Tips To Select A Venue For Your Event

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Now how do you go about choosing the perfect venue for your occasion? With an event on
mind, we know theres so much to do, such as fnding the perfect venue is time consuming,
you can easily discover a variety of venues listed on It gives you
a convenient chance to glance through dierent venues in !umbai and book a perfect one
"ust in #$ seconds.
%eres a small guide to help you select a venue for your event.
Know your needs: &efore you start e'ploring venues you should list down your plan for
the event. (reate a checklist regarding the necessities of your occasion. )earn about your
bank savings, number of guests, shopping list, type of cuisines to be served, etc and revise
your list before you get on the run.
Know your budget: While you are e'cited about your event, dont forget to keep an eye
on your budget. &efore you make a plan. &e sure to count whats inside your pocket. If your
budget is e'ceptionally tight or if you have ample amounts of money, you can consider a
list of reasonable to e'pensive venues listed on
List of Invitees: *repare the guests list and revise it so that you dont miss out on any.
!ake sure that your venue can easily accommodate the si+e of your list. If its a birthday
party of around #$,-$ people, a restaurant is a good idea. While for a wedding or o.cial
party, a ban/uet hall would do well.
0ou can have a clear picture of who would attend your event by sending 1.2.3.* clearly
printed on the invitation. %owever, it is advisable to personally call and ask your guests
about their plan to attend the event. 4nce you have an accurate idea of the guest list you
can easily decide the food and beverage /uantities.
Perfect Location & Suitable climate: 5et to know the location your guests come from
and then choose the venue accordingly. It would be sensible to pick your venue in an area
where its easy to commute for ma"ority of the people. 6lso, it is important to consider
climatic conditions while selecting a venue. 7or instance, you may choose an indoor venue
during monsoon season.
Catering choice: If you wish to select the in,house catering, check the kind of menu and
serving options they have. It is important to e'amine the overall service of the caterer. 8hat
includes the kitchen operations, the drink permit process, etc. 6lso make sure you get to
taste their food before you fnali+e the caterer. If you want to get a caterer from outside,
make sure the venue permits are issued and the additional re/uirements are provided. is sure to give you some of the best venues with catering options
as well.
4ther re/uirements9 Which party goes without a dance? 0ou must make sure there is ample
amount of space for all your guests to dance. 8he :;<2ound, caterers = decorators must
receive the in,house re/uired e/uipments and devices. &ut if youre organi+ing a business
event, you must see to it that the venue must makes arrangements for the usage of the
internet, laptops, etc.
2o pick your venue wisely and en"oy a memorable event>
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0ou wonCt get charged for /uotations or bookings. We provide you with the best
rates directly from our partners, with no commission or margin added.
We verify each venue and service provider before we list it, so you can be sure
youCll get what you e'pect. When it comes to booking, we use the safest, secure
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