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Consider doing one of these
before the program begins
The only people that fail in
their endeavors are those who
quit prematurely or simply
never try at all.

Moratorium--A term used by
Erickson and Marcia to describe
the adolescents delay in making
the commitments normally
expected of adults.
Make a list of 5 commitments you
think someone at least two years
younger than you would not make.

Always strive for perfection, yet
remain humble enough to accept
the absolute best you can be with
inner peace and personal

May 10, 1994
In South Africa, Nelson
Rolihlahla Mandela is sworn in
as the first black president of
South Africa.
As a teenager living in South
Africa, how do you feel about

All inspirations start as frail
as a redwood seed, yet can
grow to be the mightiest of

Greatest Common Factor
(GCF)The largest value that
can be divided into every item
of the group without having
any remainders

Find the GCF of 42 and 63
Plants With Seeds
What are the advantages and
disadvantages of an evergreen
Of a tree shedding and regrowing
its leaves?

Make a short list for each

It is reasonable to have
perfection in our eye that we may
always advance toward it, though
we know it can never be reached.

Samuel Johnson
Wheel-shaped kite invented by Alexander Graham
Bell in 1908. Convinced that man would fly, Bell
had been experimenting with kites for several
years. Put yourself in the picture taken in 1908.
Write two sentences describing the impact of
flight on your life as you live in the early 1900s.
When you reach for the
stars, you may not quite get
them, but you won't come up
with a handful of mud either.

Leo Burnett
Why do you think the Speaker
of the House is considered to
be the second most powerful
leader in the country?

The future belongs to those
who believe in the beauty of
their dreams.

Eleanor Roosevelt
October 21, 1879
Thomas Edison invented a
workable electric light at his
laboratory in Menlo Park, NJ.

Write a list of 5 changes
caused by this invention.

There are 3 choices: you can
either give up, give in, or give
it your all!

A beaker contains two salt
solutions divided by a membrane.
The solution is higher on the left
side of the beaker than the right.
The membrane is permeable to
water but not to salt. Which side
of the beaker contains the more
concentrated salt solution?
Solve the following
Be prepared to show your work

d (-12) = 18
Democrat John F. Kennedy and
Republican Richard M. Nixon
clashed in their fourth and final
presidential debate.
Write two sentences about what
the U.S. would have been like if
Kennedy had lost the debate.

October 21, 1960
The best things in life are free;
and,they are also priceless.

Jean Williams Brown, Associate
Justice, Alabama Supreme Court
Explain the
process that
results in the
formation of
Can you think
of another
process in
nature that
shapes similar
A candle loses nothing by
lighting another candle.

Erin Majors
On a certain tropical island, the
wind typically blows in one
direction only. Offshore from the
island, coral reefs grow on the
side that faces the wind but not
on the side away from the wind.

Formulate a hypothesis to explain why
coral reefs would grow in this way.
May 10, 1869
At Promontory, Utah, California
Governor Leland Stanford
pounds in a ceremonial golden
spike that completes the
nation's first transcontinental
List five changes this will make in
way business is conducted in the

Live in the present but plan
the future!

November 3, 1998
Former pro wrestler Jesse The
Body Ventura was elected governor
of Minnesota.
Do you think pro athletes or
actors/actresses should be elected
government officials? Make a list of
5 characteristics that you think
elected officials should possess.
Defend your answer with your list
of criteria.

Keep away from people who try
to belittle your ambitions. Small
people always do that, but the
really great ones make you feel
that you too, can become great.

Mark Twain
You are consulted on whether a
limestone building or a quartzite
building would better withstand
the effects of acid rain.

What would be your response
and why?
The school band has 54
members while the choir has
48 members. What is the
greatest number of rows that
each group can be broken into
if the number of rows are the
same for the two groups?
Enter every activity without
giving mental recognition to the
possibility of defeat. Concentrate
on your strengths, instead of
your weaknesses . . . on your
powers, instead of your

Paul J. Meyers
This cartoon
appeared on
November 4, 1871
after Chicagos
Great Fire of

Make a list of five
emotions this
cartoon attempts
to provoke.
How soon is now?

Steven Patrick Morrissey

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