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All Things Current: What you'll find in your Sept.

24, 2014, edition

A clearly reluctant D.C. Council enacted emergency legislation on Tuesday that will allow registered
gun owners to carry concealed firearms on city streets. (all editions)
A unanimous D.C. Council ote will let two La! "chool students re#oin the $ilson Tigers foot!all
team. (Northwest Current% &eorgetown Current% Du'ont Current)
A new two,story retail !uilding du!!ed -*ros'ect *lace. is 'lanned to re'lace a longtime surface
'ar/ing lot on *ros'ect "treet near $isconsin Aenue in &eorgetown. (&eorgetown Current)
An am!itious 'lan to !uild two +arriott,!randed hotels and an a'artment !uilding #ust west of the
$alter (. $ashington Conention Center% and #ust north of the gleaming new +arriott +ar0uis% is
moing slowly through the a''roal 'rocess. (Du'ont Current% 1oggy 2ottom Current)
Chey Chase3s Lafayette (lementary "chool is slated for moderni4ation and e5'ansion starting in
6une 789:% with new wings re'lacing tem'orary trailers and 9;<8s additions% and !ringing an end
to -o'en classrooms.. (Northwest Current)
The 1illmore Arts Center is cele!rating its =8
anniersary with a festial on "aturday. (all editions)
A grou' of Du'ont Circle residents may 'rotest the li0uor license renewal of the !eer garden "auf
@aus at 979A 9Bth "t. to ensure the esta!lishment com'lies with its 'romises a!out noise. (Du'ont
The three leading candidates for mayor met in their first de!ate last Thursday% s'arring oer hot,
!utton issues including education and ethics at a forum s'onsored !y American Uniersity. (all
All west!ound traffic will li/ely !e dierted off *ennsylania Aenue #ust !efore &eorgetown
!eginning ne5t year during re'airs on the !ridge oer ?oc/ Cree/ *ar/% with some residents
0uestioning a detour 'lan using narrow 7A
"treet. (&eorgetown Current% Du'ont Current% 1oggy
2ottom Current)
OT@(? N($"
A local writer has 'u!lished a !oo/ that he calls the first com'rehensie history of ?oc/ Cree/
*ar/. (all editions)
The leadershi' of the Children3s National @ealth "ystem is ho'ing to esta!lish a new research
facility on 9C.7 acres of the former $alter ?eed Army +edical Center% ta/ing oer s'ace currently
allocated to the U.". "tate De'artment. (all editions)
"e0uels% an u'scale womenDs consignment sho' in Tenleytown% recently moed and e5'anded into
a new% more 'rominent s'ace in the !uilding it has called home for eight,'lus years. (all editions)
O*INION (all editions)
(ditorialE 1uture elections need more than four mayoral de!ates.
(ditorialE The D.C. De'artment of Trans'ortation is ma/ing encouraging 'rogress toward sorting
out the city3s 'ar/ing woes.
"herwoodE A security failing !y the "ecret "erice is hardly grounds to /ee' the 'u!lic een farther
away from the $hite @ouse.

"*O?T" (Northwest Current% &eorgetown Current)
$ashington International "choolDs olley!all team re'eated its season,o'ening ictory oer rial
Coenant Life last Thursday after !oth teams u''ed their game and !attled through a fie,set
A strong second half !rought $ilson3s !oys soccer team a hard,won 7,9 ictory oer $alls last
"eeral Northwest foot!all teams saw winning foot!all 'erformances% including +aret% &on4aga% "t.
6ohn3s and Coolidge.
Crime re'ort
Adisory neigh!orhood commission re'orts and agendas
?e'orts from local citi4ens associations
Calendar of the wee/3s eents
Classified ads and serice directory
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