 'H* ;)A*@ !*''*@. %n the cover letter, you have
the chance to state why you are sending your resume to this company and for
what speci"c position. 9on't make people guess as to why you have sent them
your resume ## make it clear right up front.
#the battle for glorious victory

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