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The client, the nurse, and the major environment concepts are in balance that is the nurse can
manipulate the environment to compensate for the clients response to it. The goal of the nurse is to
assist the patient in staying in balance. If the environment of a client is out of balance, the client expends
Nightingale stated that nursing ought to signify the proper use of fresh air, light, warmth,
cleanliness, quiet, and the proper selection and administration of diet all at the least expense of vital
She reflected the art of nursing in her statement that, the art of nursing, as now used, seems to
A healthy environment is essential for healthy living. Nightingale stated that nature alone cures.
With Magandas Familys surroundings, we can say that it is not appropriate for rearing her children and
maintaining health within the family. Nightingale believed that there are five points which are essential in
achieving a healthful house, namely: pure air, pure water, efficient drainage, cleanliness and light, all of
which are not met by the clients home environment. Badly constructed houses do for the healthy what
badly constructed hospitals do for the sick. Once insure that the air is stagnant and sickness is certain to
As a nurse, we have to manipulate clients environment to promote healthy environment. With
the clients help and permission, we will have to make repairs for their home such as their walls, door
and windows. Also, we have to remove any hazards present on their environments such as exposed
nails, etc. Beddings and their clothes are also should be arranged and kept organized. Nightingale noted
that an adult in health exhales about three pints of moisture through the lungs and skin in a 24hour
period. This organic matter enters the sheets and stays there unless the bedding is changed and aired
frequently. Also, other matters such as dust tend to settle and be inhaled for a time if not replaced

Roy conceptualizes the person in a holistic perspective. Individual aspects of parts act together
to form a unified being. Additionally, as living systems, persons are in constant interaction with their
environments. Between the system and the environment occurs an exchange of information, matter, and
Physiologic Physical Mode Physical and chemical processes required in the function
and bodily functions of existing beings the fundamental need is physiologic
integrity as seen in the level of wholeness achieved through adjustment to
Self Concept Group Identity Mode Focuses on psychological and spiritual
Role Function Mode and Interdependence Mode Touches to the roles that individuals
engage in society, satisfying the demand for social unity it is knowing who one is,
The Physiologic Physical Mode The close relationships of the people and their aim,
structure and development separately and in groups and the adaptation potential
Adaptation is the focus of Sister Callista Roys theory and which to be simplified, illness is
expected when someone fails to adapt to his environment. Even though we cannot see any health
deficits except for the colds of Magandas youngest child, we will focus on the prevention side of the
theory. As said from the above, we have to facilitate the adaptation of the family towards their
environment. This includes the manipulation of their environment to facilitate adaption of their home
setting which brings us back to Nightingales Theory. Adaptation is not merely applied to their
environment but also with their social interactions and of course, for their work. As Magandas
husband, Matikas, works as a trisikad driver, he cannot guarantee a fixed income for his family.
Facilitation of their learning for income generating hobbies or businesses as an other income generating

The condition that validates the existence of a requirement for nursing in an adult is the absence
of the ability to maintain continuously that amount and quality of selfcare which is therapeutic in
sustaining life and health, in recovering from disease or injury, or in coping with their effects. With
children, the condition is the inability of the parent (or guardian) to maintain continuously for the child the
Orem focuses on the self care problems of her clients which can also be applied to Magandas
family as prevention of hazards to human life, human functioning and human well being is not observed.
Magandas children are just left without supervision along the streets. Also, their home is is present with
threats to injury such as exposed nails, sharp pieces of woods, badly constructed house and that their
house is made up of light materials. Their health deviation self care requisites are also not fully
developed. With poor health seeking behaviors, they tend to seek medical care when the present illness
Applying Orems partly compensatory nursing system, we must coordinate with Magandas
family for performing care measures. We must cooperate with them as we have to also promote
independency for the family. Health teachings about the presence of health threats in their surroundings

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