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The Workshop

~ A Tale Of Edible Delights ~

By Danieller123

Isabella Swan is a famous chef with a short fuse and lackluster love life. Edward Cullen is a single
father trying to balance raising his child and making it big in the food industry. What happens when
he becomes Bellas new sous chef? A/H A/U Rated M

Chapter One ~ Sweet Smiles and Hot Coffee
No my darling, I can't stand to sleep alone No sweetheart, in the dark to call my own You're my own,
you're my own, I can sing it I can groan But that darkness is a stranger and I am lonely, lonely,
lonely... alone. -Bat for Lashes
Wednesday 9:05 A.M.
Crotch rot. My fucking restaurant smelled like God damned crotch rot.
"Emmett, care to tell me what hell reeks?" I walked in and slung my bag over the bar top.
Fuck, I just made my way in I was already wanting to start popping caps in people's asses.
"Um, this room," his nose scrunched and I heard a slight gag come from his throat.
"Yeah, I fucking figured that out all by myself, genius. Tell me again why I pay you two hundred fifty-
grand, plus bonuses every year?" I pushed past his big ass giving him an evil glare and sought out
where the foul odor was coming from.
"The sewage is backed up. I have a call in to a plumber, but the guy is taking forever," he held out a
business card to me with his cell phone.
"Um, I'm sorry Emmett, are you're fucking fingers and ear drums not working? You want me to call
the guy for you?" I paused outside of the ladies room that was responsible for this stink.
"You're scarier than me," he chuckled.
"You out rank me by over two hundred pounds, I seriously doubt that. Plus, it's your fucking job,
asshole. Now either make the damn call to Jose or Juan or whatever the fuck the little brown man
who is sure to show up here's name is," I pushed the door open, "or get to shoveling the shit
yourself. Your pick." I let go of the door walked back out to the front room to see a tall, tanned man
walking in.
"We're not open yet, as you can see by the sign on the door," my hand motioned in irritation as I
stepped up on the platform behind the bar to retrieve my bag.
"Yes, I know that. I actually have an interview here at nine thirty." His voice was something of one of
those 'Late Night-2A.M.-Feeling Lonely?-Call-1-900' varieties.
I glanced up to the mirror behind the bar to see him in the reflection.
Well Hello.
Butterbean perked up instantly.
Standing on the other side of the bar was the DNA every woman searched her entire life to find. It
wore a well ironed, white button down shirt and freshly pressed, khaki colored pants. Its hair was
bronzed beautiful from the sun, as was its caramel skin.
I felt a few kernels of Jiffy Pop burst down below If ya' feel me.
"I'm Edward. I know I'm a little early, but I figured punctuality wouldn't be marked against me," he
held out a hand to me that was decorated with a bright, beautifully inked flower.
"Isabella Swan," I stepped forward and shook his hand, bathing the kernels now in butter.
"It's nice to meet you Isabella. I'm sorry for arriving so early. I will happily sit here while you tend to
your business; no hurry," he smiled a heart fluttering smile as he shook my hand in his.
I was weak in the knees, feeling the urge to lean over the counter and go into hair flipping-fluttery
eye-girl mode with a side dish of 'Here's my vagina kind Sir, take you what you like.' His smile turned
smug as he took in my ogling, and I receded back into my usual bitch mode.
"You're here to interview for the sous chef position, yes?" I pulled back my hand and spun back
around for my bag, retrieving his file.
"Yes, Isabella."
"Excuse me?" I placed my hand on my chest facing him.
"I said yes?" He asked confused.
"You will address me by my last name and my last name only. Understand, Edward?" Taking a step
forward I kept my eyes on him, making sure to punctuate that I was in control here, not him.
"I'm sorry, Miss Swan, of course," he dipped his head in apology.
"Now, since you are here to cook," I laid his file on the counter and kept my eyes on it, although I
wasn't reading. I was examining his other hand that was on the bar top, which also bared another
inked flower, "I suggest you get your ass in the kitchen, which I am sure is in disarray, and cook me a
sunny side up egg, two slices of bacon, a side of potatoes and one seared scallop. I want a hot cup of
coffee and you only have until the start of your interview, which is in fifteen minutes. The boss does
not like burnt bacon or late interviewees," I spun back around with his file, lifting my bag and
proceeding to trot off.
"Sugar and cream, Miss Swan?" He called after me.
I simply nodded, not implying how many or what percent. He did not prod any further as I backed my
way into the hall to my office, giving him one last look. He was heading off towards the back with a
smug smile on his face.
We shall see.
Sitting in my office I was completely screwed.
All I could do was fantasize about Mr. Perfect DNA cooking my breakfast down the hall. I took a long
pull of air, trying to see if I could get any sampling of what was to come, but gagged on the wretched
stank air that was still flooding the place.
"Emmett!" I pressed the intercom button on my phone to chirp his and bellowed through it.
Thirty seconds later he came knocking at the door.
"Where's Javier or fucking Jesus, to fix my damn toilets?" I rustled through the papers as he sat down
in the seat across from me.
"Relax; I have it all taken care of. I found this other guy from Black's Plumbing. He's already here
working on it. Real nice dude too."
"As long as it gets fixed I really don't care if he is the biggest dick on the planet," I waved my hand
and then went back to signing the endless stack of invoices.
"Everything will be cool B, don't worry. We never have an opening go off without a hitch."
"Yeah," I rolled my eyes, but knew he was right.
"So did my baby brother come in yet?" He tossed down his clipboard on my desk.
"Your brother?" I raised my eyes from my paperwork.
"Yeah, I told him to come and interview for the sous chef job," he smiled.
"What's his name?" I asked nervously, already knowing the answer.
"Edward, good looking, just like me," he winked.
"Fuck Emmett," I tossed down my pen and leaned back in my chair.
"What? He's really good. Seriously, that kid's got more talent in his left nut than I have in my whole
I somehow believed that.
"I cannot hire him when you are the manager of the restaurant he would be working at, especially
not as my Sous Chef," I ran my hand through my hair, biting to my bottom lip in irritation.
"You know I'm all pro B. Plus, you will be here and you know I am terrified of you," He chuckled, "just
give the kid a chance. That's all I'm asking for," he gave me his best puppy dogs and I groaned.
"Get out," I waved my hand completely frustrated.
I needed this like a fucking hole in the head.
"Thanks B," He rose from his chair, knowing he won the battle with a big toothy grin on his goofy
As he opened the door, I saw Edward holding up his hand preparing to knock. I glanced at the digital
clock on the wall.
Lucky bastard, two minutes early.
"Oh, hey bro. I was just talking to B about you," he pointed his thumb at me.
"Emmett!" I scolded.
"Sorry, I'm leaving," he chuckled, "ooh, is that bacon?" He picked up a piece from the plate Edward
was holding and I thought Mr. Perfect was going to commit a violent crime right here before me.
"Damn bro, this is some good shit," he patted his back and strolled out the door.
"Sit," I huffed, rolling my chair back up to the desk.
"I am sorry about that. It was very rude. I can make another"
"Edward, you have thirty two seconds," I glanced up to the clock.
"Sorry. Here you are Miss Swan," he placed the plate before me and I cleared my face of any
"Tell me about yourself," I examined over my food as I unrolled my cutlery. Damn, it looked pretty
"Well, I am twenty two. I have lived here for most of my life"
"Edward," I cut him off and took a sip at my coffee. Damn that was perfect too.
"I don't need a bed time story. I want to know about you. What makes you tick, what drives you,
what inspires you- What makes you paint your hands with flower tattoos. You know- the good stuff,"
I placed a bite of potato in my mouth.
Ah, seasoned perfectly, he even added the little red peppers I love.
"Alright," he chuckled once, "I started cooking four years ago when I had my baby girl, Nessie. Her
mother was attending cooking school with me, but wanted to add on pastry to her study course so I
opted to stay with our baby and I pretty much dropped out of school."
"I thought you said you started cooking four years ago?" I cut through my egg, scraping the knife
along the plate in a harsh screech.
Didn't jump, good boy.
"I taught myself, Miss Swan. I spent all of my time at home learning, perfecting my craft," he smiled
proudly and darted his eyes to my plate once.
"Why not go back to school now? Your wife must have graduated, have a job even?" I took another
sip of my delicious coffee.
"Jessica and I aren't married Miss Swan. We aren't even together anymore. She cheated on me when
she was bartending over at Newton's down the road. She works over at that new joint now though,
Cocoa Channel's," he laughed once humorlessly, "yeah, but I still have my baby girl so I can only work
or got to school, my daughter enjoys a roof over her head, so," he shrugged once, smiling a small
crooked grin at me.
This man was going to be the death of me.
"Having a four year old requires a lot of time Edward. I do not allow my employees; especially ones
with a high ranking that are a vital part of my business being a success, to allow their personal lives to
over ride their work. As my Sous Chef
you would be required to work a minimum of twelve hours per shift, and that's on a good day. I don't
see how that would work for you," I shook my head and slid a bite of bacon that was perfectly crisp
in my mouth.
"Miss Swan, I assure you I love my daughter more than anything, but I take my work very seriously.
My family helps me out a great deal and I fully understand what this job entails. I know I'm young,
and I'm sure the fact that Emmet- my bacon stealing brother is the reason I am sitting here right
now. But I will work harder than any other employee you have here. Emmet included," he nodded
sincerely and patiently waiting for my reply.
I debated silently in my head for what must have been three long excruciating moments for Edward. I
asked him to make me breakfast foods because if you cannot cook an egg, you are pretty much
useless in my book. Cooking an egg however, was one of the hardest things to do well. I would need
to borrow endless hand and toes to be able to count the exact amount of applicants I have tossed
out of here because they failed this test. Edward didn't just get my eggs right though, he also
managed to make me one of best cups of coffee I have ever had. Better than my own even- and fuck-
I knew what I liked.
"How did you know how many cream and sugars to put in my coffee Edward?" I tipped my cup to
him and took a sip.
"Well, I know you're a very busy woman so I figured you needed at least three spoonfuls of sugar to
keep your energy up, and you have a very, excuse me if I'm out of line here, but you have a very
svelte figure, so I figured you used skim, but then rethought that because obviously a woman of your
stature doesn't skimp on anything. So I opted for the fat free half and half, knowing it would give the
proper consistency, while omitting the fat from the equation, plus," he took a deep breath and let it
out hard. His hand reached inside of his pocket as he tilted to his side, "I brought extra of each, just in
case," he held out his palm filled with single serving milks and sugars.
Even a Splenda was tossed in the mix.
I tried to keep my face composed, but failed as a small smile began to spread. My eyes looked down
from his back to my plate and I began cutting off another piece of egg.
"Come in tomorrow morning. You will be helping Emmett set up all day. This place only has two days
to be ready for our Grand Opening. You will address him as Mr. Cullen, not Emmett, not bro, not
dude. He is your boss from the time you clock in to the time you walk out that door. I will be here in
the evening and we will start to go over the menu. I suggest you get that family of yours to watch
your child," I placed a bite in my mouth and went back to my paper signing. Edward remained in his
seat. Good boy.
"You may go now," I waved my hand and took and took the last sip of coffee.
"Thank you Miss Swan," He rose from his chair, but walked forward, not backwards. I looked up in
surprise to see him palming my mug.
"May I get you a refill?" He smiled crookedly at me. There goes that damn butterbean again.
"This time Edward," I looked back to my work to hide the smile on my face, "use full fat."
"Yes Miss Swan," he chuckled once.
"Edward," I looked up as he palmed the door handle, "I don't do dishes," I nodded at my plate.
"I'm sorry, I didn't think you were finished," his face was hurt as he came back across to clear my
spot. He thought I didn't like it. I placed my hand over his, settling the plate back down.
"Your eggs are perfect, the bacon could have drained a little longer, but the texture was excellent.
The scallop's color is beautiful, but I detest eating them regardless of how good they are. I
appreciated you using the red peppers in the hash, it was risky considering I didn't order them that
way, but it worked- although I prefer my own recipe," I released his hand and he resumed the
clearing, wearing a proud smile on his face.
"Thank you Miss Swan. I hope to learn that recipe someday," he smiled sweetly at me.
"Buy my cook book," I laughed, going back to my work.
After I hired my new bartender, some real cool cat named Jasper Hale with a wicked hairdo and
bangin' body, I made sure to clear a spot in my schedule for Angela. She was my head waitress in my
New York restaurant. When she heard I was opening a place in Miami, excuse me, warm, sun-shiny
Miami that was loading with as she calls 'Fuckhot guys', she decided her life needed a change. I was
happy she was following me here. We had become pretty close over the years and I knew I could
trust her. It would be comforting to have an old face here among all the newbies.
Even though the nice little Indian fella had fixed our plumbing issues, we still had the stink going on.
It was now late in the afternoon, almost heading into the evening hours and my stomach was in dire
need of nourishment. I had been doing nothing but tossing down mugs full of reheated coffee all day.
I knew better than to do it, but I didn't have time for anything else. When I felt as though the inner
lining of my stomach may start eating itself, I finally pulled away from my desk and grabbed my
"Goin' for food!" I hollered walking past Emmett as he adjusted the lights from the ladder he was on.
"Okay Boss Lady," he chuckled, "it's about time. I was going to come knocking to see if you were still
alive in there."
"Well maybe if I had a general manager who was worth a shit," I teased, backing out the door.
"I'll remember that when I'm sending you my shit filled shoes," he lifted a boot towards me that was
plastered with exactly that.
I cringed backing out, not even able to yell at him for keeping them on. Shitter problems were things
I could not handle. That would coincide with vomit, pee or any other bodily fluids for that matter.
As soon as I was out the door I took a deep breath, loving the fresh salty air that was sweeping
through the settling sky. My eyes settled on the first sandwich board sign that I saw, across the
street. They had a similar menu to what I was about to be serving and I needed to try them out. Of
course, everyone knew who I was, so I couldn't exactly just walk on in there and take a seat. When
you have two Michelin stars under your belt and ten of the top restaurants across the globe, people
tend to know who you are.
I crept inside the place next door and was immediately stunned at the warm chocolate aroma that
was flooded inside.
Why couldn't I own this joint?
I looked around to see a long brown counter stretched out taking up one half of the small caf style
restaurant, while seating took up the rest. I walked in a little further and smiled at the gourmet
delights filling up the long case. There were confections as far as the eye could see.
I was in heaven.
"Hey! Welcome to Cocoa Chanel's! I'm Alice, how may I help you?" A small little girl with long black
hair which bared hot pink streaks came bouncing up to the counter. She had on cute little black
framed glasses and a playful apron that said:
'Just like the clothes only tastier.'
"Hi Alice, I'm Bella," I gave a small wave and she held her hand over the counter for mine.
"Oh, I know who you are, no need to explain," she nodded happily, shaking my hands rapidly. I
chuckled at her excitement.
"Then perhaps you could do me a favor?"
"Sure, you want a free slice of the mud pie, don't you?" she leaned in, lowering her voice and gave a
devilish grin to me.
"No, hun. I will pay for my purchases here, but I was wondering if you could sneak across to the place
next to yours and buy me a fish sandwich?"
"A sandwich?" She wrinkled her nose.
"Yes, I need to umsample the menu," I winked.
"Ohhh! You want to spy on your competition!" She said excitedly. Thankfully there were not too
many patrons.
"Discretion is key," I chuckled.
"Alice, what the hell are you yelling about?" A tall leggy blonde came out from the back, stirring a
large bowl of something goopy and delicious looking. What I used to refer to as 'break up food'.
"Look!" Alice squeaked, pointing at me like I was two headed sea serpent.
"Christ Alice," the blonde wiped her hand on her apron, letting the bowl rest on her hip as she
extended a hand to me. "Rose, I own this place. Sorry about my friend here. She gets all Perez Hilton
when she seems a celeb," she gave a weak smile and went back to her stirring.
"No harm done. So Alice, can you help?" I reached for some money from my bag and held it to her.
"Sure!!" She snatched the twenty from my hand and all but jumped over the counter.
"Where the hell are you going? We have customers!" Rose called.
"I'm the Secret Squirrel Rose!! She waved the money raced out the door.
I laughed and Rose just shrugged, resting the bowl down on the counter.
"So you want to try a cookie or something while you wait?" She walked over to the case and tugged a
paper from the box.
"I'm fine."
"Please, it would be an honor to have you sample my creations," she held out the cookie to me, but
then pulled it back quickly, "unless you're too damn good or something?"
"No, no. I just don't want you to think I am trying to a get a free ride," I held out my hand.
"Don't worry, I've given up a lot more for a lot less sister," She chuckled, placing the cookie down into
my palm.
"You aren't the only one girl," I mumbled, taking a bite of cookie.
"Oh, yeah care to"
"Fuck you! She's my daughter too asshole!!" A girl came busting the door screaming into her hot pink
cell phone. "I don't give a fuck what your mother says!" She continued as the patrons stared.
"I can't believe I ever gave you pussy!" She snapped her phone closed and shoved it in her purse as
she strolled past where I was standing.
"Problems with the man again?" Rose raised her brows as the girl came around the counter.
I was shocked to see her so calm. I would fucking castrate one of my employees for that little stunt.
"He is such a dick!" She continued to fume as she tied an apron around her waist and clipped a name
tag to it.
This was Edward's baby mama? I looked to the header above the menu again.
Yep sure as shit says Cocoa Chanel's.
"How is the cookie?" Rose asked.
"Oh, umit's wonderful," I nodded, still trying figure out this scene before me.
"Think he has a right to her just because his fucking father is a lawyer!"
"Jess," Rose warned.
"Sorry," she tossed her hands in the air and they fell hard against her legs.
"No I mean, Jess.look," Rose faced her towards the window.
Edward was no less than ten steps from the door and he looked mad as hell.
"You fucking keyed my car?! Seriously, Jessica?!" He was so angry when he came up to counter he
didn't notice me standing to his right.
"I want to see my daughter!" Rose held her back from him.
"And you think that is going to happen by doing immature bullshit like keying my fucking car?" He
had calmed down now considerably, resting his palms on the counter top.
"Oh, go get daddy to buy you a new one!"
"You and I both know I don't use his money!" He pointed more angrily at her. This was obviously a
sweet spot for him. He was impossibly hotter when he was angry.
Down Butterbean, down girl.
"Yeah, except for when you are trying to keep my daughter from me! She isn't even yours you
"Knock that shit off Jess. We both know she's fucking mine. This shit is so fucking old. And how is
telling me that my daughter is not mine making me look bad and you look good anyhow?" He leaned
against the counter and he finally saw my bag resting there.
He closed his eyes and jaw clenched tight as he shook his head.
"I'm sorry BellaMiss Swan," he corrected, looking over to me.
"No please, continue on. This is way better than watching Emmett fixing light bulbs," I smiled.
"Saaandwiiich!" Alice sang behind me and set down the bag on the counter with a handful of
crumpled change.
I opened up the bag and box quickly. Damn it smelled good. I pulled out the steamy goodness and
took a small nibble.
"So tell me Edward, is this show available everyday or will I need to purchase tickets in the future?" I
took a bigger bite.
"Oh this is an everyday performance," he glared at Jessica, "the location changes often though." He
gave me an impish smile as he looked back to me again.
"So what, is this the bitch you're fucking?" Jessica eyed me up and down as I took a bigger bite of fish
"This is my boss Jessica," his jaw became tight again.
"No shit! Edward works for Isabella Swan?" Rose looked down to her wide eyed.
"You're lying. She would never hire you, Edward. You didn't even go to school, unlike me," she tossed
her hair back and gave him a wicked grin.
"Actually I just hired Edward this morning. He is my new Sous Chef for my restaurant, The Workshop.
We are opening up on Friday night, right across the street," I pointed.
"A Sous Chef?" They said in unison.
"Yes, not that I have to explain myself to anyone," I did a little hair tossing of my own, "but Edward
impressed me this morning, so I hired him," I allowed one of my shoulders to bob.
"Edward hasn't even worked a drive through at McDonald's," Jessica growled.
"Well that's too bad for fucking McDonald's," I took another bite of food and I could see the small
smile playing on Edward's lips.
It wasn't smug though, he wasn't gloating or anything. It was the same smile I saw when I told him I
liked his food. He felt proud.
"Now, if you two are done having your showdown," I paused looking to Edward and he nodded
softly, "I want a dozen of those delicious fucking cookies you just fed me," I smiled at Rose, wiping
my mouth clean.
"Yes Ma'am. Coming right up," she chuckled.
"Want to try one of my cookies?" Jessica tipped on her toes over Roses head trying to see me.
"What kind are they?"
"Well, I'm working on this really awesome flavor that has like, vanilla and I want to try this thing I saw
on Rachel Ray, she was putting"
"Stop right fucking there," I held my hand, "you get your ideas from TVRachel Ray no less?" I had to
retrain myself from snorting.
"Yeah, she's sort of my idol," she giggled.
"You have got to be fucking kidding me?" I said keeping my voice low.
"I like her hair," she nodded, twisting a lock of her own and began to daze off.
"You should be fucking arrested," I pointed to Edward as Rose rang up my cookies snickering.
"Why?" He looked over to me a little shocked and amused.
"You replicated this fucking ditz," I nodded towards her.
"I will have you refrain from using such blasphemy against my daughter," he held up a hand, but his
face was playful.
"Here ya' go," Rose handed me the bag over.
"What do I owe you?" I reached for my bag.
"Oh, were all good here. Just take him with you," she smiled and turned away from the cash wrap.
"Be sure to get some overtime in Jess. I'll be sending you the bill for my car," Edward pushed off the
counter and held the door for me as we exited.
As soon as we were outside I busted into laughter and reached inside my bag for a smoke. This shit
was better than afternoon alone with Jerry and all his midgets, trannies and drags.
"That's funny?" Edward ran a nervous hand through his hair.
"Made my fucking day," I laughed, lighting up my cig.
"I thought you were going to fire me," he laughed once.
"Why, because you one upon a time, you stuck your dick in the Wicked Witch of the West?"
"My mother would like that name," he chuckled, sticking his hands in his pockets.
"Seriously, how did you ever end up with that evil wretch?" I puffed on my stogie.
"She wasn't always like that," he shrugged.
"Here," I held out my cigarette to him.
"I don't smoke Miss Swan."
"Bella," I still held my cigarette to him.
"Excuse me?"
"I'm not your boss out here Edward. Right now, we're just two people standing on the sidewalk
smoking a cancer stick together. Plus, the Swan shit makes me feels old," I insisted that he take my
"Thanks," he took a hit and then passed it back.
"Choke and I will call you a pussy," I teased.
"I said I didn't smoke, not that I haven't," he blew out the smoke and laughed looking towards his
"So which one is yours?" I looked out to the street.
"The black Volvo," he nodded to the car parked behind the one in front of me.
"Ugh, she did a fucking number," I shook my head and passed him back the cigarette as I walked
towards it.
"Yeah, my father is going to freak out," he puffed on the cigarette, smoking it to the head.
"He's really a lawyer? Emmett never told me that," I fixed my hair in the tinted window reflection.
"Yeah. We don't really like to go around tooting our own horns ya' know? Emmett and I have always
made our own way," he dropped the smoke to the ground, putting it out with his foot and then
tossing it in the receptacle before him.
"That's good. It shows you have character," I smiled at him, "not that the tattoos don't do that," I
chuckled, nodding towards his art that peeked out from his shirt collar.
"Yeah, I guess I should have worn something today that covered it up better huh?" He fumbled with
his clothing.
"No way," I slung my bag over my arm and smiled at him as I began my walk back across the street,
"this is Miami baby- where all the sexy people live!" I hollered now across the street and he laughed
at me as the people eating along the sidewalk caf's cheered in agreement.
I was really starting to like it here.
Thursday 9 P.M.
I walked in to find very loud music playing inside of my restaurant.
It was good though, it meant Emmett was actually working and not running his mouth. His selection
was actually pretty good too. He usually opted for Gangsta rap when I was not around. I was glad
Fitty was nowhere to be found talking bout his bitches and hoes. Instead I was treated to a nice song
by Kings of Leon.
Use Somebody.
Oh, I wish I had someone to use. Damn, how long had it been now, almost a year?
"Em!" I hollered, not seeing anyone in the front.
"Back here B!" He bellowed from the back somewhere.
"Oh. Hello Miss Swan," I stopped dead in my tracks as tank top wearing
Edward with a lot of artwork and muscles showing Edward, came from the back carrying five racks of
water glasses in his hands.
"Edward, that is not appropriate work attire," my mouth said the words and my butterbean gave me
the finger.
"Oh," he set the racks down on the table top and wiped the sweat from his face with his shirt front,
"I'm sorry, I had a shirt on over this but it got hot. I'll put it back on," he nodded and went to retrieve
his clothes.
"No," I paused, and he looked at me confused, "you're right. You're working hard, so just," I waved
with my hand and just walked passed him towards my office, trying to gather myself.
He is our employee Butterbean. He is our God damned employee. A hot employee yes, but it is still
wrong. Well I'm sorry butter bean. Mamma will get out the old double Excell's tonight alright? Down
I quickly set down all of my things and pulled out Edward's uniform from my bag.
Knock. Knock. Knock.
I looked up to see Edward standing at my door, still wearing his black tank. My mouth couldn't seem
to figure out how to work.
"May I talk to you for a moment?" He asked softly.
"Sure," I managed to get out.
"I wanted to give you this. It's sort of a thank you for yesterday. I appreciated what you said to
Jessica about me," he held out a small light blue box that was wrapped with a pretty brown bow.
"Edward, that is very kind, but I cannot take presents from you- especially when they come from
things that happen outside of work," I fumbled with the uniform on desk.
"It's just some baked goods," he held it out to me and his face screamed a painful plea.
"Thank you," I took them from him, but that didn't seem to satisfy him.
Of course not, he would want me to try them, just as I would want someone to try mine.
"Would you like one?" I asked, pulling the bow.
"Sure," he smiled small, almost shyly.
"Emmett!!! Freeeee foooood!!!" I bellowed as I tossed the lid on my desk and Edward chuckled.
I held the box out to him.
"No, no. They are yours, you get first choice," he chuckled, nodding his head at the box.
"Hmm," I poked around finally pulling out one that looked chucky, yet chocolately.
"Good pick," he affirmed, smiling and plucking his own out of the box.
"What kind is it?" I took a bite.
"Like you don't know," he chuckled, taking a bite of his.
"MmmI taste oatmeal,." I chewed, "and Chocolate."
"Keep going," his face was bright with intrigue as he absentmindedly took another bite of his.
"And, coconut?" I chewed more.
"You got them all," he chuckled popping the last bit in.
"That was delicious. Did you make them?" I already knew this. I was just asking for fucks sake.
"Yes, of course," he nodded happily.
"Someone say free food?" Emmett came in breathing hard and covered in sweat.
"What the fuck are you doing out there?" I asked.
"Putting a restaurant together B- what else?" He wiped his face on his shirt and reached in to the box
grabbing a handful of cookies.
"Leave some for Miss Swan, Mr. Cullen," Edward glared at him.
"Will you please make him stop with that shit B?" He shoved another cookie in his mouth.
"I don't call you Miss Swan. Why the hell does Edward, my brother, have to call me Mr. Cullen? I feel
like my pops B!" He whined.
"Do me a favor Emmett. Go outside and read the name on the front of this building and tell me what
it says."
"B," he protested.
"Uh ah!" I held up my hand and waved him on.
"Damn it," he grumbled, shoving the other cookies in his mouth as he exited.
"It really doesn't bother me," Edward shrugged.
"Of course it does, I told you to do something that is utterly ridiculous and you should loath me for
it," I was serious but Edward chuckled lightly.
"I don't think anything you say is ridiculous," he smiled.
"The Workshop," Emmett grumbled as he walked past my door.
"Thanks pump-kin!" I called in a teasing manner.
"You're welcome Miss Swan!" He called back.
"Alright while all of this is fun and everything, we have work to do," I rose from my seat and picked
up Edward's uniform.
"Absolutely," he rose from his seat and covered the cookies back up.
"Follow me," I walked around the desk and Edward grabbed the door for me before I reached it.
It's just a door Butterbean.
He followed silently behind me and I was glad, it allowed me to collect my thoughts. Once we
reached the kitchen, it was time to lay down the law.
"Alright, first things first; this is my kitchen. It will be organized and ran the way I decide and plan. My
standards are like no other. I expect them to be upheld at all times. That means washing down the
kitchen twice a day."
"Washing does not mean a simple swipe of a dirty wet rag over the tops of the counters. We clean
every last little nook and cranny, including the stoves and the insides of the refrigeration systems. I
expect to be able to walk into this kitchen at any time during the day and find it in perfect condition.
This is the hub of the ship, if it goes down it all goes down," I walked around to the other side of the
steel table and plopped down his Chef's coats.
"These are yours. I expect them to always be pressed and spot free. If something stains, it does not
mean you come crying to me for a new one, it means you are being a dirty cook and I think I already
explained the issues of that to you." I handed over a coat to him.
"Here are your aprons. There are more in the linen closet, or there will be as soon as Emmett
receives the order. This is your time card. Angela or Emmet will show you all about that fun little
thing later on," Edward smiled as he took it from my hands.
"Now, I think we have established the basics," I began to pull off my hoodie and grabbed for one of
the coats, "time to get down to the nitty gritty," I slid my arms into my Chef's coat and began to
button up.
Edward followed my lead.
"Where can I start Miss Swan?" He looped his head through the apron and holy mother, if he didn't
look downright sexy in his little chef coat.
I know! Mama is being a baaaaad girl, Butterbean.
"Edward, in here, I am not Bella, I am not Miss Swan, I am Chef. You will address me by that title and
that title only. Understand?" I gave him a look that showed I meant business.
"Yes Chef."
I was happy with Edward's ability in the kitchen. He was very detailed and organized, my two top pet
peeves. He studied what I did and followed in my tracks, sometimes and it pained me to fucking say
it- but he did things even better than me. I, of course, did not let him know that.
My menu for this restaurant was laid back, just like the atmosphere of Miami. It had a sexy flare
though and reflecting the glamor of this town. I was proud to offer this food and happy to be cooking
it along side my new partner.
"Um, Chef?" He called looking to me, "how do you want these plated?" He looked down to the pan of
brown buttered shrimp with sage.
"We're going to do it like this," I scooted beside him and he held the pan for me while I scooped
them out and placed them over a fresh bed of lemon infused jasmine rice with a side of grilled
"I like the tails to always face this way. If you ever see a waitperson taking them and they face the
plate any other way, you have to correct them. It may seem petty, but these are the details that get
you noticed in this industry, Edward. It doesn't matter if you are making corn dogs or fucking Filet
Mignon, you have to do each thing with the utmost care and quality. It's all in the details," I scooped
out the last one and laid it out across the bed.
"May I sauce?" He asked hand out for the spoon.
"Yes," I smiled and handed it to him.
His face was pure concentration as he ladled a perfect amount of the sauce over the shrimp, drizzling
the last bit up high in the air with his hand over his head.
"Let me guess, you like Mario Batali?" I reached up for the spoon.
"He is quite impressive, but I was just trying to push my luck with you," his face reddened a little as
he chuckled softly.
"That is not a wise thing to do, Edward," I pointed the spoon at him and then set it down in the
empty pan.
"What is next Chef Bella?"
"We eat," I smiled, picking up the plates, but he stopped me.
"Let me, please," he slid his hands under the plates and taking them from me, "where to?"
"Let's dine from the Chef's Table, shall we?" I motioned towards the table Emmet had finally gotten
into the kitchen. This was a signature at all my restaurants. I never opened one without offering this
to my guests.
"So people really pay to sit in the kitchen?" He asked setting down the plates.
"Yes, quite a lot, in fact," I grinned, unbuttoning my coat.
"May I?" He pointed towards his own.
"Fuck yes, I am sweating balls in here, I'm sure you really are, considering you have the proper
equipment," I chuckled.
"I suppose it do."
Did Edward just blush? I think he fucking blushed!
"Oh, speaking of balls," I unraveled my silverware, "we go commando in this kitchen," I speared a
shrimp and popped it in.
Mmm, delicious.
"Even the girls?" He quirked an eyebrow.
"Everyone," I grinned.
"May I ask why?" He speared a shrimp and I watched as he smiled in delight once he began chewing.
"Chafing," I said taking a forkful of rice this time.
"Chafing?" He chuckled harder.
"Yeah, it can get up two hundred degrees in here sometimes Edward. You will sweat in places that
you didn't even fucking know you had pores in. So, you know, chafing- especially the guys. I strongly
advise letting your laundry dry on the line if ya' know whatta mean," I chuckled.
"I never knew that," he laughed back, "so how many others will be working in the kitchen?" He got
up from his seat and walked to the small fridge.
"Me, you and then six others will rotate throughout the week. I am going to give you off on Monday's
and Tuesday's, since it is usually slow, but sometimes we will host events on Tuesday nights like drink
specials and shit, so you might have to work," I shrugged and watched as Edward poured us each
glass of ice water.
His back was to me and I couldn't help but to ogle a little of the art that was showing from his back
where the skimpy tank didn't cover.
"What does all of that mean?" I asked, causing him to turn towards me.
"What does what mean?" He picked up the glasses and walked towards the table.
"Your ink," I grabbed my glass from his hand as he took his seat. He took a long drink of water and
cleared his throat before he spoke.
"Different things," he brushed his hand over his shoulder, running it down his arm.
"This one is my baby girl," he twisted his arm, revealing a smiling little girl with curls on the inside of
his bicep.
"She is so pretty. You should have that on the outside," I teased, pointing to the exposed part of his
muscular arm.
"I have to keep her close to my heart," he shook his head and took another drink of water before he
began to eat his food again.
He seemed very shy about his words, keeping his head down and I felt a little intrusive about my
"I always wanted to get one. I was never brave enough though," I mumbled, poking around my plate.
"What would you get?" He asked, lifting his eyes back to mine.
"I'm not sure. I like your flowers, maybe something like that," I shrugged, taking a small bite.
"You don't put something on your body that is going to permanently mark you for life without
thinking it through. It's a part of you," his eyes stayed on mine and a part of me wanted to look away,
but another part of me got lost inside of the deep blue.
"I'll remember that," I said softly nodding to him.
Friday 1 AM
"Everything is all cleaned up Miss Swan," Edward ducked his head inside my door.
"Oh, come here in a sec," I reached down into my bottom desk drawer.
"This is yours Edward," I handed him over the plastic credit card; "you can make petty cash purchases
on it up to fifteen hundred dollars. It will deduct whatever you spend automatically from your
checks. Speaking of which," I slid his contract in front of him and clicked the pen, "it's time for you to
sign your life away to me," I grinned.
"Sure you just want it in ink?" He teased, clicking the pen again.
I stared at him, sitting there in his blank tank Yeah, Mama and Butterbean definitely
wanted ink.
"Ink and a picture," I smiled, toying with my digital camera in my hands making him blush bright red,
"sorry, everyone has to do it, even me."
"Where does that get displayed?" Edward chuckled, signing his name to the paperwork.
"On billboards, gossip magazines, porno websites," he looked up to me and I laughed.
"Kidding, kidding. We post them behind the bar. The people need to know who's feeding them," I
shrugged, giving a light smile.
"Do I have to smile?" He handed the papers and pen back over.
"Not if you don't want to, but I think it looks better of you do. No one wants to think there is a
disgruntled man back there making their Tapas," I chuckled.
"Alright, fine. Where do you want me Herb Rittz?" He chuckled.
"Let's go out into the lounge, the lighting is better."
I rose from my seat and led him out into the lounge, resting him against the wall that had a nice
luminous glow from the overhead lighting Emmet had orchestrated so beautifully.
"Button up porn star," I chuckled flipping on my camera.
He buttoned the top clasp on his chef's coat and I snapped the picture while he was still laughing
from my joke.
"You didn't even let me pose," he whined.
"It's looks fab. Trust me," I held the camera behind my back.
"Ohh! You guys taken pics? I want to get in on that," Emmett posed his best playgirl pose for me and
I snapped away, wooing him as he struck a pose.
"Beat that little brother," he smirked at Edward.
"Never," Edward chuckled, blushing slightly from Emmett's crude display.
"Let me take of you guys," Emmett held out his hand I tossed it to him.
"This will be like Batman and Robin," he chuckled holding the camera up.
"Take off the damn jacket," I ordered and he obliged, looking bashful as ever.
"Say Emmett's gotta big dong!"
Edward and I laughed together at his perverted joke and He snapped a photo of us.
"Ah, look at that! This was my true calling!" Emmett held out the camera for me to see and I nodded
in approval.
"Alright, enough fun with my camera. Edward has a tiny person at home that I'm sure would love to
get a good night kiss from her daddy," I looked to my watch as I yawned, "although at this point,
you'll most likely be making her breakfast before that ever happens," I chuckled.
"It's alright. My mother came down with her on my break and we had dinner together," he pulled his
phone from his pocket and flipped up the screen, I assumed checking for calls.
"Well, you're free to go. You did a great job. Get your schedule from Emmett," I tapped Em on the
shoulder as I strolled towards my office.
"Good night Miss Swan," he called over his shoulder, I just simply smiled.
Friday 1:34 A.M.
I could hear Emmett and Edward talking and laughing as he gave him his schedule and went over the
score of some game they didn't get to see but was playing over the radio system. I realized then, I
liked hearing Edward laugh. His laugh reminded me of his smile though and I couldn't help but to
turn my camera back on and scroll to the picture of Edward and myself.
We looked happy together.
Friday 1:55 A.M.
I loaded the picture onto my computer and tapped impatiently against the desk as I waited for it to
Picture Processed.
I double clicked it and the image of us lit up my entire screen. Butterbean was thudding again taking
in all of Edward's tattoos and man beauty. Yeah, that's what he was, man-pretty.
Down girl.
I printed out all of the pictures and dug through my drawer for some tacks. Walking back out into the
dining area, Emmett said his good-byes to me and left through the front door locking me inside. All
alone. After I hung the pictures and stared at them for a bit, I pulled a marker from the drawer at the
cash and scribbled out a welcoming for Edward along the bottom of our picture together.
Edward Cullen was inducted into our Workshop family today. I wanted to make him cry, but found
that his smile was much better than tears. As you can see, it was also infectious .Welcome to our
family Flower Child.
Friday 5:21 A.M.
I finally walked out of work to go back to my hotel. The lock made a loud sound against the quiet
night and I hurried to my car. I was always last to leave and always alone. I would have been angry
about not having a residence here yet, but I knew my procrastination was due to the fact that I hated
being by myself. Hotel family was good family. They always made your bed and left you mints on
your pillow. It seemed like a cruel twist of fate when success was part of your life. I had so much on
the outside, yet I yearned for so much more on the inside. I had no one to share it with. The working
was a sickness though. I knew if I wasn't going strong day and night, the loneliness would creep in,
yet working 24/7 was the exact problem for the solitude. It was a no win situation.
Friday 6:55 A.M..
I crawled into my bed, plucking the single mint off the pillow and slipping it into my mouth.
Well Butterbean, it's just you and me girl.
I closed my eyes and smiled when I saw Edward's smile behind them. My hands trailed down into my
pajama bottoms and I gave Butterbean a, 'hey how you doin', to which she replied, 'Not good sister,
not good at all.'
I rubbed my fingers against myself and thought about Edward, crying at the end when I was left with
only a wet pair of panties and a cold desolate bed.
Friday 7:25 A.M.
I cried myself to sleep. Alone.
Chapter Two ~ Bonding and a New Beginning
I was sure she must have hated me.
Emmett warned me before I went in that she was a tough cookie. I wasn't fully prepared though for
just how tough. I had not even been in her presence for five minutes before I was being scolded for
simply calling her by her name.
I wanted to run away, but I needed this job. My reserves were running low and I was not about to ask
Carlisle, my father, for a loan. I was a man and I had to take care of myself and my daughter. It was
bad enough I had to use him as my lawyer
in my custody case. Risking losing Ness, though, was something I wouldn't do. Carlisle was the best
lawyer in Miami. I didn't care if it made me look less than a man to use him, there was no way she
was going to stay with Jessica.
Hell would freeze over first and make me king.
It's not that Jess was a bad mother. She just wasn't the most responsible person. Plus, she floated in
and out of Nessie's life, never knowing when she would gain interest again and come back. I hated
that. My girl deserved a devoted mother. How you could look into her innocent blue eyes and not
want to remain lost in them forever, I had no clue.
The rest of the day, as well as the next one, were pretty good though.
At least I didn't get my ass fired, anyhow.
It was now an hour before I was due to work. This would be my first real shift and I was nervous as
hell, not to mention, running late thanks to Nessie's stubborn attitude this morning towards taking a
number two.
I hated potty training.
"Ness, are you done yet baby?" I called standing outside the door.
"Go way," she whined.
"Daddy has to go to work baby girl. You have to hurry."
"Go way!" She whined louder.
"Alright but you have two minutes then we have to go, poop or no poop," I chuckled, walking
towards the kitchen and grabbing up her things so I could drop her at my mother's.
I was thankful my parents were so helpful. The thought of leaving her with a sitter made me want to
vomit. I was still trying to figure out what the hell I was going to do when they went on vacation in a
few weeks. Normally they would just take Ness with them, but this was their anniversary.
Which meant - no kids allowed.
"I done!" She called, giving me the okay to come in and help her clean up.
Yes, hated potty training.
"Awre you gonna eat wif me and Gamma night Daddy?" She asked holding onto my shoulders as I
pulled her bottoms back up, kneeling in front of her.
"Probably not baby. Daddy is working late," I plucked a wipe from her diaper bag to clean her face.
She still had syrup from the pancakes this morning.
"I don't wike Gamma food. It's yucky," She wrinkled her nose, making me chuckle.
"Sorry Ness. Daddy made you breakfast though, remember?" I tossed the wipe in the trash and
scooped her up, placing her on the counter.
"Hands," she cupped them towards me and I pumped a glob of antibacterial soap into her palms.
"Wawer," she giggled, knowing what came next.
"Scrub," she obeyed, rubbing her little hands together and lighting up my world with her sweet
She loved our little game as much as I did.
"All keen," she held up to me.
"You have to rinse," I nodded towards the water.
"Oops," she giggled harder and I held her as she tilted towards the faucet.
"Now keen," she held them up and I kissed her wet palms before I dried them on the towel.
"Let's go baby," I scooped her up on my hip and grabbed the diaper bag from the floor.
"Downt foget teddy!" She reached out for the ratty old bear on the couch as we passed.
"Sorry, Daddy forgot him last night didn't I?" I cringed, thinking back to my call on the way home with
my mother last night and her telling me about Ness crying the whole night without him.
"S'kay Daddy," she rubbed her hand on my cheek and leaned her head down on my shoulder.
"Daddy won't forget again, I promise," I tilted my head and gave her a kiss on her chubby cheek.
"There's my favorite granddaughter!" Carlisle held out his arms for her as soon as the door opened.
"Pop-pop!" She leaned for him and he took her from my arms, twirling her around in the foyer.
"Easy, she had a lot of sugar this morning," I set down her bag on the bench against the wall.
"Feeling guilty this morning, son?" He smiled with Nessie's head tucked into the crook of his neck.
"You have no idea," I chuckled.
"Sweets don't make up for working late, Edward. I should know, I practically wrote the book," he
smiled again and kissed Ness' head.
"Hey honey," my mother, Esme, came in and planted a kiss on my cheek before she reached for Ness.
"Not uh uh. I didn't get to see my bunny rabbit last night," he swung her out of my mother's
I chuckled at his nickname for her, 'Bunny Rabbit', since she had two front teeth that were much
more prominent than the others. I only hoped it wouldn't someday give her a complex.
"I have to get going," I walked forward to give Ness a kiss.
"No!" She twisted her body my way and almost fell out of Carlisle's arms before I caught her.
"I have to go to work, Ness. Daddy will come get you in the morning," I tried to pry her arms from my
neck, but she was using her death grip on me.
"Come on sweetheart, Grandma wants to play in the pool," Esme winked at me and tried to pull her
"No! Want Daddy!" She cried and dug her little nails into my skin.
"Go to Grandma, please," I reached back and pried one hand away.
"No!" She began to cry harder, flooding her little eyes with tears and her chubby cheeks reddened.
"Come on sweetie, it's alright," my mother took her as she screamed and slapped against her in
"It will be alright," she whispered to me and turned around hushing Nessie in her arms.
I started to freak out, running a hand through my hair and caught a glimpse of her face as Esme
rocked her. It broke my heart as she cried and sniffled, calling my name over and over.
"I'll see you later, baby. I love you," I kissed the top of her head and practically ran from the house
before I could scoop her back up and stop the pain she was feeling.
The same pain I was feeling.
Bella POV
Friday 9:45 am
I gulped down a cup of coffee in the hotel dining room as I ate my breakfast. Don't ask me why, but I
fucking loved hotel omelets. I knew that they weren't made from real eggs and didn't even deserve
to be considered omelets, but the damn things were fucking tasty as hell and super fluffy. Plus, they
were laced with cheddar cheese and everything was better with cheese. If you didn't think that shit,
you were clearly a commy-rat-bastard. Period.
The breakfast attendant, a woman named Mrs. Cope, came over and set a fresh huddle of coffee on
my table to my pleasure. She must have been at least ninety years old, full of wrinkles and limping
slightly as she hobbled off, but she wore an honest smile and made sure to greet every person who
came into the lounge. I couldn't help but to envision that being me someday, which made me fucking
laugh and cry at the time. At this rate, that is surely where I was headed though. I could just see the
VH1 special now.
Except I don't think I would be fucking smiling like she was.
I would probably curse and have a cane, poking the fuckers I didn't like with it and ordering them
about; telling them to stop stealing the condiment packets and not take so many damn napkins.
Damn napkin thieves piss me off.
I mean, did they have no clue how much expense it put on a business when they did shit like that?
This wasn't like taking pens from a bank; nobody got the free advertisement that the pen held when
you left it behind somewhere. A dirty napkin was just that, a dirty fucking napkin. No one cared
about where the fuck it came from, unless you were the owner footing the bill.
Pouring another cup of coffee, I added all the fixings, knowing that I would need as much caffeine as
possible. Knowing only had about two hours of sleep in my system- if you could call tossing and
turning sleep that is.
My eyes were burning from being dry and tired. I didn't even attempt to put on makeup this
morning. My hair was tied back so tight it was literally, the only thing, besides the Joe, keeping my
lids open. I must have looked liked some deranged fucking Asian woman, or one of those 'plastic
surgery gone wrong' 20/20/Dateline/Barbara Walters type of specials.
Like I fucking cared.
I had bigger things to worry about today. It was the grand opening for The Workshop, my first
restaurant in Miami, and there was a boat load of shit to do still.
I hurried through the last few bites of my breakfast and finished off another cup of coffee before
plucking a 'to-go' cup from the bar and leaving a nice tip with Mrs. Cope; both for her great service
and also for the cup. See? I wasn't a hypocrite napkin stealer- or 'to-go' cup, in this case - even
though the fucker was complimentary.
Friday 10:48 A.M.
I saw Edward strolling along the sidewalk as I pulled up and parked along the curb. He looked like
hell. Edward's hair was in serious disarray, like he had been up all night fucking his brains out-which, I
really hoped was not the case. His face looked too pissed off for that though and his eyes were even
red- almost like he had been crying.
"Hey Flower Child," I called, climbing out from my car and resting my bag on the hood.
"Good morning Bella," he gave a light wave my way, but no smile.
"You look like hell," I chuckled.
"Rough morning," he said simply, shrugging once.
"I was thinking more like rough night," I winked, motioning towards his hair.
It finally got a smile out of him as he put two and two together.
"Not even close," he chuckled.
"No? I thought women swooned over the whole 'single father' thing. You know, like taking a cute
puppy to park to pick up chicks. Pretty much like putting a "Free-Dick-Rides" sign on your forehead?"
I teased.
"I would never use my daughter to pick up girls and I can assure you, she is the only female in my
life," he winked my way, giving that frigg'n crooked smile that Butterbean loved, but it faded quickly.
"I take it she isn't adjusting well to you working?" I rustled with my keys, trying to find the right one
for the front door.
"She cried this morning when I dropped her off at my mom's," he looked down to his feet and I
imagined that she wasn't the only one, remembering his red eyes.
"Sorry," I said, not knowing what else to offer.
"She'll get used to it," he shrugged, still looking down.
"Well you know tonight is group bonding night, right?" I held the door open and he followed me
"Group bonding?" He asked.
"Yep," I flipped on the lights and strolled to the back where the kitchen was
"What is that?" He stood at the register by the bar and slid his time card through as he asked.
"Come in my office when you're done and I'll explain," I unlocked the door and walked inside.
I flipped on my monitor and wiggled the mouse, bringing the screen to life. Forty five new messages
flashed on my phone screen. Fuck, Emmett better arrive soon. This day, was going to be the day from
hell. Edward came walking into my office and I motioned toward the chair as I waited for the voice
mail to connect.
I opened up my in-box and began to answer the emails, stating all of my frustrations aloud and saw
Edward's lips twitch when the words 'motherfucking knob gobbler' came out as I listened to my gay
manager, Laurent, from my Las Vegas location, go on about his date the night prior.
Well, he was.
I finally hung up the phone, not hearing any major emergencies and decided to let Emmett handle
them, only writing down the things I needed to know for checking up on him later.
"So," I tapped a stack of papers and stapled them together, "every Friday night is what I have so
lovingly termed 'Fucking Friday Family Night'. The entire staff, even the busboys, come out and we
hang together," I folded my hands down on my desk and Edward's face looked somewhat worried
and confused as he thought through my words.
"Before or after work?" He asked, nervously.
Oh, the kid. Right.
"Before. Don't worry. You can bring your daughter, your mom, your girlfriend, or your dog -
whatever. It's not called 'family night' for nothing," I smiled.
"Oh," he seemed to cheer up some, "Where is it going to be held?"
"Tonight we're going to Tropical Greens, but it changes every week," I shrugged.
"Miniature golf?" He smiled.
"What did you expect - me to ask you to bring your daughter to a titty bar or something?" I teased.
"You just don't seem like the type to eat cheap pizza and swing a golf club, unless, of course, it would
be to hit someone," he teased right back, biting his lower lipand Butterbean fucking punched me in
my left ovary.
"I have watchedfuck, I couldn't even tell you how many managers and owners take their staff out
for happy hours and to nightclubs in an attempt to 'be cool' or earn their respect somehow. That isn't
what the purpose of this shit is. Not to mention, the only thing that gets accomplished by getting
drunk with the people you work with is finding out how many shots of Jager makes them puke and
who is the slut of the company.
"I don't give a rat's ass about who you all fuck and if I see any of you puke in my presence, I would be
soon to follow - then, of course, kick your ass," I waved my hand getting back to the point.
"Anyhow the point is, I think it's important to have a close group working here. Tell me, what else
makes you closer to someone than chasing down their lost kid or digging them out of a pit of colorful
balls?" I grinned.
"Plus, if you have the patience and skill to make a shot through a clown's pie hole while there is
horrid carnival music playing and the fucker laughing at you, chances are, you can put up with
working for me," I chuckled.
"I see. That sounds like fun. I'm happy I can bring Ness. She had me contemplating quitting after this
morning," Edward's hands ran through his hair as he disagreed. "Well maybe you can hold Family
Night over her head every week as bait for her to make it through the week without you," I smiled.
"My father always did that - being a lawyer, you know. It doesn't work as well you think," he smiled
"There's no couch in my office for a reason Edward," I looked back to my computer screen, trying
hard not let his puppy dog eyes wither me down.
The less I knew - the better.
"I know. I wasn't trying to go there, just explaining," he shrugged.
"I have some things in here to do before we start anything in the kitchen. I need you to take this," I
handed a list to him, "And make sure everything on it is done in the kitchen. We're leaving at three
for Tropical Greens, so you have until then. I'll be there in a bit to check on you," I went back to
"Would you like some coffee?" He asked on his way out.
"Full fat?" I heard the smile in his tone.
"Full fat," I affirmed.
Damn man after my own heart.
Friday 12:37 P.M.
"Emmett?" I held down the button on my intercom calling for him.
"Yo, B," he buzzed back.
"Don't ever say 'yo' in response to me, please," I buzzed back.
"Sorry, your Royal Highness, what may I do for you this fine day?"
"A simple 'Yes, Bella' will work just fine, wise ass."
"Yes, Bella?" His voice was irritated.
"Can you run across the street to get some muffins and rolls, oh and one of those cookies they have.
The blonde girl knows which one if you tell her it's for me."
"What am I your bitch boy now? Make Edward do it."
"Edward's fucking psycho baby mamma works there, plus, I told you to do it," I was getting really
pissed with him.
I know he had a lot to do but fuck; I was in charge here, not him. I was planning on sharing the
fucking muffins with him, not to mention, make some delicious BLT's out of the rolls - something I
sure as fuck didn't have time for today, but was doing to be nice. I'm sure their stomach linings would
appreciate my gesture.
"Fine," he groaned.
"Thanks, Pump-kin," I pushed back from the desk and made my way to the door, seeking out the
I passed Emmett in the hall and he gave me an evil stare as he pushed past me. I smiled at him and
winked, which only made him roll his eyes and grumble something under his breath. He was like the
older brother I never had. I loved him dearly, despite the fact that he was such a pain in the ass
I'm sure he felt the same way about me though.
Pushing the kitchen door open, I saw Edward standing at one of the steel tables separating the
cooking utensils just as the list described. He looked cute - lips pursed and deep in concentration, like
he was being asked to decipher the code to a chemical compound or some shit. I chuckled lightly at
him as I made my way in and he looked up to me, smiling.
"Something funny?" He asked, holding my gaze.
"No, just thinking," I shrugged.
"I'm almost done, just this and then I'm off to tackle the box of frying pans."
"Good, you can help me make lunch then," I opened the fridge and began to pull out the ingredients
as Edward eyed me.
"BLT's?" He asked, quirking a brow.
"And to think, you didn't even go to culinary school," I teased.
"You're missing the eggs," he nodded towards the items I set on the table.
"Perhaps you don't understand what the B, L and T stand for."
"It's just something my mother used to do," he shrugged.
"An egg?"
"Yep, fried on top," he smiled.
"Your mother sounds like my kind of woman," I turned back to the fridge to grab some eggs and
Edward chuckled.
"She's actually not a very good cook, but she could make a mean BLT," he nodded.
I began searching for a pan and Edward came to my aid, passing me one from the box at his side -
"I thought I told you about my dish washing disability," I pointed to the pan as he held it to me.
"I was just making sure it was an alright size for you," he smiled.
"It's fine. Now, get to washing," I waited until he was turned around to smile.
"We don't have any bread in here, at least I did not find any," he called over his shoulder.
"I know. I sent Em across the street for some rollsshit!"
"What's wrong?" He spun around quickly, "Did you cut yourself?"
"No. I should have told him to order the fucking bread for tonight. Fuck mother fucking fuck!" I
walked over to the phone on the wall.
"Emmett said that phone doesn't work. He's number three on the speed key," he held out his cell to
"Thanks," I flipped it open and held down the button until it connected.
I'll be damn if his phone didn't smell good. Normally other people's shit grossed me out, especially
phones. I mean, you put your greasy face and germ filled mouth against it for Christ sake. Edward's
phone however, smelled of only good manliness and sex cologne. I would fucking lick his phone if he
weren't standing here, staring at me.
"Yo Ed, what up? Bella on your fucking nerves yet or what? Fuck, she's driving me crazy today."
I was having one of those Kill Bill moments where the room goes red and the music blares, signaling
that some serious ass kicking was about to commence.
"This. Is. Not. Fucking. Edward. Ape. Dick," my jaw clenched and I was already thinking of my apology
for when my death grip was sure to crush Edward's phone.
"Bel-la?" His voice was barely audible.
"I will destroy you when you get back here, but right now, make sure to get the fucking bread for
tonight's service and make it fast. I'm fucking timing you. You have ten minutes. Tick-tock, tick-tock,"
I snapped his phone closed, but it buzzed, causing me to flip it back up.
I went to yell back into it, thinking it was Em, but I paused seeing a picture of a little girl on the
screen. I put my hand over my mouth to stop the obscenities that were begging to leap forward.
"I think it's your daughter," I held the phone to him.
"Ness?" He smiled, but eyed me, questioning if this was alright.
"Go ahead," I waved my hand at him and went back to making sandwiches.
If I was going to lose control of my staff, I might as well do it thoroughly.
"Oh, mom it's you," he laughed, walking back over to the station with the clean pan in his hands,
setting it down on the stove for me.
I eavesdropped as I laid the bacon down into the pan. Edward propped his phone on his shoulder and
held it there with his cheek as he began slicing the tomatoes.
"I actually wanted you to bring Nessie here before three so I could take her with me to a group event
at Tropical Greens. You and Dad can come too if you like," he waited for her response and then
"I know. He hates golf," he laughed harder.
"Yeah, just drop her off at quarter 'til but, you'll have to pick her up again before work though, is that
alright?" He waited for her response and smiled.
"Of course. I appreciate you doing that. Thanks," he passed me the cutting tray of tomatoes and
reached for the lettuce.
"Mom, I have to go, I'm working. Alright fine, real quick though," there was a small wait and then his
face smiled brilliantly.
"Hey baby girlyeah I miss you too," he slammed the lettuce down, breaking the core.
Ah, I loved a man who knew how to properly open a head of lettuce.
"I can't sing you the Snuggy Bear song now, honey," he laughed and I quirked an eyebrow towards
him, holding out my hand for the phone.
He hesitated and then gave it over to me, biting his lip with a very nervous look on his face.
"Who's diss?" She asked.
"This is your new Auntie Bella."
"Hi!" She said excitedly.
I guess this is why they have that whole 'don't except candy from strangers rule'. Kids sure where
friendly to people they don't know.
"So, Auntie Bella was wondering if she could hear how the Snuggy Bear song goes," I grinned at
Edward as his cheeks flushed.
I listened to her sing the song and Edward began to smile, hearing the faint hum of her from the
other end of the phone. He looked very torn between wanting to sing along and running to hide.
"Want Daddy to sing it with you?" I giggled looking at him and he reached quickly for the phone,
ripping it from my hands.
"Daddy has to go Ness. I'll see you later honey, love you," he snapped the phone closed and
narrowed his eyes at me.
"You do realize you just made me hang up on my daughter, right?"
"You could have just sung along," I chuckled, flipping the bacon over.
"Or just sliced off my balls and handed them over to you. I might be playing Mr. Mom and all, but I
still have a firm grip on my manhood, thank you," he tucked his phone back into his pocket.
"You really sing that song to her?" I looked over at him as he began to separate the lettuce again.
"It helps her sleep," he shrugged, defensively.
"I think it's cute," I said smiling at him. He finally tilted his head towards me and I nodded at him.
"You know that you are going to have to let her call you 'Aunty Bella' tonight don't you?"
"That's alright," I chuckled once.
"What I mean is, when you say stuff to a little kid, they take it to heart. I don't like people using her
as a way to get to me Bella," his face was completely serious and I could feel the tension mound.
"I'm sorry, Edward. I wasn't trying to hurt her or anything. It was all in good fun."
"While I know that and you might know that, she doesn't. She's only four years old. Right now she's
probably crying to my mother that I just hung up on her while she was singing her song to her new
Auntie Bella and my mother is wondering who the hell that is," he ran a nervous hand through his
"Well maybe you should call her back," I offered.
"No, in truth, I never should have answered it in the first place," he walked over to the sink to rinse
the lettuce.
Thankfully, Angela walked in and broke up the tension.
"Bella!" She squealed, running over to me.
"Hey girl!" I held out my arms to her.
"Damn I missed you," she held me at arm's length, smiling.
"Me too. I'm so glad you're here."
"Well, it smells good. What are you making?" she peeked over my shoulder towards the bacon.
"Edward and I were making BLT's."
"Edward?" She asked.
"Yes, my new sous chef," I waved toward him as he walked our way with the bowl of washed lettuce.
"Oh. Um, hi Edward."
Did Angela just fan girl on me? Fuck, she did. Damn.
"Hi Angela," he wiped his wet hand on his apron and held it out to her.
"Hi Edward," she said again, fucking blushing this time.
"Angela is my head waitress," I interrupted her drooling and put my hand on her shoulder,
requesting silently that she 'step away from the fresh man meat'.
"Angie!!" Emmett tossed down the bags in his hands and swept her up into a bear hug as she ran
towards him.
"Teddy Bear!" she giggled as he lifted her up off the ground.
"Damn girl, you get better looking every time I see you!" He pulled back and smiled at her.
"So this is the girl Emmett has been crushing on?" Edward whispered over to me, tilting his head
towards mine.
"What? He has?"
"You didn't know?" He chuckled.
"Fuck no," I looked back them as they stared into each other face.
"Emmett! Put Angela down. You have shit to do, starting with my apology," my hands hugged my
"I'm sorry that I thought it was Edward answering Edward's phone," he glared at his brother.
"I'm dead fucking serious Emmett!"
"Alright, damn. I'm sorry I said you we're being a bitch. I know today is stressful and I shouldn't have
been talking crap behind your back."
"Andyou're the best boss ever," he grumbled.
"Much better," I grabbed up one of the bags from the table and took it over to where the rest of the
lunch fixings were.
"Take Angela and show her around while we get lunch going."
"Sure thing, come on kid," he held out his arm to her and she clung to it as they exited.
"Will you start frying the eggs while I assemble these please?" I asked Edward.
"Yes Chef," he smiled.
"I can't believe Emmett is crushing on Angela. This restaurant is turning into a fucking Jerry episode
faster than I can keep up with."
"So I take it you don't endorse in house dating?" Edward chuckled.
"No fucking way, especially not when it comes to management. The waiters and shit I could really
care less as long as they keep the drama out of here, but I expect anyone with authority to know
better," I topped my last sammy with the bacon and plated them up, waiting for the eggs.
"Well, Emmett is too afraid to ask her out anyhow, so I'm sure you have nothing to worry about," he
set an egg on top of one of the sandwiches as I held the tray.
"Speaking of remaining professional, I am sorry about before. The truth is that as your boss I
shouldn't have allowed you to take a personal call in here. It wasn't your fault."
"I'm an adult, I know better," he shrugged, slipping another egg on a new sandwich.
"Regardless, I didn't mean to upset you or your little girl. I guess when you don't have kids you don't
really think about stuff like that," I set the tray down and topped the two sammy's that were
"It's fine. I tend to overreact when it comes to Ness anyhow. Natural instinct to protect your young I
guess," he smiled.
"Truce?" I held a sandwich to him.
"Truce," he took it and tapped it against mine before we each took a bite.
"Holymovverofgawd," I said wiping my chin of runny yolk.
"Goodhuh?" He mumbled back with his own yolk running down.
"Fwuckyay!" I laughed before swallowing.
"I told you," he wiped his chin and then reached over to my face, wiping away the yolk.
"I guess I should have warned you about the mess though," he chuckled.
"That's alright. I'm assuming you do a lot of this sort of thing," I laughed, pointing towards him wiping
my face like a child.
"True," he smiled back.
"Maybe we should eat at the table," I picked up the tray and carried it over with him following me.
"Do you want me to call Emmett and Angela?" He asked.
"Nah, he'll come when he smells it. He's like a bear," I took a seat and Edward slid in across from me.
I watched as Edward took another big bite and smiled. I loved watching him eat. He was so manly -
gulping down large mouthfuls and barely coming up for air. It was so animalistic. Sure, some might
be grossed out by this, but I fucking cooked for a living; seeing a man devour what I set before him
was the best form of flattery I could receive.
Plus, he did a lot of lip licking, which had Butterbean thumping away like that furry little fucker from
Friday 2:30 P.M.
I stood out back having my afternoon smoke as I waited for the rest of the staff to arrive. I loved
bonding time. For a few hours, it made me feel like I had a family; like I was just any old Jane. The
celeb status bullshit went away and I was almost like a kid again.
"Hey, can I bum one of those?" Edward poked his head out the door and I smiled at him.
"Thought you didn't smoke Flower Child?"
"You're a bad influence on me," he shrugged, coming the rest of the way out.
"Here," I handed him over my half smoked stick.
"Plus, my nerves are shot to hell," he took a long pull of smoke and passed it back.
"You'll be fine," I chuckled, taking a puff and passing it back.
"I hope so," he took another puff and then tipped it to me asking if I wanted the last hit to which I
"I'm gonna use the restroom before we go," he flicked the cigarette away.
"Try not to puke," I teased as he ducked back inside.
I licked my lips and smiled, tasting both the menthol from the cigarette and Edward's sweet saliva on
my lips. Smoking is bad for your health my
ass. I was feeling pretty fucking good right now.
"Take this!" I turned back to see to big blue eyes with chubby cheeks staring back at me.
"What?" I asked as Emmett shoved her into my arms.
"I have to check in the vendor before we go and I can't find him," he turned back around and I raced
in after him.
"What the hell do I do with this thing?!" I held her out in front of me like she was a ticking time
"That thing is my daughter," Edward was walking towards me with his arms out.
"Daddy!" She wiggled and he grabbed her up before I dropped her.
"Hey baby girl," he kissed her forehead and she smiled wide at him, like he was the one who had
fame attached to him.
"Sorry, Emmett just flung her at me and ran off."
"It's alright. Ness, this is Auntie Bella. Bella, this is Renesmee," he smiled proudly as he stared at her
and she coiled shyly against him.
"Hi Renesmee," I stuck out my hand towards her, but it was more like a witch curling her fingers as
the germ factor came into play for me and I cringed slightly, taking them back.
"She isn't going to bite you," Edward chuckled.
"I know, but that thing is probably covered in germs and I have real issues germs, as I'm sure you
already know."
"Do you mind not referring to my daughter as that thing?"
"I meant her hand."
"I don't wav gurms," she huddled against Edward, hiding in his neck.
"Of course you do baby. You're loaded with them," he pretended to pluck something from her hair,
"See, there's one right here," he pretended to eat it and she raised her head, giggling at him.
"There's another one," he plunked another and ate it too.
"Bella would you like one? They are really quite tasty," he held his fingers out to me and winked.
"Sure, but only if they taste good," I chuckled, taking the fake germs from him.
"Oh, they do. Nessie germs are the best tasting germs ever," he nuzzled her neck and she squealed
against him.
"Well, if you say so," I pretended to eat mine, "Mmm, those are good. I might have to put them on
the menu," I smiled at her and she giggled back to me.
"Weely?!" She asked surprised and I remembered what Edward said earlier about children taking
what you say to heart.
"Um, actually now that I think about it," Edward gave me a nervous look, but he had nothing to fear,
"I don't think your daddy would like sharing your germs, because he seems to like them a lot. Maybe
we could have a Nessie dessert on the menu though? What is your favorite sweet, hun?"
"Um" She scrunched her face as she thought and Edward whispered in her ear.
"Apool pie," Edward whispered in her ear again.
"Wif vanyella ouce keem," she smiled.
"That's pretty yummy," I smiled back at her and Edward kissed her chubby cheek.
"Ready to go Flower Child?" I asked him, glad that I dodged a bullet.
"Yup. Ness?"
"Wets Go!" She bounced in his arms and he chuckled again.
"Want to ride with me?" I asked.
"Oh, um, I should probably take my car. I already have her car seat and everything in it."
"Oh," I nodded.
"You can ride with me if you want?" He offered.
"Peeeze?" Nessie reached out towards me.
"Uh, we could still take my car. I even have a DVD player so she can watch a movie in the head rests.
We'll just swap her car seat."
"Don't like not being in charge do you?" He grinned.
"I just want to make up for earlier," I lied.
"Is that so? What type of movies do you have that would be suitable for a four year old?" He
"For your information, Finding Nemo happens to be one of my favorite movies of all time."
"Nemo!!" Nessie yelled.
"Ah, looks like she wants to ride with me," I grinned, pushing out through the front door.
"Nemo? You have watched Finding Nemo?" He pulled his keys from his pocket and disabled the
alarm on his car.
"Yes. Why does that surprise you?" I unlocked my own car, walking towards it.
"I just couldn't picture you watching an animated film about clown fish," he chuckled as we crossed
the street.
"It is not about clown fish. It is about perseverance and overcoming obstacles. Shit, you really think
Dori was just talking about swimming, Flower Child?"
"You said bad word!" Nessie covered her mouth.
"Sorry kid," We went our separate ways to our cars and I opened the driver's side door to climb in.
My car was pretty clean, except for a few a papers in the driver's side seat. Tucked them under the
visor, I made sure to clear the seats before I started the engine. I revved the engine a few times,
knowing it was way too hot for Edward's little girl to sit in the back. Once it was a cooler, I made sure
to pop in Nemo for her. I was glad I had changed clothes before we left, wearing a pair of Capri style
jeans and a light grey tank top now with flip flops. I would have been sweating like a whore in church
Edward came walking towards the car with the car seat in one hand and Nessie in the other, with a
bag slung over his shoulder. Traveling with children sure looked like a lot of trouble. I climbed out of
the car and walked around to the other side, opening the back door and reaching my hand out for
hers, to which she skipped happily over and grabbed.
"Thanks," Edward smiled and began to place the car seat inside.
I watched in amazement as he figured out how to get that thing strapped in. There was no way I
would ever make it as a parent, not that my ovaries were getting any type of workout anyhow. How
the heck did he know all this stuff? He was all of twenty two and Christ that meant he had this girl
when he was only like eighteen. Babies having babies. Now, we were on the God damned Maury
show. Lord knows, he had the right baby mamma picked out.
Friday 4:35 P.M.
I mopped the floor with his ass.
Actually I mopped the floor with all of their asses. I was the queen of air hockey and yeah, they could
all go suck it.
"I told you not to play Bella in air hockey," Emmett laughed as he grabbed for a slice of pizza.
"So I've learned," Edward smiled, cutting up a slice with Nessie on his lap.
"Bella always liked beating the boys," Angela winked as she took a seat next to Emmett.
"Yeah well, Bella can't help it. It's the only man on woman action she gets," Emmett chuckled and I
slapped him playfully.
"Do you mind?" Edward looked down to Ness, who was paying more attention to her pizza than us.
"You're too over protective, you know that?" Emmett took a bite of his pizza leaning towards
"Yeah, I do," Edward smiled back, feeding a bite to Ness then taking one for him.
"She's gotta learn to be independent someday."
"Hey, hey. This is supposed to be a bonding night. Leave your brother bashing for some other time," I
plopped down another piece of pizza on Emmett's plate.
"Thank you, Bella," Edward smiled at me and I winked back at him.
"Can Nessie come play with us?" One of the waiter's boys came up tugging on Edward's arm.
"Want to go play, Ness?" He tilted his head and asked and she shook her head shyly at him.
"It's alright, he is a nice boy," he smiled at her but she clung harder to him.
"Come on Ness! Let Uncle Emmett show you how to bury a boy in the ball pit," Emmett stood up and
held out his arms for her.
"So much for independence," Edward smiled handing her over.
"I'm her Uncle. It's my job to keep the perverts off."
"He's all but seven years old Em'," Edward snickered.
"Yeah, well I was seven once and I know what I was thinking about. It damn sure wasn't G.I. Joe," he
hoisted Nessie up on his shoulders and reached for Angela with his other hand.
"Two hands Emmett, two hands!" Edward freaked.
"Calm down, damn. You're going to get grey hair before your twenty five, kid," Emmett chuckled and
took off with Nessie and Angela toward the infamous ball pit.
"He's right you know," I snickered.
"You're gonna pick on me too?"
"I'm not picking, but you do need to relax. She's just playing with other kids," I smiled.
"It scares her."
"Playing with other kids?"
"She sort of had a bad experience a year ago," his jaw tightened as he poked at his pizza.
"What happened?" I asked softly, turning my body to face him.
"Jess was supposed to watch her while I was working my shift, and she got called in to work at the
bar. When I got to her house that night after my shift ended, no one was home and I freaked out
thinking something had happened to her. When I called Jess, she told me she dropped her off at the
neighbor's house. I wanted to fucking kill her. I mean she didn't call my parents; she just left her with
some lady next door. When I went there, Ness was huddled in the corner crying and a few of the kids
were picking on her. The lady wasn't even watching them," he stabbed angrily at his pizza with the
fork and I assumed he was picturing either his ex's face or the kids who were picking on his daughter.
"Shit. That's fucked up Edward. I'm surprised Jessica is still breathing. If I were in your shoes, I'd have
her ass buried under a field of corn somewhere as the steaming bowl readied its self on the stove."
"Believe me, it weren't for Emmett that night, she would have been," he tossed down his fork and
clasped his hands in his lap.
"Emmett is still right though. I know it sucks to see her scared, but she needs to see that she can have
fun with kids too."
"I know. I just wish I could get my heart to catch up with my brain," he smiled crookedly at me.
"It will."
Friday 5:12 P.M.
Edward and I walked back into the restaurant while he waited for his mother to pick up Nessie. As I
walked passed the bar, I saw his picture and got an idea for something I promised earlier.
"I'll be right back," I told him as I strolled towards my office.
Once inside I grabbed up my camera and made my way back out to the bar where Edward had
seated Nessie and she looked a midget on the bar stool.
"Why don't you sit her on the bar top?" I clicked on my camera.
"What are you doing?" He eyed me carefully.
"Well, if the dessert on my menu is going to be approved by your daughter, then I need a picture as
proof," I smiled.
"Shouldn't she get some type of royalties out of this deal?" Edward teased as he sat her on the bar's
counter top.
"Don't worry. I'll make sure to take care of her," I winked.
"Smile for Bella, baby," he held her waist, but moved his head to the side so I could snap just her.
"Say best apple pie ever," I chuckled, getting ready to click at the first sign of teeth.
"Bessappolpieevur," she giggled and I snapped.
"Now if I could just get her to sign this contract," I teased.
"Get away from my daughter before you corrupt her," he chuckled, picking her back up into his arms.
I walked around to the back of the bar and grabbed a marker scribbling out:
Our Apple Pie was voted 'best ever' by Miss Nessie Cullen. I'm mean - look at this face, would it lie?
I drew an arrow up to her face and then slid it over to her.
"Sign your name sweetie," I held the marker to her and Edward helped her scribble out her name.
I tacked the picture up next to his and I caught his eye scrunching as he was trying to read what I
wrote the night before. He smiled once he did and then looked to me. I just shrugged and took off
towards the back.
Friday 5:45 P.M.
Bounce. Bounce. Bounce. Bounce.
I flipped on that fucking song as loud as it would go. Sure, it was a little cheesy and truthfully, Mariah
Carey irritated the holy fuck out of me, but I liked it anyhow and I needed a good song right now to
wake my ass up. I would have popped in Linkin Park and played my usual Faint or some shit like that,
but I smashed the fucker last week when it kept skipping in my damn car's CD player.
Cheap Chinese bullshit.
We had fifteen minutes to go before we opened, and I was in the kitchen chopping my heart out and
making sure everything was in good order. Edward walked in and I saw a smile on his face when he
took in the song I was playing. He stood on the opposite side of the steel table and started on his
duties. I was in the zone as the music relaxed me and I faded into the rhythm of it, blocking
everything out - until the bitch starting singing the hook again.
If you inked up thug'n that's what I like
Okay, Edward was far from a thug, but he had serious ink going under that jacket. Fucking
butterbean made sure to remind me of that shit as soon as she heard the word come out of the little
songbird's mouth. I was then, of course, thinking about him in the fucking black tank from last night
and yeah, you know what? Edward would make a hot fucking inked up thug.
There, I said it.
"Time B," Emmett held the door open and gave me the signal that all the staff members were ready.
"Coming," I clicked off the song and told Edward to follow me.
I walked into the dining room and then behind the bar to address the staff. My speeches were not
the norm and I saw Emmett trying to hold his composure as he knew what was to come. I took a
deep breath and closed my eyes.
"Fucking mother fucking hell on a God damned donkey dick with extra cheese on the side! Fuck!"
There were several snickers, a lot more gasps, one 'holy shit' and of course Emmett and Edward's
distinct laughter.
"You're next, give it all you got," I pointed to a skinny kid down in front named Ben.
"Um, what?" He asked nervously.
"Tonight is going to be the worst fucking night of your life. I suggest getting it all out now, kid," I
pointed to him again.
"Uh," he tugged at his collar and looked around nervously.
I walked around from the bar and leaned towards the kid.
"I ordered extra sauce! My fucking mash is cold! This table is fucking dirty! I said Diet coke! What are
you fucking retarded!? I want to see a manager! I'm not paying for this shit! This is dry! I need extra
napkins! Got any more ketchup?! What's taking so long?!"
"Stop! Fucking stop! Shit!" He covered his ears and cringed back from me.
"That's what you're gonna face tonight kid. Care to scream some obscenities now or would you
rather just fucking implode?" I rested my hands on my hips and he lowered his hands.
He took a few deep breathes while he gathered courage.
"Get your own fucking napkins biiiiitch!" He tipped on his toes in my face and I fucking laughed,
throwing my head back.
"Well, done," I patted his shoulder and stepped back, leaning on the bar.
"Next," I nodded to Angela who I knew would not disappoint.
"If you fucking monkey cock sucking mother fuckers keep putting in entrees before fucking apps I
swear to Mary fucking Christ, I will castrate each and every lame playboy jerking off mother of fuck
one of you!"
Oh, but she wasn't done.
"And to the kitchen," she pointed towards Edward, "Fuck me on times tonight and I will be sure to
cut holes in your fucking cheffie's so everyone can see what shriveled little dicks and pussies you
have. Bella, in particular, because we all know hers is dry as the fucking desert!"
A loud round of applause took hold and I had to give it to her, she burned me good.
"Flower Child?" I grinned, not knowing if Mr. Perfect was up to the challenge.
"I've dealt with the mother of my child for the last four fucking years. I think I've used up my best
material," he grinned.
"Fine, Emmett?" I started pass him, a little disappointed that he wouldn't play.
"I didn't say I wasn't going to participate," Edward interrupted.
Or maybe he was.
"Go on then," I smiled.
"I think I'd like to give everyone a name," he looked to the front of the line where Ben stood.
"I know you will be the first to fuck me over tonight. You have shaky hands and you're going to ruin
my fucking plating, which is going to really piss me off. You're officially fucking Weeble Wobbles," he
pointed and I covered my mouth laughing as he moved along.
"You're going to be bitchy to the customers, it is written all over your face which means they are
going to take it out on the food, which is going to back us up, so you're officially Queen of the Kitchen
Fuck," he kept going.
"You're just too obvious so I'll let you slide for now," he passed up the shy looking guy, turning to
Angela, "You're obviously gunning for us and I swear if my fucking pants end up with holes in them I
will not hesitate to use extreme force in retaliationI'm talking no holds barred AngelaSorry, I
mean, Knob Gobbler," he grinned leaning in to her.
"Knob Gobbler?!" She placed her hand on her chest in faux horror.
"Yeah, because if you cut a hole in my fucking cheffies, that is exactly what you're going be doing," he
gave her a look that made my thoughts from earlier about him being an inked up thug come to life.
I was in utter fan girl mode.
"I'm done," he shrugged casually, looking back towards me.
"What about me?" I asked smiling.
"You let my daughter pick out dessert for the menu; you're safe - for now," he winked.
Friday 9:45 P.M.
I snuck out back for a quick smoke, putting Edward in charge of the kitchen. I needed a fucking break.
Coffee wasn't doing shit for me and I was fading fast now that the rush was dying down. I knew
Edward must have been hurting too, having been here with me all day, but I had to take a break first.
I knew my limit and I was at the edge. The high from the cigarette woke me up a little, but it also
increased the dizziness which was already bad from not sleeping the night before. I stumbled on my
way back in, but steadied myself before anyone could notice.
There was a kid at the pass arguing with Edward and I stayed out of view, watching. It was some
cocky kid Emmett hired. I didn't care for him too much, but apparently he impressed Emmett. After
observing him disrespecting Edward though, I decided that Emmett better get a higher standard for
the hiring process.
"Well the lady wants it fried," he pushed the plate towards Edward.
"We don't fry fucking steaks, Eric," Flower Child leaned on the pass, towering over shrimpy Eric.
"She's our customer and that's what she wants," he leaned towards Edward.
"Well I'd like to wake up to a blow job every morning and not a four year old with shitting issues, but
we don't always get what we want now, do we? So, take your fucking plate off my pass and tell the
bitch if she wants fried beef to check out fucking McDonald's," Edward held his ground and that was
I knew that because after spending endless sleepless nights watching The Dog Whisperer marathon
on Animal Planet, Cesar had shown me that the leader of the pack never leaves first.
Unless you want to get bit on the ass that is.
"Fine!" Eric huffed, pushing off the pass and walking back out to the dining room.
"Well done," I applauded, coming out of the shadows.
"Sorry," Edward said looking over at me.
"For what?"
"Not handling that better."
"You handled it perfectly. We don't lower our fucking standards for anyone. I don't give a shit if it's
the Pope out there wanting a fried steak. I'd tell him to go suck it too. You would make Cesar proud,"
I smiled.
"Never mind," I chuckled.
"Did you get a chance to smoke? You weren't gone very long," he looked at me concerned.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Go, it's your turn," I pulled my smokes from my apron and offered him one.
"My mother's going to kill me if she smells this on me," he chuckled, pulling one from the pack.
"Still afraid of mommy, Edward?" I teased.
"You have no idea," he backed out the door, smiling.
Saturday 12:39 A.M.
The kitchen was finally closed, but the bar was not. I pulled off my chef coat and left Edward giving
orders to the boys as they cleaned up from service. Mamma needed a drink.
"Hey boss," Jasper gave me a wave over the bar top and I strolled into the one seat at the end that
was free.
"Hey Jazzis it okay if I call you Jazz?"
"Sure darling. I don't mind," he winked.
"How is it going tonight?" I asked.
"It's great, having fun, making great tips - enjoying the scenery," he winked at me again. "Good, just
remember to wear a raincoat if you go home with any of the ladies, alright?" I teased.
"Sure thing darling. What can I get you Miss Bella?"
"Wine. Red. Sweet," I rested my head against my palm and he chuckled softly.
"Yes ma' dear. Coming right up," he backed up from the bar and searched for my wine.
He was odd, but I liked him. His words were so old and gentlemanly, despite his black mo' hawk and
rocker clothes he wore. The ladies seemed to like him though and he moved well behind the bar. I
was pretty sure he was a good pick for this place.
"Here you go darling," he set down my wine and quickly moved on to the next customer, who I
recognized as Alice from the bakery across the street.
I was going to say hello, but she seemed rather engrossed in her conversation with Jasper, so I picked
up my glass and strolled back to the kitchen to see what Edward was up to.
He was nowhere to be found though.
I noticed the back door was propped open and I figured he was probably out there, so I went
snooping. He smiled at me as he held his phone to his ear and then pulled it away, pressing a key and
held it up to mine. It was Nessie and she was saying that she had a lot of fun today with Daddy and
Auntie Bella.
And that she thought I was pretty.
He laughed and pulled it back, clicking it off and tucking it back into his pocket.
"She's just got moved up my list of favorite people," I smiled, taking a swig of wine.
"She's pretty good at that," he smiled back, sitting on a stack of pallets that were beside the door and
"Tired?" I walked over and took a seat beside him.
"A little," he looked up to the sky.
"Smoke?" I held out a cigarette to him with the lighter.
"Sure, why not. If I'm going to get my ass handed to me I might as well get as much pleasure out of it
as possible, right?" He put in his lips and lit the end.
"Wine?" I tipped the glass to him.
"No, I have a long drive up to my folks," he took a long pull of smoke and handed it to me.
"So what do you think? Hate the job yet?" I took a puff and passed it back to him.
"No. I like it, I just have to get used to the long days," he took a drag, but held on to it this time,
bringing his legs up on the pallet and hugging them with his arms.
"It will get better," I rubbed a hand on his back, and what was supposed to be a simple gesture felt
like a lot more as I coursed my hand over his muscular body. Butterbean went into overdrive.
He closed his eyes and groaned a little as I dug a little deeper, applying pressure to the knots in his
neck. I wasn't sure what the fuck I was doing, surely I did not give my fucking employees massages,
but I couldn't stop myself. It was like a fucking magnetic force was pulling me in, and I couldn't recoil.
Edward took another drag of the cigarette, keeping his eyes closed and allowing me to grind my
fingers into his neck.
"Better?" I asked in a voice I didn't know. It was low and fuckingseductive?
"Mmm, much," he raised his head up and I pulled my hand back as he passed me the cigarette and I
took it with a shaky hand.
"You look exhausted," he said looking at my face, intently.
"I didn't get very good sleep very night," I shrugged.
"You can't even talk Bella," he chuckled once.
"That sentence made no sense. I seriously doubt a few sips of wine are what's causing it."
"I'm fine," I shook my head and the motion made the outside world start to move in a way I knew it
"Bella," he grabbed my arms and steadied me as I swayed.
"Okay, maybe I'm a little fucked up," I giggled.
"You shouldn't drive home," he let one arm remain around my waist, slightly propping me up against
his body.
His nice warm, good smelling body.
"I might as well just sleep in my office," I chuckled.
"No, I'll take you home," he rubbed my arm with his hand.
"It's alright, Angela or someone can do it. You're tired too. Plus you have the kid, remember?" I
looked to him and my vision was improving.
There were now two Edwards.
"She's in bed dreaming happily. An extra twenty minutes or so won't hurt. Plus, you'll have to wait
for Angela to close up. We're already done," he flicked the cigarette away and slid off the pallets,
keeping one hand on me and then turned around to reach for me, pulling me down to him.
He kept one hand on my waist as we walked back inside and helped me into my office, sitting me
down into the chair. That was all I remembered before I was being lifted up into warm arms.
Saturday 1:25 A.M.
I woke up to the sound of a dinging bell.
I was moving, but couldn't feel my legs. My eyes blinked open as I forced myself to see what the hell
was going on.
"Shh, go back to sleep," I heard clicking and looked up to seeEdward?
What the fuck was I doing with Edward? I tilted my head forward and saw that he was in front of a
My door.
"What are you doing?" I croaked.
"You fell asleep," he pushed the key card in and kicked the door open.
"I did?" I looked up to him and he was smiling down at me.
"Yeah, in your office before I came for you," he sat me down on the bed and then set my purse next
to me.
"How did you know I was staying here?" I looked around nervously.
Edward wasn't some creepy stalker was he? I tried to think of the defense course I took while living
in New York.
You smash the nose into the brain or go for the balls.
I eyed his nuts.
"I didn't, but Emmett did. I had to go through your purse to find your key though, considering I no
idea which room was yours. You should know the front desk does a wonderful job at keeping that a
secret," he grinned.
"Good to know," I looked around awkwardly, having Edward standing in my room and not so sure
what to do about that.
I knew what I wanted to do, but obviously that wasn't going to happen.
"You should get some rest," he walked over and clicked off one of the lights housekeeping always
keeps on.
"Edward?" I called, knowing I only had seconds before he would be gone.
"Yes, Bella?" He turned back to me.
"Will you just stay until I fall asleep?" It was an odd request, and I panicked thinking he would surely
laugh at me or run.
"Of course," he shrugged, walking over to a small chair.
"Thanks," I debated then whether or not to change my clothes. I opted not to, both for the fact that
it would be awkward, and the fact that I was just way too fucking tired.
I pulled down the covers and crawled underneath as sleep called out to me, the pillow begging to
have my head lay on it. I felt him before I saw him. Edward was at the foot of the bed, pulling up the
covers and took one of my feet into his hands.
"You're just like my daughter when she's sleepy; crawling into bed with your shoes on," he tugged
one of my shoes off and tossed it down, giving a light massage to the bottom of my foot that felt
heavenly. He repeated his movements on the other foot and remained sitting on the edge of the bed
as I began to drift off.
"Goodnight Bella," was the last thing I heard him say.
1:35 A.M.
I was tucked in, sleeping soundly with Edward sitting on my bed. Not alone for the first time years.
Chapter Three ~ The Challenge
It was the massage.
I had been debating in my head all day if Bella had been throwing me signals. I saw the way she stole
peeks at me from the corner of her eye, the picture behind the counter that claimed her to like my
smile and the fact that she smiled all wide and bright at my daughter- but it was the massage that
solidified my suspicions.
So now here I was, driving away from her hotel with her scent all over me and the memory of her
warm body in my arms. I felt dirty, like when my mother caught me jerking it to her JC Penny
catalog's Junior Miss section was I was twelve.
It had been way too damn long since a female other than my child or my mother had touched me.
Feeling Bella's delicate hands working the kinks in my neck and back was like relighting a fire I had
forgotten was even able to burn.
It shocked the shit out of me though.
Did she not just tell me a few hours earlier that she didn't condone in house dating- making sure to
point out that it was especially not tolerated among those with authority? I was her sous Chef and
she was my boss, surly that was about as high up the authority ladder one could get, yes?
Bella was my boss. I could not be allowing these feelings to come to life. When I say these feelings, I
mean the shit I had been feeling for the past two days, not whatever the hell was going on her head-
even though, that was definitely something to consider.
There were so many levels of screwed going on here I would need to borrow fingers to count. Not
only did I work for her, making a romantic relationship highly inappropriate, but I really did need this
job and took it very seriously. The most important factor however was that I simply didn't just go
around humping and dumping. I was a father and Ness came first and foremost in my world- which
meant that I didn't.
Cum that is.
Unless I was alone in the shower, but that was about it.
Jessica brought a new man into her life like she was changing underwear, which irritated me to no
end. It was hard enough on Ness that we were separated, did she really have to make it worse by
allowing her vagina to be a rotating door?
I didn't want Ness to grow up thinking that type of behavior was acceptable. Nor did I want her to
think she was ever second fiddle to anything in my life.
She was number one- period.
My dick would just have to suffer until it inevitably fell off.
Which I'm sure would be about any day now.
I put the Volvo in park once I reached my parent's house and performed my best interpretation of a
hunch back as I made my way up to the front door. Man, was I super sore and hella tired. I had no
idea how I was going to be able to get up in the morning, not mention get through the next two
I knocked on the front door softly, knowing better than to ring the bell and wake up Ness. My body
leaned against the wall as I waited for someone to answer and I wondered why I just didn't use my
damn key.
Oh yeah, because I had an extreme fear of catching Carlisle and Esme getting there sex on.
"Hey honey. Come in," my mother tugged on my arm and gave me a kiss on the cheek as I crossed
the threshold.
"How is she?" I paid no attention to where I tossed down my dirty chef coat in my attempt to get to
the staircase.
"She's fine. Sleeping sound," Esme wrapped an arm around me as we walked, but she moved away
"What?" I looked down to her.
"You stink," She chuckled.
"Sorry, hot kitchen ya' know," I smiled.
"Why don't you take a shower and stay here tonight? You look spent. I don't want you driving with
my grand baby so tired."
"That doesn't sound like a bad idea, plus leaving in the morning will be a lot easier."
I was not a fan of spending any more time than necessary at my folks, but I was super tired and
risking driving home that way with Ness wasn't even an option. I would just have to suck it up and
put on my big boy pants.
"There are fresh towels in your bathroom. I put them there this afternoon. You looked tired when I
dropped Nessie off to you," Esme rubbed my cheek lovingly.
"I don't live here anymore, mom. I don't have a bathroom." She would never allow herself to admit
this fact.
"It will always be your bathroom Edward. Matter of fact, someday this will all be yours."
See what I mean?
"You sound like a member of the God Father or something," I chuckled walking past her, making my
way up the stairs.
Almost there baby girl.
"Wake up that baby and I will be sure to show you my little friend," she warned, giving her best Al
My mother was much scarier though.
I cracked open Nessie's door slowly, being careful not to let it creak. She was only illuminated by a
soft nightlight that spun shadows of dancing fairies around the room. My baby looked precious,
sleeping with her little hands tucked under her chubby cheeks while her little pink lips pouted out.
I walked silently over to her and kneeled by her face, pulling her covers up higher around her and
planting a feather light kiss to both her forehead and cheek. It was like she always knew when I was
in her presence though, no matter how quiet I was. Her long lashes fluttered like butterfly wings as
she smiled a sleepy happy face at me, before her hands found their way to my face.
"Stay sleeping baby. Daddy just wanted to say goodnight." I kissed her face again, breathing in her
sweet warmth that told my aching body to shut it.
She was worth the pain.
"We go home?" She whispered.
"Not tonight, daddy is staying here with you." Her fingers rubbed through my hair as I leaned my face
against hers.
"You seep hewer?" Here voice went up an octave.
"Yes, but you have to go back to sleep, or grandma will spank Daddy." I chuckled softly.
"I want you to seep hewer." She patted her bed.
"I will, but daddy has to take a shower first. " I leaned away and gave her a kiss.
"Kay, but den you come back, whight?" Her eyes looked trustfully up into mine.
"Then I come back, promise." I punctuated my words with one last kiss to her face.
It was always an odd feeling whenever I was back in my old room at my parent's house. So much
messed up crap had happened here. Nessie's bed might have been too small for me to be
comfortable in, but it was a hell of lot better than spending the night alone in my own.
I hated this room.
After I quickly gathered some clothing I kept here for the unexpected overnight stays- such as
tonight- I made my way to the bathroom adjacent to Ness's room and tossed them down on the
counter top.
I opened the top left drawer to the vanity, retrieving the remote control for the flat screen my
mother so brilliantly had installed inside of the shower wall.
Yeah, you heard me right.
I flipped it on to ESPN and began to strip down as I listened to recapping of games I missed, cursing
when I heard Emmet's team had won.
There goes that twenty bucks.
I made sure to roll out the bathmat Esme stored in the closet because she thought it was, as she says,
'too ugly for words' before I turned on the water. If I dared to assault my mother's Italian tiles with
evil wet footprints, she would surly have my ass. I'm pretty surprised she didn't say anything about
the smoking. I did smell rather foul though, maybe she didn't notice due to the B.O.
The room started to fog and I flipped on the ventilator switch so I could get a clear view of the TV as I
stepped through the glass shower doors. The hot water from the rain shower over head felt heavenly
as it ran its course over my body, awakening and soothing my sore muscles at the same time. I
cupped some water in my palms and brought it to my face, rubbing briskly against my cheeks that
felt in need of shaving. I would remedy that in the morning though. Tonight, I just wanted to be
clean, jerk off and go to sleep.
Working on the clean part, I grabbed for bar of soap and began to lather it up in my hands. As I
washed, I began to laugh, thinking to myself about how Bella would no doubt throw a fit if she knew I
was the type who started with my feet. She would probably go a rant about how your face would
smell like your ass if you didn't start there first. Of course thinking Bella made me move quickly
through the remainder of my washing and hurry along to the jerking off part. I raised the volume on
the TV slightly, being careful to not wake up Ness, since her room was only next door. My back
leaned against the wall facing the screen and I imagined Bella was bent in front of me.
No wait.
What did I say tonight? I wanted a blow job.
Right. Blow Job.
Bella was on the opposite side of the shower sitting on the tiled seat below the flat screen. Her long
leg was propped up exposing her sweet center to me as she allowed her fingers to play with herself.
Her long chestnut colored hair looked black from being wet and clung to her face and along her body
like a spider web wrapping itself along her moist form.
"You like touching yourself in front of me, don't you?" I asked her as I began stroking my cock.
"Yes Chef," She moaned back to me, allowing to of her fingers to slip in and out of her.
"Come over here," I commanded, stroking harder.
Bella walked over to me, keeping her caramel eyes on mine. She wrapped her fingers around my
neck and started her same massage from earlier. My hand cupped under the swell of her breast and I
imagined what licking her taut nipple would be like.
Probably as sweet as how she tasted on the filter of her cigarettes she shared with me.
I stroked harder, allowing my palm to slide over the head of my cock and then run along my length.
"On your knees," I released her from my hand and she obeyed, sliding her hands down my chest until
she reached where I wanted her.
"Take it all," She obeyed once again, placing me in her mouth and not stopping until I hit the back of
her throat.
"Mmm, so good Bella," I stroked harder as she fucked me with her mouth.
She was good, too good. This wasn't going to take long. I thought about her smell and how good her
hands felt on me tonight. The way she laughed and how her pants clung to her ass like a second skin
at our group bonding session. Her lips and how she slowly licked the foamy topping from around the
ring of her mug this morning
"I'm. Gonna. Come." I gave one last stroke and shuddered, coming down Bella's throat.
"Who are you talking to?" My mother called from outside the door.
I took a deep breath to steady myself as I came back to reality. The score was flashing on the flat
screen and no sexy Bella sat under it or before me.
"No one mom. It's just the TV."
I walked back under the stream and began to rinse myself off, giving one last peek to the empty
bench where my fantasy started.
No one.
I climbed into Ness's bed to find her still awake. My arms encircled her as she crawled across my
chest, nuzzling her head down into my neck. I let my fingers rake softly through her delicate curls,
resting my head gently against hers.
"Wuv you daddy," She whispered and kissed softly to my neck while her little hand patted my cheek.
"Love you too baby. Sweet dreams," I grabbed her hand into mine and allowed her tiny fingers to
rest on my lips while I tried to drift off to sleep.
"Yes baby?"
"Bewwa is petty."
"Yes she is honey. Go to sleep," I chuckled softly.
"Es she gonna pay wif us timowwoah?" Her head tried to lift from my neck, but I held her against me,
knowing what game she was up to.
"Renessme go to sleep. We can talk about Bella in the morning." I started to hum the lullaby that
always worked for putting her to bed.
"Kay," She sighed.
I pulled the covers up, covering them over her and trapping all of her warmth inside. She began to
snore softly and I felt her go limp against my chest. My lips mouthed a small prayer of protection for
her and I kissed her head again before I closed my eyes and allowed myself to drift off into my own
"Wake UP!"
There was a thirty two pound miniature human jumping on my chest.
"Daddy's sleeping Ness." I tried to grab her but she was all fired up and my eyes couldn't pry
themselves apart to find her.
"Wake up Daddy!" She bounced harder against me and I bit my lip to keep myself from cursing when
she accidentally hit me in the nuts.
"Renessmee Cullen! I told you not to wake up your father!" My mother scolded her and Ness
stopped dead in her tracks.
"It's alright," I wrapped a protective arm around my baby and she coiled around me.
Nut hits or not, she was my girl and I knew all too well how scary my mother could be when she was
on the war path.
"Don't think you're father is going to save you young lady. You get your behind down stairs and do as
I said. I didn't make breakfast for nothing," I could practically feel my mother pointing.
I finally opened my eyes and saw Ness looking wide eyed at my mother as she remained frozen in her
place beside me. Her little nails were digging into my arm and I chuckled lightly at the stand off that
was present before me.
Untilmy mother turned her death stare my way.
"Listen to Grandma Ness. Daddy will be down soon," I kissed her cheek and scooted her forward.
She slid off the bed in her famous Nessie style and ran quickly past my mother like she was fleeing for
her life. My mother came over and took a seat down on the bed next to me.
"You're spoiling her," She huffed, crossing her arms.
"I told her to listen to you," I argued back.
"I mean this," She motioned over the bed.
"Mom, I never get to see her anymore. Don't give me shit about sleeping in her bed, please." I sat up,
now fully awake and already annoyed.
This is exactly why I don't like coming home.
"That child is completely dependent on you Edward. She screamed and cried for two hours yesterday
after you left."
"What do you want me to do? Push her away every time she reaches for me? I'm her fucking
"Watch your language," She slapped my arm hard.
"She's just a little girl," My voice betrayed me as I sighed in a defeated tone.
"That doesn't mean she gets whatever she wants."
My ears perked as she said the words that would defeat her.
"Says the woman who spent forty grand decorating her bedroom," I grinned looking around.
My mother had spent the last year redoing Nessie's 'big girl' room. The flooring was imported and I'm
sure made out of some rare tree no one has ever heard of before. The white rugs splayed out across
it were made from Chinchilla fur and the pink curtains were designed by some Italian dude that
apparently liked to use symbols instead of an actual name. Her small bed was wrought iron and the
bunnies on the posts were designed specifically for my father's nickname 'Bunny Rabbit' he had given
Spoil her?
I lived in a two bedroom apartment that housed a dirty lazy boy and dcor from Target. The only
time Ness was ever spoiled was when she was in the presence of her grandparents. Was she serious?
Her face told me that she knew she had no fight on this topic. Sure, I was an over protective fool at
times, alright- all the time- but I was only trying to be a good father to Ness. She knew that. Giving a
hard sigh, she let it go.
Of course, she had to still get in her kicks.
"I washed your uniform. Do not leave your dirty clothes on my bathroom floor again." She went to
push off the bed, but I hooked an arm around her neck, pulling her back to me and kissed her cheek.
"Thanks mommy," I teased.
"Yeah, yeah," She blushed and made her way off the bed.
I rolled back down into the pillows feeling pretty good about winning that little round. It wasn't often
that I had the upper hand in a fight with either of my parents. A small smile played on my lips as I
closed my eyes and tried to enjoy the last bit of rest I would get for the day.
"Oh, Edward" I opened my eyes as I tilted my head to look at her. "If I ever smell cigarettes on you
again, I will find that old belt of mine."
7:55 A.M.
I was a happy little fish.
My tiny blue body wiggled through the water effortlessly and the entire ocean floor sparkled of shiny
gems and jewels. One at the bottom was ringing a happy melody. I swam down to it and realized it
was also vibrating.
"Hellllloooo?" I sang into the phone.
"Bella?" Ooh, it had a nice voice.
"Yes?" I replied back in my best fishy tone.
Oooh, look. A bubble.
"Are you awake?" The nice voice asked.
"Of course, I don't swim in my sleep silly," I chuckled.
"You're swimming?" The nice voice chuckled back.
"Yes, there are a lot of shiny objects. I'm trying to catch the blue one."
That little blue one was hard to grab- considering I had fucking fins and all.
"Bella, what the hell are you talking about? Did you start drinking again after I left last night?"
I looked around my fishy world and it suddenly was becoming very bright. Oh, bright light was no
"Bella? Are you alright?"
Fucking Edward?
"Fucking Edward?" I croaked.
"Is that a yes?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. I was justfucking dreaming or something." I sat up in bed and looked around.
Damn it. I wasn't in the ocean after all.
"Sounds like you have very interesting dreams," He chuckled.
"Was there a reason why you were interrupting them?"
"I just wanted to make sure you were up. I didn't set an alarm or anything after I left."
"Oh, right." I suddenly felt very stupid.
"So, what type of fish were you?" He chuckled and I could here Nessie in the background asking him
where the fish was, creating a whole new world of fuckdom for me.
"A blue one," I admitted.
"You really have a thing for Dori don't you?" He chuckled harder.
"Screw off Edward." I scooted off the bed and made my way to the bathroom at my bladder's urgent
"Do you mind talking to Nessie? She always wanted to speak to Dori." He teased.
"Sure, put her on. Be warned though, Dori is not a morning person."
"Be nice."
I heard him call to his daughter and after a brief moment, a very out of breath little person came
over the speaker in my ear.
"Bewwa?" She panted.
"Hey sugar. How are you?" I bounced on my feet, dying to pee. There was no way I could do that with
Edward or his kid on the phone though.
"Bewwa are you gonna pay wif us today?"
"Um, I don't think so honey. Aunty Bella has a lot of work to do." My bladder was begging me for
"Wif Daddy?"
"Yes, with your daddy." I couldn't help but smile as I thought about that.
"Do you smoke Bewwa?"
"Sorry" Edward chuckled, taking back the phone. "She over heard my mom this morning."
"You told your mother I smoked?"
"No, she was threatening to beat me with a belt if I ever showed up smelling like one again," He
laughed once.
"Damn Edward, who knew your mom was all Jane Bondage and shit." I teased.
"I was a rather evil child," He chuckled.
"Um, Flower Child, can you hold on a second?"
"Yeah, sure."
I tossed the phone on the floor and rushed into the bathroom, sliding my pants down and sighing
loudly as my bladder finally found relief. After I did my thang I picked the phone back up and
"So um, did you hang around while I was sleeping and take camera phone pics? Because you know, I
will hunt you down and skin you alive."
"Don't worry, I left before you had the chance to say anything past 'Edward is the king of my world' in
your sleep."
No, I didn't.did I? Fuck, it was a possibility.
"Get bent."
"I'm just kidding. You passed out pretty quick, so I didn't stay long. You looked too comfy and I was
contemplating curling up next to you."
Come again?
"I've taken self defense classes you know. I could jam a man's nose into his brain."
"Which is exactly why I left," He chuckled.
"So, are you ready for the challenge today Flower Child?"
"Yeah, Saturday is challenge day."
"Do you always have themes for your days?"
"Of course. I am a highly prepared woman Edward."
"So, what is the challenge today Bella?"
"You'll find out soon enough." I clicked off the phone and giggled, like the complete effing moron
Flower Child had turned me into.
After a quick shower, shaving of the legs and hair brushing- I made my way down stairs, grabbing
only a coffee from the bar. I didn't need breakfast today- because it was Challenge Saturday.
9:23 A.M.
Edward was already in the kitchen when I came in. He smiled up at me and I smiled back at him. He
looked like a rock star today- eyes shining bright and hair perfectly ruffled in his signature disarray.
The sleeves on his chef jacket were pushed up revealing the ink on his lower arms and the top button
was undone showing a little more art.
"Morning Flower Child." I set my bags down on the counter across from him.
"Morning Chef," he smiled back.
"I'm hungry. Feed me." I hoped up on the table with my back to him.
"Is this the challenge?" He asked.
"No, this is the challenge" I held up the bag. "But I would like to torture you first by making you
cook me breakfast." I tilted back and grinned at him.
"I actually enjoy cooking breakfast for you," he grinned back.
Down butterbean.
"This goes a lot better if you just do what I say Flower Child."
"Yes Chef," he chuckled and spun around to the fridge.
"So may I make whatever I wish?" He ducked his head into the fridge scanning it for food.
"Yes you may." I hopped down and grabbed up my bag, moving over to the steel table far away from
Edward began to cook my breakfast and I peeked over at him as I set out all of my items. Fuck me- he
was cute when he cooked. Holding his bottom lip in between his teeth almost the entire time, but his
face was confident and in full concentration.
It smelled fucking delicious too.
"Ready for a hearty breakfast Chef?" He called over to me after several minutes passed.
I laid a towel over my station, hiding what was to come and walked over to the Chef's Table meeting
Flower Child there.
"Looks good." I took a seat and watched as he smiled before turning away.
He had made me an omelet and as I cut into it I found a delicious spinach and portabella mushroom
filling And because Edward was made up of the perfect DNA, he also stuffed it with Feta cheese.
I was officially fan fucking number one on Team Edward.
"Coffee." He set down my mug and I did my best to tell him to sit while my mouth was stuffed full of
eggy goodness.
"Fucking delish," I stated before shoveling more into my pie hole.
"Do you need anything else?" He asked softly.
"No." I shook my head as I wiped my mouth and prepared to lay out my plans.
"We're going to do something today that I do with all my sous chef's Edward. It is going to be
difficult, but if you use your mouth properly, it should be pretty easy for you to pass."
I waited for it.
Edward fucking blinked and then broke out into a red blush.
"Pervert," I chuckled.
"What are we doing?" He asked back shyly.
"Taste testing."
"Blindfolded," I grinned.
"It is important that you have a strong pallet Edward, more so- that you know how to taste properly."
I took another bite.
"You'll see. I'm going to finish eating first. I think there are some pans with your name on them and a
cup that needs refilling." I nodded to my empty coffee cup.
"Yes Chef," he smiled climbing from his seat and grabbed up my mug.
9:45 A.M
I finished off my omelet and second cup of coffee Edward brought me. I wanted to lick the plate
clean, but avoided embarrassing myself and simply handed it over to him when I was done.
After Edward cleaned up breakfast, I called him back over to my station. I took a seat on the table
and grabbed the blindfold from my bag as he stood before me.
"Ready for this?" I wiggled the blind fold in front of him.
"You're not going to feed me eyeballs or intestines right?"
"Fuck no. Didn't I explain my issues with vomit already?"
"Sorry Chef," he chuckled.
"Now, before I start," I placed the blindfold down on my leg, "I want to show you the difference
between eating and tasting." I picked up the chocolate bar from the table and broke off a chunk.
"Pinch you nose closed." He eyed me questioningly at first, but then obeyed.
"Open." I held the chocolate to his mouth and he allowed me to slip inside.
"Now chew." He began to chew on his chocolate and I counted off in my head until I got to ten.
"Now let go and breathe in through your nose, but close your eyes."
Flower child obeyed and I watched as his face registered what I was trying to show him.
"See the difference?" He nodded to me and I watched him as he remained with his eyed closed.
"Why does that make a difference?" He asked after he swallowed.
"It's all in your senses Edward. You eat first with your eyes, but that can be very misleading. If you cut
off your connection to food by sight, you have to rely on your sense of smell, once you eliminate
that, all you have left is your taste buds and they are what count the most. It's sort of like, starting
out at the G-spot and working your way into the make out session," I laughed lightly.
Edward peeked one eye open.
"You didn't get me off," he teased.
"I wasn't trying," I picked up the blindfold and put it over his eyes, "Yet."
"Now, I'm scared," he chuckled.
"Don't be." I pulled him forward with my legs, purposely trying to distract him.
Only it was fucking back firing on me and butterbean purred in my Victoria's. I took a deep breath
and then reached over to remove the towel covering the items underneath.
"Open up." Edward's opened his mouth and I popped the first test inside.
"What is it?" I asked watching him chew.
"Very good." I picked up the next and asked him to open.
"This one is harder." I popped it inside of his mouth and I watched as he remembered to hold his
breathe while he chewed.
Good boy.
"What is it Flower Child?" My eyes focused intently on his lips.
"Water chestnut?"
Damn, he was better than I thought.
"Very good. Would you like water before the next one?"
"Please," he nodded.
"Too bad," I grinned and he chuckled shaking his head at me.
"Just kidding," I pressed the bottle to his lips and he took a sip from it.
"Ready for the next one?" I asked.
"Yes Chef," he nodded.
"Open up then." He smiled this time for some reason before he opened his mouth.
"Feeling lucky about this one Edward?"
"I'm trying not to end with blue balls," he chuckled.
Oh my dearif only.
I popped it in his mouth and he chewed thoughtfully.
"Steak?" He asked.
"What cut?"
"Um," he chewed further.
"Come on Flower Child. Blue balls will be rather uncomfortable to deal with all day."
Please get it right. I know you can.
"New York strip?"
"You may spooge now Flower Child," I lifted his blindfold off and smiled at him as he tried to regain
his focus.
"I really got it right?" He asked surprised.
"What can I say? You're a man who knows his meat."
10:25 A.M.
After Edward passed the first challenge I decided it was time to turn up the heat a little. This
challenge wasn't going to test Edward though. I was doing this to boost his confidence. He needed to
see that just because he did not have schooling or proper training under his belt- it did not make him
any less of a Chef. This would inevitably come into play at some point for him and I needed a strong
confident Chef to lead this staff when I handed over if- I handed over the reins to him some day. It
was a delicate balance though, because if he failed, it would back fire on me- solidifying his fears for
I gathered up a trio of cooks from the surrounding restaurants and came walking through the doors
with them in tow. Edward looked up from his prepping duties questioningly at me.
"Time for challenge number two, Flower Child." I paused on the opposite side of the table and
watched as his eyes trailed behind me, looking at our guests.
"Edward, these fine folks cook in the restaurants surrounding ours, so technically, they are our
competition." I turned around to walk towards the group.
"Would you all mind telling us a little about yourselves, please?" I waved in between the group and
The slender girl on the end started first.
"I am Kate, the Executive Chef of Tulips. I have been cooking for twelve years." She waved towards
the dark haired man next to her.
"Hola, I am Executive Chef Eleazar. My place is Luna Nueva and I have twenty five years of
experience." He nodded to the last person on his right.
"Hello, Edward." She paused, waiting for him to acknowledge her. Edward nodded and she
continued. "I am the executive Chef of Denali's. I have over ten years of experience under my belt.
My name is Tanya and I'd be happy to answer any other questions you may have later." She let her
lips stay on the 'R' in the 'later', eyeing Edward suggestively.
No butterbean, we cannot punch her in the face.
"As you can see Flower Child, all of these people are highly trained and well qualified. Your task this
round will be to prepare an entre for them. You may use any of the ingredients we have in our
kitchen. Our guest judges will rate them at the end and decide if it is worthy of going on the menu for
tonight's service. Understand?"
"Yes Chef," he nodded.
"Good. You have one hour, starting now." I turned away from him and escorted our guests out into
the dining area.
They all took their seats at the long grouping of tables Angela had prepped for me. It looked
stunning. Angela had a real flare for table dcor and flower arranging. She knocked this out of the
park and the impression it was making on the guests was written all over their faces. I grinned
internally, knowing that none of their places looked half as good as mine. I would need to remember
to add a bonus into Ang's pay this week.
"So, Bella, how did you find Edward?" Tanya propped her elbow up on the table and leaned her face
into her palm staring at me.
"He actually found me." I said simply, taking a drink of water.
"I wasn't aware that you hired from the outside."
Oh, so she read my bio. Great- reason number two hundred and forty five why Bella is socially
awkward- preconceived notions and false information.
"He came highly recommended," I shrugged, holding my water goblet in between my palms.
Angela brought a basket of sweet rolls as well as a round of mimosas to our table. Tanya leaned in
closer to me as Eleazor and Kate began chatting over their bread and drinks.
"Please tell me you're getting up on that." She whispered my way.
"Up on what?" I whispered back, taking a nibble of bread.
"Your fuckhot sous chef."
Was I the only person on the planet who didn't know guys were now considered 'fuckhot'? Was that
even a word?
"He is my employee," I shook my head.
"So you're not screwing him?" She took a swig of her mimosa and brushed her strawberry blonde
hair back.
"So then you won't mind if I do?"
I spit my drink all over the front of my place setting.
"Is something wrong with the mimosa?" Angela began wiping my shirt and her face looked worried.
"No, I justchoked." I took the napkin from her and excused myself to the ladies room.
What. The. Fuck.
Tanya wanted to bang Edward? My Edward? Oh, who was I kidding? Of course she did. Who
wouldn't want to? My heart began to race thinking about it. What if he wanted to bang her?
After I cleaned up my shirt and composed myself, I made my way back to the table to see that
everyone's dishes had started to arrive. I took my seat and smiled, seeing that his food looked damn
Flower Child came out from the back with the last plate in his hands. His hair was in serious disarray
now, even more tragic than usual and his skin gleamed from all the sweating. I heard Tanya groan
next to me and I fought down the urge to pounce her like a mountain Puma.
"For you Miss Swan," he smiled as he placed his creation in front of me and I felt butterbean give
Tanya the finger.
"Thank you Edward," I smiled back, giving him a little wink and loved the faint blush it produced on
his cheeks.
"You're welcome," he nodded.
"Can you please explain your dish?" I gave him the floor.
Edward folded his hand behind his back and cleared his throat. He looked a little shy, yet proud all
the same time as he began to explain what he had created.
"Chef, I have prepared a rustic crispy lemon salmon resting on a spring onion mash and garnished
with roasted cherry tomatoes."
"Thank you. We will eat and then I'll call you in later."
Edward dipped his head and turned to go back into the kitchen while we dined. My mouth was
watering and I was so happy to see the other's smiling down at there plates as they prepared to eat
his food. Not only would they be judging Edward, but I knew my judgment was also on the table. I
hired him after all.
Mostly though, I was proud that Flower Child had paid attention to the sign outside for tonight's
dinner that explained our special rustic weekend menu. He was paying attention to the details like I
told him to.
His food was delicious. The fish well seasoned and I could tell from the score marks on top that his
hands were careful when he ran the blade cleanly through each cut. It was also moist and cooked to
perfection. The mash was a delicious balance of simplicity and bold flavor as the green spring onions
gave an extra punch to the lightness of the potato. It was a good match with fatty lemony fish.
"You have a quite a talented young man in this chef. Where did he train?" Eleazor asked as he slid a
forkful of mash into his mouth.
"He never attended school," I took a sip of water in between bites.
"You must be joking? He has a lot of talent here, especially for someone so young," Eleazor appraised
his plate again.
"I agree. This extremely clean and well balanced." Kate added.
"I know. He could use a little refining, but he has all the tools. I think within a year or two he could be
quite a force in this industry." I slid another bite into my mouth and made sure to chew slowly,
savoring every second.
"You know, I offer classes at my place. I could help train him." Tanya offered.
Damn it butterbean.
"I mean, I am training him here. Thank you for offering though, Tanya," I waved Angela over.
"Sure," she chuckled, giving me the eye before taking a bite.
Yeah, she saw right through us butterbean.
"Yes Bella?" Angela stopped at my side.
"Can you ask Edward to come back out here please?"
"Yes Ma'am," she smiled.
We all were about done with our food and Angela began clearing our spots once she returned with
Edward- who looked very nervous.
I smiled at him.
"Take a seat." I waved my hand to my left.
"Thank you." he sat down beside me and I swear I could hear his heart about to beat out of his chest.
"Eleazar, would you like to begin?" I clasped my hands together and rested them on the table top.
"Mr. Edward, your fish was cooked perfectly. I found it to be very flavorful and moist. The mash went
well too. I think it was a well balanced dish," he smiled at Edward appreciatively.
"Thank you, Sir," Edward tipped his head towards him.
"Would you put that dish on your menu Eleazar?" I asked.
"Absolutely," he smiled.
"Kate?" I moved along.
"I loved it. It was warm and hearty. The fish was cooked beautifully and I loved that the mash was
kept fresh and light by adding in the spring onions."
"Thank you, Kate," Edward's heart began to slow down now, hearing that they were enjoying his
"Would you put this on your menu?"
"Yes, I would," Kate nodded.
"Tanya?" I tried to look passed her so I didn't see the way she was eyeing him, slowly undressing my
poor Edward with her eyes.
"I thought the fish was succulent and loved the way the lemon puckered against my lips. The crispy
skin was a good choice, giving a rough contrast to the delicate, tender pink flesh. I found the mash to
be warm and fulfilling in my mouth. It was utter perfection." She let her eyes trail over his body and I
saw Edward's Adam's apple bob in his throat.
So he found her sexy. Damn.
"Would you put it on your menu?" I hoped no one heard the irritation in my voice.
"I would be more than willingly to put Edward's perfection on anything of mine." She winked over at
him and I was glad my leg didn't connect with hers under the table when butterbean made me try
and kick her.
"Well thank all of you for coming," I scooted back my chair and tossed my napkin on the table.
"It was a pleasure to have cooked for you all," Edward stood up next to me.
"Angela, would mind showing our guests out?" I wanted to get that woman away from Edward
before she could pull him any further into her trap.
I saw her hand come across the table toward him, probably just for a shake, but I didn't care. I
stepped in front of Edward and blocked her.
"Go clean up the kitchen," I ordered.
"Yes Chef," he nodded and thankfully only gave one last wave of his hand to them before he turned
to go back into the safety that was my kitchen.
"Thank you all again, you are welcome to my restaurant anytime and I look forward to dining in yours
as well." After they all gave me half hearted smiles, I turned and walked back to the kitchen.
Ben must have slipped in through the back door. He stood there talking with Edward and helping him
clear off the steel tables from the food he had prepared. This was the first time I noticed how clean
of a cook Edward was. There were very few things to be washed and that made me smile. It was one
more rule he was paying attention to.
"Ben will finish up here with the rest of the boys when they arrive shortly. Why don't you use the
restroom and change your clothes. We have a little road trip to go on." I leaned my hand on the table
and watched as Edward's face scrunched.
"Road trip?" He asked.
"Yes, I want to take you a market I found. Introduce you to some of the vendors. I'll meet you out
front when you're ready."
12:22 P.M.
I smoked a cigarette out front while I waited for Flower Child to meet me. The warm air and sun felt
good on my face. I stood there and let the rays invade my senses while I closed my eyes and soaked it
in. We were so close to the ocean I could hear the waves softly crashing and the faint screams of
children playing. As I opened my eyes back up, I glanced around, taking in all of the activity around
me. Alice was across the street, standing out front of her own place and I recognized a mo hawk next
to her that was no doubt belonging to Jasper. Her high pitched giggle floated across the way and I
couldn't help but smile as it reached my ears.
Good for them.
My eyes trailed away from them and down across the caf tables dawning the sidewalk. Couple after
couple sat eating either a sandwich or sipping on a cool beverage under the warm afternoon sun and
it my heart wonder if that would ever be me. Could I just be able to lounge so freely with some one
and enjoy their company? Not worry about what preconceived notions they had or the fact that I had
a sack of bricks on my shoulders weighing me down. They all seemed so happy and I imagined it had
nothing to even do with the conversations they were holding. No, it probably had to do with the way
the man in the white linen shirt brushed a tendril of curl back from his love's face. The strolling a lady
did, with a man I assumed must have been her husband by the way he helped her across the street
and eyed the other man who
ogled her angrily. The ice cream the people in front of Luigi's were sharing and the hand holding
couple number four was doing.
Details, it was always in the details.
I spun around to see Flower Child standing behind me in a tight, black shirt.
He looked super sexy. The fabric of the tee clung to his muscular form and his washed out denim
jeans sat low on his hips, revealing just the slightest bit of his black underwear band as he walked
towards me. His hair was still messy as hell, but somehow, that looked worked for him. It was
something only Edward could pull off- anyone else would have looked like a deranged Easter bunny
or borderline homeless.
"You alright Bella?" He ducked his head down to meet my gaze.
"Um, yeah. I was just people watching." I brought the cigarette back to my lips and then offered it to
"I better not," the side of his mouth twitched.
"Is your mother really that terrifying?" I rolled my eyes at him.
"You have no idea. Believe me, when she threatens you with a belt, especially a belt she has used on
you as a child, you do as she says to avoid said belt." He smiled crookedly at me.
"Your mother beat you?"
"Yes, but I deserved it," he chuckled.
"Well we have about fifteen blocks to walk. Start telling me why." I flicked down the smoke and
began to walk towards the market.
"My first good beating was when I was about twelve." Edward came around to the opposite side of
me, near the road.
His hand rested on my bare shoulder and I was a little caught off guard by this until I realized what he
was doing. He was treating me like a child, protecting me from the roadside and the people riding
their bikes.
"I'm not four you know," I chuckled, pointing at his hand.
"Sorry, I'm a creature of habit I suppose," he smiled, but kept his hand in place.
"So why did your mother beat you?" I asked, letting go of the hand issue.
"I stole a bike," he smiled proudly.
"You stole a bike?" I asked surprised.
"YuP," he grinned.
"Why did you steal a bike?" I chuckled, trying to picture what twelve year old Edward would look like.
"I wanted a bike, why else?" He chuckled harder.
"I thought your dad was a lawyer? Could he not afford to buy you a bike?"
"Bella, that part of the story would take longer than twelve blocks to explain."
"Alright fine, let's talk about something else." I rounded the corner and felt Edward's hand slide a
little further down, resting now in between my shoulder blades.
"I have a question," he said.
"Go on."
"Who taught you?" He looked over to me and I almost tripped when he licked his bottom lip.
"Um. My father."
"Yeah, he had a diner where I grew up."
We were now in front of the outdoor market and I picked up a wicker basket from the pile.
"So you never went to school?" Edward took the basket as I passed it to him and I picked up another
one for myself.
"Nope," I smiled at him and walked ahead, picking up a bouquet of flowers and sniffing them.
"Your father must have been pretty damn good." I looked back to Edward and his face was painted in
"He was, but I didn't learn everything I know from him. He gave me the basics, but I had to figure out
the rest for myself."
"I can't believe you didn't go to school," he shook his head, smiling small at me.
"You want to know something Edward." I walked around a stand of fresh produce. "Some of the
worst chefs- and I use that term loosely here- that I've hired were all kid's who came from some
hoytie toytie big named school somewhere. They did nothing but work in big fancy kitchens that
were equipped with only the best and most of them I bet never even broke a sweat. I learned to cook
on a busted gas top that would only work if you kicked the damn thing into oblivion with my father
screaming at me the entire time. I was the only girl in every brigade I ever worked on and they made
sure to let me know it."
I circled back around the stand, weaving my way through the aisles and stopping at the cheese
"I made it in this industry because I never took shit from anyone and I love what I do. Those who fall
short are the ones who think a fancy chef's coat with your name embroidered on it and long list of
credentials is what gets you noticed- meanwhile their food tastes of nothing and they soon find
themselves cooking on a line at Chilli's or fucking slinging burgers somewhere.
Do you know nine out of ten restaurants close within six months of being open, Edward?" He shook
his head at me with a deep look of concentration on his face.
"Passion and truth over ride all else, so if you're in it for the fame and glamour- you would have been
better off taking drama classes and moving to Hollywood." I picked up a ball of fresh mozzarella and
bounced it in my hands.
"The best food is simple food. Honest food. That is why we are here. All of this produce is grown
locally. This cheese" I bounced it in my hands. "Was made by Claire." I nodded to the lady behind
the glass. "Claire has been making cheese since she was as young as your kid." I placed the cheese in
my basket.
"How do you know that?" He asked smiling at me.
"Because I talk with these people. You need to learn to make friends with them. They are vital to the
success of your business. Plus, you should always know where your shit comes from." I moved along
to the butcher counter.
"Look at them. One is covered and the other one is good as new." I nodded to the two burley men
behind the glass who were cutting meat.
"The clean one is Felix. Demetri, the dirty one, is his brother. You are only to buy meat from Felix." I
moved along and heard Edward chuckle softly as he followed.
"Have you ever purchased produce or meat directly from a farm Flower Child?" I looked to him as he
caught up with me.
"No," he shook his head.
"We will do that sometime next week then. It's a shame we aren't up north. You'd like apple picking,"
I smiled at him.
"You go apple picking?"
"You've never had an apple until you've picked one off a tree yourself Edward. Food has this funny
way of tasting better when you had to work for it." I rounded my way around the next aisle, coming
back into produce and tossed a few heirloom tomatoes in my basket.
"Smell," I held a mango up to his nose.
"That's wonderful,." he smiled appreciatively.
"I want to make some fresh sorbet for tonight." I held the mango to my nose and smiled at its sweet
"Just mangos?" He held up a handful of cherries from the pile and smelled them.
"What would you like to make with it?" I asked and he held his hand of cherries to my nose. He didn't
answer me, just waited for my sniffer to figure it out.
"Cherries would be delicious with the mango." I nodded.
"Are you really gonna put my food from earlier on the menu?" He asked, biting his lips as he tucked
the cherries in a bag.
"I said I would."
"But is it really good enough?" He bit harder to his lip.
"Did you not hear the three chefs who have almost forty years of experience between them state
that it was? As a matter of fact, I also recall one of them stating she would put anything of yours on
her menu," I chuckled as the last bit.
"Yeah, what was with her?" He shook his head, tying up the cherry bag.
"Has it really been that long Edward? You really need me to explain what an 'eye fuck' is to you?" I
grinned at him as his cheeks flushed slightly.
"I know what an 'eye fuck' is. I was just a little amazed by her bluntness." He tossed the cherries in
his basket and faced me.
"Yeah, because I am sure that doesn't happen all the time- not that guys mind."
"I mind," he corrected.
"Sure you do," I chuckled.
"Bella," he waited for me to stop laughing and look at him.
"Tanya would be the epitome of why I don't date. Or fuck. Or whatever you want to call it. I have a
kid, your views on shit change when that happens."
"Are you trying to tell me you haven't dated anyone since your baby mamma?" I asked incredulously.
"I'm saying that four- almost five - years ago I would have taken someone like Tanya home and
fucked her six ways from Sunday. Today, I can't even make myself want to be attracted to somebody
like her."
His face looked pretty damn serious. Once I stopped replaying him say 'fucked six ways from Sunday'
in my head, I was able to focus and realize that Flower Child just revealed his sex life could be as bad,
if not possibly worse than mine- which was pretty fucking pathetic. I wouldn't let him harbor on that
shit though.
"So in other words, being a parent turned you gay? You know I have this manager named Laurent in
my Las Vegas location and you two would just be perfect each other," I smiled teasingly at him.
Flower Child laughed at my joke, but I could see some dark rooted shit lingering in his eyes. There
was a sadness there I knew all too well. I wanted to fucking rip it away and stomp it to the ground,
but instead I tossed a bag of organic apples in his basket and led him to the check out.
4:45 P.M.
I saw Emmet and Flower Child chuckling at Angela and I as we did our best Pink interpretation during
I'm gonna show you tonight
I'm alright!
I'm just fine!
And you're a tool!
Sooooo so what
She and I giggled as we realized what fools we were being. It was however an improvement on my
previous song in which Emmet and I showcased our ability to walk it-walk it out. That little shit
actually got me to enjoy that fucking thing I refuse to call a song. The lyrics were entertaining
though And Emmett looked good getting his ghetto on to it. It made me fucking laugh.
In between our 'So you think you can dance' moment, we were actually working. Edward was in
charge of the pass tonight and I was merely going to watch over. He needed to get his brigade under
him. I wasn't always going to be here and this was critical for him to master.
Truly the biggest challenge he would face today.
Ben floated between the front of the house and back, doing whatever I needed him to. Tonight I
needed him back here and as he entered I wanted to laugh. Flower Child had been altering his own
uniform by rolling his sleeves up and leaving the top button open. This was something I would have
knifed my other Sous's for doing. It would have looked half assed and disrespectful to their
profession- on Edward however- it was justright.
The ink showing on his form arms and the little peek on his neck made him look a little scary-
especially when you added that crazy hair to the mix. Edward was a rather gentle person and I
decided not to scold him for wearing his uniform this way. He needed to look a little scary until he
grew balls big enough to really handle these people.
Plus- he just looked down right sexyer.
So what did this have to do with Ben? Well, you see Ben must have went to bed last night praying to
wake up as Flower Child, because he had his sleeves pushed up the same way with the same top
button undone. His hair was even all fucked up- except, the kid looked like he was licking light
sockets, not up all night fucking his brains out.
"What do you think you're doing?" I leaned over Ben, giving him a dark stare.
"Um, peeling shrimp?" He coward back slightly from me.
"I meant your uniform," I nodded to his attire.
"What? Edward does it too!" Ben pointed accusingly at Edward, just as I expected him to.
"Edward is your boss, which gives him the authority to make these types of important executive
decisions." I hoped Edward heard the sarcasm in my tone.
"Roll down your down damn sleeves and button your jacket, or go home," I commanded and turned
around not allowing him to argue further.
Angela snickered lightly at me as I stood back next to her as she continued shining the silverware for
"He's probably going to cry," she whispered.
"Probably," I smiled back, giving her a wink.
"You're evil," she chuckled.
"I can't have these people walking over Flower Child," I tossed my diced mango into the bin.
"Why do you call him that?" She asked.
"His hands," I explained making her face scrunched in confusion.
"His flower tattoos? You haven't noticed them?"
"Oh. Is that what they are? Flowers? Never really looked close enough to tell," she shrugged.
"Yeah, I think they are lotus flowers," I grabbed another mango and began to cut it up, but stopped
feeling Angela's eyes on me.
"Oh my gosh. You little tramp," she giggled.
"You like Edward," \she accused in a hushed tone.
"What the hell makes you say that?"
"You eyed him long enough to know he has lotus flowers tattooed on his hands."
"So? I have to look at his hands. He cooks for me for fucks sake," I picked up my bowl and moved
away from her.
I couldn't let her into my secret world of Edward fantasies. That was a VIP membership that only
butterbean and I had access to.
Walking towards the walk-in cooler, I saw Flower Child coming my way and he smiled lightly. I
however, stopped dead in my tracks and placed my hands on my hips glaring at him.
How dare he.
"What?" He stood in front of me as I blocked his path.
"Do you think I talk just for the need to hear my own fucking voice or something?"
"Excuse me?" He looked utterly perplexed.
"The fucking sleeves, Flower Child," I slapped my hand against my hip.
"I know. I rolled them down," he held out his arm as evidence.
"I didn't tell you."
He stared at me as though I had two heads.
I placed my hand on his chest and began pushing him back towards the walk-in so the rest of the
staff couldn't hear or see me scolding him. His back was against the metal door now and I kept my
hand in place, tipping forward slightly to lean into his face.
"I told fucking Ben to roll down his sleeves and button up because he is not adequate to you. He does
not have the right to put himself on the same level, nor should you allow him to. Now, by going back
out there with your sleeves rolled down, you are not only undermining yourself, but you are
undermining me as well. Understand?"
"Yes Chef," he nodded apologetically.
"Now, just for that- give me your fucking Chef's coat," I tugged on his coat and then placed my hand
on my hip.
Edward leaned off the door and began unbuttoning his coat. I wasn't sure if this was a good idea or a
bad idea, but butterbean told me to shut the fuck up and stop over thinking shit as he undid his last
button, revealing that damn black tank top I loved.
"This is what you cook in tonight," I grabbed his jacket from his hands. "When you figure out how to
act like a real sous chef, you may have it back. Understand?"
"Yes Chef."
"Good, now get your ass out there and try to do your fucking job."
"Yes Chef."
Edward walked past me and I turned around to watch him leave. It was only then, when his jacket no
longer covered the top half of his cheffies that I realized Edward was in fact going commando, just
like I told we all did.
You know, I have to say, I loved to see Flower Child coming, but right now, I damn sure was enjoying
seeing him go.
Closing Time.
The night went well. Edward passed every challenge with the exception of the damn sleeve rolling
incident, but that was a minor slip in comparison to the rest. I was sitting in my office staring at the
computer screen, waiting for the reports from the day to print out. I hated when Emmet had the
night off. He deserved it though. Poor guy had been working three weeks straight. Everyone was
gone, except the bar staff. Normally I would stay and finish closing up, but not tonight. I had a very
important meeting to attend.
I packed up my things and waved my good byes as I exited through the front. The night air was still
warm and fragrant from the hot summer day. The ocean breeze smelled so good at night. I inhaled
deeply as I made my way to the Lexus.
I tossed my bag on the passenger seat and reached back to the compartment behind it for a bottle of
Why do I have water bottles in my car? Um, because you never know when you might drive into a
ditch and be stranded dying of thirst. Don't fucking laugh- I knew a lady who actually had that
happen to her. I never traveled anywhere now without a bag of granola, bottled waters and a clean
pair of gotchies. I mean, fuck, you just never know what might happen.
My eyes stopped on a purple creature sitting in my back seat.
Where the fuck did I pick up a Barney?
I looked around, making sure I was in the right fucking car until it clicked.
She had been in my car yesterday when we had family bonding night. Did she need this thing? He
looked pretty used. I held him in my lap and debated silently. I wasn't sure where Flower Child lived.
Would he even be there? His parents- he said that he had a long drive up to their place last night. I
looked to the clock- he must be there still or on his way back. I knew where they lived since I always
made sure to send to send them a Christmas card, trying to be nice for Emmet's sake you know. I
never actually met them though. Well, if Flower Child wasn't there, I could still drop it off. She would
get it in the morning at least. I eyed the clock again, knowing I was probably going to miss my
meeting if I went.
I pushed the keys in the ignition and sat the little purple fucker on the dash.
"She better like you- I don't miss Man VS Food for anyone."
12:30 P.M.
I pulled up the long drive and was happy to see a few lights still on inside the large house. Grabbing
Barney off the dash, I also grabbed my bag and then climbed out of the car. My stomach fluttered a
little walking up to the door when I saw Edward's car was in parked in front of the garage. With a
tentative hand I knocked softly on the door and cringed as it sounded so loud against the quiet night.
Fuck, what if they were all sleeping?
My feet made a move to run back to my car, but I heard the door open behind me and I paused,
spinning around slowly.
"Bella?" A very shirtless Edward was standing at the door with his hair in complete sex stance.
"Sorry. I." Fuck. Me. "I um," I held out the Barney since apparently my mouth was utterly fucked by
the sight of Flower Child.
"You drove all the way out here to give back Barney?" He reached out and grabbed the stuffed
animal, chuckling softly before he brought it up to his face and smelled it once.
"I just didn't know if she needed it," I shrugged, swallowing hard.
"You know they have this great invention Bellait's called a cell phone," he teased, smirking at me.
"Um, yeah.I don't know why I didn't think of that."
Why didn't I think of that?
"That's alright," he chuckled. "Thanks for bringing him back. My mother will appreciate the fact that
she doesn't have to start tearing up the second half the house tomorrow," he smiled.
"Sure," I nodded.
There was an awkward moment of silence and I shuffled from one foot to the next, not sure what to
You returned the toy Bella, go home and maybe you can catch the last twenty minutes of the show if
you speed.
Good idea.
Butterbean didn't like that idea.
"Well, um, I have an important meeting to get to, sogoodnight," I waved once and turned on my
heel to exit.
"What kind of a meeting do you attend at almost one in the morning Bella?" I heard him chuckle and
I turned around with one foot on the step.
"A reality TV show sort of one."
"What show?" He leaned against the door frame smiling at me.
"Man VS Food."
Edward smiled wide at me and pushed the door open the rest of the way with one hand.
"He just started on the four pound pancakes."
1:30 P.M.
I was huddled up in an extremely comfortable corner of Edward's mother's couch with a crushed
velvet throw and bowl of popcorn.
Fucking bastard made perfect cheddar cheese popcorn.
And you know how I feel about cheese.
Flower Child was on the opposite side of the couch with one leg stretched out and the other on the
floor as we watched Adam consume something dubbed 'The fiery death burger.' We both cringed at
the same time when he took his first bite and Edward covered his face laughing as the challenge
progressed and the man started sweating and groaning.
"Why do people do this to themselves?" He chuckled.
"Why do we watch people do this to themselves?" I popped a handful of popcorn in my mouth.
"Because it's extremely entertaining, Bella," he sat up and leaned over to scoop up a handful of pop
"Or maybe we are just as fucked in the head as this guy," I chuckled.
"Would you ever be on one of these shows?" He shoved a handful of cheddar cheese goodness into
his mouth.
"Hell no. Food should not hurt," I picked through the bowl, trying to find one of those semi popped
"I agree," he leaned back and I couldn't help but ogle him a little as he remained only wearing a pair
of sleeping pants with no shirt.
Edward looked my way and I tried to avert my eyes, but I knew I got caught when I heard him muffle
a laugh.
"It's alright. People don't do this to themselves without expecting people to look," he reached for
more popcorn.
"What does it all mean?" I looked back to him and allowed my eyes to trail over the designs that
painted his arms and chest.
"I told you, different things."
"Well, what does this one mean?" I pointed to a section along his bicep that was a grouping of three
black figures.
"It's meant for harmony among a grouping of people," he looked back towards the TV.
"Which people?" I studied it, trying to figure it out.
"It doesn't matter, it isn't working," he laughed once humorlessly.
"Oh." I said softly, realizing it must have been for Jessica, Ness and himself.
"What about this one?" I pointed to a new marking along his arm that ran in circles, becoming larger
as it made its way down his arm.
"It represents the past, present and future," Edward twisted his arm and showed me the inscribing
along the tender flesh leading up to his wrist.
"It changes in the place where it's found to be gone," I read aloud to myself.
I studied it carefully with my eyes and then allowed my index finger to trail over the elegant black
writing. I could feel Edward's eyes on me and his body stiffened slightly as my fingers traced the
It changes in the place where it's found to be gone.
I looked up to Edward and his jaw was tight, but his face contemplative as he looked back at me.
"Has it changed?" I asked softly.
"Maybe," his eyes watched my reaction carefully.
"That's the ultimate challenge isn't it?" I asked, knowing that he understood what I meant.
"Anything that's worth having is a challenge, Bella," he brought his hand up to my face and brushed
his fingers gently along my cheek.
"It's like what you told me in the store today, about the apples."
"You were actually listening?" I laughed once.
"Of course, I listen to everything you say," his fingers found there way into my hair and he began
making small circles with his tips.
What is Mama doing Butterbean?
"What do the flowers mean?" I closed my eyes and reveled in his touch.
"It's too late to begin explaining those, Bell," I could feel his breath closer to my face.
"Please?" I kept my eyes closed.
"Some other time," his lips brushed against my forehead and my eyes fluttered open as I felt his
weight disappear from the couch.
"You can stay here tonight if you want. The guest room is next to Nessie's." He held out his hand to
"I should go," I shook my head and moved the popcorn bowl to the side as I got up.
"Bell, it its late. Just stay." He kept his hand out for mine.
"I don't have anything here." I argued.
"I'll give you something to wear. Come on little coward," Flower Child wiggled his fingers playfully at
me and I couldn't deny his evil crooked smile that had power over me and butterbean.
"Fine," I took his hand and tossed down the velvet throw.
We strolled in silence through the large house. Not even our feet made a sound as we climbed the
long staircase together. Edward paused at a door I assumed was Nessie's by the fairy charm hanging
on the handle. He peaked in quickly and then closed it again with a small smile on his face.
He then led me into a large room that was extremely elegant and had a bed which made my hotel
digs look like the equivalent of a card board box. I wondered if his mother was up for renting this
thing out.
"I'll grab you something from my room to sleep in. Be right back," he let go of my hand and exited
the room.
I sat down on the bed and wondered how the hell I got here. Edward's lips where on my forehead
tonight, his hand in mine and now- fuck- I was sitting on the guest bed in his parents house preparing
to spend the night.
I needed to get my shit together.
The door pushed open and I looked up to see Edward coming back in with clothes in his hands.
"Here. They'll be big on you, but it's just to sleep in, so it will probably be comfy," he smiled and
handed them over to me.
"Thanks," I reached out for them and he took a step back.
"Um, there is a bathroom through that door, it connects to Nessie's room, so if you need something,
just knock."
"Is Nessie gonna help me?" I teased.
"No..I " He stopped and smiled down at his feet.
"I sleep in there with her," Edward kept his face to the ground and I imagined if the lamp was on, I
would be able to see the blush that no doubt was on his cheeks.
"Well don't worry. I won't come knocking."
"Alright," he nodded. His feet took a few steps back and then he turned walking towards the door.
"Good night, Bell," he gripped the door handle and looked back to me.
As soon as the door latched I fell back on the bed, hitting my head hard against the mattress. I took a
deep breath and then sat back up to remove my shirt. I tossed it down on the floor and unfolded the
pile Edward gave me, slipping his tee shirt over my head and butterbean smiled when she smelled his
scent. The fabric was super soft and I could tell it was old from its thinness. For fear of sending
butterbean into maximum overdrive, I left his bottoms off.
I crawled up the bed and pulled down the multiple layers of covers and sheets, sliding underneath
them and realizing that the bed smelled like Edward too. It must be his mom's laundry soap or
something. That made me laugh- did she still do his laundry then? I could somehow see that. My
arms slid under the pillows and I hugged them close to my head as I snuggled down into the soft bed
and tried to drift away.
3 A.M.
I woke up from my third dream about Edward in a hot sweaty pant. This time he had been taking me
from behind. He spanked, pulled hair and talked dirty. He was my favorite out of all the Edward's I
dreamed about tonight- although French speaking Edward was a pretty close tie.
I crawled out from the covers and tip toed my way into the bathroom, not bothering with the light
switch. The nightlight above the vanity was bright enough for me to find my way around. I made my
way to the sink and turned on the water, brining a handful up to my face and washing away the
sweat. Next was my neck. I lifted my hair up and allowed the cool water from my palm to run down
my back. It made goose bumps rise on my flesh and my nipples pebbled against the sheer fabric of
his tee, which I could now see in the mirrors reflection was extremely see through- thanks to both
the water and the fact that it was so worn out.
There was a towel on the end of the vanity and I walked over to it after I turned the handle on the
faucet off. As my hand reached for the towel, the latch on the door next to the vanity clicked and
before my mind could think what to do, it opened.
Flower Child paused as he stepped through and saw me standing practically right in front of him
wearing nothing but his wet, see through shirt.
He blinked quickly and tried to speak, but no words came out. His eyes trailed over my body and he
swallowed hard as he appraised me. My heart was thumping hard and Butterbean thudded painfully
between my legs watching him licking his lower lip as his eyes came slowly back up to mine.
Edward's eyes were hungry, troubled and scared. His breathing picked up and I could see the debate
raging in his mind. The same debate I was having in my own I'm sure.
He moved forward, walking slowly towards me and my feet traveled backwards in sync with his. My
back finally hit the wall and his hands came forward, resting on my hips. Edward paused for a
moment keeping his eyes on my wet shirt as he lean in and rested his forehead against mine.
"What are we doing Bell?" He whispered in a desperate tone against my lips.
"I don't know." My hands traveled up his strong arms, up over the muscles of his shoulders and then
into the back of his hair.
His hands slid down from my hips and he tucked his fingers under the hem of my shirt. I closed my
eyes to the sensation of his tips trialing along my ribs moving up towards my breasts. I felt like a live
wire as his heated trail ignited a feeling I haven't felt in so long. My hands slid down his neck and
over the muscles of his shoulders again, but this time in reverse as they glided their way down the ink
of his chest and to his hard stomach.
"You have to be quiet," Edward whispered in my ear and I nodded against his neck.
His lips brushed along my neck as he pulled my panties down allowing them to fall to the floor. I
stepped out of them and Edward hoisted me up onto his hips. I expected him to fuck me against the
wall, but instead, he walked back to the guest room with me in his arms, locking the door behind him
after he entered.
He sat me down on the edge of the bed and I slid back slowly into the center, watching him as
followed me. His eyes stayed on mine and I was suddenly very nervous. It had been so long since I
was with someone. What if I couldn't remember how to do this?
It's not just like riding a bike butterbean- shut up.
Edward reached out his arm and rested his strong hand on the small of my back, pulling me towards
him as he settled himself over me. It was then I realized he still had his bottoms on. His lips found my
neck again and I moaned as he sucked the tender skin below my ear. I tried to push his pants down
with my feet, but it was a lot harder to fucking do then it looked. Edward chuckled lightly into my
neck before he helped me out. Sitting up on his heels knees he untied the string of his bottoms and
slid his pants down. It was too fucking dark though and I couldn't see anything.
But fuck, I could feeland it felt fucking magnificent.
His hard cock rested against my bareness as he lowered himself back down over me and continued
with his kissing assault of my neck. I wondered if he was stalling. Surly my neck couldn't be that
great- definitely not better than my pussy- could it?
I lifted my hips trying to signal to him that I could give a shit less about the tender shit and just
wanted him inside me already. He groaned into the crook of my neck and rocked his hips against me,
sliding his hardness over my wet center.
Your welcome Butterbean. Mama is trying.
I wrapped my legs around his waist, locking my feet together and trapping him right where I wanted
him. The head of his cock was at my entrance and he leaned his forehead against mine as he started
to push in slightly.
Holy fuck, Butterbean What. Are. We. Doing.
My whole body tensed, bracing for when he would finally push forward and fill me completely. His
hand that was cupping my head tightened, pulling my hair into his fist. His other hand fisted the
comforter beside my head and I tried to press him down using my legs, but he was too strong. He
took a deep breath and then I felt a little more of him slide inside of me. The head of his cock wasn't
even all the way in and I was already so close to being over the edge- somehow the anticipation and
his slowness was making this better, even though my body was begging for him to slam into me. My
nails dug into his biceps and he groaned in response as I clawed my way up into his hair, dragging my
nails along his hard skin.
That did him in.
Edward finally let go of the covers he was fisting and I watched as his palm slid forward, allowing him
to finally sink into me. His hand gripped almost painfully to my hair, but it felt good mixed with the
pain of him being submerged inside me. He spread me wide open with his girth and I panted into his
shoulder that was now just under my chin as he remained unmoving inside of me. I couldn't find it in
myself to mind though. He felt so right, so complete, so perfect. If he didn't move for the rest of the
night I could careless.
As my brain caught up with my body, I realized that it had been a long time for him too- he was
probably pretty ready to just fucking spooge and call it a night. I tried to remain still and not allow
that to happen. My hands massaged the soft hair at the base of his head then slid down over the
smooth planes of his back. I continued making the circuit, trying to calm him down and get him to
focus on this new sensation. He finally pulled out slightly and then slowly- I mean fucking slowly- slid
back in.
Knock. Knock. Knock.
I fucking froze. So Did Edward.
Chapter Four ~ Good Fortune
She slept like a rock.
If I had a wagon full of ice cream and a spoon with her name on it, I wouldn't be able to wake up Ness
from her slumber. There could be ponies, clowns and people doing acrobatics in her room and she
would remain sleeping.
My dick enters the first piece of pussy I've had in almost two years and suddenly she is suffering
from fucking insomnia.
Of course.
"Shh." I whispered into Bella's ear and planted a kiss into her sweet neck.
"Go back to bed Ness." I said softly over my shoulder, keeping my place inside of Bella's warm body.
"But Daddy."
"I said go-to-sleep Renesmee." My voice was stern in hopes that she would listen to me.
I waited to hear her feet retreat, but no sound came.
My wood instantly went down for the count. There was no way I could have sex with Bella while my
four-year-old was on the opposite side of the door.
"Motherfucker." I grumbled into her neck and slid out slowly from her, instantly hating my life when
my body no longer joined with hers.
"I'm sorry." I kissed her forehead and tried to see her face, but the room was too dark.
I brought my hand up to her cheek to try and feel her reaction and she nodded into my hand. I kissed
Bella's forehead again and then slid back from her, allowing my feet to hit the floor and righted my
pants that were around my thighs. My dick screamed obscenities at me as I made my way back
through the door, leading into the bathroom, and sure as shit, there sat Ness on the floor holding her
"I told you to go to bed." I held my hand for her and she reached up to take it, pulling herself off the
"Bad dweam." She sniffled and I couldn't find it in me to scold her any further.
I lifted Ness into my arms and rocked her as I made my way back to her room. She clung to me, but
there was no way I was going to stay in her bed. I was still hosting a semi and I am pretty sure
sleeping with a hard on next to my daughter was way too many shades of wrong to even count.
Not to mention the blue balls that were sure to follow.
I sang to her until she fell asleep and then exited her room after placing one last kiss on her face.
Somehow this night went from being one of the best night's I've had in years to the worst possible
scenario imaginable. Not only was I not sleeping with Bella, but now I couldn't even hide out in the
safety of Ness's bed. Nope, tonight I was back in my own dreaded room - alone.
With blue balls.
Fuck me.
I woke up in a tight ball, muscles sore and my dick giving me the finger for the cock block last night.
This wasn't exactly the best way to start out a day.
The worst part though, was that I would have to face Bella. I wasn't sure if she would be pissed that I
left, or pissed that I actually tried to have sex with her. She seemed willing though, very willing.
Repeatedly, she had warned me about her ability to kill a man by jamming his nose into his brain, so I
am just making an educated guess here - that if she wasn't enjoying my cock inside of her, she would
have impaled me.
I reached up and rubbed my hand over my nose.
Nope, all was good.
Still, she couldn't be very happy about being left high and dryso to speak. I'm pretty sure one way
or another, I was going to be yelled at. Hopefully she wouldn't fire my ass. I mean, I did put my dick in
her. Surly that constitutes a big 'no no' in the description of fraternization between employees. Yes?
I was surprised that Ness didn't wake me up this morning. She was usually the first thing I saw.
Maybe I scared her last night by leaving? Shit, did she think I was angry with her? My legs moved
quickly down the hall to her bedroom, but I paused when I heard her sweet giggle coming from
downstairs. I was about to start my way down the steps, but I stopped, realizing I had some serious
morning wood going on.
After I took care of my pajama tenting in the restroom, I made my way to the kitchen to seeBella
cooking breakfast?
With my mother and Ness?
"Wook! Daddy is up!" Nessie bounced in her stool at the kitchen island pointing to me.
Bella looked up from the island's stovetop, where she was preparing pancakes and smiled at me. I
noticed she had changed back into her clothes from the day prior, which was good. I didn't want to
have to explain to my mother why Bella was walking around in my old Ninja Turtles shirt. The turtles
had completely faded off, but I still knew it was the one.
"Bewwa made pincakes." She held out her fork to me, smiling.
"I see that honey." I smiled back at her and tried to keep my eyes off Bella.
"Bella was kind enough to drop Barney off this morning for Ness." My mother placed a cup of coffee
in front of me before she sat down at the other stool.
"She left it in my car when we drove together for family night. I had to run an errand up this way this
morning, so I figured I'd drop it by." Bella smiled at me as she slid a pancake down onto a plate and
when my mother was distracted by Ness making a mess, she winked at me.
"That was very nice of Bella. Did you say thank you?" I looked to Ness and she nodded with her
mouth full of food.
"So, do you normally come into people's homes in the morning and start cooking breakfast?" I
"Edward." My mother scolded me, but I ignored her.
"Your kid was hungry and asked me to make her pancakes. Apparently her father had a rough night
last night and was neglecting her by sleeping in." She grinned, flipping down another flapjack and slid
the plate over to me.
"Bewwa's pincakes are bettawre den your pincakes Daddy."
They all laughed at me in sync - like the three she-devils they all were.
"I'm sure they are, honey." I reached for the maple syrup and tried not to pay attention to the huge
grin that was on Bella's face.
"Would you like coffee Bella?" My mother offered.
"No, I need to get going actually. Today's going to be a clusterfuck."
"You say bad words!" Ness pointed.
Bella smiled, laying down the spatula in the pan and wiped her hands on a towel before she leaned
against the island facing Ness - who was looking wide eyed up at her.
"Here's the thing kid. Your Aunty Bella curses - a lot. She has to deal with a lot of jerks everyday, so
she can't really help it."
"Wike daddy?" Ness asked, and I had to put my hand over my mouth to keep from laughing.
"No, not like Daddy. Your daddy isn't a jerk." Bella smiled looking into Ness's big baby blues.
"Gamma says dose words are bad." Ness shook her head, sending her curls bouncing.
"Your Grandma is right. You shouldn't curse, kid. It makes you seem less intelligent than you are.
Thankfully everyone knows that I am genius, so Aunty Bella gets to say bad words. Plus, I am small, so
they make me a lot scarier." She winked with a grin spreading across her face.
Ness giggled as she listened to Bella and I had no idea if she understood anything she was talking
about, but Bella smiled back at her and then looked over to me.
"See, she totally gets me." She chuckled.
I couldn't help but to find the extra sparkle in Bella's eyes even more beautiful this morning. Her hair
was slightly messy from not being brushed and her clothes were rumpled and not their usual crisp
pressed fashion, yet she looked more beautiful than ever. Maybe it was the fact that she was smiling
at Ness and feeding her, maybe it was the fact that we connected somehow last night, or maybe it
was just her - just Bella.
I averted my eyes from hers and placed them on Ness after I felt my mother's discomfort from the
silent signals Bella and I were throwing at one another.
The way Ness kept her eyes on Bella pulled at my heartstrings. She had no idea that Bella was a
famous world-renowned chef, yet she eyed her like she was someone to be idolized. Her eyes barely
looked to her plate as she shoved big mouthfuls of Bella's delicious pancakes that, yes were better
than mine - into her mouth.
"Good morning."
"Pop Pop!" Nessie squealed, seeing my father walk into the room.
"There is my Bunny Rabbit." Carlisle walked in and kissed the side of Nessie's face as he passed.
"Bewwa made pincakes." She held up her fork to him, just like she had to me.
She was very proud of Bella's pancakes.
Carlisle looked up trying to figure out who Bella was. His eyes stopped on her once he caught sight of
her standing at the stove before him.
"Hi, I'm Bella." She held out her hand smiling at him.
"Nice to meet you Bella, I am Carlisle." He shook her hand, but I could see his face still a little
"Bella is my boss. Emmett's too." I said in an irritated tone. You would think after years of Emmet
working for Bella he would know this.
"Oh, oh yes, of course. We always enjoyed your Christmas cards." He smiled half-heartedly at Bella
and I rolled my eyes.
"No one enjoys my Christmas cards Mr. Cullen." She chuckled.
"Oh, of course we do Bella." My mother chimed in making it worse.
"No seriously, I try really hard to make sure no enjoys them so I can get out of writing them every
year. Last year, I didn't sign them myself. I made one of my bus boys do it for me."
I laughed out loud, knowing this was probably true and my mother gave me a dark look.
"Is Sanna coming?" Nessie asked and I chuckled harder.
"No honey. Not for a while." I reached over and wiped her mouth free of syrup.
"Um, would you like some pancakes Mr. Cullen? I didn't make enough; sorry I didn't know you were
"Pancakes would be great." My father sat down and reached for the paper, but my mother hit his
"Bella, I am sure you are very busy. You don't need to do that." My mother stood up and I saw my
father's face fall when he realized he may have to eat my mother's pancakes.
"It's fine. It will only take a second." Bella flipped the gas back on and started mixing another batch of
"So, is my son giving you any trouble Bella?" He opened the paper as he began to talk to her.
"No, not really." She looked at me from under her lashes as she cracked an egg into the bowl. A small
grin came across her lips as she looked back down.
"Well, I imagine there cannot be too much trouble to get into being a cook." He licked his thumb and
turned the page.
"A Chef." She corrected.
"Excuse me?" He looked up to her from his paper.
"Edward is a chef, not a cook." Her eyes stayed on him as she corrected him.
"I didn't realize there was a difference." He chuckled, but Bella's face remained serious.
"Chef translates into the word Chief, as in a leader of something that is worthy enough to need
someone to be in command of it. A Chief is trusted, respected and more intelligent then the rest. The
leader of an Indian tribe is a Chief. The head of a police department is a Chief. The leader of a
restaurant is a Chief. A cook is someone you give your order to over a speaker through the window of
your car, or someone who loads their house with cook books they never use"
My mother sunk down into her seat as Bella eyed the shelf in Esme's kitchen that was packed full of
said cook books.
"But wants to make it look like they do." Her eyes squinted before she looked away from him and
went back to stirring the batter.
"I didn't mean" Carlisle tried back tracking.
"Yes you did." She looked back to him and I saw my father swallow as she stared him down.
"Well, I apologize."
"I'm not the one you owe an apology too." Bella looked back to her batter and began pouring some
down into the pan.
"Pop Pop's in twuble." I looked to Ness and she was looking wide-eyed at Carlisle.
And just like that, the tension left the room and we all chuckled at her expression. I picked her up
into my arms and kissed her cheeks, razzing a bit into her neck and making her laugh. Bella slid the
plate to Carlisle and he rested his hand over hers, preventing her from getting away.
"You would make a great defense attorney." He winked and then released her, smiling down at his
Bella just snickered at him and turned the stove off, removing the pan from the heat and walked
towards where I was standing with Ness.
"I'll leave the pans to you Flower Child." She patted my shoulder and gave Ness a light pinch of her
cheek as she walked by.
"Bewwa goes bye bye?"
"Yes, honey. Bella and Daddy have to go to work." I followed Bella towards the front door.
"I go too?" She asked.
"No baby, you're going to stay here with Grandma."
"But I want to go wif Bewwa." She looked to Bella, who was holding the handle of the front door.
"You can't honey." I kissed her cheek and braced for the tears that I knew where coming.
"Peese?" She began to sniffle.
"Ness, what did we talk about? You have to be a big girl, remember?" I rocked her in my arms and
she rubbed her eye with a chubby fist trying to lock in her tears.
She leaned away from me and let her fingers play with the art on my chest as she tried to calm
herself. I could see her struggle and watched as she tried her hardest not to cry, giving small sniffles
in between her deep breathes. It was an odd mixture of pride and pain as my little girl matured
before my eyes. She was trying so hard.
"Shecancome." Bella said quickly.
I looked over to her and Ness's face whipped around at the same time. Bella's face was pained and
she kept her eyes on Ness as her hand gripped the door handle firmly. Bella's eyes finally trailed over
to mine and I questioned her silently, wondering what the hell she was thinking.
"I have mostly office work to do today. She can stay with me." She swallowed hard.
"I go wif Bewwa?" Ness looked to me and I cursed Bella into the fiery pits of hell as she made me into
the bad guy that would now have to break my baby's heart by saying no.
"Yes, you can come with me. Go get on your shoes." Bella tugged the door open and walked out,
almost slamming it behind her as she exited.
Nessie wiggled to get free from my arms and I mechanically placed her on the ground as I tried to
figure out what the hell just happened. Her little feet took off at lightning speed and I walked to the
front door to ask Bella what the hell she was doing.
Bella was sitting on the porch steps smoking a cigarette and I walked forward to take a seat beside
her. She took longer drags than normal and her face looked a mixture of pissed off and nervous. Her
hands shook slightly as she brought the smoke up to her lips. After a moment of silence, she finally
looked over to me.
"She was going to cry." She looked shrugged and took another long drag off her smoke.
"She always cries Bella. It's what four year olds do best." I chuckled softly.
"Well I couldn't take it." She shook her head frustrated and flicked the ash of her cigarette.
"How am I supposed to work with Ness there today?" I leaned against my knees looking over to her.
"I told you, I'll watch her. Seriously, I only have a shit load of paperwork. How hard could it be?" She
I started to laugh and my laughter turned into hysterics as I began to think of all the first years I went
through with Ness as a new dad. My back laid against the porch as I recounted.
"Oh Bella, you have no idea what you're in for." My laughter came in small spasms as I looked up to
"Please, I think if I put up with grown ass men giving me a hard time, I can deal with your pip
squeak." She flicked away her smoke and I sat back up.
"Pip squeak isn't as angelic as she looks."
Bella POV
7:02 A.M.
I stood outside the front door of Edward's parent's house preparing to give a great performance. I
thought about leaving, but I didn't want Flower Child to think I was pissed about the late night
dicking and have him pull a no show today. Last night wasI am not even sure. His kid knocked on
the door and interrupted our moment. I could feel Edward's irritation in his hands and sweet kisses
as he tried to apologize to me before he left. I was a little surprised that he actually did though. I
mean, it's not like she walked into the room. He could have kept going, but of course, Edward being
Edward, he put her before his own needs.
After the moment was over and I was once again alone, I couldn't believe that I actually allowed it to
happen. I mean, his dick was in me. Like, in me - in me. Edward's dick.
What the hell was I thinking?
A woman I presumed to be Edward's mother answered the door and I smiled sweetly to her confused
face. After I introduced myself and explained what I was doing here, she asked me in and I was
greeted with a big leg hugging from Nessie.
After I picked her up into my arms, she told me I was pretty and then asked me to make her
pancakes. Since she swooned me first, I agreed.
My heart skipped a beat when I heard the word 'daddy' come out of her mouth and I tried to keep
my eyes down, but one look at Edward walking into the kitchen still wearing only his PJ bottom's with
messed up hair from sleeping and I had to smile. I wondered if he always ate breakfast this way -
shirtless, sleepy-eyed and slightly cranky looking.
He seemed a little uncomfortable and I tried to break the tension by teasing him about the night
before. His mother was throwing him a look as he stared at me that made me understand why he
found this woman so scary. I tried to focus on the
pancakes, but couldn't help but to take peeks at him as he watched his daughter eating with a big
goofy grin on his face - like Nessie was all that Flower Child could see.
Edward's father was a total ass-hat.
I wanted to spit in his pancakes for the comment he made about Edward being a cook; like he
worked at fucking McDonald's or something. Did that man have any clue of who I was and what a big
deal it was for Edward to hold the type of position he did? I probably should have kept my mouth
shut, but something about his dismissive attitude towards Flower Child made me all mama bear
After the awkward Chef vs. Cook tutorial, I tried to get my ass out the door before I could make
another scene. Edward followed me to the door having a debate with Nessie in his arms and there
was something about the way she said my name that made my heart sting. She looked at him with
pleading eyes as he explained that we would have to leave and she would have to stay. Edward
explained to her in such a calm loving tone how he wanted her to be a big girl and not cry. I watched
as she traced the ink on his chest and tried to live up to his expectation.
She just seemed so little in his big, strong arms. I knew all too well how she was feeling in that
moment of having to try and be grown up, when really you just want to cry and let go of the pain
building in your chest. Only two tiny tears fell from her eyes and she rubbed them away quickly,
trying to hide them from Edward. His face was patient and almost prideful as he watched her and a
part of me bled for him too.
My mouth blurted out the words before I thought them through - and fuck- now I was driving with a
four year old in the backseat of my car to work. I was seriously loosing my mind and the firm grip I
once had on my life.
How did this happen?
Flower Child stayed behind to get dressed and I was now on my own with her. I hoped I didn't fuck
up before he got here. I talked a lot of shit, but the truth is that being alone with this little person
scared the bajesus out of me. I didn't know anything about kids. What if she fucking choked or fell or
something? What was wrong with Edward for handing me over his kid anyhow? Surely he must have
known I was child retarded, yes?
Nessie held onto my hand as we crossed the street and I made her stand in front of me as I opened
the door to let us in. Emmett wouldn't be in until noon, so I locked the door behind us once we
entered. After I flipped on some lights, I led us into my office and sat Ness down in a seat across from
me at my desk.
"You like music Pip Squeak?" I asked.
She nodded shyly to me and I smiled back at her. It was amazing how much she looked like Edward
this way. Sitting down at my desk, I pulled up the playlist on my desktop and clicked on an old Tom
Tom Club song for her. I figured it was better than System of a Down or fucking 50 Cent.
She bobbed happily in her seat and I took out a notebook for her to draw in, frowning when I realized
I only had pens and pencils. I thought about giving her the sharpie, but the smell was really strong
and I didn't need Edward pissed at me for getting his kid high off marker fumes. I passed her the pad
and pencil and she smiled, thanking me as she took them into her little hands.
Once Ness was occupied I picked up the phone and jotted down the messages on the voicemail. One
of them was a call from a client of mine that I knew well. My first catering job event I ever landed
was for a man named Aro. He was getting married and booked me as his caterer, even though I was
pretty much unknown at the time. Aro was a big named socialite and he helped put me on the map
big time. His daughter Jane was now getting married and he wanted me to cater the event. I cringed
slightly; I wasn't really into the catering jobs anymore. This was Aro though, I owed it to him, so with
a belly full of reservations, I dialed him and agreed to it.
The date was only three days away and I cursed silently in my head as I scrambled to arrange the last
minute event. His little daughter, Jane was spoiled and got whatever she wanted, and apparently,
she wanted an NFL player - and to be married to him sooner, rather than later.
I'm sure it had nothing to do with being knocked up.
Knock. Knock.
"Daddy!" Nessie smiled leaning back in her chair as she saw Edward poke his head through my door. I
was still on the phone trying to arrange for linens, so I simply smiled at him.
He placed a finger over his lips for her to be quiet and then leaned forward and planted a kiss on her
cheek before he kneeled beside her and handed her a real coloring book with crayons from a small
book bag. Edward whispered something in her ear and she nodded to him. He kissed her again and I
saw him mouth that he loved her before he gave one final kiss and then rose to his feet to exit.
As I held the phone I watched as Nessie flipped through her coloring book until she found a picture
she wanted to color. Her little face scrunched in concentration as she picked her colors and my heart
skipped happily when I saw her bite her little bottom lip, looking every bit as adorable as Edward
when he did the same thing. It amazed me how bonded they were, that they could not only look
alike and share silent conversations with each other through only their eyes, but also that they
mimicked each other without even probably knowing they did. It was the most precious thing I had
ever been a witness to.
11:45 A.M.
Emmett had taken Nessie out for a walk to stretch her legs since he was early, and I knew that this
was probably the only time I would get to have the conversation I was dreading with Flower Child. I
wasn't too keen on having at work, but it needed to be said already.
I scooted back from the desk and walked with a fluttery stomach towards the kitchen where I knew
he would be doing his prep. Butterbean smiled as we walked in to find him cooking in the same tight
white tee from this morning, since I still had his chef's coat in my office. He glanced up at me once,
but then looked down and my stomach plummeted into the depths of my stomach as I realized he
knew what was coming.
I rested my hands down on the steel table he was working on as I stood across from him. He
continued chopping and I guessed it was to be able to avoid looking at me. I didn't want to start with
the heavy shit first, so I decided to discuss the next few days ahead.
"Umwe will be catering a wedding on Wednesday. Normally I would have just told them to go fuck
themselves, but this is for someone who helped me a lot when I was first started out, so we have to
do it. It doesn't give us a lot of time and the next few days will be complete and utter hell. I'll have to
bring in some help from my other places to get it done. I don't want you to feel like it is because
you're not good enough or something. It's just a lot to do and I need someone who can watch over
this place while we are at the event." I explained.
"I understand." He nodded, keeping his eyes down as he kept working.
"Edward," I took a deep breath. "We need to talk about last night." I waited for him to stop what he
was doing and look at me.
He placed his knife down and looked nervously up to me.
"I'm sorry Bella." He said softly, watching my face carefully.
"About which part? Doing it? Or your kid cock blocking you?" I snickered lightly on the end.
"Are we being completely honest here?" He asked and I nodded at him.
"Both." His mouth turned up into crooked smile and I had to look down to avoid smiling back at him.
Once I regained my composure I raised my eyes back up to his and tried to show him the serious side
of me - unfortunately, it was also a very vulnerable place. I had to be honest with him though.
"Edward, I don't do stuff like that." My voice stayed low as I gathered the courage to make my
"I don't eitherthat's why I am sorry." He kept his eyes locked on mine and my heart fluttered a little
on his words as I realized what he was saying.
He wasn't sorry that it happened- just that he acted outside of his normal circle of being responsible.
Like me.
"Yeah, well, I probably should have warned you."
"Warned me? About what?" He asked.
"You fed me cheese after midnight. I'm kind of like one of those Gremlins, except I don't want to go
around tearing up the town in search of Gizmo. I just start trying to nail my employees." I grinned;
Flower Child's cheeks flushed as he chuckled looking down to his table and shook his head at me.
"I'll try to remember that." He chuckled harder, running a hand through his messy hair. "Does this
mean you're not going to fire me?" He asked, starting to chop again.
"No way, you're not getting off that easy." I reached over and picked up a stick of carrot to nibble.
"Are you trying to funny?" He looked up to me with narrowed eyes.
"Ohsorry" I chuckled, realizing what the fuck I just said.
"That's alright." He laughed one.
"So, getting back to this wedding fiasco, you know this means you are not getting your days off
"Yeah." He grumbled.
"At least you'll make good overtime plus bonuses. Catering gigs pay double and Aro tips well." I took
a bite of my carrot stick, walking over beside him.
"Why do you pay double?" He glanced over to me as he worked.
"Because catering events, especially wedding catering events, are a huge pain in the ass." I rolled my
eyes thinking about it and took another bite of carrot.
"Why is it so last minute?" He asked, picking up his cutting board and walking to the large stockpot.
"Aro's daughter Jane got knocked up by some NFL player." I chuckled and grabbed another carrot
before he dumped them all in.
Edward scraped his vegetables into the pot, darting his eyes back and forth between me and what he
was doing.
"What?" I asked.
"Nothing." He looked back to the pot.
"Tell me."
"I just think it's a little rude to judge someone, especially when they are trying to right their wrongs."
He set the cutting board down and picked up a spoon.
"Nessie isn't something you did wrong Flower Child. I'm not judging Jane, either. I just think it's funny
that daddy's little princess made a boo boo." I chuckled.
"Well at least she is woman enough to fix it." He began to stir the pot and I watched as the
resentment flooded his face.
"You should be happy you didn't marry that wretch. At least now when you become rich and famous,
she won't be able to get half of your shit." I teased, trying to make him feel better.
"Somehow I don't think that will translate the same ways to my daughter."
"Come on Flower Child, don't get all Emo on me. You're doing a good job with Ness. I see how she
looks at you. She's happy." I reached over and took the spoon from him so I could give it a taste.
I dipped the spoon down into the pot and brought a sip up to my lips. It was missing something. I
dipped it back down into the pot and blew on it once before holding it to Edward's mouth. He
slurped it and his brow furrowed.
Good boy.
He licked his lips, which made butterbean perk up finally from her state of depression and then
reached for some spice from the shelf.
Coriander...I knew it.
"Thanks for bringing Ness here today. You didn't have to do that." He said as he added the missing
"It's not big deal. Although Aro through a major wrench in my plans to sneak off after lunch with her
to the beach. Damn it." I grumbled and Edward smiled as he stirred.
"She loves the beach."
"Me too, though you would never know it looking at my pale ass." I looked down to my arms that
were ghostly.
"It looks pretty good to me." His lips came up into a smirk as he looked down into the pot.
Down girl. Down girl. Down. Girl.
"Edward." I warned.
"Sorry, but you opened the door for me to walk through." He brought another sip of the stock up to
his lips and slurped.
"Let me taste it too." I leaned in as he brought a spoonful to my lips and I smiled at the delectable
flavor it now had.
A dribble of stock ran down my chin though and before I could wipe it away, the pad of Edward's
thumb was there catching it. He casually brought his thumb back to his mouth and sucked it away,
turning back to the pot and continued stirring. Butterbean thumped painfully in between my legs and
the urge to just fucking grab him by the front of his shirt and fuck him senseless on the steel top table
raged throughout my being.
My eyes trailed over his body, starting at his jaw and working my way down until I reached the bulge
in the front of his pants. I remembered how he felt inside of me last night, the way he filled me so
completely and how his neck smelled as my face pressed into it.
Fucking hell I wanted this man.
"Nessie! Girl, get your butt back here!" I snapped out of my ogling to see Emmett chasing Ness into
the kitchen.
Edward spun around and grabbed her up into his arms, biting her neck playfully and then continued
to stir while he held her on his hip with one arm.
"Sorry...she escaped. Those little legs move a lot faster than you think." Emmett rustled her hair as
he passed by and she giggled at him.
"It's alright. It's time for lunch anyhow." Edward kissed her cheek and then grabbed the lid for the
stockpot to cover it up.
"Is Bewwa gonna have wunch wif us?" Edward whispered into her ear and she giggled.
"Bewwa, can you have wunch wif me and daddy?" She leaned her face against his chest shyly and her
blue eyes begged me to say yes.
"Sure Squeaky." I tickled her belly and she leaned forward for me to take her.
I couldn't quite master the one armed thing that was easy for Edward to do. She might have only
been about thirty pounds, but hell, that was like a quarter of my own weight, so I held her in sort of a
straddle like way. Her arms wrapped around my neck and her little legs locked around my waist. I
looked down to her and laughed.
"You look like a monkey." I chuckled.
"No monkey. Gampa says I'm a bunny wabbit."
"Why a bunny rabbit?" I laughed as we walked towards my office.
She smiled her teeth at me and I laughed putting two and two together.
"Well right now, you look like a monkey." I pushed the door to my office open and grabbed my bag
from my desk. As I turned around, I saw Edward staring at me as he leaned against the doorframe.
He quickly smoothed out his expression and swallowed hard before he reached his arms out and
tried to take Nessie.
"I want Bewwa." She clung harder to my neck.
"You're too heavy for Bella." He pulled her away and she went into his arms without further
"Where would you like to go?" He asked looking over to me.
"I want ouce keem." Nessie piped in.
"I wasn't asking you." He razzed in her neck and she giggled.
"We could go over to Denail's." I teased.
"No thanks."
12:36 P.M.
We had decided on a nice little caf that had a full view of the ocean. Edward ordered a grilled
chicken breast with this really delish looking rice that was seasoned with lime, black beans and fresh
cilantro. I ordered the house specialty, which was also one of my favorite dishes of all time, Paella.
There is nothing better than eating seafood on the ocean. It gives me goose bumps just thinking
about it. Since we were within walking distance, I ordered a glass of sangria as well.
After arguing with Flower Child that ordering Mac-N-Cheese off the kids menu was an utter insult to
Ness's ability to enjoy a meal that was void of artificial colors and shit, he allowed me to order her a
nice plate of grilled chicken fingers along with a side of broccoli spears that he swore she wouldn't
eat, but I gave him the finger when she wasn't looking and he left me alone. I also ordered a fresh
fruit plate for us all to share while we waited for our food.
I watched as Ness's chubby cheeks threatened to burst from how she over stuffed them with grapes
and pineapple chucks. She had juice running down her chin and looked perfectly content about that
"You're getting more on you then you are putting in your mouth." I chuckled, wiping her chin.
"You need to swallow in between bites, love. You're making daddy nervous." He pushed her hair back
and she held up a grape to him.
"Thank you baby." He took the grape from her with his teeth and then kissed her fingers.
I know..swoon butterbeanfucking swoon.
"Bewwa." She held a grape up for me.
"I don't do grapes kid, unless they are crushed and in a wine glass." Her little face scrunched in
"Sawberry?" She held up a berry to me.
"Strawberries are my favorite." I held out my hand but she wasn't having any of that.
"I do it." She stretched her arm out to me and I smiled at her, leaning in and taking it from her little
fingers with my mouth.
"Thanks Squeaky." I chuckled and she clapped happily before she reached into the plate and grabbed
a chuck of pineapple for her own pie hole.
My cell phone rang and I reached down for my bag, bringing it up to my lap and dug into the side
pocket for it. I cringed when I saw the caller ID.
"Hello James." I may have rolled my eyes.
"Isabella. My love. It has been too long, darling."
"Don't call me that please." I picked up my sangria and took a long swig.
"But you are." He crooned in his voice that he knew used to drive me over the edge.
"Can we keep this on a professional level please?" I took another swig, finishing off my glass and
looked around for the damn water.
"Sure Darling, however you want it." He chuckled darkly.
"Listen, I have a big event on Wednesday. I need to pull a few of you, so you need to make
arrangements to be out of your place for a few days. I want you to come and work at the Miami
location since I am taking the Sous Chef with me."
"Pulling a newbie to an event?"
"Shut up and just do as I say please. Emmett will be in touch with the remainder of the deets. Got it?"
The waiter finally came over to deliver our food and I shook my glass at him to signal for a refill.
"I am so glad I will get to see you Isabella. I have missed you so much."
"I'm sure you have." I clicked off the phone and shoved it back into my purse, mumbling under my
"Everything alright?" Edward asked, looking at me a little bit concerned.
"Yeah. He just gets on my nerves." I placed my napkin in lap and appraised my food, making sure all
was in order, then looked over to Edward and Ness's plates.
"May we begin?" He asked, smiling crookedly at me.
"Shut it Edward. I don't make fun of your overprotective crap, don't make fun of my anal crap." I
cringed on the last part, thinking of how badly it sounded and Edward chuckled.
"I don't think that is very appropriate table conversation Bell." He teased, giving me a wink.
I rolled my eyes at him and started in on my food. My nose leaned into my fork and smelled it first to
make sure it was alright. Seafood was a tricky thing. I don't care if we were on the ocean or not, I
knew better than to assume it was fresh. If I had one dollar for every time someone tried to poison
me with rancid seafood, I would be the Bill Gates of fucking taste testing. Being poisoned with fish,
especially shellfish was not something you wanted. It could actually kill you and if I was going to die
from food, I would much rather go in the fashion of being drowned in something from the cocoa
The food smelled good, better than good, actually. I gave a little nibble and once I rolled it around a
little along my taste buds, I shoved a fork full in. It was actually quite tasty and cooked well. Not the
best I ever had, but hey, this was Miami, not fucking Spain.
As I chewed, I looked over to Nessie who was fisting a chicken tender and chomping it like it was a
piece of beef jerky. I was almost jealous of her and how she could dive in to her food without fear of
judgment. Flower Child was watching Ness too as he chewed on his food and his expression was
highly amused. Clearly he was enjoying watching her eat as much as I was.
"Can I get you folks anything else?" The waiter came back and poured Edward a refill on his sweet
"I'm fine." Edward said in between bites.
"Could you bring me some honey please? And some extra napkins." I chuckled, looking at Nessie.
"Yes ma'am." He nodded and then walked off.
"What are you putting honey on?" Flower Child asked before he took another bite.
"You'll see." I grinned and popped a bite of rice into my mouth.
The waiter came back and set down the napkins along with a few single serving honey tubs. I set
down my fork and reached for one, feeling Edward's eyes on me as I worked. I pulled back the foil
from one of the tubs and set it down on the table in between Ness and I.
"May I have one?" I asked her pointing to the untouched broccoli spears.
She nodded to me and watched as I picked up a spear and dipped it in the honey, then took a big bite
and hummed happily, making the sound a little more dramatic than was required for eating fucking
"That's yummy." I smiled at her and watched as her eyes sparkled at my revelation.
She grabbed a spear with her chubby palm and dunked it in the honey before she took a big bite. She
hummed and her little face lit up as she chewed. I looked back to Edward and his face was painted in
both amusement and surprise as he watched her pick up a second one and repeated the same thing.
I looked back to my food and smiled as I finished eating, happy that she was enjoying eating a
nourishing meal and not some yellow shit from a box.
5:58 P.M.
Emmett and I were arranging the traveling details and scheduling for the out-of-town staff I needed
to fly in. He was sitting on the opposite side of my office with his laptop on my desk as we went back
and forth with details. This was such a clusterfuck; I was so tense and ready to just punch something.
Thankfully, Esme had picked up Nessie and taken her home for the day.
"Soare you going to be alright with James being here? I can get Laurent to come in instead."
Emmett offered.
"No, James is better than Laurent. I don't want to have to worry about anything while I am gone." I
stopped typing and rubbed my fingers against my temples.
"BCan I ask something that is very much none of my business, but feel the need to ask - like I am
going to just jump out of my fucking skin if I don't?" Emmett's hands fisted tightly as he looked
towards me.
"What the fuck is going on with you and my brother?" He blurted out.
"What are you"
"Don't start that innocent shit with me B, " He sat back in his seat and laughed a little. "My dad saw
your car parked at their house."
"I was bringing"
"All night." He grinned, cutting off my lie.
"He did?" I asked nervously.
"Uh huh." He nodded.
"Shit." I sunk down into my chair.
"Are you and Edward like," He made circle with his one hand a shoved his index finger in and out of
it, like the fucking two year old he is.
"I refuse to answer questions that you cannot even have the balls to formulate into words."
"Are you guys fucking?" He clarified.
"No. Yes. No." I leaned back forward and cupped my forehead.
"I know it has been a long time and shitbut you either are fucking or you are not fucking Bella.
There is not an in between fucking." He chuckled.
"We sort of," I swallowed. "We kind of had a little moment last night. I was only going to drop off
Ness's toy and then next thing I knew I was on the couch watching Man VS Food, then I was sleeping
in the guest room and before I knew it, your brother's dick was in me."
"So then you are fucking." He concluded.
"We wereuntil Nessie woke up and knocked on the door. It never went passed a second pump." I
laid my head on the desk and Emmet boomed with laughter.
"Shut up." I mumbled against the papers.
"Awe, B. You and Edward are pathetic, you know that?" He chuckled.
"Emmett, I don't know what's wrong with me. Edward is my Sous Chef. I shouldn't be doing this shit
with him." I sat up and slouched in my seat.
"Do you like him?"
"I let him put his dick in me, what do you think?" I asked, sarcastically.
"I've put my dick a lot of girls I didn't like B." He grinned.
"It's complicated." I shook my head.
"No it isn't. You either like the kid or you don't." He shrugged.
"And what if I do? He works for me; he has a kida kid that is too cute for fucking words, but a kid
nonetheless. I don't date my employees and I sure as fuck am not the motherly type."
"You're over thinking this B. Besides, If Edward is dicking you, he probably has a serious crush going
on himself." He chuckled.
"What the hell makes you say that?"
"The fact that he hasn't dicked anyone in a very long time." He smiled.
"Ugh." I slid back down into my seat and my head throbbed harder.
"Edward is a good kid, B. I am not just saying that shit because he is my brother either. I mean it. I
know this shit scares you, but there's nothing scary about Edward."
"Are you fucking kidding me? Edward is the scariest thing I have ever met in my life." I laughed once,
"What I mean is, he wouldn't hurt you like those other assholes. You've seen how he is with Ness. He
cherishes the people he loves."
"Okay now you can go fuck off, talking about love and shit in my office." I sat back up and he laughed
at me.
"I'm serious. Just don't over think it Bella." He went back to typing on his laptop and I stared at my
computer screen.
Butterbean was doing the Macarena in my underpants at Emmett's words and the pain in my head
increased to a new level.
"You aren't just telling me this shit because you think it will give you a free pass with Angela, right?"
"How did youI'm gonna kick Edward's ass." He chuckled.
"Cause you know that shit doesn't fly with me. I am still the boss around here you know, regardless
of whose dick I am jumping on."
"Don't worry. I have found a new brand of heroin, B." He grinned wide.
"Who?" I sat forward resting my arms over the desk.
"The blonde that owns Cocoa Chanel's. I have a date with her this week." He smiled like a kid on
Christmas morning.
"No shit? Rose?"
"Yeah, Rose." He sighed saying her name and I chuckled at him.
Sitting back in my seat, I started to think about the fact that both Rose and Alice had managed to
land two of the men in my place. Did cocoa beans have a way of making a man fall in love with you? I
typed it into Google and decided to investigate.
9:43 P.M.
I was listening to the soothing sounds of the rainforest playing over the speaker of my computer as I
tried to close my eyes for a bit and let go of the stress. I could hear chatter and clinking of plates from
the dining room and I was happy that the restaurant was doing well. Edward was on the pass again
tonight since I had to deal with all of this last minute wedding shit. I had not even seen him since our
lunch this afternoon and I felt bad about ditching him, but something told me he would be alright.
Leaning forward I started to clean up my desk of all the scattered papers. I tucked the print outs of
the airline schedules into a yellow folder and then filed them into the bottom drawer. I tossed the
pencils and pens back into the cup and my heart stopped when I picked up the notebook from earlier
that I allowed Nessie to use. She had drawn a picture of stick figures.
One with big Messy hair and happy face - Edward.
A little girl with curls and happy face holding onto the messy haired guy's hand- Her.
And a longhaired girl with a happy face that held the little girl's hand- me.
This is how she saw us in her little mind- United and happy.
My chest ached at the thought and I was so lost in the moment, I didn't hear Edward come in.
"What's wrong?" I looked up to see him closing the door.
"Nothing." I wiped away the tears that I didn't know were in my eyes quickly.
"You're crying Bell." He walked around the desk towards me and rested his butt on the edge, bringing
a hand to my face.
"It's just this headache." I lied, sitting up and resting the notebook on the desk with the picture side
"You should go home if you don't feel good." He rubbed his index finger over my cheek.
"There's too much to do. I'll be alright." I shook my head and tried to look back to the screen,
wanting to avert his eyes, but he cupped my chin in his palm and brought my eyes back to his.
"Get up." He said softly.
I scrunched my brows at him, wondering what he was trying to do and he chuckled at me.
"Get up." He said again and I listened this time, rising from my chair.
He leaned off the desk and took a seat in my leather chair, pulling me down onto his lap. Edward
brushed my long forward, sweeping it over my shoulder. His strong hands found the tight muscles
along my neck and he began massaging them, forming circles with his thumbs as he worked the
tension away. I melted into his touch and hummed a little at how good he felt as he loosed the knots.
His fingers made their way up into the hair at the nape of my neck and he held me steady with his
free hand on my waist. The small circles of his thumb and knuckle of his index fingers were working
wonders on the back of my head as he inched his way up. I could feel the thudding start to subside in
my temples, but a new one was forming in between my legs as butterbean tried to tell me how much
she liked it when Edward touched us.
"Does that feel better?" His warm breath tickled against my exposed skin that my skimpy camisole
didn't cover.
"Mmm." I purred, unable to form a coherent thought as he continued his massage.
"Thank you for being so great with Ness today. You have no idea how much it means to me." His
fingers slowed and his hand on my waist moved to my arm, rubbing softly. I tilted my head back to
look at him, turning my body slightly more in his direction.
"EdwardI um," I swallowed, trying to think of how to say this. "I really like Nessie and everything,
but I.I don't want her to get too attached to me." I looked to his face and Edward's expression
saddened. "It's justI don't know how long I'll be here. I travel a lot and I don't want to hurt her
when I leave."
Hurt meI don't want to hurt me.
"She's already attached to you Bell."
"I know...I'm sorryI just" I looked down, unable to truly convey my feelings.
"It's changed for you, too. Hasn't it?" He rubbed my arm with his hand and I looked back up into his
eyes, remembering our conversation from last night.
"It can't." I whispered.
"Why not Bell?" His lips came down on my shoulder top once as his arms tightened around me.
"It just can't." I closed my eyes, feeling his lips come into the crook of my neck.
"I think it canif you want it bad enough." He skimmed along my neck with his nose, stopping below
my ear and planted an open mouthed kiss to the tender skin below my lobe.
I melted into his embrace as he held me with his strong arms, caging me in like he was barring me
from escaping. Edward's lips trailed across my jaw and he brought one hand up to my face, trying to
pull my lips to his as his palm rested on my cheek.
"I can't fall for you, Edward. This isn't right." I shook against his hand, but he held me firm.
"Then why does it feel so right, Bell?" He rubbed his face along mine. "Why do you feel so right?" He
kissed the sensitive skin in the corner of my mouth sending poor butterbean into overdrive, allowing
her to overtake the intelligent part of my brain.
I let my lips slide over his and Edward brought his other hand into my hair as he pulled my face into
his harder. The position was all wrong though and my neck strained to be able to reach him. I
swiveled myself in his lap and allowed my knees to rest on the sides of his thighs. They were mashed
painfully in between his legs and the leather seat, but as Flower Child's hands palmed my ass, I forgot
all about even having knees.
His warm tongue found its way into my mouth and slid slowly over mine, like he was savoring my
flavor, just as I was savoring his. My hands fisted his white tee and pulled him into me, deepening our
kiss and he gripped my ass harder in his hands in response. Edward's lips moved from my mouth to
my cheek and he slowly made his way down my neck, leaving a heated trail of open-mouthed kisses
in his path. My hand found there way into his messy hair. I fisted his locks hard as he slid his hands
up under the back of my camisole. Flower Child splayed his hot hands against my slick flesh, forcing
me to lean forward into him, putting my cleavage right in his face.
The roughness of his prickly stubble felt good against my soft skin as he slid his face down my body
until he reached the V my cleavage formed; sliding his tongue in between it and finishing it off with a
kiss. His mouth felt heavenly, making butterbean work double time as she soaked my panties. I
wanted his mouth back on mine though. My head leaned forward and recaptured his lips, to which
he pulled me into the chair, leaning all the way back and held me to him with all his might.
I rocked my hips against him, needing some type of friction for before I spontaneously combusted
and he groaned into my mouth in response. I could feel the bulge in his pants and butterbean
screamed at me for it. My hands loosened from his hair and slid down over his hard chest to the top
of his pants. I thanked the sex God's up above that cheffies only have an elastic band.
Buttons would have been a real bitch right now.
Edward lifted his hips as I put my weight on my knees allowing my hands to pull his pants to his
thighs. He reached under my skirt and slid my panties to the slide, rolling his thumb once over
butterbean and she gave him a warm reception.
My nails gripped into his hair as I lowered my self over his hard length and Edward gripped my ass
firmly, almost painfully, but as GaGa says 'if isn't rough it isn't fun.'
Edward groaned into my neck as I lifted my hips and slid back down his length. I tried to keep my
pace slow, knowing that he needed it that way, but his hands moved from my ass to my hips and he
pushed me a little faster and harder against him, forming a rhythm that was pushing me over the
edge as butterbean slid against the lower part of his abs as I rode him and he held me tight to his
body allowing no space in between us.
"I'm gonna" My muscles clenched around him and he thrust harder inside of me.
"Fuck." He groaned, giving me three hard thrusts and felt him release inside of my pussy.
I fell against his shoulder and his arms held me tight as he rubbed his hand over my back. Amid the
sounds of the rainforest playing over the speakers, Edward and I panted hard, trying to slow our
breathing and come back down from our high. I didn't feel any of the remorse I braced for, sure that
after it was said and done, I would be. It never came though. One of Flower Child's hands moved up
into my hair and he massaged gently against my scalp.
His head nuzzled into mine and I turned to face him. He placed a kiss to my lips and I lifted my head
so I could gain better access to him, allowing my tongue to find his again. Edward's hands framed the
sides of my face and he kissed me deeply, as though he were trying to show me what I meant to him.
"Hey Bella"
I pulled back from him instantly and my heart thudded as I saw Angela gaping at us, with her mouth
hanging to her feet as she stood in the doorway.
"Sorry." She closed the door quickly and I remained staring at it long after she was gone. until I
heard Flower Child start to laugh.
"What is it with you and doors?" I slapped him playfully and he grabbed my arms, bringing me back
towards him.
"She doesn't know." He kissed my chin. "You can't see anything. She probably just thinks we were
making out." He looked down to his lap and I followed his eyes, realizing he was right. My skirt
fanned out over his lap and you would have no idea that his dick was still inside of me.
"Only you and I know Bell." He whispered and his hands brushed my hair away from my face.
"It has to stay that way." I looked in his eyes and tried to will him to understand the importance of
"I know. It will." He leaned forward and kissed me once.
"You need to go back to work before they wonder what happened to you - and before your boss
decides to fire you for fucking around on company time."
"Interesting choice of words." He smirked and kissed my cheek.
"What did you come in here for anyway?"
"I honestly don't even remember." He chuckled and his hands lifted me slowly from his lap. He kept
his eyes on mine as he pulled himself from me, but my own rolled a little into the back of my head at
the feeling.
Fuck, was he still hard?
I tried to move, but my legs were locked in place from being crushed into the sides of the chair.
"I'm stuck."
Edward chuckled at me and lifted me up as he stood. I cringed as I tried to stretch my legs out and
force them to stand. He kept one hand on me making sure I didn't fall and righted his pants with the
And fuck, he was still hard.
I adjusted my panties back into place and caught the smirk on Edward's face as he watched, but I
rolled my eyes at him and sat back down at my desk. Flower Child planted a kiss on top of my head as
I tried to shut off the damn rainforest sounds and then found his way to the door.
"Edward?" I reached over and grabbed the notebook, ripping off the picture. He turned around and
looked at me questioningly.
"Here." I held out the page to him.
"What's this?" He asked, walking forward to take it.
"Nessie drew it earlier." He took it from my hands and I watched, as he looked it over. His face smiled
as he registered who all the people were and then he looked up to me.
"I guess it's changed for her too."
2:30 A.M.
I was finally crawling into bed.
This day seemed so much longer than others. I didn't even get to say good night to Edward since I
was too much of a coward to leave my office and face Angela. He never came back in either,
hopefully because he was obeying my rules that no one was allowed to know about us and not
because he was avoiding me.
After I placed my mint in my mouth, I turned off the tableside lamp and snuggled down into the bed.
I immediately felt my body start to slip into my dreams, but was awaken by the sound of my phone
beeping, signaling that I had a text message. With a groan I sat back up and flipped on the light
before making my way across the room to grab it from the small round
table. I walked back over to the bed as my sleepy eyes fidgeted with the keys to find the right
buttons. I was back in the bed and settled down under the covers as I clicked the button to open the
My heart thudded hard as I saw the name of sender.
Flower Child
I scrolled down and read the message:
Are you awake, Bell?
I hit the reply key and typed:
Are you stalking me? :)
I tried to imagine him laughing as he read it. Was he wearing his PJ bottoms without a shirt? Mmm,
butterbean liked that thought. A minute later my phone beeped back and I opened the text.
No, I like my nose bone too much. :)
I typed back:
I like your bone too. ;p
I giggled against my pillow and my stomach fluttered waiting for his response. And waited.and
waitedand waited. Was that the wrong thing to say? I thought a man would like to hear that you
liked his bone? Finally it beeped back.
Sorry, you made drop my phone. You owe me a new faceplate. :(
I chuckled hard, rolling to my back and texted him back.
Sorry... So what did you want Flower Child? Not that I don't mind talking about your bone, but it is
passed 2A.M. :)
I waited for his text, but instead my phone rang. I pressed the key and opened my mouth to greet
him, but he started talking first.
"I couldn't sleep. I was hoping you could tell me a story."
"You're the one with a kid. I don't know any bedtime tales Flower Child." I rolled to my side and
flipped off the light.
"Tell me about your father, when he was teaching you."
"Where are you right now?" I asked, trying to imagine what he looked like on the other end.
"I'm lying in bed in my apartment. Ness is curled up next to me, snoring." He chuckled a little on the
"What are you wearing?"
"I'm in bed with my daughter Bell. What do you think I am wearing?" He chuckled.
"I'm hoping it's the PJ bottoms." I chuckled.
"PJ bottoms do it for you, huh?"
"On you they do." I smiled to myself thinking back to how he looked in them.
"Are you trying to avoid my request?" He laughed.
"Yup." I chuckled.
"Please?" He asked.
"What do want to know?" I sighed.
I paused, trying to think back to something I would like to share. Edward remained quiet on the other
end I loved hearing his faint breathing in the speaker. My mind imagined him laying in bed with his PJ
bottoms on and shirtless. He was probably stroking Ness's hair watching her sleep with that same
look of adoration on his face he always had whenever she was near him.
"Bell? Did you fall asleep honey?"
"No. I was just trying to think."
"You can go to sleep if you want. I know you're tired."
"I'm fine. UmMy dad's name was Charlie, but everyone called him Chuck, except for my mother
Renee, she called him Chunk, since he had a fat stomach."
Edward chuckled softly into the phone causing me to smile. I rolled over to my side and snuggled
down further into the bed.
"He named his restaurant after me La Bella Vita."
"The good life." Edward said softly.
"Very good Flower Child." I chuckled.
"Where was it located?" He asked.
"In our hometown. Good old Forks, Washington. It is still there and he still cooks everyday."
"I've never heard of Forks."
"It's just a small town, nothing to really write home about, except for the best mushroom ravioli and
tiramisu of course." I chuckled.
"Why doesn't your father get a bigger place? In a bigger city, like you?"
"He likes his hometown. He has a connection with those people, plus, it's kind of late in the game for
him to start in on that venture, you know?" I yawned and fought my eyes to stay open.
"Did he ever want to?" Edward asked and imagined Ness must have moved, because now I could
hear her snoring in the phone.
"He'll never admit itbut I think he did."
"What stopped him?" He asked.
"I don't understand." He said softly.
"I think you understand more than anyone." I whispered.
"It's not your fault Bell- and in truth, if we are talking about my feelings and how I react as father,
your father doesn't blame you either. I would give up anything happily for Ness and never hold it
against her. That is the purpose of my life Bell, to live for her."
"Well Ness is lucky then." I felt the tears start to build in my eyes.
"I didn't mean to upset you. I'm sorry."
"I'm fine. It's just late, can we talk tomorrow?"
"Sure honey."
"Alright, goodnight."
"I'm wearing the PJ bottoms- except these have the Cocoa Puff's dude on them."
I snorted into the phone.
"Why the fuck do you have pants with the Cocoa Puff's bird on them?" I chuckled.
"Because I'm coo-coo for cocoa puffs, why else?"
"You're so stupid." I laughed.
"Emmett bought them as a joke for my birthday last year. Apparently making fun of someone's lack
of a sex life is humorous to him, no matter the occasion."
"You got laid tonight, so why are you wearing them?"
"Ness likes them and I told you, it's all for her. No matter how humiliating it might be." He chuckled.
"You didn't have to admit wearing them to me though." I argued.
"Yeah, wellI like it when both of my girls are happy."
Calm down butterbean, you're gonna blow a gasket. He didn't mean it like that.
Did he?
"Get some sleep Bell. I'll see you in the morning."
"Night Flower child."
I kept my phone to my ear and smiled when he didn't hang up first. With a bit of hesitation, I hit the
end button and tossed it on the bedside table. It beeped two seconds later and I laughed as I reached
for it.
Don't forget my faceplate. :)
Edward POV
Monday- We had sex in the back of the Volvo when the dinner rushed ended.
Tuesday- had sex in the walk-in, I got a hand job in her office and then we had sex in the back of her
Lexus; which was much better than the Volvo. It was bigger since it was an SUV and it had no child
seat in the back that jabbed you in the ass.
Wednesday aka today- She was a complete and total mess, which equaled no sex. Not even a hand
job or grab of the nutsnothing. I was officially cut off.
Today was the event for her friend Aro, which meant that Bella was in complete bitch mode. She
yelled, screamed and threatened more lives by noon than I thought possible.
I loved it.
She was sexy when she was ordering people about. Plus her hair was in complete disarray from all
the stress and it reminded me of she looked last night after the backseat fucking we did. I couldn't
help the small smile that was constantly on my face as I stole peeks of her. We were working out of
some fancy hotel about fifty miles away from the restaurant. The kitchen was huge and I looked
around in awe at all the equipment it held. Our kitchen was nice too, but this was one for the record
books. They could feed a small country from it easily.
"Edward, I need you to help me with arranging the walk-in." Bella walked passed me in a hurry as she
gave her orders.
I was never so happy to be sprinting my way to a walk in. Bella was like my new drug. I swear, I was
addicted to this girl. I literally, could not get enough of her.
She was balancing herself on a stack of produce boxes as she reached up to rearrange a shelf above
her head as I entered.
"Hand me the trays from over there and then start sorting out all of that shit someone dumped." She
We were actually going to work? And not have sex?
I walked over to the shelf and picked up the tray she requested, handing to her. She reached out to
grab it and lost her footing a little as the boxes sunk in under her weight. I held her steady by placing
my hands on her hips.
"Thanks." She smiled.
"Sure. I was going for a little lower, but here is good too." I smirked, gripping her hips harder.
Bella placed the tray on the shelf and then turned into my arms, placing her hands on my shoulders
and leaned her lips to my ear.
"As much as I would love to fuck you right now, I don't have time." She kissed the side of my neck
and my dick strained against the front of my pants. "Later." She kissed my neck again and I grabbed
her face into my hand as she leaned away, pulling her back down into my lips.
She chuckled into our kiss and locked her arms around my neck as my own tightened around her tiny
"You're not going to change my mind." She whispered, pulling back.
I was going to answer her back, but my eyes caught the glimpse of someone's head through the walk-
in window.
"Incoming." I pulled her arms down and she spun back around as I freed her from mine.
"There you are." A man with dirty blonde hair entered and smiled at Bella.
"Hi James." She said lamely and I instantly felt the energy in the walk-in change.
"I have your Hor E'dourves." He winked at her and I brought my hands back up to her hips and she
tried to climb down.
"You could have just dropped them off with Laurent." She stood in front of me with her hands on her
hips facing him.
"I wanted to see you." He reached forward and took her hands into his; bringing one up to his lips
and kissed her knuckles.
"Well, now you have." She ripped her hands away from him.
"Don't be like that Isabella. You know it only turns me on more." He winked again.
I was really getting tired of this asshole and all his winking.
"Get back to work, James." She ordered.
"Aren't you going to introduce me to your friend?" He looked my way and appraised me with his
eyes, sizing me up.
"This is Edward Cullen. He is my sous chef at The Workshop." She waved my way.
"Hi Edward, I am James, the Executive Chef of Bella's New York location." He held out his hand to me.
"Nice to meet you James." I reached out for his hand and he gripped mine firmly into his. I gave him a
harder squeeze back though, sending him a message not to fuck with me and he chuckled once as he
pulled his hand back.
I didn't miss the way he flexed it after wards.
"Don't let her scare you off, Edward. Isabella is tough on the outside, but quite soft on the inside."
"Get back to work James before I fucking fire your ass."
"Oh darling," He took a few steps forward and leaned into her ear, whispering something I couldn't
"Get out." She said softly, crossing her arms defensively over her chest.
"See you all later then." He winked again and backed his way out the door.
Bella remained staring at the door after he left and I tried to figure out what the hell had happened
between them. Bella obviously didn't like him or the fact the he touched her...why?
"Are you alright honey?" I rubbed her back and she coiled away from my touch.
"Don't call me that." She spun around and placed her hands on her hips.
"I am your boss Edward. I am not your honey, your baby or whatever other sweet little pet names
you want to come up with. I'm pretty sure I explained all of this to you the first day, didn't I?"
"I'm not him Bell." I shook my head, staring into her eyes.
"This isn't about James. This is about you. Don't put your screw up's on someone else's shoulders."
"I'm not. If you want me to call you Miss Swan, Chef or the Queen of fucking Miami I don't really care
Bell. I just want you."
"That is exactly what I mean. It's all a joke to you. I'm just some big fucking joke to you." Her eyes
started to tear.
"No you're not." I reached for her but she stepped back.
"The Queen of Miami. You're making fun of me and my request for you to address me as your
authority figure, because you don't see me that way. I'm just some girl that you fuck now in the
backseat of your car." She swatted away her tears as she stepped back away from me, but I grabbed
her arm and pulled her into me.
"No you are not Bell. I didn't mean it that way." I hugged her to me and kissed the top of her head as
my hand rubbed circles on her back.
"I don't know what happened with you and that guy Bella, but I am not him. I promise. I respect you.
I wouldn't be with you other wise. I wouldn't let my daughter be around you if I didn't think you
worthy." I pulled her face away from my shirt and cupped her cheeks in my hands as I kissed her wet
"We need to get back to work." She sniffled, trying to wiggle free from my arms, but I brought her
face back up to mine.
"Yes, Miss Swan." I kissed her left cheek.
"Miss Swan." I kissed her right cheek.
"Miss Swan." I kissed her chin.
"Miss Swan." I kissed her forehead and she finally chuckled as my lips trailed down her face and into
her neck as I continued to whisper her name against her skin.
"Now you're just being a shit." She shoved against me and I let her go, but helped her back up the
boxes and held her hips.
"Will you do me a favor?" She asked.
"Anything." I kissed the side of her arm.
"Will you just promise me that you won't start anything with James? He likes to cause trouble and I
don't need any of that shit with him, alright?" She looked down to me.
"I promise." I nodded, giving another kiss to her arm.
"Thank you." She leaned down and kissed my lips once, but I pulled her into my arms and she
chuckled at me as we kissed and I pulled her down off the boxes into my arms.
"This is exactly why dating your co-workers doesn't work." She chuckled.
"Is it later yet?" I asked in between kisses.
"Edward, we have to work. No humping until after the event." She kissed me again.
"I don't hump." I smirked.
"I've had sex with you, believe me, you hump." She giggled.
"You try being graceful with a car seat jammed up your ass." I chuckled into her neck.
"Ooh baby, I love it when you talk dirty." She teased.
"Do you?" I bit into her neck.
"Edward please, I'm serious. No sex in the walk-in." She hit against me and I let her go from my arms.
"Later, I promise."
"Bella, we need to have more people serving cake."
"Yes Jane."
"And clearing plates."
"Yes Jane."
"And I need to make sure that my bridesmaids that get those little gift boxes and everyone knows
about the picture out front."
"Yes Jane."
Poor Bella was being hounded by a four-foot tall girl that looked like an evil Little Red Riding Hood.
She seemed to be handling it well, though. It was rather odd to watch her taking orders from
someone. It was something I wasn't used to. This whole event surprised me though. I never knew
getting married was so complicated. The fact that Bella was able to orchestrate all of this in a matter
of days blew my mind. She was nothing short of amazing. I was in true awe of her today.
"Where the fuck is that little fairy dude who's in charge?!" Bella slammed down her clipboard on the
table and blew a string of hair from her face.
"Need a drink yet, B?" Emmett bit his lip to keep from laughing.
"No. If I start drinking now, I won't be able to stop."
"Bel-la!" A very unstraight man came in singing Bella's name.
By 'unstraight', I of course mean flaming homosexual.
"There you are Billy. Jane wants everyone to sign some damn photo out front and my team will need
another five minutes to clear down before you can begin the garter toss so" Bella went out of the
kitchen rolling off her list to Billy.
"I am so glad I am not her." Emmett chuckled.
"Is it always like this?" I piled up the chaffing dishes and brought them over to the sink for washing.
"This one actually isn't that badyet. Our last gig like this we ended up pulling the drunken
groomsmen from the bushes and I had to fight someone's Grandfather off Bella after he wouldn't
take no for an answer." He chuckled.
"An answer to what?" I lifted an eyebrow.
"To marry him, jerkoff." He tossed a wet rag at me.
I flipped on the switch for the hot water and pumped some soap into the large basin tub to begin
washing. I could feel Emmett's eyes on me and I looked over to him questioningly.
"Never see man wash dishes Emmett?"
"It's not that. I know about you and Bella." He turned his body around and flipped on the other
faucet to the sink.
"You do?"
"Yeah, she kind of told me, well actually, Dad kind of told me." He chuckled.
"Dad? How the fuck does Dad know?" I began scrubbing one of the pots, hard.
"He saw her car parked overnight. Bella told me about what happened, though."
"Is that all she told you?" I kept my eyes on my washing.
"Is there something else to tell?" He leaned over towards me.
"Are you gonna keep your damn mouth shut?" I looked over towards him and stopped my washing.
"Of course. You and B are my family."
"We kind of hooked up the other night." I confessed.
"Well it's about fucking time." He patted me on the back, hard.
"And the night after that. Several times." I couldn't help but to grin.
"Well damn, Edward. When you climb back on the horse, you tell that bitch to giddy up, don't you?"
He chuckled.
"Shut the fuck up." I looked around to make sure no one heard.
"Sorry. Seriously though, you better be good to B. I don't want to have to kill you." He grinned.
"I'm not gonna hurt her Emmett." I picked the pot back up and started scrubbing again.
"So why Bella anyway? What's so special about her?"
"I don't know Emmett. The way she is with Nessie. The way she is with me, just everything. I don't
know how to describe it." I shrugged.
"So this is more than a sex thing for you?"
"Of course. If I wanted a random piece of ass I wouldn't have been torturing my dick for the last two
"You know Bella isn't staying right? She's only here until you learn your shit and then she's
"I know."
"So what then?"
"I'll figure that out when the time comes Em. I don't know."
"All the single ladies please report to the dance floor!"
I watched from the back of the ballroom as he DJ gathered the single woman for the bouquet toss. I
heard Bella protesting when the ladies tried to pull her up to the dance floor and then Jane grabbed
the mic from the DJ booth and walked up to the floor with a hand on her hip.
"Bella Swan, do not make me drag you up here, girl! Did you all like the food tonight?" Jane held the
microphone out and everyone cheered. "Y'all give it up for my chef and friend Bella Swan then!" She
waved Bella to come up and after she rolled her eyes and shook her head Bella walked up to the
dance floor with the other girls and Jane hugged her as the crowd cheered.
The DJ started to play 'all the single ladies' and Bella laughed and whispered back and forth to one of
the girls as they waited for the bride to toss the flowers.
"Three..two.." Jane tossed her bouquet and Bella ducked, allowing one of the tall blondes next to
her to grab it.
I laughed as she ran back through the crowd toward the kitchen and the blonde who caught the
bouquet chased after her.
"Heidi, get that damn thing away from me!" Bella chuckled standing next to me and Emmett.
"Oh, come on Bella, don't you want to get married?!" The blonde shook it in her face and Bella hid
behind me.
"No! Go away!" She chuckled, gripping the sides of my chef's coat.
"Fine." Heidi winked at me and then turned back to the dance floor.
"Is she gone?" Bella mumbled against my jacket.
"Yes. You can come out now." I reached back for her.
"Let's go washes dishes." She grabbed my hand and pulled me into the kitchen with her as Emmett
There wasn't too much left to do since I left the rest of the crew in charge of the clean up. Bella, of
course, wasn't happy unless she was doing something though, so she followed the guys outside to
watch them load up the box truck with the rentals and tell them how to pack it up.
"Anyone have a smoke?" She asked and one of the guys dug a cigarette out of his apron for her.
"Thanks." He lit the end of it and she took a long drag with her eyes closed.
"Fuck, I needed that." She blew the smoke out and held it to me. "Come on Flower Child, mommy
isn't going to find out tonight." She teased.
"I suppose not." I took it from her hands and brought it up to my lips, loving how her cherry lip-gloss
tasted on the filter.
Bella licked her lips as she watched me take a drag and I could see something playful in her eye as I
passed it back to her.
"What?" I asked keeping my eyes on hers.
"Nothing." She giggled and turned back around to watch the guys.
My brows furrowed as I tried to figure out what was up with her, but I was at a loss and turned
around to go back inside to retrieve another round of equipment for the guys. I wanted out of here.
The faster that happened, the faster I would be where I wanted to be.
Inside of Bella.
I was filling the spaces in the wine rack tray with the clean glasses from the dishwasher when I heard
Bella's voice from behind talking to man. I spun around to see a member of the wedding party
trapping her in a corner of the kitchen in between the icemaker and the wall.
"I said just one dance, come on." He leaned in closer to her.
"I am working, I'm sorry but I can't dance with you." She tried to get by him, but he held out his arm
and would not let her pass.
"Come on, baby." He leaned in closer and I started to walk over towards her.
He had her pressed all the way up against the wall by the time I got there and fisted the back of his
collar pulling him away.
"She said no." I stood in front of Bella and he came forward towards me with an angry expression on
his face.
"Edward it's fine. Just go back to what you were doing please." She pushed me from behind, but I
kept my eyes on the guy.
"It's fine, really." She smiled at me and then turned to the man.
"There's a great party out there. You should go back to it." She smiled sweetly at him and turned to
walk away, but he grabbed her arm.
Bella spun around quickly and grabbed a handful of his nuts in one hand and then gripped his collar
with the other, bringing his ear to her lips.
"This" She squeezed his balls harder. "Will be the only time tonight I am touching your ball sack.
So I suggest you do yourself a favor asshole, and go back out to the party and have a good time
before I decide to rip them off and shove them down your fucking throat. Understand?"
He groaned painfully and she released her hold, spinning around quickly and walked passed me.
Emmett was applauding on the other side of the kitchen and I had to chuckle at the man as he
passed, cupping his poor balls.
"I'll take that drink now Emmett."
As soon as the door to our hotel room closed, I grabbed Bella from behind and pulled her to me,
kissing her neck as I unbuttoned her white blouse and we walked towards the bathroom together.
The back of her head leaned on my shoulder and I brought my lips to hers, kissing her deeply as we
stumbled through the hotel suite. When the last button was undone, I pulled her shirt down from her
shoulders and spun her around to hoist her up on my hips; carrying her the rest of the way to the
shower. The door knocked loudly against the wall as I kicked it open with my foot and Bella chuckled
into our kiss at my hastiness.
"In a hurry to do something, Flower Child?" She giggled, tightening her arms around my neck.
"Yes. You." I sat her down on the vanity so I could turn on the water and take off the rest of our
clothes without ruining the hotel room any further.
Bella chuckled at me and pulled me back into her with her long legs. Her fingers hooked under the
hem of my shirt, tickling my sides and making goose bumps rise as she pulled it over my head. Her
hands landed gently on my chest and she traced over the markings of the tattoos gently with her
Bella's feet pushed down the cheffies I was still wearing and she moaned looking down at my erect
cock. I tucked my hands under her hair, lacing my fingers behind her head and brought her lips to
mine, tilting her head back so I could kiss her deeply with my tongue. She reached behind her and
unhooked her lilac lacy bra. My hands slid down her neck to her shoulders and pushed the satin
straps down, revealing her perfect breasts. I continued the slide and allowed my palms to coast over
the swell of her tits, resting them there and groaning into her mouth at how good she felt under my
My cock throbbed with the need to be inside of her and I let go of her chest to focus on getting her
bottoms off. She had on a long black skirt, so thankfully it wasn't too difficult other than the fact that
it was tight as hell and hard to pull down. She made it up for it by wearing a barely there lacy black
thong underneath, which was easily discarded to the floor.
I rested my hand on the small of her back and her ass cheeks screeched against the countertop as I
slid her to the edge. Bella wrapped her legs around my waist and I teased her a little, rubbing my
cock along her wet slit before I slid slowly into her warmth.
"Fuck, Edward." She fisted my hair into hands, pressing my face into the crook of her neck.
Bella's legs tightened around my waist and my cock swelled inside of her, making her pussy clench
around me. My lips kissed along her neck, licking and giving small bites to her tender skin and she
moaned into my shoulder in response. I remembered her words from earlier and I wondered if she
was being truthful when she said she like dirty talk.
"You pussy is so fucking tight, Bella. So fucking sweet and tight." I bit into her neck and she screamed
out in pleasure.
"Sweetest pussy ever." I pumped her harder as I held her skin in between my teeth and she dug her
nails into my scalp.
"You like it when I hit right there, don't you?" I thrust hard into her, hitting her special spot.
"Right there." She moaned and I thrust again harder.
"Right there?"
"Fuck. Right there." Her pussy tightened and I thrust even harder into her making her cry out in
"Right there?" I pumped frantically into her, slamming harder and harder each time.
"Right there. Right there. Right therefuck..I." Her words caught in her throat and her walls
clenched down on my cock as I pounded into her.
"Can I come with you Bella?" I groaned into her ear.
"Fuck. Yes. Come with me." She held my hair painfully into her fists as she cried out her plea.
"I'm gonna fill your pussy so good, Bella. You want me to fill you?" I tipped her back a little so I could
fuck deeper inside of her.
"Yes. Please." She panted against my lips as my forehead pressed against hers.
"Here it comes, baby. I'm gonna fill up that tight pussy so good." Bella clenched around me as I thrust
harder and spilled myself inside of her.
My arms held her tight to me as both of our orgasms swept over us and she panted hard into my
shoulder. I was afraid I was hurting her with how tight I held her to me, but she only tightened her
hold in response, telling me that it was alright. I just wanted to crawl inside of her and never leave.
She felt so perfect in my arms and around my body - like she should have always been here.
"Are you alright, baby?" I whispered, but she gave no response. "Bell?" I smoothed my hands over
her hair, but she still remained silent, only rubbing her hands over my back. "Did I kill you?" I
chuckled, leaning my head into hers.
"Mmm hmm." She hummed into my neck, causing me to laugh harder.
"You weren't lying about the dirty talk," I teased.
"Mmm." Her arms tightened around my neck.
"Would you like to shower now?" I rocked her in my arms and she nodded against my neck.
"You have to stand up you know." I chuckled and she leaned away from me sighing as she looked to
my chest.
I laughed at her expression that looked an odd mixture of pleased, tired and slightly drugged. Her
eyelids drooped slightly and she held onto me as we made our way into the shower. She leaned
against me as I started to wash her with the soap and I gave her small kisses along the side of her
"You did a really good job tonight, Bell. I don't know how you hold all of that shit together so well." I
spun her around so I could wash her hair.
"It was the staff. I just yell at people and tell them what to do." She chuckled.
"It was you," I cupped her face in one hand and rubbed my other hand along her cheek. "I am proud
of you Bell." I allowed my hand to course over her cheek and kept my eyes on hers.
"Thanks." She said softly.
I brought her lips to mine and tried to show her how I felt, kissing her slowly and with only what I felt
for her in my heart. Lust already had its stage tonight. I just wanted Bella to know that she meant
more to me than that.
"My turn," She pulled away from me and picked up the bar of soap from the dish. "Turn around
Flower Child." I spun around so she could wash my back.
Bella's small hands felt good as she coursed them over my muscles slowly, making some sort of figure
eight along my back with her washing.
"You have a nice ass." She smacked it once with her hand and then started kneading my cheeks.
"The feeling is mutual." I tilted my head back and wiggled my brows at her.
"You have a nice everything though." She sighed and I felt her cheek rest against my back.
Her hands started kneading into my muscles as she worked her way up and I palmed the wall to gain
better footing against her pressure.
"Sore?" She asked softly.
"A little." Her thumbs made perfect massaging circles into all the right places and I hummed in
pleasure as she loosed the knots.
"You feel so good Bella."
"The feeling is mutual." She repeated back to me, chuckling softly.
I turned around and placed a kiss on her forehead as she kept washing, working on my chest now.
Her eyes trailed over my artwork and I could see her trying to decipher what it all meant, just as she
had asked me several times before. I brought her hand up to the black ink that symbolized the sun
and held it there.
"This one is true."
"Which one?" She lifted her hand to see.
"The sun. It is symbolic of good fortune." I explained, watching her face.
"Has it brought you good fortune?" She looked up into my eyes, smiling.
"It was raining for almost a week straight, then, the day that Emmett told me about the position at
your place, I woke up to find the sun out, finally. It hasn't rained one day since then." I brought her
hand up to my face and kissed her palm.
"You are my good fortune Bella, the sunshine in my life."
Bella POV
2:34 A.M.
Edward's strong arms held me to him as he snored softly beside me. I watched his face and how
peaceful he looked as my fingers brushed gently through his messy hair. We made love again tonight
after we climbed in bed and it was all I could do to not shake him right now and wake him up for
more. It was becoming an addiction. I wanted him all the time. It was as if I was no longer complete
with out him; like he made up the better half of me that only existed if he did. How I ever lived
without him before I didn't know. Maybe that was just it though, I wasn't really living. I was alive for
sure, but being alive and living your life are two totally different things.
I leaned in and kissed his warm lips as he slept and his arms tightened around me, pulling me closer
to him. My hand traveled along the strong muscles of his arm and then to his chest, sliding down his
hard stomach. Flower Child stirred in his sleep and I kept my hand moving until I reached his cock
and it twitched as I took it into my hands. I pumped him twice and leaned into his mouth again,
kissing his sleepy lips. He rocked his hips into my hand and started to move his lips against mine as he
began to wake. I pulled myself to him using the back of his neck and hitched my leg over his hip,
using my hand that was on his cock to slide him inside of me.
"Bella." He whispered against my lips.
I used my arms that were around his neck to slid up and down his length, but it was too hard to do
being on our sides. Edward rolled me on my back, keeping our bodies joined and sunk himself down
fully inside of me, hitting the spot Butterbean and I loved.
His movements were slower than before in the bathroom, but he felt just as good, if not somehow
better. There was so much care and tenderness in his touch, even when he was rough he was gentle,
careful with me.
I told Edward three days prior that I couldn't fall for him, but the truth is that I didn't know how not
to fall for him. He made it all too easy. Now here I was, passed two in the morning, making love to
Edward wide awake and living my life for the first time.
He was right about the sun. Miami was full of it and I had nothing but good fortune since I came
here; still though, it seemed like a storm was looming overhead.
Chapter Five ~ Sweet and Sour
There was some type of stand off going on.
Nessie was sitting on Bella's desk, facing her, with her little legs dangling and Bella staring at her
intently as she chewed. I was watching from the doorway and neither of them seemed to notice that
I existed.
Ness and I were only here today because I needed to pick up my check and drop her off with Jessica
so she could spend her usual Friday night with her mom. Bella was nice enough to allow me tonight
off, since I worked my scheduled days off due to the whole last-minute wedding fiasco.
Of course, the second my feet stepped through the front door of the restaurant, Ness wiggled like a
worm to get free and went running into Bella's office. I used that opportunity to take a piss and then
Emmett stopped me in the hall to make a bet on the game this week. After I laid down the twenty I
owed him from the previous game, I walked back towards Bella's office and that now brings us to
back the stand off.
Bella brought a banana to her mouth and took a big bite to which I saw Ness' arm move in the same
motion and then Bella took another bite without swallowing and then Ness repeated her same
movement again. Bella took another bite and tried to chew but her mouth was stuffed full and she
began to laugh before holding a hand over Ness's arm and stopping her from taking another bite.
"What are you doing to my child?" I smiled.
Bella leaned back in her chair laughing silently with her cheeks stuffed and Ness turned her face
around to me, revealing her cheeks were just as bad. Bella finally swallowed enough to formulate a
"No more bites." She giggled, covering her hand over Ness' banana. "You have to chew and swallow
Bella took another bite of her banana and then set it down the desk, bringing her eyes up to me as
she chewed.
"I think your daughter might be part ape." She chuckled.
"What are guys doing?" I sat on the edge of Bella's desk and watched as Ness finally swallowed her
"Training her for her teen years, what else?" Bella picked up her banana again and ate it suggestively.
"That isn't even close to being funny."
"Apparently" She sighed and took another bite. "Your daughter has a little competitive streak in
her. She thought she could eat a banana faster than me." Bella smiled looking back at Ness.
"Is that so?" I looked back to Ness who was smiling wide at Bella.
"Bewwa's mouf es biggawer." She giggled.
"You got that right, kid." Bella winked.
"Well, as much fun as this all is.It's time to go see Mommy, Ness." I reached over for her but she
cowered away.
"I no wanna go to Mommy. I wanna stay wif Bewwa." She reached her arms forward for Bella.
"Bella is not your playmate, Ness. She has grown up things to do. Don't you miss Mommy?"
"No!" She folded her little arms over her chest.
"Be nice Renessmee. Mommy misses you and she would be very hurt if you didn't go see her
tonight." I reached my arms out for her, but she held her ground.
Bella looked between Ness and me with a worried expression on her face.
"Squeaky?" Bella put her hand under Ness' chin and lifted her little face up to look at her. "Your
daddy is right. You need to go with your mommy tonight. We can play when you come back to daddy
though, okay?"
"But I wanna pay now." She sniffled.
"I'm sure your mommy has fun games to play. Plus, Aunty Bella can't play now. I have to work
"But mommys no fun. See es on de phone all da time." She sniffled harder and Bella pulled her into
her lap, hugging Ness to her chest.
"Emmett." Bella buzzed him on the phone.
"Yeah B?"
"Can you come to my office, please?" She starting rocking Nessie and I started getting worried.
Even if Bella was alright with watching Ness, it didn't matter. I had to allow Jessica to see her tonight;
not because I had some big warm fuzzy heart, but because the State of Florida ordered me to.
Emmett came through the door before I could speak up and he paused, looking around at the
awkward situation.
"Give me your cell phone." Bella reached out one hand and held Ness with the other.
"What? Why?" He asked, reaching for it.
"Just give it to me." She held her hand out further.
"Fine." He grumbled and passed to her.
Bella flipped it open and began pressing a series of buttons before she snapped it closed and leaned
down to Ness.
"Squeaky?" Bella tilted Ness forward and brought her chin up with her free hand.
"Here, take Uncle Emmett's phone. When you get bored, you just press this button, number 1 for
Daddy. Then number two is for Uncle Emmet. Okay?"
"Whewre Bewwa?" Ness asked taking the phone.
"You can't call me squeaky. I have work, remember? You can talk to daddy or Uncle Emmet though,
"Kay." Ness sighed.
"Good girl." Bella hugged her and kissed the top of her head. "Now go to daddy." Bella nodded
towards me and I reached forward to pick her up.
Ness averted my arms though, and reached out to give Bella a kiss on her cheek first, then hugged
her arms around her neck.
"Miss you Bewaa." She said softly.
Bella chuckled softly and than hugged Ness back.
"Go to daddy, alright?" She pushed Ness away and moved her towards me while keeping her eyes
I wanted to give Bella a kiss, but I didn't want to do it in front of Ness. The last thing I needed was
Jessica hearing through my four-year-old that I was making out with my boss.
"I'll see you later Bella." I picked up Ness' bag from the chair, but Bella kept her face down as I walked
passed Em, who gave a knock on the shoulder as I exited.
I walked across the street to Cocoa Chanel's to meet Jessica. I could see her from the window, sitting
at one of the empty tables. She was watching through the window and smiled when she saw me
walking over with Nessie. I was glad she was actually here tonight. Might have killed her if she pulled
her disappearing act again.
"Look, baby. There's mommy." I pointed across the street as we crossed the road and Ness bounced
happily in my arms.
Jessica came outside and greeted us, but I kept walking towards the door as she tried to reach for
"Give her to me, Edward." She tugged on my sleeve, but I pushed passed her and went inside.
"We need to talk first." I hoisted Ness to my other side, out of her reach.
"Talk about what?" She asked angrily.
"Sit." I pulled out a seat for her at one of tables near the window.
"Don't tell me what to do." She took a seat across from me.
"Can we just be civil for like, three minutes please?" I sat down Ness on my leg and placed a menu in
her hands to keep her occupied.
"What do you want Edward?" She sighed.
"We need to make arrangements for when Carlisle and Esme leave next week. I only have Monday
and Tuesdays off, if I actually get them off, so we have to figure out how to divide our time to watch
"We'll get a sitter." She shrugged.
"No, we won't. She is our child Jessica. We will take care of her. I am not leaving her with a stranger."
"You are so paranoid, you know that?" She rolled her eyes and flipped back her dirty blonde hair.
"I don't want to fight with you." I shook my head and pulled the menu from Ness' mouth.
"Well, I only have one day off this week. I don't see how that is supposed to work."
"You'll have to talk with Rose. I'll talk with Bella and see what we can arrange for this week so our
schedules coincide."
"Bewwa?" Ness perked up.
"Shh. Mommy and Daddy are talking, honey." I put my finger over my lips.
"How does she know Bella?" Jessica narrowed her eyes at me.
"We have this thing every Friday at work. All of the staff goes out with their family for some type of
group bonding thing. Bella was there obviously." I looked down to Ness and pleaded with my eyes for
her to keep her sweet lips closed about the other encounters.
After Jess took Nessie for the evening, I made my way back inside of Cocoa Chanel's.
Rose gave me a dirty look as I made my way up to the counter, but Alice smiled cheerfully over the
top of the book she was reading. I always liked Alice. Out of all of Jessica's friends, she was my
favorite. She could always talk us both down from the ledge when our tempers got the best of us and
we wanted to kill each other. I appreciated her level headedness throughout the fuckdom that was
Jess and Edward.
"Hey Baby Daddy." She giggled.
"Hey Alice." I smiled.
"I saw you make nice. It was very impressive." She winked.
"It was civil, Alice, I don't have it in me to be nice anymore."
"Well, it was better than the usual screamfest. Nessie looks fabulous, by the way. I liked her dress."
She smiled, resting her book down.
"Thank you. My mother picked it out. I'll be sure to pass it along." I eyed the row of chocolate
brownies in the case.
"So, what are you looking for?" She inquired.
"Um, I wanted to bring my mother something. To say thank you, you know, for watching Ness." I lied.
"Oh, well, how about some fudge? Rose made some fresh today." She tugged a paper from the box.
"Yeah, that's good. Do you have any of those cookies Rose made the other day? The black and white
ones?" I walked a little further down the case searching for them.
"We're all sold out, sorry. I made some mocha bars earlier, you should try some." She pointed to the
"I'll take a few of those." I nodded.
"Anything else?"
"Can I have a macchiato too, please? Two actuallyno waitthree."
"Long night ahead?" She teased.
"No, I want to drop one off to Emmett, but I don't want to rude to Bella so I better bring her one too.
The other of course is all mine." I smiled.
'Trying to earn brownie points with your boss?" She giggled as she started making the espresso.
"You don't see me buying brownies, do you?" I winked.
"Ha. Ha." She rolled her eyes at me as she foamed the milk.
"So what is it like anyhow, working for a celebrity chef?" Alice topped the cup and sat it down on the
counter, then turned to make the second one.
"It's interesting." I took the lid off and walked to the condiment stand to add more sugar, knowing
Bella would not like the small amount Alice added.
"I heard she was really mean. One of the guys who works part time for us says that he used to know
a busser from her place up north and she used to make people cry. They all they have this nickname
for her, too." She giggled.
"What nickname?" I turned around and walked back to the counter with my cup.
"They call her Bruella." She laughed as she placed the third cup down on the counter and began
ringing up my bill.
"Bruella?" I asked.
"Yeah, you know like 'Cruella' and 'Bella' combined?"
"I see." The anger surged inside of me that anyone would think Bella was adequate to a puppy-
snatching wench.
"Well, it will be thirty five forty two. Sorry, but Jess revoked my right to offer you a discount, Rose
too." She grinned.
"That's alright. I'm surprised she doesn't make you charge me double." I laughed reaching for my
"I did actually." She chuckled.
I passed her my card and she paused, looking at it oddly.
"What? Is it expired?" I held my hand out to take it back.
"No, I just didn't know you got your own line of credit when you worked for a famous chef." She
turned the card around and wiggled it at me.
"Oh, that's the petty cash card. Sorry" I dug out my ATM card. "Use this." I swapped with her.
"How much can you charge on that thing?" She swiped my bankcard through the machine.
"Like fifteen hundred or something." I shrugged.
"Seriously?" She placed the receipt down for me to sign.
"Yeah. It's only for emergencies though, I think. It gets taken out of my check if I use it." I handed her
back the top copy and picked up my bags.
"Well that's cool. I think I would have to have an emergency everyday. Good thing we don't get
those." She giggled, sliding the slip in the drawer.
"I'll probably never use it." I shrugged. "Well thanks, Alice. Hey, maybe you should come over and eat
sometime." I offered.
"I already have. That hot bartender of yours treated me the other night. It was really good." She
smiled with a slight nod.
"You and Jasper huh?" I smiled back, pushing my way out the door.
Alice leaned against the counter and rested her chin in her hands looking at me, smiling wide.
"What can I say? I am a sucker for man with a mohawk."
I dropped off Emmett's macchiato along with a few squares of fudge and a mocha bar. After I
explained to him what the fuck a macchiato was, I made my way to Bella's office.
Onlyshe wasn't there.
The kitchen.
I turned around and made my way down the skinny hall leading to the place I knew I would find
Bella. Tipping up on my toes, I peered in and stole a peek at her through the window before I
entered. She was at the pass, yelling at poor Ben about something. I still had to laugh, thinking back
to the day she scolded him for dressing like me. My laughter came to a close as though as I
remembered the fact that she had stripped me of my Chef's coat for undermining her.
Bella gave it back for the event the other night, but then became an Indian giver when she
demanded I leave it in her office Thursday night, saying I had not earned it back for use in The
Workshop yet. I wondered how long she would make me suffer and what exactly I would have to do
in order to right my wrong.
I leaned away from the door and it occurred to me that perhaps, this wasn't the best place for
offering Bella sweets and coffee. Surley it would seem odd to the rest of the staff if I went strolling in
with a box of fudge and mocha bars for Bell. She didn't usually keep her cell phone on her in the
kitchen, so that option was out.
The tickets.
I walked back out to the dining room to find Emmett. He was trying to smooth over an order with an
older couple who were complaining about their wait. As he exited the table, I pulled him to the side
and started digging in his apron for the ticket pad.
"Oh yeah. A little lower, princess." He rocked his hips against me.
"You're a fag." I pulled my arm back and pushed him away as he tried to grind on me.
"What the hell are you doing?" He asked looking over my shoulder.
"Give this to Bella." I tore off the page and put it in his hand.
"Can I read it?" He chuckled.
"No. Fuck you. Just give it to her." I walked passed him and made my through the dining room and
out the door.
Bella POV
8:32 P.M.
Fuck, I did not want to be at work.
Edward had the night off; was completely kid free and here I was, slinging fucking Risottos and not
being fucked six ways from Sunday by Flower Child on every surface of his damn apartment like I
have been dreaming about since the call the other night.
Ben was driving me up the wall and I swear, if he messed up a side of veg one more time, I was going
to shove the hot plate up his ass sideways.
While the veg was still on it.
Two of my tables had sent back their entrees, which is something that never fucking happens and
now I see Emmett walking in with a ticket in his hands - that I am sure must be another re-fire. My
foot kicked the fucking trash bins behind me, sending them to the floor. I screamed out loud before
turning around and facing him.
"Fuck off Emmett!" I held my hands up to him, unable to take anymore shit tonight.
"I think you want this one." He reached it out to me.
"I said, Fuck. Off!" I turned back around and eyed Ben and the veg with a murderous stare.
"Seriously Bella, this one is from a VIP. I think you better take a look. He had a special request from
the Chef, Bell." I spun around and stared at him like he was retarded.
"Seriously." He winked at me.
Did I look like I was in the mood for games?
I reached out and snatched the ticket from him, already prepared to scream, because the fucking
thing was folded in half. Why would someone fold over a ticket!? What an insane part of the universe
was I now living in!?
I unfolded it and began to read, fully prepared to murder Emmett the second my eyes finished the
last word and then.
The room stilled, my rage subsided and the universe was once again a happy place that did not
involve hot plates being shoved up anyone's ass.
1 -Bella Swan served rare and sizzling hot.
(In my Volvo)
I looked up to Emmett and couldn't keep the goofy grin from my face.
"Can you watch the pass for a minuteor two?" I asked.
"Yeah sure." He chuckled.
I pulled my apron from over my head and tossed it on the crates as I exited through the back door.
Unbuttoning my jacket, I flung it on top of the palettes and sprinted towards the front of the
building. I saw Edward's car parked a few spaces down from me on the same side of the street as The
Workshop. He didn't see me as I hurried to his car and I was thankful the door was open when I went
for the handle. Plopping down inside, I was greeting by the soft sounds of Mute Math and Edward
smiling over to me.
"That was faster than ordering a pizza." He chuckled.
"It was very clever of you; I almost killed Emmett though." I smiled.
"Why?" He raised one eyebrow at me.
"I thought he was bringing me a re-fire." I pulled the tie from my hair and sat back into the seat.
"I thought you might need this." He passed me a paper cup that looked very much like it housed
"Coffee?" I smiled.
"A macchiato. I have sweets too, but I am not so sure I want to give them away for free." He winked.
"You're going to make me trade you my vagina for." I peered into the box. "Fudge?" I chuckled.
"I'd settle for a kiss." He shrugged, giving me that damn crooked smile of his.
"Sounds like a fair trade." I leaned over and met him halfway.
Edward's hand palmed the side of my face and held me to his lips. I could taste his coffee and sweets
he must have stole on his tongue as he swirled it slowly against mine; I chuckled softly against his
"I take it you already sampled them?" I leaned away and licked my lips smiling at him.
"I had to make sure they were Bella-worthy." He grinned.
"They look great. Are they from Rose's place?" I picked up a piece of fudge.
"Yeah, I bought some after Jessica took Nessie."
His words brought the image of her sad face back into my mind and I looked down chewing on my
fudge as my fingers fidgeted with the lid to my coffee.
"Thank you for what you did Bell." His hand came over to my face and he tucked the curtain my
hair made in between us over my shoulder. "You're so good with her." Flower Child's fingers brushed
along my cheek.
"I don't think you should bring her around me anymore Edward." I shoved the last bit of fudge into
my mouth and took a sip of the hot macchiato, appreciating that he must have added extra sugar.
"Why?" His fingers fell from my face and he slumped back into his seat.
"She's getting too attached. What you and I choose to do is one thing, but I don't think it's fair to put
Nessie through it. I'm going to be leaving soon Edward and then what?" He had a doleful expression
on his face as I peered at him, making my heart burn in my chest.
"How soon?" He asked softly, keeping his eyes to his hands as they fidgeted in his lap.
"That sort of depends on you." I took another sip of coffee, keeping my eyes on him.
"Figures" He laughed once humorlessly. "Get to sign my own death warrant so to speak."
"Yeah well, you don't even have a chef's coat right now. It will probably take forever for me to train
your punk ass." I grinned at him and he finally looked up to me.
"Maybe next week I'll try to loose the pants too." He winked.
Butterbean thought Flower Child was a genius.
"I don't think we would get very much work done." I reached for his hand and laced my fingers with
"Speaking of work, I need to talk to talk to you about something." He turned to face me, bending one
leg on his seat and resting our locked hands on his knee.
"Next week's schedule is going to be a little hard for me. My parents are leaving for Europe, it's their
anniversary and I'm on my own with Ness. I talked with Jessica tonight and she is supposed to
coordinate with me, but she is about as reliable as a fifty cent pair of underwear." His thumb rubbed
against my palm as he waited for my response.
"Edward." I turned my body to mimic his. "Regardless of how I feel about you and NessI can't
give you special treatment. I have a business to run and I need you to be there. You can't get special
privileges; it isn't fair to the others who don't." I rubbed his knuckles with my thumb.
"I know." He brought my hand up to his face. "I wasn't asking for any." He kissed the back of my
hand. "I just wanted to explain." He kissed it again.
"I'm not trying to be insensitive. I just have to be fair." I allowed my hand to rub his cheek.
"I know. I'll figure it out." He rolled his face into my hand and kissed my palm.
"UghI have to get back inside before the place falls apart. I left Emmet on the pass, so I'm sure I'll
have to comp most of the meals once I go back in." I sighed.
"I'm sorry." Edward chuckled.
"Thank you for the sweets"I leaned across the console and met his lips once. "The fudge too." I
grinned, kissing him once more and Flower Child pulled me in, kissing me harder.
"Will you come over to my place after work? Spend the night with me, please?" He asked, in
between kisses.
"You want me to stay at your place?" I asked, smiling against his lips.
"Nessie is gone and I hate sleeping alone." He kissed my cheek and butterbean did a back flip. "Plus, I
have a great pair of Toucan Sam pj bottoms that I would love to model for you." He chuckled.
"You really know how to make a girl swoon a girl, Flower Child." I teased.
"And Egyptian cotton sheets that would love to meet you after I took them off." He added with a
"That's more like it." I kissed his lips once more and then leaned away before I decided going back to
work was a really shitty idea.
"Call me and I'll pick you up." He said.
"What are you going to do for the rest of the night?" I chugged the rest of my macchiato as he
"I have a recipe to work on." He grinned.
"What recipe?"
"Can't tell you." He shook his head with a vexing expression on his face.
"Spill it, Flower Child."
"No, can't tell you, sorry." He continued to tease.
I smacked him playfully and he chuckled.
"Fine. Be that way. I'll see you later." I reached for the door handle and his hands palmed the back of
my neck pulling me back towards him. Edward had a hard time letting go of things.
I was just glad that thing - happened to be me.
10:33 P.M.
"You wanted to see me?" Angela poked her head in my door.
"Come in, take a seat." I closed the files on my desk and folded my hands together as she sat down.
"We haven't really talked much this week with everything going on. I know that you walked in a little
bit of an awkward scene the other night and I wanted to apologize for that. It was inappropriate and
it won't happen again." I said, sincerely.
"Bella, it is fine. I should be apologizing, I should have knocked."
"No. It shouldn't have been happening in the first place; it is my fault Angela."
"So.why was it?" She asked, nervously.
"It's not important, just know that I am sorry and it won't happen again."
"You can trust me Bella. Whatever is going on with you and Edward is goodI think. I mean - he
seems nice. I'm happy for you. If that is what is going on." She smiled, timidly.
"He is nice. I appreciate your loyalty too, but I don't want to talk about it here. Alright?"
"Alright." She nodded.
"I have another favor to ask also."
"How did you find a nanny for your kids when you came back to work?"
"Oh, um, well my ex sort of did it. He used an agency he found online, I think." She explained.
"They have those?" I eyed the computer.
"Yeah, just type 'nanny' into a search engine and it will pull up all these agencies. They have
certifications and everything. It is pretty safe. They even provide background checks and stuffoh my
gosh." She covered her mouth.
"What?" I looked back to her.
"Bella are you.?" She raised her brows to me.
"Fuck no!" I yelled.
"Then why are you looking up nannies?" She giggled.
"It's for a friend." I rolled my eyes.
"Oh. Sorry." She chuckled.
"It's alright. Are we good?"
"Yeah, we are good. Hey, you should come by my new place this weekend. I finally have everything
moved in; it looks really good. I'm right on the ocean in a nice little condo." She stood from her chair.
"Sure, text me the address later. I'll stop by sometime." I smiled.
"You can bring Edward if you want." She grinned.
"Yes?" She chuckled.
"Get out."
Edward POV
I was back at my apartment watching intently as the bubbles started to rise.
Alton said to only stir ten times to ensure maximum bubbleage. I stirred ten and half because I
wasn't sure if the first stir was a complete stir and figured I needed to give it a little half stir in order
to get it perfect.
The bubbles were bubbling, so I figured I must have done something right.
I had fresh vanilla beans in the mix; cinnamon, honey and one ripened mashed banana, but allowed a
few chucks to linger in order to give a nice texture. Checking the underside, I lifted an edge to find
the perfect golden color and with a simple flick of the wrist, I flipped that sucker perfectly.
After two minutes, I slid it on to a plate and topped it with some extra slices of fresh banana, a dash
more of cinnamon and nutmeg, then a drizzle of honey. One scoop of my homemade French vanilla
Ice cream later and I was in perfect pancake heaven.
I so had Bella's ass.
As I took a seat on the sofa with my dessert pancakes, I rested the plate on the arm of the couch and
ripped open my mail. The first was a letter from some culinary school I would never attend. The
second and third were bills and then I finally came across my paycheck that I had thrown into the mix
on my way up to my apartment.
I ripped the top of the envelope and pulled out its contents. There were a few papers for filing direct
deposits in the front, to which I saved for later use. It was much more convenient that having to
worry about going to the bank. The next was a general welcome letter from Bella that I am sure
some expensive writer concocted. I smiled and tossed it down on the coffee table as well. The next
was actually my paycheck and I smiled at that too, seeing a very satisfying figure that made the
previous bills seem not so scary any longer. There was a paper behind it and I pulled it forward to see
another check made out to.Renessmee Cullen?
I did a double take.
Sure as shit, it said her name and was made to pay out the sum of nine hundred, thirty two dollars
and twenty five cents.
Why the hell was Bella paying my child?
I flipped through the rest of the papers, but there was nothing attached that said anything, so I
tossed it down on the coffee table for later discussion. Picking up my plate, I took a bite of my
delicious pancakes and smiled thinking of how pissed Bella was going to be when I served her some
this evening.
I had this in the bag.
Bella POV
12:25 A.M.
I snuck out the back door like a criminal as I made my get away to Edward's car.
Flower Child was parked on the opposite side of the dumpsters, sitting on the hood playing with his
keys. He looked up as he heard the door close and slid off the hood, smiling at me as he closed the
distance between us. A wicked twinkle came into his eye and as he reached me, he ducked down and
flipped me over his shoulder.
"This is not swoonerific, Edward." I chuckled as he carried me off.
"Who said I was trying to be?" He spanked me once on my ass and then rubbed his hand over it.
Butterbean was really loving him right now.
I decided he needed a taste of his own medicine though. My hands slid down the back of his pants
and I gripped his underwear in my fists, jerking it up hard.
"Now you're going to get it." He pulled down my cheffies and spanked me harder.
"Edward!" I slapped him and tugged his underwear harder.
"Easy, you're mashing the boys." He chuckled, putting me on my feet next to the car door.
I righted my cheffies and gave him an evil stare as he opened the door for me. My only enjoyment
came when I watched him pulling his underwear from his ass as he walked around the car to his side.
"I think you busted one of my nutsand not in the way I like." He chuckled, getting in.
"I told you I was lethal. It's not very nice to man handle a lady." I grinned.
"I was just trying to get you to my Egyptian cotton faster." He grinned back, turning the ignition over.
"Well in that case, I might be inclined to forgive you." I reached for my seat belt and buckled in.
"How was your night honey?" Flower Child reached over and took my hand in his, bringing it to his
"It was alright. I think I might fire Ben though."
"How come?" He shifted, keeping our hands joined and butterbean smiled up at me.
"He's just too inexperienced. The kid can't even cook vegetables. I need someone who can float
between the front and back. He's useless to me." I sighed.
"I think you just intimidate him." He kissed my hand again.
"Even more reason to fire him." I chuckled.
"He works fine when he's with me-; perfect veg every time." He winked.
"Even more reason for me not to give you back your chef's coat - Non fearing brigade." I teased.
"People don't have to fear you to respect you Bell. You don't have to be a scary tiger all the time. It's
alright for people to know that you can be a sweet kitten too; like I do." He smiled.
"Shut up." I chuckled and looked towards the window.
"It's true. Ben is a good kid, you just scare the hell out of him." He laughed.
"I'm not going to baby anyone. You know what they say 'If you can't stand the heat." I waved
towards him.
"Get out of the kitchen,' yes, I know. Just give him a little more time. He'll come around." He kissed
my hand again and the released it, reaching up to his visor for something.
"Do you know anything about this?" He flipped on the overhead light as we approached the red light.
I took the paper and looked it over; laughing as I remembered the day I made the call and had to
explain to Gianna in accounting why I wanted a four-year-old on my payroll.
"It's Ness's royalties." I handed it back to him and flipped off the overhead light as we started to drive
"Royalties for what?" He asked, making a left hand turn.
"For her apple pie ala mode sales." I chuckled.
Flower child looked over questioningly at me with an amused expression on his face.
"I told you I would take care of her - that kid sells more pie with her face than I ever thought
imaginable. You should look into putting her commercials." I grinned.
"I was just kidding about giving her royalties." He put the car in park and I looked around to see what
his building looked like.
"Well I wasn't. Seriously, I have never sold as much dessert in any other restaurant. Angela even told
me people call it Nessie pie, not apple pie. It's rather cute, unless it's a dirty old man ordering, of
course." I grinned.
"That was extremely heart warming - until you got to the dirty old man part. I would like to request
that you remove her picture, please."
"I'm just kidding Flower Child." I popped my door and climbed out, wanting to see the inside of his
place already.
Edward came around the car and took my hand as we walked through the lot leading up to the
entrance of his apartment building. It was a tall structure, like most of the buildings in Miami, but not
nearly as big as the rest. There was an old couple walking out the double doors and Edward held the
door for the lady who was struggling to open it for her husband who walked with a cane.
"You're always such a good boy Edward." She patted his cheek as she walked by.
"You're up late tonight, Mrs. Banner." He smiled.
"Bob wanted to go for a walk. He just loves to look at the stars." She looked back to her husband,
"That's how I got her to fall in love with me; took her to see the big dipper." The old man chuckled
and I had to bite my lip from laughing too hard at his unintended double infliction.
Or was it?
"I see you have a lady friend tonight other than your sweet pea." Mrs. Banner winked.
"This is Bella. I'm planning on showing her the big dipper too." He winked at Mr. Banner, who gave
Edward the thumbs up and for the first time in my life, I felt the need to fucking blush.
"It's nice to meet you, Bella. You're a lucky lady, getting Edward to show you the big dipper. He's such
a nice a boy." She patted Edward again and I thought I was going to implode from the amount of
laughter I was holding in.
"Well, you kids have fun. Don't stay up too late. And give that baby a kiss for me would you?" Mrs.
Banner grabbed her husband's free hand and started off down the walkway.
"Sure thing Mrs. Banner. Be safe on your walk please." Flower Child called.
She waved to him and strolled off down the path with her hubby. I turned to Edward and slapped the
holy fuck out of him.
"What?" Edward backed up from me laughing as I swatted him down the hall to the elevator.
"You just told the crypt keeper that you're going to fuck me!" I swatted him again, chuckling.
"I was talking about the stars, love. It's not my fault you have a dirty mind." He held up his hands,
"Good, because I would hate to think you are a liar on top of being a pervert." I teased.
"What did I lie about?" He took my hand and pulled me into the elevator, hitting the number nine
"Having a big dipper." I made an evil face at him.
Edward walked towards me, backing me into the elevator rail and palmed the wall next to my head
with one hand. His index finger started at my collarbone and worked its way down my chest, running
over my breast and across my ribs until he reached the indentation of my belly button.
"I'm pretty sure your sweet spot is somewhere very near here," He leaned his lips to my ear. "And
we both know I can reach that just fine, so I am pretty sure it's just the right size." He bit into the side
of my neck and continued his trailing finger down my stomach until he reached the waistband of my
cheffies. Dipping his fingers down into my panties, he swirled butterbean with his index and middle
"But since you claim to not be getting pleasure from my cock, perhaps tonight we can explore other
avenues." He licked below my ear and sucked my lobe into his mouth. I groaned as butterbean
thudded and he sank his fingers inside of me.
My eyes caught sight of the digital numbers overhead and I could see his floor was approaching.
"Edward. The door." I whispered and he released me, pulling his fingers from my warmth and kissing
my forehead as he moved away.
I watched as he placed the fingers he had inside of me into his mouth and closed his eyes, breathing
in just like I taught him to and - holy fuck - if he didn't smile afterwards.
Butterbean was officially doing her touchdown dance in my Edward soaked panties.
1:02 A.M.
I was laughing hysterically as Flower Child bent his knees so he was eye level with the griddle.
This man was insane and possibly more competitive than me; which was saying a whole shit load of a
lot. He smiled as the bubbles started to form and I laughed harder, seeing him look so proud of his
creation. What a tool. I mean seriously, they were just pancakes.
I twirled around in his kitchen as his flapjacks did their thing and snooped through his cabinets. He
had a lot of fun gizmos and I was utterly impressed by how clean it was. Edward raised his brows as
he caught me running my finger along the back splash inspecting it for grease, but I just shrugged
that shit off and kept snooping.
His top drawer had a cool pair of scissors that were shaped like a parrot, mismatched forks and a
collection of child-sized silverware that made my heart do a happy dance. The drawer below that had
a collection of silicone bakeware and when I came across the one that was molded into little
gingerbread men with their arms bitten off - I officially knew I met my soul mate.
The fridge was a goldmine of fun finds. He had each little drawer labeled and delegated a certain
task. The bottom ones held mostly foods for Nessie and I wanted to hand him my vagina when I saw
each little snack had a note written on it for her. These must have been foods she took with her to
his parent's house when he was at work and he couldn't eat lunch with her.
Oh, but the mother load was located in the door to the fridge. I thought I had died and gone to
heaven. Edward freaking Cullen had a condiment gun!
Loaded with a combination of both ketchup and mustard.
"I love you."
Edward spun around and raised his brows to me. I held out the gun and he threw his head back in
"I so freakin' love you." I turned back around replaced the gun in the door, closing the fridge.
"If you think that is impressive, you should check out my monkey egg separator." He chuckled, lifting
the pancake from the griddle and sliding it on to a plate.
"Are we still talking kitchen gadgets?" I chuckled.
Edward reached up over his head and pulled down something that looked like a coffee mug. He
passed it over to me and I laughed figuring out what it was.
"Yes, the yolk seeps out of his nose. Nessie loves it. My mother however, thinks that it is the most
vile creation of all time." He smiled.
"This is awesome." I laughed staring at the odd monkey man and trying to picture the egg running
from his nostrils.
"If you're done snooping through my kitchen, I would like to feed you a pancake that is sure to put
yours to shame and earn back my street cred with my daughter." He set the plate down and pulled
out a chair for me.
"You're talking a lot of shit Flower Child. Hope your walk is as good as your talk." I took my seat and
looked over his plate.
"Ice cream?" I raised an eyebrow.
"It's homemade, so it counts." He pointed at me.
I did say he was my soul mate, right?
"Alright, well here goes nothing." I cut off a hunk and shoved it in my pie hole.
I closed my eyes trying to detect all the components and also so I couldn't see the stupid look on
Flower Child's face as he watched me. It was good, I'll give him that. Better than mine however?
"So?" He asked as I swallowed.
"You want the truth?"
"Of course." I could see his eyes trying desperately to read my face.
"It's good, but it's not better than mine." I chuckled.
"What makes your better?" He leaned his chin into his palm and watched me with a smile on his face.
"Fifteen years of experience." I smiled taking another bite.
"I knew how to make pancakes when I was nine." He argued.
"Flower Child, you are twenty two and still don't know how to make pancakes." I teased.
"But I had maximum Bubbleage?" He pouted out his bottom lip and I couldn't help but smile at him.
"I think I would like to meet your Egyptian cotton now." I set down my fork and Edward's face perked
"Right this way." He held out his hand and tugged me out of my seat.
My eye caught a glimpse of the bookcase as we walked towards the hall and I paused, seeing my face
staring back at me.
"What the hell is this?" I tugged it out from the shelf.
"Your cookbook." He shrugged.
"I see that Flower Child. Why the fuck do you have my cookbook?" I chuckled, putting it back into its
"So I can jerk off to the pictures of you, of course." He teased and I swatted him in stomach as he
pulled me along.
Edward's bedroom was clean and very plain, only decorated with a few pictures of his family and
Nessie. A small chair was in the corner with a blanket and teddy bear thrown on it which, I assumed
he used to read to her or something at night. His bed was wicker and the white bedding matched the
flowing white curtains dawning the sliding glass doors leading out to his balcony. A pair of black
slippers were near his bed and I tried to imagine how he looked wearing them in the morning.
Edward's arms captured me from behind and his lips trailed soft kisses along my shoulder top.
"Bell, I give you" He waved his arm forward. "Egyptian cotton." He snickered.
I laughed and plopped down on the bed, laying back and holding out my arms to him. Flower Child
slid in next to me and tucked a pillow under his head before he pulled me towards him.
"Can we open the doors?" I asked.
"If you would like them open I can." He replied and I nodded to him.
Flower Child climbed out of bed and pulled back the curtains, unlocking the sliding doors and slid
them open. The curtains were sheer and since the room was dark, you could almost see the moon.
The warm ocean air filtered in, bringing the soft sounds of crashing of waves along with it. Edward
walked back towards the bed and took a seat, but paused with his back to me as he pulled open a
drawer on the bedside table. I heard him close it and then he laid back down with me, revealing it
was a remote as he pressed it towards the stereo in the corner of the room - bringing a soft melody
to life against the sounds of the beach.
Edward cradled me to his body, whispering the soft lyrics of the song against my face as he caressed
my cheek.
Everyone has their obsession
Consuming thoughts - consuming time
They hold high their prized possession
That defines the meaning of their lives
You are mine
I pressed my lips into his and got lost somewhere inside of his strong arms as they wrapped around
me, binding me to him and making the lyrics come to life. He was claiming me slowly but surley with
each smile, laugh and kiss; the simple look in his eye and the way he said my name. The emotions
erupted from my eyes and I panted hard into his mouth as I wept what I felt for him in my heart. He
held me tighter in response and I clung to him with all my might; trying to just pull him somewhere
inside of my soul and never let him go.
Even though, I knew someday I would have to.
Edward POV
I felt her tears run along my cheeks and I tried to hold her tighter to keep her from breaking - like I
was literally trying to hold Bella together. She clung to me with all the strength she had and I rolled
her to her back so I could smother her with my being - trap her down below me and let her feel
everything that was coursing through my mind, body and soul.
I never had anyone make me feel like this before.
Bella was completely new and foreign to me yet I felt as though I had always known her. I didn't even
know how it was possible to feel so strongly about someone you just met, but it was. All I had to do
was look into her caramel eyes to know it to be true.
My lips sunk into the crook of her neck and my hands framed her face as she lie beneath me. Her
hands slid down my back and gripped the fabric of my shirt, bringing it up over my head. I leaned
away from her and rested on my heels so I could pull it free. Bella's hands ghosted over my chest and
she pulled herself up using the waistband of my jeans as I straddled her legs. She rested her palms on
my back and brought her lips to my chest, kissing over the artwork that it displayed.
"To prevent evil from entering." I whispered as her lips met the black ink representing a tribal
tortoise shell.
Her lips coursed next to the face marked with a shark's teeth and her eyes looked up to mine as she
sucked my skin into her mouth.
"For strength and protection when you struggle." I whispered looking into her eyes and my hands
cradled the back of her head as she slid her tongue over my skin and moved along the next section of
the ink.
"I'm thinking of naming that one Bella." I chuckled softly as her mouth paused over the great eye.
"Why?" She brought her lips back and rested her chin against my abdomen as she looked up to me.
"It's meant for intimidation." I grinned down to her and she smiled back up at me.
Her hands slid up my back and over my shoulders, running down my arms and joining with my hands
that cupped her head. Bella laced her fingers with mine and brought our joined hands forward, facing
my hands towards me.
"Tell me about the flowers." She whispered up to me, her chin still resting on my stomach.
"Not tonight love." I shook my head at her; resting her hands on my shoulders as I laid back on top of
her again.
"Why not?" Her hands framed my face and I could see her eyes trying to search my own.
"Because tonight is supposed to be a good night." I leaned my lips into hers and quieted her
questioning with my kiss.
The ocean waves played against the soft sounds of the song from the speakers as I slowly kissed my
way down the continent of Bella's body. Even over her clothes she felt heavenly against my lips. My
fingers wanted to feel her though. I pushed the soft fabric of her tank top up over her ribs and
allowed my lips to suck the soft flesh above her belly button, moving down until I reached the band
of her cheffies. My fingers moved in sync with my lips and I slid them under her back and pulled her
pants over her luscious cheeks, not stopping until they were down her legs and being tossed to my
bedroom floor.
The warm ocean air blew through the sheer fabric of the curtains and I could taste the salty air on
Bella's skin as I continued my path downward, making good on my words from earlier in the elevator.
I knew she was just joshing me about my size, as I was well aware of the pleasure I brought her, but
the truth was that I was dying for another taste of her. The small sample I received in the elevator
would not satisfy the craving that I had and I wasn't going to stop until I was fully submerged in her
My tongue swept over her wet slit ever so lightly, causing her to clench her fingers tightly into my
hair. I kept my hands splayed over her ribs so I could feel the change in her breathing. She felt so
small under me, so delicate. I gave a feather light kiss to the flesh right above her swollen clit and
after I felt her sigh, I took her bud into my mouth and sucked softly on her sensitive skin. Bella sucked
in a ragged breath as I held her in my mouth and I allowed my hands to massage over her warm
body; palming her breasts and holding them as I slowly released her from my lips.
"Edward." She whispered softly and began coursing her fingers through my hair as I ran my tongue
over her clit slowly, savoring how sweet she was.
Bella's feet rubbed along my back as I continued my slow kissing assault on her sweet pussy and I
moved one of my hands under her ass cheek to gain better access to the place I desired most. She
tilted slightly to her side, forming an L shape with
her legs that gave me the perfect position for being able to pleasure her the way I wanted to. I
pushed her long leg back, resting my palm on the back of her thigh and gave one long, slow lick all
the way up her slit, lapping up all of her sweet arousal on my tongue. Bella's body tensed and her
nails dug into my biceps as I gave her a second lick that was just as slow. She tried to wiggle free as I
took her clit into my mouth again, rolling it along my tongue, but I held her tighter in my grasp;
barring her from escaping.
Her foot rubbed harder against my back and she began to use it as leverage to move against my
tongue the way she desired. I held my place there and allowed her to grind herself into my mouth. It
was the sexiest fucking thing to watch. I gave small kisses to her sweet center as she moved herself
over me and she clenched the muscles of my arm harder, as her climax neared.
She had me hard as a fucking rock as I watched her gyrate her hips like a belly dancer, moving her
pussy up and down my tongue. I could already feel my boxers soaking with precum- which meant I
was probably going to bust the minute my dick touched her. I moved my hand from her leg and
reached under my body as she continued to ride my tongue and was able to free my dick from my
jeans. I lifted her higher with my hand under ass, and her feet came down onto the mattress. I
started to stroke my cock as I kept my eyes on her face and watched as she bit her lower lip between
her teeth as her orgasm teetered on the edge.
I lowered my hand slightly from under her ass, allowing my thumb to dip in and out of her wet hole
and she cried out in pleasure as she finally came in my mouth. My hand stroked harder against my
cock as I watched her pant and come down from her high. Bella's eyes fluttered open and she kept
them on me as I gave small kisses to her swollen pussy, loving how she tasted in my mouth.
"Come here." She whispered wiggling out of my grasp.
I let go of my cock and slid my arm out from under as I sat back on my heels. Bella sat forward and
slid herself under me slightly; picking up my hand and placing it back over my hard on.
"I like watching you." She kissed the backside of my hand and looked up to me as I held my cock
Her eyes stayed on mine as I looked down to her and I began stroking myself again. Bella's eyes
darted from my hand to my face as she whispered dirty shit to me; placing kisses on my hand as she
"You're gonna make me fucking come, Bella." I groaned as I felt myself approach the threshold of my
"Let me taste you." She whispered up to me, keeping her eyes on mine.
I cupped her chin with my free hand held the head of my cock to her open lips. My eyes watched as I
spurted three long streams into Bella's mouth. She closed her lips around my head and I released her
chin, smoothing my hands over her hair. She laid back against the mattress as she closed her eyes
and I could see her throat bob as she swallowed my cum. I lowered myself back down over her and
she wrapped her legs around my waist as her arms came around my neck.
"You're so sexy, love." I kissed her forehead and trailed down her nose until I reached her lips.
"I want you." She whispered against my lips and grinded against me using her legs around my body.
"I want you." My words were inflicted with more than one meaning, but I gave her what she was
requesting and slid myself inside of her, feeling like all of my world was once again perfect the
moment my body joined with hers.
"I was wrong Edward." Her fingertips pressed into my scalp as I rocked slowly in and out from her.
"About what, baby?" I kissed her lips once as I watched her.
"About falling for you." I heard her breath catch in her throat as I thrust a little harder inside of her.
"I am. I have." She pulled my face to hers and held me there as I slowed my movement slightly.
"I figured out what you are, Bella. You want to know?" I whispered against her lips and I felt her nod
against me.
"You're an angel." I kissed her and could feel her lips smile against mine.
"I'm too naughty to be an angel." She bit my lower lip softly between her teeth.
I thrust harder into her, hitting the spot within her that I knew she loved and she bit me harder,
digging her nail into the skin of my back and instantly making my cock swell inside of her.
"That's the best kind."
I was spooned with Bella in bed after we made love, kissing her smooth shoulder and holding her
warm body in my arms tightly when it happened.
Her stomach growled - loudly.
"Didn't you eat tonight, Angel?" I chuckled.
"Not really. I was too busy yelling at people and delivering myself into customer's Volvo's." She
giggled back.
"What can I make you?" I propped myself up onto my elbow and she rolled onto her back, facing me.
"I want a burger- A big cheesy burger." She smiled.
"I recall being told not to feed you cheese after midnight." I laughed leaning down to kiss her face.
"I think it's a little too late for that. Now, move your ass and make me a burger." She pushed against
me and I chuckled at her command.
"Yes Ma'am." I got up from the bed and walked to my dresser.
"Can I have something too?" She asked.
"I think I just gave you something." I tilted my head back and waggled my brows at her.
"I meant a shirt, stupid." She shook her head at me as she sat up, hugging the covers to her.
I dug out a pair of dark blue pajama bottoms and white tee for Bella. Since I gave her sex and a good
tongue licking, I figured I would leave the Toucan Sam's for another night and chose a regular pair of
black drawstrings for myself, but because she let me come in her mouth, I decided to go shirtless.
"Here baby." I tossed the clothing next to her on the bed and watched happily as she changed into
them before me.
"What are you staring at Flower Child? You have burgers to make." She pushed against me, ushering
me down the hall and back into the kitchen.
"You know this is my kitchen. I don't think you should be ordering me about in it."
"It doesn't matter where we are Flower Child, you're always my bitch." She slapped my ass and
walked to the fridge.
"Is that so?" I stepped behind her, hugging her hips as she dug a package of meat out.
"Yup. She who has the vagina - rules the world." She chuckled, turning around with an armful of
"Mmm, don't know that I could argue with that." I smiled, taking some of the items from her.
I set the items down on the counter and Bella placed hers next to me, before riffling through my
cabinets and digging out a bowl for mixing. She reached for the packet of meat, but I stopped her and
raised an eyebrow.
"I thought you wanted me to make you a burger?"
"I was just going to mix it up." She shrugged, going to reach for it again.
"You're a complete and total control freak, you know that?" I chuckled.
"Maybe I just a want a good burger. We know you can't be trusted with simple pancakes, how am I
supposed to trust you to handle something as complex as meat?" She teased.
"I think I just spent the last two hours showing you that I perfectly capable of handling meat. Let. Go.
Of. The. Ground. Sirloin." I tugged it from her hands and she chuckled at me, holding up her hands,
finally backing off.
"Can I at least slice the onion?" She asked.
"Yes, you may." I handed her over the onion and she dug out a cutting board from the bottom
I walked back over to the fridge and pulled out my secret ingredients that she didn't know about. Her
eyes were watching me as I walked back over to my spot, but I ignored her, smiling internally at how
it must be torturing her not to know what I was doing.
"What is all of that?" She asked with a worried expression that made me laugh out loud this time.
"Tut, tut, tut. The onion." I pointed.
She bit her lip and I could see the debate raging in her eyes as I squirted some Sweet Baby Ray's and
Worcestershire sauce down into the meat mixture, followed by a dash of paprika, salt and pepper.
I thought her eyes were going to pop out her head when I added the leftover coffee from this
"What. The Hell. Are. You. Doing?" She gaped at me, like, fucking gaped at me.
"Making you a delicious burger - shut it." I began mixing it up with my hands and shook my head at
how ridiculous this all was.
Like I would feed her a plate of shit.
Bella finished with her onion and assembled plates for us, complete with buns and toppings. I
washed my hands off at the sink after I formed the patties and grabbed a spatula from the drawer.
"Let's cook on the patio. I have a hibachi we can use." I grabbed the uncooked burgers and she took
our plates, following me out the doors.
Bella took a seat in one of the wicker chairs and I was glad she was actually going to let me just cook
without interruption. I went back inside as I waited for the coals to heat and pulled a couple of
Coronas from the fridge; slicing up a lime and slid slices down into the necks.
"Here Angel Bella." I set one of the beers down next to her on the table and took a seat beside her.
"To orgasms." She tipped her bottle to me.
"And cheese." I chuckled, clinking my bottle against hers.
Bella laughed as she poked the lime down into the bottle and took a swing. I stood back up and slid
our burgers on the grill. As I waited for them to be ready for turning, I watched Bella slide down into
her seat and smile slightly as she looked out into the night, towards the beach. She looked content
sitting here on my porch, Corona in hand and snuggled down into my chair wearing my pajamas.
I only wished somehow I could keep here - for forever.
Bella POV
6:45 A.M.
I rolled over to see Flower Child was gone.
This did not sit well with Butterbean.
His side of the bed was even all tucked up nicely, like he tried to make the bed with me in it or some
shit. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, trying to shake the sleep from them. My belly was still super full
from the 3A.M. feeding Edward gave me of his weird, yet delish fucking burgers.
I may have to institute a burger night in his honor at the restaurant. If I made him sling them in his PJ
bottoms, I would have a goldmine on my hands and possibly be able to retire before I was thirty.
I backlogged that shit for further thought.
Climbing to my feet, I gave a good stretch and grabbed my bag off the floor as I made my way
through the sliding doors out to the porch. I pulled a smoke from my bag and sunk down into Flower
Child's awesome wicker chairs that were oober comfy.
His mommy must have picked them out.
My cell phone was blinking and I flipped it open to see the text icon flashing. I pressed the inbox key
and scrolled down to find Flower Child's name.
Sorry- Jess called - had to pick up Ness. Didn't want to wake you up. B back soon.
This really bothered me. What on earth could have happened to Jessica before seven in the damn
morning that would require Edward to have to pick up his four-year-old child? I hit the reply key to
text back.
What's wrong? Is she alright?
I took three long drags of my smoke as I waiting for his response and my phone finally beeped back.
I'll tell you when I get home. Be there soon. She's fine. :)
I took one last drag from my smoke and then pitched it inside of my beer bottle from last night,
before I picked the other one and carried them off with our paper plates to the kitchen to dispose of
them. We were both so sleepy after we ate, we ignored the mess and Edward carried me off to bed.
The last thing I remembered was feeling his lips on my forehead. Standing in his kitchen now, I was
debating weather or not waiting for him was such a good idea. I said last night I didn't want to
involve Ness into our relationship, seeing her this morning, at their home, would only be going
against that.
Would he be upset if I left though?
I couldn't stay though. Walking back to his room, I quickly changed into my clothes and made a mad
dash for the door, hoping that he wouldn't see me as I made my escape. I wasn't sure how far
Jessica's place was, but I am assuming it couldn't be very far since she worked in the same area as
Flower Child.
As I made my way to the elevator, I saw the same old couple from last night and blushed when the
old man winked at me after appraising my wrinkled clothes. I would have to give Flower Child a good
punch to the gut later. Once the doors opened and revealed the lobby, I was happy to find it desolate
and quickly made my way to the street, where I came to a screeching stop - because I didn't have my
fucking car.
Damn it butterbean.
There was a young kid across the street running a rag over his Mustang convertible and I crossed
over smiling at him. He looked up from his buffing and appraised me with his eyes, smiling wide and I
gave a wink back.
"Want to make a quick G, kid?"
7:34 A.M.
Once I was inside of my hotel suite, I dropped my bag and sat on the bed with my phone. Scrolling
down the list I stopped on Edward's name and clicked through to the text screen.
Sexy Flower Child- Not trying to ditch u- just didn't want Ness to see me in ur PJ's :). BTWI stole the
monkey. Pls don't call the cops.
I was hoping humor would relieve him of any doubt he might be feeling once he entered and found
me gone - I fully intended on stealing the monkey the second I saw it though. He looked much better
in my little kitchenette. My phone beeped back and I clicked on his message.
Hump me - dump me and then you steal my monkey. To think I made sweet love to you and called
you my angel. :(
I fell back on my bed, laughing, relieved that he was not upset and utterly enjoying him playing along.
I told you I was not worthy of angel praise. I'm a very bad girl Edward. Baaaad. *grins*
He beeped me back, quickly.
Then I believe a spanking is in order. Do you prefer the left cheek or the right?
Butterbean was blowing sweet kisses to the stolen monkey egg separator.
Surprise me.
I tossed down the phone on the bed and made my way to the bathroom to get changed. As I stripped
out of my clothes from the previous night, I couldn't help but to look at myself in the mirror and
smile at the sight before me. She looked like a different woman. The light was back in her eyes and
she glowed.
Simply, glowed.
I pulled up to Jessica's house and practically ran to the door, full of worry about what was wrong. All
Jessica told me was that she needed my help and then hung up the phone. My hand banged on the
door and it was all I could do not to just kick the damn thing in as I waited. The latch turned and I
pushed the door open as I saw the knob turn.
"What the heck do you want?" Rose barked at me as I pushed my way passed her, making my way
"Where is Nessie?" I looked around anxiously, but only saw her toys scattered about Jessica's messy
living room floor.
"Sleeping asshole. It's five thirty in the morning." She shot me a dark look and tightened the tie on
her black robe as she closed the door.
"There you are." Jessica came from the hallway and all it took was one look at her face to know she
was up to no good.
"What did you call me for Jess?" I put my hands on my hips and faced her.
"I told you, I need your help with something." She plopped down on the sofa and it was then I saw
the bottle of wine in her hand.
"You're drinking, at five in the morning with my daughter here? Seriously Jessica?" I walked over
towards her and reached for the bottle, but she held it to her chest and tried to kick me.
"Back off Edward! Ness is asleep and Rose was watching her. I need my free time too, you know."
She took a long swig and then set it down on the coffee table.
"You have our child one day a week, Jessica. I think you have a lot of free time on your hands." I
reached down and started grabbing up Ness' toys from the floor.
"Well exuuuuuse me for having a life. Friday's are Mike's only nights off." She grinned at me, knowing
that she burned me when she said his name.
I walked over towards her as she laid back against the couch and pinned her in between the cushions
and my face as I towered over her.
"You can hurt me all you want, Jess. I don't really care. Just don't bring our daughter into it. You have
one night of responsibility, I suggest you try a little harder to keep your pussy in your pants and pay a
little more attention to the needs of your four-year-old child who needs her mother to be a mother
and not the town whore."
She slapped me, just like I knew she would.
"Does that make you feel better? Hit me all you want to Jessica, get it all out. I have plenty of time." I
held my place over her and she stared at me until she knew she wasn't going to win.
"I'm taking Ness." I pushed off the couch, but she fisted the side of my shirt and I turned back to her
as she stood up.
"I know all about your little credit card Edward."
"What credit card?" I pulled her hand from my clothing as I made my way towards Ness' room.
"The one Rose saw you hand Alice yesterday at the bakery." She grabbed my shirt again and I
stopped walking, not wanting to wake up Ness with the new argument that was sure to come.
"It's not a credit card. It's a petty cash card." I explained.
"I want it." She held out her hand to me and I scrunched my brows staring at it.
"Are you out of your fucking mind Jess? Why would I give you money?"
"Nessie needs things." She went for the cheap shot, but her tactics were useless.
"What does she need? I'd be more than happy to buy it for her." I waited, but she gave no response
as she stared at me glassy eyed.
I shook my head and turned around, but she grabbed on to my shirt again tugged me towards her. I
went to grab for her hands, but she threw herself towards me and wrapped her arms around my
neck, trying to pull me into her face.
"What the fuck are you doing Jessica?!" I tugged her arms as I turned my head to the side, trying to
avoid her lips.
"I want you to fuck me. I miss you." Her nails dug into my scalp and she tightened her hold.
"Let me go, Jessica." I kept my head turned to the side and pushed on her shoulders.
I was more than strong enough to be to pry a measly hundred pound girl from me, but the way she
had herself locked around me, I didn't want to hurt her, nor did I want to piss her off and have her
start shouting in the hallway to Ness' room.
"I don't want to hurt you Jessica. Let me go, please." I pulled on her arms again, and she let go, but
only to move them to my pants and started tugging and trying to undo them.
"Stop!" I pushed her lightly, but she stumbled from her drunken state and her back hit against the
wall, knocking one of the framed glass pictures to the floor.
"What the hell do you think you are doing Cullen?!" Rose yelled walking towards us.
"Stay out of this Rosalie." I walked toward Ness' room and pushed the door open.
The faster I got out of here the fucking better. Ness rubbed her little eyes and sat up as I walked
towards her. My arms came out and lifted her right from the bed and sat her on my hip as I grabbed
up the rest of her things from around the room and made my way to the door, shushing Ness on my
shoulder and trying to keep her asleep by gently rocking her.
"You just fucking wait, Edward! You wait until she's mine!" Jessica followed me towards the door and
I felt Ness' head lift, but I shifted her into my arms and cradled her face to me as I slammed the door
behind us and made my way out of her apartment. Thankfully, I only had two staircases to climb
down to reach my car.
Ness stayed asleep as I strapped her in. I tucked her little blanket around her and propped her teddy
in between her head and the car seat so she wouldn't slump uncomfortably on the drive home.
I hoped someday Ness would forgive me for having given her a mother who was so neglectful and
Once I was finally back inside of my apartment and had Nessie tucked away in her bed, sleeping
sound, I made my way back to my room in search of Bella. I expected her to still be asleep, seeing
that we only went to bed a few hours ago. It never ceased to amaze me how your life could go from
being perfect one minute, to complete and utter turmoil the next.
I paused at the foot of the bed, seeing it fully made and turned back around to poke my head into
the bathroom Ness and I shared, thinking perhaps Bella was showering.
She wasn't.
I walked back into my bedroom and sat down on the edge of the bed, picking up a pillow she used
and held it to my face, wondering how much worse this day could get.
It didn't take me long to find out.
Bella POV
10:45 A.M.
I called Flower Child five times within the last hour.
All of my nails at this point were bitten off and I was seriously considering double clicking on a new
window and bringing up a youtube vid on how to jam a man's nose into his brain as a refresher
If he thought he was able to come trotting on in at any time of his choosing just because he fed me
awesome burgers last night and gave my pussy the best tongue lashing of all time, then he had a few
things to learn about Isabella Swan.
Butterbean laughed at me as I thought that shit, but I slapped her down and focused on what his
punishment would be.
Not only was he now seriously late, but he was also not in my office spanking me, like he should have
been - like I was waiting all morning for him to be doing.
My irritation flared and I picked up the phone again to this time leave a message that was sure to
scare him into getting his sweet lil ass here.
Knock Knock.
"Hey B." Emmet came walking in and I held up my finger to him as Edward's voice-mail picked up.
"If you're calling Edward, he's not going to pick up." He hit the disconnect button on the phone.
"Where is he?" I shook the phone at him before he released the button and I set it back in the cradle.
"He was arrested."
"What?! Are you trying to be funny? Because that shit is not funny." I started at him disbelievingly.
"No, I'm not kidding. Jess had him arrested." He sat on the edge of my desk and I could see the rage
building in his eyes.
"Why the fuck did she do that for?" I sat back in my chair and felt a little of my own anger flare up.
"She said he hit her." He looked down to his hands as he fisted them tightly.
"Did he?"
"No Bella! How the fuck could you even think that?!" He tossed his hands up angrily.
"Because if Jessica was my baby mama, I'd want to fucking hit her. Matter of fact, I do want to hit
her. Not only did she steal Flower Child away from me this morning and rob me of waking him up to
the magnificent fucking blow job I had planned outbut now I don't have a fucking Sous Chef for
tonight!" My hands hit the desk hard and my cup holder bounced to the floor.
"Carlisle is at the jail now trying to get him released. He thinks he'll be out by tonight, but they have
to go through the whole process and .fuck! Why was Edward so stupid to go there!?" He hit his leg
hard with his fist.
"He said Jess called him to pick up Ness, but it was like really early in the morning." I explained.
"He knows better than to fucking do that shit! This is exactly why he is to always drop her off at Jess's
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Carlisle told him to always meet her in a public place so she can't pull something like this. All
someone has to do here is just fucking say that they were assaulted and you get arrested, B. He may
as well have just hit her, because at least then he would have gotten some enjoyment out of the ass
raping he's going to get." He laughed once, humorlessly.
"It's his word versus hers though. I don't see how anyone could side with either of them." I shrugged.
"No, you see that's where this shit gets even better B. You know my little Rosebud from across the
way?" He pointed his thumb towards the door.
"Yeah, what about her?"
"She's Jess's roomy. Yeah, you fucking heard me right. The woman of my dreams is my brother's
crazy ex girlfriend's roommate." He rubbed his head against his palm in irritation.
"Shit. So she is siding with Jessica? Can't you talk with her Emmett?"
"I did. She said she saw Edward push Jess into the wall. I know the kid wouldn't do that though!" He
pushed off my desk and started to pace back and forth.
"Sometimes anger gets the best of us Em." I said softly.
"He. Didn't. Do. It." He said through clenched teeth.
"Alright, fine. I believe you. Look, is there anything I can do? Because if not, I have a service to get
prepping for." I pushed back from my desk and rose from my seat.
"No, I'll let you know when I hear something." He fisted the doorknob and exited, giving the door a
light slam on the way out.
I felt really bad for anyone who decided to give Emmett or myself shit tonight.
7:34 P.M.
Still not having heard from Edward, I decided to take out all my frustrations on a plate of overcooked
risotto, sending it smashing to the floor and cursing Ben loudly for doing it.
9:55 P.M.
It was the wait staff's turn and I sent a nice blonde haired girl out crying with a shirt splattered in
lamb sauce for giving me tickets that were not legible.
11:23 P.M.
I smoked three cigarettes in a row and downed a shot of Morgan from the bar.
12:55 A.M.
I was staring aimlessly at my computer screen as my hand palmed my phone, waiting for it to beep or
ring or just fucking do something that would signal Flower Child was alright and a free bird.
He was much too pretty for jail. Edward would be married by morning if he stayed there any longer. I
thought about asking Emmett for his father's number, but decided that maybe it was better to just
wait for Flower Child to contact me. I didn't want to complicate things any further for him.
I started to type out my reply to someone's request for me to attend a charity benefit when I heard
my doorknob click.
"Hey Killer." I smiled up to him, but he offered no sweet smiles in return as he walked in and closed
the door softly behind him.
Edward looked beaten down, like someone just killed his puppy or told him Santa Claus wasn't real.
He sat down silently and leaned his elbows on my desk, rubbing his palm against his forehead.
"I'm sorry Bella." He said softly.
"It's alright Flower Child. I'm not mad at you or anythingactually, that isn't true. I am mad at you.
You were supposed to be spanking me, not your ex." I teased.
"I didn't hit her." He shook his head angrily and finally looked at me.
"I know. I was just teasing." I reached for his hand, but he pulled back and placed them in his lap.
"This isn't funny Bella." He picked angrily to a thread on his jeans. "I'm going to loose Ness over this
shit." His jaw clenched and I could see him fighting back tears from his eyes.
"What are you talking about?"
"I was fucking arrested for assault Bella. Carlisle says the judge will probably order me to take anger
management classes and if Jess decides to go through with this shit, Lord only knows what else. I
seriously doubt that the judge who going to rule on our custody case in the next few months will look
at that very favorably."
"You're a good father Edward, this is just."
"None of that shit matters Bella!" He shook his head staring at me and I could see his blue eyes
darken as the rage built within them.
"What do you talk about all the time? Details right? Well guess what Bella, you are not the only one
who pays attention to details and these details have me by the fucking balls. Do you have any idea
how hard it is for a father to gain custody of
his child? They always side with the mother. The only thing I had going for me was the fact that
Carlisle is a highly respected figure in his profession and now none of that shit matters! It's all black
and white Bella. They don't care if Ness is with me ninety nine percent of the time or that everything
she has ever owned was bought by either me or my parents or that I rock her to sleep at night or kiss
her boo boo's when she's hurt.
I'm a sixty-five-page file in stack of thousands and right now, my fucking file says that I assaulted the
mother of my child in front of my child. Tell me, if you were the judge Isabella, who would you give
custody to, the guy who hit the mother, or the mother who got hit by the guy?"
He was right. And I had no words to offer him.
"See? I lose." He stood from his seat and turned towards the door, but I scooted back quickly from
my chair and grabbed his shirt before he reached turned the knob.
"Flower Child!" I pulled him towards me by his arm, but he remained standing in his tense stance
with his hand fisting the handle.
"I'm sorry." I wrapped my arms around his neck and cupped my hand behind his head, pulling his
face to my shoulder.
"I'm going to lose her Bella." He whispered into my shoulder as his arms finally snaked around my
He hugged me to him hard and I could feel all of his anguish and frustration as he did. His tears ran
down my neck and I held tighter on to him in response, trying to ease his hurt away with the gentle
circles my hands made over his back and neck.
"No you won't. We'll figure it out, alright? Together.we'll figure it out together."
1 P.M. Sunday
I saw Jessica climb from her car and walk towards Cocoa Chanel's back door. I was leaned against the
wall smoking a cigarette as she walked towards me and smiled. I gave her a small smile back and took
one last drag from my smoke before flicking it to the ground and leaned off the wall, closing the
distance between us.
Her hair fisted tightly in my hands and she screamed out in protest as I dug my nails into her scalp,
holding her ear to my lips and I spoke through clenched teeth.
"Listen to me you little bitch. I know people that know how to dismember a fucking body and own
big fucking meat grinders to hide the evidence. You ever fuck with Flower Child or his kid again and I
will introduce you to my friends. You understand?!"
That is how my meeting with her played out in my head anyhow.
The truth is that I was sitting at my desk, trying desperately to hold my shit together and not tear her
limb from limb as she walked in smiling at me. Flower Child had no clue that I was doing this, since I
sent him off in search of some ingredient he would never be able to find in a market located in the
continental U.S. this afternoon.
He explained to me last night that this was all over some ridiculous petty cash card and after I
simmered down from not being able to believe someone would cause so much trouble over a fucking
credit line, I was able to use the sane part of my brain that told me this was a good thing. Jessica was
interested in money - I had a lot of that shit - but I knew it would take a little more convincing to get
her to drop the charges on Flower Child. That was fine, I had connections too, and thankfully, Rachel
Ray's fat ass owed me one, big time.
Chapter Six ~ Getting Dirty
1:11 P.M.
It was a good ass thing Edward knew how to lick the motherfuck, out of a pussy.
My pussy, in particular.
Jessica was in my office, sitting across from me, smacking her gum like a cow chewing its fucking cud.
She was wearing some type of perfume that made me nauseous, - reeking of cotton candy or
something utterly sweet and sickening. Not that I have any aversion to cotton candy, because that
shit is bookoo delish, but I want to eat it a fucking carnival, not smell some tramp wearing it in my
damn office. Her index finger, that dawned a hot pink painted fingernail twirled around a long strand
of her blonde hair as she stared at me, with starry eyed.
Fuck- Flower Child owed me a good tongue bathing for this shit.
"Let's get right to the point, shall we?" I clasped my hands over my desk and sat nice and tall in my
seat. My brain did a mental countdown, waiting for her to be good and alert, not to mention a little
uneasy as she sat there, waiting for me to speak again. I smiled sweetly as though she were my good
buddy sitting here and not some dopey bitch I wanted to pummel.
"I understand you and Edward had a slight incident the other evening and I wanted to first, extend
my apologies to you and second, see how we might be able to arrange having this mess cleared up." I
smiled and waited. The bait was sitting and all she had to do was say the words I knew would come
"There is nothing to clear up. Edward is going to pay for hitting me and that's all there is to it." She
rolled her eyes and smacked her gum again, but that was good, she was doing exactly what I
predicted she would.
"Jessmay I call you Jess?" I didn't wait for her to answer. "I could care less about what happens to
you and Edward on your own time, I am a very busy woman as you know." I smiled coy again.
"But you see, Edward missed dinner service last evening and that is not acceptable. I need my sous
chef here when he is scheduled to be, it is imperative to my business's success and I am a woman
who is all about success. You can understand that, can't you?" I once again, did not allow her to
"This little thing that happened" I laughed once trying to mock the severity of the situation. "Let's
just use it to our advantage to gain what we both need out of it, alright?" This time I did pause and
watched as her eyes lit up at my key word- 'gain'.
It was equivalent to waving a cheeseburger in front of a starving man.
"Gain?" She asked, quirking a painted on eyebrow to me.
Right now, you are probably asking yourselves if I am a mind reader. The answer is no, although that
would be awesome. The truth folks - is that I just do a lot of fucking people watching and have had to
handle way too many assholes in my life. You'll realize everyone fits into a stereo type, if you studied
them long enough. Jessica was a fucking gold digger and now I would pull out my old rhetoric that
was designed to be the fire extinguisher to her money grubbing flames.
"I need Edward to work here- I am willing to trade for that." I leaned my elbow against the armrest
and clasped my hands down into my lap.
It was the same way all of my attorneys sat as they made their deals. It showed somehow that you
were cool as a cucumber yet, uber serious and in control. Plus, I was wearing as much jewelry today
as I could throw on without being mistaken for Jah Jah Gabor. When I sat back like this, you could see
it all. It was my other unspoken method of intimidation.
"Trade what?" She slid forward in her sit, practically being called into my trance as she appraised the
five carat diamond ring I was toying against my thumb.
"I believe you said, you appreciated the work of Mrs. Ray, last time we spoke, yes? I happen to know
her." I shrugged once with a slight roll of my eyes like it was nothing to me- because it fucking wasn't.
Rachel Ray was as interesting to me as watching fucking paint dry. "She has an opening on her
daytime show for a pastry positionsomeone to make treats for the audience and such." I wiggled
my fingers like I was playing a puppet and watched as she followed the shimmering lights that
flickered, like a fish to a shiny lure.
Swim to mamma fishy. Swim. To. Mamma.
"I could. Work for. Rachel Raaaaay?" Her eyes grew wide and I had to fight with every part of my
being not to snort at her dumb ass.
"If you drop your charges against - EdwardI will make the call for you." I nodded once.
"I don't know, I meanThis is kind of serious. I'm fighting him for my kid. This is like a really good
thing I have against him." She shook her head thinking, picking up a piece of her hair and twirling it
"JessAre you really going to pass up an opportunity of a life time for a manEdward no less? I
mean, come on" I leaned forward and ducked my head as though I had some great secret to share.
"Edward?" I snickered at his name, trying to pull her into my trap. "Plus, who really wants to sit
around with kids all day. I mean, they cry, scream, shit their pantsUgh, I don't even want to think
about how much dick you must miss out on, toting that little germ bag around with you." I shook my
head as I leaned back into my chair, scoffing at the very idea of having a child. Though, in reality, I
was seeing Ness's sweet little face in my mind and smiling inside, knowing this was all for her and
Flower Child.
"It does suck having to stay in on Friday nights." She rolled her eyes and crossed hers arms over her
"See? Wouldn't you much rather stick it to Edward by working for a big TV show, while he stays
home with the rug rat?" I winked at her and began shuffling papers on my desk.
"Yeahyeah you know, you're right. I mean, why should he get to have a life? I'm young too. Plus, I
went to school. I should be working for the best, not some crummy little place in Miami."
"We have an accord then?" I nodded.
"What is that? Like a car?" Her face scrunched and I just fucking gaped at her for a minute, amazed
that the girl was even smart enough to figure out how to make it to work every day without getting
lost or needing some type of assistance for the mentally handicapped.
No offense to any of you physically or mentally challenged folks out there- but damn.
"Silly me, I mean, we are cool right? You work for Ray and I don't have any problems with Edward,
yes?" I held out my hand to her and cringed knowing she may actually touch it.
"Yeah, we're cool." She rested her clammy palm on mine and I felt Mrs. Cope's fluffy omelet from
breakfast, curdle up in my throat.
"Wow. Rachel Ray!" She looked up to the ceiling and it was then that I noticed, all dopey girls stare
up at the ceiling when they experienced a moment of either revelation or elation.
I back logged that shit for later analysis.
"Well, I better get to making that call. Just do me a favor Jess." I leaned on my desk and she finally
took her damn eyes off her magical world of somewhere up there to look at me. "Don't mention
this to EdwardI mean" I had to dig deep- fucking deep- for these words. "Rachel is such a
biggercelebritythanme and I don't want him getting jealous. It would really hurt my feelings." I
pouted dramatically at her and she giggled.
"Are you kidding?! I have to rub this in his face!" She squealed.
"Oh, you can, all you want. I just mean, don't tell him I pulled the strings for you- Our lil' secret,
M'kay?" I winked and she giggled and then nodded, like the twelve year old nimrod she was.
"Kay. You better get going so I can make that call." I felt like my intellect was being severely damaged
as I continued with my 'baby speak.' I picked up the phone and she nodded happily at the fake smile I
"Kay. Buh bye." She cooed, ducking out the door.
As soon as the latched clicked I fell back to my chair and kicked the underside of my desk in
frustration. In my life, I had experienced third degree burns, the slicing of my index finger's tip off,
and hot grease splatter to the vaginal area.
None of that shit came anywhere near the amount of pain I had just experienced, being in the same
room with Flower Child's ex for the past thirty minutes.
I decided to allow him a slide on the pussy licking and Butterbean gave me a thumbs up with full
understanding, that Flower Child needed a blow job way worse they we needed tongue lashing. Poor
bastard was stuck dealing with that wench for another fourteen years.
Leaning forward in my chair, I double clicked on a new window, bringing up my Google search engine
and type in 'Best blow job of all time.'
I stood there staring at a shelf full of jars, without really seeing any of them. My mind was a million
miles away- well actually, it was only about thirty miles away.
All I could think about was Ness. What her face would look like the day Jess packed up her Toyota
with all of her things and I gave her, that last kiss before I would see her on my one day of supervised
visitation that Carlisle, was all too happy to throw in my face during our nice little family chat last
She would cry, ask Jessica when she was going to see me and Jess would probably be the insensitive
little bitch that she is and tell her to 'shut up' or 'go play'.
Jessica would never leave a nightlight on for her so she could find her way to the potty, if she woke
up during the night. The fridge wouldn't have its own Nessie drawer, that she knew she could go to
at anytime and find something to eat. There would be no story time at night or Snuggy Bear songs.
When Ness cried that she wanted shampoo, Jessica wouldn't know what she really meant was that
she wanted Shamu, as in the big fucking whale at Sea World that Nessie loved to go see with me,
every summer when my grandparents came to visit.
Ness would be surrounded by chaos and clutter, lost in a sea somewhere in Jessica's messy
apartment, as she sat on the couch and swapped spit with that fucking looser Mike from the bar. I
could imagine the day Ness came back into my arms and called Mike her daddy instead of me,
because Jessica was fucked up enough to teach her to do some shit like that for spite.
My hands started to tremble and I had to put the jar back on the shelf, in order to keep myself from
dropping it. The scared little girl that I remembered cowering in the corner, of Jess's neighbor's house
when she ditched her that day, was at the forefront of my mind and I couldn't take it any longer. I
dropped the basket from my hands, sending all the contents from the list Bella had assigned me, to
the floor with a loud thud and clinking of glass soda bottles.
I didn't even know what the hell I was doing here.
My life was falling apart and here I was shopping for imported sugar water and being Bella's little
gopher bitch. Half of this shit on her list wasn't even available and if I knew that- she knew it too. Did
she get some sort of demented pleasure out of torturing me? Shit, I knew I was her employee, but
really, did she have to be doing this degrading mind fuck to me
right now? Was prepping alone in the kitchen too much to ask for? I was still fucking working for
Christ sake. Why couldn't she just get off my back for once!
I paused at the customer service desk and purchased a pack of smokes, not really giving a shit if my
mother caught me or not. Fuck it. What did it all matter anyhow? I had played by the rules, did
everything I was supposed to, and got nowhere but kicked in the fun bag.
I tossed the grocery bag into the receptacle, outside of the automatic doors as I left, cursing at why
the hell someone would give you a damn bag for a simple pack of cigarettes and a lighter. Was I
some kind of tool who couldn't manage to carry two small items at once?
Lighting my cigarette, I paused briefly and smiled internally as the first drag filled my lungs and I felt
the nicotine give that first buzz of dizziness, that always felt so good when you have gone without a
smoke for a while.
What was I going to tell Bella when I arrived with no groceries? Um, how about to go fuck herself for
sending me on a wild goose chase when she knew perfectly well, that you cannot buy sharks fin or
the other twenty outlawed ingredients on her ridiculous list. Oh, and actually, to double fuck herself
for thinking that I was dumb enough to not know that shit.
Because I did.
I saw Jess standing across the way, as I came within a few feet of my restaurants doors, talking with
Mike in front of Cocoa Chanel's. Her eyes met with mine and a small grin spread across her face as
she stared at me. I gave her the finger and kept walking, tugging open the door with one hand and
flicking the cigarette to the road side with the other.
On any other day, I would have stomped the cherry with my shoe and tossed it in the bin, but not
Fuck today- fuck every day for that matter.
Bella was in the dining room, giving instruction to some Indian looking guy that was eyeing her ass
into oblivion as I entered. Once again, any other day, I would have given a shit. She smiled at me as
she held her clip board to her chest, but I kept moving passed her and offered nothing in return,
except my silent thoughts about her damn list.
Emmett called out to me, asking me something about a football game as I passed him at the end of
the bar, but I just pushed the double doors to the kitchen open and ignored him too.
Like I gave a rat's ass about football right now.
My daughter is going to be ripped away from me and he wants to talk to me about footballBella
wants to send me out to hunt down fucking quail eggs and Jess is smiling wide, grinding her ass
against Mike for all the world to see.
Fuck them all.
Bella POV
3:13 P.M
After I finished up with Jake, the building maintenance man, I strolled my way back towards the
kitchen to make nice with Flower Child. He was clearly not amused by my list. I wasn't going to tell
him the truth though. It was better that he thought I was a bitch, then him knowing that I interfered
with his personal matters.
I was used to be being a bitch, good at it too.
He didn't look up as I entered like he normally would have, giving me a crooked grin. Butterbean
frowned. She didn't like seeing him so sad. I walked my way around the steel table and set my clip
board down; next to the vegetables he was prepping. I wanted to wrap my arms around him, but
there were two other kids in the kitchen doing prep also, so I just smiled at him as I watched him
peeling the carrots quickly and skillfully.
"Ben, can you get the oven on the convection side preheated to four hundred please?" Flower Child
called out to him, glancing up once.
"Sure thing man." Ben called back.
I waiting for the correction, but none came.
"Edward?" I looked up to him and glanced back at Ben, trying to motion to him with my eyes for the
"What Bella?" He sounded irritated and his eyes stayed on his task. I also did not miss that he
addressed me as Bella, not Chef.
"He called you man." I said softly, turning so my back was facing Ben's direction, blocking out the
conversation with Edward and I.
"What would you like me to do? Ask him to address me as chef?" He asked, his brows stitched
together and his jaw clenched tightly.
"Yes." I nodded.
"Well that would be kind of hard to do- seeing how I am not even allowed to wear my Chef's coat in
the kitchen, - don't you think Bella? Maybe if we were cooking in your office, then I could ask him to
do that, since that is where my fucking coat is." He finally looked over to me, but kept peeling his
carrots as he held my gaze.
"Do not insult me in my kitchen. I am still your boss."
"Bossbaby sitterring leader.head puppeteerI like that one best. Head puppeteer." He nodded
and focused his eyes back on his peeling.
"My office. Now." I held my hand over his peeling and he tossed it down, stalking out before me as
he made his way through the double doors. He pushed passed them and didn't even hold them for
me as I walked behind him.
Once we reached my office, he plopped down into his seat, slouching with his feet spread wide. I
fought the urge to slap him in the back of the head, as I walked around to my seat. I knew he needed
a minute to calm down and in truth, so did I. If I started having this conversation right away, I was
going to lose it with him and say things that I didn't really mean, you know, like to get the fuck out
and not come back.
Butterbean would never forgive me.
My hands settled the clipboard down on my desk and pulled the keyboard forward from its tray,
after I clicked on my email and started reading it over, not really seeing any of it. Once a few
moments passed, I leaned my elbows on my desk and looked towards him. Edward's face was still
hardened and he flexed his jaw as he ground his teeth. My eyes traveled down to his fingers that
were picking with a thread on his pants and it was then I noticed he hadn't changed clothes from last
His hair would have never given him away, since it was always a messy nest that looked of complete
bed head goodness, but he had on the same black tee shirt and pants with the same thread he
played with last night in my office. I would like to say his expression was the same too, but it wasn't,
it was darker. Flower Child was sinking, being consumed by the sea of fear and trouble that was
crashing over him. This didn't boast well for him. If he wanted to be a restaurant owner someday, he
would need to get over that shit. Pouting about your problems is no way to handle them. You need
to grab that motherfucker buy the horns and take him head onor pay him off.
That always works too.
"I want to know what is going on with you." I held up a hand as soon as his face looked up angrily at
me. "Let me rephrase that. I want to know why you are acting like a complete and total shit to me for
no reason."
"Reason- I'll give you about twenty five reasons." He dug into his pocket and pulled my list out,
tossing the crumbled ball onto my desk.
"You're pissed about a list and your stupid chef jacket?" I grabbed the balled up paper and tossed it
in the trash can.
"NoI'm not pissed, because if I were pissed, that would mean I give a fuck." His eyes flared as he
stared intently at me.
"Stop with the melodramatic bullshit, Edward. It really grates my ass. However, if you didn't give a
fuck, you wouldn't have come in my office. As a matter of fact, you wouldn't have come back at all." I
moved back to my typing and I allowed my words to simmer in his mind, letting him know that I saw
right through his ass.
"You're right." He nodded.
Told you.
"What am I doing here?" He rose from his seat.
Maybe not. Shit.
"You walk out that door Flower Child and your ass is gone. Don't even think that I am fucking
bluffing." I glared at him as he palmed the knob.
"I can't be here, Bella." His voice was gravely and deep as he closed his eyes and clenched his jaw
"Well that is too fucking bad. The other night I told you I wasn't trying to be insensitive, well guess
what Flower Child, right now I am going to extremely insensitive to you.
Running away just because shit gets thick is not a way to solve anything. So sit your pussy ass down
and shut the fuck up while I teach you something." I kept my eyes on him as he released the door
knob and took his seat again. His eyes remained down, but mine were planted firmly on his soured
faced, as he hung his head and started picking with the damn thread again.
"If you cannot handle dealing with this shit and working at the same time, you may as well just throw
in the towel now, because it doesn't get any easier. You are going to miss birthdays, holidays, have
people sue you left and right and pretty much have an attorney on speed dial. Your lil' baby mamma
and all her corrupt mindfuckeriness, will be a welcomed part of your life after you deal with all the
other shit.
You walk in here thinking that you are the only one with shit on your plate. Everyone has a plateful
Flower Child, starting with me and running right down to the bussers.
You know what happens when I walk in with all my shit and decide to take it out on everyone else
though? Decide not to give a fuck and not do my job? Your brother Emmett doesn't get a paycheck,
Angela's kids don't get fed, your kid doesn't get fed and my business gets flushed down the fucking
toilet. It's my job to give a shit and I find it highly insulting that you don't think it is yours.
You want to be pissed over an article of clothing, then you apparently weren't listening to me when I
told you that fancy little chef coats didn't matter. I am pretty sure you were sitting right there when I
explained to your father the difference between a cook and a chef and defined a chef as someone
who leads, but I don't remember saying shit about what you were wearing in order to do it. I do
however, remember making you sign a contract that stated you were being hired as my Sous Chef
and would comply with all the duties required.
You have two options at this point. You can either suck it up and grow a pair or give me your fucking
time card. Contrary to your thinking, I am not a babysitter and I don't have time for fucking games.
There are one thousand three hundred and fifteen other people who work for me, one's that I could
be paying attention to right now, other than you, and." I pulled open my bottom drawer and
slammed the heavy file on my desk.
"Over five hundred applications for your fucking job- in the state of Florida alone. I refuse to beg
your ass to stay and work a job you don't give a fuck about, when there are thousands who would
love to fill your shoes and could, very easily. I am going to answer this email" I pointed to my
screen. "You have until I press send to make up your mind."
She handed me my perfectly sculpted, tan ass.
And I deserved it.
All it took was hearing her say how if she didn't do her job, Angela's kids wouldn't get fed, to snap me
out of my fucking selfish mood. The huge yellow folder on her desk filled with applications was
helping a lot too.
I never really thought about it this way before. Bella made everything seem so easy for her, like it
was just a nice smooth wave she rode every day. It never occurred to me the amount of pressure she
had on a daily basis. I thought having one mouth to feed was a big responsibility, shit, Bella many did she just say, thousands? Not to mention their mortgages, rent, light bills.shit.
All of these people depended on her for lively hood, their families lively hood- survival.
Yet, she walked in here every day with her head high, shoulders back and faced it head on. Sure, she
didn't always were a big happy smile while she did it, but she never gave up and let anyone down. In
fact, she only pushed us all harder to force us to improve ourselveskind of like she was doing right
now with me.
She could have just told me to fuck off, obviously I deserved it, but more than that- she had the
ability to. Anyone of those applicants would happily race right down here, if she picked up the phone
and decided to call them. She didn't need me, but that wasn't her motivation behind showing me the
stack- she wanted me to know that she cared, that she gave a fuck.
"I'm sorry." I said, finally looking up to her as she continued to type on her keyboard.
"That is not an apology Flower Child." She shook her head as she continued to type.
"I am sorry for disrespecting you and not being professional. It was disruptive to the rest of the staff
and it won't happen again." I toyed with the thread of my jeans as I waited for her reply.
"You know this means I have to punish you, right?" Her face was serious as she glanced over to me
once, before continuing her typing.
"Yes, Miss. Swan." I made sure to address her properly in hopes that it would not mean a harsh
"It says right here" She tilted her monitor to me slightly. "That tomorrow is supposed to only
reach a high of seventy nine with clear skies. You know what that means?" She crossed her arms over
the desk top and faced me as I gave shook my head.
"Where would you like to go on a seventy nine degree day, with clear skies while living in Miami,
Flower Child?" She asked.
"The beach." I replied with a nod.
"So would everyone else, which means we have a great opportunity to capitalize on making extra
money tomorrow and I am all about that shit." She sat back in her seat and pushed away slightly
from the desk, reaching down to the copy machine and handing me a flyer from the tray.
"The number one mistake all new business owners make Flower Child, is assuming just because your
doors are open, you will have customers. I cannot even begin to tell you how wrong that is. When I
opened my first restaurant in New York, I was one little fish in a very big fucking sea of sharks. Every
day, I stood my happy little ass on the platform of the subway station with a tray of food and offered
it to as many commuters as I could get my hands on.
It packed my dining room night after night and when they saw that my food was good and
consistent, it kept them coming back. If I never did that, I probably would have closed my doors
within three months of being open, or less." Bella took a deep breath and let out a hard sigh. Her
eyes were on mine and I could see a glimmer of playfulness in them as she began speaking again.
"My original idea for this was to actually reward you and put your weird, yet fucking delish, burgers
on the weekend menu. You however, fucked that up by being a dick, so now it is your punishment. I
want this place packed tomorrow and I don't really give a shit if it's your day off or not, you are going
to go down on the beach with your beefy ass brother and sling burgers in your bathing suit." She sat
forward again, crossing her arms over the desk top and leaned in towards me.
"You need to be really; really glad that you are good in bed, because that is the only thing preventing
me from making you stand out there in a fucking banana hammock. I will permit you to wear board
shorts instead." Her brow lifted and a slight smile came across her lips as she served me another slice
of my ass.
"That sounds fair, Miss. Swan." I nodded.
"No, it isn't fair, Flower Child. That is what makes it a punishment."
"Of course, Miss. Swan." I dipped my head in apology.
"And Edward, if you ever disrespect me like that again, I will fire your ass." She was perfectly serious,
all playfulness had faded from her eyes and I knew this wasn't a warning, it was the truth.
"Yes, Miss. Swan, it won't." I waited, knowing she was to tell me when I was allowed to leave.
"Get the fuck out of my office." She looked back to her computer and started typing again.
"Thank you." I rose from my seat, thankful that I was allowed to leave and even more thankful that I
still had a job.
"Don't thank me. Just prove to me that you want to be here."
I paused with my hand on the metal knob and turned to face her again, but as my mouth opened to
reply, my phone rang and I fumbled down into my pocket to retrieve it. Bella glanced over at me
once and I debated about answering, but it was Carlisle and if he was calling me at work, it must have
been important.
"Carlisle?" I used his name, hoping that Bella would understand why I was answering. She continued
with her typing after glancing over to me again.
Bella POV
Fucking mother of fucking shit.
His dad was calling himwhile he was in my office. I wasn't ready to give my "I don't know"
performance yet. It was only a few hours ago that Jessica left my office, not even enough time to
come up with a good excuse for why she would be dropping the charges. Crap. He looked relieved
though, more than relieved actually. He was kind of sparkling a little- like my fucking diamond ring or
something. I heard a series of 'uh huh's' and 'alright's' before he said his good bye and stared at his
phone for a long minute with an unbelieving look on his face.
"What?" I asked looking at my screen, unable to keep the excitement from showing in my eyes, that
would surely give my scheming ass away.
"Jess dropped the charges." He whispered. I glance up from under my lashes and my heart skipped a
beat when I saw a smile spread across his angelic face.
"See, you acted like a jackass for no reason." I shrugged and went back to typing.
"This doesn't make any sense though. Why would she do that?" I wasn't sure if he was asking me or
himself. His eyes remained on his closed cell phone and his brows stitched together as he was deep
in thought.
"Maybe she felt bad." I offered as I typed 'ROTFLMAO' on the blank screen.
Flower Child snorted possibly the loudest snort of all time fucking snorts.
"I don't know, Edward." I chuckled as my shoulders shrugged and I faced my computer again. "Just be
glad she did, who really cares what her motivation behind it is." I smiled on the inside as I finally
began to type my email to the head of some bread company, thanking him for the free bagels we
received this morning.
He stood there, staring at me with a serious debate raging behind his baby blues. Now, I wasn't one
for throwing someone under the bus, but there was no way I was going to allow him to know that I
was the reason Jessica was dropping her charges. With a hard sigh, I opened my pie hole and offered
the only explanation that would get me out of the hot seat.
"Emmet is dating Rosalie, maybe he talked to her."
Flower Child's brows became one as he gawked at me with his mouth slightly ajar, like he wanted to
say something, but couldn't. I knew telling him about Emmett and Rose was a serious knife to the
back, but I hoped Em's brotherly devotion would over shadow the need he would feel to kill me.
"Go back to work Flower Child. We can talk after service, alright?" I chuckled.
He snapped out his daze and nodded to me as he made his way out the door. With a heavy sigh and
slight shake of my head, I slid my chair over to the reach for the phone, pressing down on the
number 5 key so I could handle my newest problem.
"Emmet, can you come into my office please?"
5:45 P.M.
"Listen up everyone." I called the room to order as I entered the dining room and stood behind the
"Since Flower Child fucked up our Friday Fucking Family Fun Night, tonight we are all going to attend
moonlight madness over at Big Balls Bowling. Now, I'll have you all know that not only do I suck at
bowling, but I also hate bowling.
I do however, love and appreciate anyone who would dare name their business something as vile as
Big Balls, even if the name is complete relation to their business's purpose, so we are going."
Everyone broke into laughter and I held up a hand.
"Alright seriously, we are going and I don't want to hear shit from any of you, especially those who
are responsible for the screw up in the first place." I eyed Flower Child and gave him an evil smile.
"Secondly, this meeting will not host any cursing at each other tonight, sad - I know. I would like to
read something however that I found earlier today and it resonated with me. If you laugh, I will
punch you in the stomach or knee you in the balls." I held up the paper to my face after the laughter
quieted down and began reading.
"The truth of the matter is that there's nothing you can't accomplish if - One, you clearly decide what
it is that you're absolutely committed to achieving. Two, you're willing to take massive action. Three,
you notice what's working or not, and Four, you continue to change your approach until you achieve
what you want - using whatever life gives you along the way." I looked out to them and waited for
someone to smart mouth me.
"Who wrote that?" Flower Child asked, nodding towards the paper as he leaned back in his chair,
sucking his bottom lip in between his teeth and scrunching his brows as he looked at me.
Looking sexy as hell as he did it. Down girl.
"Anthony Robbins." I replied.
"I liked it." He nodded, giving me a wink and butterbean winked right back at him.
"Thank you. Does anyone have anything they would like to add before we begin tonight?" I looked
around and Flower Child was the only who raised his hand.
"Go ahead." I nodded to him and Edward scooted his chair back, but remained sitting as he eyed Ben
angrily, before turning to the rest of the staff.
"Weeble Wobbles fucked the fish by sticking it in the freezer instead of the fridge, so don't push it
tonight. I added a chicken special to the menu to make up for it, check the board and ask me if you
have any questions after the meeting. I'd appreciate it if you would all thank Ben for his genius
thinking, since I'm sure your tips will be terrific tonight when you have to explain that a restaurant on
the ocean has no fish on the menu." Edward leaned back in his chair and I was utterly speechless.
Not only did he grow a pair, but he grew a King Kong sized pair. Insulting Ben, adding shit to my
menu without my authorization and publicly humiliating the kid to boot.
I should threaten his job more often.
I stared at Flower Child as he looked back to me and his message was written clear across his face.
He was trying to show me he wanted to be here.
9:45 P.M.
We're screaming like demons, swinging from the ceiling I got a fist full of fifties, tequila just hit me
Ooooohhhhh We got no class, no taste, no shirt, and shit faced We got'em lined up, shot down, firing
back straight crown
That shit was turned up as loud as my poor little kitchen radio would go.
I was so happy to actually be cooking alongside Flower Child again. It seemed like it had been too
long since we were both here together. Ever since he started, it was like an onslaught of shit had slid
my way and my focus was thrown off big time. He didn't even do his challenges yesterday because of
the whole 'being thrown in jail' issue. I would have to make that up. The challenges were a must for
his advancement, plus, I was just really eager to feed him blindfolded again.
I was on the pass tonight and he was helping me dress plates. I wanted him close to me and not off
cooking, something that I already knew he could do. This was not the weakness in his ability, leading
was. Also, his plating needed a little refining and I needed to see how to tweak that. The objective
here was not to turn Edward into me, but to help him find the better part of himself. He already had
the gift, he just need to it pulled from within him.
As I set the last plate down on my tray, I saw Emmett walking through the doors with a frustrated
look on his face. He shook his head and I saw Flower Child look up to him with his brow furrowed.
"Fuck kid, your little home boy really screwed me tonight with this fish shit. I'm getting my ass
reamed out there." Emmett tossed down the ticket and leaned on the steel top.
"Would you like to trade spots with me Em, because if you're standing back here all night, you'll
sweat your ass right off, eliminating the reaming issue?" Edward glared at him as he shook up a
bottle of vinaigrette to dress his plate.
"Sorry, it just sucks." Emmett leaned off the pass and took the tray once Flower Child set his dressed
plate on top.
"Fucking pain in the ass." Edward grumbled under his breath and I smiled as I began plating his
"Taste this." I held the spoon to his lips and he leaned over from his plating, taking a test.
"Salty...." He cringed and then spit behind him in the trash bin. "As fuck." He finished.
"That's your boy." I chuckled, referencing Ben.
"This kid is going to be the death of me tonight." He ran a hand through his hair and tossed his spoon
angrily in the pan on the pass.
"Weeble Wobbles!" He yelled and curled his fingers at Ben. Flower Child spun back around and
grabbed a plate from the stack with one hand while picking up my pan with the other. He slid the
chicken breast with over salted sauce onto it in one quick movement and then turned to face Ben.
"Here you go asshole. Enjoy your fucking dinner." He hit the edge of the plate against Ben's chest and
nodded towards the empty Chef's table.
"But I"
"No fucking but's. If you think it's worthy of being fed to fucking customers then I think you should be
fine eating yourself." Edward pointed to the table and Ben begrudgingly walked his way over there.
"Royce, jump on his station and Bree you cover his. You have to watch your veg though too, hun. Get
one of the girls from the front to jump on if you get bogged down, alright?" Edward spun back
around and fell right back into place with what he was doing before, not skipping a beat.
I kept my eyes down and just smiled internally at his progress. He was doing exactly what he should
be doing, leading. A part of me couldn't help but to think back to that day with Nessie at Flower
Child's parent's house. The way he looked at her as she tried to be a big girl. It was the same way I
was feeling right now about Edward- happy that he was growing, but sad that it also meant he was
growing in a way that would mean he wouldn't need me soon.
It was an odd mixture of pride and pain and I had no clue how to process that shit. I peeked at him
through my peripherals at the same time he was peeking at me and we both smiled, chuckling softly
at ourselves.
I told Flower Child earlier that sulking was no way to handle your problems and I meant that shit, so
instead of being a big baby and crying over the fact that I would someday have to give him up, I
decided to enjoy my time here with him while it lasted. After Bree dropped off her garnish for
plating, I slid my way under Edward's arm as he worked. He lifted up and allowed me to stand in
between him and the pass. His hands stilled for a moment as my ass slid against his front and
butterbean smiled when she felt him through his thin cheffies.
"Watch." I looked at him over my shoulder and grinned.
I started to assemble the plate and Edward leaned against the pass, with his palms lying flat over the
hot metal top, which allowed no space in between the steel counter and where I stood. He was also
now fully flushed against me and I stopped momentarily to register the fact that he was hard and
grinding it right into the back of my right ass cheek.
His small chuckle in my ear let me know he was well aware of that fact.
I ground back into him as I spooned the veg onto the plate and heard the low 'fuck' that escaped his
Serves you right buddy.
Flower Child leaned his head into the crook of my neck, but said nothing. His warm breath fanned the
side of my face as he watched me and his cheek just barely grazed against mine. It was all I could do
to not tilt my head and take him in, taste him and fuck him into oblivion, right here on the pass. He
smelled of sweat and cigarettes and his usual Edwardliness, that I could never quite decipher the
exact fragrance and it was playing havoc on butterbean as she thudding between my legs.
Right now, I was really regretting the fact that I had gone commando.
My whole plan was back firing on me as I felt the heat of my arousal course its way down my thigh
and I shifted uncomfortably, which only made things worse, because now Edward's hard on was right
in between my cheeks.
"What the fuck are you trying to do to me Bella?" He groaned into my hair, I watched his hands turn
into fists on the steel top.
"What the fuck are you trying to do to me?" I shot back, glancing over my shoulder at him and he
smiled, biting his bottom lip, before leaning into my ear.
"You're not the one who has to walk around with a tent in the front of your cheffies." He whispered
and I tilted my head back to face him, wanting more than anything to just lean into his perfect lips as
mine brushed lightly over them.
"I'm not wearing underwear either you know." I lifted my gaze from his lips to his eyes and the desire
flaring in them was too intense.
I dipped back under his arm and shoved the plate that caused all the trouble onto the black tray. My
eyes traveled back over to him as he started to work on the new pan, Royce brought up to the pass
and I smiled when he shifted his pants and wiped the sweat from his forehead with the back of his
Butterbean was still thumping her heart out though and I knew tonight couldn't possibly go by fast
enough. I glanced up to the clock and cringed knowing that I still had at least four hours to go before
I get jump Flower Child's bones.
12:22 A.M.
"Weeble Wobbles! You're on dish duties tonight since you were the kitchen donkey and that includes
my fucking dishes too. As you can see, I made sure to use more than fucking necessary, just for you
buddy." Edward tapped hard on Ben's small shoulder and I had to laugh.
"If you need help finding the dish soap, I'll be outside having a smoke." Flower Child grinned at Ben
as he backed his way out the back door.
I glance around to make sure they were all busy before I slid my way out the door following him.
Edward was sitting on top of our pallet stack, lighting the end of his cigarette as he held his cell up to
his ear. He glanced over to me as I closed the door and held his smoke out to me while he pressed a
key on his phone. I walked over to him and took the cigarette from his fingers, planning on sitting
next to him, but he pulled me down into his lap with his free hand and held me there with a strong
"Does this lady sound nice to you?" He pressed a key on his phone and held the speaker to my ear. It
was a woman named Emily and she was leaving a message for him regarding babysitting Nessie.
"I didn't know you could judge someone's character based on a voice, Flower Child." I took another
pull of smoke and passed it back to him.
"Shit." He closed the phone and tossed it to his side, bringing the cigarette back up to his lips and
released the smoke hard from his nostrils.
"You should let me interview her. I can make anyone sing like a canary Flower Child. If she has ever
even thought about doing harm to a kid, I would find out." I tilted my head back to him and grinned.
"Somehow I believe that Bell." He leaned in and kissed me once. "That doesn't really help me right
now though. Esme and Carlsile leave at six A.M. I doubt she will want to do an interview sometime in
between now and then." Edward took another drag and then passed it to me.
"Well I could talk to her in the morning then. Have her meet you here, you know, before you go out
to sling burgers half naked." I chuckled, passing him back the cigarette.
"Alright, but if you scare her off, you're stuck with Ness for the day." He flicked the cigarette across
the lot and wrapped his arms tighter around me, resting his chin on my shoulder.
"Can I tell you something?" I said softly, leaning my head against his.
"Mmm." He nodded.
"You did really well tonight."
"I'm sorry?" He leaned in further.
"I said you did really good job tonight." I repeated.
"Could youcould you say that a little louderbecause I'm sorry I thought, I mean it can't be, but I
am pretty damn sure you just said I did a good job?" He teased, cupping his ear with his hand as he
leaned into me.
"Don't make me take it back." I slapped him playfully.
"We should probably go back inside." He kissed my head and I nodded in agreement as I went to
"I said probably, not that I wanted to." He pulled me down with him as he rolled down to his back.
"Flower Child, we cannot make out" He cut me off with his lips and I chuckled into our kiss.
I knew making out with Edward on a stack of pallets, in the back of the parking lot to my restaurant
was many shades of wrong and highly risky, but as his tongue swirled with mine and his strong hand
palmed the swell of my breast, I had to listen to butterbean's plea to let him to do his thing and shut
the fuck up.
12:56 A.M.
I hated bowling. With a passion I hated bowling.
My fingers were fisted tightly as I made my way up to the ball return, to take my turn. Not only did I
hate bowling because I sucked at it, but more so, because I had to stick my fingers down into those
three little holes and not know whose crummy fingers were in there last. I looked around and cringed
when the guy in the next lane over, scratched his ass before he picked up his ball.
I wanted to fucking hurl.
"Fuck thisI'm going to the bar." I tossed up my hands and started to retreat to which everyone
groaned and I gave them the finger.
"What's wrong?" Edward chuckled as followed behind me with Emmet and a few others.
"Are you kidding me? There is no way I am sticking my fingers in one of those germ holes. I don't
know what the fuck I was thinking coming here." I pushed the door to the bar area open and made
my way up to the line of stools.
"Captain and coke." I waved my fingers and the bar tender gave me a nod.
"Uh ohB starts slamming CC's and we might need to hold her back from the karaoke machine." He
laughed, nodding to the stage behind us.
"It was one time Emmett and I was on a little more than just rum and coke if I remember correctly." I
wiggled my finger at him.
"Oh, that is so gross, don't even remind me." He held up a hand to me.
"What happened?" Flower Child chuckled, taking my hand into his.
"I sliced off my finger tip and Emmett had to dig it out of the pancetta so they could reattach it." I
chuckled, watching both of their faces grimace at the same time.
"I was on some pain killers and apparently when I mix those with large amounts of rum, I feel like
fucking singing Micheal Jackson songs in public." I took a sip of my drink and laid down a nice tip for
the bartender.
"Is that the worst injury you have ever had?" Edward asked, laying down his own money for his beer.
"No, my worst injury was when I let James stick his dick in me."
Edward choked on his beer and I laughed as Emmett patted him on the back and tried to clean up his
own that he razzed a little.
"Sorry." I tipped my drink to him and then took a long sip.
"So what happened?" He set his drink down and toyed with it in his hands, spinning the bottle
around and averting my eyes.
"It's a long story." I shook my head.
"They have quite a few frames to go Bella." He picked up his beer and leaned back in his seat taking a
"I know, but this isn't really the right place." I looked around with my eyes and regretted that I even
allowed the words to slip out in the first place.
"Hey, stop with all the whispering over here." Emmet leaned in between Edward and I, giving me a
wink out of the corner of his eye.
"I think we should play a round." He nodded to the pool table.
"You guys go ahead. I'm not in the mood tonight." I took the last swig of my drink and scooted back
from the bar.
"Where you going B?" Emmet called.
"Smoke." I pushed the doors to the bar open and made my back through the lounge, happy not to
hear Edward's feet trailing behind. I am sure that was due to Emmett telling him not to. He knew
when I wanted to just be left alone.
Now was definitely one of those times.
How stupid was I to have let that shit out of the bag, especially to Edward of all people? Like he
needed to know about me screwing James? Sure, he wasn't my damn boyfriend or anything, but this
shit hit just a little too close to home for my fucking comfort.
I sat on the cement ledge in front of the bowling alley and puffed away on my stooge, trying to figure
out how the hell my life had become so damn complicated- Bribing women to take jobs at the Rachel
Ray show, sleeping with my sous chef, babysitting children and airing out my dirty laundry in public.
Somehow Flower Child had managed to completely flip my nice neatly stacked world upside down. I
slid off the wall and flicked my cigarette to the curb as I dug for my keys, but before I could find
them, I felt a warm hand palm my hip and matching lips at my cheek.
"I'm sorry Angel. I didn't mean to upset you." He murmured into my ear as his other hand rubbed
gently on my arm. My whole being lit up as the soothing bass of his voice and warm breathe tickled
against my delicate skin. It must have been eighty three degrees out tonight, yet I felt a shiver creep
over my flesh as his strong hands coursed over me.
"It's alright. I'm tired anyway, I should go home." I finally found my keys and stepped out of his grasp,
but he reached out and curled his fingers around my arm, preventing me from leaving as he held me
at arm's length.
"Don't leave Bella. You were having a good time. Just come back inside."
"I said I'm tired." I shook my head.
"Then come home with me. Let me take care of you." He tugged a little on my arm, trying to pull me
in to his damn trap of good smelling manliness, but I held my ground.
"I have a lot of paper work to catch up on. I need to go home." I lied. The paper work could wait. The
paperwork could always wait.
"At two in the morning, Bella?" He rolled his eyes slightly and tried to tug me again.
"I'm just not in the mood tonight, alright?" I pulled my arm back and his face contorted as though I
had slapped him.
"I wasn't asking you to come over so I could." He stopped as a few members of our restaurant came
giggling passed, waving their goodbyes.
"You know that wasn't what I was asking." His eyes flared at his stared at me and I could see him
biting the inside of his cheek.
"I just want to be alone." I looked down from his eyes, unable to see the disappointment in them.
"Whatever happened to not running, Angel? You called me a pussy for running away today, is that
what you are going to do? Run away from me?"
Fucking hell, butterbean.
"I'm not running." I looked up to his face and gave the best mask I could muster, trying to get him to
believe my lie.
"Then come home with me." He held out his hand and I wanted to kick myself for finding the one
man on the planet who not only listened to the shit I said, but also used it against me.
I wasn't even sure at this point if Edward were real, or human. I rolled my eyes at him and let out a
hard sigh before I took his hand and allowed him to lead me to his Volvo, dragging me back once
again into my life of messy stacks and the unknown.
1:45 A.M.
The hot water was streaming my down my back, somehow, floating over Flower Child's broad
shoulders and creating a waterfall for my body as he held me from behind in his small shower. He
wasn't hard, or grinding up on me, he was just holding me tightly in his strong arms and humming
softly against the side of my head, as his lips trailed over my wet shoulder.
"What is that song?" I tilted my head into his as he rested his chin on my shoulder.
"It's something my Grandmother used to sing when I was little. I hum it to Ness when she can't
sleep." He lifted his chin and began kissing my shoulder again.
"Is she still alive?" I asked softly as I tilted my head back, finding the side of his jaw and kissed his
scratchy face.
"Yeah, she's still alive, my grandfather too. You know they have been married for almost fifty five
years?" He chuckled softly.
"Really? Holy crap, what did they do, get hitched when they were twelve?" I teased.
"My Grandmother, Elizabeth, she was eighteen and my grandfather, Edward SR., he was twenty." He
"You were named after your grandfather?"
"Thankfully, it would have been shitty growing up with a name like Carlisle." He laughed.
"Why didn't your father give you his name?"
"Bella that is just one of the hundreds of things I do not know about my father."
"You guys really don't get along that well, do you?"
"We get along fine. He just doesn't always agree with everything that I say or do." He rested his chin
back onto my shoulder.
"I'm just guessing here, but I would wager Nessie is a big part of that?"
"That would be the biggest." He agreed.
His voice was soft and sad as he made his omission, his chin resting on my shoulder like it held the
weight of the world when the words left his mouth. I could feel his burden, his guilt and maybe even
a little bitterness towards his father.
I turned around and wrapped my arms around his waist, flushing his stomach to mine and allowed
my lips to search the tender skin under his ear. His hold tightened around me and I kept my mouth
moving until I found his warm, perfect lips, trying to pull Flower Child inside of me and lighten his
load a little with the distraction.
I tilted my head back to allow him better access and he took the advantage, sliding himself further
inside of my mouth and assaulting me in the sweetest way with his talented tongue. I grinded against
the hardness that was growing on him, trying to distract him further, but his hands stilled me.
"This isn't why I asked you here, Angel." He breathed against my lips, his forehead pressed to mine.
"I know, but I want you." I leaned back in and he kissed me lightly, but then receded.
"If you want to make love, then let's make love in bed. Not here. Just let me take care of you here,
alright?" His lips pressed into mine once and he did not allow me to answer as he spun me around
and began washing my hair.
"I appreciate all the pampering, but when you are done, I need to shave my legs if you don't mind." I
had wicked thoughts in my mind that wanted to ease away all the tension and seriousness he was
holding onto tonight.
"I don't mind if you're stubbly." He chuckled softly, tilting my head back to rinse away the suds.
"No, no, Flower Child. This is all for me. You see, there is no way I am missing watching you and
Emmett slinging burgers on the beach tomorrow, therefore, I must shave the ladies." I tilted my head
back to grin at him and he chuckled right along with me.
See butterbean, we are good at making Flower Child happy.
5:45 A.M.
I was warm and comfy and loving the smell of Edward's bed. There was just one problem- his ass was
no longer in it. I was starting to get really tired of waking up to not finding him here. Did I fart in my
sleep or something? I would die if I found out I had been hot boxing his ass- Cause that would just be
downright rude, not to mention gross. I sat up and looked around to the room that was still dark,
rubbing at my sleepy eyes and trying to see something- anything, but was not able to.
"I'm right here, just trying to get Ness back to sleep." He said softly and I assumed he was rocking her
in his chair.
"What time is it?" I croaked, my voice full of sleep as I curled against his empty space.
"Just before six, love. Go back to sleep. I'll join you soon." I heard him start to hum her song and I
knew that there was no way he would be able to get back to sleep if he sat up rocking her, plus, I
wanted him here, not way over there.
"Just bring her here." I sat up and fumbled about the floor for clothes, finding what I presumed to be
his PJ bottoms and my tank top.
I felt Edward's weight back on the bed and I snuggled my way back down, feeling a small hand and I
picked it up to kiss it softly. Nessie was curled up in a ball in between Flower Child and I, but her head
was half way on my pillow and I felt his fingers against mine and I started to run my fingers through
her curls. He chuckled softly and then resumed his humming.
"She would come in handy in the winter." I whispered with a low chuckle.
"I know. She puts off a lot of heat." He whispered back in a humored toned.
"Are all kids like this?" I snuggled in closer and Edward did too, allowing his arm that wasn't covering
Ness to slide under my neck, so that he cradled my head in the crook of his arm.
"I don't know. Something tries to make me believe everything Ness does is one of a kind, so" He
snickered lightly and I leaned in to kiss his sweetness. Lord help us butterbean. Edward let out a hard
sigh as our kiss ended and his arm under my head bent in a way that pulled me to him. His chin
rested against my head as he tucked me under him and my head leaned on Ness's in response.
His humming began again and it wasn't long after that I felt myself drift back into my dreams, only
this time, reality was actually my dream and my unconsciousness was the lack luster part of my life.
8:35 A.M.
There was someone breathing really hard in my face.
I blinked once.
Three times.
"Can we wake-up daddy, Bewwa?" She whispered in her best conspirators tone. I peered over to see
Edward still sleeping soundly, looking like a golden angel as the early morning sunlight bathed his
bare chest and face, highlighting all of the red tones in his messy hair.
"Let's let him sleep, okay? Are you hungry?" I whispered back, pulling her towards me.
"Pincakes?" She smiled and I had to smile back, knowing that she still remembered the day I made
them for her. I was never going to let Flower Child live that shit down, but I decided against making
them again. This kid needed some nutrition, not to mention, I was not in the mood for pancakes. My
ass had to shimmy into a bikini this morning.
There was no way I was eating those damn things.
"Come on." I pulled her with me from the bed and settled her down on her feet, before I leaned back
and pulled the covers over Edward and gave him a kiss on his face. He stirred lightly, but remained
asleep as I leaned away and tugged Ness along with me to the kitchen.
With my hand that wasn't covering my morning yawn; I reached for the coffee pot as Ness settled
herself in front of the TV and pressed the on button. It amazed me that someone so small knew how
to operate a television. This did not sit well with me for some reason. If she knew how to work a TV,
this must mean she watches a lot of it, right? I back logged that shit for further discussion with
Edward, cause that shit just wasn't kosher.
After I got my coffee going, I took out some eggs and the other items I would need, happy that
Flower Child always had a well stocked fridge. I also poked around his kitchen a little more and
smiled once again at how organized it all was. If it were my kitchen, I would have it set up the same
"Ness?" I called softly, trying to keep it down and not wake up Edward. She perked up and paddled
her little feet my way, tugging on my pajama bottoms after she entered. I picked her up and sat her
on the empty space of the counter.
"Would you like to help me make breakfast?" I asked and she nodded happily.
"Okay, I'll break the eggs and you stir, alright?" I handed her the mini whisk I found and she smiled as
she took it into her hands.
"What's dis?" She asked pointing to the bowl.
"We are making a frittata, Squeaky." I moved her hand, trying to show her how to beat the eggs
before I cracked a new one.
"Feeta" She giggled half way through, not able to pronounce the word.
"Say, free."
"No, fRee." I squeezed her cheeks with my free hand as I cracked the egg in my other against the
glass bowl.
"Free." She giggled.
"Ta." I let go of her cheeks.
"Ta." She said perfectly.
"Ta." I finished.
"Ta." She giggled.
"See. You said it. Now you have to say it all together though." I stopped cracking and she looked to
me as I watched her.
"Feetata." She was too darn cute.
"You have to say the R Squeaky." I smiled at her, trying to encourage her and brought my hand back
to her cheeks as I said it with her.
"Ffffrrrrreetata." I showed her.
"Frreeetata." She smiled wide and I leaned and kissed her forehead proudly.
"That was very good baby."
"Daddy!" She wiggled and about fell off the counter, but thankfully I was able to still her in time with
my shaky hands from being startled myself. I had no clue Flower Child was watching and I felt a little
embarrassed that he was.
"Morning." He leaned in and kissed my cheek once before he gave Ness one as well.
"You were supposed to be sleeping." I started to crack the eggs and Ness went back to her whisking
"I smelled coffee." He smiled reaching into the cupboard for two mugs. I appraised him quickly with
my eyes and was glad to see he was only wearing the bottoms I loved.
"Daddy we make frrrreetata." Ness kept her eyes on the bowl, taking her work seriously as she
whisked for me.
"That's a very grown up thing to make honey." He smiled at her and rubbed her cheeks as he made
his way over to the fridge to find milk for our coffees.
"I see your nanny never showed." I began dicing the onion as he made his way back over, standing in
front of Ness as he set down his coffee along with mine.
"She had some sort of emergency last night. My mother told me when she dropped off Ness this
morning." He stirred in the sugar and slid the cup to me.
"Here, Angel." His lips found the side of my head as I diced and butterbean gave him a big thank you.
"I guess you're stuck with me today, Squeaky." I winked at her and she whipped her head up from
her whisking.
"I go wif Bewwa?" She looked up to Edward wide eyed and I had to smile at how excited she seemed,
to spend a day with me. It wasn't often that someone felt this way. Usually the idea of spending a
day with me was something I either had to pay someone to do or demand someone do. It was never,
ever a welcomed matter.
"You go with me and daddy and Uncle Emmett- To the beach." I grinned at Edward and he smiled
back at me.
"Da beach!" She bounced happily and Edward chuckled at her enthusiasm before he lifted her off the
counter and sat her on his hip.
"Hey, she has duties." I pointed the knife to the bowl.
"She's a little young to work a knife." He argued, sipping his coffee with his free hand.
"That is why she was going to stir." I trotted off down to the hall and retrieved the step stool I saw
last time I was here from the bathroom.
"Which reminds me" I placed the stool in front of the stove and pulled Ness from his arms to place
her on it. "How much TV do you let her watch?" I readied the pan and passed Ness a wooden spoon
as I added the diced onions.
"Not that much, why?" He held her hand and helped her stir as she peered over the top of the pan.
"Really, because I would assume that if a four year old knows how to turn on a TV, that must mean
she does a lot of TV watching." I challenged, to which Flower Child gave me a dirty look.
"I didn't realize you were an expert on four year olds."
"I happen to be highly intelligent Edward. The art of putting two and two together comes very
naturally to me." The sarcasm was thick in my response and he smiled despite himself.
"I wike cooking daddy." She tilted her head back against Edward's bare stomach and smiled.
"Do you?" He lifted his brows, smiling back at her.
"Yup." She nodded once and then went back to her stirring.
"Amazing what kids find out they like when there face isn't planted on the front of a TV screen." I
teased, smiling at him ruefully.
"Maybe she just wants to be like her daddy." He smiled back.
"I hope not. It would be nice if one Cullen in this kitchen knew how to cook." I smiled, looking back
down to my potatoes as I diced them into perfect cubes.
I felt Edward's hand brush under my hair and run its way up to the nape of my neck, awakening every
nerve ending on my body with his touch. He cupped the back of my head and the magnetic force his
lips had over mine, made me tilt back to meet his silent request for them. This kiss was seriously
inappropriate to perform in front of Flower Child's kid and to be honest, shocked the fuck out of me,
but butterbean was lovingly every minute of it and I couldn't find it in me to be responsible and pull
The kiss wasn't just sensual though, it was powerful, strong and laced full of emotions that were
foreign to me, yet strangely familiar at the same time. His lips pulled back before we could slip too
far out of hand and he pulled my face into the crook of his neck as he whispered against my hair.
"You're too beautiful, you know that?" He kissed my hair and held my head against him as a hard
knock on the door sounded.
"That's probably Emmett." He released me and chugged the remainder of his coffee before turning
his attention to the door.
I looked down to Nessie after I managed to peel my eyes away from Edward's bare back walking
away from me and she giggled slightly before she went back to stirring. I chuckled lightly myself,
feeling slightly embarrassed that she saw us being so intimate. Emmett's loud mouth snapped me
out of it though and I made my way towards the fridge in search of cheese. After I found a nice block
of cheddar and a container of orange juice, I closed the door and went to turn back to
Ness, but was stopped dead in my tracks as I stared at the front of the fridge. I had not seen it this
morning with my sleepy eyes, but sure as shit, there it was.
Flower Child had hung the picture Nessie drew in my office.
Of us.
9:27 A.M.
We all sat happily around the table as we enjoyed our breakfast. Not only was I treated to watching
Edward scarf down my famous onion and potato cheddar cheesy frittata, but I also had Emmett to
take in this morning as well. These Cullen boys were something else. They sure could eat. Ness
looked happy too, feeding forkfuls of her eggs to Edward in between her own bites and butterbean
smiled wide the entire time she watch them interact so sweetly. Sometimes I swear it was like they
were in there own happy little world and a part of me was very envious, but more so, honored that I
was allowed a peek inside.
"So B, I heard through the grapevine that your pops was going to be at the convention this year."
Emmet eyed me as he picked up his OJ and took a sip.
"He is?" I asked surprised.
"Yeah, Sue called me the other day all cheery and crap over it. I guess he's speaking at one of the
"It's so nice to be in the loop Em." I said sarcastically as I stabbed my eggs angrily.
"Sorry, I just figured I'd warn you." He shrugged.
"I guess at this point I should expect it. I mean my mother got remarried and didn't bother to tell me,
so Charlie speaking at the convention shouldn't come as much of a shocker." I shook my head and
went for my coffee.
"Your parents are divorced?" Edward asked.
"Obviously Flower Child, unless you need me to explain the definition behind adding 're' to the word
before you use it."
"I mean, I just assumed they were still together. You never said anything about them being
divorced." He kept his eyes on mine as he thought through something in his mind.
"Pop pop and gamma awre davowsed" Nessie said, making Edward whip his head to her.
"Who told you that?" He asked.
"Mommy." She said, poking at her eggs.
"Pop pop and Grandma are not divorced, honey." Edward said, keeping his eyes on her and she
looked back up to him.
"Das what mommy says." She shook her head.
"Well mommy is wrong, sweetheart." He thumbed her cheek and I could see the anger and hurt in
his face, even though he was trying to conceal it from her. Ness simply shrugged and went back to
eating her eggs. Emmett exchanged looks of irritation with Edward before they both went back to
eating. I heard Flower Child mumbling something into his mug as he brought his coffee up to his lips
and shook his head, obviously very displeased with Jessica's ability to keep her pie hole shut.
I wondered why she would say that though. His parents obviously were not divorced. Hell, they were
on their anniversary trip right now to fucking Europe for Christ's sake. I knew the girl was all for
hitting below the belt, but where the hell did something like that fit into this whole mess?
I entered it into my long list of shit I had back logged for later analysis and decided to enjoy my
breakfast with my boys.and girl.
Why Bella thought this was punishment I had no clue.
I was on the beach, cooking, with her, Ness and Emmet- feeding burgers to women in G-string bikinis.
Was she crazy?
If this were my job for the rest of my life, I would die a happy man.
We had an area along the boardwalk set up for our free cooking show and give away. Ness was
sitting on top of Emmett's shoulders as she passed out flyers to the people passing by. Bella was
being assaulted by the men as they gawked and flirted with her, but she seemed to handle herself
well. Actually, she looked quite comfortable and I wasn't so sure how I felt about that shit. A few
times she even flirted back a little. I had to wonder if she was doing it on purpose to make me
jealous. When a groups of girls, who looked a little older than Bella came walking by, I smiled wide at
them, giving the signature expression each Cullen man had perfected and they of course stopped
instantly, grinning wide back.
"What do you have there?" One of the girls who had long dark hair and blue eyes asked. Her voice
was thick with a Spanish accent and I decided to pull out my extra weapon here, seeing Bella looking
at us from the corner of my eye.
"Habla usted espaol?"
Do you speak Spanish?
"Si." She smiled brightly.
"cmo te llamas?
What is your name?
"Kate." She smiled.
"Mi nombre es Edward."
My name is Edward.
Le apetece una hamburguesa?
Would you like a burger?
"Si Eduardo." She said appraising me with her eyes, as her palms leaned against the table top.
"Aqu tienes a Kate, una hamburguesa, slo para usted." I gave her a wink as I handed it over.
Here you go Kate, one burger, just for you.
"Muchas gracias" She blew a kiss and continued on down the board walk with her friends. I smiled
internally as I watched Bella shoot daggers at her as she strolled on by.
Bella looked back to me and I winked at her, trying to let her know that I was just getting even and
she narrowed her eyes at me before she made her way over to my stand.
"So since when do you speak all Antonio Sabatto JR on me?" She teased.
"I live in Miami, Bella. It's pretty much my first language at this point." I flipped my burgers and
smiled at her.
"Well how about next time you decide to woo a girl with it, you make sure to mention eating at our
fucking restaurant. I'm not out here giving away food out of the goodness of my heart Flower Child."
"Em gave her a flyer." I shrugged.
"It's not the same as lip service." She shook her head in irritation. I sat down my spatula and brushed
her hair over to her other shoulder, so that I could test out her theory.
"Es que tan ngel? Tal vez ms tarde esta noche, te ofrezco mi servicio de labio entonces."
Is that so angel? Perhaps later on tonight, I will offer you my lip service then.
I gave a light kiss to her ear and felt her shiver against my bare chest as I pressed into her. "Tal vez, te
ofrezco todos mis servicios."
Perhaps, I will offer you all of my services.
"Fuck Edward." She whispered and rolled her eyes a little before pushing me away. I chuckled softly
at her and went back to my burgers as a new group of people came up.
Who the fuck knew taking Spanish in high school would finally pay off?
I couldn't wait for tonight.
I watched as Bella allowed Nessie to bury her legs and feet in the sand, now that our food giveaway
was over. Emmett was back at the restaurant making all the arrangements for tonight and Bella
caved when Nessie asked to go for a swim.
It never ceased to amaze me at how easily Ness could get her way.
Watching the two of them interact was beyond intriguing. The way Bella handled Ness was so natural
and tugged at my insides like nothing else ever had. Other than my mother and grandmother, I had
never seen a woman be this way with Ness. It was different somehow with Bella, maybe because she
wasn't my family. I wasn't sure. It made me ridiculously fucking happy though and even more so,
scared out of my mind.
Ness was crazy about Bella and all I could do was hear the conversation we had not too many nights
back in the Volvo about the day she would leave and how it would hurt my baby. It was true. How
could I keep her away though? She gravitated towards Bella like a bee to honey and if I said the same
wasn't true for Bella to Ness, I would be lying.
I had seen women throughout my single years try and crawl their way into my world by using Ness.
They would smile all sweetly at her and put on a good show, but the truth is that I saw through all
that shit. It was the money, my parent's role in our community. They were no better than Jessica.
Watching Bella this morning, when she didn't know I was there, she acted no different towards Ness,
unless of course it was impossibly sweeter somehow. Trying to teach her how to pronounce frittata
correctly and having her up on the counter cooking along side of her instead of allowing her to watch
cartoons, it stole my fucking heart.
Her chastising me for allowing her to watch TV was only icing on the cake and when Ness smiled at
Bella after she teased me about wanting her to be a good cook someday, it was all I could do to resist
carrying her off to my bedroom and making the sweetest of love to her pussy with my fucking
I would have to remedy that later on tonight.
And I would.
While speaking fucking Spanish to her.
Bella POV
4:25 P.M.
Knock. Knock.
"Em said you wanted to see me?"
"Come in Flower Child." I rolled the chair at my side out for him.
"What's going on?" He asked as he took a seat at my right.
"Nanny interview." I laid a fresh pad of paper and pen on his lap and then tapped my own papers
against the desk. Edward went to open his mouth to say something, but stopped as a new knock on
the door sounded and I called them in.
"Hi, my name is Leah, I'm supposed to be meeting with Edward for the nanny position." A girl with
long dark hair and big black eyes smiled sweetly as she peered in.
"Come in Leah, take a seat." I answered, folding my hands over the desk top.
"This is Edward, I'm Bella. Nessie, Edward's daughter is sort of like my niece, so I'll be asking you
questions as well." I appraised her with my eyes and saw that she had a small tattoo on her wrist as
she shook Edward's hand. The need to fuck with this girl was all too great. For one, she was going to
be watching Edward's daughter and I needed to make her squirm. Number two, I just really loved
making Flower Child uncomfortable.
"You didn't get that in prison did you?" I nodded to her wrist as she took her seat again.
"No ma'am. It is my family's crest." She lifted her arm towards me.
"Like a symbol?"
"Yes." She smiled.
"Like the mob or something? Gang sign? Are you with the crips or the bloods?" I arched an eye brow
and saw Flower Child bite his lip to keep from laughing.
"I'm not in a gang. It is just my tribe." She chuckled softly.
"So you perform odd rituals and shit? Is sacrificing children part of your culture? Is that why you are
here?" I knew I was being ridiculous and highly insulting, but that was the whole point.
"I am here because I love children. I used to teach on my reservation, but all of my boys have grown
up. Here are my qualifications." She passed me a folder, but I ignored it and kept my eyes on her.
Flower Child reached out and took it from her hands.
"As you can see I taught in public school for a few years, but I have to admit, it wasn't really for me. I
prefer more hands on teaching with the children. There were too many in those classes." She
"So you are afraid of there being witnesses." I accused.
"Bella, I know that finding a nanny for your niece must be hard, I could never imagine doing that for
my boys, buy I assure you, I would never harm a child. You can contact any of my former employers
and personal references. I have nothing to hide." She folded her hands in her lap and waited
patiently for me to reply.
"What does your tattoo mean?" Edward asked as he thumbed through the papers in her folder.
"It is symbolic of our culture. Quileute's have been thought to have been protected by wolves
throughout our existence." She held out her arm for him and he looked up from his reading so he
could appraise it.
"Why on the wrist?" He asked.
"For me, a woman, it is on my wrist to show that I have been claimed. For the men, they place it on
their chest."
"Why on the chest?" He asked, narrowing his eyes as he observed the black ink showcasing a tribal
wolf with its face masked by a long tail.
"It is close to their hearts, just like their ladies." She smiled.
"I understand." He nodded, lifting his sleeve to show her the ink of Nessie's sweet face.
"You have a black rose by her." She pushed his sleeve a little higher.
"Is this before or after she was marked here?" Her eyes bore into Flower Childs as she asked.
"Before, but it was meant for her."
"This was not welcomed, yes?" She allowed her fingers to trace along Nessie's face and I could see
Edward's jaw tighten before replied.
"It has been hard on my family." He nodded softly. Leah's eyes studied his and then she released his
arm for her hands, sliding back into her seat.
"You should have a dream catcher placed around her, banding those spirits from entering. Get rid of
the rose, it bares no place in a child's life." She said softly.
Leah wanted to protect Flower Child's child and suddenly I felt no more need to grill her or insult the
women. Edward looked back down to her folder and I could see the emotions running ramped on his
face as he tried to pull himself together from the charged exchange. I looked back to Leah and she
seemed cool as a cucumber, yet still wore a look of concern on her face as she studied him carefully. I
was all about someone wanting to protect not only Ness, but also Edward.
I had never hired someone based off of a tattoo, but apparently, I had a serious weak spot for people
who sported them lately.
After we hired Leah, Flower Child and I were in my office going over the specials for this evening's
menu. We had a fully booked house thanks to our burger giveaway on the beach earlier and I was
happy to have Edward's food featured on our menu- Even if it was just a burger. Doing the simple
things right, that is what my father always used to say and it was true. Any chef worth there snot
would tell you that.
I watched as he held his bottom lips in his teeth and wrote out the paper menu for the meeting this
evening, with a fierce look of concentration on his face, mouthing some of the words as he wrote
I wanted to fucking bite him.
Focus butterbean.
Thankfully his cell phones ringing snapped me out of my ogling. Edward looked to me before he
answered and I waved him on, knowing he was probably freaking out thinking something had
happened to Ness already.
His face fell as he greeted the person on the other line, with a slight roll of his eyes as he went back
to writing out his menu while he listened. I started to type again on the computer, organizing the
upcoming convention that we attended every year. I couldn't wait to go this time, with Flower Child.
He would have so much
"What?!" He said loudly. My eyes snapped up to look at him as he tossed down his pencil and stared
at me with a murderous gaze. His blue eyes simmered and threatened to burst from the heat burning
beneath them.
I asked him 'what?' with my eyes, but his face only grew more angered as he held the phone
"What do you mean you're moving to New York?!"
Chapter Seven ~ Dreams and Reality
I am moving to NY
I said I am moving to New York, dickhead.
What do you mean you are moving to New York?!
I mean, I am packing my fucking bags and moving to New York! Shit, are you deaf?
Bella was staring at me as I continued to have my conversation with Jess and I knew this was not the
"I need to call you back later. I cannot have this conversation right now."
"Don't you want to know why?" She asked.
"Yes, but I am working Jessica. I will call you back later."
"But I" I closed the phone unable to hear what she was going to say, knowing that if I did, I would
probably lose my mind.
"What happened?" Bella asked.
"Jessica said she is moving to New York." I tossed down my phone on her desk.
"Did she say why?"
"No, I hung up before she had a chance. Shit, why the hell is she doing this? I mean what kind of a
mother" I stopped dead in my tracks and took a deep breath. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't be talking
about this now." I picked up my pencil again and went back to writing out the menu for the staff.
"It's alright. Um, do you have to go or something?" She asked and I whipped my head up to look at
"No. I mean, I should probably call Carlisle or something, but it will have to wait."
"Why would you need to call Carlisle?" Her face scrunched in confusion.
"Our case is still pending, so I don't know how this all works. If Jess is moving to New York, I don't
know what that means for Ness. I mean, what if she wins custody? Can she do that? Can she take her
there?" I ran a hand through my hair, - the same hand that was dying to call my father and ask the
hundred questions bubbling up in my mind.
"Can that happen?" She asked nervously.
"I don't know. I'm not sure what the law is for this. Maybe that's why she dropped the charges, she
knows something I don't. Fuck." I rubbed my face in frustration.
"Well maybe you should call your father then." Bella tossed my phone back at me and made her way
around the desk and out the door.
Shit, was she pissed at me again?
I swear, if I didn't have better luck in my next life, I was going to demand a refund.
Bella POV
5:30 P.M.
Shit, what did I do?
It never occurred to me that this could happen. Fuck. What if it did?
I made my way out through the front door and bummed a smoke from a by passer. I knew my
intentions were good, but hell, I made a big mess. Would a judge really grant that wretch custody
though? Something told me it was doubtful, but still the possibility I suppose was there.
Fuck it, if it came down to it, I would figure out a way to fix that shit too, especially since I was the
one who fucked it up.
I flicked the half smoked cigarette to the curb and made my way back inside, seeing everyone already
gathered for the meeting, even Flower Child. This made me happy and sad all at the same time. The
harder the boy tried, the more it hurt and felt good, playing havoc on my heart and emotional well
being. I felt like I was on a rollercoaster lately that no one had control over, especially me.
I brushed my hair back from my face and made my way behind the bar. Edward gave me his sweet
smile of encouragement and I smiled back lightly in return, unable to resist his natural charm that
always seemed to make everything alright. If I was the sun in Flower Child's mind, then what was his
smile in mine? I don't know that there was a planet big or bright enough to compare to it.
"I would like to make this short and sweet, just like Emmett's one night stands." I gave him a wink
and he held a thumbs up to me. "Tonight is going to be very busy, thanks to Emmett & Flower Child's
half naked bodies, let's give them a big thank you please." I waved towards my boys.
"Thank you!" The staff said in unison. Emmett of course ate it up and Flower Child just kept his eyes
on me, not paying attention to the hoots and hollers and joking of the crowd.
"Alright, settle down. Flower Child has written out the menu for you all, please take a look at it and
ask us if you have any questions. Now, without further ado" I cleared my throat.
"Weeble Wobbles if you fuck us on anything tonight, I will string you up by your chicken sized balls to
the overhang outside and let Flower Child use you as a piata. Understand fuckwad?" I eyed him and
he nodded at me nervously.
"Good. Anyone else have anything?" I looked out to the crowd and Flower Child raised his hand with
an amused expression on his face.
"Yes Flower Child?"
"A stick of pepperoni." He said seriously.
"What?" I chuckled.
"I will use a stick of pepperoni to beat the candy of you Weeble Wobbles." He explained.
"I would prefer if you used one of the whole fish." I tried to keep the smile off my face as Ben sunk
down into his seat.
"Of course, what was I thinking? Fish leaves a much bigger welt than Pepperoni." He agreed, keeping
with his serious expression.
"And getting the stink off is next to impossible, especially when it bursts open and the guts seep into
your clothes." I added.
"No, he won't be wearing clothes, so it won't be a problem." He shook his head, keeping his eyes on
I was really starting to love this new version of Flower Child.
I was so glad the night was over. Leah dropped Ness off a few minutes after Bella and I walked
through the door and while she was showering, I settled my sleepy girl into her bed. After I was sure
she was fast asleep, I readied my room for Bella, setting out a few small candles I managed to dig out
of a drawer and fluffed the pillows into a comfortable position against the head board. I even added
a few from the couch. I wished I had wine or something to offer her, but I didn't really drink much
living alone, other than the couple beers I would keep for when Em came over to watch a game.
Funny thing about working in a restaurant, you never really eat. Sounds weird, I know, but the truth
is that you do a lot of tasting without actually ever consuming any of it. Plus, you are usually too busy
to even think about your own stomach while you are feeding others. The second you cleaned up and
settled in though, you felt the pain of your stomach trying to gnaw at itself. After being on your feet
all day cooking, the last you want to do is start all over in your own home, but I knew Bella would be
just as hungry as I was, so I dug through the kitchen and decided to make us something simple, yet
delicious and filling.
Penne pasta with pan roasted tomatoes and sweet basil.
I was happy that Bella had introduced me to the open market near The Workshop. It was one of my
favorite places to purchase groceries now. They had beautiful yellow, red and even purple tomatoes
this week when I shopped. I wasn't even aware purple tomatoes existed, but apparently, they do. I
quartered them up and tossed them into hot pan with olive oil, before I readied the boiling water on
the stove for the pasta.
"What are you doing?" I felt Bella's arm wrap around my waist and I lifted my own to tuck her
"Aren't you hungry?" I asked, tipping my head to her damp hair as I stirred with my free hand.
"Starving, I can finish up, go take a shower." She reached for the spoon and I was going to argue, but
the truth was that if I didn't shower now, by the time I ate and had a full belly, I wasn't going to want
to afterwards. And if I didn't shower, I wasn't going to be able to have sex with Bella, like I very much
intended on, so I allowed her to have the wooden spoon and scooted my happy ass towards the
Bella had made a small picnic on my bedroom floor when I entered. The sliding doors were open and
the music played softly amid the dim light of the candles. She smiled up at me and appraised my
body, smiling wider when she saw I was only wearing my black boxer briefs.
"Good choice." She winked, patting a pillow for me to sit.
"As is this." I waved over her makeshift eating area along the wooden floor.
"Yeah well, we both eat like pigs, so I figured this was better than the bed and I am too damn tired to
prop myself up at the table." She passed me my bowl and slouched back against the pillow wall she
created against the foot of my bed frame.
"Me too." I mimicked her position and tipped my fork to her.
"What are we toasting?" she giggled, holding her fork to mine.
"Mm, see through tank tops." I appraised my white tank top she was wearing, which looked more
like a dress on her, as I gave a wink.
"I would like to toast to Hanes then." she winked back, eyeing my underwear.
"Uh, Calvin Klein." I corrected, rolling my eyes dramatically.
"Oh, ex-cuse me." She giggled, before tapping her fork to mine.
"It's all my mother's fault." I chuckled, before taking a forkful of pasta.
"Why is that?" she asked taking her own mouthful.
"She has a need, like most women, to purchase expensive underwear. I personally don't understand
it, but it makes her happy so, whatever." I shrugged and took another bite.
"Your mommy still buys you underwear Flower Child?" she teased, picking up her ice water for a sip.
"Every Christmas." I nodded with a light chuckle.
"Do you and Esme get along then, better than you and your dad?" she asked.
"I guess. She understands more I suppose."
"How so?" Bella sat her bowl in her lap and toyed with her food as she waited for my reply.
"Um," I wiped my mouth with a paper napkin and set my own bowl down. "After Esme had me, she
had a miscarriage, so I think she understands what losing a child is like. She's more sympathetic."
"I'm sorry." She shook her head lightly. "You haven't lost Ness though, you aren't going to either."
"Let's hope." I picked my bowl back up and started to eat.
"Can I ask you about what Leah said earlier, about the rose?"
"I already explained it." I mumbled with my mouth full.
"You said you got it before Ness's face was there, but that you got it for her. I don't understand what
that means. Actually, I don't even understand what the rose means to be honest." She looked down
to her dish and took a small bite.
"I got the rose inked after Ness was born. Having a child as a teenager wasn't something my parents
were very pleased with me about. I never thought about it the way Leah explained it to me tonight
though. A black rose is meant for struggle and negative shit, she is right, I should get rid of it." I set
my bowl down to my side, now finished and reached for my water.
"Can I ask something else?"
"Trying to unravel all my dirty secrets tonight, angel?" I teased, smiling at her as I sat my water glass
"Maybe." She grinned back.
"Go on." I leaned my head back on the pillow as she spoke.
"How long were you and Jessica together?"
"Before or after we had Ness?"
"Beforeand after." She smiled.
"The first time I saw Jessica I was sixteen. She was a cheerleader in our high school and I swear to
fucking Christ, the hottest girl I had ever laid eyes on. Of course, I wasn't alone in that thought
process." I chuckled. "Every guy wanted her and she wouldn't give any of us the time of day." I
laughed again and Bella snuggled down next to me as she listened. "So, when Carlisle was on a trip
out of town one week, I stole his prized possession in an effort to woo her."
"What was that?" She asked as her eyes danced in amusement.
"His Austin Martin Vanquish." I laughed.
"No shit." Bella covered her mouth and chuckled.
"Yup. I stole it and that was all it took. I guess I should have known, you know?" I chuckled.
"Yes, you should have." She leaned her head on the pillow beside me and I turned to face her, taking
her hand into mine.
"The back seat of the Vanquish got the best three minutes of its life that day." I chuckled, kissing her
hand and she laughed with me.
"Glad to know your skills have improved. I bet your father was pissed when he found out you stole
his car."
"Not as pissed as he was when he found out I knocked up a girl in the back seat of his stolen car." I
"Waithold the fucking phone Flower Child. You knocked up Jess on the first time you had sex with
her, seriously?" She asked not believing.
"Seriously." I confirmed, kissing her hand again.
"What?" I chuckled.
"I didn't know you had super sperm. Seriously, you need to keep that shit away from me." She
pointed to my crotch.
"What are you talking about?" I shook my head as I chuckled at her.
"I am talking about the fact that you're the first guy I have slept with in over a year and quite
obviously that means I am not on birth control. We haven't exactly been being very responsible in
our quest to fuck the holy shit out of each other."
"How very romantic, angel."
"I'm serious, Edward."
"I know." I sighed. "You're right. We should be more careful." I kissed her hand again and watched
her face carefully.
"Sorry, it's justI'm usually better about stuff like this. Truthfully, you're the only guy I have ever
been withlike that."
"I'm sorry too. I should have asked."
"I think you did." She grinned.
"That's not what I meant. I meant I should have asked if you were on birth control. Or maybe just
learned from my previous mistake and fucking wrapped it up."
"Ness is not a mistake Flower Child." She rubbed my cheek, scooting closer to me.
"I know, but you know what I am saying." I leaned down and kissed her cheek.
Bella sighed, closing her eyes as her face rested under mine. I watched her, the way her face seemed
to change as all her silent questions lingered in her mind and her brows scrunched into a small V. I
wanted nothing more than to smooth it all away with more answers, but enough about my inner
demons had been spoken of tonight. I slid my arm under her and allowed her neck to rest in the
crook of my arm. My lips brushed her cheek once and traveled lightly over her satin skin until I
reached her ear.
"Angel de Besos?" I whispered, allowing my lips to graze the outer shell of her ear.
Lip service angel?
Her lips turned up into a small smile and a low chuckle vibrated in her chest against mine.
I took that as a yes.
"Let's climb in bed." I kissed her ear and released her from my grasp, but as she made her way up,
her lower half- her very naked lower half- was eye level to my face and I stilled her with my hands.
"What? I thought you wanted to get in bed?" she tugged my hands from her hips but I shook my
head at herwell actually, I shook my head at her pussy.
Because that is where my eyes were firmly planted.
God bless motherfucking chafing and the rule to not wear underwear in the kitchen, because that
meant after Bella showered, she had no underwear to put on.
And didn't bother to steal a pair of mine.
Her hands fell hard on my shoulders as I pulled her roughly into me and she chuckled softly as she
steadied herself. My thumbs glided over her soft stomach as I slid the bottom of her borrowed white
tank up, allowing my hands to fist the bundled fabric against the small of her back. She was silky
smooth and perfectly bare before me, making a low moan of appreciation and need for her hum low
in my chest as I gave a light nibble to the space below her hip bone. Bella moaned loudly in response
and I had to chuckle softly at how difficult it was going to be, once I actually hit much more sensitive
areas, to keep her quiet. I was not in the mood for blue balls tonight, which is exactly what would
happen if Nessie woke up.
"You have to be quiet, angel." I whispered, giving another small kiss under her belly button.
No sound, good girl.
I kissed my way across her belly, making my way to her other hip bone and gave an open mouthed
kiss to the small beauty mark she had on the inside of her thigh. Her fingernails dug deep into the
skin on my shoulders and I did it again just to push her further, knowing where she was aching for me
to really kiss.
And so was I.
"Aqu mismo, ngel?"" I gave a feather light kiss right above her clit and she shook her head softly, a
small smile playing on her lips knowing I was teasing her.
Right here angel?
"Aqu?" I kissed the joining area of her leg to her sweet spot.
"Fuck." She whispered, dragging her nails into my scalp and fisting the hair at the nape of my neck.
"te gusta aqui?"
You like it here?
I lightly ran the tip of my tongue from the bottom of her entrance, all the way up her wet slit,
stopping at her swollen clit and suckled it softly it my mouth.
"Fuck Edward." she groaned and I spanked her once, pulling my lips away.
"Quedate callada." I scolded.
Be quiet.
She giggled in my arms and I returned back to my task at hand, bringing her body back to my mouth
and releasing my hold on her shirt so I could palm her ass cheeks that were just fucking begging to be
I flicked my tongue lightly over her bud and felt her fingers grip painfully into my hair, but she made
no noise. My right hand slid over the silky skin of her bottom and then to her hip, before I removed
my mouth again and replaced it with my thumb, rubbing small delicate circles over her swollen hood
and dipped my index finger inside of her. I watched as my fingers played with her and my cock
throbbed painfully, begging me for her body, but I wanted to pleasure her first. Her positioning
wasn't quite right though.
I slid my left hand away from her ass and gripped the back of her knee, bringing it up to stand on the
outside of my hip, then repeated the same movement with her right leg, so that she was now spread
wide in front of me. Her hands moved from my shoulders to the bottom foot board of the bed and I
spread her with my fingers, tasting her again. Bella's panted breathing and the crashing of the ocean
waves were the only sounds that filled the dead of the night inside of my room and it was playing
havoc on my body as my need for her grew with every new lick and nibble I gave.
My fingers curled around the back of her calf, bringing her knee to rest on my chest and I dipped my
digits back inside of her, wanting nothing more than to have her come. I kissed her clit continuously
as I worked my fingers, trying to find where the place she loved was. As soon as her breathing
hitched, I smiled internally.
"I think I found it, angel." I whispered, stroking the place within her that drove her mad. "Right here,
isn't it?" I stroked harder while my mouth sucked her in again.
"Right there." She whispered. "Right. There." She panted harder and I felt as her walls came crashing
down around my fingers. Her legs trembled and I used my free arm to hold her to me so she wouldn't
fall. Bella's body slumped against me her breathing slowed and I slowly lowered her down into my
lap, bringing her lips to mine.
"My turn." She whispered, running her hands down my bare chest and tucking her warm fingers into
the band of my underwear.
I lifted my hips, allowing her to pull them free from my body. Bella held out her hands for me,
signaling that she wanted me to stand up. Was this pay back? She led me to the bed and took a seat
on the edge of the mattress, allowing her legs to dangle free as she positioned me in front of her.
Fuck, it is payback.
Of the sweetest mother fucking kind.
One of her hands rested on my abs as she gripped me in her other hand gave it a little lick to the wet
"Fuck." I groaned, to which she spanked me just like I had her.
"Quedate callado." She spanked me again and giggled before she took me back into her mouth, all-
Fuck she owned me.
I brushed her hair back from her face, wanting not to miss a single fucking second of watching her.
The room was fairly dark now, only one of the candles was lit, since the ocean air blowing in capped
the flames on the others. I could see her though and she looked like the angel I called her, in the
warm glow of the light. I kept my eyes on hers and she held my gaze as she pleasured me, slow and
oh so mother fucking good. My hand pulled the one she had on my stomach, to my face and I kissed
her palm, trying to show her what she was doing to me, since I couldn't verbalize passed the low hum
I gave every time her tongue swept over the head of my cock.
The urge to pull her away and push her to her back so I could bury myself deep within her was all to
present, but I knew I couldn't do that shit, since we just talked about being careful and I didn't have
shit for fucking protection in my apartment. I would have to rectify that tomorrow, but for now
Bella pulled her mouth away and re positioned herself on the bed, sitting up on her knees. Her hand
stayed on my cock as she stroked me and she placed her warm cherry lips on my jaw.
"I want you." she whispered, kissing her way towards my mouth.
"I want you too, but I don't have anything, angel." I whispered back against her lips.
"It's alright, just pull out." She gripped my hair and kissed me harder.
"That isn't protection Bella." My dick gave me the finger as she tried to pull me down to her and I
didn't allow her.
"It's not the right time for me. Nothing will happen."
I didn't know exactly what the fuck that meant, but as she let go of my neck and laid herself down on
her back, spread wide before me, I couldn't fucking argue with whatever logic she was trying to use.
If any at all.
I pulled her to edge of the bed using her legs and rested my palm beside her head, while using the
other to guide myself into her. Once I was fully submerged, she wrapped her legs around my waist
and pulled me in deeper, locking her feet around me and I lowered myself over her, leaning on my
forearms so I could look at the beauty her face held.
"So perfect, Bella." I whispered against her lips, keeping my rhythm slow and savoring every slide my
body made within hers.
She hummed against my lips and I slid my arms under her head, allowing my forearms to prop her
face closer to mine. I kissed her chin as she laid her head back into my open palms, moving along her
jaw until I reached her ear.
"So perfect." I whispered again, rocking harder inside of her and she wrapped her arms around my
neck tighter, pulling my face into the crook of her neck.
My lips traveled over the length of her neck, leaving a trail of wet kisses in its path as I made my way
down to her collar bone. My arms lifted her from the bed and I held her to me while staying inside of
her, changing our position and laying on my back with her in my arms as she straddled me.
Bella POV
1:23 A.M.
Edward was bathed in the dim light of the candle on the nightstand, looking like something from a
fictional tale underneath me as I sat up and looked down to him- covered in ink, slick with sweat and
his blue eyes shimmering as he stared back at me.
Fuckingfieryhell, this man was Godly.
He pulled me down to him, placing my face into the crook of his neck, just as I had done to him. I
inhaled his scent, fresh and clean from the shower and only smelling his essence with no trace of the
night we spent in the kitchen together. I kissed into the side of his neck and his arms tightened
around me in response. He allowed me to work myself on him, holding me securely, but not
controlling the movement. I worked slowly, loving how he felt every time I slid down his length and
he stretched and filled me with his body. I was teasing him, sliding up his length until only his tip was
still inside of me and then lingered there, making him wait.
"Fuck Bella. You're killing me." He whispered, sliding his hands into mine and lacing our fingers.
He rested his arms beside his head like book ends, locking our hands. His legs locked over mine,
stretching them out along his and then locked his feet around my ankles. My body was flat as a board
against him, which meant butterbean was getting a serious rub down as he started to move his body
into mine. The sensation was too intense as he thrust himself into me and the new position made
sure I felt every inch of him along the walls of my pussy as he drove deeper.
"Come for me angel." He whispered, rocking harder and sinking himself deep inside of me.
"Edward." I panted as I felt my body light on fire at the intensity of my orgasm taking hold.
"Come for me." He whispered again.
His body responded to mine tightening around him and I could feel his thrust grow more furious
before he pulled himself from me and released onto my backside. A part of me wished that he hadn't
pulled out, Edward coming inside of me was the greatest sensation my body has ever known. The
part of my brain that will still working however, knew better. He panted hard under me and my body
fell limp against him, completely succumbing to the after effect the two powerful orgasms had over
my body. Edward brought our right hands to his lips and kissed my fingers several times before he
tilted his head into mine and found my lips.
"Fuck Bella." He laid his head back down and sighed loudly, closing his eyes.
"Already did that." I chuckled softly, bringing my lips into the crook of his neck and he chuckled once,
resting his head to mine.
The last candle blew out on the night stand as a strong gust of wind blew through the open sliding
doors, - marking another end to another perfect night. After we cleaned ourselves up, we made our
way back into the bed, Edward after me of course, because he left to check on Nessie one last time.
His bedroom was dark and I could only feel when his weight was on the bed as he crept back in.
Edward's body spooned against mine and held me tight, planting small kisses to my bare shoulder
and then he let out one last sigh before I felt his head rest against the back of my pillow.
As I started to drift into my dreams, the sound of hard rain filled the room and I couldn't help the chill
I felt run down my back and follow me into my unconsciousness, turning my dreams, into
6:44 A.M.
Finally, fucking finally, I woke up with Flower Child still next to me.
So maybe I wasn't hot boxing him after all. I felt good about that.
He was on his back on his side of the bed and I wiggled my way towards him, laying across his bare,
perfectly tanned chest and curled up to his side. Edward's arms hugged me tightly to him and he
tilted his head against mine. I was almost back to sleep, when the evil ringing of his cell phone
sounded. He shot up from his sleep; - knocking around the items on the night stand and sending
something, - I guess the candle, - to the floor in his quest to answer it. Once he did, he slid back down
and held me again with his free arm.
"What?" He rasped in an irritated tone. There was a brief pause and I could hear a man on the other
"Sorry, but shit it is early here and I just fell asleep likeyeah I know Carlisle, I said I'm sorry." He
kissed the top of my head and slid out from under me. I frowned into the darkness as he fumbled
around the floor for his clothes.
"Can you hold on a second?" He asked. I felt him lean back on the bed and his lips brushed against
my forehead once, before his fingers stroked my cheek.
"Go back to sleep, angel." He kissed me again.
"Is everything alright?" I whispered.
"Yes, but we are on different times, so I have to talk to him before it gets too late there." He kissed
me again and I laid my head back down on the pillow.
He picked the phone back up and I felt as he lifted off the bed making his way to the door. The soft
clicking of the latch was the last sound I heard before I fell back to sleep.
Once again, - alone in Flower Child's fucking bed.
8:22 A.M.
The sound of thunder rattling against the windows woke me from my final hour of sleep. I blinked my
eyes rapidly, trying to see if Flower Child had closed the sliding doors, surely the rain would have
been blowing in by the way it was crashing down against the window above the bed. As I sat up I saw
Edward sitting on the edge of the bed facing the closed doors in question. He was leaning his elbows
to his knees, staring out as at the waves as they crashed violently against the shoreline. It was a wall
of white and grey as I peered out over his shoulder and the thunder clapped again in the sky, causing
me to jump a little.
I scooted my way behind him, settling my legs on the outside of his and wrapping my arms around
his neck as my lips found the perfect indentation between his shoulder blades. His body was stiff and
he didn't acknowledge my presence as I expected him to, his eyes just remained on the rainstorm
"I didn't know we were supposed to have a hurricane." I chuckled softly, planting another kiss to his
"It's just an early morning storm, it should pass over quickly." He said softly.
"I'm surprised it hasn't woken up Ness. It's so loud. I could never sleep through storms when I was a
kid." I rubbed my face along his back, taking in his warm and fragrance.
"It did, she's with Leah though. She just picked her up a little while ago." He explained.
"Oh, why so early?" I asked surprised. He tilted his head towards me and I loosened my hold around
him so that he could turn his body slightly.
"I have some things to take care of this morning at the courthouse." He lowered his gaze
momentarily and his jaw tightened as he spoke again. "Bella I have to ask you something and I need
you to be completely honest with me."
"Go on." I nodded.
"Did you have anything to do with Jessica moving to New York?"
"Why would you ask that?"
"Because Carlisle's office received her new paperwork for court this morning and it lists her new
employer as Rachel Ray. There's only person I know that could make that happen- and it damn sure
isn't Jessica."
"Why would I get Jessica a job with Rachel Ray?" I shook my head, trying desperately to avert his
initial question.
"That is exactly what I have been trying to figure out sitting here." He held his gaze firmly on my face,
"I might have mentioned it to her." I shrugged innocently.
"Might have? I asked you for honesty Isabella."
"Alright, fine. I did mention it to her." I shrugged again.
"Mentioning a job to her and her getting the job are two very different things, Bella."
Hell, so Flower Child's father's profession must have rubbed off on him throughout the years. He was
good at this questioning shit. If he didn't make it as a chef, he definitely had a back up.
"She was going to take your kid Flower Child." I explained.
"Can I take that as a yes?" He said angrily.
"Did I offer her the job at Rays? Yes. Did I force her to take it? No. She did that all on her own." I
scooted away from him and swatted the covers away angrily as I searched for my clothes.
"She never would have had the idea if you didn't plant it in her head Bella." he argued.
"You're right." I pulled my shirt over my head and paused. "She would have instead made sure you
had a nice warm spot next to Bubba the ass banger and laughed off happily into the night with your
sweet little daughter in tow." I climbed from the bed and finally fucking found my pants.
Arguing in the nude was not a comfortable thing to do.
"So now my daughter gets to grow up without a mother at all. Is that your great solution?"
"Sounds like a much better alternative to me." I nodded, plopping back down on the bed.
"That isn't your decision to make. She is my daughter Bella and what you just did was" He shook his
head. "I don't even have words."
"Exactly what needed to happen to keep your kid with you and out of the hands of that wretch." I
added for him.
"That isn't your decision." He repeated.
"Well, what do you want me to do Edward? Say I'm sorry? Because I'm not. Not at all actually."
"Just" He shook his head and held up a hand to me. "Just get out Bella."
"Edward don't be"
"I said- Get. Out."
His words slapped me in the face and I immediately felt the stinging in my chest as I saw all the
seriousness his face held. It was a version of him I had only seen once, the night he sat in my office
after being released from jail and talked about losing his daughter. My eyes started to water and I
had to turn away so he wouldn't see me cry as I gathered my things from the floor. I had never
meant to hurt him or Nessie, in fact, I was only trying to prevent that very thing.
Why couldn't he see that?
Everything that I had been trying so hard all these years to avoid came crashing down around me and
the hurt grew into anger as I plucked my cell from the bedside table and stared down at his pillow
that laughed at me. One man had already put me in this compromise, how stupid I had been to allow
"Whatever. This is way too much work just to be able to fuck someone anyhow." I snatched my purse
up and started off towards the door, but his hand hooked around my arm and pulled me back to him.
"Is that all this is to you?" He asked angrily.
"What do you think it is Edward? Some God damned fairy tale where the prince woos the princess?
There is no happy ending here, no matter what the fuck happens. You need a serious dose of reality,
you know that?" I ripped my arm back from him and gave him a light shove.
"Is reality being able to manipulate everyone's life around you Bella? Control everything?"
"Reality," I stepped in closer. "Is realizing that in less than six months I will have moved on and you
will still be right here. This is one drop in the ocean to me. Reality is that I have my life planned out in
years, not weeks and none of it includes you and if you think it does, than you are living in some god
damned fantasy and perhaps should lay off the Disney channel." I stepped back.
"Twenty six minutes and thirty two seconds, Edward." I said.
"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"
"That is the reality of how long it took your precious Jessica to decide that baking fucking hownies or
townies or whatever the fuck little stupid name Rachel Ray uses for brownies, is more important
than the kid you guys have. That she would rather spend her evenings withwhat the fuck is that
guy's name she cheated on you with? Mike? Yeah, Mike, she would rather be with him on a Friday
night than Nessie." I walked my way toward the door and tugged it open.
"Fucking reality Edward, is that sometimes to defeat a monster, you have to fucking become one." I
slammed the door behind me and hurried my steps to the elevator, pressing the button rapidly, but it
took too long.
The tears overflowed and I searched for the sign to the steps, seeing it a few feet away and made my
way towards them. I tugged open the heavy metal door and stepped quickly down the first flight
before my legs collapsed under me and my vision was too blurry to see anything. I slumped against
the railing and sobbed hard, unable to breathe. The sound of the rain grew more intense and it and
my tears was all I was left with.
Alone once again.

I think I made tea.
I watched an old episode of The Real Housewives and laughed at how stupid these bitches were.
I ate something I ordered from room service. Chocolate cakeI think.
I finally got dressed and washed my face, not looking at all in the mirror and slung my backpack over
my shoulder, making my way out the door.
I swallowed hard and got out of my car, thankful that FlowerEdward, that Edward, had the day off.
After our staff meeting I sat for the remaining few minutes in my office and tried to pull shit my
together. I changed the screensaver on my computer from the picture of Nessie on the bar top the
first day I met her to some stupid random thing I found that had a fucking watermelon or something
on it. I don't know- it was the first thing I found.
"Hey B?" Emmett poked his head in and I hummed my reply with my head down on my desk.
"You alright?" He asked and I heard the door click closed.
"Mm, never better." I mumbled.
"Really, cause you look like hell?"
"Edward told me what happened, Bella, so cut the shit and talk to me." He pulled his chair next to
mine and rubbed his big hand on my back.
"I don't want to talk about it. I have service soon." I sat up and wiped away the tears that had fallen.
"Can you just tell me why?"
"Why what?"
"Why would you do something like that?" He shook his head, looking every bit like Edward did.
"Great, so you are pissed at me too?"
"No, I am curious. That's some pretty heavy shit to do for someone. Why would you risk it Bella?"
"What do you mean, risk what?"
"Jess could have used that shit against you, went to a reporter or something. They pay big money for
stories like this you know? Plus, you sort of screwed things up with Edward."
"Sort of?" I rolled my eyes.
"He'll get over it. Edward is just protective over Ness and he doesn't like people interfering. He has
good reason too, but that's not my shit to tell."
"It doesn't even matter. Actually, it's better this way."
"You know you don't really believe that."
"It is going to happen anyhow, so what difference does the timing make?" I shrugged.
"Because you now you care about Edward and Ness, just like he cares about you."
"Which is exactly why this is a good thing. The longer it goes on, the harder it is going to be.
"It doesn't need to end like this though Bella. Just because you might not always be able to be this
close to one another, that doesn't mean it has to end." He argued.
"I think you are perfectly aware at how well I handle long distance relationships Emmett. Allow me to
hold up Charlie and Renee as exhibits A and B."
"Edward isn't Charlie. He would try. If you wanted to try, he would try too, Bella."
"Well I don't want to try Emmett. I'm tired of trying. What I would like to do, is get my ass in the
kitchen and run my fucking restaurant, so if you'll excuse me." I rose from my chair and scooted
passed his as he stood up behind me.
"I'm here if you want to talk B. you know that right?" he gripped the handle before I could and
waited for me to answer.
"I know. You're the only one who ever is Emmett. The only one."
7:47 P.M.
I leaned against the wall and smoked my cigarette while staring holes into the stack of palettes,
replaying all my previous evenings on them.
Are tired enough to go home yet butterbean?
My eyes answered for her and I finally pushed off the desk and stopped delaying the inevitable. I
tried not to think about how quiet it was outside when I left and how familiar, yet wrong this all felt
to be creeping back to my hotel alone. The sheets were cold and gave me goose bumps as I slid
underneath them. The mint that was usually sweet tasted of only a reminder of how pathetic my life
My life without Flower Child.
3:10 A.M.
I wondered what he was doing. If he were asleep and even if he were thinking of me, as I was
thinking about him. My chest stung at that thought, so I gave up wondering and tried to get
comfortable, but was unable to find any type of position that would cradle my body the way his arms
did. The sheets only smelled of generic soap and disinfectant spray, and no matter how long I laid
here, they were never warm. I missed his body heat, Nessie's body heat and how comforting it was
to sleep surrounded by those you hold higher than all the rest.
4:45 A.M.
I carried a hot cup of cocoa from the bar downstairs up into my room and sipped it on the balcony
staring out into the night.
5:21 A.M.
I tried to find the humor in my favorite Slapchop infomercial, but failed. Not even Vince could help
6:57 A.M.
I gave up completely and decided to put on my workout clothes and take out my frustrations on the
treadmill in the hotel gym. A guy offered me a bottle of water and smiled at me, checking me out
with his eyes and I gave him the finger, then returned to my room.
8:22 A.M.
I ate Mrs. Cope's fake omelets and cursed silently that today, they actually did taste like fake
omelets. They were also out of To-Go cups. I left a shitty tip.
9:12 A.M.
I pulled up to work and swallowed hard seeing Edward's car parked along the roadside. Emmett's car
was parked behind his and I was glad that he must have already been inside. I didn't need the whole
awkward walk to the front door shit this morning.
"Hey B." Emmett smiled up to me from behind the bar as he took inventory upon my entrance.
"Hey Em." I smiled back slightly and hurried my way into my office, hoping to avoid a run in with
I was actually not surprised that he showed up. I knew he needed the job and I also figured Emmett
probably had a lot to do with it as well. Dealing with this situation was not something I wanted to do
though. A part of me wished he would have just quit. I was scared that he might use this against me
to get away with shit, like fucking James. I knew better than to get myself into this situation again
and cursed internally at the mess I had created.
After an hour of delaying, I finally gathered up enough courage to go to the kitchen and face him. I
made sure to wear something very formal today and powerful looking. I only wanted him to see me
as his boss and nothing more. My black pants were pressed perfectly and just barely hung over my
black pointed heels. The white shirt was also pressed to perfection and I made sure to have one of
the ladies in the hotel roll up my sleeves three quarters of the way up my arm so that my diamond
bracelets would not be hidden. I slipped on a tight fitting pin striped black vest over it and then
added some additional jewelry to compliment it.
I sure as hell looked a lot more powerful than I felt though.
The butterflies were fluttering at a nauseating rate as I took one last deep breath and pushed my way
through the kitchen doors. I had left instructions last night that I wanted him to work on a dish this
morning to make up for his missed challenges. He was to recreate something I had on my menu,
using only a picture I had left. His hand stilled momentarily as I entered, but otherwise, kept working.
"Morning." I said simply, taking the first step.
"Good Morning." He replied back, lifting his eyes to mine and appraised me quickly before going back
to his work.
"We have a meeting at noon regarding the convention for this year. So you will either have to take
your break earlier or later than usual. We're eating over at some place Emmett booked, so you don't
have to take a break if you don't want to, since we'll be eating lunch, but I understand if you have
things to take care of other than eating, so I just wanted to let you know." I paused, feeling really
"Did that make any sense?" I asked, arching an eyebrow and he chuckled once then replied.
"I understand." He nodded. "I don't have anything to do though, so other than a smoke break, I'll
probably opt not to leave." He went back to his stirring and I peered over into the pot.
"That's all wrong, just so you know." I teased.
"It's sort of difficult to cook based off just a photo." He shot back.
"Really? That's funny. Never gave me any trouble at all." I made a face at him and could see the smile
he was trying to hold in as he kept stirring.
"You might want to start over, because while winning challenges gets you great prizes, losing them
gets you great punishments." I grinned and left him with that final thought as I made my way out the
As soon as I walked back into my office I leaned my back to the door and allowed the tears to escape
my eyes. I hated having to hide myself from him. The mask was something I had learned, mastered
even, but it felt all wrong around Edward. Fuck, I didn't want to hide around him. It was like
everything in my being called out to him, searched for him and wanted nothing more than to just
submerged somewhere within his being.
Like he was home, - the home I always wanted and never had.
I sniffled and wiped away my tears, taking a few settling breaths and blew out hard through my lips,
before I walked forward and took a seat behind the desk again. I had a meeting with a very important
person in a few minutes and I needed to pull my shit together so I could do my job.
I almost came in my pants.
Fucking hell, Bella looked good as shit today. My eyes stayed planted firmly on her ass as she made
her way around the counter to my side to tell me about breaks today. As she leaned close, looking
into the pot I was working on, I caught the floral fragrance of her sweet smelling skin and instantly
was hard as stone.
Was she trying to mess with me?
A part of me wanted to believe she was and be angry over it, but another part of me, - a much lower
part of me, - wanted to play right back and get over being mad at her. I couldn't though. What she
did hit too many old wounds that still hadn't healed for me and crossed the line. There was one thing
I wouldn't tolerate and that was someone hurting Nessie, which is exactly what this would do.
When my challenge meal was complete, I walked out into the dining area to serve her. Bella was
talking with a well dressed man at one of the two top tables and I set her food down in front of her
and went to turn and leave, but she grabbed my arm and pulled me, stopping me as she kept her
conversation going.
"Sit." She ordered.
I pulled a chair up from the table next to us and took a seat at her side as she instructed. They kept
their conversation going and I felt a little out of place as I waited to see why the hell she had asked
me to stay. She held out a book to me while she talked and sipped on a glass of wine. I took it into
my hands and flipped through the first few pages before I realized why this man was so important
and why Bella never took her eyes off of him.
He was the dude who awarded the stars.
I sat up straighter in my seat.
"So Miss Swan, I look very much forward to seeing your presentation this year and I cannot wait to
come back to your place here and hopefully give this a little of the honors your other places have
received." He smiled at Bella and reached out for her hand as they stood.
"As do I, Sir." She smiled back at him and they did the little rich people kisses on the cheek thing that
I always laughed at Esme for.
"Emmett, can you show our friend to the door please?"
"Absolutely Miss. Swan." He nodded formally at her and I smiled internally at his fakeness.
After the man made his way through the door she took her seat again and unraveled the silverware
from her cloth napkin without saying a word. I watched as she compiled a perfect bite of the dish I
had recreated for her and brought it to her lip for a taste, loving how she let the fork slide slowly out
of her mouth.
"You know who that was?" she asked finally, taking a sip of water.
"The Michelin guy, right?" I leaned my elbows on the table top and clasped my hands together under
my chin as I watched her take another small bite.
"Yes," she answered, placing her fork down and wiped her mouth. "Do you know why I didn't
introduce you?"
"Not really." I shook my head.
"I didn't introduce you because he wouldn't have cared. You sitting here however, next to me
silently, he is definitely intrigued." She smiled coyly. "Probably dialing every contact he has wanting
to know who the mystery man in Bella swan's restaurant is." She chuckled.
"How do you know that?" I asked skeptically.
"Edward, everyone always tries to push things on these people. They kiss their asses so hard I am
surprised they don't have brown lips. Me not trying to push you on him, but quite obviously showing
him that you exist is like waving KFC's extra crispy recipe in front of a house wife. He is dying to know,
trust me."
"Why does it matter anyhow? I mean, why does it matter right now?"
"Because you work for me and I would like this place to have a star, like my others." She said softly,
the V coming between her brows and I wondered why. She almost looked sad, like I insulted her or
something, but I couldn't figure out why.
"Anyhow, umthis is fine, so you can take it away. I have to get back to work." She scooted from her
seat and walked off quickly towards her office.
"You're an idiot." I looked over to Em behind the bar and he shook his head at me.
"What did I do?"
"She was trying to be nice to you, asshole." He said.
"I was just curious why she would want the guy to know about me while I was just a sous chef. I
wasn't trying to be a dick."
"Apparently you don't have to try very hard lately. It seems to be coming to you very naturally."
"You have something to say Em?" I stood up and started to clear the table.
"Yeah, I don't like people treating B like shit."
"Amazing. You're picking Bella over your niece?"
"No, I love Ness and fuck you for saying that, but you and I both know that Bella wasn't trying to hurt
Renesmee. You're just hung up on five year old bullshit with dad that you can't let go of."
"Shut up Emmett. You don't even know what the hell you're talking about."
"Don't' I? You really honestly believe that Bella was trying to hurt Ness by, - what, keeping you out of
jail and out of trouble? Right Edward, - that would really be the worst case scenario in this situation.
You know, your daughter getting to stay with you and not that crazy whore she unfortunately has to
call her mother."
"How would you feel Emmett? If you were in my shoes and someone went behind your back and did
something that would affect the life of your child for her entire life? Oh wait, you can't answer that,
because you don't have a fucking child, so why don't you just mind your own damn business and let
me handle things my way." I stalked off to the kitchen and tossed the dishes into the sink, pissed that
now my own brother couldn't even understand my view on this.
Bella POV
12:02 P.M.
The tension at the lunch was thick, except, it wasn't between Edward and I as it should have been. He
and Emmett kept shooting smartass remarks back and forth and it had me seriously confused and
worried. Angela was shifting uncomfortably in her seat and I couldn't take it any longer.
"What's going on?" I asked finally, motioning between them with my fork.
"Nothing, Edward is just a dick." Emmett said angrily.
"Thank you Captain Obvious, but I meant why is there all this tension between you two?" I waited for
their response, but none came.
"Angela, I left a few things on the front seat of my car. Would you mind running out to get them for
me, please?" I dug out my keys and she took them.
"Sure." She looked around the table confused, but got up anyhow to make her way out to my car. I
waited for her to be gone before I began speaking again.
"What the hell is wrong with the two of you?" I asked.
"I told you." Emmett said, glaring at Edward.
"Cut the shit Emmett, just fucking say it." I tossed down my fork in frustration.
"I'm pissed that Edward is being dick to you. Is that better?"
"This shit is about me?" I scoffed.
"Fucking. A. Alright, you two dipshit's listen to me. While I am all kinds of fucking honored and filled
with warm fuzzies that you always try to protect me, and make me your make believe little sister
Emmett, the truth is that I am not. Edward however is your brother and I refuse to let you two fight
over something as stupid as me. I don't care what shit happens when we are off the clock, but once
we are on it, we all check our baggage at the door from now on. Got it?" I looked between them and
they each nodded softly.
"Good, now fucking kiss and make up before Angela gets back. " I waved between them, but they
didn't move.
"I'm serious. Kiss. And fucking, Make. Up." I stared at Emmett and he rolled his eyes at me before
holding out his fist to Edward, to which he knocked half heartedly.
"Much better." I nodded, resuming my lunch.
Angela came back over to the table and handed me the papers I asked for. I set them on the seat
next to me, not really needing them and decided to cut into the silence by starting the meeting.
Bella stopped eating again and cleared her throat. I looked up to her from my food and our eyes
locked momentarily before she looked off to Emmett.
It hurt, I'll admit it.
I wasn't enjoying keeping myself from her or being upset with her. It was killing me in fact. All
afternoon I could smell the faint scent of her that lingered in the kitchen. Last night was even worse
as I laid in bed and smelled her all around me, but had no Bella to hold on to. I slept like shit and it
put me in a pissy mood today.
Okay, an even pissy-er mood than I already was in.
"So," she took a deep breath and smiled at Emmett with that playful glimmer in her eyes that I loved.
"Emmett will you please explain to the All Star Chef's Convention virgin at the table what exactly a
ASC convention is?" She held her hand to Emmett like a microphone and he chuckled at her as he
played along.
"Well, an ASCC is where only the biggest and best chef's come together annually and try to show
there asses off." He teased.
"And?" she held the fake mic back to him.
"And, Bella reigns supreme every year." He winked.
"And?" she waved him on chuckling.
"And, We all love going because we get to do nothing but eat and eat and fucking eat all week long."
She giggled at him and applauded happily.
"Exactly. Sooo, this year," she rubbed her hands together. "The convention will be in." she paused
grinning. "Ha-wa-iii!" she squealed happily, throwing her head back in her seat.
"Serious?" Emmett smiled at her as she slid back up into her seat.
"Yup. So get out your grass skirts, cause we have an entire week to get our aloha on." She chuckled
as she swirled her hips in her seat.
I smiled internally seeing her look so happy, but in truth, it also bothered the hell out of me. It made
me feel like her words to me were the truth and not the spite I hoped them to be. Telling me that
what had happened between us was just sex and nothing more fucking burned. Bella was the first
person I allowed into my life in years in this way and for her to just shrug her shoulders and act like it
was nothing to her when I knew, could feel, that it was something more only pissed me off more.
After she left that day, I knew that she was probably just saying it because she was angry, but seeing
her laugh and giggle now was making me rethink that shit on a serious level. Maybe she was right.
I was living in a fantasy.
I took my usual seat upfront in our circle for the staff meeting before service. Bella came in shortly
after everyone had filed in and I didn't miss her stumble as she made her way up to the bar. She
looked liked the first night I worked beside her, tired and worn down. Did she have as hard of time
sleeping last night as I did? By the looks of her, she did.
"So, umNext week, Emmett, Angela Edward and I will all be at the convention. My Executive Chef,
James from New York, will be here to watch over the entire restaurant. You all worked with him a
few weeks back. I expect you to treat him," she swallowed hard and paused for a moment looking
down. "I expect you all to treat him with respect and just like you would myself or Edward. That's all I
have. Anyone have anything to share before we begin?" She looked out to us and I raised my hand.
"Edward?" She nodded, looking passed me.
"I just wanted to remind everyone to please pay attention to the board for eighty sixes. We slipped
up the past few nights and the special is pretty limited in quantities tonight, so you need to pull it
from the menu when we you see it eighty sixed."
"Anyone else?" no one spoke up and she nodded. "Let's get to work please." She stepped down from
the bar and walked slowly towards the back. I followed behind watching her steps and saw when she
stumble again before entering the kitchen, this time I caught her waist though and righted her.
"Are you alright Bella?" I tilted my head to look at her as I kept my hands on her hips.
"I'm fine." She shrugged wiggling to get free.
"You don't look fine." I argued, keeping her in place.
"Will you please let me go?" she pushed on my hands and I released her.
She walked off, calling the kitchen to order, ignoring my concern and I followed her command,
stepping behind the pass and trying not to give a shit, but I did. Seeing her like this worried me and
hurt my heart. I wasn't sure what to do to resolve that feeling though.
"Daddy misses you too honey." I told Ness while she talked to me on my cell during my smoke break.
The dinner rush was over and I wanted to call to make sure she was alright since today was a long
one for her. She seemed to be adjusting well to Leah though and I was happy for that.
"Sleep well Ness. I love you, sweetheart." As I hung up the phone I heard the door close and looked
back to see Bella lighting a smoke. She leaned against the door and I averted my eyes, staring out
into the desolate parking lot as she took a drag.
I wanted to call her over and talk to her.
I wanted to call her over and have her sit on my lap with my arms around her.
I wanted to call her over and kiss the holy hell out of her.
But I did none of those things.
I just kept my eyes forward and continued to smoke, hating myself for being so rude and yeah,
alright, the dick Emmett said I was. Just because I wasn't going to be involved romantically with Bella
didn't mean that I had to be mean to her. I turned my head to speak to her, but she had already
flicked her cigarette and started making her way back inside.
"Shit." I muttered to myself, flicking my finished smoke to the lot and slid off the palettes to follow.
She wasn't in the kitchen when I went back inside and Emmett eyed my angrily as he scooped a tray
off the pass and made his way out the door. I knew that if I went to her, it would only make it worse
and besides, there was now no one to man the kitchen.
At least that was my rationalization and I was sticking to it.
I knocked softly on her office door at the end of the evening to turn in my supply order she left on
her list for me this morning.
"Come in." She said softly.
I stepped inside, closing the door behind me gently. She didn't look up from her screen as she typed
and I debated briefly whether or not to sit. I chose to stand, unsure of if she would want to talk about
this here and in truth, I wasn't so sure I was ready to talk about it tonight.
"Did you need something?" She asked finally, looking towards me.
"Oh, um, I have my supply order you requested." I lifted the paper and stepped forward to hand it to
"You need to give it to Emmett, not to me." She shook her head and went back to typing.
"Oh, sorry." I picked the paper back up and stepped back, pausing when my eye caught the smeared
mascara under her eye.
Had she been crying?
Because of me?
"Did you need something else?" she asked looking to me.
Yes, you.
"Um, no." I stepped back and palmed the metal door knob, comparing the coldness it held to the
same way my heart felt right now. "Goodnight Bella, get some sleep tonight, please." I said softly,
before making my way out the door.
Ness was fast asleep as Leah carried her in and placed her in my arms. She didn't stir once as I carried
her to her room and set her in her bed. Leah stood in the kitchen looking at the fridge as I made my
way back in.
"This is beautiful." She pointed to the picture and I felt the pain in my heart burn as I looked at the
"It was." I said softly.
"This was her mother?" she asked, pointing to Bella, assuming wrong.
"No. Just someone special to Ness."
"And you?" she eyed me.
"Yes." I said softly, looking at the brown color Ness drew for Bella's hair.
"This was the woman in your office the other day?" She guessed.
"You're really starting to freak me out Leah." I chuckled softly.
"Sorry, "She laughed "I'm just perceptive." She smiled.
"I'd say." I smiled back.
"Well, I'm sure you will work it out. If she is special enough to get this reaction out of your Nessie,"
she pointed to the picture "then she must be worth keeping around. Children are very perceptive
too, Edward."
"She just um," I swallowed hard, running a hand through my hair. "She really betrayed me, - my
trust." I said softly.
"May I ask how?"
"It's a long story."
"I have time if you would like to tell." She encouraged.
"Well um, the short version would be, Ness's mother and I are fighting for custody and she lied and
said that I hit her, but I didn't. I was arrested though and when I was released, I told Bella about
being scared that Ness would be given to Jessica, Ness's mom. She sort of, paid her off so she would
drop the charges and now she is taking a job in New York and I don't know Leah, it's just" I rubbed
my forehead frustrated. "I just don't understand why the hell she would do this behind my back
when she knows how much I love Ness and after I tried to show her that I cared for her. It just really
hurts after so long of being on my guard to finally let someone in and" I shook my head, looking
down to my feet.
"Feel uncomfortable trusting someone." She finished.
"That's just it Leah, I did trust her and she used it against me."
"I don't really think that's true. I think you are afraid to trust her. It sounds like she had good
intention, but went about it the wrong way. Her caring I think is what scares you the most, because
you are too used to being on your own with your daughter. That day when you both interviewed me,
she took charge and tried to scare me away. I knew she was not a mean person, just trying to protect
her family. I ask you, what would you have done if the situation were reversed, if it were Bella being
charged falsely and her baby being taken away? What would you have done, Edward?"
"I'm not sure. I never really thought about it that way." I shrugged.
"Well then maybe you should. There is always a compromise if you care enough to find it. Bella
seems like she means a lot to your girl too. She spoke of her this evening. - apparently she really
enjoys her cooking and thinks she has a pretty smile." Leah said smiling at me.
"She does." I agreed staring at the coloring on my fridge.
"I'll see you tomorrow morning, Edward. Have a good evening." She said tugging open the door.
"Goodnight." I replied, keeping my eyes on the drawing.
A compromise.
I wasn't so sure what that would mean, but I knew Leah was probably right. I locked the front door
and made my way back to my room, grabbing a beer on my way and settled myself down into bed
with it as I stared at the ceiling. The scent of Bella assaulted me again and I made a mental note to
wash my bedding tomorrow morning before work. It only made my need for her grow more intense.
I wondered what she was doing right now.
Would she still be working?
Yes, probably.
No, definitely.
The rest of the week pretty much went like this:
I said something stupid and pissed off Bella.
Bella wore something sexy and pissed me off, made my dick hard and I went home to jerk it after
I did something, pissed Bella off and Emmett hated me for the rest of the day.
Bella wore something sexy, I got pissed, jerked it and then hated eating alone in my apartment and
wished she was fucking sitting on my patio eating a burger and cursing at how fucking weird it was.
Wash, rinse, repeat.
Today was our day to leave for the convention and I was kinds of fucked up. Not only did I have all
this shit with Bella on my plate, but I also hated leaving Ness for so long. I was glad that Carlisle and
Esme were home and she would be with them though. Even as nice and capable as Leah had been
proving herself to be, I wouldn't want to leave Ness with her for a week.
The flight was pretty long and I slept through most of it. When I woke, it was early morning and the
warm rays of the rising sun were beaming in through the windows. I looked across the aisle to Bella
and she was curled up in a ball in her seat sleeping. Her skin glowed in the warm light and I couldn't
help but to think back to our last night together in my room and how closely it resembled how she
looked in the dim candle light.
Like an angel.
My eyes stayed on her and I thought again about Leah's words to me and I tried for the remainder of
the flight to think of a way to let her in, while keeping her at bay. It seemed impossible and I was too
scared to even think of what might happen if
she didn't want the same thing. All week long Ness bugged me about Bella and I was running out of
excuses. It wasn't just for Ness's sake though.
I wanted her too.
After the flight ended, we all collected our baggage and I laughed as Emmett scooped up Bella and
sat her on top of the cart as he pushed their bags through the terminal. Several members of the
media were there and wanted to talk to Bella, but she declined and climbed into the awaiting limo
outside. As I slid in next to Emmett I saw a little Asian boy next to Bella on the opposite side. He said
something to her in Chinese and she giggled looking back at me.
"This is Eric, Edward- Edward, Eric." She chuckled motioning between us. "Eric is my publicist and
apparently, - fucking in love with you." She chuckled harder.
"Nice to meet you Eric, I feel honored." I reached out and shook his hand and he winked at me, to
which Emmett fucking laughed.
"Nice to meet you Edward." He winked again; I fucking elbowed Emmett hard in the gut to prevent
any further laughter.
He turned to Bella and started rambling on at top speed about everything she had planned for the
day. Shit, I was exhausted just listening to him. My name came in a few times and I cringed, knowing
that meant I obviously wasn't going to be able to just go and collapse in my room like I was dreaming
Once we arrived at the hotel, Emmett checked us in, passing around all the keys to us with a
schedule for the events and a woman welcomed each of us with a traditional lei. After we were given
the agenda for the day, we had an hour to ourselves and then were due downstairs in the dining
room for lunch. I made my way with the others up to my room and watched as Bella strolled passed
me with her things to the door a few numbers down from mine.
The suit was quite nice. It had all the traditional things every hotel room had though, - tacky
bedspread, furniture and curtains along with the remote that was attached to the TV. I always
laughed at that, like you couldn't just rip it off or something if you wanted to steal it.
I took a nice hot shower in the restroom, trying to wake up and soothe the sore muscles I had from
sitting on the plane so long. It seemed to work and I felt a lot better as I made my way into the room
and changed quickly into a pair of cargo shorts and a white tee. I was actually glad that we were
eating. I was pretty hungry now and hurried my way out the door. Bella was closing her door as I
exited and she looked over at the sound of my door closing.
"You can't wear that." She smiled looking at me. I appraised her clothes and saw that she was
wearing something much fancierand pretty fucking sexy.
I kept eyeing her as she walked towards me. She had on a black dress that barely covered anything.
The hem stopped level with the beauty mar on her thigh that I had kissed that last night we were
together and her tits were mashed together creating the same delicious cleavage that I had taken
into my mouth the first night I had her in her office. My fucking dick strained against the tightness of
my boxer briefs and I was happy they were the tight ones Esme loved to buy me and I usually always
cursed for hugging my nuts too tight, because right now, they were the only thing keeping my shit in
"I thought we were eating lunch?" I asked.
"We are, - with very important people." She smiled.
"What the fuck am I supposed to wear?" I sighed hard.
"Show me your suitcase." She rolled her eyes and waved her arm towards my door.
I turned around and unlocked my door again, holding it open for her to enter under my arm. She
strolled inside and my cock strained further, knowing that with two little fucking words I could have
her, - right now, - on my bed, before lunch.
I showed her my mother fucking suitcase.
She dug through my neat piles, making a huge mess and I am sure the smile on face was because she
did it on purpose. I laughed once at her as I watched and she finally turned to face me, tossing a pair
of black pants and a charcoal grey button down with a black tie.
I pulled my shirt over my head and she rolled her eyes.
"What? Do you want me to change in the bathroom, Bella?" I did a little eye rolling of my own.
"Whatever, just hurry, we're going to be late." She leaned back on the dresser and I turned around as
I slid my shorts off and tried to hide my raging boner from her.
"You're mother must have really perverted thoughts about you." she chuckled.
"What the hell makes you say that?" I asked pulling on the black dress pants.
"Did you not see your underwear when you put them on?" She laughed harder.
"Does that mean you are having perverted thoughts about me?" A swell of hope grew in my chest as
the words blurted out.
"Just because I think you're a dick doesn't mean I can't find you sexy."
"I'm not trying to be a dick." I slid my arm through the first sleeve and my heart thumped rapidly
knowing that we were about to have the discussion I was avoiding like the plague.
"I know." She said softly. I finished buttoning up my shirt and she walked beside me, picking up the
tie from the bed and I turned towards her as she brought it around my neck. Her eyes stayed on her
task, but I kept mine on her face, trying still to find the compromise.
"You look really nice." I said softly and she lifted her gaze to mine looking surprised.
"Thanks." She said softly then lowered her eyes again as she fixed my tie.
"You're cleavage is driving me insane, however." I looked down to her tits and then back to her face
and she smiled wickedly at me.
"Good." she tightened my tie so that it choked me and spun around, walking towards the door as I
readjusted it.
And then my pants.
Bella POV
1:15 P.M.
Fucking hell on a God damned pogo stick.
I stood there watching Edward's muscular ass that was protesting against the stretchy white fabric of
his underwear as he changed clothes and butterbean begged, I mean, motherfucking begged my ass
to just run, jump and land spread eagle on the bed for him to do what he wished with us.
I was dying, aching painfully for him and then he just had to go and let his guard down a little and tell
me that he wasn't trying to be a be a dick to me. It wasn't helping my need to give myself over to him
and like a moron, I walked closer, grabbing up his tie and thinking for some deranged reason that
putting it on him would it make it better.
It fucking didn't.
His warm breath was on my face and I could feel his eyes boring holes into me as he watched me
dressing him. I had to practically cross my legs to get butterbean to shut her damn mouth and then
he fucking drove her over the edge by gawking at my fucking tits and telling me that I was turning
him on.
I couldn't help but to smile though, because that was the only motherfucking reason I allowed Eric to
mash my girls into this dress. I sure as shit didn't wear water bra's and fuck me pumps for the old
men who would be joining us for lunch. If I started fucking Edward now though, it would only mess
up the rest of the trip though. Besides, I was still a little pissed at
him, not enough to not fuck him if the right opportunity presented its self, but enough to know
better that now was not that time.
A jolt of electricity shot through me as he took my hand and looped it through his arm walking
towards the elevator, but butterbean frowned when he let go of us once we were inside. It was
silent, but not awkward inside like it should have been. I watched the lights as they counted down
the floors and smiled when I caught Edward in the reflection appraising me again.
As the last ding sounded and the doors opened, I stepped out, embarking on a new chapter in my
life, happy that even though he wasn't mine, I could share it with Edward and that it was all new for
him too.
"Welcome to the All Star Chef Convention of '09, Edward."
Chapter Eight ~ Broken Hearts
I took her arm walking to the elevator and felt her tremble under my touch. My heart skipped and I
wondered why this would provoke such a reaction from her. Clearly, I was being a gentleman- at
least, I thought so. Did she not? I dropped her arm once we reached the inside, trying to gauge her
reaction by looking at her in the reflection of the steel walls, but my eyes betrayed me as I trailed
them down her curvy frame. She noted my ogling with a faint smile, but otherwise, left it alone. The
silence was killing me. I wanted to say something, but my mind couldn't find any words. The bell
tolled and Bella stepped out quickly, looking back towards me as I exited behind her.
"Welcome to the All Star Chef Convention of '09, Edward." She smiled, walking forward into a large
ballroom setting.
I stayed quiet, trying to soak in all that was going on around us. There were booths as far as the eye
could see, with every type of vendor imaginable, displaying every type of kitchen product you could
think of. Bella seemed to know her way around well, walking quickly, a little uninterested in
everything. I trailed behind, trying to appreciate each booth we passed, until she grabbed my hand
and pulled me along.
"You have all week, Edward. Trust me," she chuckled, tugging me towards a different section. Bella
walked us through a set of large doors and paused when we reached an old man standing at a
"Good afternoon Miss Swan, how are you today?" He smiled sweetly.
"Hi Harry. I'm fine, Sir. Thank you for asking. Has our party arrived yet?" she asked.
"Most of the members have checked in. You will be at table ten, upfront this year. May I escort you?"
He asked waving one arm forward.
"No, I'm good. I know this place like the back of my hand, but thank you," she smiled, pulling me
along with her, as we looped through the endless rows of round tables until we reached ours.
There was an older man I didn't recognize sitting there and he wore a scowl on his face, looking
utterly bored and pissed to be here. Beside him sat another man I did not know, who was chatting
with Emmett. My brother seemed to know him, as they were joking and laughing upon our arrival.
"Hey B." Emmett waved and rose from his chair after spotting us standing there.
"Where are we sitting?" Bella asked, looking around nervously at the table.
"You're next to G and Edward's on your right." He pointed to the space a few chairs from his. I went
to move, but looked back seeing Bella standing frozen like a statue.
"Hi Charlie," she finally said, looking to the man next to Emmett. He looked her over quickly, scowling
as he did.
"Hello Isabella," Charlie said, looking down to his napkin on his lap, fidgeting nervously.
"It's nice to see you," she said swallowing hard, twirling a lock of hair around her finger and then
glancing once to Emmett.
"So this is Bella's new sous chef I was telling you about. He also happens to be my little brother."
Emmett smiled, breaking the awkward tension. "Chuck, this is Edward," he motioned toward me and
I leaned my hand in to take his.
"Nice to meet you, Edward," he said, shaking my hand.
"You as well, Sir." I let go of his hand and stepped back.
"Charlie, you give your daughter a hard time and I will have to knock your fucking block off.
Understand?" The bored man spoke up, revealing he had a thick English accent. He rolled his eyes at
Charlie, who I now knew was Bella's father and then looked to Bella, winking at her.
"How is young Swan?" He smiled.
"I'm good. Edward," she turned to me, but kept her eyes on the man. "This is Marco Pierre White.
Don't bother shaking his hand, because he really doesn't give a shit who you are," she chuckled.
"She's take'n the piss out of me." He waved her off and stretched over for my hand, staring at the
inked flower as I took his.
"All the young ones these days with this shit all over themselves. Tell me young man, do you have
any respect for your profession?" He held onto my hand and stared me dead in the eye.
"Now he's taking the piss out of you." Bella broke our hands and replaced it with hers. "You're just
jealous because you're too fucking old to be sexy anymore." She made a face at him and walked us to
our seats.
"That's why I have always liked you young Swan." He tapped his finger to her, "You have bigger
bullocks then any man I ever met. You better watch yours." He looked back to me and I wanted to
Ah, if he only knew how much Bella had already done to my bullocks.
I nodded at him and took my seat next to hers. Bella seemed very uncomfortable and I guessed it
was because of her father. Emmett exchanged a glance with her and then went back to talking to
Charlie. Angela and Eric came over next, taking their seats to my right and Eric fucking winked at me
again. I would have to remember to fly low on the gaydar today. He looked over to Bella and said
something in Chinese that made her giggle, then looked back to me and eyed my crotch once before
he turned to Angela.
"What is that all about?" I whispered to Bella.
"I told you, he is in love," she chuckled, batting her lashes at me.
"I don't play on that team," I said through clenched teeth.
"Relax Edward," she chuckled "He isn't going to grab your funbag or anything- although, I would love
to see your face if he did," she grinned.
I went to answer her back, but was cut off by the waitress reaching for my water goblet. She smiled
at me and appraised me quickly with her eyes before she set my drink back down and moved on to
Bella. She was attractive, very attractive, yet her ogling did very little for me. There was only one
person I wanted to have eyes for me like that, and she was planted firmly at my left.
Too bad I couldn't do anything about it.
I took a sip of my water, wishing it were something a little stronger and then sat back in my seat,
hoping for the time to fly by. I was tired, a little cranky from the flight, and wanting to just go veg out
for a bit.
"I ordered for you when we had to fill out our choice cards. I hope you don't mind," Bella said to me
as the waitress set my plate down.
"What is it?" I asked, placing my napkin over my lap.
"This is what the Hawaiian's call 'Butter Fish'. It is wrapped in the traditional leaves with pork belly
alongside it. They steam it for several hours and when you open it, it all falls apart it is so tender."
She leaned into my ear and whispered. "This is as close to getting an orgasm out of me this week as
you're going to get." She pulled back and began digging into her dish as I gaped at her.
What the fuck did that mean?
"Mm," Bella hummed next to me, taking a bite and I followed suit. Fuck, it smelled delicious. I dove
in, taking a perfect bite of the fish and tender pork belly with a little of the juices it sat in.
I think I fucking came. She wasn't kidding, it was delicious.
"I told you," Bella chuckled, looking over to me as I hummed.
"It's incredible, really." I took another bite and she smiled, going back to her food.
"Sorry I'm late." A man with blonde hair that I recognized immediately came walking up to our table.
"Gordy!" Bella wiped her mouth and rose from her seat.
"How are you dahling?" He asked, wrapping an arm around her, smiling wide.
"I'm perfect." She hugged him and he kissed her left cheek, then the right, thenher mouth?
Bella was on that type of level with Gordon Ramsey?
Wait, wasn't he married?
What the hell
"I've missed you so much." She pinched his cheek and he rolled his eyes at her.
"I think I could think of better things for you to pinch," he teased, backing away from her and
appraising her at arm's length. "Blooooody hell." He shook his head and then looked to Charlie. "You
donkey, you let your daughter walk around like this?" He teased.
"Be nice." Bella hit him playfully and then pulled away, returning to her seat.
"Well, well, well. Who do we have here this year?" He looked around the table as he took his seat
between Em and Bella. "I know your big ass." He hit Emmett and then shook his hand.
"I think you know everyone except Edward, Bella's new number two." Emmett unfortunately put the
spotlight back on me. As much as I wanted to meet Gordon Ramsey, there was a plate of fucking
delicious food in front of me I wanted to consume more.
"Hello young man." Bella leaned back as he reached for my hand.
"Nice to meet you, Sir." I shook his hand.
"Good firm grip, that's always a good sign," he nodded sitting back into his chair.
"That's because he is my brother," Emmett teased.
"Fuck me, you're related to this guy?" Gordon asked, patting Em on the back once.
"It can have its advantages." I looked to Bella once and then went back to my eating.
After our main dish, we were served a Hawaiian dessert called haupia, which was also fucking
awesome and left me debating whether going back to Miami was a good idea. The pudding was so
damn creamy and had the best coconut flavor I have ever come across. I would definitely need to
learn how to make this shit. I could just see Ness smacking her little lips now.
"What's funny?" Bella asked, looking to me as she took a spoonful of haupia into her mouth. That
distracted me for a moment, and her lip licking didn't help either.
"Edward?" She chuckled.
"Um, I was just thinking that Ness would like this." I shook my head, going back to my bowl.
"It's easy to make, the key is stirring constantly," she explained.
"You know how to make it?" I asked, taking a bite.
"Yup, I even taught Gordon." She winked his way and he blew a kiss back to her.
Seriously, where the fuck was his wife?
Bella seemed as eager as I was to leave lunch as I walked with her back up to our hotel suites. Eric
wanted us down in a few hours for some press junket and I was glad that meant I would get to relax
for awhile. We were silent in the elevator again, but I decided this time I was going to talk. I wasn't
sure if it was the right timing for my questions, but my curiosity got the best of me.
"So, you didn't really say much to your father," I stated, hoping she would take the bait. "Yeah um,"
she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, "We just aren't really that close. Long distance, you
know?" She nodded.
"Not really." I shook my head, leaning my palms against the metal railing. "If I didn't talk to Ness, it
would be pretty hard."
"Well I already told you, Nessie is lucky to have that type of father." She shrugged and crossed her
arms over her chest, looking up at the numbers as they climbed.
"I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to upset you." I wanted to reach for her, but my body wouldn't get in line
with my heart.
"It's alright," she said softly. The doors opened and she stepped out ahead of me, heading straight
towards her hotel suite.
"What are you going to do until we leave later on?" I asked, looking towards her as I shoved the key
card into my door.
"Work, what else?" She dug through her bag trying to find her key.
"Not going to head down to the beach?" I propped the door open with my foot.
"This isn't a vacation for me Flow-Edward." She pulled the key from her bag and fumbled to slide it
into the slot.
"Can't always be all work and no play Bella." I watched her as she finally got the key in and unlocked
her door.
"I don't feel like playing." She shook her head and stepped inside of her door, closing it behind her.
I entered my room and took a seat on the edge of the bed, not really sure of what to make of all of
Bella's words. Was she just upset because her father was here? Or did I do something wrong? Did she
think I was insinuating something by what I said? I wasn't. I just meant that she shouldn't lock herself
up in her room all alone, working. She should have fun, enjoy her stay. I let out a frustrated sigh and
tugged at my tie, loosening it, and then climbed to my feet.
Screw it, if Bella wanted to be a party pooper and wallow the entire time, then let her. I wasn't going
to though. There was a beautiful beach below and I had every intention of taking advantage of it.
Once I was changed into my board shorts and a tank, I stepped outside of my door and made my way
to the elevator. As I entered the lobby, I spotted Bella chatting to a well dressed man, laughing
andflirting? She twirled her hair around her finger, looking at him with a huge smile on her face,
laughing ridiculously at his words.
So much for not wanting to play.
I shook my head and walked towards the exit doors, seeing Emmett at the front desk, and he
stopped me.
"Hey, will you wait for me? I'm about done here." He asked.
"Yeah, sure." I wandered over to the lounge and took a seat at the bar, ordering a beer while I waited
for Emmett.
Bella's laughter filtered through the lobby and I turned slightly in my seat to see her. She was still
talking with the same man and he now had his hand on her shoulder. I about spit my beer when he
reached for a strand of her hair and brushed it back behind her ear, allowing his fingers to graze over
her cheek lightly.
"Beautiful, isn't she?" I looked over to see Angela a couple seats down.
"Um, who?" I played dumb.
"Bella." she rolled her eyes, not believing me. "I'm surprised she's talking with Ken though. He has
always wanted to get her in his magazine and she always turns him down." She picked up her glass
and moved towards me, taking the seat beside mine.
"Who is Ken?" I asked, looking back to Bella and the man.
"The man she is talking with. He's the CEO of Food & Wine Magazine," Angela said.
"Why wouldn't she want to be in that?" I asked surprised.
"She thinks it's pretentious. Bella doesn't like false accolades. Your daughter telling her she likes her
pancakes is probably more of a reward to Bella than any article his magazine would publish." She
picked up her drink and took a sip.
"She told you Nessie liked her pancakes?"
"And that they were better than yours." She chuckled lightly.
"They are." I smiled, looking back to my beer a little amazed that Bella had even spoken of Ness to
That was good thing, right?
"What else did she say?" I asked nervously, picking at the cocktail napkin under my glass.
"That she thinks you're nice," she smiled, placing her drink back down, "And that she thinks your
tattoos are lotus flowers." She glanced down to my hands and her expression became more serious
as she looked back up to me.
"They are," I nodded.
"May I say something Edward? It may not be any of my business, but I just feel like it should be said."
"Sure," I shrugged.
"I've known Bella for a long time. I've seen her go through a lot, and vice versa. She has a lot of
success and could have anything in this whole world that she wants, but you know what I have never
seen?" She asked, holding my gaze and I shook my head no in response.
"Her happy, like really happy."
"She looks pretty happy right now." I glanced once over my shoulder and then sat forward, taking a
sip of beer.
"No, she doesn't," she disagreed. "She looks like she always does. Like all that is holding her together
is this image people have. I may have lied a little, I have seen her happy, truly happy. It was when you
started working with us."
"She's probably just happy she's in Miami and not germ-infested New York." I tried to beat down the
swelling of hope in my chest and deny her words.
"No, it's you. Look at her," she nodded their way. "She's nervous, I know that because number one,
she isn't drinking anything. She's holding it, but not drinking, because Bella has this huge fear of
spilling it on herself or choking. Then there's the hair twirling. It's her nervous habit and she always
does it when she is uncomfortable. Her laugh isn't even right, it's all a show. And look at him. He's
just eating it up." She rolled her eyes and then turned back to me.
"Bella doesn't get nervous," I argued again.
"Sure she does. She's human isn't she?" Angela shot back.
"Anyhow, my point is that Bella doesn't look like that when she's with you." She took the last swallow
of her drink and then set it down, reaching for her purse.
"Then what does she look like, Angela?" I sighed.
"I told you, happy." She rose from her seat and stared past me. I felt a heavy hand on my shoulder
and turned back to see Emmett.
"Ready to go?" he asked.
"Yeah." I signed the slip the bartender had left and slid it back to her before I rose from my seat.
As we exited, I glanced back at Bella. Her eyes caught mine and she smiled at me before I noticed her
appraising my form. The man kept on talking, but she paid him no mind and brought the wine glass
to her mouth, taking a slow sip as her eyes trailed back up to mine.
Smiling once more.
"Why do we live in Miami?" Emmett chuckled, as we sat along the sand, looking towards the crystal
clear water.
"I was thinking the same thing earlier eating haupia," I replied, hugging my arms around my knees.
"You should see the ass around here, man. I was getting the rental car earlier and these two fine ass
Hawaiian chicks went strolling by in thongs. I think I put a dent in the driver's side door as I leaned on
it," he chuckled.
"I didn't know two inch dicks could do that, Em," I teased.
"Ha-fucking-ha. I'm serious though, you need to bang a few of these girls, they do amazing shit with
their hips you know, from all that a-lo-ha-ing." He swirled his hips in his place, mockingly.
"Maybe," I shrugged.
"Ah hell, we're not back to this mopey dopey shit are we? You know, I have a theory about you." He
tapped his finger towards me.
"A theory about what?" I scoffed.
"Why you and B didn't work out," he clarified.
"Yeah me too, because she tried to pay off the mother of my child, thank you double O asshole."
"Nah, nah, nah. That shit isn't over Bella and you know it. Not like that anyhow," he shook his head.
"Then what is it over Emmett? I would love to hear this great theory you have," I motioned him on.
"I think that you were just scared 'cause B is the first girl you've been with, like that, since Jess. You
tried to take care of Jessica and the baby and she only shit on you, still shits on you, and when Bella
tried to show you that she cared, it freaked you out," he explained seriously.
"Why is it so damn hard for everyone to just see that what Bella did was wrong?" I was officially
getting pissed.
"Because everyone sees Jess for what she is except you. Now, I'm sorry Edward, but I agree with
Bella here. Maybe not the way she went about it, but definitely what she did."
"Taking Jessica away from Nessie? Her mother?" I raised my voice.
"When are you going to realize that Jessica is not a mother Edward? No matter how much it might
hurt Ness to grow up without one, I am pretty fucking sure growing up with the one she has will hurt
even more," he argued.
"You know, I'm a little fucking tired of everyone telling me how to raise my child." I rose to my feet
and began walking off.
"Well that's just too bad," he followed behind and gave a light shove to my shoulder, "Because that is
what family does." He shoved again. "We make sure we don't let one another make stupid fucking
mistakes. We look out for each other." He shoved again and I turned around to face him.
"Are you done?" I clenched my fists and a wicked gleam flickered in his eye.
"No way, princess." He drove at me, lifting me over his shoulder and flung me into the ocean.
Bella POV
3:57 P.M.
I returned to my room after I saw Edward make his way out the lobby with Emmett. They were
wearing their bathing suits and I wondered if earlier, Edward was trying to invite me to go with them,
but didn't know how. Walking to my balcony, I opened the doors and breathed in the warm ocean
air. Lunch was so difficult. Not only did I have Edward to deal with, but also Charlie. I could feel his
eyes on me the whole time and I was dying to just get the whole thing over with. It had been
years since I had spoken to him and it was strange. He looked so much different, yet still the same.
His moustache was still prominent on his face and I couldn't help but to think standing there looking
at him of how it used to tickle my cheek when he kissed my face as a child.
Leaning over the balcony, I lit a cigarette and looked out to the ocean view, taking a drag. I could see
Emmett and Edward down below and I smiled watching them sitting along the beach. They seemed
to be arguing over something and Edward rose from his space, walking away from Em. He chased
behind him, shoving Edward as he did and I stood up straight, a little worried about what was going
on. Edward spun around to face him and I could see his fists balled, like he was going to hit him, but
then Emmett flew at Edward like a football player, tossing him over his shoulder flinging him into the
I laughed so hard my belly hurt.
My feet skipped back into my hotel room and I flipped the lid open on my suitcase, pulling my
bathing suit out and decided that I needed to see this up close and personal.
My head surfaced and I saw Emmett throwing his head back in laughter, holding his Belly. I wiped the
water away from my face and drove back at him, hoisting him up on my shoulder, only the
motherfucker was too damn big and we both fell back into the ocean at the same time. As we
surface, he pushed against me, still laughing and I gave him the finger.
"Pussy," he laughed, walking back towards the shore.
"I could kick your ass if I wanted to, believe me." I shoved him once and he stumbled slightly.
"I'd like to see that." I looked up to see Bella walking towards us, in a very skimpy little black bikini,
making my dick twitch.
"Well, looky-looky. If it isn't the workaholic herself, what's the matter sunshine? Did you get tired of
Ken already?" Emmett chuckled, wrapping his arm over her shoulders.
"I hate that asshole," Bella chuckled.
"So what's up with him anyhow?" He asked, waving her to sit at the grouping of beach chairs the
hotel offered on the shoreline.
"He wants Flower...Edward to attend the Food and Wine Classic in Aspen. The catch is that I have to
attend too and I'm not so sure if I want to." She leaned back into her seat and a smile played on her
lips. I noticed this was the second time she started to call me by her nickname she gave me, but
stopped herself. My mind raced with why, and then I realized she hadn't called me Flower Child since
the day I kicked her out.
"Why Edward?" Emmett asked.
"He's heard things," she chuckled, closing her eyes as she laid back.
"What kind of things?" I asked, sitting on the chair next to hers, facing towards her.
"Good things." She opened her eyes and looked at me more seriously.
"From who?" I asked. She looked at me for a long minute, but then turned her attention to Emmett,
who was shaking his head at me.
"So, I want to go out for dinner tonight. Convention food gets boring if you eat it all week, plus, the
menu tonight is dull." she said to him.
"You know I'm down. Name the place," he replied.
"I want some real food, like some local shit. We get our asses kissed all week and while I enjoy that,"
she chuckled, "I want to be able to just wander in somewhere in my bikini and pig out. Ya' know?"
"This is why if we're both not married by thirty," he held his fist out to her, "You and me are getting
hitched B," he knocked his big fist to hers.
"In leather," she added, chuckling lightly.
"Definitely," he smiled, leaning back into his chair.
"Now that is something I would love to see," I laughed once.
"What?" He asked.
"You and Bella getting married in leather in front of mom," I teased.
"Hey, our mother has a freaky side, you just don't know about it," he chuckled back.
"Oh I think he does," Bella chimed in.
"Come again? You know something I don't?" he asked her.
"Your mom apparently likes to buy Edward sexy underwear." She giggled.
"She buys them for you too?" He looked towards me. "Damn, she said that she only did that shit for
me." He sucked his teeth, shaking his head.
"Okay, how do I get in on this whole free underwear fetish your mother has? Because I would really
enjoy someone giving me free underwear." Bella asked in a playful tone, making my cock twitch
"Don't worry B, I got you this Christmas," he winked.
"I don't like red," she chuckled. He opened his mouth to reply, but then looked passed her and
"Shit, here comes Eric," he said.
"Yeah, I was supposed to meet him like an hour ago, but got side-tracked when I saw you toss
Edward into the ocean." She sat up chuckling. "What the hell were you two fighting over anyhow?"
She looked between us and waited.
"Just brother shit," he said, giving a light smile.
"Well can you do me a favor and refrain from injuring him until after we leave? I don't want to have
to have interviews in the ER please." She stood up from her seat.
"Like Emmett could really kick my ass," I scoffed.
"I have seen Emmett kick a man's ass before, Edward. I might debate that," she said, giving Em a
purposeful look.
"See you later B," he winked.
She smiled at him and turned back towards the hotel, meeting Eric half way as he started rambling
off at the mouth. I faced Emmett and tried to figure out what the hell all of that shit meant, but came
up blank.
"You kicked someone's ass for Bella?" I asked.
"It was a long time ago." He shrugged.
"Who's?" "It doesn't matter Edward, but I told you, I don't like people treating Bella like shit." He
rose from his chair and I followed.
"Was it that asshole from New York, James?" I asked, knowing this was the only person I had ever
seen make Bella upset.
"I told you, it doesn't matter." He shook his head as we walked through the hotel lobby doors.
"Like hell it doesn't. You want Bella and I to be able to work this shit out, then help me. Tell me about
James." I pressed the button to the elevator angrily.
"You see that is part of your problem right there. You don't talk to each other about shit. It pisses you
off when B goes behind your back, why should I allow you to go behind hers?" We stepped inside and
he hit the button to his floor.
"Because she won't talk to me about it. Whatever happened to family helping each other out?" I
went for the low blow out of desperation.
"I am doing just that, because it would hurt Bella if I told you. You want to know," the doors opened
for his floor and he stepped out, "Then ask her." The doors closed and I couldn't get another word in.
Bella POV
Edward came around the corner from the elevator hallway, looking smashing as he walked towards
the ballroom entrance. His white dress shirt clung to him like a second skin, accentuating every last
bulge of his strong arms. The long sleeves were pushed up to his elbows and his black tie hung
loosely, but looked neat as it tucked itself behind his black pin striped vest. When my eyes trailed
down to his black pants, butterbean started thumping frantically as she tried to imagine what Edward
would feel like if she could rub herself up against the corduroy fabric of them. I gulped as he ran a
nervous hand through his perfectly tousled hair, looking around for me.
Fuck. Me. Running.
I waved my hand towards him and his face lit up seeing me. His eyes appraised me carefully and he
gave butterbean a warm fuzzy when he licked his bottom lip.
"Well don't you look spiffy," I teased, tucking his tie in a little, not because it needed to be, but just
because I wanted to fucking touch it.
"Thank you, I was trying not to mess up twice in the same day." He smiled. "You look very nice as
well." He held my gaze this time, not ogling me like before only this made me feel a lot more exposed
than him staring at my tits for some reason.
"Thank you. Um, we should get going," I nodded forward and started off towards the press area.
"So what are we doing anyway?" I asked, tucking my hands into my pockets, because they felt the
need to hold Bella's, and that shit just wasn't allowed.
"I'm going to answer the same boring questions I have already answered a thousand times before
and you are going to sit there looking pretty at my side," she grinned.
"I'll try to do my best," I chuckled back.
"You won't have to try too hard," she sighed. "Eric should be meeting us here soon. He got held up
with someone from The Food Network." We stopped in front of a vendor booth.
"Would you like a sample of some really delish fucking pastries? I've tried all of them except those
two," she pointed, "And I would really like to leave here being able to say that I tried them all."
"Sure," I chuckled lightly at her. Bella asked the man for one of the two she had not tried and passed
me one.
"This one is called a Hazelnut Craquant. It has chocolate praline craquant and creamy hazelnut
mousse, then they top it with a hand-combed velvety chocolate and sit it on top of two different
types of chocolate sponge cake," she explained.
"You're making me hard," I teased and she chuckled at me.
"In that case, we'll only try this one for now. You might die of you try the other one," she chuckled
and brought a bite to her mouth, but I stopped her.
"You are totally averting your duties to give praise before you eat." I narrowed my eyes at her and
her face scrunched in confusion.
"I personally would like to toast to the spawn of Satan, because he clearly was the creator of this
sinful confection," I explained and her face lit up in recognition.
"I would have to toast to the same." She tipped her plate to mine and then we each took a mouthful.
"Motheroffuck," we both mumbled in unison loudly, causing the people around us to stare. Bella
giggled with her mouth full then pulled me away from the booth.
"Maybe it's best if we enjoy this over here," she laughed once, sitting us down in a small grouping of
chairs away from the crowd.
"Okay, I think I was wrong. It wasn't Satan. It was God, because this shit is heavenly." I took another
mouthful and Bella chuckled.
"I would have to agree." She took another bite and hummed happily as she chewed.
As I slid another bite into my mouth, I felt my cell buzzing in my pocket and tilted to one side to dig it
out. I flipped the lid and saw it was from Leah's house, so I answered it immediately.
'Hello Leah," I answered.
"Not Weah, Ness." I smiled hearing her sweet voice.
"Who's Ness?" I teased.
"Da-dee," she whined.
"Who's daddy?" I set my plate to the empty chair beside me and leaned forward on my knees, trying
to imagine her face as she laughed at my joke.
"S'not funny," she giggled.
"What are you doing baby?" I asked.
"Pay'n," she sighed.
"Playing what sweetheart?" Hide and seek if I had to guess, she loved that game now. I loved it too,
except for when she hid and I couldn't find her. It never ceased to amaze me the spaces a child could
crawl into. Perhaps I should tell Leah not to play that game with her. She lived near lots of woods and
that couldn't be a very good thing when it came to my daughter being an expert hider.
"Nuffing. Awre you wif Bewwa?" She asked, and I cringed.
"No sweetheart." I hated lying to her, but now wasn't the time for this.
"Why not?" She asked sadly.
"I'm just not Ness." I saw Eric walking towards us and I knew our time was up. "Ness, daddy has to go
back to work. Can I call you later, love?"
"Yeah," she said sadly, leaving a little piece of my heart broken.
"Alright honey, daddy will call you before you go to sleep. I promise, okay?"
"Kay daddy. I Wuv you."
"I love you too baby and I miss you, very much." Very much.
"Kay. Bye daddy."
"Bye baby." I waited for her to disconnect and then closed the phone, sliding it back into my pocket
and looked up to see Eric before us, smiling wide as he checked me out.
"Ready to go play?" He asked, reaching for my hand. I arched an eyebrow at it and then glared up at
him, trying to tell him I was not fucking playing that shit. I rose from my seat and expected to see
Bella laughing at my side, but instead she looked kind of sad sitting in her seat still.
"Are you coming Bella?" I held out my hand to her.
"Yeah, um, sorry I was just thinking." She waved her hand in front of her face and then took mine as
she rose from her seat.
With her other hand she tossed her plate into the trash and I noticed that she didn't finish eating
more than I did. I let go of her and reached down to pick up mine from the chair, tossing it into the
trash too. Looking back to her, I recognized the look on her face. It was the same way she always
looked whenever she told me she didn't want Ness becoming attached to her. Was that what was
bothering her? Hearing me on the phone with her? Did she miss Ness too?
I sighed hard and walked forward, following my future husband Eric to our destination. Bella walked
beside me, greeting some of the people as they recognized her. She smiled, but it didn't reach her
eyes, she was putting on her show Angela described to me earlier. It was the first time I realized how
different Bella acted around all of these people than she did around me. They all smiled back at her,
and I saw them whisper all giddy after she walked passed, happy that they got to
meet a celebrity, I assumed. There was something unraveling in all of this for me and I wanted to
wrap Bella in my arms as I finally figured out why she didn't care about the glamorous parts of our
job. Bella always strived for things that were real, honest and in this moment, she was anything
Inside the press area, I sat beside Bella during interview after interview and I understood what she
meant about answering the same questions over and over again. I wasn't even talking and I was
tired, I could only imagine how she felt. She held on like a champ though and smiled sweetly as each
new reporter came in to speak to her. About half way through, Gordon made his way through the
curtain and she smiled up at him as he took a seat beside her on the couch we were both on.
"Oh! Could I get both of you to do this together?" The reporter asked excitedly.
"Bloody hell. Don't say shit like that to me, you make me think naughty things about this girl." He
teased and Bella hit him playfully.
"Like you could handle me," she narrowed her eyes at him and he whispered something in her ear,
making her laugh loudly. Bella then leaned into him and whispered something back.
"Fuck me, bloody hell. You have a back room here?" He asked the reporter and she gulped loudly.
Tanya, Tatiana, Tanna? I knew his wife's name was something like that.
"Uh, maybe we should get this interviewing going." Bella chuckled.
"You can't run for forever dahling," he winked and then looked forward to the reporter.
"Let's start with how you two know each other," The lady began.
Yes, lets. And next, ask where his damn wife is.
"Bella worked for me at London,when she first came to New York," Gordon explained.
"It was my first real job outside of my father's diner. I was only eighteen and Gordon scared the shit
out of me," she chuckled.
"So did you always want to be a chef?" The lady asked Bella.
"I think I always wanted to cook, but not necessarily as a chef. I never really understood what that
meant," she looked to Gordon, "Until someone taught me," she smiled.
"What would you be if you were not a chef, ever consider any other career paths?"
"Uh," Bella chuckled. "Not really. I guess when you grow up in a restaurant as a kid you just assume
that that is where you will end up. Most people who have a family-owned business like that end up
passing it on to their kids, and then they pass it on to their kids. So I guess that's what I thought
growing up," Bella shrugged.
"Obviously that didn't happen. You have ten of the most popular restaurants in the world, only
second fiddle to the man beside you. What made you strive for that type of goal rather than, as you
say, keeping it in the family?" The lady asked.
"Well, to me it is in my family. Without my father I would have never been given the opportunity to
do what I dreamed, so I attribute any and all of my success to that," she nodded.
"Good girl," Gordon said softly, rubbing Bella's back gently.
"Do you think you two will ever collaborate?" She motioned between them.
"Um," Bella looked nervously at Gordon and he nodded her on. "Actually, we are working on a
project right now. Well, Gordon is mentoring me anyhow on something I am opening next."
"Really?! What is it?" The lady asked, leaning forward in her seat.
"It is going to be my new restaurant, but with a totally different experience than anything I have
done before." Bella's eyes lit up as she spoke.
"What is called? Tell me about it," the lady egged her on.
"It's tentatively called Invoke, but we haven't even cleared the blue prints on it yet. The basic concept
is that I wanted to create a place where my diners could get the experience of what their senses do
when they are used properly. It's something that is very interesting to me and I wanted to be able to
share it with others."
"To invoke the senses," the lady quoted.
"Exactly. Gordon is the only person I have ever met who really understands this concept, and I am
really excited to have him on board." Bella looked to him and smiled.
"Well it sounds amazing. Is there a timeline on it and location yet?" She asked.
"We are looking in Canada, because there is a lot of good opportunity there. I just opened my Miami
location, so it probably will be a while before anything solid gets going, but hopefully we will break
ground by year's end."
And with that, my fucking heart died a little more. It was like solidifying all of my worst fears. Her
words came rushing back to me from my apartment that day. Reality is that I have my life planned
out in years, not weeks and none of it includes you and if you think it does, then you are living in
some god damned fantasy. It was all true. Bella had a life that didn't include me, Ness or us being
together. She would be in another country for Christ's sake. I don't know what the fuck I had been
thinking. I was so stupid.
The interviewer was wrapping up and I rose from my seat, walking to the exit, knowing this was all
finally over. I started off towards the ballroom area, wanting to go back up to my room. I knew we
had dinner plans tonight, but I didn't care. I was emotionally drained from all the flip-flopping and
just needed to get away.
"Edward," Bella called from behind, but I kept on walking, pretending I didn't hear her. I prayed the
elevator doors would be open and of course, they weren't. I pressed the button fervently, hoping like
hell that Bella wouldn't catch up to me before it did.
Since God hates me, they of course didn't.
"Hey, what's wrong? I was calling you?" she panted walking up beside me.
"Sorry, I just don't feel like going out tonight." I pressed the button again.
"Are you sick?" She asked, looking over my face with a concerned expression.
"I think it's just jet-lag." Finally the doors opened and I stepped inside.
"Do you want me to bring you back something?" She asked outside of the doors.
"No, I'm fine. Have a good time." I leaned back against the railing and the doors closed before she
could say anything else.
Bella POV
10:22 P.M.
Dinner totally sucked without Edward. I wasn't sure what was wrong with him. He didn't look sick,
but I guess he could have been not feeling well after the long plane ride. After all, he didn't travel like
we all we're used to doing. I decided to go against my better judgment and ordered him some food
anyhow. If he didn't want it, he could toss it, but I wanted him to have something that wasn't from
room service; and maybe a little part of me wanted to show him that I cared whether or not he was
Actually, a big part of me, but I was still on baby steps with that shit.
I made my way up to our floor, riding the elevator solo, and stepped out as the doors opened. The
butterflies started to flutter a little as I made my way towards his door. I swallowed hard and lifted
my hand to knock, but paused, hearing voices on the other side. My ear leaned in and my heart
pounded in my chest as I deciphered the voices to not be voices, but rather sounds. Okay, more like
grunts. Sex grunts. A women moaning- very loud-, moans that only a very talented Edward could
produce from a woman. I almost dropped the bag of food as it all registered.
Edward was having sex with a girl, a girl that wasn't me and didn't fucking want to go out to dinner
tonight. Was this planned? Did he meet her somewhere around here and ask her on a date or
something? I walked quickly down the hall, not really knowing where the hell I was going as I passed
my door. My chest heaved as the tears started to flow and I felt like the whole world was crashing
down on me. My vision was blurry from the tears and I didn't see him until I felt myself bumping into
his large form.
"B? What's wrong? What happened? Are you okay?" He asked rapidly, pulling me into the protection
of his strong arms, and I sobbed harder. Emmett pulled back from me, seeing the food still in my
hands and shook his head.
"What did he do?" He asked angrily, but I couldn't form the words. My sobs only broke harder and he
pulled me back to him, lifting me in his arms, and carried me to my door.
Emmett dug my key from my purse and slid it into the handle, opening the door and carrying me
inside, closing it behind him with his foot. He sat me down on the bed and I slumped slightly, still
unable to stop crying.
"Tell me," he said, kneeling before me, brushing my hair away from my face.
"I just," I sniffled and swatted away the tears from my cheeks, hating that anyone could break me so
easily. "I just push everyone away Emmett- Edward, my father, everyone," I sniffled.
"That isn't true Bella." He caught my new tears on his thumb and wiped them away.
"He wouldn't even look at me Em," I shook my head.
"Edward?" He quirked an eyebrow in surprise at me.
"No, Charlie. He wouldn't even look at me. I'm his daughter, I haven't seen him in over, fuck, I can't
even remember how many years, and he didn't look at me. It's like I don't even exist to him
anymore." My tears began to run once more.
"Bella is this about Charlie or Edward? I need to know who's ass needs a kickin'," he chuckled once,
trying to lighten the mood the way he always does, but it was of no use to me right now.
"Both. They are one in the same. I pushed them both away and now your brother is doing some girl
in his hotel room and"
"He is?" Emmett asked in shock.
"Yes, and by the sounds of it- really well." I sniffled harder, trying to block the image from my mind.
"That's good Bella," he nodded.
"I told him to," he nodded again.
"Why the fuck would you do that?" I kicked him hard in his chest.
"Easy," he grabbed my foot. "He needs to B. He needs to see that he fucked up. Trust me, I know
Edward. One ride on someone else's monkey and he will be begging for you to take him back," he
"I don't want Edward riding anyone else's monkey. I want him riding my monkey and my monkey
alone, Emmett." I tried to kick him again, but the fucker was too damn strong.
"The kid hasn't done the type of serious shit you and he are getting into before B. He needs to just
fuckingbe free, like a kid. Edward has been stuck being a dad since he was seventeen Bella. That's a
lot of fucking growing up to do awful fast, don't you think?" I hated that Emmett was making a whole
shitload of sense right now.
"So what, I am supposed to watch as he fucks himself into oblivion?" I scoffed.
"No trust me- he won't make it past tonight. I'm pretty sure that he will be knocking on my door any
second now wanting to kick my ass for even suggesting he do it," he chuckled.
"I still don't think you are right. He's pissed at me for this shit with Ness. You know tonight she called
him and I could hear her asking him about me and he fucking lied to her Em. Told her that he wasn't
with me, like I was too dirty for her to even talk to over the phone or something." My tears started to
well again and my shaky hands wiped them clear.
"You know Edward wants to know about the shit with James," he said.
"What the fuck does that have to do with anything?" I stared at him like he was on the Jessica
mentally handicapped list.
"It has everything to do with it, because I told Edward, just like I'm about to tell you, that I am not the
fucking person who needs to explain these things to you guys. You are both adults and you need to
start fucking talking to each other." He stood up and strolled towards the restroom, returning with a
handful of tissues and held them to me. I took them from his hand and stood up in front of him,
wrapping my arms around his thick waist.
"Thank you," I sighed against his solid chest.
"You know I got you B. You're my family. Fuck Charlie. You're my family Bella." He hugged me tighter
in his grasp and I knew his words were true. It still burned me that my father ignored my existence,
but I felt comforted in Emmett's embrace.
"I'm sorry that I told Edward to fuck a Hawaiian girl," he said with a light chuckle as his meaty hands
coursed over my back.
"That's alright." I ran my wet nose all over his shirt, leaving a disgusting snot trail all over it and
looked up grinning at him. "We're even now."
After Emmett left, I walked over to the small round table and pulled off a sticky note from the hotel
Meet me on the rooftop.
Opening my door, I took a deep breath and tip-toed my way to Edward's hotel room, trying like hell
to block out any noises I might hear. I quickly stuck it to his door and then ran back to my room. I
took a shower quickly, wanting to wash all of my sorrows down the drain and then changed into a
comfortable pair of sweatpants that said 'sweet' on the ass cheeks and a black hoodie with cherries
on it to match. As I exited the door, I glanced down the hall and saw that my sticky note had been
My stomach did a major flip-flop and I prayed that he would be there.
Chapter Nine ~ Lotus Flowers
I was having some type of out-of-body experience. It was like another creature lived inside of me and
was driving me to make all of my movements. The girl, Veronica no wait, Vanessanowell,
whatever the fuck her name was was riding me like no one's business and I should have been
fucking loving it. Any normal man would be. She was beautiful, voluptuous and the type of chick you
would see on the cover of a magazine. Her long, curly, fire red hair bounced as she worked herself on
me, and her tanned skin glistened in the dim light of the hotel room.
She had been riding me for a good forty five minutes and I was a little surprised that she was still
going strong and not utterly frustrated by my dick's stubbornness. It wasn't that I didn't want to cum,
I just fucking couldn't. It was all wrong. I didn't want this girl, I was just trying to test Emmett's genius
theory and see if this shit was true. Vicky, Vera, whatever, was downstairs at the bar and all too
willing to follow me back to my room.
It was amazing what a simple smile could get you these days.
"Don't you like it?" she asked, sitting up on me.
"Yeah baby. Keep going," I lied.
"I'm a little tired," she chuckled, sighing hard trying to catch her breath.
"Sorry." I sat forward held her, maneuvering us so I was on top.
"Do you like someone to talk dirty?" She asked.
"No, just be quiet." I lied again, knowing that if I heard her, there was no fucking way I was going to
get off. Only one voice would do that, and it damn sure wasn't the girl whose name I couldn't
I closed my eyes, not wanting to see her, but just feel, imagining that it was who I desired. Her scent
was all wrong though, and her body didn't hug mine like Bella's as if she and I were a perfect fit. My
mind imagined those last few nights with her. How pleasant she felt under my touch, her warm body,
and how delectable she tasted when I kissed her sweet mouth that always had the faint taste of her
cherry lip gloss. I hummed at the image of her panting under me, whispering my name as my
forehead leaned to hers, and the way her nails dug into my
"Shit," I came hard and the girl squealed out in pleasure as I assumed she came with me. I normally
would have waited, reveled in the moment, and if I was with Bella, kissed her face, her lips and told
her how good she felt. My mouth made no move to speak such sweetness, and I instantly retracted
from her, pulling the condom free from my dick, tossing it in the wastebasket next to the bed.
"You better get going," I said softly, picking up a bottle of water from the bedside table and taking a
long swig.
"Well that was romantic," she scoffed, sliding off the bed to retrieve her clothing from the floor.
"I wasn't going for romance when I picked you up an hour ago in the hotel bar, sweetheart," I took
another swig of water and set it down, clearing my throat and then looked around for my own
"Screw you!" She grabbed up her bag and headed for the door.
"Already there Valery," I said sarcastically.
"It's Victoria, asshole," she tugged open the door and I wanted to fucking laugh.
I wasn't even close.
My eyes saw a paper fall to the floor as she swung the door open and I climbed to my feet to retrieve
it, shutting the door behind her as she exited. It was a note from Bellato meet her on the roof?
There was something about this request that made me laugh. The image of old gangster movies
flooded my mind and I couldn't help but to think of Bella wanting to see my ass hanging over a
rooftop, pleading for my life. Once that image died out, I wondered what she really wanted. When
did she even put this on my door any
Fuck. Me.
She had to have done it while I was in herewith fucking Victoria while I was fucking Victoria. Could
she have heard that shit? The girl was pretty damn loud, so survey says, yes. I made my way into the
bathroom, cleaning myself up quickly and then threw on a pair of cargo shorts and a white tee before
I headed out the door. My head started to spin with all the possibilities, and I couldn't help but to
travel back into my previous thoughts of Bella wanting to toss me off the roof if she heard what was
happening behind the door when she left her note.
I looked around nervously as I walked across the rooftop, searching for her, but not seeing anyone.
Did she change her mind? I decided to wait a few minutes, if she didn't show up I would just go find
her. I'm sure Emmett or Eric would know where she was. If it came down to it, I could call or text her,
I still had her cell number and that would work.
Fuck, now I'm rambling.
Where is she?
My hand ran nervously through my hair as I paced the top of the building, trying to get my mind to
slow down, until I heard the metal entrance door close. I looked back to see Bella wearing a black
hoodie with matching sweat pants. Her hair
was pulled back into a neat ponytail, with the length of it resting over her shoulder. She looked down
and walked towards me, while fidgeting with a strand of her locks, confirming that she was just as
nervous as I was.
Bella usually didn't wear very much make up, but as she approached I noticed she wasn't wearing
any, looking freshly showered. As the salty air swirled, I caught her essence and breathed it in
greedily, loving how floral and feminine her fragrance was. I liked her like this, bare and vulnerable
looking, like she had nothing to hide.
"Hi," she said shyly, glancing up once at me through her thick lashes.
"Hi," I repeated her words, unsure of what else to say.
"Um, I know this is a little awkward, being up here, but I just wanted some even-ground to play on,"
she continued to fidget with her hair and it really bugged the shit out of me. Not only was it
contradicting how she looked honest and open, but I also just didn't want to be that guy she felt
she needed to tote an image for.
"Stop," I pulled her hand away from her hair, taking it into mine and she looked nervously at me. "It's
just you and me up here, Bella. There isn't anything to be nervous over." I pulled her along to an area
that had been set up with a small lounge area. We sat on the long wicker bench and I kept her hand
in mine, rubbing small circle with my thumb along her delicate skin.
"So what's on your mind," I began, keeping my eyes on our locked hands, hoping she would feel
comforted by the gesture.
"Uh," she swallowed and I felt her hand tighten a little around my own. "I just think that we need to
talk about what happened, how we left things," she said softly.
"I agree," I nodded, rubbing harder against her knuckles.
"You're still mad at me," she stated.
"Not mad, Bella disappointed. You betrayed my trust in you and that isn't something I offer up very
easily, especially when it involves Ness."
"I know, but I wasn't trying to," she shook her head softly, looking at me.
"That really isn't an apology," I repeated her words back to her that she had once said to me, hoping
she would see that I wanted to be equal to her in this moment. In my life away from work, she had
no right to over throw my authority over my personal matters.
"I'm not going to say I'm sorry Edward. You can be mad at me for forever if you like, but I am not
going to say that I'm sorry Nessie is with you and not Jessica," she said softly.
"You were wrong, Bella. Why can't you just admit that?" I shook my head, still looking at our hands.
"Because I don't think that I was. Alright, fuck that, it isn't entirely true. I am sorry for going behind
your back, because I told you that night in my office that we would figure it out together, but I am
not sorry about the outcome, no matter how we arrived at it."
"You're that stubborn?" I finally glanced up to her, needing to see her eyes.
"No, I'm not. I am just being truthful to you about how I feel."
I sighed and leaned back in my seat, letting go of her hand, and placing it on my leg. I didn't want to
fight with her, but she was making that very difficult right now. The fact was that after everything
that happened, she still couldn't see the error of her ways and to me that was a big neon sign
flashing 'this is going to happen again'.
"I'm sorry for what I said to you too. It's not true. If it was, I wouldn't be sitting here right now. I
would be watching Man Vs Food, huddled up with a big fucking bowl of Cheerios from room service,"
she smiled lightly and I looked back to her.
"Are you trying to dazzle your way out of giving me a real apology with cuteness?" I narrowed my
eyes at her and bit softly on my bottom lip.
"That depends, is it working?" she quirked a playful eyebrow at me.
"No." I shook my head and she smiled, knowing I was a sack of lying shit. Only, I wasn't lying
completely. I was upset over her not saying she was sorry, highly, but I was willing to work on that if
she would trade war stories with me.
"Tell me about James," I picked up her hand again and tilted towards her, leaning back into my chair
"Why do you care so much about that?"
"Because I want to know and since you won't give me an apology, you are going to give me a story.
Even playing ground, remember?" I looked around to the roof, using her own tactics against her.
"And if I don't?"
"Then I guess were done here." I gave my best poker face.
"Who's blackmailing who again?" She teased.
"Take it or leave it," I shrugged.
"You know, it scares me a little when you're like this," she made a face at me and huffed, causing me
to chuckle lightly.
"I'll take that as a compliment coming from you. Now stop trying to avoid the topic and spill it."
Bella took in a deep breath, sighing hard afterwards, and pushed her ponytail back. She curled her
legs up under her and faced my way, still allowing me to hold her precious hand. Her eyes stayed
down, looking at her finger as she traced the lotus flower tattoo on my hand with her thumb.
"James and I used todate. Well, if you consider dating as someone who shows up on your door step
so he can fuck you rottenwhen he actually remembered that you existed that is."
"So he was your boyfriend," I stated.
"No, he was my sous chef," she looked up to me and nodded at my doleful expression. "See, this is
why I didn't want to tell you," she lowered her gaze again and sighed.
"So what happened?" I asked, but my mind already was drawing conclusions.
"It wasn't just sex to me, you know. I was young and extremely naive. Riley's, my New York
restaurant, was my first time on my own. When I met James, he was just so talented and handsome.
Charming. He had good credentials too, worked for some pretty big names. I was pretty enamored
and I wanted that. The way I looked at him, I think I wanted him to look at me like that too," Bella
swallowed and tucked a piece of her hair back behind her ear as she thought for a moment.
"I was impulsive and really didn't think about what I was doing until it was too late. The short version
of this story, and believe me, you'll thank me for saving you the details, is that James happens to
have video tape of my stupidity and if I ever fire him or do anything to piss him off, he'll use it against
me to get his way."
"Like a sex tape?" I asked arching an eyebrow, a little fucking amazed that Bella would go there.
"I didn't have a fucking Paris Hilton green-eyed moment, but yeah. There are cameras everywhere in
the restaurant and like I said, I was impulsive. Emmett kicked his ass when he found out trying to
get it back from him but not even a three day stay in the hospital swayed him. I think he likes
torturing me with it you know? He gets some sort of sick thrill out of scaring me."
"And you think I would do that to you?" I lifted her chin to look at me.
"You don't understand Edward. You are only in the beginning stages of this. I get a file sent to me
every single day, listing all of the new people who have filed law suits against me. Even if I'm not
responsible, I still have to pay most of those people, simply because I just don't have the time to
make a court appearance every time someone files one. Everyone gets a piece of me Edward. The
shit with James haunts me everyday and I wonder which day he will actually pull that card and toss it
down. So yeah, I'm a little on my fucking guard."
I nodded, understanding exactly what she was saying and how she felt. It was the same way that I
felt about Ness. I could see her eyes getting a little teary and she looked down, trying to hide as the
tears fell softly, landing on her wrists as they lay in her lap. My chest burned knowing how hard all of
this must be for her. Not only to have revealed it to me, but also
having to deal with it everyday. If I ever saw James again, he would be sure to get another extended
stay in the ER, if not worse.
"I'm sorry Bella," I said softly. My hand reached up and brushed lightly over her cheek, lifting the
heavy curtain of her hair away from her face. She remained quiet, only taking my hand into both of
hers. I watched her carefully as her thumbs rubbed over the back of my hand, along the inked flower,
making the little V come between her brows.
"Will you tell me about this please?" She asked softly, keeping her eyes down.
"It's too late tonight Bella."
"I don't think I'm going to bed anytime soon," she shook her head.
"Not tonight," I stuck to my guns, not wanting to get into anymore drama this evening. She huffed
and looked up to me, with an angry expression on her face.
"Will you tell me about the girl in your room then?"
Mother of fucking hell.
"What girl?" I asked innocently.
Emmett taught me at young age that there was only one way out of a situation like this Deny, deny,
"The whale I heard riding your disco stick. Don't lie to me Edward, no porno they offer in the hotel
sounds like that."
"How do you know?" I arched an eyebrow at her.
"I've spent a lot of time on my own. Butterbean doesn't appreciate it when I neglect her."
"Who?" I chuckled.
"No one, just answer my question."
"You name your" My eyes trailed down.
"Yes, now stop avoiding the question."
How did she expect me to answer her after that? Bella revealed the name of her pussy and I am just
supposed to go back into the previous topic? Oh hell to the no.
"Which part?" I nodded towards her
"Which part is named that? Like the whole state or just the city?" I bit my bottom lip and looked back
up to her with a playful expression.
"If by city you mean my little man in the boat, then yeah, that's butterbean. Now, Answer. My
fucking. Question."
"Shit. First of all, that information could have come in handy about three mother fucking weeks ago,"
I chuckled. "Second, yeah I was with a girl. It was all Emmett's fault and I am going to kick him in his
funbag first time I see him. Third, she rode me for forever and I couldn't get offwell that isn't
entirely true. I did get off, but only because I closed my eyes and imagined it was you and not some
skanky red head."
Why the fuck did I just say that?
I looked up to her, trying to gauge her reaction, expecting her to laugh, or slap the holy fuck out of
me. She didn't do either. Instead, her mouth opened, but then closed, like she wanted to say
something smart, but couldn't.
"I um," she shook her head lightly and a small smile came across her face. "I don't know if I should
feel honored or appalled by that Edward," she laughed once.
"Probably a little of both, but don't worry, it won't happen again." My dick frowned at those words.
"You imagining me when you're with other girls or admitting to doing it?"
"Sex all together. I think a vow of celibacy is in order. It would eliminate a lot of fucking hassle."
"You know, I think I am with you on that," she chuckled lightly and fell back against the seat, sighing
"Can I ask something serious, Bella?" I leaned forward on my knees, playing with my hands.
"Sure," she said from behind.
"What do you want? I mean, between us. Where are we?" My heart started to pick up the pace and I
held my breath, unsure and scared as hell of what she was going to say.
"Edward," she sat forward next to me, bringing her knees up to her chest as she leaned her head
down, looking at me. "I care about you, I do. Nessie too. While I am sorry for saying what I did, there
is also some truth in the rest. I am leaving."
"I know, believe me, but what happens in the meantime?" I looked over to her, still rubbing my
hands together at the nervous tension.
"You know, Emmett has been like my family. He's pretty much the only family, or true friend that I
really have. That's all I have to offer you Edward, friendship. I'm not good at long distance
relationships, but we're sort of in this for the long haul since you work for me and I would like to be
able to think of you in the same regard that I think of Emmett."
"I'm not so sure I like that idea," I teased.
"You know what I mean. It's not the same, because obviously I have no desire to hump your brother,
thank motherfucking God, but it is all I can do. Plus, you deserve to have someone who is there,
Nessie too."
I thought over her words, looking at her as she stared back and me. I took in her hair and how it
flowed over her shoulder as she crossed her arms over her knees. Her face was so innocent looking,
her eyes so deep and thoughtful in this moment. She wasn't hiding. She was being Bella, the real
My hand lifted to her cheek, brushing lightly over it once and then moved to her neck, pulling her
towards me. I sensed her hesitation, but she allowed me to pull her towards me. My lips found the
warm, tender skin of her temple and kissed it softly, moving along to her cheek and once more at the
line of her jaw. I finally allowed my head to rest against the side of hers and breathed in her sweet
floral fragrance, allowing it to smother the flames of desire that were burning inside of me.
After I drank enough of her down, I allowed her head to rest in the crook of my neck, while my hand,
behind her back, tugged the tie free from her hair, spilling it free. My hand combed through her
damp locks as I stared out into the night sky that seemed so close to us, as if you could just reach
right out and grab any star of your choosing.
"It's beautiful here," I said softly.
"I know," she sighed, maneuvering slightly so that she could face her head towards the sky.
"Can we have dinner tomorrow night?" I asked.
"I was planning on it," she chuckled.
"I mean you and me, so we can talk some more." My fingers continued to roam through her tresses
and I picked up her other hand, allowing her palm to rest against my own.
"Will you tell me about the flower tattoos?"
"Is it a deal breaker?" I laughed once.
"Absofuckinglutely," she giggled.
"Then yes. I'll tell you about them," I nodded against her head.
"Then yes, I will have dinner with you," she concluded.
We sat there like that, huddled close, for an undetermined amount of time. It could have been hours
for all I knew. I just wanted to hold her for awhile, before I had to let her go and not be able to again.
Bella started to fall limp in my embrace and as much as I would have loved to have allowed her to
sleep in my arms, I knew doing it on the top of our hotel building was not the place. I shook her arm
slightly, preventing her from drifting too far off and she awoke.
"It's late, we should go," she rasped, sitting up.
I gave no words, for words were failing me right now as we walked back to the metal door that would
inevitably seal the ending of our short-lived romance. The kiss of death, some may call it. That is how
I felt walking through it, like a part of me was left behind on an old withered wicker bench. All of the
magic faded away as we entered the elevator and the
silence was deafening. The bell tolled louder than it seemed it should have, but maybe that was due
to the dead-air among us. Bella stepped out and I walked her to her door, waiting for her to unlock it.
She paused after she slid the key inside and then turned back to face me with the door slightly ajar.
"Um, I won't be at breakfast in the morning. I have a meeting, so I won't see you until after my
speech tomorrow."
"You're giving a speech?" This surprised me, for I was completely unaware that we were even
attending a speech. Perhaps I should have looked over the schedule instead of searching for trampy
"Yes, I do every year. It is supposed to be like a mentoring thing for the new chefs. Kind of like,
explaining how you made it."
"Oh," I nodded.
"So um, I will see you then," she hesitated opening the door and my hand impulsively reached for her
hand, not ready to let her go. She spun to face me and I brought her hand up to my face, kissing the
back of it softly.
"Goodnight, Bell." I gave her another kiss on the hand and then released her, beginning to head off
to my room.
"Edward?" She called.
"Yes?" I turned back around to face her, only a few steps away.
"Would you stay with me tonight?" she asked, causing my throat to gulp loudly.
"I don't think that is a good idea." My dick screamed 'traitor!!!' as I spoke the evil words that would
keep us from Bella's butterbean.
"I'm not talking about sex. I justI sleep better when your there," she looked down shyly at her feet
and my voice had no sound. Her hand waved in front of her and she looked back to her door.
"Never mind, that was stupid. I'll see you tomorrow," she began to walk inside of her room and I
stepped quickly back to where I was.
"Bella, wait. It's not stupid, you justsurprised me." She looked back towards me. "I'll give you a few
minutes to get situated, alright?" She nodded at me. "Alright." I stepped back, walking towards my
After I entered my room and closed the door, I leaned against it and banged my head several times
lightly. I must be a fucking masochist or some shit. Not only did I agree to only be friends with Bella,
but now I was going to being lying in her bed, right fucking next to her and not be able to do shit
about it. When I get back to Miami, I am sitting my mother down and having a serious talk with her,
because obviously, she dropped me on my head a lot as a baby and I deserve some fucking answers
and apologies for that shit.
Jerking off was key. There was no way I would be able to lay there and not be hard. She would be
warm and soft and smelling of her sweet Bella self. The covers would trap the fragrance in, probably
already smelling heavenly as she has been sleeping in them every night already. Fuck what would
she wear? What should I wear? Ugh. This was a bad idea. My dick was already hard just thinking
about what was about to happen.
Yes, jerking off was key.
1:29 A.M.
The damn words just blurted out.
As the ties between us severed, my chest sank, caving in on itself and even though I knew it was the
right thing to do, it felt nothing but wrong. I knew he felt it too, I felt it in his touch, saw it in his dim
blue eyes. I asked him to stay because I needed him here. It was the only way I would make it
through the night without withering down to dust.
As I changed, I wondered if he was as nervous as me right now. Resisting Edward would be a great
feat, one that I had already failed miserably and repeatedly. I knew he would make it easier, be the
gentleman he always was, but damn it, that
only made me want him more. I made sure to remain dressed in my sweatpants, only removing my
hoodie, and even left my bra on under my tank top. The door was propped open slightly, since I left
the lock latched backwards, preventing it from closing. I wanted to already be in bed and waiting, it
would be less awkward. I flipped on the TV, so the silence wouldn't be an issue and then slid down
into the bed, loving that soon, the cold sheets, would be quite warm thanks to Edward. After turning
the bedside lap off, the room was only illuminated by the light from the screen. I sat forward in the
center of the bed, not wanting to lie down. It just seemed morecasual.
I heard the door, but didn't look as he entered, not wanting to make him feel awkward as he walked
towards me, as I'm sure I would if the roles were reversed. He silently made his way over and sat on
the edge of the bed, resting one leg on the mattress.
"What are you watching?" He asked, looking towards the screen.
"PBS has old Julia Child shows on at this hour," I raised the volume a notch and finally looked over to
him. I smiled, seeing that he still had on his same clothes, confirming that he must have been just as
scared to change down into thin pajama bottoms, just like me.
"I never really liked her show. My mother used to watch it occasionally when I was a kid. Could never
understand what she was saying," he chuckled lightly.
"That's half the fun of watching it, Edward."
I scooted back further into the bed, leaning against the pillows. Edward remained where he was and I
tugged on the covers he was sitting on top of. He looked back to me and I smiled, trying to silently
request that he move his ass and get under them with me. Edward smiled back lightly and scooted
back, lifting his hips, while getting under the blanket. His foot grazed my leg on the way down and I
had to bite my inner cheek to keep from humming.
Really? A foot butterbean?
He sighed, lying back against the pillows and I sunk down a little further, trying to get comfortable. It
wasn't working though. He wasn't close enough. I wiggled my way closer, trying not to make it seem
obvious, but apparently, Edward wanted the same thing, because as I inched my way towards him,
he inched his way towards me. I wanted to laugh, but I held it in.
Edward did not.
"Just come here Bella. I'm not going to molest you, I promise. Unless, you want me to, then I'm all for
it." He stretched out his arm, opening his body up for mine to spoon into his side. I said nothing in
return, having no real comeback for once. The truth was yes, of course I wanted him to molest me.
Badly. The ugly truth was that we were now just friends and he couldn't.
I curled into his side and yawned, comforted by how good he felt and how easily Edward could
always relax me with his touch, even if he was the reason for the tension to begin with. His warm
fragrance assaulted me in the sweetest of ways and I rolled further into him, allowing my arm to
cross over his chest and hugged myself to him. I could feel his fingers playing through my hair and
then his head tilted on mine as he began humming that old familiar song his grandmother sang.
Somewhere in between Julia's Chicken La Cordon Blu and Edward's twenty fifth passing of his fingers
through my locks, I drifted into my dreams.
I was so damn warm.
A blanket of flowers surrounded me in a field and they were all I could smell as I laid upon the lush
green grass. Bella was at my left, lying there looking at me as the sun played through the clouds and
smiled. Her delicate fingers reached for my face, tracing lightly over my skin and she stared at me
with a wicked expression.
"Ever make love in a meadow, Flower Child?" She asked, licking her sweet bottom pout.
"No my angel, but I would love to. With you" I rolled over her quickly, trapping her beneath my
body and she giggled at my actions.
"What if a bear comes?" She chuckled.
"We'll call for Emmett. He could take down a bear," I said playfully.
My lips went to hers, sucking softly at her cherry pout. She hummed at our joining mouths and
wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me in harder. My tongue danced at the entrance of her
mouth, teasing, tasting, tempting. Bella's tongue swept out and touched mine once before she pulled
"We shouldn't be doing this," she shook her head.
"Yes we should. There is no other way Bella." I leaned into her lips again, but she moved her head.
"But what about the baby?" she asked, shaking her head.
"There is no baby. There is just you and me, angel." I leaned back into her lips and this time she
allowed me.
I kissed her greedily this time, trying to keep her mouth busy and not allow her to push me away.
This field was too perfect not to be able to savor her in it. When she was finally out of breath, as was
I, I traveled my lips lower, down her sweet neck and into the hollow of her throat, sucking softly at
her tender skin. She tasted like heaven and sin all wrapped up into one. The inner beast within me
took over and all I wanted in this moment was to claim this woman as my own. I bit softly into her
skin, nibbling her as I made my way down, reaching the valley between her breasts, and allowed my
tongue to taste her delectable warm skin once more. She hummed in pleasure as I kept my trail of
open-mouthed kisses coursing down her naked form cause yeah, in dreams, the girl is already nude
until I reached her belly button. I bit softly under it and she arched her back, giggling a dark shade
at my playfulness.
I kissed her there, to make up for my teasing and continued on down, only placing feather light kisses
along her bare pussy and thighs, teasing still. My lips made the same course back up, but I went
slower this time, wanting her to be pulsing for me between her legs, just as my cock was pulsing for
"I love you Bella," I whispered over her lips, before kissing her roughly.
"Mm," she hummed against my mouth, pulling me down into her and tipping her head back to allow
my tongue better access.
My hips rocked, gliding over the hot arousal between her legs and the tip of my cock slid its way in,
not needing any further guidance. She gasped, closing her eyes and I felt her feet on my back, raising
her legs higher to allow me full entrance into her. I slid forward, watching her face, and didn't stop
until the base of my body was fully flushed to hers. Bella's breath stuck in her throat as I slid out and
thrust harder into her, knocking her back into the floor of forest around us. I pumped again, just as
firm and she cried out, gripping my hair into her hands.
"You belong to me, Bella," I thrust again.
"You," she panted.
"Me. You. Belong. To just. Me." I pumped her harder, making sure to punctuate my words with each
"You. Just Edward. Only Edward," she panted harder and I could feel her coming undone.
"I want to give you a baby Bella," I whispered against her neck as I drove myself harder.
"Yes. Please." Her voice was breathless as I felt her contract around my cock, bringing my orgasm to
life and I came hard inside of her, holding my place there, until I knew I had no more to give. I kissed
her lovingly on her lips quickly, still out of breathe and then moved to her cheek. As I looked down to
her, her eyes opened and she smiled at me.
"Don't ever leave me, Bella," I whispered.
"Where am I gonna go?" She chuckled.
I rolled to my side, pulling her against me and enjoyed the last few minutes of the warm sun as it
showed itself again from behind the cloud bank. The breeze swept up the aromatic flowers and filled
my airways, consuming me with its power. It was so Bella.
Flowers, she smelled just liked the flowers in the meadow.
"Just don't leave."
I woke up the next morning before Edward. I had trouble wiggling free from his arms he was holding
me so tightly to him. It was a fight I welcomed though. This was the first night of real sleep I had since
the last time I slept in the same bed with Flower Child.
Flower Child.
I quietly strolled off to the bathroom and showered quickly, trying to not wake him up. It was way
too damn early, but I had no choice. Duty calls and all that good shit. This afternoon I had to give a
speech about how I became successful. I was already bored with the thought, but I still wanted to
prepare. Some pretty big names were speaking, including Gordon, and I wanted to make a good
I wouldn't have time to change in between my rehearsal and the presentation. So I decided on a pair
of black dress pants and a blue low-slung top because I was sure the only way a room full of young
boys from catering college would listen was if I showed a little boobage.
The only part about my speech that bugged me was that I was going to be after Charlie. It left me
feeling a little uneasy because I had no clue what he was going to say. He was asked to attend as part
of the most popular diner owners group. I was worried that he would feel they only asked him
because of me. That wasn't true. Charlie's diner was awesome. His food flawless. Comfort delights
at their best. I was proud to call him my father and fuck that little bitch interviewer for saying that
fucked up shit last night.
I wanted to knife her ass.
As I walked back into the main room, Edward had his back towards me, still sleeping. I took in how
muscular he was, every little line defined perfectly, and butterbean bounced happily at his sexy
shoulders that housed my two favorite muscles.
Okaysecond and thirdbut what the fuck ever.
I walked slowly over to him and sat softly on the space behind where he laid. My arm leaned over
him and I placed a soft kiss on his shoulder. He didn't stir and I just sat there for a moment looking at
him. His face was always first. So much like a boy buried inside of a man. My fingers moved to his hair
and I brushed a few fallen strands from his forehead back into the rest of his messy hair, keeping my
fingers moving lightly through it. I sighed softly, knowing that this beautiful man could never be
mine, and placed one more kiss to his shoulder before I stood up.
Good bye, Flower Child.
Four words had never burned so much.
I sat in my seat, dying to see what Bella would have to say in her speech. Her father, Charlie, had just
finished up. It was alright, rather dull really. Nothing I couldn't gather from reading a book or just
common sense. I knew Bella would not disappoint though.
She never did.
"Hey, sorry I'm late," Emmett took his seat beside me.
"Where the hell have you been? I called you like five times."
"Sorry, got hung up," he shrugged innocently, too innocently.
"Hung up on what? Hawaiian tail?"
"No, not Hawaiian, Miami-an," he chuckled.
"Rose is here," he smiled.
"Fuck. What the hell is she doing here?"
"Same thing as us dummy. Checking out the convention." He shook his head and looked forward as
the announcer came forth on the stage.
"Speaking of Hawaiian ass, I owe you an ass kickin," I whispered to him.
"Yeah, B told me. Don't worry, she already beat you to it. I have her size six imprint on my chest to
prove it. You have any idea how hard that shit was to explain to Rose?" He rubbed over the spot Bella
must have kicked.
"When did you talk to Bella?"
"Last night. Shh, here she comes," he pointed forward.
"Ladies and gentleman, our next speaker is someone who you should already know if you are here.
At the age of twenty six, she has already been awarded three Michelin stars, one of which she
obtained at the age of twenty, the youngest person to ever have been awarded one. She now has ten
locations worldwide, her latest being sunny Miami Florida. Please give a warm welcome to Isabella
Swan." The woman waved her arm towards the stage entrance.
The music sounded and the entire crowd erupted into applause, hoots and hollers. Emmett was all
too eager to whistle loudly at her, and when Gordon Ramsey stood to honor her, so did everyone
else. Bella smiled and waved, walking on stage. She looked confident and cool, not at all how I would
have looked having to speak in front of a few thousand people. I was already in awe, even if her
speech was total shit not that it could be.
"Thank you," she said, stopping in the center of the stage with the mic in her hand. The room quieted
down and she began.
"I had a whole speech planned out for you all, even woke up early this morning and went to
rehearsal like the looser I am," she chuckled and so did the audience. "But um, I have to say that I
think it's pretty much shit, so I am not going to talk about what I wrote. The truth is that you all come
here year after year and we all pretty much say the same thing to the newcomers. I have to admit, I
was thinking a lot about newcomers when I was in rehearsal this morning," she paused. "And uh, I
don't think anyone wants to hear about how I stood on a stupid train station 'cause Gordon taught
me to," the crowd laughed. "Or that I pretty much have no life because my business is my life. So I'll
tell you a story you will actually remember when you leave here this year, instead." She kicked off
her high heels and the crowd cheered again as she took a swig of water from a bottle off her stage
"Ready?" She waved them on, and of course they cheered.
"This story is actually meant to save the last speech as well. A little something my restaurant
manager calls a double whammy, but what the fuck ever," she laughed.
"That's right B!" Emmett hollered.
"Charlie Swan is my dad and while he sucks at speaking in public, he is actually quite a good chef."
She paced the stage walking slowly. "I grew up cooking in his diner and when I was about twelve
years old I saw something that would forever change my world. Like most chefs, my dad taunted his
employees. No, he didn't call them donkeys" She chuckled with the crowd as the spotlight found
Gordon. "And he didn't make them sling burgers in there bathing suits. No, he used physical force
and mind fuckery, you see, he was smart." She tapped her temple jokingly.
"They used to have a small section in his diner where the pizza was made, when they still made pizza
that is, and my dad would hire the guys from the local football team to work there. Sort of, work for
food, homeless man contracting. I have always loved that idea and lemme tell you, if OSHA still
allowed it, I would totally being doing it." The audience cheered again.
"Anyhow, since they were football players, all the girls used to love to come in and watch the hunky
guys make the pizza at the counter. The guys of course loved that. My father however, didnot." She
faced forward in the center of the stage.
"He would come up beside the boys, and when one of them was flirting with a girl, and not working,
my dad, Charlie would step on their toes," she mimicked his movements. "And grind his heavy boot
into the poor kid's foot. The girls, of course, had no idea what my father was doing, and Charlie
would smile sweetly at them and ask about school and other random things, all the while, smooshing
the shit out of the poor boy's toes." The crowd was laughing steadily at her story and acting.
"A boy named Tyler Crowley used to work with us. And one day, Tyler thought he was going to
outsmart my father. He came in the back where I was cooking and said, "Bella Bella! You have to
come here!" I followed him out towards the front and he stopped me at the doorway saying,
"Watch" and then strolled forward, taking his usual place at the pizza station. I sat myself down on an
empty sauce bucket," she pretended to sit down and stare out into an imaginary pizza area, "And I
waitedAnd waitedAnd waited," she chuckled, "Until finally, my dad spotted Tyler talking to a girl.
His face smiled and I watched him as he went for Tyler. Charlie's foot came down as normal, only his
brows scrunched and he looked confused. Tyler turned to face him and beamed at whatever magical
creation he had put in his boot. My dad just smiled back and walked out of the station quietly. It was
then I decided I wanted to marry Tyler Crowley." Bella took another sip of water as the crowd
"I walked over to Tyler and asked him what he did. He told me he borrowed his dad's steel toed
boots and as he was relaying the story to me again I saw his eyes grow wide with horror. As I spun,"
she made the movement, "I turned to see a huge industrial sized mop, soaked to the gills, come
flying passed me," she waved her hand in front of her face, pretending to follow it with her eyes,
"And smacked Tyler, Right. In. The. Face."
"Poor Tyler went flying across the floor, knocking his head into the bottom of the counter. I wanted
to go to him.but I was like in shock you know?" She chuckled. "I mean, you just don't see that shit
every day. As I turned though, to look at my father and ask him if he was crazy, he simply tapped the
bottom of the wooden handle to the floor with a satisfied smile on his face and walked out." She
took another sip of water as the crowd cheered.
Bella stared out into the audience and her expression became serious. I could see her scanning the
room for her father, but he had not returned to where I saw him sitting before his speech.
"My whole point of sharing this story with you is that, I didn't need to attend some fancy school to
learn what I know or to become successful. I simply paid attention to what was going on around me,
and when my father thought it was funny to tell me I didn't add a spice to something I knew I did and
hid the shaker so I looked like a liar, he was really just teaching me to trust myself and not let other
people determine my thoughts. He taught me a lot of lessons like that, and anyone who thinks that
my success has nothing to do with it, doesn't deserve to be asking me questions.
Those are the things you need to look out for in the business newcomers, the business itself." She set
her mic down and bowed to them before she waved her way off the stage. They honored her with a
standing ovation and I smiled, knowing I was right.
Bella damn sure didn't disappoint.
1:44 P.M.
I stepped off stage and took a big deep breath. The story may have been funny, but telling it was the
hardest thing I had ever done. I looked into the audience in search of my father, but saw his seat
empty. Before I could wonder if he had heard it, I stepped around the corner and saw him leaning
against the stairwell. My heart jumped into my throat and I swallowed down all the butterflies that
were trying to flutter free. He didn't say anything, just stood there looking at my feet with his hands
in the pockets of his jeans. He never did like dressing up. My mother would blow a gasket if she saw
that he was wearing jeans and an overcoat to an event like this. He even had a flannel shirt on under
it. I almost wanted to laugh, not because it was funny, but because it was so just soCharlie.
"Hi dad," I said softly. Charlie kept his eyes down and didn't greet me in return. Was he upset that I
told that story? I was trying to reconnect with him. I wanted him to know that I still remembered,
that I still cared, despite my absence.
"They seemed to like your story," I tried again.
"You told the story Bella. Not me," he grumbled.
"It was about you though," I argued. He didn't debate back, just kept his foot moving nervously along
the floor, rubbing against a scuff mark. His signature for when he was uncomfortable. I always used
to see him do this when he and Renee would argue. I needed to say something.
If I left here today with a simple 'goodbye' things would never change. I was so tired of being the
black sheep. Charlie wasn't going to take the step that needed to be taken and after all, why should
he? He was not the one who messed things up, or forgot to call home. He didn't forget to return
invites to Thanksgiving dinner or not show up on Christmas. No, this was all on me. With a deep
breath, I breathed in the air that would be the first heartfelt words I had spoken to my father in
"I just wanted you to know that I didn't forget about you, dad. I know that's what you think, but it's
not the truth. It's justone day turned into two and.everyone always wants something you know.
I'm just one person and I can't please everyone all the time, but I'm just trying." I stopped my
rambling to keep my tears at bay, as I felt them flood within my eyes. I was saying all the wrong
things. It wasn't his fault. These were just excuses.
"I just wanted you to know. Okay?" I waited for him to respond, but he didn't. I felt so stupid and
exposed standing here. He still didn't move and I had no more heartfelt confessions I felt like sharing
with someone who wouldn't even look at me.
"That's it isn't? You think that I forgot, that I don't care, right? Well you're wrong Charlie. You are so
fucking wrong." I swatted away the tears as they fell.
"I don't know what you want me to be, because I thought it was this, and obviously I was dead
wrong. You can't even look at me anymore. That's how ashamed you are of me. Well, I'm sorry. I
tried and I'm sorry." I began walking down the hall and he made no move to stop me or say anything.
As I lifted my head to see where I was headed, I spotted Emmett and Edward. Edward looked down,
trying to look like he hadn't just heard what I said, but Emmett held my gaze. He already knew all of
this shit and understood what was happening. His big arms came out for me as I passed, but I shook
my head at him and brushed him off.
"It's fine. Let's just go to our next stop please." I kept walking...Beating back the hurt, and carried on.
I had a job to do here and it wasn't to fall apart at the seams because my father didn't know how to
except a damn apology.
I was washed and ready for my dinner with Bella. She let me pick, since I was the one who asked, and
with a little help from the hotel concierge, I was able to arrange a nice table for two at a place
nearby. It looked wonderful in the brochure, even a spot on the outdoor patio that overlooked the
ocean from the cliff side. Actually, it seemed a little too romantic to be honest, for two people who
just deemed themselves mere friends, but the menu had the level of food I knew Bella would
I threw on a white button-down dress shirt and simple black tie with matching black sacks. The
restaurant was a little fancy, so I knew I had to wear a jacket, even though I detested the idea, but
rules were rules. She was going to meet me in the lobby downstairs and even though I was a little
early, I decided to leave anyway. It would feel a lot more comfortable to be there first, rather than
having to do the awkward walking in shit, like last night.
Mm, last night, where do I even begin with that one?
The dream I had, seemed so real. I could feel her, touch her, smell her. When I woke she had gone,
but she lingered all around me. I swear, I could still feel her kisses on my lips and the warm trail of
her finger tips along my skin where she touched. Telling dream Bella that I loved her and wanted to
give her a child threw me for a major fucking loop, however. Did I want more children? Sure,
someday. Did I want Bella? Absolutely. But love her? I didn't even know herhow could I?
Was my subconscious trying to tell me something that my defenses wouldn't allow?
I wasn't sure, and to be honest, not so positive that I wanted to know.
I sat in the bar lounge, ordering a beer, and glanced to my watch, seeing that I still had a little while
until she would show up. There was a game on the flat screen over head and I stared at it, pretending
to watch, but my mind was still all wrapped around the dream with Bella in the meadow. As it
replayed itself for the millionth time, I caught the fact that when I told her I loved her, she never said
it back to me.
Maybe dreams were closer to reality than I thought.
The alcohol tasted especially bitter as I took another long sip, trying to clear my mind from all the
fuckery, because I knew I would have to explain to her about the lotus flower at dinner and that
wasn't helping matters. It wasn't that I didn't think she could understand because clearly she had
some family issues of her own going on, as I saw earlier today. Bella's father standing there not even
acknowledging her words was some difficult shit to watch. Emmett pulled me back when I started to
walk towards her, knowing already, I guessed, that she wouldn't want to be babied in that way. I
couldn't really relate to his feelings towards Bella. There wasn't really anything I could think of that
would ever cause me to treat my daughter in that manner, but then again, I knew all too well that
fathers can be especially stubborn if they chose. Let's just say, when you looked up the word in the
dictionary, I am surprised that Carlisle's face wasn't shown next to the definition. It was his stubborn
behavior that was the reason for
"Mike! Over here!"
I whipped my head around, hearing an all too familiar voice, and fucking groaned possibly the
loudest groan of all time seeing who else but fucking Jessica with none other than that looser Mike
Newton. What the fuck was she doing here? She spotted me as she made her way with him up to the
bar and raised an eyebrow to me. I turned back around in my chair, not wanting to talk to her and
lifted the glass back up to my lips.
"What are you, stalking me?" She asked, plopping down in the seat two chairs down from mine.
"I could ask the same thing," I replied.
"Please, why would I want to stalk you? I dumped you," she grabbed Mike's arm as he walked up to
meet her. "Remember?" She eyed me, rubbing his arm with an evil grin.
"First of all, you didn't dump me. You fucked around on me, like the slut you are, and then I tossed
your shit into the street and kicked you the fuck out of my apartment." Eat that bitch.
"You know Edward" she began, but stopped, staring past me. "Bella!" she squealed hopping up
from her seat. My eyes followed her and I saw Bella a few feet behind me, looking really, really
Because Jessica was fucking hugging her.
"Get. Off," she pried her away. "What the fuck do you think you are doing?" Bella asked angrily.
"Saying hi," Jessica waved at her and smiled all wide, like she really thought Bella was her friend.
"Let's get something straight Jessicunt. You, number one, are never to touch me. Two, I don't like
you. And three, you just fucking wrinkled me and that pisses me off." Bella walked past her towards
me, shaking her head in irritation as Jessica followed behind.
"But, you helped me?" she whined.
"No bitch, I helped Edward. It's not my fault you're too damn stupid not to have seen that coming
from a mile away. Actually it was only like two feet away, but what the fuck ever." Bella paused at my
side, leaning on the bar to order a drink.
"But, but, but." Jessica stuttered.
"But nothing. I wouldn't piss on you if your ass was on fire." Bella laid down her money for the
bartender and took a long swig of her Captain and coke. Then ordered a shot of Patron.
"Come on baby, let's just go alright?" Mike tugged at Jessica's arm as she stared at Bella.
"Holy fuck. Are you Mike? Like the Mike?" Bella looked him up and down and laughed once, then
took another swig.
"You know," she tapped her finger to Jessica. "You really are as dumb as I thought. You traded this,"
she glanced over to me, appraising me with her eyes. "For that?" She looked back at Mike and his
face contorted.
"He has a small penis," Jessica shot back. Bella's lips pursed as she looked at Jess, her face becoming
more serious as she thought of her reply.
"Let me tell you something little girl," she spoke slowly and softly to her as she leaned in closer. "In
my kitchen, my staff goes commando under our cheffies that happen to be rather see through so
I know there is nothing wrong with Edward's dick size." She leaned in closer to Jessica and whispered
again in her ear. "There is nothing small about Edward. You're just too fucking stupid to see that
truth." She leaned back and took the last swig of her drink, slamming it down loudly.
"Let's go," she said to me, keeping her eyes on Jessica.
I placed my hand on the small her back as we exited, and kept my focus on her, not wanting to see
anymore of Jess or Newton tonight. It wasn't until then that I saw what she was wearing. Bella had
on a lovely white dress, making a vast contrast in color to her dark hair, slightly curled on the ends,
and her tanned skin. She was quite stunning. Once we were outside the hotel doors, I stepped to her
side, not feeling like we needed to hide so much, being around Jessica. I finally looked at her, like
really looked at her, for the first time tonight. Her face was shimmering, a soft pallet of natural
bronzed colors, and her signature cherry lips gloss that I loved the taste of.
"Sorry about that. She just really pisses me off. I don't know how the fuck you deal with her." She
riffled through her small clutch, trying to find a smoke.
"My interactions are not much better, as you have seen firsthand," I chuckled.
"She grates my ass like fucking pecorino, I swear." She lit her smoke and I laughed at her comparison
Jessica being the hard stinky cheese.
Ah, if she only tasted as good.
"Here, if I smoke this whole thing I'll get light-headed. I'm so fucking hungry." She held the smoke out
to me as we waiting for our car.
"Didn't you eat today?" I asked, taking the cigarette from her.
"I didn't have time. There was too much to do. I stole someone's fucking cheese plate while I waiting
to give my speech, but that was about it."
"You should have told me. We could have just gotten something closer, faster." I passed her back the
cigarette, but she shook her head against it.
"It's alright. I don't mind." She looked to me for the first time. Her eyes trailed over me slowly and
she laughed once.
"What?" I looked down making sure my fly was up because that shit would be embarrassing.
"I just" she shook her head laughing lightly. "Never mind." The limo pulled up to the curb and we
climbed inside. I made sure to look down again at my clothing once inside, but still couldn't see
anything wrong.

The view from our table was amazing. We were perched on a Cliffside overlooking the sea,
illuminated only by the early moon showing its face and the soft candle light from the lanterns
around us. Way too fucking romantic for friends. Bella seemed happy about my choice, as she made
her way to her seat. Her eyes danced excitedly in the glow of the warm light, and I smiled at how it
seemed to bring back my old sentiments about her once again. An angel. Dressed in white and
looking completely like just that.
"Know what you're ordering?" I asked, glancing over my menu.
"Um, I'm rather partial to the roasted suckling pig I think, but there's no way I can eat it by myself."
"I was thinking that too. Want to share?"
"I was going to force you against your will, you know that right?" She smiled.
"Of course," I smiled back, looking at the menu still.
"To be nice, I'll let you pick the sides." She sat back in her seat and sipped her wine. I stole a peak of
her from the corner of my eye and smiled internally as it registered to me that not only was Bella
sipping her drink, but that she was wearing a white dress while sipping her drink.
Around me. She was comfortable again. With me.
The waiter came by and I gave him our order, not having asked Bella if she liked the sides or not, nor
did she seem too interested in them to care. We both sat quietly for a few moments, just
appreciating the view. I was glad that it felt like all of the tension between us had subsided. It felt
almost like it used to. Easy, freeing. I didn't mind her silence in this moment. It was just pleasant to
be with each other without having to feel the need to speak just to fill up the dead-air. The fact was,
there was no dead-air in this moment. It was alive and electric around us, playing on the soft melody
of the outdoor band, thumping soundly in my heart, as though we were connected here in this
moment. The waiter dropped off a basket of sweet rolls and I slid it towards Bella, knowing that she
was starving.
"Thanks," she said softly. Bella picked up a roll and plucked off a bite, placing it in her mouth. I took
my bread and placed it on my plate, then wrapped up the rest with the cloth surrounding it so that it
stayed warm.
"So, I liked your speech. It was really good. I was almost asleep until you came out," I smiled, taking a
"Thank, but I think it was stupid. It apparently pissed my father off."
"Why would he be angry?"
"I don't know, but he looked angry. It's the same way he always was whenever he and my mom
would fight over something. All closed off." She changed from her plucking of bread, to taking bites
directly from the roll and tossed it down in frustration.
"Did your parents fight a lot?" I asked.
"They sure as fuck didn't agree on much, let's put it that way."
"When did they get divorced?" I pulled another roll from the basket and ripped it in half, placing the
bigger half on her plate.
"I was just a kid. Like three or four," she shrugged. That hit home for me, since she was about as old
as Ness.
"How did you feel? I mean, did you know? Like, did it make sense to you why they weren't
"Is this about me, or Ness?" she smiled lightly, seeing through my cryptic questions.
"You, but I would be lying if I said it didn't hit a little close to home."
"Well how old was Ness? When you and Jessicunt separated?" she smiled.
"I'm sorry are you calling her Jessi cunt?" I could have sworn that was what she was saying, but it
sounded awful close. Perhaps it was just my brain's wishful thinking.
"Yes," She giggled. I opened my mouth to say something, but I was still a little amazed at how fucking
funny that nickname was. AND that Jessica probably didn't know Bella was calling her it when she did
earlier. My mouth opened and closed several times to tell her what I wanted to say, but there were
too many funny possibilities. The funniest being
"If you're ever around my mother" I tapped my finger to her smiling.
"I'll be sure to call your baby mamma Jessicunt for her amusement," she chuckled.
"Thank you." I chuckled back.
We ate the entire suckling pig well, everything but the eyes and brain, because that was just
fucking gross. Bella sat back in her seat rubbing her belly dramatically as she hummed from her
fullness, because after we ate the pig, we also both consumed a bowl of haupia, for dessert.
"Better?" I asked, looking at her.
"Mm. I can now die a happen woman." She closed her eyes and nodded.
"Ready for bed now?" I teased.
"Mm," she hummed.
"Speaking of which, how did you sleep last night?" I was a little nervous to ask, but felt the need.
"Great." She opened her eyes and looked at me, still rubbing her stomach softly. "You snored
though," she giggled.
Well, at least I wasn't dry humping your leg, because yeah, I was having sex dreams about you, Bella.
Sex dreams in which I told you that I loved you and then attempted to impregnate you.
"Did I?" I asked with false surprise.
"Just a little," she smiled. "How did you sleep?"
"Perfect, but you have really cold feet. Really cold feet that like to rub on my legs to get warm." I
teased. She had done it previous nights, but I honestly had no clue if she did it last night.
"Sorry," she chuckled, sighing at the end. "Speaking of cold feet, if I didn't know better, I would think
you had some of your own, since we have been here for almost two hours and you have yet to bring
up anything of a lotus flower tattoo variety."
"I was just saving the best for last." The worst, I wanted to enjoy my meal.
"Well, I think you're out of time," she said as the waiter dropped off the check.
"You have to ask," I teased, reaching for the bill at the same time she did, and I gave her an evil eye.
She receded thankfully without argument and allowed me to keep my balls intact.
"What are the flower tattoos for?" She sighed, rolling her eyes. I messed around with the bill first,
making her wait, also, trying to figure out where to begin. After I slid the money into the black book, I
turned to her and picked up her hand into mind, needing to feel her touch as I explained.
"Do you remember the breakfast we had with Emmett in my apartment?"
"Yes," she nodded.
"Then you remember Ness saying that my parents were divorced?"
"Well they aren't, but up until two years ago, they were legally separated. Something else I guess Jess
feels the need to throw in my face by telling Neesie, but anyhow, they separated." I looked down to
her hand in mine.
"Why?" She asked softly.
"They had a lot of problems when jess got pregnant. Carlisle had one view of things and Esme had an
entirely different set."
"Like what?"
"That's a different story," I shook my head.
"I thought you wanted to come here to talk, Edward?"
"I do and right now we are talking about tattoos." I looked to her and she nodded in understanding.
"Do you know how a lotus flower grows, Bella?"
"No, not really."
"They start at the bottom of the pond, where all the dirt and muck is. As they grow, they gravitate
towards the sunlight, rising to the surface, and bloom into something beautiful. This one was for my
parents, because when they went through all of that shit, shit that people shouldn't be able to get
past it was so fucked up, they managed to turn something ugly into something beautiful."
"And the other?" she asked, tracing her fingers over my inked hand.
"It's for Renesmee, because I would like to hope that after all the shit that she has to go through,
fuck, has already gone through, that she turns into something really beautiful too." Bella looked up to
me and cupped my chin in her hand.
"She already is," she said softly, caressing my face.
"I know," I nodded in agreement.
"But I understand what you are saying," she added, taking her hand from my face.
"So that's the story behind the flowers," I shrugged feeling rather exposed at the moment and
wanting to shift gears. This was the simplest version of this story and still left me feeling uneasy.
"It was a very beautiful story, Edward. Almost as beautiful as the person telling it." My eyes flickered
up to hers, surprised at her words and I laughed once.
"Men are not beautiful Bella."
"Some are," she argued.
"I don't think I would like to be considered beautiful," I chuckled.
"Well too bad, because that is how I consider you," she shrugged.
"Can we talk about something else? I'm feeling like Eric should be popping up any moment here," I
"What would you like to talk about?" She chuckled, reaching for her water.
"I am highly curious to know what the fuck Jess is doing in Hawaii."
"I had nothing to do with that shit," she held up a hand.
"That wasn't what I was saying," I rolled my eyes.
"She's probably here with Ray's group- officially making me hate her even more."
"Rachel or Jess?"
Bella and I walked back up to our rooms together, pausing when we reached her door. The night had
gone so well. It was the first time in a really long time, if ever, that I had this type of night. I knew it
wasn't supposed to be a date, but out of all the ones I've ever had, it definitely reigned supreme and
fuck didn't even involve sex.
"I'm afraid we won't be able to have a sleepover tonight," she said, propping the door open on her
"Snoring bothered you that much?" I teased.
"No," she chuckled. "I have to be in rehearsal in about an hour and won't get back until you are knee
deep in fucking snores." She smiled.
"Rehearsal for what?" I asked as she stepped inside.
"Food Porn," she grinned and closed the door.
Food Porn? What the fuck was Food Porn?
Chapter Ten ~ Flames of Desire
I tossed. I turned. I slept like shit.
My cell's alarm went off at 7 a.m. and I didn't even need it to, because my happy ass was already
awake. Sleeping without Bella was not fun. I wore the same shirt I had on the previous night, trying
to get her smell around me, but it failed. It was not enough. I needed to feel her, be able touch her,
wanted to hold her.
As I dressed today, I felt very grumpy. My dick frowned at me and I frowned right back at it.
Although, it wasn't just my dick that missed Bella, it was my heart too. I'd be a motherfucking liar
from hell if I said it didn't. Cause it did.
As I made my way down to breakfast, I met Emmett in the hallway to the dining room. He threw his
arm around me, smiling a little too fucking cheery for only being seven thirty in the damn morning.
"Edward! My baby brother! How the hell are you this fine day?" He smiled wide, walking way too
"What the fuck happy, little cheery bird crawled up your big ass this morning?" I knocked his arm off
and scowled at him.
"TweetyRose," he chuckled.
"Ugh." I shook my head and tried to pretend my brother wasn't fucking around with my arch enemy's
best friend.
"What? You're supposed to be happy for me," he swung his arm back over my shoulder.
"Rose is a bitch."
"Naw man. She's cool. I know you guys don't get along and shit, but she's cool, Edward."
"Cool? What part about her was cool when she sided with Jess and got my ass thrown in jail?" I
arched an eyebrow at him and his face fell.
"I know, that shit bugs me and I don't want you to be pissed at me for doing her, but she is um" he
looked down nervously, shaking head.
"She's just" he paused again.
"What?!" I asked, completely irritated by his inability to form a complete sentence. He still said
nothing, but just looked at me with an expression I knew all too well.
"Oh, go fuck off." I held my hand up to him and began to walk faster.
"What?" He gave chase.
"Fucking Rosalie Hale? You're falling for God damned Rosalie, Em?" I was completely disgusted.
"Sorry man, it justfucking happened," he shrugged as we approached the breakfast buffet.
"Yeah, kind of like shit does," I shot back.
"Hey, I don't knock you. A little support here would be nice. I'm thinking of letting her meet mom
when we get back home." He picked up a plate and then handed one to me.
"I can't even believe your ass right now," I shook my head and went for a massive pile of bacon.
"Muffin?" He asked, smiling, holding one up.
"No, and stop trying to kiss my ass. It isn't going to work." I skipped past him in line and he chuckled.
After I piled on some scrambled eggs and grabbed a fresh fruit plate, I made sure to get coffee.
Jerking off might have been key two nights ago, but coffee was key today. As I took my seat, I saw
Bella walk in. She didn't notice me among the sea of people that crowded the dining room, but I
definitely saw her. She was impossible to miss. My eyes roamed over, taking in all her beauty and
perfection. Her hair was bone straight today, making it appear longer than normal, when it curled on
the ends.
My dick twitched as I eyed her skin tight jeans and white top. Fuck, what was it about white that
drove me crazy? Oh right- the angel shit. Every last male turned his head as she strolled in, but Bella
seemed oblivious. Amazing how there was an entire room full of women, who were dressed not only
a lot skimpier, but also a lot fancier- yet Bella could manage to be the star attraction with a simple
pair of washed out denim jeans and a feminine white top. She finally spotted me and smiled,
maneuvering through the crowd.
"Hey," she smiled, taking a seat at my side. I wanted to groan as she swept her hair over her left
shoulder, fanning her sweet fragrance my way.
"Morning." I looked down to my food and tried to focus.
"Where's Emmett?" She asked.
"I don't know. Probably looking for TweetyRose," I stabbed my eggs angrily.
"What? Who?" She chuckled.
"Fucking Rosalie," I huffed, taking a bite.
"She's here too?"
"Apparently." I picked up my cup of coffee for a sip, but paused, looking at her empty place setting.
"Aren't you eating?" I asked, nodding to the empty space.
"Not this morning. I have to shimmy my ass into a size two."
"Are you not a size two?" I smiled crookedly at her.
"Nice try FlowerEdward. But flattery will get you nowhere." She smiled.
"Does fitting into a size two have to do with this Food Porn business?" I asked, licking my bottom lip.
"Maybe," she grinned.
"You're not going to divulge any info here are you?" I shook my head.
"Nope." She let the P pop.
"You're evil. Dirty and evil," I chuckled, taking a long sip of coffee.
"I told you so." She smiled, holding my full gaze with her big brown eyes. That night came crashing
back to me instantly and I had to look away. It was too much.
"Well anyhow, I wanted to come down and show you something." Excitement flickered in her eye
and I set my fork down to give her my undivided attention.
"Go ahead," I nodded.
Bella smiled wide then turned around in her seat. Her fingers curled under the hem at the back of her
shirt, lifting it up and revealing
"Jesusmotherfuckingchrist Bella. Is that real? It looks fucking real. Please God, tell me it's not fucking
real." I thought my eyes would pop out of my head.
"Relax," she chuckled. "It's only henna."
"When the fuck did you do this? Why the fuck did you do this?" I pulled up the back of her shirt
more, to see more of the design. My dick did a lot more than just twitch.
"Last night. Some girl was getting it done for her act in the competition today and the artist asked me
if she could do something on me, so I said yes." Her shoulder bobbed once.
"How far up did she go?" I was still in fucking shock, staring at the beautiful black design on her back.
"Pretty much all the way and then," she turned forward and swept her hair back with one hand,
tugging down the collar of her shirt with the other. "To here, around my neck. Maybe a little boobage
too, but I'm not showing you that," she smiled.
"Mm hmm." I licked my bottom lip, looking at the art around her neck and trying like hell to picture
what the boobage shit looked liked.
"It's pretty, right?" She asked. I finally looked back up to her eyes. They were full of hope and maybe
a little shyness. She kind of looked like Ness when she wanted my approval of something
something she felt proud of.
"Yes," I nodded. "Very pretty." Just like you Bella. Her eyes sparkled at my words and she smiled
before she looked away, stealing a piece of fruit from my plate.
"So, how long does it last?" I asked, going back to eating.
"Like a week or something," she shrugged.
"How long did it take to do?"
"An hour or so." She stole my coffee and took a sip.
"What is Food Porn?" I tried to trick her.
"Nice try, Edward." She of course, saw right though me.
We were sitting in the first row of the large auditorium. There were different stage areas set up,
defining each set. I saw the one marked Food Porn with a massive poster, hosting a lady licking a
spoon in the most suggestive way. This was what Bella was participating in? I was not going to
fucking make it if that was the case.
Food, sex and Bella I was royally screwed.
The other sets were marked with various posters, none of which seemed nearly as intriguing as
Bella's. Angela sat on my left and Emmett was with Rose a few spaces down. I shook my head and
looked forward, completely irritated with him and not believing that out of all the people he could
have gotten his panties in a wad for, he chose Rose.
"Hey baby daddy." I looked to my right to see Alice taking a seat, smiling.
"You're here too?" I asked surprised.
"Yeah, Rose dragged me. Her mom was nice enough to watch the shop so we could both attend this
year. I got left behind last time," she explained.
"Is this your first time?" I asked.
"To this one. I have been to others though," she nodded, sitting her bag down at her feet.
"Do you know what this is all about?" I pointed to the sign.
"Oh" she chuckled. "Yeah, I saw one once."
"What is it?"
"Bella's act. She does like this 'performance' with cooking."
"What kind of performance?" I asked arching a brow.
"Like, to the beat of a song, but it usually gets pretty steamyhence the name," she smiled. "The one
I saw involved bananas and chocolate sauce. The guy she picked from the audience was pretty happy
about that," she grinned.
"She takes a dude on stage?" I did not like where this was going.
"Yeah, Rose said one year they had to have him removed because he wouldn't leave Bella alone
afterwards," she chuckled.
I opened my mouth to ask something else, but the lights dimmed and she faced forward. The room
quieted down and a video came on the large screen ahead. It showed an intro to the convention and
then went into clips explaining our presentation. Evidently, this was where Bella had 'reigned
supreme' as Emmett said during our lunch in Miami, because she was the winner three years in a
row. Her show was called "Food Porn" and they showed several clips of the past shows.
I was highly intrigued as was my dick.
"Ladies and gentlemen, here for her fourth consecutive year, please help me welcome the reigning
champion of Amazing Acts with Food, Miss Isabella Swan and her showcase, the one and only,
Foooood Porrrrrrn!"
The music began, a slow, haunting song that I had heard before, but this wasn't some pop princess
bullshit. It was slower, sexier. The stage was super dark, only illuminated by a small flame on what
looked to be a long steel table. Several burners ran down its length. Bella appeared from the dark
shadow and I fucking gulped, seeing her wearing some type of sexy chef fuckery, that didn't leave a
whole lot to the imagination. It was like a chef's coat, but turned almost into a dress of sorts. I could
see a lot of the henna tattoo on her neck and cleavage cause she was showing a lot of that shit
and my dick swelled in my pants, making me shift in my seat. I was glad that I had on baggy jeans
today tight fitting dress pants would suck right now.
She was setting up pans on the two middle burners and began cooking to the speed of the song.
Every crashing of the drum cymbals in the music, she would raise the flame to the burners quickly,
keeping the rhythm. It was electric, erotic and fucking with me. Her hands moved quickly and I tried
to pay attention to the immense skill she was showing amid all the sexy shit. She chopped at the
speed of lighting, tossing whatever she was cooking in pans in sync to the music. As the cymbals
crashed again, she tossed a shot of liquor against the flame, causing it to ignite. I wondered if this
was part of what she had described during her interview when she spoke of Invoke. If this was any
testament to what she was going to perform at that new location, she would surely have success on
her hands, for my senses were definitely all fucking alert and tingling.
As the food cooked on the stovetop, the song slowed a bit and she came slowly around the hot steel
table to the front. Bella walked the length of the table, one finger pointed out, slightly facing down
and I assumed this was when she was going to choose her victim. I didn't look to see anyone along
our row, I just watched her. Bella's eyes were slightly narrowed as she played the crowd of hopefuls.
Her eyes met mine and she of course, pointed and curled her fingers at fucking me.
I followed her up to the stage, cursing in my head as I did, and my dick told me to shut my damn
mouth and just enjoy that she was going to be touching us. As I climbed on stage, she stood several
feet away, looking at me pensively. Her hands instructed me to remove my shirt and I wanted to
fucking groan. She was dirty.
Evil. And. Fucking. Dirty.
The crowd was cheering in response to her silent demand as I pulled my shirt over my head, and she
looked back slyly at the audience with a wicked gleam in her eye nodding in agreement to their
whistles at my half naked form. She instructed me again with her finger to follow her behind the
table and I did, watching her barely covered ass the entire time.
She spun around and stopped me with her finger tips on my bare chest when I was where she
wanted me. My body instantly came to life at her touch, making all my nerves stand on end. Bella slid
in front of me, pressing her ass right into my hard-on. Her delicate finger dipped into the pan on the
stove top and she looked over her shoulder to me, holding it towards my mouth. I opened up for her
and she slowly slid her digit inside, revealing that it was warm caramel sauce. Her eyes watched my
mouth and she bit her lower lip. I wanted to fuck back with her, since she was apparently getting a
lot of pleasure out of doing it to me, so I bit her finger and didn't let her pull it away. She tugged, but
I held onto it and she grinned looking at me. With one last bit of pressure, I finally allowed her to
slowly slide it free. She watched as I licked my lips and smiled wickedly.
Bella then slid her hair to the side, revealing the side of her neck that was not inked with the henna
tattoo. Her finger dipped back into the pan and she spread a long slide of caramel sauce along the
smooth skin of her neck down to her collar bone. I watched as it ran down her cleavage and the
crowd whistled loudly. Her hand reached back and pulled my head down, signaling for me to do
something about it.
This was turning out to be a very fun game.
I grabbed her hips and pulled her back to me as she tilted her head to the side. My lips leaned down
and my tongue swept out, meeting the top of her collar bone and running the tip of my tongue along
its length, slowly making my way up her neck until I reached under her lobe. The crowd appreciated
my ability to get it all in one lick and apparently, so did Bella. Her hum of pleasure vibrated against
my chest as she leaned into me. I of course, was the only one who could hear her over the blaring
She then swept her hair to the other side and repeated the same movements with the sauce. I had to
be careful this time, because some of it was in the path of the henna and I did not want that shit in
my mouth. I lapped up most of the sauce and the crowd cheered just as appreciatively as before. The
music picked back up the pace, firing off loud drum beats and powerful cymbals once again. Bella slid
all of the cookware off the burners in sync with the beat quickly then swept her finger once more
through the hot pan. She spun around quickly as the finale of the music hit and slid it into my mouth,
pulling it out too quickly for me to be able to play this time. The music stopped at the same time the
lights went black making us invisible to the crowd as the curtain closed on our section of the stage.
Bella's body was flushed to mine, my hard-on right up against her front. I couldn't see her, but I felt
her warm breath in my face and then her hand on the back of my neck. She pulled me down into her,
roughly bringing my lips to hers. I kissed her back, just as rough, just as greedily. My whole body
succumbed to my overwhelming need for her. It wasn't just fucking lust, it was sheer greed. I wanted
to consume this woman.
All of her.
My hands slid under her hair, fisting her long chestnut locks, and tipped her head back, allowing me
to kiss her the way I intended. Her hands became trapped in between our bodies, her hot palms
splayed on my inked chest. The other act had begun and the music for it was playing loud, drowning
out our heavy breathing and lustful pants of desire.
"We have to stop," she panted against my lips, pulling back.
"I want you Bella." I stopped her with my hands, brining her back to my lips. She allowed me to kiss
her again, but then pulled back once more.
"That's why we need to stop. We always do this," she shook her head as she breathed hard,
swallowing and trying to catch her breath.
I was tired of this shit. I wanted her and she wanted me. What was so fucking difficult about that?
"Bella, I want you and you want me. What is so fucking difficult about that?" Shit. It's hard to think
when all the blood in your brain was now in your pants.
"This is how everything got messed up. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have pulled you up here. I'm sorry." She
shook her head and I cupped her face into my palms.
"I'm not sorry Bella," I whispered against her lips. "I'll never be sorry that I was with you or for what
we had together. Have together." I pulled her face back up to mine and kissed her softer this time,
trying to show her that it wasn't all just lust for me. I cared for her and wanted her in every way, not
just this way.
She allowed me to show her, kissing me back just as tenderly, and fuck maybe trying to show me
too. I held her small frame in my arms, wanting for all the world to just be able to keep her prisoner
here for forever. I knew that was not possible though. I moved my lips to her chin and then jaw as my
air ran out, traveling them up along her face. She breathed just as breathlessly as I did and curled
into my embrace, allowing me to hold her and not just trap her in my arms. My chin rested against
her temple and I sighed hard.
"Fuck. That was sexy," I chuckled once.
"I can honestly say I don't really give a shit if I win this year or not," she chuckled back.
"I'm sure you will." I pulled back and tried to find her mouth in the darkness.
My lips begged for another taste and I leaned my head in to take hers. She allowed me to have her
and I took full advantage of her weakness, sliding my tongue into her mouth again, but still kissing
her slowly. My hands slid down the incline of her back, pressing my fingertips against her spine and
trailing them down over the slope of her ass. Bella hummed against my lips and pressed into me,
grinding herself into my hard-on. My hands on her ass guided her further into me and she groaned at
the same time I did from the friction. I didn't hear shit, but thankfully, Bella did.
"We need to stop," she pressed against me and spun around. I saw the lights flick on and the
announcer from earlier came through the curtain. Bella went to step forward towards her, but I
stopped her. She looked back questioningly at me over her shoulder and I nodded down to the tent
in my pants. She smiled lightly and stepped in line to conceal said boner from the lady's eyesight.
"Isabella! What an amazing display you put on this year!" She cooed.
"Thanks," Bella nodded.
"We are going to be announcing the winners soon. Just wanted to pop in and say hi!" She waved and
backed her way out of the curtain as Bella waved.
Damn cock blockers.
Bella, of course, won the competition.
After the show, Bella returned to her room to change and then was to meet us downstairs for lunch. I
returned for a quick change too, seeing as how someone ran off with my fucking shirt bastards, I
really liked that shirt. Today's lunch was casual, so I was only going to throw on a simple tee, or
something, with my jeans. My phone beeped as I was about to slide the drawer open for one. I dug
into my pocket to retrieve it and when I saw the message, my brow furrowed.
I need help. Come quick.
My brain quickly raced through the million different possible scenarios which could warrant a
message like that. Before I could settle on one, my feet were already making their way out the door
and to Bella's room. I was having one of those moments like when Ness would start crying or
screaming out of nowhere from another room in my apartment and I had no clue why. My heart
raced as I stood before her door, and as my hand lifted to knock, I paused, seeing it was open, just
like she left it the other night, with the latch turned backwards. My hand apprehensively pushed it
open a bit, and I just barely peered in. Bella was sprawled out across the bed, belly side down, with
her arms dangling off the edge.
"Is that you?" She mumbled into the covers with her head down.
"What's wrong?" I pushed past the door and walked over to her quickly.
"I can't move," she chuckled, still facing down.
"What?" I kneeled down beside her head and she lifted her face to look at me.
"Food Porn training kicked my ass...well my shoulders and back anyhow," she smiled and then put
her head back down. "I can't move," she chuckled again.
"What do you need me for?" I asked nervously and a little fucking confused.
"A massage. You give good hand," she chuckled harder.
"Oh," I smiled.
"Actually, Emmett would have been a better choice, but he wouldn't come help me. Too busy with
his TweetyRose."
"So you're saying I'm the default massager? Like, not as good, but will make do huh?" I climbed to my
feet and sat beside her on the bed.
"No. I am saying that it would be more prudent for me to have chosen Emmett, because I don't get
the warm fuzzies down below when he rubs his grubby hands all over me," she huffed.
This was an open invite for some teasing. I was so RSVPing for this party.
"Warm fuzzies, is that what happens to butterbean?" I trailed one finger down her spine and she
snapped her head up to face me.
"You do not have my permission to address her formally, just so you know."
"I believe I have already addressed her quite formally, Bella." My dick twitched as I smiled smugly at
the memory.
"Just get on with the massage Edward. I'm starving and would like to attend lunch sometime this
year." She was so damn cute when she was flustered and angry.
"Take off your shirt." I instructed.
"If you want a proper massage, then take off your shirt." She looked at me like she was going to show
me how to jam a man's nose into his brain.
"You'll be lying on your belly. I'm not going to see anything or fucking grope you. It is no different
from what a professional would do." She stared at me for a long minute, debating, but then huffed
and sat up on her knees.
"Look away," she pointed. I listened and turned away from her, feeling her move next to me, and
wanted to laugh. I had Bella's pussy in my mouth for Christ's sake she was really afraid of me seeing
a little tit action?
"Alright," she said.
I looked back to her. She was laying face down with her arms crossed under her chin. Our bodies
mimicked each other, as we both were only donning a pair of jeans and missing our top. I took a
steady breath and reached my hand to carefully sweep her long, chestnut hair away from her back.
As my fingers brushed her bare skin, she shivered slightly and I felt goose bumps rise on her flesh. I
swept her hair over her shoulder and now had a full view of the henna tattoo along her back. It
mostly worked its way up the center, the largest part being at the bottom of her back. I studied it
carefully with my eyes, trying to figure out its intricacy. It was quite lovely and looked amazing on her
delicate skin.
"What made the artist choose this design for you?" I asked, looking down to the black pattern.
"She said it was for good luck."
"Do you like it?" I asked, maneuvering so that I could straddle myself over her legs, for better
"It's pretty," she said simply.
"Does it make you think anymore about getting one a real one?" My thumbs pressed into her skin
softly, along the lower part of her back.
"Yeah, but I don't think I'd want one that big," she chuckled.
"You would die if you got something like this your first time," I agreed, chuckling lightly in return.
"Does it really hurt that much?" She asked.
"Um," my hands started to work a little harder, finding all the knots and kinks. "I personally don't
mind it it's kind of like a good pain. Most people don't like, or can't handle tattoos along the spin
though. It's painful. I don't have one there, so I couldn't tell you how it feels from personal
"Did any of yours hurt?" She asked, turning her face so that her cheek lay on her arms.
"The shit on the inside of the arms hurt, 'cause the skin there is really sensitive. The outlining is
tolerable, but when they start shading the shit in, it's a little uncomfortable."
"Hmmwhere is a good spot that doesn't hurt?" She chuckled.
"Um," I chuckled myself trying to think of an answer. "I'm really not sure. It is a needle going into
your skin Bella," I teased.
"Well, where do you prefer it then on a girl?" She asked. I opened my mouth to speak, but then it
hit me. Was she asking me because she wanted to know where I would want one on her? Hmm
"I'm rather partial to tattoos on feet or wrists on girls, but both of those places hurt like a
"Really?" She asked surprised.
"Yeah, it is very sensitive skin."
"No, I mean the feet part," she chuckled.
"Ohyeah.what's wrong with that?" I moved my hands to her shoulders, and she closed her eyes as
I eased away the knots in her neck with my thumbs.
"Nothing, I just expected you to say something a little more risqu," she sighed softly.
"Like what? Tramp stamps and tit tats?" I teased.
"Maybe," she smiled, still keeping her eyes closed. Shit, what if she
"So you know, I hate fucking tramp stamps. They disgust me. And tit tattoos are like a fucking Tom
Hanks movie only one out of every ten you see are worth the five bucks you pay," I explained.
Bella chuckled hard and I removed one hand from her back, allowing it to palm the space beside her
arm on the bed. I rested most of my weight there, needing to lean forward and not wanting to crush
her under me. My hand that was still on her started to work its way down her back, using the butt of
my palm in a circular motion to get any missed knots. She hummed and tucked her arms under her
chest. My hand stilled for a moment as she caught me a little off-guard with something that should
not have been so erotic.
"Sorry, did I mess you up?" She moved her arms back under her face and leaned her head back
down, flashing me a little tit action accidently as she did it.
"Um, you're fine," I shook my head and tried to continue.
"I could fall asleep like this. You know if you decide you hate the restaurant business, you could
totally become a masseuse," her lips smiled as her eyes closed.
"I don't like touching random people. I have no idea how those people do it." It's only you BellaI like
touching you.
"I would have to agree with that. Hand shaking is like a major feat in my book." She chuckled.
"Do you feel any better?" I asked softly, only lightly running my hand over her bare skin.
"Mm hmm," she nodded, still keeping her eyes closed.
I kept my hand moving over her back, making a circle pattern with my palm laying flat. My eyes
watched her face and she once again moved her arms under her chest, sighing as she did.
"Does it feel good?" I asked softly, leaning a little lower to her face, my left hand still supporting my
"Mm," she hummed contently.
"We're going to be late for lunch." I said, leaning closer.
Stop me now Bella.
"Mm hmm," she hummed again.
"And everyone is going to wonder where we are," I added, close.
You're final chance Bella.
"Mm hmm," she hummed and arched her shoulder up towards where my mouth was headed.
I kissed her shoulder once, soft and slow, letting my lips suck softly to her warm skin. She didn't freak
out or back away, so I was apparently not reading the signs wrong. In fact, she fucking hummed again
and tilted her head to allow me in further. This time I went for the crook of her neck, giving her an
open mouthed kiss and then moved my way up towards her ear as my hand on her back came to rest
on the other side of her.
"If you don't want this Bella, you better say so now. I don't do blue balls twice in one day," I
whispered in her ear, punctuating my meaning by giving her another wet kiss on the neck.
She moved, and I wanted to recall my words, thinking she was changing her mind. I leaned away,
resting on my knees still over her. She twisted under me, turning so she was now on her back facing
me. She said nothing, but just pulled me towards her, using the front of my waistband. I fell back on
my palms, resting them on either side of her head. Her small hands traveled up to my neck and she
gripped the hair at the nape of my neck into her fist, pulling me down. She gave me soft kisses that
were tender and not at all what I was expecting.
"When we get back to Miami," she whispered in between kisses, "We'll work on the friends shit." She
kissed me a little more hastily. "But for now," she kissed me again, wrapping her legs around me and
forcing me down on her, "I just want you like this."
I was not about to argue with that shit.
Her lips parted under mine, and I gave into my need for her. My tongue slid into her mouth, gliding
gently over hers. I tilted my head to the side, taking her mouth into mine deeper, and lowered myself
down onto my forearms, imprisoning her under me right where I wanted her.
Our kiss was slow and sensual. Not at all hasty and how it should have been with the amount of pent-
up desire that lied within me. My hands framed her face and I thumbed her cheeks lovingly as I
kissed her. We went slow, pausing as we became breathless, and I leaned my forehead to hers,
panting with desire, wishing like hell that I didn't need air. Her lips let me know when she was ready
for more and brought me back in. When she pulled back again and I caught my breath first, I pulled
her back in, trading off the roles. My bare chest was flushed to hers hard on soft, inked flesh upon a
clean pallet of bronzed beauty, only becoming one in the same through need and desire and the
craving we both shared.
My lips moved down her chin, to the line of her jaw, creating a heated trail of opened-mouth kisses
to her collar bone. My hands slid from her face under her shoulders, and then followed the slick flesh
along her spin until I had two luscious Bella ass cheeks in my palms. I kept my face buried in her neck
kissing, nibbling, fucking loving her panting in my ear. Her legs tightened around my waist, grinding
herself into me, and I squeezed her ass firmly in my hands in response to how good she felt. I loved
her ass I was definitely an ass man. Tits were good too, but ass was much better. Especially right
nowBella's sweet assin my hands. Much fucking better.
Not that I had any intention of skimping the tits.
Her tits were good, perfect. Yes, let's move on to the tits.
My lips slid down her slick flesh, over her collar bone, not stopping until I reached my destination. I
opened my mouth for her taut nipple, sucking it softly into my mouth and then releasing it only to
take it back once more.
Then twice.
Three times.
She moaned on the fourth.
Clawed my shoulders on the fifth, and that's when I lost my shit.
I sat back on my knees, unbuttoning her jeans and reached behind me to tug them down her legs.
Bella undid my jeans as I pulled hers off. I slid my way off the bed, removing them along with my
boxer briefs in one clean slide. As I climbed back onto the bed, Bella held my gaze as her lips parted,
and she leaned back on her elbows, spread before me. I stroked my cock once as I reclaimed my
position on top of her. She laid flat on her back, running her hands up my inked arms as I dipped the
head of my cock inside of her slowly. Her eyes closed and she held her breath, but I watched her
face, wanting to see her expression as I entered her.
I went slow, savoring every nerve that became alive as my body joined with hers. Her warmth and
wet surrounded me, sheathing my length with her desire and arousal. The base of my body hit with
hers and she finally let go of her breath,
sighing my name in response. My eyes closed momentarily to the feeling, trying to calm my senses
that were awake and alive to every sensation. I had just entered her and already was almost over the
"Come here baby." Her hands were around my neck, pressing my forehead into hers. "Take your
time," she whispered against my lips, sensing my tension. I held my place within her, lowering my lips
back to hers and kissed her gently as my body became acclimated to hers.
"Mm," I hummed, moving slowly out of her and sliding back in just the same.
I kept my forehead to hers, needing to be as close to her as possible. My body rocked a little faster
and my fists gripped the bed sheet firmly as she tried to undo me with her tight walls.
"So good Edwardso fucking good." her hands slid up into my hair and I lowered my face into her
neck, tasting her warm skin with my mouth again. Bella's cell phone began to ring, vibrating loudly
against our hushed panting and murmured words. Four rings shrilled until it finally went to voice
"How many times?" I asked, thrusting harder.
"Howmanytimeswhat?" she whispered quickly before she held her breath, waiting for me to do it
"How many times do you think they will call looking for us?" I made sure to slide slower this time, but
knocked her ass into the bed with the force. She gasped and only shook her head to reply.
"Whatever number you guess" I repeated the same movement, "Is going to be the amount of times
I make you cum, Bella." This time I made sure to slide my hand under her ass and lift her so I could hit
the spot within her she craved.
"Three," she breathed. I hit it again and she dug her nails into my neck. "Fourdefinitely four," she
changed her mind.
I leaned off her, resting myself on my knees and left hand. I pulled her closer to me, resting her legs
over mine so the back of hers thighs rested on the top of mine. The position angled her back,
allowing me to hit deep within her and I used my right hand on her clit. My thumb rolled her swollen
bud gently and she tensed as I drove harder, making sure to hit her spot every time my body
slammed into hers.
"Right there, Bella?" I rubbed her clit harder, using the same words that always produced her
orgasms before.
"Right there, baby. Right there," she panted. I gave her three good thrusts and pinched her clit
gently, holding it between my fingers as she came around me. I held completely fucking still, trying
not to lose my shit, and just let her have the moment.
"That's one," I whispered after she started breathing again. The phone rang again, in perfect timing,
and I pulled myself from her, needing to change positions. I guided her up with my hands, turning her
in front of me. She leaned down on her hands and it was then that I realized, I never had her like this
My hand ran over her ass cheek and I allowed my thumb to run along her center. She bucked slightly
as I rubbed once to her sensitive clit and leaned my lips down to her skin, placing a soft kiss to the
apple of her cheek. The back of my hand slid down the inside of her thigh, pushing her legs further
apart and I kissed my way along her backside until I reached the valley in between. My tongue flicked
out, lightly tracing over her wet center.
"Edward," she moaned, clutching to the sheets with her fists. I repeated the same thing, licking her
just as slowly, until I reached the beginning of her back and finished with an open-mouth kiss. On my
third pass, I palmed her pussy and dipped my thumb inside of her.
"Fuckfuckfuck," she cried out, panting hard with her head bowed in between her shoulders.
"Two," I kissed her backside again and then hovered over her, needing to be inside her again.
I slid back slowly into her, loving how she always felt new every time. Her body stretched around me,
constricting with the aftermath of the first two orgasms. My hand reached under her, rubbing gently
at her clit, knowing that she was extremely sensitive. My finger swirled slowly, trying to keep her
right where she was and heighten her senses all at the same time. I pushed forward again, rocking a
little harder, flicking her bud as I entered her fully.
"Do you want number three Bella?" I whispered before kissing the back of her neck.
"Yes," she panted.
"Right now?" I mounted her, knowing I would have to hit deep to get a third orgasm out of her.
"Yes," she cried out. I used my hand that was under her to pull Bella's left leg out further, opening
her up wide for me. She leaned her head down onto her hands, arching her back towards me, and
closed her eyes. I of course, watched her.
"Right here?" I fucked her deep in our new position.
"Fuck yes," she moaned.
"More?" I waited for her answer, staying deep inside of her.
"More," she pleaded. The phone rang again and I counted that off as the third, in my head. I pulled
out from her and gave her another good pump, stretching her as I pressed the base of my body into
hers, pressing the limits of how much of me I could fit into her.
"More?" I asked again, holding still.
"More please more Edward," she panted. I pulled out slower, sliding back in faster. She cried out
and I swirled my fingers against her clit.
"EdwardEdwardEdward," her voice trailed out as her breath caught in her throat, and her third
orgasm took hold.
I pulled out, panting myself, and swallowed hard, trying not to cum. My fingers kept her orgasm alive
and as soon as I knew I was alright, I slid back into her. My hands pulled her up, flushing her back to
my chest, and I wrapped my arms around her, holding her tight in my grasp. The phone sounded
again, somehow seeming much more desperate than before maybe it was just because I was dying
to cum, but I wasn't sure. I pressed my lips into the crook of her neck, trying to be gentle with her,
knowing she had to be close to her breaking point. The back of her head leaned against my shoulder
and she held onto my forearms as I held her to me. As I traveled up her sweet neck, she tilted her
head, meeting my lips, and I kissed her soundly. My thrusts were slow, moving in sync to our kiss.
"Come with me this time Bella," I whispered against her lips. I loosened my hold on her as her
breathing became more labored, and palmed her breasts in my hands, trying to stimulate her upper
body this time.
"Mm," she hummed, leaning her head back to my shoulder. "Right there," she whispered, tilting her
head to look at me.
"Right here?" I pumped a little faster, squeezing her tits firmer in my hands.
"Right there, Edward. Right there," she panted, closing her eyes. The phone rang and I drove harder,
holding her to me with my hands full of her tits.
"Come for me baby," she whispered before her breath caught, signaling her fourth climax.
"Fuck." I pulled her into me hard each time as I spurted three long streams inside of her. I knew it
was fucking wrong. I knew I should have fucking pulled out, or not done this at all, but I just couldn't
find it in me to care cause she felt so fucking good around me.
So perfect and justfucking right.
"Four." I wrapped her back in my arms and held her to me, kissing the side of her head several times
before I took a deep breath, trying to settle myself.
The phone rang again and we both chuckled lightly. Bella hummed in my arms and tilted her head to
mine, kissing my jaw with her sweet lips. I cupped one hand to her face and kissed her back on her
forehead before I released her.
"Go to the restroom, sweetheart." I pulled out from her slowly and she gripped my arm as I did.
"Shit." She moved quickly from the bed to skip to the bathroom.
I fell down into the bed, completely drained, letting out a hard sigh, and closed my eyes for a
moment, trying to refocus. I heard Bella in the bathroom, turning the water on, and I assumed she
was showering. Her cell phone sounded again and I reached over to the side table to grab it. As I
flipped it open, I saw it was Emmett, just as I suspected.
"What?" I said, irritated.
"Ohuh, where are you? Where is B? You guys were supposed to.."
"I know. Sorry. We are just talking alright?" I lied.
"You can't talk at lunch?" Sometimes he was so dense.
"No, we can't. Just go without us. We'll get something later." Like room service.
"Alright, well can I talk to Bwait, why are you answering Bella's phone?"
"Em, I am assuming you are standing amongst people who know nothing about the shit that Bella
and I have together, yes?"
"Uh, yeah."
"Well then maybe you should save your inquisition for when we are alone," I said pointedly.
"Oh, yeah...right. Sorry. Well anyhow. Tell B to call me. Alright?"
"Yeah sure." I flipped the phone closed and tossed it back on the table, then slid down into the bed,
closing my eyes once more.
I must have dozed off, because the next thing I felt was Bella sliding under my arm as I lay on my side.
Her fragrance crept inside of my airways, causing me to hum at how pleasurable she smelled and felt
against me freshly washed and warm.
"Hi," she said softly, placing a small kiss to my lips.
"Hi," I replied, kissing her back.
"I didn't mean to wake you, sorry," she said, kissing me again.
"I didn't mean to fall asleep," I teased.
"It's alright. You deserved it," she chuckled lightly, resting her head into my chest.
"Emmett called while you were in the shower. I told him I had you folded like a pretzel and you
couldn't come to the phone." Her head shot up and I laughed.
"Kidding, of course. I told him we were talking and to fuck off." I kissed her head and she relaxed
back into me.
"That was definitely the best conversation we have ever had," she chuckled.
"Think so?" I stroked her damp hair with my fingers.
"Mm." she curled into me further.
"Are you hungry? Before you said you were starving," I asked.
"Yes, but I don't want to move," she sighed.
"We can call room service," I kissed her head lightly.
"Mm, can we just lay here quiet for a minute?" She asked softly.
I hugged her and allowed my head to rest atop hers. She melted into me, sighing hard, and I placed
one last kiss to my neck before I felt her fall limp. My hand nestled under her damp hair and I
allowed my finger tips to rub small circles into her scalp. She felt so small and delicate and warm and
perfect. I yawned once and let out a long sigh, feeling completely content and falling right back into
my own dreams.
"You knowyou were supposed to be helping me get rid of the sore muscles, not bring on more,"
Bella whined as we walked to a local eatery just a few blocks down from our hotel, once we woke up
from nap time.
"Want me to carry you?" I held out my arms.
"No," she grumbled. "I'll just have to deal with looking like I have a pole jammed up my ass."
I fucking snorted at her.
"You have such eloquence about you sometimes, Bella, it amazes me." I took her hand and walked
across the street with her, being careful of cars. Some A-hole in a minivan had just almost hit a
bicycle rider the block before, running a red, and I wasn't taking any chances.
"You have this real need to treat me like a child, don't you?" She raised our hands as we crossed.
"No, I'm pretty sure the last hour proved who your daddy was Bella." I winked at her and she gaped
at me. "Ah, where's the paparazzi when you need one. You being speechless is definitely a Kodak
moment." I tugged the door open and she punched me hard as she walked inside.
We ordered our food. Teriyaki beef sandwiches with pineapple rice on the side and some drinks.
There was a small grouping of tables in the corner we chose to sit in, Bella sliding into the booth
before me and demanding I sit on her left. She apparently had issues with sitting alone on a booth
bench. That was fine it let me be closer to her.
"So," she wiped her mouth and reached for her drink. "What did Em want when he called?"
"He wanted to talk to you about something," I shrugged taking a bite.
"I should call," she pulled her bag to her lap and searched out her phone.
I ate while she dialed him and noticed a group of young girls eyeing me from the table to our left.
They looked away giggling as I caught them and I shook my head at their immaturity, and went back
to my food.
"Finejust give it to him Emmett. NoI really don't care, its fucking money. Make my life easy why
don't you." Bella took an angry bite and tossed it down.
"I have to go Em, just listen to me please." She flipped her phone down and tossed it on the table.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"It's nothing," she shook her head and reached for her food.
"Talk to me Bella. We're supposed to be doing that shit, remember?" I asked softly, looking towards
"It's just James. It's no big deal."
"I think anything that has to do with James after what you told me is a pretty big deal sweetheart."
"He just asks for a bigger payroll sometime for the staff, that's all. Its favoritism, but not as bad as
what he could ask for." She took a bite and leaned back wiping her mouth.
"Why does he need a bigger pay roll?" I asked
"I don't know Edward 'cause maybe he fucking sucks at time management," she huffed.
"I'm sorryI shouldn't be getting mad at you. I'm notIt's just" She shook her head.
"He grates your ass," I teased, trying to lighten her mood. It worked a little, as she gave me a faint
"Those chicks are checking you out." She smiled wider, looking at them from across the room.
"I see that." I took a long sip of my drink as she stared at them.
"You should go and give them your autograph," she chuckled, looking back to her food.
"Yeah, I'll get right on that," I said sarcastically.
"Can I ask something Bella?" She nodded at me as she ate her food. "If James has shit on youwhy
don't you get shit on James even out the score, you know?"
"Like what Edward? What could compare to what he has?"
"Call his bluff. You said he uses it for fear see if he'll really do it. He's on the tape too you know.
Chances are he won't be too keen on showing his ass all over the TV and internet."
"Edward, he would not only get rich off selling the tape, but he would also be considered some type
of legend having nailed me in my restaurant. Shit doesn't work the same way for women as it does
for men. I would be the slut and he would be the man."
"What if he is just bluffing though? How do you even know he has a tape? Maybe it's all a lie," I
"I don't think he's lying and I don't think he's bluffing. I'm perfectly fine to not find out if he is too."
"Number one, you are not fine with this. Number two, what about the other thing I said?"
"What other thing?"
"Evening out the score, having shit on him, Bella. I'm sure he has some type of dirty skeletons in his
"I don't know," she shook her head and looked away.
"Bell." I waited for her to look back towards me. "Whatever happened to becoming a monster to
take down one, love?" I tucked her hair back and rubbed her cheek as I held her gaze.
"I don't know that I am that big of a monster, Edward."
"Well maybe it takes a couple of monsters," I smiled crookedly at her.
"You're not a monster either. Your punk ass doesn't even know how to deal with your ditzy baby
mamma," she smiled teasingly.
I leaned in to kiss her but was stopped as I watched her brow furrow, looking past me. I looked back
to see two of the giggle girls from the table across the room coming our way. I groaned internally and
of course, Bella laughed in amusement out loud. They couldn't have been more than 18 or 19 years
"Hi!" one of the tall blondes said, pausing at our table.
"Hi," I said back lamely.
"So um, my name is Kimber and this is Shayla," she said.
"I really like your tattoos," the other girl cooed. Bella was shaking next to me, sliding down in her seat
and trying not to laugh. I pinched her under the table and she kicked me.
"Thanks," I chuckled.
"Did they hurt?" Kimber asked.
"No, not really." Bella poked me in my side and I grabbed her hand, holding it over my crotch.
Kimber's eyes about popped out of her head.
"So, do you go to school around here?" Shayla asked.
"No honey. I am long past school days. I don't live here either." Bella was now trying to wiggle her
hand free, but I held her tight.
"Do you guys mind? Me and my brother are trying to have dinner," Bella said irritated, scooting
closer to me.
"Ohhe is your brother?" Shayla's eyes widened, thinking Bella was not my girlfriend.
"Yeah, my baby brother. Measly eighteen years old," she smiled at the girls.
"Really?" They said in unison.
"Yeah. Bella is my sister. We are very close," I rubbed her hand on my crotch and they both looked
down, mouths gaping wide open.
"Really close," Bella whispered, playing along finally. She then leaned over and ran her finger down
my face, pulling my chin towards her. I played along, trying to hide the smirk on my face and kissed
her full on French kiss style.
The girls didn't say goodbye, they simply backed away slowly as Bella climbed into my lap and we had
a nice When Harry Met Sally moment. The only thing missing was someone saying, 'I'll have what
she's having.'
No one wanted this shit.
Bella pulled away still sitting on my lap and chuckled as she wiped her mouth, as I may have put a
little more umph into the kiss than needed. Okay fuck it, I did do that shit. My arms wrapped around
her waist and Bella's hands held onto my neck, her ass slightly sitting on the table, as booths were
not made for this type of fuckery.
"Shouldn't you want to be all up on some young blonde poon Edward?" She teased.
"Should? Probably. Do I want to be? No, not in the least," I shook my head.
"How come? I thought you had a thing for blondesspecially young ones?" She whispered, leaning in
closer, still teasing.
"I've grown wiser with age Bella," I leaned my lips to her ear. "I prefer brunettes with sexy henna
tattoos." She chuckled and I kissed her cheek, leaning back.
"Speaking of tattoos, are you still getting this one fixed?" She asked, tracing her fingers over the black
"I'm planning on it, yes," I nodded.
"When?" She asked.
"I'm not sure. I have to wait for the guy who usually works on me to come back to Miami. He is in LA
right now, for the next few weeks actually," I explained.
"Oh," she nodded. "Can I go when you do it? Like to watch."
"I guess. It takes a while, especially this fuckery, because he will have to cover it up."
"That's alright. I just want to see how it's done." She slid out of my hold and back to her seat.
"Ready to go Bell?" I collected our trash and slid out.
"Yup." She followed me out and I heard her chuckle behind me. I looked back to her after I tossed
our trash to see what was funny. She was still looking at the same group of girl and a wicked gleam
cam into her eye.
"I think I'll have you carry me now."

I was full and tired after our food. Bella and I sloshed our way back up to our hotel room, choosing
my suite this time, and plopped down into bed to watch a movie. As she crawled under the covers, I
debated, but knew I had to call Ness. It was almost her bedtime and I couldn't stall on that shit just
because Bella was here. I sat back against the pillows with her by my side, sunken down into the bed
watching as I dialed.
"Sorry, I have to call Ness and say goodnight," I explained as I dialed.
"Sure, of course," she nodded, looking back towards the screen.
My mother picked up on the third ring and I could hear irritation in her tone.
"Hey mom. What's wrong?" I asked.
"Nothing honey. Just having issues with the remodeling," she sighed.
"Sorry, you should know how that goes by now though, yes?" I teased.
"Haha Edward. How is Hawaii?" She asked, probably changing topics so I couldn't pick on her any
"It's fine, quite beautiful actually," I smiled looking down to Bella, but she didn't see me.
"That is great dear."
"Yeah. Can I talk to Ness, I know it's almost bedtime, sorry for calling so late."
"You're fine. She's wide awake. You're father took her for ice cream and she is bouncing off the walls
full of sugar."
"Mah," I whined. He knew I hated that shit.
"I know, I know. I already yelled at him. Trust me." She held the phone away and called for Ness.
"Papa?" She panted into the phone, completely out of breath.
"Hi sweetheart," I smiled.
"Daddy!" She squealed.
"What are you doing baby? You sound very winded."
"Pwaying wif pop pop."
"What are you playing?" My father did not like to play, I couldn't even guess what it was.
"Sheckers," she giggled.
"Checkers? That isn't a game that makes you run out of breath sweetheart," I chuckled, sliding down
a little into bed.
"I know but" she swallowed and took a deep breath, "I was in da udder room and gamma said you
was on da phone."
"Oh. So you ran just for me?" I chuckled.
"Yup," she said proud.
"Thank you baby. Daddy will bring you back something nice alright?"
"Mm'k. Daddy?"
"Yes sweetheart."
"When do you com back? I misses you," she sniffled.
"I leave tomorrow morning baby. So tomorrow night, when you are sleeping, daddy will surprise you
and be there, okay?"
"I can't seep."
"Why not honey?"
"Becawse, you not dewre."
"I will be tomorrow Ness. I promise, but it's like with Santa, you have to sleep so I will come, okay?"
"And bing pesants?"
"Yes sweetheart, I'll bring you presents," I chuckled.
"Kay den daddy."
"Let me talk to grandma before you hang up honey. I love you."
"Wuv you papa." She passed the phone to my mother and I heard her feet take off again.
"Edward?" My mother asked picking back up.
"I'm going to kill dad."
"Goodnight Edward," she said irritated.
"Wait, I really wanted to say something."
"Go on."
"Thank you for watching Ness. I'll be home really late so please make sure she tries to sleep."
"Sure honey, I'll make sure to tie her down to the bed."
"I'm serious."
"Me too," she chuckled.
"Mah," I whined again.
"Good night Ed-ward."
"Night," I grumbled, flipping my phone closed. I tossed it aside and slid down into bed, wrapping my
arm around Bella's shoulder.
"What are we watching?" I asked.
"UmI'm not sure. I was just flipping channels." She shook her head and I stared at her, knowing
something was off.
"What is wrong Bella?"
"Nothing. Why would something be wrong?" She kept her face forwards, still flipping.
"Because number one you're not looking at me when you answer, and number two, you just passed
Man Vs Food three times in a row." I grabbed the remote control from her and tossed it aside.
"What is it?" My fingers turned her chin towards me. Her expression was pensive, but she took a
deep breath and spoke.
"Why did you lie the other night to Ness?" She asked nervously.
"Lie about what?"
"About being with me," she looked down and I released her chin. My heart broke as I realized what
she was asking, and I took her chin back into my hand.
"Bella, I only lied because we were working and still pretty angry at each other. I wasn't trying to hurt
you though. I just didn't want to say yes to her and make you feel obligated to talk to her when she
inevitably asked me two seconds after the word left my mouth."
"Oh," she said softly, with a slight nod.
"What did you think?"
"I just didn't know," she shrugged. "Can we watch Man Vs Food now?" She eyed the remote.
"Sure." I flipped the channel back and snuggled next to her, fully prepared to watch Adam take down
a super-stuffed, seven pound sandwich.
I wasn't sure what the next day would bring us. We would leave in the morning, head back to Miami,
and attempt to be mere friends, leaving our romance behind us here in Hawaii for good. My arms
held her a little closer and I breathed in her scent like it was the last time I ever would. Because
something in my heart just told me it probably would be.
Chapter Eleven ~ Angels Standing By
Bella POV
7:35 am
I plotted. I planned. I schemed. I fucking hit the jackpot.
The truth was that I did call Emmett first. He fucking blew me off for that cunt Rose though and I was
left with only plan B. I was all headed for the fucking downstairs spa for some serious R & R, when
butterbean punched me in the fucking head and told me to 'back the fuck up.'
Edward was four doors down, had perfectly good hands, and that motherfucker was so going to give
me some good shoulder rubbing. Then of course, butterbean told me to 'fucking think that shit
through' and don't settle on just a fucking shoulder rub. No.
We wanted full on hand-on-body action.
Edward's hands his perfect hands.
Fuck and Yes.
I came. I saw. He conquered.
Did I say- fuck and yes, already?
Right now, I could feel his lips on my forehead as we lay together. I knew I wasn't dreaming because I
could also feel his hard-on pressed into my bare leg, and there was no way that fucking thing wasn't
real. Plus, if I was dreaming, I wouldn't be simply laying here thinking about Edward's peen I would
be all up on that peen.
"I know you're awake," he whispered in a musical tone. "I can see the smile on your lips." He found
those lips before I could speak.
"We need to get up," my stupid mouth said against his.
"This will only take a minute or two," he teased, chuckling softly. "I promise." Edward reclaimed my
lips once again.
Something told me nothing that involved Edward, his lips or this bed, would only take a minute or
Fuck it. That was butterbean by the way.
Edward climbed to his knees, still keeping our kiss alive, and positioned himself over me. His strong
hand slid under my back and pulled me under him roughly. I loved this side of Edward he was
putting me in my damn place.
And oh what a place to be under Edward, in the bed, about to get our sexy on.
We were still nude from our 2am romp yeah, we got down like that and his hard-on was now
flush up against my bareness. He wasted no time, nor did he need to, because I was more than ready
for him. I knew for sure I would regret this later on when I was walking around bow-legged as a
motherfucker, but did I care? Fuck no. This was my last chance at being with him before the 'no
entry' sign went up.
Edward slid into me gently. I sighed at the feeling. How perfect he always felt. How perfect he always
made me feel. My eyes closed, and I held my breath until he slid out, trying to keep myself
constricted around him. I wanted him to feel perfect while inside of me too. Edward leaned down
onto his forearms, framing the sides of my face, and his fingers found mine. We were joined in every
facet fingers, hands, hearts, body, mind and soul.
Like I said perfect.
His playfulness withered away as his fingers tightened around mine. I opened my eyes to see his face
and was surprised at the contemplative expression he wore. Edward's thrusts were slow, gentle. His
eyes watched me carefully and I couldn't look away. There was so much depth in the cool blue of
them, all of his silent thoughts that I wanted so badly to uncover.
"Bella?" he whispered.
"Are you alright sweetheart?" he stopped moving.
"I'm fine," I replied, confused.
"You're crying," he shook his head. "Does it hurt?" he tried to pull away from me, but I locked my legs
around him.
"No." I shook my head and closed my eyes. I didn't realize I had been crying. It didn't hurt.
"Then why are you crying?" Edward's hands palmed the spaces beside my head, looking down to me.
"I don't know, but it doesn't hurt. Please." I wrapped my hands around his neck, trying to pull him
down to me.
"Are you sad to leave?" he asked, starting to move again, slowly.
"A little," I breathed, still keeping my eyes closed.
"Me too," he whispered, leaning down to kiss me.
Edward put his weight on his left forearm, using his right hand to caress my face as he kissed me
lovingly. I asked him silently with my legs to go harder and he complied. His mouth stayed on mine,
even when he stopped kissing me to breathe. It was tender and sweet. It reminded me of our earlier
days together and the feeling burned in my chest. All I could see was the last few weeks flash under
my lids as my body begged for more of him. It was like every part of me knew he would go away and
didn't want to let go. I clung to Edward and kissed him forcefully. He returned the gesture and
stopped his thrusting as I started to cry harder.
"I'm sorryI just" My words trailed off, trying to stop my sobbing and he scooped me up into his
arms, leaning back on his heels.
"It's alright," Edward whispered, smoothing his hand over my hair as he held me.
Edward rocked me gently, humming softly until my sobs ran out. He didn't ask me why I was crying
again. I think he just knew felt what I was feeling. There was no argument on the matter though.
We both knew that ending our romantic relationship was going to happen that it needed to
"You're wounding my ego Bell." He kissed my head and leaned back to look at me. "I've never had a
woman cry during sex before," he smiled, trying to lift my mood, I assumed.
"Sorry," I laughed once, humorlessly.
"I'm just teasing." He thumbed my wet face then kissed my forehead before he pulled me back
against his chest.
"We need to get ready or we are going to miss our flight." I leaned away from him unwillingly, but it
was the truth. "I still need to pack." I slid from the bed, fumbling around to find my clothes.
"Here," he tossed me my underwear and shirt he found.
"Want to shower here?" he asked, climbing to his feet. Butterbean cursed at me for crying and not
fucking the holy hell out of him as she stared at his hot naked body.
"I need to go back to my room," I shook my head, and his face fell as I pulled my jeans back on.
"Bella," he called, as I walked passed him. I turned around, and he walked towards me, closing the
distance between us.
"We're good, right?" he asked. "What I mean is, you're not going to walk out that door and regret
what happened. Are you?"
"No." I simply said. He nodded and leaned in to kiss my forehead once.
"Me either." His hand found my cheek and his stare that broke me before was back on, and in full
"Edward, the only part about this shit that I regret" I swallowed hard, "Is that I have to walk out
that door at all."
8:55 am
As I walked down into the lobby, Edward was talking with Alice, whom I recognized from the bakery
in Miami. They seemed to be getting along quite well, laughing as they exchanged words. I expected
to feel jealous, but it didn't come. It just didn't seem like a flirtatious interaction almost like they
were brother and sister like me and Emmett. That made me happy actually. It was good to see that
not everyone in Jessica's little ho circle was out to get Edward.
The lobby area was pretty crowded with everyone trying to check out this morning, which was way
too damn claustrophobic for my happy ass. I scooted towards the entrance doors to get a smoke in,
knowing it would be hours before I could again. Edward gave me a smile as I passed him and then
went back to his chatting with Alice. Good boy. As I stepped out to the curb and tapped a cigarette
from the pack, I smelt the familiar pipe that always haunted me as a child. Looking to my right, I saw
Charlie puffing away on his signature stink pipe. His eyes caught mine and I expected him to look
away, but he didn't.
"That shit will give you cancer, kid," he said, nodding to my cigarette.
"Look who's talking." I brought my smoke up to my lips and lit the end.
"Yeah, guess you're right," he chuckled once, taking a puff. "So, where you headed off to when you
leave today? Feeding the King of England?" he teased.
"Did you get laid by a gang bang of Hawaiians last night or something? Why are you so damn chipper
this morning?"
"Forget it." He looked back to the ground and I wanted to punch myself.
"I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to be a bitch. I"
"No you're not Bella," he mumbled, still keeping his eyes on the ground.
"Miami. I'm going back to Miami," I answered his original question.
"What's there?" He looked up from the ground finally, taking a puff, and held my gaze.
"My new place. The Workshop." I took a long drag from my cigarette and blew the smoke out hard.
"How is that going?"
"Alright. I have a new sous chef. He is really inexperienced, but good." Damn good.
"The kid the big guy introduced me to, right?" So he was paying attention. Amazing.
"Yeah, Edward."
"He seems to have a big smile for you. You better watch out for him," Charlie said.
"Are you getting all fatherly on me, Charlie?" I teased.
"No, when he steps out of line" he took a puff from his pipe, "That's when I'll get all fatherly on
you," he winked.
I was taken aback by his words. What changed? This was not the same man who had just basically
written me off a few days prior. My words stuck in my throat and I could only stand there, puffing
away smoking.
"Ready to bounce B?" Emmett's voice startled me and I spun around to see him and the others
coming out of the lobby doors.
"Yeah," I nodded as I dropped my smoked cigarette to the ground, smashing it with my foot.
"Cool. I'll get your bags and shit. Be right back," Emmett said, returning inside.
Edward walked passed him, with Alice on his side. She smiled at me and said hello. I greeted her back
and then she said her goodbye to Edward before finding Rosalie. I turned back around and saw
Charlie walking towards me. Edward stood by my side and I felt his hand lightly rub my shoulder once
in a comforting gesture.
"Looks like you're off kid," Charlie said, pausing in front of me.
"Aren't you leaving today too, dad?" I asked.
"No, Sue is coming up. Our late honeymoon and all that." He scratched the back of his head
chuckling. He must have forgotten again.
"Oh. Well that's nice. Tell her I said hello."
"I will," he nodded. "Would be nice if you told her every now and then, Bella. she misses you."
"I know. I miss her also."
"Time to get this show on the road!" Emmett bellowed, tapping Edward's shoulder hard as he
strolled by.
"Well, I'll see you, dad. Come by Miami some time. I'd be happy to show you what the sun looks like,"
I teased.
"You never did like Forks," he chuckled once, looking nervous, like he wasn't sure what to do how
to say goodbye.
"Bye Charlie." I did it for him, hitting him lightly on his chest as I passed.
"Bells?" he called, stepping back towards me. "You keep givin' those boys hell, kid." He lightly
slapped my cheek once, like he used to when I was a kid, and then looked to Edward.
"I ever see you lick anything off my daughter again and you will have a meat locker down in
Washington with your name on it." He pointed at him and I chuckled.
"Dad," I shook my head at him.
"Go catch your plane," he winked at me and looked away.
Edward threw his arm over my shoulder and walked with me to our awaiting limo. As we climbed
inside, I sighed, sliding into my seat and couldn't help the smile from creeping on my lips. Emmett
was inside already waiting for us. He handed me a glass of champagne and smiled.
"To Hawaii," he said, lifting his glass to me.
"No, to Miami," I corrected, looking around the limo at all the faces of the people who made this trip
a success.
"That is true," Emmett said, resting his glass back down to pour the others each a glass, handing
Edward the last.
"To Miami," he said, winking at me this time, glass raised.
"To Miami." I tapped my glass to his and took a small sip, toasting to our new life ahead, in Miami.
11:22 am
Edward was watching a movie next to me on the plane ride home, an old Adam Sandler movie "The
Wedding Singer". I laughed with him as Rosie, little old lady scooped the meatballs into Adam's palms
as payment for singing lessons. I pulled one of Edward's ear buds free to speak to him.
"Ever notice we like watching shit with guys named Adam?"
"It does seem to be a rather popular name in our TV viewing world," he agreed, smiling.
"Can I use your shoulder as a head rest? My fucking neck hurts."
"Need a massage, do you?" I saw his lips twitch as he tried to watch the screen.
"I have no plans on being a member of the Mile High Club, thank you." I poked the corner of his
mouth with my index finger and he laughed at my words then took my hand into his.
"Yes, you can use my shoulder if you wish," he said, answering my original question.
"Then slouch down motherfucker. You're too tall." I readied my pillow as he shook his head at me.
"You know, you should be nicer to me." Edward slid down into his seat, resting one arm behind his
head. "Not too many people would offer you their shoulder."
"And no one did hence the demanding of said shoulder." I hit my mini pillow into him and got
It wasn't long after I rested my head down that I fell asleep, only to have woken up in a different city.
We had to connect in Las Vegas, and I was glad. This meant I could visit my other restaurant and I
was happy the others could come too. Once we all gathered in the terminal, I grabbed Emmett's arm
to inform him of my plans.
"Our connecting flight isn't for a few hours, so I want to go over to Twilight and have dinner. Make a
call to Laurent and make that happen," I instructed.
"Already did," he said smugly.
"Well it's about fucking time you did something right." I teased back. He laughed as we walked
together through the airport.
Edward was having his ear talked off by some girl at the McDonald's counter. Apparently giving a
person their fucking French fries and taking their money was not an easy task for ditzy teenage girls.
He looked rather tortured by it though, so I thought it was pretty damn funny. As he made his way
back over towards us, I started to giggle uncontrollably and he knew exactly why.
"Shut it." Edward said, pointing at my face.
"Can I have some fries sexy tattooed man?" I teased, batting my big brown eyes at him, full on 'Puss
in Boots' style.
"No." He held them away from me, but I could see the smile playing on his lips.
"Give me a fucking fry Edward." I grabbed his shirt, but he shook his head no.
"Don't make me kick you. I am not opposed to violence when it comes to getting my way, especially
when my way leads to fucking French fries." I held my foot up to him and cocked my eyebrow
challenging him.
"They aren't even real potatoes, you know," he teased and then held them down to me.
"Uh, that's why they taste so fucking good Edward, duuuh." I grabbed a handful and smiled at him.
"That was not the answer I would have expected from you." Edward said, walking with me as we
made our way to the exit.
"It's just how the laws of humanity work Edward. Our body's always want what our minds know we
shouldn't have." I gave him a meaningful look and he held his fries back to me, not commenting
further on my cryptic bullshit.
"Four motherfucking assistant chefs not in uniform, a tray of seafood gone bad, and fucking dirty
counters! What the fuck is going on up in this bitch, Laurent?!" I was going to kill him. As I gave
Edward a tour of our Las Vegas location, Twilight, I was utterly embarrassed. This was not how to
show Edward the ways of running a restaurant. No wonder Laurent's sales were down.
"You have thirty motherfucking seconds to get to explaining yourself before I fucking kick you in the
funbag and drop your ass like a bad habit, Laurent!" I was practically nose to nose with him, shouting
in his face.
"It just.I.He would" Laurent stuttered.
"Iwhowhat" I mocked him and then pushed him away from me, pulling the tray of rotten
seafood from under the counter.
"This shit, motherfucker, is about a grand worth of the ocean's finest. Since you have no reason for
why it has gone to waste, you'll be paying for it. Emily is out of uniform. Which means she has
technically not been working since she's clocked in, because I am pretty fucking sure that nice set of
rules, that I spent a few thousand dollars paying someone to compile into a nice reference book for
my managers as well as staff, explained that if you are not in proper uniform attire, you are not to
attend work. Basically Laurent, you just got yourself a nice hefty fine my friend. I also haven't missed
that you have been going over your allotted hours I check that shit. I know you all think I don't, but
I fucking do, with a fine-
toothed comb, asshole. Your bussers have averaged three hours of overtime each week for the past
two months. That shit is coming out of your pay too and you can kiss your fucking bonus tata as
well." I stared at him as his eyes flared. That was a soft spot for him.
"Want to fucking tell me off don't you?" I was back in his face, waiting for the words I knew would
never come. He knew better. "Go fuck off and clean my kitchen." I pushed him away and turned
around to see Edward trying very hard not to laugh.
"Oh don't even, Edward. You will get your ass reamed someday too." I grabbed a fistful of his shirt
and tugged him along with me, exiting the kitchen.
"May I ask something?" Edward said, as we approached our awaiting table.
"Sure," I replied, taking my seat.
"How do you name your restaurants? What makes you choose the names?" He picked up the menu
and his eyes roamed over the gold lettering of Twilight on the cover.
"Um," I took a sip of water, thinking of an answer and then spoke. "Well, Riley's was my first. It was
my Grandfather's name. Then this was next, it was justsomething that came to me one night,
watching the sun set. Las Vegas has some of the most beautiful sunsets I've ever seen." I took
another sip of water and settled it down.
"And The Workshop?" Edward asked, watching me carefully with his eyes in the way that always
made me feel so exposed.
"It was the name of Charlie's diner when I was a kid. When he first bought it, that's what the old
owner used to call it."
"But what does that have to do with Miami? I don't understand."
"I guess I just wanted something that was more laid back, but still a little refined," I shrugged.
"What's your favorite?" he asked as the bread was delivered to the table.
"My favorite what?" I asked, reaching for the basket, checking under the cloth to make sure the
baskets were clean.
"Restaurant," he replied, as I placed a roll on his plate.
"I'm not sure. They all mean something different. Probably New York or Paris, if I had to choose."
"Hmm," Edward's brows scrunched, looking down to his roll.
"I didn't think you would say New York."
"The restaurant is fine. I also happen to love New York. It's just like me it never sleeps." I smiled,
taking a bite of bread.
"I see. You know I have never been there. Africa, most of Europe, Japan- seen them all. New York,
never," he smiled.
"Really? Waityou have been to Africa?" My brows scrunched looking at him in surprise.
"My parents liked to travel a lot when Emmett and I were kids. Every summer we went somewhere
new," he explained.
"No shit. What the fuck is Africa like?" I picked up my glass of wine, smiling that I never had to ask for
shit in my restaurant. The servers just knew what to bring me.
"It's hot," he chuckled.
"No shit Sherlock."
"I'm just kidding. Well, it is hotbut it is also beautiful. A little scary when you're ten and surrounded
by shit that can eat you, but other than that, beautiful." He picked up his water goblet and took a sip.
"Did you like Japan?" I asked, having been there myself, by myself and never being able to talk to
anyone about it before.
"I did. I was like, fourteen I think, so I could appreciate it a little more. Some of the history didn't
quite affect me the way it would today though I'm sure. I mostly just enjoyed eating," he smiled.
"Fuck Edward, I'm twenty six and my goal is always to enjoy the food above all else. It's in our genes,
you better just get used to that shit."
"Have you been?" he asked.
"Several times." I nodded. "I help Gordon run Conrad, so I have to go every six months or so."
"Really?" he asked surprised.
"Yeah, I have a tour coming up in a few weeks actually. Which reminds me, I am hiring a new sous
chef when we get back to Miami. You need to start working with someone. I should have been
training them the same time as you, but I didn't think you would last honestly." Our food finally
arrived, Emmett having ordered for us ahead of time. We were dining 'family style' tonight. Everyone
sampling a little of everything my menu offered. Edward looked confused as I passed him the salad
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"I just didn't know you decided to promote me." He took the bowl and passed it along, not taking any
for himself.
"I didn't. I just said you needed to work with someone. If I decide to promote you, then you will need
a number two and I don't have time to train somebody after I make that choice. Plus," I passed him
the bowl of handmade ravioli, which he took a generous portion of. Good boy "I like being able to
hold having someone else over your head. Make you sweat a little," I teased. Edward paused after he
speared a ravioli, and settled his fork down on the plate. Turning his head, he looked deep into my
"And you think you don't already?" Edward held my gaze and I swallowed hard as he brought
butterbean to life with the intensity of his eyes.
We cannot fuck him in the bathroom. We cannot fuck him in the bathroom.
"Regardless, you need a number two." I looked back to my food and tried to focus. He, apparently,
was having none of that. He leaned over and brushed my hair back to whisper in my ear.
"You are aware that we are not on Miami soil, yes?"
"Edward," I said in a warning tone, glancing to the other members of our table.
"They don't give a shit Bella. Look at them." He glanced around and I followed Edward's eyes. He was
right. They were all wrapped up in their own conversations and eating.
"There is only one thing at this table I wantand it isn't the fucking ravioli," Edward whispered again,
and I shivered at his words.
My officeI could totally fuck him in my office
"My office." I slid back from the table and climbed to my feet. No one noticed. I didn't look back to
see if he was following me or not, I could just sense that he was.
Was this shit risky? Hell motherfucking yes. Did I care? Hell motherfucking no.
I felt him before I even got a chance to spin around and close the door behind me. Edward's hands
we're on my hips pulling me into him from behind. His lips found my neck and began an assault of
nibbling and kissing until he reached my jaw. Butterbean was flying at a thousand miles per hour, and
to drive her even more insane, he slid his hands over my hips, down the lower part of my belly and
then pressed his fingers over the hill she resided on in between my legs.
I fell forward, palming my desk and he bent over with me, still keeping his lips to my neck. Edward's
left foot slid my own out further, spreading my legs as he held me. I felt his hands move back over
the same path they traveled, but this time in reverse, not stopping until he reached the hem of my
white sundress.
"Bella, you, in fucking white," he leaned over me whispering, "Drives me insane." Edward reached
under my dress, sliding my panties slowly down my legs. His fingers rubbed along my slick skin as I
heard him undoing his pants with his free hand.
"Please," I pleaded in a whisper. Edward dipped his long middle finger inside of me and I ached with
desire for more, arching my back towards him, asking silently. Edward pumped his finger slowly,
teasing me, knowing he was driving me crazy.
"Esto es mio" This is mine. Fuck he was bringing back the Spanish shit to tease me.
I moaned at his words and he added a second finger. His thumb found Butterbean, and began playing
with her, swirling her slowly as he fucked me with his perfect digits.
"Edward, please," I pleaded again.
"Recuerda, la gente nos puede escuchar," Remember, people are listening, he whispered, removing
his fingers.
"Please," I whispered again, just barely audible. Edward complied with my final request. I felt the
heavy head of his cock on my entrance, but he paused.
"Right here?" he asked, his words that always drove me crazy for some reason.
"Fuck yes," I panted.
I arched my back further, wanting to feel him deep inside of me. Edward slid slowly, inching his way
in, palms splayed on the desk on either side of me like bookends. Oh, we were so going to have a
happy ending. The base of his body hit mine and he groaned. I bit my bottom lip, trying to be quiet
and not have my employees find out that I was fucking one of their own in my God damned office
right now. He pumped harder the second time, even harder on the third, and I had to fight hard to
keep the moans in my throat in place. Shit, he felt fucking good. Edward's right arm hooked
underneath me, across my breasts and his hand gripped the crook of my neck as he fucked me
"Fuckyouregonnamakemecum," I panted as he drove harder, slamming into me.
"Cum with me Bella," he whispered as he grabbed hold of me with both of his strong arms.
"Fuck," was the last word I could speak as my orgasm took over.
Fucking Las Vegas.We came, we saw, Edward conquered once again.
After dinner and the random fucking that, by the way, was motherfucking spectacular we finally
made our way back to the airport for our final flight back home. Bella sat with Emmett this time, one
row ahead and to the right of me and Angela. They were going over the payroll for this week and
some other items that had fallen behind due to our trip out of town. I realized, sitting here, hearing
Bella laughing with Emmett and teasing him, how much I loved their relationship. Emmett never
really talked about work much over the years. We usually only saw each other on holidays and shit,
but the topic never really came up. If anyone did ask, he usually gave some generic answer and
moved on. Kind of like, the same answers I gave my parents about shit now. We just didn't really talk
about shit like that. Maybe it was my mother Esme's old rule for my dad that didn't allow him to
bring to his work home because it irritated her. I wasn't sure though.
Emmett never really said much about Bella though and watching them now, I couldn't understand
why not. You could tell by how he acted towards her that she meant something great to him. Even
the way he looked at her sometimes, you just saw his love for her in his eye. It was the same way he
looked when he stared at Renesmee at times slightly in awe and highly amused.
"Is this alright?" I looked over to see Angela pointing at the small screen overhead.
"Oh, yeah, that's fine. I'll probably sleep the rest of the way anyhow." I patted my stomach, "Ravioli."
And hot office sex.
"Ah," she nodded with a smile on her face. "Bella's ravioli's are the best."
"Yes, they are." You should try her doggy style.
"So, are you nervous?" she asked.
"About heading the restaurant being in charge when she leaves," Angela explained.
"Oh, um, a little." Bella leavingyes, nerves out the wazoo on that one.
"I guess you will get your first taste of what it's like soon huh? I heard Emmett arranging her plans for
her Japan trip to Ramsey's restaurant."
"Yeah, she mentioned that. How long does she usually stay for?" I asked nervously.
"A week, sometimes two. It depends on what Gordon asks for when she goes I guess. You know,
that's a pretty big honor him asking her to do that," she nodded.
"I would think so," I agreed.
"Edward, can I ask you something?" she looked passed me as she spoke.
"Does your brother like me?" I realized she was looking at Emmett.
"Um, I don't know. I never asked," I lied.
"Then I guess, he never told," she said sadly, looking away.
"Emmett isn't really the one woman kind of guy Angela. I don't think you really want to go there," I
shook my head, looking at her.
"Maybe I could change that," she argued.
"I think it's pretty hard to change people hun."
"Ha. Says the man who changed Isabella Swan," she laughed.
"I didn't change Bella. She is very much the same." Perfect.
"That's funny, because you see, tonight at dinner, Bella didn't once send back her food or spend the
entire time griping about every little imperfection. She instead sat with you, fully engrossed in
whatever you all were talking about." She smiled smugly.
"Well maybe I'm just a good conversationalist."
"You are, as I am enjoying my conversation with you very much. However, I know Bella and I am
saying right now she has a serious case of the warm fuzzies for one Edward Anthony Cullen."
"How the fuck do you know my middle name?" I asked surprised.
"Because you're all that woman ever talks about. I had to spend the entire rehearsal night for Food
Porn hearing about how great it is that your middle name is Anthony. You know, before you came
along, I actually had a friend who would discuss a random hot guy and how lonely we were. Now, I
am just the loser with no one and Bella has the hot random guy with an awesome middle name," she
"Are you done?" I teased.
"Sorryitjust sucks." She sat back in her seat and closed her eyes.
"Angela?" She opened her eyes and looked over to me.
"You're not a loser. And if we are trading stories of having to hear people crushing on you behind our
backs, you may consider having a talk with Weeble Wobbles," I winked.
"Ben likes me?" she asked surprised.
"Loves, would be a better description Angela Carolyn Webber," I smiled.
"He really talks about me?" she asked shyly.
"All the time. I haven't told Bella yet, but you would be the reason why he gets the veg wrong and
fucks up so much. Ben struggles to pay attention when in the presence ofwhat was the way he said
it?...His 'Fairy Tale Princess'," I winked again and she blushed, looking forward in her seat slightly
flattered, and I am sure embarrassed but in a good way.
"Is Edward swooning you?" Bella teased, sitting across from us in the other set of seats.
"Nojustits nothing," she shook her head, still flustered.
"Well, that's too bad. You could use some swooning." Bella kicked her with her foot playfully.
"Yeah," Angela smiled at her.
"Actually, I was just telling Angela about Weeble Wobbles' love and adoration for her," I explained,
looking at Bella.
"Eww, Ben?" Bella scoffed.
"So sorry we can't all have the front cover of GQ fawning over us," Angela grumbled, waving her
hand over me.
"First of all, Edward doesn't fawn all over me. Second, he could never be on GQ magazine, 'cause he's
too fucking tatted up. Third, I wasn't trying to insult you. I just thought there was a certainteddy
bear esque sort of man in your sights," Bella nodded towards Emmett, who was typing away on his
"Well certain teddy bear sort of men seem to only like tall blondes with fat asses," Angela spat.
"Rosalie? Oh, please. He will pump, hump and dump her by noon. Thank fucking God too," Bella said.
"Actually, he is taking her to meet my parents," I chimed in.
"What?!" they both yelled.
"That's what he said," I held up my hands.
"Edward you cannot let that happen," Bella said angrily.
"What do you want me to do? He's an adult and he doesn't get in my business so I don't get in his."
"What a nightmare," Bella grumbled.
I just laughed and turned my attention back to the movie playing overhead, as did Angela. Bella
stayed in her seat, gazing out the window and then slid over further to the seat closest to the glass. I
looked back to her again and she faced me at the same time, smiling as she did, and pointed her
finger to the window.

The last two hours of our flight were a struggle. I was super tired, but highly uncomfortable. Angela
passed out on my left and Bella was dozing off across from me. I tried to pay attention to the movie,
but every time I found interest, Bella's head would slide down as she nodded off and her discomfort
was now causing me to be even more awake. I slid over to the seat next to hers and lifted up the
middle arm rest.
"Come here." I said softly, pulling her towards me. She mumbled something incoherent and shook
her head.
"I have a lap with your name on it." I patted my leg and she whipped her head up, looking at me with
a sour expression. I waggled my brows to tease her further and she puckered her face more.
"Just lay down Bella," I laughed, looking at her scrunched face.
She slumped down into my lap, curling up in a ball. The long chestnut locks of her hair cascaded out
across my legs and laid out along the seat. I pulled Bella's small blanket over her and swept a few
fallen strands of hair from her face.
"You know what you look like?" I whispered, raking my fingers through her hair.
"A cat," I snickered. She made an annoyed sound and I laughed harder.
"That is actually a very good analogy for you I think," I said.
"What the heck are you babbling about?" She said, irritated, turning to lay on her back facing me.
"I said you remind me of a cat."
"How the fuck do I remind you of a cat? If this is a pussy joke you can just shut up right now," she
pointed at me and I captured her hand into mine.
"It's not a pussy joke. You remind me of a cat's personality. They always walk around like they don't
want anything to do with you, but in truththey would really love a good ass spanking and chin
scratch," I laughed.
"I don't enjoy having my chin scratched," she said with a vexing expression on her face.
"You also act a lot tougher than you really are," I caressed her cheek with the back of my fingers. "A
kitten, who thinks she's a tiger."
"Is this the type of fuckery you woke me up for? I was knee deep in dreams about being drizzled with
honey in places I'd rather not describe." She flopped back over, curling up again.
"See, my angry little kitty," I petted her hair mockingly.
"Shut up," she sighed hard, and I started to caress her cheek again, inching my way towards her chin.
"You scratch my chin Edward and I will bite your ballsack," she warned. I laughed, covering my mouth
to mask the sound.
"Angry little kitty," I repeated again, resting my head against the seat and closing my eyes.
The next time I opened them, we were back in Miami.
It was about three in the morning when I finally arrived at my parents' house. My mother greeted me
at the door and after a quick hello, I made my way to Ness' room. She, of course, was wide awake.
"You were supposed to be sleeping," I whispered, entering her room.
"Daddy," she smiled, sitting up in bed and wiggled her way down, running towards me.
"I told you Daddy would be home tonight, baby." I picked her up and hugged her tight in my arms.
"Missed you," she clung to my neck as I walked with her to the bed.
"I missed you too, love." I laid down in the bed with her in my arms, kissing her all over her face.
"Pesants?" she asked wide-eyed.
"Sweetheart it is too late for presents." I kissed her nose and her little face fell slightly.
"Alright, maybe I have one," I teased, tilting to the side to retrieve it from my pocket. Ness sat up, her
little hands splayed on my chest, waiting eagerly. How adorable my baby was.
"Here you go sweetheart." I held it out and she cupped her hands for me to place it inside.
"Seasell," she smiled.
"A seashell from Hawaii baby. I found it just for you. Do you know why?" I thumbed her chubby
cheek while I waited for her to guess, but she shook her head no.
"Because it is beautiful and one of a kind, just like my sweet daughter." Her eyes looked up to me
and danced with happiness.
"Wuv you daddy." Ness rocked forward, wrapping her little arms around my neck and I held her to
me, breathing in her sweet warmth.
"I love you too baby. Daddy loves you so much." I kissed her hair and held her head in my palm. "I'm
sorry Daddy is gone so much honey. I'm just trying to work hard so I can give you all the things you
deserve." I kissed her again. "You deserve even more than that Ness. You know that?" She nodded
against me and I kissed her once more.
"So kay Daddy." Her little hand rubbed my cheek and I scooped her into my arms, cradling her so I
could look at her face.
"You're growing too fast. Could you stop doing that please?" I teased.
"Silly Daddy." She kept her hands on my face and I kissed her little palms.
"Do you know that you are the most precious thing in the whole world to me Renesmee?" I rocked
her, looking in her big blue eyes.
"Yeah," she said softly.
"And that I would do anything for you?"
"Yeah," she nodded, still playing with my face.
"You know that every second Daddy is gone, I think about you." I kissed her hands again.
"Me too," she said, pointing at herself.
"You think about you too." I raised my brows and she giggled.
"Nowah, I tink about Daddy," she pointed to my face.
"Oooh," I nodded and giggled again. "I feel very special then, having a sweet Renesmee thinking
about me. It is an honor." I leaned down to kiss her face and she puckered her lips. I kissed her once
and then she reached her hands out, framing my face.
"You awre specil Daddy," she whispered.
My heart ballooned at her words, swelling bigger than I thought possible. Her eyes held so much
innocence, yet maturity for such a little person. She was growing up too fast.
"Thank you sweetheart," I kissed her again. "I must have learned it from you." Reaching over to the
night table I flicked off the fairy nightlight, allowing the room to go dark.
"Time for sleep baby." My lips kissed her head again and I tried to move her to the space beside me,
but she wiggled so that her belly lay against me, shoving her face into the crook of my neck.
"Night Daddy," she whispered, giving me her signature kiss, and rested her palm on my cheek.
"Good night, my love. Sweet dreams."
"Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!" Ness was bouncing on my chest, trying her damndest to wake me up.
"Baby?" I rasped, trying to pry my eyes open.
"Bewwa here! Bewwa here!" She bounced harder.
"What? Where?" I blinked fervently, finally seeing Ness in front of my face.
"Wif Gamma," she pointed to the door and I assumed she must have been downstairs.
"What are they doing?" I asked her, sitting up and placed her beside me.
"Tawlking," she said, sliding off the bed after I stood up.
"Let's go say hello." She took my hand and walked with me downstairs.
I heard Bella talking with my mother as we came down the steps and she looked up as Ness and I
approached the kitchen entry. My mom was pouring her a cup of coffee and Bella was picking at a
muffin, sitting at the kitchen island.
"Bewwa!" Ness raced over to her and Bella smiled, wiping her hands on a napkin before she reached
for her.
"Hi Squeaky," she pulled her into her lap and Ness hugged her tightly.
"Wewre did you go?" I knew what Ness meant, but Bella didn't.
"We were in Hawaii Squeaks." Bella reached for her cup and took a sip.
"Dat was a wong time," Ness said, roaming her eyes over Bella, like she was trying to remember. Her
little hands reached for Bella's long hair and she sniffed it once.
"Sawberries," she giggled, lifting Bella's hair to her face, showing her.
"Yes Squeaky, it's my shampoo. Hotels like for people to smell like fruit," Bella smiled, tickling Ness'
"Petty," Renesmee held her hand to Bella's face and stared at her.
"Thanks Squeaky. I would be prettier though if your Daddy didn't have my bag of make-up." She
looked up to me finally.
"Our luggage must have been swapped. We have the same bag and I didn't even read the tag before
I grabbed it. I would have just called and told you to bring it in this morning, but I need my notes and
shstuff, for my meeting this morning."
"Oh. I didn't even bring it in last night." I raked my hand through my hair and took a seat at the island
as Esme poured me a cup of coffee.
"Thanks mah." She patted my back and smiled.
"Bewwa wook." Ness reached into her pocket and produced the seashell from last night.
"Wow, where did you get that?" Bella asked.
"Daddy. Is fom da beach." She held it out to Bella.
"That is very pretty. You know" Bella leaned down to her face and whispered, "If daddy will get my
luggage, I can give you what I brought you from Hawaii."
"Mo pesants?" Ness whispered back.
"More presents. I'm not cheap like your father either," she teased, looking over Ness' head at me.
"I'm not cheap. I got her something too. Several somethings for that matter." I climbed to my feet to
go retrieve my bag from the Volvo.
"Renesmee, your pop pop is waiting for you at the pool honey. Why don't you go get ready while
Daddy is getting Bella's bag," I heard my mother say as I exited.
"Kay." Hearing her little feet paddle across the floor, I looked back to see her climbing the steps at
warp speed before I pulled my keys off the hook at the front door.
"Oh Edward!" My mother called.
"Yeah?" I hollered back.
"Your darling Jessica is on the phone."
"Fuck," I muttered, walking back into the room for the receiver.
"Play nice." Esme said, handing me the phone.
"Mm Hmm." I held the phone to my chest to block out what I was about to say.
"I think you have something to say to my mother." I pointed to Bella and her face scrunched in
confusion. I held the phone up and wiggled it at her.
"Oh." Bella began to laugh, covering her mouth. I nodded at her and walked out of the kitchen again.
The sounds of my mother laughing filtered throughout the house and I laughed myself, answering
the phone, knowing my mother now knew Jessica's nickname.
"Hello?" I said, still laughing.
"What's so funny?"
"Nothing, my mother. What's going on?" I tugged open the front door and walked my way towards
the Volvo.
"You're not Ness's father." She said.
"I'm ordering the court to make you take a paternity test. I don't think she is yours."
"I hope you are kidding. We both know she is mine Jessica. What hair is up your ass now?" I hit the
alarm button on my key ring to pop the trunk.
"I'm serious. I was with another guy you know the day before I fucked you. It could be his."
"You get some type of sick pleasure out of this don't you? Well you know what Jess, I really don't
care what the fuck you say. Ness is mine. You want me to take a fucking test, fine. I'll piss in a cup,
shit in a barrel, whatever makes you happy sweetheart." I clicked off the phone and tossed it angrily
across the driveway. It shattered in a thousand little pieces and I cursed, knowing my mother was
going to kill me.
After I pulled the suitcase from the trunk, I slammed the lid hard and walked back to the house. Bella
was still sitting with Esme in the kitchen and Esme knew as soon as she looked at me that I was
"What now?" she asked.
"I owe you a new phone." I said, sitting Bella's bag down by her feet.
"What Edward?" Esme asked again.
"I fucking broke it. I know you like it, I'm sorry. I'll buy you a new one, alright?" I said, still pissed off.
"I'm not talking about the stupid phone, Son. I'm talking about the little whore. What did she say?"
Esme put her hands on her hips, waiting. I looked away from her though, knowing that I needed to
address Bella with this issue, not my mother.
8:12 am
"I need to take a longer lunch today if that's alright," Edward said.
"Why?" I asked confused.
"I need to go down to the hospital. Take some tests," he explained.
"What kind of tests?" Esme and I asked at the same time.
"Jess is demanding the court order a paternity test. I figured it best to beat her to the punch." I could
see the anger in his face causing my thoughts to turn evil.
I hate this bitch. I hate this bitch. I. Hate. This. Bitch.
"You know, I know this guy Edward. He owns a big farm out in Texas, raises cattle. When some of the
cows get sick and need to be destroyed, he has a big meat grinder, like the size of a train car. You
push the cow into it, and its body bones and all get ground into a paste. They usually add it to like
dog food and shit. I'm just say'n," I shrugged, giving him a pointed look.
"I'll keep that in mind when my cheek is being swabbed," he nodded, looking down to the marble
island countertop.
"Edward," I said softly and he looked back up.
"Squeaky has your eyes, looks just like you, right down to the cute lip biting bullshit you both do.
She's yours," I nodded slightly and held his gaze.
"I know. Jess is trying to piss me offand it's working."
"STD's," I said.
"Excuse me?" he said, arching a perfect brow.
"STD's. I was watching a 4am rerun of Judge Judy last night and there was this divorced couple on
there arguing over the paternity of their kids. The lady made her ex take like four tests because each
one came out with a large enough variable for retake, so the guy got pissed and demanded that she
take an STD test, just for spite. I don't know what the law is in Miami, but I guess, where those
people lived, you are allowed to demand a test if you think it constitutes a risk to your child.
AgainI'm just say'n," I held up my hand innocently and then turned back to my bag to get out Ness'
present, idea firmly implanted into Edward's head.
"I see," he simply said.
"So, where is Squeaks? I have her souvenir," I held up the box to him.
"Didn't she come down yet?" he asked, looking between Esme and myself.
"I didn't see her. Maybe your father caught her on the way down," Esme said.
"Mah," Edward scoffed, turning to exit.
"Ness?" He called out.
No answer.
"Renesmee?" he said again, pausing by the steps.
No answer.
I saw Esme press the intercom on the wall.
"Carlise?" she called.
"Yes dear?" he buzzed back
"Is Nessie with you?" she asked.
"No. I thought she was with you." he said.
"Fuck Mom," Edward yelled, hearing Carlisle.
"I'm sorry, I'm sure she's fine. Just calm down." She walked out of the kitchen and towards the stairs.
I stood up from my seat and walked towards Edward as he looked out the back patio doors,
grumbling under his breath.
"Edward, maybe she followed you outside and you didn't see her. You were mad at Jessica, maybe
you just didn't hear her." I walked towards the front door and he followed.
We both looked around, calling out her name, but saw nothing. I started to panic, and my worry only
made Edward freak out even more. We looked under the cars, the bushes, asked the neighbor
standing in his yard if he'd seen her but nothing.
The Cullen's house was huge, she could have been anywhere. Edward took one side of the yard and I
took the other, meeting around back, and Edward stopped dead in his tracks when I saw him. He
bent down and picked up a soaked teddy bear in his hands, then turned back to face the pool. We
both saw her at the same time and ran. Renessmee must not have been there when he looked out
earlier, but now right now she was. Edward jumped in, sloshing his way towards her quickly and
lifted Ness up into his arms. I kneeled at the side of the pool and reached for her as he held his
daughter's lifeless little body to me. Edward climbed out he took her back from me, lying her on the
ground to begin CPR, but I stopped him.
"No!" Bella shouted. "You are too strong Edward! You will hurt her! Let me do it." I held up my hands
and allowed her in. Bella placed her head to her chest and listened. I freaked watching as she began
to work, pumping slowly on her tiny chest and then breathing a small pass of air into her little mouth.
"Come on sweetheart," she whispered against her blue lips. "Breathe for me Ness."
Bella stayed calm, counting her compressions in a whisper and then breathing gently with her hands
cupping Ness's face. I was praying, pleading with God for him not do this to me.
To us. To her. Not my baby.
"Oh my God Edward!" My mother screamed, running over to us.
"Go call 911!" I yelled back at her, pushing her away from me.
"She's gonna be fine," Bella whispered. "Breathe Squeaks." She kept working. I held Ness's little hand
in mine and rubbed her little fingers, trying to do something and not feel so God damned useless.
On Bella's last compression, Ness started to choke, and Bella rolled her to her side, patting her back. I
reached for her, but Bella held her hand out, stopping me.
"Just give her a second." Bella let Ness lean on her forearm, and brushed her wet hair back from her
"It's alright sweetheart. You're fine. You're fine," Bella said soothingly, kissing the top of Ness' head.
Renesmee started to cry and Bella scooped her up, handing her over to me finally.
"Daddy's here baby. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry." I held her to me, covering the side of her face in kisses
as she cried.
The EMT's arrived and I had to pass her over to them so they could check her vitals and make sure
she was alright. They said she was fine, but I wanted to make sure, so we took her to the hospital so
they could run some tests.
Bella and I drove together, Esme and Carlisle followed behind. Bella called Emmet to let him know
she wouldn't be there for a while and asked James to stay to cover for the prep I wasn't doing. Once
the doctor took Ness in, Bella pulled me along with her outside.
"Fucking hell," she fumbled around in her purse, pulling out a smoke and lighting it with a shaky
hand. Bella took a long drag and then passed it to me.
"Feel free to smoke that fucker all by yourself," she said, reaching in her purse for another.
"My fucking father" I grumbled, taking a drag.
"It was an accident Edward. Don't be pissed at him," she said, lighting her smoke.
"If he would have been watching her like he was supposed to, it wouldn't have happened."
"There were three other adults in the house. None of us were watching her," she countered.
"Doesn't fucking matter." I took another drag and closed my eyes as I blew the smoke out hard.
We stood in silence for the remainder of the time, smoking. Bella finished hers first, tossing it down
to the ground and stomping it with her foot. As she turned to go back inside, I grabbed her arm,
preventing her from doing so. After I flicked my cigarette to the ground, I pulled her to me, hugging
her tightly in my arms.
"Thank you Bella," I kissed once to her hair. "You fucking saved my little girl," I whispered, holding
her tighter.
"I'm just glad she's alright." Her arms wound around my waist and hugged me back, smoothing her
palms over my back soothingly.
"Me fucking too," I said. She let me hold her for a minute and then I released her, but brought my
hands up to frame her face.
"I knew you were an angel." I kissed her forehead once, keeping my lips to her skin for a long
moment before I leaned my head against hers.
"Let's go inside," she said, lacing her fingers with mine.
We made our way back in and I fucking groaned seeing Jessica walking towards us, up the hall.
"Well, well, well. Look at Mr. Perfect Father and how he fucked up today." Jess walked up to Edward
and placed her hands on her hips, giving him the smuggest fucking look of all time.
That. Was. IT.
Not today bitch. Not. Fucking. Today.
I pushed Edward aside, fisting a handful of Jessica's blonde hair at the nape of her neck, and forced
her to walk backwards to the row of chairs at the end of the hall. Her legs hit the back of the plastic
seat and I pushed her down, still holding tight to her locks.
"You listen to me cunt rag," I spoke softly, but firm. "You're mouth is about to write a check your ass
can't afford. Think that it's fucking funny to taunt Edward because he can't do shit about it? Well
guess what? I can. I know how much money it costs to get my ass out of a little assault charge. It's
about 1.7 million dollars. Been there, done that, bitch. I would happily pay triple the amount for the
beating I would love to give your ass, so unless you want the nice nurse over there," I twisted her
head towards the nurse behind the desk, using her hair fisted in my hands, "To add a name that
starts with a J and ends with whatever stupid fucking last name you have, to the list of new patients
on her chart, I suggest you keep your fucking mouth shut. Do not speak to Edward. Do not look at
Edward. Don't even think his fucking name. As a matter of fact, don't think of anyone's name that
even begins with the letter E, just to be fucking safe. Sit right here and be a good little Jessicunt, just
like mamma told you to, got it bitch?" I tugged her hair hard once more and then backed away.
"I'm going to get a coffee. Anyone want something?" I asked pointing towards the cafeteria hallway
as I passed the Cullens.
I of course, didn't wait for a fucking reply.
"If you don't marry her, I will disown you as my son," my mother whispered over to me after seeing
Bella's wrath she placed upon Jessica.
"Let's go get a coffee with her," she patted my arm and I shook my head no. "Edward, Ness will be
fine. You need to eat something and get a little caffeine in your body."
"Fine," I huffed.
Esme took my hand and walked with me silently towards the cafeteria. Jessica lowered her gaze as I
passed and I wanted to fucking be happy about that shit, but there was nothing except my little girl
being alright that would produce such an emotion from me right now.
Bella was sitting in an orange chair with her feet propped up on another, in front of a television
screen next to some old lady in a wheel chair, as we entered the cafeteria. They were watching some
soap opera bullshit and Bella was laughing and pointing with her as they ate a bag of Cheetos Bella
had in her lap.
"I'll get us something to eat," Esme said.
"Yeah," I replied absentmindedly, keeping my eyes on Bella.
"Be right back," she walked off to get our food and I went over to where Bella was sitting.
"So you see, that douche cheated on him and got pregnant with the other guy's baby, only it wasn't
his baby, it was the ghost's baby," Bella explained the show to the lady.
"Damn kids these days," The old woman shook her head, crunching on a Cheeto.
"The fucked up thing, Mary, is that the dude really loves her. He's a good catch too. I'd fuck him silly
if I were in this soap. Mm," Bella shoved a Cheeto in her mouth.
"Me too," The old lady agreed, reaching for Bella's snacks.
"Corrupting the elderly?" I whispered, sitting down next to her.
"Please, this bitch is dirtier than me," Bella laughed.
"Oh, who is this fella?" Mary asked, elbowing Bella.
"This is Edward. Be nice to him, I'm not afraid to kick a lady in a wheelchair," Bella laughed, reaching
for another cheesie.
"I would never be mean to someone so dashing," Mary winked at me. "Is this your husband?" she
asked Bella.
"No, Edward is just someone I fuck silly," Bella winked backed at her.
"Oh, lucky girl," she patted Bella's arm and they giggled together.
"Only you Bella could find the one person in the hospital as filthy minded as you are," I sighed.
"Edward is my employee actually. I offered him a really good benefits package and in turn, he offered
me his," she continued to tease.
"That's a good trade," Mary agreed, giggling.
"His little girl almost drowned today though and he is all kinds of fucked up about it, so really, I'm just
saying this to embarrass the holy fuck out of him and get his mind off that shit." Bella held up the bag
of Cheetos to me.
"Cheesie?" she asked, giving me a pointed look.
"Thanks." I reached for one, and she smiled.
"I better go sit with my mother. She would be highly offended at the content of this conversation." I
shoved the Cheeto in my mouth and got up.
"Care if I come? I would love to see a little interaction between you and your mother. Something just
has funny written all over it," Bella smiled teasingly.
"Sure," I held my hand out for her.
"See ya later Mary. Remember, when you're riding that old fart's dick up on 3rd, you have to squeeze
with all your might to keep that old peen going. Alright?"
"Got it," Mary gave her the thumbs up and I had to fucking laugh, just as I'm sure Bella intended for
me to.
"Sweet lady," Bella nodded as we walked to our table, tossing the wrapper in the trash.
"Why do I have this vision of that being you at her age?" I wrapped an arm around her shoulder as
we walked. Bella just laughed and took her seat once we reached the table.
"Oh, hello Bella. I'm sorry, I didn't know what to get you, dear. What would you like?" My mother
asked, rising from her seat.
"Oh no, I'm good. For one, I am just going to steal Edward's cookie," she reached over and took my
chocolate chip cookie from the tray. "Number two, I am just here to observe the fuckery of your
relationship," Bella took a big bite and smiled at me.
"Charming," I teased, wiping a bit of cookie from her mouth.
"So Bella, how is your restaurant doing? Edward never tells me anything." My mother glared at me
and I rolled my eyes at her. Here it comes.
"It's good. We just placed in the top three percent actually." Bella took a bite of cookie and then
reached for my coffee.
"Is that good?" My mother asked, buttering her roll.
"It's pretty amazing actually. Especially for just opening up. The man from the Michelin guide is
eyeing us actually."
"Who?" Esme asked.
"And you wonder why I tell you nothing," I mumbled, shoving a bite of sandwich in my mouth.
"It's like the highest award you can get for owning a restaurant," Bella explained.
"Oh, I see. Do you have many of those then?" Esme asked.
"Three. They just gave me one for my place in California actually. When we were in Hawaii."
"I wondered about that," I said.
"You did?" Bella asked surprised.
"Yeah, I heard them say three when they announced you for the newcomers speech and wondered
why. I remembered you saying you had two," I explained, taking back my coffee from her.
"When the hell did I tell you that?" Bella asked scrunching her brows, with a little amusement playing
on her face. I thought for a moment, pausing with the cup to my lips, trying to remember.
"I think it was the first night I worked for you." I took a sip and she stared at me.
"What?" I asked.
"Remind me to give you your fucking chef coat back," she sighed, shaking her head and then took
another bite of cookie.
"Did the two of you have fun in Hawaii?" Esme asked.
"I had a good time. Did you Edward?" Bella smiled smugly.
"I had a great time. My room happened to have a very nice view," I winked at her.
"Mine too," she winked back at me.
"So other than having sex, what did the two of you do?" Esme asked casually, taking a bite of her
I was glad I didn't have anything in my mouth because I would have either spat it on the table or
choked on it. Bella was not so lucky. She choked on her bite of cookie and I patted her back, sliding
her my mug of coffee to wash it down.
"Sorry, but I just thought it was important to let you all know I'm not deaf, dumb and blind," Esme
said with a slight smile on her face.
"Bella and I are just friends, mother," I explained.
"Sure you are," she winked at me, taking a bite of her salad.
"Actually, I am in love with Edward. Even having his love child, but he has informed me that he is gay
and asked me to abort the baby." This time it was my mother's turn to choke.
"That is not funny, for so many, many reasons Bella." I patted my mother's back trying to help her
"Touch," my mother chuckled as she caught her breath.
"To answer your original question," Bella set her cookie down and wiped her hands clean. "We ate
some delicious desserts, fucking awesome roasted swine and then Edward licked caramel sauce off
me at my Food Porn shown, causing us to win. All in all, not a bad way to spend five days," Bella
"I don't even want to know," my mother held up her hand and then went back to eating. Bella
opened her mouth to begin speaking, but paused, looking passed me. I turned to see what had her
attention. It was the doctor. I rose quickly from my chair to meet him as he approached.
"Mr. Cullen? Are you Renesmee's father?" he asked.
"Yes, she is my daughter," I replied, nodding.
"Will you come with me, please?" he asked, motioning towards the door.
"Is she alright?" I asked following him, glancing back once to see my mother and Bella behind me.
"She is fine, but I would rather talk in my office." He faced forward and kept walking.
"Honey?" Esme caught up to me and took my hand.
"He wants to talk in his office." I looked down to her and she nodded. The doctor paused at his door,
holding it open for us, and Bella waited against the wall in the hallway. I looked at her questioningly,
but her face was down, not meeting my gaze.
"Bell?" I called, pausing in the doorway.
She looked up to me and I raised my brows, waving my hand forward for her to join us. Her face
looked a little surprised, but she leaned off the wall, following us in. Jessica was already inside and
taking up one of the two seats. I let my mother have the other one and stood with Bella next to
"What the fuck is she doing here?" Jessica asked angrily.
"She is here because she saved our daughter's life, so just shut the fuck up because this isn't about
how much you hate me. Let the fucking doctor speak." I looked to him and he took a deep breath
before he said anything.
"You're daughter is fine. All of her tests came back in good order. Her health is perfect," he nodded.
"Then what?" Bella asked nervously.
"Renesmee seems to be experiencing Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. It is quite common and nothing
to worry over, but I need to go over some of the symptoms with you. She will probably be
withdrawn, clingy, shadow you around the house not wanting to be alone. Renesmee might also
have nightmares or sudden panic attacks if her memory is triggered about the event.
"It is important for her to remain very relaxed and comforted over the next few days, even weeks. I
would also advise that you talk with her openly about what happened and explain it to her, so she
can understand. It may help her to get over some of the fear.
"I am going to send each of you home with information regarding PTSD. Do you have any questions
on what we have covered so far?" My mind raced and there were too many questions and concerns
floating around. He took our silence as a 'no' and moved on.
"I also need to ask questions regarding this accident. It is protocol." He opened a folder and clicked
his pen.
"With whom does Renesmee live with fulltime?" the doctor asked.
"Me, Sir," I answered.
"In your own home, or in your home with you and your parents?"
"My home."
"Where did today's accident occur?"
"My parent's home," I answered.
"Whom was responsible for watching Renesmee?"
I opened my mouth to speak, but Bella cut me off.
"I was," Bella said. I looked over at her questioningly, but she kept her eyes on my mother. "Esme
asked me to watch her while she went to the restroom and I wasn't paying attention. It was my
"Is that true Mrs. Cullen?" the doctor asked, looking back to Esme.
"Yes Sir. It was stupid of me to do, but yes Sir."
"Who found Renesmee in the pool?" he asked.
"I did," I answered.
"Where were you Mr. Cullen when Renesmee was missing?"
"I was getting items from my car. We just got back from a trip out of town. I was bringing in luggage
and when I came inside and asked for Ness, we realized she was missing and I saw her teddy bear on
the patio.then her" I trailed off at the image in my mind of her floating on the water.
"And did you perform CPR Mr. Cullen?"
"No, Bella did."
"Is that true Bella?" he asked as he continued to write.
"I'm sorry, but shouldn't we be doing this with your father here or something?" Bella said, looking to
"No one is being charged Bella," the doctor answered for me. "I just need to know what happened."
"Yeah, so when you turn over that nice piece of paper there to the court, you can string Edward and
his parents by the balls and her douche of a mother looks like God damned mother of the year all
because one stupid fucking accident happened. No thanks Doc. We're done here," she grabbed my
hand and tugged me towards the door.
"If you want answers from me I suggest you call my lawyer. If you want Edward to answer your
questions, then I suggest you call his father. He is in the waiting room, so unless you have any other
information about Squeaky, we are leaving." She waited for him to answer and he simply held out a
folder to me.
"This has all the information regarding PTSD in it. Call if you have any questions. The nurse will go
over at-home treatment and symptoms you will need to look out for over the next 24 hours." I took
the folder and thanked him before leaving his office with Bella.
"I'm sorry," Bella looked to me as we walked down the hall. My mother stayed behind, talking to Jess
and the doctor.
"I probably should have cut you off sooner, but it just sort of hit me halfway through," she said.
"Yeah, me too," I paused at the end of the hall with her.
"Why did you lie though? You were with me Bella, not Ness."
"If they think that your parents were being irresponsible with Ness, that might go against you in
court. It's one of your stronger arguments against Jessica. I'm nobody to the court. If they think it's
me then fuck it, they think it's me. What are they gonna do? I have no rights to take away," Bella
"That's true I guess."
"Come on, let's go find Squeaky," she tugged my hand down the hall.
We found Ness' room. She was huddled in the middle of the bed and my heart broke when she saw
me and didn't move, but just looked like a little statue, frozen solid. I hoped the sight of Bella would
perk her up, but it didn't.
"Hi sweetheart." I sat down next to her and then scooped her up into my arms. She said nothing. I
cradled her to my chest, rocking her gently as I kissed her head repeatedly.
"Bella is here baby. She came just for you," I whispered in her ear.
Renesmee's arms clung to my neck and she buried her face there. It reminded me of when she had a
bad dream and I started to hum softly, trying and sooth away her fears with the familiar sound. One
little hand came down and she turned
her head to face me as she started sucking on her thumb. It had been a while since Ness did this, but
if it helped her to relax, I wasn't going to argue with it. Bella took the papers from the nurse and after
we were given full instruction, we left. I didn't see Jessica again and she never said goodbye or came
to see if Ness was alright.
Something happened in that moment for me.
As Bella climbed into the passenger's side of the Volvo, she turned around in her seat and reached
out her hand to Ness, lovingly stroking my daughter's face. Ness watched her, still sucking her thumb
and sighed hard before closing her eyes. The entire way home, Bella sat that way. Turned around, no
seat belt on, watching my daughter, and making sure she was alright. Comforting Ness with her
It was then, on the drive home, I fell in love with Bella.
Chapter Twelve ~ Chicken Soup for the Soul
Legs and arms entwined Gently caressing Your shoulder as my pillow Syncopated breaths so soft
Drifting to sleep Skin on skin Vanilla and caramel Bodies warming each other Curled like spoons
Wrapped in your embrace A nuzzle to the neck Sweet slumber Just you and I
11:02 am
Holy fuck.
Edward's kid almost died.
I. Thought. I. Was. Going. To. Pass. Out.
Thankfully, I didn't. If it weren't for the fact that I had to remain in control everyday during some
rather fucked up situations in my kitchen you know like people chopping their fingers off, lighting
shit on fire and the occasional customer choking on something I would not have been able to hold
myself together.
My brain went into instant emergency crisis mode everything else was lost to the depths of who
the fuck knows where it just went away. Nothing else mattered for me in that moment except one
thing; saving Renesmee.
Edward was panicked and if I allowed him to perform CPR on her, he would not have had the
restraint needed to save her. Ness' little chest would have been crushed under his power, and he
would have only done more harm than good. Again my brain screamed out to me, and I pushed him
aside. Hearing Edward's mother scream out in terror only made things worse and I tried to keep him
calm by telling him she was fine, but with every pump, she continued to go blue, and inside I was a
dying right along with her.
Thank- Fucking- GOD, I have good ass karma. I knew feeding the homeless and sharing my
motherfucking recipe for crepes with Ramsey would come in handy someday 'cause Renesmee
fucking lived.
Anytime someone needs to know how much sugar goes into fucking pastry products or help crossing
the street I am so there, full on 'willing to help a brother out' style.
Seeing Nessie's little face when we opened the door to her room was heartbreaking. She looked so
damn lost and confused. I was so used to seeing her all hyper and chatty. It really fucked with me,
and I knew that if it was fucking with me it was definitely fucking with Edward.
I gave his ass the week off. He needed it and in truth, I knew Edward would be useless to me anyway.
As he should be. If my kid had almost died, I sure as hell wouldn't be thinking about fucking prep or
service. The new kid I hired started this week anyhow and I needed to be able to focus on him.
The truth is that I lied to Edward when I told him I wasn't sure about promoting him. I was going to.
There was no reason not to. Edward was only lacking in one area leading and he was already
making strides in that category. It was only a matter of time before he mastered that shit too. A few
more rounds with his baby mamma wench face Jessica and he would definitely snap out of the nice
guy act. I'm pretty fucking shocked that he's managed to keep it going this long.
Knock Knock.
"Hey Bella." Edward poked his head through my office door and I smiled.
"Hey yourself. Come on in." I went back to typing as he entered, afraid that I would feel the need to
pounce him like a mountain puma. It had been about three days since I last saw Edward.
"So what's up? How is Squeaks?" I asked typing, glancing up only once to quickly look him over. His
eyes had dark circles under them and his clothes were a little ratty- not his usual well put together
self. This wasn't good.
"She's alright. Well actually, not really. I had to take her to the doctor yesterday."
"What's wrong?" My head shot up from the screen to look at him.
"She has a slight ear infection, from all the water. It's nothing serious, but it's just one more thing to
add to the shit pile, you know?" Edward gnawed on his lip, bouncing his leg anxiously as he spoke.
"Shit, yeah. Besides that, how is she? Emmett said she hasn't been sleeping?"
"She isn't .The first night I thought it was because of what happened, but now I just think it is
because she's sick. When Ness was smaller, she used to have ear infections all the time and could
never sleep. Kids get really pissy when they're sick, you know? I'm hoping it's just that." His lips said
the words, but there was something different happening in his eyes, I could see it.
"There's something else, isn't there?" I asked softly. He looked up to me, from under his lashes, biting
at the side of his thumb with a tentative expression.
"She hasn't said anything since that day. Not one word." Edward's jaw flexed and he swallowed hard,
looking down from my eyes. He almost looked like he was trying not to cry.
"Have you spoken to the doctor?" I asked.
"Yeah. He says she'll come around when she's ready." He shrugged one shoulder and I knew that
answer wasn't what he was looking for. It sure as shit wouldn't have been the one I would have
wanted if it were my kid playing mute.
"Well maybe you just need to listen to him. Or maybeyou should see a specialist or something."
He opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by someone knocking on my door.
"Fuck," I muttered. "Sorry, just let me get rid of this asshole." I said to Edward. He waved me off and
then I turned my attention to the door, "Come in."
"Hey B. Sorry to interrupt, but the new kid is here for his training and I don't know what to do with
him. Hey man." Emmett held out his hand and Edward knocked fists with him lamely.
"Shit, um, tell him to make my happy ass lunch. I'm starving like a motherfucker up in here. Don't tell
him it's for me though," I instructed.
"Alright. Anything specific?" Emmett asked.
"No, let him surprise me. I'm sure it will be more disappointing that way," I said sarcastically, going
back to emails.
"Aww, give the kid a chance B. I saw his cred's, La Cordon Blu, damn," Emmet said, impressed.
"Yeah because that means he will probably be making me fucking seared scallops or some other
stupid fucking dish I have had twelve million other damn times." I looked up to Emmett to say the
next part, but really, I was speaking to Edward. "You know what Em? I am not interested in his
fucking cred's. I am interested in his ability to run a kitchen and listen to instruction. I already have
talent and creativity in this place, the only thing missing is a number two who is going to have the
back of that person. Understand?"
"Yeah B."
"Good. Now be a useful little General Manager and do as I asked," I wiggled my fingers at him in a
belittling manner for him to exit.
"Yes Ma'am," he smiled at me and gave a wink, knowing I had just paid Edward a compliment, as he
exited my office.
"Sorry, I should let you get back to work," Edward said, beginning to stand.
"Actually, would you stay? Or could you stay? I'd like for you to meet this kid and try whatever
stupid, lame ass dish he comes up with."
"Um," he looked to his watch, "Yeah, I still have time."
"Oh, I'm sorry, did you have to be somewhere?"
"My mother is coming to meet me for lunch with Ness. She took her to get a haircut at some salon a
few doors down, Shampoo's and Shave's or some shit," he explained.
"Oh," I giggled, typing out my email to a Mr. Dickward and snickering at his name. Who the hell's last
name is Dickward? "Cheating on me with some other place, are you?" I teased.
"We're not open for lunch," he countered, smiling slightly.
"I'm just kidding. This should only take a few minutes anyhow, seeing how scallops cook in under
ten," I smiled teasingly.
"He might surprise you," Edward shrugged.
"I think I am at my quota this year on shit surprising me, Edward," I smiled, typing away on the
"So, may I ask something?" he said.
"How did it go with James this week? I don't mean to bring it up, but I'm just curious." I lifted my eyes
to him, but Edward's were down, toying with the fabric of his shirt.
"It was fine. He only stayed for a few hours. No troublefor once." He nodded at my words and then
I went back to typing.
"Speaking of trouble, I got a nice law suit filed against me this week. From one" I looked over to the
papers on my left, "Jessica Fucking Stanley.I knew she had a stupid last name," I laughed.
"She's fucking suing you? For what?" Edward asked angrily.
"Relax, it's no big deal. I eat bitches like Jessicunt for breakfast, darling. This should be fun actually," I
smiled widely.
"I don't think there is anything fun or funny about this Bella."
"Really? I do. Actually, I am a little amazedand let down to be honest."
"At what?"
"I assaulted your lovely in front of a hospital full of witnesses. I was expecting her to call the five-0. A
measly lawsuit is a bit of a letdown. I was all about being handcuffed." I waggled my brows at him.
"How can you take this in stride Bella? She's now bringing you into our land of fuckery. That isn't
really a place you want to live, trust me."
"She didn't bring me into this shit. I brought this on myself when I pulled the fuck out of her hair. I
knew she was going to do it, Edward. I'm not stupid. You know what? This is actually a good thing." I
scooted my chair back and reached for the fax machine.
"How the fuck do you figure that?" he asked.
"Look at this." I handed him over the paper faxed from my lawyer this morning.
"She is requestingwell her attorney's are demanding that I pay her three hundred large. Number
one, that is like a clearance special, considering I was willing to pay like six mil to punk her ass.
"Number two, you know I am not a fucking law grad or anything, but I am pretty fucking sure that
when you have your court date, your father will be nice enough to bring up the fact that she had a
decent chunk of change thrown her way, and I am really God damned positive that she will have no
receipts to show that any of it was spent on her daughter.
"Now, I might be jumping the fucking gun here and shit, but I am assuming you have a nice bank
account set up for Ness, right?"
"Yeah, for like college and shit. Why?"
"Maybe because Jessica having a quarter of a million dollars thrown to her and no such savings for
her daughter to speak of will boast just a little higher for your argument over hers." I held his gaze
and could see the wheels turning.
"Ever heard of the saying 'Revenge proves its own executioner?'" I asked.
"Yes," he nodded.
"That's how you should feel about Jessica. The truth, Edward, is that you don't have to fight to take
her down. She will inevitably cause her own doom through greed and cheap tactics. My father used
to tell me all the time, when boys picked on me for being a girl, 'Success would be the best revenge,'
and that shit is in the motherfucking truth." I pointed at him and then turned back to my computer
"You know that you amaze me Bella. You're always positive, no matter whatI was wrong calling you
a catyou are that tough."
"Edward, if I let every petty little thing that goes wrong on a daily basis get to me, I wouldn't get my
ass out of bed in the morning. You need to learn that shit. Plus, this might actually be the one court
hearing I will attend this yearand enjoy," I smiled evilly.
"You're paying her? Why not just fight it?"
"I can't fight it. There are cameras all over the fucking place and, in truth, I'm fucking shocked it isn't
all over TV. Besides, I already told you, I expected it when I did it. It's just fucking money Edward. I
make it, I spend it. Whatever, it was worth the look on her face and knowing she doesn't have the
balls to call the cops on me. I'd do it again in a fucking heartbeat, and then some." I hit send on my
email and moved on to the next.
A knock on the door interrupted us and I groaned before I replied for them to enter.
"Oh, hey, come on in." I motioned for him with my hand to sit next to Edward.
"Thanks Miss Swan," the new kid said, taking his seat.
"You know, me having the food in front of me," I pointed with both of my index fingers to the space
on my desk, "Works a lot better."
"Oh, right. Sorry." He stood up and I saw the smile playing on Edward's lips before he covered his
"Fuck," I mumbled looking down at my plate. "I would say being right all the time sucks," I looked up
at Edward, "But it really doesn't." I smiled teasingly and then held out the plate of seared fucking
scallops to him with a fork.
"Seth, this is Edward. He's a huge food critic, totally judging you right now, and you should know
Edward fucking hates seared scallops." I looked at Seth and he gulped loudly.
"Why did you make scallops?" Edward asked, playing along as he cut off a bite with the edge of his
"I thought Miss Swan would enjoy them," Seth Replied.
"And how did you know Miss Swan wanted this food?" Edward asked, taking a bite.
"Mr. Cullen told me to make her something," Seth replied.
"Mm hmm," Edward said, chewing as he thought, looking at Seth. "What would you have cooked if
you didn't know it was for her?" Edward asked after he swallowed.
"Um, I'm not sure," Seth replied, wiping his forehead with the back of his chef coat sleeve. Edward
stared at him thoughtfully before he spoke.
"How much money did you pay to attend La Cordon Blu?" he asked.
"Um, I'm not sure, my parents paid for it," Seth answered with a shrug.
"That's what I thought," Edward nodded, still looking at him, almost, sizing him up.
Butterbean blinked her eyes and smiled at this side of Edward. He was quite sexy.
"Seth?" I called. He hesitated, still holding Edward's gaze, but eventually broke free.
"I am totally busting your balls about Edward being a food critic. Actually, that isn't really true,
because as the executive chef of my restaurant," I looked to Edward once, then back to Seth, "That is
his exact duty. However, he would also be your boss if I hired youand right now, I don't think he is
very impressed." I looked back to Edward.
"I'm not," Edward agreed shaking his head.
"So I suggest you go back to the kitchen and try again. This time, check your fucking cred's at the
door and try to put some fucking soul into what you're doing 'cause in Edward's and my world,
there's no room for heartless wretches, got it?" Like Jessica Stanley or lazy ass sous chefs who will
bring us down.
"Yes Ma'am," he nodded and stood from his chair to face the door, but Edward grabbed the back of
his coat, pulling Seth back towards him.
"Bella doesn't do dishes," he held out the plate to Seth, "And neither do I."
Butterbean was officially doing the motherfucking backstroke in my Hanes pool.
"Yes, Sir." Seth took the plate and Edward shook his head as the kid exited my office.
"You need to leave," I said.
"I know, I'm going to be late. Pretty surprised my mom hasn't called yet," he said getting up from his
"No, what I mean is, you need to leave because if you don'tI'm going to be forced to hump you on
my desk, which will royally fuck up my schedule for the day, and cause you not be able to meet your
mother at all for lunch," I typed angrily as I explained.
"By the way..." I scooted my chair away from my desk, reaching behind me on the book shelf and
then rolled forward, "Here's your fucking chef coat." I tossed it to him and he caught it.
I looked back to my computer screen and waiting to hear the sound of the door open and close as he
exited, but didn't. Instead, Edward walked over to my desk and crouched down at my side. I looked
at him, slightly confused and he spun my chair so that I was facing him. Edward took my hand into his
and rubbed gently at my fingers as he looked at them.
"I don't really know how to say this, and the words 'thank you' really don't seem to do my feeling
justice here, but" he kissed my fingers lightly with his warm lips, "Thank you." Edward looked up to
me from under his long dark lashes, his blue eyes smoldering full of emotion.
"For what?" I breathed.
"For everything," he kissed my fingers again, longer this time.
"I just don't want you to think of me in the same way you think of that asshole, James, Bella. I'm not
trying to take advantage of you and I know that if I were anyone else, my ass would have been fired a
long time ago for the shit you have dealt with. I don't want that weighing on you, because I would
never do that to you, Angel. I care far too much about you. Just treat me like you would treat
everyone else." His face was serious and sad. Almost pleading. It broke my fucking heart as he kissed
my hand, still kneeling at my side.
"You're not everyone else, Edward. So I can't fucking treat you that way." I cupped his chin into my
free hand and he looked up to me.
"You're daughter almost died a few days ago. This isn't calling out of work faking to be sick so you can
play at the beach or some shit. It's real, and the only thing that matters to me right now is that Ness
is alright and that you are alright. The rest can all be replaced Edward, like I said it's just fucking
money. I can't replace you or Ness though, so take the week and when you come back, just come
back to me a hundred percent, alright?"
"Alright," he nodded, then kissed my hand once more.
"And fucking bring Squeaky by when you're done cheating on me with some other fucking
restaurant. Some food would be nice too considering my fucking sous chef, or now fucking
executive chef is completely ditching me this week and leaving me to have a fucking moron from an
expensive ass cooking college to serve me stupid sea scallops. Not that I don't appreciate the loss in
weight from lack of eating." I held up my hand and Edward smiled at my rant.
"Doing more of that shit would help too." I poked the side of his smiling lips and he looked down
shyly, then captured my hand once more.
"Why don't you just come with us? My mother would love to see you."
"I would like to, but I have Seth here and a slew of shit to get done for tonight's service. No sous chef,
remember?" I teased, poking him again.
"It's only an hour. If the kid can't handle peeling vegetables and shit then he doesn't deserve to be
here." Edward kissed my hand again and butterbean pleaded for me to either let him have her or
agree to go to lunch. Since fucking him would screw up both our days, I chose lunch.
"I guessI'll have to bring my laptop and email the entire time thoughI am so fucking far behind it
isn't even funny. As much as I love going to the conventions and shit, it always screws me up." I rolled
back from my desk and Edward stood.
"That's fine. No one will mind," he shrugged.
"And you just gave me even more work to do now," I added, grabbing up my things.
"How is that?"
"I have to make arrangements for you to have a fucking office here.Mr. Executive Chef."
11:47 am
Edward and I walked to the caf to meet Esme. It was only a few blocks and I needed to the fresh air
after being cooped up all morning. It was a nice warm day, as were all days in Miami, and it felt good
to have the sun on my face and ocean breeze through my hair.
Edward carried my laptop bag and held my hand with his free one as we walked, but surprisingly it
didn't feel romantic, no, it just felt.natural. I was comforted by the gesture, just like I would have
been if it were Emmett or Angela for that
matter. That sort of made me happy knowing that I could just enjoy Edward's company without
wanting to bone him. Not that I didn't but I'm just saying, it showed I liked him for more than his
spectacular bedroom skills. That's all.
Esme smiled as we approached the caf. She had Nessie sitting on her lap along the bench, outside
the entrance. I watched Ness' face for her reaction, but none came. She was still lost somewhere
inside herself. My hand squeezed Edward's tighter as we approached to greet them, and I tried to
put on my brave face so Nessie wouldn't feel the stress she probably picked from Edward. It couldn't
have been helping and I would need to talk to him about it later.
"Hi Squeaks," I leaned down and cupped her face in my palm, planting a kiss on her forehead. She
reached out for me, pouting out her lips like she was about to cry when I pulled away, so I took her
from Esme's lap into my arms. She clung to me with all her might and hid her face into the crook of
my neck.
"It's alright, I'm not going anywhere." I kissed her little shoulder and rocked her a little.
"Hi Bella," Esme smiled, leaning in to do the rich people greeting.
"Hey Esme," I kissed her back on her cheek.
"Ready to go in?" Edward asked facing me, eyes firmly planted on Ness. I nodded yes to him and we
made our way inside.
Esme walked ahead of us up to the podium and Edward wrapped his arm around me as I carried
Ness, rubbing softly at my shoulder. The host showed us our table and Edward sat beside me with
Esme sitting across from us. He reached for Ness, but she wouldn't let go, making an irritated noise
as he tried to pull her away.
"It's alright," I said to him.
"You said you have to work," he argued, trying to coax her into letting go.
"Well you have fingers, so I suggest you open the damn thing and type what I tell you, because there
is no way she is letting go without a fight and I cannot tell you how much it would annoy me if a child
screamed in my restaurant." I looked around to all the afternoon diners, not wanting to upset
someone else's eatery.
"Alright." He pulled my laptop out and flipped it open, bringing the screen to life.
"Just open the bottom window and then click on the first file," I instructed.
"Good afternoon folks. My name is Ken, I'll be your server, what can I get for you today?" The waiter
turned to Esme first.
"I'll just have a sweet iced tea to start please," she answered, looking at her menu.
"Very good, and for you Miss?" he turned to me.
"I'll have the same."
"And for your daughter?" he asked, looking at Ness.
"Um," it sort of baffled me as he said it, thinking Ness was my child, "Apple juice is fine." I answered,
looking away, feeling like the entire table was now facing me.
"And for you Sir?" he moved on to Edward.
"Same," he replied simply and I could feel him boring holes into me as I looked down at Ness.
"Perfect. I'll have those drinks right out to you." The waiter excused himself, and I finally glanced up
to see Esme looking at me with a huge smile on her face, then looked back to her menu.
"What now?" Edward asked, pointing to the laptop screen.
"Open the next email in the list. It should be from a vendor. This is good actually, you'll have to learn
how to do this anyhow, so it will be one last thing I have to show you when you take shit over." Ness
finally released me from her death grip and looked over to Edward. He paused, smiling at her and
then rubbed her cheek. She coward back from him, giving him a stinky face as she shoved her fingers
in her mouth and he chuckled.
"You don't like Daddy today, do you?" he asked. She shook her head no and he laughed again. "It was
the yucky medicine wasn't it? I'm sorry sweetheart." He went to rub her cheek again and she turned
her head away.
"Looks like you're on the shit list," I smiled at him.
"I usually am when it comes to women," he shrugged, laughing lightly.
"So, what is this I hear about you taking over? Esme asked.
"I promoted Edward. He's going to be my executive chef," I explained, lowering my nose to sniff
Ness's head. I don't know what it was about this kid, but her head always smelled fucking great.
"Oh, Edward never told me that?" she said surprised.
"It just fucking happened less than hour ago, mom."
"Watch your language," Esme pointed at him.
"Sorry," he said, holding up one hand.
"This is wonderful news. We should have a barbecue this weekend, to celebrate." Esme said.
"Yeah, 'cause I'm sure Dad will think it is awesome that I have worked for Bella for less than two
months and already got promoted," Edward said sarcastically.
"You're father is proud of you."
"Mm hmm. What do you want me to tell this guy?" Edward pointed back to the screen and ignored
his mother. "He is offering whole chickens on special for the next three months and if you become a
client you receive"
"The next two months free," I cut him off. "Delete it and go to the next," I waved him on.
"Charity event in June," he said..
"Charity event in July," he chuckled.
"Um" He looked closer at the screen. "Recap video from the convention."
"Oh, click on that shit. I can't wait." I sat forward and called Esme over to watch. Nessie turned
towards the screen and sucked her thumb as the video started, leaning her head on my chest.
The music started and I began laughing, seeing my stupid face appear first, blowing a kiss at the
camera with my lips covered in chocolate. Damn chocolate fountains in all their chocolate heavenly
goodness. Nessie giggled a little watching.
"Is that funny?" I asked looking down to her and she nodded, keeping her eyes on the screen.
They showed some of the others, including Ramsey and Marco. I smiled at how dashing they both
looked side by side. What I wouldn't give to be the meat in that sandwich. Mm.
As the video played the parts of Food Porn, I covered Ness' eyes so she wouldn't see her father
licking caramel sauce off my fucking neck and Esme took full liberty to not only smack Edward, but
also cover her own eyes too. They of course, showed Edward stripping off his shirt and whoever did
the editing on this damn thing did a marvelous ass job, because they showed it overand over.and
over.slower and slower each time.
"You see why we won?" I teased Esme, nudging her arm.
"I think I spent ten years in the wrong profession," she winked back at me, returning to her seat as
the video ended.
"That was sexy. Save that shit please. I might need it for a rainy day," I waggled my brows at Edward
and he laughed as he moved on to the next email.
The waiter returned with our drinks and I held Ness' kiddy cup to her. She picked it up and started
drinking, still leaning her head to my chest. I held her a little tighter and sighed hard, knowing that
she was probably hurting in ways she didn't know how to express to us. Ways she couldn't
understand in her little mind. My head leaned to hers and I whispered against her hair as she drank.
"It's stinky being sick huh, kiddo? I don't like it either." I kissed her head once and then leaned back
down. "You can take your time sweetheart. I know you're in there somewhere. You'll come out when
you're ready." I kissed her again and then rested my chin on her head, looking back to the laptop,
sighing hard again.
"Are you all ready to order?" Ken, our waiter asked, beginning again with Esme.
"Yes. I will have the turkey club sandwich, hold the onions please." Esme handed him back the menu.
"And for you Miss?" He turned to me.
"Um," I paused, not having looked at the menu. "What are you having?" I asked Edward.
"French dip and onion soup. What I always get," Edward smiled.
"That sounds good. I'll have that too."
"It's hard to eat soup with a monkey around your neck," Edward laughed.
"Well whatever, order something for me then," I rolled my eyes, knowing the waiter was probably
really irritated with our inability to choose a simple meal.
"I'll have the French dip and onion soup, my pesky wife here" he teased, pointing to me, "Will
probably do a lot better with chicken fingers."
"Chicken fingers? I made you the executive chef of my restaurant and you pick out chicken fingers for
me? I am not spending my lunch wrapped up like a damn mamma ape so you can enjoy a fabulous
ass sandwich and I get lame ass chicken fingers. You are so feeding me some of your soup and
sandwich when it arrives." I pointed angrily at him.
"Run away now Ken," Edward held up the menus to him. "Trust me," Edward nodded once, with a
smile on his lips and Ken obeyed.
When our food finally arrived, Edward fed me bites of his delish fucking sandwich with a huge smile
on his face as I held Nessie still. He even double dipped it for me both in the au jus and then onion
soup like I asked him too. Ness nibbled on a chicken finger from my plate, even sharing a bite with
me, but still remained quiet sitting in my lap.
"So Bella, does your family live here?" Esme asked, leaning in to take a bite of her sandwich.
"Oh, no. My father lives in Washington. He has a diner there. My mother lives in Phoenix," I
explained, opening my mouth back up for Edward's sandwich, and pointing at my mouth. He laughed
and doubled dipped it for me before holding it to my lips.
"Phoenix," Esme wiped her mouth. "That's a beautiful place. I always loved it there."
"Oh, you have been?"
"Several times. Edward's father and I met in Chicago and after we were married I always bothered
him to travel to the warmer weather. I hate snow, which is partly why we moved out here to Miami."
"You and my mother would get a long fabulously," I snickered.
"Not a fan of the cold either?" Esme hedged.
"Nope, practically divorced my father over it," I laughed once.
"I'm sorry dear."
"No, it's fine. I'm just teasing. She's remarried now anyhow. Some baseball player dude," I shrugged.
"Your mom is married to a baseball player?" Edward asked excitedly.
"It's nobody good. Don't get your panties in a wad."
"Does your father have many restaurants like you do?" Esme inquired.
"No, just the one," I answered, leaning over to take another bite of sandwich Edward was offering
"So it's sort of in your genes then?" she smiled.
"I guess. My grandfather owned the diner before my dad, so maybe," I nodded.
"I thought you said Charlie bought the diner?" Edward asked.
"He did. From my grandfather."
"Why did he have to buy it?"
"Because it was for sale," I laughed.
"You're going to make me play twenty questions here aren't you?" he sighed hard.
"I like to see you work baby," I winked at him and opened my mouth for more food, but Nessie
started crying loudly and I turned my attention back to her.
"What's wrong sweetheart?" I tilted my head down to look at her and she screamed even louder.
"Squeaks?" I tried to lift her head up, but she pushed her face into my chest and wailed again. I
looked over to Edward, not knowing what to do and he reached out for her, taking her into his arms.
"It's alright." He held her, rubbing her back soothingly.
"What's wrong?" I asked him, but he just shook his head and kept shushing her softly.
"Take her outside," Esme said to him.
"Sorry." He rose from his seat and made his way out the door with her still crying loudly.
"Poor baby," Esme said, sighing hard.
"What happened?" I asked her.
"She's just having a hard time. Edward even harder," she frowned.
"I know. I can see it weighing on him."
"Today was the first day I've seen him smile since the morning it happened," Esme said, sliding over
to claim his chair next to me.
"He'll be alright. Ness too. She just needs time," I offered her.
"It's just everything Bella. That poor kid, both of them, have such a heavy load. I look at my son
sometimes and wonder how it is that he grew up to be so strong." She shook her head, looking at
"He obviously had good examples." I patted her hand and she smiled.
"I might be out of line here, Bella, but I just want you to know, you mean a great deal to Edward.
Ness too. I have never seen her be so enamored with anyone before, other than her father that is. I
am happy he has you. You've been good for him. He's different better somehow."
"They means a lot to me as well and believe me, they make me better too," I smiled.
"That's good dear."
We paid for our food and met Edward outside. He was on the bench with Nessie, rocking her as she
slept in his arms. I said my good bye's to him and kissed her on her head before I left. Walking back
to The Workshop by myself, I stopped off at the outdoor market to pick up some fresh ingredients I
wanted to add to tonight's menu, only it wasn't for the restaurant's menu, it was for a lost little girl
who needed a comfort food hug.
1:02 am
After I sent the staff home, I spent my time starting to make the remainder of the food I wanted to
bring to Edward's house for Ness. He probably wasn't able to make it out to grocery shop, and in
truth, didn't have time to cook anyhow, having a sick kid on his hands. I made sure to get the soup
going earlier, as it needed time to simmer and capture all the nutrition and flavor of the chicken and
vegetables. I also made a few jars of homemade mixed berry jam, pancake batter, 'cause the
motherfucker didn't know how to do that shit right a lasagna with fresh pasta noodles, and a peach
pie for dessert or breakfast, whichever they chose. It should keep him stocked for a few days, and
lessen his load a little.
When everything was done, I wrapped it up and stuck it back in the fridge with big ass labels on it
explaining that I would knife anyone, ESPECIALLY EMMETT, if they touched it.
Back in my hotel suite, I laid in bed and wondered what Edward was doing right now. If Nessie was
alright and if she was sleeping. The curiosity won out and I picked up my cell to text him.
Just wanted to make sure you and the Squeaks were OK. U missed me yelling the kid 2night. It was
I chewed on my finger while I waited for him to buzz back, if he would buzz back, and smiled when he
I'm sorry. I wish I could have seen it. I would call you so you could tell me, but The Squeaks is fast
asleep, FINALLY. :)
I miss you.
My heart thudded at two things. One, him using my nickname for Ness and two, him saying he
missed me.
I called him a motherfucking cum guzzler who couldn't find his head unless his ass was attached to it.
THEN threw chicken at him.
I miss you tooyour penis more.but you too. :)
I shook with anticipation as I waited for him to buzz back. It took a long time and I hoped it was
because he was laughing hard at my text.
You kill me Bella. I am SO fucking sorry I missed that. My penis says he misses you too, BTW. Me
more, but him too. He sends a big 'hey how ya doin' to Butterbean.
I rolled on the bed laughing into the mattress.
Butterbean would like to know his name.
Your peen's stupid.
My peen is not stupid.
No his name, moron!
I waited, dying to know his pecker's name.
He doesn't have one.
I groaned, knowing he was lying. All men named their peens.
You're a douche. I told you mine.
I'm sorry, don't have one. Please, feel free to call him what you wish- even though, technically you
aren't allowed to see him anymore. :(
I frowned at that shit too. Who the fuck came up with that rule anyhow? Oh yeah, stupid me!
I'd like to call him LT Dan, if that's alright?
LOL- WTF would you call him that?
Because he is like LT Dan from Forest Gump- crippled and unable to fuck.
I am going to bed now. Oh, wait, I'm going to hang myself first.
Say goodnight to LT Dan for me, will ya? ;)
F U BELLA! Oh wait, can't do that NE more! *slaps forehead*
I laughed until my belly hurt.
Night Edward. Thanks for the laugh. I'll make it up to you tomorrow. Promise I have a nice gooey
peach pie with your name all over it.
I look forward to putting my face in your peach pie Bella. Good night Angel.
Me too Edward me too.
9:30 am
I packed up my car, once I arrived to the restaurant, full of all the food I was bringing to Edward's
apartment. Emmett helped with most of it and smiled all wide and giddy like an idiot while doing so. I
couldn't really knock him though Edward never really had anyone take care of him, so I suppose
from his brother's point of view, it must have been nice to see someone doing so.
It sure as shit felt good doing it.
I stopped in at Cocoa Chanel's to grab a few muffins and rolls for the jam I made. Baked goods were
not something I was very talented at. Surprised? You shouldn't be. Baking and cooking are two very
different things. Making pies and shit, I can handle. Bread and other fuckery such as that, I cannot
"Hi Bella!" Alice waved all cheery.
"Hey Al. How's it going?"
"Great. Beautiful day today huh?" She pointed towards the window in the front of the shop.
"It is," I nodded.
"So, what brings you in today?" she asked, leaning on the counter, making her long dark locks fall
over her shoulders.
"I just need some muffins and rolls. It's for berry jam."
"Oh, are you offering breakfast now?" she asked.
"No, this is for personal eating," I smiled, picking up a sample of cookie from the counter top.
"Want me to pick them out?" Alice asked, plucking a paper tissue from the box.
"Sure, I trust you."
As she leaned down to the case, the bell sounded on the door, causing me to turn around. I fucking
groaned, seeing Jessica walking in, smiling all damn smug and shit as she approached the counter.
"I do believe I have a restraining order filed on you," she said in her bitch tone.
"I do believe I was here first," I countered.
"I work here," she said.
"You work for Rachel Ray dummy." I pointed at her, wanting to slap the fucking taste out of her
"I am still employed here though. Until next week, so technically, you are at my job. Stalking me for
all I know," she looked me up and down.
"I am just buying damn rolls and muffins, this has nothing to do with you, so back off before it does
have something to do with you," I warned, then turned back to face the counter.
"You're fucking him aren't you?" she said, leaning into my ear.
"Back the fuck off me Jessica. I am not Edward, I will fuck you up," I looked over my shoulder and her
face was only an inch from mine.
"Do it. I would love to drain your bank account honey," she challenged.
"This is your last chance," I warned.
"I said. Do. It-ah." I spun around to clock her, but someone pulled me back and I didn't get the
"Knock it off Jess," Rose said, holding me back.
"She started it!" Jessica pointed at me, and I tried to kick her, but missed.
"And I'm finishing it. Go get your paycheck and leave," Rose instructed, letting me go.
"Fine," Jessica huffed, glaring at me as she passed.
"Are you alright?" Rose asked me.
"I'm fine. Woulda been a lot better if you let me punch her in her ugly fucking face."
"That wouldn't have bowed well for you," Rose said, handing over my bag of bread to me.
"I think I know what's good for me," I spat, tossing down a twenty on the counter.
"You're money is no good here," She tossed it back at me. "Just take what you ordered and let that
be the last time I see you. Tell Emmett to get your dinner rolls somewhere else too."
"Excuse me?" I said.
"You heard me. I don't need this fucking drama in my work place." Rose leaned on the counter,
glaring at me.
"What the fuck ever," I tossed down the bag of bread and walked out.
Fuck her and her fucking bread. It wasn't that good anyhow. Okay, yes it was, but I didn't want it,
regardless. I climbed in my car and stopped at a different bakery on my way to Edward's, no longer in
my chipper fucking mood as before. Once I arrived at Edward's apartment and parked, I texted
Emmett and told him TweetyRose was a TweetyBitch and to find us a new bread vendor.
As I walked up to Edward's front entrance doors to the building, the nice old couple, The Banner's,
were on their way out and Mrs. Banner was kind enough to hold the door for me. I gave her a jar of
jam and a couple rolls for the road. They said they were on their way to the park nearby, and
thanked me for giving them something to nibble once they arrived. I teased back and apologized that
they would have to use their fingers to scoop the jam from the jar. The Banner's just laughed and
went along their merry way.
I settled some of the bags down once I reached Edward's door and knocked lightly, hoping I wasn't
disturbing them. It was still morning and I knew he got to bed late with her. For all I knew they were
still sleeping. Before my mind could wander too far off into the 'what ifs' category, he answered.
"Bella?" he smiled, slightly surprised.
"I told you, I had pie." I held it out to him and he laughed.
"I never doubted you, but I didn't think it would be delivered this early." He leaned on the door as his
eyes roamed over me.
"Sorry, you weren't sleeping were you?"
"No, Ness still is though," he replied.
"Oh, do you want me to go? I don't want to"
"No, no don't go. Please." He held open the door and waved me in.
"Those are for you," I nodded down to the bags as I stepped in.
"What's all this?" he asked, picking them up.
"I figured you could use some comfort food. I'm sure shopping with a crying four-year-old isn't fun." I
set the pie down on the counter and looked up to him as he placed the bags next to it.
"You didn't have to do that, but thank you," Edward said.
"There's soup in there for Squeaks too. You should feed her some, it might make her feel better." I
reached in and started pulling out the items.
"I will, when she wakes up." Edward took the containers from me as I passed them over and he
walked them to the fridge.
"Are you hungry? I have jam and muffins?" I turned to look at him.
"Well actually I had a grilled cheese going on," he pointed to the stove.
"Well actually" I tossed the jam back into the back with the rolls. "You better have two going on," I
held up my fingers to him. "And if you really loved me, would make fries to boot," I teased, sitting my
happy ass down at his table.
"Yes, ma'am. It's the least I could do since you made me soup and " he peered into the last
container, "Motherfucking lasagna," he sighed happily.
"Noodles made with these puppies right here," I wiggled my fingers at him and he groaned happily,
turning to the fridge.
I laughed at him, and when he closed the door I saw that the picture Nessie drew of the three of us
was still hanging on there. Edward went back to making a second sandwich for me and I glanced
around, realizing this was the first time I had been back in his place since our fight that day. It looked
the same, just a little messier. Nothing too bad though. A basket of laundry on the sofa and some of
Ness' toys along the floor by the TV. I also noticed there were fresh flowers in a vase on the table in
front of me with a note from his mother attached, telling Edward she loved him and Ness. I smiled at
the gesture and looked back to Edward as he cooked.
"Would you like good old Wonderbread or something gourmet, Angel?" he asked, back turned to me,
as he lowered the fries into the countertop FryDaddy.
"Um, the rolls I brought would be fine. I don't really do white bread well," I shrugged.
"No? Why not?" Edward asked, looking to me as he pulled a roll from the bag.
"Just don't. I don't think it's the gluten or anything, because other shit doesn't bother me, but every
time I eat white bread I just get a stomach ache." I scrunched my face looking at him.
"Weird," he said, tying the bag back up. "Hey, did Rose get new bags?" He held it up to me.
"No, I was kicked out of Rose's place," I huffed, rolling my eyes.
"What? Why?"
"Apparently I can't go too far these days without running into that little scuntbag ex of yours."
"What happened?" he looked at me worried.
"She wanted me to hit her, I wanted to hit her and then Rose threw me out for trying to hit her.
Thenbanned us from using the bakery for our bread orders." I sucked my teeth, shaking my head.
"What the fuck?" Edward tossed his hands up and turned around.
"Exactly my thoughts on the matter, Edward."
"Jess will be gone by the week's end so you won't have any more trouble, promise," he said, cooking
with his back to me.
"It's all good. I just wanted to get one good punch in though. Just one." I balled my fist trying to
imagine it and Edward laughed once, shaking his head as he plated up the sandwiches.
"Here you go killer." He placed my grilled cheese in front of me and I looked up to him.
"Urm, where are my fucking fries?" I made a circle motion with my finger to the plate.
"It's coming, its coming," he walked back to the stove.
"I've heard that before," I teased, to which he snorted loudly.
I picked up my sandwich for a bite, but paused, seeing Ness come stumbling down the hall looking
super groggy as she rubbed her eyes. Edward didn't see her as he worked to finish cooking and I got
up to get her. She put her thumb in her mouth and reached out her arm to me with the other. I
scooped her up, holding her tight in my arms and walked back over to the table with her in my lap.
Ness leaned her head down on my shoulder and I could hear her sucking on her thumb in my ear,
breathing through her little nose. I reveled in how warm and fragrant she was for a moment, placing
a kiss to the crook of her neck before I took a bite of my food. She leaned off me, hearing me eat and
looked at my plate.
"Are you hungry?" I asked, thumbing her cheek. She nodded yes and I went to get up, but Edward's
hand was on my shoulder stopping me.
"Let me have her," he reached out to me and I tried to pass her over, but she held on.
"Renesmee, you need to let Bella eat, please. Come to Daddy. You can visit with her when she is
finished." He reached for her again and this time she complied. He carried her with him back over to
the stove and I took another bite of my sandwich. I saw him pull the container of soup I brought from
the fridge, and he whispered something in her ear as he walked to the stove with it in his hands. Ness
nodded against him and he kissed her forehead, whispering once more into her ear.
"Bella do you want ketchup with your fries?" he asked, looking back to me.
"Um, sure," I answered, looking back to my plate.
After Edward carried Ness back over to the table, and settled her into the booster seat, he brought
over the rest of his food along with hers, then Edward sat down the fries and I laughed.
"You didn't have to get all fancy on me Edward. Frozen crinkle fries would have been fine." I plucked
one of his hand-cut waffle fries from the plate and nibbled on it. Mm, perfect.
"Maybe I'm just trying to show you that I really love you," he held my gaze, lifting his eyebrow
He must have been joking...right?
"Um," I looked down, unable to hold his gaze, "Can I have her spoon?" I held out my hand, needing
the distraction.
"I'll feed her, just eat." He pushed the plate of fries to me and turned his attention to her.
"I came here to help and so far you have cooked for me and I have done nothing, soplease." I held
out my hand again and this time he gave in.
"Thank you," he said and then began eating.
I helped Ness with her food. She slurped her noodles and looked pretty happy smacking her lips as
she ate. Edward smiled as he watched her and I did too. It was good to see them both so happy.
"Is Bella's soup good sweetheart?" Edward asked, thumbing her cheek. She nodded yes, looking at
him, and he smiled again, resting his chin into his palm after he finished eating. Ness consumed her
whole bowl, and I finished off the fries. Edward stood up to started cleaning, but I stopped him.
"I have like," I looked to the clock on the stove, "An hour before I have to get back to work, so if I
were you, I would use that time to shower" I reached up to his stubbly face and smiled, rubbing his
cheek, "And shave."
"Are you telling me I look like a homeless person?" he laughed.
"No. You smell too good to be homeless. But I'm sure you would like a shower regardless," I
shrugged, turning around to pull Ness from her seat.
"Would you like to help me Squeaks?" I asked and she nodded, holding out her hands to me. "Alright,
here you go," I handed her the empty paper plates from our sandwiches and she carried them off to
the kitchen.
Edward smiled at her and then rubbed my cheek once before he walked off towards the hall to his
bedroom. As he showered, I finished cleaning and then folded his laundry on the couch, while Ness
showed me all the wonderful ways of messing up my neat piles. It was a good thing she was cute.
After the laundry was done, I placed it back into the basket and carried it off to his room and set it on
the bed. I then took it back off the bed, made his bed, and then put it back on top of the covers
again, picking up a few dirty socks along the way. Ness was behind me, tugging on my leg and I
looked down to her. She pointed at Edward's bed and I picked her up and sat her on it, taking a seat
next to her.
It felt weird, being on his bed, but I wasn't sure if she was trying to tell me she was tired or what. He
was still in the bathroom, and I couldn't ask him, so I just followed her hand gestures. Ness crawled
up to the top of the bed and patted the pillow as she laid down. Did she remember me sleeping
here? Is that what she wanted? My eyes welled a little with tears, and I gave in to her silent request.
My head rested next to hers and I let her play with my hair in her free hand as she sucked on her
thumb with the other.
I closed my eyes, trying to not let her see my tears and breathed in her scent, wishing like hell I could
always carry it with me because not only did she smell like Edward, but she also smelled like fucking
happiness too. That sounds convoluted, I know, but the fucking truth is that she did. Her fragrance,
fucking happiness. Period. Whatever the sunshine would smile like, that's what I felt when I breathed
Ness in.
The bed weighed down next to me and I rolled back to see Edward taking a seat, looking very
refreshed from his shower. He placed his finger over his lips and then nodded to Ness, who I looked
over to see was sleeping sound, curled up against me. I rested my head back down and watched her
sleeping face as she snored softly.
Edward's lips brushed my cheek and he spooned the place behind me, resting his chin into the crook
of my neck. His fingers found mine under the pillow and he laced them with his own, resting his
other hand over me and on Renesmee's tiny back.
"She loves you Bella. You know that?" he whispered in my ear.
"I love her too, Edward." I whispered, keeping my eyes on her face.
"Thank you," he kissed my neck and sighed hard.
We must have all fallen back to sleep because the next sound I heard was my phone ringing loudly
throughout his small apartment. I tried to move quickly without disturbing Ness. She stayed asleep
and Edward sat up with me, allowing me off the bed. I found my phone in my purse on the table and
told Emmett to fucking shut up and go away. He then told me Seth was there and I fucking groaned,
knowing I had to go back to work and couldn't have nappy time anymore. As I hung up, Edward was
leaning on the wall in the hallway and I held the phone up before shoving it back in my purse.
"I have to go. Seth is waiting for me," I yawned and slung my bag over my shoulder.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to let you fall asleep." Edward pushed off the wall and walked over towards me.
"It's alright. Trust me, there are two things I will never argue with A good nap and good food. You
gave me both," I smiled.
"You deserved both," Edward pulled me into his arms, hugging me goodbye.
"I hope Squeaky feels better." I closed my eyes and tried to breathe in a little of Edward for the road.
"She will. Thank you for helping. You didn't have to fold my laundry you know." Edward leaned away,
but kept his arms around me, locking his fingers behind my back.
"Are you kidding? I got to see at least ten different pairs of those pervy underwear Esme buys you.
That was payment in itself," I smiled teasingly.
"Speaking of my mothershe wants you to come to the barbeque she is demanding to have this
weekend. Since you are the reason for her doing so, I think you are obligated to say yes." He smiled
crookedly at me and fucking butterbean held up a big sign that said 'fucking RSVP yes bitch'.
"You just want me to come so the food won't suck," I poked him in the chest playfully.
"You don't have to cook. My father is quite good on the grill actually," Edward smiled.
"Mm hmm, I do believe I'll be the judge of that."
"Does that mean you will come?" he asked.
"Sure, why not. Free food, I'm all about it." Edward released me and I walked towards the door.
"Bella?" he called out as I palmed the handle.
"Hmm?" I faced him and he stepped forward, taking my hand into his.
"Thank you for taking such good care of us." He kissed my hand sweetly several times.
I brought my free hand up to his now smooth cheek and thumbed it gently, causing him to meet my
"Thank you for letting me."
Chapter Thirteen ~ Illusions of Grandeur
Sometimes love can be magical, but sometimes magic
is just an illusion.
9:22 am
Three layers or fourThree layers or four? Fuck itwe'll do four.
I was making my famous and highly exclusive fucking orange crme, with fresh cherry preserve,
triple layer trifle, that was topped with spiced motherfucking pears and freshly made whipped
cream, for the barbeque at Esme's this afternoon. I figured showing up with dessert wasn't a bad
thing. I mean, people did that shit, right? Normal people?
Maybe I should go with three layers.Four looks like I'm fucking showing off
Stick my ass in a room full of suits who have egos the size of Mt. fucking Rushmore, I am all about it
and cool as a cucumber. Put my ass at a simple weekend get together, I am a nervous bumbling fool.
There was no hiding here and I hated small talk. Edward's family seemed nice, don't get me wrong,
his mother Esme was like a fucking doll and shit, but being subjected to an entire day of having to be
'normal' was a little much.
I made sure to sit the cherries that perched atop the whipped cream peaks a little askew and not as
perfect as I would have normally. It bugged the holy fuck out of me, but it looked a little sloppy like
this and maybe they wouldn't think I was trying to one-up them cause I fucking wasn't. I just
wanted to be nice. Besides, it was my Gran's recipe and not something on my menu since it was
sacred to me kind of like the motherfucking Cullens.
Well, two of them anyway.
I held Ness as we showered. It wasn't the easiest thing to do, but she was having a bad day and
wouldn't let go of me. We used to do this all the time when she was a baby, so it wasn't new to me,
but a four year old and a infant are entirely two different things to manage while trying to wash your
hair. At least, she was helping me out right now. I kept my eyes closed and she seemed to think it
was funny when the suds ran over my face. Stepping back, I rinsed before the soap could burn my
eyes and she moved her little hands through my hair.
"Alright sweetheart, you have to sit on the toilet so Daddy can finish, please." I kissed her cheek and
she thankfully let go of me as I pulled curtain back. After she was wrapped up nice and tight in a
towel, I closed the curtain again and raised the temperature of the water a little hotter, since my skin
wasn't as sensitive as Ness' and I liked a rather hot shower.
"Bella is coming to Grandma's this afternoon, Sweetheart. Aren't you excited?" I asked, stripping off
my swimsuit bottoms.
What? You thought I would shower in the nude with my four-year-old daughter?
Ness said nothing.
I peeked out of the shower curtain to make sure she was still sitting on the toilet she was, with her
fingers in her mouth and her little feet hanging over the edge, wiggling. I closed the curtain again and
began to wash the places I couldn't before. It was a quiet week around my house, with the exception
of Bella visiting which we will get to in a minute and Ness crying.
Number one Bella makes awesome fucking lasagna. If I weren't banned from her butterbean, I
would be giving said butterbean the licking of its motherfucking life, everyday, for the rest of her life.
Number two She told me she loved my child. Now, I don't really have words to describe how that
shit feels, but imagine the thing you want most in the world and someone delivering it to you with a
big fucking bow wrapped around it, and you would be pretty fucking close.
I knew Ness loved Bella. She pointed to her picture on the fridge every morning and then to herself,
right over her heart, telling me so in her own little way. My lips told Bella that I loved her, but she
assumed I was only playing along with her words from earlier when she asked me to make her fries;
though, there was something there when I said it. I wasn't stupid. A faint glimmer of hope sparkled,
before she could mask it and ask for Ness' spoon.
Did she want me to love her? I wasn't sure. Did I want to love her?
Fuck yeah, I did.
"All done Sweet Pea." I turned off the water and reached my arm out for a towel from the bar. After I
was wrapped up good, I drew back the curtain and Ness looked up to me, still playing with her
fingers in her mouth.
"Are your teeth hurting?" I tried to pull her hand away, but she cowered back. "Ness, let Daddy see,
please." I kneeled down and managed to pull her hand free. Everything seemed fine, but she went
right back to gnawing away on her fingers.
"If something hurts, tell Daddy please." I thumbed her cheek, but she said nothing.
The silence was killing me. Renesmee always talked, too much sometimes. This shit was freaking me
out. I know everyone kept saying to let her be and she would speak when she was ready, but those
people weren't her fucking father who knew better than to believe that standard lie. This was my
baby and she was tethered around my heart as though we both shared the same life force. I wasn't a
fucking big enough fool to believe that my talkative four year old was 'just fine' when she said not
one damn word in the past week. Not to mention, she was also spacey as shit and stared off most of
the time not paying attention to what was happening. This was not her usual temperament by far
and if one more fucking person told me 'it was fine' I was about to lose my shit.
"Pink or purple?" I held up two different shirts to her and she looked away, not interested. "We'll go
with pink," I said, pretty much to myself.
After I dressed her and dried her curly hair, I carried her into my room and sat her down on the bed
so I could find my own clothes. She curled up against the pillows, sucking on her thumb with one
hand and rubbed the pillow with her other. Ness' eyes roamed over the white fabric and she moved
her hand the same way she did that day when Bella laid there the same way she touched her face.
Ness closed her eyes and sighed hard. I stepped into the space of my closet and changed quickly into
my jeans and white button-down Oxford. My mother would kill me if I showed up to any event
wearing shorts and a screen tee, so this was a nice compromise of both style and comfort.
I sat gently on the bed after I changed, watching my baby girl as she slept. I hoped she was having
only sweet dreams and not nightmares like over the past few nights. My lips kissed her delicate, baby
fine hairs at the top of her head and as I leaned against the pillow to rest with her; she whispered her
first little word in her sleep.
11:22 am
I was a little nervous about leaving Seth in charge without supervising him. Emmett would also be
gone and so that meant only Angela was in charge. I would be back by dinner service time, but I did
not feel good about leaving them alone until I returned. At least Edward would be back by Monday
and shit would return to normal, and I could have a fucking day off.
"So Angela, you have to make sure they have all of this done by 2pm or they will never have enough
time to"
"Bella!" she cut me off, holding me by the shoulders. "It's fine, please. Go away," she chuckled at the
"Sorry, it just scares the holy fuck out of me. Not that I don't think you are able to do thisit's just me
being stupid." I closed my eyes and sighed hard.
"Go have fun Bella. Everything here is fine." Angela rubbed my arms and I opened my eyes, finally.
"Thanks. Call me if you need anything, alright?"
"I will. Tell Edward I said hi and uh.Thanks," she looked down shyly as she smiled.
"For what?"
"Ben and I went on a date last night," she blushed.
"You did? What the fuck Ang? Why didn't you tell me?" I hoisted my bag up on my shoulder and
walked towards the door.
"I wasn't sure if you would be angry," Angela replied, following me to the door.
"As long as you guys don't bring your drama here, it's fine." I tugged the door open and she waved to
me as I made my way out.
Now I aint say'n she's a gold diggerbut she aint mess'n with no broke
Edward's text tone sounded from the passenger seat. As soon as I reached the first red light, I dug
through my bag to retrieve it and my heart stopped when I clicked on the inbox to read what he sent.
Ness fell asleep against your pillow on my bed. Mumbled 'Bewwa" in her sleep. Your name has never
sounded so good.
My eyes started to water and I had to rest the phone back on the seat to clear my vision. As soon as I
came to the next red light, I texted him back.
You just made my fucking day. I'll see you guys soon.
He didn't text me back and I drove the rest of the way thinking about what he told me. I could
imagine Ness, curled up, just like the other day and how Edward's face must have smiled and
breathed a sigh of relief hearing her speak, even if it was just in her dreams. When I arrived at the
Cullen's, I parked along the long drive and fixed my make-up before I climbed out. Walking over to
the passenger's side, I unbuckled the cardboard box that had the trifle sitting in it like a trifle car
seat and picked it up.
After I closed the car door with my foot, I walked up towards the house and saw Edward heading my
way across the well-manicured grass. Ness was on his hip and he had a beer in his other hand. I
smiled at him and tried to keep butterbean calm as she roamed over his dark jeans and crumpled
white button-down. Edward could work the motherfuck out of a white shirt and jeans that was for
damn sure.
His damn sex hair was the last straw for butterbean though she officially needed a diaper change.
"Hey," I said, stopping in front of him.
"Hi Angel." Edward leaned in and kissed my cheek once. The beer on his breath fanned my face and it
didn't fucking help butterbean's resolve any. I turned my attention to Ness to try to calm my damn
clit down.
"Well don't you look pretty in pink, Squeaky," I smiled at her and Ness gave a small smile back,
leaning against Edward's chest. "But then again, you're always pretty." I kissed her chubby cheek and
she giggled.
"What is that?" Edward asked, looking down to the box is my hands. I grinned at him and reached up
on my toes, leaning my face into the crook of his mother of fuck this man smelled good neck.
"Triple layer, yellow cake trifle with fresh cherry preserve and hand-whipped whipped cream" I
leaned in even closer to his ear and whispered, "With spiced pears on top." Edward groaned at my
description and I leaned away smiling at how much fucking fun it was to tease him.
Edward's eyes then roamed over me carefully, slowly.
"You look very beautiful," he said, still looking me over, causing my heart to thump as he finally
rested his smoldering eyes upon mine. I was hoping when I picked out a simple navy sundress it was
just appropriate. Edward telling me I was beautiful was just
"You look very handsome yourself," I smiled and we began heading back towards the house.
Once inside I saw Emmett and Esme in the kitchen. She was smacking his hand as he tried to steal
olives from the salad bowl. Ness laughed again, seeing Emmett get scolded and it warmed my heart
to hear and see her being so lively. Edward was smiling too and that officially put me in a good mood.
"Hey B," Emmett said, stealing one last olive when Esme's back was turned.
"Hey Olive Stealer," I teased.
"Emmett!" Esme spun around and slapped him again. "I told you to stop that."
"Thanks a lot Bella," he gave me a sour face and sat down at one of the stools along the kitchen
"Um, I brought trifle." I rested it down on the counter and Esme wiped her hands as she leaned in to
hug me.
"Thank you Dear. Carlisle forgot our dessert at the store." She pulled back and looked at it. "So this
will be perfect. It looks amazing."
"Holy crap!" Emmett rose from his seat again, looking down at the trifle. "Is that Gran's?" he asked.
"Shit Bella." He licked his lips and I could see the debate raging in his eyes.
"You put your damn fingers in my dessert and I will gut you like a fish, Em," I warned, pointing at him.
"Come on! Just one cherry," he whined, giving me his big teddy bear eyes.
"Fine, but just one." I couldn't help but smile at him.
"Oh yeah!" Emmett rubbed his hand together and licked his lips, leaning over to steal a cherry as I
lifted the cling wrap from the top.
"To Grandma Swan, may she rest in peace, where ever her sweet trifle and apple making soul may
lie." He tipped the cherry to me I laughed at his tribute as he stuck it in his mouth, humming happily
as he chewed.
"Indeed," I said softly.
"Why don't you get Bella a drink?" Esme said to Emmett.
"Sure thing. Whatchu want B? We got beer," he walked his way to the fridge. "Um, some girly wine
shit," he looked inside as he spoke, "and some really girly wine shit Edward made with fucking," he
picked up the pitcher and looked at it, "fruit and shit floating in it."
"That would be called sangria, nimrod," Edward explained, shaking his head.
"You made sangria?" I asked, surprised.
"With these puppies right here," he wiggled his hand to me, just like I did about the lasagna I had
made for him.
"Does that mean you want some?" Emmett asked, still holding the pitcher.
"Sangria is perfect," I replied with a nod.
Edward set Nessie on the island counter in front of him and handed her a piece of cheese from the
platter Esme had out. She watched me as she nibbled on it and Emmett handed me my drink. The
phone rang and Edward's mother answered then turned to me.
"How do you like your steak, Bella?" she asked.
"Pink in the middle," I replied, knowing that people usually fucked up if you said it any other way.
"Just like Edward," Emmett joked, nudging Edward's arm.
"Don't be crude," Esme scolded and then replied my answer over the phone, to whom I assumed was
"So, who is at the restaurant?" Edward asked, holding out the cheese platter to me.
"Seth and Angela until I get back. I'm sure it will be a fucking nightmare." I watched Ness, waiting for
her reaction to my cursing, but none came.
The doorbell rang and Emmett took off to answer it. Nessie wiggled pointing that she wanted to
follow him and Edward lowered her to the ground, watching as she ran off behind Emmett. Edward
turned back to me as Esme carried a tray out of the patio doors.
"How is your sangria?" he asked.
"Fine," I replied, looking down to it, swirling the wine as I held the glass. "Edward?" I looked up to
him, wanting to take advantage of our alone time.
"Hmm?" he leaned against the counter.
"Have you talked to anyone about Squeaky?"
"Yeah, they all tell me the same thing, she's fine." I could hear the irritation in his voice.
"I'm worried," I said.
"Yeah, me too." He looked up to me through his long lashes and his eyes were somber. I set my glass
down on the counter and wrapped one arm around him. Edward leaned off the counter and returned
my gesture, holding me in his arms. My head rested on his hard chest, with his chin on my forehead.
"I was reading about kids with PTSD last night, " I began, "and they were saying that in cases like
Ness, where they are really young, you should use like flash cards and shit to communicate. It makes
sense. Maybe we should try it."
"Do you think there is something wrong, Bella? Like really wrong with her?" he asked, quietly.
"No, but I don't think just letting her come around is the answer either." I leaned off of him a bit to
look at his face. "Squeaks needs to be able to communicate what is happening in her mind. I can only
imagine how confused she must feel, but probably has no idea how to explain it to us. The shit with
her fingers and thumb suckingit's all part of it."
"You think so?" Edward asked.
"It's like, a way for her to calm herself, or comfort herself. I also think you need to try, and I know this
is a stupid thing to say, but you need to try and just act normal around her. If you're stressed out
Edward, she's going to be stressed out too." I fingered the buttons on his shirt as I explained.
"Well, Jessica leaving this week isn't going to help that," he said.
"I know. I'm sorry. It will be alright though." I looked back up to him and he thumbed my cheek
gently before cupping my face in his hands. Edward leaned down and I thought he was going to kiss
me, but he leaned his lips to my ear and whispered.
"Your lasagna was fucking delicious," he snickered lightly and kissed my cheek. I giggled back at him
and went to say something in return but was cut off.
"Well isn't this shit cozy," a familiar voice sounded, and Edward groaned.
"Fuck," he mumbled, releasing me from his hold.
"No wonder you've moved up the ladder so fast." Rosalie stood in the doorway, staring at us with her
arms crossed.
"You know what Rosalie?" I stepped back from Edward, but kept my hand on his chest. "You need to
get a fucking life." I picked up my sangria with my free hand to take a sip. She smiled smug as she
walked towards me, hand on her hips.
"I'm not Jessica, Bella. You don't scare me."
"As much as I would love to get into this shit with you, I hardly think this is the place. And just so we
are perfectly fucking clear, since apparently your eyes have skewed vision lately, Emmett has worked
for me for years meaning the Cullens are like family to me. Whatever you think you fucking saw just
now you didn't. Edward is my friend and he has some serious shit going on, so just back the fuck
off." I picked up my glass again and took a sip.
"Leave Bella alone Rosalie," Edward said and then turned his back to her, walking towards the fridge.
"Or what? Gonna slap me around a little, Edward?" He paused and laughed once humorlessly as he
closed the door to the refrigerator.
"You and I both know," he turned around and tapped his finger at her, "that isn't what fucking
happened. Why the fuck you cover for Jessica, I will never understand." Edward stared at her and
Rose stepped forward.
"She's my friend."
"And that gives her the right to be a shit mother and get away with it?" Edward held up his hand
shrugging his shoulders as he asked.
"Sometimes being a mother just doesn't come naturally to some, Edward."
"Oh go fuck yourself. Jessica doesn't have the resources you have, you know." She stepped closer to
"Like what? A fucking brain?" He retaliated and I couldn't help the fucking loud ass snort that
escaped. Thankfully, they ignored me.
"Like rich parents and fucking"
"Oh, don't fucking even!" Edward held up a hand, not trying to hear her shit. "When Jessica fucking
told me she was pregnant, the first motherfucking thing I did was get a job and I took care of her
fucking ass by myself. Where you two get this shit from, that my mother and father were responsible
for any of that shit, escapes my fucking brain's capacity of reasoning." Edward grabbed his beer from
the counter and drank a long sip.
"You still have them for support," Rosalie argued, crossing her arms.
"And she fucking had me and decided that wasn't good enough, so what would you like me to do
about that Rose? Buy her a fucking house and support her financially just because we have a kid
together? How about" He leaned into her face, and tilted his beer to the side, "Fuck no." I may have
giggled a little on that one.
"You could help her out more. She needs someone."
"She's got someone. Mike's her man, not me. If our daughter needs something, I fucking take care of
her. Jess is not my fucking problem anymore. She decided that when Mike's dick entered her herpes
filled pussy." And with that, I fucking lost my shit and had to leave the room, but fucking listened
from the hallway.
"You're a fucking asshole," Rose said.
"If the contest here, Rose, is being an asshole who takes care of his kid, versus being a dirty whore
with an itchy vagina who can't even fucking call to see if our daughter, WHO ALMOST FUCKING DIED
less than five days ago, is alright," he paused and then I heard the clinking of the beer bottle hitting
the trash I imagined he gulped that fucker down, "then I'll take being the asshole any day." Edward
walked out of the kitchen and into the hallway where I was.
"You ready for fucking steak or what, Angel?" Edward didn't let me reply, he just took my hand and
pulled me along to the patio doors.
"Edward?" I said, walking with him.
"Hmm?" He pushed the doors open and allowed me to step out first.
"I fucking heart you." I spun around, still holding his hand to face him as he stepped out behind me.
Edward laughed a somewhat frustrated sound and then shook his head as we walked to our seats.
I noticed a gate and many, many plants had been placed around the pool area. That was good,
definitely didn't want a repeat on that shit. It being blocked out of Ness' sight was a good thing too.
Emmett came through the door with Rose, who still looked pissed off by the burn she just received.
"Here, I changed her." Emmett handed Ness to Edward.
"What do you mean you changed her?" Edward eyed him as he took Ness.
"El accidente," Emmett chuckled.
"Are you alright Baby?" Edward looked down to her, but she ignored him and reached for the plate
on the table.
"It was just pee man. No need to flip out," Emmett said.
"I'm not flipping" Edward stopped, as he fucking started flipping out, and sighed. I reached over to
him and rubbed his earlobe.
"Whoosahhh whoosahhh," I giggled.
"Rubbing something lower would be much better," Edward teased.
"Don't I know it," I waggled my brows at him and he laughed.
"Yeah, you two are totally fucking," Rose spat.
"Hey! Don't say shstuff like that in front my four year old," Edward glared at her and she just
flipped her blonde hair back, ignoring him.
"Do you kids want any other type of sauce for your steaks?" Esme asked, placing the fifth bottle of
sauce down on the table.
"Mom, why the hell do you have twenty bottles of steak sauce?" Edward laughed.
"Why do you have twenty different white button-down shirts? It just makes us both happy, Dear."
She smiled wryly at him, "And speaking of clothing, Bella, Honey, you look very nice. I meant to
mention that earlier. I like your headband, don't really see girls these days wearing them anymore."
"Oh," I said, unsure if that was a compliment or no,t and Rose snickered her damn bitch lips at me.
"What I mean is," Esme glared a little at her and then turned to me, "it's rare that you see a woman
your age look so lady-like. I'm a little tired of the hip hugging pants and booby shirts. It's quite
refreshing to just see someone sofeminine." She smiled sweetly at me and then turned to face the
table again.
"AND don't even think I didn't notice neither of you boys mentioned how fabulous your mother looks
today" Esme waved her hand over her blue sundress "This is new."
"You look nice Mom," Edward and Emmett said lamely and she sucked her teeth, rolling her eyes at
them. She started to return to her seat, but Edward grabbed her by the waist and pulled her back
"The blue in your dress, Mother, is almost as beautiful as your blue eyes." He reached up and cupped
her face in his palm, "Almost."
Butterbean was dead. She died on this day.
A moment of silence, please.
Thank you.
"Ass kisser," Emmett huffed.
"This is the type of romance you can expect out of dream man over there," Edward shot back,
looking at Rose as he kicked Emmett's leg with his foot.
"Sorry that took so long. I kept getting interrupted with the silly phone." Carlisle sat the platter of
steaks down and I almost lost my shit. He cooked them at the same time? AND let them sit. Fuck me.
I tried to breathe.
"Dad, you totally killed the steaks," Edward said to my fucking satisfaction.
"I think I know how to cook a steak, thank you," Carlisle said, grabbing the salad bowl.
"Yeah? Which one is mid rare, because they all look pretty grey to me?" He pointed to the plate and
looked at Carlisle.
"I'm sorry, I didn't see a sign that said 'Edward's Kitchen' when I walked in here this afternoon,"
Carlisle shot back.
"Enough," Esme interrupted. "Just take a piece of meat and stop your griping, Son."
"So Rosalie, what do you do?" Carlisle changed the topic.
"I own a bakery," Rose smiled at him.
"Oh, another food person," he nodded.
"Well I just have the one place. Try to stay grounded, you know." She glanced once at me and then
down to her plate.
What the fuck?
"Yes, well, that sounds like a good plan." This was quickly becoming the bash Bella show.
"Bella was just given an award Carlisle. For," Esme looked up to me as she cut her steak. "What was
the name dear?"
"A Michelin star," I shrugged, not really wanting to talk about this shit.
"Yes, that's right. It is a very prestigious award," Esme smiled sweetly, but her efforts were lost. No
one fucking cared about that shit and it was making me highly uncomfortable.
"What is the criteria for winning one?" Carlisle asked me, in almosta challenging way?
"Um," I placed my fork down and wiped my mouth with the little sailboat printed linen napkin from
my lap, "it's based on a number of things." Please fucking drop it.
"As in? I am sure we can all follow along Bella." He cut his steak still keeping my gaze.
Yep, the fucker was challenging me.
"It's sort of a long list of things, but you pretty much have to be perfect in a way." As soon as the
fucking words left my mouth I cringed.
Fucking word vomit bullshit.
"I mean the restaurant, the restaurant has to be to their standards, which are perfect." I tried to back
track, but it didn't seem to move him any.
"We know that Dear," Esme smiled at me, and I looked back down to my food.
"Yeah, Bella has three, Dad," Emmett said. "That means we are triple perfect," he smiled and winked
at me.
"Three? I thought you said they were hard to come by?" Carlisle challenged me again.
"They are Carlisle," Edward spoke up this time, dropping his fork to his plate, allowing it to clatter
hard against the ceramic. "Bella is the youngest person to have ever received three, the only other
person who has more than her is double her age and oh, by the," Edward covered Ness' ears,
"fucking way, that happens to be Gordon fucking Ramsey, who asks Bella to oversee his restaurants
because he holds her in such high ass mother of fuck regard." He uncovered her ears. "So stop it." He
picked up his fork and held a bite of food to Ness' mouth, keeping his eyes on his father.
"So."Emmett began, "catch any of that Marlins game?" Emmett picked up his beer, looking at
"I'll pay you on Friday," Edward grinned.
"Still holding out on the Diamondbacks, eh?" Emmett smiled, taking a sip of his beer.
"You like the Diamondbacks?" I asked him.
"That was the first baseball game I ever went to as a kid, on our family vacation one year."
"Edward is extremely loyal to them, all because he caught a stupid ball," Emmett laughed.
"Hmm." I looked back down to my food.
"What?" Edward asked.
"Phil is on that team."
"Who's Phil? Wait, like your stepdad? You're step dad is Phil Mesoftlee?" Edward asked, surprised.
"That name!" Emmett boomed in laughter. "It fucking kills me every time!" He held his belly, tossing
his head back.
"You are such a child." I shook my head at him and then turned to Edward. "Yes, that is my step
"In that case," Edward laughed, reaching for his beer. "You owe my ass twenty bucks."
"Shh," Nessie hit his mouth and Edward laughed, trying to hold his beer in. She giggled at him and did
it again. "Ass," He said again and she did the same thing, laughing harder.
"Normally, I would scold you for speaking so fowl to my grandbaby," Esme looked over to them,
resting her chin in her hands, "but a bad word has never been so good to hear."
1:44 pm
I helped Esme serve the trifle and bring it out to the table, although, at this point, I felt like dumping
it in the trash not in the mood to hear anymore shit about myself. That of course didn't happen.
We brought out the dessert, which, by the way, was served on these kickass plates with a big fat rat
in the middle of the design. It was sort of cool that she could surprise me. Emmett was served first
and all but inhaled the ceramic plate it sat upon.
"Do you always eat like this?" Rose asked him.
"Yep," he said with a mouth full.
"It's gross." She rolled her eyes and Emmett leaned in, puckering his lips out and she cowered back.
Ness giggled again as he tried to kiss her and she swatted him away.
"I bet she's fun in bed," I mumbled sarcastically under my breath. Edward snickered beside me and
we shared a glance no else noticed.
"Bella, this is wonderful, thank you for bringing it," Esme said.
"Sure," I smiled as I took a bite.
"Actually, there's a little too much whipped cream," Rose said, moving a sweep of her cream aside.
"Uhyou talking about me eating like a pig," Emmett began, "is one thing Babygirl. You talking about
Gran's trifle" he took her plate away and placed it in front of him, "is another." Emmett scooped up
a big bite and shoved it in his mouth.
"I just don't like whipped cream. I didn't say I didn't want it," Rose tugged her plate back.
"How do you own a bakery and not like whipped cream? Are you a Commy?" I asked arching an
"No, I just get tired of shit I have had a million times over," Rose said, bringing a spoon to her mouth.
"You know, this might be the one and only time I will ever agree with you Rosalie. We should like,
have a moment of silence or something," I sighed hard and a few people laughed.
"Rose is revoking her ban on us from the bakery by the way," Emmett said.
"Oh yeah, why is that?" I asked lamely.
"I got skills," Emmett sucked his spoon suggestively as he ate his bite of cherry and yellow cake
"You just totally desecrated Gran's trifle," I shook my head at him.
Edward was feeding Ness in his lap, but apparently it wasn't fast enough because she made a very
disgruntled noise, as he took his own bite, and bounced with anticipation for her own. Ah, if only
Gran could see. Esme handed Edward her spoon from across the table and he passed it to Ness so
she could eat with him. The spoon was a little hard for her to handle, as it was five times her size and
clinked against her tiny teeth as she tried to take a mouthful. She had no qualms with whipped
Which is why I loved her and fucking hated Rosalie.
"Good, isn't Shortcake?" Emmett asked Ness, winking at her. She nodded at him and Edward looked
questioningly at him.
"I haven't heard you say that in a long time."
"I was trying to come up with a more grown-up name, but I just can't. She's Shortcake and that's all
there is to it." Emmett's low laugh vibrated against his beer bottle as he leaned back in his chair,
taking a sip.
"Why is she Shortcake?" I asked Em, smiling at this name I never heard.
"Because she's sweet and vibrant and heavenly, just like shortcake," Emmett nodded once, looking at
"You know, I have worked with you, for what? Like fucking seven years or some shit Em?"
"That is the first time in seven years I have ever heard you describe a dish appropriately," I grinned at
him and he winked at me then looked back to Ness.
"I know."
My mother served us coffee in the living room area. Well, one of the living rooms anyhow. The one
we were allowed to enter, because it was kid-friendly and didn't house too many expensive
Emmett had already taken off to go back to The Workshop. I was glad, not only because that meant
Rose was gone, but also because I knew Bella might relax a little if he was there watching over things.
As Esme went to lay Ness down for her nap, I watched Bella walk around the room, looking at all the
pictures as she sipped her coffee.
"I am totally snooping through this whole room, just so you know," she teased.
"I am totally staring at your ass, just so you know," I sat back on the sofa and she looked over her
shoulder to me with a sour expression.
I laughed and kept on ogling her as she looked back to the mantle full of photographs. It wasn't my
fault. She was the one who decided to wear the dress that showed how long and silky her legs were.
Of course, looking at her legs made me look
at her ass, and looking at her ass made my dick twitch. We all know how I feel about that thing,
please don't make me describe it to you again, for I am not allowed sex anymore, please and fucking
thank you.
She really did look beautiful though, my mother's description of Bella being perfect. Watching her
long chestnut locks sway as she sashayed around the room, I trailed my eyes down, taking in how she
arched her neck and set her shoulders straight. Bella's demeanor was strong, confident and yes -
"Was this you?" Bella asked, holding a small-framed picture in her free hand.
"Yes," Esme answered for me as she entered.
My mother walked over to Bella and took it from her hands, pulling her along to the couch across
from where I was lounging. Esme looked over the picture thoughtfully before she spoke and I could
see the pride in her face as she stared at it.
"I love both of my boys very much and equally, mind you, but there was always something special
about Edward." Esme glanced over to me and I averted her gaze, taking a sip of my coffee.
"He was a very sweet little boy. Renesmee and he acted very similar," Esme said to Bella. "Edward
used to walk with me in our gardenwell the garden we used to have, anyway, when he was small.
He'd help me pick the flowers and vegetables. Maybe that's where his love of food comes frombut
anyhow" I cut Esme off.
"You just always have to bring this up, don't you?" I laughed, knowing what she was about to say. "I
was six Mom. It's time to get over it," I teased.
"Shh, I'm telling a story." She looked back to Bella and I laid down on the couch, resting my mug on
the table.
"Coaster please, Dear," Esme pointed to the table.
"Yeah, yeah, just tell your story Mrs. Victim," I teased back, sliding a coaster under the mug, and sunk
back into the pillows.
"One day, we were in the garden and I was picking these lovely wildflowers that bloomed from who
knows where," Esme flipped up her hand and I closed my eyes, thinking back to the day as she
described it.
"Edward walked up to me with a huge handful of these precious purple wildflowers and says, 'Here
Mom, flowers.' I was so touched. I mean, can you imagine, Bella? This man," I opened my eyes as she
motioned towards me with her hand, "being this big," Esme held her hand to the floor at my six-year-
old height, "and handing his mother flowers with those big blue eyes?" Bella smiled as she listened to
Esme, and I watched her face for the rest of the story, loving the excitement and intrigue that lay
within it.
"As I took the flowers into my hand, I was going to lean down and kiss my sweet boy for being so
thoughtful and then," Esme looked at me with a scowl and I started laughing at her bitterness, "he
punched me in the stomach." Bella busted into laughter, covering her mouth as Esme said the last
"Why" Bella tried to ask but she was laughing too hard. "Why would you do you that?" she asked,
still giggling.
"I was SIX!" I exclaimed, laughing.
"Thankfully, he has become much more of a gentleman since then," Esme teased, looking at Bella.
My father came into the room, pausing at the door way and we all looked to him.
"May I speak with you for a moment Bella?" Carlisle asked.
"We're having coffee dear," Esme answered for her, in a warning tone.
"It'll only take a second," Carlisle motioned with his hand leading out to the other room.
Bella looked at him, her brows scrunching together, but then rested her mug down and rose from her
seat to follow him. There was a nervous feeling in the pit of my stomach. My father had not been
very nice to Bella this afternoon and I had no idea what he could want with her, the only common
thread among the three of us was all the shit with Jessica.
"What is he doing?" I asked Esme after they were gone.
"I'm not exactly sure Honey. I'm sure it has something to do with Bella's involvement in your case
"He can't wait for some other time? She isn't here to be questioned." I sat up feeling very frustrated.
"It must be important." She shrugged.
I stood up and walked back to the kitchen to get more coffee, grabbing Esme's cup as well. The trifle
was still sitting on the kitchen island and I placed some cling wrap back over it then set it in the
fridge. I never met Gran, but I loved her. Her trifle recipe was fucking awesome. The baby monitor
was in the charger on the countertop next to the phone and I raised it up, listening to make sure Ness
was still asleep, but was interrupted by the sounds of Bella's heels coming down the wooden
staircase. I set the monitor back in the cradle and walked out to meet her, instantly becoming angry
when I saw her face.
"What happened?" I asked, following behind her towards the door.
"It's nothing. I have to go to the restaurant though. Give Squeaks a kiss for me okay?" she said
quickly, grabbing her things from the bench as she tried to exit. I grabbed her arm and she looked up
at me.
"Bella, don't leave. What did he say?"
"I told you, nothing. I have to go to work Edward, play time is over." She pulled her arm back and
slung her bag over her shoulder.
"Angel?" I called as she tugged open the door. Bella spun around and I stepped forward, cupping her
face into my hands.
"He isn't right, whatever my father said, he isn't right. Never is." I leaned my lips to her forehead,
kissing her softly. I'm sorry.
"There's a first time for everything," she whispered and leaned away. "See you Monday." She tugged
open the door and stepped out, closing it softly behind her. I turned around and saw Esme standing
at the stairwell, with a very sad and worried expression on her gentle face.
"Don't," she shook her head, pleading with me, knowing how pissed I was, but I ignored her and
stalked towards the steps that would lead to my father's office. "Edward!" she grabbed my arm,
trying to stop me.
"He has no fucking right!" I pointed towards the second floor.
"I know, but Ness is sleeping and if you start yelling at your father she is going to wake up scared."
She tried to grab my other arm, but I pushed passed her.
"Then I won't yell." I held up my hands as I climbed the steps.
As soon as I reached his office and opened the door, my plan for not yelling seemed to go away.
"What the fuck?!" I yelled, closing his door louder than I had planned to.
"Do not curse in my office." Carlisle kept his head down, focused on his paperwork.
"Have you not learned? Have we not almost lost everything simply because you can't butt out of my
life?" I walked forward and leaned on his desk once I reached it.
"Butt out? I am sorry Edward," he set down his pen and looked up to me. "I believed it was my duty
as your lawyer to be very much in your business."
"Not my personal business," I shook my head, wanting to smash his face as he looked at me, void of
"You seem to have a hard time separating the two lately," he countered.
"Don't even act like you have any place to judge me. I haven't done anything wrong." My palms
clenched and the desire to hit him grew.
"Your little girlfriend, boss, whatever she is, did do something wrong," Carlisle leaned back in his
chair, hands clasped across his chest.
"Like what?!" I asked angrily.
"Bella's interference into your case is causing me a lot of unneeded stress for one. I have no idea
what she is going to do at any given time and it is making me play a very dangerous game with her.
Actually, it is making you play a very dangerous
game, considering this is your child we are fighting for. Perhaps if you started thinking with your
upper body, instead of your lower body, we wouldn't have such problems. That was how this whole
mess began in the first place, as I recall."
"I'm not even sleeping with Bella for one. And two, do not call Renesmee a mess." I leaned further
over the desk, towering over him. Dad or not, I will fuck you up.
"I was referring to Jessica, not my Granddaughter."
"Bella was just trying,"
"To help. Yes, she said that," he finished for me.
"She cares about Ness," I simmered down a little. Very little.
"Then she should stay out of your affairs. It is only making things worse."
"I don't see how that is true. Bella is the reason I have any chance for getting Ness. For countless
reasons," I argued.
"Like what Edward? Being a chef? Getting a promotion because you're screwing your boss?" he
"I already told you" he cut me off again.
"She was here the entire night only a few days after you began working there. Think I am stupid?" He
started getting angry, standing up from his seat. "Right under my God damned roof while your child
sleeps in the next room? Knock up another whore, under my roof and you can forget about your
inheritance." He pointed angrily at me and I lost my shit.
"Inheritance?!" I yelled. "You think I give a shit about your motherfucking money?! I have never
taken a fucking cent from you!" We were in each other's faces, only the desk separating us.
"In that case, I'll send you my legal fees. Or wait, perhaps I should send them to your sugar mamma?"
"Fuck you Dad!" I knocked all the papers off his desk in one long hard sweeping motion with my left
hand. "Fuck. You." My mother was in the doorway and I tried not see the tears in her eyes, but failed
as I leaned in to kiss her goodbye.
"I'll see youI need to get out of here though," I waved my hand as I leaned away and tried to
simmer down the anger. She followed me as I walked to Ness' room.
"Just let her stay," she said, grabbing my arm.
"I'm not coming back here in the morning. She can stay with Leah." I pulled my arm free, but she
stepped in front of me.
"Don't do that Edward. Don't take her away from us. She has already been through too much," Esme
started to cry. "Please. Plus, you're too angry to drive with her. I don't even want you to drive alone."
She sobbed harder and reached out to hug me.
"Don't fucking cry Mah," I sucked my teeth, sighing hard, and held her to me.
"I just hate this," she sobbed against my chest.
"I know, but I tried and he just doesn't get it, Mom. He just doesn't get it." I kissed her head and she
nodded against me.
"We just want to protect you, because we love you." She leaned away and rubbed her soft fingers to
my face.
"I love you too, but I am not staying here and I'm not bringing Ness back here in the morning. She's
fine with Leah. I'll have her watch her at my place so it will be fine. Ness loves Leah. You can come
see her whenever you want. You know that," I kissed her head again. "But I am not coming back to
his house again." I gently pushed her away and walked to Ness' room.
She was still asleep and I carefully picked her up in my arms, resting her face into the crook of my
neck. My hands rubbed gently over her warm back and I reached down for the throw blanket that
rested on the chair in her room, wrapping it over her as I walked out. Esme stood outside of the
doorway and leaned in to kiss her goodbye, then turned to me.
"Bella is lovely and I am proud of you Edward. I have always been proud of you." Her eyes watered
and I just nodded, leaning in to kiss her cheek.
"I love you Mom. I'll call you later." I kissed Esme's cheek again and walked passed her, to the
After I reached my car outside, and had Ness placed safely into her car seat, I climbed into the
driver's side and sighed hard, trying to refocus. I thought about stopping at work and apologizing to
Bella, but Ness was sleeping and I didn't want to
involve her anyhow. Leaning to the side, I pulled my cell from my pocket and flipped it open,
searching for Bella's name. After I clicked on Angel, I thumbed the text feature and typed out a quick
I fucking heart you too.
When I arrived home, I placed Ness into her bed and let her nap while I cleaned up around my
apartment. The need to keep myself busy was huge. If Ness weren't here, I probably would have just
gone into work.
I made sure to call Leah and tell her I would need her on a full time basis from now on, and she was
all too happy. Then I started thinking about the shit Bella said about helping Ness with flashcards.
Sitting down at the computer, I looked up a few different things about Ness' condition and also found
a forum where other parents talked about similar experiences. It was sort of nice to know I wasn't so
Speaking of which, I checked my phone again and Bella still hadn't responded. Service should have
been starting by now, so maybe she didn't get it. I debated whether or not to leave a second text for
a moment, not sure if that was too much. Maybe something to just let her know that I didn't think of
her like Carlisle did. Something to void out his words to her that I didn't even need to hear to know
what they were; for I had already heard them once before in my life.
Scrolling once again through the list, I selected her name and I typed my message on the key pad.
TY 4 telling me about flashcards- just finished reading about it and found a good forum to talk on. It
was a big help. Hope your night is going well. I'm sorry that *I* am not there to help *you*, Angel.
After I chatted back and forth with a few others parents about PTSD, I started to look up lawyers in
the area. It would be a little tricky, since number one most of them knew my father, and also,
even though I was now making a good salary, lawyers were still a hell of fucking expensive. Carlisle
however, could take his fucking credentials and shove them up his ass. If I had to take a second or
third job, I didn't fucking care. I wasn't going to ask him for help, ever again.
There were a few good choices, but nothing I could really do about it until morning. Sundays were
not the day to go around calling places of business. Ness was still sleeping soundly, so I decided to lay
on the couch for a bit to think while it was quiet.
Looking around my small apartment, all of my worst fears came crashing down upon me as I tried to
view myself objectively from a judge's point of view. Here I was, dropping my lawyer/father, which
screamed family troubles. I lived in a cramped, rented space which screamed unstable and I had no
schooling or real education of any kind.
Sure, having Bella as my boss was good, but the reality was that I only had being employed full-time
under my belt for two months. That was hardly anything to write home about. Someone selling you a
used car would laugh at it if they saw it on your fucking application. Jessica not only was in school,
but also worked longer, holding down her job for years, compared to my measly months. Her
promotion to unknowing eyes would seem fitting and mine would look questionable.
Under my care, Ness had almost drowned, and under hers, she had a clean record, and a best friend
to testify that I placed my hands upon the mother of my child while she was tending to her, and I had
no one to say otherwise. Sitting up, I walked back over to the computer and reopened the search
engine, typing in 'houses for sale, Miami Florida.'
It wasn't much, but it was a start.
8:45 am Monday
I sat in my office and waited eagerly for the clock to toll nine, knowing that Edward would come
walking in. I missed having him here. As much as his father pissed me off yesterday with his stupid
fucking lecture, it wasn't Edward's fault and
yeah, okay, maybe his Dad was right about some shit. Maybe I did butt in a little too much, but fuck,
what would he prefer? Someone like Jessica who treated his son like shit? Fuck that mess.
I heard keys in the door and my heart picked up its pace. It was probably just Emmett, but I was still
full of anticipation anyhow. Would he come early? Did he want to be here that much? Maybe he was
trying to make up for being gone. My door was slightly open and I decided to holler out, not able to
take the wondering any longer.
"Emmett?" I called out.
"Just me Bell." I heard the smooth bass of Edward's voice and smiled wide.
"What are you doing out there?" Clocking in. I already knew, but just wanted to hear him again.
"Clocking in," he replied.
"I'll meet you in the kitchen in a second, I'm just trying to buy a new phone online." I glared at my
screen, wishing the fucking thing would move faster as it accepted my payment.
"What happened to your phone?" His voice was closer; I started to sweat a little.
"I dropped it last night and it broke." I threw the motherfucker out the window when I got no
reception on my drive home from his parent's house.
"So," he opened my door and I swear I expected to hear fucking angels and shit singing, "you didn't
get my messages?" he asked, looking a little sad.
"No. Why? What happened?" I asked, worried.
"Nothing, I just wanted to let you know I looked up the flashcards. That's all," he shrugged, but
something lingered in his eyes before he averted my gaze. The sound of approval from my payment
going through distracted me from asking him what was wrong.
"Thank God." I closed out of the window on the computer and climbed to my feet. Edward allowed
me to pass first and then followed me to the kitchen.
As we both started prepping for service, I filled him in on all the details and things he missed, griping
about Seth and telling him what he needed to work on with the kid. Edward fell right back into his
old role and I sighed contently at how fucking wonderful it felt with him here.
At some point in the day, his demeanor changed. Edward kept looking all fucking smiley and shit as
he kept glancing up at me through his long 'fuck me' lashes. I tried to focus on the fucking pasta
salad, but Edward was distracting my ass too badly. I finally gave up and looked at him.
"What the fuck is so funny?" I asked. He snickered and kept working, glancing up once to look around
the kitchen.
"Jessica has an STD," he tried not to smile, but failed miserably.
"What?" I held my hand over my mouth, laughing.
"Someone ordered her to take a test and sure as fuck, she has fucking herpes." He did laugh this
time, still assembling the pasta salad.
"Ugh, that is fucking gross, Wait, when the fuck did she get the herpes?" I asked nervously, arching a
brow at him.
"It wasn't fucking from me," Edward held his hand over his chest. "I am clean as a motherfucking
whistle Sweetheart," he said pointedly.
"When the hell did you find this out anyhow?" I asked.
"I got a call last week," he popped a cherry tomato in his mouth and shrugged. "I wanted to bring it
up, but you know, shit was happening."
Wasn't it always? Like NOW for instance
"Ugh, as much as I would LOVE to keep talking about this, I need to leave you for a bit. Seth should
be here, so get him going on what we talked about earlier before you leave for lunch, okay?"
"Yeah sure," he nodded as he kept working on the pasta salad.
Last night, I had thought long and hard about all of the things that happened, and decided that some
of the words Edward's father spoke to me were truer than I wanted to believe. The fact was that, I
was butting into his life too much. Not that I was going stop helping him, but I was perhaps avoiding
some of my own issues the most important of course being, the shit with James.
One of my lawyers knew this guy he thought he could help. I had emailed him last week and today he
was finally arriving. I waited patiently in my office, going through emails, before a man's head
popped through my door, not even knocking first.
He walked into my office and grinned. I was taken aback by how manly and fucking smug he was.
Damn, was that a gun? This motherfucker wasn't playing around. I liked that. This was good. If
someone was going to take down a monster, this was the fucking guy I wanted.
Leather wearing, gun toting, smug looking, hot ass motherfucker.
He handed me his card as he took a seat in my office, on my desk mind you. Normally, I would have
kicked him in the balls, but something told me, this man wouldn't have fucking cared. And really,
neither did I for some reason. I looked over his paper card in my hand, rolling along with my fingers
as I read it over.
Dick For Hire
Butterbean just found a new friend.
It felt amazing to tell Bella about Jessica's STD. I wanted to at the barbeque, even mentioning it to
Rose during our fucking argument, but shit got sidetracked. Plus, talking about herpes at a family
gathering, probably not the best thing to do. No matter how fucking funny that shit is. Karma, gotta
love it.
One thing did suck however.
Bella never got my fucking secret 'I love you' in her text message last night. Well, it was kind of good
in a way though. After work closed down last night, Em popped his head in my house for a quick
beer, having spoken to my mother and knowing shit had hit the fan with my father again. I told him I
was worried about Bella and that she hadn't returned my calls. After I explained what I wrote, he
called me a douche and gave me his theory.
"I'm telling you right now Edward, if you tell her that you love her, you will freak B the fuck out."
"How is telling someone that you love them considered a bad thing?" I asked.
"How is someone protecting you from bitches like Jessica a bad thing?" Emmett countered. "You
have issues, just like B has issues. I have known her a long ass time and I am telling you, she is already
freaked out enough without you going and saying some shit about loving her."
"Bella told me she loves Renesmee," I shot back.
"She...." he stopped for a second, stumped. "She did?"
"Yeah. While we were all lying in bed together, cuddled up. Didn't even fucking hesitate."
"Well shit, Edward." Emmett rubbed his head, "You didn't fucking tell me that."
I laughed at him then, but thinking about it now, maybe he was right.
2:01 pm
"I have two seats you know," I motioned with my hand to the chairs on the other side of my desk.
He just kept grinning at me, as his eyes roamed over me. My body instantly flushed with heat and
desire. It was weird, like he had a spell over me or some shit. I tried to look away, but couldn't. His
green eyes smoldered, reminding me of the intensity I usually felt when Edward looked at me this
way, only...this guy's eyes were burning holes into me, like he could literally set me on fire if he
He laughed a little before he spoke.
"I don't plan to be here that fucking long if it's all the same to you. I just need to know what the fuck
you want, who you want it from, and where they're located. The rest..." the lil' fucker winked at me,
"I'll handle myself."
"A good private eye, an employee of mine and fucking New York," I smiled smugly at him and he
groaned a little. Oh, did I surprise Iron Man? He picked up on my smug shit I was toting and cupped
my face in his rough hand.
"Well I hate to disappoint you, but you got yourself a grade A, pride of the pack, top of the fucking
line private eye." He leaned in and whispered in my ear, "The rest of that shit is a dime a fucking
dozen lady." The leather of his jacket grazed my nipple as he leaned away and butterbean said 'Thank
you kind Sir'.
"What's the employee's name, and where in New York am I headed? Travel is extra by the way," he
said as he wiggled his fuck me eyebrows. "Unless you're coming with, then I might be inclined to go
"His name is James," I began to reply, but he fucking snorted and I looked at him in question. "Do you
have a problem with that?" I asked.
He cleared his throat and gave me a very serious look all of a sudden.
"No... no, go right ahead," he waved me on and then crossed his arms against his chest. Something
lingered there, reminded me of Ramsey, for some reason, when we would have business meetings in
the early days I spent working for him and The Suits used to try and intimidate him. Ah, there it was,
this guy was not impressed. What did he want me to say? Fucking Bubba or something?
"This is a very sensitive issue as he happens to have some really sensitive shit on me. I happen to be a
very well known public figure and need to keep this shit on the DL. Since you claim to be a really
good dick..." I eyed him and watched as his lips turned up a little at the corners, "I would imagine
that you already knew that however. Here is all you need to know," I handed him the packet I already
assembled with James's personal file and my restaurant, Riley's, information. "I expect this all to be
given back to me when your job is complete.
He began rifling through the information I'd given him, as though committing it to memory.
"Please understand here Mr. Dickward, money is no object to me, well is only that, an
object - so whatever fee you require will be paid in full and on time. I just want this fucker taken
down." I scooted back from my desk and stood up - leaning in towards him a little. Mr. Dickward
looked up at me without lifting his head, only raising his green eyes to meet my own.
Time for you to meet your Mamma, fucker.
"As far as going with you is concerned, if you are really as good as you say - I would imagine that
means you are perfectly capable of flying solo. Not that I don't appreciate the offer and shit." I
allowed my finger to graze the gun on his hip, arching an eyebrow at him.
Before he began to speak, Edward popped his head in the door and stared at us.
"Pretty fucking aggressive wouldn't you say?" Mr. Dickward asked, eyeing Edward, then looking back
into my eyes. His free hand slowly reached out and rested over mine as I touched his holstered gun.
"I don't let just anyone stroke my gun, if you know what I mean," he smiled, cocking an eyebrow at
Butterbean smiled right back.
"I'm sure you have a great comeback there, Sweet Tits, but hold that fucking thought a sec."
Dickward looked back over at Edward and furrowed his brow, "Do I fucking know you?" he asked.
Edward cocked his head to the side, reminding me of this dog we had when I was a child and you
asked him if he had to go pee, before he answered.
"I usually don't hang around dudes who wear leather," Edward's brow lifted and he looked
questioningly at my PI's attire.
"What's the matter, can't you fucking afford it?" he smirked.
"I just don't do leather ass chaps while singing the YMCA, if you know what I'm saying." Edward
adjusted Lt. Dan and I fucking balled my fist to keep from hurling over the desk and raping him on
Butterbean stared at both of them here in the small, cramped space of my office. Her little face all
scrunched in wonder and confusion. Edward stood in his black tank top, tattoos showing on his
bulging muscles, sex hair in full effect with his lip in between his teeth. She THEN looked to Mr.
Dickward and took in all his leather-wearing, gun toting goodness and wondered what it would be
like to be sandwiched in between the two.
A manwich. Fuck me. I wanted to be in a manwich.
I finally came back to my senses enough to form a question.
"Um, what did you need, Babe?" I asked Edward.
"Yeah, kid, the adults are a little busy talking business and shit, if you don't mind," Dickward scooted
in a little closer, even putting his strong hand on my hip, tugging me a little closer to him, trying to
taunt Edward I assumed.
Fuck, he smelled like sin.
And leather.
Butterbean thumped.
"Business...hmm," Edward mused, then looked back to me, answering my question. "I wanted you to
know I'm taking the full hour for lunch. I have to meet someone about a house."
"You're moving?" I asked, surprised.
"I'm looking for a house to buy, yeah. I think it looks more stable and shit for court," Edward
"That makes sense," I agreed. Edward nodded, backing out of my office, but paused with his hand on
the handle, looking back at Mr. Dickward. I knew him well enough to know he was up to no good.
"By the way, last time Bella brought me in here for business, I got to sit in her chair, not the desk.
And my dick..." he turned and said over his shoulder, "got to sit in her vagina."
Mr. Dickward cocked an eyebrow as Edward left and turned to me, "I'll be right back, Sweet Tits," he
said, laying the folder I'd given him on the desk and following Edward out.
When he came back, he had a shit-eating grin on his face while eye fucking me with those god damn
demanding emerald green eyes of his. Dickward picked up the folder from my desk and tipped it to
me before turning for the door again.
"I'll get on this, shouldn't take long, I'll call you from New York." He tugged the door open and I
scattered to try and follow him out.
"What did you say to my Edward, fucker?" I demanded.
He stopped and looked all fucking innocent and shit at me. "Oh... nothing... I just told the kid there
that maybe if he'd fucked you good enough, you might not be eyeing my gun like you wanted me to
play Where's Waldo under the sheets with you."
"I do not want to play anything with you, number one. Number two DICK - Edward fucks me all good
and proper like. For someone who is intuitive, you sure as shit got that dead wrong." I reached out to
grab the folder from his hand. "Maybe I should be looking for someone more qualified." He didn't
allow me to take the papers as I tugged on them, instead, he took my hand and tugged me into him,
whispering in my ear.
"You might wanna go reassure the blue-eyed wonder out there that your pussy is safe with me. I try
not to fuck with women who are already in love with other men. It tends to get me knee deep into
shit I really don't fucking need right now." His laughter vibrated through his chest, sending the waves
along my body as he held me to him.
"I'm not in love with him," I rolled my eyes, but he couldn't see. Dickward leaned back, looking at me,
evaluating my face with his expert eyes.
"Oh yes you fucking are. It's written all over you, Sweet Tits. From your pouty little lips, to your
"please fuck me" eyes..." He reached back to my face and thumbed my jaw. "To the blush that
showed up the minute he popped his cocky fucking head though your office door and saw us
standing a little too close, and don't think I missed you calling him 'MY Edward', just now."
As he stepped back, he winked once more and strolled off, he wasn't winking at me. I spun around
and saw Edward standing just a few feet away, having watched and heard what just transpired.
"Good luck with that shit, Kid." The PI was winking at fucking Edward.
Damn, stupid Dick.
Chapter Fourteen ~ Making Love
I forgot my damn keys in the kitchen.
That little fucking twat, leather wearing, ass in Bella's office distracted me as I was trying to head out
with his stupid rant about how I needed to satisfy her better and shit.
Now, I am not one to get into a pissing match, but I made sure to inform him, having a women cum
four times in a one-hour period while calling out my name, seems to tell me that I am or was
doing my job well.
As I walked back out into the dining room, Bella was yelling and following the guy as he exited. I
tensed, getting a little worried that he might have done something to her.
Not that Bella yelling at someone was out of the norm and shit.
"I do not want to play anything with you, number one. Number two DICK Edward fucks me all good
and proper like. For someone who is intuitive, you sure as shit got that dead wrong." She reached out
to grab the folder from his hand. "Maybe I should be looking for someone more qualified."
This was about where I began to lose my shit.
He saw me standing a few feet behind them, allowing me to catch a look in his eye I knew all too
well. It was the same look Ness had when she was about to do something she knew was wrong, but
still felt the need to push my buttons.
The leather wearing twat pulled Bella into him and held my gaze, smirking slightly as he watched me.
I could only see his lips moving near her ear, though, as he spoke softly to Bella.
But fuck I could hear her angry reply.
"I'm not in love with him," she argued, causing my heart to sink just a fucking little.
Okay, a lot.
Not only was it what she said, but how the fuck she said it, like the sheer idea was utterly ridiculous
to her. Like it wasn't even a possibility.
The man leaned off her, and looked at Bella with a look of disbelief as he retorted. This time, I could
hear him.
"Oh yes you fucking are. It's written all over you, Sweet Tits. From your pouty little lips, to your
"please fuck me" eyes..." He reached back to her face and thumbed Bella's jaw, "To the blush that
showed up the minute he popped his cocky fucking head though your office door and saw us
standing a little too close and don't think I missed you calling him 'MY Edward', just now."
As he stepped back, he winked once more and strolled off, only he wasn't winking at Bella though.
He fucking winked at me.
I knew Leather Man was all about the YMCA.
"Good luck with that shit, Kid." He exited The Workshop and I looked back to Bella, who had an
expression that would halt traffic on her face.
Caught with your hand in the cookie jar and all of that shit.
Did that mean he was right about what he just said to her?
"I thought you were going to lunch?" she asked finally, snapping me out of my thoughts.
"I am. Forgot my keys." I began walking forward and Bella looked down to her feet, and I saw the
little V come between her brows.
"Who the fuck was that guy anyhow?" I asked, pausing at her side.
"The guy I hired to follow James," she said quietly.
"Like a detective?" I asked surprised.
"Yeah. He is supposed to be really good," she shrugged and finally looked back up to me.
"He seems like an ass," I argued.
"Yeah well, I would imagine catching scumbags like James everyday for a living would put most
people in a rather shit mood."
"I guess so. Well anyhow, I'm going." I started to walk again and I saw her turn out of my peripherals,
almost like Bella was going to stop me, or say something.
But she didn't.
Bella POV
2:16 pm
My heart broke looking at Edward's angels face after I spun around and saw him. He must have heard
me say to the PI that I didn't love him. What a bitch I must have sounded like. Seriously, what the hell
was wrong with me?
I wanted to say something, but I mean, what the hell was I to say really? 'Sorry that you just heard
me yell to the whole g'damned world that I don't love you, even though there is no real reason for
me not to.' Right.
So, I allowed Edward to leave. Just like the bitch I was.
3:45 pm
I was knee deep in fucking plans since we were coming upon Fourth of July weekend. Being on the
beachside was golden, because it meant we would be getting serious bookings since the fireworks
display was launched from a ship out on the ocean.
Fireworks, ah, how I loved them so.
Normally, I wasn't really one for the holidays shit, since it was usually the time when I played Mrs.
Failey Mcfailstein, but something was just so magical about the Fourth of July to me. Maybe it had to
do with my memories as a child running
around the neighborhood with sparklers while everyone cooked outside, and the air weighed heavily
in the delicious aromas of summer, burgers and barbeque sauce, and chlorinated pool water.
Those would have been my summers in phoenix anyhow.
Forks was a Debbie Downer for the summer time affairs. Fucking rain. The one thing that I always did
enjoy about Forks was the winters, because no matter how much having frozen toes sucks, a white
Christmas, is a right Christmas. Plus, Charlie always made me his famous baked apples with cinnamon
and sugar and hand-shaved, dark chocolate hot cocoa with Gran's home-made marshmallows
floating on top, like a little marshmallow cap on the mug.
Ah, those were the days.
Now, I sit here planning a mind fuck of a weekend, debating how to rearrange the menu and make all
this shit work out, all while wanting to pull my fucking hair from its roots. Still, seeing fireworks this
weekend would be awesomeif I get to see them of course.
The other cool thing that was happening was that I had managed to book Marinas Trench to play
inside of The Workshop. How fucking awesome, right? I mean, was I the shit, or what? Okay, enough
gloating, but seriously, this was a good thing. Having celebs tote your shit, was fucking priceless. The
'sheeple' would flock like, well, fucking sheep.
Our place was doing awesome, don't get wrong, but there was always room for improvement. When
you stop trying shit, you stop achieving shit. Plain and fucking simple. The more I could leave behind
in my wake for Edward the better too, ya feel me? It would make his job a hundred times easier and
lessen my worry about leaving him to deal with all this fuckery once I was not here to hold his hand
every day.
Speaking of Edward, I needed to get my ass back in the kitchen.
Pushing off the desk, I rolled my chair back and stood up. After I changed out of my office clothes and
into my cheffies, I walked my happy ass to the kitchen. As I entered, I saw Edward showing Seth
something about plating, and smiled, standing in the door way of the swinging doors to watch him.
Edward's face was patient and focused on watching Seth as he tried to mimic what he was just
shown. I felt very proud and, to be honest, envious of how Edward handled him. Patience was not
something I had left after years of training hopeless fools. Seth wasn't hopeless, but he wouldn't
have been someone I probably would have spent anytime grooming into being anything past a sous
chef. He would never be an executive, that was for damn sure.
Edward had a way about him though, the way he trained people. It was a good balance of patience
and not taking shit from them when they tried to get one over on him. He was smart enough to
recognize the bullshit.
I finally pushed my way in, and Edward looked up to me through his lashes, not moving his head. His
tattooed hands rested on the steel top, making all of his weight shift forward, which then made his
fuckawesome shoulders look even more fuckawesome by the way he was leaning.
Okay Butterbean, we are strong, we can do this. Breath, just breathe girl.
"Nice to see you looking professional again," I teased, eyeing his newly reacquired chef coat.
"I would say the same to you, but" Edward eyed my screen tee in question.
"Read," I pointed to my shirt and waited for his heart warming laughter.
Just so you know, my shirt had a cartoon drawing of a field that had donkeys buried up to their necks
and a cow in the middle of the fuckery stating, 'I'm surrounded by Ass-holes.'
It was a birthday present one year from Ramsey. Gotta love him.
"Fucking shit." Edward laughed, holding his forehead in his palm.
"Now you see. Plus, it's my fucking kitchen and I get to set the dress code. Deal with it." I smiled
wryly and then got down to business, "This weekend, as you know, is The Fourth of July, so we are
going to be fucking swamped. I have some menu changes and we'll need to go over them later after
the rush or something. Also, you should invite your folks down, it will be
fun and in truth, probably the only way you'll get to see Squeaks." I reached for a piece of cheese he
had cubed on the cutting board.
"Yeah, I don't think that is going to happen. I'll ask Leah to come down with her though. She loves
fireworks." He went back to working on his mac-n-cheese with truffles.
"What do you mean? What happened?" I asked.
"I don't want to get into it right now Bellchef," he corrected, eyeing Seth staring at us. "And you
should be focusing on your fucking risotto asshole. Not what the big kids are talking about," Edward
pointed to Seth's pan. "You need to learn that shit 'cause I have no plans on getting them sent back
to me tonight. Got it?"
"Um" Seth looked back to his pan and nodded."
"That wasn't a yes asshole," Edward cocked his head to the side, staring down at Seth. I smiled,
facing Edward so only he could see, but held in my laughter that would have blown the seriousness
Edward was toting.
"Yes," Seth said.
"This is getting fucking painful Seth," Edward sighed hard and waited, still eyeing him.
"Yeschef?" Seth replied, looking nervous.
"Ding, fucking ding. We have a winner. Now, if we can just fucking get a risotto out of your ass that
doesn't taste like ass, you might be able to get off my list of people I'd like to slap a nickname onto.
You don't want to hear the one I have for you, trust me."
Dear Edward,
When you spank an employee all good and proper like, you make me swell to holy fuck and the
desire to bum rush you, take you down to the floor and fuck your brains out, is just all too much. You
pwn me on the daily.
"So, not that it is any of my business, but why aren't you wearing your coat? Just curious," Edward
shrugged, looking back to me.
"You should ask your little pyro friend there," I nodded to Seth.
"What the fuck did you do to her chef coat?" Edward asked, unable to completely mask his
"It was an accident," Seth held up his hands and I laughed.
"Edward," I began, wanting to school fucking Seth on why Edward was his boss, "what would you do
if a pan caught fire?"
"Smother the fucker. Why?" Edward looked back and forth between me and Seth with an eyebrow
"Just wanted to see how much common fucking sense you got for free," I looked over at Seth, "and
how little our friend Seth failed to receive from his fancy shmancy school. That's all," I winked.
"You set her on fire?" Edward whipped his head towards Seth, finally putting two and two together.
"It was an accident!" Seth repeated as he held up his hands again and took a step back from Edward.
I laughed.
"That could have been one hell of an accident." Edward took a step towards him and his whole
demeanor changed, becoming more serious as he grabbed the back of Seth's coat. "Let's learn
something special here today, alright?" He tugged Seth with him, practically dragging the poor kid
along towards the fire extinguisher mounted on the wall.
"This here, genius, is what you use if you're stupid and start a fi-yer." Edward tugged him along again,
walking back to the stove. "If you are here," Edward tipped him a little bit towards the burner, "and
something catches fi-yer," he reached down, pulling a tray out from the shelf with his free hand, "you
take any of these things, called a fucking tray, and do this," Edward sat the tray on top of the pan
Seth had his way over cooked risotto in.
"And if you ever," he tugged Seth towards him a little, putting his face closer to his own, "harm Bella
again, or put her in harm's way, not only will I kick your ass, but you will also be looking for a new job.
The only reason why she didn't fire you, I am sure, is because I wasn't here last week to pick up the
"So, not only did you fuck up, but you fucked up royally, because you just made me feel really fucking
guilty for that shit. As tough as I know Bella was on you last week, it will be nothing compared to the
shit storm you have coming now." Edward released Seth's coat and grabbed the risotto from the
stove top, dumping it in the trash and then tossed the pan into the sink.
"You have ten fucking minutes to make a proper risotto before you become my kitchen bitch, Seth."
Edward hopped up on the steel-top table, looking over at Seth, who was white as a ghost, and
waited, but Seth was frozen in place.
"Um," I began, looking at Seth. "I would advise you to get going on that shit, 'cause, he looks pretty
serious about making you his bitch," I nodded and Seth snapped to life, searching for a new pan
under the counter.
I looked back to Edward and tapped my finger over my chest, mouthing to him the same words from
the barbeque.
I fucking heart you.
Only this time, he mouthed it back to me. Even added a wink on the end.
Dear Edward,
Forgive my owner, for she knows not what she does. If it were left up to me, I would smother you
with my love on the daily. You still pwn me. Hard, and in ways that shouldn't be legal.
Butterbean- your number one fan.
5:45 pm.
Before the restaurant opened, I called out meeting to order. Today's was going to be fun. I had plans
for Edward. He wasn't here last week, so I never announced that he was going to be the executive
chef of The Workshop. Only Emmett knew.
"So, to begin, I have something that I would like to read." I looked to the paper, but in truth, I didn't
need to. The words were burned into my mind, as I had read them and dedicated my life to them
being true.
"This is a list of things, ten things actually, that Gordon lives and breathes by. It is also the standards I
expect out of anyone who works for me and certainly, the criteria I use to promote someone." I
glanced to Edward once, before I looked back to the paper.
"The list is as follows. Loving what you do, keeping people informed, leading by example, maintaining
a high standard, remember the power of emotion, the simple approach is often the best," I paused
and smiled at Edward teasingly for the next one, "appearance matters." He smirked at me and I
looked back to the list.
"Celebrate your achievements," I looked back up to him again, "care for others," I paused on that
one, holding his gaze for a moment and then looked back to the rest of the staff. "And lastly,
recognizing the contribution of others." The paper crinkled in my hands as I folding it back up,
without looking to it.
"There was something Gordon told me once when I first started out, and it always stuck with me,
because it is true. I was going to quit six weeks into working for him, because he was such a damn
prick, and even though my father was never easy on me, there was just nothing like a good Ramsey
ass handing.
"I did something, I don't remember what it was, but it pissed him off and he yelled at me so hard that
I wanted to either cry or fucking knock him out. I decided quitting was better and tossed him my
fucking coat during service, telling him to go fuck himself, before I stomped off.
"He followed me out, cursing and screaming as I went, but as I rounded the corner, out of the view of
the rest of the staff, he grabbed my arm and tugged me to him, telling me, 'I expose my staff by really
dropping them in at the deep end. It's
sink or swim. If they sink they are going to drop down in division, and if they swim, they're going to
go on and become successful.'
"His face was serious and I finally understood why he rode me so hard. It was because he wanted me
to push to be better, because he believed in me. I don't have shit on Ramsey, but I think you all
understand the meaning of his words, and that is why you stick around to put up with my bullshit.
One of you however, understands on a level that deserves recognition. I've employed a lot of sous
chefs, who then turned out to be executives, and each time, I had to talk them down from quitting,
just like Ramsey did to me.
"Edward is the only one who never has though," I looked to him. "So either, he's completely fucking
crazy," I smiled, "or just really fucking smart. Since I decided to make him the executive chef of The
Workshop, I would hope it's a little of both, because you are going to definitely need to be in order to
maintain some form of sanity amid all the shit," I smiled at him.
"So the long and short here is that fucking Edward is the exec chef , worthy of fucking standards
Gordon set up, and you all should be really fucking lucky to have him, because as you saw last week,"
I eyed Seth, "people like Edward don't just fucking grow on trees." I leaned back against the bar,
folding my arms over my chest. "That's all I've got. Anyone else?"
Edward of course, raised his hand.
"Go on," I nodded to him.
"I just wanted to let you know that I find your shirt highly offensive," he smirked. "And also," Edward
turned to face the staff, "Seth's kitchen name," he pointed at him, "is Jenna Jameson."
"Why Jenna Jameson?" Emmett asked Edward.
"Urban dictionary defines her as 'a professional cocksucker,' so I feel it is appropriate for the type of
night Seth is about to have."
8:45 pm.
Edward and I worked the pass tonight side-by-side, and I couldn't help but to smile as I glanced at
him from the corner of my eye. His sleeves were pushed up on his chef jacket how he always wore
them, with the top button undone, showing his little peek-a-boo of art on his chest. The focus he had
tonight was incredible, and I felt really good about my choice to make him the leader of this place.
Edward was born to be a leader.
I passed him the risotto and smiled, biting my lip to keep my laugh in, knowing he would be pissed in
"What the fuck?!" he huffed, hitting his fist hard against the steel top of the pass.
"Your boyorgirl?" I chuckled, shaking up the vinegrette to dress my dish.
"Jenna!" He spun around, and held out the overcooked risotto.
Seth came over to Edward, head slightly bowed, like a puppy who knew he just pissed on the run. I
almost felt bad. Almost.
"You are going to be like a stuffed Thanksgiving turkey tonight, fucker," Edward grabbed a clean
spoon from the bin and shoved both it and the risotto bowl at Seth.
"Every time you fuck up, you're gonna eat it." Edward pointed to floor, "Since we have guests
tonight," he nodded at the chef's table where four diners were dining, "you have to eat it here."
Edward held his ground and I could see the debate raging in Seth's face.
He wanted to tell Edward to go fuck off, I just knew it. I mean, who wouldn't want to? He just told
the kid to eat on the floor. The anticipation for what Seth would choose was vibrating inside of me.
The other members of staff were watching too as I glanced, around and the people at the chef's table
were snickering, enjoying a nice show with their dinner.
Seth huffed once, but then plopped to the floor and listened to Edward. Our guests applauded lightly
and Edward turned to them.
"He'll do it again in about fifteen minutes, trust me. Tonight folks, you'll get your money's worth."
Edward picked up his the dish I dressed and set it on the tray for Angela to carry out.
"What the fuck is this?" I asked Edward as I read a new ticket. He leaned over and squinted, trying to
decode the fucking messy ass writing.
"Good fucking question," he grabbed it from me and looked up to Emmett as he came in.
"Hey Em, what is this fuckery?" Edward waived the ticket at him and Emmett took it into his hands.
"Good fucking question," Emmett laughed, stating the same thing as Edward.
"Em," I called, "how about you tell the little fuckers to remember what the fuck they learned in first
grade, and write a ticket we can actually read." I leaned over the pass and Emmett lowered himself
towards me, putting his face near mine.
"Say pleeeeease," he teased.
"I am not in the fucking mood Em. You and your pleeeeeease can go pleeeeeease fuck off," I pointed
to the door, and Edward laughed, placing a dish onto the tray.
"You know you love me B," Emmett leaned in and kissed my sweaty cheek dramatically. I pushed him
away, and he smacked his lips.
"Mm, kitchen sweat, nice. You taste like fucking," he thought a moment, "peanut oil with a little hint
of Bella," he laughed and picked up the tray.
"I said fuck off." I tried not to laugh at him, but failed.
"Edward you ever tasted Bella? She's tastes pretty fucking good. Seriously, you should have a lick,"
Emmett waggled his brows as he backed out of the kitchen, and the spoon I threw at him missed.
"Shitty fucking aim. I swear, the next time he comes in here, I am throwing something that is sure not
to miss his ass."
"How about overcooked risotto, since I am up to my fucking elbows in it," Edward teased.
"Risotto would be good. It tends to fly in many directions when flung properly, so it would definitely
connect with him on some level," I smiled at Edward.
"Thrown many risottos have you?" he smiled back at me.
"Too many to count, Edward. Too many to count." I placed my dish up on the tray at the same time
as Edward, and he leaned in a little after looking over his shoulder once.
"For the record, you taste better than good. You taste perfect." I looked over to him and he raised his
eyebrows once, nodding slightly.
"What exactly does perfection taste like Edward?"
"Like," he leaned in a little closer, reaching across the pass for something on my side. "strawberries,"
his lips were right at my jaw as he reached for the spoon he didn't need. "And sunshine," his lips
brushed lightly against my skin as he leaned back, spoon in hand, but remained close to me, bringing
a taste of sauce up to his lips. "And caramel," he said after he tasted the sauce. Edward then ladled a
spoon of it for me, bringing it up to my lips.
"What does perfection taste like to you, Chef?" he asked, as I opened my mouth for the sauce, only
taking a small sip off the spoon.
"Hmm." My eyes trailed down, looking over all his perfection and then back up slowly. "To me," I
leaned over this time, grazing his crotch with my hip as I reached for his bottle of dressing I didn't
need. "Perfection tastes like," I looked up to him as I leaned back slightly.. My lips were right under
his jaw, unable to touch him since I was shorter. "Dessert pancakes with vanilla ice cream," my hip
may have grazed him again. "Coffee with the perfect amounts of sugar and cream," this time I
definitely grazed him. "And cinnamon Red Hots," I smirked, because that was definitely what the
little shit was eating several times before I had kissed him in our previous encounters.
Edward's low laughter vibrated through him, sending small waves of desire through me. I leaned
away, knowing we were about to cross the line, and tried to focus on the plating again. He looked
down to the floor where Seth was sitting and sighed hard.
"Get back on your station Jenna," Edward ordered.
And just like that, we fell back into the groove of what we were doing before our small confessions.
11:27 pm
I was going over the reports in my office, hoping to get the fuck out of here early tonight. Not only
was Man vs Food on in an hour, but I was also dead ass tired. Edward came in and I showed him how
to start doing some of the paper work. It wouldn't be a major part of his job, but he should know it
just in case.
Of course, he caught on right away and I was over the moon that I at least had one employee that
didn't make me feel like pulling my hair out. Not that I didn't want some hair pulling to happen
around him, if you know what I'm sayin'. But I digress.
"May I ask for a favor?" Edward asked as he finished the last report.
"Sure." I sat back in my seat, looking at him as he faced me.
"Do you think it would be alright if we had a small party here for Ness this weekend? I'm not asking
for time off or anything, but I just wanted to do something here for her."
"Party for what, babe?" I smiled.
"It's her birthday," he said quietly.
"It fucking is?! Why didn't you tell me that shit earlier?!" I kicked him, and he laughed.
"The original plan was to have something on Monday, my day off, with my parents. That shit isn't
going to happen though." Edward looked back to the computer, toying with the mouse.
"Why? What the fuck is going on, Edward? Please don't tell me you're fighting with them over the
shit that happened at the barbeque." I narrowed my eyes at him, watching his angel's face as he tried
to mask what he was feeling.
He was a shitty ass liar though.
"It's just my father. We aren't speaking, but it isn't because of you. I'm just tired of his shit."
"What happened?" I pressed.
"Carlisle just likes sticking his nose where it doesn't belong and for some reason, still thinks I'm the
same irresponsible, seventeen-year-old that knocked up a girl in the back of his rich Daddy's car."
Yep, the anger was no longer masked. He was officially turning red.
"He's just trying to look out for you."
"Well he can look out for someone else because I don't want his help. Never needed it before, and I
fucking sure as shit don't need it now." His expression hardened, and that delicate balance he usually
had of looking like an innocent boy mixed with the heavy burdened man faded away, only leaving the
weighed down man in its path.
"Edward, you need his help. I know it fucking sucks, but you need Carlisle's help if you are going to
have any chance at keeping Squeaky," I argued, sitting forward so I could touch his knee.
"I already found a new lawyer, Bella. I'm meeting with him tomorrow."
"That is a really stupid idea. You are thinking here on emotion and not logic. That's a dangerous thing
to do considering what's at stake." I placed my other hand over his knee and he looked at me.
"Bellaplease," he held up a hand to me. "I have everyone telling me what the fuck to do and, while I
hold your opinion a little higher than the rest, I don't need it right now. I just want to do this on my
own." He picked up one of my hands and held it in his palm.
"I'm going to let you off the hook tonight, but only because Adam is on in less than forty-five
minutes, and I can see it is going to take at least double that amount of time for you to see what an
idiot you are being.
"Don't think I'm letting this shit go though and when we do fight about it, be prepared to eat a lot of
fucking crow, because you will be begging your father to take you back. Count on that shit." I stood
up and leaned over to flip off the monitor on the computer.
Edward just laughed a little at my rant, but otherwise left it alone. I grabbed my things and he
unbuttoned his chef coat, taking it off as he followed me out. Seth was in charge of the kitchen clean-
up tonight, since he was Edward's kitchen bitch. I would have let Edward go home early anyhow, but
this was a much better excuse.
"Why don't you come over to watch Adam try and have a heart attack?" Edward asked as we exited
through the back door of the kitchen to the back lot. "I went grocery shopping this morning before
work, so I have plenty of snacks."
"If you're trying to seduce me with food Edward, you better start naming specifics," I teased. He took
my hand as we walked towards my car, thinking about what he would say.
"There's parmesan cheese and garlic kettle chips," he announced.
"You've got my attention. Go on."
"And I might have also purchased all the proper fixings to make a pizza for a certain angelic friend of
mine. I also might have already made the dough last night so it would be ready for making said pizza
this evening," he smiled his crooked cupid dagger at me.
"Would said pizza have mushrooms and flat sausage versus those icky little balls of sausage?" I asked,
pausing at my car door.
"It would. And for dessert, I also may have acquired a new eight ounce box of Red Hots," Edward
waggled his brows at me and I laughed.
"Hmm, homemade pizza with flat sausage and mushrooms PLUS Red Hots for dessert? You may have
a winning combinations on your hands there, Babe." I tapped his chest once and he captured my
hand as he laughed.
"See you in a few then." He kissed my hand and then released me to walk towards his car.
Dear Edward,
I really hope in a way that your pizza sucks, even though it probably won't, but I hope it does. 'Cause
if you can do one more thing that makes my ass inflate like a fucking balloon, I will surely
spontaneously combust.
Yours Truly,
Butterbean, the very lonely clit of Isabella Swan.
I entered my home to find Leah reading on the couch, a cup of tea resting on the coffee table. She
looked up to me and smiled, then placed her book down and picked up her tea.
"The water is still hot, would you like a cup?" Leah made her way towards the kitchen as she asked.
"No, I'm fine. Bella is coming over in a few minutes and if she sees me sipping on tea, she will walk
straight through that door and question my manhood." I smiled at her and she rested her cup ion the
"So you all have made up? That is nice," she said with a nod.
"We're working on being friends," I shrugged, walking to the fridge to retrieve my dough.
"Friends is good. Baby steps, you know?" She came around to the other side of the counter and
watched as I plopped down the dough from its little dough bucket.
"Yeah, it's sort of nice in a way, I guess." I walked to the pantry to grab the flour so I could dust the
countertop and roll out the dough. "How was Squeaky?" I asked.
"Who?" she giggled.
"Oh, Ness."
"She was fine. I tried to teach her some of the alphabet, and then we made some mini burgers for
dinner. I hope you don't mind, but I used your little patio grill." Leah walked over to the counter and
paused at my side.
"That's fine, I told you mi casa es su casa," I smiled at her. A light knock on the door sounded, and I
looked over my shoulder, then to Leah.
"Do you mind opening the door for Bella? I'm a little white," I held up my floured hands to her and
she nodded.
"No problem. I need to be on my way anyhow. You two have a good time." She gave me a little hug
with her arm around my shoulder and then made her way to the door.
Leah greeted Bella, and welcomed her in before she left for the night. I was wiping my hands, and
heading for the fridge to retrieve the toppings I chopped up the night prior, when Bella entered the
room, looking freshly showered and in new clothes. She was wearing a pair of faded jeans that were
tattered with holes and rips, and a sung fitting white tee. Her face was bare, still slightly dewy, and
only had on a light coat of her lips gloss on her pout.
"The remote is," I looked over to the living room, "somewhere over there," I laughed, not having a
clue as to its whereabouts. "Make yourself comfy."
To my surprise, she listened. I finished up with the pizza and popped it in the oven. After I cleaned up
the mess I made, I grabbed a couple of beers from the fridge and walked over to her in the living
room where she made a nice cozy place for herself on the couch.
"Here angel, I'm gonna go check on Ness real fast before the show comes on." I passed her the beer
and set mine on the coffee table.
"Mind if I come?" she asked.
"Sure." She set her beer down and I offered Bella my hand to help her off the couch.
She walked behind me as I crept silently down the skinny hall to Ness' room. I made sure to open the
door slowly so it wouldn't creak, and smiled when I saw Leah had her all tucked in with the nightlight
on. Bella's hand remained in mine as we stepped into Ness' room, walking towards her bed. I leaned
over my baby and rested my palm on the mattress so I could give her cheek a kiss. Her eyes fluttered
open a little, and I cringed, hoping she would go back to sleep.
"Shh, I'm just giving you a good night kiss," I whispered, planting another kiss to her face.
"Bewwa?" she whispered, trying to lift her head to see. My heart jumped to my throat, hearing her
speak finally. Bella stepped forward, kneeling down in front of me at Ness's bedside.
"Shh, you have to sleep. I just wanted to see you," Bella whispered, cupping her hand to Nessie's
"Stay hewre," Ness whispered, reaching out her hand to Bella's face.
"Okay, but you have to close your eyes and go back to sleep."
"Kay." Ness looked back up to me and reached for my face with her hands, puckering her little lips. I
leaned in and kissed her once.
"Goodnight sweetheart. I love you," I kissed her face again.
"Wuv you Pappa," she whispered and closed her eyes. My face rested gently on hers as I thanked
God silently for her words. The relief I felt in hearing her speak ballooned inside of my chest and I
sighed hard, letting go of all the stress finally as I moved my face from hers.
I heard the timer go off in the kitchen, and left Bella alone in the room with Nessie as I went to tend
to it. Pulling the pizza from the oven, I heard the show start in the living room. As I started to pull out
some plates from the cabinet, Bella came into the kitchen.
"Squeaks is sleeping again," she smiled, opening the drawer for the pizza cutter, I assumed.
"She's also speaking again. I wonder why." I took the cutter from Bella's hands once she found it in
the drawer.
"Did Leah do flashcards with her, today?" Bella asked.
"I did them with her this morning, before I came to work." I rolled the cutter through the circle of
heaven, dividing up the slices.
"How did it go?" she asked, picking off a bite of sausage.
"She pointed to some. Mostly the ones with a sad face," I explained..
"Well maybe it triggered something in her," Bella shrugged, helping me lift a slice to her plate then
passing me the other one.
"Or maybe it's just you." I set the pizza down and sucked the sauce off my thumb before I looked at
her. "Every time she thinks about you or sees you, Bella, she says something."
"I was the first person she saw when she" Bella stopped, closing her eyes to the thought. "You
know," she shook her head and then looked back to me. "So maybe it's just like a mental image or
something. A relief of some sort."
I reached for the dishrag and wiped my hands clean as her words rolled around inside of my head.
Looking back to Bella, I cupped her delicate face into my hands, looking into her caramel eyes.
"You are not a relief of some sort, Angel. You are a relief of great proportions."
1:45 am
I was as stuffed as Adam after he consumed five bowls of flaming hot chili. Damn, Edward's pizza was
fuckgood. Yeah, not just good, but fuckgood. The crust was perfect, sauce impeccable and toppings
crisp yet tender, as they should be.
He laughed as he watched me rub my overloaded stomach and slouch down on his couch, whining
about how full I was.
"You don't look like you're in any condition to drive, Bella." He leaned back against the arm rest,
stretching his legs over mine.
"Fuck, I'm in pain," I whined, burying my face into the pillows.
"Maybe you should stay here," he chuckled.
"Ugh. I don't think I have a choice. My ass isn't going anywhere. You're apartment could catch fire
and I would lay right here," I patted the pillow over my head.
"Want me to carry you to bed?" I felt his legs move back as he sat up. "You know Bella, I'm a little
disappointed in you actually." He pulled the pillow from my face and I looked at him like he was
"You didn't even save room for Red Hots. Now I have to carry you and your pot belly to bed, knowing
that all my efforts to swoon you were lost. I feel rather bitter about that actually," he sighed
dramatically and shook his head.
"Shut up and just carry me to your fuckawesome-Egyptian-cotton-goodness, please."
"I guess I could. I mean technically we are going against some rules here, seeing as how we are just
friends, but I guess Lt. Dan and I can make an exception, seeing as how you are in no condition to get
rowdy." He slid his arms under me.
"Shut up," I repeated in a defeated tone. Edward lifted me easily into his strong arms and I held on to
his neck, resting my head on his shoulder.
"Ugh, you smell like food," I whined. "It's making me nauseous. The swaying isn't helping either."
"I didn't know you were such a pizza lightweight. Let me repeat, disappointed," he whispered the last
word in a teasing manner.
"Are we almost there?" I whined.
"Yes." As he said the words, I felt the covers under me as he laid me down onto the bed.
"I'm gonna take a shower, so I won't cause you to vomit in my bed." Edward kissed my cheek and
walked off to his bathroom.
The next thing I knew, he was laying down in bed next to me, placing a kiss on my cheek again. I
rolled over to face him and breathed in his clean scent.
"Much better," I mumbled.
"Go to sleep Bella." He tucked the covers around me and kissed me again on my face. This time, my
forehead was blessed with his lips.
"You still heart me?" I asked, falling into my unconsciousness.
"More than ever," Edward whispered.
I felt his fingertips caressing my skin as lightly as the wings of a moth, forming a path from the apple
of my cheek to my jaw. He repeated the movements over and over, forming a soothing circuit, and
hummed softly to me.
"I still heart you too," I whispered and then slipped into my dreams of chubby cheeked Squeaky,
fireworks and crazy men named Adam, eating fiery bowls of chili.
8:32 am
I woke up to the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and something sweet.
Muffins, if I had to guess.
As I entered the kitchen I was welcomed by a smiley faced Renesmee sitting on the counter top,
helping Edward make waffles.
Damn, I was wrong.
She had a handful of blueberries, and after Edward spooned the batter onto the waffle iron, he
helped her drop the berries on top before he closed the lid.
"Morning," he said with a smile.
"You know, if Seth doesn't work out, you could always employ Squeaks," I smiled.
"She probably could make a better risotto," he laughed, thumbing her cheek.
"We make pinkcakes, Bewwa," she pointed to the waffle iron.
"No, baby these are waffles, remember?" Edward said.
"Ohwe," she laughed, looking at him, then looked back to me. "We make waffoos."
"With blueberries," Edward added.
"Wif booberries." Ness held one out to show me.
"Those are my favorite kind." I took the fruit from her hand with my lips, and she smiled watching me
eat it then reached for another, shoving it toward Edward.
"Thank you, sweetheart." He kissed her little hand and then went back to tending to the waffles.
I poured myself a cup of coffee as he worked and refilled Edward's cup as well. After he had all of the
waffles stacked up, I helped him bring the rest of the items to the table, as well as plates and
silverware. Ness sat in his lap eating bites of his food with her hands, and filling her cheeks to
maximum capacity. The waffles were good even though I was still feeling stuffed to the gills from all
the dough I had last night.
"So, do you mind if I rearrange the stuff for Squeaks' you know what?" I asked him.
"Do I mind? No. But you don't have to do that. I know you have a lot going on this week, Angel."
"It's fine. I just want to get the cake and stuff, without her annoying father getting on my case about
paying for stuff. That's all," I smiled wryly at him.
"Fine, I guess I could give you authority over the cake. If ponies and scary clowns show up, however, I
will have to revoke your rights," he smiled back at me, taking a bite of his food.
"Just so you know, clowns scare the holy F out of me and I had a bad experience with horses as a
"Like what?" he asked, looking amused.
"There was this pony named Little Johnny at this fair my mother would bring me to every summer
when I visited her. He liked to do a lot more pooping than riding, let's just put it that way."
"I don't want to know." Edward laughed hard at my words, shaking his head.
"I would like for you to invite your parents though, both of them." I took a bite of food and watched
as his chewing slowed, hearing my request.
"I wasn't going to exclude them from her you know what. I just didn't want to have it at my father's
"I understand," I nodded and went back to eating my breakfast.
11:55 am
I got the call I had expected from Ramsey about my trip to his Japan location, Conrad. I wasn't
looking forward to going, honestly. There was so much damn shit to do here and the thought of
leaving Edward to tend to it, all while having this shit with his family and Squeaks on his plate, was
just unbearable.
It had to be done though. The show must go on and all that shit.
I wasn't really sure how to go about doing this though. If Edward was right and I was the reason for
Squeaks coming out of her state of dazed and confused, then leaving was sure to be a bad thing. I
needed to figure out how to break this to her in a way that would be comforting.
As I scrolled over the images set before me of all things Japan, Tokyo in particular, I saw this little
cute fucker called 'Hello kitty' and smiled. I opened a new tab and typed the character into the search
engine. Apparently, this was all the rage in Japan.
I had to admit, the little shit was cute as fuck.
Scrolling along further, I found out that Hello Kitty has a lot of friends. One in particular, named Badtz
Maru. He reminded me of Edward, with his little spiky hairs and the disgruntled look on his face. I
bookmarked the page and decided that this was the way I could tell Squeaks about going to Japan.
This would have to be fun for her to imagine, like going on a Badtz Maru treasure find.
I only hoped, she liked the little fucker.
Putting the party plans together, I ordered the cute little plates and napkins along with some
balloons and other shit. Nothing that would make Edward crap his pants too bad. I would still need to
get her something, but I would have to put that on hold.
My meeting with Jake the maintenance guy was in five minutes, and I had to scoot my ass out of here
to meet him. They were going to be building on Edward's office to the wall adjacent to mine, and I
needed to make sure it would be up to code.
Two hours after that huge debacle was over, I went back into my office to try, once again, to resume
my plans for Squeaks' birthday, and my other pile of shit I had going on.
New York City, 2:00 lunch time, Dickward waits for James inside of his Crown Victoria rental car,
feeling very pissy.
I sat there, outside the New York Restaurant, waiting for my perp to show his face again. If today
went at all like yesterday did, he wouldn't come out 'till after dark. I had a long ass wait ahead of me.
But like I've mentioned. I'm a patient motherfucker.
I looked at my watch, stretching my long legs and cracking my back. After 2:00. I decided it was
probably past the lunch rush at Sweet Tits' restaurant down in Miami, so I called her up to give her
the lowdown so far on her case.
I had to laugh to myself while I dialed the number, thinking about the look on her face the other day
when I advised her she was in love with the kid as I tried to roll the fucking window down manually
on the piece of shit Crown Vic I was renting.
You tell me how the fuck these rental agencies get away with renting a fucking piece of shit car that
doesn't even have god damn automatic windows?
Sweet Tits answered her phone, a little per-fucking-snickety if you ask me.
Probably pissed that the kid hasn't fucked her "good and proper" since their last office chair "dick in
her vagina" episode.
I snickered, but just a little. I swear.
2:15 pm Miami, Bella's office
The phone rang in my office, beeping twice after each ring signaling that Emmett had put the call
straight through to me. I glanced over, eying the caller ID.
Hmmm... Who the fuck could that be? Well, fuck, Em put the call through, so it must have been
important. It better have been anyhow, I was knee deep in fucking research for Squeaks' birthday
party, AND rearranging my travel plans for fucking Japan. I put my order for Ness' Badtz Maru
birthday cake on hold a second and picked up the receiver to answer the call.
"This better be important whoever the fuck you are you just interrupted a very important
business decision." I sighed hard waiting to be furious as soon as a fucking telemarketer's voice came
over trying to sell me shit. They were tricky fuckers and, no doubt, would have fooled Emmett's ass.
A man's snicker sounded though the phone and I heard him mumble, "Such a little hell-fire." He
laughed again and then spoke directly to me, "I don't fucking waste anything, Sweet Tits, trust me."
Ah, shit, it was the Dick.
"I am assuming you have good news, 'cause if you had bad news, you would be avoiding me like the
fucking plague and shit." I waited, eyeing the Hello Kitty & Friend's cake on my screen.
Back in the Crown Victoria.....
Settling back into the seat in my piece of shit rental, I relaxed while the New Yorkers walked by in
their big fucking hurries giving me dirty looks for taking up space on their precious god damn turf
as I watched my perp exit the restaurant with another employee talking to him about fucking
pastries and shit no doubt. The perp went back inside, and the employee walked down the street.
I had to give Sweet Tits her props, she didn't run any god damn run of the mill places. These fuckers
were top of the line restaurants complete with four star sous chefs and fucking maitre des and shit.
"Sweet Tits, don't you know that assuming only makes an ASS out of U and ME?" I laughed at her,
because she made this really fucked up sound on the other end of the phone, like she was gurgling or
something. It could have been growling though. Growling was more her style, but when I thought
about Sweet Tits growling it made my dick twitch, so I went with gurgling.
"But you're actually right to assume. Just this once. I gotta hand it to your asshat employee, my
friend. He covers his tracks pretty well. People don't fucking suspect his ass of anything but being a
dick. Unfortunately for him though, I know my fucking shit."
I could practically hear her on the other end of the line tapping her foot, biting her nails. Some shit
like that no doubt.
Normally I'd drag this part out, fuck with her a little, but something about this woman said "warning
all smart ass motherfuckers, I will cut off your balls and feed them a la cart to my patrons if you fuck
with me" Plus she sounded about as stressed as I do on any given day, so I started to give her the
skinny, no holds barred.
"Leaves for work, 6am, yada yada yada... Nothing too obviously out of the norm. He got a few calls
throughout the day, and some texts that led me to believe he didn't want anyone to know about
them. That shit raised a flag."
"Oh yeah smartee? How'd ya draw that conclusion wise guy?" I had to smile at her ass.
Sweet Tits was making my dick all kinds of fucking anxious with all her crass shit. Fuck I loved a
woman with a smart mouth.
And a nice ass.
I had to admit, it was a good god damn thing she had that nice ass, because smart mouths without
any of the extra perks are a fucking turn-off like watching porno with your grandma.
Not that I've ever done that shit.
"Because of the way he looked around to make sure no one was watching him when he checked his
phone. I'm sure you can identify with secrecy, Sweet Tits," I said sarcastically. Something told me not
a lot of people knew about her and The Kid. Hell, she didn't even seem to really know about her and
The Kid.
"Wow, I am paying you fucking twenty large to report back that James, The Asshat, is making calls on
his cell phone? Well guess what Dick Tracy, I already knew he was an asshat. Perhaps you would like
to offer me up something a little bit juicer and worth my fucking time and money," she huffed.
I rolled my eyes. She clearly woke up on the wrong god damn side of the universe this morning. I
mean, what the fuck does she think? I'm a fucking rookie at this shit?
This is where I decided, fuck it, I can be a smart ass too, she apparently gets off on this shit. Hell, no
wonder The Kid is so fucking possessive of her. I wouldn't want anyone fucking touching her ass
either if she was mine. If I was into her that is.
Which I'm fucking not.
I have enough shit to deal with back home, and I don't do long god damn distance relationships. If I
ever really dealt with them at all that is.
Anyway, back to My Little Hell-Fire
"Yeah, because twenty large is really gonna give me a nice profit after air fare to fucking New York
City, hotel stay and rental car. Not to mention gas. Seriously Sweet Tits, do you have any fucking idea
what they charge for a god damn glass of Coke up here?"
I had to cover the phone while I stifled a laugh.
Wait for it.
"Actually I do, seeing as how I own a fucking restaurant there! A restaurant that you are supposed to
be fucking watching...You know, I am getting really annoyed and highly fucking worried about your
capability to complete the task at hand. Was I supposed to hire a fucking hand-holder for you or
some shit I didn't know about?!"
Nicely done my little hell-fire.
I laughed internally, she really was fun. But now I just needed to give her some fucking information
before she actually did reach through the phone and throttle my ass.
Although... that could make for a very interesting encounter.
"Okay Sweet Tits, my bad," I said, smiling.
God, I was gonna fucking miss her when this case was over. Not too many chicks, or dudes for that
matter, gave me a run for my money, but damn the Little Hell-Fire was good.
"Here's the skinny. He left his cozy, high priced, overly fucking secure condo, around 10:30pm, went
back to the restaurant, where he then met a girl out back and made out for what felt like a fucking
hour, then they headed inside..." she cut me off.
"Still waiting for the fucking bell to 'Ding-Ding' here asshole. Thirty fucking seconds until you can kiss
your twenty grand tata and pay for your damn ticket back to wherever the fuck you came from." I
could hear her counting off the fucking seconds in a faint whisper.
Jesus, interrupt much? I wonder if the kid ever gets his dick into the sweetness before she tells him
how, when, where, and for how fucking long every god damn time.
"Well consider your bell dinged Sweet Tits, because the girl was underage."
Wait for it again.
2:13 pm - Highly fucking annoyed by The Dick
"James' little girlfriends always look underage. I really hope you've got something a little more solid
than just him swapping spit with some Miley Cyrus wannabe."
Although it could have actually been her. On my last trip to Riley's, I saw her there with her dad. Let
me just say, those two look a little too fucking close for comfort. The Dick snickered again, pulling me
out of my perverted Miley-loving-on-her-redneck-daddy thought.
"So, the evidence, Dick?" Better not fucking be Miley.....
"You mean besides the fact that she doesn't know how to give a fucking blow job to save her life? I
mean seriously, he was lucky she didn't run away screaming when he pulled his dick out. The look on
her face when she saw his pre-cum was fucking priceless. You woulda thought she'd never seen that
shit before. Hell she probably hadn't."
My mouth opened, then closed.
Then opened.
Then closed.
Did The Dick just say Miley Cyrus was giving James a fucking, sucky sucky goodtime?
No Bella, you said Miley, he said underage girl.
Shit, this is why it wasn't a good idea to skip meals and starve yourself all day, only living off of
Really good ass Edwardly coffee, but still....
Dickward was growing impatient on the other end of the line....
OK, maybe that was a little too much information.
"So, you had to watch that fuckery?" Sweet Tits finally asked, sounding a little bit fucking....sorry for
"Only until my dinner started coming back up, which wasn't long. And I got photos." Great fucking
"Look here , I don't really want to know how many inches she can take before her gag-reflex kicks the
fuck in, but how the hell do you know she's underage just by watching her suck him off?"
There's my smarmy little friend, back from the world of shock and awe. "Well, I followed them into
the restaurant all stealthy like see. Then I slipped her ID out of her wallet, which she very fucking
irresponsibly left sitting on the god damn hostess stand I might add snapped a pic of it with my cell
phone, and sent it to a fuckawesome computer genius friend of mine who ran a background check on
her and bam... information highway... She's definitely fifteen. Not even close to the legal age limit in
New York or any fucking where else you might wanna visit. Except maybe Utah ."
2:17 pm holding my hand over my mouth to keep from laughing and letting the Dick know he's a little
bit fucking funny..
Did he just fucking say Utah? Okay...he fucking redeemed himself a little there.
Just a little.
His new info was a little intriguing, I must admit. If James was fucking around with underage girls, this
shit was heavy.
Too bad I cut off sex with Edward, cause right now, he was really deserving some for the fucking
advice he gave me to do this shit.
Back in New York, Dickward smiled at hearing his Little Hell-Fire's laughter
I smiled. She laughed out loud at that shit, even though, I wanted to believe she was trying to hide it.
I can't blame her. I'm a funny motherfucker when I wanna be.
A fucking street vendor ran up to my piece of shit rental just then, and wanted to know if I wanted
my fucking windshields washed. I put my hand over the phone and told him where to shove his
shamwow when Sweet Tits asked another question.
"So, any news on the other thing? The tape I asked you for. While it's all good and shit that James is
being a pervert and begging for handcuffs with that type of fuckery, it still doesn't alleviate my
nausea from knowing he's got me on tape riding him like a fucking bucking bronco."
I laughed through my nose, trying really fucking hard not to let her know that picturing her riding this
jackass was not only fucking hilarious to me, but disturbing all at the same time.
I did furrow my brow once I was done getting over the visual of Sweet Tits in the nude, because that
video problem was pissing me off. I sighed as I answered her, "Not yet, his condo has fairly high
fucking tech security in place. That doesn't mean I can't work around it, it'll just take me a little
longer to figure it out. I'm heading there in a few to check it out before asshat gets off of work, and
I'm planning on checking out his office at the restaurant too. Too many people there today though.
I'll get to it after closing." Then I added, "Shall I give the po-po your number to call you if they catch
me breaking and entering?"
"Why the fuck would you have them call me? I am paying you to do your job, so just fucking do it.
And if you do your job correctly, you shouldn't get caught, now should you, ?"
She had a fucking point. There really isn't a god damn police department around that can get the
jump on me.
"Touch my friend. I'll call again when I have the tape. Oh, and Sweet Tits?"
"Make it fast here Dick Tracy, I don't get paid to sit around and twiddle my fucking twat all day like
"I'll ignore that insult to my integrity Sweet Tits, because I'm sure you're having a hard fucking time
dealing with the fact that you've got this dickless wonder running around with a sex tape of you....but
you need to understand something, and let me make this very clear for you... When I twiddle
someone's twat, as you like to put it, it sure as hell isn't gonna be fast, if you know what I mean..." I
gave her a minute to digest what I had just said and then added, "I just wanted to know if you'd
fucking told The Kid yet."
2:23 pm Wanting to stomp the fuck out of Mr. Dickward
"There is nothing to tell there Ace. Sorry to burst your fucking bubble. He's my family and shit, so
yeah, I look out for The Kid, as you say, but that's all. And while we are making shit clear, I should
inform you that I don't give a rat's ass about you twiddling anyone's twat; however, if what you said
was true, I would assume you would spend a lot less time in watch cars looking for said dickless
wonders, and a lot more time with your face in said twat...if you know what I am sayin'." I waited for
his reaction.
This guy was a tough cookie, I'll give him that. What he didn't know however, is that I have dealt with
my father yelling at me from the age of six, Gordon up in my face countless times calling me a fucking
donkey, and stupid men like stupid fucking James.
Set. Game. Match. Motherfucker.
Back in New York....
Was she seriously questioning my ability to get a woman off with my fucking tongue?
"Ouch. You cut me deep there Sweet Tits, but unfortunately, making women cum several times a
night doesn't pay as well as my day job. So for now, I'm just gonna have to spend MY precious
fucking time getting YOUR fucking SEX tape back for you so you can get this asswipe out of your face
and maybe.... JUST MAYBE.... then you can face your demons and tell The
Kid you love him. And you do fucking love him Sweet Tits, whether you decide to admit it out loud or
not... this "family" bullshit might fly with the people you surround yourself with down there, but not
with me."
"You can just go fuc...." I cut her off.
"Shut your pie hole for a god damn minute Sweet Tits, and think about what's gonna happen when
The Kid finally gives the fuck up and moves on to someone else. Are you really gonna be okay with
him putting his dick into someone else's pussy? 'Cause I'm thinking that wouldn't fly too well with
Where the fuck that shit came from I have no idea. It's not like I give a shit if she ends up with this
guy or not. Something about those two, though, just made me wanna lock them both up in a tiny
room together, spread peanut butter all over both of them, and watch the god damn show.
"It's fucking complicated and truthfully, none of your damn business. Why the fuck do you care so
much anyhow?"
Good question. The truth was, Sweet Tits was growing on me. Aside from the fact that she was
completely sexy in every god damn way you could imagine, she also practically fucking challenged me
to get her to admit her feelings. It was like a case, and I was planning to crack that shit wide open.
"I'm sure I can keep up Sweet Tits... and to answer your question, I might be a dick, but I'm also a god
damn romantic, call me Clark motherfucking Gable. And besides, I hate to see a perfectly good set of
legs go to waste because of a stubborn ass attitude. Are you fucking afraid The Kid doesn't love you
back or some shit like that? Cause news flash, he's gone for your ass."
2:33 pm back in my office
"You don't even know Edward," I scoffed.
Who the hell did this lil pecker think he was?
"I didn't realize you were God damned the Dick Tracy of Dr. Phil fuckery by the way. Watch Oprah on
your days off there Mr. Dick?" I snickered, but in truth, I was thinking over his words carefully.
I knew Edward cared about me, I wasn't totally fucking blind. What the hell did 'gone for your ass'
mean in man verbage?
Back in the crown Victoria
I laughed.
"Defensive much Sweet Tits? First of all, Dr. Phil is a fucking idiot and Oprah's got nothin' on me.
Secondly, I'm a god damn private eye honey. I notice things, and you're not smart enough, or covert
enough, to get your obvious shit passed me. But hey, if you don't wanna come clean with me and
fucking say it, who am I to judge your ass... but if you decide you wanna let it all out just so you can
fucking get it out there, you have my number. I'll call you soon about the tape; you can at least count
on that shit."
I didn't wait for her reaction. I hung up on her ass. Let her stew a while on that, maybe she'd make
the right decision, but then again, she is a stubborn fucking woman. I'm surprised The Kid hasn't
strangled her yet.
Wednesday was a really dull and boring day. It rained for most of the afternoon and customers
stayed away. The only highlight was Edward telling Seth AKA Jenna, to go find him a left-handed
frying pan and Seth was actually stupid enough to do it.
Thursday was a little bit busier and Jake started the first bit of construction on Edward's office. I was
able to order him a nice manly desk mad of mahogany and a super comfy seat, not that his ass would
get to spend a lot of time in it.
On Friday, I was bum rushed with last minute details, and all of the out-of-towners were starting to
file in for the holiday weekend. Edward picked up a lot of the slack and was very good about checking
in with me to make sure all our bases were covered. We didn't have time for our Friday Fun Family
Fucking Night.
That sucked, but we had the whole weekend I guess.
By Saturday morning, the town was buzzing, and I was happy no storms were forecasted for the day.
Rain on holidays sucked balls. Period. The band had shown up early and Emmett helped out with
rearranging the seating in the restaurant to accompany their equipment.
Today was a little bit fucking bittersweet however.
Jessica, the cunt from hell, was supposed to leave.
Yeah, on her kids birthday.
Like I said, cunt from hell.
I let Edward come in a little bit late today, since he had the bitch face to deal with, and also so he
could spend a little time with Ness afterwards. Everything for her party was in order, and I had the
chef's table decorated just for her so she could sit in here and watch Edward tonight, if she wanted
to, with his family. My other mission with that, of course, was to have his asshat of a father in here so
he could see that Edward was good at his job.
The cake arrived around noon right along with Edward, and he smiled looking at it, sitting on the bar
top, surrounded by balloons and other girly stuff Angela placed around it.
"Why did you choose this?" He pointed to the big ass Badtz Maru that was sculpted out of cake and
"Because he happened to number one, look like you, and number two, come from Japan," I
"I remind you of a black little creepy guy with a yellow mouth?" Edward pointed to his face, arching
an eyebrow.
"His hair reminds me of your crazy shit, and his smushy face," I scrunched Edward's cheeks together
in my hands, "reminds me of when you look pissed," I laughed. He removed my hands, but held
"And what about Japan?" he asked.
"We'll talk about it later. No time right now. Where is she anyhow?" I started to walk towards the
kitchen and he followed, letting go of my hands.
"I left her with Esme. She wanted to take her shopping for a dress or something," he shrugged as we
entered the kitchen.
"How did it go with Mrs. Herpes?"
"Couldn't tell you, she never showed up." He looked at me and I could see the rage boiling behind his
"You have got to be fucking kidding me."
"I wish, Bella. I wish." Edward walked around to the other side of the steel table and tossed down his
chef coat he was holding. As he leaned on the pass, he noticed the decorated chef table.
"Did you do that?" he asked, looking over to me.
"Angela helped me. I just thought Squeaks might get a kick out of watching you work. Maybe your
parents too. Although," I stepped closer to him, "I guess that means you have to watch your
language," I smiled playfully.
Edward smiled back at me, something very strong brooding in his blue eyes as he did. A wave of heat
crept over me as his eyes searched mine, looking at me in that way which made me feel so exposed
to him. A faint pulse throbbed in between my legs and the magnetic pull I felt to him coursed
through me.
"Thank you," he said simply, finally looking away.
I knew from Edward's eyes how deep those two words were though. How much my actions and
reactions towards his daughter meant to him. That little douche bag mother of hers would not steal
away either of their happiness today. And oh, what a day it was to host such a thought.
Independence Day.
I could hear the music playing in the dining room. We opened early today to be able to accommodate
all of the bookings we had. The dining room was packed full, and we were already getting slammed
with orders.
Edward was excellent on the pass, delegating perfectly and not allowing the rush to intimidate him.
That made me breathe a lot easier.
Esme and Carlisle came in with Squeaky and took a seat at the chef's table. Edward went over and
held her for a bit and then returned to the station with their food order. I made sure to stay on the
staff's asses and get it right. The point here was to prove to his parents, well his dad, that Edward
was good at what he did, and I wasn't going to allow them to fuck it up.
When it was time for them to eat, I allowed Edward to join them and worked the pass with Seth,
enjoying watching Ness as she smiled and tried to feed Edward bites of her food.
Squeaks was a tough kid. She would be alright. I just knew it.
"How is everything going honey?" Esme asked as she started in on her food.
"Good, busy but good." I tried to keep my eyes on Ness and not look at my father.
"This was very nice of Bella to invite us here. I saw her cake out there, Emmett said she picked it
out?" My mom took a bite of her food and I watched to see her reaction before she answered. I had
cooked for her before, this was nothing new. I just wanted to see her eat Bella's recipes. She
hummed happily pointing to her dish.
"Very good," she managed to get out.
"Yes, Bella ordered the cake. It's a little odd, but I guess it has something to do with her idea of how
to tell," I pointed to Ness' head, "about going to Japan."
"Bella cannot take her out of the country," Carlisle interjected.
"She isn't," I sighed hard and looked to him finally, pointing at Bella so Ness couldn't see. "She is
going there and didn't want," I nodded back to Ness, "to be upset when she went."
"I don't really understand the logic, but alright." My father went back to eating and I dropped it.
"Is there a band here every night like this?" Esme asked.
"No, it was just for tonight, to set the mood I suppose." I wiped Ness' mouth and helped her as she
reached for her my water.
"Well it is just wonderful honey."
"Oh, for fucks sake!" Bella yelled out, and my mother whipped around to look at her. "Unless you
want me to shove those up your ass sideways, Jenna, I suggest you take them back to whatever part
of planet 'out your God damned mind' you got them from and do it again, asshole!" Bella kicked the
trash can as she shoved the plate of scallops back at him. "Fuck!" she kicked it again and Nessie
giggled, causing my mother to turn back around in her seat.
"Fiesty, isn't she?" Esme smiled.
"That would be one way to put it," I snickered.
"Is it always like this?" Esme asked nervously.
"No," I smiled. "Sometimes she throws stuff too."
8:23 pm
We all gathered out front and Emmett got everyone in the restaurant to sing happy birthday to
Squeaky. She, of course, coiled into Edward, hiding her shy little face. The cake was a hit. She seemed
to really like Badtz Maru, which was hella cool, even pointing out that his hair looked like Edward's
which earned her extra points in my book.
We went to the back to open presents, the first, of course, being from Edward. He bought her some
toy I never heard of, but I guess she wanted because she seemed over the moon when he
unwrapped it for her. Something told me there were more presents waiting at home. I was pretty
sure about that.
Emmett gave her a custom made jersey of some team he loved, in pink, with her name on the back.
Well actually, it said Shortcake.
Esme and Carlisle had already given their gifts earlier so I wasn't sure what they were.
For my gift, I was a little nervous. Edward had asked me not to go crazy with stuff, and up until this
point, I hadn't. This gift was a little extravagant, but I wanted her to have it. As I handed over the
small box to Edward, I could see his eyes narrowing, trying to figure it out. Ness took it from his hand
and started scratching at paper to open it, but couldn't.
"Let me see, sweetheart." As he pulled the bow, Edward took the little tag off the ribbon and read it
aloud. "Five carats, for a very special five year old." He eyed me warily, and I nodded him on.
"Kitty!" Ness pointed to the box as he opened it. "Wook!" She turned to Edward.
"I see Sweetheart." He pulled the diamond encrusted Hello Kitty necklace from the box and held it in
his palm.
"It's a locket. The little cat face opens," I explained.
"Petty," Squeaky said, touching it with her finger.
"Well, it looks like you're in trouble son," Esme said.
"Why is that?" Edward asked, fastening it around Ness's neck.
"You're girl likes diamonds," she laughed.
"It's kind of in her DNA," He shot back, to which she slapped him playfully.
"What do you say to Bella, love?" Edward whispered down to Renesmee.
"Tank you." Squeaky reached out for me and I pulled her in my lap, hugging her back.
"You're welcome sweetheart." I kissed her cheek and she pulled back from me, placing one hand on
my face.
"Petty wike Bewwa," she pointed to her other hand to the necklace.
"Diamonds are pretty honey, but they are special too, you know why?" I asked her, and she shook
her head, staring at me with her big blue eyes, looking every bit like Edward.
"Diamonds are special because they are rare. Kind of like cute little pudgies named Squeaks," I poked
her fat stomach.
"Top it, Bewwa," she giggled, pushing my hand away.
"Hey!" Angela called, poking her head in through the doors of the kitchen. "Fireworks are about to
"You ready to watch?" I asked Squeaky, and she nodded happily.
Emmett took her from my arms, hoisting her up onto his huge shoulders to Edward's disapproval. I
took Edward's hand as we walked through the corded dining room out to the sidewalk, and then
strolled along until we reached the shoreline.
The beach was packed full of people and I had to elbow a lot of old farts and small children to get a
good spot, but we made it. Ness remained up on Emmett's shoulders so she could see, and Edward
stood by my side with his parents lost somewhere back in the crowd.
Most of the members of the staff had gathered outdoors, seeing as how all of the businesses were
empty right now with everyone heading to watch this show. You could hear the music playing on the
ship that was cast out on the sea. It was the prelude to the show, and the air was buzzing with
excitement while we all waited for it to begin.
As the time drew nearer, the electricity rose to a new height, and more people had gathered,
crowding the beach further. They started playing the Star Spangled Banner, and a few people started
to sing alongThen moreAnd then some more. As I looked around, the crowd looked so beautiful.
Husbands hugging their wives close, kids sitting on shoulders, like Ness was and couples cuddled
up with blankets, anxious to watch something special happen.
As the song came to the finale, the people began to countdown from ten, and as they approached
one, kissing commenced among loud cheers and the booms of the fireworks over head, making their
first marking on the fallen night sky.
The sight was breathtaking.
I looked back to find Ness, wanting to see her little face, but I caught Edward's eyes first. They
sparkled in the fiery blaze of the lights bursting over us and he smiled something that fairy tales were
written of as he looked back at me.
Lost in the moment of love and celebration and elation, he reached out and cupped my face into his
hand, holding my gaze. I knew what he was going to do and there was no fight in me to prevent it. I
didn't want to fight. I wanted this.
Him. I wanted him.
If my staff saw, fuck it.
I didn't care.
Edward pulled me towards him, and I fucking fell into his embrace, meeting his warm lips, and
allowing him to have me. My hands fisted his chef jacket, and I pulled myself to his body, trying to
stand my ground on the sinking sand beneath my feet. His hands moved from my face to my wrists,
pulling my hands away and placing them around his neck for better support as he wrapped his arms
around my waist.
The warm cinnamon of his mouth tasted heavenly on mine, and his tongue slid slowly, but
passionately, as he kissed me deeply. I could feel his heart race against mine. The low hum vibrating
from his lips in pleasure. We were lost in our own little world as the fireworks kept booming, and I
didn't want to let go, but I was out of air.
As our lips separated, Edward rested his forehead to mine. Panting hard against my face, as I was in
his, our breaths became intertwined as we tried to slow our emotions. But it was impossible.
There was too much flooding through me in this moment. I couldn't slow down. I couldn't deny it any
longer. This man was the air. My air. My Edward. My everything. I tipped up on my toes and pressed
back into his lips, savoring his top pout, and loving how my bottom lip fit so perfectly between his. I
kissed him again until I was breathless, and had no other choice then to pull back.
Edward smiled and brought his arms around my shoulders, hugging me to him. I wrapped my arms
around his warm body, feeling all of his muscular form under the sheer fabric of his chef coat. Tilting
my head to the side, I looked out to the sea, and watched the fireworks as they boomed. Edward
sighed hard, and I felt a small bit of laughter vibrate from inside him. He looked down to me, resting
his forehead back on mine once again as he looked into my eyes.
"Happy Fourth of July, Angel," he whispered.
I stared back at him, seeing all that I ever craved looking back at me through blue windows of clarity;
trust and love. I kissed his perfect lips once more, still holding his gaze, wanting him to feel
everything that I felt for him in this moment on the beach, under the stars, and amid all of these
people; even if they weren't paying us any attention.
"Happy Fourth of July, Flower Child."
Chapter Fifteen ~ Lesson in Love
It was Nessie's birthday, but I felt as though I was the one being given the ultimate gift tonight.
Bella looked so beautiful, smiling at me as the sky lit up over our heads with fireworks. Everyone
around us formed a barricade of love and happiness, making the inability to touch her, to share that
same joy with her, this woman I was so enamored and in love with, seem just wrong.
Something in Bella's eyes changed as she looked at me. My hands moved on pure desire and need as
I reached out for her delicate face to kiss her. As I pulled her to my lips, it happened.
Bella let go.
I kissed her soundly, trying to convey with my body what my voice wasn't prepared to speak yet. She
slipped under my grasp, sinking into the sand and that shit just wasn't allowed. Nothing would
interrupt this moment. The fucking waves could crash over us and I would have managed to hold her
to me and not break our kiss.
Her small hands clung to my neck, and I wrapped her in my prison of flesh, holding her petite frame
to my own. Bella's heart beat in sync with mine, her mouth moved and tongue swirled with the same
passion and greed that I had burning inside of me. Our breaths exchanged as our lips parted, and
before I could recapture my air supply, she cut me off, placing her mouth back upon mine to my
delight. She could have my air, my body, my everything.
Fuck she was everything.
Finally pulling back, Bella rested her head on my chest and looked back out to the ocean. I caught a
glimpse of Emmett from behind Bella, and he was getting Ness to give me a thumbs-up. I had to
laughand then abruptly look away, because knowing my very fragile child was just a witness to me
making out with Bella on the beachside was not something I wanted to think about.
Stillkissing Bella was pure fucking pleasure.
I looked back down to her, resting my forehead upon hers and looking into her caramel eyes of
heaven. Bella was radiant. Alive, and like I just gave her the greatest gift of all time except, it was
the other way around. I was the prize winner in this scenario. She loved my child, went out of her
way to take care of me and all my fucked up shit, and she believed in me. The words that I wanted to
speak were not right for this moment, no matter how fitting they would have been for how I was
feeling. I chose simpler words that would not disturb what had just transpired, but rather capitalized
on what a special day this turned out to be.
"Happy Fourth of July, Angel," I whispered down to her beautiful face.
She looked back at me, but Bella wasn't just looking, she was showing.
The emotion that lay within those brown depths of wonder became vivid and alive. I saw her, the
real her. All masks taken off and left who the fuck knew where.
Who cared I had my Bella back.
"Happy Fourth of July, Flower Child," she whispered softly, holding my gaze.
My heart ballooned at her words, confirming everything I saw in her eyes, and how so easily, with
just one silly nickname, she told me all that was playing within her. I hugged Bella in my arms again
and watched as the remainder of the show played out.
We walked back to the restaurant after the fireworks ended. Most of the crowd had made their way
back in as well. The bar was overloaded with customers, and Emmett helped Jasper keep up with the
demand, passing Ness back to me from his arms. I could see she was getting tired, and I rested her
head in the crook of my neck, rocking her as we made our way back to the kitchen.
Ness fell asleep in no time and my mother pulled her car around the back of the restaurant so I could
place her in the car seat. After she was all tucked in, I kissed her sleeping face and whispered my last
happy birthday in her ear before my mother took her home.
Esme would be dropping her off at my house in the morning so I wouldn't have to deal with going to
my father's house; which made me feel extremely fucking happy. Carlisle was still being a dick and I
had no desire to see him any more than need be.
The rush had pretty much died out in the kitchen. The only real crowd that remained was the people
getting drunk at the bar. Seth was once again in charge of clean-up since he was still my kitchen
bitch. After I clocked out, I sat at the bar for a drink, chatting with Emmett in between his customers.
"Hey you," a tiny hand tapped my back and I looked back to see Alice.
"Hey yourself," I smiled.
"Drinking on the job," she teased.
"No, I'm done. Just taking a breather and watching my brother make an ass out of himself." I looked
to Em who was trying hard to do impress a group of girls with his, as he says, 'mad skills' behind the
"Oh," she nodded, seeing him act the fool.
"Would you like my chair?" I got up, allowing her to have my seat, since there were no others
"Thanks." Alice sat down and waved to Jasper, our full time bartender.
"So how is that going?" I asked, nodding to Jasper.
"Good. I like him a lot," Alice smiled, but there was something brooding in her green eyes as she
looked at him.
"Like," I mused, looking at her from the corner of my eye.
"Okay, love is probably a better word, but it's still early on, ya know?"
"Yeah. I do." I brought my beer to my lips and took a sip.
"So, Jess left today," she said, eyeing me cautiously.
"Yes, I know that too."
"Edward, may I tell you something?" Alice asked, reaching over and touching my arm lightly with her
tiny fingers. I looked over to her, waiting for her words.
"I know Jess is my friend and stuff, or at least used to be, but anyhow, I just want you to know that I
don't agree with her at all. While I am all for backing up my friends, the stuff she does with your little
Ness, that just doesn't fly with me." Alice shook her head and I saw the sadness in her eyes.
""You've always been fair to me Alice," I nodded.
"I guess what I am trying to say here is that, I know she is going to fight dirty to try and take
Renesmee away. If you need someone to help you out, I am here."
"You would do that? You would testify against Jess?" I asked surprised, setting my beer down on the
bar top.
"I would be a character witness for you, if you needed one. I know she's gonna probably have Rose
speak about what supposedly happened in her apartment the day you guys fought. So if you need
someone to say otherwise, I'm available," Alice winked at me, and I'll be damned if my jaw didn't
drop just a little.
"Not that I am opposed to this at all, but just out of fucking curiosity, why the hell would you do that
for me?" I asked.
"Number one, I know that you are a good dad to Nessie. You treat her like gold and I have NEVER
seen you do anything but care for her."
"And number two?"
"Number two, Jessica gave Rachel Ray my fucking recipe for my grandmother's peanut butter
cookies, and I officially fucking want to destroy her." Alice smiled wryly, and I had to laugh.
"So you're using me as revenge?" I teased.
"It's both, like I said," she winked again.
"You know most people would just sue." I wiggled my empty beer at Emmett from across the bar,
asking him for another.
"Yeah well, this kills two birds with one stone." Alice looked back to the bar as Jasper came over
finally, carrying my beer he stole from Emmett.
"Buttercup." He reached out and grabbed her hand, encapsulating it in both of his, and brought it up
to his lips, kissing along Alice's fingers and up her arms until she stopped him.
"You just like to see me blush, now don't you?" she batted her eyes at him and he smiled at her, then
puckered his lips for a kiss.
I looked away, not wanting to watch their intimate moment. Bella caught my eye as she stood next
to a table of well dressed patrons, mostly male. Her hand rested on the back of the youngest looking
one's chair as she talked. One of the gentlemen passed her a business card, giving her a look I knew
all too well, and then pulled her down as she shook his hand, whispering something in her ear. He
was flirting, trying no doubt to woo her, and win her affection with his flashy Rolex and expensive
If he only knew, she could careless about that shit.
As Bella made her exit from the table, she saw me looking at her and then eyed the bar, taking in all
that was happening, and walked my way. I kept my eyes on Bella as I sipped my beer, but could see
how everyone around her turned their heads as she passed. A few people stuck their hands out to
say hello and regard the food, and she smiled and thanked them for dining with us.
"I should have made you stay on the clock," she teased, eyeing the busy bar.
"They've got it. You know, Emmett has 'mad skills," I laughed once, taking a sip of my beer.
"Mm, yes. I see," she said sarcastically, watching him still trying to impress the ladies.
"Edward?!" I spun around, hearing a familiar voice call my name.
"Holy fuck, Lauren?" I said surprised.
"Edward!" She reached out and hugged me, and I wrapped my free arm around her shoulders.
"What are you doing here?" I asked, smiling as she leaned back.
"I just got back home. My mother said Marinas Trench was playing here, and you know my love for
them," Lauren smiled and I roamed my eyes over her face trying to rememorize her.
"What are you doing here?" she asked.
"I work here."
"Really? Wow. This is kind of," she looked around, "a really nice place," she chuckled.
"What are you trying to say?" I teased, cocking an eyebrow.
"Nothing silly," she laid her hands against the black fabric of my tank top. "I just didn't know that you
were going to get all richy rich on me once I left."
"A lot of shit changed since you left, Lauren." I took a sip of beer.
"For me too." She pulled down the collar of her tee shirt, revealing some new ink.
"What is it?" I asked, unable to tell because there wasn't enough showing.
"A fairy," she smiled seductively at me, knowing that her tattoo shit used to drive me crazy.
"Nice," I nodded nonchalantly.
"It covers my whole arm and part of my back. An artist at a convention I went to did it. It's really bad
"I'm not quite sure fairies can be bad ass, but I believe you." I took another sip of beer and she
stepped closer to me.
"There used to be a day when you would just ask to see for yourself you know," she whispered.
I went to reply, but all of a sudden, I felt a sharp pain in my left arm. I looked down to see Bella's nails
digging into my skin as she stared holes into Lauren. I laughed. Ha, she was jealous.
"Lauren, this is Bella. Bella, Lauren," I motioned between them with my beer in hand.
"Hi, um nice to meet you, Bella," Lauren said, sounding a little confused by my introduction.
"Bella is my friend," I set my beer down. And the love of my life. "And my boss."
"Oh," Lauren nodded, looking very satisfied by my description. "How is Nessie?"
"She's fine. Today was her birthday actually," I replied.
"How old is she now?"
"Wow, seems like just yesterday she was born."
"Tell me about it," I laughed once.
"I miss seeing her. She was so darn cute. Like her Daddy." Lauren smiled coyly, trying again to get me
to fall into her trap. This line was muddied though. It only made me remember why I remained single
all this time.
"You should go catch the last set, Lauren. I think the band is about to head out. Almost closing time."
I turned back towards the bar and set my empty beer bottle down.
"Oh, yeah. Well, um, it was nice to see you again. You should come by my mom's house for a visit
sometime. She misses the treats you used to bring."
"Yeah, sure. I will," I lied. Lauren saw through me, knowing it was a bullshit answer, and the light
dimmed in her hazel eyes.
"Alright, well bye Edward." She looked at me like she was expecting a hug or something more
significant than a measly, 'see ya later,' but I had no warm goodbyes or promises to offer. As those
things were already owned by the person to my left.
"Bye Lauren." I looked down the bar top as she walked off, and didn't look back again.
"Wow Edward, you just totally passed up a booty call," Bella teased.
"She isn't a booty call. Lauren was just a family friend."
"I bet. I know how you and your friends roll." The sarcasm was thick in her voice, and I looked over to
her with a look of disapproval.
"Sorry," she said as soon as she looked at me. "I should get going. It's late." Bella pushed off the bar
and turned to leave but I reached for her arm, pulling her back.
"You know, Ness is with my parents tonight," I began.
"You've got some pretty big ones you know that, Edward? I mean, you turn down fairy woman and
then think, what? That I'm going to be the sub or something?"
Is that what the fuck she
"Is that what the fuck you think?" I scoffed. "You know." I stopped and looked down, not being able
to believe that she could honestly be so blind. "Never mind then," I let go of her hand headed for the
"Edward wait," I heard her behind me as we stepped out onto the sidewalk, and I turned around.
"What is wrong with you Bella? How could you say that shit after what just happened?" I waved
towards the beach with my hand.
"I'm sorry. I justI'm sorry," she said.
"Yeah, whatever, it's fine." I turned again, not wanting to hear anymore of her shit.
"What were you going to say?" Bella asked, causing me to pause again.
"I was going to suggest going back to the beach," I turned around to face her, "before you tarnished
what was a very nice idea in my mind."
Bella's expression softened, finally understanding my motives. You know, I loved this woman to
death, but sometimes she really pissed me off with this 'defence wall against the world' shit she
"A walk on the beach? Are you trying to have a match-dot-com moment with me Edward?" I knew
she was just teasing, but I wasn't in the mood.
"Like I said, never mind." I stepped off the curb, fully intent on leaving. Bella grabbed the back of my
shirt, not allowing that to happen, and stepped in front of me.
"I was just teasing. Don't be all pissy with me. I figured you would have known by now that that's just
my thing," she shrugged.
"I'm more than aware Bella, and while I find it humorous most of the time, now isn't one of them.
Not everything has to be a big fucking joke, you know. Maybe I was just too hopeful an hour ago,
seeing that there was a real Isabella Swan in there," I captured her chin in between my thumb and
index finger, trying to get her to finally see my point as I looked into her eyes.
"It was a pretty nice moment for that girl. She should try having more of them." I held her gaze and
watched as she tried to hide from me, but I didn't allow it, still holding her chin and forcing her to
look at me, knowing that if I didn't she would recoil and probably stomp off.
"I said I was sorry," Bella said quietly, trying to avert my eyes, looking at all the other places on my
face but there.
"Let's try this again, shall we?" Bella looked at me finally as I spoke. "Bella Swan, would you like to go
to the fucking beach with me, Edward Cullen. There will be no fucking, molesting, or titty grabs.
There happens to be stars," I tilted her face towards the sky and could see the smile finally playing on
her lips, "that will be more than enough to hold my interest while we walk on said beach. Yes? Or
no?" I tilted her head back towards me.
"If there are no titty grabs or molesting, I'm not so sure I want to go." She tucked her lips into her
mouth, trying not to smile.
"You are fucking hopeless, you know that?"
"Mmm hmm," she nodded, still keeping her lips tucked in.
"Yes, or no?" I closed my eyes, trying not to find her cute, because she fucking had this way of
making me insane and fucking loving her all at the same time.
"Fucking finally. Thank you." I dropped my hand from her face and bent at the knees slightly, hoisting
her up on my shoulder, fully intending on spanking the holy fuck out of her as I made my way to the
beachside again.
"Edward , please!" She was laughing as I carried her, begging me to put her down, but there was no
way that shit was going to happen.
"Think it's funny to be a smartass huh?" I spanked her hard.
"Stop! You're making me fucking dizzy," she whined, still laughing.
"You need to be taught a lesson Bella. This is all for your own good, I promise." I spanked her twice
more, trying to not lose my balance as I made my way down the part of the sidewalk that sloped into
a hill. The street was still a little busy with patrons from the other businesses, and they laughed,
seeing our show as I carried her.
"All of you people suck, just so you know. Poor woman gets abused in public, and you all do nothing
to help!" Bella shouted as I walked past a group of bystanders.
They laughed at her and I swear I felt Bella lift her hand and give them the finger. I just knew it.
As we finally approached the beachside, I walked a little slower, my hand now rubbing the spots on
her ass that I spanked as I carried her along still on my shoulder.
"Edward, seriously, while I am enjoying the ass rubbing, you're making me want to hurl with the
motion, not to mention, your fucking shoulder is now embedded in my G'damn gut. Please let me
"Promise to be good?"
"Yes, fuck, please." I stopped walking and lowered her to the ground, regretting it as soon as I did.
Bella kicked my leg hard, and then proceeded to slap the holy shit out of me, cursing and calling me
every name you could imagine. Well actually, that wasn't true, considering most of the names didn't
exist in the English language.
I started jogging backwards, trying to dodge her sissy punches and smacks, laughing at how pissed off
she was. That of course, only made her more pissed, which then, only made me laugh harder.
As she tried to hit me again, I grabbed her hand, tugging her hard into me, and then held her tightly
in my grasp, imprisoning her small frame in my arms, not allowing her to wiggle free. Bella's back was
flushed against my chest and I leaned my chin on her shoulder, pressing my lips towards the crook of
her neck.
"If I let you go, are you going to stop trying to kick my ass?" I asked, trying not to laugh.
"No!" she huffed, still trying to wiggle away.
"Bella, you are not stronger than me, Love. Your efforts are useless," I teased, knowing it would
enrage her more, and sure as shit, she tried to get out of my hold again.
"While I love your determination, Angel, it's like I said you can't defeat me. I am going to let you go
and this time, if you try to hit me, I am going to pick you up and toss you in the ocean"
"No, no, no! Please don't!" she cut me off. "I'm fucking terrified of the ocean, please don't," she
begged, all playfulness gone. I loosened my hold slightly, intrigued by her terror.
"Why are you afraid of the ocean?" I asked.
"It just scares me, especially at night. I'm sorry, just don't fucking throw me in, please." She was
seriously afraid.
"I won't," I kissed the side of her face, holding her tightly again. "I promise," I kissed her again. "But
you know, there's nothing really to fear."
"Yeah, except being eaten by a fucking shark!"
"You've just watched too many Hollywood movies. They aren't as scary, or evil as they are portrayed.
Besides, they aren't feeding in the shallows this time of year," I explained, planting another kiss on
her jaw.
"Says fucking Captain Jack Sparrow over here, Love," she lowered her voice, trying to mock my name
I called her with her weak Jack Sparrow impersonation.
"I grew up here for most of my life, Bella. I just know this shit."
"Well, that's all fine and dandy, but I am perfectly happy staying right here on the sand thank you."
She tilted her head towards me a little, finally meeting my eyes.
"You don't trust me, do you?" I asked.
"I don't trust Mother Nature and her creatures with sharp fucking TEETH," she leaned in a little
towards my face as she spoke.
"So you DO trust me then?" I pressed.
"I wouldn't have put you in charge of my business if I didn't trust you Flower Child," Bella rested her
head back against my shoulder.
"Then let's go for a swim."
"What? No," she shook her head, and I let her go. Bella turned around to face me and I smiled,
pulling off my shirt, challenging her.
"I'm going in, so either you're coming in too, or standing on the beach all alone." I took off my left
shoe, then my right, and she just looked at me nervously.
"Edward, I seriously cannot go in there. And you are not leaving me on this beach alone for fucks
sake. A G'damn crackhead will rape me or something." Bella looked around, and I could see her
panic, but I wasn't letting this shit go.
She never would if it were the other way around.
"Yup. Going in." I stripped off my bottoms, only leaving my boxer briefs on happy that I had
changed into my real clothes, and wasn't wearing just my cheffies, because that would have left my
ass naked as a motherfucker.
"Flower Child, please do not leave me standing here in the fucking dark to be raped by a crackhead.
Please," she begged, her small fists balled at her sides.
"You could always go back to the mainland. It's up to you, but me," I walked towards the water, "I'm
going this way." The water started to slosh against my feet as I moved forward.
"Ugh! I hate your ass!" she yelled. "I fucking hate you, Flower Child!" I turned around and looked at
her as I backed my way in. Bella pulled off her left shoe and threw it down angrily at the sand.
"Hate. You." She stared at me, pulling off her other shoe and threw it down hard.
"Fuck, at least wait for me, Jerkoff!" she yelled, pulling off her tank top quickly.
I was in up to my waist as she began taking off her jeans, trying to walk and remove them at the
same time; which wasn't working in her favor at all. I had to fight hard not laugh.
Bella finally got down to her bra and panties, and I had to fucking swallow hard at the sight of her
stripped down. She stepped quickly, but cautiously, through the water, trying to make her way to
"You are so going to get your ass kicked for this fuckery. Just so you know." She was close to me and I
reached out for her hands.
"You're just being a big baby, Bella." I fell backwards, tugging her with me as I did.
"Can we just stay right here?" Bella tried to pull my hands towards her, not allowing me to swim
backwards, but I was stronger than her. I brought her hands around my neck and she held on.
"The point, is to trust me, remember?" I swam a little further back and she clung to me, wrapping her
legs around my waist.
"I do trust you, but fuck Edward, I hate this," Bella started to panic again.
"You really think I would let a shark eat you Bella?" I asked with a light laugh.
"If a fucking shark wants to eat me, or us for that matter Edward, I seriously don't think you have a
choice. Unless you are fucking Superman and forgot to tell me," she made a face at me.
"Just relax please, Angel. Nothing is going to happen." I wrapped my arms around her, holding her to
me, and was really sorry when I did, because Lt. Dan fucking loved a half naked Bella straddling my
"I'm trying," she said quietly, looking down.
"Bell?" I called, causing her to look up. "Look at the moon, Love," I nodded towards the sky, trying to
divert her attention from the deep water we were floating into.
Bella gazed up, looking at the night sky, finally calming down and not realizing that we were now in
the water up to our chests. My feet still touched the soft sand of the ocean floor, and as I watched
Bella looking at the moon, her face full of wonder, all of the same emotions that flooded me earlier
this evening came rushing back in.
"See? It's not so bad, right?" I moved my hands, bringing them up towards her face and swept her
long, wet hair off her shoulders.
"The sky is beautiful, but the water is still scary as fuck." Bella looked back at me, tightening her grip
on my neck a little.
"Not just the sky," I said, appraising her face with my eyes.
"What?" she asked.
"You said the sky was beautiful, and I am trying to argue that it isn't the only thing that is." I allowed
my eyes to rest on hers, trying to get her to see the way she effected me, quite literally.
Bella's eyes searched my own then moved to my face, appraising my expression. There was
something serious running through her mind, and I could feel the electricity building as we floated in
the water. A wave of heat crept over my flesh igniting my desire to touch her as it washed over me. I
tried to fight against it, not knowing if that shit was allowed. My dick had other plans, of course, and
hardened as all my thoughts of what I could be doing to her invaded my mind.
Bella's fingers curled against the nape of my neck in response, no doubt feeling my hard-on against
her private area through her thin panties. Her breathing grew a little harder and she rested her eyes
on my lips.
"You know, if you kissed me, I would be okay with that shit right now," she whispered, finally looking
into my eyes.
"I don't think a kiss is all I would like to do Bella." I trailed my eyes down to her lips and then back up
to her eyes, which still watched mine.
"That shit would be alright too," she panted, scraping her nails against my scalp.
I looked back down to her lips, wanting like hell to kiss them again, but I had to restrain the desire I
had, because if I fucking acted on it, I would crush her into me and hurt her with the force of what I
Slowly, I moved in, already parting my lips in preparation for her mouth. Bella's lips fell open to
receive them and she panted harder as I drew nearer, fisting the hair on the back of my head. My
tongue met hers before our lips did. My hands reaching under the veil of her long wet locks to cup
the back of her head. Bella's mouth burned mine with the heat of the intensity that bloomed once
we were joined. I groaned in pleasure against her mouth, and she pulled me in harder to her using
my hair.
My fingers splayed against the back of her head, then retracted, fisting her thick hair and using it to
tilt her head back so I could kiss her deeply. Bella's legs tightened around my waist, grinding my hard
dick against her center, and she whimpered into my mouth at the sensation, making me even harder.
My lips moved to her chin, needing to breathe, but were unable to move from her flesh that I craved
with all my desire. Trailing along her jaw, I made my way down her neck, not really giving a shit about
the bitter salt water on my lips from her wet skin.
Bella tilted her head back, still holding onto my neck, and allowed me to kiss my way down her
throat. My hands slid out from her hair and down her shoulders to her sides, and then to her waist. I
held her in my hands, lifting her up a little higher to allow my mouth to travel between her breasts.
"Edward, please," she breathed, grinding against me, and I bit her skin lightly at the sensation.
My hands found their way back up to her bra straps, pulling them down a little roughly, and then
unclasped the fucking thing, pulling it from her body, and tossing it into the black water. Bella's
mouth moved to my jaw, kissing hungrily towards my ear as she released her legs from my waist,
allowing me to pull her panties down. As soon as they where free floating somewhere with her
damn bra I tugged down my own boxer briefs, and flung them into the depths of the sea.
Whoever the hell fished these waters would surely furrow their brows like a motherfucker when they
netted that shit.
I pulled her back to me, making the water slosh over my bare chest from the force I used, and her
arms came back around my neck. I should have been slower, kissed her more, and fucking devoted
myself to worshiping her naked perfection longer, but the need was too great.
Bella's pussy slid down my hardened length quickly, her slickness sheathing my cock in its warmth,
making my world immediately complete once we were joined back together again. The temperature
of the water had nothing on the heat inside of her tight body. I hugged my hands to her hips, pulling
her up and sliding her back down again until I was buried deep inside of her, stretching her opening
with my girth. Bella tightened her legs to try and take more of me in, pressing until my balls hit her
ass, filling her completely.
"I needed you so much Edward," Bella's arms tightened around my neck, her cheek pressed against
mine as she whispered.
"You've got me, Love," I thrust into her again, holding her as tightly as I could without hurting her.
"You've got me."
Bella moved her hips in sync with mine, tightening herself around me as her inner muscles flexed,
constricting and relaxing all that right times. She whispered into my ear sweet melodies of the
pleasure I was bringing her, telling me how she wanted it, and I obeyed, wanting to give her nothing
less than that.
Being in love with Bella made this all different somehow. I didn't need to whisper dirty shit to her, or
try and get her off four times. I just fucking needed to be with her, like this; being inside of my love,
and having her clinging to me with all her might while my name resounded from her lips in a hushed
That was the homerun in this game.
Bella wanted me.
My cock pulsed with the desire to fill her, throbbing almost painfully in need of release as I pumped
her slowly, but hard. Her arousal was all around me, allowing me to slide easily in and out of her.
Bella's head tilted back as I began to thrust faster, approaching the point of no return, and I placed
my lips upon the salty skin of her neck again, groaning faint words against her flesh.
Her hands, gripped painfully to my hair, pulling her face back to mine as she leaned her forehead
against my own.
"Say it please," Bella panted against my open lips.
I thought for a moment, almost saying the three words at the forefront of my mind before her words
Bella wanted to cum.
She needed my magic question.
I was about to ask her, but decided to change it from a question to a statement, already knowing
where she liked it best. Sliding my hands back up to her face, I held her in my palms as my fingertips
touched the hair at the back of her head.
My hips rocked into her hard, hitting her special spot deep within her and she whimpered, proving
my theory right.
"My beautiful," I fucked her again.
"Beautiful," I fucked her harder.
"Angel." Thrusting harder this time, her breathing caught in her throat.
"Likes it right," I hit deep within her.
"Fucking," I let my balls slap against her ass I fucked her so hard.
"Edwardpleasecuminmefuck," she moaned in a faint whisper.
"There." I slammed into her once more, triggering my own release and buried myself deep inside of
her, wanting to give her all that she and fuck, I desired.
"Fuuuck Bella," I sighed hard, closing my eyes, allowing the euphoria of my orgasm to wash over me.
We waded in the water quietly for a few moments as our breathing slowed. I held her to me,
coursing my hands over her bare back as Bella's head rested on my shoulder. She felt limp and light
as a feather in my arms, and for a moment, I wondered if she fell asleep.
"Is the ocean still scary, Angel?" I smiled, kissing her bare shoulder.
"Mm hmm," she hummed against my skin, but then lifted her head from my shoulder, looking at my
face. "But that doesn't mean I don't trust you," she leaned in and kissed my lips, framing my face in
her hands.
"I missed you Bella," I whispered against her swollen lips. "I missed being with you like this." My
forehead leaned to hers, kissing her in small pecks.
"I know, me too. I think I'm going to change your name," she said.
"To what? Please don't insult my penis right now, he feels rather proud."
"I'm not taking about his," she grinded against me, "name. I'm talking about your name."
"What is my new name then, Angel?" I kissed her lips again.
"Problem Child," she snickered.
"I didn't know I was."
"You are. Every time I think I have defeated you, you rear your ugly head again, seducing me with
fucking pizza, and damn moonlight fuckery on the beach. You are evil Edward, you know that?" she
raised her brows to me, and I kissed her again, loving her playfulness.
"It's your own fault, Angel. If you weren't so desirable, then it would be easy for me to be a dick to
you, but it just isn't."
"See? That shit right there is what I am talking about. Stupid swooning bastard," she shook her head
dramatically as she sighed.
"Are you ready to go back to the shore, Love?" I kissed her cheek. "I think my balls have shrivelled to
raisins," I laughed, rocking my hips against her.
"Ready when you are, Mr. Tug Boat." She leaned her head to my shoulder, telling me she had no
plans on swimming on her own.
Once we made it on the shore, I picked up my shirt, glad that it was still there, along with our other
clothing. Bella wasn't joking when she talked about the crackhead fuckery; they sure as hell were
around. I was actually pretty damn surprised our shit wasn't gone.
"Come here, Baby," I held up my shirt as she moved towards me.
I made sure to stand in front of her, blocking her from the view of any creeps that might be hiding in
the shadows trying to steal a peak. It was bad enough they probably saw us fucking just minutes ago.
Using my shirt, I dried her wet body so she could change back into her clothes. After she was dry I
rung out her hair and then reached down for her tank top.
"Turn around, Love." Bella spun around to face me and I scrunched her shirt in my hands, readying it
for her head and arms to slide through. Once her shirt was on, I helped her step into her jeans, and
then started to dry myself, but she stopped me.
"Oh, no. I'll do this thank you," she smiled teasingly at me as she took my shirt from my hands,
making sure to dry as slowly as she could.
I smiled at her playfulness as she wiggled her brows at me, moving to my nether regions.
"You kill me, you know that?" she said, drying Lt. Dan.
"He isn't speaking to you right now," I teased.
"Good, because I wasn't speaking to him. I was talking to you, silly," she looked back up to me.
"How do I kill you, Love?" I cupped her face into my hand, lifting her chin up.
"Your body, it's fucking insane." Her hands slid down my chest as she dried what was already dry
with my shirt.
"That feeling is very mutual, Sweetheart," I kissed her lips, taking my shirt from her hands.
After I was back in my shorts, I laid my wet shirt over my shoulder and walked with Bella hand-in-
hand towards the mainland.
"Yes, Love?"
"I'm taking tomorrow off, but I still want to work on some of the shit you missed when you were
gone. You know, like challenges," Bella looked up to me with a smirk on her face.
"Tomorrow won't be challenge day, but I do want to do something we talked about when you first
started. You remember when I said you needed to buy from farmers?" she asked.
"Yes," I nodded. "Well, I want to do that. Your useless brother was actually supposed to find you a
supplier weeks ago, but fucking failed. I will be talking about that shit more when he is there to hear
my feelings on the matter, trust me, but for now we are going to visit a farm I found in the morning.
Seems pretty promising."
"That sounds good, Bella." We reached my car, and I paused at the door, not knowing if she would
want to go with me or not.
"I want to bring Squeaks too if that's alright? I think it would be good for her to go, to learn," Bella
"Of course, Squeaks would love that." I touched Bella's cheek with my free hand, "Will you stay with
me tonight, Angel?" I asked softly. She nodded at me, and I walked her around to the other side of
the Volvo, opening the passenger door for her. As I climbed into my side, she slapped her palm into
her forehead.
"Fuck. I forgot my purse inside." Bella looked passed me through my window towards The Workshop.
"I can't fucking go in there looking like 'The Little Whore That Could,' though." She looked at me,
"And you will definitely be a dead giveaway," Bella eyed my bare upper body.
"Em's still here," I nodded towards his car. "Want me to call him?"
"Yeah, please," she nodded.
After Emmett delivered Bella's bag, and gave us both shit for fucking on the beach since it was
apparently obvious I headed towards my apartment. Bella checked her messages, and leaned back
into her seat, yawning.
"Babe?" she looked over towards me.
"Can we get junk food? I'm hungry," Bella asked, going back to her messages.
"I have food at home, remember?" I stopped at the red light and looked over to her as I waiting for
her reply, but she didn't answer me.
"Bell?" I reached over, and brushed her hair back, causing her to look up at me.
"Oh, yeah, sure." She looked back down to her phone as it buzzed in her hands, and the little V
between her brows formed.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"That PI is calling," she looked up to me nervously.
"Answer it," I said, motioning towards her phone.
"I'm too scared," she shook her head, and I reached for it before he had a chance to hang up.
I fucking laughed as his voice came over, singing along to some fruity tune.
Whatta homo.
While Bella and Edward were Shmexing in the ocean, Dickward was crackin skulls and kicking asses in
New York.
Dickward POV
I fucking hate New York, especially around the holidays. Nothing against the people, but the
goddamn buildings are so tall they block the sun, and I always feel like I'm in the middle of that
fucking SciFi movie with Bruce Willis and Milla Jovovich where she's the fifth element or some shit
like that.
After another few hours of watching employees come and go, and the subject only popping his head
out long enough for a breath of fresh air every once in a while, I got out of the piece of shit Crown Vic
and stretched my legs, grabbed some coffee, and decided I was fucking hungry as shit.
I had eaten at Riley's yesterday while I watched Asshat, so I wasn't going back there. He'd probably
get fucking suspicious and think I was stalking his ass or something.
Which would be annoying, if I wasn't actually stalking his ass.
I decided to walk it, and maybe grab a fucking sub or something, when I was stopped by some street
fucking vendor shoving some goddamn awful smelling shit in my face, yelling, "Falafel! Falafel!" at
"What the fucking shit is that shit dude? Get it out of my face." Whatever it was, it smelled like ass. I
tried pushing him off of me, but he just kept coming back. Like a bad goddamn case of the shits after
drinking too much fucking beer when you're celebrating graduating at the top of your class in sharp
"Falafel! Falafel! You try!" he screamed again, and I was fucking this close to pulling my Colt out right
there and putting a goddamn bullet in his head just to shut his ass up.
Luckily, an overly obese man decided he wanted the Fala-whatever, and I was set free to wander
further into the fuckery of the streets of New York City.
I passed about five more vendors trying to sell me anything from wallets to chaps. Part of me actually
debated buying a pair of those so I could wear them when I got back to Miami just to fuck with The
Kid, but I reigned that notion in because chaps are just not my fucking slice of pie if ya know what I
I was goddamn exhausted by the time I got my sub and headed back to the piece of shit rental. I
swear to fucking god I'd take a homeless person sleeping on the Mall back in DC over this shit any
The rest of the day proved to be fairly disappointing. The next couple of days actually. Asshat didn't
go home after work that night like I'd thought he would. Instead, he shacked up with some woman
who definitely was NOT the fifteen-year-old from the night before. I watched him long enough to
realize he wasn't leaving the villa she lived in, and then headed back to his condo to stake it out and
see where an opportunity would arise for me to get up to his place.
And an opportunity would arise my friends, they always do, no matter how fucking tight security is.
Plus I figured, worst case scenario, I'd pay an employee off to let me in.
I also took some of the free time he'd allotted me to get a couple of copies of the pics developed
locally that I'd taken of him and the fifteen year old. Sweet Tits might decide not to hold that shit
over his head, but I'd be keeping a copy of those fuckers for my own personal version of torment in
case he decided to try any shit with her again.
The more I scoped his place thinking about the shit this guy was into with the underage girl and
basically making Sweet Tit's life fucking hell the more I decided, just thieving the fucking tape
wasn't gonna be good enough for me. I was in need of some quality one-on-one time with Asshat. So
I'd wait him out, and make sure he met yours truly with a bang.
You know, in honor of the fourth of fucking July and shit.
I got my wish, on the very day our Nation's independence was claimed, and I thought about how
fucking appropriate that shit was because I was about to claim Sweet Tit's independence from Asshat
in such a way that he'd be lucky to have anyone sucking anything of his anytime in the near goddamn
I had plenty of time to check Asshat's condo out before he left work for the night, and the scouting
I'd been doing had paid off. I knew how I'd be getting in.
The hard part was getting passed all the fucking security his building had. Not impossible, mind you,
just a pain in the ass.
First I'd have to jam the outside cameras so there'd be no trace of yours truly wandering around. I
found two at the front lobby doors, and one at the back of the building where the staff entrance was.
I hit up the staff entrance. Mainly because if I had tried to fuck with the shit in the front, a whole hell
of a lot of people would see me, and that would just defeat the fucking purpose.
I looked at my watch. Six fifteen. He'd probably be leaving around eight again, so that left me a
couple of hours to check it out.
I grabbed a pen out of the glove compartment of the Crown Vic, taking it with me to the back of the
building, and waited for some of the staff to enter and leave me alone in the alleyway. Then I
jammed the pen into the circuits for the camera, and disconnected the wires. No one would notice
that shit, and even if they did, it was more than likely they wouldn't give a shit since employees
generally dislike being fucking watched all the goddamn time anyway.
I grabbed a coat off of one of the hooks in the hallway as I entered and put it on. It looked like one of
those doorman coats, complete with the fucking fringes and shit on the shoulders of it. I felt like an
idiot, but hey, if it helped me blend in, then hooo-rah.
I already knew what floor and condo number Asshat lived in since I'd snapped a pic of his ID last
night too so I jumped on the service elevator and headed up to the top floor.
Nothin' like living large, ey Dick-weed?
Does anyone happen to know why elevators have the worst fucking music in the history of the world,
by the way? I mean seriously, is this shit supposed to relax us or make us wanna gouge our eyes out
with an ice pick?
I was happy as a motherfucker to get off the elevator, and managed to help myself to some fucking
bottled water that was in a basket on the top floor hallway that led to the Asshat's condo.
After very easily picking his lock I let myself in and shook off the doorman's coat, throwing it over one
of the barstools that sat at the kitchen island in the middle of the room.
Asshat lived pretty nicely. I eyed his CD collection and pulled one out that had the Kings of Leon
plastered on the front, popped it into his player and started up the music.
Hey, I work better when there's some goddamn good music playing, it helps me concentrate.
Besides, I had to get the muzak version of that fucking Pina Colada song out of my head that was
playing in the elevator.
I made my way through the condo, peeking through drawers, checking under beds, making sure I
didn't disturb anything..
Too obvious. This fucker isn't gonna leave shit out in the open.
I checked in the pantry, the bathroom, the bedroom, and then I saw what I thought looked pretty
fucking odd for a condo that belonged to the GM of a five fucking-star restaurant.
It was a painting. But it wasn't the fact that it was a fucking painting that disturbed my ass. It was the
fact that is was one of those paintings of a really fat dude cooking pasta and whatnot. You know, like
the ones you see at Bed Bath and Beyond and shit?
Not that I've fucking shopped there.
It was supposed to be an Italian impressionist type thing I'm sure, but if I turned it over, I'd be willing
to bet my payday on this job that it was fucking made in China or some shit like that.
I pulled the painting down, and sure as shit, it was a wall safe. And sure as shit, made in China.
Pay up motherfuckers.
Goddamn it all to hell, I am a genius.
I didn't have the tools with me that I needed to break that shit open, so I decided to wait for Mr.
Statutory Rapist to come home and have him do it. I knew he'd come here before going back out.
Gotta get all gussied up for the fifteen-year- old you know how hard they are to impress.
I shook my head at the thought of the fifteen-year-old again. As much as I joked about the shit that
happened last night, in reality it had been all I could do to stop myself from pulling her off of his dick,
and giving her a good goddamn talking to.
I left the painting on the floor, leaned up against the wall underneath the safe, and checked his liquor
cabinet for some Patron. Not that I was surprised, but I was still a little fucking pissed that he didn't
have any. Instead I had to settle for some fucking Grey Goose shit.
While I waited, my phone buzzed and when I checked it, I saw a text from Sweet Tits.
It read, "Why haven't I fucking heard from you yet Dick?"
I laughed. She was not a very patient motherfucker. Not that I could blame her. Someone hanging
shit over your head like this was not like taking a stroll in Central Park or anything. Plus she was
dealing with all that fuckery with The Kid too.
I smiled as I typed out a message back to her.
"Anxious for some quality conversation Sweet Tits? Settle down. Soon."
It wasn't long after that, that I heard the key in the door, so I turned off the lights and waited in
Asshat's big comfy La-Z-Boy for him quietly. Colt in my lap, cocked and ready. No sexual innuendos
intended my friends. That shit's just funny all by itself.
He didn't bother turning any lights on when he threw his keys down. When he got to the living area,
he opened up his drapes that covered the big ass sliding glass door, and let the city and street lights
filter in, throwing a soft glow throughout the room.
"How ya doin', Asshat?" I said.
He jumped and threw himself up against the wall opposite me, hands up in the air, screaming like a
baby, "Don't hurt me! Don't hurt me! Oh god what do you want, I'll give you anything just please
don't hurt me!"
It was truly hard not to laugh at his sorry ass, my friends, but I managed to keep a straight face.
"You have something I'm interested in, and I'm here to take it from you." I raised my gun so that it
pointed at him nonchalantly, fully aware of the fact that I wasn't planning on using it but he didn't
know that.
"Wwawhat do you want?" he asked
"A tape."
"A what?"
I got up, because I really didn't fucking like this guy, and he was really annoying the shit out of me
with his scaredy cat shit. "I said a fucking tape, ass-wipe." I walked over to him, choking him
against the wall with my forearm, and holding the gun up to his cheek. Then I tried out some Al
Pacino on his ass, "Ann lemmee introduce you to my lil' frien."
Yeah, still sucksI really gotta stop trying to do Pacino.
There were no bullets in the gun people. Seriously. I'm not an idiot.
"Wwwhat tape?" He stuttered. What, did he have tapes on more than one person? 'Cause that
shit's not right.
"A very specific tape. One with certain sexual deeds being performed on it?"
His eyebrows furrowed and he suddenly became a little less scared and a little more agitated.
"I don't" he swallowed. "I don't know what the fuck you're talking about."
I smirked at him, because the wordplay just never escapes me. "Wrong answer Asshat. I know you've
got it, and I know it's here." That was really just a guess, but an educated guess, I didn't think he'd be
stupid enough to keep it at the restaurant. "Now where's the goddamn tape bitch, or do I need to
hurt you for it?"
Please say I need to hurt you for it.
"Fuck you."
I pulled my gun away from his face and shoved it into the back of my jeans, dragged him away from
the wall, opened his sliders and took him out to the balcony, then threw him over, holding him by his
legs, so he was bent backwards onto the outside of the railing.
The fireworks had started, and I gotta admit, fucking New York puts on some fuck-awesome shit.
This was such a standard scare tactic that I learned back at the Academy. I'm really still surprised
when people actually think you're gonna fucking drop them from a balcony.
"You're gonna open that fucking safe of yours in there my little piss in the pants, and you're gonna
show me where the fucking tape is. And if it's not there, I'm dragging your ass back to your
restaurant from the back of my piece of shit Crown Vic that's downstairs waiting, and we're gonna
look for it there, got it?"
"YES! YES! I got it! PPPlease just let me up! SHIT!"
I pulled him back up and grabbed him by the shirt collar, throwing him into the living area again and
up to where the safe was.
He very shakily turned the dial to the right, then left, then right again, and I heard the click as he
turned the handle and opened it up.
I eyed the contents. "How many fucking sex tapes do you have dick-wad?" There had to be a
minimum of ten fucking tapes in there. It made me wonder how many other people he was screwing
over for money and favors.
He didn't answer me, so I threw him out of the way and searched through the tapes for the one I
needed. "Riley's," was all that was written on the side of it.
I pushed Asshat down into his La-Z-Boy recliner and said, "Have a seat," keeping my Colt pointed at
him the whole time. I walked over to his TV and pushed the VCR tape into the slot. I turned the TV on
and pressed play.
Hey, I needed to make sure it was really her tape, right?
As the scene on the video started to play, I furrowed my eyebrows and crossed my arms. The woman
on the screen stripped slowly and deliberately, as the dickhead sat watching her, spread-eagle and
naked. He was sitting on a stainless steel counter that was clearly the kitchen of Sweet Tit's
restaurant, waiting for her to do all the goddamn work which pissed me off already.
Not only is that just wrong, but it's fucking unsanitary too.
She slinked up to him like a panther, and did some shit to his dick that I personally don't think I'd ever
seen before. Then my head tilted just a little bit as she climbed up and around him, and did this one
move that I distinctly thought to myself, had to fucking hurt.
I cringed. A little.
Then she stood up and practically jumped onto his dick, straddling him, bouncing up and down on his
cock like she was riding one of those fucking huge ass bouncy balls kids used to get and ride around
all over the goddamn place.
Okay, weird comparison my bad.
That's when I noticed it. Although the body was roughly the same size as Sweet Tits, and the hair was
the right color, that wasn't fucking Sweet Tits on that tape. Amply named, the tits on this woman
were not right, and her ass was too big. Unless Sweet Tits had lost a lot of fucking weight since this
was done.
I looked over at the jackass sitting in his La-Z-Boy and scowled. "Who is that?" I asked him. He shook
his head. "It's just some bitch I was screwing around with you know having fun? Why do you want
"Let's just say I had a little discussion with the Lord, and he's not fucking happy with the games
you've been playing with people's lives, Asshat."
He didn't have shit on Sweet Tits. Holy fucking shit was she gonna have his head on a platter when
she found this shit out.
"What?" he asked, a little hysterically.
"Tell me somethin' Asshat, do you always tape your casual fucks without them knowing it, and then
hold it over their fucking heads?" I was really fucking piss ass furious with this dick.
He kinda did this shy guy shrug thing like I would think it was funny or some shit like that and that's
when I fucking lost it.
"You've been fucking with Swe. People for how fucking long and you can't even answer my
goddamn question properly? You FUCK!" I stalked over to him, and pulled him to stand up by his
throat, choking him.
"You just became King of The Assholes in my jungle, you know that? People like you treat people like
fucking shit because you can't do anything on your own, so you need to torment them to get
aheadwell guess the fuck what, your ride just abandoned your ass."
He tried to pull away from me, but I just pulled him back and punched him in the goddamn face,
throwing him onto the floor with a bloodied lip as he yelled, "Fuck! You dick! I have a fucking date in
an hour!"
A fucking date!
I kicked him in the nuts for that one, and he bent forward, holding what was left of his balls in his
"You mean with the fifteen-year-old?" I laughed. "Newsflash for you pal. now you're the one who's
got shit that's gonna be hanging over him. I got pictures of you and your little girlfriend last night
doing some pretty nasty things at the restaurant." I made a mocking disapproval look at him as his
face became one of shock and horror at the thought of someone getting one over on him.
"I don't think her daddy is gonna be all that happy when he finds out his little girl's been sucking the
big wig restaurant show-off's limp dick do you?"
I bent at the knees so I was down at his level to tell him the rest.
"You breathe a word of my visit here tonight? And I'll have you locked up so fast you wouldn't have
time to change your shorts after shitting in them. You date another underage girl and I find out about
it? I'll have some friends of mine on the police force up here pay you a visit and teach you some
fucking values."
He swallowed uncomfortably.
I bent a little closer to him. "You give my friend a hard time after tonight. At all. Even a cockeyed look
in her general direction? I pay you another visit, and next time?" I cocked an eyebrow at him, "People
won't recognize you after I'm done. Got it ass-fuck?"
He held his hand to his bloody lip and nodded. That's all I was getting out of him, and I was okay with
that. As long as he understood.
I took the rest of the tapes out of his safe and smashed them to bits, tearing the tape out and
shoving it all into his stainless steel trash can. Then set it on fire as he just sat there watching me. I
put Sweet Tit's tape in my jacket pocket.
"That's private fucking property you knowyou can't justtake it."
Was he fucking kidding me?
It was then that I suddenly realized that this guy wasn't just a jackass, he was a stupid jackass. I pulled
my gun out of my jeans and cocked it for show, and he jumped a little as I walked over to him and
clocked him on the back of his neck. Hard enough to knock him out, but not enough to kill him
"That's for fucking buying crap artwork Asshat!" I said as I left, knowing he was out cold and didn't
hear a goddamn word I said. "Night, night my friend. Don't do anything I wouldn't do."
I rode the service elevator back down to the bottom floor and goddamn if that Pina Colada song
didn't get stuck in my fucking head again.
Stupid goddamn elevator muzak.
When I got in the piece of shit Crown Vic, I slid into the driver's seat, and dialed Sweet Tits while I
started her up and headed for the airport. While I was waiting for her to answer, I had to slap myself
for humming that fucking song.
"If you like makin' love at midnight"
"Are you seriously singing Rupert Holmes?" The voice on the other end laughed. Only, it wasn't
Sweet Tits. I could almost handle her hearing me sing that shit. No, it was The Kid.
This is where it goes into SE POV(so you know- it's about 1 am at this point)
"Kid. How's it hangin'? Any luck with that dick in the vagina thing?"
"Actually," I snickered, and wanted to answer him back truthfully, but Bella was looking at me...and
something told me that if I said that shit, my ban on planet Butterbean would be put back into full
effect. Instead, I decided to put him in the fucking hot seat.
"Don't talk about Bella's vagina asshole." That did it, she gaped and reached for the phone, but I
pulled back, capturing her hand in mine, and shook my head at her. The light turned green and I
began to drive again, letting go of her so I could shift and shit...
"You're interrupting some serious quality time here, Rupert Rump Shaker. Why don't you get on with
why you are calling Bella at this ungodly hour."
"First of all kid, you're the one who advised me of the vagina situation in the first place, remember?
Secondly, if I didn't hear it in your voice kid, I'd say that was a negative on the luck, but since Sweet
Tits is probably sitting right there, and you don't seem to be the guy to kiss and tell, I'll just say
congratulations. She IS sitting right there, correct? Eying you? Maybe biting on that bottom lip of
hers, wanting to know what the fuck the dick is saying to her lobster?"
"First of all, the words 'dick' and lobster' shouldn't be put into the same G'damn sentence." I shifted
my gears as we got onto a faster road. "Secondly, what the fuck do you mean I am her lobster? Is this
like some stupid P.I. lingo I am missing out on?" I saw Bella turn her head in my direction as she
flipped through my stations, giving me a look that would translate into, 'What fucking planet have
you gone to, and what did you do with Edward?'
The dick on the other end laughed. He must have been in on some private joke I wasn't privy to...
"Listen kid, I've been on outings where both dick and lobster were used quite often in the same
sentence, trust me, they belong together. And by the way, it doesn't take a fucking P.I. to see what
the fuck is going on sometimes...if you get my meaning kid. Which I'm pretty fucking sure you do."
"For the love of sweet baby Jesus on a fat-free Pringle, would you just get to the point and stop with
all the 'if you knows', cause obviously and I'm fucking sorry here Leather Twat but I don't." I held
the phone out, and looked at it, making sure I was still talking to the dick and not some fucking reject
from the Jerry Lewis telethon or some shit.
"First of all, don't diss the leather kid. And Jesus, settle down. No need to overdose on those fat-free
Pringles. Which by the way, are made up of nothing but sodium, which is bad for brain cells, which
might explain why you don't GET, that when I say lobster, I mean soul mate. Fuck, don't you people
watch the goddamn discovery channel?"
"I do actually, seeing as how I have a five-year-old daughter with whom I do not allow to watch
fucking shit that rots her brain. However, I cook fucking seafood, not watch it fuck on TV. Now, once
again, the point Leather Twat?" I called him that shit again, feeling fully confident that it was a major
soft spot for him.
I mean, you know the gays and their leather. It's like me trying to take Ness' Snuggy Bear away. She
would just fucking cry and break into little shattered pieces.
He didn't say anything else about it though. He just laughed through his nose and said, "OK kid, you
win. Clearly you're in a bad place right now and can't handle this shit any more than Sweet Tits. Why
don't you be a good boy, and report in for me, that I got her fucking tape."
"You did? He actually had one?"Bella whipped her head my direction and I put the car in park, finally
pulling into my parking space at my building.
"Wait, how the fuck did you get it? Did you have to kick his ass, because you better have kicked his
ass? Gay or not Dick, you better have kicked his ass...He isn't that big of a dude, I think you could
have taken him, even with the leather jacket."
The dick sounded like he was trying to stifle a laugh and sound professional at the same time when
he said, "Now kid, I try really hard to be civilized about shit when I work... but just for the record,
does hanging him over his top floor condo balcony railing while fucking fireworks are going off
constitute kicking his ass?"
"I think it would constitute a pissing of the pants. Ass kicking? No, that doesn't sound like what I
would do to the douche." I sat back in my seat, reaching again for Bella's hand that was tapping
nervously on her leg as she listened to my conversation.
"Douche? Seriously. Who uses that word still? That was just a preview kid. Don't worry, he won't be
looking pretty for the girls anytime soon, and his balls won't be working properly for a while, if they
ever did. I don't even know if he'll be conscious for work tomorrow...tell Sweets Tits I'm sorry about
that by the way."
"Fuck, you didn't kill him did you? Not that I am entirely opposed to that idea, Leather Twat, but I just
don't want my, lobster," I looked over to Bella and smiled, "getting in trouble for such fuckery."
"Shit no kid, he doesn't even know Sweet Tits had either of her beautiful, petite little hands involved
in this fuckery. Not to mention, I don't need a goddamn murder on my shoulders. I just... knocked
him out cold. He'll be fine tomorrow," he laughed. "Well, as fine as he can be. And maybe a little
fucking nicer. You know Asshat had like ten fucking tapes in his vault? Who knows who the fuck else
he's been pulling this shit with."
"Ten? Who else was on them? Or wait," I tilted to the side, hoping Bella wouldn't hear. "Were they
all my lobster?" I whispered, hoping to high hell his reply would be a loud ass fucking no.
He sounded like he was talking to a parking attendant on the other end, and was highly agitated,
which wasn't abnormal, this guy seemed to always be pissed off.
"Sorry about that kid... fuck no, they all had different names on them...." then he mumbled
something that sounded like "not that it matters". He cleared his throat before continuing, "They're
destroyed regardless, the only one I kept was Sweet Tits."
"Dick, just so you know, if you watch that fuckery, being gay will be the last of your fucking troubles.
He laughed again, like there was that inside joke I wasn't privy to again. "Kid, you could learn a thing
or two from this tape, trust me. And I've got news for ya. It's my motherfucking job to watch
fuckery...authenticity is key. What if her name was on the wrong goddamn tape and I didn't check to
make sure? That's irresponsibility on my part, and that's just not my fucking style."
I started to say something else but he cut me off before I could get it out, "I get it, kid. You don't like
sharing Sweet Tits with anyone, but try to think of me as a caring individual, trying to ensure that
your lobster, aka Sweet Tits, doesn't have to deal with this piece of shit, ever again. Which reminds
me, tell her I've got hard copies for her of the underage dick-sucking fest too."
There was an underage dick-sucking fest going on? No wonder Esme never wanted to visit New York
with us as children.
"Alright, I get it. It's your job. Could you just do me a favor and stop calling her Sweet Tits though?
Not that they aren't," I looked over to Bella and waggled my brows, "but it is just fucking
If he said it in my presence, I might lose my shit and have to bust out my size fifteens on his ass.
Quite literally.
I could almost hear him smirking on the other end of the line. "Getting a little sensitive on me there
kid? Yeah, okay, I can oblige you that, but you gotta do something for me."
"I don't gotta do shit, but what might you have in mind. If it's for Bella, I might be for it." I would do
anything for her, of course, but he didn't need to know that shit.
I still had my fun-bag fully intact and planned on keeping it that way.
"I might have to disagree with you on that one sport... but I digress." I rolled my eyes, what the fuck
did that mean? "When you and Sweet... I mean, Bella, finally get your shit together, and you tie the
knot, get hitched, jump the shark, whatever the fuck you wanna call it, slap an invitation to that
fuckery in the mail to me, because I would hate to miss that shit. The way you two communicate,
that's gonna make for one interesting fucking vow recital."
What the fuck was that supposed to mean?
"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"
"You know, marriage? It's when two people fucking love each other and wanna spend the rest of
their goddamn lives doing nothing but playing dick in the box with each other? You have to see this
coming right? You're not THAT big of an idiot. Catch up with the rest of us, kid."
"We aren't even..." I looked over to Bella, "hold on there Leather Twat." I held the phone to my
chest, blocking out my words.
"Angel, why don't you go on up. He's got the tape and is on his way back I presume. I just need to set
his ass straight, and then I'll come up and join you." I handed her my keys and then made sure to
allow the dick to hear the next part.
"If you're not spread-eagle on my Egyptian cotton 1200-count when I get up there, me and
Butterbean may have to have a discussion." Bella knew and appreciated my type of conversation
very much thank you. She climbed from the car, practically running up towards the entrance doors,
and I laughed lightly, placing the phone back up to my face.
"I'm here kid. And can I just say, if you make Swe...Bella wait for that shit, I might just need to kick
your ass when I see you. And who the fuck is Butterbean?"
"Never had a girl name her clit for you? Oh that's right..." I began to laugh, continuing my gay
"Typically I do the naming kid. But I wouldn't want you to understand taking control, you clearly
aren't in the habit of that with Sw...with Bella. Although, you did just send her running up to your
place so we could have alone time. Did you have something you wanted to say?"
"Ha, well aren't you funny? For the record, I've already fucked Bella good and proper tonight. This is
what we, in my industry call, a palette cleanser. It is what you eat in between meals to ready you for
the next course. Bella tastes like fucking strawberries by the way, simply delicious." I let the bait sit a
moment before I continued.
"What I am trying to get at here Dicky, is that in less than five minutes, my Bella will be showered,
shaved and ready for the full dining experience, and you, my poor leather wearing friend, will be
sitting around twiddling your own dick, jerking it to those pics you took of the underage girl."
" know for a straight guy, you sure do a lot of gay bashing kid. Homophobic much? And
since we're making things clear now? You need to understand that if you fucking refer to me, or my
jacket as gay again? You'll be having a discussion with more than just Butterbean, catch my drift? I
can ignore your ass most of the time, because I can see you're just in fucking love and all twisted up
over your shit with Bella, but you're crossing a line you don't wanna cross my friend."
I'd pushed his buttons one time too many I guess, he was completely losing his shit. I tried not to
laugh, but noticed a change in his tone. He got a little serious on me.
"And those pics of the underage girl? The ones you think I need to wack off to? Which is just
disturbing in its own right...Those are what's gonna give YOUR Bella the sweet smelling satis-fuckin-
faction of knowing that Asshat won't be bothering her anymore...and she'll always remember where
the fuck she got them from, and it ain't from some damn platter carrying, dinner cooking sous chef,
I'll tell ya that right now. Comprende? Kid?"
" think that while I am sucking, swirling and licking Bella's clit, she is seriously going to be
thinking about you? How about this, fucker. If any other name other than mine escapes her lips, I'll
give you my fucking inheritance; which is enough to buy a small country, or private island
somewhere. This way, when your jerkin' it to illegal porn, you have a nice private plot for doing so.
Now if you will excuse me, kind sir, I have a fucking pussy to lick." I closed the phone and opened my
car door, feeling completely agitated by this little punk fucker.
He better have gotten the right tape and set James straight, because if he didn't I was going to have
to take matters into my own hands. Quite literally.
As I finally made my way into my apartment, I walked quickly to my room, stripping off my shorts as I
went. As soon as I pushed the door open, I laughed.
Bella was curled up like a cat on my bed, sleeping soundly.
I quietly walked over to her, lifting her into my arms, and tucking her under the covers.
"Sleep well, Angel," I kissed her head and sighed, making my way to my side of the bed.
Alright, so maybe the dick wasn't so bad after all. I mean he caught James' ass, got Bella's tape back,
and now she was sleeping soundly because of it.
I thought about letting off the shit with his jacket because he really seemed quite attached to it. I
could get my digs in other ways. Like knowing, in the morning, I would have my lobster and he would
still just be a stupid dick.
6:59 am
I woke up to Flower Child snoring in my G'damn ear.
"Ewww," I whined, pushing him away from my face, still way too tired to wake up.
He snuggled closer though, putting his damn pig snorting sounds in my ear again. Fuck, this was not a
side of him I wanted. I mean, if it was like 2 hours from now, this shit might be cute, but right now,
while my happy ass was trying to soak in the last thirty minutes of sleep I had left, it was not fucking
At all.
"Flower Child, shut up!" I slapped him and felt him flinch. He grumbled and rolled over the other way
with his back facing me. Butterbean instantly hit me back and I rolled to my side, hugging my arm
over his hip bone and resting my cheek on his sexy ass mother of fuck good smelling back.
"No, you didn't want any," he grumbled, pushing my arm away.
"I'm trying to spoon, Edward. Let the spoon happen please." I put my arm back over him and felt his
laughter vibrate against me.
"Sorry, but you were snoring like a fucking character from a kid's movie."
"Babe the pig?" he guessed.
"Mmm hmm." I tightened my hold on him and kissed his back, loving how he smelled and felt.
"I'm sorry. I usually don't snoreI think?" he laughed.
"That's the first time I've ever heard you. It's alright, but shut up and let me sleep my allotted time
please. Egyptian cotton and I were having a moment." I rested my face to his back and he lifted my
hand to his lips, kissing my fingers as his only reply.
Before I was able to fall back to sleep, a light knock on the door sounded and Edward grumbled,
getting up to answer it. I could hear Esme and Nessie, and the next thing I knew, I was seeing
Squeaks flying through the door which was no good, seeing as how I was naked as fuck.
"Bewwa!" she came bouncing on the bed, crawling up quickly before I had a chance to get clothes
on. I held the sheet up over me, hoping she wouldn't notice.
"Renesmee Cullen," Edward appeared in the door. "Bella was sleeping. That was very rude. Come out
here." His tone was disapproving and she looked at him sadly.
"But Bewwa hwere." She sunk down into the bed and rubbed her eyes like she was going to cry.
"Bella is taking us to a fun place today, to see animals, but if you don't come out here we can't go.
Come on, Love." Edward held out his hand, and she slid down from the bed, tottering over to him
with her little purple sneakers.
Edward scooped her up, closing the door behind him, and I flopped back down into the bed, feeling
relieved to have dodged a bullet.
7:45 am
"Can we wake her up yet?" I heard a little person saying against my face. I peeped one eye open and
saw Squeaks staring over me. Rolling onto my back I looked up, opening both of my eyes to see
Edward's stupid face looking at me too.
"What the fuck are you guys doing?" I asked, feeling highly self conscious.
"Can we go now Bewwa?" I looked back to Squeaks, and her little face was full of hope.
"Bewwa needs to shower first short stuff." I looked back to Edward, pulling him down to me by his
tee shirt to whisper in his ear.
"You know I happen to be very naked under here." I looked down to the sheets and he pressed his
lips to my ear to whisper back.
"I am very aware." He kissed me and then leaned away. "Come on, Baby. Let's give Bella some
privacy so she can get dressed okay?" He leaned over and picked her up, setting her on the floor.
"Wait for Daddy on the couch. I need to talk to Bella a second." She nodded at him and made her
way out.
"Flower" he cut me off with his lips and I laughed into his hasty kiss.
Edward started to trial his way down my chin, kissing my neck as he dragged the sheets down with
his fingers to reveal the places he desired.
"Edward, Squeaks is so going to come in here and see this fuckery. You know, you do have bad karma
with doors and shit."
He ignored me, still making his way down until he reached his fanbase headquarters. Edward planted
a soft kiss to Butterbean and whispered something I couldn't distinguish.
"I can't hear you," I tilted my head forward to see him better.
"Shh, I wasn't talking to you," he teased, looking up at me, and I laughed at him, putting my head
back down to the mattress.
"You know, she happens to be very unhappy with you," he said, rubbing his thumb over Butterbean.
"Yeah, well, she happens to be very happy with you, and if you don't quit that shit, we are never
going to make it to the farm, which would be" he stopped my rant with his mouth back on his
number one fan.
"Fuck Edward," I breathed out, feeling his tongue lightly playing to Butterbean's desire.
His lips kissed, sucking softly at my sensitive flesh several times lightly. I had to bite my inner cheek to
keep my damn voice down, knowing Ness was only down the fucking hall. What was he trying to do
to me?
"Your pussy Bella," he sucked my clit again, "is so fucking sexy." He licked this time, one long slow
sweep, flicking lightly on my swollen bean at the end.
"You're officially fucking torturing me, just so you know," I whispered, closing my eyes.
"And just so you know," he crawled up my body, causing me to open my eyes, "Leah will be here
in" I heard Nessie squeal from the next room, welcoming Leah as she entered. "So we have a few
minutes," he grinned.
"Why is Leah here?" I asked.
"Bella," he sighed hard. "Do you really want to discuss why Leah is here?" He reached his hand in
between my legs, sinking his fingers inside of me. "Or take advantage of our few minutes of alone
time together?" Edward didn't allow me to answer, placing his perfect lips on mine as he fucked me
with his fingers.
He came to rest on his side, and I coiled into him, putting my foot on his hip while he pumped his
digits slowly in and out of me. I hummed against his mouth, panting hard into his face when he hit
just the right spot. My hand rubbed him through his clothes, feeling his hard-on, and he kissed me
deeper in response, dancing his tongue along mine.
"What would you like, Love?" Edward whispered against my lips.
"You," I panted.
"Here?" He slid his middle finger in, curling it along my G-spot as he did.
"Mmm," I hummed, trying not to let the, 'fucking yes!' spring forth from my lips. Seeing as how that
would be sure to give us away.
"That's where I want it to, Angel. Right" he pumped his finger again, swirling my clit with his thumb.
"Here." Edward kissed me as he added a second finger and I bit his bottom lip to keep from moaning.
Edward removed his fingers, sitting up to pull his shirt free, then removed his shorts to which I was
glad to see he was all commando like. His Yule log sprang free, and I wanted to fucking start singing
'Oh Holy Night' or some shit, even though it was clearly daytime. Mother of FUCK was my man hung
like a fucking stallion.
No wonder he impregnated Jessicunt on the first time. His tip probably kissed her fucking ovaries.
Edward rested back in between my legs, spreading my lips with his fingers as the head of his cock
pushed into me. I pulled him down to me with my hand around his neck, and he rested over me,
framing my face with his hands as he entered.
"Morning, Angel," he whispered against my lips, pushing in further until his body was fully
submerged into mine.
"This is much better than snoring in the ear." I closed my eyes, unable to take his beauty and fucking
all at the same time..
"I would wager it is." He thrust harder, hitting my spot that he had a fucking map to, like the shit you
get at Disney with a big fucking star on it stating, 'You are here.'
"Kiss me," I whispered, needing to feel his mouth back on mine and also needing to be able to keep
my fucking mouth occupied so I wouldn't blow our cover.
Edward rocked his hips harder, 'putting the dent in the bed' as Mike LOWree would say from Bad
Boys. His balls hit against my ass as he fucked me all good and proper like, but then he slowed,
staving off his orgasm I presumed.
"Fuck, I don't want to cum yet," he whispered. "You're making that very difficult, Bella."
Edward's warm lips were on my chin, kissing me hungrily as he made his way into hollow of my
"Flower Child, please," I begged breathlessly, wanting him to cum, knowing it would trigger my own
He was teetering on the edge and taking me with him as he pumped slower, brewing a storm in the
pit of my stomach that wanted badly to erupt. Edward's strong arms encircled my face and
shoulders, surrounding me under him.
"Flower Child, please just fuck me. I need to" his mouth cut me off again as he moved faster, harder
at my request. I felt him swell, and the sweat we gathered between our bodies slid his skin against
my clit in the most delightful of ways, igniting my orgasm. I felt him start to pull back, and I stopped
him with my legs, knowing that it would end if he did.
"Please, I need to feel you," I pleaded, trapping him inside of me.
"Fuck." He thrust harder, kissing fervently at my cheek. "If anything ever happened, I swear to fuck I
would take care of you Bella," he panted in a rush against my skin.
"I know," I whispered.
"That's all I want to do is take care of you." Edward kissed my cheek the same way again as he
slammed into me, finally cumming inside me hard.
Edward's lips rested against my cheek, kissing softly in between his heavy breathes and swallows. I
ran my fingers through his tousled hair, loving how soft and silky his locks felt against my hands.
He finally rolled to his side, sighing hard, and placed his arm over me as I remained on my back. I
could hear the TV on in the other room, and Leah playing with Ness. I looked over to Edward. His
eyes were closed with his jaw a little tight. His expression left me a little confused, but he started to
speak before I could voice my concern.
"Bell?" he called, looking over to me.
"Mm?" "I think the Dick was right," he smiled slightly.
"About what?" I asked, rolling to my side to look at him better. Edward rolled onto his side as well,
looking me in my eyes as he pulled me closer, finally resting his palm against my cheek.
"You're my lobster."
Since Edward and I had sexy time this morning, we weren't able to eat breakfast. So I was fucking
starving by the time we arrived to the farm, and glad as fuck they had all types of shit to eat there
since they grew motherfucking food.
As we walked through the barn stables, I carried Squeaky, sharing an apple with her. It wasn't as
good as the ones from up north, seeing as how in Florida they were grown on a fucking vine. And I
don't know why, but for some reason that shit fucked with my mental ability to enjoy it as much as I
should have. It wasn't a shitty apple by any means, but you know, apples don't fucking grow on vines.
Okay well obviously they can, but it just isn't as God intended, that's all I'm sayin'.
"Wook Bewwa howsies," Squeaks pointed to a beautiful black horse behind the stall door.
"His name is," I read the sign and laughed, "Edward." Squeaks laughed with me.
"Don't even start on the Mr. Ed Jokes or I will have to inflict pain upon both of you." Edward eyed
Nessie and picked her up playfully into his arms to bite her tummy.
"Maybe I should rename Squeaks to Wilber," I teased.
"I said no jokes," Edward pointed at me before he walked toward the horse for Ness to see better.
"Can I touch it?" Squeeks pointed to the horse he nodded her on.
"Careful, if this Edward is anything like your daddy, he might spit." I tucked my lips in trying not to
smile as I looked at Edward, the man.
"That is just not a joke you say in front of delicate ears, my Love," Edward's hand palmed my cheek
and I saw the desire in his eyes to laugh, but he held it in.
"He soft Pappa," Squeaks said touching his nose.
"He's very pretty isn't he?" Leah asked.
FYI, I found out Leah was tagging along today since she was supposed to watch Squeaks anyhow. I
told him she didn't have to, but Leah seemed like she was all about the trip to the farm and also
Edward wanted to see how she interacted with his daughter, so I didn't argue.
"Do you know what kind of horse he is?" Leah asked and Squeaky shook her head. "He is a Friesian.
Very beautiful creature," Leah pet the horse softly and Ness watched, mimicking her.
Watching Leah, I realized that she was a very old soul, or a very rare soul. The way she was with
Squeaks was so gentle and focused. It made me feel a little self conscious actually, like maybe, I
wasn't the best influence. I watched Edward as he observed her behavior too and I could tell from his
expression that he was in awe as well.
At least it was one less thing for him to worry over.
Farmer Bill, showed us his green house and all of the produce the farm had to offer, allowing us to
sample bites and taste what we pleased. This was the true highlight of what I did for a living. It was
the 'backstage' for my world and the living foods were the celebrities.
Squeaky loved all of the animals, petting most of them. She was afraid of the peacocks, but hell, who
wasn't? The sheep were her favorite and I managed to get a sweet ass pic of her with a baby lamb
named 'spud' that was wept only a few weeks back. It was awesome.
As we got towards the end of out trip, I asked Leah to take Ness off and show her the chicken coups
so she would be occupied from the fuckery I was about to introduce Flower Child too. This shit
wasn't for the faint of heart, but needed to be taught.
I never looked forward to doing it, but knew I had to.
The sign on the metal door read "Keep out Employees Only". That was where we were headed
though. As I reached for the handle, a faint finger print was smeared on the metal frame, in a faded
red crust. Blood. I looked back to Edward and his expression was confused looking.
"If you're going to puke, Flower Child," I tugged open the heavy metal door, "Then please puke
We stepped inside and the old funk I remembered places like this smelling like came flooding into my
airways. I had been to places like this a million times before, but it always fucking hit me just as hard
every time. The smell was rank, putrid. The smell of death. That stench was appropriate though, for
that was Edward's lesson today.
How to deal with death.
Chapter Sixteen ~ Lesson in Death
"What are we doing?" Edward asked as we entered the large steel building with Farmer Bill.
"Lesson time," I said simply.
The door slammed loudly behind us and farmer Bill slid the latch over, locking us in. I watched as
Edward looked around and his expression changed, finally realizing what we were about to witness.
"Like I said, if you have to puke, puke outside please," I nodded back towards the door.
"You're going to make me kill something?" he asked, sounding repulsed by the idea.
"No, seeing as how you are not trained for such fuckery. You are, however, an executive chef, and as
one, you need to see how all that fancy food gets to your fancy kitchen."
Farmer Bill walked ahead of us as we paused only a few feet inside. After a few seconds, I heard him
calling to the boys, and you could hear the door at the other end of the building being opened,
allowing the loud shrieks of the pigs to echo in. I knew this was going to be difficult for him to watch,
so it needed to be very technical, because that is exactly what it was. This was how shit really worked
and what most people took for granted.
"They'll bring them in through there," I pointing towards the small door in the metal wall which sort
of resembled a doggy door, only bigger. "One of the workers will then put them up on the table." I
nodded to the steel table that had two walls on either side, kind of like a vice grip.
The first pig came through the door, and the worker waiting on the other side picked him up, placing
him just as I said.
"Why does it have a red spot?" Edward asked quietly.
"It's to let them know which ones are ready, or the gender. It varies place to place. It's usually one of
those two though." I kept my eyes forward so I could explain to him what we were watching.
I chose pigs for Flower Child because it was a good medium between shock and reality, but without
sending him too far over the edge. Cows were much more difficult to watch because those fuckers
always seemed to know when it was there D-day. They kicked like fuck and fought hard. Don't get me
wrong, I didn't like to watch anything die. But watching the cows truly fucks me up every time. Those
beasts have heart, let's put it that way.
Chickens were a little too easy. Not that they didn't matter or anything, but most of the work was
done by a machine; and in truth, they really didn't offer up too much of a showing. In other countries
maybe they would have, but here in the US, it was much too civilized and very 'hands-off'.
"They are going to stun him. If you have to look away, then look away, but I would rather you didn't."
I looked back to Edward, needing to gauge how he was feeling.
"Bella, why are you making me watch this shit?" He sounded a little angry, that was good, he should
be angry. I was making him do something that was highly fucking uncomfortable without asking him
for permission to do so.
"If you want to be an executive chef, then you need to understand this." I stood my ground, pushing
Bella who 'loved' Flower Child away and only acting as Bella who was Edward's boss.
"By watching them kill a pig? What the fuck is that supposed to teach me?" He was really mad now.
"Just watch." I looked back forward and almost thought he would leave, but Edward didn't.
You could hear the loud squeals still from the other side of the wall, and it only made what was about
to happen even worse. The worker, Jose, I read on his blue name patch, placed the two metal wands
to the pigs temples, and the pig fell instantly in his place. Edward's hand went over his mouth, and
his eyes closed briefly but then reopened.
I knew he wouldn't puke though. It was the shock of seeing it all happen. Like, you know you should
probably not allow it to happen, but have no choice. It was perfectly natural for him to feel that way.
Fuck, I have seen this shit hundreds of times, and I still feel like that.
"Is he dead?" Edward asked, still holding his hand over his mouth.
"Not yet. They say they are, but I'm not stupid." As I said it, the pig twitched as Jose then chained his
leg and pressed a red button, hoisting the pig up into the air. Jose pressed another button and the
pig began to move along to the next section.
"This is where you might puke," I warned.
Edward's eyes closed again for a brief moment as he saw where the pig was headed. The tile wall to
the 'stall' was still covered in blood from the pig before it. This part was always hard for me, so I
could only imagine how Edward was feeling. I knew he was strong, but like I said, this shit wasn't for
the faint of heart.
The worker in the stall poked a sharp blade into the pigs throat, allowing the blood to drain free, and
Edward whispered something I couldn't distinguish against his hand. Once the pig was drained, it was
moved along to the next phase.
"This part isn't as bad. The water scolds the skin and then it will move along to have all the hairs
removed." I walked down the line, needing to follow the production as it happened.
"Once the hair is removed, it will be butchered. Everyone does it differently, depending on the size of
the place. This farm is still what they would consider a 'family farm' so the methods are a little bit
more traditional, doing most of the work by hand. If you went to a 'pig farm' that was commercially
owned, they would use a lot more equipment." I stepped to the area where they began butchering
the meat, standing behind the yellow line on the ground because I didn't want to have to wear one
of the smocks required by The Board of Health. Behind the yellow line was my friend.
"Why are they marking it?" Edward asked.
I looked over to him and he seemed more relaxed, but still held his fist to his chin as he watched.
"It shows the next person, someone who is less skilled and of the younger generation, which cuts of
meat are which on its body."
The butcher explained each piece as he broke it down, and finally Edward started to relax a little,
listening to this part of the lesson. That was, until the next pig came in and squealed loudly, thrashing
hard as Jose tried to put it up on the table.
"We'll pick up ours at the front," I said to the butcher, and took Flower Child's hand into mine as I
walked out of the building with him the same way we came in.
The last sound I heard before the door closed behind us was the thumping of the dead animal falling
to the steel table.
Edward pulled his hand away angrily as we stepped outside, walking quickly away from me. I had a
feeling he would act that way; it was only natural. When you have someone take you out of your
comfort zone, forcing you to watch something so disturbing to such innocent eyes, it was the only
reaction one would have.
"Edward, come back here," I called, stopping in my place, not allowing him to dictate where this
conversation took place. He paused and turned around to face me a few steps ahead.
"That shit was not right Bella," Edward pointed angrily at my face.
"It is what happens. You like pork, yes?" I asked, placing my hands on my hips.
"I don't need to see it being killed to know that that is what happens. I get it, alright?"
"No, you don't." I stepped towards him, pausing when I was almost touching his chest.
"Edward, I'm not trying to be a heartless bitch here. That shit fucking fucks with me hard even
though I have seen animals being slaughtered more times than I have fucking watched Dirty Dancing;
and lemme tell you, that is a whole shitload of a lot."
"Then what the fuck is the great lesson here Bella? Please, enlighten me with your genius." He
lowered his face towards mine trying to piss me off with his sarcasm, but it was useless.
I already knew his every move. All of my sous chefs and executive chef went through this training,
and all of them always had the same damn reaction. Like I said, it was natural.
"Do you remember when we were in Las Vegas , Flower Child?"
"Yes," he nodded.
"Then you remember all the seafood Laurent was wasting?"
"Yes." I could see his eyes roaming mine, trying to figure out what I was about to say.
"You know, it wasn't because of the money that pissed me off about him having to trash all of the
spoiled food. Not that it didn't, but that wasn't the main reason. Tell me something," I placed my
hand on his chin, softly nudging him to look back at the building we came from. "After what you saw
in there, would you or wouldn't you think twice about tossing precious ingredients into the trash,
"Those creatures," I turned his face back to me, "deserve to be treated with respect. They are food,
yes, but just because we believe that is their purpose does not give us the right to toss them in the
bin just because you can fill out your fancy little order form, and get more. Nothing, pisses me off
Edward's eyes finally simmered down, finally realizing my true intention. My hand slid from his chin
to his chest and rested there. I could feel his heart beating, and I counted five of them in my head
before I spoke.
"Picking up plastic-wrapped packages at the market isn't what being a chef, a good chef no fuck
that, a great chef is about. Most chefs have their own animals raised for slaughter so they can
dictate the animals' diets; therefore, improving the flavor and quality of the proteins they use. I
would be considered one of those people, and that is why we need to find a farm Flower Child.
"There is more to cooking then just cooking, and that is what I am trying to teach you. I think you are
smart enough to understand that, yes?"
Edward looked at me, trying to think of what to say. His heart beat three times before his expression
changed, softening, and he nodded his answer.
"Good. Then let's go find Squeaks and work on a more PG-rated part of this lesson, shall we?" I held
up my hand to him, asking him silently to take it, and to trust me.
"Yeah," Edward said softly and then took my hand into his.
"Babe," I placed my other hand back on his cheek again, "you did really well. I'm proud of you." I held
his gaze, needing him to know that I fucking was.
That shit wasn't easy and he did it like a fucking champ. Not that I ever doubted him. Edward took my
hand from his cheek and brought it to his lips, kissing it softly, and simply smiled.
"Let's go find Squeaks," he said, and I had to laugh a little at how her nickname sounded from his lips.
I rather liked it.
We walked hand-in-hand through the grass that mostly resembled hay from being withered down
from people stomping through it so often. You could see the tire marks from trackers and other farm
equipment too, and I'm sure it did nothing to help matters.
Leah was in the chicken coop with Renesmee, helping her to gather some eggs, and showing her how
to steal them from under the bird without them getting angry. I was a little afraid, knowing from
experience how nasty those little fuckers could get. Don't get me wrong, I totally understood their
If someone lifted my feathered ass and tried to take one of my precious eggs, I too would be rather
"Pappa wook," Squeaks held up the egg to him, and Edward kneeled down to see it better.
"Now you have to sit on it," he teased.
"Nowah." Ness shook her head at him and Edward wrapped his arms around her, kissing her pudgy
Ah, how I loved these two.
"Bewwa wook," she held it out for my approval.
"That's great Squeaks, but we need like a hundred more to fill our order." I kneeled down next to
Edward and pulled her towards me, leaning my lips to her ear. "Maybe your Daddy can help us, but
you have to show him how." I kissed her cheek and she giggled, and then looked to Edward.
"I need hewlp, Daddy." She held the egg up to him again.
"I think I can be of service if perhaps I am given a kiss from a sweet little girl." Edward tapped his
finger to his cheek, but Ness wasn't having that. She framed his face in her little hands and kissed his
nose, to Edward's amusement.
"Hmm," he turned towards me, "I think I could use one more." This time he puckered his lips.
"You better be a really good egg picker, seeing how hugely you are being paid." I leaned over and
kissed him once on his perfect lips then pulled back.
"Well the payment is more than fair." Edward picked up Nessie and then gave me his hand helping
me up to my feet.
"What am I chopped liver?" Leah teased.
"As much as I would love to take you up on the offer Leah, I'm afraid I don't mess around with
married women. Too many horror stories from Emmett, I'm afraid." Flower Child smiled, laughing
"I see," Leah nodded, going back to her egg hunting.
Edward tilted his head down, placing his lips near my ear as we walked to the next coop with Ness on
his hip. "Nor would I want a kiss on the lips from anyone but my lobster." Edward's lips brushed my
cheek for a light kiss.
"Babe? Not that I am against you calling me a lobster, but can I just ask what it's all about? I don't get
it." I looked to him, and the magic sort of faded a little from his eyes, but then turned slightly
"It's just to be funny. You know, food humor," he smiled but I could tell he was lying.
I dropped it, not really wanting to know what secret lied there. Fuck it. With a tongue like a snake, a
body of a Greek God, and personality so sweet you could fucking open a candy shop, who the hell
cared what he called me.
I'd be his lobster, his damn ironing board. Fuck, the man could call me his fucking gonad for all I
The woman working in the coop handed me a wire basket for our eggs, and I asked her for a few
more so we could each collect some. Squeaks had to rest hers on the floor when it was getting too
heavy, and we were up to filling about seven baskets at this point. It was nice. Relaxing and highly
enjoyable being here with the them. Even Leah.
" Bell," Edward said quietly, tapping my shoulder as I reached under for the last egg to fill my basket.
I looked over to him and he pointed a few feet away. I looked over to see Ness sitting on the ground,
holding one of the baby chicks in her hands. She was talking to him, having a whispered
conversation, lost in her own little world.
"I swear to fuck Edward," I looked at him, "you have the cutest kid of all time." The look on his face
was breathtaking as he kept his eyes on her, smiling just slightly with his mouth, for all the happiness
laid in his eyes.
"You ever think about it?" he asked, still watching her.
"Think about what?" I roamed my eyes over his face, not wanting to go back to reaching under
chicken asses.
"Having children," Edward replied.
"Um, have I thought about it? Sure, everyone has, I think." At this point, the need to go back to
looking at chicken asses came back.
"I mean, do you ever think you will want to?" I saw his head turn from the corner of my eye, and
tried to stay focused on my egg picking.
"I don't know, Flower Child," I shook my head. "I'm not really made for that sort of thing."
"I would beg to differ."
"Okay, let me rephrase," I looked back to him. "My lifestyle isn't made for that sort of thing."
"You can change your lifestyle. People do it every day," he smiled slightly, and as cute as he was, I
wasn't about to let his hot air into my balloon.
"Edward, as cute as you are, I am not having your love child. So forget it," I teased, making a face at
"I wasn't asking you to. What makes you think I'd want you to have my kid? Probably come out
cursing and hitting people. No thank you," he teased back, shaking his head like he was horrified by
the idea. "But if I'm being serious, I wouldn't want another child right now," Edward said, looking
back to Ness .
"Really? I would think you were the type who'd want like a whole shoe filled with them," I laughed,
causing him to look back at me.
"Angel, do you not see the amount of shit I go through on a daily basis? You really think I could
manage having more than one of Squeaks running around?"
"Well, that's true, I guess," I sighed. "But you are a good father, just so you know." I leaned in and
kissed his cheek. Edward's arms snaked around my waist, pulling me into him.
"And just so you know, you are a good Aunt, who will hopefully make some kid a very wonderful
mother someday." He kissed me on my lips, and then laughed, pulling away.
I followed his gaze and saw that the chick had flown atop of Nessie's head, and she was trying to
swat him off, running around the coop as Leah gave chase.
"You see?" Edward laughed.
And I really did.
Dickward POV
I headed straight to Sweet Tits' restaurant after my flight, figured she'd want this shit over and done
with ASAP. Hell, I know I did.
What? Just because The Kid told me to stop calling her that doesn't mean I'm not gonna think it for
Christ's sake.
Fucking red-eye flights from New York to Miami suck, by the way.
I was tired as shit and not in the mood for another pissing match with the kid. Although it's not like
he didn't have the right to defend his territory...But it was fun, none the less. And anyway, I liked this
kid, he had spunk.
And clearly cared about Sweet Tits.
A cute little number walked up to me as soon as I entered The Workshop, and I raised a single
eyebrow as she sauntered over to me with purpose.
"We're not open yet, Sir, can I help you?" She not only was cute, but sweet. Maybe I'll call her Sweet
Tits the Second, even though her nametag clearly read, Angela.
"I'm pretty sure you could, little one," I said eyeing her up and down once, "but I'm actually here to
see Swuh, Bella Swan. It's business. She's kind of expecting me." I winked at her and she blushed
like crazy, showing a perfect set of teeth.
"Well, um, Bella's not back yet, but if you want, you can have a seat and wait for her. Can Iumget
you anything?" She kinda did this thing with her hair that made my dick twitch, I'm not gonna lie. The
Kid hadn't actually been too far off last night insinuating my sexual depravity for the time being. It'd
been too Goddamn long for my taste.
"Coffee, if it's good. If not, I'll take a shot of Patron Silver." I smiled eyeing the nice bar setup in Sweet
Tits' place.
"The coffee here is actually the best around. I'll be happy to bring you some, as the bartender would
kill me for serving someone before opening. Cream and sugar for your coffee, Sir?"
"Just cream, thanks," I replied.
OK, calling her Sweet Tits the Second might be a little bit forward there, Ace.
I picked a table that looked semi comfortable and kicked my feet up on the chair sitting across from
me, crossing my ankles. When the cute little hostess came over with my coffee, she sat down with
her own cup to my fucking delight and surprise.
I momentarily re-thought that Sweet Tits the Second shit.
"I'm Angela, by the way," Cutie put her hand out to shake mine and I took it gladly into my own.
Soft like a baby's bottom.
Fuck, it has been way too long when you're getting off on a simple handshake from a pretty lady.
Angela looked a little put off that I didn't offer up a name on my end, but she didn't really need to
know it, so I didn't make to give up the goods on it.
By the way, the coffee in Sweet Tits' place...definitely a winner, my friends. It alone made my dick
twitch, and I wasn't even thinking about anyone's tits while sipping on it.
The coffee, that is.
Bella POV.
1:45 pm.
As we entered The Workshop, I saw a familiar face taking up residence in my restaurant.
Not only was the creep taking up space, but he was also smudging my fucking cane chairs that cost
fucking three hundred dollars a pop.
"Hey dick-hole, what is with you and chairs?" I knocked his feet off the seat, and then looked at
Angela disapprovingly.
"How about we do something called work. You know, that thing I pay you for Ang?" I took a seat in
the chair I'd kicked the fucker's feet off of, and he smiled a smirk that was all too familiar.
I swear, sometimes this 'lil shit reminded me way too much of Flower Child.
Dickward nodded to me and then eyed Edward.
"How's it goin' Butterbean?" I heard a noise from behind me, and knew it was Edward. The dick just
smiled and said, "What? You said I couldn't call her Sweet Tits."
"Bella's name isn't Butterbean you fuc" Edward paused, trying not to curse with Squeaky in his
arms. "Watch your mouth around my kid. How about we all go on a first name basis, and leave the
pet names to the wayside? Fair enough there...whatever the hell your name is?" Edward's brows
scrunched as he took a seat next to me, placing Squeaky on his lap.
"So," Dickward looked back to me, "what do you want first, photos, video, or info?"
"Pichures?" Squeaks said, looking at the dick. Her eyes were full of wonder and curiosity, staring at
the new person.
He made eye-contact with her, and then took a pen and small pad of paper out of his jacket's inner
pocket. Dickward leaned across the table and slid them over to Ness .
"Wanna draw kid?"
Squeaks looked to Edward, seeing if it was okay to take something from the strange guy trying to give
her things.
"It's alright Sweetheart," Edward nodded her on, then looked up to Dickward.
"I didn't know you were such a softy," he smiled, despite his efforts not to.
"Don't get your panties all up in a bunch, kid. After all, who am I to ignore a beautiful face?"
Dickward winked at Squeaks. "So, is she likeyou know?" He asked, without actually asking, if she
was ours.
"No. This was all Edward, stealing his Daddy's car as a young rebel." I smiled, taking Edward's hand
under the table.
"Pop pop has petty cawrs," Ness said as she drew.
Dickward made an approving face toward Edward. "Nice kid. I have to say," he nodded toward
Squeaky, and I was afraid he was about to say something that would get his face punched. But
instead he told him, "Excellent work."
I felt a little warmth growing in my heart for this fucker.
"So what kind of car was it?" he asked Edward.
"Aston Martin Vanquish. An older one though, not like the stuff that's out today. No one would
probably even be impressed by it now; especially since the DBS came out but, whatever. It served its
purpose at the time," Edward shrugged, kissing the top of Squeaky's head.
The dick's face went all blank and shit as his mouth fell open, and I wondered what the fuck was
wrong with him. Maybe the creamer in his coffee was bad? I looked over to Angela and scowled.
I swear if she
"Are you fucking kidding me?" Dickward looked at Squeaky and furrowed his brow. "Sorry kid. Don't
repeat that," he looked back to Edward, practically bursting with excitement like he'd just gotten
everything he'd ever wanted for Christmas.
"Tell me you're not talking about the '02 model. Because if you're talking about the '02 model I'm
gonna fu....I'm gonna bust a G.D. you know what. Does your old man still have it?"
"Um, yeah. Locked up tight in his garage in fear of a repeater," Edward laughed, resting his cheek on
Squeaky's head as she doodled in Dickward's pad. "Never drives it anymore though. So what the hell
is the point, you know?"
This seemed to piss The Dick off. "What the hell is the...?" he laughed hysterically, raking his hand
through his hair. "Kid, do you have any idea how much that car is worth today?" Dickward shook his
head and repeated it one more time. "What's the point...indeed."
"It's no wonder you're so cute little girl. You were conceived in one of the World's finest vehicles," he
pointed at Squeaks. "You tell your Dad to save that car, and when you're old enough, you claim it as
your own, got it?"
"Pop Pop kiwll Daddy if he touches cawrs." Ness leaned across the table shaking her head at him, in
challenge. Edward brought his fist to his mouth, hiding his laughter as did I. Before The P.I. got a
chance to speak, Nessie looked down to his hip, pointing to his gun.
"Whats dat?" she asked.
"Sweetheart, why don't you find Uncle Emmett over there? I think it is time for a nap." Edward kissed
her head and set her down, allowing her to run to Em.
"Well, I'm sure you are hungry, being trapped on a plane with shitty airplane food for hours. I know I
could eat. Edward, babe, would you mind making us a little something, please?" I asked.
"How could you even think about eating after what we saw on the farm today?" he made a disgusted
noise and Dickward laughed, looking very intrigued by our conversation.
"Hold the phone. The Kid here's gonna cook something?" He looked over to Edward. "You're not
gonna spit in my food are ya' Kid? And please tell me it won't be some fucking Middle Eastern dish,
'cause some street vendor up in New York shoved something in my face while I was there that ruined
that shit for me for the rest of my life." Dickward held up his hand.
"Falafel?" Edward and I said at the same time and laughed.
"You've heard of that shit? Fuck, tell me you don't serve that monstrosity here."
"Do I have a fucking sign on my door that says $5.99 All You Can Eat, ? No, of course not. And for the
record, Edward is the executive chef, and double for the fucking record, can cook pretty damn good.
So, you should feel quite honored to be fed his food, especially since I was going to comp your damn
meal and beverage." I looked back to him with a soured expression and then slid him a menu.
"Whatever you like Dick Tracy, go hog wild."
"Maybe he should give up the goods first. I usually don't put out until I see what's on the table. If you
know what I'm sayin' there, Elvis?" Edward smiled.
"Hmm. Maybe you'd like me to put some chaps on after all, huh Kid?" he laughed. "I'll tell ya what,
surprise me." Dickward slid the menu back to me. "Since he's the executive chef and all, whatever he
cooks up is gonna be pretty fucking fine with me, I'm sure."
The P.I. pulled a manila envelope out of his jacket, and slapped it on the table, eyeing Edward, then
slid some pictures out. I couldn't stop my mouth from gaping open at the sight of James' dick hanging
out, and some little girl looking at it like it was a real live snake about to strike her.
Edward covered him mouth, laughing.
"Good enough, Kid?" Dickward asked.
"I have no words," Edward covered his face, laughing hard into his hands.
"I have some fucking words!" I yelled swiping one of the pictures off the table and bringing it up to
my face, recognizing the girl.
I climbed to my feet, pushing the chair back with my foot and fucking climbed over the table, landing
in Dickward's lap and planting kisses all over his sexy ass fucking face. Mother fucker hit the jackpot!
The Dick started grabbing my neck like he wanted something.
His dick was also grinding into Butterbean, but you know what? That was all fine and dandy with my
ass. I was grinding her right back on him, and he groaned.
"Dickward? I am not going to kiss you on the mouth," I pulled his hand down and put it on my tit,
"but feel free to squeeze to your heart's desire. You totally deserve it."
"Um" Edward started to speak up but I turned to face him, cutting him off.
"Trust me Babe, you will not be offended by this in a second, just let him get his feel on and then I
will explain." I looked back to Dickward.
"Grind, squeeze whatever. You have thirty seconds to go nuts there Mister P.I."
He looked highly confused.
"Do you know who this fucking is?!" I held up the picture to his face, waving it like it was the little
fucking freedom flag I had been looking for all my life. Dickward pulled his face back and looked at
me like I'd completely lost my mind.
"I know it's a fifteen-year-old un-experienced cock sucker, other than that, no clue," Dickward shook
his head.
"THIS," I held the pic closer to his face, "is Rhodes Ramsey, as in, Gordon fuck me Ramsey's
"Is she okay?" Dickward looked over to Edward again for some help and pointed at me.
"Dickward! This is my damn mentor's and one of the scariest mother fuckers in this world's
daughter! Ramsey would KILL James if he fucking knew about this shit! Hell, I want to kill him, and
she isn't even my daughter!" I leaned over and kissed him again. This time, it was on the fucking
And okay yeah...maybe I used a little tongue too.
Fuck, he deserved it. So why not?
He was taken aback a little with the tongue, I guess, and when I pulled away he stared straight into
my eyes and made a face like he was some kind of animal or something.
"Sweet Tits, if you do that shit one more time, Kid or no Kid, I'm throwing you face first over that
table right there and molesting your ass," Dickward warned.
"Down boy," I giggled, wiping my mouth.
"What the fuck, Bell ?" Edward said, looking at me with his hands raised.
"Edward, you're supposed to be bringing food, remember?"
"Uh, you honestly expect go into the kitchen," he waved his hand in the direction of the
kitchen doors, "and fucking cook for the man that just had his tongue in your mouth?" He cocked an
eyebrow at me.
"I am sorry, when did I stop being your boss?" I glared at him, and he didn't take that too well,
making a stink-face at me.
The Dick's eyebrows shot up, and I felt him tense underneath me.
"To think I licked you all good and proper like this morning when I could have been shoving my face
into French toast or some other breakfast shit instead." Edward stood up from his chair, stalking off
towards the kitchen.
"Sorry, I don't normally throw myself at men like that, promise, but this shit," I picked up the other
pics, "is fucking priceless. Sorry I doubted youand called you Dick Tracy. The titty grabbing made up
for it though, right?" I smiled coyly at the P.I.
Our bread arrived to the table before he had a chance to answer. I unwrapped the basket, placing a
piece on his plate.
"So," I took a bite from mine, "tell me about what happened with Asshat."
He gobbled up a piece of bread, humming while he ate it.
"Asshat's not gonna be giving you shit anymore, or anyone with any luck. I promise Sweet Tits.
Especially now that you know WHO he was giving dick sucking lessons to. And, I have something to
show you."
Flower Child came back out into the dining room with Seth following him carrying a tray with our
food. He took a seat next to me, eyeing Dickward as he did. Seth paused at the table, waiting for
"The left is for Bella." Edward eyed me, giving me his 'I can see through your G'damned soul' eyes.
"The right is for him," Edward nodded at Dickward.
"You know, I really want to eat this shit, 'cause as much as I hate to admit it, the food does look
fucking good Kid, but I also need to get movin'. Shit to do, ya know?"
Edward then interrupted, teasing Dickward with his ability to bring even the strongest man to his
knees with his food fuckery.
"It's a Ravioli of roasted tiger prawn, baby artichokes, and fennel cream shellfish bisque," Edward
said, looking pretty fucking smug about it. I dipped my finger in, taking a taste, and hummed at how
delicious it was.
Fuck, Butterbean was begging to be allowed back on Team Edward, and looking at him, he fucking
knew it.
Smug bastard.
Pwning me with his fuckgood ass food.
As much as I loved that gun Dickward toted, food fuckery was always number one.
"Seriously, you should eat this, and then lick the fucking bowl not leaving anything behind it's so
fucking delish." I looked back to Dickward.
The Dick gave Edward a look and took the bowl. "Um, thanks." He took a bite, and you would've
thought he was having a fucking food orgasm.
Mmhmm, know how you feel buddy.
"Fuck, Kid, you made this shit? This isn't fucking ravioli, this is like... FUCKING fantastic ravioli."
Edward's smirk was something that should have made the fucking heavens part, and God himself
come down and say, "Yes, my child, I created you and then destroyed the mold, for such perfection
will never ever be able to be duplicated again. Now go forth and plant many seeds," and then the
Dickward ordered us out of the dining area.
"Now, Sweet.... Bella, where's the closest fucking VCR in this place?"
"My office." I stood up nervously, not knowing what the hell was going on.
I mean, he said he had the tape, I mean THE tape, MY tape. So was he planning on showing that shit?
What in jumping Jesus, Batman?
Wasn't it bad enough that I needed to hire a private investigator to retrieve my vintage raunchy ways
caught on tape, and then pretty much molested him in front of my part-time boyfriend, slash, guy I
love to fuck, slash, might possibly be over the fucking moon for?
"Um, Dick? Why do you need a VCR?" I asked nervously.
He took another bite of ravioli as he made his way back down the hall to my office. When he finished
chewing, he called over his shoulder, "All in good time my friend, all in good time."
His 'lil punk ass took a seat in my damn chair, resting his feet on the desk and his bowl against his
chest, as he passed over the tape for review. I popped it in the VCR player security used for shit, like
if we got robbed.
Or fucked employees in the back room.
My heart was about to beat out of my body. The only distraction was the slurping sounds the P.I. was
making as he ate his damn food.
"Enjoying that are you?" Edward said, looking at him, a little amused.
"Kid, I might have to wrap you up in a plastic baggie, and take you home with me just so I can eat this
fuck-awesome shit for the rest of my Goddamn life." He picked up the remote control and pressed
"Since I am trying not to make jokes about your sexual orientation, I will remain silent on that, except
for saying thank you for saying you liked the food, that is." Edward turned his attention to the T.V.
The first thing that came up on the video was James' naked body, and I tensed.
"Viffiz where Ah gah weally fuffin piffed wif hiz pnk assfff," The Dick said, and I had no fucking idea
what he'd just said because he'd said it with a mouth full of fucking ravioli.
"Is that?" Edward's eyebrow raised as he stared wide-eyed at the screen.
Dickward paused it when a women started stripping for James, then he pressed another button,
causing the video to move forward in slow motion.
"Ya see how he's just fucking sitting there? Like it's her Goddamn job to please HIS ass?" Dickward
said, before shoving another bite of food into his mouth. Some fell on his leather jacket, and he bent
his head down, trying to lick it off like a cat cleaning its paws.
See Butterbean? We aren't the only ones who get pwned by Edward's delish fucking food.
"Please God," Edward closed his eyes and whispered some type of fucking prayer. Probably the same
one I was saying. One of his eyes peeked open slightly, looking at the screen after his lips stopped
The Dick took another bite of his ravioli, telling Edward again how fuck-awesome it was, and I about
lost my shit with him.
"Yeah, Dick, we know, Edward's food pwns your damn tweeter. Is there a point to this fuckery? Or is
this just your version of a gang bang?"
He laughed and put the bowl down, and then pressed play so that the video resumed its normal
pace. I had to fucking look away. There was no possible way I could see my ass on this tape.
"Woah, woah, woah." I looked back at Edward as he held his hand in front of his face, blocking out
the image before him.
"No, Kid seriously, this part is sort of impressive," Dickward laughed, perking Edward's curiosity, and
he lowered his hand.
The women on film did a move that would put those tiny little girls who fit their asses in suitcases in
freak-show acts to shame.
"Fuck," Edward and Dickward both said at the same damn time, tilting their stupid man heads
sideways all wide-eyed. I slapped Edward, and he gave me a look of apology.
"I already saw this shit, and that still disturbs me," Dickward said, shaking his head and then tilting his
bowl to his lips to sip the last bit of the bisque.
"I'm glad you two are having so much fucking fun at my expense but..."
"Is that what I think it is?" Edward asked, forcing me to look at the screen again. There was a girl on
there, putting a strap-on on and preparing to do James in his....
"Sure as shit Kid," Dickward snickered, smacking his lips, and letting out a low burp.
"I didn't know you had a freaky side, Angel," Edward teased and I hit him.
"That motherfucker never had a tape of me? Are you serious? There was a fucking tape of HIM
getting a rubber dick in his damn pooper, and I was the one panicking all this time?
"After I get back from fucking Japan, I am so flying my ass to New York and slapping the holy shit out
of him, then, considering making a huge change in my Food Porn show next year at the convention
with this G'damned tape!"
"In a word. Yes." Dickward was still cringing from the fuckery on the T.V., and he suddenly picked up
the remote and pressed "stop".
"He definitely never had a tape of your fine ass, unfortunately for me. Not that I didn't get a good
idea of what's under all that," he waved his hands at me, "in the dining room, but you know, it's
always fun to the get the full picture," Dickward winked.
"So," he said, licking the remnants of the bowl.
Let me tell you, he cleaned that fucker and set it pretty fucking gingerly on the desk, then looked at
Edward and me and clapped his hands together, smiling a sort of half cocked smile.
"That, my friends, is all I have to fucking say about THAT."
"Dickward? Just so you know, I feel the need to rape you right now, but since I have already gotten
myself into enough trouble with that shit," I looked to Edward and he nodded with a 'ya think?'
expression at me, "I will refrain from doing such fuckery.
"Please know that I am extremely grateful, and you fucking did an amazing job. If you open that
drawer underneath those meaty legs of yours," I nodded down to my desk, "you will see an envelope
with your payment. And as soon as your pretty ass moves away from my desk, I would be more than
happy to toss you a bonus if you give me your bank account deets for a money-wire transfer."
Dickward cocked an eyebrow at me, smirking like he was considering the rape, but then seemed to
change his mind.
"See? A few days with me, and you're already making good choices and shit. I'm proud." He stood up
when he continued, like he was giving a fucking lecture or something.
"And just so YOU know, Miss Swan, if I didn't have a fucking mortgage to pay on my office back
home, and a court-ordered fine to pay for some," he waved his hand in the air, "shit, I might actually
refuse your payment, 'cause honestly? This case was just a little too much fucking fun to be called
work," he winked.
"As far as a bonus goes though," he continued, shaking his head at me, "not interested. Put it toward
something useful like shipping The Kid here up to DC every once in a while to cook my ass
something." He slapped Edward's shoulder a little harder than need be.
"Well, if you change your mind, you know my number," I lied.
Fuck that, he was getting the damn bonus. I would figure out his bank account deets, shouldn't be
too difficult.
"As far as food goes, I'm not so sure I like the idea of you and Edward together."
Lies! All lies Butterbean. We like this idea very much as long as we get to be in the fucking middle of
the manwich.
"But maybe I can send you a nice care package," I winked at him.
Edward POV
What a fucking day so far.
From the slaughter to the family shit with Bella and my kid to talking about having babiesand don't
even get me started on the fucking Leather Twat.
Okay, maybe he wasn't a twat, 'cause he did get Bella's tape, and showed her that it wasn't actually
her on it at all. PLUS, he got pictures of James doing Ramsey's daughter, which.I don't even have
words for. It was fucking amazing though.
After I cooked up some of the pork chops in a nice orange mojo for Bella and Squeaks, I brought the
food out to the dining room to join them for a late lunch. Ness was sitting in Bella's lap, watching
something on her laptop.
"You see? That is a cartoon. Bugs Bunny was the man, and I don't care how many billions of dollars
that Square dude makes, he will never top Bugs Bunny," Bella said, looking down to Ness .
"He's bunny wabbit," Ness smiled up at Bella, showing her the two teeth which earned her that
"I know, see, all bunny rabbits are the best." Bella's head rested against Nessie's as she wrapped one
arm around her then closed the lid of her laptop getting ready to eat.
"Daddy we watch Bugs."
"I heard that sweetheart." I cut off a piece of pork and stretched it over to her open lips. Nessie
chewed appreciatively, and then opened for more.
"Feel a little bit better about the pigs now don't you?" Bella teased, seeing me smile at Nessie's
reaction to the food.
"No comment." I cut off a bite for myself and then another for Ness .
Bella flipped back open her laptop halfway through eating her food, and starting typing away before
pulling Ness into her lap again.
"You see that?" she asked her.
"Kitty," Ness pointed to the screen.
"Yup, that's kitty. Hello Kitty. You know where she lives?" Bella glanced up once to me and then back
to Ness as she shook her head no, still looking at the screen.
"Hello Kitty lives here," Bella clicked on something.
"Ohh, petty." Squeaky pointed.
"It is very pretty. Those are called apple blossom trees and they grow all over Japan, where Hello
Kitty lives." Bella leaned her head against Nessie's as she stared at the screen.
I could see the sadness in Bella's eyes as she thought and fuck if it didn't make me sad too. Sighing
hard, Bella lifted her head and clicked on something else. Nessie's face lit up instantly.
"You see that?" Bella smiled, pointing to the screen. "That's where all the Hello Kittys are. It's called
Sanrio, and in a few days, Squeaks, I'm gonna go there." She leaned into Ness 's ear and whispered
something I couldn't hear, but it made her giggle.
"Alright?" Bella asked her, and Ness nodded, smiling at the screen. I imagined she must have
promised her most of what she was looking at.
"But there's one more thing, okay?" Bella lifted Ness , turning her around in her lap to face her. "You
have to promise to take good care of your Daddy too. That means no matter how crappy his
pancakes are, or how much you miss mine, you have to smile and make him smile too, okay? I'm
putting you in charge here, and I know it's a really big task, but I think you can do it, right?" she
asked. Ness nodded to Bella, and I smiled at the knocking of my pancakes.
She just always had to go there.
"When you come back?" Ness asked, fingering Bella's long locks, lifting a handful to her face to sniff
"Here," Bella reached for a paper on the table. "I'll be gone this many days, and then on this day,"
Bella pointed to the squares on the paper she drew with the days of the week on it, "I'll come back."
"Wif dah kitties?" Ness whispered.
"With all the kitties," Bella nodded. "So that's why tonight, we are having a slumber party."
"Wif kitties?" Ness asked excitedly.
"With kitties. And junk food, lots of junk food. I hope you're also a fan of Patrick Swayze, 'cause we
are so watching him get his dance on." Bella looked over her head to me, smiling wryly.
"I think Dirty Dancing is a little too, well, dirty for my five-year-old, Bell."
"Oh please, I was watching it when I was four. Banging guys named Johnny by six. Get over it Edward.
Your little girl's becoming a woman, face it."
"I think it's time for you to leave, please. I have a wonderful selection of DVD's at my apartment for
my daughter, feel free to use them while you are there."
"Party pooper," Bella laughed, sliding out from the booth. "Can you put my laptop back in my office,
please? My hands are a little full here."
"Sure, Angel." I stood up, giving Ness a kiss goodbye. "Be good for Bella okay?" I kissed her again. "I
love you, have fun."
"Wuv you Pappa." Ness kissed me back and then I went to kiss Bella, but she looked down biting her
"What?" I felt my face, thinking maybe there was food there, but then heard some of the staff
entering the dining room, and got it.
"Sorry," I said, and then just rubbed her arm lightly. "I'll make up for it later, promise." I leaned in and
kissed Ness ' cheek again, then put my lips to her tiny ear. "Give that to Bella for me, okay?" I
Nessie giggled, and then kissed Bella's cheek, making Bella smile in return.
It was the least I could do after everything she had done for mefor us.
The night was long and quite sucky without Bella, honestly, but I managed. As I drove home, I tried to
imagine what Bella and Ness might have done tonight. For some reason the vision of them all
cuddled up on the couch, with the throw Grandma Cullen made me as a child, wouldn't fade from my
mind. I could see Ness lying there on Bella's chest, watching intently as Johnny.oh fuck, I really
hope she didn't let her watch that shit. I stopped thinking about the slumber party, and focused on
my drive.
If in the morning my daughter has new dance moves, I might have to hurt Bella.
Just a little.
As I pulled up to my building, I parked behind Bella's Lexus. Once I was out of my car, I walked over to
hers to retrieve my key that she hid next to her front tire, so I didn't have to knock and wake up Ness.
In a way, I hoped Bella was sleeping too. She needed rest, and I was really not wanting to walk in and
see her on the computer working, or in my fucking kitchen rearranging shit because it would have
been just like her to go there.
Did I care, or was I scared to let Bella be all alone in my place?
No, I had nothing to hide. Like I said, the worst thing that would probably happen was walking in on
her scouring the sinks, or fucking straightening all my canned goods. They needed a little
straightening, in truth, so if she did it, fuck it that was cool with me.
I opened the door as quietly as I could, and sure enough, the smell of something fucking delicious hit
my nose. Of course she would have cooked something. Walking in, I pulled off my shirt, tossing it on
the back of the chair at my dining table, and then pulled off of my shoes, leaving them, and my socks,
in a nice trail as I entered the kitchen.
Hey, it was still my house. I could do what I pleased with my dirty socks and shoes.
Sitting on the stove, was a plate wrapped in cling-wrap, with a little note on top. I picked it up and
opened the folded paper seeing Nessie's scribbled handwriting inside. She spelled all her words
wrong and it only made it more endearing to read. It was a little menu with what was on my plate.
In English that an adult mastered, it would have read, "Pot roast with gravy and mashed potatoes.
Chocolate chip cookies for Dessert."
In my five-year-old's version of the English language, it read, "potsrost mastatos soklet sip kukes."
I liked her version much better.
" Bell ?" I called softly, placing the plate into the oven.
She didn't answer, and I walked into the living room too look around a little. The couch pillows were
all fluffed nicely and set up like they never were, because, hello, I live with a child, and am a man who
doesn't fucking fluff pillows. The smell of some type of lemon shit was there too, and I saw a scented
thing on my coffee table, that wasn't there before.
Was Bella trying to say my place stank?
The dirty socks and shoes seemed to be eyeing me.
Sure as shit, the Dirty Dancing DVD was on top of the TV, no doubt, left out on purpose to annoy me.
All of Ness ' toys were gathered up in the appropriate bins and looked all neat and tidy along the
wall. My timer for my dinner buzzed and I went back to the kitchen to retrieve it. Pulling it from the
oven, the aroma wafted forth, stunning me with its brilliancy. It was like smelling Fall on a plate as
the sage and clove she no doubt used hit my nostrils.
Fucking fantastic.
After I set my plate on the counter, I grabbed a beer from the fridge and fucking smiled, seeing that
Ness had a new sippy cup on the shelf. Apparently, Bella wasn't taking this Hello Kitty lightly. It was
genius though, I'll give her that. I stood as I ate, grabbing the bills from the pile that rested atop the
I'm a man, remember? We don't have fucking folders and shit for that stuff.
In between bites of Bella's delicious fucking pot roast and mashed potatoes, I paid off my credit card
bill, and also electric, and two months in advance for cable. Having a job that paid well was nice as
fuck, that's for sure.
After I finished eating, I walked towards my room and peeked in to see Bella sleeping soundly in my
How I love you Bella.
I closed the door, not quite ready to go in. A shower was needed first. I didn't want her to be tagging
my ass with one of those lemon things too.
After I showered, and was good and clean, I walked to my room wrapped in my towel, trying to be as
quiet as possible as I searched in the dark for a pair of boxers, and then climbed into bed. Bella
stirred slightly as I curled myself against her back, holding her to me.
"Johnny" she whispered, arching back into me.
"You better be joking," I whispered back.
Her laughter vibrated against me and I bit her shoulder, causing her to squeal a little. Bella wiggled
free from my arms, turning to face me and pressed her face under my chin.
"Did you eat?" she asked, then kissed my neck.
"I did, love. It was fucking delicious. Thank you."
"You're welcome, Babe." She nuzzled further into my neck, sighing hard.
"How was Ness ?" I asked, smoothing my hand over her silk hair.
"Perfect. She loves to cook, you know. Mashed potatoes got owned by a five-year-old," Bella giggled.
"I wish I could have seen it, Angel," I leaned my lips to kiss the top of her hair.
"I took a few pictures. They're uploaded onto your desktop." Bella yawned and I rubbed her back
soothingly, trying to get her back to sleep.
"Get some sleep, love," I kissed her again.
"Night Babe," Bella's warm lips were against my neck, kissing softly, making her words pierce right
through me in the most delectable way.
I love you Bella.
"Good night," I whispered, unable to convey what I really wanted to tell her.
It was only about thirty minutes into my sleep when I heard my phone buzzing on my bed-side table.
"Fuck," I muttered, rolling to my side, Bella still hanging onto me in her sleep as I did. My hand
fumbled to find the phone in the dark. Once I felt its familiar shape, I rolled back over and flipped it
open with my thumb, then brought it to my ear.
"What?" I said, highly fucking annoyed.
"Edward, hey man, sorry," Emmett began. "Are you awake?"
"No, not fucking really, what?" I asked again.
"Like I said, sorry, but it's Dad," he passed, waiting for me to wake the fuck up, I assumed.
"What about him?" I asked.
"He had a heart attack tonight," Emmett said quietly.
"What?" I almost shot right up, but Bella's weight held me down.
"He's alright and shit, but Mom and I are at the hospital, and I thought you should know. It's cool if
you don't want to come down, like I said, I just wanted you to know."
"Fuck Emmett, I'm not a complete asshole you know? I'll be there in a few minutes." I flipped the
phone closed and shook Bella's shoulder slightly.
"Angel? Are you awake Bella?" I asked softly.
"Mmm?" she groaned.
"I have to go down to the hospital, Carlisle had a heart attack."
"Huh?" she lifted her head, rubbing her eyes. "Is he ok?" Her hand tried to find my face and I
captured it, kissing it softly.
"Emmett says yes, but I still need to go."
"Do you want me to go with you?" Bella sat up beside me.
"Just stay here with Ness, okay?"
"Yeah, of course. Fuck, Edward I'm so sorry," her hand found my face and she pulled herself to me,
hugging me tightly.
"It's alright, don't get upset, love. Go to sleep, alright?" I rubbed her back and tried to comfort her
into thinking I was fine, but truthfully, I was not.
In my mind I was freaking the fuck out and needing to get out of here.
"Alright," she said softly, pulling back, and then kissed me a few times on my lips. "Call me and let me
know what's going on, okay?"
"I will, sweetheart." I kissed Bella's forehead, and slid out of bed to walk to the closet for some
Driving to the hospital seemed to be taking way to long. It was only like a ten minute drive, but the
seconds slowed, barely moving as my speedometer clocked in way over the fucking speed limit.
Once I finally arrived, I dialled Emmett so he could tell me where the hell he was, and then eventually
after getting lost in the fucking halls a million times, found him and my mother.
"Oh Edward," Esme hugged me hard, crying.
"Mah, Dad is fine. Don't freak Edward out," Emmett said, looking highly annoyed as he sat in the
waiting room chair.
"I'm just so happy you came," Esme pulled back and looked at me.
"Just because I'm pissed off at Dad, that doesn't mean I don't love him," I wiped Esme's tears away
with my thumb, and she smiled slightly.
"I know Dear, but I'm happy none the less."
"How is he doing?" I asked, pulling her to take a seat in the chair next to Emmett.
"He is alright, but they are running some tests to make sure," Esme said, holding my hand in hers.
"You want coffee or something? You look fucking tired?" Emmett asked me, leaning forward to see
passed Esme.
"Yeah, sure," I answered, not really giving a shit about how tired I felt. But Emmett looked like he was
at the brink of dealing with my mother's emotional breakdown, so I gave him an out.
"Oh, honey, you just worked didn't you? I'm so sorry. You can go back home if you"
"Mah, you need to relax before they pull up a bed next to Dad's for you," I hugged her into my arm,
trying to get her to calm the fuck down.
"I'm sorry," she sighed.
"It's alright, just relax," I rested my head to hers and tried to comfort her.
"Who is with the baby?" she asked.
"What a sweet girl, to stay with her after working all night." Esme took my hand into hers.
"No, she didn't work tonight. Bella and Ness had a slumber party," I laughed lightly.
"Oh, how nice. What for?" Esme asked.
"Bella's leaving for Japan in a few days, she wanted to spend some time with her," I explained.
" Japan? For what? Is Bella leaving?" Esme pulled back, and her expression seemed worried.
"Just for a week. She has to check up on Gordon's restaurant, so she was just trying to break the
news easy to Ness, you know? The last time Bella wasn't around, Ness took it kind of hard and with
"Last time?" she interrupted.
"Yeah, when we had a" I paused in confusion, but then realized maybe she didn't know. "Dad or Em
never told you?"
"Told me what Dear?"
"What Bella did? About Jess?" The more I spoke, the more confused her face grew. "Bella helped Jess
get the job in New York."
"She did?" Esme asked surprised. "Why?"
"So Jessica would drop the charges against me." Esme stared at me for a long minute while it sunk in.
"That is a very heavy thing to do for someone, Son. Why would you have stopped speaking though?"
"Mah, she bribed Jessica into moving to another state behind my back. Do I really need to explain
that shit further?"
"I understand, but"
"I know her intentions were good," I held up my hand, already having heard that way too many
"Yes, but also," Esme held my hand and her expression changed, warming as she looked into my tired
eyes, "maybe Bella was trying to show you that she cared for you. It's quite obvious to me, I see it in
her eyes, but I know you might not because you have this wall built around you, Son. I understand
why you do, because as a mother, I have the same one for MY boys," she smiled, "but, as that
mother, I am telling you that girl is in deep with you and my grandbaby."
"I know," I sighed. "Me fucking too."
"Edward," Esme began.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to curse," I shook my head.
"I wasn't going to scold you," she laughed. "I was going to say EDWARD, it is alright to be in love."
Esme's delicate fingers touched my cheek in only a way a mother could, caressing lovingly, the same
way I might do to Ness .
"She's leaving. Not now, but soon probably. I don't know what to do about that. Em says not to tell
her. He thinks it will scare her off, but I'm just trying figure out how much more 'off' I could scare her,
seeing as how she's leaving anyhow." I laughed once, rubbing my face with my free hand.
"Yes, because your darling brother, and his love for loose women, knows so much about
relationships," Esme teased.
"He knows Bella," I argued.
"And so do you. In ways I'm sure Emmett doesn't, or else we might be on that Jerry Springer
television show," Esme laughed.
"It still won't change anything. Bella will still leave, so what's the point," I shrugged.
"Edward, what happened tonight with your father, it opened my eyes to something. If he would
have," Esme looked down for a moment. "If he would have died tonight, I would have never forgiven
myself, and YOU would have never forgiven yourself. We both have said things, that yes, maybe we
feel in our hearts, but the truth is that we are all family, and should not allow that to come between
us to the point of not speaking to each other.
"If you love Bella, then you need to tell her, because regardless of what she does with that
information, it is hers to rightfully know, and it is yours to rightfully tell. If Bella went away tomorrow
and you never told her, how would you feel knowing that she never heard those special words? Or
knew that she meant so much to you?"
"What if she doesn't feel the same, Mom?" I asked.
"Does it matter?"
"No," I replied, even though, I really did want Bella to feel the same.
"Then there is your answer. You don't love someone in hopes that they will love you back. You just
love them in hopes that they will know they are loved. Yes?"
"Yeah," I nodded.
Emmett came in and handed me my coffee, which tasted like ass. I set it on the small table to my left
and picked up a magazine to read, but my mother stopped me.
"Go home. You are way too tired and there is no real reason for you to be here. I'll call you when we
hear something," Esme rubbed my shoulder.
"I'm fine, Mom."
"No, you're not, and if you think that your father will be upset that you left, you are wrong. I will tell
him I made you leave, just as I will tell him I made your brother leave."
"You're not going to stay here alone." I looked at her like she was crazy.
"I'm a big girl and if you want me not to worry then I need you boys to go home and sleep. The
thought of you driving home tired is wreaking havoc on this old woman's heart."
"Are you sure?" I asked.
"Yes. Go."
"Call me later, please." I leaned in and kissed her cheek. Esme hugged her arms around my neck,
palming the back of my head in her hand.
"I love you so much Edward. I know Bella does too. How could she not, Son? How could she not." She
hugged tighter before releasing me finally.
Emmett stayed for a little while longer after I left. I didn't want to leave, but I knew my mother well
enough to know it was better to listen to her.
On many levels.
Once I was home, I came quietly through the door seeing Bella at the computer desk, staring at the
screen. She was only illuminated by the glow from the monitor and looked over to me as I walked in.
I could see a mug on the desk and the smell of coffee filled the small space of my apartment.
"I believe I asked you to sleep." I kicked off my shoes next to the door and she turned to face me.
"I tried, but failed." Bella sat back in the chair, uncrossing her legs from under her, and spun to face
"Drinking coffee usually doesn't help." I smoothed my hand over her hair once I reached her, and
then kissed the top of her head.
"How is your father?" she asked softly, looking up to me.
"Carlisle is fine. My mom is still there waiting for them to give test results, but apparently he is ok." I
kissed her head again. "Let's go back to bed." I clicked the button on the monitor, shutting off the
Bella stood up, going to grab her coffee but I stilled her hands.
"It can stay there until morning." I bent slightly, picking her up into my arms and carried her towards
the room.
My mother's words of wisdom rang in my ears, and the fucking need to say something to this woman
in my arms overwhelmed me. I sat in the bed, leaning back with her still in my arms against the
pillows. My left hand pulled the warm blanket around her, and Bella slid her hands down from my
neck to my chest.
"You're going to be very uncomfortable sleeping in your clothes," she yawned.
"I'm too tired to give a shit," I closed my eyes, feeling the day weigh down heavily on me.
"Suit yourself." Her warm lips kissed along my jaw, moving slowly along my face, and fuck if she
didn't kiss the tender skin right fucking underneath my ear.
"Angel, I have no stamina to satisfy you the way you deserve right now," I whispered.
"I'm just saying goodnight." She kissed me again, sweeter this time, but still fucking made my dick
pulse. I leaned in, kissing her softly several times.
"I still heart you, Bell," I whispered, causing her to smile against my lips.
"Me too, Flower Child." She kissed me again and then leaned her head into the crook of my neck,
nuzzling me before she sighed and repeated her words.
"Me too."
7:33 am
I was seriously enjoying Flower Child's shower.
It wasn't anything fancy, but he had all of these cool little mini bottles of shit for Ness. And weird
fucking sticky things on the wall which made for good reading while one shaved their legs.
With his razor mind you cause I was growing balls like that.
I was all about using his shampoo and smelling the rest of the day like Ness ' bubblegum body-wash. I
mean, why the fuck not? How many days in my life could I go around smelling like fucking bubblegum
and get away with it?
None, I tell you, none.
Flower Child was still sleeping soundly when I crept back into the room and stole some clothes from
his drawer 'cause yeah, I repeat, I was growing balls like that. Sure, I had my own, but I was not
about to cook breakfast in shit I needed to wear for the rest of the day. Fate would ensure I had
grease of some sort on my shirt and that fuckery was not allowed.
So, I grabbed a pair of huge ass boxers well, huge on me anyhow and a football shirt of some sort
that was all grey and shit, toting some player I didn't fucking know, and got dressed. I also might have
stolen a pair of socks, just for shits and giggles.
And also, because they looked comfy and I didn't have any socks with me.
I checked on Ness, and she was still passed out too, in her bed. That was kind of nice. Not that I didn't
enjoy her company, but I needed a few minutes to get myself situated in the kitchen and that was a
little bit hard to do when Squeaks was around. The fact that Edward managed to do everything in his
life with her around brought on a new type of respect for him I never had before.
Yesterday, we went shopping for a little while after we left The Workshop, and holy mother of God,
was that shit hard to do with a little person who did not understand that you don't have to touch
every item in a store.
It was a little bit crazy.
Thankfully, I am a very intelligent person with a sincere gift for persuasion, and managed to buy her
good behavior off with a new Hello Kitty sippy-cup, and some cute ass clothes.
No seriously, little people clothes are cute as fuck.
I may have gone a little crazy actually. No, fuck that, I went really crazy, and really hoped Flower
Child wouldn't kill me, but shit, I could not decide what NOT to buy.
Let's put it this way: cute kid + black credit card with no limit + fake Aunt who likes to spend = bad,
bad situation in the mall.
As I was pulling out the last ingredients from the fridge, the little person I was speaking of came
tottering out, looking ultra sleepy as she rubbed her eyes.
"Hey Squeaks." I bent down to pick her up and she pretty much went limp in my arms once I did.
"Still sleepy?" She nodded yes and I rocked her a little, walking back to her room.
"Leah will be here soon, why don't we get dressed, okay?" I set Ness on her bed, and grabbed one of
the outfits I purchased for her from her newly vamped closet. She smiled at it as I sat next to her.
It had a cute little owl on the front and it said, "Like I give a hoot."
It made me giggle.
And made wish they had one in my size.
After she was dressed, I put her hair in little pig tails, and snapped in a few of the cute butterfly clips
she picked out; and wallah, a well dressed five year old.
Was I living vicariously? Fuck yes.
Flower Child was on the couch and on his phone when we walked back out into the main room. He
smiled, seeing Nessie look cute, and furrowed his brow as he read her shirt, but then laughed. She
climbed onto his lap and he passed the phone to her. She said hello to Edward's grandmother, calling
her 'Izzabit', and I remembered him telling me her name was Elizabeth.
Giving them a little privacy, I began to cook breakfast, but still eavesdropped, of course. Hey, don't
judge me, you would have too. Flower Child said his goodbyes after making a promise to have dinner
with them at some point this week, and I assumed they must have flown down due to last night's
happenings with Carlisle.
Strong arms found their way around my waist, and I smiled as lips belonging to those arms found my
"My I ask something?" he said.
"Mmm hmm," I replied, still working on breakfast.
"Why is it that you felt the need to buy Squeaks clothes, but yet, you stole mine?" He laughed a little.
"I did buy something, but figured it best to ruin yours and spare my own." I tilted my head back, and
smiled mockingly at him.
"I see. And am I correct to assume you are making latkes, since I see you have dug out my mashed
potatoes I was saving?"
"You ARE a man after my heart," I said dramatically, holding my hand over my chest. "Calling them
latkes and not that dirty word, pancakes," I giggled.
"A women after my own, making them," He shot back.
"You like latkes then hmm?"
"Love, LOVE latkes," he kissed my head.
"With sour cream?"
"Mmm," he replied, moving his lips a little lower.
"And fresh chives?" I asked, making him groan, and the fucker bit my shoulder fucking hard causing
me to squeal.
"Easy, or you're not getting your latkes on this morning," I teased.
"Feel free to wear my clothes any time, any place Bella. As long as you are cooking while doing so."
Edward kissed my cheek, and then backed off of me. That was good too because the kid was here,
and I could just fucking tackle him to the floor and do him all proper-like.
Even though, I really fucking wanted to.
"My grandparents are going to be in town this week. They invited me and Ness to dinner. I was
hoping you would come," he said.
"Yeah sure." I dropped the first cake onto the griddle, and then went for a second.
"I'm going to make Ness some eggs for breakfast, would you like some?" he asked, bending down to
get a pan.
"Eggs sound great, as long as they're scrambled," I replied.
Fucker kissed my leg, causing me to fuck up my second latke.
"Um, I believe I said no funny business, Mr." I looked down to him and he did it again. "I am not
afraid to spank a grown ass man with a spatula."
Edward laughed and stood back up, resting the pan down on the stove, and I just couldn't resist. As
he reached to turn the knob on, I fucking did it, swatting him hard on his ass.
"Mother" he started to curse, and I laughed.
"You just wait Bella." Edward tapped his finger at me, and I grabbed it, bringing it to my mouth, and
kissed his hand.
"It was too tempting. I couldn't resist beating you in your kitchen." I smiled at him and he raised an
eyebrow at me.
"Tempting?" Edward leaned in, and I knew he was up to no good. His lips hovered over mine as he
wound his arms around my waist, pulling me to him.
"You, my love, are tempting," he whispered. "If Ness wasn't here, I would be more than happy to
show you how so." Flower Child kissed me softly at first, building up the heat slowly, and not even
the smell of my poor latkes burning could tear me away from his perfect lips.
"Squeaky," I whispered pulling back slightly to remind him.
"Latkes," he countered, snickering slightly as I pulled him back into my lips.
A knock sounded at the door.
"Weah!" Nessie squealed, racing to the door.
"Le-ah," Edward and I said at the same time, laughing devilishly.
Edward gave one look to the door, only moving his eyes, and then looked back to me as the sound of
Leah's keys entered the lock. Before she could make her way in, Edward reached over and flipped off
the stove, then hoisted me up onto his hips, carrying me towards his bedroom.
I wasn't sure how much money Flower Child paid Leah, but I was sure as fuck in favor of her ass
getting a damn raise.
Edward tossed me down on the bed and started his slow cat-like crawl up my body. I shivered in
anticipation as his lips kissed softly up my legs. His nose grazed softly along my skin as he made his
climb, forming a warm trail along my skin that raised goose bumps.
"Stop teasing." I reached for his face and pulled him towards me. As soon as Edward's lips met mine,
a knock sounded loudly on his bedroom door.
"Edward, I am sorry, but your cell phone is ringing," Leah said on the other side.
"Motherfucker," Edward groaned, backing off of me.
He walked to the door, opening it so that Leah could hand him the phone, and then closed it again.
Walking to the bed, I watched him in all his bare-chested perfection. Edward's navy blue pajama
bottoms hung low on hips, accentuating the dip in his mid section where the V began the decent
down to.
"Hey Mom," he sat on the bed facing away from me as he spoke, and I sat up, knowing that the
moment was gone.
I slid off the bed and righted my clothes, walking in front of Edward as he carried on his conversation.
My fingers brushed his face as I passed him and he lightly kissed them once. Back in the kitchen, I
started making breakfast again. The latkes looked wonderful as I plated them, complete with
scrambled eggs for everyone's place-setting.
"Thank you, Bella," Leah said as she took a seat next to Nessie.
I took a seat across from her as she helped to feed Squeaks, tending to her very lovingly. Even though
I knew Leah was a good person to have in her life, I still couldn't help the bit of jealousy I felt surging
inside of me as she acted motherly towards Ness. There was something there in those gestures for
me that perhaps showed some type of visual, or glimpse, into the future for what was to come.
When I left, there would surely be someone taking over this role on a permanent basis for Edward.
Whomever he chose would sit right here where I did, eating breakfast with him while he sat beside
her in his PJ bottoms, looking sexy, and staring at his daughter eating her food.
Her foodsomeone else's food.
Leah laughed as Ness got sour cream all over her face, and suddenly Leah's tan dark skin became
Lauren's orange unnaturally colored tattooed skin. Her dark long locks transformed into the long
blonde hair Lauren had, and the bitten and chewed finger nails I saw on her fingers when she
touched Edward were now shoving bites of food into his daughter's mouth.
It wouldn't be me that he played with in the kitchen and hoisted on his hips to make love for
breakfast, it would be hersome other girl.
My stomach curled in on itself, and the blood in my veins ran cold, forming a sweat on my forehead.
"Are you alright, Bella?" It was Leah's voice, but Lauren's face looking at me, asking, and I had to run
to the restroom as the vomit rose in my throat.
I just barely made it into the bathroom. My knees fell toward the toilet and I heaved, sending the
coffee I consumed from earlier that morning, before Edward returned home, into the bowl. It fucking
hurt like hell to puke on a half empty stomach, that was for sure.
My head leaned onto the cool seat, and then I fucking felt sick again thinking about how many asses
might have sat on it. I pulled back, and spat into the toilet the remainder of phlegm in my mouth.
Cute Cullen asses or not, asses were asses...and fucking asses were gross.
Say that five time fast.
" Bell?" A light tap on the door sounded as Edward called my name.
"I'm fine, just a second," I reached over and flushed, then climbed to my feet.
As I rinsed my mouth, I looked in the mirror, trying to figure out who the hell this person was looking
back at me. How was it that less than a few months ago all was nice and tidy in my life, and now,
here I stood, puking in some sex God's bathroom.
Okay, he was more than a sex God, but I digress.
The point is, shit was fucked up and I had no idea how to make it right again.
There was no going back or carrying on. But what price was I willing to pay, or could I pay, for
allowing this charade to run wild much longer? The level of love I had for both Edward and Squeaks
was unreal, almost painfully so. And the territorial claim? Oh fuck, don't even get me started. You did
she see me puke just by thinking about another woman simply feeding his child, yes?
"Bella?" Edward called again, snapping me out of my thoughts. I dried my mouth on the small hand
towel and then unlocked the door, allowing him in.
"What's wrong?" he asked, stepping inside and closing the door behind him.
"I'm fine. I think it was just the coffee from last night."
"You look very pale." He cupped my face in one hand then pressed his other to my forehead.
"Please don't play doctor. I already want to bang your brains out at every minute of the day. The
image of you as a doctor would fucking make Butterbean explode," I whined.
"I'm sorry, just making sure there's no fever."
"Oh, shut up Edward, seriously. I cannot think about you as a doctor." I pushed his hand away, and he
"Why don't you lay down for a bit and I'll bring you some food when you feel up to it?" Edward
kissed my forehead lightly.
"No, I'm fine really. Actually, I need to get going. Between the almost sex and then puking, I am
seriously fucking late."
Edward allowed me to pass, followed me as I gathered my belongings, and then walked me to the
main room. Leah eyed me with concern, but said nothing.
"Bewwa wook," Squeaks tipped her empty plate up to me, showing me she had eaten everything.
"That is wonderful, Sweetheart." I kissed her forehead, trying not to cry as my previous thought again
weighed down heavily on my mind.
"I'll be right back, Leah, just going to walk Bella to her car," Edward explained.
"Me come too," Squeaks said, holding out her arms for him.
"No honey, you stay here. I'll be right back," Edward kissed her and she lowered her arms, listening
to him.
Edward held me as we rode the elevator down, and I stole peeks of how we looked in the reflection
the steel walls displayed. We lookedright. His arms fit around me so perfectly, and if Ness was here,
people would no doubt assume she were ours; just as the waiter did that day in the caf, and just as
all the women did at the mall yesterday.
Looking at Squeaks, I could see how they could assume it too. My hair resembled hers, dawning the
same auburn tint and slight curl on the ends. Our skin had almost the same coloring. Her eyes, they
would assume came from Edward if they saw us together, making us a family to unknowing eyes.
My stomach rolled again, but I had nothing to give this time. I clung to Edward's shirt, trying hard not
to cry and finally, fucking finally, the doors to the elevator opened and we were free to step out.
Edward kissed me and checked my forehead again for a temperature once I reached my car. After his
inspection was complete, he allowed me to climb in and watched as I drove off. The last thing I saw
in the reflection was Edward standing in the street, looking sad and a little confused watching me as I
Something told me, it wouldn't be the last time I'd see him look that way.
Chapter Seventeen ~ Lesson in Goodbyes
Quote: Sir James M. Barrie
If you have it [Love], you don't need to have anything else, and if you don't have it, it doesn't matter
much what else you have.
6:45 pm
I was so fucking happy The Workshop was now closed on Sundays.
Not that I was happy about not making the extra money, but fuck, having a day off with no worries
about that place was like getting a buy-one-get-one-free special on cigarettes. Sure, I could afford the
fuckers, but who the hell doesn't love a deal?
Anyhow, I chose to close the restaurant on Sundays because traffic was slow as fuck, and, in truth,
cost me more money than we made to stay open.
Nothing wrong with cutting your losses, as my father would say.
Right now, I was especially happy because that meant I could enjoy my time at Edward's parents'
house without having to keep track of time and shit. Meeting his grandparents was a little scary
because I didn't really do the whole family scene well, as you know, but what the fuck ever.
Tonight was the last night I had left with Flower Child and Squeaks before I went off to Japan, and I
was going to love every minute of it. I don't care how much of an asshat his father wanted to be to
me, or if his granny hated me; no one would take away my happy time.
I also had fucking tiramisu in hand and fuck...who doesn't love tiramisu?
Only commies I tell you. Only commies.
My hand knocked lightly on the wooden door to the Cullen's house. As I waiting for someone to
answer, I balanced the desserts in my free hand and brushed my hair back with the other. It was a
little humid out and I cursed, thinking about how stupid it was not to tie my hair back in a ponytail. I
would for sure look like a poof ball come dinner time.
I hope Esme planned on eating inside because if we were out on the patio
"Bella!" Esme held out her arms to me once she opened the door.
"Hi." I one armed hugged her, being careful with the dessert in my hand.
"Come on in, dear," Esme pulled back and waved me in.
"Don't you just look wonderful. Let me see, twirl, twirl," she laughed, admiring my outfit.
I rather liked this woman.
"Those are just the cutest jeansand this topmy, my," she rested her hands on her hips and shook
her head.
"Thank you, you look very nice as well. I like the baubles. You're totally ball'n Mamma Cullen.
Seriously, makin' rappers jealous and shit." I threw one arm over her shoulder and she giggled.
I was being for real though. This 'lil bitch has some serious rocks going on. Why Edward worked for
me, I had no clue. I would be hittin' up the parents on the regular, and telling rude 'lil bitches, like
me, to shove my G'damn slaughterhouse fuckery up my ass.
"I am going to go find my grandbaby, and inform her that the person she has waited all day to see is
here," Esme smiled, looking at me as we walked. "You go right in and make yourself comfortable,
Esme walked towards the hallway, in search of Squeaks and I went towards the kitchen, in need of
having to refrigerate my heavenly Italian dessert before it became a heavenly Italian dessert soup.
"Edward, if you mess up my pie crust, I will beat you right where you stand, boy." I paused at the
entry way of the kitchen, hearing Flower Child being scolded.
"Grandma, I know how make a pie crust. No violence is necessary here," Edward laughed.
I peeked in, watching what was happening with Edward's back facing me. A woman half his stature,
with long silver locks, worked beside him. I laughed silently as she kept swatting his hand every time
he reached for something she must not have approved of in her crust.
No wonder Edward put up with my fuckery.
"Your mamma did not raise you right, you know that?" His Grandmother, Elizabeth, pushed him out
of the way and took the pie crust matters into her own hands.
"Suit yourself Grandma. I would rather be drinking and watching football anyhow," Edward walked to
the sink to rinse his hands.
I walked in, holding my finger over my mouth as Elizabeth looked up to me. I set the dessert down on
the counter quietly as he scrubbed his hands, and just as I was about to pinch his sides, Squeaky
ruined my ninja-like stealth.
Edward turned his head towards her, and saw me standing behind him.
"Were you trying to scare me?" he asked, highly amused.
"You're lucky I love you Squeaks," I reached down to pick her up.
"And my own Grandmother, in on the joke," Edward scowled at her, and she laughed.
"I am trying to figure out how it is that you are the executive chef of a million dollar establishment,
yet cannot make pancakes or pie crust Flower Child," I nodded to the island where Elizabeth worked
the dough.
"It's not my fault some people are control freaks, and feel the need to do everything themselves," he
shot back.
"Junior Cullen," His Grandmother looked up to him, holding the rolling pin in her hands," I am not too
old to use this as a weapon. Nor are you too old to receive a beating from one, understand?" she
made a face at him.
"Yes, Grandma I know. You enjoy assault in the kitchenoh, which reminds meGrandma this is
Bella," Edward teased, cupping his hand to my cheek.
"Hello, Bella. I have heard wonderful things about you. From both of my grandsons. I'd shake your
little hand there, but I'm rather floury," Elizabeth smiled.
"I'm not afraid of flour," I laughed and reached out to greet her properly.
I mean, the women basically told Flower Child off three times in my presence. How could I not?
"I know, as I also am aware of who you are," she winked.
"Mmm hmm, don't be shy about that stuff honey. If I owned fine eateries, I would wear a shirt
everyday saying so."
"Uh-huh," I looked over to Flower Child as the wheels turned.
"Please don't give her ideas Grandma. She'll have me out on the boardwalk with shit spray-painted
on my body."
"That's not a bad idea," I pretended to muse. Even though, that really WAS a good idea.
"Like I said," Edward motioned to me, looking at Elizabeth.
"Oh, like anyone wants to see you naked," she rolled her eyes, and I had to laugh.
"Okay, why don't we talk about something other than nudity and violence while my daughter is in
the room," Edward tried to pull Ness from my arms, but I slapped him, giving him a look that asked if
he was crazy.
"I have had the pleasure of dining at your New York and Paris locations, there little Missy. Worth
every penny, I must say," Grandma Cullen said, topping her pie.
"Thank you," I said, trying to mask how fucking truly happy that made me.
"I hear you have something exciting happening in Canada soon? Uh, what was it? In..." she waved
her hand at me to finish her thought.
"Whistler," I said softly, not wanting to talk about this.
"Yes, Whistler. Beautiful place, very wise choice," Elizabeth nodded.
"I didn't know you picked out a location yet?" Edward said.
"I didn't," I looked over to him and I could see the wall being built back up again. He thought I was
doing shit behind his back, or not being truthful.
"I don't always have a say in everything that happens. I sign the papers, but I'm not a location scout,
Edward. I'm a chef. Some dude that gets paid millions of dollars picked a nice spot in a high traffic
area. Not me."
"That man did a good job," Elizabeth interjected. "Whistler is going to be huge after they host the
winter Olympics. You'll be swamped for sure. What's the name of that place anyhow?"
"Invoke, for now. It's still far off, so who knows. After it runs through a hundred hands and shit, it
could be called fucking 'Big Top Mountain,' or 'Hairy Bear Balls,' or whatever stupid name they think
will draw in a crowd."
"Bad word, Bewwa," Squeaks pointed to me.
"I know, but lawyers really get my panties in a wad, Squeaky." I shook my head at her, and she
"Wats dat?" she pointed to the tiramisu still on the counter.
"Just one more thing I do better than your father," I teased.
"I'm going to go join Emmett for football in a non-Edward-bashing part of the house. You all have
fun." Edward started to walk away and I grabbed hold of his shirt, following him.
"Nice meeting you," I smiled, calling over my shoulder to his Grandma.
Ness wiggled her way down as we walked towards the theatre room, and we watched her run down
the hall.
"She thinks it's funny to run and jump on Emmett. You would think after the millionth time he would
learn to cup his balls, but the stupid bastard never does," Edward paused outside of the door. "Wait
for it," he held his hand up, tilting his head to the door.
"Holy!" Emmett's loud mouth sounded form the other side of the door, and I fell into Edward
"I told you." Flower Child's arms went around me, and I hugged him back.
"I'm sorry about before," I said, holding him tighter as I breathed in his heavenly scent.
"What are you talking about?" he shook his head, still holding onto me.
"The shit with the restaurant. I wasn't trying to hide anything from you or whatever."
"It's alright," Edward kissed my bare shoulder and my grip on him grew. "You smell and look
wonderful, Angel." He kissed me again, gliding his hands down my back until he reached my ass.
"Babe," I sighed, holding onto him tighter as he kissed his way into the crook of my neck.
"Dinner won't be done for an hour," he whispered, moving his lips towards my jaw.
I hummed, gripping the hairs on the back of his head as he made me walk backwards into an
unknown room. Edward's lips glided over mine as the door closed behind him, and he kept walking
My knees hit the back of something hard and we stumbled slightly, but recovered. Edward hoisted
me up and I heard piano keys fill the silence as my ass came down on them.
I grabbed at his shirt, trying to undo all the buttons as fast as I could with my shaky hands. The room
was dark too, and I couldn't quite see well enough to find them. Flower Child pulled my blouse over
my head, revealing the black lacy bra that I wore under it. His hands cupped my breasts, mashing my
cleavage together, and kissed the hills they formed with his warm lips.
I finally got his shirt undone, and he pulled it free while I then worked to unbutton his damn pants. I
had to wonder why this man chose to wear so many articles of clothing with G'damn buttons.
He stepped out of his pants, working to undo my belt and button on my jeans, all the while kissing
me with his cinnamon-flavored tongue in the most delightful way.
Flower Child's strong arms hoisted me up again so he could pull my jeans down. I kicked my heels
free, and once my bottoms and panties were off, he settled me back down, making the keys sound
I could tell from how the piano felt under me that it was older. The type that you would see in little
school houses and shit; with the high front and made of wood or what the fuck ever. It sure as hell
wasn't like the Baby Grand under the stairwell of this house, let's put it that way.
My hand stroked his cock several times in my hand, shivering in anticipation, knowing that what I
held would be filling me in moments. Edward brought my feet to rest on the piano keys, spreading
my legs for him, and I released him from my grasp.
"You know, I always hated the piano," he whispered.
Before I could respond, he pushed into me, resting his hands on the keys beside my feet, and began
to pump. I held onto his shoulders, trying not to slip off the small ledge I sat on, and with every thrust
the keys sounded softly.
I prayed no one would hear, thinking a fucking ghost or some shit was in this room pretending to be
G'damn Beethoven.
Edward pulled my feet forward, wrapping them around his waist, and held onto my hips as he
continued to fuck me, hard and all proper-like. My lips found his again, and I kissed him fervently,
needing as much of him as possible. His kisses were just as greedy, and he pumped me harder and
harder as the ire of our passion surged.
We were forming some sort of deranged orchestra of panting, piano playing, and sounds of him
slapping into my pussy with his cock.
It was sexy as fuck.
"EdwardI" I clenched onto his neck, feeling butterbean pulse as I began to cum.
"Come for me, Angel," he groaned against my lips.
"Babe," I panted.
"I wanna feel you Bella," his hand gripped under my head as he fucked me harder. "You feel so
fucking good when you cum."
And that made me lose my shit.
My face fell into the crook of his neck, as I panted his name, over and over, clutching to him with all
my might as I came hard.
I felt him swell inside of me, and his hands came around to release my legs from his waist, pushing
me back slightly. I let him go and my back fell against the wooden front of the piano.
"Fuck," he groaned, pulling out from me.
Edward came on the outside of my pussy, making me moan as his hot fluid ran down over
butterbean. His fingers captured his semen before it could run further down my body and into a
place that would make pulling out completely pointless.
"Fuck," Flower Child repeated again, leaning his forehead to mine.
"Mmm," I hummed against his lips. It was silent for a few minutes as we just kissed softly and tried to
come back down.
"Edward?" I said softly.
"Yes, love?"
"The piano keys are jamming me in the ass." I tapped one and he laughed.
"I'm jealous," he teased, but then helped me down.
"Can I ask something?" I reached down for my clothes, watching him as he searched for his. "Why did
you hate the piano?"
"Hmm?" he looked at me funny as we dressed.
"You said you hated the piano. Why?"
"Oh, my mother used to make me take lessons. I always hated it. I wanted to play football, and she
fucking signed me up for piano."
"So, you can play?" I pulled on my jeans, and watched as he tucked Lt. Dan to the left of his.
Butterbean smiled.
"Yeah, but it's been a long time." He pulled his shirt back on, and I helped him re-button it, now that
my eyes had adjusted to the darkness, seeing much better than before.
"You know, you just keep getting sexier, and I really must ask you to stop doing that," I poked him as
I finished the last button.
"You, my love," Flower Child cupped my face in his hands, "are sexy." He kissed me softly once.
"And beautiful."
"And sweet."
"And funny."
"Even though."
"You have the mouth of a fucking truck driver," Edward laughed against my lips, and kissed me again.
"Fucker," I slapped him playfully.
"Mmm, that's my girl." Edward picked me up, kissing me still as he walked towards the door.
"You know what's funny though, Bell?" Edward set me down once we reached the door.
"My mother used to try and trick me into taking lessons by telling me it would help me get a girl to
like me," he laughed.
"How'd that work out for you, Edward?"
"Took a long time," he smiled, leaning into my lips. "But it happened."
8:05 pm.
Grandma Cullen could cook.
Apparently she was originally from the south, and holy sweet baby cornbread people...she served us
up all proper-like.
Rose was joining us once again, but thankfully, I already warned Emmett earlier in the week, when I
found out, that I would fucking deck her if she started shit. It looked like he might have said
something, because she was totally ignoring me and Edward.
Which was perfect.
My plate was filled with fucking collard greens, sweet potatoes, fried fish, and motherfucking
This was all after I just banged Edward on his old piano.
How could things get any better?
Carlisle was joining us, out of the hospital now, but he stayed very quiet in his seat, not really looking
up or saying anything. Grandpa Cullen was a looker, let me tell you. If this was a preview to what
Edward would be as an old dude, I would totally want to be next to his saggy ass in a rocking chair
Cullen men and women for that matter aged like a fine wine.
"Grandma, are you sure you don't want to move in with me?" Emmett said, shoving a big forkful of
potato in his mouth.
"What would your girlfriend there think? You shackin' up with an old lady?" she teased.
"Wouldn't be the first time Grandma," Emmett waggled his brows, and Rose slapped him.
"This is seriously fureally good," I said, licking my fork.
"Thank you, honey. Wait 'til you get to my peach pie. That isif Cullen JR. there didn't mess up mah
crust too bad."
"Grandma, I know how to make crust," Edward laughed, taking a sip of his beer.
"Mmm hmm, well we'll have a table full of judges now won't wont we?" she waved her fork around
the table.
"Now you know why you have no affect on me," Edward said, looking at me.
"I thought," I reached under the table, grabbing his thigh hard, "I did?"
"Oh," he reached under the table and moved my hand to his crotch.
Thank God no one could see.
"You do. I was referring to the yelling though." Edward turned back to his food, and I grabbed his
cock hard in my hand, making him bite his lip.
"I'll be sure to work on that," I let him go, and watched his lips smile at my teasing.
"So Bella, are you leaving tonight or tomorrow, dear?" Esme asked.
"Tomorrow evening," I replied.
"Oh, night flight. Do you like those? I never did."
"It's all the same to me," I shrugged.
"Yeah, 'cause when you get to fly on Ramsey's personal plane, who the hell cares what time it is,"
Emmett laughed.
"Well that is very nice of him," Esme smiled.
"It's the least Gordon could do, seeing as how he is completely interrupting my life for five days," I
said sarcastically, picking up my wine.
"What exactly do you do there?" Elizabeth asked, bringing a forkful of greens to her mouth.
"I have to just make sure everything is in order. Sometimes I train, but this time it's pretty easy.
General maintenance and all of that," I set my wine down and went back to the food.
"Well, I think it is wonderful that Junior Cullen has such a great mentor in his life. He needs someone
to keep him in line. Do you know why?" Grandma Cullen settled her fork down and leaned over the
table a little, pointing towards Edward.
"These Cullen men have been blessed with good looks and they think they can get away with
"Grandma, please don't start," Edward leaned his head into his hands, laughing.
I guessed this was something they'd heard a few times before.
"Nah nah nah, listen," she waved her hand, and he looked at her, resting his chin into his palm.
"When you boys were little, and truly junior Cullens, you had all the ladies eating right out of your
palm. Bella," she looked at me, "I am telling you, I could not go into a supermarket with these two
devils, and not have a line of women gathered around me fawning over them. It made them have
inflated heads as grown men. Especially this one here," she pointed to Edward.
"How do you figure that?" Edward asked amused. "I haven't even ever had a girlfriend," he argued.
"You just answered your own damn question there, Junior Cullen. Think you are too good to settle
with one. Need them all."
"You have no idea how wrong you are," Edward laughed and grabbed his beer for a sip.
"Bella, seriously, if he tries to pull that crooked smile on you, then you better slap him one. This one
over here," she pointed to her husband. "He taught them that. And it works." Grandma Cullen
laughed and sure as shit Edward SR. smiled all crooked and shit, just like Edward.
She leaned in and kissed him, and then laughed.
"You see? Gets a girl every time."
Edward POV
After dinner, I helped clear the table with my grandmother while everyone else sat in the theatre
For the record, the pie was fucking perfect.
Even Bella said so.
"I have some words for you Junior Cullen," my grandmother said as I set the dishes into the sink next
to her.
"You always do," I hugged her shoulder with my arm as she washed.
"That woman, that Bella, she is divine." She looked over to me with her eyebrow raised.
"I know," I nodded in agreement, and could see that wasn't all.
"There something going on there Junior Cullen? I know I'm an old lady and all, but I don't think I have
ever seen my boy here invite a pretty lady to dinner before?"
"Bella's my boss, Grandma."
"She's been your brother's boss for quite a long time, and yet never appeared at a dinner before."
She wasn't letting this go.
"Grandma, it's complicated. We work together, and Bella travels a lot. Throw in the Nessie factor and
you have all kinds of trouble." I lowered my arm and took the plate she washed to dry it.
"You love her?" she asked, tilting her head towards me.
"Yeah, I do," I set the plate down and reached for another.
"She love you?"
"I don't know. We haven't really gone there, Grandma." I dried the plate and could feel her eyes
boring into me.
"Well, there's only one way to find out now isn't there?" she nudged me with her arm and I had to
"Yeah, I suppose so." I set the plate down and reached for another.
"Why don't you go on in and join everyone else. I'm about done here." She kissed my cheek and
made me scoot.
I knew better than to disobey her, so I left to find the others. Passing the same door from earlier, in
the hall leading to the theatre room, the thoughts came back into my mind of making love to Bella on
the piano. My cock pulsed thinking of how she felt, and how her words echoed in my ears.
Fuck, she owned me.
As I entered the room, Bella was cuddled up in a corner of the long sectional with Ness. My baby
looked sleepy in her arms, and Bella had a blanket from Ness' room draped over her. Emmett
scooted over to allow me to sit next to them, and Ness leaned forward, reaching for me once I sat
"You sleepy baby?" She nodded against me, and I cradled her in my arms, knowing there was no way
she would sleep in her bed with everyone in here.
Bella draped the blanket over her and tucked it under her chin.
"Kiss." Ness stretched out her arms to Bella, asking her for a good night kiss. She leaned in and kissed
her and then Ness reached up to me for one of the same.
"Good night sweetheart. I love you," I kissed her and she told me she loved me back.
It didn't take her long to fall asleep, and I turned my attention back to the T.V. to see that Emmett
was channel-surfing; which really drove me nuts.
"Just pick a channel man," I said, tilting towards him.
"I'm trying, too much shit to choose from." He continued to flip.
"Oh! Stop there," Rose pointed to the screen.
"Friends? Seriously hun?" Emmett scoffed.
"Friends is my favorite show of all time," she stole the remote from him.
"This is one of the worst shows ever made, totally unrealistic and shit," Emmett argued.
"Hey, will you two shut up. I have never seen this show, and would like a fucking clear mind going
into it," Bella said, turning her attention back to the screen.
As soon as the dialog began between the characters on the show, I fucking cringed.
Pheobe: Hang in there it's gonna happen.
Ross: Now, how do you know that?
Pheobe: Because she's your lobster.
Chandler: Ohshe's going somewhere.
Pheobe: Come on! You guys it's a known fact that lobsters fall in love and mate for life. You know,
you can actually see old lobster couples walking around their tank.
My whole G'damn body was frozen sitting next to Bella, fucking hearing that fucking fuckery play in
front of the whole G'damn room.
I didn't want to look at her, or for her to look at me.
I just wanted to dissa-fucking-pear.
Ness was a good distraction, and I looked down to her, pretending that shit did not just happen. Rose
was all giggley, and making baby talk to Emmett about how he was her damn lobster, and I no longer
wanted to think of Bella as my lobster seeing Rose taint the fucking theory.
I felt Bella shift next to me, and my chest fucking tingled and my heart pounded hard, not knowing
what she was going to do. I thought she might leave, seeing the light-hearted, yet, oh so heavy
symbolism the stupid lobster nickname held.
She didn't leave though.
Bella leaned against me, resting her head on my arm and sighed.
I wasn't sure what the fuck that meant, but I was happy as fuck she stayed.
Finally gaining enough courage to look down at her, I did, and when her eyes met mine, she fucking
smiled and leaned in for a light kiss. I could see it in her eyes, it was ok. She didn't mind that I
considered her my lobster. That I loved her and wanted to be with just her.
I suddenly felt the need to put Nessie to bed.
I wasn't sure how to do this. It needed to be comfortable for Bella, but special somehow. I thought
about going to the gazebo because the garden looked beautiful at night under the moon, but that
was sort of corny in a way. Plus, my house was full of people, and I didn't want an interruption; which
always seemed to fucking happen to Bella and I.
Walking past my old bedroom door after I walked from Nessie's room, it hit me. The one place in my
life that I felt completely uncomfortable in, and had no love for, would be the perfect place to reveal
this to Bella.
I entered the room and looked around. The bed was littered with papers, and some stuff my mother
has boxed up. This room was so pathetic looking and gloomy. How the fuck I grew up in it, I wasn't
Clearing the bed, I made sure to also change the sheets, as they smelled a little dusty. Anything that
might be just a little too fucking embarrassing, like old pictures or damn art projects, got tossed in
the closet too.
We didn't need to go there tonight.
My mother had a few candles in the bathroom, and I set one of them on the bookcase shelf in my
room and lit it. It wasn't too obvious or anything. Not looking like I was trying to be romantic, which
was good.
That would have felt awkward.
Bella was in the bathroom, and I waited for her against the balcony railing. She came around the
corner and smiled. I remained where I was, leaning on my forearms, and looked to the floor below.
"Sightseeing?" she teased, standing next to me.
"Definitely," I replied, looking back to her, and allowing my eyes to trail slowly over perfection.
"I've been warned about you Junior Cullen," she laughed, poking me with her finger. "You can't
swoon me quite so easily now."
"Then I guess I'll have to try harder, Angel," I leaned off the railing and held my hand out to her.
Bella took it, and I pulled her along with me towards my old bedroom. She didn't say anything, but I
could see her from the corner of my eye, looking at me. I opened the door and stepped in first, then
allowed her to pass me so I could close and lock the door.
"Is this where you were made?" Bella teased, looking around.
"Not technically," I said, making her laugh.
She looked around, eyeing my bookshelves and music collection as I took off my shoes. I walked to
my bed, sitting in the middle, and Bella continued to read the titles of the things on the shelves. I
wondered if she were truly interested, or just stalling.
"I didn't know you liked music so much, or reading," she said softly, fingering the bindings of the
"There really isn't much time for either anymore. Unless you count Dr. Suess," I replied.
"You read all of these?" she asked, turning her head to look at me.
"Most of them, yeah, but I totally blame most of it on being in a strict private school," I laughed.
"You went to private school?" Bella walked towards my bed and took a seat on the edge.
"You really think my mother and father would send us to public school? The fact that I am probably
the only Cullen, in the history of Cullens, who has not attended college and produced a degree, bugs
the holy fuck out of my father."
"You want to know something funny?" Bella asked.
"Of course," I replied, scooting a little closer.
"I never even graduated high school," Bella said, looking up at me through her long lashes.
"Yup. I dropped out when I was sixteen. Worked in my dad's diner full-time." Bella kicked off her
heels, and brought her knees to her chest, hugging them to her body.
"That's amazing," I said, staring at her.
"It's incredibly stupid," she argued.
"But you aren't. That's why it is amazing." I brushed her hair back and she looked away shyly.
Just fucking say it, dummy.
"I was thinking of staying here with Ness tonight. Would you stay too, Angel?"
"I don't know if your parents would like that very much," Bella shook her head, looking back to me.
"Rose is staying here with Em. They don't care. We're all adults, Bell."
"I don't have any clothes," she argued.
"I do." I climbed from the bed and walked to the dresser. "Would you like Batman, or fucking
Superman?" I held up my old pajama bottoms to her, and she fell back laughing.
"I hope there are pictures somewhere of that fuckery," Bella laughed.
"We'll go with Batman," I chose for her, and walked back over to the bed.
"Will you be Superman?" she teased, pulling her shirt off. "Then we could make a fort with the
blanket and plot to take over the world," Bella laughed, pulling my old PJ top over her head.
"Superman and Batman do not plot to take over the world, Angel. They plot to save it," I rolled my
eyes, huffing dramatically at her.
"Oh, excuuuuse me," she laughed.
I pulled off my shirt and tossed it to the floor as Bella slid off her pants, and I tried not to fucking look
at the sexy ass lace underwear she had on, but fuck, I was a man and couldn't really help that shit.
I left my pants on, needing to stay focused on my mission here, and sat beck on the bed, holding my
arms open for her. Bella lay against me, and traced her fingers over the art on my chest.
"What are you thinking about, love?" I asked, playing with her hair.
"Grandma Cullen's cornbread."
"You're lying in bed with me, half naked, and your thinking about my grandmother's cornbread?" I
"It was really good cornbread," she shrugged.
I lifted her chin so I could look at her, and knew if I didn't fucking say it now, I never would.
"Bell?" I said softly, looking into her eyes that were only illuminated by the faint glow of the candle.
"Have you ever been in love with someone?" As soon as the words left my mouth, I felt the goose-
pimples rise on my skin.
"No," she replied softly, her expression changing, for she was once again hiding.
Don't leave me now Bella.
"Would you want to be?" I asked, trying to rephrase my question.
"I don't know, Flower Child. I try really hard not to think about that stuff." Her breathing changed,
becoming harder as the panic started to set in. Bella's eyes danced around my face, trying to avoid
my eyes that were staring into hers.
Don't be scared Angel.
"What if someone was in love with you?" I thumbed her cheek, trying to get her to look at me, but
she wouldn't.
"I don't know," she whispered.
"What if I loved you?" That got her attention and she looked back up to me. "What if I thought," I
brushed my fingers over her face, "you were incredibly special and precious, and was so fucking in
love with you it drove me crazy?" Bella said nothing, looking at me, and I was afraid she would say
she 'didn't know' again and cop out. So I gave her one, but one of my choosing.
"Would you want me to tell you? Or would that scare you?" I held her gaze, until she closed her eyes
"Everything about you scares me, Edward," she whispered, still holding her eyes closed.
I could feel her tremble in my embrace, and I didn't want to be the one to cause her this fear. I only
wanted my words to comfort her, and fuck, maybe make her a little happy that she had this effect on
I stroked her face, trying to get her to calm down, and leaned in to her warm lips. The power in that
kiss was electrifying. My heartbeat sped, and Bella panted hard against my lips. I wasn't even really
kissing her, as our lips hovered over each other, barely making contact, but fuck, it was so
emotionally charged that it didn't even fucking matter.
"What if I just showed you then?" I whispered, kissing the corner of her mouth. "Will you just let me
show you, Bella?" I kissed her again, and she clung to me, holding onto my neck with all her might as
her lips came back into mine.
I took that as a yes.
I cupped her face into my hands and kissed her softly, trying to make good on my words. I wanted
her to feel how much I loved her through my touch. How precious her delicate skin was to me, and
how fucking good she felt against my lips.
As I kissed along her jaw, I rolled her to her side, still keeping my arm tucked under her neck so that I
could hold her face to mine. I took my time, dedicating my attention to every part of her perfection.
I kissed the scar above her left eyebrow having no idea how it ended up there, but back-logged it
into my memory, wanting to ask later and let her know it was a part of her that was imperfect, yet
To me.
Her bottom lip, that was bigger than her top, got special treatment as well because I fucking loved it.
And I sucked it softly, letting her know how much I truly did before I moved on.
Her chin was next, and I placed small feather-light kisses to the small dip it had from that previous bit
of perfection called her bottom lip.
Moving down her body, I sat up on my knees and straddled myself over her. My hands framed her
face, and I leaned into her neck, kissing under her jaw and then moving my lips back to her ear.
"I love you Bella," I whispered as my lips found the sensitive flesh under her ear. "You're my angel,
and I love you." I kissed her again and then continued my decent.
My hands slid down over her chest, slowly drawing up her tee shirt and revealing her luscious
breasts. I dipped my head to her right nipple, placing an open mouthed kiss to it.
"Edward," Bella breathed.
I kissed my way over to the left side, and repeated the same move.
"Perfection," I whispered against her skin, making my way back to the other side.
Bella's hand gripped my hair tightly as I took my time, showing her how much I loved her breasts.
They fit easily into my hands, and I held them there, kissing the cleavage that formed when I did.
"Babe," she whimpered, and my cock twitched hearing her call me that shit.
I knew it was the real Bella, my Bella saying it, and no one else.
I released her from my hands and traveled lower, kissing each one of her rib bones that showed, her
navel, and then the space right above where her panties began.
My hands pulled them down slowly, feeling the velvety skin of her silken legs as I did. Once I reached
her feet, I kissed the bottom of each, then lowered my lips back down to her body.
Butterbean was first, and I kissed her softly several times, holding Bella's thighs as she tried to close
her legs to the intensity. I drew my lips to the place where her leg joined her center, and she moaned
a little louder.
I came back to her sweet spot, kissing her clit again, and then a little lower. I licked the side of her
entrance, and she grabbed hold of my hand that was on her breast, intertwining our fingers.
My free hand pushed her leg back, palming the underside of her thigh, and bringing the lowest part
of her to my mouth, I placed an open-mouthed kiss over her entrance, licking her lightly.
Her grip on my hand tightened, and I repeated it again.
"You're gonna me cum baby," she panted, whimpering softly as I licked her again.
"Cum, my love." I licked her again, and watched as her lips fell open, crying out softly in hard pants as
she came.
I removed myself from her momentarily to remove my jeans, and reached to the bed-side table for a
condom, wanting her to know that I loved her enough to be fucking responsible, and not a G'damn
animal, like before.
Kissing my way back up her body, I settled myself between her legs. Bella drew me in with her legs,
but pushed my chest away with her hands. I sat back on my heels with only the head of my cock
inside of her, and she finally opened her eyes.
"I want to watch you. You're so beautiful," she whispered, roaming her eyes over my naked body.
I gave her what she asked for, and leaned forward on my left hand, as I cupped her ass into my right
for a better angle. I slid into her slowly, still trying to show her that I was making love to her, and not
just wanting to fuck, like earlier in the piano room.
She was tight, and wet, and warm, and fuck, watching me as I moved my body into hers.
Bella's fingers gripped my shoulder, trying to pull me down on her, and I let her, 'cause again, it was
all for her.
"You always feel so good," she whispered along the skin of my neck.
Her body tightened around mine, and I closed my eyes briefly to the sensation, wanting to stave it
off. Bella's hands pulled my face to hers, and she kissed my lips softly. Her feet came up higher along
my back, locking her ankles around me, and allowing me deeper inside of her.
"I want you to cum," she whispered, kissing me again.
I hit deeper, pressing my body as far as it could go without hurting her. I felt all of her around me,
and the same words I began with fell from my lips again without any reason, or want, or need to stop
staying them ever.
"I love you Bella," I kissed her hard as I thrust harder. "I love you so much."
"Me too, Edward," she breathed against my lips as I came hard. "Fuck, me too."
I held my place there as I buried my face into her neck, breathing hard, and fucking lived in that one
little euphoric moment in my life that I had to live for. Once the feeling simmered down, I pulled
myself from her, and tossed the condom to the waste basket, before rolling to my side. Bella lay
across my chest, and I allowed my hands to rake through her hair, committing its silkiness and
fragrance to my memory.
We laid there for a few minutes quietly, just enjoying each other. Her soft lips kissed my chest several
times as her fingers traced a pattern I couldn't distinguish. I loved how it felt though. The candle still
flickered lightly, casting a soft warm glow to the room, and I watched all of the shadows it played on
the walls.
"I need a smoke," Bella sighed.
"Where's your purse?" I asked.
"It doesn't matter, I didn't get a chance to stop for some and I'm out," she sighed again.
"You know," I laughed once. "I bet if I searched my old drawers, I could totally find a joint." I laughed
again and she moved her head to look at me.
"A bit of a stoner in your youth there, Flower Child?" she looked rather amused.
"It was a phase," I shrugged.
"Well, Cheech, I suggest you look for it." Bella rolled to her back and allowed me up.
"Pot-head," I teased, sliding off the bed.
I knew at some point I hid a joint or two somewhere in this room. The fact that I was still breathing
led me to believe Esme never found them after I moved out. I checked my old desk drawer, but
nothing was there, except some porn I hid under an old dictionary.
"Ah," I said, finally finding one in the bottom drawer of my dresser.
I grabbed the lighter from the bookcase and walked back over to the bed. Bella sat up, and I took a
seat next to her on top of the pillows. Thankfully the window was behind the bed. I unlatched the
hook to push it open, and the warm air of the night filtered in.
"It's probably too old to even fucking do anything other than make you choke," I laughed, lighting the
I took a hit, and wanted to recant my previous statement.
"I take that back," I passed it to Bella, and she scooted closer to the window, which put her closer to
"Did you ever get caught doing this as a kid?" Bella took a small hit and held it in.
"I'm still alive aren't I?" I reached out for the joint and she laughed, blowing the smoke out the
"I never did drugs growing up, you know that? Did you ever do anything passed this fuckery?" Bella
"No," I shook my head and passed it back to her. "Not that I couldn't have, but no."
"What do you mean?" I watched her lips as she took a hit.
"I went to school with rich kids, Bell. I was a rich kid myself. Access to shit is rather easy when you
have money, as you know." I took the joint back, and she nodded in understanding.
"Come here," I cupped her face into my hand and took a hit, bringing her lips to mine.
Bella opened her mouth against mine and I blew the smoke lightly inside. Her eyes closed as she held
it in. My lips kissed her face as I brushed her hair back over her bare shoulder.
"Better?" I whispered, still thumbing her cheek.
"Getting there," she smiled, barely opening her eyes.
"Bella you are high as fuck," I snickered, taking another hit.
"Can I have some?" she asked, leaning in towards me.
I cupped her face again, releasing the smoke into her mouth once more. My fucking dick pulsed at
how damn sexy that shit was. Apparently Bella thought so too, 'cause she fucking moaned a little as
she pulled back. I tossed the rest of the joint out the window and slid my hands under her ass,
bringing her to my lap.
"I don't want to go tomorrow," Bella said softly, leaning her head to my shoulder.
"You don't have to do anything you don't want to," I kissed her shoulder.
"Flower Child, you are supposed to help me down from the ledge, not tell me how to leap forward."
"I'm sorry. Selfish desires and all of that stuff, Bell," I held her tighter in my arms.
"Mmm hmm," she hummed.
"Are you ready for sleep?"
"I'm ready to ravage the fridge downstairs," Bella leaned away from me, and I shook my head.
"Fucking munchies," I sighed, laughing lightly.
"Mm. You know, no one ever did eat my damn tiramisu."
"You brought tiramisu?" I asked surprised. "Why the hell didn't you say so earlier?"
"I was enraptured in southern comfort food, babe. Italian delights were nowhere in my thoughts."
She climbed off my lap and slid off the bed.
I slid off too, and reached for my clothes from the floor, only bothering to put my jeans back on. Bella
put my Batman pajama top back on and pulled on her jeans too. I took her hand as we walked down
the staircase towards the kitchen.
The house was pretty quiet, and I was glad to see the kitchen empty.
Bella pulled out the dessert from the fridge, and I grabbed plates and spoons for us. She hopped up
on the counter, and I handed her a large spoon to scoop the tiramisu out from the dish.
"Here, babe," she handed me my bowl, and I kissed her to say my thanks.
I stood against the counter next to her as we ate. Bella's tiramisu, like all of her other food, was
fucking perfect. Sometimes, I wondered if there wasn't anything she couldn't make.
"Edward, why did you steal a bike?" Bella asked, staring off into space as she licked her spoon.
"You said you stole a bike once. It was a long time ago. I wondered why?" She was still staring off as I
looked at her.
"Remind me to never offer you pot again, love," I laughed, looking back to my bowl.
"I'm not that fucked up. I just want to know about the bike, stupid," she hit me with her spoon,
splattering tiramisu on my shoulder.
"No food fights in my mother's kitchen, please," I looked over my shoulder to her.
"Sorry," Bella leaned forward and licked it off. "Still waiting to hear about the bike."
"Keep licking shit off of me, and I might just tell you," I teased.
"You're insatiable, you know that?"
"It's not entirely my fault," I looked her over, and she smiled shyly, then went back to eating.
"I stole the bike," I sighed hard, not really wanting to talk about this shit, but fuck, what was left to
hide at this point. "Because my father promised me he would buy me one for my birthday, and he
"So you were like rebelling or some shit?" Bella asked, bringing her spoon to her mouth.
"Sort of. I guess I wanted to prove to him that I didn't need him to help me get shit."
"You haven't changed much, babe," Bella smiled, holding the back of the spoon to her lips.
"Neither has he," I shot back.
"So, why didn't he buy you the bike? Were you like, in trouble or something?"
"No, he just forgot." I looked back to my bowl, but no longer felt very hungry.
"But it was your birthday? Your father forgot your birthday?" Bella said softly.
"Exactly," I pushed off the counter and tossed my bowl into the sink.
I washed my hands and then the bowl, and fuck, Bella was still staring at me, and I knew she wasn't
letting this go. After I dried it, I set it in the dish-rack and turned to her.
"I fucking bugged Carlisle for this stupid bike I wanted, and he told me that if I kept my grades up and
didn't miss any of my chores, he would buy it for me for my birthday. My grades were fucking
perfect. I even did extra credit, and asked my mother to make the teachers cookies and shit to stay
on their good side.
"Every last stupid little chore he had on his G'damn list was done on time to his satisfaction, but on
my fucking birthday, there was no bike. Not only was there no bike, but he didn't even come home
that night.
"When he did come home the next morning, all of the fucking decorations were still up in the house,
and he actually had to ask my mother what they were for. So yeah, he forgot." I turned back around,
feeling pissed off as all hell having to rethink that shit, and put the dessert back into the fridge.
"I think your father just upgraded from asshat to a motherfucking asshat in my book, Edward." Bella
hopped down from the counter and set her dish in the sink.
"Are you ready for bed, Bella?" I asked, not wanting to talk anymore about my childhood bullshit.
"Yeah. I think I need a lift back to the room though," she closed her eyes and leaned against the
"Come on," I hoisted her up into my arms to carry her back to my room.
"Yes, love?" I said, walking up the steps with her.
"You're mother's house has too many stairs," she shook her head against my shoulder.
"Don't say that in front of her please. She has been bugging my father for an elevator for months."
"Really?" she asked.
"Yes, really."
"What?" I asked, wondering what she was up to.
"Nothing," she lied.
I knew she was up to no good.
Once we reached my room, I sat her down gently on the bed, and helped Bella tug off her jeans,
before taking off my own. She curled up in my bed like a cat, and I spooned behind her, holding her
securely in my arms. My chin rested against her shoulder, and I breathed in all her beauty and
"I love you, Angel," I whispered, kissing her head softly.
"Me too, babe," Bella said softly, sending a small jolt of electric happiness through my chest as she
snuggled closer to me.
Bella's three words weren't the same as mine, but yet, they were just as powerful.
"You know, you didn't do any challenges today Flower Child," she mumbled.
"On the contrary, I believe today was the biggest challenge of all," I kissed her hair again, hoping she
would understand what I meant and thankfully, she did.
"I supposed it was."
Bella POV
8:45 am
You see those dots?
That was my fucking heart flat lining as Edward's eyes bore into mine, telling me with his stupid
perfect mouth that he loved me.
And you fuckers! You fuckers knew it and left me out there to suffer.
What the hell people?
Fuck, he was adorable.
And fuck again, too damn swoon-worthy for my health.
Seriously I thought my heart was going to jump out of my chest and start doing the G'damn Achey
Breaky people!
Shit, I told the fucker I loved him too.
Okay, well, not really, but fuck, well yeah I did. They weren't the same fucking words, but Edward
knew what the fuck I meant. I felt it in his touch, and none of that sad puppy shit lingered in his eyes,
so I knew that he knew.
Fucking stupid grandfather of his, teaching him all that fuckery with pwning a girl.
G'damn Cullens.
I kissed his damn good Edwardly-smelling-ass-neck as I woke up, and he held me tighter, kissing me
in response; even though he was barely awake. Today was going to suck. The next five days,
truthfully. I was not looking forward to this shit.
"Hungry. Need food," I whined.
"You're not even awake," Edward's laughter vibrated against my chest as he held me to him.
"Mmm hmm. Want food. Need food," I pushed against him.
"Can't we just sleep for like five more minutes?"
"Flower Child. Feed," I pushed him hard. "Me," I pushed him again.
"You're really lucky I love the shit out of you Bella." He rolled to his back and looked highly annoyed
with me as he climbed out of bed. "By the way," he pulled on his pants, "you sound like the damn
plant from Little Shop of Horrors."
"Feeeed me Syemore! Feeeed me now!" I laughed, rolling back into the bed.
"Exactly," he tossed me my clothes, and I sat up to get dressed.
After we were changed, we walked into the kitchen, and I instantly regretted my existence, seeing
Rose look me up and down.
"Long night?" she asked, giving me her bitch face.
"Actually," I sat down in the stool across from her, "after dinner I gave blow jobs to every male
member of the Cullen family. Gramps is rather difficult to get off, and I am really quite tired." I stared
at her, and I could see the shock hit her eyes.
"Would you like coffee then, Bella?" Esme asked, not skipping a beat.
Did I say I loved her?
"Please," I replied, still looking at Rose.
Fucking say something bitch, just fucking say it.
"So, um, I was wondering something about your orders?" Rose asked.
"What about them?" I said lamely as Esme sat my coffee down, even kissing my hair as she did.
"Well, I was thinking that maybe if you added some of our pastries to your dessert menu, I could cut
you a deal."
"I don't know. Submit the paperwork and I'll look it over." I shrugged.
"I'm trying to be nice to you," Rose scoffed.
"No, you're trying to use my business as a promotional front for your own under the guise of a
bargain." I set my spoon down and looked at her. "And I wasn't fucking born yesterday." I held her
gaze and she fought to say something, but came up blank.
"Rose, if you want your fucking food on my menu, or my fucking respect, don't bullshit me. Just
fucking ask me for what you want. Secondly, don't think because Emmett is your man that I am going
to say yes." I picked up my coffee and took a sip.
"Fine," she huffed. "If I cut your cost by ten percent, would you add a selection of our pastries to your
damn menu?"
"Twenty," I countered, looking down to my mug.
"I said twenty Rosalie because I fucking meant twenty. I'm not the fucking Price is Right dude. There's
no wheel here, or fucking Plinko game. Twenty is the offer. If you are really that stupid that you can't
see that giving up twenty percent of my cost, in exchange for being featured on the dessert menu, is
a fair deal, then you are justwell fucking stupid." I waved my hand and went for my coffee again.
"Twenty percent is cutting my profit by half, Bella."
"And adding you to my menu will increase your profit by sixty percent," I took a sip and swallowed,
"minimum." I set the coffee down and could see the green money hamster doing fucking laps in her
"How do you know?" she eyed me.
"Fuckin A." I smacked my head, "I'm not going to take you to business school. You either say yes or
"Maybe I should write up a contract for the two of you," Carlisle interjected.
"Maybe you should stay out of it. Number one, no contracts are being made here other than verbal
ones, and number two, I happen to have a very capable legal team." I looked back to Rose.
"I was just trying to help and make it fair," Carlisle said, causing me to look back to him.
"Fair? Let me tell you about fair, since apparently neither of you two numbskulls know anything
about what the hell you are saying. While you simply propose a deal to me," I pointed to Rose, "you
don't consider how much shit you are putting on my plate. Not only do I need to figure out menu
selections to incorporate your fuckery into my fuckery, but I also will have to pile even more shit
onto the huge heap of shit Flower Child already has on his pile.
"Fair? Ha. Fair my ass, lady. I should be getting that shit at cost. That would be fair. I have no time for
this shit this week, so unless you're gonna put on your big girl panties and deal up, take the fucking
thing off the table and leave me and my fucking coffee alone," I shook my head, taking a sip.
I was NOT taking anyone's shit this morning.
"By the way," I turned to Esme, "a fucking elevator would be an awesome addition in this house, and
do wonders for the value if you ever sold it."
There, NOW shit was fair.
That shit with Flower Child pissed me off. I could see how hurt he was in his face last night, even
though he tried really hard to hide it. I swear, if his father hadn't just had a damn heart attack, I'd be
ripp'n him a big one right now.
Okay, a bigger one than I was already ripping.
"Eggs," Flower Child set my plate down, giving me a look of warning.
"Thaaaank-you-Pump-kiiin," I said, smiling wryly at him.
"Mo'nin all!" Grandma Cullen sang, coming in with a handful of flowers, and Grandpa Cullen on her
arm. "How is my favorite family this mo'nin?" she laughed.
Looked to me like Grandma Cullen got her groove on last night.
Mmm hmm, I said it.
"You look pretty smiley this morning," I said, unable to shut my damn mouth.
"Well, honey I tell you. This here man might be old, but he still knows how to keep a lady satisfied."
Knew it! I fucking knew it!
"Grandma!" Edward and Emmett said at the same time.
"What? I was talking about these here flowers," she held up the bouquet in her hands. "Perverts."
She scoffed.
"Yeah, perverts." I shook my head, and she winked at me.
"Pappa wook!" Ness came running in behind them holding up a grouping of flowers to him.
"Those are beautiful baby. Now go hand them to Grandma Esme, and punch her in the stomach so
she'll get off my case," he teased.
"Edward," Esme warned.
"I'm just kidding honey," he leaned over and picked her up, whispering something in her ear.
"Bewwa hewre," Squeaks held them out to me and I had to fucking blush just a little, knowing that
Edward told her to do that shit.
I took her from Edward's lap, ignoring my food, and kissed her in the crook of her neck, which I knew
tickled like a motherfucker, 'cause Edward did that shit all the time. Ness squealed, laughing hard,
and I tickled her more, until she was asking me to stop in hysterical giggles.
"Teach you to conspire against me with your father," I smiled, leaning in to kiss her again.
"Can," she swallowed and took a deep breath, "you hewlp me do's dis?" Squeaks pointed to her hair.
"Will you help me do mine?" I laughed, pointed to the tangled mess I had going on.
"Yup," she nodded.
"You see," I looked to Rose, "a five year old can close a deal better than you."
I walked in to Ness ' room, and saw Bella sitting on the floor with her. There was a mirror, I
recognized, propped up against the wall in front of them, and Ness was holding the blow dryer to
Bella's hair as Bella talked loudly on her cell phone.
It sounded like she was on the phone with Gordon since the words Japan and fuck came up every
two minutes.
I took a seat on Ness ' bed to watch this interaction.
Bella and Ness that is, not Bella and Gordon.
My daughter waved the blow dryer in front of her as Bella raked her fingers through her hair, all the
while chatting away on the phone. Ness never took her eyes off Bella to look at me sitting there, she
just stared at her, lost somewhere in the magic that was Isabella Swan.
Bella never saw me sitting there either. After she hung up the phone, she took the blow dryer from
Ness, and started blowing her curly hair, making good on her deal to do Ness' hair.
Once her hair was dry, Bella grabbed some type of girl shit hair product out of her purse and rubbed
some in her palms, smoothing it over Ness' hair.
"Was dat?" Ness asked, watching Bella in the reflection of the mirror.
"Johnathon Anton's Finest, Squeeks."
"Whos dat?"
"A famous hair dresser that I would no doubt leave your father for," Bella laughed.
"Smells petty," Ness smiled, pointed to the mirror. "Wike Bewwa."
"At twenty bucks an ounce, Squeaks, it better," Bella said smiling. "So, you want a ponytail, a head-
band, or clips?"
"Bof," Ness nodded once.
"Let's go with clips Squeaks, I am not that talented," Bella laughed, reaching into a bin my mother
kept Ness' hair stuff in.
"Yeah, babe," Bella answered, brushing Ness' baby fine hair straight.
"Why did mommy go?"
My fucking heart jumped into my throat at the same time Bella's hand stopped brushing Ness' hair.
"She got a job honey," Bella said looking at Ness in the reflection.
"Wike Pappa?"
"Sort of," Bella said softly and I wasn't sure if this was where I should interject or not.
It wasn't Bella's job to explain this to her, but at the same time, I didn't want Ness to stop asking. She
might clam up on me again, and she needed to know about this. She needed to ask if it was
bothering her.
"She come back?" Ness looked down, playing with her toes.
"I don't know honey."
"Mommy doesn't wike me," Nessie said softly.
"That is not true," Bella cupped her hand under Ness' chin and tilted her head up.
"There is nothing about you not to like. You are beautiful, and sweet, and loving, and you're not ever
allowed to think anything else, understand?" Bella said and Ness nodded to her.
I wanted to knock Jessica the fuck out.
"Will you be my mommy, Bewwa?" Ness leaned against Bella's chest, and Bella hugged her arms
around her tightly.
"I wish I could sweetheart." Bella kissed her head lightly, "I wish I could." They sat there like that for a
few minutes as Bella rocked my daughter softly.
"My mommy left too Ness. I know how you feel, honey. It sucks, and sometimes mommies don't
even deserve to be considered mommies. But you know what? We got lucky, and got to have good
daddies. So it's okay that our mommies suck major ass," Bella sniffled.
"Plus, you have a really awesome fake aunt. So seriously, your mommy being gone, it's no big deal,
'cause I'll always be your aunt who loves you more than anything. And you'll always be my Squeaky.
"Kay," Ness sighed.
"Okay," Bella kissed Nessie's head again, and then released her, wiping her face free from tears.
"Can I has dis one?" Ness held up a clip to Bella, and she laughed.
"Sure," Bella went back to doing her hair.
I snuck out of the room, not wanting Bella to know that I saw what happened. I wasn't really sure
why, but it just kind of felt wrong for spying on something so intimate between them.
Bella drove with me back to The Workshop.
We had things to go over before she left tonight, and I was driving her to airport, anyhow. I could see
her sadness as she stared out the window of the Volvo, biting on her lip. She kept her thoughts to
herself though, and I didn't want to ask.
Once we arrived to the restaurant, she walked silently with me to her office. I pulled up a seat next to
hers so she could go over all of the reports and shit with me, as well as a slew of other shit.
After Bella explained everything, short of how the world was created, to me, she allowed me to go to
the kitchen and start prep for this evening. My mind was a little on overload, and the work was
actually quite good. Keeping my hands busy, and focusing on a physical task, was helping to keep my
shit together.
After Seth came in, I gave him the rundown for what was going on, and then his instructions for the
hour I would be gone to take Bella to the airport. I hoped he could handle it.
Emmett called our meeting to order at 5:45 since Bella was still freaking out over shit in her office,
and I couldn't help but fucking look around and think about how this was what it would look like in a
few months when Bella was gone.
I tried to pay attention to Em, but my mind wandered, not really interested in hearing him go over
fucking numbers and statistics. I wanted fucking Bella cursing and making fun of people. Hell, even
her standing there poking fun at me, or making me squirm...whatever.
It just wasn't fucking right without her.
None of this, none of this was fucking right without Bella.
My stomach tied itself into a tight knot as I walked back to the kitchen to begin service. I felt like
kicking something or fucking hitting someone. If Seth fucked up tonight, I felt really sorry for his ass.
The restaurant was busy as fuck tonight, of course, and it only made my irritation grow further.
Bella came in around seven and walked around, checking shit out, but said nothing before slipping
out the back door. I tried to focus on what the fuck I was doing, but that damn propped open exit
door that led to Bella was staring me down, begging me to walk through it.
"You're on the pass, Seth. DON'T fuck it up," I tossed down my towel and stepped out from behind
the steel table.
Bella was sitting on our palettes smoking when I stepped outside. She didn't look at me, and I
wondered why as I took a seat next to her. Bella passed me her cigarette, still looking forward, and I
took it from her.
"I'm sorry," she said softly.
"For what?" I asked, brining the cigarette to my lips.
"For the shit with Jessica," her voice broke, and I saw tears stream down her cheeks.
"We're over all of that, Angel," I shook my head.
"No, I never said I was sorry, and that was incredibly selfish. I just," she closed her eyes, shaking her
head. "I just saw you sitting there that night andthe way you looked Edward," she opened her eyes,
but still looked forward as more tears fell.
"You broke my heart, and even though I didn't know whyI just wanted to protect youand Squeaks.
That day, when Jessica came to my office and sat there, she was so fucking wrapped up in her own
world and just gaveshe just fucking gave Ness away," she sniffled again, and swatted away tears
from her right cheek.
"Now fucking Squeaks thinks she's not worthy of Jessica. Likelike fucking Jessica is anyone anyway."
Bella closed her eyes again and I tossed the cigarette away so I could hold her.
"It's not your fault Bella," I hugged her in my arms, kissing her head. "Jessica fucking sucks as a
mother, and it's not your fault. I don't blame you, and I am not mad at you. I heard what you said to
Ness this morning, and I haven't ever loved you more than in that moment, sweetheart." I kissed her
head again, closing my eyes, with her wrapped in my arms.
"I meant what I said. I promise," Bella whispered.
"I don't understand."
"That I'll always be there for her, even though I won't always be here. You know what I mean though,
right?" she asked.
"Of course, Angel. That's why we love you."
"Me too," Bella kissed my neck, and I was about to kiss her back, when fucking Seth came out and
interrupted our moment.
Bella sat straight up and turned away as I faced Seth, giving him the look of death.
"What do you want fucker?" I asked, fucking annoyed.
"Um, I ran out of something, and people are asking for it," Seth pointed nervously towards the
kitchen, and I sighed hard.
"Can you count to eighty-six Seth?" I asked.
"Uh, yeah," he nodded.
"Good, 'cause your ass is running eighty-six times around this building. And then you can come back
and explain to me what the purpose of having an 'eighty-six' board in the fucking kitchen is," I twirled
my finger, signalling for him to start.
I heard Bella laughing next to me.
"Oh, and while you're at it, you can go fuck off down on the pier, and bring me back eighty-six fucking
reservations for tomorrow night." Seth began to run, and I called out to him again.
"And after that, you can bring me fucking eighty-six phone numbers from the gay bar down the
street, all autographed to you, fucker."
Bella fell to her side laughing hard against the pallet.
"Eighty-six gay numbers," Bella laughed harder. "Oh, my fuck. That shit is good."
"Fucker interrupted a special moment," I leaned over and kissed Bella's cheek.
"That he did," she sat up and wiped her eyes.
"You see this right here, Bella," I cupped her face into my hands. "This is the only way you should
ever look," I kissed Bella's forehead. "Happy."
I stood with Bella as they loaded her luggage, which surprisingly wasn't very much, onto Ramsey's
private plane.
My head, was going a million miles an hour as the clock ticked down to my final seconds with her.
My arms, could not have held her any tighter.
My lips, could not have kissed her enough.
My heart, couldn't possibly ache anymore than it already did.
My eyes, would never be able to capture all of her beauty, and remember it in such a way that did
her justice.
"I'll miss you," she whispered into the crook of my neck.
"Just please be careful, and call me as soon as you get there, no matter what time it is," I kissed her
head again.
"I will, babe."
"We're ready to board when you are, Miss Swan," the attendant said, walking passed us.
"I have to go," Bella pulled back from me, and I captured her face into my hands, pulling her to my
"I love you, Angel," I whispered before kissing her again.
"Me too, babe," Bella kissed me once more, and then I let her go.
She didn't look back as she climbed inside, and that was good. I wanted my last vision of her to be
Bella accepting my love, and returning the same sentiments.
As the plane door closed and locked, I walked towards the way we entered, and pulled my cell from
my pocket. I thumbed through until I found the only name on the list that mattered, and clicked the
text icon to leave her with one last message.
Be safe. I love you.
Chapter Eighteen ~ Single Serving
3:45 am
Fucking Brad Pitt. Fucking hotel movies. Am I not in G'damned Japan? Is there not some movie on
that isn't fucking all Americano and shit?
I flipped angrily through the channels in my hotel room. That stupid movie, with stupid Brad Pitt was
the only thing on that held any interest for me, and I hated him more for it. I mean, I did not want to
hear about single-serving anythings right now.
It was all true though.
As a person who traveled a lot, I could totally relate.
Okay, well actually it was the other dude, whose name I didn't know, saying all the single-serving
fuckery, but I digress.
The point is, his shit about how everything you get when you travel is served up in a single-sized
form, is totally motherfucking true and ultra depressing.
From the damn little baggy of peanuts on the plane to the damn mini tube of toothpaste in the hotel
bathroom, it was nonstop.
Mini shampoos were not cute to me unless they belonged to a mini Squeaky.
I tossed the remote to my side, and rolled over in bed to bury my face in the white pillows that
smelled like the same disinfectant spray every hotel smelled like.
I eyed my phone and debated.
It had only been a few hours since I last talked to Flower Child. Would he think I was crazy if I called
him again? Especially if all I had to say was that Fight Club was getting on my nerves?
He said to call him whenever you wanted or neededand that he loved youand that he missed
As I reached for the phone, it rang and I smiled, thinking it was him. I didn't even bother to look at
the caller ID as I answered. I mean, who else would it be?
"Hey babe," I said, smiling all girly and shit.
"Babe? I didn't realize we had that sort of relationship, Missy."
Fuck, it was Gordon.
Of course.
"I thought you were someone else, like, someone you have taken me away from for 5 motherfucking
days," I sunk down further into the bed.
"So sorry. I thought you rather enjoyed Tokyo?"
"I enjoy getting fucked all proper-like Gordy, AND sleeping in a bed that doesn't smell like G'damn
Lysol Headquarters."
"Well, I'm sorry I can't help with the first," he laughed. "But if you like, I can have the fucking
housekeeping staff refrain from using harsh chemicals on your linens, darling."
"No, I'm just being a twat. What's up?"
He went on to explain what he needed from my 'inspection' tomorrow, and made small-talk about
bullshit. Normally, I enjoyed talking to Ramsey, but not right now. I just wanted to talk to Flower
Child or fucking Squeaky. Hell, I'd settle for Emmett.
I just wanted a motherfucking Cullen voice damn it.
After I hung up the phone, I took a shower and then came back to 'attempt' to go back to bed. I, of
course, failed and fucking tossed and turned. I was going to feel like real shit today. Jet lagged, tired,
grumpy, and not all freshly fucked oh yeah, today would not be the day to fuck with me.
For this Bella Swan was what well organized staff, and fucking successful businesses were made of.
Not that other girl, who got fucking owned by stupid, crooked-smiling bastards who made good ass
pie crust, and burgers, and fucking pizza, and all that other shit Edward owned my ass with.
I grabbed the phone and hit the fucking key to his number, not giving a shit if he thought I was crazy.
I mean, fuck, didn't he already?
It rang four times and went to voice mail.
There was no way I was going to get any sleep. I climbed out of bed again and walked to the large
windows of my room, overlooking the city below. This hotel, Conrad, sat 37 floors overlooking the
Tokyo Shiodome area. It was fucking breathtaking, but here, alone, pointless.
The lights painted a colorful picture below against the dark night. It was cold outside, only registering
about 30 degree, and the chilly air steamed against the warm light bulbs. I wanted so badly for
Flower Child to be able to see it.
Walking back over to my suitcase, I pulled out my digital camera and clicked it on. After I turned off
all the lights in my room, I snapped some pictures, and then went back to my suitcase for some warm
Once my clothes were on and I was bundled up, I made my way out into the hotel to snoop around. I
photographed the long hallway and all of the elegant art along the walls. Inside the actual restaurant,
I took pictures of the dining room. The fireplace area was always my favorite. The glass case lined the
lower portion of the wall along the room. I lay on the carpet and snapped a few shots of it.
Next was the kitchen, and then the large chandelier hanging over the VIP table. The view from here
was amazing as well, as it sat on the highest floor, so I took some extra picture of that as well. I just
wanted Edward to be able to see it all, to be able to envision it in his mind by looking at these.
There was more though.
I made my way down to the lobby and exited the hotel. The air was seriously fucking cold, and I
instantly started to shiver as I walked along. Even though it was late, the street was still buzzing with
people. Vendors lined the roadside, selling all types of food and souvenirs. There was a cute, pink
stuffed-bunny on one of the stands, and I stopped to buy it for Squeaks.
A different vendor had t-shirts, and I had to laugh looking at one that said, "I'm huge in Japan". It
instantly made me think of Emmett, for various reasons, and I purchased it for him. For my staff, I
bought various things, mostly cheesy shit, but I still had not found anything for Flower Child.
I decided to just settle on taking the pictures tonight.
There were some vending machines gathered in the center of the plaza, and I snapped some pictures
of them, knowing he would think a vending machine containing gourmet food would be funny.
There was something there in that, wasn't there?
I mean, who else could I send a picture of a fucking vending machine to, and have them understand
what the fuck I meant?
No one
The Sanrio store was nearby and I walked to it, wanting to take a picture for Ness too. Edward said
she was doing alright, which was good to hear, but I still wanted her to know that I was being
truthful. That day when she sat on my lap in The Workshop, I whispered in her ear that I would bring
her back all of Hello Kitty's friends when I arrived.
I, of course, whispered it so Edward wouldn't hear and freak out.
After I finished taking my pictures, I walked back to my hotel, grabbing some type of spring roll thing
from a street vendor on my way. It was quite delicious if I do say so. Usually, most street-cart food
Earlier in the day, when I was in Gordon's restaurant, I had taken pictures of the food and the chefs
for Edward. He would love how beautiful the dishes looked, and the creativity, as he too was very
Thoughtful. That is what I like best about Edward's food, I think. It is thoughtful.
Back in my room, I loaded up the pictures onto my laptop, and then emailed them off to him. I
looked over at my phone, still sitting on the bedside table, and smiled, seeing it flashing. I flipped
open the lid and smiled again, seeing a text from him.
Angel, sorry I missed your call. If you are still awake, call me back.
I love you
- E
I started to text him back.
Go to my office and check your email, babe. BTW, spring rolls at 3am pwnd me.
I love
My finger lingered over the next letter nervously.
It wasn't that I was being a big baby and couldn't say it. It was justwell okay people, level with me
here. You have watched that fuckery of a movie Ghost with damn Patrick Swayze and shit, right?
I have a PS love affair, yes, I know.
Anyhow, my point is that you know how he tells Demi "ditto" when she says she loves him? Well
folks, I'm having a Ghost sort of moment with this shit. I mean, when he told Demi that saying ditto
was more important to him 'cause everyone says I love you, I totally understood the man.
Me telling Flower Child 'me too' was MY ditto.
When he made love to me that night in his old bedroom, I could feel the depth of what he felt. The
power. The tenderness.justall of it. It matched how I felt on every level. So yeah, I said fucking me
too, because I wanted him to know that everything he felt, I fucking did too.
And that shit was more than a simple I love you.
I erased my text and started over.
It's okay. I left you some pics in an email. You can use my office to look at them when you get a
chance. I miss you babe.
Show Squeaky the Sanrio store and let her know I'll be there in a few hours when they open. :D
Me too babe Lobsters for life :D
I sat down on my bed and sighed. A few minutes later he texted me back.
Check your email, Angel.
I laughed and walked back over to my laptop. He replied to my email.
You have been quite busy I see.
Fucking sushi in a vending machine? Seriously? LOL.
The restaurant looks beautiful, though, I have seen something that would surely surpass it. It is about
5'1", long brown hair, and has a really delicious looking ass.
Oh, and really fucking exquisite caramel-colored eyes.
Squeaks has you close to her heart, tucked away in the Hello Kitty locket.
Get some sleep, Angel. Thank you for the pictures, you made my day.
I love you,
P.S. No more walking around the streets at 3 am please (don't lie to me either, cause I saw the time
on the pics, my lovely). If something happens to my lobster, I'll be a very lonely man for the
remainder of my existence. Seeing as how you said 'for life'. :)
And I attached something for you to sleep to. It is an 'updated' version of Grandma Cullen's lullaby.
I laughed at him. Fucking fatherly bastard.
Adorable fatherly bastardbut still
Going back to his last line, I looked to the link he attached and clicked on it. A soft melody began to
play, and I was a little in shock at how close it really did sound to the song Edward hummed to me.
I never heard the lyrics before though, and once I did, I fucking got all teary eyed and shit. My heart
seriously burned in my chest, and I had to lean my head on the table to listen to it. My eyes closed,
and I just fucking saw Flower Child, and nothing else under my lids.
It was his face smiling at me with all his charm.
I thought back to Edward sitting that first week with Nessie in the caf along the beachside. The way
he looked at her, the love he had in his eyes. I needed to see her too though, so I remembered the
way she looked that day in his arms, as she played with the art on his chest when he told her she
couldn't come with us.
She wanted to cry
I lifted my laptop from the table and walked with it over to my bed. It took the place Edward would
have laid in if this were his bed, and I hit the button to replay the song again. I wanted to fall asleep
with him in my head.
As the lyrics drowned me into me dreams, I pictured the way Edward's lips felt on my skin as he
kissed me in his bed, and the way his hands felt on my body as he showed me his love.
Wasn't hard to was a wrecking your hands move along my facethey trace all
the lines of liftit isn't hard to love your scars'cause that's everywhere you've beenI am
yoursand I know that you're mineyou're worth waiting forbe my only...
Ness slept in my bed the night Bella left and the night after that as well. I didn't argue with it. I was
happy she wanted to sleep here. If I was alone, I would just be thinking about Bella, and smelling her
abandoned fragrance in my bed. Ness slept on her side, and I couldn't help but to think that maybe
she was doing it because she smelled Bella in the spot.
Normally she would sleep on my chest for most of the night, but the last two nights she was having
none of that.
This morning after breaking, I wanted to talk to her about everything that was happening. I felt like it
was needed. Talking to her was hard though, because I wasn't sure how much she could really
I mean, what do I say?
'I'm sorry your mother is a cunt?'
"Ness , come here baby," I laid on the couch, and held out my arms for her.
She came tottering over and I lifted her onto my stomach, encircling my arms around her. I took a
minute to look at her face and appreciate how beautiful she was. Amazing, how small and light she
felt, yet, she was growing up so fast. The length of her hair caught my eye, and I brought one hand up
to twirl one of her curls around my finger.
"We watch Bugs?" She pointed to the T.V., wanting to watch the Bugs Bunny DVD Bella bought her.
"In a minute, sweetheart. Daddy wants to tell you something, okay?"
"Kay," she looked at me, and I swallowed hard, trying to hold my shit together.
"Daddy isn't very good at this, but I'm going to try 'cause I think it is important, baby." I lifted her up
and rolled to my side, cradling her in my arm so she would feel secure.
"Renesmee, when you were born, that was the happiest day of Daddy's life. You were so small," I
brought her fingers up to my lips, "and I was so scared."
"Why?" she asked.
"Because I knew how delicate you were, and that it would be very hard to keep you safe." I closed my
eyes as my head tilted to hers, kissing her baby-fine hair. "And I'm sorry Ness." I fought hard to hold
back what was bubbling up inside of me.
My point was not to upset her, but I couldn't help the raw emotions that surged forth when I thought
about all the shit that had happened. Renesmee's face in the mirror from the other day when she
asked Bella why Jessica went away was at the forefront of my mind, and played against the image
of her as that small baby on the day she was born. I remembered it vividly, as it was the most
important day I had ever experienced.
She just gave Ness away
And she really fucking did.
And it really fucking hurt my baby.
"I made a promise that day to you that nothing would ever hurt you, and I failed Ness. I'm so sorry." I
held in the tears that wanted to fall free, and tried to subside the burning in my chest. My daughter
needs someone to be strong for her, and I needed to be that person. "I'll try harder, I promise." I
kissed her head and held my lips there.
"I know Mommy is gone baby and that must hurt. I want you to talk to Daddy if you feel sad or mad,
or anything at all. Remember the flashcards we did?" I waited, and she nodded 'yes' to me. "If you
need to draw, or color a picture for Daddy to show me, then that is okay. Just like the flashcards,
"Kay Daddy."
"Do you want to talk to me about anything right now? Daddy will listen if you do," I tucked a curl
behind her ear as I waited.
"Whens Bewwa come back?" she asked.
"I showed you on the calendar this morning, baby, remember?"
"And I showed you the pictures she sent us, so you know she's getting lots of Hello Kitty's, right?"
"Yup." That made her smile.
"Ness ? You have to understand something honey." I cupped my hand to her cheek, needing her to
look at me. "Bella loves you very much, and I know that you love Bella too, but honey, Bella has to
work. So because we love her very much, we have to let her to do that. Because when you love
someone, you have to let them do the things that make them happy, and cooking makes Bella very
happy. So we have to let her, since we love her so much. Alright?"
"Awight," she nodded.
"That's a good girl, a very big girl too," I smiled lightly.
"Daddy wuvs Bewwa too?" she pointed to the locket Bella gave her that I put a picture of Bella in the
other night.
"Daddy loves Bella very much honey. But you know what?"
"I still love you more. There's no one I'll ever love more than my Ness." I tickled her and she laughed.
"And no one will ever be as beautiful," I tickled her more, pulling her onto my chest as I rolled to my
back again. "And no one's laugh will ever make me so happy." I kissed her face as my arms wrapped
over her.
"I miss Bewwa," she said and made me laugh.
"What about Daddy? I'm starting to feel like chopped liver here," I teased.
"You hewere," she shook her head.
"Always, baby," I kissed her head. "Daddy will always be here. Promise."
A knock on the door sounded, letting me know Leah was here, and also, that my day was about to
Two down, three to go
"So, I told the bitch, listen, just because you don't eat meat, doesn't mean you can't toss a salad!"
Emmett laughed, telling the same fucking joke I had heard a million times before to Seth.
"If you don't mind Em, we are trying to fucking work here," I pushed passed him, and he scowled at
"Lighten up. B isn't here to put your balls in a jar, dude."
"I'm sorry Emmett, I didn't realize Bella not being here was an excuse to fuck off," I stared back at
him and he shook his head at me.
"Fine, fine. Have fun with Mr. Stick-in-the-ass," he said to Seth, motioning towards me, and walked
out of the kitchen.
Seth laughed, going back to his prep.
I stepped out from behind the table, walking towards the doors. Emmett was in the dining room,
reading over the reservations book with Angela. I waited for him to finish and then walked over to
him, hitting the book he was holding lightly.
"Can I help you?" he asked, looking up to me.
"I don't appreciate the shit you just pulled."
"We're just joking Edward, get a laugh meter man," Emmett looked back down to the book.
"I'm not talking to you as your brother, Emmett."
"You're gonna start throwing your weight around?" he looked back up to me, closing the book.
"No, but I would appreciate it if you didn't talk down to me in front of people I'm supposed to be in
charge of. That little fucker already thinks he's all high and mighty, and you insulting me in front of
him, only makes it worse," I explained.
"It's only a joke," he stood his ground.
"And how would you feel if one of the waiters did it to you?" I countered.
"B makes fun of you all the time. Never see you cry about it then," he smirked.
"Bella is my boss, so she has that right. Technically I'm your boss, which gives you no such authority.
In fact, if I was to start 'throwing my weight around', as you say, I could technically reprimand you for
doing so," I tried to keep a straight face, but the thought of reprimanding Emmett was just too
fucking funny.
"Oh, I'd like to see that," he stood up taller, coming around the podium towards me.
We had one of those moments, like in an old Clint Eastwood film. His eyes narrowed as did mine, and
I saw his hand twitch, trying to guess my next move. We stared each other down, and just as I
thought he might back off, he came at me. But I was too fucking quick and hoisted his big ass over my
"I told you that I could fucking take you, asshole," I moved towards the door, fully prepared to toss
him in the street, or worse.
"Edward, put me down, man. You're only going to make the beating I've got planned worse."
"You sound scared," I laughed, pushing my way through the door.
"Put. Me. Doooww.."
Before he could finish, I listened to him, tossing him over my shoulder into the fucking flowerbed
that lined the building. A table of outside diners, attractive girls Emmett would have no doubt hit on,
laughed as I turned around. Two of them eyed me, then turned back to Emmett and giggled at him
covered in dirt.
"Have a nice day, asshole," I ran back inside and locked the door, laughing to myself.
"Nice, Bella would be proud," Angela laughed, having seen our display from behind the bar.
"Thanks," I smiled, walking passed her back into the kitchen.
As I entered the kitchen, I saw Emmett coming in through the back door and I raised an eyebrow at
him, glancing once to Seth. Emmett backed down, but I knew it wasn't over.
He would try to get me back, no doubt.
"Seth, you're on bread duty. Now," I pointed my thumb towards the door.
"Get me a cookie, bitch." Emmett said.
"Yeah and I'll give that bitch of yours, the blonde, a kiss too," Seth said.
I looked at Emmet with an expression that clearly read; 'I fucking told you so.'
"You don't want to be saying that shit little man," Emmett walked towards him. "You're job is to get
the bread and my fucking cookie. The smart mouth shit, is reserved for the BIG kids. There's only two
in this place and one of them is not you. Now go, before I decide to dunk you into the fucking sink
and see how long it takes your flesh to separate from the bone when I turn that bitch onto the
scalding setting." Emmett pointed towards the doors.
Seth ran more than walked out of the kitchen.
I couldn't blame him though. Emmett was at least five times his size. And lemme tell you, as
someone who has experience being burned on more than one occasion by the hot water setting on a
professional kitchen sink, that shit was no fun.
"Sorry," Emmett said turning back to face me.
"I just don't need that fucker running his mouth. I'm also not trying to kiss Bella's ass, you know. I'm
just trying to prove to her that I am capable of what she put me in charge to do." I leaned against the
steel table.
"I get it, really." Emmett came around the table and started doing the prep Seth left.
"So, how is that shit going anyway? Bella being your girlfriend, that is," he smiled.
"She's not my girlfriend," I wish. "But it's going good."
"Yeah? I'm glad. Seriously." Emmett hit my shoulder once.
"I told her I loved her," I said softly, looking down at the carrots I was peeling.
"You did? How'd that go? What did B say? Holy shit, you still have your fun-bag?" Emmett brought
his fist to his mouth laughing.
"She said she loved me too." I may have smirked a little.
"B said that?! Our B? Bella? Bella Swan?"
"Yes, fucker," I gave him a dirty look.
"So, you said, 'Oh Bella Swan I love you' and she fucking said, 'Oh Edward Cullen, I love you too!'" he
pretended to hold someone's face in his hands, and tongue said imaginary person.
"Sort of, but there was a lot more tongue involved," I laughed.
"What do you mean sort of? Either you said it, or you didn't, Edward," he waved his hand at me.
"I said 'I-love-you'," I explained like he was my five year old.
"And-then-what-did-B-say?" he egged me on like I was retarded.
"She said 'me too'," I said going back to peeling.
"Me too? She said the words, 'me too'?" he asked.
"That's what I said didn't I?" I looked over to him, feeling rather annoyed.
"But she didn't actually say 'I love you Edward'. Did I get that right?"
"Don't do that," I shook my head at him.
"Do what?"
"Take my 'me too' away. Can't I just fucking have my 'me too', please? Without you shitting all over
"I'm sorry," Emmett smiled, holding up his hand. "I'm sure it was a very significant 'me too'."
"It wasfucker," I laughed lightly.
"Well, at least B didn't fucking kill you, or run away, or do any of the other shit I swore she would do.
So that's good, man," he hit my back.
"Hey, so this weekend I was thinking about having a family thing at the beach since we're closed on
Sundays now. You wanna do that shit?" he asked.
"Sure, but I don't know if Ness will be alright with that. The water shit," I clarified.
"Hmm, that's true. I didn't think of that. Well, maybe we could just go to that park they have up the
road. Water-free," he smiled. "They have grills and shit, so we can have a cook-out there."
"That's a good idea," I nodded, beginning to chop the carrots.
"And maybe you and Dad can kiss and make up," he suggested.
"Not until he apologies to Bella."
"He could have died Edward," Emmett said softly.
"I could die at any minute myself Em. Do you see him picking up the phone to call me? No. Don't try
that guilt trip bullshit on me. It doesn't work."
"I just think it would be nice if you two could get along," he replied.
"Oh, I'm with you on that, but it isn't going to happen Em. We just don'tgo together."
"Will you at least try?" he asked, sounding very frustrated.
"Been doing that for twenty-three years Emmett."
Seth came back into the kitchen and the conversation ended. I looked over all of the items he
brought back, and was surprised he actually got it right. There was even an extra cookie for me,
which was nice, but also creepy in a way.
I tried to just think it was because perhaps he feared me too.
"You need to stay later than usual tonight, Seth." I said.
"How come?"
"We're doing a deep cleaning so when Bella comes back she doesn't nail our asses to wall." And so
she sees that I care.
"Man, that woman is crazy. I mean, I'd fuck her silly, don't get me wrong, but she is a fucking loon,"
he laughed, stirring his pot of stock.
"What the fuck did you just say?" The anger rose up in my chest. I had to grip the steel table, as I
stared at him, to keep from doing something else with my hands.
"I said Bella's hot, but fucking crazy," he shrugged, looking at me like that was a normal thing to say.
"I mean, don't you think so?"
"No, I fucking don't." I walked closer to him, pushing up one of my sleeves. "Have you ever been to
prison Seth?"
"Uh, no," he shook his head, laughing once.
"I have. You see this here?" I pointed to the ink on my arm. "I got that one there."
"What did you go to prison for?" he asked, looking back and forth between my arm and my face.
"Killing a stupid motherfucker who talked shit about his boss," I stared his ass right in the eye with
that lie. "If I were you," I pushed my sleeve back down, "I wouldn't do it again."
Bella POV
I walked around the Sanrio store, trying to find the perfect toys to bring home for Squeaks.
There were so many to choose from. I walked around nervously, though I wasn't sure why. I mean,
they were just kid's toys. What was there to be nervous about? A Hello Kitty dressed up like a lobster
caught my eye and I wanted to laugh.
How perfect.
I put it in my basket, but it wasn't for Squeaks.
The shop keeper's eyes were on me, watching. I could feel it. She knew I had money; a tourist who
could not decide what to buy. This did not help the butterflies that were flapping around in my belly
at all. If she came over and asked to assist me it would suck. I hated refusing help because I knew it
made the employee look bad, but at the same time, I hated being followed around.
Shit, why am I so overworked today?
Lack of dick, my lonely butterbean chimed in.
"You are such a dirty whore Butterbean, I swear. Three days, barely, without Edward, and you are
already driving me insane," I said aloud.
Speak for yourself.
"Don't start with me! I own you. We can last three fucking days without-fucking-Edward!" I stared
down at my crotch.and that's when the sales lady just had to approach me.
"You okay?" she asked timidly.
Yes, just arguing with my clit. You know us silly Americans!
"I'm fine. Just looking for a gift for my" I stopped short, not knowing what the fuck I was about to
"Daughter?" she guessed.
"Yeah. No, no, not MY daughtermy friend's daughter. She is really special to me though. Like, I'm
sort of her aunt, even though," I leaned on a pile of stuffed animals, "she wants me to be her mom. I
can't do that though, 'cause you see, I'm moving, and if I move, she will think I am abandoning her.
She, Squeaks, has this mother, Jessica, and she's a real cunt, lemme tell you.
"This bitch left her fucking kid to go work for Rachel Ray, I mean who does that?! Anyhow, so,
Squeaks, she wants me to be her mom and I really want to be her fucking mom, because she really
deserves to have a really good mom and her dad is so fucking good and sweet and he works for me
and he tries so hard but I just feel like I'm messing everything up and now I have to buy her toys and I
just don't know which one is right," I was fucking bawling like a baby at this point, sobbing as I curled
up into the bin filled with Hello Kittys in the middle of the damn store.
"Do you like this one?" I held up the lobster to her, sniffling, and she nodded. "Me too," I sniffled
again, wiping my nose on a Chococat. "He calls me his lobster," I sniffled harder.
"Who?" the very confused woman asked.
"Edward. Squeaks' Daddy. He said I was his lobster," I cried harder.
"Ah, Friends," she pointed and nodded.
"Fuck, even you get it. I am sooooo stuuuupid," I started to sob again, curling into the fetal position
as I hugged all the stuffed animals.
"Tea?" she asked, trying to get me to sit up.
I nodded to her, sitting in the fucking bin of toys. She smiled and walked to the back of the store.
People were staring at me and I scowled.
"What?! Never seen a woman break down before?!" I flailed my arms like the crazy person I was.
"Tea." The woman returned and handed me a cup.
"Get your ass in this bin," I said to her. She looked around nervously.
"I'm planning on buying half of your store. The least you could do is fucking climb in here with me
and fucking pretend like you understand what the fuck is going on."
She looked around again, and just as I was about to climb out and tell her to forget it, she called for a
few of the other girls to join us. All of a sudden, I was huddled up in the fucking Sanrio store, telling
three strange Japanese women about all my troubles.
In a damn bin of toys.
Tonight was long, and I didn't hear from Bella much. The time difference was really making it harder
to keep in contact. I called her a few times, but she didn't answer. I was afraid to wake her up, since
in Japan, it would have been time for bed.
After the kitchen was cleaned down, I made my way to Bella's office, needing to finish off the reports
she had asked me to keep track of for training purposes. I hated using her office, but my office was
still under construction, so I had little choice. I was afraid I would mess something up on her
computer or some shit. She was always so meticulous about her things, and I didn't want to let her
down or piss her off by fucking things up.
As I waited for the computer to load, I stared at the desktop screen, reading all of the names of the
icons. One in particular, caught my eye.
Against my better judgment, I opened the folder. It revealed a series of documents and saved files
for the restaurant. One of the links was to an actual website though, so I double-clicked it. A very
expensive looking webpage for the restaurant came up. The logo's colors were rich hues of gold and
silver, against black, with a burnt orange accent.
That was the date across the bottom of the logo.
Bella said years, but sure as shit, that number said 2010, as in, fucking months from now.
I knew Bella was leaving in a few months, but I figured that was only for travel and shit. I didn't know
that this place was OPENING in months. Hell, didn't they just find the location? Okay, well it could be
at the END of 2010, which would be like a year and a half, right?
My fucking head hurt.
I closed the folder, and got back to work.
Once the reports I needed printed out, I filed them appropriately in the folder she had showed me.
The damn number still raged inside my head as I sat there staring at her computer desktop.
There had to be a way to keep her.
I knew that she wouldn't stay here with me, it just wasn't a possibility, but all that shit was just
geography. That didn't mean we still couldn't be together.
Make a list, I heard my mother say in my head. Her old advice for when you couldn't figure out a
solution to a problem. Taking the notepad on Bella's desk, that was exactly what I did. It was divided
into three columns.
Why we CAN'T be together.
Why we SHOULD be together.
And (my favorite)...
How we COULD be together.
Travel/long distance
Working relationship vs. personal relationship
We love each other
I need her
I hope she needs me
Ness loves her
She loves Ness
I can't live without Bella

This one was much harder. I had to think about it.
Knock knock.
"Yeah," I looked up to see Emmett poking his head through the door.
"Yo, Lauren is here asking for you," he said.
"Fuck," I sat forward. "Can you just tell her I left or am busy or some shit?"
"I thought you liked Lauren?" he asked.
"I just can't deal with that shit right now, Em. Please?"
"Dude, you know I hate lying," Emmett shook his head, giving me a disapproving look.
"Fine," I sighed, tossing down the pad on Bella's desk.
I walked out into the dining room and saw Lauren with a group of friends by the bar. Now, don't get
me wrong, Lauren was a nice, and good looking, girl, but she just wasn't MY kind of girl.
Especially now.
Lauren's mother was Esme's friend, so we sort of 'grew up' together. I knew she always liked me, and
for a while when we were younger, and all I ever thought with was my dick I liked her too.
After Jessica and I had Renesmee, and then broke up, I started hanging out with Lauren again. It
wasn't romantic for me though; I just wanted a friend. But Lauren still had feelings beyond that
towards me, and she tried using Ness to get to me. She'd buy her shit, and try to act all smiley
towards her, but I knew her true intentions.
She wanted me.
"Edward!" Lauren held out her arms as I approached, and I looked away to Jasper who was shaking
his head. I guessed they must have been drunk and giving him quite a time.
"What's going on?" I said casually, avoiding her arms and walking around to the other side of the bar.
"I've been looking for you all night. I wanted to show you my friends," she waved to the girls to her
"Hi," I said with a weak smile.
"This is my bestest friend in the whole world," she waved at me again, "Edward Cullen." Lauren's
hand fell onto my cheek, and I laughed uncomfortably as I tried to move away.
"Hi Edward. I'm Penelope, but you can call me Penny." She held out her hand, and I arched an
eyebrow at her in question. "I won't bite," she giggled.
"I might," I said, backing away from them, grabbing a beer from the bin.
"Lauren says you have some nice tattoos hiding under there," Penny pointed to me.
"She's right," I took a sip of my beer and leaned against the back of the bar.
"Can we see?" one of the other girls asked.
I walked towards where they were sitting again, and set my beer down. My hand pushed the short
sleeve of my white tee up to reveal the ink on my arm. One of the other girls reached their hands out
and touched it, as though it weren't real or some shit.
I backed away before I was molested any further.
"Show them the evil eye," Lauren laughed, tugging on the front of my shirt.
"Lauren, I work here. I'm not getting undressed." I picked my beer back up and took a swig.
The other reason being that I named that fucking tattoo after Bella, and she was not on display ladies
and gentlemen.
"Was there a reason you wanted to see me other than my tattoos Lauren?"
"Actually," she leaned forward, "I wanted to ask if you all were hiring?"
"Change your mind about law?" I teased.
"No, but I have bills out the ass. I could really use some extra cash. I'll do anything. Waitress, buss,
whatever," she shrugged.
"I'd like to help, but I don't think we are hiring right now. Besides, I don't do the hiring, Bella does." I
brought my beer back to my lips.
"Well can't you talk to her? Ask for a favor or something? I mean, she's a girl Edward, and you are
very charming," Lauren smiled all drunk and stupid at me.
I assumedshe thought she was being sexy.
"Yeah, I'll see what I can do," I lied. "I need to go. We still have a lot of work to do tonight. I'll catch
you later Lauren." I reached in my pocket and tossed down my money on the bar.
Technically I was off the clock, since Bella had not allotted time for this extra cleaning and shit, but
Lauren didn't need to know that. And the cleaning HAD to be done. I just knew Bella would be all
over my ass when she got back.
And I was not about to fail her.
After my breakdown in the damn toy store, I decided to fucking chill out for a bit. I wasn't due at the
restaurant for a few hours, so I went off in search of Edward's souvenir. There were a few shops that
looked interesting, but I found nothing. I picked up a cool little trinket for his mother, but still nothing
for Edward.
One of the stores had a lot of cool cooking items and stuff. I grabbed several things I thought he
might like, but still it just felt likestuff.
This left me feeling a little shitty. I mean, how could I bring back something of significance for
everyone else, except the one person I wanted to the most; Edward.
Feeling defeated, I walked through the streets. There was a nice area towards the end to rest so I
stopped there and set down my bags. Leaning on the wall, I looked out and sighed hard.
Edward I miss youI wish I knew what you were doing, and whatever it isI wish I could be there
doing it with you.
I dug through my bag and pulled out a cigarette to smoke. Once it was lit, I closed my eyes and tried
to just revel in the dizzy feeling it gave. I could hear music playing from somewhere, and I tried to just
hear that and nothing else. It was so noisy on the street, but I could hear the music perfectly. It was
soft and soothing, and I smoked my entire cigarette listening to it with my eyes closed.
As I finished, I stomped out the cigarette and then tossed the filter in my bag. Finally seeing that the
music was coming from a large building to my left, I smiled. Not at the building, though, but at the
water behind it. There was a lake, or something that resembled a lake a fucking vast body of water,
let's put it that way and holy mother of fuck, it was beautiful, and filled with flowers as far as the
eye could see.
Not just any flowers though...
Lotus Flowers.
I kneeled down immediately and grabbed my phone from my purse. I snapped a few pictures, happy
as fuck that I had a good quality camera phone, and then sent them to Edward's. I dialed him next,
biting on my finger as I waited for him to answer. My heart was racing as I waited, like I had the best
news ever or something. The excitement in me was fucking ridiculous.
"Angel," he said simply, answering the phone.
"Holy mother of fuck, Flower Child! Did you see the picture I just sent you?" I was fucking bouncing
like an idiot as I talked, still facing the water.
"No, hold on," he said, and I heard him pressing buttons on the phone. I heard him laugh and then
sigh before he replied, "That looks beautiful, Bella."
"It is and listen," I held out the phone towards the building. "Can you hear it?"
"Not really," he said.
"Shit, hold on." I put the top of the phone in my mouth and picked up my bags so I could move over
to the steps.
The building looked like a church, or temple or some shit. I wasn't sure what it was. As I sat on the
steps I saw a sign that translated into 'Museum of Flowers'. The music was being performed by a
local artist, and my mouth dropped a little when I read the name of the song on the sign.
"Can you hear it now?" I asked him again, holding the phone out slightly, still able to hear him.
"I can. Where are you?" he asked in an amused tone.
"I was just walking, and I stopped for a smoke. Then I saw this lake, or whatever, and it was so
beautiful, filled with all these flowers. When I realized what they were, I wanted you to see. You
know what this song is called?"
"No baby, what is it called?" his voice sounded very touched.
"The Lotus Flower Opens Everywhere," I said softly, smiling to myself, thinking of my own lotus
"That is beautiful, Angel. I'm glad you are having a good time."
"I'm not actually. Well, this was a nice surprise, but other than that it's just"
"Work?" he laughed lightly.
"Well, yes, but mostly I just miss you." I wiped my eyes, feeling wetness build there.
"I miss you too, love. A lot. And just so you know, Seth might be dead when you get back. You still
have the number of that guy with the meat grinder, yes?" Edward laughed at the end.
"What happened?" I asked, slightly concerned.
"He's just getting on my nerves. The kid can't listen for shit."
"So fire him," I said seriously. "I made you the boss for a reason, Flower Child. If he's not up to par
then cut him loose. There are plenty of other people to choose from. You can hire whomever you
like, you know? You don't have to ask me."
I felt bad. This was my fault. I still had not gone over his official duties, or even given him a new
"I'll be back in a few days babe. We can sort it all out then, alright? It's my fault, I'm sorry," I said.
"Don't be sorry. I should be sorry. You have enough to deal with without me whining to you from
thousands of miles away. It's alright really. I'm just being an ass about it."
"No you're not," I began, looking out into the street again. "Flower Child, if something bothers you, I
want to know. It's my job, and it doesn't matter how far away I am. It's still my job. And it IS my fault,
because when I promoted you, we should have gone over all of this fuckery. Just, put up with him
until I get back, and then we'll fix it together, alright?"
"Alright, Bell. You know what though?" he asked.
"What babe?"
"I still love you," Edward said. I could tell he was smiling.
"Mmm. Me too, babe," I sighed. "What are you doing right now? Besides talking to me, like, where
are you?"
"I'm just lying on the couch in my apartment, writing something," he said.
"What are you writing?" I couldn't imagine what it could be.
"A plan," Flower Child replied.
"A plan for what? And don't say Seth's demise," I laughed.
"No. It's quite the opposite actually. I'm writing a plan for life, not death," he explained.
"What's on the paper?" I asked curiously.
"Your name," he purred.
"And what is next to my name?" I smiled while asking.
"Reasons," he said simply.
"For?" I pressed.
"A lot of things. We'll talk about it when you come back. I promise."
"Babe! That is not fair," I whined. "I am sitting on the steps of some damn place," I laughed, "fucking
serenading your ass with songs and pictures of damn lotus flowers, and you hold out on me? That is
just not right Edward. Not right at all," I shook my head as if he could see.
"I'm sorry," he laughed, obviously amused by my rant. "How about if I told you your name was placed
under a column of things I needed to have in my life. Would that make you feel better?"
"Maybe," I lied. It made me fucking giddy like a school girl.
"Well, that's all I can offer you, my love. I'm sorry. This is something we must discuss when I can have
you here in front of me, and I can see your beautiful face, smell your sweet fragrance, and
touch.fucking every part of you," he laughed. "I can't pick just one there. Sorry," Edward laughed
again, sending goose-bumps all over my body from his words.
"Is that your romantic way of telling me you're horny?"
"Mmm, yes, but no," he chuckled.
"Wanna have phone sex?" I teased, trying to sound sexy.
"Sure, you go first, though," Edward replied.
"What are you wearing?"
"Is that the best you have? I'm a little disappointed. Sponge Bob was naughtier than that on today's
episode," he teased.
"Ugh, I'm warming up to it, and fuck, I can't see you so I need a visual Flower Child."
"Alright, alright. I'm sorry," he sighed. "I'm wearing underwear and that's it. Black," he said.
"Mmm. Nice visual," I grinned to myself, picturing it. "Boxers or briefs?" I asked, needing more.
"Boxer-briefs. You know I don't wear nut huggers," he stated matter-of-factly. "What are you
wearing, love?"
"I want you to touch yourself while I tell you. Can you do that for me, babe?" I asked, lowering my
"You're getting much better at this, Bell."
"Is that a yes?" I wanted to hear him say it.
"Yes, I am more than willing. Although, I should probably walk to my room so Ness won't wake up
and catch me."
"In that case, make sure to lose the undies on your way," I bit my finger trying to imagine it. I could
hear his bedroom door close, and I started getting a little excited.
I had never done this before.
"Alright, go ahead, Angel. I'm ready for you." Mmm, Butterbean liked this side of Edward.
"I'm wearing," I looked out to the street, trying to find someone dressed sexier than me. My attire
was rather boring. I needed inspiration. "Black boots that go up to my thigh."
"Do they have spiky heels?" he asked, making me bite my lip to keep from laughing.
"Yes, they do babe," I replied, looking for more inspiration.
"Go on," his voice was a little hoarse.
"Black tights on my legs, because it is very cold here. Very bad for the nipples. They're practically
always standing at attention. It's all I can do notto just rub them all day to keep them warm. Maybe
you could help me with that?" I don't know where that came from, but fuck, even I turned me on.
"Mmm, I think I could. If I were there, I would definitely have them in my mouth, keeping them very,
very warm, Bella. Can you keep telling me about your clothes? Lt. Dan rather likes your outfit so far."
"Next is a denim mini skirt. That's why I have on tights, to keep my legs warm. It is very short. When I
was digging for my phone earlier, I bent over, and I think I flashed some people my panties by
accident. I'm such a naughty girl, Edward. When I come home, you might want to spank me for being
so bad."
"I might. What kind of panties are they? I'll need to know, so I can determine your punishment.
Perhaps you didn't show much if they are conservative." I could so tell he was beating his meat, and
fuck, that turned me on.
"They are pretty, see-through, white, and sheer. Not a thong, but those kind that just barely cover
your ass cheeks. You know which kind, right?" I asked, knowing those were his favorite.
"I know which kind, Angel. That is very naughty. You will get a very good spanking for that."
"Will you bend me over your knee?" I asked, praying he would say yes.
"Yes, right over my knee, and then when I spank you, you will tell me how sorry you are and promise
not to ever do it again. I'm going to spank you until my hand print is there Isabella. And when I am
done, you will not be able to sit without feeling me on you."
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.
Butterbean was vibrating, like fucking begging me for a rub.
I looked around, only seeing the open doors to the museum behind me.
"Edward? Can you hold on a sec?"
"Maybe?" he said slightly amused and definitely confused.
I picked up my bags and rushed in, looking around for a spot to hide myself. There was a room on the
second floor and I locked myself inside. Once my hands were free of the bags, I shimmied down my
jeans to my knees, and then sat on the rug in the middle of the floor.
"Okay, sorry." I laid my head down and tried to catch my breath.
"What the fuck are you doing?" he asked, laughing.
"I needed someprivacy." I rested my hand over Butterbean. I still had my panties on, not wanting to
"Bella are you being naughty with me?" his voice was laced with sex, and driving me mad.
"Mm hmm. Three days for me too you know," I reminded him.
"Of course, love. Tell me what you are doing." The bass of his voice vibrated against the phone,
making me swallow hard.
"I'm pretending I'm with you in your bed. And my hand is your hand."
"What is my hand doing?" he asked, and I could tell he was pulling his pudda again.
"Rubbing circles on Butterbean over my naughty girl panties." I closed my eyes, trying to think it
really WAS his hand and not my own.
"I wish I could kiss her, and tell her how much I love her. Does she miss me?" he asked.
"Very much. She was begging for you earlier today." I rubbed myself harder as I thought of him
hovering over me, palming my pussy in his large hand.
"Can you feel me touching you, love? Can you feel where my fingers have touched you?" he rasped.
"Mmm. I feel you babe. I can feel you," I said softly, rubbing myself the way he would have.
"I feel you too Bella. Your scent is all around me. I love how you feel, how you smell." His breath was
hard on his last words, and I rubbed harder, knowing he was getting closer to his release.
"Tell me what you want when I come home," I panted.
"I decided that I am going to fuck you in the kitchen. Right on the fucking pass. I am going to put your
fucking legs over my shoulders and fuck you so good Bella. You will never, ever look at the pass the
same way after I fuck you on it."
"Mmm." I could barely hold the phone as I felt myself teetering on the edge.
"And then, I'm going to fuck you again at my apartment. I'm going to bend you over the fucking arm
of the couch, and fuck you from behind. You remember how that feels? How deep I can fuck you like
that, Angel?"
"EdwardI." I dropped the fucking phone next to my head as I panted and rubbed frantically over
my center, cumming hard.
"Bella," I heard him groan faintly from the phone by my ear.
"Cum for me baby," I panted, hoping he could hear.
He did. And.he did.
After I caught my breath, and regained my sanity, I picked the phone back up.
"Edward?" I said softly.
"Mmmmmmm?" he replied, sounding completely satisfied.
"That was sexy," I sighed.
"Go to work happy now Bella," he snickered.
"I will," I smiled.
"I love you Bella. Soooo much," he sounded drunk.
"Me too, babe. For life," I giggled, teasing him about the lobster stuff.
"Goodnight sweetheart. Two days Bell," Edward reminded me.
"Night Flower Child. Sweet dreams."
10:22 pm
I finished my walk-through with Ramsey, and sighed in relief that he was happy, for once.
"Did you get to the paper work like I wanted?" Gordon asked.
"Yes. It is all correct. A few minor errors, but I corrected them," I explained. He looked at me and I
rolled my eyes, "AND I explained the proper way to the person who fucked it up."
"Good. Let's sit and have a drink, shall we?" Gordon showed me to a private table in the back, staying
out of the spotlight as diners where still enjoying their food.
"So, little missy, tell me how everything is going." He sat back in his chair, but paid attention.
"Everything is good. Busy, but that's good, right?"
"Absolutely. How is the new place? I heard you have some eyes watching you." Gordon took a sip of
his drink.
"It's going really great. I found my executive chef, and he's really wonderful. The same guy you met
at the convention."
"Edward," he said with a nod.
"Yes, Edward," I smiled slightly, happy that he remembered.
"Rather young for an exec, no?" he asked, tilting his head a little.
"He is, but hell G, I wasopeningmy third restaurant by his age. So who am I to use that as a basis?" I
took a sip of my wine, slowly, savoring the flavor.
"True. He is getting some eyes too you know? I have heard people asking about him." Gordon leaned
forward again, cupping his drink.
"I know. Believe me. They email me offers for shit every day. Edward's not ready for that though. He
is still too naive, too innocent. I won't expose him to that shit yet."
"Grown a mamma bear streak have you?" he teased.
"For him. Edward is special. I don't want them corrupting him. He could be quite good, if they leave
him alone."
"I see. Well, if this Edward has as good of a head on his shoulders as you think, it should be easy for
him to avoid. How is the other thing going? With Invoke? We haven't talked much about it lately." A
server set down a small plate of cheese for us and we each took a piece.
"They found a place in Whistler," I shrugged, taking a bite.
"Well seem a little excited for Christ sake. I thought this was your dream? Where did that excited
little girl go who came bouncing into my office asking for my help?" he smiled, biting a nibble of
"It's gotten complicated G." I looked down to my wine.
"How? You had a dream, you got your dream. I don't see the problem."
I looked up to him, willing myself to say the words. I knew Ramsey would never tell anyone or hold it
against me, but I still felt like a girl who was about to let her father down.
"It's umEdward isn't just my exec." I gave him a meaningful look.
"Shit. You didn't?" he asked, giving me a 'fuck me' sort of look.
And not in the good way.
"I couldn't help it Gord. I tried, I really fucking tried, but I justI just fucking love him. Way too much.
And now" I shook my head, feeling it start to hurt.
"You don't want Whistler," he said taking my hand into his.
"I do, that's the problem. I wish I didn't. I wish I could just say 'fuck it' and stay in fucking Miami, and
be happy doing the occasional check-in like with my other places. But I can't G, I just fucking can't." I
closed my eyes, feeling tears build.
Gordon got up and took the seat beside me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. He remained
silent for a long minute, and I calmed myself down. He handed me a handkerchief from his jacket and
I wiped my face clear of tears.
"How do you do it?" I asked. "How do you balance both? Work, and Tana and the kids? How does it
work G?"
"It's not easy Bella. Not at all. But if you want something badly enough even two or three or four or
five, or however fucking many things you make it work somehow. You just have to try and the
people in your life have to want those things too. You need to have a clear understanding. That goes
for everything.
"Think of it like our businesses, Bella. When you hire someone, you are asking them to do a certain
job, and if they like the description and pay, then they agree to it. That doesn't mean they are always
compliant and love every minute of the job, but you work on the issues and roll with it. Yes?"
"Yeah," I nodded.
"Well, it's the same for this situation. If he can see what you have laid out on the table, and he is
alright with it, then I would ask to see what he is offering. If you like it, and both sides agree, you
have a deal. Yes?"
"There, not so hard now is it?" Gordon rustled my hair a little, smiling down to me.
"Edward has a little girl. Ness, she's five. I'm scared that she won't understand. Her mom left, and she
looks at me like I'm her mother now. It's not that I don't want to be, but what kind of mother can I
offer to be for her when most of my life I will be absent from hers?" I started to tear up again.
"The children are the food. And you know how I feel about food," Gordon laughed lightly.
"Quality over quantity. I know." I wiped my nose with his hanky.
"So there is your answer. My children don't get very much of my time, but when they do, it is
valuable. They know I love them, and Tana, of course, makes up for all the shit I miss. It's teamwork,
darling. Like anything else." He gave my shoulder a good squeeze.
"Thanks," I nodded, wiping my face again.
"Tell you what, this place is fine. So unless you would rather stay which I, of course, wouldn't mind
at all , you may leave early. You obviously have ones at home missing you, as well as a business, and
I wouldn't want to be the person being hated for such things," he laughed, scooting from the table.
"Are you sure?" I looked at him as I climbed to my feet.
"Yes, darling. Go home. What did you say to me the other night? You needed to be?" he knew what
I said, he just wanted me to say it again.
"Fucked good and proper-like." I closed my eyes, laughing lightly.
"That was it," he snapped his fingers. "Go home and do that. You look like you could use a good
shagging," he teased.
"Gord?" I walked around the table and wrapped my arms around his waist as we walked. Gordon
hugged my shoulders with his arm.
"Darling?" he replied.
"I love you dearly, you know that?"
"Are you making moves on me, Bella?" he looked down to me with a vexing expression.
"Ugh, like I find Brits sexy." I pushed him away. "Blonde, tall and lanky as a mo-fo. No, G," I pressed
the button on the elevator. "I like my men tanned, covered in tattoos, and built like a Greek God." I
stepped inside.
"Those bloody tattoos. My daughter keeps asking for one." He leaned against the railing as he
stepped in.
"Rhodes?" I asked nervously.
"No, Joanne. Ever since she moved to New York, she's been on the celly everyday"
"Wait. Jo is in New York? Not Rhodes?" I asked nervously.
"Mmm, she's attending some theatre school. Wants to be an actress," he rolled his eyes.
"So where is Rhodes?"
"She's in London still, with her mum," Gordon nodded.
"Never went for a visit or anything?" I asked.
"No, I would never take her there. She's far too innocent. Nothing like Joanne. You know what kind of
trouble a young girl could get into in a city like that?" he laughed.
Well this shit was fucking crazy.
NEWSFLASH: Rhodes has a twin Bella may not have considered.
Fucking looked like Rhodes to me.
This was still okay. I mean Jo was still underage, but Rhodes was Ramsey's baby. Like literally should
be sewn to his hip. Jo, she waswelllet's just say it wouldn't take Ramsey by surprise as much. The
girl was a little bit of trouble for her age. That was for sure.
I was smart enough not to drop this bomb on Ramsey in person. No, I would simply mail the pics off
to him. His wrath was not something I wanted any part of.
Poor Jo.
I almost felt bad for the girl.but you shouldn't be 15 and sucking cock.
I'm sorry, you just shouldn't.
I was highly fucking pissed, and worried, and frustrated. All day long I had not heard from Bella. All of
my calls went straight to voicemail. And I tried, I really fucking tried, to figure out why she was pissed
off at me.
Our last conversation left off with me and her both cumming, so what the fuck?
What was there to be mad about?
My other thoughts, which I did not want to think about, were that perhaps something happened to
her. Fuck, the girl was alone in another fucking country, and liked to go for 3 a.m. strolls.
The possibility was there.
I tried to reach her at Ramsey's, but no one knew anything, and said the last time they saw her was
last night with him. Surely, he would have made sure she got into her taxi, or limo, or whatever,
safely, right?
I was sitting in her office, waiting for the reports to print out, and debating what to do. Emmett told
me to relax and that she was fine, but I knew better. My chest was burning, and a tight knot lay in
the pit of my stomach.
Please call me, Angel. Please be okay.
My face fell into my hands, and I took a deep breath trying to calm the fuck down, but it was no use. I
rubbed my hands over my face, thinking of what to do next...
But I couldn't think of anything.
It was seriously late at this point, and I'm sure Leah was extremely pissed at me for making her wait. I
clicked off the computer screen, and made my way out of Bella's office.
Once I arrived home, my legs practically dragged themselves up to the front entrance of my building.
This week was rough, not only physically, but emotionally. I felt weak and extremely run down. The
only part of this week that was a relief was how Ness reacted towards Bella being gone. She took this
all a lot better than I thought. Of course, she was being promised gifts and shit, so maybe that was
I had to laugh at myself as I thought of how her mind must be working around all of this.
My hand reached into my pocket once I reached my door, and I jingled the right key into my fingers,
unlocking it. Something was off as soon as I entered. Number one, Leah was not anywhere to be
seen. Number two, there was music playing in the back part of my apartment.
"Leah?" I said softly, stepping in further.
I laid my things over the chair and walked towards the hallway. The music was coming from my
room, and I almost started to panic, thinking Leah was in there. I wasn't quite sure what the fuck that
would be about.
Hesitantly, I pushed the door to my room open, praying I wasn't going to find Leah spread-eagle on
my bed or some shit. She was a very beautiful woman, but fuck, that would just be wrong on so
many levels.
Soft candlelight hit my eyes first, and as the door opened fully, I saw her.
Not Leah though, Bella.
She was here.
She was home.
Bella was home.
Chapter Nineteen ~ Stay With Me
"Make love to me Edward," Bella's lips whispered before she kissed under my ear.
"I was planning on it." I brushed her hair away from her face and leaned my lips toward her cheek.
She still felt dewy from the shower. The fragrance of my soap lingered on Bella's velvety skin, and I
reveled in the fact that I could claim her in so many ways. Surely, if any other man smelled my Bella
right now, they would know she belonged to me; for they would pick up on the masculine fragrance
she carried.
Seeing Bella sitting on my bed tonight when I came home was the greatest fucking gift.
I tried not to man-handle her and just use my mouth to express how much I missed her and loved her
and wanted her, but after spending the thirty minutes with her in the shower, I could no longer use
just words.
My hands traveled down her face to her shoulder where my lips tasted her again, and kissed all the
way down until I reached her belly. Her skin felt so soft and undiscovered, unlike anything I had ever
felt before; even though I had touched Bella so many times.
Still, she felt all new, every time.
"I love you," I whispered, making my way towards Butterbean.
Bella's fingers intertwined with mine then she placed my fingers upon her warm lips, kissing softly as
I did my own kissing down below.
I spread her gently with my free hand so I could taste her fully. She was as sweet as ever, and my
mouth begged for more than sweet kisses to her flesh. I swept my tongue out and lightly licked her
entrance, causing a hushed moan to escape from her lips.
We had to be quiet, with Ness sleeping just on the other side of the hall, so I didn't pleasure her the
way I wanted to. There would be plenty of time for that tomorrow.
And the next day, and the next, and the next
"Baby, please," she whispered, trying to pull my face up to hers.
I obliged, crawling back up to her lips, kissing her soundly. My cock begged for Bella's body, and I was
not about to deny him any longer. Four days was long enough. As I kissed her, my hand fumbled with
the drawer on the bedside table, trying to find a condom without looking.
My lips turned up into a smile, feeling the gift I had for Bella in the drawer. That was for a little later
though. For now, I found the condom and slipped it on, wanting and needing only to be inside of my
I rocked slowly into her, feeling every inch of how tight and wet and ready she was for me. Only me.
Bella shoved her hands into my hair, fisting it tightly as her lips parted, letting out a heavy sigh.
"Did you miss me, Angel?" I asked, rocking into her again.
"So much," she breathed against my lips, then kissed my chin.
"You still love me?" I opened my eyes to see her.
"Always," she whispered, looking into my eyes.
"I love you too, Bella."
My eyes stayed on hers as I thrust harder, knocking the air out in hard pants from Bella's lips with
each one. Her warm breath fanned my face, and I could taste her on my tongue. Looking into her
face, I saw everything I wanted, everything I
craved, and as I thrust one last time, cumming hard with her, I just fucking knew there was never
going to be anyone to replace Bella.
"Sleep, love," I whispered as she curled into my side.
Bella rubbed her fingers over my chest where my heart, that beat for her, lay. She kissed my skin
there once and then sighed. I reached my hand over and tried to retrieve the box from the side-table.
She leaned off me a little and looked up to me curiously as I pulled it out.
"This is for you," I laid it on my chest next to her face.
"What is it?" She looked up curiously at me and maybea little scared?
"That's what 'opening' is for, love," I teased, giving her a crooked grin.
"Mmm." She propped herself up on her elbow and took it into her hands.
I watched her face carefully as she opened it, and was happy when she smiled, looking at the topaz
heart necklace. Bella looked back up to me, and I sat up a little, taking the box from her.
"It was my grandmother's. She gave it to Esme, and then Esme gave it to me, for Ness; but since she
already has diamonds taking up residence on her neck," I laughed, unhooking the necklace, "I figured
I'd give it to you."
Bella smiled and sat up, turning around so I could put it on her. She held her hair up, and I smiled,
without her seeing, as I locked the clasp, allowing the gold chain to rest on her skin. The light from
the candle shimmered against it, and it looked wonderful against her tanned skin.
"It's beautiful," she pinched the heart between her fingers and leaned against me. "Thank you,
Flower Child." Her head tilted up to kiss my lips and I gave her a silent 'you're welcome'.

The next morning, I awoke to find Bella gone, and that shit did not make me happy.
Rolling over in bed, I grumbled my frustrations into the pillow, but stopped as I saw a stuffed animal
looking at me from Bella's space.
"Fucking shit," I laughed, picking it up.
It was a damn Hello Kitty dressed up like a lobster.
There was a note under it, and I rolled onto my back, sitting Hello Kitty on my stomach, to read it.
Flower Child,
I left to get dressed. I have some serious investigating to do today in my restaurant, and some major
asses to kick if this punk ass executive chef of mine didn't do his job. So, you understand right?
Squeaks doesn't know I'm here either, so keep your pie hole shut. If you ruin my surprise, I'll knife
Love, Bella
I put my hand over my face, laughing. Only Bella could make such fowl language sound somewhat
As I climbed from the bed, I set the lobster kitty on my bed-side table and smiled again, knowing
what Bella was thinking about while she was away.
I heard her before I saw her and hit Seth's arm, giving him the evil eye and letting him know to
fucking stay in line. Bella came in behind Emmett, talking to him about the day's agenda. Without
even glancing over to me, she walked to the corner and changed the song on the playlist, turning it
up loud...
To a fucking song titled, 'Goodbye'. I wanted to laugh.
She was fucking with me.
Nah nah nah nah, nah nah nah nah, hey hey hey, gooooood-bye.
Funny, Bella.
I kept working, but watched her as she dropped to her knees in front of the stoves; looking
underneath for food, I'm sure. Emmett was still talking to her, and she kept saying, 'uh huh,' like she
was paying attention; somehow, I had a feeling this was all planned out.
Emmett never acted so put-together or organized.
Bella stood up, fixing her black dress pants, and opened the door to the oven, running her finger
along the seal to check for grease.
Not gonna find anything Bella. Sorry, my love.
I smiled internally.
"Could you get me a chair from the dining room?" she said to Seth. He nodded, and went to retrieve
Bella kept on looking around the kitchen, stopping next at the refrigerators and checking all of the
seals on those too. But, again, she wouldn't find anything.
All of the food was organized by date, rotated properly, and labeled. We cleaned everything down
with bleach, and it was fucking spotless. No stains, no odors. She wasn't finding shit.
"Here," Seth set the chair in the kitchen, and I held my hand up to him as Bella's back faced me. "Uh,
Chef," he recovered.
"Fuck off Seth." Bella pulled the chair over to the steel top table, and I fucking bit my tongue as she
climbed up. Thankfully, Emmett stood next to her, making sure she didn't fall.
Her hand felt around the ventilation hood, and I was really happy I listened to Em about having them
After she was satisfied, Bella climbed down and started talking to Emmett again, still not addressing,
or looking at me. I knew what her game was, though; she wanted me to be pissing myself, thinking
she was not happy as she crossed her arms over her chest.
Emmett was in the middle of explaining something, when his world suddenly took a turn for the
"What the fuck is that?!" Bella pointed towards the chef's table.
"What?" he asked, turning to face it.
"THAT!" I she roared, stepping closer to the table.
I saw Emmett turn like five different fucking hues. They ranged from 'Oh shit' red to 'I'm fucking
dead' green.
"I knew there was something fucking wrong with that shit!" Bella yelled. "Ever since we opened, I
have been fucking staring at that damn thing every day trying to figure it out! Emmett! You fucking
installed it BACKWARDS you ape DICK!" she slapped him hard.
"Sorry," he shook his head.
"Sorry?! Sorry?! I have had fucking 'made in Korea' sticking out for the last THREE," she hit him again,
"G'damn," she hit him again, "MONTHS!" she kicked him this time.
"Sorry," he said again.
"You say sorry one more time, asshole, and we are going to have that moment in fucking Pulp Fiction
where Samuel shoots the fucker for saying 'what,' Emmett!" Bella's hands were on her hips, glaring
at him.
My poor brother looked like a puppy who just got scolded by his beloved owner. I felt so G'damn
giddy watching him take a good beating. And ever so thankful it wasn't me.
I was NEVER going to let him live this shit down.
I looked around for cameras, hoping it was on tape.
"FIX. IT." Bella walked back over to the chair and pulled it over towards the chef's table. "Flower
Child," she called without looking to me.
Uh oh.
"Yes, Chef?" I replied, not feeling so G'damn cocky anymore.
"Go get a chair from the damn dining room and take a seat over here," Bella said, watching Emmett
as he came back in the kitchen with a toolbox.
"Yes, Chef." I did as she said, unsure of her reasoning.
When I came back in, Bella had a notebook in her hands, and was flipping through it angrily as she
watched Emmett. I sat down beside her, and she still didn't look over to me.
"I had plans on going over this fuckery with you in my office like a G'damn professional and shit, but
since Emmett has proven he can't do anything unless he gets fucking adult supervision," she looked
over to me, licking her fingers, and turned the page, "we're doing it here." She made a face and
looked back down to the notebook, then handed it to me. "Read," Bella said simply.
I started to read, seeing that it was a list of all the duties I was responsible for as the executive chef.
"Tell me something Flower Child, you see babysitting anywhere on that list?" she asked, looking at
"No, Chef," I replied, glancing at her once, then went back to reading.
"How about keeping track of the general manager's fuck ups? That anywhere on there?" Bella was
not letting this go easily.
"No, Chef."
"I could be wrong here Flower Child, but just double check the list for me to make sure, will you? Is
there anything on that paper that says you, as the executive chef, should rely on the support and
coordination of the general manager?"
"Yes, Chef, there is," I replied and Bella took back the notebook, flipping to a new page.
"You know what I have figured out, Emmett?" she asked, handing me back the notebook again. "I'm
kind of stupid, you know that?" Bella said, and he knew better than to reply.
"I mean, here I am fucking checking for dust bunnies and shit in Flower Child's kitchen, meanwhile,
there's a fucking chef's table installed incorrectly, and showing our asses for all the world to see."
Bella pointed to a section on the notebook, "Read." She remained quiet this time, simply crossing her
legs and folding her arms over her chest, as I read silently. "Go on to the next page," Bella instructed,
and I did.
Again she was silent, allowing me to read. This part was about policy and procedures. I wasn't sure
why she had me reading all of this. Would there be a quiz or something? I tried to pay attention and
not think about what Emmett was doing.
"So this is what I figured out Emmett," Bella said with false excitement. "I know what happened," she
tapped her finger towards him, but he kept working. "It's like in that movie Twins, with fucking Danny
Devito and Arnold Schwarzenegger. When they go searching for their biological mother, and the
doctor tells them that when they were made in the damn test tubey thing, Arnold got all the brains
and the fucking body and good shit, and then poor little Danny Devito got the crap left over. That's
what happened with you and Flower Child! He is the Arnold, and you are the damn Danny."
I tried my hardest not to laugh, and I could see Emmett getting pissed as he finally got the bench
unbolted from the floor.
"Aren't you happy you are the Arnold?" she looked over to me finally, and I could see the wicked
gleam in her eye.
"Yes, Chef," I couldn't help but smirk a little.
"Me too," Bella said with a wink, before she looked back to Emmett.
I had to fucking smile at her sly way of telling me she loved me, without actually saying it.
Emmett finally got the table back in place, but Bella was not finished handing him his ass, by far. She
dismissed me from my seat and then proceeded to go on for the next fifteen minutes to Emmett
about what a fuck up he was, and how what did she say? he'made her want to gouge her eyes
out because that would be less painful than dealing with him'.
Yes, I think that was it.
Bella finally took a seat at the chef's table, now that it was installed properly, and went on for
another fifteen minutes about how nice it was to sit at, even making all of the staff take a rest here
and there just to fuck with Emmett more.
He was highly annoyed by this point.
"Oh, pumpkin?" Bella asked as she typed away on her laptop, still sitting at the table.
"Yes, Bella?" Emmett paused, sounding mega defeated.
"Could you run across the street there and get me a cookie? I'm feeling a little hungry, and I think a
cookie would be perfect."
"Yes, Bella." He started to leave, and I saw her smile.
"Oh, wait, I think I want a coffee too. Iced, please. Extra sugar," she added.
"Yes, Bella." I could really hear his irritation now. Emmett was almost out the door when she stopped
him again.
"Oh, and you might want to see if Edward would like a cookie as well," Bella stopped typing and
looked up to Emmett, smiling innocently.
She knew that he hated having to be the bitch boy; especially when she was now making him MY
bitch boy.
"Would you like a cookie, Edward?" Emmett asked, clenching his fists.
"White chocolate chip with walnuts," I replied, nodding.
"Got it," Emmett looked to Bella and she said nothing.
I could see he was nervous about walking away again, but he started to, and sure enough, she
stopped him once more.
"He might want a coffee too. You better ask him what kind, and not just assume that he wants an
iced coffee, like me. 'Cause you know, Edward might be in a hot latte sort of mood, not a chilled
beverage sort of mood. Ormaybe a chi tea?" She stared at him, knowing she was breaking him
"Edwa-" she cut him off.
"Although, he is working really hard back here, and it is rather hot in the kitchen. Emmett, I know you
don't know this, but usually when people do this thing called work, they tend to heat up and even
sweat sometimes. So yeah, maybe he wants a chilled beverage to," she dramatically waved her
hands over herself, "cool him down. But you better ask Flower Child, just to be sure," she
smiled, nodding at him, challenging him to start speaking again.
I knew better than to say anything.
Bella wanted to fuck with him.
"Edward," he said, taking a deep breath, and looked over to me. "Would you like an iced coffee?"
Emmett looked up at the ceiling as he waited for a response, and I couldn't help but think he was
asking God for help out of this fuckery.
"Sure, iced coffee sounds great. With caramel sauce though. And some of that stuff on top, what's it
called, Bella?" I played along, looking back to her.
"Nutmeg?" she smiled.
"Yeah that. Nutmeg." I looked back to Emmett and grinned.
The backdoor buzzed, and Emmett looked at it, debating whether or not to answer it. It was usually
his job, but Bella just asked him to get us coffee, and I'm sure he didn't want to piss her off again.
"Oh, that would be Edward's desk, I'm sure," Bella said, looking at Emmett.
He blew hard out through his mouth and walked to the door to answer it. Sure enough, there was a
large box containing the desk for my office, and as Emmett helped the Fed-Ex guy in with it, I saw
Bella grin again, looking at me.
She was up to no good.
"I want to make sure it doesn't have any scratches. Can you open it up Fed-Ex dude?" Bella said,
sliding out from her seat.
"Yes ma'am." He pulled out his box cutter and started to open the box.
"Wow, you look pretty sweaty. It's hot out there today isn't it?" Bella said, watching him.
"It's a scorcher," he replied, smiling at her.
"I bet you could use a chilled beverage, couldn't you?" Bella smiled wider, and I had to put my hand
over my mouth to hide my laughter.
"That sounds great." The Fed-Ex dude looked at Bella like she was Santa Clause.
"Emmett, you better ask," Bella looked at the worker's name tag, "Quil what kind of beverage he
wants." Bella patted her fingers on Emmett's shoulder, smiling ruefully up at him.
I had never been so G'damn turned on in my life.
My eyes looked over to the pass, and fuck if my dick didn't twitch.
1:15 pm
My toes were happy.
"A little lower," I said in a tone as if he was licking my bean.
Edward laughed, but followed instruction.
Damn Flower Child. He gave good ass mother of fuck foot massages.
I sat back in my desk chair and just purred as the 'ooohs' and 'aaahs' hummed from my lips. Originally
I asked him in here so I could go over his new contract and a host of other shit I had on my list. But
fuck, he offered up a foot rubbing, and I was not about to deny my tootsies that shit.
Thankfully, I could multitask like nobody's business.
"So Flower Child, listen. I want to go over this fuckery with you being the exec, but before we do that,
I think we should talk about the bigger shit we're putting off." I watched him as his hands slowed,
and he looked up at me with those 'fuck me' lashes.
"Like what?" He watched me as he continued to rub my feet in his lap.
"The shit with your father. Well, the shit with your custody case as a whole actually."
"I'm not asking Carlisle to take me back as his client, Bell. It's just not going to happen. Besides, I
already have a new lawyer," Edward looked back down to my feet.
"Babe," I pulled my feet back and sat up, but he still looked down. "Edward," I called again, cupping
his chin in my hand, and he finally lifted his eyes to meet mine.
"Just listen, alright. I'm not asking you to fucking grovel or beg him to take you back, 'cause you know
what I would say if someone ever told me to do that," I smiled lightly.
"Yeah, to fuck themselves," he stated without amusement.
"Exactly. What I think you should do what I would do is keep the new lawyer, but also hire Carlisle
back, in addition." I lowered my hand down from his chin, sliding my fingers under his that were lying
on his leg.
"Bella, I can't afford Carlisle. I can barely afford this new guy, Jenks," Edward shook his head as he
looked at me.
"Well you can work out a payment arrangement or something. I think that is fair. And also, it sends a
message to Carlisle. Yes you want his help, but you are not afraid to go to someone else if he
oversteps his boundaries. It's more professional if you pay him for his services. You need him
Edward. You know that, so why argue?" I rested my head on his shoulder as he thought about what I
"What if he doesn't want to take me back?" Edward asked, resting his head against mine.
"He will. The reason this all started was because he was trying to protect you and Ness. Just
remember that. Babe," I lifted my head to look at him, still resting my chin on his shoulder, "you
know what I like about you?" I watched as his lips began to turn up into a grin. "Besides that, perv," I
"What, Angel?"
"How mature you are for someone so young. I think it's quite admirable." I kissed his shoulder and
the rested my chin back down on it. "But babe, you are still a kid in a lot of ways too. In woman
years, I already have seven years on you. Plus, as a dude, you are negative, like, five years. Add in the
four years in actual age difference between us, and that makes me," I laughed counting in my head,
"sixteen years older than you." I laughed harder, and Edward shook his head, laughing once. "As the
old wise lady, you should totally be listening to me." I wrapped my arms around his shoulders.
"Alright, fine. I'll ask Carlisle to be my lawyer, but I'm warning you, if he starts shit...I'm done."
Edward turned in my arms and kissed me once.
"Deal." I let him go and faced my desk again, "And babe?"
"Mmm?" He sounded like he was expecting me to say something smartass.
"The restaurant looks really good." I looked over to him and leaned in, "Thank you." I kissed him
lightly and then turned back to the paperwork we needed to address.
"Can you sit on the other side of the desk now?" I nodded to the empty space across from me.
"Yes, Miss Swan," Edward replied, and I smiled internally that he realized why I was asking him to do
"Here is your new contract, Flower Child," I slid the paper across to him. "You already read the policy
earlier. Most of that fuckery is the same in this, but I suggest you read it anyhow, just so you know
what the fuck you are signing." I shuffled the papers on my desk, organizing my stacks while he read
it over, or fucking pretended to I wasn't sure.
Once he looked up to me, I stopped what I was doing and reached for a pen.
"Any questions?" I asked.
"When do I get to fire Seth?" he asked, fighting a smile.
"You really want him gone that bad? Tell me, what don't you like?" I flipped to a clean sheet of paper
in my notebook and waited.
"I just think he doesn't fit in well here."
"Flower Child, I have to call him in my office and explain to him why we are firing him. I need
specifics. What did he do that directly affects the policy and procedures?" I waited again as he
"He is neglectful of the safety policy, for one," Edward raised an eyebrow at me and then shook his
head. "Seth also likes to disrespect people in authority, and neglect his duties."
"Like?" I asked as I wrote what he said on the paper.
"Emmett asked him to get him something from the bakery, and he talked back to him, calling Rose a
bitch, or something, and then he" Edward stopped mid sentence, looking down.
"He what?" I asked, pausing my pen.
"Seth said something about you." Edward looked back up to me, and I was about to ask what but he
started speaking again, "I may not have handled that well."
"Well he's breathing and has all of his limbs, so I'm guessing it wasn't that bad," I laughed once. "But
I'm assuming this reprimanding was more personal that professional, yes?" Edward nodded at me,
looking very regretful.
"What did he say?" I asked, knowing Edward was probably not going to give me the details of what
HE said to Seth.
"He said that you were crazy, but he would still love to fuck you...'cause he thinks you're hot,"
Edward's jaw clenched tightly at the end of his words.
"He said that in front of you?" I asked, surprised, and Edward nodded. "And he is still breathing and
has his limbs? Some fierce fucking protector you are," I teased, shaking my head as I looked back to
the paper.
"Actually, if we are going to go there," Edward said, sitting forward a little in his chair. "When Seth
talked shit about Rose to Emmett, he only offered to scald the flesh off Seth's bones. I, however,
offered death. So, that should say something."
"That you hold me higher than a skank? I've never been so honored," I put my hand over my heart
and laughed, making Edward smile. "Okay, let's be serious here for a sec. I need to address these
things with him, but you have to be there too since it is now your job. I'm only doing this with you
because you haven't done it before. In the future, though, it will be yours to do alone. Understand?"
"I do," he replied with a nod.
"Alright. So, anything else? Before you once again sign your life away?" I clicked the pen and held it
out to him.
"Bella," Edward took the pen from my hand and started to sign his name. A small smile played on his
lips as he looked up and handed me back the pen and paperwork.
"I have already signed my life away to you."
5:45 pm
"SoSome of you, who have previously worked for me, know what happens after I return from a
trip," I announced at the beginning of our staff meeting.
"Job SWAP!" Emmett bellowed.
"Yeah, job swap," I laughed. "Jasper," I pointed my finger to the iPod Home behind him.
The music started, and I looked at Edward grinning as the lyrics started to play.
Have a baby by mebabybe a millionaire
"Oh, I'm sorry, that's not right. Can you go to the next one, Jasper?" I laughed, and Edward bit his
bottom lip, shaking his head at me.
Ah, I loved fucking him.
I mean, fucking WITH him.
The next song I programmed came on and it wasn't any better, but at least it wasn't fucking with
"Alright, so here's the deal, for those of you who are virgins to my warped sense of appreciation," I
grabbed the fish bowl from the bar top. "To say my thanks, and also to perform a fucking exercise I
firmly believe in, management gets to swap job roles tonight. Emmett," I called him up first.
"Come on Bus Boy!" he rubbed his hands together, hoping for that position.
Everyone always wanted to be the busser, or fucking anything that wasn't management for that
"Dammit!" Emmett cursed with a light laugh as he read what he pulled out.
"What is it?" I motioned for him to read.
"Fucking Executive Chef!" he stomped the ground once.
"That means Edward is up next," I laughed, holding the bowl out to him.
"I'm guessing I want busser," Edward smiled, looking at Emmett as he stuck his hand in the bowl.
"What is it?" I asked him as he pulled a paper out and read it.
"Head Waitress," he laughed.
"Are you sure?" I took the paper and tossed it back into the bowl, digging for the one I wanted him to
"HEY! You're fucking cheating Bella!" Emmett pointed at me.
"Yeah," I pulled out the right one and handed it to Edward. "Fucking sue me," I laughed. "What does
that one say?" I pointed to the paper in Edward's hands.
"General Manager," Edward shook his head.
"Much better," I smiled. "Now you and Em can understand each other's pain and agony." I walked
over to Angela and let her reach in. "Read it babygirl," I wrapped my arm around her shoulder,
dancing slightly to the music.
"Bella," she said, giving a fist pump to the air.
"Yeeeeesssssss!" I celebrated my victory of getting out of being myself. "I am sooooooo the busser!" I
pointed at Emmett, laughing, knowing he hated me right now.
"Every time!" he crinkled his paper and threw it to the floor.
"Hey Emmett! I'm in Miami bitch!" I sang along to the song, laughing hard as the tears ran down my
"I hate you Bella," Emmett shook his head, walking away.
"Get to work," I said, and then jumped on Em's big ass back, singing in his ear.
"Drink all day, play all night, let's get it poppin'. I'm in Miami bitch."
"Get off me, Bella," Emmett laughed, trying to shake me free.
"We have a song, you know that Em?" I hopped down now that we were in the kitchen.
"Yeah, what's that, B?" He walked over to Flower Child's station and paused, staring at me as I clicked
on the playlist in the back.
He smiled as the song came on, and I knew he wanted to be mad at me for all the fuckery I pulled
earlier in the day with the coffees and telling him I wanted to gouge my eyeballs out. But deep down,
he loved me, and had to fucking smile.
I grabbed his shirtfront as I walked back over to him and did my most dramatic interpretation of Pink
that I could muster.
"I forgot to say aloud, how beautiful you really are to me! I can't be without. You're my perfect little
punching bag! And I need you! I'm sorry!" I buried my face into his huge chest and felt him laughing
as I pretended to beg and cry. "Please, please don't leave me!"
"You're out of your fucking mind, B," he laughed harder, wrapping his arms around me.
"Please, please, don't leave me." I kept my act going, only I had to fucking laugh too at how silly this
"I love you too," Emmett squeezed me hard, but I didn't let go.
"Are you sure?" I mumbled into his shirt.
"Yes, B. Will you let me go, please. I have shit to do, and the general manager is giving me a creepy
stare." Emmett's chest rumbled with laughter.
"Stupid managers," I grumbled, letting go of Emmett. "Always trying to enforce the rules and shit," I
shook my head walking past Edward.
"Don't make me reprimand you Bella," Edward said, turning to face me as I backed out of the
kitchen. "Alonein my office," he raised on eyebrow as he set his clipboard down on the pass.
The pass
"I'm going to put your legs over my shoulders and fuck you so good. You will never look at the pass
the same way again."
"Stupid, stupid managers," I said with fierce defiance exiting the kitchen.
It was going to be a long night.
I saw Bella as I entered the kitchen towards the end of the dinner rush. Her back was to me, and she
was loading up her dishes into the machine for washing. It was strange seeing her look so happy
doing this job. She was dancing and singing a little to the song that was on, and seriously, she looked
motherfucking happy.
Didn't she hate doing dishes?
What was this all about?
"Here you go!" she sang, placing a clean pile of plates on the pass for Angela and Emmett.
"I fucking hate working the pass," Emmett grumbled to her.
"Really? Is it, like, HARD WORK?" Bella said, smiling at him, then looked to me.
"I'm sure Flower Child would LOVE to switch back with you, wouldn't you Flower Child?"
"Not really, no. I'm having a great time," I smiled back, playing along with her.
"Awe, too bad Em," she patted his shoulder.
"Just take your food and go fuck off, Edward," Emmett said, going to place the last dish on the tray
for me.
"That is not food," I held out my hand, staring at the burnt fish. "That isn't even dog food."
"See, good general manager," Bella pointed to me, teasing Emmett.
"Go fuck off and do your dishes Bella," he ordered.
"Yes, Chef," Bella giggled, going back to her tasks. "You know," Bella called from across the kitchen, "I
wish I could do this every night. I think I might just sell everything and become a bus girl."
I laughed at her, thinking she must have lost her mind.
"I mean," she looked back to us, "I could clock in at after two in the afternoon, put in my six or eight
hours, and then clock the fuck out and go home." She placed some dishes in the rack, "Or to a fucking
bar, and then take home some random hot dude, fuck his brains out, and then," she added more
dishes, "fucking sleep in peace. No worries, just drinking, sleeping, and fucking. That's sounds lovely,
doesn't it?"
"What about STD's? Or getting knocked up?" Angela asked, turning to face her.
"Condoms, and fucking birth control," Bella's waved her off.
"Love?" Angela asked next, dressing a plate of chicken.
"I would be fucking on a nightly basis Angela! Who needs love?" Bella rolled her eyes, sticking more
dishes in the rack.
"Everyone needs love Bella," Angela argued, sitting the corrected plate of fish on my tray.
"Fine," Bella sighed. "I guess I'll just fucking stay the owner and deal with all the bullshit so I can keep
love. I mean, dammit!" she tossed her rag to the counter. "I was really wanting to be a busser and get
my nightly fuck on!"
I picked up my tray and laughed at her silliness, but something told me there was more in that
pretend temper tantrum than just her fooling around.
Bella was trying to say something.
1:15 am
Edward and I were trying so hard not to laugh as we placed all the Hello Kittys around Squeaks' bed
as she slept.
Fuck, I had like five suitcases full of the fuckers.
Flower Child held up the one that was dressed like a doughnut and lost it, falling to his side on the
floor, laughing silently into the carpet. I crawled over to him and held my hand over his mouth.
"Pappa?" I heard Squeaks whisper, and I stared right at him, holding him down so she wouldn't see
When I heard her snoring again, I moved my hand and hit him lightly.
"Shut up," I whispered and backed off him to finish piling them up around her bed.
By the time we were done, it looked like a fucking Sanrio store exploded in her room.
Edward and I snuck out, closing the door quietly behind us. As I turned back to face him, he lifted me
over his shoulder and started off toward his room.
Butterbean, I think this means we are going to be fucked all proper-like.
I hope so sister, I really hope so, she replied.
Edward tossed me on his bed and then quickly pulled off his shirt. I scooted back and he followed,
trying to watch me in the dark room. His hands knocked my legs apart as I stopped in the center of
the bed, and he quickly pulled my pants free.
Oh yes Butterbean, we are going to get fucked so, so, so, so, so good.
"Turn around," he commanded in a whisper, placing a kiss to my knee.
I obeyed, getting on all fours. Flower Child's weight disappeared from the bed for a moment, and I
heard him unzipping his pants from behind. When the sound of them hitting the floor hit my ears, I
breathed a little harder.
So good.
His hands were on my shoulders next, pulling me to him, and then he lifted my shirt over my head. I
could feel his warm chest against my back as he held me close to him, planting small kisses along my
shoulder. A heated trail was left from his fingertips as he slid the straps of my bra down, and then
unhooked it. My breasts were cupped by his hands and he massaged them gently, but firmly, as he
kissed along my jaw, softly biting the skin closest to my ear.
"I can't fuck you over the couch like I want, but here," one of Edward's hands slid down my front,
sliding one finger into my wet folds, "in my bed, I am going to fuck you the way I would have on the
couch." He rubbed my clit harder with his fingers, "Down," he whispered, guiding me forward onto
my palms.
I was already panting hard without him even really touching me yet. My body tensed as I felt his
fingers again, but this time from behind as he slid his middle finger inside of me. My whole center
pulsed with desire for him.
"Mmm," Edward hummed, fucking me slowly with his finger.
I felt his lips on my back as he added a second finger, then swirled butterbean with his thumb as he
did. Flower Child's lips then made their way in between my cheeks, kissing his way down until he
reached my pussy.
He removed his fingers and palmed my ass cheeks, spreading me for him. I bowed my head, feeling
like I was already ready to cum, and just when I thought I couldn't take anymore, he gave me more,
licking from the bottom of my pussy all the way up to the small of my back.
"Edward," I moaned, almost in a cry.
His lips kissed all the way up my back, and then Edward swept my hair over my shoulder, kissing his
way into my neck. I arched my body under him as he came to mount himself over me, gently resting
his weight on me.
Fuck, I wanted him.
"Do you remember what I said, Angel?" he whispered, grinding his cock against my ass.
"Yes," I panted.
"Are you ready?" he asked, and I answered him by pushing my ass against him, teasing him back.
"Mm Mm, you have to spread wider than that. I said I was going to fuck you deep, Angel. You lied
when you said you remembered. Now when I spank you, I will have to add on extra."
Fucking hell, Butterbean.
My arousal dripped from my body as I spread my legs wider for him, opening myself up entirely for
Edward to enter me as he wished.
"Much better," he kissed my neck again.
Flower Child began to push into me, and I fisted the sheets with all my might as he filled me with his
thick cock. I panted hard as he pulled out and thrust into me with force.
He was not playing around here, folks.
"Here?" Edward asked, stopping inside of me, halfway.
"No," I answered, and he pushed further.
"No," I moaned softly, and he slid the rest of the way in, holding his place deep inside of me.
"Here?" he asked, knowing that was exactly where I wanted him.
"Fuck yes," I grinded myself into him, and he bit down hard on my shoulder.
We weren't evening fucking at this point. I felt like one of those wild animals you see on the fucking
Discovery Channel during mating season. All I needed now was a fucking cameraman and a creepy
voice explaining what was going on.
"More," I begged and he obliged, pounding into me.
His hips slapped into my ass cheeks, and I felt Edward's hot breath against my ear. I could feel the
orgasm building with each thrust, and just as I was about to fall over, he fucking stopped.
"Not yet," he pulled himself from me, and I blinked rapidly, wondering why the fuck not. "I had plans
for the couch and it didn't end like that, so," his lips kissed my back, "not yet."
Edward moved off of me and scooped the pillows into a pile, shoving them under me. I was kind of in
a teeter-totter position now. He rubbed his hand over my ass, lightly caressing me as a feather,
causing goose bumps to rise all over my body.
"On the couch, Angel, you would have been bent over the armrest. Kind of like this." His fingers
found their way back to my pussy, and he started to swirl his thumb into my wetness.
Edward moved his thumb over my second hole, circling the moisture of my arousal around it. I felt
his middle finger next along my spin, lightly running its way down until it was in between my cheeks,
and he stopped at my first entrance.
"Do you trust me Bella?" he asked, still keeping his finger there.
"Yes," I whispered.
"May I have you here?" he pressed his finger inside of me slowly, and I squeezed my eyes shut.
Could he?
That was a good question.
Fuck, it felt good, but shit, this was just his finger.
I mean, his dick was like.huge.
"Yes," Butterbean answered for me.
Edward removed his fingers, lowering his lips, and licked over the place of his desire. It felt so fucking
good, but I was nervous as hell. I never had sex like this before. Had he? Shit. I tensed, waiting for
when he would do it.
I felt his fingers rubbing against me again, teasing my entrance. He dipped one back inside of me
again, then another, sometimes switching on and off. My pussy throbbed with desire for him to be
back inside of me. I felt his other hand start to rub my clit, and the drunken state I was under washed
over me. I fell right off the edge he had me teetering on as his fingers then pushed into my pussy and
ass at the same time. As my mouth started to chant his name, his cock came back inside of me while
he continued to fuck my ass hard with his fingers.
"Fuck, fuck, Edward, fuck," I panted against the sheets, hoping to mask my cries from Ness sleeping
across the hall.
He kept fucking me hard, causing my voice to catch in my throat from the intensity of the orgasm he
"So," he slammed into me.
"Fucking," harder this time.
"Good," he groaned, cumming as far inside of me as he could go.
Butterbean held up a nice "10", in complete and total agreement.
I woke up with Bella lying across my chest.
Glancing at the clock, I saw that it was around 7:30, her normal time for waking up, and knew that
Ness would probably be up soon too.
I groaned at the thought of having to move, but did it anyway.
When Ness woke up, she would be excited seeing all of the toys Bella brought back, and no doubt
know that Bella was here.
"Angel," I rocked her gently as I sat back down on the bed with some of my pajamas for her.
"Go way," she grumbled, burying her face into the pillow.
I kind of felt bad. I mean, it was sort of my fault she was so tired. I smiled to myself thinking about
last night. Fucking hell, she was going to let me do her in the ass.
Don't look at me like that.
Every man wants to do his girl in the ass. Did I do it though? No, I didn't.
Because no girl wants to be fucked in the ass, I'm not stupid. They either do it because they want to
please their man, or because they are total fucking sluts like Jessica.
Bella is not a slut, obviously, so she was only going to do it to please me.
That shit would hurt, though, and I was not about to hurt my angel. I just wanted to see if she trusted
me, and fuck, she did.
"Sweet Bella, you have to put on clothes before my child catches you in the nude for the second
time," I snickered, kissing her head.
"Fine," she sucked her teeth and sat up. I smiled at her as she kept her eyes closed, sticking out her
arms for me to dress her.
"I thought you hated it when I treated you like a child?" I teased.
She only grunted, and then fell back down to the pillow.
"Need the lower half. I'm pretty sure I can wake up that part of you," I pulled the covers back and
lowered my lips down to her body, but she knocked my face away, hard.
"You're very feisty for it being so early." I backed off and just slid my pajama pants on her.
After I dressed myself, I climbed back into bed with her and tried to fall back to sleep for a bit. I was
halfway into my dream about covering Bella with chocolate sauce when 30 pounds of miniature
human jumped on my back.
"Daddy!" she shook my shoulder hard, and I felt one of the stuffed animals hitting my face as I
spooned Bella. "DADDY!" Ness said louder, right in my fucking ear.
"Ness," I rolled back slightly and squinted at the bright light, trying to see her.
"WOOK!" she held up one of the toys, and I tried to smile at her excitement.
"Shh, honey Bella's sleeping." I pulled her into me, but she wiggled free, crawling over me and then
onto Bella.
"Bewwa wake up!" Ness bounced in front of her, shaking her arm.
"Squeaky." Bella tried to find her with her hand as she kept her eyes closed.
"Wake up," Ness laid down by Bella, whispering softly to her.
I had definitely been replaced as the favorite.
"Did you get the kitties?" Bella whispered, pulling Ness into her arms.
"I wike dis one," Ness held up the Hello Kitty dressed like a chef.
"Me too sweetheart. It looks like your daddy right?" Bella laughed again.
"Mmm hmm," Ness giggled with her.
"Did you miss me?" Bella asked sleepily, holding Ness tighter.
"Yup. You misses me?"
"Of course, Squeaks. I had no one to tell me I was pretty for five days," Bella nuzzled her nose against
Ness' face, making her laugh.
"You stay wif me now?" Nessie asked in a hopeful tone.
"I'll stay for now."
After we all climbed out of bed, Bella insisted on making breakfast, saying that she owed Ness a good
meal after she was stuck eating my cooking all week. I wanted to remind her that she was now
paying me double my previous salary since she made me the executive chef of her restaurant, but
something told me to just let that sleeping dog lie.
"What's dis?" Ness asked, as Bella set down a bowl for her.
"This is Maizena. It's yummy, but hot. So be careful," Bella took a seat next to her.
"I haven't had this since I was a little kid," I said, stirring the custard in my bowl to cool it off.
"A kid? Who the hell made you Maizena?" she asked, blowing on her bowl.
"A nanny Esme had when Emmett and I were little. So-phia," I said smiling with a wiggle of my brows.
"I take it So-phia was pretty?"
"She was...words I cannot say at this table right now," I laughed, sliding a spoonful of custard in my
"Flower Child, you're about to lose the rights to your Maizena," Bella warned.
"You asked," I shrugged, taking another bite.
"It's yummy," Squeaks said, trying to bring a spoonful to her mouth.
"Yes, it is honey," I reached over and wiped her mouth that was covered. She scowled at me, giving
me a look that said 'I was saving that for later'.
"Bet its better than So-phia's," Bella said, giving me a dirty look.
"It is, Angel. Much. And I happy to be much more fond of the chef." I reached across the table and
cupped her chin.
"Screw off Flower Child," she laughed, knocking my hand away.
"Bewwa can we pay today?"
"Bella has to work today sweetheart, but we can"
"No!" Ness knocked her bowl hard, spilling it over.
"Renesmee," I said in a surprised tone. "That was not very nice. You need to apologize to Bella," I sat
her bowl up, and reached for some napkins.
"No." Ness crossed her arms and looked down.
"Renesmee Cullen, you are going to find yourself in timeout if you don't knock it off," I reached over
and tried to lift her chin, but she moved her face away. "What did we talk about? Being a big girl and
letting Bella work, right?" I waited but she said nothing, and didn't move.
"I'm not going anywhere, Squeaks. I'm just going with daddy to work. It's not far, remember?" Bella
said softly, touching her hair.
"I-don't-want-you-to-go," Ness started to cry this little weepy sound that broke my heart.
Bella reached over and picked her up into her lap. Ness cried harder as Bella rocked her gently,
patting her back. Fuck, I should have known this was going to happen. I didn't know what to do
though. How else could I explain this to her?
"Squeaks, please don't cry. I have to work honey. I'm sorry. Believe me," Bella laughed once," I would
much rather stay here with you and play all day. That's not how being an adult works, though."
"You and daddy aways go way," Ness cried. "Wike mommy."
Bella's eyes closed tightly, cringing right along with me at my daughter's words. That fucking hurt
worse than her cries.
She thought I was the same as Jessica.
"That's not true, Squeaky," Bella whispered.
"Yes it is!" Ness wiggled to get free, and Bella let her go, putting her down.
Ness ran to her room, and I stared after her, trying to figure out what the fuck to do. When I looked
over to Bella I could see that she was hurt, and no doubt blaming herself for what just happened.
"It's not your fault, Bella," I said getting up from my seat.
I walked over to her and kissed her head once, brushing my fingers over her cheek before I went to
my bedroom to retrieve my cell phone.
There was only one person who knew how to deal with this shit.
"You have been avoiding me," she answered after the second ring.
Great, even my mother was going to give me shit today.

My mother ended up coming over to watch Ness today.
Bella didn't say anything else to her, not wanting to make it worse, and just left after my call to Esme.
I was worried. I didn't want Bella feeling bad about being a part of Ness' life. She had no reason to.
Esme assured me they would both be alright.
I made my way into the restaurant and clocked in, hoping the rest of the day would be better. Bella's
office door was closed, and I shook my head, knowing that she was probably sulking AKA hiding.
From me.
As I began prep, I thought of the list I had created a few days ago, and tried to come up with a reason
for how to keep Bella with me.
"Yo," Emmett ducked his head into the kitchen, "B wants to see you."
I rubbed my face briskly as I walked to her office, already having a shitty day and not really wanting
to hear what I knew she was going to say.
"Hey," I said entering her office.
"We have to do Seth's written warning. He'll be in soon, and I want to show it to you before he gets
here." She held out the paper to me, and I walked forward, taking it out of her hands.
As I sat in the seat across from her, I looked at her face while she clicked on emails, doing her work.
She had been crying, no doubt. Her eyes were puffy, and I could see the little bit of red on the tip of
her nose.
"You have to sign the bottom when you're done, if it is all correct," she said looking to me again.
"Yeah," I looked down to the paper, not wanting to upset her again.
It was quiet for a few minutes as I tried to focus on reading the form, and Bella continued to work. I
barely heard her when she started to speak, her voice was so low. I looked up and she was staring at
her monitor with tears coming down her face.
"She's right. I'm no different."
I stood up and walked over to her side of the desk. Kneeling down, I spun her chair to face me and
cupped her face into my hands.
"That isn't true Bella. You are nothing like Jessica," I thumbed away her tears.
"I bought her all of that stuff thinking it would make up for not being around," she sniffled, shaking
her head.
"Baby, she thinks I'm like Jessica too. That's what Nessie said with her own lips. What am I supposed
to? Stop working? She's afraid because of what happened with Jessica. She can't see the difference
yet, but I think, with time, she will. She'll see that we're not going anywhere." I leaned in and kissed
her chin.
"I am Flower Child. I am going somewhere. You forget that?"
"Belladon't." I stopped, seeing in her eyes what she was about to say. "Don't say or don't do what
I think you are going to. Just.don't. Please," I looked in her teary eyes and begged with my own for
her not to say it.
"It's the only fair thing to do Edward," Bella whispered. "It will hurt a lot less than"
"No, it won't. Not to anyone. If you leave now Bella, or want to break off what we have, you are only
fooling yourself into thinking it is better. It's not better." I tried to stay calm but this shit was really
pissing me off.
"What am I supposed to do? Gordon says to fucking lay it all on the line and spell it out for you. Well
you know what Edward? Here's how this shit works," she swiped away her tears angrily. "I love you
and I love your daughter, and in fucking," she turned back to her computer and pointed, "3 months,
all of that shit goes away. I am leaving in three months
Edward. The proof is right there," she pointed and hit the screen with her finger again. "Still want to
think it's all sunshine and fucking butterflies?"
"It doesn't matter to me Bella. If you want it to work, then it will work. And Ness will understand. If
you don't want us, then just say you don't want us. But don't fucking use leaving as an excuse to
"I'm not," she cried, shaking her head fiercely.
I reached up and brought her head down to mine, pressing her forehead to my own, and closed my
"Then just stay with me, Bella. Stay with me."
10:15 am
The date laughed at me.
Mocking the voicemail I received this morning, of which, sent my world swirling into a downward
I stared at Flower Child as he read over Seth's warning, and fucking sobbed, knowing it meant his
world was going to be turned upside down even more than it already had.
How fucking stupid I was.
I tried to get the words to come out of my mouth, but they just wouldn't. Edward was getting angry
and defensive as he argued with me about leaving, and it only made me cry harder.
Just fucking say it.
I couldn't. I just fucking couldn't.
I wasn't even sure what the fuck we we're arguing about at the this point, but I just kept my mouth
moving, without saying what really needed to be said. Like; 'Edward, shut up, you're going to be a '
My stomach churned as I looked into his blue eyes, pleading with me to stay.
Yes stay.
There was a small voice inside of my head making the same plea, but it wasn't my voice alone this
Fuck. How fifteen minutes changed so much.
10:00 am
Miss Swan, this is Dr. Pattinson. We have your results back from your Avian Flu testing. You will be
happy to know that you have tested negative, and have nothing to fear. We hope you enjoyed your
stay in Japan. My wife and I always loved going this time of year. I have some other results to share
with you as well. It seems that you are expecting. Your blood test shows you have an increase in
I dropped the phone, unable to hear the rest.
"Yo, B? You want a muffin?" Emmett popped his head in and asked.
"Edward," I breathed, closing my eyes.
"You want me to get him?" he asked, and I nodded, trying not to fucking pass out.
Oh my God.
Oh my God.
Oh my God.
Oh my God.
Oh my God.
Oh my
"Hey," Edward said softly as he walked in.
I fought back the tears and the panic and the overwhelming need I felt to be held in his arms.
Shit. Pull it together woman! FocusSethrightdiscipline.
Discipline? Ha. What did I know about that?
Here I was carrying Edward's love Child like any other slut. Like fucking
Just wike mommy
Yeah, just like fucking Jessica.
"She's Right. I'm no different."
Chapter Twenty ~ Phantasmagoria
Poetry: Summer Light, by MoonBee Canady,
These streets will make you feel brand new, big lights will inspire you.
2:37 pm
The streets were dark and glossy, wet from the late night rain.
I ran for shelter, already feeling chilly from the sprinkles that fell on me as I tried to find cover. The
cool air was filled with all types of aromas. Some were sweet, some were savory. I remembered the
first time I ever smelled a slice of that pizza from Pecc's Italian caf.
Fuck, that stuff was where it was at.
I ate it leaning up against the brick wall outside, just like all of the other patrons who weren't lucky
enough to get a table inside, because the place was too packed with people.
Those were the days.
I was eighteen, on my own, highly fucking nervous, and scared and excited to be so.
New York, my first home away from home.
First slice of pizza that wasn't Charlie's.
First time I ever let go and just fucking
Riley's was built on fucking hopes and dreams. It never should have happened from a statistics point-
of-view. I was predicted to fail, and fucking would have if I didn't dig deep and go balls to the wall,
like Gordon fucking taught me.
I chose New York because I fucking read one time, "If you can make it there, you can make it
anywhere." Well fuck, I wanted to make it. BAD. Being from Forks was like being a shark in a
This place, these streets, was made for fuckers like me.
I fucking dug in and took a big ass bite out of that apple, spitting the seeds from my mouth, and
fucking begging someone to spit back at me. I was hungry, starved, and wanted to fucking prove
myself this no-one, this fucking little girl from a small town with no proper education or pot to piss
in to my father and mother, and every other person who looked at me, and be able to tell them 'Go
fuck yourself'.
Well hell, I made it.
I was fucking King Kong, atop of the fucking Empire State Building, roaring to all the fuckers down
below who wanted my head.
Come get it motherfuckers.
But they couldn't.
Not even Gordon.
I stared at the figures in front of me and smiled, seeing that I had fucking owned every last man,
every last woman, everyfucking EVERYONE in G'damn New York. The hardest place to fucking climb
to the top of the food chain quite fucking literally.
Riley's was number fucking ONE.
I wasn't sure if I wanted to cry, celebrate, or fucking I don't know. The feelings surging inside of me
were ridiculous. Of course, that wasn't the only thing inside of me, so maybe that shit had a lot to do
with it also.
"B?" I heard Emmett say through the intercom on the phone.
"Get your ass in here fucker," I replied, wanting to be able to show him our numbers for the quarter.
"Aight," he said in his ghetto voice.
I laughed letting go of the button.
What a buffoon.
I loved him, though.
Emmett came in with a cup of coffee for me and set it down on my desk, resting his own on his leg as
he took a seat. I reached for mine, wanting the warmth and caffeine, but as soon as the fucking liquid
hit my lips, I spat it back into the cup, coughing.
"Not enough sugar?" he asked, looking worried.
"Um, no it's just"
Fuck what do I say?
"I um, I'm giving up coffee andforgot."
"YOU, Isabella my middle name should be coffee Swan, has given up the java?" he eyed me in
"I just want to start eating better and shit. You know, a little self improvement never hurts Em," I
lied, pushing the cup away.
"Uh huh," he took a sip of his, still not believing my bullshit.
"Anyhow, I just wanted to tell you that Riley's fucking killed this quarter. Look," I held out the paper
to him and he leaned it to take it from my hands.
"Shit B," he smiled, resting his mug on my desk.
"Fucking beat Gordon," I smiled proudly.
"Damn girl. This shit needs to be framed. No, screw that. This needs to be put on a damn billboard.
Come here," he stood up and came around my desk.
Emmett wrapped me in a tight bear hug as I stood up, and I started to laugh when my feet lifted off
the floor.
"You deserve it B," he squeezed me tighter and I squealed.
"Em, can't breathe here."
"Sorry," he chuckled, letting me go.
As my feet hit the floor, I felt my stomach go the opposite direction. The room spun a little, and I lost
my balance.
"Shit, you okay?" Emmett held my arms to keep me from falling.
"Em," I closed my eyes shaking my head.
"What's wrong?" he pulled me in, sounding worried.
"I'm gonna" I turned my head, pulling free of his arms, and fell to my knees.
Thankfully I grabbed the fucking wastebasket in time, and was able to avoid puking on the floor.
"Shit," Emmett said, kneeling down behind me. "I'm sorry B. I didn't mean to shake you up like that,"
Emmett's strong hand was on my back, rubbing soothingly.
"It's okay," I kept my face over the trash, feeling like it wasn't over. "Can I have a towel or
"Sure, yeah, hold on." He climbed to his feet and walked out of my office.
I sat down on my bottom, still leaning over the wastebasket, unsure if it was over.
You little bugger.
Emmett came back in with a wet and dry rag for me. I felt like I needed to lie down or something. So I
did, propping my legs up on my chair, and staying on the floor. Emmett squatted next to me, softly
wiping my forehead with the wet rag.
Such a teddy bear, this one. I must remember to be nicer to him.
"Better B?" he asked looking remorseful.
"It wasn't your fault, Emmett. I fucking just ate some bad shit or something," I lied, not wanting him
to feel guilty.
A knock at the door sounded, and I sat up quickly, not wanting to get caught laid out like this. That
was a bad fucking idea. My head swirled again, making the room all topsy-turvey, and I fucking felt
my stomach constrict again, trying to purge the nonexistent food in my stomach.
"Fuck," I leaned forward and vomited again in the wastebasket as Emmett held my hair.
"What the hell are you doing?" I heard of all people Flower child say.
"B's trying to take guilt trips to a whole new level," Emmett teased.
"Shut up," I mumbled, keeping my face over the basket.
"Are you alright Bella?" I couldn't see him, but I felt his hands replace Emmett's on my hair.
"I'll get her something to drink," Emmett said, getting up from his place.
"I'm fine. It's just this new diet," I lied to him too.
"New diet? Why the fuck are you on a diet?" Edward gathered my hair back from my face, rubbing
his one hand over my cheek.
"Trying to feel healthier," I said sarcastically, reaching for the rag next to me.
"Here," Emmett leaned over the desk with a glass and handed it to Edward.
"Drink this, baby," Edward handed me the cup and I sat back on my butt, taking a small sip.
"I'm gonna go keep an eye on shit. Make sure that little fucker Seth stays in line," Emmett leaned of
the desk and made his way out of my office.
My head leaned against the bottom drawer of my desk as I closed my eyes, trying to make the
nausea to go away. I felt weak and just like sleeping. Edward's slender fingers were on my face
stroking light as a feather, and I tried to focus on that sensation, blocking out the churning in my
My belly
"Angel, come here," Edward pulled me gently into his lap.
I curled up against him, and he held me securely. I felt so safe here in his embrace.
Thebabyseemed to agree, because the rumbling inside of me stopped, and all I felt was his love
and comfort.
"Better?" Edward asked softly, smoothing his hand over my hair.
"Yeah," I said with a slight nod. "Thank you."
"Do you want me to bring you home?" Edward asked, holding me tighter.
"No, I'm fine. Can we just sit here for a second, please?"
"Sure," he leaned against the desk, tucking my head under his chin.
"We came in number one," I said softly.
"The Workshop?"
"No, Riley's. It's the number one restaurant in the country this quarter," I explained.
"Seriously? That's amazing, Bell," Edward's lips kissed my hair. "Congratulations."
"I was six," I played with the fabric of his shirt as I started to tell him my story, "when I first worked in
Charlie's diner. My Grandpa would stop in every morning, and I made him my special breakfast every
day. You know what it was?"
"Hmm.pancakes?" Edward chuckled.
"No," I laughed. "Not pancakes. I made him oatmeal with raisins. You know Flower Child, to this day I
cannot look at a fucking raisin without thinking of my Grandpa Riley," I sighed, closing my eyes and
seeing Gramps' wrinkled face and bushy eyebrows.
"You named it after him," Edward said quietly.
"He used to eat the oatmeal with me every morning. I would tell him, 'Grandpa, someday I am going
to be a famous cook', and he'd say to me, 'Bellaboo, you cannot be a cook'. When I asked him why,
can you guess what he said?" I looked up to Edward's face.
"I'm guessing he is the one who told you the difference between a cook and a chef."
"You would be right, Flower Child," I smiled, happy that he remembered what I told Carlisle the first
time I met him.
"But you know what else?" I nuzzled into his neck.
"What, angel?" Edward held me tighter in his strong arms.
"He showed me this headline of an article he clipped from a paper one day. It was from a Broadway
show, and this actress, I can't remember her name, was being featured with her quote on the
headline. She said, 'If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere'. My Gramps gave it to me,
and I saved it, believing that it was true. I still have it. It's on the wall in Riley's."
"You did, sweetheart," Edward kissed my forehead. "You made it."
"I want Invoke, Flower Child. I'm sorry that I do, but I just fucking do," I started to sob a little, hoping
he could understand.
"And I want you to want it Bella. I want you to have what makes you happy. Do I want you to leave?
Fuck no, I don't. But do I want you to give up your dreams for me? No, I don't want that either."
"I know," I took a deep breath. "Flower Child, I want you," I nuzzled into him further, kissing his neck
softly. "I fucking want you too. And Squeaks. I love you both so much," I whispered against his skin.
"We're yours, angel. We're all yours." Edward's lips kissed into the crook of my neck as he held me
tight. "But Bella?"
"Will you show me?" he asked in a whisper.
"Show you what, babe?" I placed my palm over his heart, needing to feel it beat against my hand.
"What it is all about. Invoke. I want to see your dreams."
"Flower Child," I leaned away, wanting to see his face. "Are you actually asking me for challenges?" I
"If that's what it takes to see, then yes. I am," he nodded.
"You're a crazy motherfucker. You know that?" I palmed his cheek in my hand.
"Mmm hmm. Takes one to know one." Edward kissed the tip of my nose, and I laughed, falling back
into him.
"Are you feeling better, Bell?" he asked, rubbing my back.
"I am. We should get back to work," I leaned away again, and Edward helped me up slowly.
Thankfully, I felt alright, other than being tired, and sat back into my chair. Edward kissed my head
and set the glass of 7-Up down next to my pencil cup-holder. I smiled up at him, and then looked
back to the screen. With a heavy sigh, I picked up where I left off, opening a new email form.
Dear Gordon
During service, Bella worked the pass with me.
I kept a watchful eye on her, making sure she looked well enough to be in here. Earlier in the day, she
scared the shit out of me when I saw her throwing up in her office. She seemed alright now, though.
"Hurry the fuck up Seth!" Bella ordered, shaking her fucking head as she shoved a pan back at him
with burnt scallops in it. "Motherfucker" she grumbled her frustrations under her breath.
"Yo, Bree, I need the fucking veg, hun," I curled my fingers at her, and she nodded, trying to hurry up.
"What the fuck is with everyone tonight?!" Bella huffed. "Did you all eat big fucking bowls of 'slow as
shit' for breakfast or something today? Come-the-fuck-ON!" Bella slammed her fist down on the
pass, waiting for food right along with me.
"Seriously," I shook my head with the same irritation.
"Hey B! You have a visitor!" Emmett bellowed, entering the kitchen.
"Who?" she asked.
"I don't know. He looks like he's got some serious fucking clout, though. Rockin' a fucking iced out
Chopard watch and shit."
"Is he a fucking rapper?" Bella scoffed, and I had to laugh.
"Naw, he looks like some big boss man or something. Nice suit and all that," Emmett explained.
"What the fuck," Bella sighed, walking out from around the counter.
"Hey," I called after her, and she spun around. "You make sure his bag ass goes with you," I nodded
towards Emmett.
"Yes father," she smirked, but then it faded as she backed out of the kitchen door, looking regretful.
I shook my head in confusion, but went back to work, yelling at the staff to hurry up with the orders.
Bella was only gone for a few minutes, and when she came back in, she looked even more annoyed
than before.
"What happened?" I asked as she walked back around the pass.
"Fucking parasite," she huffed, leaning on the pass.
"Who was that?"
"Sometimes, Flower Child, the more successful you are, the harder your fucking life gets. And
assholes roll up on your doorstep with their fat G'damn wallets thinking they can just buy up
everything that you have fucking," Bella kicked the table hard, "worked your whole G'damn life for,
and think you are just a motherfucking," she kicked it again, "useless tool who can be bought, like a
pair of fucking used underwear or something." Bella closed her eyes and fumed.
"He wanted to buy you?" I tried to joke.
"It's like me walking up to you and saying, 'Hey, you know, Edward, your kid is really cute and seems
really nice. You've done a good job raising her. How much?' These people!" she kicked the counter
"He wants to buy The Workshop?" I asked.
"No. YOU. He wants to buy you. A whole fucking inbox full of people want to buy YOU. I'm sick of it,"
Bella slammed her hands down on the pass, and I stared at her.
"What are you talking about?" I stepped closer to her.
"All of my restaurants have accomplished execs and sous chefs, Edward. What the fuck do you think I
mean? They think because you are new that they can like, get a fucking bargain or something. This
isn't the fucking NBA draft or some shit." Bella reached out for the pan Seth sat down and
immediately pulled her hand back cursing loudly.
"You cum guzzling twat!" Bella shook her hand and spun around to face Seth. "Handles don't go over
the fucking flame!" she kicked the table and walked towards the sink.
I was getting really tired of this asshole hurting my girl.
"You alright, Bell?" I asked, glancing once at Seth.
Bella waved me off and continued rinsing her hand with cold water. I knew better than to baby her,
especially in front of the staff, so I kept to my duties, making sure to keep a watchful eye on Seth's
punk ass.
I was plating up my last dish on table 24's tickets when I heard Bella scream again.
My head whipped instantly towards her and I fucking fumed, seeing her holding her hand the same
fucking hand he ALREADY burned once with his stupidity.
Mother. Fucker.
I walked towards Seth and grabbed him by the fucking back of his jacket, dragging his ass to the back
door as he stumbled to keep up.
"Fuck off," I shoved him out the door and fucking slammed it closed.
Walking back over to the pass, I saw Bella at the sink, rinsing her hand in the same place Seth burned
her last time with the pan handle he allowed to lay over the open flame, except now, she had tears in
her eyes from the pain.
That shit was like branding someone.
My face flushed with the anger I felt towards Seth, and it was all I could do not to turn around and
fucking go back out that door to kick the fucking living shit out of his ass.
"Ben, please watch the pass," I instructed, walking towards Bella.
"Let me see, love," I said quietly, taking her burned hand into mine. "Shit," I fumed seeing the
blistering skin on her palm.
"Does it say 'Made in China'?" Bella closed her eyes, trying to joke, but I knew she was in fucking
"No. Here, hold it under the water. I'll get you ice." I released her and walked to the ice chest,
grabbing some in a clean rag, and then walked back over to Bella. "Give me your hand, sweetheart," I
held out my hand for hers.
"Fuck," she cringed as I rubbed one of the ice cubes over her red skin.
"I'm sorry," I said, trying to be gentle with her. "You've had a really shitty day, love."
"Yeah, tell me about it," she sniffled.
"Maybe you should take a break. Have a smoke." I pulled her along with me towards the First Aid kit.
"No," Bella shook her head.
"You don't want a smoke?" I laughed, reaching into the kit in search of ointment.
"I told you, I'm trying to do this new diet, healthy shit."
"What is this all about Bella? Not that I'm going to argue against you giving up smoking and shit
'cause truthfully we should BOTH be doing that but, I'm just curious as to what brought this on." I
unscrewed the cap to the ointment and rubbed a little on her hand.
"Shit, Flower Child!" she pulled back cringing again.
"I'm so sorry," I leaned my lips to her face and kissed her softly. "Fuck, I'm sorry."
"It's fine. It just hurts like a mother fucker." She placed her hand back into mine.
"Can we PLEASE fire Seth now?" I asked angrily as I lightly dabbed more ointment on her hand.
"Oh, he's fucking gone. Let him try and get fucking unemployment out of me. I'll give that fucking
mobster dude that showed up here tonight someone's ass to buy. Motherfucker."
"That's my girl," I smiled up at her anger.
Bella asked me at the end of the night to come back in the kitchen after service was through. The bar
closed up early since there was a big concert down at the bandshell on the beachside, and we were
pretty dead.
As I entered the kitchen again, all the lights were off and only a low flame on the stove remained lit.
Bella was sitting on the pass, swinging her legs, staring down at her feet. I walked in slowly, unsure of
what exactly she was planning on doing. I know I promised her sex on the pass, but I didn't think it
would be tonightif that was what she was after.
"What are we doing?" I asked, stopping once I reached her.
"You wanted to see Invoke, yes?" she asked, lifting her eyes to mine.
"Oh," I nodded realizing what she was about to do.
"Close your eyes," Bella said softly, and I obeyed.
"Take off your shirt," she said next, making me laugh a little.
"You are opening a restaurant, right?" I teased, peeking an eye at her.
"I'm trying to show you the point of this fuckery, Flower Child. Not what I am going to do to a
"I understand," I got serious and listened to her command again, removing my shirt and keeping my
eyes closed.
"Step forward," she said softly, and I did.
I felt something soft against my chest, almost tickling me. I tried to focus on what it was and figure it
"What does this remind you of?" Bella asked, continuing to course the unknown object over my skin.
"A feather?" I guessed.
"Food, Flower Child."
"Oh, um."
Soft...silkyBella's hair...but food?...fucksilkyhairsoft
"Corn silk?" I guessed, feeling completely stupid.
"Good guess," Bella said and the caressing disappeared. "Open."
I opened my mouth and felt Bella's finger on my lips, then something fell inside.
"Chew." I obeyed, and tasted that it was raw corn. The caressing came back and I chewed slower.
"Taste different?" she asked.
"Mmm hmm," I hummed, trying to avoid the hard-on in my pants.
Fucking Corn? Really, Lt. Dan?
"Why do you think that is?" Bella asked.
"'Cause I'm thinking about it more," I said.
"Um, the silk sort of reminds me of things I love," I admitted, not knowing if she would understand.
"Like what?" she sounded surprised by my answer. I leaned forward, knowing where she was and
stopped when I felt her face against mine.
"A certain angel's hair," I nuzzled into her locks with my nose and she sighed, touching her fingers to
my shoulders, lightly pushing me away.
"I was trying to show you a part of the vegetable that gets overlooked because we usually throw it
away. It is the softest part, the most delicate," Bella explained.
"I can see that," I nodded, still keeping my eyes closed.
I started to smell something smoky all of a sudden, almost like hickory chips. I tried to imagine
barbequed foods, thinking that was coming next.
"I want you to taste this with the front of your tongue, and when I ask you for the description,
swallow and answer. Understand?" Bella was close to my mouth as I felt her breath on my face when
she asked. I nodded my reply to her and waited. "Open," she said, touching something to my lips.
Her finger dipped into my mouth, and I closed my lips around her finger. She pulled it away quickly,
and left me with something sweet to taste. I tried to focus, but the scent of hickory was fucking with
"What do you taste?" she asked. I swallowed as she told me to, before I replied.
"I know it's not barbeque sauce, but that's what I want to say."
"Open again," she said, touching my lips once more and gave me another slide of the same sauce.
"This time taste in the center of your mouth." Bella instructed.
The smell of hickory faded, and I moved my tongue along the roof of my mouth, trying to get a sense
of what flavors were happening. Bella dabbed something just under my nose and the hickory smell
was replaced by a familiar vanilla fragrance.
"What do you taste now?"
I swallowed and thought a minute, trying to figure out what the game was.
"Flower Child, you're thinking too hard. I'm not trying to trick you, I'm provoking something. There's
no wrong answer." I felt her wipe away the vanilla with her finger from my face.
"Strawberry," I replied honestly.
"Good. Now open again," Bella gave me a third taste of the same sauce and I waited for her
instruction. I felt her hands frame my face as she whispered gently against my lips.
"Summer Light Thru the Trees Summer Light Spotted Me Summer Light Palest Gold Summer
Light Bright and Bold"
I felt Bella's hand slip down from my face, coursing over my arms as she kept whispering the same
poem to me. I still held the sauce in my mouth, as she had not told me to swallow or to taste, and the
flavor was starting to come alive against my tongue as her words floated softly into my ears. I was
seeing the sun and how it felt to be a kid on that first day of summer break when school was over.
"I saw Summer Light Descend Summer Light, Made Shadows Bend Summer Light, On An Emerald
Pond I Reached OutIt Touched My Palm"
Bella's thumbs pressed into my palms, making her words come to life as I envisioned swimming on
the lake at Grandma Cullen's house when I was thirteen. I could see Emmett doing a canon-ball off
the deck, and feel how cool the water was against my flushed skin as I jumped in behind him.
"Taste," Bella said softly, and I did, finally rolling the now warm sauce along my tongue and
connecting all of the elements. "Swallow, then, open again Flower Child," she instructed, and I
obeyed. A new flavor was in my mouth, lighter and more delicate in flavor. "You may taste," Bella
said before going back to her whispered poem.
"Summer Light, It Fell Like Powder Or a Floating Incandescent Feather Came Down, Like A Sheer,
White Swan Summer Light Lifted Wing-Like Arms."
And fuckit DID feel like that.
The previous sauce still lingered both bitterly and sweetly on my tongue, mixing with this new lighter
and airier food. Whipped Creamit was definitely whipped cream.
She said nothing this time, just touched something new to my lips. I swallowed and then opened for
what she was feeding me now. This time, it was bitter and crisp on the outside. The flavor brought all
of the others to life, though, and I focused again on her hushed words.
"So Sunrays Slanted Shone-Misty Summer Light-Beams, Embraced Me Warm, Wonderful Summer
Light Touch Me Tender, Solar-Might"
Bella's hands disappeared and she was quiet for a moment. I kept the food in my mouth, not
knowing what I was supposed to do. My mind drifted back to everything she had given me, and
everything those flavors and words provoked, or invoked, in me.
I was a kid having summer time fun, and fuck.thinking about shit I hadn't thought of in years. She
did that with food? I wanted to laugh, but held it in, feeling just a little bit of awe for my angel.
"What did you taste?" Bella asked softly, and I finally swallowed.
I had no clue what she was actually feeding me, but what I thought of while she was doing it was very
present in my mind. If I had to fucking guess, that is what she was going for, anyway.
"Grandma Cullen's dessert she used to serve on the Fourth of July," I kept my eyes closed as I replied.
I felt Bella's hands on my face again caressing softly. She pulled me towards her, and her lips kissed
mine several times gently, but hastily. Stepping forward, I rested my hands on her hips, but still kept
my eyes closed, not having been told to open them.
"And Bella," I whispered, kissing her again, with a soft slide of my tongue against hers. "Lots of Bella."
Her fingers slid from my face into my hair, pulling me roughly into her, and kissing me more greedily.
I moved my hands to the underside of her jaw, cupping her face into my palms, and tilted Bella's face
so I could kiss her more deeply. A warm tingle ran its way over my skin as I felt her tug harder on my
hair and pant heavily against my lips.
She pulled back, resting her forehead to mine for a moment, and then brought her lips back to my
face, kissing next to my mouth, then my jaw, and then back to my chin.
Her good hand fisted my hair as she held her lips to my cheek, whispering softly, "I love you, Flower
Child." She kissed along my face again, and my hands on her hips tightened at her words and the
intensity at which she said them. "I love you so much." Her head fell onto my shoulder as she clung
to me.
"I love you too, angel. Just as much." I finally opened my eyes and pulled her away to see her face.
"You never asked me," she said, looking at me.
"Asked you what?" I shook my head, cupping her face into my hands.
"Why I never told you about the assholes trying to shark you."
"Oh. I wasn't really thinking about it, I guess," I shrugged, not knowing why the fuck she was bringing
this up.
"They offered a lot for you, you know. A mean, like a shit load of money," Bella looked over my face,
avoiding my eyes.
"I see," I looked down, trying to seem like I was actually considering this news. "Did they offer
anything else?" I looked back up to her and watched as her expression changed, growing somber.
"Um, like what?" she shook her head and looked back up to me.
"I don't know. Sneak peeks of future dining experiences? Make-out sessions on the pass?" I moved
my lips closer to her ear, "Making love on Egyptian cotton?" I kissed her ear, "Or in the ocean?" I
moved my lips lower kissing along her neck.
"Perhaps," I slid her forward, "being all that I ever wanted or needed? Was any of that shit in the
deals they offered, Bella?" I kissed her shoulder, and she shook her head 'no'. "Then why would I
want to leave?"
"I just thought you would be mad at me. Wonder why I didn't tell you. Aren't you curious?" she
asked. I looked back up, laying my palms flat on the steel-top as I held her gaze.
"You already told me," I gave a pointed look and watched as her face understood that I understood.
She loved me. She wanted to protect me.
"Strawberry reduction laced with red current. Orange foam with vanilla, and plain old fucking
blueberries. I added the hickory smoke just to fuck with you," she smirked a little.
"I was way wrong," I smiled back, laughing once.
"I told you there were no wrong answers, and actually, you were right. All I wanted to do was show
you what your senses could do to you if you gave yourself over to them. Tell me, would it have tasted
like that if we were just sitting in the dining room eating normally?"
"No. Not at all."
"Exactly." Bella pulled my face back into hers, closing her eyes as her forehead rested against mine. I
kept my eyes open, watching her lips as she spoke softly, "I've taught so many people, Flower Child,
and it's all stale air for me. Like being locked in a box. I like teaching you, though. You're like fresh
air," her lips pressed against mine softly as she encircled her arms around my shoulders. "You make
everything new again."
My eyes fell closed as my lips pressed into hers, kissing her hastily. Bella wrapped her legs around my
waist, pulling me into her, and I felt her warm palms against my chest. My body flushed with desire
for her. The feelings were overwhelming as they ballooned inside of my chest, becoming so swollen I
thought surely I could never be big enough, man enough, justenough to fucking hold all of this love
I had inside of me for her.
The topaz heart I gave Bella fell against her bare chest as I pulled her shirt free, and it shimmered
against the light of the low flame burning on the stove beside us. I placed a kiss to it, and then
brought it around so that the charm hung backwards against her shoulder blade, not wanting to
press it into her skin as I held her chest flush with mine.
Her neck, received two and a half month's worth of all the love I should have been showing her all
this time.
Her shoulder, was given five days worth of kisses that went missing when she did.
Her breasts, were treasured as they should be with feather light kisses, nibbles, and soft suckling as
she arched her back, allowing me to love her the way she should be loved.
The way she deserved to be loved.
I tugged her pants free, slowly sliding them down her silken legs, taking my time to appreciate how
sexy, and beautiful, and soft, and fucking everything Bella was.
"Freesia," kisses to her ribs. "Strawberries," kisses to her navel as she lay back. "Heaven," kisses to
Butterbean and all her fucking sweetness.
Bella gasped as I swirled my tongue around her swollen bud, then suckled her softly between my lips.
I touched the tip of my tongue to her again just barely licking over her sensitive skin. I felt her tense
as my hands rested on her stomach, and I moved my lips to her thighs, wanting to draw out her
My mouth moved along her creamy legs, lifting one in my hand to kiss the underside. I kissed my way
back into her center and flicked lightly over her clit again, eliciting more sounds of pleasure from
Bella's lips.
Her moans were making my dick hard-as-fuck, and I reached one of my hands down to lower my
pants. They fell to my ankles, and I kicked off my shoes, then, stepped out of my cheffies.
Stroking my cock in my free hand, I brought my other down Bella's body and ran my index finger
along her moist folds, sliding it slowly inside of her. I swirled my finger gently around inside of her
body and watched as she panted loudly, arching her back.
I removed my finger from her and brought it up to my lips, cleaning her arousal from it in one long
slide as I pulled it from my mouth. "You are so sweet Bella," I whispered, lowering my lips back down
to kiss her stomach.
"Stop," Bella tensed under me, and I lifted my eyes to her face, keeping my lips near her belly. "Stop,"
she repeated, sitting up quickly.
"What's wrong?" I asked, stepping back to let her up.
"Just" she looked around nervously, and then shook her head.
I stared at her, confused by her reaction. Did she fucking hear something? I looked around trying to
see what the fuck she was making me stop for. My eyes paused when I noticed the camera in the
corner behind me.
She thinks
"Bella I'm not fucking James," I looked at her feeling pretty G'damn offended by the notion that I
would ever use this shit against her like that asshole.
"I know, that's not whatfuck," her hand fell on my chest and she shook her head. I lifted her face
back up to look at me, and saw a serious debate raging inside of her caramel pools.
"I thought you trusted me?" I touched her cheek with my fingers, and she just nodded, biting softly
to her lower lip. "Then trust me."
Edward thought I didn't trust him.
My heart ripped at the seams, thinking that he assumed my reaction was caused by the toxic
existence of James in my life, and being caught on tape having sex with him in a similar way.
But it was the baby.
Not him.
I wasn't sure if this was okay, and truthfully, it wasn't until his lips came down softly that final time
on my belly that I even thought about what might happen. Edward was so gentle, though, and I knew
he would never hurt me.
Even when I gave him full allowance to have me the way he desired, he chose not to, putting my
body, my feelings, over his own.
"I trust you," I pulled his face to mine, kissing his lips. "I trust you."
My legs pulled him back into me, and without even needing to guide him further, his body slid into
mine effortlessly, making us complete once more.
"I love you," he whispered, wrapping his arms around me as he pulled himself back then slowly
rocked into me again.
"Me too, Flower Child." I pressed my feet firmer against his ass, needing to feel him deeper.
His skin felt warm and soft under my touch. Too soft for a man who was so strong, I thought to
myself. I made sure to show affection to every inch of his artfully inked skin, paying special attention
to the grouping of three, knowing in my heart that those three could be replaced to accompany this
new life.
Only now, there needed to be a fourth.
Edward took my injured hand from his chest and brought it to his lips, kissing over the area where I
was burned earlier, and repeatedly whispered that he loved me as he did so.
So gentle.
My eyes became wet with emotion as I brought my mouth back to Flower Child's, and I kissed him
with all of the love and trust I had in me for him. This was nothing like that young girl, who didn't
know any better, so many years ago in my New York restaurant, with James.
I now knew what I was doing, and why I was doing it.
I loved Edward wholeheartedly, and I knew I felt how much he loved me too.
His body swelled inside of mine as his trusts became more frantic. I pulled my legs back, leaning onto
my elbows, and resting my feet on his shoulders. Edward's slender fingers wrapped around my
ankles, sliding my feet down a little so that they lay on his chest. He tilted his head to one side and
kissed my right foot, then to the left and kissed the other.
I kept my eyes on his as he looked back to me, pushing my knees against my chest so he could hit the
right spot.
And fuck, he did.
I moved my feet higher, sliding my heels over him and pulled Edward in further until the back of my
knees hinged over his broad shoulders.
I wanted to please him the way he pleased me tonight. Seeing him be focused on what I was teaching
him this evening stirred something inside of me. I just adored him in those moments, beyond words.
Edward was so much like a boy sometimes. Yet, the level of maturity he honed was incredible. A boy
trapped in a man's body, in a way.
And fuck, what a body it was.
The steel table rumbled under me, flexing as the weight of us making love on it gave its protest. I
mean, shit, this thing WAS made for serving food. Not getting your pussy pummelled.
Although the change was rather nice.
"I think since technically," I panted as he pumped harder, "you are still on the clock," harder, "we
should be going over work," harder, "related," shit was he trying to fuck me into shutting up?
"Like," pump, "what?"
"Terms," I pulled him in harder this time, using my feet against his back. "Kitchen terms."
"I know kitchen terms." He tapped the pass hard with his knuckles. "FCS," he said, then placed his
hand back on my leg. "Food," harder. "Contact," harder. "Surfaces."
"On the hoof," I breathed hard as I tried a new term, thinking there was no way in hell he knew this
"Rare meat? Is that what you want?" Edward pulled me towards him, skidding my elbows and sweaty
skin on the steel top as he held my ass in his hands since it no longer lay on the pass.
"Fuck. In the weeds. In the weeds," my voice was tremulous as he fucked me harder, deeper, in our
new position.
"You're giving new meanings to 'cluck and grunt'," he tantalized.
"Not a very nice way to treat your biscuit, Flower Child," I shot back, hoping he knew the meaning.
My elbows gave out from under me and I rested my back down onto the warm steel counter. His
movements slowed, and I heard his sweaty palms slide along the metal as he hovered over me.
"I would never," he kissed my lips once, "ever," twice, "hurt my heart," again. "Never."
"Refire," I closed my eyes and tried to fight off the smile I felt giving way.
Edward moved slower this time, thumbing the sides of my face as he kissed my lips softly, trying to
convey the truth in his words. His slick abs glided back and forth over Butterbean as he rocked inside
of me, pushing me towards the edge of my release again.
"Hold-time," I warned, trying to let him know that motherfucking time was about to expire if he
planned to cum with me. "Fuck. Edward. Harder. Please."
"Echo?" he replied.
Damn he was good.
"Harder," I gripped his hair with my good hand as he obeyed.
Holy shit, I was being given a concentrated dose of Edwardly fucking tonight.
"Ha-a-a-aharder," I pleaded, wanting nothing more than to fall into the cloud of heaven he was
ushering me towards.
Edward's blue eyes filled with an amorous gaze, watching me as I cried out in ecstasy. My insides
convulsed, clenching around his swollen member as it became a firebrand deep in the pit of my.
"Edward. Baby. Slower." I pushed gently on his chest, trying to keep a sane mind about my fragile
state; even though I was very far away from that place right now.
"Like this?" he changed pace, planting feather-light kisses between my breasts.
"Just like that," I whispered as my hands coursed through his thick locks.
"So motherfucking good Bella," he murmured against my heated lips. "So good."
I closed my eyes, unable to fan the flames of this fever building inside of me. It was more than just
the sex though. It was fucking everything. I was on the pass and being fucked all proper-like, but
when I closed my eyes the world seemed to be different.
It was now our foundation.
A phantasmagoria was being painted in my mind of how vastly my life was being changed. Our
livesour lives were being changed. I was no longer just Bella Swan, his boss, and he was no longer
Edward Cullen, my employee.
We were literally bound together, for forever.
The colors bloomed under my lids, and I saw them fall like autumn leaves, swirling and blending
together until the picture was painted flawlessly, leaving an artwork so breathtaking in its wake that
it literally made me gasp at the vision it bared.
We were a family.
II had a family.
"Baby" I pulled him in closer, kissing his lips, wanting to share my elation; even though I still could
not unlock the secret I carried.
"Cum with me, baby," he breathed against my mouth, thrusting harder inside of me.
"Baby" The fever swept over me, igniting the ambers in my lower region.
"Bella," Edward thrust one last time, filling me with the physical part of his love.
The same part that had joined us in this way now.
Edward pulled back slowly, pushing my feet down from his chest as he did. His palms laid flat against
the steel-top and he leaned over me, planting a kiss between my brows. I opened my eyes to see his
lips curl up into a devilish grin.
"Go way gorms, iky, iky gorms, go wayyyy gorms."
I stood outside of my bathroom door, listening to Ness singing a new song she created, feeling rather
amused. The water was running, so I assumed she was washing her hands. Not wanting to disturb
her cuteness, I waited patiently to use the bathroom and took a seat on the floor beside the door.
"Go wayyyyyy gorms," Ness continued, and I laughed, leaning my head against the wall.
After a few minutes, I heard the water turn off and then her start to jingle the handle, trying to get
out. I reached my hand up and turned the knob for her, but stayed out of her view. Ness came out
and stopped dead in her tracks seeing me sitting there. She looked highly surprised and blushed
"Daddy!" she whined, hitting her arm towards me.
"What?" I asked innocently.
"You was wisening," she ran into me, pushing me with her hands as she laughed, and I pretended she
knocked me over.
"I don't know what you are talking about," I held up my hands, and she crawled on my chest, giggling.
"S'not funny," Ness shook her head, sending her long curly hair into my face.
"I couldn't help it. You sounded so cute, Ness." I picked her up and sat her on my chest.
"Gamma says no pying."
"What? We can't have pie?" I teased, tickling her.
"Nowah!' she knocked my hands away trying to get free. "Bewwa!" she squealed.
"Bella's not going to help you. She's tied up and can't get free." I curled Ness into my arm like a
football and tickled her harder as she tried to crawl away.
"Bew." she giggled, unable to finish her pleas for help. "Bewwa!"
I saw the door to my bedroom open and Bella looked down at us on the floor, biting her lip with an
eyebrow raised.
"What's. Going. On?" she asked slowly.
"Daddy" I tickled Ness harder, not letting her go. "Hewlp," she tried to reach out her hand.
Bella kneeled down and tilted her head to the side, looking at Ness.
"And you thought I was going to help you? Oh, Squeaky," Bella shook her head like she was going to
join my team. "You were so right," Bella smiled, leaning forward, and landed hard on my chest.
"Run!" Bella pinned me down and Ness made her getaway, stopping at the end of the hall to laugh at
"You made a big mistake, Bella." I grabbed her arms and rolled her to her back, pinning her down.
"Mmm, is this supposed to be a bad thing?" Bella wrapped her legs around me, and I shook my head
at her. "You know, you could have done this in there," she nodded back towards my bedroom,
waggling her brows at me.
I lowered my lips to her neck and blew a fart sound into her neck, trying to sober her up and get her
out of the sexy morning mood she was in.
"Gross! Fuck, Flower Child," she wiggled, trying to get free.
"Language," I mumbled against her neck, and did it again.
"I'm gonna throw up if you keep doing that." Bella tried to get away still, but I held her tighter, not
letting her move, and of course, mouth-farted into her neck again.
"I'm gonna throw up," she said and I did it once more. "No, seriously Flower Child, I'm gonna throw
up. Move!"
I backed off of her and she scrambled to the bathroom quickly. I heard her vomit, and I instantly felt
fucking horrible, thinking I really made her sick from just making farting noises on her neck.
Who knew?
"Sweetheart, go turn on Bugs okay?" I looked back to Ness and she listened, running off to the living
"Bell?" I knocked lightly on the door. "I'm sorry. Are you alright, angel?"
She didn't answer, and I heard her throw up again. The door wasn't latched so I hesitantly pushed it
open, hoping she wouldn't be pissed or embarrassed that I was coming in.
"I'm sorry," I pulled the towel off the bar, and kneeled down behind her, resting the towel in my lap
and sweeping Bella's hair back.
"Ugh. Why does your body want to puke when there is nothing to puke?" she grumbled with her face
still in the bowl, making it echo.
"I didn't mean to make you sick. I was just playing," I kissed the back of her head.
"You didn't. I'm fine." She reached up and flushed the toilet.
"Here," I pulled her back and wiped her mouth with the towel. "Maybe we shouldn't go to the park
"I said I'm fine. Seriously, it's just from traveling. Happens every time." She looked down, taking the
towel from my hands.
"Bell, you threw up yesterday and said it was a new diet. Then today you say it's from traveling. It's
alright for the great Bella Swan to just fucking rest, you know? Obviously, you need it. Unless you just
enjoy puking everyday and looking like a ghost," I brushed her hair back and she looked up at me.
"Edward," she began, looking a little nervous as she said my name.
"DADDY!" Ness called loudly from the other room.
"Hold on Ness," I replied, turning my head toward the door and then back to Bella.
"Just go, I'm fine." She started to get up and I stopped her.
"You're only allowed to do one of two things in my house right now. Either take a shower, or lay
down. No cooking breakfast, no playing dress-up and definitely no sex. Understand?"
"Yeah," Bella laughed.
"Which are you choosing?" I asked, pulling her up to her feet.
"Shower," she sighed.
"Sit," I reached behind her and lowered the lid on the toilet and then sat her down.
"Renesmee Cullen, what-do-you-want?" I asked, reaching inside of the shower to turn on the water
for Bella.
"Mote!" she called.
"It's in the couch somewhere," I called back.
"Can't find it!"
"Mother of God," I grumbled, and Bella laughed.
"Edward, just go help her. As sweet as you are, I can manage to turn the water on myself."
"I wasn't concerned about the water," I made a face at her and she narrowed her eyes at me. "Arms
up," I grinned wiggling my fingers at her.
"I thought you said no sex," she raised her arms up and I pulled her pajama top over her head.
"I'm simply helping the woman I love get in the shower. Must everything be a perversion?" I reached
for her good hand and pulled her to her feet. "You know," I started to pull her bottoms down. "I don't
even find you sexy. At all. You're too full of yourself, Bella. Seriously." I shook my head, looking up at
her as I slid her foot free from one pant leg, and she smiled.
"I mean," I set her foot down, "it's not like you have cute feet or sexy legs," I kissed her knee and
then lifted her other foot, freeing it from the pajama bottoms. "Or nice," my hands cupped her ass
cheeks and I kissed her thigh, "fucking..." I rested my nose below her navel and looked at her bare
"Nice fucking what?" she asked.
"I have no idea," I laughed. "I totally forgot what the fuck I was saying." I kissed her belly then moved
lower, fully intending on saying good morning to Butterbean.
"Cock-blocking son of a motherf" I grumbled climbing to my feet, and Bella laughed, pushing me
"Serves you right," she stepped into the shower, and I reached back, slapping her ass once before she
climbed all the way in.
"Eee!" she squeaked, jumping slightly.
"Serves you right. And angel," I pulled the curtain back with my finger. "You still have a boat load
more of those to come."
I was happy to see Ness looking much happier the past few days.
That last episode where she freaked out on me really fucking scared me. Esme had advised Edward
to take her to see a child therapist or something, but he was against it. I didn't know why, and I really
wanted to ask, but if I had to guess, I would say it had a lot to do with him feeling like he failed or
That's how I would feel, anyhow, if I were in his shoes.
Leah had actually come up with a good plan, going off the idea I had when I left for Japan, and made
Squeaks a calendar. She thought that if Ness had a set schedule for when the people in her life would
arrive and leave, Squeaks might feel more secure in allowing us to do so.
Edward and I agreed to a set timeframe, making sure he would always be home at the same time
each night after service. Did I like this shit, from a professional standpoint? No. Not at all. It made my
life hell, and I would never allow anyone else to get away with it. But fuck, what was I going to do?
Destroy Squeaks' childhood because I needed her father to work according to my time and not hers?
I'm not THAT big of a bitch.
We walked up to the park hand-in-hand, until I saw fucking half of my staff sitting along the picnic
table, and let go of Edward, instantly feeling like a damn traitor.
Sorry baby C.
Why the fuck were they here?
"Sorry, I didn't know they were coming. Emmett must have invited them," Edward sighed hard and
gave me an apathetic look.
"It's alright," I lied, 'cause it most certainly fucking wasn't.
Great. Now I would have to fucking hide all afternoon and be on my guard. Damn Emmett, what was
he thinking? First chance I got, I was going to fucking knee him in his stupid fun-bag.
"Awice!" Nessie wiggled from Edward's arms, and he put her down, allowing her to run to Alice.
"Great, Rose brought reinforcements," I grumbled.
"Alice isn't speaking to Rose," Edward said, looking over to me as he shoved his hands into his
"I thought they were friends?"
"Alice is going to testify on my behalf at the custody hearing. Rose isn't too happy about that," he
"When the fuck did this happen?" I asked, surprised.
"Fourth of July. I guess I was a little distracted that night, and forgot to tell you," Edward smiled
crookedly at me.
Baby Cullen waved to Daddy Edward, giving a big; 'yeah weren't we all buddy.'
Alice smiled as we approached the gazebo. Squeaks was in her lap looking at a necklace she had on,
and then showed Alice the Hello Kitty one I bought her.
"Wow, will you adopt me, Bella?" Alice teased, holding the locket in her hands.
"Sorry, I'm at my quota for the year."
Quite fucking literally.
"Ness , honey, why don't we keep this tucked in so you don't lose it," Edward tucked her locket safely
inside of her shirt. "The kitty is safer there, okay?" he patted her head and then took a seat. I looked
over to him in question, but he just shook his head and looked towards the others at the table.
Ben was talking with Angela and Emmett, who of course had Rosalie on his knee. It was sort of
awkward, seeing all of them being so natural and comfortable. This whole damn day Edward and I
were going to have to watch every little thing we did and said. Yet, they all got to be free as little
No fair.
Got that right, kid.
"Gamma!" Ness pointed from Alice's lap, and I followed her finger to see Edward's grandmother
walking over to us with Gramps on her arm.
"They haven't gone back yet?" I asked Edward.
"No, they will be in town until after my court date. My grandmother wanted to be here after what
happened with Carlisle. She's worried about the stress he's under."
"Have you talked to your father yet, Flower Child?"
"No, I will tonight," he looked over to me as I stared dubiously at him. "I will, I promise," Edward
assured me with a sweet smile.
"Alright," I leaned in to kiss him, but stopped when I saw Edward's eyes flint towards the others.
I looked down, and when I looked back up I felt as though I was seeing through different eyes. This
girl that I pretended to be in front of these people came back. I scowled as a bitter taste lurked in my
mouth. I hated the fucking hiding shit.
For fuck's sake, I was a grown ass woman, and here I sat, next to the man I loved, carrying his baby,
and couldn't even kiss him?!
I stood up and walked away, feeling extremely damned irritated.
The grass was crunching behind me, and I imagined Edward must have been following me. As I
turned to face him and tell him to leave me alone, a girl I recognized from the restaurant was waving
and calling his name as she jogged towards him.
Flower Child looked towards her, and as she reached him, she wrapped her arms tightly around his
I remembered that was her name. She liked Edward, and tried to show him her mother-of-skank
tattoos. Kick her ass. "Oh, I want to. Trust me," I said under my breath, rubbing my hand softly over
my stomach.
See, even my child didn't like this woman.
I spun back around and continued to trot off. Yeah, that's right, I was fucking trotting, like a damn
horse that had been broken in. 'Cause I was. Don't judge me. I might be stubborn, but I am not
stupid. I know Flower Child had changed me.
There was a swing on the east side, and I slumped down into the rubber seat when I reached it. A
little girl was swinging to my right, and I glanced over at her. She smiled at me, showing me all her
teeth, even the two missing in the front, and I had to laugh, thinking Squeaky might look like that
"I'll give you twenty bucks if you go get me a frozen banana from the ice cream dude," I said,
reaching into in my bag for some cash.
"SURE!" The little kid hopped off the swing and plucked the twenty from my hand before she raced
off towards the ice cream truck.
I kicked my toes against the ground, looking down to the little peek of skin showing on my belly
where my shirt had risen. The tears welled inside my eyes and I wiped them away quickly as the girl
came running back over, handing me my frozen banana popsicle.
"Thanks," I pulled down the wrapper and took a bite, cringing a little at the coldness against my
teeth. "See," I mumbled in a hushed tone, "you're already making me fat." I looked down to my
stomach again, shaking my head.
"What?" the little girl asked.
"Not you, honey. I'm just talking to mymyself." I kicked the ground again with my toes and started
swinging a little.
Loud laughter filled the summer air, and I turned my head back to see Lauren giggling like an idiot
next to Flower Child. There was another woman standing there too, as well as Esme. I assumed these
were people the Cullens were friends with. Edward didn't look very amused, but it still bugged the
hell out of me to see her being so flirtatious with him; even if he didn't return the same feelings.
The sun felt warm against my face and hair, and I turned back around again towards the rest of the
park. There were families playing soccer and cooking out. A man was playing Frisbee with his dog,
and a small boy watched him. He looked like a miniature version of the guy playing, and I had to stop
myself from trying to picture what a son of Edward's would look like.
The image of him as that six-year-old little kid from the picture in Esme's house popped into my
head, and I almost laughed, thinking of how adorable he was.
Even then.
Shit, if I had a boy, I was screwed.
Someone from behind gave me a hard push, knocking me out of my daydream, and I gasped, until I
heard him laugh loudly. Fucking Emmett. He took a seat beside me and eyed my melting popsicle.
"Cheating on your diet?" Emmett teased, pushing out his legs to swing.
"Your way too heavy for this thing, Emmett. If it falls down I'm going to kill you." I eyed the creaking
chains as they protested his big ass swinging from them.
"Nah," he shook his head, swinging harder. "These bad boys could swing an elephant." He pushed
harder, going higher now.
"You would be a good candidate to test that theory." I tossed my melted banana and held onto the
chains, not feeling hungry anymore.
"Yeah, yeah." Emmett slowed a little and looked over to me. "So, what's up with you? Are you and
Edward fighting or something?"
"No, I justEm why the hell did you invite everyone here today?"
"I wanted to have a nice family day," he shrugged, putting his feet to the ground to slow down.
"I mean, why did you invite the staff here? It's hard enough for Edward and I when Rosalie is in the
picture, but shit, now Jasper, Ben, and Angela too? What the hell are you trying to do to me?" My
hands fell hard into my lap as I stared at him.
"I'm sorry, B. I wasn't even thinking about it like that. Really." He stopped swinging completely now
and reached over for my hand.
"It's alright. I'm just so sick of all this, Em. We shouldn't have to hide. It's just not fair," I sniffled, and
my free hand moved to my stomach of its own accord.
"So then don't. Nobody cares, B. And if they do, fuck 'em. You're the boss, right?" Emmett's large
hand hit softly to my chin.
"It's not that easy, Em, and you know it." I turned away from him, looking back towards the park.
"Bewwa! Bewwa!" I looked back to see Squeaks running up to me with Edward trailing behind her.
"Hey you," I lifted her up onto my lap, straddling her legs around me so she was facing me.
"Gampa make dis fall down," she held up her barrette to me and I took it from her hands.
"Those silly men. They just never understand how hard it is to be a woman," I smiled at her, and she
giggled as I began to sweep her hair back.
"Food is ready," I felt Edward's hand on my shoulder as he made his announcement.
"That's what I'm talking 'bout!" Emmett hopped up from the swing and took Squeaks from my lap.
"Ready to get your million dollar burger on Shortcake?" he hoisted her up onto his shoulder in
airplane mode.
"Wooo!" she held out her arms, and Edward smiled, seeing them 'fly' away.
"Ready, angel?" Flower Child held his hand out to me and I took it.
"Who is making million dollar burgers?" I asked as we began walking back towards the gazebo.
"My grandfather has more than crooked smiles up his sleeve," Edward swung his arm over my
shoulder and winked at me.
"I see. So this burger swooning ritual is passed on from generation to generation?"
"Pretty much. Skipped over my dad, though. Actually, Emmett too. Does that make me special?"
Edward's lips fought a smile as he asked.
"No. Not at all," I shook my head teasingly. He pouted, jutting out his bottom lip to me, and
Butterbean told me to be nice to the man who gave incredible orgasms...even if they did knock our
happy ass up.
"This," I tapped my finger to the amber heart charm he gave me, "makes you special."
His bottom lip pulled back, changing to a shy smile as he looked towards his feet.
Did I just fucking swoon MR. Swoon himself?
Holy F-stick. I did!
Must be the Cullen genetics growing inside of me.
Oh yeah! Fist bump to Baby Cullen.
Edward and I took our seats, and I was sort of happy Squeaky was sitting on Emmett's lap and not
Flower Child's. It was good to see him be able to just eat and not have to try and feed her at the
same time.
We will not have this arrangement, just so you know. I tapped my finger over my belly button, giving
a silent warning to my mini-me. Mamma loves food way too much. Sorry.
There was a nice spread going on here. Burgers, home-made potato salad, mac-n-cheese, corn-on-
the-cob, and fuck was that bread pudding? It looked like fucking bread pudding. My stomach
Oh, you are SO my child.
I reached for a burger and began assembling it with all the fixings first.
"I taught my grandsons how to make these burgers when they were small," Gramps announced,
holding up a burger.
"You have never made me burgers," Rosalie looked towards Emmett.
"Just because I work in a restaurant doesn't mean I can cook, sweetness," Emmett smiled at her,
taking a big bite of his food.
"Your Grandfather just said he taught you," she argued.
"I was a little kid. Shit, I don't remember what he taught me." Emmett held his burger to Squeaky's
lips and she took a nibble. "Ah, come on! You can do better than that!" Emmett teased, and she
opened wider, taking a big bite.
"Em," Edward stared at him shaking his head.
"Relax," Emmett pointed at him, then, went back to eating.
"I should probably thank you then, Gramps. It's the one food Flower Child can actually cook," my face
crinkled into a vexing smile as I joked with Edward Sr., knowing that would burn Edward Jr.
"See?" Rose smacked Emmett. "Edward has made Burgers for Bella!"
Yes, and that was AFTER wonderful orgasms.
"They are on our menu actually," I goaded further, eyeing up the fucktabulous looking mac-n-cheese.
Oh please, mamma!
We are going there Baby Cullen, we are so going there. Never fear. Mamma has this spread covered
like white on rice.
"I've had them," Alice chimed in, nodding in agreement. "They are really good."
"Just don't ask him to make you pancakes," I continued to taunt Edward, knowing it bugged the fuck
out of him.
"Or piecrust," Elizabeth added, making me laugh out loud.
"To think someone wants to shark you," I pinched Edward's cheek and he swatted me away, looking
highly annoyed by our picking on him.
"Bella?" Grandma Cullen was holding out a spoonful of potato salad to me and I held out my plate for
"Thank you," I said, resting my plate back down.
"You're welcome honey. I am so happy you came today. Glad to see Junior Cullen finally came to his
senses and roped you in."
"Grandma," Edward said in a warning tone.
"What? Like Bella can't see you are over the moon for her? She's a bright woman you know, Junior
Cullen. Give her a little credit." She took her seat and Edward glared at her, then, looked over to the
rest of the table that was staring at us.
"She's senile, very old and " Edward looked back to Elizabeth, "Grandma did you forget your
medication today?"
"Don't placate me boy," Elizabeth shook her head at him before going back to her food.
"Well," Emmett began, "I personally love Bella." He raised his hand, "So if Edward doesn't, or any of
you don't, for that matter," Emmett swung his fork around, "then that's fine, 'cause it just means I
have more of her to love. So there," Emmett made a face, causing everyone to laugh. His face
scrunched right afterwards, though, and I saw Rose whisper something to him.
"And apparently, I am supposed to be saying something else here too." He wiped his mouth and
stood up, "I want to let everyone know that Edward is no longer the only Cullen in this family who
goes around knocking up random woman," Rose hit him and he cringed.
"Sorry. What I meant to say, was that Rose and I are having a baby. And getting married. And that I
love her," he smiled jubilantly and then reclaimed his seat.
Esme coughed on her drink, and I dropped my fork to my plate, gaping at him as he got slaps on the
back from Ben and Jasper. Alice hugged Rosalie, and apparently their fucking feud was over. Squeaky
reached out her arms to Edward as more people came up to congratulate Emmett, and Flower Child
stood up to reach for her. I looked at him as he sat back down, and tried to figure out why he wasn't
saying anything to Emmett.
"No love from my own baby brother?" Emmett held up his hands facing Edward.
"What would you like me to say, Emmett? 'Congratulations on screwing up your life? I wish you and
the woman who hates me, and plans on testifying against me, all the best?' Get a fucking clue, Em,"
Edward stood up and passed Squeaky over to me as he walked away from the table.
I looked around and saw Lauren get up and follow Edward. No. Fucking. Way. I stood up and passed
Squeaky to Gramps. Edward was by the restrooms, lighting up a smoke, and Lauren stood in front of
him as I approached. I ignored her, stepping in between her and Flower Child, and hit his chest hard.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I asked angrily.
"He's going to fuck up his life, for damn," Edward took a drag and breathed out hard, "Rosalie Hale?"
"That's his choice. I don't like it either, but you don't need to be an ass about it," I rested my hands
on my hips as I watched him.
"Edward is right, you know. I went to school with Rosalie, she's a real bitch," Lauren said, stepping to
Edward's right.
"I'm sorry, did I ask you? This is between Flower Child and I."
"WE were actually speaking first, until you so rudely interrupted," Lauren stepped closer to me and
Baby Cullen said, 'do it mamma, knock her lights out'.
Damn hormones, I tell ya.
"Lauren, is it? There is an entire park here filled with single fathers. Why don't you go find one who
actually wants to be bothered with your lame attempts to throw your cooch like a G'damn member
of the Yankees."
"You don't even know me!"
"Stop!" Edward tossed down his smoke and grabbed my shoulder, glaring at Lauren. "Just go back to
the gazebo, Lauren. I need to talk to Bella alone, please."
"So it's like that? You're gonna choose some girl you barely know over me someone whom you
have known almost your whole life?"
"This isn't a competition. I just need to talk to Bella," he said in a quiet voice that I knew very well. He
was trying not to be pissed. It was the same way he talked to Squeaks.
"Fine," Lauren spun around and stomped off.
Edward watched as she left and then shook his head as he turned to face me again. He stared at me
for a moment, but then pulled me along with him silently towards the same swings we were at
Edward sat down on the seat and then pulled one of my legs up, sliding it around his waist. I smiled,
seeing that he wanted me to sit on his lap in the swing. I straddled him and wrapped my hands
around his neck as he moved his feet to rock us back and forth. My forehead rested against his and I
lightly kissed his lips.
"Bella," he said softly, looking troubled. "I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't be mad at him. Emmett was
supportive of me when I went through that, but I just" he bit his lips and shook his head, staring at
my mouth with slanted eyes.
"It's hard to see him make the same mistakes you did," I guessed, and his eyes met mine again.
"Yes, butI just can't believe he would do that to me. Fuck, he's my brother Bella. My daughter, his
niece, is in jeopardy because of what Rose is going to say next week. This is the woman he is going to
marry and have a child with? Seriously?"
"You can't always help who you love, Edward," I said quietly. "Or what happens when you do."
Shut up, Butterbean.
"I know," he nodded, closing his eyes.
Edward's hands tightened around my hips and his thumbs started rubbing circles along my ribs. I
swallowed hard, trying to hold down the intensity of how that felt, knowing what lay right in
between his fingers.
"I love you, Bella," he said softly, kissing my lips once. "Maybe I'm just fucking jealous."
"Of what?"
"That Emmet gets to keep Rosalie," Flower Child opened his eyes and brought his hand up to my
face. "And that I don't get to keep you. That I can't even kiss you or hold your hand without worrying
what people will think. Yet, Emmett can announce to the entire park that he is having a child with
Rose, and marrying her, and fuckingjust gets to keep her."
His lips were on my cheek, kissing softly as he held my face to his. I could feel how much it hurt him,
and fuck, knew the pain it caused me too. My hands slid down his neck, to the front of his shirt, and I
fisted the fabric there as I kissed him back the same way.
"I'm yours, Flower Child," I kissed along his cheek and neck fervently. "I'm yours."
I kissed my way back to his lips and pressed my fingertips against his strong jaw. His mouth kissed
greedily against mine, and I matched him, giving Edward the same passion in return. My legs were
being tortured, though, as my hips pressed into the chains of the swing. I tried to block it out, but it
was killing me. I squeezed my legs against Edward's sides and he groaned thinking I was trying to
grind up on him.
What's the problem with that? Butterbean asked.
I did say my clit was a dirty whore, yes?
"Babe, the swing," I laughed, pulling back from his lips.
"Oh, I'm sorry," Edward wrapped his arms around my waist and stood up. I held onto him and he
laughed when I didn't let go.
"I'm sorry, little girl. Did you want a ride back to the gazebo?" he joked.
"Mmm hmm," I nodded.
"What about them?" Edward looked past me towards where everyone was gathered.
"Flower Child, I would love for someone to smart mouth me right now. Seriously, it would be epic. I
still have some major comebacks in reserve for that little scunt friend of yours I didn't get to use."
"I'm sorry about her," he said starting to walk. "She's just"
"A scunt?" I made a face at him, and he laughed.
"She's a nice girl, but just doesn't know how to take a hint well, I guess. Be nice to her please. Her
family and mine are close."
"Fine, but only because I love you. Other than that, she's a scunt in my book," I smiled ruefully at
him, and he kissed me once as we approached the gazebo.
"Done having your temper tantrum?" Emmett said hitting his shoulder.
"Sorry," Edward put me down and pulled Emmett in for a 'manly' hug.
"Yeah yeah," Emmett pushed against him and then looked nervously at me.
"Uh," Emmett scratched his head, "we need to talk B."
"About what?"
"Maybe we should go over there," he nodded towards the other gazebo that was empty.
"I'm not pissed at you or anything," I said, looking between him and Rose.
"I know, but, it's kind of about work." He looked to Rose and then back to me.
"Just fucking say it," I said, getting really annoyed.
"I'm quitting," he said quietly, looking at me with pitiful eyes.
I felt like someone punched me in my gut. All the air left my lungs and I shook where I stood. It was
warm outside, hot even, but I had chills, like all the life had just been drained from my body.
"No!" I said, clenching my fists, staring at him.
"I have to B. I can't"
"No! You are not allowed," I shook my head so fast my vision blurred. "You are NOT allowed! Rose is
not going to shark you!" I said again, feeling the panic set in.
"He's not yours! You don't own him!" Rose stepped forward, but Emmett held out an arm, blocking
"B, I love you, you know I do, but"
"I'll pay you more. I'm sorry. I didn't mean all the shit I did or said.just.please," I closed my eyes,
feeling the world crushing me down as I pleaded. "Emmett, please," I almost fell, but he caught me,
holding me to his chest.
He could not leave. Emmett was my fucking best friend. My damn light at the end of the tunnel.
Fuckingthe only person of succour in my life when the shit got deep. He had ALWAYS been here
with me.
He. Could. Not. Leave.
My legs felt like they would give way if he let me go. And that shit was not just a fucking metaphor.
"Can we like" I felt his hand motion to the side as he asked Edward and Rose to leave.
"No," I cried. "No, you can't leave me. You can't leave me," my head shook against his chest as I
sobbed hard, almost unable to breathe.
"Bella, calm down. Listen to me, please." He waited for me to take a few deep breaths before he
"I am going to have a baby, Bella. A family. I see what Edward goes through with Shortcake, and fuck,
I can't be that guy. I don't want Rose and my kid to have to go through that either."
"I'll change your hours. We can work on it." My brain was working at a rapid rate, grasping at straws
and hoping I would pluck the right one.
"I'm leaving Bella. There's nothing you can do to sway me," his large hands rubbed along my back as
he spoke. "I have made my money. I can support my family, and Rose has her place. I don't need to
"I need you, I need you to work!" I hit against his chest and looked up to his face. "Fuck Emmett,
don't leave me, please." I felt the tears run down my face again. "I am too," I whispered.
"You are, what?" he asked, thumbing away my tears.
"Me and Edward," I glanced down and then back up.
"I'm not following you here, B," he looked at me like I was crazy. My head fell against his chest and I
sighed hard, still crying.
"I'm pregnant too," I barely whispered, and suddenly I was being jerked back from his chest.
"YOU ARE?!" He exclaimed, staring at me like a G'damn kid on Christmas...a fat kid at a buffet...a
drunk at an open bar.
Take your damn pick.
"Shut up," I hit him in his chest. "Flower Child doesn't know!"
Emmett's mouth opened to say something, but his eyes moved, looking behind me, and I followed
his gaze. Edward was standing behind me, looking at me with his brows scrunched.
"Flower Child doesn't know what?"
My stupid mouth wouldn't speak.
"That Bella and I are secretly in love," Emmett pulled me back into him, covering for my ass with his
I tilted my head back slightly, catching a glimpse of Flower Child's face from the corner of my
peripherals. His eyes were full of speculation, trying to unravel the truth from the white lie Emmett
told. Before his mouth could open to prod further, I decided to turn the focus back on Em.
"You know that I officially fucking hate you now, right?"
"I love you too Bella, and I am so glad you are happy for me and my future wife," he smiled all wide
and toothy at me, mocking my anger and making me seriously want to punch him in the gonads.
I eyed them for a moment, debating, but the baby shook his little non-existing head 'no'.
Apparently, the little grey face liked his or her traitor uncle.
"You better be glad I saw bread pudding over there. It's the only thing preventing me from turning
your dick into a vagina right now," I let him go and walked towards the little heaven under the
gazebo known as Grandma Cullen's dessert.
I plopped myself down, feeling extremely shitty, tired, and just all together worn the fuck out.
Flower Child took a seat to my right and Emmett rejoined Rosalie back across the table from us. As I
slopped down two huge spoonfuls of bread pudding, I watched Emmett reach over and coo in Rose's
ear, rubbing her belly softly. A glorious smile spread across her stupid perfect face as she tilted her
head back onto his shoulder.
The rest of the table eyed them, looking just as jubilant. Angela leaned in and gave a kiss to Ben,
whispering something I couldn't hear against his lips, and Alice and Jasper scooted closer to one
another, sharing their own bit of affection. Even Carlisle and Esme looked happy for them, and that is
probably what hurt the most.
I gave a secret glance to my right, seeing Edward's expression looking dim as he eyed the same
spectacle as me, and his words from the swing rang in my ears like a loud bell tolling the hour upon
us. The time wasn't for us, though. It was for Emmett and Rose.
A small stinging sensation burned in the depths of my belly as I watched Edward's eyes look to his
father, seeing him congratulate his other son. My throat burned, feeling desiccant as the words
scraped and crawled their way up, begging to be freed from my lips.
I reached down and took Flower Child's hand into mine, discretely holding the back of it to my belly.
He looked down at our hands and then to my face, full of questions lurking behind his blue eyes. I
simply leaned in and kissed him, trying to communicate through my lips what my voice could not say.
The gossiping and hushed snickers began immediately, like I knew they would, and I heard
everything. Angela's giggles, Alice's squeaky tone whispering to Jasper to look at us, and even
Grandma Cullen's, 'I told you so'.
Fuck them.
That was me, not the baby.
I leaned away from him, but swung my legs over his sideways and reached for my dessert again. My
plastic spoon scooped up a big bite of the confection, and I brought it up to Edward's mouth. He
smiled at me and then opened up, allowing me to feed him.
The gossiping finally came to a halt as everyone went back to their own conversations and previous
doings. Flower Child's arms encircled my waist and I took my own bite of the dessert, then, fed him
My thoughts from the other night swept up into my mind once more as I saw Squeaky sitting on
Esme's lap, eyeing Edward and I with a small smile on her precious pink lips. She would be my family
too. My child, our child, would be her sister, or brother.
"When you dream, Flower Child, do you dream in color?" I asked, still keeping my eyes on Ness.
"Usually," he replied.
I looked back to him, trailing my eyes over the peek-a-boos of colourful art that showed from around
his collar and short sleeves. My hand dropped the spoon to the plate and I turned to place it on the
table. Picking up his hand into mine, I laced our fingers together and thumbed the vibrant ink of the
lotus flower gently.
"So do I."
Chapter Twenty-One ~ Tatu
Wednesday Morning.
I was sixteen years old.
As I stood across the school parking lot, waiting for my friends to meet me, she appeared.
The long blonde locks of her hair waved in the wind like golden locks of some type of fucking
undiscovered goddess. I licked my lips, staring at her, and she rolled her eyes, knowing the effect she
had on every male who attended that school.
Not even the famous Cullen smile worked on her.
That first day I saw her, I made a plan on how to woo Jessica, and when the first opportunity
presented itself, I grabbed that bitch up.
My father had been out of town on business that week, and I stole his car, remembering that Jessica,
my dream girl, had mentioned to one of the boys about wanting to someday drive in a convertible. I
laughed to myself, then; thinking, I had this, her, in the bag. If she would be impressed by some silly
drop-top, then surely the Vanquish, my father's quarter of a million dollar car, would do the trick.
Her pussy was mine.
I had worn my clothes that were usually reserved for Sunday morning church; trying to match the
level of sophistication and style the car had. Also, it made me look older, and when you are a kid,
that is always your number one goal.
Especially when you are breaking the law.
The Vanquish roared to life as I started her up in the garage, and I slowly babied my way out, backing
up as slow as a motherfucker, trying so damn hard not to hit anything in my path. My smile found its
way into the rear-view mirror, and I reminded myself what a fucking genius I was for thinking of this
They shouldn't call this car the Vanquish though, because that sounds too much like vanish, and
THAT was definitely not what was going to happen when I drove up to school in it. The pussy would
flock like a motherfucking white cloud of seagulls to me.
These kids were rich, no doubt, but I was richer, by a long shot.
This was the proof.
I remembered calling Emmett the night before to tell him my plan. Funny now, how that seemed,
knowing he had been with Bella at that time, opening her New York restaurant. If I had only known
what I know now, what I didn't know then, my life could have been so much fucking different.
And fuck, maybe for her too.
Emmett had wished me well and told me not to call him if I ended up in jail or worse. Ah, if that had
only been the thing I got in trouble for. As I pulled up to the lot, sure as shit, all the mouths gaped as
the loud purr of the beast that lay under the hood reared its angry head, and the sun shined off the
shiny black gloss of the paint.
I couldn't wait to see Stanley's face.
She wasn't in the lot that day, though, and I cursed, thinking that maybe she was out sick or
something. An opportunity like this wouldn't present itself again, and I wasn't sure of any other way
to get her into my pantsor me into her pants.
I wanted that ass, and that's all I knew.
A group of kids who were dubbed 'the homely's' came up to me, drooling, eyeing up the expensive
car. I felt bad, I mean, it wasn't their fault they were ugly. Bad genetics are a bitch. I was lucky I was
blessed with good ones. I didn't fucking walk around with that knowledge on my damn shoulders, but
fuck, I knew my grandpa was a pimp in his day and shit. I looked just like him.
Plus, this girl Monica always called me Sexyward, which led me to believe my shit didn't stink.
I was young. Forgive me for being so damn pigheaded, alright?
The kids asked me all about the car, and I prattled on about what little information I knew, making up
most of it and eyeing the lot for Jessica the whole damn time; but she never showed.
Funny, how shit never changes, isn't it?
Only, if she hadn't shown thennoI can't even think that.
WON'T even think that.
I will never be sorry for Renesmee.
As the bell sounded, the lot cleared out as we all ushered towards our respective classes. My mood
was dim, not being able to get what I desired. To think, I had to go the whole day looking like fucking
Antonio Banderes. Shit. Once again, I should have listened to Emmett and his words of advice.
I slipped off my tie during the last class, letting it lay on my desk, and read over my finished essay
about fucking...hell I don't even remember what it had been about. The bell sounded once more
and I sighed hard, collecting my things and thinking today was a total loss.
As I leaned down to grab my book-bag, a warm hand came to rest over mine that remained on the
desk. I looked up slowly and fucking gulped, seeing Jessica smiling back at me.
"I heard you were the kid with the nice ride," she said.
"Um." I just nodded like the idiot I was.
"Funny, cause you see." She sat down on my desk, resting her feet on my upper thighs as she spun
to face me, and I couldn't keep my eyes off her short flannel skirt that was riding up
Holy fucking shit, I almost came right there.
I was SUCH an amateur.
What was she saying?
I didn't fucking know. But I nodded yes again, and apparently that was the answer she was looking
for because the next thing I knew, I was being led by the hand like a puppy on a short leash to the
Vanquish; which at this point, I was renaming The Genie.
'Cause mother of fucking all that was holy
I was getting my damn wish.
NowI was not a virginEmmett had made sure to get me my fair share of pussy before he grew up
and moved away. Having an older brother who was in college when you are not, but lies and says you
are, was the motherfucking shit.
I loved him for that. Always.
One thing Emmett had always taught me, though, was to be fucking safe. Of course, the one and only
sole time I wasn't, I fucked up.
Jessica had said she was allergic to fucking latex or some shit like that, and I didn't bother to probe
further or even think about how the fuck she knew that about herself. All I knew was that her skirt
was hiked up, her panties were down, and I was hard, horny, and ready to fucking fuck.
And that we did.
I seriously lasted for all of like three minutes, it was pathetic.
Who the fuck knew three minutes would change my entire life? Right? Profound I tell you, so damn
profound, that knowledge.
Carlisle knew I had taken his car because, little did I know, he had markers in the garage for his tire
placement, and when he came back in town, he saw that they no longer matched up. Esme tried to
cover for me, but he knew better. My mother would never touch that car.
I was grounded, after being lectured for what seemed like hours, and, of course, my brother called to
razz me later on that night about my fucking up. It wasn't until the end of the following month that
Carlisle was slamming the door loudly, waving a paper in my face as he fired off questions at me.
I was fucking knee-deep in The Legend of Zelda, whacking off fucking chickens with my sword, and he
just comes in, shouting and asking me shit I had no answers to. I thought my grades had slipped or
something and he was pissed about me failing, but as my brain starting to pay attention to what his
questions were, I fucking gasped, holding my hand over my mouth and letting go of the video game
He was asking me about fucking Jessica.
Because her parents had filed for me to legally give up my paternal rights.
Rights that I didn't even know I had, because I didn't fucking know Jess was pregnant.
We fought relentlessly, back and forth, as I tried to convince him that I didn't know about her having
a baby. Esme cried, sobbing hard against him, and he finally backed off of me, trying to comfort my
mother. I was left only with the sound of the video game playing in the room as he ushered her to
the hall.
Jessica's parents had kicked her out after their request was denied, and Carlisle and Esme were
gracious enough to allow her to stay with us. It was odd. I mean, I barely knew her, yet, I felt tied to
this girl. My heart broke, thinking of how badly I messed up her life in my quest to simply get off that
To conquer heryes, I had definitely done that, hadn't I?
I knew she was extremely uncomfortable in my home, not really knowing any of us, and I tried to
make her feel better by sharing my things. I had so much, and sheshe had nothing at that point.
There was this recipe my grandmother fed me when I was sick as a child. Avgolemono; a Greek
lemon soup. I made it for Jessica one night, hoping that she would see I cared about what happened
to her and for our child. She hummed, eating it appreciatively, and thanked me. It was then that she
told me about how she wanted to be a cook and have her own place someday.
I told her all about Emmett and how he worked for some big name chef, even joking about stealing
my father's car again so I could take her to one of those restaurants Bella owned.
Again, funny how life smacks you in the face.
We started cooking together every night, and that was how we bonded. I showed her how to fry fish
and make Grandma Elizabeth's macaroni-and-cheese, and she showed me how to make the red
velvet cake to go with it. That was the plan. To have Ness and then go to cooking school
together...and we did.until.
"So, I will need Isabella to sign a few things, as well. You need to have her stop by, or I could call her
if you'd like," Carlisle said, snapping me out of my memories.
"Yeahno, I meanYeah, I'll tell her to come by. You don't have to call." I sat forward and placed the
framed picture of Ness back on his desk.
"Edward, you need to pay attention. This is serious. I am not talking to hear the sound of my voice."
He glared at me, tapping his pen once on the papers stacked before him.
"You don't need to remind me of how serious or important this is, Carlisle. The ulcer in my stomach
reminds me of that, free of charge." I tipped forward, reaching for my wallet so I could pay him for
his time.
"Well isn't this handy," he said, glancing at the card as he took it from my hand.
"Everyone gets one. Bella doesn't give me a petty cash card for my extracurricular activities."
"Don't be crude in my office." He lifted his eyes to look at me once before swiping my petty cash card
This shit was going to have me working all kinds of overtime I had no time for.
"I wasn't. If I wanted to be crude, I would have said Bella doesn't give me a petty cash card for
fucking her." I made a face at him as I slouched down into my chair.
"I'm adding an extra fifty dollars onto your bill for that remark. It will double next time." He rested
my copy down to sign, and I cursed under my breath at him.
"Here," I slid it back to him and grabbed up my paperwork; trying to get out of there as fast as
possible as he handed the receipt of my payment back to me.
"Nice to see you too, son," he said sarcastically as I made my way to the door.
"You're not my father here, Carlisle," I waved the white paper receipt at him as I backed out of his
office. "You're just my fucking lawyer."
I waited until I reached the steps to laugh at my juvenile behavior, knowing he hated it when I
cursed. Fuck, let him charge me extra. It wasn't like fifty dollars was going to make or break me at
this point.
Esme called to me as I reached the bottom of the staircase, and I walked into the kitchen to find her
making fresh rolls. They actually looked pretty good. I picked one up as she plated them, and fuck
me, they were good.
"Who are you, and what have you done with my mother? Secondly, will you stay?" I asked smiling
with a mouthful of hot bread.
"Rose taught me. She came over the other day and we 'bonded'," she winked at me and went back to
plating up her rolls.
"Why is everyone trying to torture me? I mean, when did it become okay for someone to try and
separate Renesmee from this family? I was pretty fucking sure that we had that shit covered as 'not
being alright' a long ass fuck-"
"Son!" Esme scolded, knocking the roll out of my hand.
"I'm just saying," I leaned down and picked up my roll from the floor. "Why can't you all see what is
going to happen when Rose testifies?"
"I do, which is why I am trying to be nice to her." She gave me a purposeful look, handing me a new
roll. "Plus, she is having my grandchild, and I am not going to shun her away."
"That's good thinking, because at least then, you will still have one in reserve when the judge orders
me to give up Renesmee."
"You can take your bad attitude out of my kitchen. When you have an apology, you can speak to me
again." She picked up her tray and walked out of the room.
I cursed at myself, not meaning to have hurt her or pissed her off. It was just the stress from what
was happening this week with court that had my fucking man-panties in a wad.
My stomach burned, causing a sharp pain in my side, from all the havoc worrying and stressing out
about this week was causing me. I held my hand to it tenderly as I walked to the kitchen cabinet to
retrieve some Tums. I chewed those awful things like candy, and cringed as the chalkiness slid down
my throat slowly.
My phone chirped in my pocket, signaling that I had a message. When I flipped it open, I saw Bella's
angelic face looking back at me, and I smiled. I thumbed through the prompts until I reached the
picture she sent and opened it to see Ness modeling a new dress with an attached message that
Where are you daddy? We have been waiting and waiting and waiting..
I hit the reply key and apologized for the delay, letting Bella and her know I would meet them at the
mall, shortly.
Bella had been kind enough to watch her while I dealt with Carlisle and all the custody shit. The
calendar was working well for us this week, and I made sure to be home on time every night. I knew
it pissed Bella off that I was leaving without all of my duties being done, and, in truth, it pissed me off
too; but there wasn't anything I could do about it, really. I needed to be there for Ness.
She was my daughter and nothing was above her.
As I walked towards the door, I saw my mother sitting in the parlor, staring out the window. She
looked the same way she did when my father and her would fight.
I made my way over to her, kneeling in front of her cream colored chair as I reached her. She looked
down to me, and I took her delicate hand into mine, placing a kiss of apology to the back of it for my
behavior earlier.
"I'm just scared mom," I said softly, rubbing my thumb along her fingers. "I'm just really, really scared
that I will lose Ness."
"Don't be." She lifted my face to look at her. "I want you to have something." She reached back and
unclasped the necklace she wore, holding it out to me. "This always brought me good luck and
reminded me to have faith." I looked down into my palm to see the cross she had always worn, for as
long I could remember.
"Thanks mom." I leaned forward and kissed her cheek, then fastened it around my neck, tucking it
into my shirt. "I need to go, I'm late. Again, I'm sorry for how I acted." I rose to my feet and she
followed, lacing her hand into mine as we walked to the door.
"Tell Bella I said 'hello', please. And to come by soon. I like being able to really be nice to my son's
girlfriend," she smiled sweetly at me.
"I will. I love you." I wrapped my arms around her and she squeezed me back tightly.
"Pray. You must pray," she whispered.
"I will." I let her go and reached for the door.
She waved as I reached my car and climbed in. I gave her a wave in return and backed out slowly,
once again remembering my teenage years, backing out of this same driveway. Only this time, my
memories were when I had backed out for good...
Jessica had been acting strange for a few days. She was only in the middle of her first trimester,
about 45 days. I had been asking her what was wrong, thinking that maybe she was mad at me, or
perhaps the kids at school had been talking about her again. Our having a child was the big gossip
amongst our peers, and at that point, the school was even trying to have Jessica thrown out, since it
looked bad on them.
A few parents who were higher up the chain also threatened to pull out their own kids if they
allowed her to stay, and it was really eating at me.
No one ever looked at me the way they did Jess, and it wasn't fair. I was just as guilty, if not more so,
yet, no one threatened to kick me out or even gave me a dirty look.
It was all on her shoulders.
I tried to get her to talk to me, but she wouldn't, which was odd because she always did.
Her parents had agreed to take her back in that week, and I wondered why. But she only told me that
they forgave her and wanted to be a part of her life. I was happy for her, although I missed having
her there when she left.
I spent most of my time in the evening, after my school work was done, researching baby stuff on the
internet, not knowing what the fuck to expect. I had eventually gotten a job at the grocery store
nearby as a bag boy to be able to buy the long list of things I wrote down in my journal that I knew
we would need.
Who knew babies needed so many things.
As I was cleaning my room one day, I found a few of Jessica's things lying around. She had her own
room here, but usually, after my parents went to sleep, she would sneak into mine, allowing me to
cuddle with her. We would talk about baby names and where she wanted to move to when he or she
was born, as we didn't know what we were having at that point.
So after finding her things, I placed them in my pocket, intending to bring them to her after my
Saturday shift at the grocery store.
When that day came, I did as I said, bringing her items to her house, but when I arrived, Carlisle was
coming out the front door with Jessica following him to his car. I sat and watched from my own car as
she climbed inside.
He pulled out, driving down the road from her house, and I followed behind him, being cautious to
stay a good distance back and out of his sight. He ended up pulling into a woman's clinic and I
panicked, thinking something was wrong with her.
I quickly climbed out of the car and called out to her, causing her to spin around. Carlisle cursed
loudly, telling me to get back in my car and go home. I walked up to Jessica and took her hand as she
started to cry. Carlisle tried to pull me away and usher her in, but I fought him off and tugged Jess
along to my car, locking the doors once we were inside. Meanwhile, Carlisle paced the lot, unable to
gain access.
I asked her what the fuck she was doing here with Carlisle, and she explained how he agreed to pay
her parents a shit load of money if she agreed to terminate her pregnancy. I fucking wanted to hurl
and not believe her, but the fucking proof was staring me right in the face as I watched Carlisle
continue to pace the empty parking lot. I had never been so angry in all my life.
I started up my car and drove off, leaving my father standing there, fully intending on never speaking
to him again.
Jessica was crying the entire time, leaning up against her door, repeating that she just wanted it to go
away. A little piece of me started to hate her too, realizing she was going to go through with what he
My eyes weren't even watching the road as I drove, and I almost crashed several times. Finally, I
pulled over to the side of the highway and threw the car into park. I hit the steering wheel hard with
my hand and leaned into my seat, wanting to use that same hand on my father's face and never let
up on him.
My only saving grace in this whole matter was the fact that I was going to turn eighteen after Ness
was born, and would be entitled to the first portion of my inheritance. That was something Jess
knew, and I used it to my advantage, promising her that I would take care of her with it if she agreed
to keep the baby. I think I also promised to marry her and shitbut at that pointI was just fucking
promising and swearing any and everything I could think of to get her to not go through with having
an abortion.
I mean, fucking Christ, we heard the baby's heart beating. Our baby, the little life we created.
How in Jesus' name could she fucking just have it scraped, or sucked, or whatever the hell they did,
out of her?!
I went straight home after she promised to stay with me, and packed up what little bit of shit I
owned, outright, having purchased it from either allowance money or my recent paychecks. Esme
cried and begged me to stay, even trying to scare me. She said she was going to report me as a
runaway, but I reminded her that my 18th birthday was soon approaching, and I would leave
That's what got the ball rolling for their divorce.
Thankfully, it never came to that, though.
Jess lived with me, in our small, cramped, little apartment, and when I turned eighteen, I lied and
stuck all of my first round of inheritance money into an account for Ness; never giving Jessica a dime.
She was too far along at that point, though, and had Renesmee, hating me every day for making her
do so.
Which brings us to the present day, and why I am still the fucking thorn in Jessica's side, and vice
I found Bella in the mall, walking around a children's clothing store. Ness was on the floor with a sales
woman, trying on a few different pairs of shoes, and I watched Bella as she looked at items along the
shelving on the wall.
"Those look a little small," I whispered in her ear as she picked up a pair of baby booties.
"Shit!" she jumped, dropping the booties to the floor.
"Bad words Bewwa," Ness pointed at her and then saw me. "Pappa!" She reached up and I kneeled
down to her, picking up the baby booties and handing them to Bella, then hugged Ness tightly.
"What are you wiggling out of Bella today, honey?"
"Chooze," she said, pointing to her feet.
"And how many have you tried on?" I asked, taking a seat next to her and winking at the sales
woman to excuse her from her duties as I took over.
"Dis many," she held up two fingers to me.
"And how many has Bella tried on?" I slipped on her little pink shoe and looked up at her.
"Dis many," she held up five fingers to me.
"I liked the ones with the lights under them best," Bella joked, making a face at me.
"Papa, you buy chooze too?" she asked as I stood her up to see if she could walk in them.
"Yes honey, Papa buys shoes too." I leaned in and kissed her face once, but it wasn't enough as I
thought of what the shoes would be for.
I hugged her to me, sitting her on top of my legs, and tucked her head beneath my chin. The burning
came back into my chest and stomach, causing my face to scrunch in discomfort.
"Whass wong?" Ness leaned back and put her hand on my face, sensing my tension under her.
"Daddy just feels yucky. That's all." I kissed her palm and set her back on her feet.
"I'm gonna go pay," Bella said quietly, and I nodded to her as she went passed, touching my arm with
a gentle caress of her fingers.
After we stopped to get Ness a bite for a lunch, we went to find something I could wear for court this
week. Bella was helpful, not only because she was here tending to Ness, but also because she helped
me put together an outfit that I would not have been able to do on my own.
Thankfully, Leah was kind enough to meet us at the mall and pick up Ness so Bella and I could go to
work, now that our shopping was done. We drove separately, and when we both parked and climbed
out, I reached out for her hand. For the first time, we walked into our restaurant, not giving a shit if
anyone saw it.
Bella POV
Wednesday morning, 7:12 am.
"Swirling brimstone, clouded fire these are the things in which I desiresad little girls with small red
curls those are what the morning dawnsyou can run and you can try to hide from what lies so
close can only scream and try to shout but know in your heart that it is filled with
I was begging and pleading with the dark haired woman not to toss the doll into the fire, but she just
kept saying her rhythmic poem to me as though none of my words meant anything to her. Her lips
curled into an evil grin as she dangled the small doll with red curls above the fiery pit.
"You have no truth within your soul, only know that of your cold bank roll. Money is green and so thy
envy, when I purge you from this, may you no longer seek any. Pay attention to what lies in your
heart, for without it this thumping, you'll be nothing more than torn apart."
The woman's fingers opened, letting go of the doll, and allowed it to fall free into the fire. I leaped
forward, landing hard on the ground just an inch away, and watched as the embers wafted from the
doll's impact after landing.
"No! No! No!" I scrambled, trying to crawl my way towards the pit, but the harder I tried, the further
away it seemed.
I looked to the woman, and she tossed her head back, laughing manically at my efforts. My feet and
legs kicked and crawled, but the fire was being pulled away despite my efforts. I heard a little girl
crying and my heart thumped painfully in my chest as I saw Renesmee flickering through the flames,
standing on the other side.
"No! No! You can't take her!" I tried to pull with all my might against the gravelly ground, digging my
nails into the earth, and fighting with all I could muster. But I was being dragged back by something
much stronger.
"No! I have to help her! Renesmee! Renesmee!"
The woman stepped forward and held out her hand, smiling sweetly at Ness . Squeaks' little hand
came out, resting into the woman's. My face flushed with anger and the woman's eyes flared, staring
back at me as she began to walk off with Ness.
"No! Don't go with her! Renesmee!"
My arms were bound, as were my legs, and I couldn't move. I started to panic, seeing less and less of
Squeaks. All I could hear was the evil woman's laughter and Ness yelling for me as her image
disappeared, leaving me only with the flames of the fire.
"Renesmee!" I cried, still trying to move towards her, against my restraints.
"Renesmee." My head fell against the cold earth, and I sobbed, hearing her call out for me.
My breaths were suffocating me as the flames flared, wafting smoke and embers into my airway. The
stench made me gag, and I tried to turn my face away from it, but it only grew more intense.
"Bella! Bella!"
The ground rumbled under me as I felt my body shake violently, thinking for sure this was the end. I
would fall into the earth once it split, and I would never be able to save Renesmee.
My eyes shot open as I was rolled quickly to my back. I swallowed hard, panting quickly, as all the
imagery faded away, and all I had left was Edward hovering over me.
Was I dead?
I blinked quickly, looking all around, seeing that I was in Edward's room. The bright morning light
burned my sensitive eyes and I cringed, placing a hand over my face. It felt moist from sweat, and I
took another deep breath, trying to calm myself.
"It was just a dreamit was just a dream," I whispered to myself.
"Sounded more like a nightmare. Are you alright?" Edward's soothing hands were on my face, and I
looked back at him, lowering away my own hand.
"Remind me never to eat burritos before bed again," I breathed out hard and sat up, wiping my hair
away from my sweaty face.
"Want to talk about it?" He scooted to my side and clasped his hands around his ankles.
"No, once was enough. Thanks."
"Care for some breakfast then? Leah came early, insisted in making her famous poached eggs with
"Bacon? That's what that horrid smell is." I lay back again, holding my hand over my churning belly.
"Now bacon? I am not liking this new Bella who detests coffee, smoking, and bacon. Next you will be
giving up curse words and dying your hair blonde, fully making yourself unattractive to me, all
"I would never be blonde. Fuck that. And double fuck you for saying you don't find me attractive.
That was rude." I shoved his arm and he laughed.
"You see, I'm hard already."
Mother of all things butterbean related.
"That is something I will never give up," I pointed at him, and he captured my hand into his, bringing
it to rest over his heart as he lay back with me.
"Do you think Jessica will show up for court?" I asked, twirling a lock of hair around my finger,
pondering the possibilities.
"I know she will," he replied.
"How? She has always blown off everything else. Maybe"
"Rosalie told Emmett she spoke to her. She'll be there." His blue eyes darkened as he looked over to
me, reaffirming my nightmares. I rolled to my side, touching my fingertips to his scruffy chin.
"Are you scared?" I watched him, trying to see the truth, knowing he would try to put on a brave face
and hide his real feelings.
"I have faith," he replied, which surprised me. "All I have is faith, Bella."
"Good. That's good." I stroked his face gently, wishing like hell that I could hide him away from all the
evil the world had to offer. "I have faith too. Faith in you."
"I thought of something for you," he said softly.
"What?" I kept mouth on his skin, tasting the sweet and salty texture it bared.
"You still wish to go with me to get a tattoo, yes?" He reached for my hand, bringing my wrist to his
lips. I tilted my head back and nodded 'yes' as my reply.
"A feather," he murmured against my skin.
"I think a feather would be nice here," Edward's warm lips kissed the tender skin of my arm again.
"Why a feather?"
"You said a chef was like a chief, and chiefs have feathers to show their high position. I think it is
appropriate." Our fingers intertwined as he waited for my response.
"Don't you sort of think that is cheesy?" I asked, and he shook his head 'no', smiling that same fuck-
me smile that brought me to my knees every time.
"If you got a measuring cup or a spoon or some shit tattooed on you, that would be cheesy, Bell. A
feather is simplistic but purposeful, and representative of what you really are. A leader."
"And what are you?" I pushed against him, rolled up onto my knees as he lay back against the
pillows. I kicked my leg over, coming to straddle him as his hands rested on my hips.
Apparently, Lt. Dan liked this new position, as he was saying a big good morning to Butterbean. She
smiled happily and proceeded to pour him a nice cup of coffee.
With extra cream and sugar.
"I'm just Edward," he said with a slight shake of his head.
"That's all?" I narrowed my eyes looking at him in speculation.
"Yeah, just Edward," he nodded.
"I like that answer." I leaned forward and kissed his lips lightly. Edward's hands came to frame my
face, gently brushing back my falling hair so he could see me better. "When are we doing this,
anyhow?" I asked.
"Tomorrow. I think it would be futile for me to get the black rose undone before court. Leah seems
to agree. Plus, I have something else I am thinking of."
"May I know the secret?" I asked in my best sultry tone. He pulled me in closer, and Butterbean
smiled at her win.
"It's no secret, for you know my adoration for you." His warm lips blessed my neck with a soft
suckling kiss. "But as you know, I much prefer to show you, then to tell you."
Holy Butterbean on a G'damn Tuesday. She had her foot in full Thumper mode. I swear, this man, he
thrived on making my clit pulse like a dance club on a Saturday night. Was that too many days of the
week for you in an analogy? Too bad, my thought process is screwed at this point. That's all I have to
offer you all.
Dear Butterbean,
Grind baby, grind.
Love, Bella.
My arms slid forward, under the pillow his head rested on, and fisted the sheets tightly into my
hands as my lips crashed into his. Warm, slender fingers slid along my skin, running their course
down my back, until they reached the fabric of my borrowed Edward boxers. He slid his hands up
under the thin fabric, feeling his way along my cheeks, and squeezed me tightly in his strong hands.
I rocked on top of him, grinding myself into his very present hard-on, and getting a very pleased
response from Butterbean for doing so. Edward kept kneading my ass in his hands as our kiss grew in
intensity. Our lips smacked against each others, becoming the only noise in the quiet room. I tasted
his tongue against mine and loved how sweet his mouth was. The wetness grew between my legs as I
rubbed myself against him again, eliciting a deep hum of pleasure from his throat.
His throat.
I moved my lips there, kissing my way down until I reached the lull in between his collar bones. My
tongue swirled inside of it and I was rewarded with a moan from him once more.
I wasn't sure where I was going as I kissed my way down, but something told me that I was on the
right path as Edward's breathing grew more frantic, and I felt his body tense from under me as I
made my way down.
It occurred to me that I had only ever once given Edward head, and for a brief moment, I had to
wonder why. Surely, he deserved it. And I definitely had no qualms about his peen being in my
My hands drew his boxers down as I seated myself in between his legs. His engorged cock sprang
free, bouncing once against the bottom of his hard stomach, making a slight slapping sound.
His stomach.
The ripples caught my attention first, and I leaned in, taking small licks of each perfect one. I moved
next to the center line that divided them and nibbled my way down, until my chin hit the tip of his
"You're torturing me, just so you know," he rasped, sliding a hand through my long locks to sweep
them away from my face.
My only answer was biting him in the joining of his leg and pelvic bone. He jumped a little, causing a
dark chuckle to vibrate in my chest. I stretched my arms, splaying my hands out along his chest as I
kept my mouth busy, planting more kisses and nibbles all around the area he wanted my mouth the
most. His cock bobbed several times as I hit the right spots and I made sure to remember each one,
wanting to be able to do it againand againand again
"Bella," he thrust his hips towards my mouth, begging me to pleasure him. I slid my tongue along his
length, running my way up to the top, and sucked ever so lightly on the end, sealing it off with a tiny
He really loved that shit.
I did it again.
And again.
And again.
"Fuck," he jerked me forward by my shoulders and threw me onto my back, resting himself in
between my legs. My head hung slightly over the edge of the bed, and I fisted the mattress tightly
with my fingers. "No more teasing." He slid himself inside of me, spreading me wide open with his
girth. "Do you see what you do to me, Bella?"
"Mmm." I kept my eyes on his face as he watched me intently with his smoldering blues.
"Fuck, you're beautiful." He tipped his forehead to mine and kissed my lips as he continued to thrust
"I love you, Edward." I moved my lips to his jaw and chin, kissing him with the fierceness that he
brought out of me with the level of desire he elicited.
"I love you, baby." He moved his lips with the same vigor along my neck and face, rocking harder and
deeper inside of my body. "Do you feel how much I love you when I'm inside of you?"
"Yes," I panted, feeling his words surge through me as I felt everything that lay within my body.
Edward was inside of me in more ways than he knew.
"Edward?" A soft knock on the door sounded and Edward cursed lowly.
"Shh," he kissed my lips lightly, still moving himself. "Just be quiet."
"She's going to hear," I whispered.
"That's why you have to be quiet." An angelic smile spread across his lips before he pressed them
back into mine.
I wrapped myself around him, trying to hold every part of myself together as he drove harder,
knowing that Leah was probably well aware of what the fuck we were doing on the other side of the
door. Apparently, being cock-blocked wasn't something Edward was going to put up with anymore.
Butterbean gave a big nod of approval for that change in traits.
"I want you to cum with me, angel," his voice was strained as his pumps came harder and faster.
Edward lifted his head, watching my face again as he fucked me. My lips fell open when he hit the
right spot, but I locked my voice away, only letting out hard pants as I felt my orgasm build.
"Right there baby?" he hit it again and I panted harder as he watched my mouth. "I want to cum
inside of you so fucking bad."
"Please," my lips barely said the word, and he drove harder, sucking my bottom lip in between his.
"You have to cum with me," he licked my bottom lip. "I need to feel you."
"Edward," I clenched the mattress with all my might as he lit my body on fire with his words.
"Good girl." I felt him swell inside of my swollen cunt, drawing out my orgasm as he staved off his
own for just a bit longer. "I love how you feel on my cock when you cum, angel. So motherfucking"
his voice stuck in his throat, swapping out for a low hum as he thrust hard twice, spilling himself
inside of me.
I held my lips in between my teeth, trying so hard to hold down the scream that wanted to escape.
Edward's sweetness panted against my face as he tried to catch his breath. He slid his hands under
mine, unlocking my death grip on the mattress, and laced our fingers together.
"I love you." He leaned in and kissed my lips softly, several times.
"Me too, babe." I squeezed my fingers around his tighter.
"A sleeve," he said softly.
"A sleeve?" I giggled, thinking he must have lost too much blood to the brain.
"I'm getting a sleeve. Well, I'm going to cover my arm, the remainder of the way, to a full sleeve. I
guess that was a rather complicated way of explaining, wasn't it?"
"I like your explanations. They're verydetailed," I giggled.
"Mmm." He leaned in and kissed me again. "I need to go see what Leah wants, before she decides to
quit." He pulled himself from me slowly, and I closed my eyes to the sensitivity there.
"Go enjoy a shower, sweetheart. I'll save you some breakfast. Bacon-free."
Wednesday afternoon.
Later on in the day, after prep was underway, Bella came back into the kitchen, smiling.
My hand kept stirring the sauce as she climbed onto the step-ladder and started tapping a nail into
the wall. I knew better than to ask what she was doing. After the nail was in, she tore the paper from
around the object in her hands and then tossed it to the floor. I stopped stirring and walked over,
preparing to razz her about messy kitchen habits, but stopped short when I saw the picture of my
daughter in the center of theclock?
"Bella," I laughed. "Why is Squeaks' face in a clock, in our kitchen?"
"I figured," she leaned on my shoulders for support as she climbed down from the stool. "If you had a
'Squeaky clock' instead of a 'Workshop clock' you would move your ass and get done faster." Bella's
head tilted back, giving me her signature smile for when she was screwing with me.
"You might be right," I caressed her cheek with my finger lightly.
"I usually am."
She had this look in her eye, a look that clearly made Lt. Dan ten shades of horny as a motherfucker. I
briefly wondered if Butterbean had a magnet in Bella's panties, 'cause that little bud was pulling me
to her like a fucking bingo wand to clear a losing card on a Tuesday night.
I stepped closer, and Bella saw what I intended, backing up slowly, being my little mouse that was
going to try and run from the angry cat. But oopsthere was a counter in her way.
"Darn counters," I pretended to be sympathetic towards her situation as I lay my hands down on the
steel-top, trapping her.
"Edward," she warned, looking over my shoulder to the rest of the kitchen staff as they worked on
prep for this evening.
"Mmm?" I pressed my luck, going in for the kill.
"Edward," she giggled a little, seeing that I wasn't backing down.
"I thought you loved me?" I teased, hovering my lips over hers.
"I do, very much."
I pressed into her lips and she allowed me to kiss her, but then pushed gently against my chest,
leaning back.
"But there's a place for physical love, and it's not here."
I raised an eyebrow at her.
"During business hours," she added with a smile.
"Fine, but I expect full on physical loving as soon as you reach my apartment, this evening," I held my
finger an inch from her lips giving my order.
"I have a long night planned tonight, Flower Child, and unfortunately none of it includes your
apartment. As a matter of fact, I will totally be giving myself to another man."
"Come again?"
"I have a meeting after service with Alec, my lawyer. We have to go over all this fuckdom that is your
baby mamma Jessicunt."
"Like what?" I sighed, closing my eyes, and my playful mood came to a halt as the fire found its way
back into my chest.
"Like, her suing me, for one, and how that might interrupt certain parts of your custody case. Also,
her lawyer has subpoenaed me for questioning at your trial. I know Carlisle was planning on having
me testify as a character witness, but I am not sure what Jessica's lawyer will ask. I can imagine,
"About us?" Oh, yeah, seriously hurting right now. Shit.
"Nowellyes. In a way. I think that he will probably bring up the shit from Hawaii. I mean, you did
lick fucking caramel sauce off me in front a few thousand people. Which was really stupid now that I
think about it. And I'm sure he will want to question why it is you work here. Or HOW you came to
work here. This shit is going to get ugly, that's all I know."
"I'm sorry." So fucking sorry.
"Don't be. I'm not saying it because I'm upset or anything, I just don't like having to defend myself to
people; especially when those people are trying to score a basket for the opposing team.
"We should make shirts," I joked, trying to get the burning to subside as I changed the subject. "We'll
have to think of names for OUR team, though."
"Hmmm" she thought. "How about Team Lt. Danor Team" She cupped her hands to my neck
and pulled me into her. "Team later-tonight-I'm-going-to-sneak-into-your-apartment-and-suck-the-
"Hey Bella, where is the reservation book?"
Kill-kill-kill-da-white-maaan! Howard Stern's Mamma look-a-boo-doo-day was ringing in my ears as
Emmett interrupted the sexy shit Bella was about to say.
And promise.
"Ignore him," I tapped my finger to my ear in hopes she would finish.
"Cahhhh," she giggled. "Fuck, I can't think of a word to tease you with."
"I have a word."
That made her snort.
"Emmett," she looked over my shoulder, still holding my neck. "Why the fuck would I know where
YOUR reservation book is?"
"I can't find it." He ran his meaty hand over his head in frustration.
"Awwww, pump-kin," Bella backed off me and walked to Emmett. "Are you not paying attention
because you are thinking of Tweetyrose?"
I liked Tweetybitch better.
"Don't start with me Bella. You know I only agreed to stay on because" he paused, glancing once to
me and then back to Bella. "I mean, to stay until the baby was born. My babyyou know."
"Well of course Em. Who else's baby.idiot."
Bella walked over to our new "makeshift" office space for the evening at the Chef's table. Jake was
finished with my office, except for paint, and Bella had him repainting hers at the same time.
"Sit," she patted the seat for Emmett, and he obeyed.
I went back to my prep and listened as Bella explained the plans for the week to Emmett. Thirty
minutes later, she was telling him to go get his own laptop so they could plan out her schedule for
the next few weeks. I guess she had traveling plans again. I sighed hard, not wanting to go through
that shit again. While he was gone, Bella clicked on the music from her computer, like she always did
when she worked. Emmett came back dancing with his laptop in one hand, pretending to sing along.
Bella lifted her eyes to him and a huge smile spread across her cherry lips, seeing him act the fool.
"By looking in her eeeeeeeeye. The only kinda girl I want, an independent queen working for her
throne I love her 'cause she got her own." He was snapping his fingers, doing his best R&B singer
dance impression.
Bella pressed her fist to her forehead, trying not to laugh as he rocked his hips and scrunched his
face, getting into the groove. The song changed into an old 90's dance tune, and Bella lost it,
watching him start to do some type of 'robot'. She busted out in laughter, cupping her face into her
"Emmett, will you please sit the fuck down," she laughed.
"Everybody dance now," he swirled his hips as he 'hoola-hooped' his way to his seat. "Fuck, this was
the jam." Sitting next to Bella he shimmied his chest at her, not letting up on his spooniness behavior.
"Stop," Bella's hand was on his chest as she rolled in laughter, turning red in the face.
"Come on B, you know this was the shitwhat were you, like fucking five or some shit?" he teased.
"This is why" she choked out, throwing her arms around his neck, "youcan'tleave meeeeee."
She was in hysterics as she tried to speak through her giggles.
"Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease!!!! You have ruined me, Emmett!!!" She tossed her head back, fisting the
fabric of his shirt.
"Damnyour hair smells good," he leaned in and sniffed her, causing her giggles to come back again.
"You see!" she slapped him playfully. "No one is going to tell me I smell good eitheror dare to sniff
me," she laughed. "They will THINK it, but not SAY it. I so hate you." She sat back in her seat and
sighed hard as she wiped her eyes clear of the tears from her laughter.
"You wanna break up with me?" he jutted out his lip to her.
"Yes." Bella looked back to her computer and began typing again as he whined like a puppy next to
her. "Here, this is our break up song," she hit a key on her keyboard hard and leaned back, looking at
"To the left to the left, everything you own in a box to the left." She pointed as she sang, and he
laughed at her. "This is our last song, Emmett. A damn heart-breaker. Are you happy now?"
"No it's not. We have a lot of songs to go B." Emmett palmed the back of her head and pulled Bella
towards him, planting a kiss to the side of her face. "We have a lot of songs to go."
"I like this part right here," she turned it up louder.
You must not know 'bout me, you must not know 'bout me. I could have another you in a minute.
Matter fact he'll be here in a minute, baby. You must not know 'bout me, you must not know 'bout
me. I could have another you by tomorrow. So don't you ever for a second get to thinkin', you're
"Who's gonna replace me? No one tears up a playlist like me, B."
"I know, you suck ass as a general managerbut at leastyou make me laugh."
"Laughter is the best medicine."
"That's my whole point, Emmett," her head fell on his arm. "I can find another general manager, but
not another Emmett. You ruined me, like I said. I'll never be able to say 'good job' to some other
schmuck I hire, 'cause all I'm going to be thinking is, 'Fuck, I wish Emmett was dancing in my kitchen
like a fool'."
"Oh I'll still come in and dance. I fully intend on visiting Edward on a nightly basis and sitting his ass
down in a chair, grinding up on himYou got any Pussy Cat Dolls on that list?" He waggled his brows,
knowing I could hear him.
"I'd like to see that," I said. "New born baby crying, full of shitty diapers, alone with Rosalie, while you
are down here stripping for me. I'm going to start saving my one dollar bills now," I smiled, grinding
some fresh pepper into the pot.
"I'm going to be superdad, just so you know. I will dance circles around you, Edward," he twirled his
index finger looking at me. "Circles."
"How many times a night do you think you will have to feed this kid?" I asked, knowing he had no
damn clue.
"That's what Rose is for," he shrugged.
"Yeah, 'cause she's not going to be passed out and super tired or anything. I think I still have bruises
on my calf from being kicked out of bed from Jess."
"Ugh, can we please not talk about you sleeping in the same bed as the herpes queen?" Bella asked.
"Sorry," I laughed quietly. "My point is that you have no idea what the hell you are talking about, or
getting yourself into, Emmett. On both accounts."
"Yeah well," Emmett jumped up from his seat and walked towards me, "it's a good thing I have a
little brother who does and can bail my ass out of trouble." He slapped my back hard as he came
around the counter. "Isn't it?"
"Absolutely." I bumped my hand to his before I added, "But Renesmee will always be the favorite
grandchild. Just so you know."
"Ha ha. Have you seen these guns?" Emmett curled his arms, flexing his big biceps.
"I sure as fuck hope you have a boy," Bella laughed. "That would be one scary ass baby girl if it came
out looking like you."
"I second that," I pointed in agreement with her.
"I can't help that I am dead sexy and super manly. It's not my fault Edward's kid popped out looking
all girly, even though Ness looks just like him. When you have your baby, B, you better hope it's not a
boy, 'cause that will be the wimpiest looking dude of all time," he laughed hitting my chest.
I stared at him like he was retarded. As I looked to Bella to make a comment about my brother's
stupidity, she was as white as a ghost, staring him down. She looked like she was going to puke.
Holy motherofGod.
"Shit," Emmett muttered, translating that into a big fucking confirmation of what he just eluded to.
"You are such an idiot," Bella shook her head angrily at him.
I couldn't move. I felt like there were boulders in my shoes holding me in place as I tried to wrap my
brain around his words, but there were too many things flooding my thought process. The only thing
I could think of was one thing...
Bella waspregnant?
She got up from the table and pushed angrily out the back door as she exited. The only thing that
snapped me from my reverie was the loud bang that sounded when the door came crashing closed
behind her.
"Sorry," Emmett said quietly while rubbing my shoulder. "Go talk to her, man."
Feeling numb, I took a deep breath and walked towards the door. Why did this door always seem like
it led to some type of dramatic event? I eyed the red sign above it that read 'Exit' before I pushed the
metal bar. It seemed heavier tonight. As if, when I walked back through, I would no longer be the
same person as I was when I exited.
Bella was sitting on our same stack of pallets, and I instantly felt stupid as I remembered us smoking
here. But the other night, she declined to do so. She gave up smokingand fucking lied to me about
why. She knewEmmett knewand Ididn't.
Fuck, who else knew?
Angela? My mother? Alice?
A bitter taste crept into my mouth as I tried to remain calm and approach her with a clear mind.
Hear her out first. Don't make assumptions.
I took a seat, resting myself down gently behind her so that my left arm touched her back. I brought
it around her waist and rested my head against the back of hers. A few minutes passed and she said
nothing, so I figured I needed to get the ball rolling.
"Is what he said true, Bella?" My voice felt like it echoed loudly against the still air of the night; even
though, I had barely whispered the words to her. Bella hands clasped over my arm on her waist and
she nodded quickly.
I sucked my teeth as a hard sigh left my chest. I had fucking done it again.
This time to Bella. My angel. The woman I loved more than anything.
"I'm sorry," her voice shook and I imagined she was trying not to cry.
"How long have you known?"
"Since I got back from Japan. I had to take a test to make sure I didn't catch that fucking bird flu shit,
and it showed up in my test results."
"That was a week ago."
"I know, I'm sorry," she sniffled.
"Stop saying that."
"That you're sorry." I lowered my arm, sweeping my hand under legs, and pulled her back onto my
lap so I could hold her. "You don't have anything to be sorry for." She tucked her head under my chin
and I wiped her tears away with my thumb.
I didI had things to be sorry for.
EverythingI had everything to be sorry for.
"Do you know how long? Like have you gone to a doctor or anything?"
"No, not yet. I have an appointment next week, though. I think thatI think that if I count back,
thoughit was the night in the ocean. The Fourth of July," she whispered against the fabric of my
I remembered that night vividly in my mind, as it was one of the best nights of my existence. A little
piece of me rejoiced, knowing that at least this time I made a child out of loving someone too much,
and not wanting to just fuck them into oblivion.
"Bella, you should have told me," I whispered back to her, hating that she had been holding this in all
week long.
"I know. I was just scared. Plus you have court this week, andI was just trying not to burden you."
"Burden me? Bella you have been carrying this with you all week. It isn't just your burden to bear. As
I recall, both of us, created this together. Yes?"
"Are" she looked up to my eyes. "Are you mad?"
"No, I'm not mad. I have nothing to be mad over. I just wish I could have helped you. All this week
you've beenI take that back, I am mad. I'm mad at myself."
"For what?" she shook her head as her last tears spilled over the brim of her eyes.
"Not being smart enough to see what was right in front of my face. And for really not being smart
enough to fucking know better than to act like a fucking seventeen-year-old stupid kidagain. I
fucked up, again," I whispered the last words, mostly to myself, and shook my head as my eyes shut.
"That's why he fucking looks at Emmett like he does. I'm still that same kid to Carlisle, because I AM
still just like that fucking kid, Bella."
"Flower Child," she touched her hands to my face making me look at her. "You didn't do anything
wrong, and if you did, then we both did. Two to tango, and all that shit."
"Yeah, I think I've heard that once before." My jaw clenched, hearing my mother's old rhetoric in my
"I'm serious. I'm not mad or anything. In fact" Her eyes darted nervously around my face, "I'm sort
of happy. But I need you to be happy too, because I don't really know how to do this unless you want
this too."
"I'm not saying that." I pulled her into me, knowing exactly what the fuck that meant. "That is not
what I meant, Bella."
It was quiet for a few minutes as she lay in my arms. Bella's heartbeat was the only sound I could
hear and feel against me. The long, silky strands of her hair slid easily through my fingers as I combed
them through her tresses. I looked down as she sighed, and saw her hands clasped over her belly. I
watched as her thumbs massaged there gently, and reality finally fucking hit me.
"Bell, are we really having a baby?" My voice came out thicker than I imagined, and her only reply
was a nod of her head.
I had to ask again, just to make sure I wasn't imagining anything.
"We're really having a baby?"
She nodded again, more aggressively this time.
I fastened my arms more securely around her as my newfound euphoria built within the walls of my
chest. I was going to be father again.
Ness...was going to have a little brotheror sister.
Bellawas going to be a motherto my child.
We...were going to have a child.
A small bit of laughter vibrated through me as I realized Bella and Rose were both going to be
pregnant at the same time. Emmett and I would have children the same age. They would all grow up
together. I was going to be an uncle and a fatherand
"What's funny?" Bella asked, tilting her head up.
"I'm just thinking about how crazy this all is." I rested my head gently against hers. "And how it's
fucking wonderful."
"You're not scared?"
"No, and you shouldn't be either." I kissed her face. "There's nothing to be scared of. We'll be fine." I
stroked her hair, trying to make her feel the truth in my words.
"What about Invoke?" she asked quietly. "Thatdoesn't scare you?"
Yeah, of course it did, but fuck, it had always scared me. Bella would not give up her dreams, though.
Not for me. This was not going to be where I went wrong with her, like Jessica. I loved her too much
and would do anything to make this right. She could have it all.
I would make sure of that.
"You can still have that, Bella. I told you I would take care of you. I meant that." I kissed her again.
"Besides, you're stuck with me now." I looked down to her and smiled, "But you already knew that,
since you agreed to be my lobster. Remember?"
"I really hate you and all your stupid super sperm, just to let you know, Flower Child."
There was my girl. She was ok. Wewe were going to be ok.
"If it's any consolation to you, I have a feeling pregnant Bella, will be like a Godzilla Bella. Which
means, I am going to be paying my dues over the next nine months for inflicting my super sperm
upon you."
"Did you just call me fucking Godzilla?" she made a face, looking up at me.
"I think so, yeah," I nodded, trying to coax that fiery brand from her that I loved so much.
"If you enjoy having your pecker fully intact, I wouldn't do it again."
There it was.
"I love you," I thumbed her cheek as I looked adoringly into her angry eyes..
"I hate you. Like seriously. And our baby, it hates you too."
"Mmm, say that again."
"I hate you, Flower Child."
"No, the other part."
"Our baby hates you, too."
"The first part of that sentence. Say it again."
"Our baby?" she asked.
"Mmm hmm. That part," I leaned in and kissed her cherry lips. "I like that part. Will you say it again
The delicate wisps of her hair curled around my finger as I brushed it back from her soft cheek,
tucking it behind her ear so I could kiss her there.
"Our baby," her lips murmured the words against my own cheek as I kept my lips moving along her
"Again please." I kissed lower, pressing my lips into the crease of her neck.
"Our baby," her voice grew thicker as I laid her down gently on the wooden pallet, but still kept my
arms surrounding her, securely. Her head rested in the crook of my arm as I moved my lips back to
her mouth.
"How is it possible that I love you more every day, angel?" I kissed her with a fever that I had never
felt before. "I love you so fucking much right now."
I didn't let her respond.
My lips pressed into hers, making the fire that was growing inside of my heart flare so immensely, I
thought it may burst from the intensity. She didn't need to say the words, though; I felt them in the
way she responded to my affection. My hand coursed over the silken skin of her face, then to her
breast, finally lying gently over her own heart. It beat frantically under my palm, fluttering like wings
of a bird about to take flight.
Or perhaps, angel wings.
I pulled her hand to my face, planting kisses to her scared palm, and then kissed each one of her
precious fingers. As my kissing trailed over her wrist, I had a vision of the feather that should lie
there, remembering my plans, for the following day, with her.
"This is where it all began, you know," I whispered against her awaiting lips. "If you never gave me a
massage that night, Bell, we might have never been here right now."
"Is that all it took?" she laughed.
"I wanted you the first time you scolded me, Bella," I smiled back at her.
"Is this our 'you had me at hello' moment, babe?"
"No, you had me at 'we're not open'," I kissed her lips. "And you really, really had me when you
helped with Ness, after the shit with her almost drowning. Out of everyone, Bella, you're the only
person who has ever really loved her. Just her."
"Squeaky makes you a lot more attractive to my heart as well, babe. I'm sorry I said our baby hates
you. That was fucked up. It's just my stupid mouth. It wants to run even more than usual, lately.
"It's alright," I smiled at her erratic mood swings. "I love you just how you are, angel."
"I think you have some sort of fetish for masochism or something. I mean, first you get stuck with
Jessicunt, and now you have me and all my fuckery. Seriously, Flower Child, what the hell did your
parents do to you as a kid?" she teased, thumbing my cheeks.
I just leaned in and kissed her, trying to show her with my affection how much she made my life
better, not worse, and that she was nothing like fucking Jessica's ass.
Her mouth was so sweet and eager on mine. I wanted to be loving with her, but fuck, she was making
that very hard as she tilted her head back and gripped my hair, pulling me deeper into her mouth. My
tongue slid along hers quickly, darting in and out as our breathing grew heavy.
"Lower," she moved my face down to her neck and I began kissing along its length, leaving a heated
trail of wet kisses until I reached the fabric of her shirt. My fingers quickly undid the first two buttons
and I kissed the hills of what little cleavage showed. Bella whimpered, quietly, and I looked over my
shoulder quickly to make sure the fucking back door was shut, before I made my next move. After I
unfastened a few more buttons, I dipped my pointer finger into her bra-cup and pulled the fabric
down to reveal her breast. Bella's skin was warm as I surrounded my lips around her, suckling softly
to her nipple several times.
"Fuck, that is so good. You have no idea." She fisted my hair again, and I looked up from under my
lashes, wanting to see her face. Her eyes were closed and she tucked her bottom lip between her
teeth. The topaz heart laid in the lull of her throat, and I smiled internally.
All mine.
"Babe," Bella whispered, pulling me out of my thoughts. "Do you have your car keys on you?"
Good question. Did I?
I reached my hand to my pants and patted my pocket, feeling the hard metal against the fabric.
"Yes." I pulled them free and jingled them at her.
"Where are you parked?"
I only hit the alarm button, making the lights flash, and she tilted her head back, seeing the Volvo
parked twenty feet away.
"We're going there," she said, sitting up.
"What for?" I asked, standing up and holding out my arms to her. She pulled herself up, holding my
hands, and grinned.
"I think now would be a good time to show me how to remove that contraption you call a car seat
from the back."
"Service is going to start. We have nine months to figure out how to do that, Bella."
She sighed really hard.
"I really hope our child gets my fucking brains and not yours Flower Child, 'cause obviously you were
not gifted in the area of reading between the lines. Let me spell this out for you, since you are being
extremely dense."
"I," she pointed to herself, "am a very hormonal, emotionally charged mess, right now. You just
fucking lit the end of the Bella sex fuse, making out with me on the pallets, and now I would like
you,"she poked my chest, "to take me to your stupid shiny ass Volvo, and fuck the holy ever living
shit out of me. We need to remove the car seat because, as we both know, that fucker gets in the
My mouth fell open, but no words came out. Funny how that happens when woman start talking
about have the holy shit fucked out of them, isn't it?
"Flower Child!" she stomped her foot in irritation.
I blinked, coming back to life, and scooped her up, fully intending on giving her what she demanded.
In my stupid, shiny ass Volvo.
Wednesday night
I could tell Bella was tired during the end of service, and demanded that she go home, leaving me
with clean-up. I called Nessie, letting her know that Bella was coming home early, and that I would be
there soon. I knew she would be in bed by the time I got in, but still, I wanted to be sure she didn't
think I forgot, in case she woke up. Plus, Bella being there to put her to sleep was a good bonus.
Thankfully everyone was on their game tonight and we managed to get out at a decent hour.
I crept into my room once I got home, trying to be as quiet as I could, and not disturb Bella. She had
left my stereo on, playing an old CD I hadn't heard in a very long time. There was also a candle lit on
the bedside table, and I made sure to backlog that into my memory so I could yell at her tomorrow
about it.
Okay, I wasn't going to yell, but you know what I mean.
I crawled into bed, spooning myself behind her. She instantly melted against me, and I got immediate
goose-bumps as her warm skin touched my own. She was.
My hand ran over her, coursing its way up and feeling no sign of pajamas. Nope. It was all Bella. I
cupped her tit into my one hand, sliding my other arm under her neck, and drew her nearer as my
lips whispered in her ear.
"Have I ever told you that you are the most perfect woman ever?" Her laughter was deep and
vibrated against me as I held her.
My nose skimmed along her soft mane, and I was assaulted in the most delightful of ways as I
breathed in, inhaling a long pull of her fragrant hair that was reminiscent of a million flowers all
gathered together to create Bella's signature fragrance.
"Fuck, you smell good, too." My left hand slid down her body as I planted kisses along her hair and
bare shoulder. She tensed under me when I placed my hand over her belly, and I instantly pulled
"Is that not okay?"
"It's fine," she reached for my hand, placing it over her stomach again. "It justfeels strange."
"Strange, how?" I rubbed softly, planting small kisses to her face.
"It's just kind of intense. I like it, though." Her hands rested over mine as I continued to work soft
circles over her skin.
"Me too, sweetheart. I like this too," I said, giving a light squeeze to what lay in my other hand.
"I thought you would." She tilted back to kiss me, but yawned instead. "Sorry," she smiled, impishly.
"It's alright, sleep." I kissed her forehead and moved my hand from her breast to her shoulder,
cupping it into my palm.
My other hand remained on her stomach, tracing over her warm skin, as I hummed herand my new
babyto sleep.
Bella POV
Thursday 1:13 pm
He was smiling all cheeky at me as I sat back into the chair, waiting for the tattoo dude to come back
"I'm not scared," I said, shaking my head as his smile grew wider. "Flower Child, I have had parts of
my body chopped off and reattached. In nine months, I am going squeeze your watermelon-sized
lovechild outta my hooha. A little needle to the arm does nothing to me, just so you know."
"Who said it was little?" the tattoo guy came back and tried to be funny.
"Haha. Are you sure this isn't going to kill my child? You poison him or her and I swear, your balls," I
moved my finger over my throat, "gone, dude."
"As long as you follow all of my aftercare instructions, all will be fine. I assure you." He took a seat
and started assembling his materials. "You're set up over there Edward whenever you're ready." He
nodded across the room to the other station where Edward's friend was ready for his session.
"Are you going to be"
"Fucking scram, Edward," I huffed, trying to kick him with my foot, but tattoo dude was swabbing my
arm, making that difficult.
He walked over to the other guy's station, and I watched him take a seat, giving a manly pound of the
fist as all guys did for some unknown reason. His shirt came off, which was nice, and I got to stare at
him as his tattoo dude went over the placement, and other fuckery, with him.
"So, a feather, huh?" my tattoo dude snapped me out of my ogling.
"Yeah, he thinks it's symbolic, 'cause I'm a chef."
"Is that what you want?" he asked, holding his hand out for my arm.
"I was thinking something a little more significant or, fuck, artistic. I mean, when this kid," I patted
my belly, "grows up, I'm gonna have fucking daddy Tattoo over there, and all I have is a damn
"What is significant to you? Having this baby?" he asked.
"Yes, well, my life as a whole, right now. Truthfully, tattoo dude, I am feeling really fucking emotional
right now, and am liable to tell you all sorts of shit you don't wanna know, but seriously, my whole
damn life has been flipped upside down thanks to that fucker over there." I looked back to Edward as
he was already getting his arm tattooed. "Stupid sexy ass bastard."
"Does that make you feel better or worse?"
"The cursing? Much better." I kept my eyes on Edward, watching as he let the dude do his thing, and
didn't seem bothered by the needle against his skin.
"No, the changes in your life? Do you feel trapped now or more free?"
"Oh, uhmore free. I guess, I just feel like I am on a course I didn't plan on, but, fucking shit, I love it
now that I am." I reached over for the water bottle, feeling thirsty as a motherfucker.
Probably from all the jibber jabber.
"I have an idea. Can you give me a few seconds to draw you up something?"
"Yeah sure." I took a long swig of water as the dude spun around, facing back towards his station's
I sat there and drank my water, watching Edward, again. He was laughing about something with his
tattoo dude, and I loved to see him smile, knowing that this week was sucking hardcore for him.
Every time he cringed or rubbed his hand to his stomach, my chest hurt knowing that this custody
shit was making him physically ill.
I set my empty water back down and waited for the guy to finish, resting back into my chair. I almost
wanted to just go to sleep. The soft hum of the tattoo gun from across the room was like a soothing
lullaby and I closed my eyes, for what I thought was a second, but hell, it could have been days for all
I knew.
A cold hand touched my arm and alerted me, making my eyes flutter open.
"Ready?" the tattoo dude asked, holding up a drawing to me.
I sat up and looked it over, seeing a feather much bigger than the one he originally intended. Also,
this one had tiny blackbirds flying free from the wisps the feather bore.
"I was thinking, we put this one on your upper arm here," he pointed to the outside of my arm. He
then curled the paper there to show me what he meant. "And we can place a blackbird on your wrist
and then several small ones along your shoulder and back. What do you think of that? Worthy
enough to be on his level, baby mamma?"
"Tattoo dude, I will so never be on his level," I looked over to Edward as he attempted to become a
walking fucking canvas of art. "But yeah, I love it."
It took over an hour for the guy to complete the tattoo. Honestly, it fucking hurt, I'm not going to lie,
but it wasn't unbearable, by any means. In a way, it felt good, and I understood what the fuck
Edward had meant when he described it to me, that day in Hawaii.
Edward's sleeve took a little longer, seeing as how the dude had to cover up the rose, and work in all
the new fuckery he added. I sat over by him after I was all saran-wrapped up, and he kept his eyes
down, watching the dude as he filled in the shadowing around the letters now inscribed along his
wrist. I tilted my head to read them, and was a little fucking shocked when I saw the little blackbird
there, too.
Ella vuela con sus alas
She flies by her own wings.
It was for me? Edward got a tattoo for me? I felt wetness grow in my eyes, and I wiped it away
quickly, before he could see. My hand found his free one and I squeezed gently against his fingers,
causing him to look over at me, finally.
"Let me see," he nodded to my wrist, and I showed him.
"That's it?" He looked up at me, thinking that was all I had done.
"No, goofball." I tilted myself to the side so he could see my back, and then I pointed to my arm that
was covered in plastic.
"Oh, nice. I like what he did." His words made me feel giddy. I don't know why, but something about
Edward liking my effort did shit to me.
"You should see the one on my ass," I said, and the dude tattooing stopped immediately as he
started to laugh.
"Sorry," I said with a slight giggle, knowing he could have really fucked up Flower Child's world.
I was silent for the remainder of the session, just watching as the guy inked Edward's arm. When his
tattoo was done, no skin showed any longer. It was only a canvas of tribal patterns, mixed with
elegant letter-scrolling and colorful flowers leading down towards his lotus-flowered hand.
It was beautiful.
EdwardEdward, was beautiful.
Friday 7:45 AM Court Day.
"You look very handsome. I would give you a kid. Oh wait" I tightened his tie for him, and he
laughed, knowing my joke before I finished.
"You look very beautiful, as well." He leaned in and kissed my lips.
"What is this?" I asked, felling something under my fingers as they lay on his tie. Edward reached into
his shirt and produced a chain with a cross, then tucked it back inside.
"Esme gave it to me. For faith."
"I see," I nodded looking into his blue eyes.
"She thinks I should pray," he said.
"Have you?"
"I always do. Every night. Don't you?"
"Sometimes. I always mean to, but sometimes I forget."
"Maybe you should make up for it right now. I would hate to have to go the rest of my life thinking
you were the reason I didn't get to keep Ness, you naughty angel you." He smiled, looking more like
the angel than I felt.
"I would be happy to pray with you." I held his hand in mine and waited.
"I don't pray aloud, so just close your eyes and say your own." His eyes closed and I followed.
"How do I know what you're praying for?"
"You know what I am praying for, Bella," he said quietly.
I nodded against his head, starting to say my piece to God in hopes he would hear and not allow our
precious family to be separated.
8:56 am
The scunt-whore fucking herpes-filled bitch showed her stupid-ass ugly bitch fucking face after all.
Was that enough expletives for you? I could keep going. The baby was seriously feeding me some
really good ones.
Later mamma.
I patted my tummy, letting my little baby Cullen know I heard 'it' loud and clear.
Jessicunt looked at us, eyeing our position as I rubbed Edward's fingers gently against mine. We were
sitting on a wooden bench outside of the court room, waiting. She sat on the other side of the hall,
with her scumbag lawyer, and I figured, just by looking at him, that he was going to be a real son of a
I saw right through her, though, and she was not confident today.
That seemed like a plus, except, of course, for when Emmett came around the corner with Rose, and
Jessicunt flocked to her arms like the scuntbird she was.
I looked down to Flower Child's hand in mine and smiled, seeing that our blackbirds were touching
each other on our arms.
Edward rolled his wrist, causing me to glance up at him, and he smiled back at me, lifting our hands
and showing me the ink I had not yet seen.
I love her.
He maneuvered our hands silently, showing me what he wanted, and as he held my hand differently
in his, the little blackbird on my wrist lay over those letters, and I finally understood. He wanted to be
able to always tell me those words, no matter what.
The significance of that small gesture, us being able to just fucking hold hands right now, was so
powerful. The feelings overwhelmed me, and my eyes watered from the intensity. Edward remained
silent, bringing his nimble fingers to my face as he wiped away the tears forming in the corner of my
I looked back to Jessica, trying to beat back all of the urges I felt to lean in and kiss Edward, knowing
that this was not the time or place. He needed to focus and not get caught up, being so foolish in the
hallways of a public building of importance.
Her eyes were dark and evil as she stared back at me. I saw everything she felt as she stared us
down. It was like a list of the seven deadly sins. Jealousy, greed, wrath, pride, lust, gluttony, and
She was all of those things, and showed no sign of changing.
Did that mean we had God on our side?
I sure as hel-I hoped so.
Carlisle was eyeing us as I looked around the hallway of the courthouse. His eyes were deadlocked on
our hands, and I moved them towards my belly, silently trying to tell him to go fuck himself, because
he had no idea just how very joined Edward and I now were.
Whatever happened between Jessica and Edward in the past had nothing on what he and I had
This happiness was not ephemeral, we were going to last. I didn't look at Jessica and see all of Flower
Child's failures, or how badly we both had messed up. I only saw the beauty our relationship bared.
Our hands were joined in a union that screamed out 'I love you! I love you! I love you!'
I squeezed my fingers tighter around his, saying it louder, and walked through the door with him
when we were called in.
Before Edward took his seat next to Carlisle, he turned back and brought my wrist to his face, placing
a warm kiss, that sent tingles along my skin, to the black ink of the bird. As his hand dropped back
down, he brushed the back of his fingers along my belly. I watched his face intently, trying to figure
out what lurked behind those blue eyes that were so troubled right now.
"Little bit," he said softly, tapping his finger gently to my navel.
Carlisle touched Flower Child's shoulder before I could ask him what that meant. We were forced to
take our seats after the judge entered, and I sat down, feeling very anxious for this hearing to be
For many, many reasons.
We were all called to order, and the room grew extremely quiet. I swear I could hear my damn baby's
nonexistent eyes blinking. I prayed for someone to break wind and cause a loud bout of laughter.
That would be classic.
The beginning of court was extremely boring, as they went through all of the legal mumbo jumbo,
and I almost fell asleep. During the second hour, I had to puke twice, and then on the third, I was up
to bat, being called as the first character witness.
"Isabella Swan," her lawyer called, and I rose from my seat, putting the mask back on and pulling up
my imaginary big girl panties.
They wanted a show, then, oh my fuck, I would give them a show.
This lawyer, this court, had no clue what they were in for. He wasn't going to break me. I was already
broken. The joke was totally on him. My rings clinked against the wooden ledge of the small box I sat
in, and I scooted forward so that I could speak clearly into the microphone.
I made them clink, purposely.
The same way Jessica had been intimidated by me that day in my office, was the same design I was
setting up right now for this fucker and the judge. I was young, pretty and had seriously mother-of-
fuck tight black dress pants on.
Totally eyed my dumpster on my way up here.
I curled one finger around my long, chestnut locks and swept my hair over my left shoulder, wanting
to ensure that the judge got a good ass glimpse of the rocks in my earlobe.
That would be distracting him in a moment.
"Can you state your name for the court, please?"
"Isabella Swan," I replied, looking him right in the eye.
"What is your relation to the parents in this case?"
"I'm Edward Cullen's employer."
"How long has he worked for you?"
"Almost four months," I waited for him to smile a little, thinking he had something on Edward before
I added, "but he worked an apprenticeship for me before then."
That shocked the fuck out of him.
And apparently, Daddy C too.
"Did he?"
"Yes, sir."
"During what timeframe?"
"Three months before he started working for me."
"She is lying!" Jessica stood up and pointed at me.
"Young lady quiet yourself," the judge ordered.
"What location did this apprenticeship take place? I was certain you only had one location here in
"I do, but I know people who have restaurants here. It is not uncommon for someone to train in
another business."
"Which location?" he pressed.
"Brandon's over on Ocean Drive. They make fabulous peanut butter cookies." I eyed Jessica, letting
her know that Alice and I had a nice conversation after the picnic last Sunday.
Killing two birds with one stone, as they say.
If birds were fucking scunts, of course.
"I don't have this in his file. There is no former employer listed as Brandon's."
"That is because he wasn't employed there. Were you not listening?"
Lemme give you your first ass-handing, young squire.
"I said he worked an apprenticeship for me. That would mean no pay, which means he was not hired
by them, or put on the books. My lawyer has all the paperwork you need if you would like to review
my file on Edward. It includes my summery of his apprenticeship.
"I would like to review those," the judge curled his fingers at Alec, who held them for the clerk to
After a few minutes of thumbing them through, he turned to me again.
"Why was this not submitted with the rest of the documentation?"
"I didn't think it came into play. I was under the impression I was here to testify on behalf of
Edward's character and work ethic, not my hiring rituals."
"I would agree," the judge looked back to Mr. Dupri, "Let's hurry to the point, shall we?"
"Yes, Your Honor. Isabella,"
"Excuse me?"
"I go by Bella. Not ISAbella."
I was totally just fucking with him. I could give a shit less.
"Miss Swan," ah yeah, he was getting agitated. "On what criteria, other than Mr. Cullen's
apprenticeship, was he hired? Mr. Cullen has no former training, no schooling or degree in this field.
Not even a job as a waiter on his resume."
"Do you wear a hearing aid?"
"Excuse me?"
"I heard you, Miss Swan. What is your point?"
"Your Honor," I faced him, "I have already explained to Mr. Dupri that Edward worked as an
apprentice. I am not sure what else he wants me to say."
"I am trying to establish whether Mr. Cullen has this position based on actual skill and talent, or if he
managed to acquire this job because of his older brother's connections, as he works for Miss Swan as
well. The reason being, Your Honor, is to figure out the stability of his work."
And just like that, the little maggot crawled right into my rotten apple I had left out just for him.
"I hired Edward because he knew how to make eggs," I said seriously.
Crawl and wiggle motherfucker. Crawl. And. Wiggle.
"Yes, it is a proven fact that if someone can make eggs properly, they can cook just about anything. I
had interviewed five others before Edward that same week, all of which gave me rubbery, burnt,
brown eggs. One of the idiots even came in wearing board shorts." I looked at the judge, "I mean,
who does that, right?"
Facing back towards Jessica's lawyer, I was ready to serve up my first course of Bella Swan fuckery.
"The truth is, before the interview, I never knew that Edward had not attended culinary school, or,
truthfully, anything past his name. I never read applications. My general manager does. Was Edward
recommended by Emmett, his brother? Yes. Was he hired based off of that? No.
"I am not in the business of doing bad business, Mr. Dupri. I believe I even threatened Emmett's
nether regions for even suggesting I hire a member of his family. He has since properly knocked up
his lil' baby mamma." I nodded to them as I now spoke to the judge, "That's Rose. You'll meet her
later. She's being a bitch and will testify against Edward."
"Objection, Your Honor!"
"Sustained. Miss Swan, please get to the point."
"If you let me finish" I gave Mr. Dupri some hang time, but he waved me on, "I am trying to say that
since Emmett has knocked up dear Rosalie there, his balls are still fully intact. HENCE, Edward has
skills, and I am not sorry I hired him."
"Get back to the main question please," he was getting highly annoyed.
Go mamma go!
Thank you my darling. I patted my tummy, secretly.
"Anyhow, Edward made me breakfast, the same breakfast I ask all of my potential sous chefs or
executive chefs to make. It was perfect, so I hired him." Her lawyer opened his mouth to speak, but I
cut him off.
"So we are perfectly clear here, Mr. Dupri, I never know what someone's experience level is until
they are called in to the interview. The good ones, the smart ones, just cook me what I ask for and
keep their mouths shut. I always have to pull information from them like a dentist with a tooth.
"The others, the ones who have an application full of all those flashy names and expensive schools,
they start running off at the mouth, and never even give me a chance to taste what they have placed
before me. You know why?"
I didn't wait for his response.
"Because they know their food tastes like shit. And so do I. Edward has talent, skill, and discipline
that I didn't have at his age. When I was sixteen, I pissed off my father by dropping out of high school
and working full-time in his diner. He forgave me, though, when I made my first million dollars and
bought him a boat for Christmas."
I faced the judge again, "Real nice one, too. I don't fish or shit, but it has all this built-in sonar fuckery
that is seriously impressive and makes me want to get my Gordon's fish sticks on."
I faced back towards the courtroom, "The point is, I am one of those loser people you are referring
to, and as you can see, ten restaurants, three Michelin stars, and a really nice fucking boat laterI am
just fine. Stability?" I pushed up my suit sleeve and held up my hand to the room.
"Allow me to show you exhibit A of what cooking schools don't teach their students, and why I would
rather choose someone like Edward rather than THIS loser who did this to me." I looked to the judge
again, "And this was AFTER three weeks of training, AND him setting me on fire." I shoved down my
sleeve and leaned forward, clasping my hands back together as I gave Jessica's lawyer a murderous
"Care to ask me anything else about my hiring criteria or Edward's credentials?"
He thought for a long moment, placing his finger over his mouth before he fired off a new round.
"Can you explain this to me?" He held up a picture of us during Food Porn, just like I thought. It took
me a minute to answer, and I had to bite my tongue to keep from asking if I could have that copy;
since it was fucking hot.
Edward gave such good lickage.
"That would be a show I do for a well respected food convention." Fuck, I wanted to laugh so bad.
"What is this show called?"
Fucker, you motherfucker.
It's okay baby C. Mamma has this well thought out.
"Food Porn. May I explain?" I looked to the judge and he nodded me on. "It is called Food Porn
because, in my industry, the term is dubbed as a sarcastic term variously applied to a spectacular
visual presentation of cooking or eating; which is what we were doing."
I love you mamma.
Love you too baby C, love you too.
"By allowing your employees to lick" he looked closer at the picture.
"Caramel sauce," I smiled as I finished his sentence.
"Is that what you describe as a 'spectacular visual presentation', Miss Swan?" he walked up showing
the picture towards my face.
"We won, so apparently it was. What you haven't asked me about, however, was the other twenty
four activities on our agenda for that week. Including press, a cooking tutorial, and food tasting 101.
All of which, Edward participated in. Fully clothed."
"How long was this event?" he asked.
"One week. Well five days, to be exact."
"Are these common? And, if so, mandatory for Mr. Cullen to attend?"
"Common? No. They happen only once a year. Mandatory? No. He could have said no, but I
encouraged him to attend so that he could have a better understanding of our industry."
"And caramel sauce?" Ah, he wasn't letting this go.
"Your Honor," Carllsile interjected.
"Get to your point, Mr. Dupri," the judge ordered.
"Yes, Sir. Miss Swan, do you and Mr. Cullen have a relationship outside of work?"
Fuck, this was the part Alec and I had debated over telling truthfully. He left it up to me, and I fucking
couldn't deny that Edward and I had a romantic relationship. It was too well-known at this point. I
sure as fuck was going to try and steer that ship in the other direction first, though.
"Edward is like my family. As you stated, his older brother, Emmett, works for me; has for many
years. So yes, I am close to the Cullens."
"How would you describe your relationship with Edward, though?"
"I told you, he is like my family."
"And you allow your family members to lick caramel sauce off of you?"
"Your Honor," Carlisle interjected again.
"Mr. Dupri, if you bring up the word 'caramel' one more time, I will hold you in contempt,
"Yes Sir. Let me rephrase. Do you and Edward have a romantic relationship outside of work?"
He went straight for the jugular that time.
"That has nothing to do with this," I eyed him, trying to burn a hole through his little pinhead.
"Answer my question, please."
"Tell me how it relates to this," I countered.
"Your Honor, I am asking this question because if custody is awarded to Mr. Cullen then not only is
my client's daughter going to be in jeopardy of having a father whose job hangs in the balance of a
relationship possibly turning sour, but also,
Miss Swan would be an active participant, I assume, in Renesmee's life. I think that leaves some room
for testimony about her character, as well."
"I will allow it," the judge said. "Miss Swan, answer Mr. Dupri's question, please."
"Yes," I answered, tasting the bitterness creep into my mouth.
"Is he your boyfriend?"
Good question. Fuck.
"I'm not sure."
"You don't know if you are his girlfriend?" he asked dubiously.
"That is what I said, isn't it?" I asked bitterly.
"Do you live together?"
"You have your own residence here in Miami, then?"
"Where do you reside then? Four Seasons, perhaps?"
"I sure as fuck don't live in a Holiday Inn Express," I smiled ruefully at him.
"So you have no real residency?"
"Your Honor, my client is not on trial here," Alec stood up and spoke.
"I am trying to establish if she is the domestic partner of Mr. Cullen. That is relevant, Your Honor," Mr
Dupri argued.
"I will allow it."
"I travel a lot. So no, I can't take up permanent residence in every city I open a location in," I replied.
"How many nights a week would you say, if any, that you stay overnight in Mr. Cullen's home, where
his child resides?"
"I'm not sure."
"Try to think," he scrunched his face, talking to me like I was a moron.
"Maybe a handful. It depends."
"A handful is five Miss Swan. Five, out of seven, days in the week. Technically, by law standards, you
are residing there."
"My client maintains permanent residence in New York and Arizona, Your Honor. Mr. Dupri is taking
advantage of the law's allowance," Alec argued.
"Is this true, Miss Swan? Have you homes in New York and Arizona?" the judge asked.
"Yes, Sir. I live the next lot over from my mother, Renee, and in New York, I have a home in
"Next question, Mr. Dupri," the judge said in a warning tone.
"Has Renesmee ever been left in your care, Miss Swan?"
"Yes," I replied, and my heart sped, knowing what questions were going to follow.
"Was she ever harmed, or did she have an accident while you cared for her?"
"This is irrelevant, Your Honor," Carlisle interjected again. "Renesmee fell into my family's swimming
pool while Miss Swan was in our home, but she was not the primary caregiver. It was deemed an
accident. No charges have been filed on this matter."
"Correction, Your Honor. My client filed charges against Miss Swan for reckless endangerment of a
child, as of yesterday," he waved the papers, and I looked at Alec, wondering, what the fuck.
"I have not been served any legal documents on this matter, Your Honor," Alec stood and said.
"This is very last minute, Mr. Dupri. I will strike it from the record until Miss Swan's lawyer can fully
address this matter with his client."
The badgering was endless, and went on for another good forty-five minutes. I felt severely exposed
as I sat up there answering everything from what activities I did with Ness when we were alone, to
the time I assaulted Jess in the hospital. Thankfully, the judge wouldn't allow that either, seeing as
how we had not gone to court for it yet.
Finally they were done with me, and I stepped down, making sure to compliment the judge on his
Armani tie, with a wink, before I did.
The court was called to a fifteen minute recess, and I used that time to go to the ladies' room and sit
under the hand dryer, trying to dry my pits from all the sweat I had building there. Alice thankfully
helped me out, offering me up some baby powder she had in her purse. I didn't bother to ask why.
"Shit that was brutal," I said stepping into the stall to pee.
I laid down massive amounts of toilet paper on the bowl, covering it up for my ass cheeks to sit on,
free of germs.
"I know. I didn't think he was going to ask half of that stuff," Alice said, standing by the mirror, fixing
her hair.
"I don't even want to think about what they will ask Edward," I flushed the toilet with a T.P. covered
finger, and then used the same one to unlatch the handle on the stall.
I didn't have to wait long. As soon as I walked back into the lobby, we were being ushered back in for
round two.
Rose was up first and the bitch actually said she saw Edward push Jessicunt into the wall. I eyed
Emmett angrily, and he gave a look of apology to me. I watched Edward shake his head as I sat
behind him, and could only imagine what he was feeling right now, seeing her lie so blatantly before
Alice was next, and gave a good showing for him, even keeping up with the charade about him
working at her mother's bakery as my apprentice.
I felt a little better after she stepped down.
Jessica was up after that, and I wanted to fucking pound her face as she sobbed and played the poor
victim. A few times I saw Edward's hand go to his face, and it looked like he was wiping tears away,
but I was behind him and couldn't see for sure.
My stomach churned, listening to her describe how Carlisle had once tried to bribe her into having an
abortion, and, 'ping', light bulbs fucking flashed, alerting me to what the issue was in his relationship
with his father.
Poor Edward. He had suffered so much, so young. And now, here he was, having it all put on display
before us. I wanted nothing more than to surround him in my arms and comfort his broken heart.
Edward was up next and I took a long deep breath, knowing this was going to be the worst; yet, Esme
sat next to me now, holding my hand. She smiled, seeing my little blackbird on my wrist, and gave me
a nice squeeze before turning to watch Edward's testimony.
When Carlisle had run through his questioning, painting Edward as the wonderful, responsible father
he was, the scuntbag's attorney was up.
After all the boring shit like his name, age, and occupation Dupri started in on the same
questioning he asked me, and Edward was smart enough to just give the same replies I had. His
questions then went into Edward's hours and schedule, trying to show that he left Ness with Leah
most of time during the day. Jessica had testified earlier that she would be allowed to bring Ness
with her to work, as Rachel Ray offered in-house babysitting.
I wanted to say, 'cause she fucking needs to get new words for her fucking recipes, but I kept my
mouth shut.
This was steering Edward in a bad direction, though; even with his argument that Ness would be
starting school soon, which would take up most of her daytime activities. After the schedule grilling,
Dupri laid into him about his housing, and compared the house Jessica now owned in New York to
Edward's small rented apartment.
Mr. Dupri never brought up the assault, not allowing Edward to explain his version of the event, and I
was surprised at first that Carlisle never did, either. It angered me, thinking he had fucked up on that.
We had a long recess after Edward was finished, and we waiting back on the bench, again. I asked
Carlisle, reluctantly, about the assault, and he said he didn't want to bring it up again as a reminder.
Alec seemed to agree with his choice, and I didn't question it further.
"I love you," I whispered into Edward's ear as we slumped against each other on the bench, waiting
for the verdict.
"As I love you, angel." He brought my hand to his lips, kissing me tenderly.
"Edward? What did you mean before? When you touched" I casted my eyes down, trying not to let
anyone else hear my question.
"Little bit?" he asked, resting the back of his hand to my belly.
"Yes," I nodded.
"That's what I am naming" he looked down to his fingers, smiling shyly. "Until we know what it is."
"Why that?" I asked, slightly amused but his choice.
"Because it makes you a little bit more of everything you are already." His arm draped over me,
pulling me against him. I tucked my head under his chin and hugged him back, not giving a shit who
"Beautiful, funny, angry," he laughed. "Just a little bit more, Bella."
My heart fluttered at his words, loving how they sounded, and, moreover, loving how true it was. I
was a little bit more, now. I had become so much more, here with Edward. Little Bit tied us together,
and our black markings showed the symbolism of our hearts, but it was our love for one another that
truly connected us. That was the real lifelong inking.
Edward would always be marked on my heart, for forever.
After what seemed like just that long, we were finally called back inside, and I gave one last good
squeeze before I let him go, returning him to his seat. The room grew eerily quiet and, once again, I
prayed for a fart to break loose.
None came, of course.
We all rose when the judge re-entered, and then sat after he did. He took off his glasses and rested
them in his hand, using them to gesture when he spoke. My heart was in my throat, and I felt as
though I would surely pass out from the unknown.
"I have reviewed this case in its entirety, and have come to a decision. I feel, given the testimony,
history of this case, and information laid before me, that it would be in the best interest of the child,
Renesmee Cullen, to be in the sole physical custody of her mother Jessica Ruth Stanley"
My whole body shook, and I felt like all the life drained instantly from my body. Esme started sobbing
beside me and I wanted to comfort her, but I couldn't move. All I saw was Edward's head shaking
vehemently, and my arm wouldn't reach out to touch him. The tears ran effortless down my cheeks,
and it wasn't until I saw Edward and everyone around me stand that I knew it was all over. Esme
pushed past me, going to Edward but he pushed her away and walked out of the courtroom ahead of
everyone else.
I forced my legs to move and walked to him, not seeing or feeling anyone I pushed past until I
reached him.
"Babe," I said grabbing his arm.
He didn't stop and I kept up with him, walking and following, not knowing where the hell we were
going until he stopped at the end of a stairwell. The door slammed loudly behind us and he slumped
down to the steps, pulling me down with him.
I just held him against me, allowing him to cry and sob all of his anger, and frustration, and strangled
words that made no sense. I cried with him, knowing that this meant I too had lost her, and our
family that never even got to be had suddenly just ripped apart at the seams.
2 Weeks later.
I plopped down on the couch, staring at him as he downed yet another shot of somethingI didn't
even know, at this point, what he was drinking. He was chasing it with beer, and that's all I knew.
This was the new way of waking every morning since Ness left one week ago. After the trial, the
judge allowed Edward to keep her for one week while Jessica made all the proper arrangements for
her to live in New York.
He has been fuckdrunk ever since.
"Coming to work today?" I asked, hitting the bottom of his beer bottle as he took a sip, causing him
to spill it. He grumbled something under his breath and finished taking his swig.
"I take that as a 'no'. Edward, I'm not trying to be a bitch, 'cause fuck, I miss..I miss her too, but you
need to get your ass to work today. I'm still your boss, and I need you to be there."
Here, I needed him to be here.
"Sure," he replied, waving the bottle at me. His eyes were heavily glazed over and droopy.
I did not like this Edward.
"I'm going to fire your ass if you don't show up today. Seriously," I shoved him, and he laughed
stupidly at me.
"You know you're not the only one who is fucking hurting, and this is really G'damn selfish of you. I
loved Renes."
"Don't," he held up his palm to me, clenching his jaw tightly. "Please don't say her name, Bella. Just
don't say her name," he whispered, lowering his hand and taking another long drink.
"I need you, Edward. This baby," I lowered his hand to my stomach. "This baby, needs you."
"Go to work, Bella. You're going to be late." He pulled his hand back and rested his beer on his chest
as he closed his eyes.
"You better get your ass to work." I knocked the beer bottle off his chest, and he didn't even flinch as
it fell over, spilling inside of the couch.
"You can fire me, Bella. I'll still love you," he slurred, smiling sloppily at me as his eyes remained
closed. "I'll still love you."
"I'll still love you, too, but if I have to fire you today, I will never forgive you for that, Flower Child. So
you better be there."
"Mmm." He rested down into the couch further as I climbed to my feet, but he stopped me, pulling
my hand back towards him. "Don't go. Stay."
"I have to go, Edward. I don't get to stay here and be drunk with you. What do you need?"
"Just you," he mumbled.
"Well, you know where I'll be. Feel free to meet me there. Call Emmett if you need a ride. I'm taking
your car keys and if you show up looking like an ass, I'm going to treat you appropriately."
He let go of my hand and rolled over, burying his face into the couch, and I sighed hard, knowing that
this was going to be hard snapping him the fuck out of it. I stepped back towards him, resting down
on the couch and spooning behind him, hugging myself to him. My lips pressed into his neck, and he
kissed my fingers, gently.
"I like your tattoo, Bella," he said softly. "I'll try better to make mine come true, again. I promise." He
kissed by little blackbird, and I started to cry, knowing he knew that it was hurting me to see him like
The smell of Squeaky lingered on the couch, and I sobbed harder, feeling only the remaining ghosts
of her in his apartment and the shell of a man, who was once so whole, left in her wake.
If only such silly things like dream-catcher tattoos and tribal signs were real, then maybe, just fucking
MAYBE, we would not be here right now.
But they weren't, and wewe fucking were.
The only truth here was that Renesmee was gone, and with her went the man I loved.
Chapter Twenty-Two ~ Silently Screaming
The words were coming out of his mouth, causing my whole world to go dizzy, moving in a fast blur.
It wasn't until I took a breath that I realized it was me shaking my head against his decision
Bella's arms were holding me securely as we cried together in the stairwell. Don't even ask me why
or how I ended up there with her because I couldn't tell you. All I knew was that I walked out of the
courtroom looking for Jessica and ended up there instead.
I jumped to my feet, slightly knocking over Bella and ran back up the steps with a purpose. I needed
to reach her before she left. As I reentered the hallway of the building, she was standing with her
lawyer, and I strode quickly towards her, walking with all the anger and bitterness and hate I had in
my heart for this girl.
Earlier, when she testified, I actually felt somewhat sorry for her, even causing a few fucking tears to
fall. Not everything she said was true, and yeah, she was fucking putting on a show, but the other shit
she said was true. And she was right, I fucked up her life.
Right now, though, with her all smiley-like and being congratulated on taking away my sole fucking
purpose for living, I had no sympathy.
No fucking heart lay here.
I was only what remained after she just ripped my damn heart out. I would do, say, give
anything.fucking ANYTHING to have Renesmee back.
Her ass was made to look like fucking mother of the year up on the stand. While I was made to look
as though having a good, solid job and relationship with a successful woman was an abolishment.
I was screaming silently in my head the whole damn time Jessica's lawyer was questioning me,
wishing I could just let loose and say the truth. How Jessica had taken her precious job in trade for
my daughter, but, of course, I couldn't do that unless I wanted to get Bella in trouble for blackmail.
Then there was Newton. Ah, Mike Newton.
The Golden Child.
Well-known in Miami from his youth, playing football on the high school team as an all-star, and his
father, Mike Sr., owning several businesses across the country that were highly successful.
Mike even owned his dad's bar now. So he was just a bright and shiny object sitting up there, looking
like a respectable businessman in his designer suit. He was incredibly polite, not even getting angry
when my father questioned him about his previous DUI charge. I thought for sure that shit would
count for something, but since Jessica and he didn't 'live' together, now not even living in the same
state the judge wouldn't allow it.
Jessica testified that they were just 'friends' from high school and, again, I wanted to fucking scream.
He was the fucker who gave her the herpes for Christ sake.
Not that I could say that shit in court, either.
The black and white here was that I, Edward Cullen, was a person who worked long hours, was never
home with his child, and with the testimony from another well-respected figure from Miami,
Rosalie Hale I hit Jessica.
Making matters worse, my dear Bella just had to point out that she was Emmett's, my brother's,
fianc. I mean, how does that shit look? My own damn brother was on the other side of the
courtroom loving on the girl who just went against me.
To top it off, Bella was a workaholic, with no real form of stability, cursed like a sailor on the stand,
and didn't even know whether to call me her man or not. Even without that shit from the drowning
being on the record, you can't honestly tell me it wasn't still in the back of the judge's mind, right?
So add that to the profile of us as well.
Jessica had a great job, with a supportive boss who allowed her to bring her child to work. A brand
new spacious home, and a really sad sob story about how she struggled to fucking get where she was
in life, and how much of a bastard I was for all the shit I put her through.
She never did anything for Ness, we all know that, but the truth is that she never did anything on
record either that would go against her. It's like a credit report negative shit counts for more than
anything else. Doesn't really matter what the small margin of good says, the red is all that matters.
When it came down to the drowning shit on her side, we couldn't say shit about her not being
around because of that stunt her lawyer pulled with filing charges last minute on Bella. Which I am
sure was what they intended in the first place.
As soon as I was within a few feet of her, I could no longer contain the screaming in my head.
"What do you want Jessica?! Just fucking tell me what you want and you can have it!" I pushed her
away from her lawyer without touching her. I just kept stepping toward her, until she started backing
up and was against the wall.
"Mr. Cullen!" her lawyer yelled, grabbing my arm, but I was too strong, too angry, and shook him off
without even thinking or breaking my words.
"Money?! You want fucking money!? Here!" I pulled out my wallet and shoved it at her but she didn't
take it, simply letting it hit the ground and looked at me wide-eyed. "My fucking inheritance? It's in
an account over on Fairview. Fucking Wayside Bank. Account number 777932356. There's fucking
over hundred grand in there! My pin number is Ness's fucking birth date! Take it! Take it all! I don't
care, but just don't fucking take her!" A new arm, Emmett's I guessed by the strength, was pulling me
back again.
"Don't fucking take her Jessica! You can have whatever you want!" I yelled as he pulled me away. I
broke free of his arms, though, and cowered back over her. "We'll go right now and you can have it.
Just tell me what you want and you can have it! Please!"
"What I want?" Jessica grabbed the front of my shirt, pulling me down into her face and whispered in
my ear. "I just got what I want. Now you know how it feels to have everything taken away from you."
She pushed me hard and I stood there staring at her, wondering how fucking wrong it really would be
to fucking hit her.
I mean, if she was a man, I would have fucking hit her until my damn hand could no longer liftbut
fuckI wasn't an animaland couldn't fucking hit a woman.
No matter how much of a cunt sucking whore she might be.
"Come on, Edward, before we get in trouble," Emmett pulled me hard again, but I fucking pushed
him back, getting him off of me.
"Fuck you Jessica! Fuck! You!" Emmett tried to pull me away one last time and I gave him a hard
shove again.
"Fuck you too! And your stupid, fucking cunt girlfriend! I can't fucking wait," I shoved him again,
"until the day she flips on you and you know how it feels. You're a g'damn traitor Em! You're a
G'damn traitor!" I was seething, the rage was so fucking overwhelming as I hit him one last time and
then backed off, knowing that if I kept hitting him, I would be sitting in fucking jail tonight for sure.
I somehow managed to make it to my car, but fuck me if I could figure out how to unlock it. I pressed
all of the keys on the alarm, not ever once hitting the right one, and if I did, who fucking knew, 'cause
I sure as shit wasn't seeing or hearing anything at that point.
Red. All I saw was RED.
I kicked the door once, and fuck it felt good, so I did it again.
And again.
And again.
And again.
A lot. I kicked it a lot.
"Edward," familiar hands touched my hips and I stopped, falling against the car, and rested my body
there, trying to contain the rage I felt.
Those hands on my hips belonged to Bella and I could not afford to hurt her.
She was very close to that happening standing where she was, though. I sobbed again, feeling her
surround my waist with her arms and her head on my back. The metal of the car was burning my
face, being parked under the sweltering Florida sun all morning and afternoon, but I didn't fucking
Couldn't fucking move.
When we finally arrived to my parents house later that afternoon, my father called some of these
'experts' he knew on child custody cases, and they started doing all this bullshit to try and appeal the
case. I was just signing my name when he told me to, but had no idea what he was saying.
All I could think of was how the fuck I was going to try and explain this to my daughter.
She was so small, so fragile and had already been through so much. How do you explain to a five-
year-old child that you are no longer ALLOWED to be in their life? I didn't even know how to explain
it to myself.
Bella was with Ness, swinging on the back porch of my parent's house. She hadn't said much since we
left the courthouse, except that she would watch her while I dealt with all of this bullshit Carlisle was
going over with me and my mother.
The judge not only had given rights to Jessica, but also awarded sole physical custody, which meant
that she had ALL the rights over Ness. Even the medical shit. If something happened to my daughter,
I had no say unless the court would allow me to appeal whatever decision Jessica made at the time.
Which apparently, did not usually happen.
And fuck me, what if there was no time for that shit?
What if likeit was an emergency? Life or death type shit.
Jessica? Fucking JESSICA was allowed to make that choice?!
The girl couldn't even fucking decide on what to wear in the morning without asking me twenty two
different times and this, THISwas the person they chose to put in charge!?
Are you fucking kidding me?
Nono this was no joke.
Carlisle was back on the phone and I got up from the couch, unable to deal with anymore fucking
statutes or other technical crap he was spouting off about. He was going to just do it all regardless of
my opinion, so why the fuck did I need to hear it anyhow.
"Here," Esme rested a glass in front of me while I leaned my head against the kitchen cabinet.
"I don't think that's a very good idea," I picked up the glass anyhow, "If I start drinking now Ma,
chances are I am not going to stop."
"It's just one and to be quite honest," she clicked her own glass to mine, "I hate drinking alone." She
tipped hers to her mouth, taking a long swig.
"Cheers." I swallowed mine down in one shot and closed my eyes, resting my head back against the
"I'm sorry. I am so sorry, Son." She began to sob and I wanted to just disappear. I couldn't listen to
her cry, not right now. "I shouldn't have been nice to Rose. You were right and I am so sorry." She
cried harder and I backed off the cabinet, surrounding her in my arms.
"I'm not mad at you. Emmett, yes. I want to fucking kill Em, but not you. I don't blame you, Mom.
Please don't fucking cry. I can't take it right now." I rocked her back and forth slowly in my arms as
she quieted down.
"Pop-Pop! Pop-Pop! I have sumting fow you!" I tilted my head back to see Ness looking around for
my father. Esme backed off me, drying her eyes, and walked out of the room so Ness wouldn't see
her upset.
I took a steadying breath, trying to hold my shit together and not let her see how fucked I was right
How fucked we were.
"Wose!" she went running off down the hall and I cursed, hearing Emmett and his fucking traitor ass
girlfriend coming in.
As I followed her, I could not contain the anger I felt. Rose sitting up on the stand testifying that I
harmed Jessica was the biggest fucking lie of all time, not to mention, my own damn brother not
speaking up to say shit about it being the biggest knife in the back of all time. Those two, not only
deserved each other, but also a page in fucking Guinness World Book of Records somewhere.
Rose leaned down and picked up Ness, kissing her cheek, and the fucking beast inside of me roared,
seeing her hands on my child, even if it was a loving gesture.
"Put my daughter down," my voice was deep and fucking brooding with the heat of anger. "Now."
"Go to your Daddy, sweetheart," she kept her eyes on me as she lowered her back down. I watched
her too, reaching for Ness, and picked her up to rest on my hip.
"You have a lot of fucking nerve." I looked to Emmett, "Both of you."
"Edw-" Emmett started, but I held up a hand.
"Save it for someone who gives a shit." I turned around and walked away before I could say anything
in front of Ness that I shouldn't. "Where's Bella, honey?"
"Bewwa on the poach. She is sad." It never ceased to amaze me how much shit she saw through.
"Why don't we go make her happy," I bounced her once, trying to smile and show her nothing was
"Kay." She smiled as we walked, but then reached out, pointing her hand to something. "Fowers."
She was pointing to a vase of flowers my mother had on the table.
"You want to bring those to Bella?" I stopped when she nodded yes and plucked one out of the vase.
"Here, you give it to her." I handed it to Ness, but she shook her head 'no'.
"You give it." Ness pointed to my arm where my new ink was. "Fowers wike Papa's. Bewwa wuvs
"Papa loves Bella too, honey." I kissed her head and reached for the door handle, resting the flower
in between Ness and I to do so.
"Bewwa," Ness peeped, and Bella looked over her shoulder to us, smiling, but it was forced.
I stepped around the swing and took a gentle seat beside her. Ness wiggled her way in between us,
resting each of her legs on ours, and handed the flower from my mother's vase to Bella.
"I thought I was supposed to do it?" I touched her cheek and she looked back to me shyly, placing her
tiny fingers against her mouth and shrugged.
"It's pretty, thanks Squeaks." Bella clipped off the end with her fingers and tucked it into her hair,
behind her ear.
"It's hot out here, why don't you come inside, angel?"
"I'm fine. I'm just watching the squirrels. They're trying to steal the bird food." She pointed towards
the feeders Esme had around the backyard.
"Stupid fucking squirrels," Bella huffed, "act like they own everything. Can't the birds just have their
food? I mean, they can go anywhere and find something to eat. They have teeth and shit, and the
birdsthe poor birds have to hunt and peck for little morsels of food, and the stupid effing squirrels
just come along and take whatever they want, not caring how it makes the damn birds feel!"
This was not about birds or squirrels.
"Ness, didn't you have something for Pop-Pop?" I asked, remembering what she said when she first
came inside.
"Wook," she opened her small palm, revealing a small rock. I looked over my shoulder and saw my
mother back in the kitchen.
"Why don't you go see if Grandma can help you find Pop-Pop. Okay?" I set her down and she ran to
the door, going inside.
I scooted closer to Bella and took her hand into mine.
"I'm guessing Jessica is the squirrel and I am the bird, yes?" I sighed.
"No, if Jessica was the squirrel, it wouldn't just be stealing the bird's food. It would be laughing, and
toting a stupid squirrel lawyer who makes the bird look like an asshole even though the bird is
anything but that. Then, it would rip the bird's heart out, stomp it to the groundand THENsteal its
food." Her hand squeezed tightly around mine.
"It'll be alright, sweetheart." I lied, 'cause in no fucking way was this shit alright, by any means.
"I'm sorry, Flower Child. I acted so stupidly. You're right, you know, I take everything as a joke, even
when it's not."
"What are you talking about?"
"In court. I walked in there thinking this was just like some stupid lawsuit or something, that my clout
was above anything, when in reality, I had no clout. In fact, all I was, was a big fucking black mark on
"This is not your fault, Bella. I don't blame you."
"It is. And more importantly, even if they loved me, but hated you, they would still be giving Ness to
Jessica, and she would be moving to NEW YORK, all because of me and my bright fucking ideas."
"This is between two people Bella, and you are not one of them. Jessica was awarded full physical
custody, so it doesn't matter if she lives next door to me, or on the fucking moon, I still can't see Ness
unless she says so. Knock it off, because right now, I can't take any more bullshit." I tipped her head
into the crook of my neck and rubbed her cheek with my thumb.
"It's just not fair," she sniffled. "It's so not fucking fair."
I heard the door open again and I turned my head, thinking it was Renesmee, but instead it was my
father. I could tell from his doleful expression, that he did not have good news.
"I need to see you in my office please, Son."
"What's wrong?" I asked immediately.
"I said to come to my office," Carlisle gave me a pointed look and then ducked his head back inside,
closing the door.
"Fuck me," I huffed, shaking my head.
"Do you want me to come with you?" Bella asked, looking over at me with her caramel eyes that only
bared a sparkle due to the wetness lying within them.
"No, angel. Just stay with Ness, alright? I don't want fucking Rose anywhere near her." I picked up
Bella's hand and placed a kiss to the back of it.
"She's here?" Bella asked.
"Yeah. With Emmett. I'll be right back." I kissed her again and climbed to my feet, walking toward the
door, and went inside.
Nessie was with Esme in the kitchen, sitting on the countertop eating something, and smiled at me as
I passed. I simply gave her a wink and kept moving. Emmett and Rose were sitting on the couch in
the parlor and I gave them both a dirty ass look as I began my way up the steps to my father's office.
Once I reached his office, I sat down in one of the stiff, leather chairs and waited for him to address
me. He was on the phone, agreeing and speaking quietly to someone. All of my court papers were
scattered about his desk and a plate of food, I assumed my mother made him, was sitting on the
edge, untouched.
"Yes, thank you. I will. Have a good day," he hung up the phone and wrote down something quickly
on one of the papers, then looked up to me.
"You should eat your lunch," I said nodding to his untouched sandwich.
"Food can wait. And to be honest, I'm not that hungry." He leaned back in his chair and rubbed his
face briskly.
"What's going on?" My fingers rubbed against the leather arm of the chair, waiting for him to
answer. He sat forward again and leaned his forearms on his desk. I looked up to him finally, and saw
an expression that scared the holy shit out of me.
"Son, you need to understand something here, alright? And Bunny Rabbit is downstairs, so don't yell
when I explain this to you," he waited and I waved him on, nodding impatiently. "Edward, I have
done everything I can not to allow this to happen, please know that, and it is not with a lawyer's
voice that I say this to you, but just your father's. Renesmee is my grandchild and I love her dearly
and am fighting for her like a grandfather would, only using the skills that I was given as a
professional, understand?"
"Just say it, Carlisle." My heart raced, and I braced myself, gripping the arm of the chair.
"The judge wants Renesmee located by the end of next Friday. I tried to get him to extend the date,
but he is taking vacation and will not permit me to hold onto her, given his ruling this afternoon, and
that he wants to be available for when the custody changes hands."
I was just staring at him, waiting for the punch line.
"That's one week, Son," Carlisle said nervously.
"I understand that Carlisle. I'm waiting for you to tell me you're joking." My eyes stayed on his, my
hope wishing for the seriousness in them to falter.
"I am not."
But it didn't.
"My daughter, is being scheduled to live in another Goddamn state, around some asshole's vacation
time? Did I get that right?"
"That's how these things work. I told you when it all began, you are nothing more to the courts than
a file, Edward. I don't like it anymore than you do, believe me, but that is how this all operates."
"So, I am supposed to pack up all of Ness's shit and just like, fuckingfucking just send her packing in
one week? Not even knowing where the fuck she is going and what kind of house fucking Jessica has
or what kind of roomor Goddamn" I stopped, too freaked out by all the unknowns.
I felt like you do after a long run; your breath is hard to catch and your heart is pounding painfully in
your chest, making your ears ring from the pressure.
My body tensed and shook at the thoughts that flooded my mind. I leaned forward and rested my
elbows on my knees, cupping my head in my hands. The disheveled hair atop my head hurt as I
gripped it in between my fingers, but nothing, NOTHING matched the agony I was feeling in the walls
of my chest and in the pit of my stomach.
"Fuck, Dad! What happened to appealing this? I thought that's what you said we were going to do?" I
rocked in my seat, closing my eyes and tugged harder on my hair.
"The court is severely backed up, Edward. An appeal is going to take about a year," he said softly.
A sob ripped through my chest, but no tears came this time. It was just the last bit of fucking hope I
had, leaving my body. A long string of curse words left my mouth in a hushed rush and I jammed the
butt of my palms against my closed eyes.
"I'm sorry," Carlisle whispered. "I failed you, and I'm sorry."
"I have to get out of here," I stood up and looked down at his desk, pausing momentarily. "Do I need
to sign anymore shit, 'cause if not, I'm leaving."
"I think you should leave Renesmee here tonight," he said, standing up, and I looked at him as
though he were insane. "Edward, not only are you extremely upset, but you also need to prepare
things. Bella won't be attending work this evening, yes?"
"No, she closed the restaurant today."
"Then I suggest you have her help you prepare those things. Perhaps your mother can help too. I will
stay here with Renesmee and watch her, taking care of the remaining paperwork. Then the rest of
the week all of your time and attention can be focused on her."
"What are you a fucking robot, Carlisle? You just go on autopilot and formulate a plan? You are
asking me"
"I know what I am asking you, and what I am saying. There's no need to be rude, or cold, Edward.
This affects the entire family, you know. We all love Renesmee. I am simply trying to offer you the
best way to handle thisthis debauchery." His eyes flared, showing the first sign of real emotion I
had seen in my father's face in years.
"I'm sorry. That's not what I meant. I know it fucking hurts everyone. I'm not trying to be a prick,
but.but fuck." I brought my hand back up to my face and rubbed my forehead, trying to get the
throbbing to subside.
"I know. She'll be safe here tonight though. Just go home with Bella. Gather yourself and we will take
her home in the morning." Carlisle stepped out from around his desk and placed his hand on my
We walked slowly towards the door and he patted me on the back once as I exited. Rose and Emmett
were gone from the couch, and I saw Bella in the kitchen with Nessie and my mother. She was
washing Nessie's hands in the sink. I stopped on the last step and watched her.
Bella helped Ness rinse her hands off and then patted them dry on towel. Ness tilted her head up to
look at Bella and she laughed, seeing her mouth covered in whatever my mother had been feeding
her. Bella dampened the towel under the water and then gently wiped my daughter's mouth clean,
placing a kiss on her pink lip afterwards, and gathered her up into her arms.
Bella turned and saw me standing there watching their interaction. Her face fell slightly, probably
noting my doleful expression, and she hugged Ness to her a bit tighter. I walked across the marble
floor, leading to the kitchen, and reached for my daughter. Bella handed her over and I hugged them
both to me. The only thing this entire day that had felt right was this moment right here.
Having Bella, Little Bit and Ness, surrounded in my arms.
"Get drunk with me, Bella." I said, sitting on the couch, tipping back a bottle of some hard shit I stole
from Esme's house before we left.
"I'm pregnant, you fool. No drinking allowed," Bella said from the kitchen.
"Right. Baby. I'll have to drink for you then," I took a swig and Bella shook her head at me, walking in
the living room, taking a seat at my side.
"Seriously, Flower Child? Just gonna down the bottle, eh?"
"Eh, indeed, angel. Eh, in-deed." I tipped it back again and slouched down into the couch, resting my
feet into her lap.
Bella tugged off my dress socks and tossed them to the floor while I sipped away at my bottle
ofwhatever the fuck I was drinking. It was fucking gross and expensive, I can tell you that much.
"You do realize that this means I really love you, yes?" she asked, beginning to massage my bare feet.
"I've given you foot rubs too," I countered.
"Yeah, but you don't have germ phobias. I'm actually touching your feet that have been stuck inside
of hot, sweaty shoes all day."
"It feels fucking fantastic if it's any consolation to you, angel," I winked at her and took another
swallow of the alcohol.
"I'll do it for you if you want me to," she said softly, looking at her hands as they worked on my feet.
"Do what, Bell?"
"Pack her things," I barely heard the words come out of her mouth, and she rubbed harder.
I had no answer to her statement. Those words couldn't exist for me right now. The sheer thought of
having to go inside of my daughter's room and fucking pack her things, or even watch, or, fuck that,
even KNOW that Bella was doing it, would fucking kill me right now.
I ignored her, simply tipping back the bottle once more and closing my eyes, wishing like hell that I
could just fucking disappear.
She did end up packing her shit, later that night, while I was passed out on the couch.
The next morning, Ness arrived, and I immediately regretted drinking so much, as my fucking head
throbbed, only feeling halfway there the whole day. Bella left for work at her usual hour and Esme
stayed with me, cleaning up my house and shit, and just fucking driving me crazy mostly.
I was in a bad ass mood and didn't need to know that you need to change the fucking air filters every
three months, or suck out the lint from your dryer, or any of the other bullshit she prattled on about.
I held Ness next to me on the couch and cuddled with her as we watched Bugs Bunny, trying to enjoy
her little laugh and way she interpreted what the rabbit was doing when he tried to get away from
Elmer Fudd.
My mother made us lunch, but I declined to eat, only getting up from the couch to help feed Ness
and then clean up afterwards. Esme went into Ness' room at one point, to, I assume, pack more shit,
and I decided to go downstairs and spend some time with Ness outside, doing fun shit like swinging
on the damn swing-set the apartment complex had, and enjoying some of the Miami sun.
She looked so happy and completely oblivious to what was happening, and I wished I could keep her
in that bubble, protecting her from the realities of the world and how fucked up all of this was.
After her cheeks were flushed bright red from running around too much and looked pretty spent, I
scooped her up and went back inside.
Esme said she was going to head out to pick up dinner from somewhere, I couldn't tell you, as I was
not really paying attention, but she fucking left. I gave Ness a bath and tried my damndest to avoid
looking at the suitcase that was sitting in her room when I went to get her clean clothes.
We went back to the couch, waiting for Esme to return with food. I held Ness close to me, cuddling
up with her face close to mine. She felt warm and sunny, fresh from her bubble bath and smelling of
the afternoon sun we played in earlier.
I pulled the throw from the back of the couch and covered her up when she yawned. Then, clicking
the TV off, I just fucking enjoyed the peace and quiet now that my mother wasn't puttering about.
My lips rested against her warm face as she lay with her head in the crook of my arm. I brushed my
fingers gently over her chubby cheek and appraised her face, committing it to memory.
Not that I could ever forget.
"I love you, Renesmee. Daddy loves you so much, baby." I couldn't contain the depth of those words
or the tears that escaped when I said them.
This shit with Ness was the only thing since I was a fucking kid that ever made me cry in my life. I
didn't want to do that in front of her, but I couldn't fucking help it. I was just too goddamn broken
lying here knowing that in a few days, she would no longer be.
"No cwying, daddy. Why sad?" I wiped away my tears and tucked her face under my chin, kissing the
top of her head.
"It's alright, sweetheart. Daddy is just sad this week, because you're going to go live with mommy,
and I will miss you so much."
"Mommy?" she asked, trying to tilt her head back, but I held her there so that she couldn't see my
new tears that fell.
"Remember I told you how you were special, Ness?"
"Well I was right, because you are so special that Mommy wants you to live with her too. So that
means Daddy has to share you, even though I would love to keep you all to myself." I was officially
lying my ass off, but it needed to be said in order to not scare her.
This had to be viewed as a good, positive thing for her.
At least, that's what Bella said when I asked her how I was supposed to explain it to her.
"I no want to go wif Mommy." She shook her head and my heart thudded painfully in my chest,
thinking that she was going to start crying too.
"Sweetheart, I need you to go see Mommy for a bit. Girls need their mommy. I'm just a daddy, a boy,
and I don't know everything about girls. So Mommy is going to help me. Okay?" I kissed her hair and
held her a little tighter, hoping she would believe me.
"Kay," she sighed.
"I need you to be a big girl for daddy. It's a big favor to ask, but I need you to be. Just like daddy has
to be a big boy while you're there. Alright?"
She nodded against me and I felt her yawn. I pulled the blanket up around her, tucking her in as my
arms enclosed over her small form, keeping her safely wrapped up against me.
"Would it make your day if Daddy sang the Snuggy Bear song?" I asked, knowing it had been forever
since I had.
I hated that fucking song.
"Yup." She yawned again and I started to sing, hating every minute of it, but fucking loved the sleepy
laughter it produced from her.
My life, it was all for her, anyhow.

The rest of the week, I stayed home with Ness. Not really giving a shit if that meant Bella would fire
me. Not that she would have. Bella was more than understanding, and at one point, contemplated
just burning the fucker down, joking that everything bad in my life had happened since she opened it
and hired me.
That of course, was both true and false all at the same time.
The restaurant remained fully intact, howeverafter she realized that the insurance money wouldn't
be worth the trouble.
I think her hormones were fucking with her, but whatever.
I brought Ness to the restaurant for dinner every night so she could see Bella and vice versa. I felt like
a douche, seeing Bella, my pregnant girlfriend, working her ass off, and I was just sitting there eating
with Ness. But there wasn't much I could do about that shit, so I shoved it down deep inside of me
and fucking tried to pretend like it didn't exist.
What made it even worse was that Bella, as I, was not speaking to Emmett.
She told him not to come in until she decided what to do with him, and that surprised me, I have to
admit. I mean, Emmett not only meant a lot to Bella, but fuck, he was her general manager. Even
though our relationship Bella's and my relationship, that is had been taken to a deep, personal
level, she didn't mix business with pleasure.
I knew the suspension was due to him siding with Rosalie, so I was really taken aback that she would
bring their work relationship into the picture and use it against him. He deserved it, though, so fuck
him. I didn't feel bad about it, not one little bit.
For Bella, though, that was different.
She was now working my job, his job, and fucking trying to take care of herself in the first trimester
of her pregnancy. It wasn't fair. Plus, she had all this shit now with Invoke coming up, and it was just
one piece of shit piled on to a very high heap at this point.
My head felt as though it would fucking burst at any moment from all the bullshit that was
It reminded me of this one time when Ness was turning two, and my mother made me help her
decorate the house for Ness' birthday party. I was in charge of putting up the streamers, since I was
the tallest, and I accidently dropped the pink ball of paper, only to watch it unravel quickly across the
marble floor, unable to catch it. That is how this shit felt, like everything was just fucking unraveling
faster than I could keep up with.
We also had a new employee, Alice.
She quit Rose's bakery after all this shit happened, and Bella hired her, in need of an expert bread
maker, now that Rose was in the dogexcuse me, cunt house.
Rightfully so.
My mother even came down in the evenings and helped out. There wasn't much she could do, but
she tried to make all the customers happy. Going around and checking on people, pouring drinks and
just being her warm, charming self.
It was nice as hell of her to do, too.
I stood on the edge of the curb in front of The Workshop.
It was neutral territory.
We would have been doing this shit at my parent's house, but Carlisle said it was too much OUR
I knew Bella would be inside, fucking watching, no doubt, and that was only making it worse. Only
Esme and Carlisle stood by me now, along the curb. Esme for support, and Carlisle, because he was
my fucking lawyer.
Renesmee was in my arms while Jess and her lawyer, that dickhead Dupri, loaded up Ness' things
into her new car; a fucking Lexus.
Nice upgrade from the piece of shit Toyota she used to drive. The car I bought I her, of course. And
yeah, it was a piece of shit, but at the time, that was all I could give her.
Yeah, me, the loser father and all that.
Do I sound bitter yet?
We had a nice time last night. By we, I mean, Bella, Ness and myself. It wasn't anything unusual. Just
ate dinner at home and watched a movie or two; but it was just that in itself. It was normal, family-
like, and fucking highly enjoyable.
Bella tucked Ness into bed with me and cried as soon as I shut the door behind us, leaving her room.
As amazing as she was all week, working and keeping shit in order, it had eaten at her, too. Bella was,
of course, a fucking pro at masking that shit, but I knew her too well and saw when it faltered, like it
did on Wednesday night.
There was a family eating dinner at the chef's table when I stopped in the kitchen to say goodnight to
her before I took off with Ness after we ate. Bella was standing there watching them from behind the
pass. It took me a moment to realize what she was doing, alerting me only when a single tear
streamed from her eye.
A little girl was with her father and they were laughing as he joked and played around with her.
She was thinking of me and Ness.
We both pretty much just lay in bed last night crying softly, trying to comfort each other. A part of
me wanted to keep Ness in bed with us, but I knew that she shouldn't see two of the people who
loved her most falling apart at the seams.
I asked Ness to be a big girl, to be strong and, fuck, we needed to be too.
For her.
Back at the curb now, I knew there was something I needed to do.
It was the biggest fucking swallow of pride I would ever to take, but, again, it was for Ness' sake, so it
had to be done. No part of me, whatsoever, believed that it was right, or truthful, or fucking
deserved to be said to her, but I needed to have Jessica back in my deck of cards and playing my
game, not the other way around; even though that bitch now held all the chips.
I kissed Ness several times on her face and then handed her to my mother. With one last deep
breath, I turned and fucking took the first step that felt like my last.
"Can I please talk to you?" I said, shoving my hands into my pockets, trying to seem as restrained as
"My client has nothing to say to you, Mr. Cullen," Jessica's lawyer answered for her.
"I'm not going to yell or get mad or anything. I just want to explain a few things about Renesmee.
Things that you should know. Please?" I asked, looking at her again.
"Fine. What?" she asked irritated, closing the trunk lid to her car.
"I just want you to listen, alright? Don't be mad at me, and don't be thinking of shit to say back. Just
listen please." I kept my voice calm, not wanting to provoke her.
"I'm not giving her back and I don't want your money Edward."
Fucking bitch couldn't listen for shit, but I kept my cool, watching Ness' face on the reflection of
Jessica's car windows as Esme held her behind me.
"I know, like I said, just listen, please." I took a deep breath and just fucking said what I needed to in
order to try and salvage any chance of being able to keep myself a part of Ness' life.
"There's a part of me, Jess, that no matter what, no matter how much you hate me, or the shit we
said to each other, I will always have a place of gratitude in my heart for you. 'Cause Nessshe's the
best thing anyone ever gave to me. I love her, Jessica, more than anything, and the only thing I am
asking you is to justjust fucking see that. Just fucking see how special she is and.and just love her.
Please just love her." I felt fucking deflated as my plea left my lips, and I was thankful when she
answered, some light actually meeting her eyes, making me think perhaps she meant her words.
"I do."
"Good. That's good. I um" I pulled the paper from my pocket. "I made this for you," I handed it, and
she took it tentatively.
"What is this?" she unfolded the paper and looked back at me.
"It's a list of things that I thought maybe you should know, or have." I replied, placing my hands back
in my pockets and stepping back to where I was.
She looked down to it and then back up to me dubiously.
"Broccoli? You made a list to let me know she eats broccoli?" she scoffed, shaking her head at me.
"It's just stuff she does or has here, and when she goes to your home"
"You want it to be like her living with you?" She rolled her eyes.
"No, not like with melikelike it's her home. She's never been there before and it's new to her, so
she needs things to be the same. Familiar."
I could already see that she hadn't thought about this at all. She thought Ness was like bringing home
a new puppy or something. As long as there were new chew toys and a fucking shiny collar, all was
"And she'll probably ask for Bella, a lot. Don't get mad at her, though. It's my fault, not hers, so don't
get mad when she asks for her. You can call me and yell at me if you want to, but don't get mad at
her, alright?"
"Is that all?" she asked impatiently.
"Jessica, please don't shut me out. You can hate me all you like, I don't blame you, 'cause you should
hate me, but just don't shut me out of her life. Let her call me and just fuckinglet me know she's
alright. Please."
"Yeah, sure. We have to go. Our plane is going to leave without us. So" she nodded towards Ness
and held her hands out.
I wanted to fucking puke.
"Alright." I nodded and turned around, taking the last ten steps towards Ness that felt more like a
Ever have that dream where you are sinking in quicksand? Or have had to truck through mud? That
would be what this feels like. Every step was a conscious effort, I felt everything.
The heat of the sun.
The salty Miami air as it blew.
The weight and constriction in my chest.
The tears that were being held in, for I couldn't show her how close to breaking I was.
I saw only one thing, however.
"Let's go, baby." I picked her up from my mother's arms and hugged her to me. My feet stopped and
wouldn't let me turn around to walk back in the other direction. She had never felt lighter in my arms
and I knew there was a part of her that knew this was a bad thing. It was the way she clung to me,
hiding her face into my neck.
"Ed-ward," Jessica called in irritation.
"I love you, Ness. Daddy loves you, and I'll come get you soon, I promise. I promise." I whispered it
into her ear and kissed her as many times as my lips could before I heard Jessica calling my name
"Kitty," Ness said into my neck and I nodded at her.
"I'll keep kitty safe. I promise."
Bella had to take back her Hello Kitty necklace last night, knowing that if Ness wore it to Jessica's
house she would take it and probably pawn the fucker. That thing was over five carats in diamonds
which meant it was fucking expensive as sin.
Bella replaced it with a kid's version that was like plastic or something, and stuck my picture inside. I
had the kitty on the same chain Esme gave me with the cross, and yeah, maybe it was a little gay to
where a Hello Kitty as a dude, but fuck it was tucked inside of my shirt and no one saw it. The point
was that it was Ness' and I was fucking keeping it safe.
You don't like it, fucking suck my balls.
Ness started to cry as I tried to turn around and face Jessica, and there was no way I could let her go.
My arms hugged her tighter while I fought with my mind to shut off and just work mechanically. I
opened my eyes and shook my head at my mother, who was also crying.
"I can't. I can't, Mom."
Esme stepped towards me, wiping her face and then pulled Ness from my arms gently, hugging her
to her own body. Ness cried harder, calling out for me as she walked towards Jessica's car. I couldn't
turn around and see her like that. If I watched her face as she left, I would crumple where I stood.
I couldn't crumple.
I needed to be able to be strong enough to get Ness back.
The door to the car closed, only leaving her muffled cries to be heard. I then heard my mother
behind me, yelling at Jessica, cursing her for being so heartless, and threatening her that if anything
happen to my daughter, she would do the same harm to her.
I didn't hear when the car left, I just felt it.
Her presence, all that was good and purposeful in my life, was gone.
It was just fucking gone.

I was being a total ass and I knew it.
Did I care? No, not particularly. But I am sure the drinking had a lot to do with that shit.
Bella seemed to always be gone. She was working and trying to fucking go on with her life. Emmett
was still on my shit list and I hadn't spoken to him or about him since court. My mother would stop
by during the day sometimes and do my laundry, which was nice. I needed clean clothes, especially
when I spent most of my time laying on the couch in the same ones daily.
Sarcasm? Yeah, I have that shit for days.
I hadn't heard from Jessica or Ness since she took her. I kept my phone next to me, waiting, praying
that her face would light up the screen. I called everyday, trying to see if she would pick up her cell,
but all I ever got was a 'This number has been temporarily disconnected'.
Well, wasn't that just fucking peachy?
And appropriate if I do say so.
That is exactly how the fuck I felt right now disconnected.
I had no fucking idea what Ness was going through or if she was alright. The drinkingthe
drinkinghelped. When I was like really, REALLY fucking drunk that is. Bella didn't say too much the
first few days, just let me be. By the end of the week, though, she was threatening to fire me and shit
and I told her it was alright.
Was I fired at this point?
I guessed so. I mean, it had been a fucking month since I worked. Sleeping with the knocked up boss
or not, that shit just wasn't kosher.
The biggest fuck up on my behalf, however, was not being there for Bella and Little Bit. I missed her
first doctor's appointment, laying there drunk off my ass, and I knew she was pissed about it.
As she should be. That's a douche bag thing to do. I know it.
My body just wouldn't listen to my head, which was not at all fucking listening to my heart.
I heard Bella talking with Esme one night, telling her that she hired this new dude from some place in
fucking Paris or some shit as the new sous chef. I have to admit, it fucking hurt. I loved working with
Bella, for Bella, and loved my job quite
honestly. That didn't mean he had my job, since she had appointed me above that position, but still,
maybe she would promote that fucker and tell me to fuck off.
I wasn't sure, but too damn afraid to ask.
I sat there now, watching as she rushed around, trying to gather up all of her things and go to work.
She was on the phone, speaking in fucking French to someone. About what, I couldn't tell you, 'cause
shit, I don't speak fucking French.
I suppose she lived here now, because there was a lot of shit here and she slept here every night, but
again, too afraid to ask, far too drunk to care.
All I gave a shit about right now was Bella's pants.
Yep, her pants.
They were the same pants she wore that one time when we fought towards the beginning of our
relationship and, fuck me, I loved those pants. They were black, tight as fuck and her ass looked good
as shit in them. If I weren't fucking fucked up, my dick would be hard as a motherfucker looking at
that shit.
"Bella," I called, but she kept talking on the phone, hustling around. "Bella," I tried again, a little
louder, but still she didn't hear me. "Bel-la," I said louder, more irritated by her not being able to
fucking put the phone down for two seconds and hear me.
"Hold on," she lowered the phone and faced me. "What? I am trying to talk to someone important,"
she whispered, looking pissed.
"I'm not important?" I whined, like the fucking little douche I had become.
"Fuck," she huffed and brought the phone back up to her ear, ignoring my drunken ass.
Again, rightfully so.
"Bella," I called louder, needing her to just fucking pay me a little damn attention. The girl worked
way too damn much. She needed to relax and fucking sit down for two damn seconds.
"Yes, okay, thank you. You too, okay talk to you later. Bye." She hung up and spun to face me.
Ah, shit.
"Flower Child, what the fuck is your problem?! Do you not see me on the damn phone?!"
Rut Roe.
"I just want to talk to you," I said, holding out my arm as I laid back into the couch.
"About what?" her expression softened minutely.
"Come here and I tell you." I curled my fingers at her and she hesitantly walked over, still looking
pretty pissed.
"Okay," she took a seat next to me, "what do you want to talk about?"
"Your pants," I chuckled, pulling her into me.
"My pants? Christ, are you drunk already?" she tried to pull away, but I held her there.
"Don't be bitchy, just fucking lay here with me, please." I tried to pull her to me, but she pushed
away angrily.
"I can't lay here with you Edward. I have things to do. And fuck you for calling me a bitch. You would
be in a pissed off mood too if someone just interrupted a call with a fucking potential investor, just to
fucking inquire about my stupid ass pants!" She stood up and adjusted said pants. "You have a nice
day lying around doing nothing. I'm going to bust my ass for the next seventeen hours. See you
later." She walked towards the kitchen and grabbed up her things, then walked out the door,
slamming it loudly.
Well fuck her too.
I only wanted to touch her damn pants for a bit. Cut me some goddamn slack, would ya?
Rolling over, I buried my face into the cushions again and begged unconsciousness to find me. At this
point, it was my only friend.

Flower Child's despondency was killing me.
The first week, I predicted, understood, why he was acting like a douche waffle. The second week,
still forgivable. By the third week, however, his behavior was completely un-fucking-acceptable.
Mr. Cunt-Pickle missed our second appointment with the baby doc, and I was officially getting ready
to set fire to my Team Edward flag.
That first visit was so damn hard.
I sat in the waiting room, pretending to play with my phone, trying to not pay attention to the other
people in the room eyeing me, like I was a fucking skid-mark whose loser boyfriend ran away from.
Thankfully, I didn't have to wait long and the nurse called me in. I quickly changed into that horrid
paper gown thing and waited. All I wanted was Edward's hand, holding mine. That's all. Was that too
much to ask for?
Baby Cullen said 'no'.
I stared at the sign on the white walls of the tiny room that smelled like disinfectant, reminding me of
those horrible bed linens from my old hotel room. What was it with that smell anyhow? It's like it
fucking haunted my ass.
Everywhere it found me, I was lonely.
There was a sign that had the progression of how a baby grows, and I stared at, trying to determine
where my own would be at if my math were correct. I assumed Flower Child's punk-ass knocked me
up on the Fourth of July, which meant, now, I was a little over a month into my pregnancy. Judging by
the picture that meant Little Bit waslooking like a fucking tadpole?
I laughed out loud thinking about it. For some reason, I was envisioning a fully grown baby, just
Like motherfucking Thumbelina or some shit.
Anyhow, the doctor came in, poked, prodded, and groped my assokay, not really, but you know
what I'm sayingand the whole time I cursed Edward for making me do this alone.
It wasn't fair. That little scunt-whore Jessica had him be there with her when she was fucking
pregnant with his kid, and I, the girl who loved him dearly and tried to do all I could for his punk-ass,
was left to fend for myself.
Right now, you are probably thinking I'm an insensitive bitch for thinking that way, seeing what he is
going through, but I'm sorry, I miss the hell out of that little girl too, yet, still have to get up in the
morning and fight the good fight.
I don't have the luxury of shutting any of that shit off and just wallowing in my sorrow, or drinking
them away. Sure, she wasn't my kid, but you know what? I still loved her like she was, and felt the
agony of her absence from our lives. Add in what this kid inside of me was doing, along with the
fuckery of my businesses, and yeah, I was all kinds of fucked up.
My main point of frustration and anger with Edward, though, was that he was the only one who
could fix any of this bullshit. I needed him to face this head on and fight for her, for him, for us.
And he was just giving in and giving up.
Well, that shit, my friends, is not at all acceptable.
As I left the doctor's office that day, I called the only person I knew who could help pull Edward's
head out of his ass.
When I reached the Workshop, I sat down in my office and tried to assemble my thoughts, knowing
this was not going to be an easy sell. I quickly jotted down some things on a piece of paper, not
wanting to forget all my main reasons for calling, then picked up the phone and dialed him.
My heart raced with each ring, not knowing if he would pick up. On the third ring, I heard him yelling
to someone then he greeted me.
"Hi dad," I said nervously.
"Bella? Hey, baby. What's wrong? Are you okay?" I smiled at his questions, relieved that he didn't
seem angry with me, or resentful.
"No, I'm okay. I wanted to call you and talk, though. Actually, I wanted to ask you something. It is sort
of a really big favor, and I understand if you can't, because I know you have duties and
"Just spit it out, Bella. What do you need?" he asked, sounding somewhat amused.
"It's Edward. I need you to help him. Help me, help him." Fuck, I sounded like Tom Cruise in Jerry
"Who the heck is Edward?" he asked.
"Edward. You know, Edward, my sous chef. My." I stopped, realizing I had never told Charlie about
Edward. He only met him in Hawaii as my employee. "Edward is the guy you met in Hawaii, Dad. He is
mymymy boyfriend." I mumbled the evil word.
"Boyfriend? That 'lil shit who licked caramel sauce off you? Bella," I heard him sigh and I could
imagine he was probably shaking his head like he always did at my choices.
"Dad, he's a nice kid. Cut him a break. Anyhow, I need you to help out. Would you come here?"
"What kind of help? If he's locked up or something, just call a bail bondsman, sweetheart. Oh man,
that's not it is it? He ain't a trouble-maker is he?" Charlie grumbled.
"No. He's not in jail. Shit, why would you think that? You know what, never mind. I don't want to
know that answer. Listen, it is complicated, but the long and the short of it is this. Edward has a kid, a
real cute ass kid too, and he just went through a custody hearing and fucking lost her. Her mother is
a complete psycho, to say the least, and so, well, I just figured he needed to speak to another father
or something. He's all messed up, Dad, and I'm worried about him." I paused, allowing him to absorb
my words, hoping he would understand.
"Bella, doesn't he have a dad? I still don't understand why he would want to talk to me. I don't even
know the guy. What makes you think he'll listen to a thing I have to say?"
"I don't know that. I am willing to try, though. And to answer you, yes, he has a father, but it's
complicated. Plus, you know what it feels like to go through what he is feeling. Dad, I know I have
screwed up and pretty much ignored you for the last few years, but please, I am begging you. I have
so much shit going on and I need him to be alright. I have tried everything I can think of and nothing
is working and now I have this baby to deal with and I have no one helping me out and I am just
freaking "
"Baby? What baby? What the hell are you talking about Bella?"
Fucking Baby Cullen and your big ass mouth.
"Edward and I are having a baby," I closed my eyes, not believing that I just said that to Charlie. I
eyed the secondary line for a moment, thinking that maybe I should call Edward and tell him to start
packing, be sure to grab his passport and haul ass somewhere far far away, but Charlie interrupted.
"You'reBella your going to be a mom? You and this guy? IWhen?" he sputtered.
"When what?" I asked.
"When are you having this baby?" he replied.
"I'm only about a month along. We just found out. But, Dad, that is what I mean. I'm fucking freaking
out. I need someone to help him snap out of this shit. He's a good guy, he justhe's lost. His
daughter was like his life, you know? They just fucking took her awayI meanthey just like took
her," my voice broke, allowing a sob to break free.
"Bella, calm down, baby. Don't get upset. Listen," he sighed hard into the phone, "I don't know what I
can do for Edward, but if it will help you, I will come. Justjust don't cry or nothing. Alright?"
"Yeah," I sniffled. "Thank you." I grabbed some Kleenex and blew my nose hard, making Charlie laugh
lightly on the other end before he responded.
"You're welcome. But Bella, I'm going to warn you. I will not go easy on this guy. I have no time, nor
the patience, to play around. So while I feel bad about his position and all, you need to understand
that you are my daughter first and foremost. And right now, I am seeing this guy as someone who is
hurting you, soI might have to hurt him too."
I laughed at him, feeling both amused and a little flattered by the fact that my father still felt
protective over me. I had been a real shitty excuse for a daughter these past few years, and for him
to do this for me was huge.
"I understand, Dad. Thank you, again."
"Alright honey. Let me arrange some things here at home, and I'll see you in a few days, alright?"
We hung up after I thanked him again and made plans for picking him up when he arrived in a few
days. After I wiped my face clear of tears, and popped a mint 'cause I was craving the fuckers bad
these days into my mouth, I pushed away from my desk, ready to face the remainder of my day.
Five hours down, twelve more to go.



I woke up to the smell of something greasy.
My fucking head thumped as I rolled over to make sure my house wasn't burning down. Not that I
cared at this point, but fuck, Bella had her shit here and I'm pretty sure that even if I died, she would
figure out how to make her way into hell and kick my ass for letting her stuff go up in flames.
There was adude in my kitchen?
I blinked, trying to clear my vision.
Bella's dad? What was he doing here? In my house?
"Rise and shine, pumpkin," he said still keeping his eyes on the food he was preparing.
So that's where Bella gets that shit from.
"What" I cleared my throat, as it felt like sand paper. "What are you doing in my house? Waithow
did you get in my house?" I stood up and then realized very quickly, as the room swayed, it was bad
"My daughter let me in before she went to work. You know, the place that you, herboyfriend
should be, too."
"So are you here to babysit me or something?" I scoffed.
"No. I am here to kick your ass for treating my daughter like shit. Since you brought up babies
however, I should readjust that to say, I am here to kick your ass for treating my PREGNANT daughter
like shit."
Fuck, she told him?
"Fuck, she told you?"
"Yeah, she told me a lot of things." He walked over to my table and set down two plates. "I'll need to
eat before I start performing any type of torture or violence. Lucky for you, I'm a nice ass kicker, so I
made you a sandwich too. Sit," he pointed and then took a seat.
"I'm not hungry," I shook my head, feeling every last bit of thumping as I did.
"I wasn't asking." He gave me the death stare again and I got up to my feet, walking painfully over to
the table.
"If you dunk it in ketchup, I might go easier on you," he passed me the bottle of Heinz and I looked
down to see he had made me a grilled cheese sandwich.
"That's disgusting," I pushed the bottle away and he glared at me, preparing to dunk his own. "Feel
free, I'm just saying, it's not my thing." I waved him on and he crinkled his face before taking a bite.
We chewed in silence for a moment, and I tried to figure out why exactly Bella would ask her father
to come here. Was he helping her out at The Workshop? And why the fuck would she tell him I
knocked her up? That was a low blow. I mean, I never even met the guy, except for fucking one time,
and fuckthat was after he saw me lick caramel sauce off of her.
Remind me to fucking never go anywhere near caramel sauce again by the way. Sauce of the devil, I
tell you.
Sauce. Of. The. Devil.
"Sucks, doesn't it?" Charlie said finally and I looked up to him as he wiped his mouth, clearing his
moustache of ketchup. "YeahI remember when Bell's mamma came and took her. She was seven.
Her mamma, Renee, she was a hell-fire, I tell you. The woman drove me crazy. Always scatter
brained and getting into something. Couldn't even handle being a waitress in my diner. I mean, hell,
who can't take a simple order?" Charlie picked up his coffee mug and took a long sip.
"Anyhow, she gave up Bells when she was about your girl's age, and then when the kid turned seven,
decided that she wanted back into her life. That was after she disappeared for two of them. Woman
didn't call the kid on her dang birthday or nothin'. Shows up at MY door, saying she wants to take
Bells off to damn Arizona.
"Thankfully, she was agreeable to only taking her for the summer when Bells was off from school. I
remember that first time, when she had to go. Bella cried, begged me not to make her, and dang
near broke my heart.
"Those couple weeks seemed like years. I told myself every summer, that it would get better and I
wouldn't worry as much, or miss her as much, and you know what?" he paused waiting for me to
"It never did. And it won't. Edward, it is never going to feel better or get better, so you just better get
used to feeling like this all the time. That hole, that big damn hole," he hit his knuckles into my chest,
"it never goes away. Because that's where that 'lil girl lives and breathes. And when she's gone, that
part of you goes away with her.
"The only solace you will ever feel is knowing that one day, she will grow up and see that you loved
her, make something great out of herself, and then remember that out of everyone in the world she
could have come and asked for help from the highest paid shrink to that dang Oprah Winfrey she
chose only one person. Her daddy."
"Charlie, I appreciate what you're saying, but my daughtermy daughter, doesn't get to come back."
My skin flared, the only thing letting me know I was still alive.
"You're missing the point, Son. I'm not talking about a solution here, 'cause I ain't a damn lawyer who
knows about that stuff. I'm simply talking about manning up and doing whatchu gotta do to make
yourself worthy of that little girl wanting to someday come back to you. You think if you're
littlewhat is her name?" he asked.
"Renesmee," I felt my lips move, but couldn't hear the words.
"Well if she comes back to you someday, and you're some damn drunk sitting on a stoop. How do
you think she will feel to see her father, the man who she remembers being the way you were, acting
that way?"
"What am I supposed to do? Just go on with my life and pretend that she doesn't exist?"
"No, what are you stupid? Of course not. But shit, Son, you have a new baby coming, and no matter
what you are feeling right now, you need to suck it up and take care of that baby, and MY baby.
Because AS a father, I will not allow either of those two precious people to live with a jobless drunk
who doesn't give a damn about nothing," he pointed angrily at me.
"I do care. I love Bella and Little Bit very much, Charlie. But it's justit feels like I'm trying to replace
my daughter with someone else, and thatI can't do that." I pushed my plate away and moved to get
up, but Charlie pushed my shoulder down, forcing me to sit.
"I'm not asking you, first of all, to take care of my daughter. I am TELLING you that you are going to
take care of them. In the process maybe you wake your stupid self up and see that you also need to
fight for that little girl of yours too. Rolling over and playing dead is not a way to handle problems. It
is only the mark of a weak man. Now go put on your damn shoes and something you don't mind
getting dirty." He picked up my plate, along with his and moved towards the kitchen again.
"Where are we going?" I asked, rising to my feet.
Charlie dumped our paper plates in the trash and then turned around, smiling widely at me as his
hands rested on his hips.
"I told you, I was going to kick your ass."
I stood there watching with Alice as the bread baked to perfection in the oven.
Was I super fucking ecstatic to have her here? You bet your fucking bippy. Not only was Alice cool as
shit as a person, but she also was a major asset to have in my business. Having a pastry chef on hand,
who could also cook, was a major plus, and I knew that if this new fucker I hired didn't work out as
Edward's number two, I would definitely be looking at Alice to take that position.
"So, have any idea when Edward will be coming back?" Alice asked quietly as we watched her bread
rise and brown to perfection.
"I don't know. My father is with him now, so that shit is either going to work like a charm, or I will go
back to his house and find all my shit on his doorstep." I sighed, shaking my head and Alice rested her
tiny hand on my shoulder.
"I'm sure it will be alright. I've known Edward for a long time. The one thing that always impressed
me was his ability to be strong. No matter how much shit, and believe me, there was a lot, Jessica
threw at him, he never wavered. Most men, would probably just tell her to F herself and give up on
trying, but he always did his best to stay cordial. Even after the Mike stuff." She rubbed my shoulder
and then went back to gazing at the bread.
"He's just so broken right now. I'm scared. I could only imagine what would happen if someone tried
to take my child away." I placed my hand over Little Bit instinctively, but then tried to quickly recover,
seeing Alice look over to me questioningly. "I mean, you know, if I had a child, I would probably
fucking gut someone."
"I know what you mean," Alice smiled and then reached for her pot holders so she could remove the
tray from the oven, since the timer just sounded.
"I can't even tell you how glad I am that you are here and not over there with Queen of the
Cocksuckers." I watched her as she placed the bread on the steel-top and my fucking stomach
growled, smelling the hot bread.
"Well, I'm sorry, Rose is my friend, has been for years, but what she did," Alice shook her head as she
laid out the bread to cool. "That is just way too many shades of wrong."
"I just can't believe Emmett is being so stupid. I mean, what the hell? Edward is his damn brother!
And Squeaks was his niece for Christ sake. Rose is just"
"The mother of his child," Alice smiled up at me.
"That doesn't matter. It doesn't give her a free pass to fucking do whatever she wants," I snapped.
"I know, but maybe Emmett is just scared of what Rosalie might do; of losing his own child. I am not
saying I agree with him, at all, but just try to imagine his feelings. I would think he is very torn up at
the moment. Not only did he have to choose sides, Bella, but when he did, he lost his brother and his
niece, just like you said. Now he has been outcast by his parents and you. I'm sure he is really
"Good. Serves him right," I said angrily.
"You should probably talk to him. After Edward gets back on his feet, he's going to need someone to
lean on and I'm sure having his brother there would help. You are probably the only one who could
bring them back together at this point." Alice finally cut into the bread and handed me over a slice.
I inhaled a long ass, deep breath, holding the steaming bread to my nose, and fucking groaned at
how delicious it smelled. I shoved it into my mouth and closed my eyes, humming at the flavor and
how fucking fantastic it was.
"Awice," I said with my mouth full, causing her to laugh. I chewed a bit then swallowed before I
began again. "I don't know if any of that shit you just said is right, but bitch, you can make some ass-
slapping good bread."
"Twenty two, twenty three, twenty four, come on there, Edward. Don't stop now, boy."
"Fuck, your killing me." I breathed hard, pushing my arms, even though they burned something fierce
and shit, I could do more than this normally.
But I was fucking fucked up from all the drinking, feeling severely sick to my stomach, and
"Don't make me sit on you'cause I will," he warned.
I kept going, trying to keep up with his torture tactics.
"Whatever happened to the good old days when someone just really did kick your ass?" I asked,
trying to push myself harder.
"This is more fun than beating you with my hands, boy," he chuckled.
"I give up." I dropped down and gave up, feeling exhausted.
"The man can't even do thirty push-ups, and he thinks he's worthy of raising a child." Charlie sucked
his teeth and kneeled down beside me. "Here," he shook a bottle of water at me and I rolled over to
sit up and take a drink. "Drinking doesn't seem like such a good idea now does it?"
"No, but it didn't seem like a good idea before, either." I took another long drink and then wiped the
sweat from my face, using my shirt.
"Then why did you do it?" he asked, handing me a towel.
"It was the only one I had." I wiped my face and took another swallow of water.
"Drink?" he asked confused.
"No," I took another sip and swallowed hard. "Idea."
"Well, the great thing about an idea is that you can decide if it was a bad one, you can choose not to
repeat your mistakes and try again, right?"
"You sound like a fucking after school special." I wiped the back of my neck and set the water down
on the gym floor.
"The only reason I'm letting your foul mouth run is 'cause I'm pretty dang sure it's Bell's influence on
your stupid vocabulary."
"Actually, I cursed long before Bella came along," I lay back against the floor, cringing from how much
my body ached. "As you can see, she makes me better, not worse." I groaned, trying to wiggle my
neck to get the kinks out.
"You better be lucky she has me take care of your ass, 'cause if she was here, I'm guess'n she'd be on
you about wimping out right now." He stood up and kicked my hip with his foot lightly. "Come on, no
break time for the party animal. You have a track to run." He blew a loud whistle and I covered my
ears, sucking in hard through my teeth.
Fucking Bella. You see, this is where Charlie was wrong. I wished she was here, 'cause at least then I
could just distract her with my hands down her pants and get out of doing this shit. Charlie on the
other hand
Yeah, I'm guessing that's why she didn't choose to do this herself.
She was too fucking smart for her own good.
I sure as fuck hoped our baby took after me, because if it was like Bella, I was fucked for sure.
Charlie came back to the restaurant tonight, taking over for me so I could go home and get some
sleep. I was fucking spent. Growing a person inside of you takes a toll, lemme tell you.
Add on all the other extra work I was doing with the absence of Emmett, since I still hadn't forgiven
the fucker, and of course Flower Child's douche ass being MIA, and I had the fucking most epic
fuckery on my hands of all time.
Plus, I was also fucking aching all over, missing the shit out of Squeaky.
I tried finding her, looking up all the gossip rags and reporters I knew in New York, thinking maybe
they had seen cunt-pickle, AKA Jessicunt, out with her or some shit, but no.
Don't get me wrong here, I wasn't trying to be my own cunt-pickle to Edward, 'cause I loved that
fucker hard, but I needed him to fucking snap out of it and help my ass.
Number one, I was carrying his child, and that fucker abandoned me and our first check up. It was
fucking scary being alone, and I hated it. I debated, whether or not to tell Esme, needing a female to
take with me, but I didn't want to have to do that alone too.
I needed to fucking tell someone, though, so fuck, of all the people I could have picked, I, of course,
spilled the beans to my father. I still went to the appointment alone, not wanting to bring my dad to
the twat doctor. It sucked, and I fucking cried alone in the bathroom when I got home and saw
Edward still passed out drunk on the couch.
The little black and white sonogram picture of our baby, which really just looked like a fucking fuzzy
channel when you forget to pay the cable, was hanging on the fridge, next to Nessie's drawing.
I debated, whether or not to take it down, but opted not to, 'cause she wasn't just something you
could fucking erase like that. Plus, I liked looking at that picture. It made me happy, not sad, 'cause
it's one of the things that brought us together.
I'm sure Flower Child thought differently, but I left it up anyhow. It wasn't my house, and I wasn't
going to fucking act like it was, removing what little sentiments of his daughter remained.
The whole reason for staying here was to just make sure Edward didn't fucking hurt himself, being
alone and fucked up all the time. He never asked me to stay here, but there was no way I was going
to leave him. He was hurting, far far too badly to do that.
No matter how much the dickhead deserved that shit right now.
When I came 'home', I was surprised to see Edward was not on the couch. Charlie said his little talk
went well, but honestly, I expected Flower Child to just ball right back up after my dad left. He didn't
really tell me what he said, or what Edward said either, but I could see in his eyes that my father felt
sympathetic towards him.
"Edward? Babe?" I called out, walking around, trying to see any sign of life, but there was none. I
paused briefly in the hallway outside Ness' door, thinking maybe he had gone in there.
If he had, I was sure I didn't want to open the door and pry.
I pressed my ear gently to her door, trying to see if I could hear anyone in there, but all that was
found was silence. Walking back out to the kitchen, I saw his keys were still on the counter as was his
phone. I looked by the door and noted that his shoes were missing.
Shrugging, I walked back into the kitchen and poured a glass of water for myself. He could have gone
down to the pool or beach or some shit, who knows? It was doubtful, but where else would the
fucker go?
Setting down my water, I walked back to the fridge and started pulling out some things for dinner,
deciding on making a garbanzo bean & feta cheese veggie dish; something easy, since Edward
probably wouldn't eat with me.
Plus, I was really craving the fuck out of cheese.
Really stinky cheese too. Weird, right?
A knock on the door sounded as I readied the pan. I wiped my hands on the dishrag and turned the
heat off, before walking over to answer it.
"Sorry, I forgot my keys," Edward said, leaning in to kiss me. "I was lucky you were here, I suppose."
"Where did you go?" I asked, allowing him in.
"Running," he said, walking in and stripping his shirt off.
"Running?" I asked surprised, closing the door and following him in.
"Yeah, you know, that thing you do with your legs when they move a little faster than walking." He
walked to the fridge and opened it, taking a large swig of milk, straight from the carton.
"Was someone chasing you?" I asked playfully, leaning against the counter.
"No," he bit back a laugh and took another swig, then replaced it back in the fridge. "I just fucking felt
like running."
"And no one had a gun?" I pressed, still trying to tease him.
"No, angel," he stepped towards me and cupped my chin into his palm. "I just felt like running." He
leaned in and kissed me softly.
This was my Edward. The Edward I loved.
"I'm going to take a shower and then we can go eat, alright?" His fingers brushed my cheek and he
looked adoringly into my eyes.
"I'm already cooking," I motioned towards the counter where all my ingredients were.
And the cheese.
"No, you're not." He shook his head and moved away from me, putting back all the things I pulled out
from the fridge.
"But I want cheese," I whined as he put the feta away.
"Then have cheese, but we're going out to eat somewhere." He pulled the feta from the fridge again,
leaving it on the counter, then walked out of the kitchen before I could debate further.
I ate some fucking feta while I waited for him to shower, then decided that maybe I should freshen
up, myself. I brushed out my hair in his room and sprayed some perfume on, trying to take away all
the 'restaurant' smell. I wasn't sure where the fuck we were going, but I threw on some capris and a
fucking tank top, seeing as how this is Florida and that's what the fuck was acceptable just about
Seriously, they should be like the fucking official pant style of the state or some shit.
The water turned off in the bathroom and I sat down on the bed, laying back against pillows, and
waited for my free show of naked Edwardlyness.
He came in, wearing only a towel, as I suspected he would. I smiled at him, but he didn't see me
sitting there in the dim room. Edward paused at the dresser and opened the top drawer, pulling out
a pair of boxer-briefs and dropped his towel to the floor, then slipped them on.
I was going to make a comment, whistle or some other juvenile shit like that, but I saw him reach
back and take off the chain he had on, with Ness' Hello Kitty and Esme's cross on it and rested it
down on the dresser. Flower Child stood there, looking down to it and my heart broke, knowing what
he must have been thinking, feeling.
"Babe," I called softly, trying not to scare him, but wanting him to know I was there.
He turned his head towards me and I sat forward, crossing my legs, and patted the space beside me.
Edward walked over and took a seat, but then rested his head down into my lap as he lay down. I ran
my fingers though his damp hair, making more of a mess of it, and he just kept his eyes closed,
allowing me to comfort him.
"I love you, Flower Child. I love you so much, babe." I allowed my fingers to caress his dewy face that
was freshly shaven and felt so soft under my touch.
"I love you too, angel. I'm sorry," he leaned in and kissed my stomach, whispering something over
the fabric of my shirt, and then kissed it again before he reached for my hand that was on his face.
He kissed my fingers and held my hand to his lips, keeping it there as my other hand continued to
stroke his wet locks.
I could feel it in his touch, he was truly sorry. All the pain and anguish he had been buried under
these past few weeks, had not gone away or subsided at all, but right now, he was trying so hard to
be there for me, and all I wanted was to be there for him, too.
Edward reached up and pulled my face down to him as he rolled back slightly, bringing my lips to his.
He kissed me so tenderly, lightly, and with a sweetness that left no need for words. Edward, though,
the wonderful, strong man he always tried so hard to be, of course, did not let them go untold.
"I'm so sorry, Bella," his lips ghosted over mine as he spoke, "I am so sorry. I justI just miss her so
much." I felt his face scrunch against mine and I didn't need to open my eyes to know that he was
holding back tears. I knew my Edward and I knew myself, and fuck, I was about to cry with him. "I just
miss her so fucking much."
I nodded my head against him as my tears crept out, streaming down from under my closed lids.
Edward kissed sweetly along my face, thumbing them away, and I did the same to his.
"I love you. You deserve so much more than that, but that's all I have to offer you," he whispered.
"That's all I want," I whispered back, sniffling.
"I promise I'll be a good father to Little Bit. I promise you." He kissed me again, just as lovingly, but a
tad bit rougher, before he pulled back and sat up. "Let's just get out of here for a while, alright?
There's this place I have been meaning to take you, and keep putting it off." He slid away from the
bed and reached for my hand.
I took it silently and followed him as we exited the apartment.
When we arrived at the restaurant, I was pretty impressed. It looked stunning. Not stuffy or
anything, but still elegant in nature and very 'Miami' friendly, resembling old Spanish architecture.
There were lanterns strewn throughout the small courtyard, and the hostess greeted Edward by
name, which surprised me.
"Esme loves this place. I take her here for Mother's Day every year," he explained as we walked to
our table.
The hostess sat us in a cozy spot outside. The booth was uber comfy looking, filled with jewel toned
pillows and an overhead canopy of mosquito netting strewn loosely along the terrace above us. It
was quite lovely amid all the candles and lanterns.
"This is nice, babe. Good choice." I cuddled up to him once we slid into our seats.
"I thought you would like it. The food is really good, too. Even Bella Swan worthy." He kissed my face
and passed me a menu.
"We'll see about that," I teased, picking up the menu into my hands.
The waitress came over and introduced herself, then poured our water. Edward and I ordered our
favorite little suckling pig to share, and I had to laugh at all the differences in this dinner versus last
time when we shared this meal in Hawaii.
"So, tell me about your day with Charlie," I said, picking up my water for a sip.
"It sucked," he replied with a laugh. "But I guess it was also purposeful."
"Not going to let me in on the details are you?"
"Let's just say he kicked some sense into my ass." Edward reached for my hand, taking it into his.
"Someone needed to. I usually can. But this one required some special reinforcement." I nudged him
with my arm and he smiled lopsidedly.
"How long is he staying for?"
"I'm not sure. My dad said he would stay and help out as long as I needed him to. You know, with the
baby and stuff," I said nervously, remembering that I hadn't told Edward that Charlie knew.
"I can't believe you told him, alone. You should have waited for me Bell."
"Waited for you? To what? Come out of your drunken stupor? Realize you were being a twat? Have
an epiphany or something? Would you like me to keep going, Flower Child? You do realize that I had
to go to the first doctor's appointment by myself, yes? Have any idea how hard that shit was and how
much damn strength it took not to tell your mother so I had someone to go with me?"
"I'm sorry. I just mean, I wish that we could have told him together. Of course, I'm not saying it is
your fault or anything, Bell. I know it's my fault. You don't think I feel bad about that shit?" He shook
his head staring at me as his grip on my finger tightened.
"Feeling something and doing something to rectify it are two different things. You feeling bad about
it does nothing for me Flower Child. You want to know how long Charlie is staying? Well, I guess that
is up to you. If you're going to crumble as soon as I ask him to go home and leave me on my own
again, then I guess I'm going to have to ask him to stick around, aren't I? So tell me, do I have a
fucking executive chef and sober father for my child or not?"
"Yes, I told you I was sorry. I meant that." He brought my fingers up to his lips and kissed them. "I
think you're father should still stay, though. You shouldn't be working so much. It's not good for you.
Especially the type of shit we do."
"You want Charlie to stick around? Working in the restaurant?" I laughed.
"I want you and Little Bit to be alright. If that means I have to take a few kicks to the nuts from your
father for that to happen, then yeah. I want him to stay."
The food arrived and we were silent, except for thanking the waitress as she laid it all out on the
table for us. Flower Child placed my napkin on my lap for me and served me some of the roasted pig
and rice, along with some veggies.
Why did such simple acts of kindness turn me and Butterbean on?
"So, what is your plan, Flower Child?" I asked, forking a bite of piggy goodness.
"My plan?" he served himself some food and waited for me to swallow so I could explain.
"Yeah. Plan. You know, that thing you do when shit needs order, structure. Sometimes people write
it down and try to assemble ideas." He smiled at my mocking of his words earlier when I asked him
about running.
"I'm not really sure. Can we just eat the pig and relax for tonight? I have a feeling when I return to
work tomorrow my boss is going to hand me my ass. Rightfully so, but still."
"You've got that shit right, Flower Child. You have an entire month's worth of shit to make up for. I'm
going to work you harder than a fucking twelve-year-old in a Chinese sweat-shop. You have no idea."
I held my fork up to his mouth and smirked.
"Like I said, rightfully so." He leaned in and took the bite of food, then closed his eyes, sighing hard.
"Then, we are going to go to your parents' house and tell them we are having an illegitimate child
together. THEN, we are going to have to have a nice sit down with that cunt-pickle brother of yours
and make nice, 'cause I need my general manager back."
"Bella, I thought I said no plans for tonight?" he eyed me warningly.
"Fine, but we are going to do those things. No more running from shit and hiding. That's part of the
fucking problem with us, and how we ended up in this whole mess anyhow." I picked up my drink
and reclined.
Flower Child sat back with me, resting his arm over my shoulder, and kissed the top of my head. The
first tiny stars popped out, and I sighed, remembering what I had said to Squeaks' the night before
she left.
I looked up to Flower Child, tilting my head, and saw that he was doing the same thing. His eyes
flickered down towards mine and I debated for a minute whether or not to tell him what I said to
Ness. His expression was too saturnine though and I knew even the lightest mention of her name
would probably break him right now. He was trying, and only asked that I give him this night to be
worry free, so I relinquished, choosing to talk about something lighter.
"My math was correct, you know," I said quietly.
"About what, angel?"
"The baby. It happened that night in the ocean. Conveniently enough, it also happens to look like a
tadpole right now, even though tadpoles don't live in the ocean, but what the fuck ever. You get my
point. Water related." I patted my stomach once, and Edward laughed quietly.
"Sort of fucking fitting wouldn't you say?" Edward's hand rested on my stomach, rubbing softly over
my clothing. "You faced your fears that night, going in the ocean. You were scared to death, but did it
anyway, and now, look, we have something really great to show for it."
"You only think that because you're not stuck with your head in the crapper every morning. And can
still smokeand eat whatever the fuck you want...and" he cut me off, turning my face to his, and
kissed me gently.
"It's the truth," he spoke softly, keeping his face to mine, "and I'm glad that you did. I'm glad you
have faced all of your fears, because I wouldn't have you otherwise. And I need you, angel. I really
need you."
"You've officially got me, babe. You couldn't possibly have me anymore than you fucking have me
right now," I laughed.
"That isn't entirely true," he mumbled.
I looked at him questioningly, but he averted his eyes, staring down at my hand in his. I watched him
as his expression changed, looking thoughtful. He said nothing, though, looking back up to me, and
kissed my face once.
"I love you, Edward. Tomorrow we start over again. Like none of the shit over the past month
happened, and we fucking do it together, alright?"
He only nodded and kissed me again, telling me softly that he loved me too. We went back to eating
our meal, even though now it was pretty much cold. We didn't say much, but it was that good,
comforting sort of silence that you have with someone you know all too well. You don't feel the need
to speak to them because just their sheer presence alone offers you all the comfort words can only
allude to.
The waitress dropped off the bill and Edward reached for his wallet, pulling out his card, and slipped
it into the black book, then went back to nibbling on the food with me. There was a band setting up a
station outside. The music fit the atmosphere as a soft string from the guitar hummed from across
the courtyard. We settled back into our seats and relaxed, listening to the music.
Edward brought my face to his and kissed me tenderly, holding me in his arms. It felt fucking
wonderful to have him back this way. I reveled in his affection, kissing him back just as sweetly, and
trying to show him how much I truly loved his ass, no matter how much of a punk he might be at
He pulled back and pressed my face into his chest, brushing his fingers along my cheek, and hummed
along to the music. I closed my eyes and tried to just enjoy the last bit of our evening here, knowing
that tomorrow would be challenging. I felt a gentle buzzing vibrate against my leg, coming from
Edward's pocket. I moved away, allowing him to answer his cell phone and knew the second he
flipped the lid and brought the receiver to his ear who it was on the other line.
It was the first time Flower Child had truly smiled in almost a month.
Chapter Twenty-Three ~ Where the Heart Is
I leaned my head in and tried to listen, not giving a shit if it was rude or not.
Edward smiled wider, removed the phone from his ear momentarily to thumb the speakerphone
feature, and then hugged me to him as we listened. Squeaky was babbling on about the cabs in New
York, calling them 'yewwo cars'.
I wasn't sure if Edward knew what that meant, so I whispered 'the cabs' to him, to which he nodded
in understanding. She talked about her room and how there were pictures of fairies on the walls.
Flower Child didn't really ask her much, but rather, just allowed her to tell him all about things, not
interrupting except to laugh or comment.
The only real question was about Jessica, when he asked Ness where she was at the beginning of the
conversation. I guessed he was probably scared that she wasn't supervising her or something. She
relayed that Jessica was in the living room, watching TV. That seemed to relax Edward and I was
grateful she was at least present.
She never asked for me, and I was a little surprised. That could only mean Jessica probably told her
not to talk about me or some shit. She probably even threatened to punish her if I had to guess. I
could just see her ass doing something fucked up like that.
I swear, when Edward gets his daughter back from the skank, the first thing I am doing is driving to
the slummiest part of town, rounding up the hardest looking men losers I can find, and paying
them all to go family-style on her ass.
Quite literally.
Speaking of the Herpes Queen, I heard her calling out that it was Nessie's bedtime. I had to admit,
that was both shocking and comforting to hear at the same time. Edward said his goodbye to her,
telling her repeatedly how much he loved and missed her, and I stayed silent, not wanting to add to
the trouble, simply saying it inside of my head instead.
"Edward?" Jessica called over the loud speaker.
"I have to ask you some things," she said, sounding like her usual bitchy self.
"Go ahead," he said quietly. I looked up to see his face baring an expression that resembled when
you're about to hit a dog for doing something wrong. He was bracing for the blow that Jessica was
probably going to give, which made me make a silent vow that if she said anything as such, I was
getting on a plane tonight and fucking her up good.
"What kind of laundry soap do you use?" she asked, causing his expression to change rapidly. His
eyebrows scrunched and he blinked quickly, obviously not expecting her to ask that.
Nor was fucking I.
"It's just, she has this rash, and when I took her to the doctor, he said it must be an irritation from
something I am using to wash her or her clothes or something. I am really not in the mood to go and
buy twelve different types of soap and shit, so if you can just tell me, it would save a lot of damn
time," she explained, and his face donned understanding.
"Oh, yeah. I wrote it down on the paper. You can't-" she cut him off.
"I lost your stupid paper, so just tell me or forget it. I don't need your lectures."
"I was just going to say you can't use anything with dyes. She's allergic. You have to buy something
clear with no perfumes. I don't know the brand name and I'm not at home to look, but I can text it to
you when I get there or something. Just look for something that says 'free' on the bottle if you can't
wait 'til then. You can't use those dryer things either, you know what I mean, the little softener
"Yeah, I know what dryer sheets are, prick. I'm not that stupid. I just needed to know what kind of
soap. That goes for her bath-wash stuff, also. Do you know what kind, or do I need to wait for you to
text that too?" she sounded irritated and I couldn't understand why. He wasn't at all being rude or
condescending. Edward was merely explaining all the shit she should already know, being her
I once again thought about the gangsters gang-banging her.
"My mother usually buys something from this catalog. I'll ask her for the name, or could mail you
some. Whichever is easiest for you, but they should have something in the store that is for sensitive
skin. I know this kind has perfume in it and that doesn't seem to bother her, so maybe it's not as
strong as the detergent. Maybe one of those ladies in the cosmetic area will know if you ask them to
help you."
"I don't need your mother's handouts. I'm perfectly capable of finding soap for my kid on my own.
You know, you are such a prick. I didn't have to let her call you, but I did. You should be thankful, not
talking to me like I'm a fucking retard."
"Jess, I was trying to help. I'm not saying you're stupid. I didn't know any of that-"
"Whatever. I'm done with you," she hung up, and Edward just stared at his phone, mouth gaped
"What is wrong with her? Seriously?" I asked, shaking my head, and took his phone from him, closing
"Fuck." The worry came back to his face, and I knew he was afraid that she wouldn't allow Ness to
call again.
"FYI Edward, you didn't do or say anything wrong. You were perfectly nice. She is just a fucking cunt
on a rag that should then be set on fire." I handed him back his phone, and he flipped it open,
thumbing through it. I placed my hand over it, stopping him.
"Don't call her back. It will only make things work."
"I'm not. I just want to save her number." I removed my hand and allowed him, watching as his face
scrunched, knowing he was still trying to figure out what he did wrong.
It bugged the shit out of me.
"She's pissed at herself, babe. Not you," I said, cupping his chin and making him look at me.
"What are you talking about?"
"I'm talking about that she doesn't even know what type of soap her kid uses. Not only do you know
all of these things, but you also have to hold her hand through figuring them out. Jessica's wrong. She
is stupid, Edward. Really stupid. She is finally figuring it out, though. That's good." I let go of his face
and starting grabbing up my things, preparing to leave the restaurant.
"I just wish she would let me help her. I would rather just have her call and ask me then usethen
use Ness as a damn guinea pig." Flower Child slid out of the booth and held out a hand to me.
"I know, but that's what I mean. She has too many things that she doesn't know. I wouldn't be
surprised if your phone starts ringing off the hook. She will call again. Trust me. And when she gets
sick of trying to figure it all out, and sees that your life hasn't been all sunshine and rainbows raising a
child, she'll give up." Edward took my hand as we walked out of the restaurant, towards the Volvo. I
glanced over to him and saw that he was contemplating my words.
"Trust me. She's not as strong as you Flower Child. That is how you both ended up in this position to
begin with. You have shit that people can judge because you actually tried, Edward. And when you
try, you fucking make mistakes. Jessica never tried, not even a little. Now though, she will have to,
and when she does, she's going to fuck up. A lot. The biggest
difference, though, is that you are strong enough to be persistent and not give in when it gets too
hard. She isn't. She's a weak person, which is why she is a shitty mother. Believe it or not, THAT is
your biggest ally." He held the door to the Volvo open for me and I leaned over to kiss him once
before climbing inside.
He didn't say much driving home and I hoped that he was really considering my words. I meant them,
they weren't just hot air I was blowing up his ass to make him feel better. The only part I left out was
my hope that Jessica wouldn't fuck up in a way that would harm Squeaks. I'm sure he was already
thinking it, but still.
We pulled up to his building after a short while and he turned the car off, but didn't move. I looked
over to him and followed his gaze to see the Banners coming out from the main entrance for their
late night strolls I remembered they liked to take. Edward sat back in his seat and sighed, causing me
to look back to him.
"I just don't want to run into them right now," he said quietly, closing his eyes.
"Is something wrong?" I asked, confused, not understanding what they could have done to upset
"Isn't everything, angel?" he sounded exasperated, sighing hard. Edward tilted his head towards me,
opening his dim eyes as he spoke. "She's going to ask about Ness. I really don't feel like explaining all
that shit right now."
"I understand." I sat back in my seat too, waiting for them to head away from the building. He closed
his eyes again and was silent, which was killing me. I looked back over to him again and smiled,
having frolicsome thoughts enter my mind. "Babe?"
"I think we should make out." He opened his eyes, looking at me dubiously. "What? We're in the car
and have nothing better to do."
"That's a little immature don't you think?" he asked, sounding completely unamused.
"I don't know. Did you make out in cars when you were a kid? I mean, I know your reputation for shit
you did in your later teen years in cars, but what about the preteens?" he finally cracked a smile at
my teasing.
"I'm not really in the mood, Bell." His face looked resentful as soon as he said it, and he tried to
recover. "I meanI just can't go there right now. It's not you, baby. It just-"
"Flower Child, I'm not Jessica," I said pointedly. He looked at me questioningly. "I want to know how
you feel, and fine if you don't want to kiss or fuck or whatever, then that's fine. But don't talk to me
like I'm fucking Jessica. I love you, and I want to know how you feel about shit. The only thing that is
going to piss me off is if you hide or lie. Got it?" I raised my brows waiting for him to answer, but all
he did was nod.
"Good." I looked back towards the door and saw that the Banners had made there way out, meaning
the coast was clear. "Let's go in. I'm spent and would love a shower, then to pass the fuck out." I
grabbed my purse and opened the door as Edward followed my lead.
I drudged my way up to the door, crossing my arms over my chest, too tired to even hold my head
up. I was following the cracks in the concrete when I felt Edward's arm rest on my shoulder, then his
other under my legs, sweeping me up into his arms. I laughed quietly at him and nuzzled into his
He held me like that the whole way up to his apartment, even in the elevator. I once again chuckled
at his attempt to unlock the door with me in his arms, but he was persistent, saying he could do it
without putting me down. I smiled at him and reveled in that thought. It was something small, but
yet, monumentumental.
He was at least fighting against something.
Even if it was just a locked door.
* ~ * ~ * ~ *
At 4:30 a.m. my phone buzzed under my pillow, signaling that it was time to get up.
I rolled over and kicked Edward hard in the leg, trying to wake him. He groaned and muttered
something into the pillow; curse words if I had to guess. I kicked him again and heard him suck his
teeth, then curse aloud.
"Damn! Why are you kicking me, Bella?" he rasped, still full of sleep. I flipped my phone open and
held the light to his face, causing him to close his eyes as he tried to hide his face.
"Hell day, pumpkin. Wake the fuck up." I kicked him again and pulled all the covers off the bed with
me as I crawled out. I heard him huff and I smiled; 'cause even being only half awake, that shit was
I made it into the bathroom and took a long ass shower, ensuring he would have no hot water if he
chose to take his. I even used the last little bit of toothpaste left and tossed the tube, so he couldn't
attempt to get not even the tiniest bit out. All of my towels were left in a wet heap on the floor, and I
made sure to use my hand to wipe away all of the steam from the mirror, knowing that shit would
Yes, todayI was going to be the biggest pain in the ass of all time to Flower Child.
Leave me to fucking see baby-twat-doc on my own. Oh, nu-uh Mister.
After I was dressed and ready, I stepped outside the bathroom, seeing him waiting on the bed,
looking very grumpy, tired, and irritated. Just as I wanted.
"Oh, I'm sorry. Did you need to use the bathroom?" I asked, acting as though I was really sorry, but,
of course, I was not.
He didn't say anything, just gave me the hairy eyeball as he stood up and sloshed his feet towards the
bathroom. I waited for the door to close and heard a string of profanities as soon as it did.
Awe, poor baby must have stepped in water.
I made my way to the kitchen and made a cup of tea; caffeine free, of course, since Baby Cullen
wouldn't allow me to drink my coffee. As I waited for it to cool off enough for me to sip, I began
going through the cabinets and making sure there was no more booze in the house for my little
happy drinker. I ALSO, even though it felt sacrilegious to do so, threw away his bag of gourmet
Edward stepped into the kitchen and eyed me angrily again, to which I smiled cheerfully, only driving
him even more mad. He went straight to the cabinet and reached for the bag of coffee, but paused,
furrowing his brows when he saw it missing.
"If I can't drink it fucker, neither can you."
On the drive to The Workshop, I stopped at one of the open-air markets, wanting to get some fresh
ingredients for tonight's specials. Edward seemed to wake up a bit at the sight of it, and I was happy
he still had that spark in him for this type of thing. It was one of the elements I loved so much about
"Is this place always here? I don't remember ever seeing it before," he asked as we started at the first
row of produce.
"Yes. This market is open every day, which is pretty awesome, seeing as how most cities only have
weekend farmer's markets. We're pretty lucky." I greeted Maggie, the owner of the pepper stand,
and introduced her to Flower Child, letting her know he was my executive chef. We bought some shit
from her and then moved on to Al, the guy in charge of my favorite stand; the CHEESE stand.
We bought A LOT of shit from him.
I made Flower Child carry all of our stuff, and by the second row of goods, he was pretty much
awake. We visited the old couple who owned a stand that sold handmade pottery, and I bought a
small trinket for Esme to say thank you for all the help she gave me this past month.
"If I am supposed to be hating this, you are going to be really disappointed," Edward teased, giving
me his stupid-cupid half smile.
"You're 'job' today, Edward, is to make me happy. How ever that happens is how ever the fuck that
"Like I said, if you think I will hate that, you're going to be disappointed, angel. I would never hate
that type of job." He smiled again and I had to laugh at him. He took my hand as we walked the
remainder of the market and then back to my car.
My father was already at The Workshop when we arrived, not to my surprise. The man opened his
diner every morning at the butt-crack of dawn. I left him a key so that he could have access the night
before, and I had a feeling I might find him here this morning. It made me smile to think he was
showing my place as much dedication as his own; even though we weren't supposed to open for
another twelve hours or so.
Or so I thought.
As we approached, I noticed the lights were on and my sidewalk sign was out, showing a breakfast
special menu. My brow furrowed, wondering what the hell my father was up to. Edward even gave
me a look, but I simply shrugged, not knowing what the fuck was going on.
As we entered, I saw the restaurant was pretty full of people, and the aroma of bacon and pancakes
filled the air. My stomach growled, and my memory flooded, completely being jogged of all the
familiar smells and memories I had walking into Charlie's diner when I was a kid.
"Simmer down Baby Cullen," I said quietly, rubbing my hand over my stomach as we walked toward
the kitchen passed all of the diners.
"What did you just say?" Edward asked, sounding amused.
"I told your child to cut it out." I replied, looking over my shoulder to him as he followed behind me.
"I thought we agreed to call him or her Little Bit?" he asked playfully.
"You can call him or her that all you like, but I named the baby first. To me, this is Baby Cullen." I
backed my way into the kitchen and made a face at him, causing him to laugh.
"Mmm, why my name?" he asked, squinting his eyes.
"It's your kid," I said, looking at him like he was fucktarded.
"Little Bit is both of ours. You could have just as easily given him or her your last name. It could be
Baby Swan," he countered, raising his brows at me, looking playful.
"Baby Swan? What are we, fucking Animal Planet? Why on Earth would I call my child Baby fucking
Swan, you idiot?"
He just laughed and shrugged his shoulders, obviously pretty happy with the rise he got out of me. I
turned around to see my dad, whistling and looking all fucking chipper as he flipped some pancakes
and cooked the breakfast foods.
I was going to say something smart to him for opening up my restaurant so early without my okay to
do so, but as I eyed the pancakes, a bright fucking idea came into mind. Edward was leaning on the
steel-top, looking amused as he watched my father working. I tapped his shoulder, causing him to
look over at me, and I snapped my fingers, pointing towards Charlie.
"First thing you're going to do today, Flower Child," I laughed in spite of myself, "is learn how to
make fucking pancakes."
My father looked over his shoulder to us questioningly as I tugged Edward's arm. He grumbled that
he 'already knew how to make pancakes' to which I, of course, shot down.
When he was all set up with Charlie, I walked back out into the dining area and looked around.
Everyone seemed pretty happy as they sat and ate my father's breakfast. The smell of sausage and
coffee hit my nose again and this time, Baby Cullen decided that smell was not alright.
I sprinted towards the restroom, covering my mouth until I reached the sink. A woman washing her
hands backed up immediately, and I apologized as soon as I was done tossing my non-existent
"Sorry," I rinsed my mouth and spit, then reached for a paper towel. "My child apparently doesn't
like sausage today."
Day Thirty-one.
"When the bubbles begin to rise to the top of the batter, you know the magic is working. That's when
you know it's ready." I rolled my eyes as Charlie explained the simple dynamics of making pancakes
to me.
Why Bella was so fixated on teasing me about this, I had no idea. She knew that I knew how to make
stupid pancakes. It was a mind game, I'm sure, as most things with Bella were. Usually, I enjoyed that
side of her. You know, the wittiness, the joking, the twinkle in her little half-angel-half-devil eye that
she would get when she was pushing someone's buttons.
This morning, however, I was not amused.
First of all, kicking a person is not a very nice way to wake them up; especially when said person had
just fallen to sleep about an hour before said kicking. Add in stepping in puddles of water with your
socks on, then being forced to take an ice-cold shower, and you had one very irritable Edward on
your hands.
PLUSshe took away my damn coffee!
Was I really that bad this past month?
"Are you paying attention here, boy?" I looked over to Charlie, and he eyed me as he poured out
another row of batter on the grill.
"Yeah, sorry. Someone took away my coffee this morning and I was just thinking about how much
more alert I would be right now ifthat personhadn't." I stared murderously at the pancakes, even
if they didn't do anything to me.
The anger needed to be directed somewhere, though.
"Ah, damn. She took your coffee?" Charlie laughed as he flipped the row of pancakes, clearly amused
at his daughter's torture tactics.
"Yeah, and made me take a cold shower, and kicked me out of bed"
"I don't wanna hear nothing about you being in bedwith or without my daughter," he held the
spatula up to me. "So let's just not even go there. Now, what you can do is show me what a good
little waitress you are, and serve those people out there another round." Charlie shoved the plate of
pancakes at me
"I'm not a waitress," I gave him a look of warning, but it didn't seem to sway him on the matter. He
stepped closer to me and tossed down the spatula, making it clink loudly against the griddle.
"Let me tell you something here, boy. I have been up since 4 a.m. running this place by myself. I have
prepped, cooked, and served without any help. I could be at home right now with my beautiful wife,
having a fantastic time watching her dance around my diner in her little waitress uniform.
"Instead, I am here, looking at your stupid face, being a one-man show. Which, last time I checked,
was all your fault. The least you could do, is go serve some customers pancakes as a way of saying
'thanks'." He shoved the tray at me again and backed off, picking up the spatula again.
"Maybe if you spent less time trying to get in my daughter's pants and more time learning what she's
trying to teach you, Edward, you could be standing here making food Bella knew how to make when
she was knee high to a grasshopper." He gave me one final look of disgust from over his shoulder and
then shook his head, going back to his cooking.
"Thanks," I mumbled under my breath and headed for the dinning room.
Bella was behind the wait staff's station, ringing up a sale as I stepped through the doors. She looked
up and smiled at me, then went back to her work. The diners all seemed pretty happy with Charlie's
breakfast. I was a little surprised that Bella was allowing Charlie to get away with opening the
restaurant without her authority, but maybe it had to do with what Charlie was saying to me. Maybe
she was just thankful to have him here, regardless.
Alright fine, if she could just suck it up and not allow Charlie to get on her nerves about things she,
quite obviously, had issues with like people having control over shit then so could I.
After all, he was right.
I was the reason he had to be here.
After breakfast was over, we locked back up so that we could clean up the mess and begin prep for
the real service tonight. Okay, let me back that up.
I was cleaning up.
Bella was eating, and Charlie was helping her sort out the receipts from this morning; doing all of her
book keeping for her. I was up to my elbows in dirty dishes and cursing like crazy as I stood there
doing each load. This was not the way I wished to spend my day. Although, being busy was sort of
nice in a way. Did it help me to not think about Ness?
Nothing would take my mind off of her.
I'm sure that's what Bella was trying to really achieve here, too; by giving me all this work. I made a
promise to her that I was going to try, though, so that is what I had to do.
And I would, for her and for the baby.
As I waited for the new load of dishes to finish, I started scrubbing down the grill, once again finding
colorful uses of the English language with each scrape of dried egg and pancake batter.
The metal handle popped on the dishwasher, singling the load was done a short while after. I walked
over to it, opening the metal door, and allowed the steam to billow out. They would need a few
minutes to cool off before I could touch them, so I walked back over to the grill and began scraping
again. Keys rattled against the back door and I lifted my eyes to it, watching to see who was coming
in so early.
Only two people, other than Bella and myself, had keys to that door; Angela and Emmett.
Something told me, it wasn't going to be Angela.
Sure enough, my damn brother stepped through the door. He stopped dead in his tracks, seeing me
standing there, and rubbed a hand over his head.
"Hey," he said simply, with a slight nod towards me.
I said nothing in return, just looked back down to my cleaning and began scraping again.
"Is B here?" Emmett asked nervously.
"You think I would be here right now scraping down the fucking grill if she weren't?" I looked back up
to glare at him. I swear, somewhere in the back of my head, looking at him standing there, that
fucking Drowning Pool song was playing in my head.
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floooooooooooooooooooooor.
"My office. Now." I whipped my head towards the sound of Bella's voice, and saw her standing in the
doorway to the dining room, glaring at Emmett.
This was the only time within the past month I had been thankful for Emmett's presence. Bella finally
had a new person to pick on today. And something told me, looking at the anger in her eyes, I wasn't
the only person who was hearing that song in my head.
Emmett walked silently towards her, dipping his head a little, looking like a scolded puppy, again. But
this time, there was no irritation there, like when he messed up the chef's table installation. He
almost looked like he wanted her to yell at him and to take whatever punishment she was surley
going to give him. Bella glanced at me once before she allowed the door to swing closed behind
In just that one small glimpse into her eyes, I saw everything that she tried so hard to mask, and
knew Emmett was in for it.
As soon as I heard her office door slam, Bella's yelling followed.
"What the fuck is wrong with you! Flower Child is your brother and you choose that skank over him!
Seriously Emmett?!"
"Bella, I wasn't"
"You can't turn a whore into a housewife! Anyone ever teach you that shit Emmett?!"
"She's not"
"Save it! You chose Rosalie over Edward! Over Ness! Over me! Over everyone! Edward is right to call
you a fucking traitor, you know! That is exactly what you are! And all of this fucking time" she
stopped and I heard Charlie talking. His words were muffled through the walls, though, and I couldn't
make out what he was saying. I heard the door to her office close again and then Bella's voice was
lower, no longer allowing me to hear what she was saying to him.
Charlie entered the kitchen next, shaking his head and rubbing the back of his neck. I looked at him
questioningly and he waved me off.
"Kid's gonna have an aneurism yelling like that."
* * * *
"Bells, you gotta settle down. I know you're angry, but seriously, that stuff is no good for that baby." I
was taken aback by my father's words as he poked his head into my office, interrupting my Emmett-
I nodded to him and he looked at Emmett, almost like he was going to say something, but opted not
to, simply ducking back out of my office, closing the door quietly behind him. I was still standing,
leaning slightly over the desk so I could really yell at Emmett as he sat in the chair on the opposite
Taking a few deep breaths, I plopped down into my seat and cupped my forehead into my hand,
trying to calm down.
"I wasn't trying to hurt Edward," Emmett said quietly. "Or Shortcake. Fuck, Bella," Emmett rubbed his
face several times and I lifted my eyes to him.
"Well, you did. More than I think you could ever know. Up until fucking yesterday, he was balled up
in the fetal position, drunk off his ass. If it wasn't for Charlie, he probably would still be like that right
now," I sighed, sitting back in my chair, and looking him in the eye. "What the fuck were you
"There was no right choice for me, Bella. No matter what I did or said. Can't you see that?" I shook
my head at him and sat forward, resting my arms on my desk.
"This isn't about you, Emmett. It's about Flower Child and Nessie. Do I really need to spell..."
"What I mean is, no matter what I picked I was screwed. Even if I decided to break it off with Rose,
she would have still testified against Edward. Except then I would have lost my kid, too. I'm not
standing by what the fuck she did 'cause I know it's wrong, Bella, and SHE knows how I feel about
it, trust me but I can't just walk away from my child. You have to at least understand that. Can't
I shook my head at him, not wanting to hear his pity-tale and 'woe is me' bullshit.
"B, what if you were in my shoes? What if you had to choose between Edward and that baby?" he
pointed towards Baby Cullen.
"It's not the same," I shook my head.
"It is. Edward is the father of your child, just as Rosalie is the mother of mine. Can't you understand
that I wasn't picking her, I was picking my child; just as I know you would, too. No matter how much
you love Edward. You would pick that baby over anything, anyone."
I stared at him for a long moment and hated that Douche Emmetlo was right. That didn't mean I
forgave him, but I could understand what he meant. He, of course, didn't need to know that shit.
"You and Edward need to be able to work together. I know he's probably not going to be willing to
even talk to you today, so just give him breathing room. You have some serious catching up to do on
work, but first, you need to go down to the docks and pick this up," I handed him over the order for
my fish vendor. "Then, you can spend the next three hours having Charlie teach you how to gut, filet,
and scale all the fish from that order."
"I thought I was supposed to stay away from Edward?" he grumbled, taking the paper from my hand.
"Flower Child has his own duties today. He won't be in the kitchen during that time, so just be a good
little Douche Emmetlo, and do as I say." Emmett nodded to me and climbed to his feet, turning to
face the door.
"Em?" I called, causing him to turn around. "You need to figure out how the fuck you are going to
make this right with Edward. I would suggest starting on how you're going to convince that precious
baby mamma of yours to recant her statement she made in court. Something tells me that is the only
way you are ever going to repair this shit between you and him."
"I know. I'm trying," He reached for the handle and exited my office.
I spent the next hour going through emails and making sure all was right in my crazy world. Eyeing
the clock, I saw that Alice was about to arrive, which meant Flower Child could leave since she would
need the kitchen for her own prep. I scooted from behind my desk and grabbed my bag, walking to
the kitchen.
Edward was with Charlie, watching the new sous chef, Alistair, as he showed them how to make
vinaigrette drops. I laughed, seeing the same expression on both my dad and Flower Child's faces.
One that clearly read 'I don't get it.'
"Bonjour, Miss Swan," Alistair smiled, looking up to me.
"Morning," I replied simply, stepping inside of the kitchen. "You ready to go, babe?" I held my hand
out to Edward and his brows furrowed.
"Where?" he asked, taking my hand into his.
"We have an appointment," I smiled and tugged him along.
As we walked toward the door, Alice was coming in. She gave a bright smile, seeing Edward, and
winked at me quickly.
"Hey Baby Daddy," she hit him once in the chest as we passed, and he smiled down at her.
"Hey, peanut-butter-cookie girl."
* * *
"Why are these rooms always so small and quiet?" Edward asked, leaning his mouth to my ear. I
smiled as I thumbed the buttons on my phone, replying back to someone working on shit for Invoke.
"I think you should fart," I whispered back. "That would be classic."
Flower Child laughed softly and leaned his head against mine, glancing at what I was typing.
"What are you doing?" he asked.
"Choosing countertops," I scrolled through the pictures on my phone and showed him.
"For Invoke?" he asked, and I nodded. "You know that you amaze me, right?" Edward wrapped his
arm around my shoulder and kissed the side of my head. "Only you could be sitting in a doctor's
office, about to see our baby, and be picking out dcor for a restaurant in another country, at the
same time," Edward gave me his stupid half smile and I laughed quietly to myself.
"The real world stops for nothing, Flower Child." I continued to thumb through the pictures and he
"Isabella Swan?" I looked up to see a woman holding a chart, calling me to the back.
"But sometimes," I closed my phone and slid it back into my bag, "you just have to shut it the fuck
I was lying there, one hand behind my head and the other in Edward's just like I wanted it the first
time as the twat doc rolled the cold slimy goo over my belly. I was still not far enough along to
really see much of anything new, as Baby Cullen was still looking like a fish with small flippers.
I stared at the monitor, though, watching as the doctor showed us what was going on inside of yours
Peaking at Edward, his face looked serene, but his eyeshis eyes danced with a pride and happiness
that I hadn't seen in a long time. I bit back the tears brewing in my own eyes, and looked back to the
"Now, you probably have another two, or possibly three, weeks before we can get a good listen of
the heartbeat, but if you look right there," the doctor pointed at the screen, "you can see where the
heart is." I looked at the place she pointed, and sure as heck, you could see the thump-thump.
"Can you leave it there a second?" I asked her, and she smiled, allowing the paddle-wandy-thingy to
stay showing the heartbeat.
"Why can we only see it and not hear it?" Edward asked, causing me to look towards him. "I don't
remember that before?"
"You have had children previously?" The doctor asked, looking to me, confused.
"I have a daughter," Edward said simply, keeping his eyes on the monitor.
"Well, sometimes, depending on the position, it is just hard to get the sound. The position just isn't
right this time. By your next visit, you should be able to hear it, no problem. This picture is very clear,
though. You must have to go to the bathroom rather badly," the doctor winked at me, and I sighed,
looking back to the monitor.
Apparently, drinking large doses of liquid was key to this fuckery, as I was instructed to do so each
Seriously, my bladder was about to burst, people.
"Thanks a lot, Doc. I wasn't thinking about it until you just said it." I continued to watch the heartbeat
and squeezed Edward's hand, trying to hold in the emotions that were coursing through me at the
sight of it.
"Sorry," the doctor apologized. "I will give you pictures of this for your records, also." She pressed a
few buttons and went over the rest of the check-up, telling me all about what to expect and asking
me a slew of questions.
The doctor left for a bit, after she cleaned me off, leaving Edward and I alone in the room. He sat
next to me on the examining bed, holding me close to him, running his fingers through my hair as we
waited for her to return.
"Are you alright?" he asked softly.
"I'm fine. Just need to pee like there's no tomorrow."
"She should be back soon," he kissed my head and continued raking his fingers through my hair.
"It's really beautiful, right?" I asked quietly, even though it felt like my words echoed loudly in the
small room.
"The baby?"
"The baby, the heartbeat, this," I squeezed my hand in his and Flower Child nodded against me.
"Yes it is, angel," he kissed my hand that was locked in his and hugged me tighter in his arms. "I was
wrong, you know. That day, when Iwhen I had to let Jessica have Nessie. I told her that she gave me
the greatest thing anyone ever had, when Ness was born. I was wrong, though. Renesmee is just one
of the three greatest things I have ever been given. I see that now. It felt wrong to admit that before,
like I was admitting to not loving her as much or something. I understand it now, though," he said
"Well, if it's any consolation, up until I met you five months ago, Edward, I lived the past eight years
of my adult life thinking there was never anything I could love more than my profession. And never
did. Except maybe cheese, but that's
sort of neither here nor there." Edward's laughter vibrated softly, and I clung to him harder, rolling
my head into his shirt, breathing in a long pull of his fragrance.
"That's pretty bad, Bella," he teased.
"I know."
The doctor came back into the room and handed over the paperwork and pictures, and went over
some other stuff. I was finally able to pee, and then we left the doctor's office. I gave Edward the
keys to my car and let him drive so I could work from my laptop. Plus, I was feeling way too tired to
Half way to The Workshop I was literally forcing my eyes to stay open as I stared at the screen,
yawning uncontrollably. I wiped the water from my sleepy eyes and blinked, trying to focus.
"Maybe you should go home and sleep," Edward said, rubbing his hand on my cheek. I looked over to
him and shook my head.
"You're not getting rid of me today, Flower Child. Nice try, though." I knocked his hand away and he
laughed. "Plus, there is no way I am leaving you alone with Emmett."
"I don't have anything to say to him," he shrugged, raking his bottom lip in between his teeth.
"Sure you do. Just as I did this morning. I'm sure they are very much the same words, in fact." I
looked back over to him, raising my brows.
"Well then they don't need to be said twice, now do they?" he countered.
"Don't be a smartass, Flower Child. You are just beginning to get back on my good side. It would be
really shitty for you to ruin it now." I went back to my work and the car was silent.
The tension was thick as he drove, and I knew that I probably shouldn't have even brought up
Emmett's name. I sighed and closed the lid to my laptop, shoving it back inside of my bag. My
conversation with Emmett, earlier, lingered in my mind as I stared out the window, watching as the
city of Miami flew by.
"If you had to choose between me and Ness, which would you pick?" I asked, keeping my eyes
looking out the window.
"What kind of question is that?" he asked, sounding irritated.
"One that Emmett had to answer last month," I looked over to Edward and watched as his brows
scrunched, looking at me dubiously. "If you could only choose one of us, would you pick me or
Renesmee?" I pressed.
"My daughter isn't Emmett's sacrificial lamb, Bella," he said angrily.
"But can you see that he wasn't picking Rose? He was only guarding his child, as you would guard
"Alright fine," he shifted the car into park as we pulled up behind the restaurant. "Let's go with this,
then. You want to use analogies for shit to get me to see his point? Then here's one for you to see
mine." Edward grabbed the folder with the paperwork from the doctor's office and pulled out the
sonogram picture, tossing it into my lap.
"There's 'your Renesmee', Bella. Let's say Charlie's wife, Sue, is going to say you did some shit that
you didn't, and THAT shit, is going to take," he pointed to the picture, "your baby away from you. A
month later he shows up, never having said a word to you about it, and giveslet's say fucking
Angela, a sob story as to why. Are you really going to believe and be able to forgive what she is telling
you? What he has said to her? Dad or not, can you honestly say that after the shit you felt in that
doctor's office, seeing the baby's heart beating, that you could just forgive him that easily?" His blue
eyes were electric with the anger he felt. I nodded, looking down to the picture on my lap.
"I know, Edward." He went to get out of the car, but I reached for him and he paused. "I'm not saying
you have to forgive him or that you should. I'm just saying this whole situation is fucked up and I'm
tired of seeing everyone I love miserable. You, most of all, and I know that having thisthis shitin
between you and Emmett is only making it worse. I don't know how to make the stuff with Squeaks
better, babe. That shit is not in my control. But I know you, and I know Emmettand I
know you guys love each other, and I love you two jackasses. Sojust try. If not for him, then for me.
Just try for me. Please?"
Edward closed his eyes and leaned back against the seat, sighing hard. I unbuckled my seatbelt and
leaned over the console placing a kiss to his cheek. He pressed my face into his neck, tilting his head,
kissing me in return.
"If you give me back my rights to smoke and drink coffeeI might consider it," he said.
"How about you just do what I say and stop being such a pussy," I poked his chin and he laughed
"OR, you could give me back my rights to drink coffee and smoke," he tried again.
"Edward, as cute as you are, there is no way that you are allowed to drink coffee again until I am,
too. And I mean, full fledged coffee, none of that decaf bullshit. Smoking is justit's just no longer
allowed. Period." I pulled back from him and popped the door to climb out.
"Don't you think that is rather hypocritical?" he asked, walking around to my side of the car. "You
smoked around my kid, you know."
"No I didn't," I said pulling my laptop bag from the car.
"Okay, not in front of her, but you still smoked while we had her. And allowed me to, as well."
Edward took my bag and slung it over his shoulder, closing the passenger side door before he took
my hand.
"Well, I was stupid, and truthfully, that was your fault. You never said anything about it, and I'm not
experienced at this type of fuckery. So cut me a break. New rules are: no smoking, for either of us,
ever. You're not allowed to eat, or drink, or do anything I can't do too. Truthfully, I should also be
allowed to kick you in the gut every morning, as well, since that is what having morning sickness feels
like." He stuck his keys into the backdoor and unlocked it. I placed my hand over his and smiled,
looking at him.
"What you are about to see when you walk in here, babe, shows just how much I love you." I let go of
his hand and opened the door, holding it open for him. "And how fucking wrong I think your brother
* * *
As I stepped inside of the kitchen, I saw Emmett's big ass covered in fish guts from head to toe.
Charlie looked up to Bella and waved at her, looking highly annoyed. She pulled me along, not
allowing me to linger where he was, and walked with me to her office. I went to sit down in the chair
across from hers, but she shook her head at me and pointed to the floor beside her, not saying a
I sighed hard and rose to my feet, walking around her desk, and took a seat on the floor beside her
"Shoes," she swiveled her chair so that she could type and wiggle her feet at me simultaneously. I
pulled off her heels and set them to my side.
"Rub," she said next, and I began massaging her feet. "You know, this feud of yours is working just
great for me. I take back what I said in the car," Bella sighed dramatically.
"You know, I bet he still has another hour of filleting to do. You better get comfy sitting down there."
I remained silent, knowing that was best. She thrived on getting a reaction out of people, and, in
truth, this was better than having to deal with Emmett right now.
"Unless, of course, you want your kitchen back. Then, I mean, you could just get right up and prance
on in there, telling them all too fuck off and show Emmett how to filet a fucking fish and shit. Totally
make him look like a dick. I would find that highly arousing. Really," she nodded looking at her
screen, but her tactics were useless.
I wasn't going to speak to Emmett today.
No matter how many times she used the word 'arousing.'
After Bella's extended foot-rub hour, she gave me the keys to my office that I had yet to see then
we went back to prep. The new dude, Alistair, was way too fucking flirty with both Alice and Bella. I
didn't like it one bit. Earlier today, he showed us this stuff with making bubbles that held the
dressing. I just stared at him, wondering how much pussy he must have missed out on learning to do
such tricks. I mean, shit, I wasn't the pussy Messiah by any means, but at least it was because I spent
most of my time raising a kid.
Not making vinaigrette capsules.
Bella, on the other hand, seemed all kinds of impressed by himand his stupid European accent.
Alice and she giggled like little school girls watching him perform all his little tricks. Bella even
exchanged words with him in Italian, having some type of secret conversation.
I knew she was doing it to fuck with me, but that was hitting below the belt.
Thankfully, the time to open rolled by quickly, and we all gathered for our normal staff meeting
beforehand. I took my seat in the front, and Charlie sat down next to me. I saw Ben come in, finally.
Bella had given Angela the night off and Ben was only closing tonight since we were overstaffed now.
"Hey man," Ben hit my arm and I nodded to him. "Haven't seen you around here in a while. Bella
have you traveling around or something?" he asked, taking a seat on my left.
I was a little taken aback by his question, thinking that Bella would have explained my absence.
"UmI just had shit to do," I said, shrugging, unsure of what to say. I sure as hell wasn't going to say
what I had been really doing.
"Alright, simmer down," Bella said, entering the room. "Soas you can see, Flower Child and Emmett
are back from their honeymoon. They both look freshly fucked and just super duper happy to be
here, don't they?" She waved towards us and I rolled my eyes at her crassness. Charlie groaned
beside me and I peeked over to see him covering his face.
"Good, now that we have that taken care of, I want to say that I will not be in the kitchen tonight.
Flower Child is the executive chef and Alistair is the sous chef, so I am just the fly on the wall. Unless
your name is Edward, pretend I don't exist, 'cause he is the only one I am answering tonight. That, of
course, means you are to bring all questions to" she motioned for them to answer.
"Edward," they said in unison.
"Aww, see how smart you all are," Bella smiled teasingly. "Okay, let's get to work." She went to leave
and I cleared my throat, causing her to pause. "Yes?"
"You didn't ask if anyone had anything," I tried hard not smile at her miss.
"Do you have something to share, Flower Child?" she asked, looking rather amused.
"YeahEmmett sucks as a husband." The others laughed, not knowing what I really meant, and Bella
gave me a look of warning.
"Anything else, Flower Child?" she asked.
"And I'm sorry I wasn't here," I said quietly, looking down to my shoes.
"Let's go to work," she said and the meeting was dismissed. I followed behind Bella and stopped her,
placing my hands on her hips. She waited for the others to go about there business and then faced
me, finally.
"I was trying not to bring the drama into the restaurant," she said angrily.
"I know. That's why I was about to apologize," I leaned in and kissed her. "I'm sorry." My arms
surrounded her waist and Bella sighed.
"Just behave tonight, please. By all means, give him as much shit as you can, but keep it strictly on
the level of an executive chef torturing the general manager," she smirked, thumbing the buttons on
my chef coat.
"Soin other words, be like you?" I teased.
"Nomy fuckery goes way beyond anything you could ever achieve as an exec." She hit my chest
once and went to turn, but I held her still.
"I love you," I pulled her to me, cupping my hands to her face, and kissed her soundly.
"Mmm, love you," she whispered against my lips, kissing me more forcefully.
My hands slid down her face, coursing over her petite frame until I reached the swell of her ass and
copped a feel, not having done so in quite some time. She groaned into my mouth and wrapped her
arms around my neck, pulling me into her harder.
She obviously had been missing this too.
"Excuse me," a small voice sounded from behind me and I tilted my head to look, turning us slightly..
There was an older woman with her husband standing at the podium. "Could we get a table, please?"
she asked shyly.
"Oh!" Bella pushed me aside, realizing that the restaurant was open, and walked to them. "I'm sorry.
Um, how many?"
"Just the two of us," the lady replied.
Bella grabbed two menus and asked them to follow her, after marking there table on the seating
"I'll do that," Emmett pushed passed me and took the menus from Bella.
"Thank you. Emmett will show you to your seats," Bella smiled and took a step back so they could
pass. "Sorry you had to wait."
"That's quite alright dear," the lady said. "I don't blame you for not passing that up. He's very
handsome," the lady looked at me as she passed, and Bella laughed, turning back towards me.
"Yes, he is." Her hand palmed my cheek as she passed me. "Hung like a horse too," Bella giggled
looking back at me. Her eyebrows wiggled and I watched as her eyes looked down to the front of my
pants that were.
Fucking going commando bullshit.
"Didn't know wieners were on the menu," I looked up to see Charlie holding the kitchen door open
for me with one hand, knife in the other.
I made a b-line to the restrooms in order to avoid having my dick cut off. After I got Lt. Dan to calm
down, I walked back towards the kitchen and made my way in.
"So nice of you to join us," Charlie made a face at me. "Finished molesting my daughter now?"
"I'm ready to start service," I said, not wanting to provoke him any further. There were too many
sharp objects in this kitchen, and I'm sure he had no qualms about using them to harm me.
"Ed-waaaard," Alistair sang, putting his arm over my shoulder, and held the first ticket up to me. I
looked over at his arm and then to his face, clearly telling him that gay shit was not allowed. He
backed off before I had to look for some sharp objects of my own.
"Miss Bella was allowing me to call the tickets. Would you like me to do that this evening or" I
snatched the ticket from him and pushed him aside. "It's my kitchen. I'll call the fucking orders. You
just stand there and look pretty or fucking jerk yourself off or whatever the fuck Bella hired your ass
for. Okay, Princess? Or should I say Princesa?"
Alistair backed off, walking over to his side of the pass, and I looked to my brigade, calling out the
first order, then tacked it back on the board.
"Thata boy," Charlie patted me on the back and smirked, looking over at Alistair quickly, then back to
"Fucker is here for less than a month and thinks he owns the place," I grumbled, setting up my space
on the pass so I could dress my plates when they were ready.
Service was going well. The new guy stayed out of my way, only doing what he was told, thankfully,
and Charlie was actually a great help. I watched him tonight, how he interacted with Ben, showing
him all the points of where he was wrong, and was glad he did so.
I always liked that kid. I know Bella had her issues with him not being up to par and all that, but I
don't knowthere was just something about Ben that was A-ok with me. Seeing her father take the
time to mentor him a bit, made me respect Charlie all the more.
"Yo, Edward," I looked up to see Emmett standing in front of the pass.
"What do you need?" I asked, going back to dressing my plate.
"This lady on table five wants to know if the kitchen can swap the veg for a piece of pie?" he waved
the ticket at me as I looked back up to him.
"Veg for pie?" I asked.
"Yeah," he nodded.
"Alistair," I called, swiping the ticket from Emmett's hand.
"Yes, Chef Edward?" he said, walking towards me. I held the ticket towards him and he took it from
my hand.
"You want to swap pie for veg?" I asked him, looking back down to my plating.
"Veg for pie?" he asked, highly confused. I lifted my plate and set it on the tray for the waiter next to
Emmett, and looked at him finally.
"There's your answer, General Manager. Now fuck off out of my kitchen and next time you think it's
funny to come ask me some bullshit like that, I'll be sure to show you just how funny I can be, too." I
spun around and called out the next ticket.
When I turned back aroundEmmett was gone.
* * *
I wanted to leave Edward in charge tonight for several reasons. Most importantly, I needed him to
remain busy. Secondly, I needed him to be able to deal with working with Emmett, even if he was
only answering questions pertaining to service.
I checked on him several times throughout the night and he seemed to have his shit in order.
My father was sort of 'keeping guard', which was nice. I knew no one would dare step out of line with
his presence in the kitchen. I spent most of the night in my office, arranging things for Invoke, trying
to do as much as I could over the phone and computer. Taking a trip to Canada right now just wasn't
going to help matters.
I looked up at the clock, yawning, and rubbed my eyes, feeling completely spent. It was well after one
in the morning, and seeing as how we woke up at four today, I knew Flower Child was probably dying
to go home too. He did really good tonight, never once coming to me with a problem; which was
exactly what I wanted for him to handle things.
I stepped out of my office, walking towards the kitchen to tell him to hurry up cleaning so we could
go home. As I rounded the corner, I paused, seeing his office door ajar. I peeked in quietly, and saw
him sitting there. He had the picture of Renesmee that I framed for his desk in his hands.
Edward's face looked thoughtful as he stared down at it, and I could see his fingers coursing over the
glass. I knocked twice on the wooden door softly, making him lift his eyes to me. He kept the picture
in his hands and looked back down.
"Thanks," he said softly, to my surprise. "This is a really nice picture."
"As if she could take a bad one," I said, making the corners of his mouth lift slightly. He set the
picture down and rested his chin into his palm, looking at it, still.
"I'm done in the kitchen, unless there's something else to do," he said.
I stepped inside and walked around his desk. He finally looked up to me as I held my hand out to him.
"I think we had enough for one day." Edward took my hand and allowed me to lead him out.
I noted that he left the light on in his office as we exited, but I said nothing about it, understanding
perfectly why he did so.
~ * ~
When we arrived home, I pulled Edward with me, through his dark apartment, towards the
bathroom. I closed the door softly, only turning the dial on the lights so that we could see. It casted a
warm glow in the small space, and I began helping him out of his clothes, fully intending on taking
care of him for doing so well today.
"I love you," I tipped up on my toes and kissed his chin softly.
"I love you too, angel." The intensity in his eyes said it all as I looked into them. I kissed him again,
this time on his lips, and then reached for the water, holding back the shower curtain for him to
climb in.
I pulled off my own clothing, then slipped in behind him.
His bar of soap was all goopy and soft, so I chose to use my body-wash on him, instead. Sure he
smelled like fruity girly stuff, whatever. He was MY fruity girly stuff. My hands lathered the gel and I
began working his back, making sure to linger on all the important parts like hot muscles number
one, then two, thenoh yeah those dimples on the lower back definitely needed special attention.
Hel-lo Nurse!
I gave him a good back scratching as I washed him, and he hummed appreciatively. When I was done
with his back, I moved onto his fabulous butt cheeks that were more like fabulous works of art.
Seriously, those were two humps of goodness in the world that needed their own shrine somewhere.
I kneaded them like they were precious lumps of dough, firmly, but gently.
When my ass-worshipping was done, he spun around. I washed his chest, giving him several light
kisses, but tried to keep it innocent, knowing that he was probably too tired to get frisky. I'm sure he
could have been swayed if I really pressed the issue, but I had already done enough of that shit
todayand right now, I was supposed to be taking care of him.
So that's what I did.
After we were both clean and dry, we changed into our respective pajamas and crawled into bed.
Edward spooned behind me, kissing my neck, and lacing his fingers with mine under the pillow.
Butterbean's greedy self begged me to rub my ass against crotch, 'cause this position was seriously
fucking with my need to do just that, fuck but I beat her off like a crazy Robert Pattinson fan.
No means no.
His other hand rubbed along my belly, slowly and sweetly, as he continued with his innocent kisses. I
closed my eyes and devoted all of my attention to the feeling. It was encapsulating, powerful, when
he touched me like that. I had never felt so bonded to someone, and I tried to imagine how Jessica
could have possibly ever felt anything else towards Edward. I know they were young, and not in love,
but this shitpeople, I'm telling you I could never describe the high I felt.
Or the gratitude towards Edward I felt, for that matter, for giving me such a thing, intended or not.
"I wish we could have heard the baby's heartbeat today," I said softly, placing my hand over his. "I
really want to hear it."
Edward was quiet for a moment, then, pulled away from me, rolling to his back.
"Come here," he said, pulling me towards him. I rolled over and laid on my other side, spooning into
his side. "Put your head here," he patted his chest and I leaned my ear over the area. "Can you hear it
now?" he asked softly.
Flower Child's heart thumped under my ear and I closed my eyes, squeezing the tears in them out. I
nodded quickly and sniffled, as the emotions I had been holding in all day erupted.
"That's where Little Bit is. Where you are. Where Ness is," he whispered, sounding very sleepy.
"That's where the heart is. My heart, your heartit's all the same, Bellit's all the same."
~ * ~
Day thirty-two.
The morning sun was shining in brightly though my bedroom's sheer curtains. I looked over to see
Bella still sleeping, curled up in a ball along my side. I kissed her forehead and laid there for a few
minutes, looking at her. The sun made the red in her hair stand out, looking more auburn than the
usual dark brown.
I thought about that for a moment, and wondered why, in five months time, this was the first I had
really ever noticed this about her. It was a strict contrast to the rest of her, as her skin was becoming
paler. I looked back towards the sliding doors and realized how little sun she must have been getting
this month, not able to do much other than work. She once made a comment about that, towards
the begging of when I started working there, saying that she loved the beach, but rarely ever got to
go anymore.
I leaned in again and kissed her forehead, allowing my nose to skim along her face, inhaling her
sweet fragrance. One more kiss and I scooted out from the bed, making sure to cover her up with the
extra blanket I was no longer using.
I went into the bathroom and took a piss, then brushed my teeth. My face was still pretty smooth, so
I neglected to shave. It was fairly early still, just after six, and I knew Bella had to be exhausted from
I walked into the hallway, closing my bedroom door quietly behind me, and paused, looking at Ness'
door staring back at me. The little princess sticker on the door jabbed me in the heart, and I had to
walk away before I thought too much about it.
There was no coffee, and I wasn't sure what to do with myself, seeing as how making it was usually
the first thing I did in the morning. I looked around and took in my surroundings, seeing a few new
things my hazy, drunken eyes hadn't the day prior. There was a sonogram picture on the fridge from
the appointment I missed.
I looked at it, and then walked over to where Bella had left the envelope from yesterday's visit so I
could hang the new one. The picture Ness drew was just below it, and, again, I had to walk away.
The couch seemed safe enough, but as I sat down, I then thought about being drunk here and all the
shit that stirred. It was a lost cause. This whole place was just one reminder after another of
unpleasant memories, just like my parent's house.
I walked back into the kitchen and dug out a piece of scrap paper to scribble down a note for Bella
that I was going for a run and that I loved her. Not really sure where to leave it, I balled it up and
threw it away, thinking I would just text her instead.
Creeping back into my room, I pulled on some old sweatpants and a tank top, then snuck back out to
the living room. Once my shoes were on, I grabbed my keys, iPod, and cell phone, shoved them into
my pocket, and then left the hell that was otherwise known as my apartment.
The Banners were sitting on a bench out in front of the building, and I quickly skirted around them,
still not wanting to have that meeting yet. Once my feet hit the sand of the beach, I placed my ear
buds in and reached for my phone, texting Bella, and then took off, leaving nothing but the Miami
sand in the dust.
I jogged until I was out of breath and my legs felt rubbery. Running on sand was not easy, that's for
sure. It was worth it, though. I had way too much pent up shit going on to let it sit and fester. Trying
to catch my breath, I walked back up to the mainland, needing to feel some sturdy ground under my
"Edward!" I spun around to see Lauren waving to me, and I cursed lowly under my breath, but waved
back to her. She was sitting outside one of the cafs by herself. Hesitantly, I walked over to her, not
really wanting to, but not wanting to be rude either.
"Hey! What are you doing up so early?" she smiled, appraising me with her eyes.
"Sweating," I said sarcastically, motioning to my clothes.
"I see that," she said raising a brow at me.
Okay, that was clearly not the right thing to say to her.
"What are you doing?" I asked in return.
"Just waiting for some friends," Lauren shrugged. "Would you like to join me?" she asked just as I felt
my phone vibrate in my pocket. I held a finger to her and dug it out, smiling once I saw it was Ness.
"Hey baby girl," I said, completely walking away from Lauren, back down the sidewalk.
"It's me," Jessica said. "I have to ask you something."
I paused as soon as I heard her voice and shook my head, leaning against one of the vacant buildings.
She said nothing and I looked back to my phone to make sure the connection was still good.
"Ed-ward!" she yelled.
"Sorry, I was waiting for you to say it. Go ahead," I replied, pinching the bridge of my nose, already
irritated by this conversation.
"I just need to know what the heck the Snuggy Bear song is."
I had to lower the phone to my side so I could laugh without her hearing me. If only there was a way I
could see Jessica singing that shit, I would die a happy man. Trying to control my laughing spasms, I
brought the phone back to my ear and explained.
"It's a song from a cartoon we used to watch. You can look it up on YouTube. They have a video," I
"And do you know what the heck a sanna is? She keeps asking for one but I have no clue what that
is." Her voice was irritable and I could tell Bella was right, she was breaking. This was too much for
"San-Ta. She is asking about Santa Clause," I said, turning around to face the building I had leaned
"Well that makes a lot more sense," she mumbled.
"Jess, is she there? Can I talk to her, please?" I asked, feeling nervous, yet pissed off at the same time
that I had to even fucking ask to speak to my own child.
"She's with my mom. I'll have her call you later," she hung up the phone and I resisted with all might
not to throw mine, even though I really wanted to. It beeped after I cleared my call with her, and I
saw Bella had texted me back, telling me she loved me too, and to bring her back a bagel.
I laughed, shaking my head, and slipped my phone back into my pocket. As I turned to look around,
trying to remember where the bagel place was, I saw Lauren sitting alone at her table, and instantly
felt bad about running off like a jerk.
With a stomach full of reservations, I walked back towards her and picked up our conversation from
before, explaining that I was trying to talk to Ness. She said she heard about what happened from her
mother, who, of course, was told by my mother.
She gave me a number to some guy she knew, saying he might be able to help. She knew of him since
she had gone to school for law. I'm sure he couldn't do shit that my own father hadn't done already,
but I was grateful for the gesture, none the less.
Her friends showed up and I chatted with them for a little while. I invited them to The Workshop for
dinner some time, knowing they all had rich little friends, and that it would be good for business.
Plus, they were chatter boxes and would spread the word.
Once I left Lauren with her friends, I started off in search of a very important item.
A bagel, for my angel.
Chapter Twenty-Four ~ The Good Life
I go for mine
I got to shine
Now throw your hands up in the sky
The sexy people of Miami went by in a blur as we drove along the street in Edward's Volvo. The
windows were down and the radio was cranked up, letting the salty warm air in and the loud bass of
the music out. It felt fantastic. I closed my eyes and reveled in it for a moment.
It was Sunday, our day off, and we had nothing to do, nowhere to be, and my phone was turned the
fuck off. I just wanted to hang out with Edward and avoid all interruptions, work, and annoying ass
I tilted my head and looked over at Flower Child as he drove. There was still a tinge of strain on his
face. It wasn't as bad as it had been, but I could still see the tension there. To most people, he would
look happy, but I knew better. The sparkle was missing from his eyes. Even when he smiled, it
seemed somewhat sad to me, like he had to put all his effort into it to make it appear there.
So when he asked me to go along with him today on his little journey, I obliged; even though it was
not how I wanted to spend Sunday afternoon.
We pulled up to the health food store and I had to shake my head one more time, looking over at
Flower Child. When I asked him to straighten up his act, I didn't realize that meant he was going to go
to extremes.
Not to mention, take my ass there with him.
He had been on this major 'health food' kick for the past couple of weeks making me eat all kinds of
weird shit, running every morning, and shoving all of these papers at me of shit he printed off the
internet. They were usually about being pregnant and what to eatyadda yaddathe point washe
was driving me crazy.
I almost wished he was back to being drunky-the drunken-monkey.
Don't get me wrong, I loved shopping for food, especially 'good' food, but if I want to eat a cookie or
twolemme eat a cookie or two, dammit!
Know what I'm saying people?
"Look! organic apples are on sale," he said just a little too goddamn excited if you ask me nodding
to the sign on the door as he held it open for me to enter.
"Terrific!" I said, mocking his excitement.
I grabbed a shopping cart and started along the produce section, eyeing the fresh mozzarella balls
with a love I have never known.
Flower Child gave me a stink face and took the cart away from me, clearly seeing how my love for the
luscious cheese ball outweighed my love for him. Jealous bastard. I fought back, though, sliding
under his arm and standing on the little bar as he continued to push.
He laughed and kissed my shoulder, letting me get a free ride; even though said free ride went right
passed the cheesy goodness.
"You think we should make something to bring with us to my parents' house tonight?" Edward asked,
rounding the corner and stopping in front of the apples.
"Like what? A pie?" I reached over and grabbed an apple, bringing it up to my nose, and sniffed it. It
smelled divine, and normally I would never do what I was about to, but you see this kid inside of me
had a way of making me crazier. So I did it.
I bit the fucking apple.
"Dear Lord" I mumbled, closing my eyes to devote all attention to the heaven that was a Granny
Smith. "Save me from myself." I sighed after I swallowed, and then took another bite. There was a
lady staring at me, with a disgusted look on her face, as I opened my eyes again, causing my chewing
to slow.
"Pregnant," Edward said from behind me.
The lady nodded in understanding and then smiled at me. I stepped down from the shopping cart
and ducked back under Edward's arm, walking around to the other end of the cart. His face looked
amused, seeing my disgruntled expression, but he said nothing. Instead, he just bagged up some
apples and placed them in the cart.
I grabbed a red apple from the pile and rubbed it against my shirt to 'clean' it. Shoving the green
apple in between my teeth, I tucked the red one under my chin, and hoisted myself up on the end of
the cart so I could swing my leg over.
I climbed in and took a seat in the cart, feeling quite proud that I was able to perform such a feat.
Setting my red apple into my lap, I took a bite of the green and was once again in organic apple bliss.
Edward's laughter, however, pulled me out of my moment.
"You're becoming more monkey-like by the minute, Bell. I'm not sure if I should find it adorable, or
be worried." He started to push the cart again and I ignored him, continuing to eat my apples.
"Aren't you ashamed to be seen with a grown ass woman sitting in the back of a shopping cart?" I
asked, eyeing him as he paused to pick up some veggies.
"Not when the woman is you. No," he winked at me and handed me the plastic bag of green beans. I
tucked them in front of me, and he continued on.
"Would you like me to stop by the bakery so you can get a free cookie, little girl?" Edward teased.
"Actually" I eyed the bakery case filled with sinful delights that were clearly the food of Satanbut
Edward just kept on moving.
"Jerk," I muttered.
"So, are you nervous?" he asked.
"About telling your parents you knocked me up all good and proper-like?"
"Mmm hmm."
"Not really. I figured mostly," I reached out and grabbed a handful of nuts from the bin he paused in
front of, as he began scanning the aisle, then popped some in my mouth, "they will be mad at you. So
if anyone here is going to die," I reached over for more while he was distracted looking for something
on the shelf, "it will probably be you. Not me."
As I reached for another handful, he looked over, catching me red-handed.
"Isa-bella," he said shaking his head at me.
"I am hungreee," I whined, grabbing my third, and final, handful of stolen nuts. He continued to look
at me with disapproval. "I'm gonna pay for them!"
"Sweetheart, I love you dearly, but you can't eat half of the store before we get to the checkout. The
last thing I want is for you to end up arrested and on the news for stealing three dollars worth of
"Well, maybe if you would have stopped for the cookie" I shoved the nuts into my mouth.
(Shut up.)
"Iwovenneedtobeettnlikdif." My cheeks threaten to burst as I attempted to chew, and Edward
started to laugh, which made me laughuntil I saw the manager walking up behind him.
* * *
After we paid for my nine dollars and fifty-two cents worth of stolen goods, we were asked nicely to
purchase our other items and not return again.
"Only you, angelwould get kicked out" Edward was laughing so hard he couldn't talk as we drove
"Shut up," I grumbled, looking out the window, still thinking about the cookie he mentioned earlier.
"I'm still hungry. What the fuck."
"You're going to be like that girl from Willy Wonka. The blueberry girl they had to roll out of the
chocolate factory," he kept laughing.
I slapped his arm, but Edward's laughing spasms continued.
"Laugh it up, Flower Child. You're the one who has to tell Mommy and Daddy, tonight, that you and
your stupid dick fucked me so good and proper-like, we made Baby Cullen. Can't wait to see how you
walk with broken legs, jerk." I patted his shoulder and that seemed to cure his giggling problem.
I lay across his lap, feeling highly content, now that he had just fed me properly.
Grilled herb chicken breast on ciabatta bread with fresh mango chutney andfuck mehe even
made me some type of smoothie concoction that I am sure had all kinds of 'magic powders' in it,
but it was berry and chocolaty and tasted fuckassgood.
Edward's fingers raked through my hair as we enjoyed our lazy Sunday afternoon, watching Man Vs
Food reruns. Adam was on his last overstuffed sandwich when I felt my eyes grow heavy. The full
tummy, combined with Edward's hair stroking, and the balled up kitty position, made me feel like
doing just that taking a cat nap.
This, ladies and gentlemen, was the good life. Not the prestigious awards, assload of money in the
bank, or fancy cars parked in garages I never visited.
Curling up on a Sunday with my sexy ass man, being fed good food prepared by said man, and then
having him stroke your hair.
The. Good. Life.
"I love you," Edward whispered, moving his hand to the side of my face, and caressed my cheek
"Mmm," I balled up closer to him and closed my eyes.
Day forty-eight.
I clicked the volume down a few notches, seeing Bella fall asleep on my lap. This episode had already
been on a million times and I wasn't really paying attention to it, anyhow. My eyes had been planted
firmly on Bella, watching her as she laughed and crinkled her face at Adam's challenge. Her hair was
like silk ribbons, as they slid easily through my fingers, and I couldn't help but to revel in the
happiness and contentment I felt sitting here with her. It was so simple and such a common, ordinary
thing to do just watching a silly TV show but I loved it none the less.
Today was the first time I actually enjoyed being in my apartment in a long while.
This afternoon, she was too funny, sitting in the shopping cart, eating her apples. One thing I loved
about Bella the most was that she was just herself. My mother was always the type, growing up, who
regarded 'what others would say' to the point it drove me mad. I would hear her say it in my sleep
sometimes as a kid, I swear. We had to always be dressed in
wrinkle-free clothes, mind our P's and Q's, and god forbid if my parents were having marital issues
and one of the other mothers found out.
My Bella, however, sat in shopping carts eating stolen apples, cursed when she felt the need, and
never once yelled at me for wearing ratty jeans out in public. Last week, we actually went out for ice
cream at 3a.m., in our pajamas.
It was wonderful. Freedom at its finest, really.
Don't believe me? Try it sometime.
As my fingers made another gentle pass over her soft skin, my phone rang, filling the quiet room with
its loud shrill. I tried to reach for it quickly, trying not to wake up Bella, but it was no use. Her eyes
fluttered open on the second ring and she sat right up.
"Hello," I said, not having looked at the caller ID in my hastiness to answer.
"Hi, sweetheart," I smiled, hearing Ness' voice come over the other end of the phone. Usually, Jessica
had her call me at night. It was nice to have an afternoon call. I pulled Bella back into me and she
leaned her head on my shoulder to listen as I hit the speakerphone key.
Bella hadn't talked to Ness all of this time, and I knew it was hurting her, but I also knew she
understood why that wasn't possible.
Jessica had been calling me frequently, asking me countless questions, and sounding more and more
like she was at her breaking point every day. I prayed that it would come soon, needing to have my
daughter back in my life.
Every day, it only got worse, not better.
As her scent faded from the apartmentand my routine changedand the baby in Bella's stomach
grewit all signaled how much was passing by, changingand I knew that meant I was missing as
much as Ness was. It killed me to think she might start her first day of school and I would not be able
to see her off.
It was coming in a few weeks, and I was counting down the days, hoping to have her back before
then, but knowing I probably wouldn't.
Renesmee talked about her day, telling me about hanging out with Jessica's parents and seeing a play
they took her to. I was glad, at least, she seemed to be having fun; although, a tinge of jealousy
lingered, thinking about her happiness away from me. I tried desperately to beat that emotion back,
knowing how selfish it was, but my attempt was futile.
"I need to shower," Bella whispered. She leaned in and kissed my cheek, and I nodded to her.
Ness kept chatting on about the city, and I sunk down into the couch, just listening to her. The
excitement in her voice was heartwarming, and I just wanted her to keep talking and never stop.
Unfortunately, though, that time always had to come.
After I hung up the phone, I laid there for a moment, trying to take in all that she said, and revel in it
for a bit before real life reared its ugly head again. Sighing hard, I sat up and tossed the phone back
on the coffee table, then walked to the hallway. When I reached the bathroom, I knocked softly and
cracked the door to poke my head in.
"Angel, I'm going to go for a quick run before dinner," I said.
"You better come back. Don't even think you can get out of telling your parents about our bun-in-
the-oven, jerk. Remember, Flower Child, I know people with big meat grinders." Her laughter echoed
inside of the steamy bathroom, and I shook my head at her threat.
Like I would really tell her if I was planning to run away.
"I am well aware, sweetheart. I just think I better get out all my pent up frustration so I can make
room for fresh frustration, seeing as how we will be dining with Emmett and his whore-tastic Rosalie
Bella popped her head out of the shower curtain, squinting her eyes at me. "Did you just say 'whore-
tastic'?" she asked.
"Yes, yes I did," I smiled proudly.
"MmmYou've been spending too much time around me. You're beginning to take words that are
already degrading, and combine them to make even more degrading variations." She shook her head
and then ducked back into the shower, closing the curtain.
"Anyhow, I'm going for my run. I'll be back soon. Promise." I closed the door and walked to my
bedroom to retrieve my shoes.
Ah, speaking of shoes
Here's something I have learned living with my dear Bella over the last few weeks. She loves to pick
up all my shit and put it back in places she thinks it belongs; a.k.a., places I can't find my shit.
Like my shoes.
I, personally, have a strong belief that shoes kept near the front door make perfect sense. I am only
going to put them on for that purpose and that purpose only to leave right?
Bella apparently has a strong belief that shoes by the front door were the equivalent to what did
she say?
'Shitting on someone's head as soon as they entered your home.'
Yeah, that was it.
So, my shoes were not allowed to reside by my front door any longer.
Was I a pussy for not bothering to remind her who pays the rent here, or that it wasn't her name on
the lease?
No. I just happen to really like being anatomically correct.
The Nike's came out of hiding as I pulled them from my our closet and I sat myself down on the
edge of my perfectly made bed to put them on. The bed being made was also another change. It was
sort of nice, though. Plus, I didn't have to do it, so all was good there.
My laces were tied and I stood up, walking back to the closet to change my shirt to a tank, and then I
exited my bedroom. As I reached the end of the hallway, I paused, cursing to myself, and then spun
around, remembering that my iPod was on my dresser.
The bathroom door opened and Bella stepped out, wrapped up in a towel. She paused, seeing me
standing at the end of the hall and furrowed her brows.
"I thought you were leaving?" she asked, hugging her towel to her.
"Mmm hmm," was all I could muster.
It had beenlikeholy shita long timesince we had sex.
My eyes roamed over her, starting with her dark hair that was wet, allowing drops of water to run
down her arm as it clung to her skin. I followed that trail with my eyesokay fuck thatI couldn't see
the water from this far away, but I still trailed my eyes down, imagining that was where said water
might be dripping.
I licked my lips and raked my bottom lip with my teeth as I stared at her.
"Yeah, fuck running," I leaned down and took off one shoe, tossing it to the floor and then the other.
"I thought you had some type of pent up aggression issue to work out?" Bella said, backing up, trying
not to smile as I made my way towards her.
"OhI was planning on it," I said eyeing her again.
She laughed as she squirmed her way backwards trying to get away from me, but I reached her first
and hoisted her up onto my hips. She giggled in my arms and I kicked the bedroom door open with
my foot, then, kicked it closed again once we were inside.
My lips went to her neck first as I laid her on the bed, but she pushed me away.
"Flower Child we don't have time. I told your moth-" I cut her off, not allowing Lt. Dan to be cock
blocked by time restraints.
There were enough damn restraints going on right now in my life.
"My mother is going to be pissed, no matter what, after we tell her you're pregnant. Being five
minutes late isn't going to make it any worse." I kissed along her jaw and she laughed again.
"Mmm, giving me two extra minutes of lovin' than normal? You're such a swooner, Flower Child."
She teased.
"It'll be the best five minutes of your life. Promise." I brushed Bella's wet hair back from her face and
kissed her, then pulled back a little.
Bella's lips turned up into a smile and then she laughed, despite herself, causing me to laugh with
her. It was sweet and, in our own weird way, romantic. I loved the playfulness, light heartedness we
shared. It was comforting and easy not to have to worry about stepping on her toes with such silly
If I judged correctly, looking at her now, I'd say she shared the same feelings.
Bella's expression changed as she brought her hand up to my face, running the back of her fingers
down my cheek. Those deep caramel eyes of hers were softer and I could see the love I felt for her,
reflecting back into my own as I gazed into them.
"I love you, babe," she whispered.
'Cause she really did.
"And I love you, angel," I said back to her, kissing her soft lips.
'Cause I really did.
"Now take off your pants and show me," she said, smirking.
'Cause that was Bella, and her brand of romance.
"Yes ma'am," I replied, scooting back from her.
'Cause I really, really wanted to.
Bella watched me, smiling her little half-angel, half-devil grin as I stepped out of my pants and
boxers. I reached back and pulled my tank off, tossing it to the floor, then raised my brows to her and
nodded to her towel. She laughed at my silent request, but otherwise obliged.
I framed her sides with my hands and leaned down, placing a kiss below her bellybutton, and then
worked my way up. More than anything, I wished I had time to offer her up more, but there wasn't. I
sure as hell wasn't going to be the five-minute-man, as I was just kidding about that earlier, but it
was definitely not going to make up for the pastshitwhenever we had sex in the Volvo last.
Before I laid over her, I reached for the remote on the bedside table and flipped on the stereo. As I
lowered myself back down over Bella, the piano riff paused me, knowing the CD playing did not
belong to me.
"Is this yours?" I asked, looking down to her, and she nodded. "Stop touching my things," I
whispered, teasingly.
"It reminds me of you," she said softly.
"'Cause of the piano shit?" I laughed.
"No," she shook her head, sighing hard, and framed my face in her hands. "The butterfly shit."
My eyes squinted, not quite understanding, until I heard the lyrics.
You give me butterflies
Got me flying so high in the sky
I can't control the butterflies
You give me butterflies
I looked adoringly into her angel face before I placed my lips back to hers, whispering the words she
used for me, "Me too, angel." I pulled her hands down from my face and tilted my head to kiss her
palm, "Me too."
She pulled me back to her lips and I felt her legs wrap around my waist. Her heels rested on the
lower part of my back, trying to draw me in. I moved my mouth to her chin and she tilted her head
back, silently asking me to go lower.
My mouth traveled along her neck, kissing her softly, remembering all of her sweetness. I felt my
body swell as I grinded against her, and finally gave in, sliding myself inside of her, slowly. Closing my
eyes, I paused, taking a moment to revel in how good she felt.
"Could you play this on the piano?" she asked as the music changed, pulling me from my reverie. I
opened my eyes and looked at her. "Probably," I rasped, sliding myself out of her and slowly pushing
back in once more.
"Will you?" Her hands slipped down my sides, resting over my hips as I rocked myself inside of her.
"I'll play you something sometime," I replied, placing a feather-light kiss to her forehead.
"I promise, angel." My lips glided over hers again, and she gripped tighter to my hips as I moved with
more vigor, driving myself harder inside of her.
Bella's legs wrapped tightly around my waist as her arms clung to me, pulling me in deeper with
every thrust. I gripped the white fabric of the bedspread, feeling the surge of my orgasm
approaching. Slowing my pace to stave it off, I moved my lips from her mouth, back to her neck, then
down lower, over her breast.
My tongue swept over her taut nipple, eliciting a moan of pleasure from my love's lips. I felt her
fingers move to my hair as she slid them through my locks. The warmth of her chin rested against my
forehead as I kissed my way back up her body, pausing to kiss over her heart. "I love you." Her voice
was shallow and heady as she held me to her. "I love you so much, Edward," she repeated, just as
I lifted my head to rest against hers, so I could look into her eyes. She watched me as my thrusts
grew more frantic. Her mouth fell open, verbalizing all the ways my body pleasured her, and pleaded
for more. Knowing I was probably already being too rough with her, I chose to whisper back my own
words, telling her I loved her and all the ways she pleased me, too.
My eyes never left hers, and I knew as her cries grew louder, she was close to her release. The words
of adoration continued to flow from my lips and I felt her shudder, finally closing her eyes as her
body constricted around my own. "Don't stop, don't stop," she begged, tightening her legs around
my waist. Her lips sucked the skin under my ear as her fingers gripped my hair harder.
"Mi ngel, oh coo que rico se siente." I gave one last push inside of her and came hard; humming a
loud groan of pleasure as I did.
Both of our breaths fanned against one another's face as we stilled. My eyes closed, briefly basking in
the euphoria my orgasm brought. "Mmm," I kissed Bella along her face and rolled to my side, holding
her to me.
My phone rang, again, and I cursed, looking up at the time, thinking it was my mother. We were
going to be seriously late, as we should have left by now. "Don't want to move," Bella whined, as she
clung to me, and I laughed quietly.
"Let's just lay here for a second. We'll lie and say we had car trouble or something." I leaned my lips
in to kiss her cheek and Bella smiled.
"Good thinking," she cuddled up closer to me and nuzzled her face into my neck. We lay quiet for a
few moments, just giving soft caresses and innocent kisses as we enjoyed one another. I brought her
wrist to my lips and kissed the blackbird inked on it, loving the symbolism it bared. The shit tatted on
my own arm was for her, because it was true; Bella lived by her own rulesor'flew by her own
She was definitely one of a kind.
Bella called my mother to let her know we would be later, while I took a quick shower. I could hear
her in the bathroom brushing her teeth as she tried to get dressed, and I finished up washing. As I
stepped out, I grabbed a towel from the bar and dried off, then wrapped it around my waist. She was
leaning toward the mirror now, applying mascara, and I paused, walking behind her to place a kiss on
her shoulder as she leaned away from the mirror.
"I think this will win over my father, but my mother" I teased, looking at her only wearing her bra in
the reflection.
"Ha-ha." She leaned back in and applied her make-up to the other eye as I stepped back and exited
the bathroom.
Bella came in my our room as I was pulling up my pants inside of my closet. Her nails tapped
against the wood of the doorframe, and I looked at her expectantly. "Yeeeessss?"
"Just debating whether or not we should go or stay here," she smirked, eyeing me up and down.
"Don't do that. 'Cause it's just downright evil. You know I would choose stay, so let's not wave the
worm in front of 'Edward fish'. Kay?" I made a face at her and pulled a black dress shirt from a
"You're not wearing a tie are you? Because you know the tie fuckery will justI'll be humping your
leg in the middle of dinner if you go there," she said holding her hand out, sounding overly dramatic.
I eyed the ties and scrunched my face in debate.
"Promise?" I asked teasingly as I looked back to her.
"I hate you." She stepped forward and fixed my collar as I pulled on my shirt.
"Love you too, sweetheart." I chuckled, leaning in to kiss her. "Go get dressed, or you won't be the
only one humping legs tonight."
"You look really handsome," Bella tipped up on her toes and kissed me. "Oh but let me help you do
your hair," she smiled vexingly and messed her hands in my hair childishly. "There, you so purty
now," she patted my cheek and spun around.
"Thanks," I said fixing what she messed, even though it was completely useless.
My hair was fucked and I knew it; had been my whole life.
After I grabbed a pair of shoes, I clicked off the light in the closet and stepped out, walking over to
the bed beside Bella. I sat down and put on my shoes as she slipped on hers and it finally fucking hit
We were one of those people. Likethose people who get dressed togetherand keep their shoes
next to each other'sandlive together. Likereally together. I was going to come home to, or with,
Bella every night, and wake up with her next to me every morning.
Bella wasn't going anywhere. She was stayingright here with me.
My heart warmed at the thought, and goose-bumps ran over my skin as I felt the flush of heat course
through my veins. I watched her as she stood up and righted her clothes, then turned to me and held
out a hand.
"Ready to go?" she asked.
I stared at her for a moment taking in how perfect she looked standing there in front of me, asking
me if I was ready to go with her. I knew she meant to my parents' house, but my mind wandered
elsewhere, thinking about how profound that question seemed right now after my little realization.
This was her, she was it for me.
"Yes," I took her hand and stood up, then brought it up to my lips and kissed her fingers. "I am ready,
In more ways than one.
* * *
"So, you seeit just happened. I wasn't trying to get your son to knock me up, honestly."
"It was all his idea!"
"I'm a huge whore and let your son violate me in the ocean while the scum of Miami were probably
watching us," I said looking at myself in the mirror of the Cullen's bathroom.
One of the bathrooms, anyhow.
That's probably as close to the truth as we are going to get, Baby Cullen.
A soft knock rapped on the door, and I sighed.
"Yeah?" I asked lamely.
"You alright, angel?" Edward asked softly from the other side of the door. I reached over and
unlocked the knob, allowing him in.
He stepped inside and closed the door softly behind him. I looked over and nodded, but he made a
face that said he didn't believe me, and I turned my head away. Edward leaned off the door and
surrounded me in his arms from behind, resting his chin on my shoulder.
"You look beautiful," he said softly. I placed my hands over his forearms and looked up, finally. He
was gazing at my reflection in the mirror, and I was a little taken aback by the emotion that lay in his
eyesand how damn perfect we looked together.
"Just so you know, Flower Child, I am totally blaming this all on you." I smirked and he laughed,
placing a kiss to my cheek.
"Fair enough," he deduced, letting go of me as we made our way out of the bathroom. "Worse come
to worst, we can just steal Grandma Cullen's amoretti cookies and hide out in my old room." He took
my hand as we walked down the hall.
Now, I knew he was saying something to make me feel better and shit, but honestly, my mind
stopped working at 'amoretti cookies'.
All the rest was like Woodstock from old Snoopy cartoons.
As we made our way into the kitchen, all eyes turned toward us and I instantly felt my stomach roll,
knowing what we had to sayat some point this evening.
Edward led me to the kitchen island, and pulled out a chair for me right in front of the cheese platter.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why I loved Flower Child. I reached out and picked a piece to
nibble on.
"Would you like some wine, dear?" Esme asked, watching me nom away on my cheese.
"Um, no thanks," I said, looking back down to the platter.
"Are you sure? I have this wonderful merlot we brought back from our trip to Europe. It would taste
fabulous with the cheese. Here, try some." She passed over her glass to me and I was freaking out on
the inside.
There was no way I was swiggin' that shit.
"Ma, if Bella doesn't want wine, then she doesn't want wine," Edward said, saving me from having to
spill the beans before we even got to finish the appetizers.
"I was just trying to be hospitable," Esme said glumly as she turned away, and I scowled at Edward.
"Great, now she thinks I'm being a douche," I whispered to him as he stood beside my chair.
"She'll get over it after we tell them later," his fingers pinched my chin, bringing my lips towards his,
and he kissed me several times quickly.
"Mmm, you taste like," he kissed me again, "cheddar." He smiled against my lips and I laughed
quietly against his.
Somehow the others in the room faded away as he brought my mouth back to his once more. I
parted my lips to receive him all proper-like, and felt his tongue slide against mine. Flower Child's
fingers tightened slightly as he pulled my face into his more, tilting my head to kiss me deeper.
Butterbean's light was on and flashing like a neon 'Eat at Joes' sign.
Until I heard a 'smack' as Edward's head knocked into mine, and then heard him groan.
He pulled away from me and looked over his shoulder, scowling. "Not in the kitchen Junior Cullen,"
his grandmother said, making a face at him as she passed. "Show your mother a little respect."
"Now you're getting me in trouble," he shot back, smirking his stupid grin at me.
"Serves you right, fucker," I poked Edward's chin, causing him to laugh, and he leaned in to give me
one final kiss.
The doorbell rang and I sighed, knowing it had to be my father. Edward invited him, thinking that it
was only right to have poor Charlie subjected to the killing of his daughter.
He was sweet, what can I say.
We all sat down at the table when dinner was ready. Grandma Cullen did her thing tonight, making
spicy Creole shrimp with homemade grits and garlic bread. Ugh! I was in comfort food heaven. She
even had tart fried apples and creamed spinach as sides.
I felt like Homer Simpson when he was in the presence of doughnuts: all drooly-like, unable to form
coherent sentences.
Edward and I were next to each other with my dad sitting across from me and next to Emmett, who
of course was next to Rosalie. Carlisle sat at one head of the table with Esme to his right and Grandpa
Cullen was at the other, with Grams to his side.
Kodak family moment, right?
Fuck no. Edward wasn't speaking to Emmett, no one was speaking to Rose, and the tension was thick
enough to be cut with a goddamn chainsaw. Everyone seemed so uncomfortable and on their toes, it
was killing me.
I hated awkward silence, and even worse, awkward social settings. Which is why I had spent 99
percent of my life avoiding them.
"Dinner is really good, Elizabeth," I said, trying to get some fucking convo going around this funeral of
a dinner.
"Thank you, honey. More grits?" she offered.
"The answer is always 'yes'. You never have to ask, just shove the food at me and I will happily
consume," I jokedsort of.
"Except for when it's wine, right?" Esme smiled, and I kicked Edward under the table. "I'm just
kidding, dear."
"I know. I actuallyum," I looked over at Edward quickly and then back to the rest of the table. "I
should probably explain that. Um, it's just that I can't drink wine right now'cause um" The words
stuck in my throat as the silence threatened to take over. Everyone's eyes were on me and I kicked
Edward again, trying to force him to say it.
"Oh hell, I'll do it," Emmett said, throwing down his napkin. "Bella is pregnant and obviously can't
drink wine. There." He shook his head I stared at him; jaw hanging to my feet.
"That isn't even close to being funny," Esme said seriously.
"He isn't joking," Edward finally spoke up and I looked over to him. He was pushing the food around
on his plate looking at his mother. I looked back to Esme and watched as her eyes grew wide with
"I'm sorry, I should have said something soonerbut there was justa lot going on," I said quietly.
"Sooner? How long have you both known this?" she asked.
"I found out when I came back from Japan," I looked down at my plate, feeling so exposed saying this
in front of his entire family, like I was on the damn witness stand or some shit.
"That was" Esme shook her head trying to think back.
"Almost two months ago," I said for her.
"You and Edward have only known each other just a little more than twice that amount of time," she
said incredulously.
"WHO CARES!?" Emmett exclaimed. "You know, this family is so screwed up. I know I'm on the shit
list right now for my screw ups, but seriously, Mom? You're going to congratulate Rose and me one
day, and then try to cast judgment on B and Edward the next?"
"You are older," Esme argued.
"So I can knock up whoever I want because I have a few years on the kid?" he waved over to Edward.
"In truth, Edward has known B longer than I have known Rose. So I don't know what your getting
your panties wadded for." Emmett sat back in his seat and shook his head.
"For the record, Son, I am never okay with you boys having children out of wedlock, so let's get that
straight right now," Esme said, pointing to him.
"Here we go," Flower Child sat forward and tossed his napkin to the table. "Let's start the hundred
ways Edward has fucked up the family name."
"Watch your language, Junior Cullen," his grandmother scolded.
"Edward, I am not blaming your for Renesmee," Esme said. "That precious child is the apple of my
eye. But yes, you are the main example, because you know more than anyone what can happen
when you act so foolishly!"
"So if Bella and I were married, all would be fine? Nothing could go wrong then? It would just be
kittens and rainbows and sunshine, right Mom?" he asked sarcastically.
"Being married signifies that you at least have some type of commitment towards each other.
There's a difference between commitment and love, Edward. While I am sure you and Bella love each
other very much, the truth is that you have only known each other for as many months as I can count
on one hand. You have one child in another state, and now a second with a girl you barely even"
"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Emmett interrupted, sitting forward again. "You make Edward sound like a
damn Morey Povich guest. He didn't go out club hopping or some shit and knock Bella up, first of all.
They've been dating since basically day one.
"Secondly, before you get all in a tizzy about B, let me just remind you that I have known Bella since I
graduated college, and was a kid that didn't have a pot to piss in. This horrible girl that you think is
going to be the second coming of Jessica took care of me when I didn't have shit, AND, may I remind
you, gave Edward a shothe obviously gave her much more." Emmett smirked, looking over to me,
"But that's not really important," he said more seriously.
"I'm not judging Bella. She is a very nice girl," Esme turned to look at me. "I'm not saying that. I care a
great deal for you, and have never seen Edward happier. That doesn't mean I don't think it is
extremely irresponsible, though," she looked back to Flower Child.
"Well this has been fun. I think I'm done listening to Bella being insulted, though, as I am sure she is
too." Edward scooted back from the table and stood up.
"Sit. Down," Carlisle said.
I looked over to him and he was obviously angry. It scared me that he might provoke Edward and
that this night, which was already turning into a major cluster fuck, would only get worse.
"Maybe we should just go," I said.
"I said, sit down." Carlisle kept his eyes on Edward. "You always blow up, run out of here, leaving
nothing resolved. Your mother is right, but if you are trying to argue against making the same
mistakes you made as a teenager, then sit down and do not repeat them by running off."
Edward plopped back down into his chair, but didn't make eye contact with his father. I looked to my
own, and Charlie nodded at me, silently telling me it was okay. I placed my hand on Edward's legs
and he looked down, sliding his own underneath and closing his fingers around it.
"I am not going to pretend that I am happy about this. Was I happy to learn Emmett was having a
child? Yes, I was. The reason being that Emmett is accomplished, older, and has made good choices
in his life that led me to believe this was one of them. Your brother has chosen to marry Rosalie,
make a life and a family with her, and, regardless of how much time
they have known one another, that says something to me; I respect my son for making that choice.
As any father would." Carlisle looked over to my dad and then back at Edward.
"I don't know Bella's father, but if my daughter was having a child with someone, I would expect a
ring on her finger. Especially, if that someone had a child already. At seventeen I could understand
how my son could make a mistake and act in a way that was so thoughtless, but at twenty-two,
having already been there done that, I would expect that you are better than Emmett, not the same
or worse in your actions.
"In fact, that was part of my happiness in finding out Emmett would be a father, because I knew he
could learn a lot from you, as you are a wonderful father to Renesmee, Son. The pride I feel watching
you with her is more than I could ever explain to you. I am sure that the child Bella is carrying will
receive the same parenting, but that doesn't make everything else alright because, as you just
witnessed not even two months ago, good intentions are not enough, Edward. Let me ask you, do
you love Bella?" Edward looked up to Carlisle with a dubious expression on his face.
"Of course I do," he answered.
"Then why are we here?" Carlisle asked shaking his head.
"I'm sorry," I interrupted, "but why is everyone blaming Edward? I was there too, you know. He
didn't exactly hold me down and force me to conceive his baby. And so what?! He screwed up as a
teenager and got Jessica pregnant! So-thefuck-what! I am so sick of people holding that shit over his
head, and more so, I am SICK of people talking about Kobe and his five-million-dollar-guilt-ringed-
soon-to-be-wife over there, like what they have is legit.
"'Cause I'm sorry Em, but you and I both know that blonde bitch only needs a tracksuit and a boob
job to complete her role in your life." I held my hands up and gave him a face before turning towards
Esme and Carlisle again.
"The truth here is that Emmett has made his fair share of mistakes, but you all don't know about
them because I was always there to help him clean them up. Him getting Rose pregnant, now, is no
different than what Edward and I have done. So don't act like he is a saint for agreeing to marry her
because we all know he wouldn't have otherwise.
"So cut the shit. I don't want Edward to ask me to marry him because he feels 'obligated' to do so, or
fucking forced into it just because we had one night of amazing sex in the ocean," my eyes closed
regretfully as soon as I said it, but I waved it off, going back to my speech.
"My point is, if you are pointing fingers and trying to blame him, then I am to blame too. And if we
are being judged based upon levels of success, and if that is what is determining our right to either
have or not have kids, then I am queen of the fucking baby makers, and your argument is invalid." I
sat back for a second as everyone remained silent. My eyes traveled towards Rosalie, and as I stared
at her face, the anger inside of me flared.
"And let me just remind you all, that the reason Flower Child doesn't have his other kid is because of
that person, that FABULOUSY ENGAGED person, sitting to Emmett's left! You all sit here and fucking
judge ME, yet she can walk into your house after what the hell she said and that is fine?!"
"I didn't do"
I stood up and leaned over the table, ready to knock her fucking lights out if she said one goddamn
word in her own defense.
"Shut. Up!" I pointed at her and Edward grabbed my arm. "Don't EVEN fucking say that it was the
truth 'cause we all know it fucking wasn't! You have some nerve even showing your damn face here!
And if you all can't stick up for Edward and say it, then fuck it, I will," I swatted his hand from mine
and leaned over the table towards her.
"You took Ness away from Edward, ended Emmett's career, and now he has to support you and that
kid for the rest of your pathetic existence! All you do is ruin shit! No wonder you side with Jessica,
you're just fucking like her!" I sat down as the tears began to run from my eyes. Edward tried to wipe
them away, but I swatted him away and wiped them myself.
"If you all want to say that Edward is a fuck up then fine, I'm a fuck up too. We're two fuck ups who
fucked, and are now have a fucking baby! OH-KAY?!" I started flat out blubbering at this point.
Stupid Baby Cullen and all his or her emotional bullshit!
"Everybody just needs to calm down," I heard Charlie say. "Now, I'm not thrilled over the fact that my
first real encounter with this boy was when my daughter called to tell me she was pregnant with his
babyand also that he had a drinking problembut I am happy she felt the need to ask for my help
and confide in me." I looked up to him as my sobs came slower, and wiped my tears away.
"More than anything, I'd love to reach across this table and beat the snot outta your son and his
stupid face," Charlie smirked before he added, "but something tells me I'd want to do that to any
male sitting there saying he loves my daughter. I couldn't tell you that for sure, however, 'cause
before this jerk, Bella never brought anyone else around for me to meet, besides that damn Tyler kid
who worked in my diner." Charlie eyed Edward up and down and sucked his teeth. "Can't really say
her taste has improved much."
"Dad I was fourteen and he was taking me to the spring dance. That isn't really 'bringing someone
home'," I sniffled.
"My point exactly," Charlie tapped his finger at me and sat forward in his seat. "That right there tells
me you are serious about this guy. So that means I have to be too, which is why I agreed to help you
when you called me. I don't really know you all, aside from Emmett, but what I do know is that when
I found your son here, he was in a hell of a position, and when I leaned on him to do the right thing,
he did." My father looked over at Carlisle.
"That's what I want from your boy, for my daughter. Would I love to see Bella happily married? Sure,
what father wouldn't? But that is her choice, and I'm not in favor of anyone having a shotgun
wedding. These kids already have enough to deal with. Marriage is just"
"That's my point," Esme interrupted. "They should have waited. Having a baby is"
"Spilt milk," Charlie cut her off, waving his hand. "You can't fix it now that it's done. We all know
what's right and wrong. But making it worse isn't going to make it better, now is it?"
"I wouldn't say marriage is worse," Edward's mother scoffed.
"If it's done out of guilt, I assure you ma'am, its worse. I've been there and done that." Charlie said.
"I'm not here to argue, though. It was just the idea of my daughter thinking that she was a screw-up
that made me feel the need to say my piece on the matter." He looked at me and emotions I hadn't
seen since I was a little girl simmered in his eyes. "You are not a screw-up, kid. Don't ever let me hear
you say that again."
I sniffled again and wiped the remainder of tears from my face then looked at the table, seeing all the
food we had barely even touched. Grandma Cullen looked sad, sitting there watching all of us argue,
and it broke my heart that her thoughtful meal was ruined.
"You never gave me more grits," I said, looking at her. She cracked a pitiful smile and grabbed the
"Swing that plate over here, baby," she said, holding up the spoonful of grits. Edward handed her the
plate and then passed it back to me. Emmett held his plate to her next and everyone started to go
back to eating, but in complete silence. I held my free hand over my stomach, feeling completely
nauseated, but there was no way I was going to let Grandma Cullen's hard work go to waste.
"She get it from her mammawhere she get that ass from?she get it from her mamma" I looked
up to see Emmett singing under his breath, moving his head back and forth as he scarfed his food. A
few bites more and he was done. "Why she always gotta call the lawshe get it from her
mammagot a nigga rock harder than a tree.she get it from her mamma" he kept going, and I bit
my lips trying not to laugh at him. It was so fucking inappropriate, yet so fucking Emmett. His eyes
caught mine and I saw the wicked gleam in them. "Big fine woman will make you smile when she
youdamn that girl sexyher mamma ass tooshe get it from her mamma." He went into full
Emmett-ghetto mode and I broke, busting out in laughter.
Cupping my face in my hands, I tried to hide, but it was useless. Emmett's booming laughter filled the
quiet room and then I felt his big hands on my shoulders. I swatted him away and made a face at
him. "I hate you, go away," I shrugged trying to get him off of me, but he wrapped his big arms
around my shoulders and swayed me.
"Awww, B's gonna be a mammathen I can sing that song to you when mini-Bella is cursingshe get
it from her mamma," he sang and I hit him, but he held onto me still.
"What if it's a boy you oaf?" I asked.
"Ah, it's Edward's kid. If it's a dude, I can still say 'she', 'cause we all know if he has a boy, it's going to
be the wimpiest boy of all time." Emmett let me go and punched Edward in the shoulder as he
walked back around to take his seat.
Edward didn't say anything, but as I looked over at him, the corners of his mouth lifted slightly, and I
knew he was feigning a smile.
After we finished dinner, I helped clean up, bringing the dishes to the kitchen while the guys watched
TV. Esme was putting food away, and Grandma Cullen was washing the dishes as I entered with the
last of the plates. I saw Rosalie drying some of the plates Elizabeth set aside as I made my way over
to the sink to drop off the last few.
"Thank you, dear. Now go rest. Women in your condition shouldn't be working so hard," Elizabeth
"That's the last of them, anyhow." I shrugged and turned to walk away, but she stopped me, "Bella?"
She wiped her hands on the dishtowel and stepped towards me. "I want you to know, that I am
happy for you and Junior Cullen. It makes me happy to think I'll get to have time with two more
generations of this family before my time is up." She leaned in and gave me a hug. "Now go on, go
find that boy and make him rub your feet since he left you to do all the work."
I nodded and started on my way out again, but this time, Esme stopped me just outside the
entryway. "You know I didn't mean I thought you unworthy of my son, right? Because I don't think
that, Bella. It's very much the opposite, which is why I feel the way I do," she said sadly. "I want you
all to have a chanceand I want Edward to be able to make something out of himself before he has
more children, more responsibility. He's experienced so much, so fast, Bella." She began to tear up
and so did I.
"I know that, but he has, Esme. And it's the only thing in this whole messed up situation with Ness
that has been good for him. You know I never hired Edward because of how I felt about him
personally, nor did I promote him because of that. He earned it. So, he is making something out of
himself. Everyday I get offers and calls about him. You know someone wants him to have his own
cooking show?" I laughed, wiping away my tears, and her expression changed, looking surprised as
she cleared her own eyes.
"Maybe we were stupid for not being more careful, but if I was careful at all with Edward, I wouldn't
have him, 'cause I would have stayed true to form and denied what I felt. SoI don't regret it. Esme, I
love him. I love him a lot, and that's because Flower Child IS someone already."
* * *
All alone, I sat on the front steps of my parents' house, not wanting to join the rest of my family in
the theater room. Dinner was a nightmare, although, they didn't really say anything I didn't expect
them to. The only unexpected part, that I suppose shouldn't have been, was Bella yelling at Rosalie in
my defense. No one really had yet, and the level of anger she showed really surprised me. Not that I
didn't know how she felt, but just seeing it brought forth had me taken aback.
I hugged my arms around my legs, tucking my knees under my chin so that I could rest my head
down. Bella was still helping my mother clean up, and I was in no hurry to go back in. I offered to
help, but she wouldn't let me. I'm sure she
hoped I would hang out with Emmett since he stuck up for us, but that wasn't enough to erase the
bad taste in my mouth for him.
Him making Bella laugh at the end of dinner, however, earned him a little of my thanks.
But just a little.
"Beer man?" I turned my head to look behind me. Emmett was walking forward with two Coronas in
his hand.
"No," I faced back forward as he took a seat beside me.
"Don't be a party pooper Edward," he knocked the bottle into my arm.
"I'm not, but if Bella smells that shit on my breath she's liable to chop off my balls while I sleep
tonight," I stretched my legs out and Emmett laughed, taking a sip of his beer.
"Fair enough," he said, and then all was silent.
I kept my eyes forward, not wanting to see him, but I could sense he was still there and gearing up
for his apology. I debated in my head whether or not to forgive him, deciding to choose based upon
what he would say.
"You were such an ugly baby," Emmett said, laughing quietly.
"Excuse me?" I looked over to him, not at all expecting him to start that way.
"Dude, when you were born, you looked like one of those aliens they keep in the glass jars," he
laughed harder, taking a sip of beer, and then set it down to his side. "But damn, I was so happy after
you were." He looked over to me and his expression became more serious. "I still remember teaching
your ass to throw a football, you know that? I think you were like four. Funny shit is, you still throw,
now, just as bad as you did, then," he knocked his arm against mine and I laughed despite myself.
"Fuck off Emmett," I said, but he reached over, hooking my neck into the crook of his arm, and
knocked my head into his.
"You know I didn't mean to fuck up that shit with court. I'd never hurt you or Shortcake intentionally,
Edward. Never. But it's like that shit when you're a kid and you fucking.I don't knowwhen you like,
see a hill you want to skate board down and think, when you're at the top, nothing is gonna hurt you,
until your ass is falling head first into the pavement. I never thought that you could lose her, 'cause
you're a fucking great father," he tightened his hold on me and kissed my head.
"I fucked up. And I fucked up your shit when I did, and I am so damn sorry. I know that can't change
anything, but I am. You're my baby brother and I love you," he kissed me again and I pushed him
"Will you please stop with all the gay shit," I wiped my forehead and shuddered.
"Oh stop it. You know you like it." He pulled me back into him and tried again, but I fought against
him and couldn't help the laughter that bubbled up out of me.
"Fuck, stop, Em! I'm gonna get Bella to kick your ass," I laughed, pushing him away one last time, and
he receded.
Emmett laughed beside me and picked his beer back up. I punched him once, really hard, just to
make sure we were clear on how I felt, and then all was good in man-land, 'cause that's how we roll.
"Man," he laughed, "I thought Mom's eyes were gonna pop out when I said that shit."
"I know. And then I thought Bella was going to kill Rose, and I would be forced to bury her mangled
body in the backyard," I laughed.
"You know what, man?" Emmett leaned in to me and said quietly, "I love Rose, but I would pay big
money to see Bella brawl with her." He laughed and so did I.
"My money would definitely be on Bella," I said.
"Oh, mine too, mine too," he nodded quickly. "Congratulations, by the way," Emmett tipped his beer
towards me. "I never said that to you. I mean it for both the baby and getting Bella. Shit, that's one
hell of a feat. I turned you into a goddamn pimp. You should be thanking me, you know."
"I heard that," I tilted my head to see Bella closing the door behind her.
"It's true. My baby brother bagged the hardest woman to bag of all time. That makes him a pimp,"
Emmett said, nodding.
"Maybe I bagged Edward. Ever think about that, genius?" She raised her brows to him as she walked
toward us.
"Who the hell would want to do that?" he teased, reaching for her. She tried to sit on my lap, but he
pulled her into his, and she giggled. "Caught me a Bella," he hugged her and she nuzzled into him as
he sipped his beer. Her feet rested in my lap and I kept my eyes on her face.
"Grandma Cullen said to rub them," she smiled, wiggling her toes at me.
"Where's Rose?" Emmett asked her.
"I threw her down the garbage disposal, where she belongs." Bella winked at me and I had to laugh.
"Don't be mean, Bella." Emmett sucked his teeth looking down to her.
"Seriously Em, What do you see in her? I want to know," Bella asked, tipping her head up to look at
"She's hot, for one," he smiled. "But all joking asideshe's really a good girl. Don't make that face at
me Bella. She is. You just don't know her. I know she fucked up with Edward, and that makes you all
protective of him and shit, but I wouldn't lie to you. I really do love her, and it's because she's worthy
of loving. Just like you."
"Ugh! Don't even relate me to thatI don't even have a word right now. She needs a good cunt-
punting, that's all I know." Bella looked back to me. "What do you love about me?" she asked.
"The fact that you use terms like cunt-punting in relation to Rosalie," I replied smirking at her as I
rubbed her toes. Bella laughed, but I became more serious in my next reply. "Your mind and the
crazy way it works. The fact that you don't take any of my shit. You're a good teacher and have a big
heart." I brought her foot to my mouth and kissed her toes. "And of course, because your hot." I
laughed, mocking my brother's words.
"See?" she looked up to him. "Flower Child can actually name specifics. He didn't say 'because she's
all wonderful, blah bitty blah blah'. Such a loser, Em," she shook her head, and he lifted her from his
lap, tossing her onto mine.
"No more lap for you," Emmett said.
"Good, I like Flower Child's better, anyhow," she made a face at him and leaned into me.
"Imma go find Rosalie. You know, the woman I don't really love," he stood up and she smacked at his
leg as he walked passed.
When the door closed, she looked at me and smiled, "I take it you two made up?"
"He's not on my list of people to kill, let's put it that way."
Bella maneuvered so that she straddled my lap and wrapped her arms around my neck. I hugged her
in my arms, locking my fingers behind her back, and kissed her gently.
"I love you, for so many reasons. I could never tell them all to you. You know that, right?" I asked,
placing another kiss on her lips.
"Mmm hmm. You know what I want, Flower Child?" she asked in a whisper as we continued to kiss.
"What, baby?"
"To go to your old room," she moved her lips to my chin and then nibbled along my jaw until she
reached my ear. "And eat amoretti cookies."
I laughed, tightening my hold on her, and she lifted her face to look at me. She nodded with
excitement on her face, and I just shook my head then kissed her again.
"You see? Only a man who clearly loves you would even consider feeding you his grandmother's
cookies after such a tease." I hoisted her up with me as I stood, making my way to the front door.
"I just said I wanted to eat cookies. I didn't say you couldn't have your way with me while I was doing
it," she smacked my forehead lightly, causing me to laugh again.
"Really love you, Bella."
* * *
I giggled as I leaned into his lips and we shared a kiss on our way towards the steps, until Edward
stopped abruptly. I felt myself sliding down his body and my feet hit the floor. As I followed his eyes, I
saw my father standing directly behind me.
Shit, hand caught in the cookie jar, again.
"I'm headed out, Bells," Charlie said, looking at me, then giving Edward the hairy eyeball.
"Thank you for coming," I stepped towards him and gave a quick hug.
"Sure thing, kid." My dad gave a light slap to my cheek and walked towards the door.
"See you tomorrow, Charlie," Edward said, opening the door for him.
"Keep your damn hands to yourself or you won't be of much use tomorrow," Charlie warned before
he exited the Cullen's house.
"Yes, Sir." Edward laughed and then closed the door.
"Ready for cookies, angel?" he said, walking backing towards me. I nodded and waited for him to
reach me, then jumped playfully on his back when he did. Flower Child chuckled and hoisted me up
higher, clearly happy to play along. He piggy-backed me to the kitchen and I saw Grandma Cullen
smile up at us as she fixed a tea for her and Rose.
"Okay, Grandma, where did you hide the amoretties?" Edward asked. She laughed at his question
and replied, "What's it to you?"
"Making Bella happy," he replied.
"Well, in that case," she spun around and opened the cabinet door, pulled out the box of cookies and
handed them over. "You better save your father some. You know how he is about his amoretties."
"Yeah, yeah." Edward tipped the box towards me and I pulled a few individually wrapped cookies
from the box. He passed them back over to Elizabeth and thanked her before we exited.
I didn't miss Rosalie staring at us as we did, either.
Back in Flower Child's old bedroom, we lay in his small bed, nibbling on our Italian cookies, as he read
one of the books from his collection to me. My head was on his chest with one of his arms wrapped
around me, and the other held the book open.
I watched his lips as he read, mostly to avoid looking at the crumbs I was getting all over his shirt, but
also because I loved watching him read. He was very good at it, articulating the story to me in a way
that made it even more interesting than it should have been.
It was something I always admired in people who bared such a gift. In my life, I sat through so many
seminars of people giving boring speeches, and had to listen to so many conferences. When
someone was actually able to hold my attention for a length of time just because of the way they
delivered what they were saying it was fascinating; even when it was something I had no interest
That's how I felt about listening to Edward right now.
"How's your amoretti?" he asked, resting the book down on his chest so he could unwrap a new
cookie for himself.
"Perfection," I said, taking another nibble.
"When we were little, Em and I always got these things in our Christmas stockings." He took a bite
and picked the book back up to read.
"Flower Child?"
"Mmm?" He looked over to me.
"You're grandmother is seriously like one of my most favorite people," I sighed, rolling into his chest
as I popped the last bit of cookie into my mouth.
I felt the vibrations of his quiet laughter as I lay against him, and he kissed the top of my head. He
began to read again, and, as the dinner from earlier worked its magic with the cookies in my full
belly, Edward stroked my hair. Once again, I was both lucky, and sleepy.
Before I drifted into my dreams, Edward stopped reading and I felt him move to turn off the light.
"Sweetheart?" he said softly. "I want you to take tomorrow off, okay?"
"Can't," I mumbled.
"You can, and you will," he said a little louder.
"Shut up," I mumbled, placing my hand over his lips, and he laughed as I kissed him.
"Goodnight," he whispered softly. I hugged myself to him, nuzzling my face into his neck, and fell
asleep there.
Several hours later, I woke up and found myself alone. I blinked in the dark room, calling out his
name softly, but no one answered. Thinking he got up to use the restroom, I rolled back over and
tried to get back to sleep, but failed, not being comfortable without him beside me.
I kicked the covers away and sat up, opening my eyes, and tried to adjust them to the darkness. The
small digital clock said it was just after three in the morning and I debated on where he could be.
The walk to the door seemed longer as I fumbled my way towards it, holding my hands out in front of
me, waiting until I felt something hit my palms. When I finally reached it, I slid my fingers over the
door until I felt the cool handle and opened the door. A soft light illuminated the top floor, and I
walked towards the bathroom in need of relief, hoping to find Edward on my way; except, when I
did, I wished that I hadn't.
As I closed the bathroom door, I saw the other one that led to Ness' room was open, and her
nightlight was on. Little fairies danced around the room, casting a soft glow, and I saw Edward was
curled up in her bed. My chest burned, and I felt the tears welling in my eyes, wondering how long he
had been there while I was sleeping.
I walked into her room and climbed on the bed, sitting behind him. Reaching over, I shut off the
nightlight and then turned towards Flower Child, tugging on his shoulder so that he would face me.
He rolled over and I lay down next to him, nose to nose. The only thing I knew to do was comfort him
with my affection. I had no more words to offer, and I'm sure he wasn't wanting them, anyhow, right
I kissed all over his face and could hear him sniffle; which only made the pain in my chest worse,
knowing he was hurting to the point of tears. Growing up with a man made of matter tough as steel,
I knew how hard it was for them to cry, and the only time I ever saw Edward do it was when it
pertained to Renesmee.
My lips continued to course over his face, trying to replace all of the salty tears I tasted there with my
kisses. "I wish I could take it all away, baby," I whispered, feeling my own tears surge forth. "I wish I
could just make it go away, Flower Child. I'd take all the pain for you if I could. I promise. I don't know
how to make it better, and I'm sorry." I gave him more kisses and stroked my fingers through his hair.
"I'm sorry."
His arms slid around me, hugging me to him tightly.
"You do, Bella," he whispered back, kissing my face just as adoringly. "You're the only thing that
does." He brought my face to rest under his chin and held me there. I could hear his heart beating
under me and I closed my eyes, trying to allow it to lull me back to sleep.
It must have, because the next time my eyes opened, the sun was brightly shining in the room.
Edward and I were still in the same position, and when I tried to move, he clung to me, not letting me
escape. It made me smile, and I let him have his way, not trying to move again.
My fingers played with the fabric of his shirt as I let him sleep. He felt warm and wonderful as I lay
against him, wrapped up in his arms. My fingers tugged down his collar, and I kissed the little bit of
skin exposed there. Edward began to stir and I did it again, trying to wake him up nicely, so that I
could move. As good as it felt to be wrapped up with him in bed, it would feel even better to get up
and stretch.
And pee.
He cleared the sleep from his throat as his eyes fluttered open, fanning his thick lashes and revealing
his blue eyes to me for the first time this morning. I leaned in and kissed his chin, causing a soft hum
to emanate from his throat.
"Morning sleepyhead," I teased. "Can I move now?"
"Mmm mmm," he held me tighter and I laughed.
"I have to pee. Baaaad." I tried to wiggle free and he begrudgingly let go, groaning in displeasure.
After I relieved myself, and made Baby Cullen some extra room, I washed my hands and then my
face, but cursed when I realized I couldn't brush my teeth. We never intended on staying last night,
but, after dinner, we were both too tired to drive back home.
Thankfully, he still had those old superhero pajamas I wore last time, and they made for good
sleeping attire. As I made my way back into the room, I saw he was sitting up, waiting for me on the
bed. I sat down next to him and he swung an arm over my shoulder, placing a kiss to my head.
"You're not going to work today," he said, reminding me of our disagreement on the matter before I
dozed off last night.
"Edward, you're still on probation. I'm not done torturing you, yet."
"Well you can continue torturing me tomorrow, but today you're doing nothing but resting, or going
to the beach, or anything that isn't work. Shit, hang out with my mother and teach her how to cook
for my dad's sake," he laughed.
"Let me break this down for you so you can understand it like the retarded monkey you are, Flower
Child. I have ten restaurants, over one thousand employees to deal with, a new restaurant being built
in another fucking country, a lawsuit from Jessicunt up my ass, a child endangerment lawsuit from
Jessicunt up my twat, and a child living right above there. I CAN'T take a day off right now." I looked
over to him, giving the good old stink face.
"You totally just made my point," he said, and I increased my level of stinkfacedness. "You have all of
that to deal with, and the baby living right above needs you to take a day off. You're doing too
much. Believe it or not, the world will continue to spin if Isabella Swan fucks off at the beach for a
I continued to make my face, not backing down and he sighed hard. "Fine, you can work, but you
have to do it from our bedroom when we get back home. You don't need to be at The Workshop. I'm
there, Em's there, Charlie and that European fucker." He gave me his own evil eye and I had to laugh.
"Don't be jealous of Alistair's mo-jo. He can't help his flyness."
"Flyness? The dude makes vinaigrette drops," Edward scoffed.
"Can you make vinaigrette drops, Flower Child?" I teased.
"No, but I'm sure if I turned my dick inside out I could."
And with that, I lost my shit.
I fell back laughing, and Edward leaned over me. "I knew there was a reason I put up with you," I
continued to have laughing spasms as I reached up and tugged him down by his ears to my face.
"Is that your way of agreeing with me?" he asked.
"Yes, fuck. I'll be a useless piece of shit today. Happy?" I raised my brows to him and he leaned in and
kissed me quickly.
"Exceptionally so," he said, and then sat back up.
"Exceptionally so," I mocked, and he whipped his head towards me. A wicked gleam sparkled in his
eyes and I knew he was up to no good. "Don't," I said holding my hand out, preparing for whatever
he was plotting, and he laughed, moving towards me. "Flower Child!" I warned, scooting back more.
"You're making it worse," he said, seeing that I was trapping myself in with nowhere to run.
I did the only thing I knew to do in a scary situation like thisI kicked him in the gut and made my
After we were back in Edward's apartment, he changed into his work clothes and kissed me goodbye.
That, of course, was after he made me promise not to leave the bed unless it was to go to the beach,
or do something non-work related. As sweet as he was, and as bad as I needed some rest, the truth
was that a day off was not very conducive to my professional life right now.
He was right, though; the baby needed me to slow the fuck down.
I spent most of the morning on the computer going back and forth with the people assembling
Invoke. A trip was definitely going to be needed soon. There was only so much I could do working
from here, and I was dying to get my hands on that place and see it in person.
After I disconnected from my conference with those people, I talked with Gordon for a bit, going over
some things I had concerns over, since he was heading up the project with me. I felt sleepy after my
phone call with him, though, and took a two hour snooze.
When I woke up, it was early afternoon and I texted Edward to tell him I loved him and missed him.
He didn't text back and that was good. It meant he was busy; a.k.a., doing his job. I climbed to my
feet, needing to stretch, and made my way out to his balcony. The beach looked great and it was so
warm and breezy outside. As I looked over my paling skin, I decided to go down for a bit and get
some sun.
It felt great and I was actually glad that Edward forced me to do this today. The oil was all nice and
warm on my skin as I lay there, and the sound of the ocean waves soothed all the tension away. It
was way better than listening to the crappy relaxation CDs I owned, that was for damn sure.
My stomach started to rumble after a while, and I decided, looking over my skin that was coloring, it
was time to head back in. I thought about what to make for lunch as I walked back towards his
building, and decided that maybe I could go pick up Edward and take him with me somewhere.
Service was still a while away, so there was plenty of time.
As I rode the elevator up, I decided I would definitely take him to lunch with me, but was going to eat
a PB and J beforehand. Maybe even try to make one of those smoothie things he served me
The doors opened and I stepped out of the elevator. Reaching in my beach bag, I dug around for my
keys to his apartment.
"Bewwa!" My head whipped up, and I stopped dead in my tracks.
"Squeaks?" I said shakily. She was in the arms of Mrs. Banner standing in front of our door. I stepped
quickly towards her and grabbed her up as soon as I reached them.
"I was looking for her father," Mrs. Banner said. "She was wandering the halls, and I figured he must
have been worried sick."
"Where is your mommy?" I asked Squeaks, and she simply shrugged. "Is she here?" Ness said
nothing, just shrugged again, looking just as confused as I felt.
"I haven't seen anyone with her," Mrs. Banner said. "She just kept asking for her daddy."
"Thank youumI'll bring her to him. Edward works for me, so she's safe." I hugged Ness to me and
Mrs. Banner nodded with a smile.
"You take care, little one." She walked passed us and patted Ness' back as she exited.
"Oh my God. I missed you so much," I hugged her tightly, pressing her face into my neck, kissing her
all over. "You're daddy is going to be so happy to see you."
Her little face pulled back from me and I knew, as I looked into her blue eyes, she was just as anxious.
"You want to go see him?" I asked, unable to contain the smile on my lips. She nodded vigorously,
and I laughed at her.
I wasn't sure where the fuck Jessica was, or how Ness ended up here, but I was just grateful she was.
As I drove with her to The Workshop, I called Emmett, knowing that I would need to explain to
Edward in private about how I found her. Chances were Jessica probably just left her standing in
front of his door like the titty-mouth she was, unable to handle her own kid anymore and Flower
Child was going to flip.
Emmett was standing outside as I parked in front of Rose's bakery. He made his way across and
opened the door to the back where Ness was waiting excitedly. "Shortcake!" he exclaimed, and she
giggled saying his name loudly back.
"Just stay with her until I talk to him, okay?" I slid out of the car and Emmett pulled Ness out,
standing on the sidewalk with her.
I made my way into my restaurant and headed straight for the back. As soon as I saw Edward in the
kitchen, I grabbed his hand and tugged him towards me. "Come with me."
"What's going on?" he eyed me and it was then I realized I still had my bathing suit on with just my
towel wrapped around me. I ignored him and pulled him towards my office, though. "Bella?" he said
as I closed the door and turned to face him.
"Just listen to me, okay. I need you just listen to everything I say before you do anything." I waiting
and he nodded eagerly to me. "Promise?"
"Yeah, what's going on?" he asked impatiently.
"Okay, so I was at the beach, and when I came back, I saw Mrs. Banner standing at your door
andfuck, promise me you will just listen when I say this, okay?" I asked again.
"I already said I promised. Bella what the fuck happened?"
"She had Ness," I said nervously.
His face scrunched, looking confused, then shocked, then happy, then angry, and asked, "What do
you mean she had Ness? Wherewhere the fuck is Jessica?"
"I don't know. She didn't see her and Ness didn't say"
"Where is Ness NOW?" I could see he was breaking, doing exactly what I feared, and I grabbed his
arm as he turned towards the door to search her out.
"You promised! Just stay calm. She's fine. Emmett has her. Listen to me, damn it!" I tugged his arm
and he looked at me again. "You need to call Carlisle and tell him what's going on. Flower Child, this
could be your chance to get Squeaks back, don't fuck it up. Call him and explain this shit first, then
you can go see her. Please?"
He closed his eyes for a second and then nodded and stepped around my desk, picking up the phone.
He sat down and I waited as he talked with his father and wrote down a bunch of things he said.
When he hung up, he wrote a few more things on the paper and then looked up to me.
"He said to take her to the emergency room and have her checked out. He's going to talk to the
building manager of my apartment and see if he can get them to let him watch the security tapes,
trying to see if Jess left her there. You and Mrs. Banner will have to fill out police reports too, since
Jessica probably did just fucking." He stopped, and his jaw grew tight.
"Alright," I said, nodding. He looked up to me and I could see his silent question in his desperate
"She's across the street with Em, probably knee deep in cookies if I had to guess," I laughed.
Edward bolted from my office chair and kissed my head quickly as he passed. I followed behind him,
even though he was practically running and I was simply walking. As I reached the front window of
the dining room, I pushed back the heavy curtain and peered out, watching as Edward scooped up
Squeaks into his arms and kissed her, much the same way I had.
Squeaky's little arms clung to his neck and he rocked her, still planting kisses to her face and head. I
couldn't hear what he was saying, but I knew what those words were. It was his love, his heartache,
and how much he missed her.
Yesterday when I lay in Flower Child's lap, happy to have enjoyed something as simple as a sandwich
and his fingers in my hair, I was wrong. That was just a very small portion of my life that was good.
The display of love and affection before me now, accompanying the swelling of happiness I felt in my
heart, seeing the two people I loved most in this world brought back together
This, ladies and gentlemen, was the good life.
Chapter Twenty-Five ~ Food is Love
Renesmee was weightless in my arms, feeling like I held all the joy of Christmas morning with her
wrapped in them.
My lips attempted to kiss every inch of my daughter's baby-doll face. The hole in my heart instantly
dissipated when the word 'daddy' whispered against my ear. The little tinge of fear that lived inside
of me, thinking that maybe she would have forgotten, vanished as she hugged me back, casting all
my doubts aside.
My little girl remembered and still loved me.
"Where did you go?" she asked, framing my face in between her small hands.
"I didn't go anywhere, sweetheart. I was right here, waiting for you." I kissed her face again, and she
smiled then puckered her lips for mine.
I kissed her once, lightly, and then rested my forehead to hers. My eyes were closed and I allowed
myself to soak her in, and just for a brief moment, be happy that she was here. That moment, of
course, couldn't last as long as I wanted it to, for I knew something must have been seriously wrong if
Jessica left her unattended in my apartment building.
"Sweetheart," I opened my eyes and pulled back to look into her face, "where is mommy?"
"She is getting cookies," Ness said, playing with her fingers against my face.
"Cookies?" I turned my head towards Rose's bakery and gazed into the window.
"I didn't see her go in there," Emmett said shaking his head.
"Baby? Where was Mommy last?" I asked again.
"Home," she replied.
"In New York?" I asked, and she stared at me, looking confused. "Where the yellow cars are?"
"No," she said, shaking her head.
I hugged her to me, resting her head down into the crook of my neck, unsure of what she meant by
'home', but I had to stop asking because I could see it was making her sad. Emmett shrugged his
shoulders as I looked towards him, obviously not understanding either.
"Em, will you get Bella, please? I want her to come with me to the E.R.," I asked him.
"Sure man." He hit my shoulder as he passed, walking back across the street.
I dug my keys out from my pocket, making my way to my car, and clicked the button to unlock the
door. As I set Ness down, so I could rearrange some things for her to be able to have a seat, she
tugged on my pants, causing me to look down.
"Daddy's home," she said. "Mommy is at Daddy's home."
"Are you sure?" I asked.
Renesmee nodded to me, still clinging to my pant leg, and I kneeled down beside her. She reached
her hand up and tugged down the collar of my shirt, looking confused afterwards. Her baby blues
lifted to my own and she asked, "Where is kitty?" I took her little hand into mine and kissed it softly.
"At home, sweetheart. Where it's safe. I promise."
I cupped her cheeks into my hands in an effort to own all of her attention. I wanted, needed, to know
where Jessica was.
"When you were at Daddy's home, where was Mommy, love? Can you tell Daddy, please?"
"She was getting the cookies and then she was all gone," Ness said.
"Cookies from where? Mrs. Banner?" I tried to guess, thinking it might jog her memory.
"No, the swings," she answered, and I finally got it.
There were vending machines by the playground as you entered the bottom floor to my building.
"Did you walk away from Mommy?" I asked her. "It is alright if you did, but Daddy just needs to
know." I waited for her to answer, but she didn't and I guessed that was a 'yes' since she knew it was
not alright to just wander off.
Shit, that meant Jessica was probably looking for her.
I called Carlisle on the way to the hospital, explaining to him what Ness told me. It surprised me that
he said to not go back to my building. He wanted to be able to have Ness examined and a report filed
before we did that.
He did, however, inform me that I would have to return Ness to Jessica if she was still there, as Ness
was still lawfully in her custody. That didn't sit well with me, but the fact that we were granted an
emergency hearing this week was. I just hoped it would end in my favor this time around.
Ness checked out fine at the hospital, and Bella filled out a report with the police. Jessica had already
called in, though, and that meant I had to call and tell her where Ness was. My finger pressed
nervously and resistant against the keys of my phone, and I prayed she wouldn't answer.
Apparently, God was no longer listening to me, though, and she did.
Jessica met us in the lobby back at my building, and I hugged Ness to me as I walked up to her. She
extended her arms for Ness, but I pretended like I didn't even see her actions and avoided the
exchange. "What's wrong?" I asked her.
"Nothing, she's fine, obviously," Jessica said, taking another step closer to grab Ness, but I turned her
out of reach.
"I mean, what brought you here in the first place?" Ness hid her face in the crook of my neck as I
waited for Jessica to answer. I rocked her gently, smoothing my palm over her back soothingly.
I probably should have passed her to my dad, or Bella, while I had this conversation, but I just
couldn't let her go. Jessica exhaled a hard sigh and shook her head at me before she replied, "It's
Mike's birthday and I came to visit him. I was hoping that you would watch Ness so I could surprise
him, but you weren't home."
"You could have called me."
"I tried. You didn't answer," she replied, crossing her arms.
A part of me didn't believe her. I shifted Ness slightly, digging my phone out of my pocket, and
flipped it open with my thumb. Fuck. She did call.
"Satisfied?" she asked, annoyed. "I tried calling you last night too. I wanted to tell you that I was
coming here, but you never answered then either, or called me back."
"We were at my parents' house. I thought that was Esme calling me, because Bella and I were
running late. Damn," I flipped the lid closed and shoved it back into my pocket. "Sorry."
"Whatever. How the hell did you find her anyhow? I was looking everywhere."
"Bella saw her with one of the ladies in the building. What happened?" I asked.
"I was looking to see if you were down in the gym or something. She wandered off when I stopped to
get a soda from the machine." Jessica shrugged nonchalantly, like my daughter missing was no big
deal in her eyes.
"Well, it's a good thing Bella found her." Because if anything ever happened to her, I'd gut you like a
"Oh don't act like you never had anything go wrong when you watched her. Or your little girlfriend.
As I recall, she almost died, once," Jessica glanced to Bella, who was standing aside with Carlisle, and
then back to me.
"I wasn't blaming you. I'm just grateful she's alright." I hugged Ness closer to me and looked to her,
trying to avoid having to look at Jessica.
"Whatever. We need to get going," she extended her arms, and I recoiled.
"You just said you came here to leave her with me. Just go with Mike. She'll be fine." I tried to stay
calm, but in truth, my insides were beginning to churn, knowing full well Jessica had every right to
take her right now.
And I couldn't do a damn thing about it.
"Just give her to me, Edward."
"Jessica, please. Go have fun with Mike. You can come pick her up"
"Oh, yeah right. I'm just so sure you and Daddy Lawyer over there are just gonna sit and twiddle your
thumbs while I'm gone. No thanks," she stepped forward, but I turned, holding Ness out of her reach.
"Jesus Christ Jessica, I haven't seen my daughter in almost two months! Can't you just let her stay for
the rest of the night?" My voice grew louder and I could feel eyes on us from around the lobby, but I
didn't care.
Until, of course, Ness started squirming, distressed, in my arms. I kissed her head and tried to shush
her, but it did no good and she began to cry, hearing Jessica and I fighting.
"Now you're upsetting her," she reached out and grabbed for Ness and I once again deflected her.
"Don't make a scene, prick. Just let her go," she gritted her teeth and stared at me, but I held my
I leaned in towards her, holding my hand over Ness' ear, and said in a low voice, "Fucking make me,
bitch." I walked past her and started towards the elevator.
"Edward!" Jessica yelled, but I ignored her.
If she wanted Renesmee right now, she was going to have to pry her from my cold, dead hands.
"It's alright," I shushed Ness, rocking her as I waited for the elevator doors to open.
Part of me expected Jessica to be in my face screaming any second now, and when I looked over my
shoulder, I was shocked to actually see her leaving, and Bella and my father walking towards me.
I looked back to the elevator doors as they opened, but Carlisle's hand landed on my shoulder,
stopping me.
"We should go to our home, Edward. I need to make calls and figure this all out. I can't help you from
here," he said.
"Fine, but I need to go up and get something," I caught a glimpse of Bella as I looked back towards
the doors. "And I'm sure Bella would like to change," I smiled, eyeing her still in her bikini.
Bella followed me up to the apartment and my father waited in the lobby. Ness scrambled to get out
of my arms as we entered, and she excitedly ran to her room. I smiled at her enthusiasm to be back
in our home.
"Sweetheart," I called, walking past her door into my own room. "Come here, Ness." As I waited for
her, I walked to my dresser and pulled out the Hello Kitty locket Bella had given her.
She came running into my bedroom, holding onto an armful of toys, and smiled when she saw me
sitting on my bed. I dangled the necklace at her, raising my brows in question, and she giggled, letting
the toys fall to the floor. Her little legs ran over to the bed, and she hoisted herself up into my lap. I
fastened the necklace around her neck as Bella was walking in, and she stood against the doorframe,
"We should go," she said, holding out her hand.
Ness slipped down from my lap and tottered over to her. Bella scooped her up and placed a kiss to
her face. I stood up and walked towards her, trying to beat back all of the emotions brewing inside of
me, seeing how perfect my daughter looked wrapped up in Bella's arms.
In other words, how perfect we all were together.
* * *
I allowed Squeaks to play in the backyard alongside Esme when we arrived at their home.
Edward was upstairs, talking with his father. I asked beforehand if it would be alright to make lunch,
needing to keep busy, and also, Baby Cullen and I were fucking starving. Lunchtime had been
interrupted, and that wasn't permitted when I wasn't pregnant, let alone now that I was.
Baby need food, baby get food.
That damn simple, folks.
Plus, Esme had a seriously packed fridge, full of all kinds of great finds.
I pulled a baggy of lunch meat out, roast beef, and ate a slice while I debated what to make. My eyes
grazed over all the items, from the wonderful cheese collection, to the pancetta, and then slowly,
fucking slowly I tell you, they lowered to the dish which held the contents heaven was created from.
Peanut butter fucking cream pie.
Grandma Cullen was my Personal Jesus. I swear to pie. Quite damn literally.
I pulled that glass dish of holiness out and rested it gingerly onto the marble countertop, patting the
cellophane-covered top ever so lovingly.
I could practically feel Baby Cullen's little fishy lips smile inside my womb.
It was a happy womb.
"Bewwa! Bewwa!" Squeaks came running through the double doors of the porch, into the kitchen.
She held out her hand as she reached me, and I smiled down at her. Only this child would have the
ability to take my attention away from peanut butter pie. That's how special she was.
"Wook!" I gazed down into her hand and saw a potato. "Gama grew it. It's dirty," she giggled.
"Awesome," I picked up the spud from her hand, "now we just need, like, ten more to make
something worth our while." I smiled, and her face beamed as she said, "Kay!" Ness ran back out into
the yard, and as my eyes moved away from her direction, I saw Edward leaning against the
doorframe to the kitchen.
Surprisingly, he looked amused, not pissed off like I expected he would be.
"What are you making?" he asked.
"Um, not sure. Depends on how many she brings back, I guess." I laughed and he pushed off the
"I suppose I should go make sure she gets at least ten more then." He started out the door and I spun
around to finish my refrigerator examination.
Two shelves left.
"Potatoes, potatoes," I said to myself as I searched. "Ah ha," I pulled out a nice butcher's cut of bacon
and some green onions. "Potato soup, here we come."
After I tossed those ingredients down onto the counter, I searched for some spices and then a pot. As
I was finishing up chopping an onion, Squeaks and Flower Child came back in, hands full of potatoes.
"Wow, good job Farmer Ed," I laughed.
"It amazes me that my mother can't cook, yet," he waved his hand over the spuds as he rested them
down on the counter, "she can grow this."
One of the potatoes rolled away and we scrambled to catch it before it hit the floor. Edward
captured it in his hand, just before it rolled off the counter and I laughed, "Good save."
"Should have been a baseball player. I knew it," He tossed the potato in his hand, and I rolled my
eyes at him.
"Why don't you get washing there, Babe," I teased. He walked over to me at the stove, leaning his
lips to my ear, "Yes, Chef." He kissed the side of my face, and low and behold, the rebirth of
Butterbean occurred right there in The Cullen's fabulous kitchen, I tell you.
"Just scrub the po's, Flower Child." My attempt to rein him in was futile, as this man was relentless in
his quest to own my nether regions.
He walked over to the sink and mouthed, "Yes, Chef," blowing a kiss afterwards, 'cause the asshole
knew I was getting off on it.
Sometimes, I really hated Flower Childin the most affectionate of ways.
"Smells good," Esme said as she entered with a basket of goodies I was dying to get my dirty paws
"That's 'cause it is good," I said over my shoulder as I stirred. She laughed and walked over to me,
taking off her gardening gloves. "Are those the potatoes the kid's dug up?" she asked, looking into
the pot.
"Sure are. And you know," I brought the spoon to my mouth and took a taste. Perfection. "I've
decided. I will keep this baby, but only because it will ensure I have my own personal produce grower
for the next eighteen to twenty-one years."
"And herbs," she added, and I laughed.
"This is why I like you, woman," I said, resting the wooden spoon down.
Esme walked over and washed her hands, then began pulling out bowls for us. Flower Child grabbed
the silverware, handing some down to Ness as she reached up to help, and I couldn't help but think
of my words.
This was what I was going to be doing for next twenty years or so. Cooking lunch for Edward,
Squeaks, and so on. Normal, family stuff. Weird. Who was this girl, and where did the real me go?
I wasn't sure.
The new girl made fuckassgood potato soup, though, so I guess I'd let her stayfor a bit.
Edward called his father over the intercom to come eat, and we all took our places at the table. As I
topped Esme's bowl all proper-like with crispy bacon pieces, green onions, and a fresh dollop a
dollop of daisy of sour cream, the fucking doorbell rang.
Carlisle called out that he had it as he began to enter the dining room. Flower Child glanced at me as I
looked to him, and we both just knew. He looked back down to our food and finished serving Ness. I
saw his father walk back into the room before Edward did, and sure as shit, his face confirmed that it
was indeed Jessica.
"Edward," he said softly, pausing at the doorway.
Flower Child looked to him briefly and then back to Ness, ignoring Carlisle.
"Son, I have no choice here. I'm sorry. She calledthe authorities."
"Ness is going to finish her food. If the authorities really want to come in here and deprive my five-
year-old her lunch, then that's on them. But I'm sitting right here until she's finished." Edward turned
back to Ness and rested his chin into his hand, watching her.
Squeaky kept eating, seemingly oblivious to what was happening, and a small smile came across
Flower Child's face as she slurped away at her soup and attempted to shove a giant bite of bread in
her mouth.
I couldn't blame her. My garlic bread was pretty damn good.
Carlisle walked back towards the front door, and I reached across, taking Edward's empty bowl, so I
could serve him, as he neglected to do so. He thanked me, but really didn't eat much, focusing his
attention on Squeaks, mostly.
When she was finished, he scooped her up and brought her over to the countertop. As I cleaned up
the table, bringing the dishes to the sink alongside him, I peaked over as he wiped her mouth,
cleaning her up.
I was scared shitless, thinking he might break again once Ness left this time.
"Mommy is going to take you home now, okay?" he said softly to her. Ness immediately looked up at
him wide-eyed, and he shushed her, rubbing his fingers along her cheek. "No crying, remember?
You're my big girl, right?" She nodded sadly at him and tried to suck in her tears. Edward leaned in
and whispered something in her ear, and she nodded again.
"Good girl," he reached back and unclasped her necklace, dropping it into his pocket. Without
another word, he lifted her from the counter and walked past Esme. She quickly leaned in and kissed
her lips to Ness, but he shook his head at her and she offered nothing else.
Esme looked to me and I could see the tears in her eyes. Edward was hiding them from Squeaks.
Carlisle followed him out and I debated, not sure what to do. I turned to wash the pots in the sink,
but it felt too wrong. I cursed and shut the water off, grabbing a towel so I could dry my hands.
I walked angrily towards the front of the house and gazed out the window, needing to make sure
Flower Child was alright. I watched him hand Ness over to Carlisle and then he handed her over to
Jessica without a word. Edward said something and then Carlisle tugged on his arm, pulling him in
the house. I let go of the curtain, not wanting to get caught spying, and walked back towards the
Potato soup tasted like shit when it bubbled back up in your throat.
"It'll be okay, it'll be okay," he chanted under his breath over and over as we drove back to The
Baby Cullen was feeling evil and wanted to laugh at his or her daddy's pain.
Okay, not at his pain, per se, but just at his ramblings.
He was cute, likereally cute right now.
"Flower Child? I'm just throwing this out there, but if this judge doesn't allow you to have Ness back
after the fuckery that was today, we are going to steal her and change our names. Fuck, I have so
much goddamn money, we could buy our own island and make our own laws and NOT extraditing
sexy fathers who love and adore their adorable ass kids would defs be one of them."
He looked over to me as he stopped at the red light and stared. His face scrunched, and I worried
that maybe my joke wasn't funny to him, until he said, "Sammy."
"Sammy?" I asked. He shifted the gears as he replied, "Yeah, you know, like Sammy Sosa. I want to be
known on our island as Sammy Sosa."
I burst out laughing at him, literally snorting as I took in what he said. My head fell against the
window and I couldn't help my laughing spasm. What on earth would make him think of that name? I
swear, I was so in love with him, it was fucked beyond all reasoning.
"Who" I tried to recover my giggle-snorts. "Who would I be?"
"I don't know, I like you as Bella too much." He looked over to me and a small smile crept over his
face. I opened my mouth to reply, but a song on the radio caught my ear. "My dick!" I turned it up
"That's creative," Edward replied.
"No, this song, stupid. Listen." I smiled as the idiots rapped about theirdicks.
"Why does this song remind me of Jessica?" He laughed as we continued down the highway.
"Dicks. Lots and lots of dicks," I replied. "Oh this is my favorite part. You should totally say this to
Emmett when we get back."
My dick, is like super sized, your dick, looks like two fries. My dick, more mass than the earth, your
dick, half-staffed, it needs work.
"Dude, you have a dick like Jesus," I said patting him on the shoulder.
"Thank you, angel. So kind of you," he said sarcastically.
"Seriously, Flower Child. You're dick, good, good lovin', Em's dick, good fo' nothin'," I repeated to
him, and he snorted. "You're dick, rumble in the jungle, Em's dick, got touched by your uncle."
"Stop, please." He started laughing hard and I had to laugh right along with him. "Need to drive," he
wiped the tears from his eyes and I smiled, sitting back into my seat.
At least they were happy tears.
I was holding my shit together.
Jessica would not break me. When I leaned down into Ness' ear at my folks' home and whispered my
words, I meant them.
It wasn't easy, but I was doing it.
Service was about to begin, and Bella called us out to the back parking lot for our meeting. I wasn't
sure why but, of course, we all followed.
"Form a circle please," she said, pushing us all aside as she took her place. Once we were where she
wanted us, she said, "Flower Child, I think you have something to share?"
I bit my lip, looking at her, knowing she wanted me to say that 'my dick' shit from the car. "No, I'm
good." I shook my head at her and she laughed, "Fine, let Emmett's dick win."
"Huh?" Emmett asked, looking highly confused, yet amused. Bella looked back to me, but I held my
"Forget it. Okay so, I don't know about you all, but I have some serious rage going on inside of me
that needs release. We are gathered here today to let it out. I'll go first." Bella cleared her throat and
bellowed, "My dick, parts the seas!!!! Your dick, farts and queefs!!!!"
I covered my face, laughing, despite my better judgment. Jesus H, I impregnated this woman. My
stomach couldn't help the spasms of laughter vibrating inside of it as she kept going on with her
song, until she finally ran out of air.
Thank the heavens.
"Emmett, you're up next," she said, stepping back in line.
"Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucking A!!!! I owe Edward twenty bucks!!!" He started to laugh as he
reached into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet. I looked questioningly at him, and he
extended a twenty out to me. "My fucking team LOST!!!!" he yelled, laughing at the end.
"Then I have nothing to rage on about," I snatched the money from his hand and went to step back in
line, but paused, thinking I owed Bella a serving of her shit. I reached over to her and pulled her shirt
collar out, then tucked the twenty inside, tapping my hand over it afterwards. "For later," I
whispered teasingly.
"You think twenty bucks is going to get you laid, Flower Child?" she asked, playing along, to my
amusement. "Perhaps you didn't hear me say I could purchase islands?"
"Hey, hey, hey. None of that," Charlie interrupted our playing. I smiled, looking down to my shoes,
and waited for the rest of the screaming to commence.
The meeting wrapped up after Ben screamed his frustrations for carrots that don't cook on time, and
Angela made sure everyone knew she hated her ex mother-in-law. As we made our way back inside, I
reached out and tugged on the back of Alice's chef jacket.
She spun around, and I waited for Bella to be inside before I spoke. The back door closed and I said,
"Do you have a smoke?"
"Yeah," she said, nodding.
"Fuck, give me one, please?" I asked, relieved.
"I didn't know you smoked," she giggled, reaching into her coat pocket. "Here," she handed over the
lighter and cigarette.
"I don't," I said pointedly as I lit the end. I took a long pull from it and closed my eyes as I exhaled.
"You never saw me here, Alice."
"Bella doesn't let you smoke?" she giggled.
"She doesn't think it's fair if I can smoke and she can't." I took another hit and Alice looked at me,
Oh, right.
"Don't say shit, 'cause Bella probably doesn't want anyone here to know yet, but she's pregnant.
So"I waved, alluding to our previous exchange of words.
"Holy!" she covered her mouth and giggled again. "Really? You're going to have a baby with"
"Alice!" I warned, and she lowered her voice, laughing still as she said, "You and Bella are having a
baby?" She sounded touched by the news, and I was grateful at least someone we told was.
"Yeah," I said softly, lowering the cigarette to my side.
"Shit. Wait right here." Alice spun around and tugged the door open, stepping inside.
I moved out of view immediately and to the other side of the stack of pallets. My back rested against
the wall and savored smoking the first cigarette I had in weeks. The high filled my head and the
dizziness felt good. My thoughts wandered to Ness, and I tried not to think about her, but it was
My eyes flickered over to the door as I heard it open, and I chucked the cigarette quickly, scared of
who might be coming out.
Okay, only one person scared me, but you get it.
Thankfully it was only Alice.
"Come here," she waved at me and I leaned off the wall to walk over to her. She started spraying me
down with shit and I coughed.
"What the hell are you doing?" I asked, waving my hand in front of my face.
"Fabreeze, travel size. Gotta love it. Arms up," she insisted.
It seemed ludicrous, but I obeyed. Something told me death by Fabreeze fumes was much better
than death by Bella fumes.
"Thanks," I said, as she finished.
"Not done yet," she handed me over a small bottle of mouthwash.
"What are you, a walking mini-mart?" I laughed, taking the bottle.
"I'm a girl. Girls carry these things. It's embedded in our DNA," she smiled.
"I see." I took a swash of the mouthwash and swirled it around a little then spit to the side.
"So, why are you smoking behind Bella's back, anyhow?" she asked.
"I saw Ness today," I admitted, the words coming out like cactus thorns.
"Oh. How?" We walked towards the door and I paused with my hand over the metal handle. I was
going to explain, but it was just too much shit to get into, and if I talked about it, my smoke would be
in vain.
"Long story," I shook my head and opened the door for her. Alice stepped in, only giving me a sad
smile, and we went back to work.
The night went pretty good for the most part, and we were out of there and back home before I
knew it. Alice's remedy for not smelling like the cheater I was worked, and all was good in that
Bella leaned against me in the elevator as we rode our way up to our home. Yeah, I said our. She
looked as tired as I felt. The numbers seemed to be climbing at the speed of turtle tonight as I stared
at them.
Ugh, all I wanted was a shower, bed, and sleep. In that order.
Finally, the bell chimed as the doors slid open, revealing our floor. Once we entered, I began to strip
down, leaving a trail of clothes in my path. Chef jacket on the kitchen island. Shirt on the chair. Shoes
by the bookcase leading to the hall. Sockssomewhere along the way.
"You live like a pig," Bella scoffed.
I made the appropriate animal sound at her and she laughed, sliding her hands into the waist of my
pants, following me along to the bathroom. She stripped once we were inside, leaving her clothes in
the laundry basket, like they should be, as I climbed into the shower.
"Edward?" she called.
"That's my name," I replied before I ducked under the stream of water.
"Why do you have Dickward's card?" she asked slowly.
"Huh?" I poked my head out of the shower, wondering what the hell she was talking about.
She held a card up to me, between her fingers, and I squinted to see it. "Where the hell did you find
that?" I asked.
"It was on the floor by the hamper," she said, looking at it again.
"I don'tah shit," I laughed, and she looked back to me. "I think Lauren gave me that."
"Lauren? Why would Lauren have this? And when the fuck were you with Lauren?" she asked, raising
one of her brows.
"When I was on a run one morning, I bumped into her. Said she knew someone who might be able to
help with Ness." I went back to washing myself, and Bella stepped into the shower.
"Why didn't you say something?"
"I didn't even look at the card, angel. I figured, if my father couldn't help me, no one could." I
reached for her shoulders and spun Bella around. "Coconut or strawberry?" I asked.
"Mmm, coconut," she said, leaning back into me. I reached for the shampoo and squirted some into
my hands. "Maybe we should call him. At the very least, he could keep an eye on Squeaks and make
sure she doesn't get lost in New York." Bella sighed in irritation and I couldn't help but consider that
idea for a moment.
"Let's just shower and sleep for tonight. No talking about custody. My brain feels like Jell-O at this
point." I dug my fingers into her scalp, massaging gently as I washed.
"Shower and sleep. Too bad, someone paid me twenty bucks for some good, good lovin'," she
"Thought twenty dollars couldn't buy my way into your pants?"
"You thought wrong," she concluded. "In truth, I should be paying you, since you do most of the
"This is profoundly true." I turned her around so I could rinse her hair. "I want my twenty bucks
Bella laughed, and I leaned in to kiss her before I tipped her head under the water. She was kind
enough to return the hair washing favor and I hummed as her little fingers scrubbed away all the
funk from the day.
After we were sparkling new, we ended up in bed; Bella's head on my chest, and my arms around
her. Her breathing was soft and gentle as she danced her fingers over the art of my skin. My own
fingers played lazily through her damp locks as I begged for sleep to find me.
"I love you," were my last words I whispered to her before all went black.
Sleep was found.
In the morning, the sun was first to speak as it filtered its way into my room, brightly. Bella had
curled herself onto the other side of the bed, and I leaned over to kiss her shoulder before I climbed
out. A run was definitely needed this morning.
After I was dressed and was ready to go, I went back to Bella one last time and kissed her sleeping
face before I left my silent home.
I jogged my usual path, not stopping until I felt my heart would burst and my legs would tell me to go
fuck myself. My circuit was not complete without picking up a bagel for Bella, so I made sure to do
so. On my way back towards home, I eyed the abandoned building I passed every morning on my
run. It was still for lease, except now, it had a special running on it.
First month free.
It looked like shit and I had to laugh at the desperation. No one was going toI stepped back and
looked at it again before I passed.
Yep, still a shit hole.
I started to walk again and this time, my phone rang, stopping me dead in my tracks once more.
"Shit." I dug into my pocket, and retrieved my phone.
"Double shit," I flipped it open and brought it to my ear. "Morning," I started to walk again as I
The judge had given us an emergency hearing, at 1 p.m. today.
Thank you Lord.
I hung up with him after I was brought up to speed, and once I was back home, explained it all to my
now awake Bella, who was grateful for her bagel. Her payment was kisses, and they were worth the
five mile journey. Throbbing pain in my legs never felt so good.
When we arrived at court, I made sure my tie was in perfect order and I had all my answers in check.
Bella wasn't here, though, and that made my nerves worse. Carlisle said she didn't need to be. Her
police report was enough, along with Mrs. Banners. The judge wasn't granting anything permanent
today, just reevaluating the situation after what had taken place.
Still, I tried to be hopeful.
My hope, it turned out, was not in vain.
Nor the tie I wore.
The judge granted me back temporary custody, until our new court date was set. My heart was
happy, joyful, yet, scared. I only had a month to get my shit in order before that next hearing, and I
knew that date was also inline with Bella's departure to Invoke.
For the time being, I casted those fears aside and was just grateful to God that within the next hour
my daughter would return to me, and for the next thirty days, be mine and mine alone.
I met Jessica in front of Rose's bakery and she said nothing as she handed my daughter over to me. I
was only given Renesmee, none of her things, and even though I should have been pissed, I wasn't.
All of that stuff could be replaced. The only thing I wantedwas her.
And I had her, finally.
Taking advantage of the time I had alone with her today, I decided to take her for ice cream, just
wanting to do something normal and nice for a change. We sat in one of the small shops and I ate the
spoonfuls of cotton candy flavored ice cream she fed me. She seemed happy here, and for that I was
grateful, too.
"Pappa?" She looked up to me as she finished her last bite.
"Yes, sweetheart?"
"Where's Bewwa?" she asked.
"Bella's working, love. We'll stop by and see her before we go home, alright?" I wiped the bright blue
smear of dessert from her cheeks and she nodded happily.
As we exited, I held her hand, walking towards my car. As I opened the door for her, I saw a man
being led into the vacant building that I passed, jogging this morning. My eyes caught Ness raising her
arms to me, asking for help to get in and I looked down to her.
Something about that damn building was irritating, though.
I picked her up and closed the door to the car, changing my course.
"Where we going?" she asked.
"Daddy wants to see something."
* * *
"Boo!" I looked down feeling something push on my leg. I laughed, seeing Squeaks. Her little face
smiled brightly, and I scooped her up, even though I should have been pissed that Edward allowed
her behind the line.
Rules somehow ceased to exist when cute, smiling little girls were present. Especially if they
belonged to Flower Child.
"You think you can scare me?" I asked.
"Yup," she nodded once, leaning her face into mine.
I laughed and kissed her all over.
"Little small to be a sous chef, no?" I looked over to see Charlie smiling all wide at Squeaks. She had
that type of power. And used it well.
"This is Edward's daughter, Renesmee," I said. "Or Squeaky, if you're me," I teased.
"I don't even wanna know, Bells," he said and then extended a hand to her. "Hi, Renesmee, I'm
She looked at him funny and then to Edward, unsure. Edward gave a smile to her that should win
prizes. "Charlie is Bella's daddy," he explained and Ness turned back to my father, looking at him like
he was Sunday morning pancakes, now.
"I should have explained that," Charlie laughed as they shook hands.
"I call her Squeaky because she's like a pip squeak," I said, feeling like it needed to be explained.
What the hell did he think I named her that for? "Get it?" I looked back to him and he didn't seem to
appreciate my creativity.
"Whatever you say, kid." Charlie waved me off. "Nice to meet you, sweetheart." Charlie slapped
Ness's cheek, like he did to me and I felt a warmth in my heart I never knew existed.
"Bye," Ness said as Charlie went back to his kitchen duties.
It hit me, Charlie was going to be likeholy F-sticklike Ness' grandpa!
"Take her," I said quickly, ushering her into Edward's arms.
"What's wrong?"
"Take her," I said again and ran off once I was free.
That was, by far, the worst puking experiencing of my life.
My father was kind enough to watch over the restaurant for the remainder of the evening. He was a
saint at this point and I was so indebted to him. Edward started a load of laundry when we arrived
home, and I started a bubble bath for Ness since, apparently, she had a fight with an ice cream cone
and lost.
I sat on the floor of the bathroom, beside the tub, as she played with her toys and talked to them,
lost in her own happy world. Edward leaned in the doorway at one point and I looked to him, seeing
him smiling that stupid goofy grin he always had when it came to Ness. I pulled the shower curtain
and scowled at him teasingly as I said, "Pervert."
He snorted, but otherwise, walked away.
I practically had to drag Ness from the tub, and then struggled to dress her once I did. She was sleepy
and slightly cranky and not helping me out at all. Edward found this amusing. I found him annoying.
The pajamas won and I told him, "She's yours, you deal with the fucking Dora socks," and gave up.
He somehow mastered that shit and slipped them on, no problemo. Fucker.
Flower Child lifted her limp body into his arms and walked her from her room to ours as I watched
him. Apparently he wanted to sleep family style. That was quite alright with me. Squeaky smelled
nice and was uber warm.
It, of course, meant no sexy time with Lt. Dan, which sucked, but I understood Flower Child's other
needs right now.
Butterbean just needed to shut her goddamn mouth. She was too needy these days. I'm telling you.
Who knew having a baby inside of you meant you actually would want MORE sex? I thought for sure
it would end all sinful desire from the devil that lay within my dirty soul, but no.
Fucking no.
I snuggled into bed with my pajamas on; which were more like Edward's pajamas.
Semantics people, semantics.
Squeaks was in between my belly and Edward'swhich was pretty sweet if you ask me, 'cause
technically that meant she was also lying next to Baby Cullenwhich was now making me teary and
I felt Edward's lips on my forehead, kissing softly. Ness' snoring was the only sound filling the still air
of the room, and it was comforting.
"Angel, yo quiero que estemos asi para siempre," he whispered, making my heart swell further. I felt
his hand slide under mine, lifting my finger to his lips for more thoughtful kisses. "Someday."
He wanted to stay this way foreversomeday?
"I love you," he added.
"I love you too," I told him back, not knowing what else to say to his confused confession.
"I found a place I want you to see tomorrow," he said next.
"A place? Like a house?"
"No, not a house. We'll talk in the morning. I just wanted you to know, so you can make time,"
Edward kissed my face again and that was the last of his words for the evening.
I fell asleep, confused and intrigued.
In the morning, Edward woke us up at the butt crack of dawn to go see his magical place of wonder. I
swear if he led me to a fucking smoothie bar, I was gunning for his fun-bag. Ness looked sleepy, and
just as irritated as I felt, as we drove towards 'secret place'. I was too damn old and pregnant for this
early morning fuckery. I felt old, anyhow.
We pulled up to this shady looking place that looked like a squatter's dream. I rolled my eyes and got
out of the car, eyeing him with serious hate. He noticed and smiled at me, trying to win me over, but
little did he knowonly two things could do that this early.
His stupid smile wasn't one of them.
Coffee, and lots of it, was.
His stupid dick ensured both of those weren't happening.
My hatred for this vile man soared to new heights.
Flower Child lifted Ness from her seat and walked towards the building. He slid a key into the lock
and I asked, "What in the name of our Lord are you doing?"
"Going inside our restaurant," he said, holding the door open for me.
"Come again? That is not a restaurant. That is an infested mess that needs to die in a fire. Preferably
without you and your innocent daughter," I stepped forward and my hands asked for Ness to be
returned to a safe place.
"It needs work, but it's doable. Plus, it was a good deal."
"Flower Child, please, pllleeeease, tell me that you did not buy this dump. Please!" I begged, cupping
my hands.
"Sorry, but I can't do that. Would you like to come in?" he asked, laughing.
"Are you crazy!?" I stomped my foot, and he laughed harder. "What would possess you to do such a
"Relax, angel. I have good reasoning. Will you just come inside?"
I could see the excitement fading from his eyes, and even though I wanted to gut-punch his stupid
ass, I did as he asked, and entered his shitty dream.
It was awful, like God awful.
"Flower Child, I don't get it. I really don't. Why would you buy this? We have a perfectly good
restaurant, ten to be exact. Soon to be eleven." I rubbed my head at the thought, "And a baby on the
wayand now this? Do you just like being miserable or something?"
"No, and that's the whole point," he settled Ness down on her feet. "I need to have my own
shistuff, Bell. No more coattail riding."
"Come again?"
"I said"
"Oh, I heard you. I was waiting for you to unsay what the fuck you just said." I was pissed.
"Angel," he began.
"Don't angel me, Edward. Coattail riding? Seriously? And you're just gonna leave becausebecause
what? You're nuts are feeling inadequate?"
"It's not like that and I'm not trying to hurt you, Bell," he said softly.
"Well you fucking failed at that," I headed for the door, feeling the tears creeping in my eyes.
"Bella," he called once as we stepped back onto the sidewalk. "Bella," he called again, louder this
time. "Wait. I'm not chasing you carrying Ness. Just wait."
I paused, not wanting to upset Squeaks. She had enough of that shit lately. I turned, crossing my
arms, and Edward walked back to his car, settling Ness inside and turning the car on for her to get
some cool air.
"I need you to understand this more than anyone else, Bella," he said facing towards me again. "This
is for us, not me."
"Us? You need to ego trip for us?" I asked angrily.
"Did you not hear what I said last night? Bella, I love you. I love you so much. And that baby," he
dropped his eyes to my belly, "our baby, I love him or her too. Just as much. And Ness," he paused
briefly and then continued. "We, are a family, Bella. All of us. Not you and me. Not you, me, and Little
Bit. You, me, Ness, Little Bitthat's our family."
"I know that," I said, nodding.
"Then allow me to keep us together. Let me do this," he looked to the building and I took a step
towards him.
"Edward, this makes no sense."
"I have thirty days, Bella. Thirty fucking days to get my shit together and be a person worthy of being
Ness' father." His blue eyes were sad. And my heart mimicked them in feeling.
"Owning a rundown building isn't going to do that for you, Flower Child." I stepped around him and
took a seat on the hood of his car. "You can't open a restaurant in thirty days, regardless of what
they show you on Top Chef. Fuckers aren't even real chefs," I grumbled.
"Well we're going to have to try," he said, resting beside me against the car.
"You just keep making my world more chaotic, you know this?" I rubbed my temples again and he
reached for my hands.
"I'm trying to fix that," he kissed my fingers and I couldn't hold onto my hate for him as I wanted to.
"You don't even know how to run a restaurant, Flower Child."
"Then why do I have keys to yours?" he shot back.
"Not like this you don't. It's completely different. Fuck, Edward. I am so going to set your damn flag
on fire for this shit."
"What?" he asked, laughing.
"Nothing. Just shut up. I need to think on this Volterra crap for a second."
"What is Volterra?" he asked.
"Do you not understand shut up?" I looked over to him, and he raised his hands in surrender.
There was no way this shit was gonna happen, was he crazy? I stared at the mess before me and
wanted to seriously rage on him, but I understood what the fuck he was trying to do; even if he was
going about it the complete wrong ass way.
"Number one," I began, "Volterra is a place in Italy that I had the pleasure of visiting once when I was
asked to help out with a sinking ship of a restaurant that was the holy grail of disaster restaurants."
I sucked in a deep breath and then said, "Number two, I will spare your life this time around, but I
swear if you ever pull some shit on me like this again, Flower Child, I will ensure you have permanent
Pink Sock Syndrome for the rest of your damn life. Said syndrome being caused by me jamming my
foot up your ass repeatedly, until said Pink Sock syndrome occurs.
"Number three, you need to have a business plan on my damn desk in the next twenty-four hours.
You still work for me. I don't give a rat's ass whose name is on this building. You impregnated me. I
own you. Got it?"
"Yes, angel." His eyes were pleased and his face, relieved.
I wanted to punch him.
"I need this shit like I need a second butthole," I grumbled, getting off his car.
I meant every word of it.
The week was long and full of all types of fuckery.
Leah was back to babysitting Squeaky, a temporary fix until Ness began her first year of school.
It was nice seeing her again. Squeaky seemed to be happy about it as well. We finally ended up at his
parent's house when Sunday rolled around. More custody shit to deal with and yadda yadda.
There was also food.
Food was welcomedespecially since it was made by Grandma Cullen, whom I was contemplating
kidnapping at this point.
Before food was allowed, we were forced to sit in Daddy Carlisle's office and discuss the itchy twat
that was otherwise known as Edward's first baby mama.
"We just need to be prepared for the trial this time. No mistakes." Carlisle walked around to the
other side of his desk and took a seat. "I wish I knew someone who could find out what Jessica was
doing all of this time in New York. It would be helpful if I had something to 'seal the deal', so to
I looked over to Edward, remembering the card I found from Lauren last week.
It was like a message from God or some shit, I'm tellin' ya, people!
"I know someone, but it will cost you," I laughed, looking over to Edward. "Dickward."
Edward groaned, cupping his face into his hands. "There must be someone else we can go to," he
"He's the best, babe, and you know it."
Edward groaned again and I laughed.
"Who is this?" Carlisle asked.
"Dickward's a P.I. friend of mine. He helped me out of sometrouble, a few months back," I
explained, without having to fully explain that fuckery.
Carlisle still looked confused.
"I'll contact him. Trust me," I laughed, "you don't want to deal with him."
Before dinner, I used the computer in Carlisle's office to email my old P.I. buddy. It went a little
something like this
Dear Dickward,
Hey, it's Bella Swan. I really need your help with a case. I'm sure you are busy, but I'll make it worth
your while if you push it to the front of your schedule.
Still dreaming of your gun, by the way.
~ B.
He replied.
Dear Miss Swan,
I'm sorry, who are you again?
He seriously picked the right professionbeing a dick.
It's Sweet Tits. The bitch with the ravioli? Fuck, to think I put that shit on dry ice for your punk ass.
Thought we had something special.
Send a man your love and see what happens? He shits it right out the next morning. Fucker wrote me
Sweet Tits,
That's more like it, I didn't recognize that formal fucking shit.
What do you need, I'm in.
- The Dick.
Okay, well he had me there.
Sorry, I'm a bit out of sorts, and shit, lately. Long story. Anyhow, I need you to follow around a cunt-
pickle named Jessica Stanley. She lives in New York, but I have no address. Works for Rachel Ray. She
is also Edward's (you know 'The Kid') baby mama.
I need you to follow her around, keep her busy. I need anything and everything you could possibly
get on her. If she spits her gum in the street, I want a fucking littering ticket thrown on her ass, feel
I know your not a pig, cop, whatever...but I just need her to know she is being watched like a hawk.
The more paranoid, the better.
There's some serious ravioli and other gourmet delights on the line for this one. Plus cash, of course.
~ B.
And people say I'm not nice.
Sweet Tits...
"Cunt-pickle"? Seriously? *shaking head*
The Kid in trouble or something?
Sounds manageable. She won't be hard to find. What kinda timeframe are we talking about here?
In case that wasn't clear enough, count me in.
Yeah, 'cunt-pickle'. You know like a...never mind.
Edward lost custody to this twat because of some bullshit, long story, but she fucked up the other
day and now Squeaky, Edward's kid, is back here, but only temporarily. Unless the judge decides to
side with Edward this round.
Please, find me something good...cause if not...I'm gonna kill the bitch...then...your gonna have to
bust me out of jail...and help me relocateand I will NOT be offering up titty grabs or fucking ravioli
for that shit.
Sweet Tits,
Calm the fuck down, no one's going to jail. But just for the record, that would definitely be worth at
least a boob grope. Just sayin'.
I'm sure the Kid would under-fucking-stand.
OK, so this cunt-pickle needs a lesson in fucking with the wrong kid. Got it. I can leave today and be
back tomorrow, good enough?
That's perfect. Just keep in mind, the key here is scaring her and also being able to prove just how
irresponsible she is.
I trust you, though.
Thanks. The Kid says thanks too...didn't even refer to you as 'Leather Twat' once. Promise.
Call me if you need anything.
I closed out of the email client and made my way downstairs, wanting to get my nom nom on.
After the fabulosity that was Grandma Cullen's dinner A.K.A. feast was over, Flower Child and I
ended up back at our place. Nessie was passed out, and thankfully, tonight, she ended up in her own
I loved her, but fuckme, my ovaries, clitoris, and other girly parts needed some Edward lovin'. Bad.
As soon as he came in the room, I jumped him.
He laughed against my lips, and I pulled my sexy ass man across the room by his waistband, 'cause I
roll like that.
My hands pushed his shirt up quickly, revealing all his fleshy goodness, and I ran my hands all over
that fucker.
Mmm, chiseled perfection.
Run more please.
I found my way onto the bed as I kissed him, lowering my hands to the buttons of his pants that held
the object of my desire. I had the button open, zipper down and thenhe fucking stopped me.
I looked up at him like he was a man stealing my candy.
"What's the rush?" he laughed. "I'm not going anywhere, you know. Ness is dead asleep." He kissed
my forehead and then walked to the far end of the room. I rested down on my heels and looked
towards him, wondering where the hell he was going.
Edward turned the stereo on and then pulled a candle from his dresser. Warm, amber light
illuminated the bedroom and I relaxed, seeing his romantic gesture.
Most men would have taken the opportunity for a quick, easy fuck.
"Better, right?" he said, walking back towards me. I nodded and kept my eyes on him as he climbed
back on the bed. He sat next to me and took my hand into his. "This is the song that reminds me of
you. No butterflies," he smiled and placed a basket full of kisses on my hand. "And it's all true."
I looked to his face, watching as he continued to kiss my hand. Then wrist. Thenfuck, could he really
get me off kissing my arm? He kept going and the answer was yes, yes he could.
Flower Child leaned in and kissed behind my ear. "Right here is your life," he blessed me with his lips
again, placing them to the pulse of my neck. "And in it, too, is mine." His hand rested over my
abdomen. "Our baby's."
Rolling my face into his, I searched out his own pulse, trying to relay the same message to him. He
tasted like heaven and safety. Security and comfort. I crawled into his lap and went for his lips. He
gave them to me willingly and I asked for more. Edward wasn't selfish.
His fingers slid under the hem of my shirt, and played against my skin. His touch was soft and gentle,
slow. The tips of his fingers caressed sweet circles along the small of my back, before he drew my
shirt over my head.
It was the only time our kiss broke, other than to speak our whispered words of affection, adoration.
"I want you, Bella. For forever." He laid me down, telling me his words with his lips, but confirming
them with his eyes. They were full of truth. His lips spoke again, this time into my neck, softly, and
with conviction, "I love you."
My head lolled to the side, resting against the top of his as he allowed his lips to claim more of my
body. My words mirrored the ones he spoke. Edward freed me from the remainder of my clothing,
and rested him self in between my legs. His warm lips kissed softly below my belly button, then
"So sexy," he spoke softly, then, pressed his lips to my skin. "So beautiful."
He began planting soft, slow, kisses against Butterbean, bringing her to life. I closed my eyes and just
felt what he was doing. His mouth moved sweetly over my lower half, kissing my pussy no different
than he would kiss my mouth.
His movement slowed even further, as he rested his cheek on my thigh, allowing his thumb to slide
back and forth over my clit, lightly.
"Edward," his name floated from my lips.
"Yes, angel?" He replied, moving his mouth back to my center.
His thumb kept rubbing, ever so lightly, against my clit as he French kissed my opening. My hand
went quickly, to his hair, as I bit my bottom lip, trying to hold in all the words I wanted to scream,
"Edward." I chose to say instead.
"I'm right here."
He was officially playing with me.
And he did that shit good.
He gave more sweet licks, kisses, rubs and my orgasm began built as he whispered, "So sweet, my
angel is." Kiss. "Beautiful." Kiss, lick. "All I want."
More, more, more.
"She's all I want."
More. Please.
He kissed fervently to my swollen pussy as I came, not stopping until my breathing slowed.
"I love her so much."
My heart swelled, holding him to me, looking back into his eyes as he hovered over me. I spread my
legs for him and allowed him to claim me again. His cock slid into me slowly, but forcefully.
Edward's left hand held him above me. His right hand held my own. He kissed those fingers, watching
my face. Blue eyes again, saying 'I love you'.
I lifted my head to reach his lips and he met me halfway. Equals. My legs constricted around his back,
wanting as much of him inside of me as I was allowed. It would never be enough.
Just like the song that was playing in the background.
Soft cries of pleasure emanated from my lips, and Edward crushed his back down to mine, quieting
me. He was too good, too much, and his mouth only made it better.
My lower body pulsed, throbbed, and I closed my eyes tight as I came around him. He pumped into
me fervently, and I squeezed myself tighter around him, trying to offer the same pleasure he gave
me. His friction was a pleasured pain, hurting and leaving me wanting more as my swollen cunt
begged my sane mind to make him stop.
I didn't have to.
His lips pressed hard into mine as he came, holding himself deep inside of me, filling me with his
warmth. When he pulled his mouth away, gasping for air, I kissed his throat, whispering my love for
him again. He replied by kissing my forehead, cheek, and chin.
It was damn beautiful.
And he was all mine.
I was woken up to sweet kisses along my face.
When I opened my eyes, I saw familiar blue eyes looking back at me. They seemed happy.
Exceptionally so, if we were going by Edward's stupid speaking ways.
I smiled back at him because I just couldn't help myself. His happiness was infectious, and his smile
was a welcomed guest at my table of life, always. He lay down on his side, resting on his elbow, and
drew his free hand up. A small flower, looking more like a weed, showed itself.
I laughed.
"Go all the way to the ninety-nine cents store for that, did ya?" I teased.
"I was actually taking out the trash," he said, still smiling.
"It was next to the real flowerbed. I was thinking of plucking some of those, but Ness insisted this
one was better."
"Why is that, babe?"
"She said this one you could make wishes with." He handed it over to me, and I held it to my nose.
"A wish, huh?"
"She swore to it," he confirmed.
"I better make it good then," I closed my eyes and thought for a moment. "Okay," I blew against the
white petals and they landed on Edward's face.
"Thanks," he said, wiping them away.
"Sorry, my aim is bad," I laughed and handed him the stem.
"I made you some breakfast too, just in case the wish doesn't work," he sat up and reached over to
the side-table.
A plate of eggs, hash browns, and fruit presented its fine self towards me.
"Just did," I said taking the plate. Edward laughed and handed me over my fork as I sat up.
"I have one more thing," he reached over and handed me a paper that was folded.
I settled my plate down into my lap and opened it. I looked up at him and questioned with my eyes.
"You asked for a business plan," he said.
"This is Squeaky's drawing of us," I held it up to face him.
"Exactly," he nodded.
Sometimes I really loved him.
"This is beautiful, truly, but babe, we need a real plan. If you're serious, then please, get serious. This
shit freaks me out." I rested the picture to my side and brought a bite of hash browns to my mouth.
"I am. The real one will be on your desk," he leaned in and kissed my head. "I promise."
"Flower Child?"
"I really love you. No matter what. I love you likefucking hash browns. Seriously." I smirked at him
and he cracked a smile in response.
"Food is love," he replied.
I was feeling hopeful already.
Tailing Jessicunt. Dickward's POV
I had motherfuckin' bad dreams galore on the plane ride to NYC.
I'm talkin' everything from exploding warehouses, to fucking snakes, to getting strung up in public by
the goddamn Mayor while he cut my balls off, sauted them, and then proceeded to fucking eat
them in front of my partner-in-crime, who laughed her ass off.
Told ya.
I needed a goddamn drink.
Was that gonna happen? Probably not, I didn't have a whole lotta fucking time to make this shit
happen with the cunt-pickle of a mother. So I checked into my hotel and set up camp after
landingand scored a fucking Mustang as a rental car.
Not as flawless as the Vanquish, but better than the goddamn Neon's they had sitting next to it.
I texted Sweet Tits to let her know I was in NYC, and then I headed over to Rachel Ray's set to feel
out the area of the building that I had to work with.
It didn't take me long to get in. Apparently, the security guards at Rachel Ray's are not very fucking
concerned with anyone stealing her recipes or anything. They were all in a small room in the back
playing fucking Go Fish or some shit like that.
This was when I came up with my plan.
I grabbed a chef's coat that was hanging on a nearby wall, and then lifted the ID that was hanging
next to it and ducked out of the back door, before anyone noticed.
This was gonna be quick, easy, and a whole lotta fucking fun screwin' with this bitch. And Sweet Tits
could consider my ultimate goal a double bonus for her troubles.
I was about to head back to the hotel when I noticed a couple of people coming out of the building,
and I decided to sit and wait.
It's my gut instincts that make me a lucky motherfucker sometimes.
I don't say that lightly either, my friends.
I picked up the photo that was sitting next to my camera on the passenger's seat that I'd printed off
of the net when I motherfuckin' Googled Rachel Ray's show, and looked closer at the woman leaving
with some loser fuck face who was hanging all over her.
I mean, Jesus, does she NOT have any goddamn self-respect?
I shook my head, wondering how the FUCK The Kid ever brought himself to stick his dick in someone
like that.
But hey, he was young and stupid.
And bewildered by his dad's Vanquish.
Not that I would know what that was like, or anything.
And besides, he had one hell of a little girl now because of the cunt-pickle mother, so what are ya
gonna do?
She made out with said fuck face and I picked up my camera to snap some pics. Because you know,
who fucking knows if this guy was some goddamn son, or something, of Gordon motherfucking
Ramsey or some crazy ass fuckery like that.
Not that I gave a shit.
She finally brought a halt to the slobber fest, they said something to each other, parting ways, and
she got into her car.
"Okay, now we're gettin' somewhere," I whispered, pulling out of the parking lot to follow her.
She went to a club.
What? It was a fucking dance club, people. Get real.
I followed her in and she only stayed for about an hour, but damn, that woman could put down some
fucking drinks. She also danced with a minimum of ten guys, all groping and grinding on her.
This chick definitely had some sort of fucking low self-esteem or, shit, a guilt complex over being a
cunt-pickle, I don't know.
Hell yeah, I got pictures of that shit.
The disturbing part was when she left and got into her goddamn car.
I snapped a few incriminating photos of THAT too, and let her drive about a block before I decided
that was really fucking dangerous, and she might kill someone.
And although that would definitely get The Kid his kid back, I wouldn't have been able to live with
that shit. So I called the NYPD and alerted them that they had a drunk driver on their hands.
What? She was only gonna spend the night in the clinker at the worst,
and hell, that shit would look motherfucking excellent on her record for The Kid.
And actually, I had much better fucking plans for her sorry ass.
Once she was stopped and taken in, and her car was impounded, I paid her bail, chuckling my ass off
because the money was well worth the outcome of this fuckery.
She got her car out of impound once the po-po was satisfied she was no longer drunk, and went
home with yours truly following her.
Once I found out where she lived, I wrote the address down and watched her apartment building
until a light flickered on from a few floors up.
Not long after she got home, someone else entered the building.
A male someone.
I wondered if he was headed for her apartment too because he definitely was NOT the fuck face that
was trying to swallow her whole in the parking lot at Rachel Ray's.
After about an hour, nothing exciting happened, so I decided to head back to my hotel for the night,
and maybe text my cohort, back home, before she blew a fucking gasket.
But not before I left a note on the cunt-pickle mother's car.
It said "Drunk driving and illegal parking are not very motherly. The courts will not be happy to hear
this." Hell, I even put a fucking smiley face on there for her.
I laughed as I left, and looked very fucking forward to the next day's activities.
When I woke up, there was a text on my phone from back home, and I smiled, thinking about the
event I was supposed to be at in about fuckfourteen hours.
It was gonna be a long goddamn day.
I dressed in my jeans and pullover after the suck ass hotel shower, and headed out with my very chic,
very professional looking, chef's coat on, making some mental notes about how the day would play
When I walked into the building, I got a few weird looks from the security guards, but they blew me
I shook my head.
The cunt-pickle mother was just coming in, and although she eyed the fuck face from the previous
night, she didn't smile at him or say anything, and I found that very fucking interesting.
I crossed her path, purposely, and caught her eye, smirking at her as best I fucking could. Her mouth
fell open a little and she couldn't stop fucking staring, causing her to bump into the goddamn cart
right in fucking front of her that had a fuck ton of food and shit set up on it, knocking that fuckery all
over the place.
A few guys who looked like grunts rushed to start picking shit up off the floor, and then everyone
stopped what they were doing when a woman yelled from across the room.
The cunt-pickle stood, frozen, and I heard her mumble "fuck me," under her breath as the short,
dark-haired woman stalked over to her.
"Are you seriously this clumsy, Jessica? I thought I hired a qualified, organized, put together woman
for this gig. If you can't even keep your food on its cart, how am I supposed to expect you to assist
me on the show?"
"Sorry, Rachel," the cunt-pickle whispered.
"WHAT?" the woman screamed again, and I had to put my finger in my ear and wiggle it a little from
the pain of that fucking octave.
Cunt-pickle cleared her throat and said it a little louder, before the brunette, Rachel I'm guessing,
stalked off again.
"Wow, you uhreally made an impression on the boss there, my friend," I said to her, smirking.
"What's it to you?" she asked, glaring at me.
"It's everything to me, my friend." I didn't flinch, keeping eye contact, and she narrowed her eyes at
me, asking, "And you are?"
My smile widened, and I just told her, "I'm your worst nightmare."
Then I walked away, behind the scenes, and I felt her stare on me as I disappeared out of her sight.
For the time fucking being, anyway.
As the day progressed, so did my resolve that this would not only be the easiest case I'd ever taken,
but the most fucking enjoyable, as well.
Turns out fuck face from outside, the night before, did NOT equal cunt-pickle's boyfriend, because HE
showed up at lunch to take her the fuck out.
When I followed her outside to watch where they might go, I noticed he'd parked next to her,
because she opened up a door to get something outwhich, turns out, was a box of food with a big
fucking stamp on the side that said "Rachel Ray".
I pulled out my iPhone and snapped a pic of that shit, texting it to Sweet Tits.
"Thieving from the boss is not very motherly either, cunt-pickle," I said to myself as she started to put
it into the boyfriend's car and saw me watching her.
I smiled and waved, then wrote that shit down to keep track of her fuck-ups. Because, let's fucking
face it, I was pretty sure there'd be more.
She was eyeing me nervously, getting visibly upset when I turned and went back inside.
I found the fuck face from the night before and decided to have a talk with him.
Turns out he was Rachel's cousin and had a major fucking crush on the cunt-pickle, but she wanted to
keep theirand I had to laugh out fucking loud at this shitlovequiet. You know, for now.
Whatever the fuck that meant.
I gave her boy-toy some good advice. Told him to proclaim that shit loud and proud, that women love
that shit and that the cunt-pickle would stop, drop, and do him faster than he could get hard if he
No, I didn't call her a fucking cunt-pickle to the kid's face.
And yes, I was definitely sticking around for that shit.
At this point, I kicked back in the break room and chilled the fuck out, carrying on a hot ass
conversation with Rachel fucking Ray herself about some bullshit ravioli dish she was planning on
doing a show on.
Hot, that is, until I told her she hadn't had brilliant motherfucking ravioli 'til she tried that shit Sweet
Tits made. That's when she got pissed off and left the break room.
Probably off to fire my non-existent employee ass.
The afternoon was quite enter-fucking-taining, if you ask me.
Not only did I run out to get a hard copy of the photo I'd taken of the cunt-pickle putting Rachel Ray's
box of food into her boyfriend's car and tack it up onto the very public, very visible, announcement
bulletin board but the fuck face cousin of Rachel's also gave, undoubtedly, the best fucking
rendition of Nicholas goddamn Cage from Moonstruck I'd ever seen when he stood up on the stove
in the middle of Rachel's set, giving a loud ass speech to the cunt-pickle about their secret love, in
front of the boyfriend.
What? I fucking like Nick Cagesue me.
I actually laughed out loud and threw my hand over my mouth once I'd noticed I was the only one
finding it funny when she slapped him across the face and screamed, "Snap out of it!"
Shit, I thought she was playing along until she slapped him again for good fucking measure.
The boyfriend didn't like the scene, though, and had a pretty big fight with the cunt-pickle over that
debacle. I was pretty sure I heard shit like "how many times?" and, "you promised" come out of his
mouth, insinuating to me that this wasn't her first fucking offense.
Big surprise there.
Well, my friends, not only did the boyfriend not take lightly to that shit, but Rachel was pretty fucking
pissed as well. Apparently, she didn't like inter-office, so to speak, fraternization. Especially when
someone was fraternizing with her favorite fucking cousin.
The cunt-pickle was fired.
Her boyfriend broke up with her.
I texted the iPhone pics, and faxed the hard copies of the other shit I'd gotten, to Sweet Tits.
And managed to get my good buddy back home to tap into the NYPD's records, and print off a copy
of said cunt-pickle's arrest the night before so I could fax that bad boy to Sweet Tits, too.
And it was only fucking three o'clock.
"Just enough time," I said to no one.
As I left the building to get back to my hotel, and pack up before heading off to the airport to go back
home, I passed the cunt-pickle in the parking lot.
She was sitting on her ass, on the ground next to her car, crying her eyes out.
She looked up at me as I walked by and said, "You did this. You fucking did this, didn't you!"
I smiled and put my hand over my heart. "I proudly accept responsibility, my friend."
"Why!? I don't even know you! What'd I ever do to you!?"
She was fucking hysterical. And I don't do hysterical.
I bent down at my knees and clasped my hands together in front of me, looking her straight in the
eyes when I told her, "It's not what you did to me, lady. It's what you did to a friend of mine."
She sobbed, asking "Who? Who is it?"
I stood back up and kept on walking when I answered her, "You'll see soon enough, my friend. You'll
see, soon enough."
Then I was off to catch a flight home and attend a party for my brother so I could watch the sexiest
woman alive get fucking groped by an ass-hat.
Good times.
Chapter Twenty-Six ~ Meadow Dreams and Little Nightmares
~ Flower Child. ~
"Hands," I said, pumping a squirt of soap into them.
"Water," She replied with a smile.
I turned the knob and she leaned until her small hands reached the stream.
"Scrub good; you have serious 'Playdough-Under-The-Nails' syndrome going on," I laughed.
We had been building an entire city out of orange and purple Playdough. I think more ended up on
the floor and under her nails then actually on the table.
Bella was going to be pissed.
As Ness cleaned her hands, a knock on the door sounded loudly.
"That must be Uncle Emmett," I said, reaching for the hand towel. "Come on, baby." I dried her
hands and then lifted her off the bathroom counter.
She went running down the hall and reached for the knob on the front door.
"Uh-uh. You never open the front door," I stopped her and she looked at me, confused. "What if it
isn't Uncle Emmett? What if it's a big scary monster whose going to steel your Playdough?" I asked
and she looked down shyly.
I knew it was Emmett, but the last thing I needed was Ness opening doors for strangers.
"Who is it?" I asked.
"Dude, it's me. Open up."
"I don't know a guy named 'Dude', could you identify yourself better? Small children are being taught
a lesson here," I smiled, knowing Emmett was probably getting annoyed.
"It's Emmett, your brotheryour brother who is going to pound your face if you don't open the door.
I had other stuff to do you know."
"Do you have I.D.?" I asked, just to annoy him further.
Ness giggled at my question and I winked at her.
"Open the door, Edward."
"I.D.," I repeated.
I could hear him grumbling his frustrations on the other side of the door before he slipped his driver's
license under the door. Ness grabbed it and brought it up to her face to examine it.
"Is it Uncle Emmett?" I asked, she nodded.
I held my hand out for his I.D. and she handed it over for my examination.
"I don't know, I think you're heavier than this Emmett. Either you lied, or you're an impostor," I
teased through the door.
"I'm going to the beach; forget this noise," He said and I opened the door quickly before he could get
anymore pissed off.
"Was that really necessary?" He asked.
"The first three questions, yes. The rest, no probably not," I swung the door open further to allow
him in.
He punched me as he passed.
"Whoa, is that you're blue print for the dump?" He asked, nodding towards the city made out of
Playdough on my kitchen table.
"Funny," I walked to the fridge and pulled out a juice-box for Ness, handing it over to her, then a one
for Emmett.
"Dude, I'm not five. Where's the beer?" he shoved the juice back to me.
"I already told you, this is no longer a fun place to live," I joked, trying to hand him the juice back.
"Can I at least have a soda or something?" His lip wobbled.
"I don't have soda. I have juice, water or protein shakes. Take your pick." I placed the juice back in
the fridge and left the door open for him.
"What has B done to you, man?" He shook his head and searched for something on his own.
"It's not just Bella," I sat down on the couch, flipping on something for Ness to watch as she curled up
on the floor in front of it.
Emmett came over, chewing on a green apple.
"Seriously, man? You took my last damn apple? You know Bella is gonna kill me now, right?"
"What? You said to help myself," He shrugged, taking a seat beside me.
"Em, you don't eat the last of something without asking. It's just rude.especially when it belongs to
one hundred and two pounds of fury, otherwise known as my girlfriend Bella."
"Aww, your girl-friend," He tried to mess my hair, but I hit his hand away. "Trust me man, I think B
will be aight with me steeling her stupid apple, seeing as how this is my only frigg'n payment for this
crap I'm bouta help your sorry butt with." He took another bite of the apple and sat back.
"Speaking of which," I reached to the coffee table and grabbed the notepad laying there. "Here," I
handed it to him.
"Oh man," Emmett started to laugh. "You're so lucky you showed me this first. B would kill you if you
made her read this crap." He stuck the apple in his mouth and curled his fingers at me for a pen.
"What's wrong with it?" I asked, scooting over to look.
Emmett took the apple from his mouth, leaned forward and then rested it on my coffee table.
I tried to ignore how disgusting it was.
"It's all jibber jabber. Edward, your girlfriend needs cold hard facts. She deals in numbers and
statistics, this is all hopes and dreams. You might as well tell her Santa Clause is going to help you run
the restaurant." He started scribbling stuff on the paper.
"If this is your concept, you have to research it. I mean, did you even see if there is a market for this
type of place in our area?"
"Market?" I asked.
"Yeah, you knoware there actually people who want to come and eat at a place like this? With this
type of food, atmosphere?" He looked at me and I shook my head.
"I don't have time for that stuff, Emmett."
"Which is why you don't just buy a restaurant on a whim," He went back to writing on the paper and
then looked up to me. "Dude, why aren't we open on Sundays?" he asked.
"Because no one comes in to eat on Sundays," I replied.
"I don't know Emmett. Maybe they have better stuff to do," I shrugged.
"No man. People don't come into eat on Sundays because that place the red head, what's her name,"
He snapped his fingers trying to remember, "That freakin' Denali chick?"
"Yeah, Tanya. Her place offers a really good special for Sunday dinner. Then that place next to hers,
does a brunch, buffet style for like $5.99 a person. So, why would anyone eat at B's joint, right?"
"Why doesn't Bella just change the menu then?" I asked.
"She probably would under normal circumstances. In fact, she was thinking of doing a family style
menu for an early dinner special, but, she isn't exactly operating the way she 'normally' does these
days," He smiled, going back to writing on the paper.
"Are you trying to tell me Bella closes the restaurant because of me?"
"It sure as hell isn't because she enjoys being closed or not making money," He laughed.
"Well that's news to my ears."
"Dude, it's no big deal. And if you tell B I told you, I swear," He slid his finger over his throat.
"Fine," I sighed. "Just tell me what to do to get this rolling," I took the notepad from his hands and
began to read what he wrote.
"Well, you don't have time to go through all the stuff you should be doing, so, I'd say," He leaned
over and grabbed his apple again, "Let's just go right to the people. Make some of that food you on
have on there and then we'll go out and see what's the dilly."
"Alright," I nodded, still reading over his writing. Dilly. Right.
"Yo, Shortcake," Emmett said to Ness. She whipped her head back and looked at him. "You never
gave me a hug." He held out his arms to her and she smiled, but stayed in place.
"No love for me today?" He asked.
"She's tired. Can't you see?" I waved towards her as she rolled back over, ignoring us.
"Uh huh," he slid off the couch and crawled towards her, nuzzling his face down into her neck. He
made weird noises and she giggled at his playfulness. "What are you watching?" He asked.
"Nanas," she said softly.
"Did Bella show this to you?" He laughed, lifting her into his big arms.
"Thought so," Emmett cradled her, reaching back to me for the throw off the couch. "B used to
annoy me with this song like you couldn't believe." He told me, before looking back at the screen.
"Oh, I think I can," I said, knowing perfectly well how much Bella loved to sing 'Banana's in Pajamas'
theme song.
Emmett said nothing in return, just rocked slowly side to side with Ness in his arms, lulling her to
sleep. I tried to look back to the paper in my hands, but my brother was distracting me with his
affection towards my daughter.
It was the first time in months I knew he was sincerely sorry for the hurt he had caused both of us.
~ Bella ~
I walked through the door of our home, arms full of groceries. "Home," I called out as my foot tried
to close the door.
My nose perked up, smelling something really good and very basil-like.
"Here," Flower Child came around the kitchen island, arms extended.
"Thanks," I handed him over some bags and followed him into the kitchen.
"What is owning me, babe?" I asked, snooping my way over to the stove.
Edward laughed as he lifted the lid and replied, "Sauce for lasagna."
"That's white," I said looking into the pot. Sauce of lies.
"It's my grandmother's recipe. She makes it without tomatoes. Just cheese," he smiled, saying the
magic word.
"Mmm hmm," I said looking at him skeptically.
"Lasagna Blanca? No?" Edward shook his head at me, smiling and I tightened my eyes, keeping them
on him. "It has spinach, three cheeses and basil." He explained.
"Oh, I know. I get it. I'm just waiting for the spoon to reach the mouth," I pointed to my lips and
opened up.
Flower Child laughed and dipped the spoon into the pot, giving it a light blow before placing it into
my mouth.
It was fucking incredible.
"My love for you, it grows and grows," I said keeping my eyes closed at after I swallowed the cheesy
"You can thank my Grandmother." He kissed my forehead and covered the pot back up.
"Where's Squeaks?" I asked, returning to the groceries.
"Napping," Flower Child tilted my shoulders so I faced the couch.
Emmett had his big ass jammed into the small couch, Ness resting on his chest, fast asleep.
"What a buffoon," I laughed quietly.
Edward's arms tightened around me as he rested his chin on my shoulder. I rested back into him,
enjoying his embrace.
It was the first of the day, and it mixed with the smell of cheese and basil in the background, felt like
Heaven on Earth.
"Missed you today," He whispered, giving my neck a kiss.
"I missed you too," I tilted my head to give him my lips.
He took them and treated them to a nice slow, long kiss.
Emmett's loud snoring interrupted our romantic moment and we both laughed, going back to putting
the groceries away.
"What's Em doing here sleeping anyway? Rosalie finally kick his ass out?" I asked.
"He was helping me with my business plan." He explained, kneeling in front of the fridge, putting
away the juice boxes I bought for Squeaks.
"Ah, the business plan that is extremely late," I handed him over a container to be placed in the
"I'm working on it, Sweetheart." Edward took the container from my hands, but paused, staring at it.
"What the hell is this?"
"Goats milk," I replied, opening a baggy of baby carrots.
"It doesn't have a label," he shook it and looked back to me.
"That's because it didn't come from a store. I got it from a dude's farm. It's going to taste magnifique
as cheese on toast with fucking" I closed me eyes, reveling in the thought. "It's gonna be grand, lets
just put it that way."
"You went all the way to a farm for goat milk? I think your love of cheese is starting to scare me,
Angel." He placed the container in the fridge and stood back up.
"Flower Child," I took a bite of carrot and hopped up on the counter, "Let me make you privy to a
little somethin' somethin'. That shit is fresh, milked from the goat, Bob, as I watched. I might have
even squeezed a teet or two." I took another bite of carrot and loved the amusement on Edward's
face as he listened.
"Plus, that shit is not pasteurized, so all the goodness is left it in still. I guaran-fucking-tee if you make
one of your precious smoothies with that shit, you wont be bitching about the extra twenty miles I
had to go to get it."
"Why is the goat's name Bob?" He asked, confused.
"Short for Boberina. The farmer was weird," I shrugged.
"I thought it was illegal to sell unpasteurized dairy products?" He asked, trying to seem all smart.
I was smarter.
"Oh, it is. I didn't buy it though, I traded. So I guess I should tell you, you're due at the Crest's farm in
like an hour, wearing nothing but a Speedo and lots and lots of oil."
I smiled, popping the last bit of carrot into my mouth and Edward just shook his head at me. I'm sure
he was wondering what the hell he ever did to deserve being tortured on a daily basis by yours truly.
"In other news, you'll be happy to know I received some very interesting pictures, faxes and emails
from our Dick friend," I announced.
Edward looked over his shoulder at me, eyebrow in full arch.
"The P.I." I added.
"Oh, right. What did he say?" Flower Child turned back around to look at me.
I could see the nervousness in his eyes.
"Apparently your beloved is a drunk driving, jobless thief," I smiled. And we also have something in
"This isn't going to be a joke about our baby is it?"
"No. I was going to say 'banging the people we work with'."
"Jessica is banging Rachel Ray?" He asked surprised.
"No," I snorted. "I wish though. That would make for interesting talkand also explain the man voice
and hairdo," I thought for a moment on this, but then shook my head, coming back to our
conversation. "Jessica is banging Ray's cousin or something."
"No shit," He replied.
"Yep. I got a copy of her arrest sheet, pics of her stealing food from Ray's and well, like I said she's
fired. If she gave Ray's cousin herpes, you can probably get him to rat on her even more, as I'm sure
he will be pissed and looking to vent," I smiled, nodding my head.
Flower Child's eyes lit up like a fucking Christmas tree.
"Want his number?" I laughed.
Edward opened his mouth to reply but stopped, looking past me.
Squeaky came into the kitchen and I hopped off the counter, knowing he wouldn't talk about Jessica
in front of her. Flower Child picked her up into his arms, rocking her slowly as she tried to wake up.
I took this once in a lifetime opportunity to do something I had dreamed about for years.
"Shh," I said, holding my finger to my lips. Edward looked questioningly at me, but I ignored him and
started my tip toe walk over to towards Emmett, who was still snoring away on the couch.
As I reached the couch, I debated for all of maybe fifteen seconds on what to do, decidingyeahthis
was best.
I brought one knee up onto the arms rest, then slowly stood up, using the wall for support. When I
was standing on the armrest, I looked down to poor Emmett, wondering what types of dreams he
was having.
His mouth was open, and his lips moved slightly as he murmured shit in his sleep. I tried to keep my
composure, but it was hard, hearing Flower Child and Ness giggling like idiots in the background.
"Fire!!!" I yelled and Emmett sprang to life, looking around quickly.
I jumped from the armrest and landed right on him, laughing hysterically as I did.
"What the hell!?" Emmett tried to push me aside and move but I was laying right on top of him,
slumped into hysterics.
Squeaky came running over and pointed at him from the side of the couch, saying, "She scared you."
"You're supposed to have my back, Shortcake." Emmett tried to reach for her, but she ran away.
I knew he'd turn his attention, AKA, his retaliation, back to me.
I tried to make a run for it.
My ass hit the floor hard and I tried scooting back, but he was coming at me too fast and I put my
hands up, still laughing, shouting, "Emmett! I have a child inside of me. You're not allowed to do me
bodily harm!"
It didn't sway him any.
"Flower Child!" I reached my arm to him, but it was too late, I was being hoisted up by Emmett and
slung over his shoulder. "Help me!" I reached for Edward and the fucker just stood there, shaking his
head and then went back to cooking.
When I ended up on the other side of the door, locked out and alone in the hallway, I decided I was
not sharing my damn goat milk his punk, traitor ass.
~ Flower Child ~
A new day, a newokay forget that. I had no new dollars.
It was a new day though and I followed behind Emmett and Bella as they poked around the building I
was trying to turn into a restaurant.
"You have insurance on this shithole?" Emmett asked.
"Yeah," I nodded.
"Good, let's set it on fire," He laughed, right along with Bella.
"Are we just going to make fun of me, or are you actually going to help?" I asked, tired of all the
"Calm down. I'm just playing," he rested his hands down on to the old bar top and the shit fell to the
floor. "Sort of."
"You need to call Mommy and Daddy Moneybags, cause this shit is going to cost a lot more than your
pretty looks," Bella tugged a cap of a her pen with her teeth and started writing on a clip board.
"Like, how much?" I asked, cringing at the thought, but knowing I had to.
I already spent Ness' college fund, which was the first part of my inheritance, to buy this place and
there was zip left to actually fix it up.
"Mmm, a hundred large for the dcor and dining area," Bella looked around again and then jotted
more notes down.
"The kitchen is going to easily cost double that and then there is the fabulosity that is paying taxes,
employees, licensesand so on and so on. I hope your knees don't hurt easily. You're going to be
doing a lot of ass kissing and dick sucking to get this place an 'A+' rating."
"Great," I sighed.
"And of course the endless love and devotion you must show me for the remainder of my existence,"
She added.
"And my box seats you are going to be paying for until my team is no longer worthy of being cheered
on by yours truly," Emmett chimed in.
"I get it. I owe you guys huge. Can we just get on with it? Time is flying by here." I asked, getting
really irritated that they both found this so amusing.
Of course, that was the wrong thing to do in the presence of Satan's Children.
"Aww, look at Flower Child. He's all acting like a stressed out owner," Bella tried to pinch my cheek,
but I swatted her away.
"Wait 'til you have the health department up your ass," Emmett laughed, swinging an arm around my
shoulders. "You'll wish all you had to deal with was B and I bustin' on you."
"Speakin' of bustin'," Bella began, "Jake and his boys are coming to tear down the old counter tops
and shit. You need to make sure they do a good job and get all that shit removed before my people
get here. They don't fix up shitholes and if they walk into a mess, they'll be next to be bustin' on you.
You don't want them to go there and I will not stop them," She laughed.
"I'm sorry, who?" I asked as we exited the building.
"Don't you pay attention? I said my people. My people who build restaurants. Get with it, Flower
Child," she gave me a look of irritation and unlocked the passenger door to set her papers down.
"Sorry, a lot of shit going on, you know."
"Yeah, I do. You're the only one, right?" she shot back, slamming the car as she spun to look at me.
"I didn't mean it like that," I shook my head as I tried to back peddle, but it did no good.
"Whatever. I'll see you later." Bella turned to go around the other side of her car, but I grabbed her.
"Don't be pissed off at me. I wasn't trying to smart mouth you, or sound ungrateful." I pulled her into
me and tried to hug her, but she was stiff and not believing me.
"Bella," I sucked my teeth and pulled back, holding her by the shoulders. "Don't. Be. Mad. At.
Meeeeee," I shook her slightly and she finally cracked a small smile.
"Better," I leaned in and kissed her and she gave a pathetic kiss in return.
I sighed at her hard headedness and said," I see were going to have to do this the hard way."
Bella crinkled her face looking at me as I leaned in and kissed the side of her mouth, then along her
jaw, working my way to her ear, then neck.
"Stop. I hate you. Stop it," she tried pushing against me, but I kept going.
I slid my hands from her shoulders and wrapped my arms around her, clasping my hands behind her
back. My mouth kept kissing its way down until I reached the crook of her neck.
"You can make me work for it," I kissed her again, holding her tighter. "Its alright. I'll gladly work for a
real kiss from you."
"I hate you so much, Flower Child."
"Because it's working?" I smiled against her skin, keeping my lips there.
She said nothing and I pulled back, puckering my lips at her as I closed my eyes and waited.
"I should bite them off," She said.
I shrugged and kept my lips waiting, hoping she would give in.
"I hate you," She said again and then leaned in.
As her lips connected with mine, I felt her rigidness melt away and she was nice enough to give me
several meaningful kisses, not just the one I was requesting.
"Uh, can you please stop molesting my boss so we can go back to work?" Emmett said, passing us as
he exited the building finally.
I gave him the finger behind Bella's back as I kept kissing her.
"Seriously, we have shit to do," Emmett climbed in to Bella's car and she leaned off me.
"Happy now?" She asked.
"No," I shook my head and leaned back in, making her laugh. "I love you," I said, placing a kiss to her
"Yeah well, I hate you," She leaned away, but I tugged her back to me.
"Don't say that. You would feel pretty bad, joking or not, if those ended up being your last words to
me, yes?"
"Fine," She sighed. "I love you, but I hate that you have that type of power over me. Better?" She
made a face at me and I nodded.
"Can I go now?" She asked, looking down to my arms that were still around her.
"Oh, yeah. Sorry," I laughed and stepped away, allowing her to walk to the side of her car.
"Have fun with your shithole," Emmett said, rolling down the window only enough for me to hear
Chicken shit.
I gave him the finger again and turned around to face the building.
And yeahits was a shithole.
Jake and his guys came over right on time to gut the interior. They worked fast and I was glad,
because when Bella's employees showed up a few hours later, I could see why she said not to mess
around with them.
They looked a little scary and I am not ashamed to admit that most of them.were women.
It was like Bella, but to the tenth power.
While they worked their magic, I made that dreadful call to my mother and she actually sounded a
little too happy to be loaning me large sums of money.
I didn't even want to go anywhere near my dad after this call. I'm sure he was smiling ear to ear after
my mother told him this fabulous news.
I am being sarcastic, in case you didn't catch on.
Although, he probably was happy, because now, he had one more thing to rub in my face.
I helped the guys from Jakes' crew carry out the shit they tore down to the dumpster out back and by
the end of doing that, I was spent.
Not that it mattered, because I still had to go back to The Workshop and clock in for my shift.
Bella's people stayed behind, doing what it was they did and I took off, headed off to the other
Once I arrived, I pulled around back and parked. As I got out, I saw Alice with Jasper, sitting on the
pallets that belonged to me and Bella. I wanted to say something, but telling them to get off my
pallet just seemed like it would soundodd.
"Hey Baby Daddy Times Two," He said, smiling.
"Alice, you have a big mouth. Know that?"
"He's my man. I have to tell him," She said, taking Jasper's hand into hers.
"Yeah, yeah. I'll see you two inside." I tugged the door open and stepped in, seeing Charlie and Bella
cooking side by side.
It was rather heartwarming.
"Bells, you steal one more thing off my cutting board and I'm going to chop your fingers off," Charlie
"I'm just making sure you're doing it right," She teased, stealing something else from his board.
I laughed and she looked up to see me.
"Hey babe," She said, smiling.
I guessed I was fully forgiven for my remarks earlier.
"Hi, Sweetheart." I leaned over the pass and gave her a quick kiss before I walked around to the
other side.
"What? Nothing for me?" Alistair held out his hands to his sides and I stared at him, unamused.
"Don't even go there, man. Not that I doubt you have a pussy between your legs, but're
not as pretty as Bella." I hugged an arm around her and Charlie whipped his head my way, knife in
"I wasn't talking about Bella's pu-" I stopped, feeling Bella stiffen in my arms again.and the rage
burning in Charlie's eyes. "Never mind," I pointed at him and released Bella.
"Flower Child, I believe you owe me something?" She rubbed her fingers together and I pulled the
paper from my pocket.
"How very professional," She made a face and took the paper, that was otherwise known as my
business plan.
"I'm sorry. I didn't have time for Kinko's." I tried to smile to make it better, but she didn't look at me.
I followed her as she walked, reading my paper, out of the kitchen and towards her office.
Once inside, she took a seat and I waited impatiently as she read it over, literally on the edge of my
seat. When she laughed, my heart sunk a little.
Bella must have noticed, because she looked up to me and held out the paper, saying, "It's not the
plan. I just can't believe Emmett still can't spell 'statistic'."
"Sorry, I didn't think to proof read it," I replied.
"It's alright. I'm not judging your grammar or spelling capabilities." She laid the paper down and
leaned down to open her bottom drawer.
Bella slid a paper to me that I recognized as my contract and then a pen.
"You should feel lucky that I love you, because I am going to let you out of your contract without
paying a hefty fine." I took the pen from her hands and she added, "At least a monetary fine,
"Does that mean my plan meets your satisfaction?" I asked.
"It needs a little work, but it's a good start. I like that you will survey the community. That's very
I nodded and signed my name where she had amended my contract, then slid it back to her.
"Well, it's official," She signed her name and then looked up to me, "You don't belong to me
"You and I both know that's not true, Angel."
Two weeks into the work on the building and it was looking pretty damn good. The entire inside
looked brand new, smelled nice and looked like a small beacon of hope.
I had my friend here today, Sam, the guy who did all my artwork. He was painting a nice design on
the back wall when Bella came in.
My eyes roamed her over as I sat on a five-gallon paint bucket, watching Sam sketch. She had on a
white dress, hair down, blown straight with flip flops. As she got closer, I saw a small barrette in her
hair, and wrinkled my face recognizing it as Ness'.
"Are you stealing from my daughter?" I asked, reaching an arm out to her.
"Yes," She replied taking a seat on my lap. "Looks better on me anyhow," she smiled.
"You're crossing dangerous territory there, Bell," I teased.
"Look at you all Papa Bear-like," She poked my face with her finger and laughed.
I gave her a kiss and then looked back to Sam's work.
"What's this?" She asked.
"Sam's drawing something. It's actually a surprise, so you shouldn't be looking."
I tried to stand up and she lifted off me, giving one glance towards the wall and then looked away.
"It's looking kind of decent in here. I'm pleasantly surprised, Flower Child." Her fist knocked the
counter as she walked around.
I was about to reply, but my phone rang and Bella waved me on to answer it. She went back to
looking around and I returned to my paint bucket seat as I listened to Ness telling me about the quilt
my grandmother was making.
~ Bella ~
I walked around snooping while Flower Child talked on the phone. The place was looking much
better than I expected it to.
After I made a complete walk through of the place, I came back into the main room and he was still
chatting away, and I decided to leave for a bit.
There was some event happening down near the band-shell and I wanted to check it out before I had
to go back to The Workshop and also, I needed some food.
That place was sure to have a whole lot of awesome fucking finds and I was planning on bringing
some back to Edward before returning to my own restaurant.
I ducked out and headed down the street, weaving through the crowds of people that were enjoying
the beauty that was an afternoon in Florida at the beach.
I hit two stands, trying a sampling of each dish. One was a spring roll with crispy veggies and other
goodness. The other was a tostada of grilled lime chicken with fresh tomatoes and cilantro.
Ugh, I was in Heaven.
As I approached the third booth, I saw it was croquettes and I said a silent 'yessssssss' along with
Baby Cullen.
I waited my turn in line as the people ahead paid and grabbed their food. It was so damn busy and I
started getting a little claustrophobic, plus, the sweaty bodies I was surrounded by were icking me
out, big time.
A few dudes next to me were horsing around and bumped into me as they did. The first time, I
ignored it. The second time, he hit into me a little harder and the third time, I fucking lost it and
shoved him back.
"Who the fuck," He spun round and saw me, quickly changing his tune. "Oh, hey." He smiled, trying
to seem cute, or sexy, but it fucking wasn't.
"You should watch where the hell you swing your arms, Fuckhead," I said angrily then stepped
forward to order my food.
"No need to get hostile, Mama," He came closer, "It's all good here." He eyed me up and down and I
wanted to puke.
The beer came off his breath and my stomach churned as it met my nostrils. He was the type of
asshole that cunt-rag Jessica would probably trade Ness over.
He was not Flower Child, that was for damn sure.
"Um, excuse me," I tried to get my food and he only moved closer, his buddies, backing him up. "If
you don't fucking move asshole, I will give you a new hole to breathe out of."
"You've got quite a mouth, don't you?" He stood up straight and leaned over me. "Yo man," He
looked over his shoulder to his homie, "She's got a mouth on her, doesn't she?"
"I think she does, Bra'. Why don't we put it to better use," He tapped his shoulder and the dude
walked into me, moving me back through the crowd.
The street was too busy, too noisy for me to be noticed and I started to freak.
Jam his nose into his brain. Jam his fucking nose into his brain.
He reached his hand out and tried to grab my arm.
"Don't fucking touch me asshole," I kicked him and he laughed at my weak attempt, going for my arm
He caught it this time and pulled me into him hard. I struggled trying to get free, but the fucker was
too strong. This wasn't like play wrestling with Emmett, this bastard was trying to fucking hurt me
and not look like a pussy in front of his loser friends, even though, that is exactly what the fuck he
"I'm fucking pregnant you asshole," I kicked at him again, but it did nothing.
As quickly as his hold on me tightened, it loosened, and I was free.
I never saw the punch, but apparently, someone threw it.
"Jessica isn't fucking enough for you anymore Newton?!" Flower Child was pushing one of the other
dudes I hadn't seen.
It was that fucker Mike. I recognized him from our meeting in Hawaii.
I looked down to the ground and the dude that was trying to grab me in the first place was out cold.
"I wasn't doing shit, Cullen. Just trying to enjoy all that the street had to offer," He snickered.
Flower Child stepped in front of me, blocking me from Mike-the-loser and yelled back at him, "You
ever fucking come near my girlfriend again and I'll fucking kill you Newton."
"Don't worry Cullen, I have plenty of your women to choose from. Jessica, BellaRenesmee."
I grabbed Edward's shirt as her name left Mike's mouth.
Was he insane?! Have a death wish?!
"Edward, don't! That's what he fucking wants," I came around to his front and I could see he was
beyond reasoning with.
He wanted that fuckers head.
Rightfully so.
Where the fuck was Emmett and his big ass when you needed him!?
"Hey! Break it up!" the cops rolled up on us and I tugged at his shirt, trying to get him to come with
before the fuzz could start asking who knocked out scumbag number one.
That was the last thing me or Edward needed right now, more assault charges.
"You're fucking next Newton," Edward said, walking backwards as I pulled him along.
Newton grabbed his crotch, making a gesture at Edward and I tugged on him harder, wanting to get
as far away from this shit as possible before he provoked him again.
When we finally rounded the corner, I lost it and all the fear and adrenaline came crashing down,
spilling from my eyes as I leaned again one of the buildings.
Edward grabbed me and pulled me into him. I clung to his shirt and sobbed. His hands roamed over
my back as he held me securely.
"It's alright. Calm down. You're fine, baby. You're fine," He said softly.
I could hear his heart pounding hard in his chest and it did nothing to help my resolve, knowing he
was just as riled up and angry as I felt.
"I'm sorry, I should have waited for you," I said though my tears.
"That shit was not your fault, Bell," He said adamantly. "Just curious though, why did you leave
without me?"
"I wanted food. Why else? They had croquettes and I just" I started crying again and he held me
It was mostly Baby Cullen's tears at this point, but you understand, right?
"Are you alright? He didn't hurt you did he?" Edward pulled back a little to look at me and I shook my
head no.
"I'm fine. My stupid mouth just always has to fucking run," I wiped my face with the back of my hand
and then on Edward's shirt. "That's for later."
"That fucker Newton is lucky the cops showed up. He's been begging me for an ass kicking since high
school. He would have gotten one today." Edward wiped my face, clearing it of the rest of my tears.
"I'm sure that would have made his day too. You locked up with a charge that would stick this time
and then he and Queen of the Cunt-rags could ride off into the sunset with Squeeks."
"I know. That's why I didn't give him one." Edward and I started walking back towards the restaurant.
"Babe? Do you really think Mike would hurt Ness?" I asked holding his hand in mine.
"I don't even want to think about that, Bella."
~Flower Child~
After the fiasco with Newton and his dumbass friends, I walked with Bella to get something to eat,
since she didn't get to.
It was a good thing I had to be at my parent's house right nowand that I had court to still attend,
because Newton had a serious ass kicking coming his way otherwise.
At some point, he was definitely going to get it too.
Fucking Stanley was one thing.
Trying to harm Bella, my pregnant girlfriend, and then telling me that you planned doing the same to
my daughter, was not fucking acceptable.
At all.
I needed to push that anger aside and just handle my business right now, though.
That business being: meet my mom and pick up the check for the money she was loaning me.
I slammed the car door in irritation at all that has just transpired less than a few hours ago and
walked my way up to the door, not bothering to knock.
"I'm here," I called, shutting the front door loudly so they would hear me enter.
My Grandmother was in the parlor room as I passed and I paused to step in and say hello to her.
"Hey baby," She said, smiling at me.
"Hi Grandma," I leaned in and gave a kiss to her cheek, then sat down in the chair beside hers.
"Where is everyone?"
"Your mother had to run out to the store, said she'd be right back. Your father is working of course,"
She kept her eyes on the quilt she was working on as she spoke.
"So that's the infamous quilt?" I asked.
"Sure is. I thought Bella would appreciate it. Renesmee always liked the one I gave her," she smiled.
"That's nice of you. I'm sure Bella will love it."
"Well, this is actually for the baby, if you want to get technical. I just meant Bella would appreciate
the gesture, towards her child. I do have something for Bella thoughand I'm sure she would really
appreciate it." There was an evil, evil smile on her face that I recognized all too well.
I squinted my eyes at her and asked, "What are you up to Grandma?"
"I'm just trying to say that if you should, ya know, maybe happen to want to put a ring on that girls
fingerI could help out with that," She kept her eyes on her work still, but the smilethe smile was
prominently in tact.
"I see; you too." I rolled my eyes and sat back into my chair.
"Listen here, boy. I'm not trying to tell you to do something you don't want to, but I am curious to
know why you don't want to? I thought you loved this girl?"
"It has nothing to do with not loving Bella. Quite the opposite in fact. I don't want her thinking I'm
marrying her just because of the baby."
"That would be a bad thing because?" She raised her brows to me in question. "Junior Cullen, I'm no
psychic, but I can guarantee you, there is nothing that would make that girl feel better right now
then you giving her a commitment, solely based upon your devotion to that child alone."
"That's not what I mean. I'm trying to say I would marry Bella even if we weren't having a baby. I
don't want her to think I did it out of pressure or some type of obligation because everyone around
us," I paused giving her the evil eye, "Keeps telling me to."
"Well how about this. I'll give you the ring and you can decide when to use it? Deal?"
"I'm already here to scam about a half a million from my mother, so fine, why not add diamonds to
the mix," I said sarcastically.
"What in Jesus' name do you need all that money for, boy?" She finally put down her needles and
looked at me.
"I'm opening a restaurant. Mom didn't tell you?"
"No, she most certainly did not. What happened to you working for Bella?"
"I still am. Sort of. It's complicated, Grandma and I don't really have time to explain. I wish mom was
here actually. I really don't want my father asking me about this shit either if he sees me," I sat
forward and clasped my hands together, looking towards the window.
"Junior Cullen?" I looked towards her as she called my name. "You need a partner?"
"What?" I laughed.
"I said," she slid forward, placing the quilt down, "you need a partner? I always wanted a restaurant
and yesterday, that Oprah was talking bout filling out your listsome kind of life list"
"A bucket list?" I guessed.
"Yeah," She snapped her fingers at me and pointed, "That. Well this was on my list. I have money,
honey, so you won't need to borrow from your folks. I don't know how to run a kitchen though, so
that'll be your job. I just want to cook. We'll be fifty, fifty."
"Yes, baby?" I couldn't help but to smile at the excitement and conspirators smile on her face.
"I really love you."
When I got back to my restaurant, I saw Emmett helping Jake installing the kitchen equipment.
"Where's Bella?" I asked, not seeing here anywhere when I walked in.
"She went home. Said she wasn't feeling good," He said.
"Was she alright?" I stepped in further, dismissing Jake from helping Em and took over, helping him
to scoot the stove into place.
"Yeah, dude. She's just a little overwhelmed I think."
"I don't fucking doubt it, considering the fucking day we've had." We slid the stove in and Emmett
leaned on, looking at me in question.
"What happened?" He asked.
"Oh nothing, just Mike and his loser ass friends thought it was cool to shove Bella around and then
tell me that he'd be happy to do the same to Ness."
"When the fuck did this happen?" He stood up straight and looked yeah he was pissed.
"Earlier. Bella was down at the band-shell where have that shit going on today and I don't really
know what happened. All I know is that when I saw her, some kid with Mike was grabbing her and I
knocked the fucker out."
"And Newton?" He asked.
"I've got court and shit, you know I can't hit Newton."
"Yeah well, I don't," He said, looking at me pointedly.
"I'm not asking you to do that." I shook my head and leaned off the stove, walking towards the other
"Oh, there's no asking here. I'm simply wanting permission to do so."
I looked up to him and he was serious.
"If he pukes, I'll make sure they give complimentary drinks in your box." I held out my fist to his and
he knocked it, nodding with a slight smile on his face.
"So how did it go with mom and dad?" He asked as we unboxed the second stove.
"That would be the only thing was good about today. Grandma agreed to be my partner, so didn't
have to ask them for money."
"Seriously?" He laughed.
"Yeah, she's going to come work here," I replied.
"So, then, likeher and Gramps are moving here?"
"I think they would sort of need to Em. Unless grandma had the ability to teleport and never told us."
"I wouldn't put that shit past her," He laughed, scooting the second stove in with me.
"She gave me a ring for Bella too," I mumbled, keeping my eyes on our work.
"She did?" He asked, surprised.
"Yeah. That doesn't piss you off does it?" I asked.
"Naw man. Rose wouldn't want that old ass thing," He teased. "I already bought one for her
anyhow." We placed the stove in beside the other and Emmett wiped his forehead on his shirt,
looking and me asking, "So, you gonna really do it?"
"Shit, I don't know Emmett. Bella is at home right now stressed out, feeling sick. You really think I
need to spring this shit on her too?"
"I'm just asking," He shrugged.
"Let's just work on getting stoves in order, then, maybe, fucking maybe, we'll talk about bigger
issues. Alright?"
"Sure man," He smiled and we went back to our work.
It was late when I finally made my way home.
Ness was cuddled in the bed with Bella, sleeping. She had her arms wrapped around my daughter,
holding her securely as they slept.
I sat down gently on the bed and just stared at them for a moment.
My fingers moved to Bella's face and swept her hair back that had fallen over her cheek. I leaned
down and kissed that cheek, then Ness' head.
I slid back off the bed to shower and change quickly and then joined them once again. As I tried to
pull Ness onto me, Bella tightened her hold and mumbled, "Get your own."
"Share," I whispered back and she let up a little, allowing me to pull Ness onto me.
Bella moved closer, tucking herself into my side and rested a hand over my daughter.
"Sweet dreams, Angel." I leaned my head against hers, "Coconut cream pie," was all she said in
return and I had to laugh.
That's what she dreamed about.
Amid all of the drama, chaos and headaches we had been faced with of late, my Bella could still lay
here, sleeping soundly and dream of coconut cream pie, happily.
I started to wonder about my own dreams in this moment, wondering how I could ever get my mind
to shut down and be at peace for once.
What were my dreams even?
Right now, perhaps it was just to be laying here with a good woman and my daughter, safe and
The future though, as in, goal orientated dreams. What did I want in that aspect? Somehow, it all
seemed to come back to this again.
Bella and Ness, safe, happy and beside me.
I decided to hold onto those thoughts and try and take them with me as my eyes closed and my brain
grew tired of thinking.
There would never be a dream sweeter than this.
Not even coconut cream pie.
When I woke up in the morning, Bella was gone from bed, as was Ness. I looked up the clock and
cursed, seeing that I slept in too late and wouldn't be able to run this morning.
I climbed unwillingly from the bed and made my way down the hall to find my girls.
What I found though was Leah?
"Where's Bella?" I asked as Ness ran to me. I picked her up and Leah looked up to me from the
All she said was "she had an emergency. Umyour brother."
"What happened?"
"Um, Renesmee," Leah stood up and extended her arms out. I handed her over Ness and she settled
her on the feet. "Can you go find that book you told me about before? We can read it this morning."
"Okay," Ness went running towards her room and I looked back towards Leah.
"Your brother was put in jail last night. Bella called me to watch Ness while she went to go help him
out. It was a few hours ago."
"Shit," I said, knowing perfectly well why the fuck Emmett was in jail.
Bella was going to kill me.
"Can you stay wi" I didn't get to finish my sentence as Bella came walking through the door.
"You," she curled her fingers at me and I knew I was in for it. "Now." She ducked back out into the
hall and I did as she requested.
As soon as I reached the hallway and closed the door behind me, she punched me.
"Are you out of your fucking mind?" She whispered-yelled at me. "Over Newton? Seriously?" She hit
me again and I put my hands up to deflect her.
"Will you listen?"
"No! You know, Flower Child, just when I think you're growing a brain in that precious head of yours,"
She hit me again, "You go and do stupid shit like this!"
"Fuck, stop hitting me will you?!" I tried not smile, but it was hard.
That only got me in deeper.
"Oh so now its funny?"
"No, but," I grabbed her and wrapped my arms around her so she'd stop with the girly slaps, "The
thought of having to wrestle with a pregnant lady is." I couldn't help but to laugh and she tried to
wiggle free, but of course, couldn't.
"Just listen a second and then I'll let you go. If you sill want to beat me, then you can, alright?"
She said nothing and I took my opportunity to explain.
"First, no one is allowed to touch you. If I could kick Mike's ass myself, I would. Emmett was just
looking out for you and I'm not going to say I'm sorry for that shit." I waited a moment and she didn't
move, so I figured all was safe and let her go.
That was the stupidest thing I could have done.
Bella hit me in the nuts.
"You just don't get it do you?"
Did she expect me to reply? Cause I couldn't fucking reply. This wasn't like getting an accidental hit
from Ness. This was intended and fuck me, Bella hit me harrrrd.
I think I felt a tear or two in my eye.
"You're going to ruin everything over some punk ass Mike Newton, who technically, wasn't even the
asshole who was touching me, Flower Child? He ran his mouth, yeah, I get it, but you can't just go
around hitting people because you're pissed off!"
Says the woman who just injured my boys.
I was still unable to speak.
"I can't fucking do this Edward. Ijust" She fell against the wall and slid to the floor. "I can't fucking
live like this." Bella started to cry and suddenly my nuts were the last thing on my mind.
"I'm sorry," I said, scooting next to her.
"This is craziness," She whispered, wiping away her tears.
"We were just trying to protect you," I reached for her hand but she pulled it away from me.
"Protect me how? By waking me up to have to go bail my general manager out of jail? By me
worrying even more now that they are going to try and do something stupid to get to get back at
"Or by making me stress even more that that maybe in two weeks time, you won't have Ness
anymore, because of stupid shit like this, and then I get to go back to having a non existent partner,
no executive chef in my restaurant and now a NEW restaurant to run without you.
"A fucking restaurant mind you, that is taking all of my time away from the restaurant that I actually
want to have in my life.
"Tell me Edward, which part exactly was to protect me and which part are you sorry for, because I
keep hearing the fucking words, yet your actions seem to miss their mark."
"All of it," I closed my eyes and leaned my head against the wall, knowing she was right. "I'm sorry for
all of it."
"Then grow up and start fucking acting liking it." Bella stood up and started off down the hall.
I followed her, asking, "Where are you going?"
"To work. Where I should have been fucking two hours ago," She spat back. "You know, while you
were sleeping in." Her fingers hit the elevator keys hard I had nothing else to say as she stepped in
and they closed after her.
When I returned to The Workshop later on the day, Bella was still pissed off at me.
I hated it.
There was nothing worse than her giving me the cold shoulder and avoiding me. It reminded me of
me of when we broke off our relationship after the shit with Jessica.
How did she always manage to be the reason for problems between Bella and I?
Because I let her, that's how.
Our daily pre-open meeting was over and Bella began to walk off, probably going back to hiding in
her office again, but I stopped her, slipping my hand into hers.
She looked up to me and I could see her hesitation.
"Will you have dinner with me tomorrow?" I asked.
"I don't have time and neither do you," She replied.
"It will be more like a midnight snack, after work," I changed up my game, not sure what the hell I
was talking about, as this was all on the fly.
And I didn't want 'no' an answer.
"You have Ness," She said.
"She's going with my folks, down to the time share they have in the Keys or some shit." I lied.
I knew Esme would go. She loved that damn place.
"Please?" I tried again.
She debated for a moment but then nodded slightly agreeing to go.
"Thank you," I leaned in and kissed her cheek, then went off to the kitchen to work.
On my break, I called my mother and told what I wanted to do. She of course agreed to help me out,
and said I could have the house all to myself tomorrow night.
I could practically hear her packing her bags on the other end of the phoneand my father groaning
in irritation.
She made a face when I pulled up to the drive.
"Why are we going to your parent's house?" She asked.
"I promised you something," I replied, putting the car in park.
"I thought they were out of town?" She climbed out of the car as I did and I reached out for her hand.
"They are. I just need to borrow something of theirs."
She remained silent as we approached the door and entered. Emmett was nice enough to help me
set up some stuff while we had been working.
I really hoped he remembered the
Yes. Thank you.
I saw the 'flowers' sitting on the piano as I walked further into the house.
They weren't actually flowers, but rather, just a vase filled with basil and other herbs that I knew
would mean more to Bella than cheesy roses or something.
What? Lady loved the smell of basil.
"Are you hungry?" I asked a little nervous.
"Not really," She said unexpectedly.
That was not ever her reply. Bella was always hungry. She never turned down food.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"I just don't know what were doing here." The distrust was full in her eyes and I hated it. How had I
managed to change everything between us so quickly?
I sighed and replied," I promised that I would play you something on the piano, remember?"
"Oh," her face softened as she understood and I pulled her along with me towards it.
"The only problem here," I sat down as she did on the bench, "Is what to play."
I had to laugh lightly as looked down at the keys, unsure of what I even still could play. Surely
'chopsticks' wasn't going to get me out of trouble.
"Is that" I looked over to Bella and she was pointing her finger at the bouquet. "Is that basil?"
"Yeah," I nodded.
"Why would your mother put basil on her piano? She does know what that stuff is for, right?"
I laughed and replied, "Esme didn't put it there."
She looked confused and I explained, "I had Emmett put it there, for you. You know, plotting to beat
up Mike Newton isn't the only thing we do in our spare time."
"I see," She looked back to the basil and then down at the keys. "Well Romeo, romance me then, why
don't you."
"I'm trying," I looked down to them as well and Bella leaned a little closer.
"Starting with food fuckery is a win. Now move the fingers and you might get me to stop hating you."
I smiled and plucked the book from the top of the piano, passing it to her.
"Pick one."
"I don't know any of these," She said, flipping through it.
"That would make two of us," I teased.
She smiled small, and finally settled on one, handing it back over to me.
"I promise you nothing here, but to try my best," I set the book on the ledge and tried to remember
how the hell to do this.
"That's all I ever ask for," She said quietly.
Those words stilled me momentarily as they registered and I had nothing else to offer but my
I played the song for her, the best I could and she never laughed or said any of the usual smartass
commentary that she normally would have.
She was quiet and respectful and staying true to her words, as I tried to stay true to mine.
When the song was over, she rested her head against my arm and sighed. I moved so I could hold her
better and she still said nothing. The house was dead silent and the only sign of life was Bella's heart
beat against my fingers when I swept her hair to her back and her own, playing against the fabric of
my shirt.
"You want to know something?" I asked quietly and she nodded.
"My Grandmother gave me a ring for you. She wants me, just like everyone else, to ask you to marry
me." She stiffened slightly in my arms, like I knew she would, and all my words to my family came
Bella didn't want to get married.
"I'm not here to ask you that, so, don't get scared. I just wanted to tell you how I feel about it. When
Mike and his friend were pushing you around the other day, it wasn't a pissing a contest Bella.
I love you and that shit scared me, because not only were they hurting you but they were hurting our
baby too. When your hurt, Little Bit is hurt and yeah, alright, maybe I didn't go about the right way,
or the way that you wanted, but when you pulled Stanley into your office that day, to get her to drop
the charges, were you thinking about how I felt, or just that she hurt me and you wanted to do
something about it?"
"Low blow, number one and two, this isn't helping to get you out of the dog house," She replied.
"I'm trying to make you see where I am coming from," I sighed.
"Fine, I guess so."
"I am still sorry, regardless, because obviously it only ended up hurting you more, but my motivation
was the opposite, I promise." I kissed her head and then continued.
"There is one thing thought that came out of this that was good. When you were ignoring me," I
laughed lightly, "It reminded me of another time when we had a fight and you ignored me much the
"I didn't ignore you," She argued.
"Alright fine, hid from me. Same difference in my world," I shrugged, still holding her.
"How is this supposed to be a good thing Flower Child?"
"If you let me finish," I paused and she sighed, allowing me to do so. "When we were in Hawaii, do
you remember the night I stayed with you?"
"Yes," She answered.
"That night, I had a dream about us." I pulled back from Bella and raised her chin up to look at me,
rubbing my thumb gently over her lip.
"I thought it was sort of silly at first and really never knew what to make of it."
"What was it about?" She asked, searching my eyes.
"We were in this field, or meadow, whatever it's called. That was sort of the silly part," I smiled, "But
then it got a little more serious as we made love and I told you that I loved you," I leaned in and
kissed her mouth lightly several times before I continued. "Then it got really serious when I told you I
wanted to have a baby with you and instead of smacking the holy shit out of me, you actually
I closed my eyes, leaning my face to hers as I murmured, "And now here we are, I love you, only want
to ever make love to you and you alone and we are going to have this baby to show for it all." I kissed
her again. "You literally made my dream come true, Bella."
She kissed me back, whispering, "You're getting better at this romance shit," in between our kisses.
"It's just the truth," I replied as she maneuvered herself into my lap.
I brought my lips back to hers and kissed her slowly and sweetly, holding her face in my hands. Her
tears ran down my own cheeks and I was content that for once, they were tears of happiness and not
the sadness and fear she had been feeling of late.
"I would marry you regardless of whether or not we were having a baby together, just so know. But
after the last few days, I realized that you're right. You deserve a man who is deserving of you. So,
until I am, I won't ask. 'Cause that's what you deserve. What our family deserves."
She rested her head down onto my shoulder and I hugged her, moving my lips into the curve of her
neck, making a new promise.
"I promise no more nightmares, Angel. I promise."
Chapter Twenty-Seven ~ Oh Happy Day
"Anyone can be passionate, but it takes real lovers to be silly." Rose Franken
I leaned into his neck, wanting another taste.
Fucker tasted so good.
"I wanna be on top this time," I whispered, grinding my lower half against his.
"Again? Aren't you tired, Angel?" He asked, tossing his head back onto the pillow.
I pulled back and replied, "I thought this was every dudes dream?"
Flower Child kept his eyes on my naked breasts for a moment, then, looked to my face, replying,
"Baby, that's like three times in an hour." He swallowed thickly, adding, "I'm gonna need like a
sandwich or something if you want number four."
I smiled, rolling my eyes at him. "Fine, I'll make you a sandwich then." I climbed out of bed and
slipped his shirt on.
Flower Child whistled at my bare ass as I exited and I tried to ignore him, but the retarded girl inside
of me thought it was cute.
She was so annoying and extremely easy.
As far as being able to walk around with said bare ass showing; Ness wasn't back from her trip with
his parents to the Keys and I was free to wander around naked.
It was nice; very liberating.
I made the fucker a quick roast beef sandwich on the last two pieces of French bread, even though I
was saving those pieces for French toast.
Sex was more important right now, though.
Sandwich would get me that.
It was a good trade.
He smiled as I made my way back in the room. Just to be a brat, I set the cold plate on his bare chest.
He groaned, giving me a dirty look.
I was forgiven once his mouth met the sandwich.
He was easy too.
I lay back while he refueled, propping my feet against the wall, listening to the ocean breeze blow in.
My fingers found their way under his stolen shirt and I began to trace patterns over my stomach, as I
The last few days had been such a cluster fuck.
Last night, the fucker was rather sweet, telling me about why he didn't want to propose. Oh, but the
dream, the dream!
I can't lie people, I was truly swooning over this bastard as he told me that shit. It was fucking sweet
as hell and alright, maybe that meant something. I'm not fucking one to get all deep with fate, or
destiny and shit, but maybe that dream was a prologue to something in our lives.
Or maybe, it was like, his subconscious wanting this to happen all along.
I decided it didn't really matter though. What was done was done and shit, if he wanted this even
way back then- that was perfectly fucking fine with me.
Who am I kidding? I wanted Flower Child then, too.
Even if I was being a total fuckhead.
His groaning of contentment now, caused me to look over. I had to smile at how happy his face
looked. Actually, he looked kind of drunk, but it was like, drunk off sex and food, so this drunk was a
good drunk.
"Alright," Edward looked over to me, "I think I'm good now."
A laugh emanated from my lips and I slid my feet down off the wall. I crawled back over, straddling
him again. My index finger ran down the bridge of his nose and he kissed the tip once I reached his
"I love you," I said softly, leaning in to give him my lips.
"I love you, baby," He replied.
I hooked one finger under his chin and drew him in closer, so I could whisper, "Show me," Before I
kissed him.
French bread tasted much better on Edward's lips than it did as French toast.
When I awoke in the morning, Edward was already up. As I walked down the hall, I assumed he
would be out running, but instead, he was being measured by his mother in the living room.
Her eyes caught sight of me and she smiled, saying, "Good morning, Bella," sweetly.
"Morning. What's going on?" I asked.
"Just making sure Edward will fit into his tux," She replied, before pointing her finger at him. "If you
gain a pound, Rose will kill you. Stay away from those wonderful things you cook."
"Ma, do I look like I care about Rose?" Edward asked, deadpan.
"Allow me to rephrase. Rose will kill Emmett, then, Emmett will kill you." She made a face at him and
walked towards the kitchen table, placing the tape back in her purse.
"If Emmett is dead, the how can he kill me?" Edward took a seat at the table and narrowed his eyes
playfully at Esme.
"Just don't gain any weight, Smartass," She replied.
Edward sputtered with laughter, obviously surprised at his mother's curse. "Geeze, you get feisty
when you have a wedding to plan, know that?" He pinched at her side and she swatted him away.
"Leave me alone, Edward Anthony. You are never too old for a spanking. Keep that in mind."
He looked over to me as I leaned in the hall. A devilish grin appeared upon his perfect lips and knew
he was up to no good.
"This apartment has seen way too much spanking in last twenty-four hours, Mother. I don't know if it
could take anymore." He put his hands up immediately after he said it and Esme smacked him hard.
"You have grown so foul. To think your father and I wasted money to send you to a proper school,"
She swung her purse over shoulder and made her way towards the door.
"I'm just kidding, Mom. Like I'd spank a pregnant woman," He continued to joke.
Esme tugged the door open and turned to look at him. "Renesmee only slept about an hour last
night, I'm sure she will be extremely cranky when she wakes up from her nap this morning. Have a
nice day, Honey." She patted his cheek and exited.
Edward laughed and locked it behind her.
"Squeaky is home?" I asked, stepping towards him.
"Yeah, she's sleeping," He replied.
"How did it go? I mean, the water didn't scare her, did it?"
His face scrunched for a moment, before the realization hit. "She's tanner than me now, so, evidently
not." He smiled, but it quickly faded. "I didn't really think about it, honestly."
"Well, it was awhile ago. As long as she was fine, it's a good thing. I'm glad she's not scared,
considering where we live," I walked into the kitchen and started pulling out things for breakfast.
"That's true." He stepped behind me and rubbed my ass, as he went for the vitamins, above the
"Just gonna grope me in front of," I looked down to my hands, "farm fresh eggs, are ya?"
"I'm sorry, I didn't know it was off limits," He smiled and opened the bottle. "Last night you were
practically begging me for gropes and grabs and" He started to laugh and I kicked him lightly with
my foot.
"Well right now, I'm making breakfast, so back off," I said playfully.
He held up his hands and went on about his business beside me.
"Big week, huh," I commented, cracking a few eggs into a bowl. "Ness is going to school and Emmett
is getting married," I shook my head at the thought.
"I can't believe Ness is old enough for school. I swear she was just a baby last time I looked," He
replied, sliding a few slices of bread into the toaster.
"She was probably super cute as a baby," I smiled.
"Of course. She's mine, isn't she?" He teased.
Just the person we were talking about came tottering into the kitchen, looking sleepy as hell. As
Edward picked her up, and drew his attention towards her, I stole the fuckers toast and dunked it
into my egg mixture.
Just because I let him have the French bread, didn't mean I was going without my French toast this
morning. It just wasn't asFrench.
After we finished breakfast, I crawled back into bed and waited for Edward to clean up Squeaks.
"Well, Baby Cullen, today is the day. You're lucky, getting to have Squeaks for a sister. I had no one as
a kid. For years I was stuck with only my imaginary friend. Being an only child sucks ass. Being the kid
in school who smells like bacon and eggs sucks even bigger ass and being a kid with a hippy mother
who doesn't even know how to boil water, even though you have explained to her time and time
again that when you take the pot and fill it, all you need to"
My head whipped towards the doorway and I saw Edward standing there, looking rather amused.
"Sorry, just introducing our child to the inner workings of my mind," I rested my head back down and
he laughed.
"So I heard." He walked behind Ness, as she ran, not walked, to the bed.
"Ness, I think we talked about this need to run you have, didn't we?" Edward sat down on the bed
and she simply shrugged. "That's not an answer."
"Sowwy," She said, crawling her way to him.
"That's better." He hoisted her up in the air and fell to his back.
She giggled and begged to get down, but he rested her on his legs, holding onto her hands. "You
would make a good weight for working out if you were heavier."
"Alright, alright." He tipped to his side and she fell off, laughing.
I pulled her towards me and looked to Flower Child.
Um yeah, I wasn't going to tell her this shit.
"Ness, would you be happy if you had a brother or sister?" Edward asked.
"Wike Baby Bugs?"
"Sort of. Not as furry though," He replied.
She giggled and then nodded her head.
Flower Child's face looked hesitant for a moment as he thought.
I wasn't sure how the hell you explain this to a kid.
I'm sure that was his problem right now.
"Do you want to know a secret?" He asked and she nodded. "Come here then," He curled his fingers
at her and she leaned in.
Edward whispered in her ear and she pulled back, looking surprised.
"Still happy?"
"Bewwa has a chicken!?" She asked excitedly.
"What the heck did you tell her?" I asked.
"That's" Edward started laughing, shaking his head. "That's not what I said. "It's not a chicken,
Sweetheart." He rubbed her cheek and then propped up his elbow.
Flower Child lifted the hem of my shirt and revealed the small bulge that had started to grow.
Normally, I would have smacked his ass for this shit, because regardless of how I felt about Baby
Cullen, I didn't need to see what he or she's cheese loving ass was doing to my body.
Since this was to explain to Squeaks, I let him slide.
"The baby is in Bella's tummy. It's growing, like the eggs we saw at the farm. That's what I was trying
to say."
Squeaks looked at me and then down to my belly. Her little finger poked at me, like she was scared it
might bite her and I laughed. She looked at me again and I nodded, telling her, "It's alright. You can
touch. You just have to be gentle."
"Kay," She said softly, then, laid her small hand on my stomach.
Of course, stupid Baby Cullen just had to be touched by this and make those pesky tears appear in
my eyes. His or her father, who was equally as stupid, thought this was amusing.
Squeaks stopped suddenly and then scooted down from the bed in a rush, running out of the room.
We both stared at the door way, completely confused.
Was she scared?
Did I feel funny?
Smell funny?
I did a quick once over, and nope, all seemed good.
As she came back, running through the door, she stopped dead in her tracks, looking at Edward. A
small, shy smile crept over her face and she said, "Sowwy."
She tip toed the rest of the way over, slowly, and made her climb back on the bed. A brown, beat up
teddy bear, I remembered from the day she almost drowned, was sat upon my stomach and she
smiled at me.
I sat there listening to Rosalie, as she spat off at warp speed, all of the shit she wanted for her the
reception's dinner.
The only reason I was doing this crap was for Emmett's sake, as the Tweetybitch still had not been
Plus, Emmett agreed to make me a groom's woman.
That's right, groom's woman!
Rose had a fit about it, saying that it was not 'traditional' and when Emmett said, "Neither is being
two months pregnant," I thought he were a dead man.
It was funny though and highly true.
Back to the present, I was biting back laughter as she ordered phyllo-wrapped asparagus and mini
quiches. Could the bitch get any lamer? I wrote down a real menu and fully planned on making it.
Fuck phyllo-wrapped asparagus and all its overdone glory.
Stuffed mushrooms, I will cut her if she even thinks of suggesting them.
"And then I'd like pancetta wrapped cantaloupe as part of the appetizer"
"I can't do this! Do you even know who I am?!" I whined loudly, stretching my arms over the table.
"This is the most redundant, lame, just wedding food! It's motherfucking wedding food! Do you
want people to laugh? 'Cause they will laugh and I I will die!"
Flower Child started snickering at my side, and Emmett covered his mouth. I knew that fucker was
laughing under there. Rose looked pissed, but that wasn't new. Wasn't she always?
"Seriously, just let me help you, Rose! I'm going to give you my best fucking Jerry McGuire speech
right now and ask you to please, let me help you.let-me-help-youlet meeee, help youuuuu!"
She stared at me like I was a fucking 'tard.
"Okay, let me break this down into simple speak. I know food. I make lots of it, every day. I have seen
and done everything there is to do and see when it comes to catering. If you serve shit you get out of
bridal magazines, I will have to humbly decline being your caterer.
"Your food will suck and I will bring a lunch box for myself and Flower Child. Said packed lunch, will
get eaten, while you read your vows. Period."
Rose huffed and tossed her stupid blonde hair over her stupid, dainty shoulder. "Well, what do you
suggest, then?"
That was all I needed, I got my way.
After I designed the menu, got Bitchface's approval and made sure everything on that front was
taken care of, I locked myself in my office and attempted to work on shit for Invoke.
I was so far behind.
Every time I tried to focus, it seemed like there was something else needing my attention. The most
important of course, would be my fish baby, who really, wasn't really so much a fish anymore, as it
now had actual body parts.
We had our appointment to hear Baby Cullen's heart beat for the first time today, and the even
better part was getting to show Squeaky her brother or sister.
Flower Child knocked on my door, once again interrupting my work.
Squeaks came running in and I hoisted her into my lap. "Cookie?" She held up a Nutter Butter and I
chomped the end then thanked her. "What's dat?" She pointed to the screen asking.
"That's Canada, Squeaks. Somewhere I am never gonna get to go," I exited out of the screen and
lifted Ness as I stood.
Edward's face seemed pained as I looked at him and I regretted my words instantly.
There was no taking them back, though.
The gel was so cold and slimy.
I hated this part of the visit. Could they not keep that stuff in like a heated bath or something? You
know, like the ice cream scoopers at Baskin Robbins?
Shit, it seemed like such an easy fix.
Squeaky stood on a chair at my side, watching in wonder at all the stuff the doctor was doing to me.
Edward's fingers felt good, rubbing soothingly at my cheek.
My bladder was full, I was excited and damn, could not wait to hear this shit. The only problem was
that we were waiting for the rest of the Cullens' and my dad to show their stupid faces and none of
them had, yet.
"Maybe I should call again," Edward said.
As he went for his phone, the receptionist's head popped in and announced, "There is some family
out here. Is it okay if I"
"Yes, tell their asses to hurry," I blurted out.
She laughed and ducked back out. Soon after, Emmett's big ass came in and then Esme, Grandma
Cullen andthat was it?
"Where is my Dad?" I asked.
"Yeah, and mine?" Edward asked.
"The lesser men felt weird about being in here," Emmett laughed.
"Oh that is crap!" I said, looking at Em. "You tell my Dad to get his ass in here, 'cause I guarantee you,
no one feels as weird as me. So he needs to just suck it up."
"Alright, alright." He held up his hands and squeezed his way to the door.
"Jesus, like I'm asking for the moon or something," I continued to grumble and Edward took my hand
into his.
"Relax," He said, then looked to the doctor. "Will you tell her to relax, please?"
Fucker smiled saying it, too.
Before she got her chance, Charlie and Edward's dad came in. Grandma Cullen moved a little closer
and took my hand from Edward.
"I'm sorry my husband couldn't make it. He's feeling a little under the weather."
"It's alright, you guys are old. He gets a pass." I smiled at her and she laughed at my joke.
"Are we ready, then?" The doctor asked and I nodded.
She moved the wand thingy and it sounded like a scene missing from Star Wars or some shit. I'm
telling you, I prayed for Darth Vader's voice to come over, saying "Luke, I am your fath-er."
It didn't happen though.
What did happen, however, was a pulsing sound.
"There you go, Miss Bella," The doctor said. "That is your baby's' heartbeat." She smiled and held it
there, allowing me to listen.
"Why does it sound like Darth Vader?" Emmett asked, interrupting my moment.
"I was thinking the same thing, but seriously, shut up, Emmett," I replied.
"Sorry, I've been dying to ask and knew Rose would be..."
"Shh!" Grandma Cullen scolded him and again, and my love for her soared. "Let the girl listen."
I turned my head to look at Edward. His blue eyes were already on me. The expression he wore was
breathtaking, prideful, loving. I smiled at him and he leaned down to kiss my forehead.
"Happy?" He asked in a whisper.
"Extremely," I nodded.
He pulled back and his smile grew wider.
~ Flower Child ~
They were sitting in the church, acting very, very badly.
The choir was performing "My God" and Emmett and Bella.ah, they were enjoying it just a little too
As the choir sang 'like birds of a feather, we, flock together', my beloved thought it was funny to
point two fingers at her eyes then Emmett's, like this was a damn football game or something.
I was dying laughing on the inside.
She then took the opportunity to point at him and mouthed the lyrics, "No muscle bound man, could
take my hand, from my God".
Emmett lost it and curled Bella's face into his arm as they both shook with laughter, silently. Rosalie
looked highly pissed off and embarrassed. I figured my mother would be too, but as I glanced her
way, she actually had a smile on her face.
Bella hit Emmett lightly and did the eye-pointing thing again, except this time, it was directed at our
Lord and Savior, along with her singing, "but when it comes to being happy, we are.'
Thankfully, it was the last song of the service.
I still wasn't sure why Rose wanted to attend church before her wedding day. We had never gone
together before, but maybe she was trying to atone for something evil she did.
Ormaybe she was just trying to ensure it didn't rain tomorrow.
We were now doing a rehearsal ceremony and Bella stood at my side. It was weird, I'll admit it, but
what about Bella wasn't? Plus, it kind of did make sense. She was Emmett's best friend and I was just
sort of best man by default.
I'm sure if Em thought he could get away with it, he would have asked Bella instead.
I almost wanted to say no, just to see Rose's face if my theory was right.
Ness was coming up the aisle now, while some expensive wedding coordinator tried to direct her.
She wasn't having any of that, though. The flowers were going wherever my daughter felt the need.
Some on the bench some at the lady's face hardly any on the actual aisle.
Bella cursed and stepped down from the alter. She swatted the lady away telling her, "Go play with
the damn place cards or something." She took Ness' hand and walked her back down the aisle.
"Angela, get your little dude over hereand I don't mean Ben," She laughed.
"I don't even know that kid," Rose glared.
"Do you want the flowers to go in the aisle or not?" Bella shot back.
Rose sighed and looked away. Bella told Angela's son to hold the basket for Ness and then she sent
them on down the aisle again. Bella followed, scooting them back into the aisle when they went a
little astray and for the most part, they did pretty well.
"Three hundred dollars an hour my ass," Bella grumbled, taking her place next to me again. "I'm
clearly in the wrong profession."
"That was good," I said quietly.
She leaned over and whispered, "I promise, Flower Child, if we do get married, I will never make you
go through this."
I held out my hand to her and replied, "To Vegas."
She smiled and shook it in agreement, "To Vegas."
As predicted, everyone loved my fucking food at the rehearsal dinner.
I wasn't the one actually cooking tomorrow, since I couldn't be in two places at once, quite obviously.
Charlie, Alice and Alistair were in charge and The Workshop would be closed.
Tonight however, we were open, hosting the rehearsal dinner.
It was pretty cool, until of course, Jessica's ugly face showed up.
Yeah, that douche was Maid of Honor.
This was going to be interesting folks.
I wouldn't have normally allowed her to be in my damn restaurant, but the last thing I needed was
more drama by throwing a hissy fit, so, to make my life and Emmett's life easier, I decided to try and
be mature about this.
The urge to spit in her food was definitely there, though.
I could feel Edward's tension as he sat next to me. Jessica was talking with Rose, completely not
paying attention to us, or her daughter, but I saw him stealing peaks at her, still.
"Daddy," Ness tugged on his arm and he faced her. "Can I sit with Bewwa?"
He looked over to me and I nodded, placing my fork down to take her.
"What's up, Squeaks?" I gave her a squeeze after he placed her on my lap and she replied, "Nuffing.
Can I have sip?" She pointed to my drink.
"Can I have a sip?" I raised my brows and she smiled.
She was adorable and who was I kidding, the kid was going to get her way regardless.
Still, she needed manners, I guess.
Reaching for my glass, I caught evil eyes on me. They belonged to an evil person. Evil person named
Jessica Stanley.
I averted my gaze, placing it back upon my beverage and lifted it to Ness' mouth. "Tank you," She
said happily after she got her fill.
The tension only grew to new heights. I tried to ignore it, but I felt like when you steal a piece of
candy from the quarter bin in the grocery store.
Squeaks of course, being the candy.
Air, we need air, Baby Cullen.
"I'll be right back." I kissed Ness' head and handed her over to Edward.
He looked worried and I gave him a smile, trying to reassure him I was ok. On my way out, I grabbed
Emmett from the bar and tugged his big ass along with me.
"Ah, man," He stretched as we stepped onto the sidewalk.
"It's so nice out tonight," I commented, feeling the cool breeze blowing against my skin.
"Gotta love Florida, B." He wrapped an arm over my shoulder and started to walk with me.
"I think I kind of do."
"Does that mean your going to stay?" He asked.
"Like I have a choice, Em." I waved my hand over Baby Cullen.
Emmett stopped and turned to face me. "What does that mean?"
"I'm just saying where ever we 'settle down', to raise this kid, it's not really up to me. Your family is
here and this is Squeak's home," I shrugged.
"Yeah, but what about Canada? You had plans to be there for the better part of this year. How is that
going to work, B?"
"I'm not going," I said quietly.
"What do you mean? Bella, this is what you've wanted for as long as I've known you."
"Yeah well, a lot of shit has changed, Emmett. You really think Edward will be alright with me in
Canada, pregnant, for six months?"
"This isn't just about Edward," He argued.
"Okay, fine. Do you think I would be alright with that? I don't even know if I could do that, Emmett.
You know how hard openings are."
"So then what, you just give up? This is not like you, Bella." His face looked sad as he stared at me.
"Yeah, well, what is lately, Emmett? What about any of this is like me?"
He hugged me to him, sighing hard. "Scared?"
"A little," I admitted.
"It'll be alright. Edward's a good dude. I would have kicked his ass other wise."
"Speaking of which, you owe me some money, Jerk."
"I know. Sorry about that. Thanks for bailing me out though. Rose would have been pissed if I called
her, or my folks."
"I was pissed too."
"I know, Edward told me about you kicking him in the nuts. That was just wrong, B," He said,
"You're lucky I didn't kick you too. Seriously, you guys are such jerks some times it makes me want to
kill you both."
"Newton deserved what he got and then some. I've watched that asshole hurt too many people I
"Aw, so it's true?" I teased.
"You love me? You like," I swung my arms around his neck, "REALLY love me!?"
"You know I do," He kissed my forehead, smiling.
Someone cleared their throat loudly and Emmett spun with me still hanging on him like a monkey.
It was Rosalie.
"Mind getting your hands off my fianc?"
"I was just breaking him in for you," I rubbed myself against him and I knew he was trying
desperately not to laugh.
"I'm serious," She said through her bleached white teeth.
No one running a bakery could have teeth so white. Eating sugar like a motherfucker and all that jazz.
"Relax. I'm just joking. You know, if you two are going to be married, you might want to get one of
those, seeing as how Emmett has a really good one." I let him go and stepped back.
"Get what?" She asked, crossing her arms.
"A fucking sense of humor," I replied.
"What is your problem with me?" She was angry and I had to laugh.
Did she really forget?
"Let's see, you have accused the father of my child of beating that cunt-rag friend of yours, managed
to get Emmett to quit working for me and now you are standing outside of my restaurant insulting
I saw Edward walking towards the door, through the glass and I didn't want this fiasco to get any
more out of line.
"Just fucking forget it," I stepped passed her and went for the door, but she grabbed my arm.
"You have the nerve to be angry with me, when you have been all over Emmett, the entire time we
have been dating. I'm having his baby, marrying him tomorrow and you are out here, hanging all over
him like a total slut! You know, maybe there is something in that loser Edward's sperm that makes
girls want to fuck every guy they encounter or something!"
I wanted to be pissed off, but ended up laughing, seeing as how she just totally admitted Jessica was
a slut.
"Let go of her, Rose." Edward took my arm out of her hand as he entered our little World of
I felt like playing along with her ridiculous accusations.
"Actually, I'm having Emmett's baby, too. I lied, it isn't Edward's. You're right; I'm a huge slut, Rose.
This has been so wrong," I held out my hand to Emmett longingly, "We shouldn't have to hide our
"Shut up, Bella." He was amused; I knew my Emmett and my Emmett fucking got me. Why he was in
love with this bland, crispy cracker called Rosalie, I had no damn clue.
Emmett was more like a Cheez-It; full of flavor, cheesy and highly delicious.
"No seriously. I'm tired of having to keep our secret. I mean, between ten restaurants, traveling,
raising Edward's child- that we are only using for show- and then having to date Edward and pretend
that I love him, I finally have had enough, Emmett. We must admit our true feelings."
"You're fucking crazy, you know that?" Rosalie spat.
"Only about Emmett." I clutched my heart and she tugged on his arm, pulling him back inside.
As soon as the door closed, I busted into laughter. "Oh fuck, Emmett is in so much trouble." I fell into
Edward, unable to control my hysterics.
"You know, Jessica is inside. Would you like me to bring her out next?" He offered, looking highly
amused at my display.
"No way, I can only handle one dick-pickle at a time. Ah, that was fun," I cleaned the happy tears
from my eyes and looked up to Edward.
"It is my baby, right?" He asked playfully.
"Actually it's Alistair's, but don't tell Emmett. I don't want to break his heart."
"Interesting," He mused.
"What?" I wrapped my arms around his neck and Flower Child smiled.
"He has a penis after all."
Emmett wasn't 'allowed' to have a bachelor party, so instead, Edward just took him out for a few
drinks and to play pool with the rest of the guys working for us.
I was stuck making sure everything in the restaurant was cleaned up once everyone left. Squeaks had
gone home with Edward's parents and thankfully, Jessica had not started any shit tonight.
Other than the evil, creepy stares.
I was just about to head out, making one last walk-through to ensure all was good when said creepy
person appeared before me.
Seeing her caused me to jump and I debated for a moment, wondering how the fuck she got into my
restaurant. Jessica was sitting at the chef's table, looking at her fingers as they traced over the
"I brought this for Ness," She said softly, holding up a doll in her hand. "I was trying to say I was
sorry." Her eyes stayed down and I stepped to the side, walking behind the pass.
"That was nice of you," I said, unsure.
"She asked me if it was like your baby," Jessica finally looked up to me. "You and Edward are having a
I nodded slowly and she shook her head, looking disgusted.
"He'll do the same thing to you, you know." Her eyes were dark, lifeless. "He got me fired from my
job and everything."
"I think that was all you, Sweetheart. Shit like that tends to happen when you steal." I shook my
head, unable to believe she still didn't get it.
"You knew about this?" She asked, standing up.
"I heard about it," I lied, shrugging.
I wasn't about to make the same mistake twice, letting the cat out of the bag. Let her wonder who
brought her ass down, until we had court. Dickward was good enough for now.
Ah, Dickward.I still owe him a shipment of ravioli and an autographed pair of my
"Edward's not as great as you think he is. Did you know he kicked me out? I had no where to go and
he just kicked me out, and then he stole my baby. He'll do it to you, too. My daughter doesn't even
know me." Jessica began to cry and even as pathetic as she looked, I could not feel sorry for her.
She didn't just make her own bed to lie in, the idiot pissed in her bed too. That wasn't my fucking
fault, and she wasn't about to get my sympathy.
Save that shit for Rose.
I started getting pissed, hearing her defame Edward's name and all his goodness, but his words came
back to from the night at his parents.
When you're hurt, Little Bit is hurt.
He was right and Jessica had already hurt enough Cullen's for one life time.
"I don't know what happened between you and Edward, but it's different with us. You guys were just
kids, Jessica." I stepped from behind the pass and tried to figure out how the hell I was going to get
her out of my damn restaurant.
She stepped in front of me, blocking my path.
"He said he would take care of me and he didn't. Edward just left me. He tricked me and then he left
me. I have nothing and he has everything. It's not fair." She stepped closer to me and I backed up
quickly, until I felt the table hit my back.
I hopped onto it and spun myself around so I could be on the other side. As I looked back, she wasn't
following me anymore. Jessica stood there, allowing her bitter tears to stream down her cheeks. Her
face was blank, void of any expression as she just kept rambling on about how unfair her life was.
I cursed, not needing this shit tonight.
My damn cell phone was in my office too. I grabbed the kitchen phone instead and dialed Edward as
the idiot plopped herself down on the floor, crying like a freak.
"Why us, Baby Cullen?" I said, waiting for him to pick up.
Jessica wailed in the background and I allowed another string of profanities out.
"Hello?" He finally answered.
"You said no more nightmares, Jerk." I looked back to the douche as she continued to blubber.
"Huh? What's wrong?"
There was no describing this fuckery. I simply held out the phone and let him hear for himself.
"What is that?" He asked as I placed my ear back to the receiver.
"That would be the sound of Jessica blaming you for her entire life."
"She's there? Why? What the hell is going on, Bell?"
"Just come and get it, please. It's messing up my clean floor. You know how I feel about snot."
"I can't, you know that. Ugh, just call the cops, Angel. Are you alright? Fuck, I'm sorry. I shouldn't
have left you there alone."
His worrying was sweet, the blubbering mess to my left, was not.
"I'm fine, but you are giving me the pussy licking of all motherfucking pussy lickings for this shit." I hit
the 'end call' button and dialed the cops.
My ass sat on the floor as I waited for them to answer. She kept on crying and it was all I could do to
not fucking throw something at her.
This was going to be a long ass night.
~Flower Child.~
I was taken aback when I saw Bella for the first time today.
She was always beautiful, but hell, today she was justI had no words. To call her an angel would not
done her justice. It was like, watching that Deritos commercial, when they had the hot brunette in
them, as she sauntered in.
Long legs, straight hair, brown eyes lined with dark makeup. Fuck, and the lips.cherrieshappy little
cherries. My eyes rested on the amber heart lying in between her cleavage finally.
Was my ogling that obvious?
"Sorry. They're getting a little hard not to notice." I rested my hand on her hip, placing a kiss to her
forehead. "Are you here for your tie duties?"
"Of course." She reached up and began to work on making the knot. "You look very handsome. You
have the ring, right?"
I grabbed my chest and looked at her in horror.
She didn't find it funny.
"It's in my pocket, safe and sound," I reassured.
Bella reached up and raked her fingers through my hair a few times, then brushed them along my
suit's front.
"You know Rosalie is going to be pissed at you, right?" I asked.
She looked up to me and asked why. My finger lifted her chin and I leaned into her cherry-colored
lips. "Because you're going to upstage her today."
Bella smiled and fell against me, resting her chin on my chest.
"Can I mess up your lipstick?" I asked and she smiled wider, nodding her approval.
Those lips tasted just as sweet as they looked. I prayed the door was locked and Bella's father would
not 'accidently' walk in.
I had that type of luckor lack of, whichever.
The problem here is that, my angel, was not so angelic these last few days. It must have been the
hormones, because even at the slightest bit of affection, her fuse lit.
Like right now.
The even bigger problem however, was that I wanted her just as much. My eyes opened briefly,
glancing over her shoulder.
The door was locked.
This man.
This stupid, tie wearing, good smelling, strong, irresistible man.
Fuck, I wanted him.
My whole body was craving for a taste, a lick, a nibble. Anything, everything. My freshly painted nails
scraped against his scalp as I dug into him, trying to get more. I needed so more. He was like a drug
right now and I was the fiend.
"I owe you something." His tone was dirty, low, surely up to no good.
I loved it.
A kiss was placed upon my chin.
Good boy, don't mess up the make up further. Thank you.
He slid down to his knees and moved my dress higher. Jessica had never been so welcomed in my
world, as I knew what he was about to do and her blubbering on the floor of my restaurant last night
was forgiven.
The best fingers in the world slid my panties down my legs allowing them to rest on my ankles. He
wasted no time, thank God for that, seeing as how we had very little.
This was his house and here we were in the back room of it, sinning to our hearts content. His tongue
met my flesh and suddenly, God and I got very familiar, as I called upon his name.
I may have asked for his Son, too.
Fixing Edward's hair earlier was in vain, as I was clawing my fingers through it, full of need and out of
pleasure. He steadied me with his hands on my hips and kept his mouth moving over my clit,
complimenting the movement by sliding it over my entrance.
Since we were in church, I prayed no one would hear me moaning.
I released his hair and rested my palms to his shoulders. He sucked harder, and I gripped his clothing
firmly, trying to keep my balance and hold on to my sanity at the same time. It was fucking
incredible, but still, not enough.
My hand slid under his chin and I stepped back. His blue eyes watched mine and he simply followed
me silently, allowing my hand to guide him towards the vanity counter.
A jaw never felt so good in my palm.
He lifted me, sitting me on top and I went for his buckle, unfastening him quickly.
"So pissed." His eyes looked as devious as our actions.
I liked this side of Edward.
His bottom lip looked delicious and I leaned in to have a taste. It was. I sucked harder as my hands
freed him of his pants and he pulled me closer.
Flower Child placed himself in me, going slow and I closed my eyes to devote all of my senses to how
he felt. Complete. His head rested on my shoulder as he wrapped his arms around me, thrusting
beautifully, perfectly.
I kissed the apple of his cheek and told him how much I loved him. I felt his arms tighten around me
as he repeated the same, and gave me sweet kisses in return.
His nose skimmed along my face and he kept whispering to me all of his feelings. He fingers drew
down the fabric of my dress, to reveal my breasts. Edward paused and paid them attention. My skin
was so sensitive, greedy, and his warm mouth felt fucking heavenly gliding over my nipples.
"Mmm," I hummed, digging my nails against the nape of his neck.
"You like that?" He asked, as if it were a secret.
I rested back onto my palms and allowed his to have free reign of my body. He took it, treating me to
his hands palming my breasts together, and sucking softly at my nipples.
Man was a nipple sucking champion.
He began to slide himself into me again and I felt myself beginning to unravel.
His suit lapels filled my hands as I pulled him to my face, wanting his lips back on mine. We were
greedy, hungry and we fit perfectly together as he gave one last push, filling me completely with his
love, lust and euphoria.
Even after all that, still, I wanted more.
I sighed heavily, knowing that time was not on our side here.
He enraptured me in his arms, holding me securely as we panted and laughed a little at our behavior.
I helped him right his clothing once we were ready to leave and he gave me a smile, placing a kiss on
my hand as we walked towards the door.
I didn't miss the statue of Jesus giving me the eye from the corner as we exited.
Emmett stopped us in the hall and asked if he could speak with me alone. He drew a small box from
his jacket pocket and held it in his hands.
"I got something for you. It's um" He started to get choked up to my surprise and I rubbed his arm.
"Shit, just take it." He handed it over and I lifted the lid.
There was a key, mounted on a small plaque. Underneath it was an inscription of an address.
It was our old address, to our first apartment in New York.
"You kept this?" I asked.
"Yeah. I found it when Rose and I were moving. It was in a box of old pictures I had. I can't believe
some of the shit we did, B." He laughed and let out a happy sigh, adding, "Fuck, Bella, we built so
much together. Two kids who had nothing, somehow found everything, right?"
"Right." The tears welled in my eyes and he hugged me tightly.
"I love you so much, B. I'm gonna miss working for you, but we're family. Our kids are gonna grow up
together and you'll always be my best friend." He kissed my head and I pulled back, nodding in
"Holy shit," I started to laugh through my tears, "we're going to be parents. How the fuck did that
Emmett laughed and his smile reached my heart. "I know, right? Shit, there was a day when you
couldn't even get a date."
"That was by choice," I pointed out.
"Mmm hmm," He hugged me again and said, "I'm glad you have Edward. And I'm really glad he has
you." He swayed me in his arms and I looked back up to him.
"It's your fault, Emmett. You made me hire him."
The wedding was beautiful, I'll give it that much.
Squeeks was a perfect flower girl and Edward smiled all proud and father-like watching her.
If he weren't so cute, I would have totally made fun of him.
I did my best to not look at Jessica, even though, there was a part of me that should have probably
went over and said "thanks for the awesome sex your breakdown caused", but I didn't.
Speaking of crying, Rosalie blubbered through her vows and everyone melted like butter at her
Personally, I wanted to blow chunks at the Drama Llama.
Edward kept me in check, though.
I watched him from our table as he danced to a slow, sweet song, holding Renesmee in his arms. It
never ceased to amaze me how adoringly she gazed at her Daddy. That was love, right there folks.
It warmed my cold heart to see them so happy today.
The woman, I recognized as the wedding coordinator, came over and tapped his shoulder. It must
have been time for the speech. He looked a little nervous and my excitement only grew brighter.
Sue me, I liked to see the man squirm. He was cute like that.
The room quieted down and he drew a paper from his pocket, standing beside Emmett at our table. I
winked at Em and he smiled wide, waiting anxiously to hear what his brother would say.
"Forgive the cursing, Bella helped me write this," He began, getting a laugh from the crowed.
That was a good start. I felt proud already.
Baby Cullen gave a little roof-raise in my womb with its slightly underdeveloped arms. I added the,
"What! What!" silently in my head.
"When I was little, I hated Emmett. He had all the coolest toys, stole anything and everything I was
ever given and would never let me borrow any of his things in return.
"As we grew older, he only got me into trouble and figured out I was fun to take his aggression out
on." The crowed was laughing still, enjoying his speech. Emmett looked amused too; as I watched his
eyes dance happily, staring at Edward.
"I see now, that was all normal stuff kids did to one another." Flower Child faced Emmett and
"I'm proud to call you my brother. I really look up to you, Em and I know that I was really lucky not
get stuck with a total fuckhead," He looked to the crowd, "that was Bella's word," He faced Emmett
again, "for a brother."
"I wish you guys all the best, but I just hope you know, that regardless of whether or not my child is a
boy or girl, it is still going to kick your kid's ass."
Edward took his seat and Emmett hit him playfully.
The crowed applauded and all was a success.
After the food, dancing and speech giving, we somehow ended up in the grass outside.
Flower Child was more than a little drunk, as was Emmett and the rest of the people we were sitting
among. His head was in my lap, laughing as he and Emmett traded old stories.
Baby Cullen and I were a little pissed off that everyone else got be drunken monkeys while we sipped
our non-alcoholic beverage, but it was a wedding and I wasn't going to deny him that privilege today.
Plus, Jessica was hereand Rose, sowell you know.
He needed that shit.
"No," Edward started to laugh, "You are never being left alone with our new baby, Em." His hand
came over my stomach and rubbed all of Baby Cullen's bumpy goodness. "I learned my lesson with
Ness. You are dangerous around small children. Seriously, Rose, never leave him unattended."
"I think Emmett will be fine with our baby, thank you very much," She replied.
"Really?" Edward raised his brows, looking at her. "Let me ask you something. Who would you rather
leave your kid with, me or Emmett?" He asked playfully.
Rose rolled her eyes and tried to ignore his question, but Edward wasn't having that.
"I have five years under my belt, Rose. At some point, I'm sure you'd like to have an alone night with
Emmett after the baby is born. You will probably call me and ask. Unless," a fit of laughter came from
him and he shook his head, not finishing his sentence.
"Unless what?" She asked.
"I was going to say something, but never mind. It'll only piss youand others off."
"Say it, Cullen," She demanded.
Edward sighed and finally gave up the goods. "I was going to say unless you planned on getting your
best friend, Jessica, to sit for you. It was in bad taste. Sorry."
"Hey, screw you, asshole," Jessica's bitch face said from across our happy circle.
"I said I was sorry and that it was in bad taste, didn't I?" He asked, looking to her.
"Rose would let me watch her kid, so fuck you, Edward."
We all looked to Rosalie as she failed to back up Jessica's claim. A glimmer of realization flickered in
Edward's eye.
"Holy shit," He lifted his head from my lap and sat up. "Wait, I know I'm a little fucked up here, but I
think this means I'm fucking right. Like, you and I are seeing eye-to-eye or some shit, Rose."
"You're such an idiot, Cullen." Rosalie shook her head, looking highly pissed off.
"You don't trust me to watch your kid?" Jessica asked, stupidly.
I wanted to chime in and tell her, "Crack heads wouldn't let you watch their kid, honey," But again, I
was on my best behavior.
"Okay, let me change my question, since I'm drunk and feeling ballsy," Edward swallowed and asked,
"If you had to leave your baby with me or Jess, for just one hour, who would you pick?"
"I'm not answering that!" Rose was really pissed off now.
I was finally enjoying my sober self.
"Because you would pick me?" Edward continued to goad her.
It was a risky move, as Emmett was putting his balls, possibly, his new marriage on the line, but he
helped Edward's cause, adding, "It's a pretty fair question, babe."
I thought smoke and flames would come from Rosalie's nose as she looked at him. Thank God, he
was safe. No fire came.
"I want to know, too. I'm supposed to be your best friend and you really can't answer his fucking
question?" Jessica was angry and this was the best game of all time.
Edward was a drunken genius.
Blow jobs. He would be rewarded with endless blow jobs.
"Jessica, you don't even want to watch your own daughter! Why would I ask you to watch mine?!" It
was a verbal slap to Jessica's face and she felt every last bit of it.
I swear, somewhere, angels were singing, seas were parting and the hungry longed for food, no
"He took her from me!" She shouted back, pointing to Edward.
"When?! The nights you went out drinking and I was stuck watching Ness all night long?! Or maybe,"
Rose scrambled to her knees, hoisting her dress up so she could yell at Jessica all good and proper-
"Maybe it was when you had that shithead Mike over and decided fucking him all night long was
more important? I had to take her with me on my first date with Emmett, you know that?!"
"She did?" Edward asked him, surprised. Emmett nodded and Edward looked back to Jessica, but
before he could say anything, all hell broke lose.
"I covered for your ass the night Edward pushed you, bitch! I fucking testified to that shit!"
Emmett looked at her, full of shock and asked, "You lied?!"
"No! I didn't say that." Rose shook her head, but the cunt-rag cat was already out of the dirty bag.
"Um, I'm pretty sure you just said you did." I finally spoke up, not letting this shit slide twice.
"Fuck you all," Rose tried to get up, but Emmett held her there.
"No, we need to settle this right here, right now. Edward is your fucking family, like it or not and this
shit has gone on way too goddamn long. Just fucking say it. Did Edward hit Jessica that night or not?"
I had never seen Emmett so pissed. It was scary, yet, charming.
"He pushed her but," Rose started the waterworks bullshit and I rolled my eyes. "She was fucking
drunk alright?!"
"Did he, or didn't he hit her?" Emmett asked again.
Rose stayed quiet and Jessica spoke up, whining, "You know he did. I'm your best friend, Rose. Tell
them. He hit me, just tell them he-,"
"Shut up Jessica! Just just shut up," Rose shook her head, looking highly defeated. "No," She said
softly. "No, he didn't fucking hit her. She was trying to pull on him and he pushed her, I wasn't lying
about that, but he didn't hit her. Not even when she hit him."
"You're a bitch!" Jessica rose to her feet and walked off, still screaming at Rose. "You're a fucking
lying bitch, Rosalie!"
Edward stood up quickly and looked around. I knew what he wanted.
"She's over by the gazebo," I said standing up next to him.
We walked quickly over to where the kids were playing. Squeaks saw Edward as we approached and
ran over to him. He kneeled down and scooped her up into his arms.
"You're stinky," She whined, placing a hand over his mouth. Her arms extended over to me and I took
her. "Pretty." She approved of my smell.
I smiled as she rested her face into my neck, playing with the amber charm Edward had given me.
"Happy day, Bewwa?" She asked as we began to walk back towards the reception.
I caught sight of Jessica as we got closer to the building. She was standing alone on the edge of the
grass, before the lake started. Her entire world had been shattered. No dream job, lover boy or lying
best friend lay within her grasp any longer.
This little girl, who was so precious, so extremely deserving of a devoted mother, was going to get
just that. If it meant giving up my own dreams and aspirations, so be it.
It was the fine line that separated me from becoming a heartless bitch like Jessica Stanley.
"Yeah Squeaks. It's a happy day."
Chapter Twenty-Eight ~ Daddy, Im Growing Up
"Some think it's holding on that makes one strong; sometimes it's letting go." - Sylvia Robinson
~Flower Child~
"Oh my God, he wanted to tickle her belly button from the inside." Bella was still laughing to the
point of tears as we exited the movie theater.
We agreed, in order to maintain the sanity of our relationship, we needed a date night, alone.
Tonight was that night.
The movie was alright. Bella laughed endlessly at all the potty humor and I pretty much just laughed
at Bella. It wasn't really my type of movie, as no one's head was being blown off, but she agreed to
eat barbeque afterward, if I agreed to see it.
Compromise; we were all about it.
"Your chariot," I opened the car door for her. It was what gentlemen's do.
"Dude, you sound like your Gramps." Apparently it was not appreciated. "But thank you." Or it was.
Most of the ride was silent, except for Bella's important questions about our next destination.
"Do they have corn fritters?" She was looking at the window, but asking me, obviously.
"I believe so, Angel."
"Do they come with powdered sugar sprinkled on top?" She looked towards me and I had to laugh at
the excitement in her eyes.
"Feeling better about barbeque?" I rubbed at her cheek and she tried to bite me. "I'll take that as a
Bella's weirdness grew as her belly did.
"I think I'm going to have a pulled-pork sandwich, with drumsticks on the side and a tall, icey glass of
raspberry lemonade. I pray it's fresh not that damn shit from a nozzle. I hate fake lemonade. Like, it's
really that hard to make, you know?" My sweet angel, she was all over the place lately.
It was best to just play along.
"I certainly do, Baby." My hand reached over and held hers and the rest of the ride was silent, minus
the stomach rumblings.
Once we arrived to the restaurant, we were seated and placed our order. Bella was happy to see
fresh lemonade on the menu. She drank two glasses before our food arrived and spent most of meal
time in the bathroom. On her last trip, I paid for our food and waited for her by the exit, making sure
to grab a mint from the bowl by the cash wrap, because I knew she loved them.
I stuck out my arm, as she approached, not caring if she thought my acts of chivalry were old
fashioned. They were respectful and she was deserving of such behavior. I was treated to a roll of her
eyes and a sweet smile. It was the only payment I would ever need.
Once we were tucked back inside of the Volvo, I handed over the mint. She glanced at it in her palm
as though it were much more significant than a cheap candy. As I turned over the ignition, bringing
the car to life, she hit the button on her door's console, lowering the window. The candy was sent
flying across the parking lot and I stared at her like she was crazy.
"Was there something wrong with your mint?"
She laughed humorlessly at my question, nodding as she replied, "Yeah, everything is wrong with
those mints."
I had no idea what that meant, but there was a smile on her face that made my lack of knowledge
quite alright.
If throwing mints made her happy, who was I to deny her such things, right?
The next morning was busy.
My mom kept Ness overnight and was spending today with her as well. I felt bad, not being able to
go shopping with her for her school clothes, but I had a restaurant to get open and hoped she could
forgive my absence.
Besides, I didn't know shit about buying kids clothes. That was my mother's job most of the time,
anyhow. I should have probably been there for like, moral support or something, but again;
restaurant to open.
"Come on, come on," Bella was talking to the toaster as she waiting for her bagel to pop. "Shit,
whatever happened to the fucking toasters that you could burn your house down with?"
"Safety features." I gave her a wink as I shook up a bottle of liquid breakfast, otherwise known as
protein powder and water.
"Fuck." Her bagel finally popped and she grabbed it. "Ten minutes later and the fucker still isn't
I snorted, loudly.
"Shut up, Flower Child." She placed the bagel in her mouth and scooped up her things from the
counter, getting ready to head out.
I followed behind her, scooping up my keys and cell phone and we were off.
The elevator ride mostly consisted of Bella complaining about how her bagel tasted like a wet sponge
and how we needed a new toaster for the house. Then she went on a rant about how we needed a
new house and all the things she would do to my balls- all of which were not good- if I didn't get on
the stick about helping her to find said new house. I pretty much drank my protein shake, water,
whatever, and nodded in agreement.
It was for the greater good of my balls of course.
"I love you," I leaned in and gave her a kiss before she got in her car. "Have a good day, Sweetheart."
"I hope you have the worst day ever. Seriously, Flower Child. You're a dick and I hope nothing goes
"You'll be fine." Her anger was because today was our first day working separately. I understood. This
was her defense mechanism.
"I'm talking about people not showing up, things exploding, and when the Health Department shows
up for inspection, I pray there will be a tribe of mice, having baby mice all over your floor." Bella's
face looked no different than when Ness through a temper tantrum.
I wondered if she would start stomping her feet.
"Mice live in tribes?" I knew I shouldn't egg her on, but it was just too easy sometimes.
"In your shithole place, I'm pretty certain they would and on Tuesday nights, they probably all gather
around drinking fucking margaritas playing limbo-limbo."
I bit back my laughter, in order to reply, "That would explain why the straws are always all over the
floor in the morning. They must use them as the pole." I smiled and she sputtered with laughter.
"You're an evil, Jerk. Have fun with your stupid rats, Edward." She kissed me and went for the door
"Mice," I corrected.
"Whatever." She closed the door and started up her car as I walked back to mine.
As I sat in my car and got situated, my phone beeped and I dug it out of my pocket. There was a text
from Bella.
I love you too. Good luck.
It made me smile to know she remembered our last conversation, when I told her saying mean things
wasn't a nice way to part with someone.
When the fucker told me I'd never look at the pass the same way again after he fucked me all good
and proper-like on it, fucker was right.
The problem of course, was that I was not alone in the kitchen.
Alistair was here, making jokes beside Alice as she prepped her baked goods. Charlie was showing
Royce and Bree a faster way to make garlic paste, even though, I told his ass a million times, rubber
mallets were not considered a kitchen tool.
And here I was, staring at the stupid pass, remembering my knees bent behind my head and how
good Edward smelled as he breathed sweet cherry sauce against my face.
A heated flush crept over my skin and I went to the ice chest, sliding some cubes down my top and
then dug for another handful, shoving them into my mouth. As I sat my ass against the lip of the
container, I saw Emmett walking over, looking highly amused at me antics.
Did he know?
Oh hell. I must show my guilt for being a whore worse than I thought.
"Hot flashes?" He asked.
"Rose, she gets like little hot flashes. By the time I bring her ice cubes, she is already begging me for a
blanket, telling me she's freezing." Emmett sat down next to me and I decided being a hormonal
pregnant woman was better than being one that got fucked on the pass like a dirty slut.
"Yeah. Hot flashes." I nodded and scooped up more ice, just to be dramatic.
"Missing Edward, too?"
Idiot knew me too well.
"I knew I would, it's just" My shoulders slumped and I tossed the remaining cubes back into bin. "It
just feels wrong. Edward not being here just feels all wrong." I sighed and Emmett hugged an arm
around my shoulders.
"So then why are you here?" He asked.
"This is where I work." Did I really need to explain that shit?
"Bella, you have a sous chef, made Alice your exec and Charlie's old ass is still hanging around. You
are free to leave. Mission accomplished." He patted my shoulder and drew his arm back.
"And then where do I go? The only place left for me is Canada and obviously that isn't happening."
"Go play with Edward," He slapped his hand to his leg and looked at me as though I should have
already known this shit. "He's probably over there acting like a pussy missing your ass, too."
"He didn't invite me," I whined.
"And that matters because?" He raised an eyebrow and I hated that he was making so much sense.
"He'll think I'm like spying on him or something." I tried to go another route.
"And that matters because?" He chuckled.
Damn it
Damn it
Damn it.
"Bye B. Tell Edward I said 'hi'."
Definitely knew me too well.
I jumped up from my seat and pushed my way angrily through the doors. I swear, one damn
comment from Flower Child that I was spying or invading his space and Emmett was going to get the
damn beating of his life.
But he was right, I didn't fucking care.
Flower Child was being admired by every last member of the decorating staff as I entered his
restaurant. They didn't see me and I quickly made sure they did.
"Hey bitches, you know I distinctly remember opening up about twenty restaurants with your punk
asses over the years and you know, I don't ever recall a table being so damn interesting when it was
installed." Their faces sunk, but they didn't move. "Go fucking do something else or I'm gonna start
firing bitches!" I flailed my arms and walked passed them.
They very smartly moved their asses.
"To what do I owe the pleasure?" He asked.
"You could have made them go away too, you know." I wasn't really pissed, but it was true. I sat
myself down on a box and sulked.
"I don't have eyes in the back of my head, Bella." Flower Child sounded like I was on his last damn
nerve. "Did you need something, or did you just come here to harass me?"
Yep. He was annoyed.
"I missed you," I tried to recover and it worked.
His stupid, half-smile that I loved and hated crept its way across his face- that I felt very similarly
about. "You did?"
"I'm sure it's just the baby hormones, but yeah. Don't look so happy over it. You're creeping me out,
Flower Child." I shrugged trying to play it off, but he only got more joy of out this.
Edward crawled over to me, placing kisses on my knees, that felt like when you find a piece of
chocolate you didn't knew you had, and took a seat on the box with me.
"I missed you too." He was about to lean over and kiss me, but the stupid box broke and we both fell
to our asses on the floor. His head knocked into mine and I felt a staple pinch my ass from the floor.
He cursed. I cursed. We laughed like fools.
"That might go down in history as the most unromantic move ever," He rolled over and kissed my
face as I lay there, still.
"Maybe this building is haunted. I swear, it's like trying to keep us apart." I rubbed my head and
Edward helped me to sit up beside him.
"I hope not. It's almost done and I don't think they give refunds." We stood up and dusted our selves
Flower Child showed me around after that a little, telling me what they had planned for things and
asked me about a million questions. He was adorable and looked extremely happy here, so I couldn't
help but to push all my selfish shit aside and be happy with him.
"So you never talk to strangers. And you never leave with anyone but Daddy or Bella or Grandma or
Grandpa or Uncle Emmett."
I was spying from the doorway as Edward proceeded to make Ness a very long list of rules for her
first day of school.
"If boys talk to you, that's ok. But if they ask you to go behind the swing with you, that is not ok. I was
five once and I know what that leads to."
I rolled away from the door, covering my mouth and snickered silently at how adorable he was. It
was kindergarten for Heaven sake. What trouble could she possibly get into?
After their little chat ended, I plopped down into his lap on the couch.
"Maybe you should just teach her the Private Circle song," I suggested.
"I don't know that one, just Stranger Danger shit."
"Stranger Danger has been proven non-effective, Flower Child. Especially if the stranger happens to
be good looking. Apparently kids think strangers are only ugly, or mean."
"How the hell do you know that?"
"Research, shit. It's a good thing you have me, you know? To think poor Squeeks would be sent off
with such a weak knowledge of strangers and creeps tomorrow. Have you watched How to Catch a
Predator, lately? Most of that shit takes place in Florida, Edward! One minute you're chatting online
with hot under-aged babes, then the next you're being handcuffed and prepping your butthole for
shower sex with Bubba the inmate who doesn't like pedophiles."
He stared at me in horror. There was only one way to solve this problem.
I cleared my throat.
"STOP! Don't touch me there, this is my private square. R-A-P-E, get your penis off of me. Listen
when I tell you stop. I don't want my cherry popped. NO MEANS NO!"
His look hadn't swayed. In fact, it looked possibly more horrified.
"That's the Private-,"
"Yeah, yeah. I get it." He stopped me, placing a hand over my mouth, as though that would somehow
erase all that had been done.
Silly man.
I lowered his hand and decided to go another route. "We could just pack the condiment gun in her
backpack. If anyone messes with her, she can shoot first and ask questions later."
That made him smile.
"I don't know if I can do this, Bell." Edward's head slumped to the couch and I framed his face with
my hands.
"She'll be fine."
"I'm not talking about her." His lip wobbled, making my heart swell.
"Awe, Babe." I mashed his cheeks together and kissed him, laughing at his sweetness. "You'll be fine,
too. I promise." It looked like he believed me when I kissed him this time.
As usually, our kissing started to get out of hand. I'm telling you, this fucker, he needed to
understand that if he wanted to keep his pecker in check, it needed to stay clear of Butterbean and
all her naughty desires.
She and Lt. Dan were obviously having some type of silent conversation through the fabric of our
respective pants however, because they were clearly joining forces as I both our crotches started
getting friendly.
Naughty genitals cared nothing about the little person who lived with us.
Edward rolled to his back, dragging me down with him, ignoring my warning that Squeeks could walk
in. He slowed his kisses though, giving me only sweet pecks as he leaned over, almost squishing me
into the back of the couch cushions.
"I love kissing you," He said softly, continuing to do just that. "You have the best lips." Kiss. "I could
kiss them forever." Kiss. "I have plans to, actually." My lips smiled against his at his last omission, but
faltered quickly as I realized what I had not yet done.
I pressed my face into his chest and clung to his shirt, trying to gather the nerve to tell him about my
own plans for the future. He continued kissing my face, hand, arm, as he caressed me sweetly.
It gave me courage and I finally opened my mouth to reveal my news.
"I'm not going to Canada next week." The only reason I knew I actually said the words, were because
his hand stopped moving instantly. "I'm gonna sell my share to Ramsey."
"Why would you do that?" He lifted my face and my courage seemed to fail me as I looked into his
blue eyes; blue eyes that seemed very unhappy.
"II just want to stay." It was the only reasoning I could get out and it was true, just not completely.
"Since when? Bella you have been talking about this since for as long as I've known you, practically."
"It just not the same anymore." I had to look away from his eyes, before they could see too much.
"Because of the baby?"
Apparently, it was too late.
"No, well, yes, but not like that. It's just not for me anymore." Again, half truth, half lie. Balance, it
was a good thing, right?
"I told you it was fine and that everything would be alright. You know I support you going. This makes
no sense." Edward drew my face back up to look at him and I tried to turn the tables, 'cause
deflection way my forte.
"Don't you want me to stay?" It hurt him, I could see it. He handled hurt better than me, though, and
pressed on, not allowing me to play my game.
"To even ask that question is ridiculous in itself. Let's make ourselves perfectly clear here, Bella. I'm
the son of a lawyer, you can't out argue me. Not on this. Care to try again?"
Edward's demeanor had Butterbean's attention. She sat up straight in her seat, clasping her hands
over her school desk like a good girl, even thought she were anything but.
"What?" I asked, because I had a major brain-fart going on.
"Alright, I'll make it easy for you. If you weren't pregnant, would you stillwant to stay?"
Fuck Carlisle and his stupid lawyer genes he passed along.
Mmm, Edward as a lawyer would be yum.
"This isn't because of the baby." I shook my head and tried to look away, but he held my chin snug in
his hand.
"That's a cop-out answer."
"I can't be a mom and a chef and a business owner and travel and do a million things at once." My
tears betrayed me as they crept forward, my stupid chin following as it shook.
"You can be anything you like, but you still haven't answered my question." His eyes, I swore they
would burn a hole into me if I didn't give up the goods.
Baby Cullen, you so better have brown eyes, like mine, or I am putting you in a basket, naming you
Moses and sending you down stream.
"You can't answer me, can you?" Mr. Blue Eyes simmered down, looking extremely sad at my bout of
"It's not like that, Edward. There's not just one answer, so I can't simply say 'yes' or 'no'."
"I thought we had a plan, Bella?"
"Don't talk to me about plans," I sat up, shaking my head. "None of this was planned and in truth, if I
were sticking to them, then we shouldn't be together and I should already be in Canada, since my
plans were to be here two months, train a sous chef and get the fuck out of dodge. Five, almost six,
months later, I am still in damn Miami, pregnant and have just hired a replacement for you." I stared
at him, finally, wanting him to understand where I was coming from.
"Edward, if I go, I don't know when I would come back. This shit sucks you in. It's not made for this
type of life. There's a reason I used to live in hotels, going to bed every night alone and I promise you,
it wasn't because of the fucking mints they leave on your pillow."
"Soyou think if you go to Canada, some new sous chef you hire will be able to sweep you off your
pregnant feet and keep you away from me?" Mr. Blue eyes changed up his tune, going for the playful
He was extremely smart. Fucker.
"Don't," I tried to warn, but the look in his eye only became more playful.
He leaned in and started to nuzzle into my neck. "I saiddon't." The laughter from my lips couldn't be
helped as he continued to kiss and tickle me.
I really hated him sometimes.
~Flower Child~
She was insane, but fuck, I was so happy after she said she was staying.
That thought was selfish though and I would not allow it to happen. As she laughed and squirmed
under me, I wanted that smile to remain fully intact on her face. I knew the truth was that if there
were no baby, Bella would be going. It wasn't fair to her. She deserved dreams and goals and
happiness. There was only way to get her there.
"I need you to go, Bella." My words were true in their statement, but my heart begged me to recall
I ignored it, continuing to plead with her to believe me and give in.
"You gave me my dreams, Angel. You deserve to have yours, too."
The want and need was there, swimming in her teary eyes, mixed with all the fear and doubt. All I
had to do was push, make her believe that everything was fine- we were fine- and she would go.
I knew it.
My phone vibrated in my pocket and Bella used that opportunity to wiggle free. I sighed and sat back
up, as she left, walking towards Ness' room.
"Yeah, Dad?"
"How are you, Son?" His tone sounded way too pleasant.
"I'm good. Just arguing with, Bella. What's up?" I got off the couch and walked over to the fridge,
grabbing a water bottle.
"Why are you arguing?" He asked.
"I'm just joking." I drank the water, half listening to him and staring at the ultrasound pictures on the
"Oh. Well, I have some news. It seems the judge was arrested for fraud last night, so our court date
will be delayed until they reassign your case."
The water in my mouth went flying and I cursed, getting the front of the fridge wet. "What?"
"It's alright. It's actually a good thing. I wasn't crazy about having the same judge determine this case
again, regardless of the changes."
"Jesus Christ. I swear," I reached for a rag to clean up the water. "This is just never going to end."
"I know, Son, but as I said, it's a good thing." There was genuine optimism in his tone and I tossed the
wet rag, feeling a little bit better.
"Alright. Is there any else?"
"Grandma told me about your business venture. I wanted to tell you good luck."
I waited for the punch line.
"Edward? Are you there?"
"That's it?" I asked skeptically.
"What else is there, Son?"
"Sorry, I just.I didn't think you would be happy." I admitted.
"Are you kidding? This means I might finally get back some of the money you owe me for lawyer
fees." He laughed, father laughed.
"Have you been drinking, Dad?"
"Funny, Edward, but no. Anyhow, I'll talk to you soon. Give Bunny Rabbit a kiss from her Grandpa."
"Yeah, sure." I was completely confused as the other end went dead.
Either he had been drinking, or he and my mother must have been having some seriously good
Yeah, forget I was even headed there.
I picked up my water and walked towards Ness room, pausing in the door way, watching Bella
brushing my daughter's hair as she sat in her lap. Ness' eyes were trained on Bella's face, watching
her intently as she swept her hair to the side, fastening a jeweled clip into it.
"What's Baby's name?" Ness asked, poking her little finger to Bella's stomach.
"I'm not sure yet, Squeeks. We have to wait and see if it's a boy or girl." Bella clasped her hands
behind Ness' back as she finished her hair and looked at her.
"Soon. The baby just has to grow a little more," Bella explained. "Remember when we made the
Hello Kitty calendar? We'll make one of those for you, so you can see, alright?"
"Now?" Ness asked excitedly.
"How about after we figure out what you're wearing to school tomorrow." Bella leaned back,
reaching for the bag my mother had left from shopping.
Her shirt came up a bit as she reached for it and Ness leaned into her pressing her lips to Bella's
stomach. "Good baby," She said, patting her hand there.
Bella paused for a moment and then forgot about the bag, wrapping her arms back around my
daughter to hug her. She placed a kiss on her head and rocked her gently.
"You're going to be a very good sister. You know that?" She pulled back and Ness nodded in
agreement. "I love you, Squeaks." She kissed her again and I felt warmth in my heart I never knew
Even though I was aware Bella loved my child, I had never actually been a witness to her saying it to
Ness. What came next was just too much. I thought my chest would burst with the level of happiness
surging inside of me, as my daughter held Bella's face, much the same she held my own and told her,
"I love you, too."
I had to clear my throat as my emotions came over me, blowing my cover. Bella smiled, holding Ness
in a hug still, looking nothing like the girl I used to know, who would have tried to hide the fact that
she had just shared such a tender moment.
I finally understood what she was saying on the couch earlier.
And the mint she tossed from the car window the day before that.
Bella was different.
"What's up, Babe?"
"That was my Dad. He said the case was delayed. Long story. Everything is alright though." I took a
seat next to them on the bed, wrapping an arm around Bella.
"Well, I guess that's good. It will give you more time to get things settled."
"That's what Carlisle said, too." Ness crawled over to me and took her into my arms.
"Papa, I want Baby to be a girl," She announced, making Bella smile.
"Do you?" I asked, raising my brows to her.
"Yeah, I need new toys," She nodded as though it were the best idea she ever had.
I laughed.
"And you think if it is a girl, the baby will get your toys and then Daddy will buy you new ones?"
She nodded again, clearly feeling as though her message was delivered to sender.
"Sweetheart, you can't get all new toys just because there will be a new baby. Plus, Daddy is broke
and will need to sell a lot of burgers before that is even an option." I teased.
"And a house," Bella reminded me, laying back on Ness' bed.
"Daddy, I am growing up!" Ness slapped her hands down on my shoulders and I could help but to
bust into laughter at her expression.
Bella followed suit.
"Renesmee Cullen, I love you dearly, but you're not getting new toys. Maybe if you're lucky, Santa
will bring you a bike for Christmas, but he will definitely not be swapping all your old toys for new
ones." I fell to my back, sitting her up on my chest as I waited for her retort.
Being given the genes of a lawyer's Son, was not always good thing.
"But I gave up Teddy," She whined, jutting her little lip out.
See what I mean?
"That was very sweet of you, but you know why you give things, Sweetheart? Because it is something
you want to do to be nice or show someone you care about them, not because you are trying to get
something out of them. When Bella gave you the Kitty necklace, did she ever ask you for anything in
She said nothing.
Don't mess with your Daddy, for he knows all.
"See? So if the baby is a girl, then you can share your toys. She would need a big sister to show her
how to use them anyhow, right?"
"Yeah Daddy." She surprised me by rolling her eyes and I looked over to Bella.
"Your influence is strong in this one," I teased.
"Shut it, Yoda." Bella pointed to me.
"Who's Yoda?" Ness asked and we both laughed.
"It's a movie, I'll show you someday when you're old enough to understand." I hugged her to me and
prayed that day would never come.
"Please, I'm freakin twenty six and still don't understand that movie," Bella argued.
"Alright, enough eye rolls and use of the word freakin has been had today. I think we need to move
on to some dinner and maybe a bubble bath, so a girl who is too old for her toys can go to school in
the morning." I sat forward, reaching for Bella's hand to pull her along with me from Ness's room.
How very contradictory the last thirty minutes of my life had been. While one of my girls grew up, it
meant she only got closer to me and when my other one did, it meant she moved further away.
After dinner was done and the dishes were washed and Ness was tucked away in bed, Bella and I
finally made our way into our own room and snuggled up.
My fingers carelessly ran through her hair as she laid on me, forming her own circles and secret
patterns over the art of my chest. Her toes skimmed along my bare leg, keeping me awake.
"Do you want a boy or a girl?" She asked.
"It doesn't really matter to me, Angel. I'd be happy either way." I looked back to make sure the alarm
clock was set, for the fifth time.
"I kind of want a boy." She said softly.
"Why a boy?"
"I figure, he could beat the snot out of all the boys who will no doubt be banging down the door
when Squeeks is old enough to date."
"That's impossible, Bell. Ness will never be old enough to date."
She looked up to me, resting her chin on my chest.
"You have to let her grow up someday, Flower Child."
"She's my baby," I argued. She'll always be my baby."
"But she won't always be a baby. So, you have to get used to that."
"Are you trying to depress me?" I made a face at her, showing her how I felt about her words.
"No," She laughed, keeping her brown eyes, that were highly amused on me. "Just some friendly
"Mmm, hmm."
"I was wondering something," She propped herself up, leaning a little closer. "You said you would
have to sell burgers earlier when Squeeks asked about the toys. Does that mean you made a menu?"
"I have some ideas," I shrugged.
"Can I hear them?" She leaned even closer and suddenly her lips became very hard to keep secrets
We spent the rest of the night talking about the menu, my restaurant and the future. To both my
displeasure and satisfaction, the word Canada was never mentioned.
I ended up not needing the alarm as I awoke two hours earlier than needed. Bella was still fast
asleep, and I tried not to disturb her as I rolled away, slipping out of bed. Checking on Ness, she was
still sleeping, too.
Today was going to suck, that was sure.
After a quick shower, I made sure her lunch was packed and then made a batch of muffins for Bella.
Shut it, men can make muffins. That was perfectly fine.
Plus, she had been bothering me for the last week to do so and I was trying desperately to keep my
promises and ensure she was nothing but happy. If it meant losing a few manly notches on my belt,
than so be it.
Ness came wandering into the kitchen, rubbing at her sleepy eyes and I scooped her up into my
arms. "Would you like some juice?" She nodded against my shoulder and I walked to the fridge.
She lifted her head as the door opened, then closed and as I walked to the counter to pour her a
drink, she pointer over my shoulder, asking, "What is that?"
I turned back to see what she was talking about and realized it was the sonogram pictures. "That's
the baby."
Her face looked confused and as I walked back over, to return the juice container, I showed her.
"They take the picture from the outside of Bella's tummy, so it's hard to see."
That was a good way to explain it, right?
She held one in her hands and studied it. "Can I keep?" She asked, holding it up to me.
"Sure. Just make sure it's safe, okay?" I gave her a kiss, then, seated her at the table and took one
beside her.
Emmett called as the muffins were beeping, reminding me that we had a game to watch this
weekend. It was Bella's stepfather's team against Em's and I prayed this time they would win. Not
only because I was sick of them losing, but also because twenty bucks sounded really good right
about now.
He also agreed to meet me over at Ness's school before he made his way to The Workshop and I
thought that was pretty nice of him; wanting to see his niece off on her first day of kindergarten.
"Morning." Bella looked like she didn't sleep well as she entered the kitchen.
That changed slightly as she spotted the muffins and grabbed one up. I smiled, pulling Ness from her
seat so I could get her cleaned up. Bella gave me a look, shaking her head in disapproval. "Let her do
it, Babe." She took a seat and I debated for several moments, holding onto Ness.
Finally, I gave in and allowed Ness to go off on her own to the bathroom, to wash her own hands, and
didn't get to do the 'hands, water, scrub' routine.
I looked at Bella like she kicked my puppy.
"I'll do her hair so she doesn't get picked on." Bella shoved the last bite of her muffin into her mouth
and walked to Ness' room.
I was left all alone, with just a table full of crumbs.
We all stood there, looking at each other as we waited for the teacher to arrive and allow us
entrance into the classroom.
It was really uncomfortable. I mean, what do you say? As I have stated before, I hate forced
conversations. I looked around to all the other kids, then, Squeeks and she looked just as confused.
There was this one kid who had a lazy eye and for a brief moment, my thoughts turned evil.
Thankfully I remembered karma existed and shut down all the commentary that was brewing in my
fucked my up head. As funny as it would have been to say, having Baby Cullen born with five arms, or
a fucking lazy eye of his own, would not have been.
I leaned over to Flower Child, turning my head so no one would hear me. "You do realize you have
the cutest kid here, right?"
"Behave," He warned, but smiled.
"I hope she doesn't make friends with the droopy-eyed kid. I knew we should have packed the
condiment gun."
"Look," He whispered back, nodding towards Ness.
She was talking with some kid, that did not have a fucked up eye, and oh my Lord, it was so damn
cute. It was like, Land of the Little People. They were talking in a language I didn't quite understand
and suddenly, Baby Cullen, his father and I, were all teary eyed, looking like total losers, huddled up
with other teary eyed losers.
What has this fucker done to me?
The teacher finally opened the door and the little people, who were followed by the big people,
entered what was the scariest room I had ever seen. There were bright colors, creepy looking
creatures on the walls and.what the hell was that smell?
It reminded me of the hotel linens, all lemony and screaming, "WE KILL GERMS!" I feared for Squeeks
and prayed silently, knowing I should have packed some damn antibacterial gel or something in her
Oh, how I had failed her already.
We found her little desk and Flower Child looked he was going to be sick as she took her seat and
ignored him, still talking with her new found friends. He kneeled beside her and she finally
acknowledged him, cupping her hands to whisper, "Can I show the pichure, Daddy?"
Flower Child smiled, nodding in approval. Squeaks reached for her book bag, and pulled out the
sonogram of Baby Cullen to my surprise. She showed it to her friend, saying how it was her baby
brother or sister and the other little kid asked a million questions about it, none of which Ness
answered correctly.
The teacher made her rounds, introducing herself and then it was time for us to leave.
Again, Edward's face grew pale.
"I love you, Sweetheart. I 'll be back later. Have fun today." He leaned down and kissed her and she
gave him one in return. He seemed happy that she didn't feel too grown up for those yet.
I tugged him along, unable to stand the pride and pain and fear in his eyes. He followed me and we
stood outside of the class room, along with all the other loser-teary-eyed people again, watching our
little people through the glass, like they were little inmates doing little people jail time.
My eyes pretended that they didn't see Edward wipe away his wimpy tears, since he was nice
enough to pretend like he didn't see mine.
~Flower Child.~
She looked too grown up, sitting there interacting with all of the other children. It was a world apart
from the last time I saw her among kids her age, that night Jessica abandoned her at the neighbor's
house when she was three.
Right now, she looked fine; happy even.
Bella hung on my arm, sighing hard and I leaned my head to hers, doing the same.
"I thought Em was coming?" She asked.
"Yeah, so did I. You know, just when I feel like he's starting to show me that he really gives a shit, he
does stuff like this." I dug my phone out and saw no missed calls.
It hurt that he didn't show up, I'll admit it.
"Maybe he got held up in traffic or something." She shrugged. "You should call him."
"He's a big boy and knew what time school started. He can call me to explain. I'm done playing these
games with people that can't seem to keep their word."
"Flower Child." She shook her head, looking up to me in disapproval. "I'm sure he has a good reason.
Don't assume he just forgot. It's not fair."
"Sorry. It just pisses me off."
Most of the parents had left and Bella and I were still watching. I wasn't ready to leave, but knew we
had to. After another couple of minutes, I allowed Bella to tug me along, practically dragging my
pathetic self away from the window.
She sang me silly songs all dramatic-like as we drove to work. She was trying to make me feel better,
but it did little as I eyed the clock, constantly worrying, wondering, what Ness was doing and if she
were alright.
I dropped Bella off at The Workshop and shook my head, seeing Emmett's car parked right out front.
Asshole did forget. I prayed Bella would give him hell for being so thoughtless about Ness, me, us.
When I walked into my own restaurant, I finally felt a little better, seeing that there were only minor
details left to complete. I got to work, writing out the rest of the menu, keeping in mind all of the
things Bella and I talked about the night before.
I wasn't interested in doing the fancy shit Bella did. That wasn't my or Grandma's forte. This was
strictly comfort food at its finest, done clean and with high quality ingredients.
The hardest part was making sure all the elements worked together. I had to start over several times,
but finally constructed something I felt was doable and proud of.
Giving the kitchen one last walk-through, I made sure we had everything we would need. The food
was still missing, but that was just a stop at the market, for today's task anyhow.
The only thing left now, was going to pick up my grandmother and see if we could actually cook all
this shit.
My phone went off on my drive to my parent's house. I scrambled to get it out, thinking that perhaps
it was Ness' school, but instead, it was my father's number. He only left a text message, saying to
come home right away.
I tried to call, but it went straight to voice mail and I decided to just drive a little faster. When I got
there, his car was gone and I felt even more confused. I checked my phone again as I walked up to
the door and sure as shit, I had read it correctly. It said to come to their home.
"Ma?" I called out as I walked in, dropping my keys on the hall table. No one answered and the only
voice I heard was my Grandmother's. I followed it and it led me to the parlor.
My mother was lying in her arms, sobbing as she kept saying, "My baby, my baby," over and over.
For a moment, I wondered why the hell she was crying over the child she had miscarried out of
nowhere. That shit happened forever ago. My Grandmother saw me and shook her head, showing
her own tears and I stepped closer.
"Oh, Junior Cullen." She extended her arm out to me, but I paused not understanding.
It wasn't until his name came from my mother's lips along with all her tears and, "My baby", that I
finally got it. She wasn't crying about the miscarriage, she was crying because something had
happened to Emmett.
I somehow just knew, when I woke up this morning, today was definitely going to suck.
Chapter Twenty-Nine ~ Regrets and Unstoppable Spirit
~Flower Child~
I made sure to park in the back parking lot, using the side streets to navigate towards The Workshop,
knowing if I took my usual route, I would see the scene playing out in front of Rose's bakery.
Bella wasn't in the kitchen as I entered, only Charlie and Alice. I by passed them, walking straight to
Bella's office so she wouldn't accidentally see what was happening just across the street. Her head
looked up as I stepped inside of her office, her expression telling me that I wasn't whom she
expected and my throat thickened, knowing that I had to tell her, the person that belonged in my
place, never would show.
My back leaned against the door and she settled her pen down, looking nervously at me. The pain in
my chest must have reflected in the tears welling in my eyes, as I looked at her Angel face,
attempting to find words.
"Edward? Is everything okay? Did something happen to Squeaks?" Bella stepped around her desk,
coming closer. She never touched me, just crossed her arms across her chest and waited.
My eyes were drawn to her stomach and I had a new bout of fear bubbling inside of me, as I
remembered how fragile she was right now and if anyone else was lost, I would surely crumple
where I stood.
I remembered her words from the day Ness came back, and she must have felt very much the same
way that I did in this moment. They were the only words I had and I rolled with them.
"I need you to listen to what I say and stay calm. Just listen alright?" She only looked more on alert
now and I should have known better, but what else was there to say? It was the truth. "For the
baby," I added. "I need you to stay calm when I tell you this for the baby's sake, alright?"
"What happened?" Her face looked scared and her arms tightened over her chest. I swallowed,
asking God silently in my head to help me tell her this.
"Something happened at Rose's bakery this morning." I had to look down from her eyes as my voice
betrayed me. "Emmett's gone, Bell." The words burned, stabbed at my throat, like I had just told the
dirtiest lie. It was silent, so silent, as I looked to the floor, unable to face her yet.
"What the hell are you talking about? Where the fuck did he go?"
"He's gone," I raised my head finally, needing her to see in my eyes what my words were failing to
convey. "Like, gone."
She studied me carefully, contemplating for a few moments. Her confusion turned to anger and she
lowered her arms, but raised her hands, shoving me hard in the chest.
"That shit is not fucking funny! If you and Emmett think that it is, you both can just-," I grabbed her
hand as she tried to hit me again and pulled her to me.
"I'm not kidding," As my face pressed to her head, I lost it, unable to conceal the anguish burning
inside of me. "I'm not kidding, Bell."
She let me hold her for a second and then pulled away, staring at me like my words were impossible.
My tears must have been the evidence she needed to believe in, because as she took them in, her
head shook frantically and her chest heaved. I tried to hold her again, but she backed up from me,
like if I captured her, it would all come true.
But it already had.
She finally fell against me, sobbing loudly into my chest, her breaths only coming in sharp intakes. I
was scared, literally terrified, that she would have some sort of panic attack. I remembered how she
looked that day at the park when Emmett told her he was simply quitting. The fear was unreal in her
eyes that day, she shook with it. She was shaking much the same now, and I held her tighter, trying
with all my might to hold her together but the tighter I held her, the harder she cried, digging her
fingers deeper into my clothing, knotting it up and burying her face there.
"I've got you. It's okay, I've got you." My words were fruitless, but they repeated themselves anyhow.
It helped me to focus and keep my own sanity in check.
"Move," She pushed against me, and I knew what would come. I didn't want her to go, but I knew
stopping her would only make it worse.
I moved aside, but followed her as she rushed into the front dining room, only to pause as the
flashing lights and busy scene showed itself through the large glass windows of the front of the
It was proof enough.
Bella sat slumped in the seat next to me as I drove to my parent's house again. I eyed the clock,
knowing that I would have to pick up Ness in a few hours and trying to figure out all this shit in my
My father was at Rose's bakery. I felt bad, guilty, that I could do nothing to help him right now.
Rosalie must have been a mess. A part of me truly felt for her. No matter how wrong she could have
ever done me, I would have never wished this shit on anyone.
I couldn't let him go.
Edward didn't seem to mind as we huddled on his parent's couch. It felt like when I used to live in
Forks as a kid. The sky was grey and the rain chilled you to the bone, leaving you unable to shake it
free, no matter how much hot chocolate you drank or blankets you bundled yourself under. The only
bit of comfort I right now felt was Edward.
His warmth, his scent, his arms.
It was selfish, as I knew he was hurting just as much. I tried to hold him, but my arms were too weak
and unable to provide the type of security he needed.
Elizabeth must have asked a million times if we wanted something to eat and I assumed she was
trying to keep busy. Esme was no where to be seen and after a while, Carlisle finally walked in with
Rose. It was the only time I looked up from Edward's shirt since we arrived.
She was red and swollen in her face from crying. The first sign, Rosalie was a real, actual person; that
I had ever encountered. She sat alone, still sniffling and looking incredibly shaken on the couch
opposite ours.
A part of me wanted to move, to go to her and forget all the horrible things she had said and done,
but Edward's shirt smelled like the closest thing I had left to Emmett and I went back to shoving my
face against it, ignoring her and accepting my own selfishness.
The room was quiet after Carlisle left, minus the sound of Roses' hiccupped-sniffles and Edward's
heart beating. I tried to block out her crying and just pay attention to the rhythm of it. I could feel
myself drifting, slipping away as it beat softly under my ear, until she interrupted the calm.
"He was getting cookies for Ness' class." Her voice was soft and I peaked at her, trying to see who
was she was talking to. It was her glass. She kept her eyes on it and I felt Edward's hold tighten. "He
thought she would make more friends." Her eyes closed as she started to cry again, Grandma Cullen
came over, wrapping her arms around Rose.
I tucked back into the protection of Edward's shirt and prayed for her crying to end. I couldn't take
hearing it right now and didn't care, or want to know how Emmett's life came to an end.
Hiding was better, what I was good at.
"I'll get Bunny Rabbit from school," I heard Carlisle say and Edward nodded. "Stay here, but check on
your mother in a bit, please."
The front door closing was the last sound I heard before I fell asleep.
I felt like I had being sleeping for forever, but as I opened my eyes, I saw it was only early evening. I
was in Edward's old room and he was no where to be found. I rolled into his pillow, trying to find his
scent to comfort me, but it was too faint and his warmth and heartbeat were not here, either.
My feet dragged across the floor as I made my way out to search for him. The first place I looked was
Ness's room, but all was vacant. The house was quiet except for voices coming from further down
the hall. It was Edward and his father. I paused outside of Carlisle's office door, listening as they
"You know these boys?" Carlisle was asking.
"They were messing with Bella last week, pushing her around and shit down by the beach."
"Did she report this?"
"No, Newton was there. I didn't want-," Flower Child's voice broke and my hand pressed to my chest,
feeling the guilt swell inside of me. "I hit one of the guys, the guy who was pushing Bella around, to
get him off of her and when I saw Newton, he made some remarks about Bella and Ness. He was
trying to get me to hit him, I'm sure, but the cops showed up and Bella and I left before they had a
chance to find out I hit the guy. I didn't want that shit being brought up in court, you know?"
"You should have told me, Son."
"I didn't think it was important and sure as hell didn't think this was going to happen."
"Edward, I don't understand why it was important for those boys to attack Rose, though. What did
she have to do with this?"
"Emmett kicked the shit out of Newton when he heard what happened. It must have pissed off his
I didn't want to hear anymore and walked back to the safety of Edward's room. Once inside, I
stripped off my clothes, changing into a shirt that I found in his dresser. It was too big and worn out,
feeling soft and comforting as I climbed back into his bed.
I couldn't get the sound of Emmett's laughter of my head or the goofy ass smile that was always on
lips to fade from under my lids, even after my tears tried to wash them away. I sobbed into his
pillow, unable to hold it in. They are wrong when they say that when you die, your life flashes in front
of you. Okay, well, maybe it does happen, but what they forget to inform you, is that it happens to
those you leave behind too.
All of it flooded my thoughts. From the most insignificant memory, right up until just a few days ago,
hugging him and telling him our children would grow up together and how we would always be
family. The agony overwhelmed me, choking me to the point of feeling ill. I wailed into the pillow,
crying harder than I ever imagined, even when Gram had died and I knew I would never be able to
eat her spice-pear trifle or oatmeal cookies, with way too much sugar in them, ever again.
"Shhh, it's okay." His voice was gentle as he slid into bed behind me, forming a protective hold as he
surrounded me in his arms. "I'm right here." His kiss confirmed that, as he pressed his lips into my
hair over and over, like it would help, like my heart and his heart and every else's heart wasn't
It did nothing.
They buried Emmett on a clear day, with sunny skies. I wore white, while everyone else wore black.
They didn't seem to understand that the sun was shining because God was happy to have Emmett
and I didn't feel like explaining it.
It just seemed like something they should already know.
The smell I used to love, gardenia, smelled liked shit inside of the small, over crowded room and my
stomach rolled with the nausea I felt. The carpeting was bright red and not helping at all as I stared it,
because all I thought of was blood and then had to wonder what fucked up person really thought this
color is acceptable inside of a damn funeral parlor.
Person after person went up to speak on his behalf and even though speaking in front of people was
my goddamn forte, here, it was not.
My hands shook and I tried to stay calm, but the urge I felt to scream and rage prevented me from
doing that. So I stood there at the podium crying like all the other losers and hating myself and fuck,
Emmett, for making me look like a fool and a coward.
It was the worst speech I ever gave, when it should have been the best.
He deserved the fucking best and I was a shitty ass friend for failing to give him one.
When we got back home Flower Child tugged at his tie, taking a seat on the couch. I walked passed
Ness as she asked me something, and paid her no mind. I just needed the bed. I crawled into it, not
bothering to take off my shoes and it didn't seem to mind.
The bed welcomed me with open arms.
As time went by, my feet moved, taking me from point A to B, and I worked, allowing my fingers
everyday to type what needed to be typed and took the calls that needed to be taken, but it was a
I had no idea what was going on with Flower Child's diner, restaurant, whatever the fuck he was
opening and he didn't seem to care about why. Charlie stopped by everyday, sometimes to play with
Ness, or watch a game on TV with Edward. One day he made me dinner, scolding me for not eating
properly and I got pissed, shoving half of the sandwich in my mouth and looking at him as if to say,
"Happy now?!"
He didn't find it amusing, nor did Edward.
Two months after Emmett died, I came home to find out Rosalie had her baby premature, at only
twenty-eight weeks. That news kicked me in the ass and I felt so damn guilty for all the strain I was
putting myself, working so stupidly and ignoring everything the doctor was saying about relaxing and
remaining calm. The fact that she and I were only two months apart was extremely unsettling to
ponder the idea that I could be doing the same harm to Baby Cullen.
I assumed that her baby was allowed to live, because she agreed to take back all things she said
about Edward in court, earning her a few fucking points with the dude upstairs.
The dude who had Emmett.
I wanted to be happy about the possibility of Edward being rewarded custody, Jessica getting hers
and knowing that Ness might finally be given a good deal in life, but I just couldn't. That part of me
that had learned to want love and appreciate those things was gone and Bella Swan, the robot
woman, who just did shit because she had to in order to get shit done in life, was back and in charge.
A part of me wished she had never left in the first place.
If I had only been smart and stuck to my plan.
"I'm going to meet my mom at the hospital, to see the baby. Want to come?" He sat down on the
edge of the bed, putting on his shoes as he asked.
"If you've seen one baby, you've seen them all." I continued to flip through the channels of our newly
acquired flat screen TV. A little present to myself for the bedroom.
"It could die, you know." He was obviously over my zombie 'I don't give a fuck if the world stops
spinning' mood.
Rightfully so.
"That's supposed to make me want to go?" I shot back, glancing at him for a moment.
"It's Emmett's baby, Bell." My heart stung as Emmett's name mixed with the sadness in Edward's
"Which is exactly why I don't want to go." I raised the volume on the TV and rolled over, signaling
that I was done having this conversation.
The bed moved and I looked over my shoulder to him standing up. He turned around faced me,
looking doleful. "You're not the only one who lost Emmett, Bell."
"I know that."
"I miss you, Bella. You're never around for anything. I need you." His expression broke my heart and I
had to look away.
"I'm not trying to be a douche-waffle, Edward," I mumbled.
"I didn't say you were. I just said I missed you."
He was breaking any remaining pieces I had left of a heart as he stood there; looking lost and scared
as he admitted his feelings. I rolled over and sighed, patting the space next to me. Edward crawled
over, placing his head to my chest and curled his arms around my belly. I ran my fingers through his
hair to soothe him and struggled to keep my shit together.
I leaned my head to his and closed my eyes, just allowing myself to love the essence of him. He
smelled just like Emmett, though, that familiar sense of warmth and comfort. I breathed him in
deeper, rolling my face against the softness of his hair. As he began rubbing soft circles on my
stomach, I calmed myself, remembering the million times my doctor told me that was important.
It was something Rose couldn't do.
I was stronger than her, always would be.
"I cheated." He looked up at me as I admitted it, still keeping his hands on my stomach. "I peaked at
the papers."
"What papers?"
"It's a boy," I said softly, holding his gaze.
A gentle smile, almost shy looking, appeared on his face. I couldn't help but to smile back a little and
for the first time in a long time, I actually meant it.
"We're having a boy?" He was still smiling as he asked quietly.
"I know we wanted to wait, but I couldn't help it. The fuckers were calling out to me like the last
Twinkie in the box."
"You ate the last Twinkie?" He narrowed his eyes playfully at me, something else that else that
hadn't been seen in quite sometime.
"It was Baby Cullen. I swear." I patted my hand over his and he wiggled closer to my face, giving me
tiny kisses.
"Come see the baby, please?" His eyed were begging me, looking so sad and scared.
It matched how my insides felt.
"I don't want to, Flower Child," I shook my head and looked down to his hand on my stomach.
"No one wants to go, Bella. We go because we have to, because that's the right thing to do. Do you
think I wanted to listen to Charlie when he made me run fucking laps around half of Miami when
Ness was taken away? No, but I did it because I it was the right thing to do."
"The doctor said to rest, that's what I'm doing, unless you want our baby born early like Roses'?" It
was a cheap shot and I instantly felt like a cunt for saying it.
Flower Child slid off the bed and I thought he would he leave, but instead he walked to the closet and
came back with my shoes, tossing them beside me.
"Get up."
I looked at him like he was short and he rested his hands on his hips, trying to look much taller.
"Let's go, Bella. You said Emmett was your brother. Fucking prove it." He nodded to my shoes and his
challenging words stung.
"Don't even go there, Edward." I warned.
"Prove me wrong." He shrugged and held his ground.
I tugged away the comforter angrily, hating him for making me do this and also, because he was way
too much like fucking Em and that shit of course only infuriated me further. I would do him bodily
harm later for that.
Maybe a kick in the nuts or punch to the gut.
For now, I slipped on my stupid shoes and gave him the evil eye as I walked out of the room. Leah
said goodbye to us as she read with Ness from the couch and we exited the apartment without
another word.
The car ride to the hospital was just as silent.
I waited in the lobby, too fearful to go any further. Edward was apparently much braver and left me
to go find his mother. I mostly played on my phone, trying to ignore the fact I was being a complete
and total fucking douche right now.
"I'm sorry." I whispered, fingering over Emmett's name on my contact list. "I just can't go in there."
Baby Cullen must have been on his father's team, because he kicked me fucking hard. I totally
deserved it, don't get me wrong, but shit.
"I know, Mama is being a total loser, I get it." My hand rubbed over where the little shit kicked and
he did it again, totally agreeing with me, obviously. "Fine." I stood up and walked down the hall,
pausing when I approached the door.
"He better not look like him," I said to my stomach and pushed the door open.
A nurse whipped her head my way and held up a hand.
"Ma'am, this is for authorized personnel and family only, please."
"I know." I closed the door behind me and saw Edward, Rose and Esme huddled together.
The nurse looked to Rose and she nodded. "It's alright," she glanced at me, "She's family."
Her eyes looked back down to where all of their attention was and I followed, seeing a very, very,
little person all bundled up inside of an incubator. I looked down and shook my head when the nurse
offered me the scrubs that she said I needed to wear.
Baby Cullen could kick all he wanted to. I wasn't going anywhere near there.
"Sorry," I opened the door again and left, practically gasping for air as I walked back to my seat.
I wasn't ready for this shit.
It was quiet at home. Ness was asleep and Leah was nice enough to do a load of laundry before she
left. Even though she wasn't really needed here much anymore, with Ness being in school now, it
was still great that she wanted to be a part of her life and I was grateful that she still helped out,
seeing how busy and crazy both our lives had become.
I sat on the patio, looking out into the night sky, wondering which one of the stars belonged to me, if
any. Baby Cullen was kicking again, or doing the fucking backstroke, whatever his lil ass was doing
inside of there and I had to laugh as I rubbed my hand over the ugly bump he made.
"You should be kicking my ass, not my stomach, Kid. Personally, your father's ass too, seeing how his
punk ass still hasn't made time to go house hunting. Fucker opens a stupid diner or whatever and
suddenly he's too busy for us and shit? It's a good ass thing I'm your mom, Kid. I could do fucking
cartwheels and change a diaper at the same time. Your loser father couldn't even tie his"
"Mind if I sit with you?" I turned my head to see Edward stepping out to the porch, smiling and
obviously having heard my rant.
Spying ass fucker.
I waved to the seat next beside me. He sunk down into the seat and closed his eyes. "Rose named
him Peyton."
"How is he?" I asked softly.
"Small, like, really small. He's fighting though. I think he'll make it. Plus, he's named after a great
football player, so" He shrugged, smiling slightly.
"Em would like that," I nodded. "Just don't get any ideas. We're not naming our baby after sports
"What would you like to name him?" He took my hand and brought it up to his lips.
"I don't know. We don't even have a house, meaning we don't even have nursery, Flower Child." I
gave him the evil eye and he looked away.
"I'm working on it." He kissed my hand again and looked back to me. "You want to know something?"
"Emmett said something to me once about you. I was younger, still in high school. The nurse at the
hospital reminded me when she said Peyton's spirit was strong, tonight. Anyhow, Em called me one
night and was a little drunk. I guess it was after you guys opened up Rileys. He was talking shit to me
that night about how much money he was going to make someday and whatever and I teased him
back, talking my own shit and asked him how exactly a woman and his stupid ass were going to make
millions of dollars running a stupid restaurant. His exact words to me where, 'It's easy, Isabella Swan
is an unstoppable spirit, douche-bag'."
I smiled at him, remembering the phone call. Emmett was sitting on the couch in our apartment, in
his underwear, eating fucking potato chips, drunk off his ass and I was laughing hysterically, on the
floor, in my underwear, eating the same bag of potato chips, drunk off my ass.
We weren't doing anything wrong.
We were both just comfortable in our underwear drunk and eating potato chips.
"I remember," I nodded and he smiled at me.
"He's right. That's why you came in the room tonight. That's why you even left the house at all."
Edward let go of my hand and brushed his fingers at my cheek. "You're strong, the strongest person I
know, stronger than me."
"You stayed in room," I argued.
"I wanted to see Emmett," He said sadly. "The baby was the only way to do that."
"That's why I don't want to. I'm scared that he'll look like him and it will just hurt worse."
"It's alright. I'm just glad you came." Edward rubbed at my cheek again and then sat forward. "Let's
go to bed, Angel." He gave me his hand and helped me up, walking me to the bedroom.
Flower Child spooned behind me, holding me securely like he did every night. My eyes didn't feel as
tired as they usually did as I lay there, listening to him humming that same song he always hummed
to the baby every night, wondering if we could all ever be as happy as that melody.
I wiggled further into him and his tightened his hold slightly, giving me sweet kisses to my shoulder
and neck.
"Edward Anthony," I whispered.
"Not you. Baby Cullen."
"You want to name the baby after me?" He asked quietly.
"It sounded nice when your mom yelled at you that day."
Edward laughed and propped himself up, leaning over me. "Are you sure it isn't because you like my
middle name? I remember being told you did."
"Who the fuck told you that?"
Angela, I would kill her. Better not be.
"Angela. When we left Hawaii."
I knew it. She will suffer immense pain.
I rolled to my back, leaning on my elbows so I could see the fucker. "I want to name the baby after
you because then when I yell, it will be like killing two birds with one stone, seeing as how anything
the baby does wrong is obviously because of you and your stupid genes and not mine, since I am
goddamn perfect."
His forehead fell to my shoulder as he laughed. "Bell, you're crazy, you know this, yes?"
"Again, your fault, Edward." I rolled back over and he surrounded me in his arms.
"Would I be forgiven if I agreed to go house hunting tomorrow?"
"I'll meet at twelve, send Charlie over to close up and I swear if you ditch me, your balls will be the
fucking special on The Workshop's menu tomorrow night, loser."
~Flower Child~
"Hey, you send me fucking medium burgers, when I know I said well-done again, Ben and I swear on
my unborn child, I will fucking deck you." I tossed the ticket at him and he fumbled to grab it before it
fell to the floor.
I liked this kid, but he had me seriously questioning if I should have hired his ass. Bella fired him a
week ago after he almost burned down her kitchen and then made the very, very, very stupid move
of sitting in Emmett's old seat during the meeting one night.
Thank God Charlie was there, because I think if he weren't, Bella seriously would have killed this kid.
"Sorry man," He hit my shoulder and then winced. "I mean, Chef."
"Just get back on the line and fucking cook the burger, before I call Bella to finish you off." I turned
around and tried to get shit in order again.
The restaurant had been doing pretty damn good. Mostly, because of Grandma's pie and the
burgers, but at least we weren't in the red and actually turning a profit. It was nice to be making
money again, that was for damn sure.
"Junior Cullen, are you sure it's a good idea for you to leave?" I spun around, taking off my chef coat
to face her.
"Grandma, it's for one hour and Charlie will be here to help. You'll be fine, but if I blow Bella off, I
won't be. Today is the only time Mom can pick up Ness and I promised Bella we'd look for houses."
"Fine, fine, but if another person comes in here throwing patties, I'm gonna hurt you the next time I
see ya'."
"No one is going to be throwing anything," I laughed and gave her a hug. "I love you."
"Love you too, honey. Tell Bella and that baby I said hello."
"Will do." I let her go and hung up my coat on the way out, making sure to give Ben one last evil glare
over my shoulder.
I was surprised to Bella sitting at the front counter when I exited the kitchen, she had never been
here before and truthfully, never really even asked me about it that much. It hurt a little, but I sort of
"This is the ugliest counter I have ever seen, Flower Child." She pointed to the red counter top and
shook her head.
I smiled.
"It was on special, if you bought this, you got an angry Bella for free."
"Ha-ha." She looked towards the kitchen window. "Your fries are cold."
"I'm sorry did you come here to work, or to meet me so we could find houses?" I was being playful
and hoped she would see it.
"Someone around here needs to." She smiled back and hopped out of her seat. "Ready?"
"As I'll ever be." I reached for her hand and headed for the door.
"I do like the drawing." She nodded towards Sam's art as we exited.
"Can you remember the first time you saw it?"
"Of course." She clung to my arm that had the same words written on it.
It changes in the place it's found to be gone.
"How could I forget?" She asked. "I like the other stuff around it too, it reminds me of" She stopped
short and smiled a little as she realized its symbolism. "New York."
"Has it changed for you?" I asked, as we began to walk again.
"Yeah, in more ways than just that, though. Thank you," She looked over to me and leaned up for a
kiss as I paused next to the Volvo. "It's beautiful."
"So are you." I kissed her back and opened the door.
When I climbed into my side, she was toying with her hair, looking a little upset. I brushed my fingers
at her cheek and she looked over at me, nervously.
"Angela is pissed off at me," She announced.
"She thinks it's unfair that I fired Ben. Apparently she can't remember that it's my fucking
restaurant." Bella yanked on her seatbelt hard and fastened it over herself.
"She'll get over it." I turned the car on and reached for my own seatbelt.
"Yeah, or she can fucking walk too."
"You don't mean that. She's your friend, Bella." I glanced to her as I pulled out of the parking space,
onto the road and she looked away.
"No, she's like everyone else. Fair weathered. There's a reason why I miss Emmett and it isn't just
because he was goofy or silly or fucking did stupid shit to make me laugh. He wasn't a fucking court
jester, there for my goddamn amusement!" She kicked the under side of the glove-box and sobbed,
looking towards the window.
"He was my fucking friend, like a real friend, who understood shit and stood by me, not like this bitch
who wants to make me feel guilty over firing her boyfriend, who never should have fucking worked
there as long as he did, in the first place. Then she wants to give me shit about how I let you get away
with shit because you're my boyfriend. Fuck her!"
Who knew asking a simple question would open the flood gates.
I just listened, knowing she didn't want my advice, nor did I have any to offer.
"Like I have to fucking explain myself to her! She's my goddamn head-waitress for fucks sake. Good,
let her quit, I really don't give a shit. Let them all fucking quit! The fucking place could burn to the
ground for all I care. Like it really even fucking matters. Like anything really fucking matters
"Bell?" I reached for her hand as I parked again. She said nothing, but I talked anyway. "I'm sorry. I
know it hurts and I'm sorry, but you have me, baby. I'm not Emmett and I never will be, but you have
me." My hand lifted to her face and rubbed gently at her cheek.
Bella sucked in sharply, nodding her head and I leaned over the console to kiss her wet cheek. She
leaned her head towards me and I held her there until her crying subsided. We were going to be late
to our meeting, but I didn't care. Houses could wait, work could wait, she was right, it didn't fucking
"I'd give anything to fucking smoke, I swear to God, Flower Child." She wiped her face and leaned
away from me.
"I could do it for you." I sat back into my seat and she looked over at me. I smiled at her and she
shook her head, giving me a slight roll of her eyes.
"You're wrong," She said quietly. "You are like Emmett. You both always make me feel better. It's
like fucking talking a crazy person down from a ledge. Seriously, it takes talent." A humorless laugh
left her mouth and I smiled.
"At least I have career options. If the restaurant goes under, I could become one of those dudes who
actually talks crazy people down from ledges."
"It probably pays better." She shot back.
"And doesn't involve people throwing burgers at me." That got her attention.
"Who the fuck threw burgers at you, Babe?" She asked laughing, still wiping her tears away.
"Some crazy woman who didn't appreciate getting rare twice in a row," I shrugged.
"Did you throw them back at her?"
"I didn't train you right, then." She shook her head and sighed.
"Ready to go look at houses or do you feel the need to cry like a little girl some more?" I shoved her
shoulder and she laughed harder.
"At least no one threw burgers at me, asshole." She made a face and I leaned over to her again.
"Feel better now?" I kissed her cheek and didn't wait for her reply.
The smile on her face said it all.
Six houses and two crying real-estate agents later, we found a house that was suitable in Bella's eyes.
I was just glad to have that shit done and over with and see her happy. It was a pretty average house,
nothing fancy or extraordinary. It sucked that I couldn't buy it for her, but someday, hopefully, I could
rectify that.
After dinner we sat on the floor in the apartment, going through piles of clothes and other stuff Bella
swore we didn't need and even though Ness didn't seem to mind giving up anything that wasn't toy
related, it stung to have to give away anything that was hers in my eyes.
Bella of course thought it was great and made fun of me to no end, but someday, after our son was
born, she would understand.
"Flower Child, it would be one thing if this baby was a girl and we could like recycle-reuse this stuff,
but seriously, it has got to go." She held up a pair of baby booties she dug out of the depths of
somewhere and I snatched them from her hand.
"Baby booties are not going to make or break our new house's spacing issues. These are staying." I
placed them behind me and she laughed, reaching for the next item.
"What the heck is this?" She held up an unbuttoned onesie.
"It's what babies wear," I laughed at her horrified expression.
"It looks like a Project Runway losing garment." She held it with two hands, flipping it backward and
forwards, trying to figure it out.
"You have to button it up, silly girl."
"You expect me to be able to put this on a squirming baby? It has a million damn buttons." She threw
it at me and I caught it, shaking my head.
"I thought you were perfect and could do anything?" I teased.
She went to reply, but my phone rang and I begrudgingly answered it, disturbing my enjoyment.
"Edward." It was my father. "How are you doing, Son?"
"I'm fine. What's up?" Bella looked at me and I got up to move to the bedroom, knowing this was
probably not a conversation I wanted to have in front of her or Ness.
"I just wanted you to know they arrested the boys who they arrested them this evening."
"Well it's about damn time." I flopped down on the bed and waited for more.
"I'll need you to confirm that they are the boys who were pushing Bella around that day, too. They
have them on camera at Rose's bakery, but I'll need you and Bella to identify them so we can make
the intent clear here. There defense is going to go for a lesser charge, saying it was a robbery gone
wrong, or whatever the hell. Premeditated murder would give them a harsher sentencing." His voice
was tired and I knew this had to be weighing on him.
"Dad, you should let someone else handle this."
"I am, but he was my son, Edward. I wouldn't turn my back on this anymore than I would turn my
back on you and your case."
It was the first time I think my father had ever equated me to Emmett's importance and it tasted
bitter as hell to swallow. This wasn't how I wanted to be held to his standard. My father could just
tell me he liked my food, or that I didn't screw up my life, or my daughters, or something, anything
else but what he just said.
"Sorry, umI can't come down until morning probably.wait, shit" I rubbed my face trying to figure
out how I was going to get Ness to school, open Tatu and make it down there all at the same time.
"Your mother will take Bunny Rabbit to school if that's what you're worried about?"
"I have to open the restaurant, too. I don't want Bella to have to go alone. Let me call Alice and ask
her if she can open and maybe I can work at the Workshop to cover her shift. Okay?"
"Alright, Son. Give me a call later on.and Edward? How is Bella?"
"She's fine. Better."
"Good. I'll see you both in the morning then."
I hung up the phone and called Alice right away. She was kind enough to agree to swap with me
tomorrow. As I looked up, Bella was in the doorway and from the look on her face; she had been
there quite a while.
"Squeaky is sleeping." She looked down to her feet. "They found the guys right?"
"Yeah. Carlisle wants us to go down and make an ID in the morning. Alice will watch Tatu and I told
her I'd work at The Workshop. That's alright, isn't it?"
She walked over and sat down beside me. Her head nodded slowly and she looked my way. "Are you
"I'm fine." Her eyes didn't believe me. "I am."
"You can't be and you're a really shitty liar, Edward."
"Alright, I need to be." There, that was honest.
She cupped her hand to the back of my neck and pulled me into her shoulder. I settled myself there,
wrapping my arms around her.
"You can talk to me, Flower Child. I won't freak out or anything. I promise. Just talk to me."
"What do I say? That this was my fault? That I never should have said any of those things the
morning Emmett died?"
"You couldn't have known and Emmett would never be mad at you for saying those things. He knew
how much you loved him, which is why he was there in the first place," She argued.
"Maybe," I shrugged. "But that doesn't dissolve the other shit."
"Emmett made his choice. You didn't ask him to kick Newton's ass. It's not your fault."
"He wanted my permission and I gave it to him. It's the same damn thing." I pulled away from her,
feeling angry, not at her, but just my own stupidity.
Bella grabbed my chin, making me look at her way, shaking her head in disbelief. "Did you even know
your brother? You really think if you had said 'No, Emmett, please don't go do that', he would have
listened? That day in the fucking hospital when Ness almost drowned, what did I say to Jessica,
"I don't know." My voice sounded as tired as I felt.
"I told her I knew how much money it would take to get someone out of an assault charge,
remember? I wasn't talking about myself and my prior history for beating the snot of out people."
"What the hell are you talking about?"
"That's how much money I had to pay James after Emmett kicked his ass for the shit with the video
tape. A video tape he never he even had, but you know what I'm talking about. I'm pretty fucking
sure I asked his ass not to do that, too. And if I, or you, told him not to kick Newton's ass, he would
have been just as stupid and not listened, because that's who is, was, whatever that's just what he
fucking did.
"He protected the people he loved and you know what as much as I'd like to be pissed off about
how fucking stupid he was, the truth is that I'm glad he did, because I'd really hate to have to live
every fucking day looking at how his face would
have been if something happened to Rose and their baby. It would have killed him anyhow, Edward.
It would have fucking killed him anyhow." She let go of my chin and wiped the tears from my cheeks.
I had nothing to say at that point. A part of me knew she was right, but still, Bella was here, safe, and
so was our baby. Rose was sitting in the hospital, watching her and my brother's baby, scared and
alone. It wasn't fair, considering that this all started over something that had to do with me and not
She slid back further into bed and I was glad this seemed to be the end of the conversation, except I
felt her sit behind me, wrapping her legs around my waist. It tickled as she slid my shirt up, gliding
the pads over her thumbs along my skin, slowly and my eyes closed as I felt her lips press between
my shoulder blades.
I pulled my shirt the rest of the way off and tossed it to the floor. Bella continued to kiss softly along
my back, running her hands up and down my arms slowly. Her touch was comforting and welcomed
and helped to ease the pain in my heart, just as I'm sure she intended it to.
I turned myself around and removed her shirt, tossing it on the floor beside my own. I laid her down
gently; placing kisses into the curve of her neck, then moved myself down, to the fullness of her
cleavage, but before I could go down further, she reached for my face, bringing my lips back to hers.
"You're all I have, Flower Child." She held my face to hers as I dipped back into her neck, planting
kisses that earned me gentle scrapes of hers nails against my scalp.
"That's not true," I whispered, keeping my lips moving over skin, working my way back towards her
lips. "At least I hope not, because you deserve a lot more."
"You're enough." She shook her head and tilted towards my lips again. I could see in her eyes that
she meant what she said, but I knew I was still right.
No one was going to win that debate, so I simply kissed her and tried to show her the many shades of
my love for her and our baby and our family. Somehow as her warm body pressed against mine, my
gentleness began to wear thin and I felt everything that was being bottled up inside me try to come
forth. Bella kept me in check, pushing me away when I leaned too heavy on her, but kept me in sync
as she kept her mouth moving on mine, telling me that she understood and not allowing me to stop
when I wanted to just roll over and not even bother.
Her body felt too good, too welcoming and too much of where I wanted to be. So I stayed and
pleasured that body, pleasuring my own in consequence, even though I knew I didn't deserve it.
"Flower Child," She panted when I pushed harder. I stilled for a moment, making sure I wasn't
hurting her. "I'd marry you. I want to." I pulled back to look at her and she drew my lip to hers,
whispering, "I don't want to lose you, too."
"I'm not going anywhere." I brushed her hair back, making sure to settle my weight on my knees and
elbows. "You've got me, Angel. I'm yours."
"There's nothing better than you. You're perfect just how you are," She closed her eyes and shook
her head, "There will never be anyone but you."
"For me either, Baby." I kissed her cheek and couldn't help but to tease her, a little. "I'm supposed to
ask you to marry me, not the other way around." I kissed her and started to work my body within
hers again.
"You're taking forever." A slow smile spread across her face as I looked down to her.
"It was supposed to be perfect," I whispered back.
"I told you, you already are." Her eyes closed and she gripped tightly to my forearms, letting me
know I found the spot she liked best.
I leaned my lips to her cheek, "Right there, Angel?"
"Yes," She cried. "More."
I would have asked her again, but we were already making too much noise and I didn't need Ness
waking up. Instead, I put my mouth back on hers, allowing her moans and groans to be muffled
against my lips.
"Is my belly in the way?" I had to stop again, unable to keep from laughing.
"Shh, stop talking. And no."
"I think it is," She argued.
"Do you want to be on top?"
"No, then you'll just stare at it and make me all self conscious."
"Angel," I laughed, "your belly is fine. It's beautiful."
"It's fat and hideous."
"No it isn't. It's beautiful, but since you're uncomfortable, turn to your side." I slid away and let her
roll to her side.
I spooned behind her, pushed one of her legs forward and let my fingers play between her legs,
trying to stimulate her again. "Better?" My finger rolled over her sensitive skin and she hummed in
response as I placed a kiss to her cheek. "Thought so."
Slowly, I let my fingers slide in and out of her, until she tensed in my arms and I knew she wanted
more. My body slid easily into her warmth and I wrapped Bella securely in my arms, kissing along her
neck and shoulder, roaming my hand over her belly that she had ridiculous insecurities about.
Bella's head tilted back and I kissed her; our kisses growing deeper, longer, as the intensity of our
love making did. I savored every slow slide of her tongue against mine, giving her extra pecks to the
side of her face in between, because I simply couldn't get enough of her.
"Does it feel good, Angel?" I whispered against her lips.
She nodded and hummed and I gave her more of me, curling her legs little higher so I could go
deeper. "I don't think I've ever had you like this. Do you like it?"
"So good."
"Now I just have to find where that special spot is." As I worked to do that, I left my lips on hers,
kissing and whispering all the ways I loved, adored and cherished her. When I got to my love of her
beauty, she moaned louder, tensing in my arms and tightening around me. "I think I found it," I
whispered and pressed into her further, eliciting a string of quick pants from her lips.
I slowed down, feeling my own body grow way too aroused at how she felt in this position.
"Baby, more. Please," She panted.
"I want to go slow." I kissed her lips and she allowed me to keep my pace for a few slow pumps
before she asked again. "You're torturing me, Flower Child. Please."
"I can't help it. You feel too good like this."
"So do you." She rolled into me, making my body press further inside of her and I tightened my hold,
but gave in and slid myself into her the way we both wanted.
"It's so good, Babe." I held her face in my free hand, kissing her as my thrusts deepened and
"I love you so much, Bella. I love you so fucking much it hurts." I crushed my lips back to hers and felt
myself leaning on the edge.
She was panting against my face, into my mouth. Her body was so perfect and all I could was think
about how much I didn't deserve her, yet wanted to keep her and all of the fucked up shit that had
happened and time that had been wasted and just boiled inside of me as my face flushed
with the desire, dying to spill from me to her.
I opened my mouth as I heard her breathing go shallow and her fingers in my hair stiffen, telling me
that I was making her come undone. "Are you mine, Bella?" It was a stupid question but my brain
wasn't exactly sane right now and it seemed like
the right thing to ask, even though this wasn't at all how I had planned it but fucking plans never
seemed to go the way they were intended anyhow. She didn't seem to care as she nodded and
breathlessly told me that she was mine.
"Marry me. Will you marry me, Bella?" I was so fucking close to the edge I could see it as I screwed
my eyes shut and let my face fall against hers, fisting her knotted hair into my palm as she nodded
again and panted 'yes'.
It could have just been her coming, but as I spilled myself inside of her, I believed and pretended she
was answering my proposal and reveled in how good both felt. "Mother fucker," I groaned, holding
myself deep inside her body, probably too deep, but she didn't do anything except try to draw me
nearer and I didn't fight it.
It was the best fucking orgasm of my whole damn life.
I breathed out, resting against the pillow and holding her securely as I attempted to catch my breath.
I must have planted a million kisses all over her and asked her if she was alright too many times,
because on the last time, she laughed as she said 'yes'. So, I laid there, quiet and caressing her skin
and kissing her tenderly and telling her I loved her and she let me. Bella was limp and I knew she was
just sleepy; but still, her being fragile had me constantly on edge and I had to be a pain in the ass and
make sure that was all that was wrong for the millionth time.
"You alright, Bell?" I hoped if I gave her more kisses as I asked, she would forgive me.
"Actually, I'm a little thirsty."
I slid my arm out from under her and leaned over. "Water?" She nodded her head and I leaned down
again, kissing her face. "I'll get you some." One more kiss and I slid out of bed, throwing my jeans
back on and walked out to the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of water for her.
By the time I came back, she was already asleep.
When we arrived at The Workshop the next day, it was already late. The shit at the fucking police
station, along with my dealing with my father afterward, took way longer than I imagined. I told Bella
to go home, but she insisted on being here, saying it would help clear her mind.
There was a new guy there I didn't know, but one look at his name tag said everything. He was the
new general manager. I knew I shouldn't have felt anger or hate towards him, but it was too hard not
to. I tried to stay clear and just do my damn job, keeping my word to Alice. Not much here had
changed other than a few staff members and at least that was comforting.
"Close down your restaurant already?" Charlie joked as he entered the kitchen.
"No, I swapped with Alice today." He looked like he wanted more information. "They um we had to
identify the guys who killed Emmett."
"Oh hell, I'm sorry, Son. Bells didn't say anything. Not that she ever does." He patted my shoulder
and got to work next to me.
"I know. She's getting better, though."
"Good. That's good." He nodded keeping his eyes on his work.
"Thanks for staying with her, you know, here.It must suck being away from home so long." I reached
for the steel so I could sharpen my knife and glanced at him.
"Nothing is more important than family, Edward. It's just a diner," He shrugged.
"I actually meant your wife."
"Well, yeah, that does suck and I sure would love one of her dinners," He laughed. "She understands
though and I'm lucky to have such a good partner. It's hard to find someone who is always there for
you, you know?"
"Yeah," I said quietly, looking back to my sharpening.
"Bells will get back on the horse. She always does." He nodded and handed me over my bin of
"I know. She's an unstoppable spirit." I couldn't help the smile those words conjured up, and
apparently Charlie agreed, as he looked at me with a smile of his own.
His eyes glanced over my shoulder and he smiled wider. "Speak of the Devil."
Bella came in, clip board in hand, talking with the new manager. He looked too stiff, too professional.
After she walked around the kitchen for a bit with him, she stopped by Charlie and I.
"You know what I realized today?" She asked. "I fucking love otters."
"To eat?" I looked over to her, horrified.
"Fuck no, I mean why would I eat an otter, Flower Child?"
"Were in a kitchen. Cooking." I nodded to the food in front of me and she laughed, shaking her head.
"No stupid, I don't want to eat otters."
"Then why are you talking about them?"
Was this like, another pregnancy thing? Separating Old Weird Bella and New Weird Bella, was
becoming like a second job.
"I saw them on TV out in the dining room while the girls were setting up. Oh my gosh, they are so
cute," She settled her clip board down and put her hands together. "Like I want to come back as one
in my second life and just paddle around all day with a big paddle tail," She made the movement with
her hands. "Eating a fish." She looked over to the manager guy and made what I think was supposed
to be the sound of an otter eating a fish.
His face looked confused and not at all amused by her, even though, everyone else seemed to be
finding it quite funny, myself included. She stopped seeing his expression and looked down a little
too shy for Bella, as she picked up clip board.
"Yeah, just ignore me. Never mind." She bit her lip and looked down to the list, then back up to me.
"Um, yeah so this is Edward. He's the father of my child." She pointed to her stomach. "And owns
Tatu, the restaurant with ugliest red counters and cold fries, seriously," She looked back to him,
"never eat there. He misses me dearly and knows that he should have never left, so tonight he's
working here and enjoying the fact we don't have ugly countertops and bitches throwing burgers at
us." She smiled at me and I wanted desperately, desperately to fucking hoist her up and carry her
smart ass self into her office, lock the door and teach her a really hard lesson.
Yesthat was a bad joke.
The guy looked even more lost now and I simply wiped my hand on my apron and extended it to him.
"I'm just here for tonight. Nice to meet you."
"You as well," He replied and then stepped back, releasing my hand.
"So, why don't you go and get started on what we discussed and we'll have a meeting shortly. Okay?"
Bella handed him over the clips board and he nodded, then excused himself.
As soon as he exited the kitchen, Bella groaned and looked back to me and Charlie.
"Seriously, Dad?" She flailed her arm and he chuckled. "That guy is drier than fucking Rosie
O'Donnell's crotch. What the hell? Do you not know me at all? I know that no one is going to put up
with my bullshit and ridiculousness like Emmett, but damn."
"Calm down. He's a good hire. You asked me for a manager, I hired you a proper manager. You want
a playmate" He patted me on the back. "Here's your guy. Play on."
"Emmett wasn't a playmate," She said angrily.
"You know that's not what I meant."
"That dude won't be able to deal with me for two days. I give him two damn days before he quits,
Charlie." She pointed to the door and he stepped around me.
"Then maybe you need to be a little more professional, Bells. Stop with all the jokes and cursing. Not
everyone finds it funny." He reached for her shoulder, trying to be nice, but she swatted him away.
"Forgive me for having a damn sense of humor. It's the only thing that fucking you know what,
never mind. You wouldn't understand." She held up her hand him and looked back at me. "Meeting
in five minutes, Flower Child; make sure you check your personality at the door."
"Bells," He called out as she spun around and walked away from us.
"She's alright. It's just what she does," I said.
"I just wanted her to understand that not everyone is going to act like your brother did with her."
"She does. That's why she's upset."
~ Bella ~
All the fuckers were gathered for the stupid meeting and I hated it.
Not only did I have to introduce this lame ass new general manager, who was not fun at all, but that
fucking chair Emmett always sat backwards in was glaring at me. Like, what did it want me to do? Not
hire a new general manager? Well guess what Emmett's old chair, I have a business to run and can't
Holy fuck, now I knew I lost my mind.
Talking to my clit and unborn child was one thing. Yelling at a chair totally another.
I needed to get my shit together.
"Alright, shut up, everyone. Tonight we have a there's going to be a fuck, this is Larry. He's our
General Manager." I couldn't say new because 'new' smelled too much like 'replacement' and he
wasn't a goddamn replacement.
Emmett couldn't be replaced.
He was more like, a stand in. Filler, like, the shit they put into something that is actually good, but
need to water it down or stretch it out to make it cheaper and lessening the quality in the process.
Yeah, that was Larry. He was filler.
It was rude to say aloud, though and I shut the fuck up before I made a fool of myself, again.
They were all still looking at me.
"Anyone you know, have anything?" Of course, Flower Child had to raise his stupid hand. "Yeah,
"Do you really hate my counters?" I wanted to play along, but I was taking my father's advice and
that meant it wasn't playtime. "Anyone else?"
No one said shit and I dismissed them.
"Bell?" Edward grabbed my arm as he walked behind me to the kitchen. I looked at him and he
pulled me into his arms, hugging me without a word.
I just wanted to stay there for forever.
He let me go, but cupped my face in his hands and I thought he was going to kiss me, but a
playfulness I knew all too well flashed in his eyes as he drew me closer. "You would make a cute ass
otter." I smiled and he kissed me, then, continued, "If I were an otter too, I'd think your paddle tail
was sexy. So sexy in fact, I'd probably share all of my fish with you."
Definitely was going to marry this fucker.
"What if I was an ugly otter? Would you still share your fish with me?" I asked.
"That's impossible, but yes. I'd still share. Even if there was a fish shortage, I would give you my
catch." I fell into him laughing and he wrapped me back up inside of Edwardly goodness.
"Oh, baby, is that a phone in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?" I rubbed up against him
and pulled away.
"Not a phone, but not that either," He laughed. "I'll show you after the dinner rush."
I followed him into the kitchen and hated that I had to listen to him tonight. As Edward organized
everything at the pass, I stepped up beside him and pointed my finger to his stupid face.
"I'm not calling you 'Chef'."
This was still my kitchen. I didn't care if I was working the veg station tonight or not. I was only doing
it because my stomach at the pass was fucking annoying and got in the way.
Plus, I would have to yell and yelling was not permitted, unless I wanted to be a cunt-pickle and harm
Baby Cullen, who was now Edward Junior. Or Mini Edward. Or Anthony I would probably just call
him Anthony.until he was born and could do stuff that warranted him being called by his full name.
The point is, yelling wasn't aloud.
"I call you 'Chef'," He argued, pushing his sleeves up.
"That's because I am."
"And I'm not?"
"No," I shook my head, trying to not smile.
"You trained me," He shot back.
"Fine. I'll call you Chef, but only if you call me Queen of the Kitchen Fuck and don't mean it for the
original way you meant it when you called Bree that your first night here."
"Your Dad is here." He made a face and I wanted to laugh that he was scared of Charlie.
"So?" I shrugged.
"Can't I just call you a Queen?"
"Queen of the kitchen?" I waited, raising my brows at him.
"Fine," He huffed. "Jesus Christ, Miss Queen of the Kitchen Fuck, can you please get on your station."
"You see," I laughed. "That is exactly why I refuse to call you Chef. You just totally let me, a measly
line cook, tell you what to do."
"Shit." He closed his eyes and sighed in irritations.
"No, fuck."
He reopened his eyes. "Huh?"
"Queen of the Kitchen Fuck," I corrected.
"That you are." He put his hands on his hips and nodded, looking really pissed off.
I wanted him. Bad.
After the dinner rush was over, Flower Child pulled me along with him outside, for the little 'surprise',
he had promised. I sat next to him on the pallets outback and he took something from his pocket.
"I tried to think of a romantic place, but the truth is that this is where all of our shit always happens,
so, it's fitting. I hope you don't mind." He slid behind me, bringing his arms around me and flipped
open a small black box.
It was a ring.
His chin rested down on my shoulder, placing a kiss there and then to my neck. I know he asked me
the night before and I had agreed, but it was so surreal right now, to imagine that he was actually
going to propose to me.
Me, the girl who made fun of people who did such things.
"Will you marry me, Angel?" He asked softly.
Say yes.
Say yes.
Say yes.
How could I deny Butterbean at this point? She had been through so much.
"Yes," I nodded and leaned back to kiss him.
"Thank you." He gave me several more sweet kisses and then lifted my hand into his. "This might not
fit. Great Grandma Cullen had fat knuckles."
"Shut up, Flower Child," I laughed.
"She did," He shrugged and slid it on anyway. "But I probably shouldn't have said that, seeing as
how it fits your finger, too."
"Yeah, Jerk. You just ruined the moment." He hugged me again, tighter this time, rocking side to side.
"I love you, Bell. I promise to always make you happy."
"I love you, too. Even though you think I have fat knuckles." I held my hand out and looked at it.
The ring was stunning, sparkling beautifully under the moonlight.
Great Grandma Cullen must have had some serious game with Great Gramps Cullen, 'cause this ring
was ballin'.
"You like it?" He asked.
"I love it. It's beautiful. Thank you." I tilted back and gave him another kiss.
"So, I suppose" He took a deep breath and looked at me a little unsure. "I suppose if Emmett were
here, he'd say I was like a gangster or a fucking a Mac Daddy or something for getting you to marry
"A pimp. He called you a pimp."
"Yeah, that." Flower Child looked down; taking my ringed hand into his and his sadness killed me.
"Babe?" He looked up to me and I turned myself so I could cup his chin into my palm. "All I have
thought about, since Em died, is how differently things would be, if I had just stuck to my fucking plan
and never let myself love you and stay here. Because there's a part of me that knows, this shit never
would have happened if I did. But then I start to think about that day, with Newton and how all I was
fucking doing that day was going to get a stupid croquette and that there was no way there's just
no fucking way that shit was part of some damn plan gone wrong.
"It's absurd to even try and think about it, because that would mean I would have to retrace every
step I ever took and that only leads me back to never having met Emmett in the first place, because
he was always linked to you and at some point, under some type of circumstance, I would have met
you and I would have fallen in love with you. It's impossible not to and it wouldn't have mattered if
you were my sous chef or just Emmett's brother. I would have wanted to stay here with you, just like
now and I would have been there, trying to buy a fucking snack off a street vendor and Newton's
friends would have been too and the same shit would have happened.
"The only way Newton wouldn't have cared about who I was that day is if you never did any of the
things in your life that made him a part of yours, and again, that's a lot of steps ago. And you
wouldn't have Squeaks and you know what I'm saying. I plan everything, Edward. I want everything
to be my way and to be in control and I thought all this time I was that it was me and I set my life
up so that I couldn't fail and I could get hurt and it was the stupidest fucking thing I ever did, because
for all my efforts, a fucking fried food changed all of that.
"That choice. Not loving you or not loving you or whether or not to go to stupid Canada. Buying a
simple croquette." I lowered my hand and cleared the tears from my face.
I laughed and looked back to him again.
"If Emmett were here, he'd tell you that he was mad jealous of you, because he got stuck with Rose
and you got to nail me and marry me and our son is going to better at football, and if he thinks I'm
going to change that kids dirty ass diapers, just because he isn't here, he's fucking wrong." I pointed
to the sky and he smiled finally, capturing my hand into his and kissed my ring.
"Unstoppable spirit indeed, Bella." He kissed my hand again. "My brother was fucking right."
Chapter Thirty ~ Dancing in the Rain
There was a time when I was twelve, we were living in Forks and I ran to my father's diner, crying my
eyes out. This little pricky kid, Ronnie, was picking on me, again.
I hated Ronnie. He was a goddamn loser of all losers, but because his father was the Chief of Police,
he got away with everything, and thought he was unstoppable.
The idiot teased me just about everyday, but that day in particular, he was teasing me because I
tripped getting off the bus that morning and had to spend all day in wet clothes, covered in mud.
As soon as I pushed my way through the door, Charlie glanced up at me through the pass' window. I
sat myself down at one the seats along the red counter top and sulked until one of the waitresses
brought me a milkshake.
Being bullied sucked ass. I hated it.
I sat there sipping my milkshake, and knew he was still watching me, so I glanced up and chanced a
peeksure enough, he was. A shy smile appeared on his scruffy face and he disappeared from
behind the window.
His boots thumped over the sound of the giggling teenagers behind me and the cheesy music playing
and my slurping came to a halt as he sat down beside me, presenting a plate of fries.
I fucking loved Fries- his especially.
They were way too salty and he always mixed the ketchup with mustard on my plate, just how I liked
to eat them. They replaced little things like I love you and I'm sorry your mom doesn't call.shit he
never said.except with the fries.
When I was half way through my food and feeling like the sugar in the shake mended my heart, he
finally spoke up and told me if anyone ever picks on me, to kick them in the knee until they beg for
Also, to make sure I looked them up when I became rich and famous so I could mail them five dollars,
exactly what they were worth.
Sitting here now, looking at the front page of the paper, seeing Emmett's heartwarming smile, I
wanted to find those three fuckers who hurt him and kick them in their fucking knees until I had no
toes left to kick with.
But unfortunately they weren't just bullies, they were goddamn murderers.
I told Flower Child once, to take down a monster, you had to become one.sitting here now, that's
how I felt. If I saw anyone of these.these.monsterswho killed Emmett, I would be able to do it, I
I could kill them; the hate was strong enough in my heart.
"Sorry, Baby Cullen," I rubbed my hand over my stomach and tried to simmer down, not wanting that
negativity around him.
He deserved better.
I glanced back to the paper on my desk, rubbing my fingers over Em's smile, feeling the tears welling
in my eyes.
"You do, too."
Someone knocked on my door, pulling me from my reverie and I called for them to enter. To my
pleasure, it was Flower Child.
And the fucker brought me a coconut smoothie.
"For my Baby Mama," He smiled as he sat it on the desk, leaning in to kiss my hair.
"You didn't have to do that," I kissed him back, "but thank you."
"I didn't get to see you this morning. You abandoned me." He took a seat on the arm of my chair and
smoothed his hand over my back.
"I have a lot to do. I've been slacking like crazy."
"Bell, all you've been doing is working." He twirled a string of my hair around his finger as he called
me out on my lies.
"I just feel better when I'm busy, okay?"
"Sitting in here reading that shit," He nodded to the paper, "isn't going to make you feel better,
I huffed, keeping my eyes on my work and replied, "Especially when I see that they are going to be
released on bond this morning." I reached for the smoothie, feeling way too much like a damn twelve
year old version of myself right now.
"I know. My dad called me a little while ago. Since we're being honest here, that's really why I came
by. I don't want you going anywhere until I come pick you up.and no hanging around out back,
"Anything else, Father?" I looked up to him and his face fell. "I'm sorry, I knowbut shit, Edward, I
could say the same thing to you too, seeing how these assholes are friends with Newton, who clearly
has issues with you."
"Wanna know something funny?" He asked.
"I don't see what could be, but sure."
"Jess is engaged to him." He reached for the paper and flipped until he found the article inside and
pointed. "Unbelievable, right?"
"I'm sending her to the meat grinder if you don't get custody this time around. That's all there is to it,
Edward." I tossed the paper back to the desk and he leaned down and kissed my head again.
"It'll be alright. I didn't mean to upset you. I'm sorry."
"I'm fine, but there's no way in scorching Hell Newton is going to be Squeaks.fucking anything. He
isn't going anywhere near her and if Jessica thinks her murderer-loving-ass is going near her, she can
go fuck a monkey, too."
Before he could reply, Larry knocked on the door and poked his head in.
"Oh, I'm sorry."
"No, it's cool man. I was just leaving." Edward slid off of the armrest and leaned down to me. "I gotta
go before Grandma freaks out. She hates being there without me." He kissed me on my lips and
forehead and Butterbean started to sing for him to stay with those nice lips.
"Ben is probably burning your kitchen down," I teased.
"He's alright. He just needs a good kick in the ass every now and then." He kissed me again.
"Remember what I said, please."
"Yeah, yeah. I'll stay here and play with Larry."
Fun. Fun. Fun.
"I love you." He poked my stomach. "And you." Baby Cullen loved his daddy, too.
"Me too, Babe."
"Love you too, Larry." He patted his shoulder on the way out and poor Larry looked so confused.
He was in for one hell of a week.
I gave him 'til lunch before he quit.
"Take a seat," I nodded and tried to ignore Emmett's face on the paper.
I promise to give him as much hell as possible.
"So are you and" I cut him off.
"Larry, I don't talk about my personal life. You're here to work, so let's just do that." I handed him
over a stack of papers. "I need you to go through those and see who has been going over their hours.
Also, the payroll. I'm not really able to travel
right now, so you will need to make arrangements to go to Las Vegas this week on your own. Laurent
is a real screw up and needs a good ass reaming. You've given one of those before, right?"
"Like, you can be stern, yes? Put someone in their place?"
"Fuck." I picked up the phone and dialed Flower Child, clicking on speaker phone.
"Miss me already? If you would have stayed this morning, I could have given you"
"Babe, you're on speakerphone," I warned.
"Oh," He laughed, "Given you a hearty breakfast." He tried to recover and I laughed, cupping my
"Shut up, Jerk. Listen.yell at me."
"I've just totally fucked up your kitchen and we are seriously behind. I also may have gone over my
allotted hours by twenty and fucked up my food budget. Yell at me."
He said nothing.
"Flower Child!"
"I can't do on the spot yelling, Bella." He laughed. "Shit, you could have warned me or something.
"You're useless." I hung up the phone and sighed hard. "Let's go." I stood up and pointed to the door.
Larry looked scared and he should have been. We were going to find Angela.
I found her cleaning the wait-station and did my best to swallow down all the bitterness from our
previous argument about Ben and Edward. I put on my best smile and she gave a very forced one in
"I need you to school Larry in Yelling 101."
Her smile turned more genuine and she grabbed his hand, shaking her head. "Come on, man."
I laughed as she pulled him through the doors, to the back. Someone tapped on the front door,
startling me and I jumped slightly, feeling the goose-bumps rise on my skin.
"Fucking shit," I shook my head and recognized it was Edward's friend, Lauren.
What the fuck does she want?
"Oh yeah, Flower Child," I said sarcastically under my breath as I walked to open to open the door.
"Hey, Elizabeth said Edward was here? Can I talk to him?" She asked.
"You just missed him. He left a few minutes ago."
"Crap. I don't have time to go back over to his place. Uh, could you give this to him when you see him
Next? Did she not see my stomach? What was I? A ship passing through his little Edward ocean.we
effing lived together for Christ sake!
"When I get home, I'll give it to him." In more ways than one, douche-waffle.
"Thanks." She nodded and turned to walk off. I looked down to the envelope and called out to her,
seeing Emmett's name. "Hey, what is this?"
She turned around and stepped closer. "My father is handling Emmett's case. "His trust, too. I guess
that's what he left to Edward."
"Oh, right." I said softly. "Uh, can I ask you something?"
"Bella, I can't answer anything about the case," She guessed.
"I just want to know if these guys are going to walk. I saw the damn paper this morning."
"I'm not allowed." She stood her ground, shaking her head.
"Listen," I stepped closer, "He was like my familyplease.I'm not asking for specifics, I just want to
know what you think. From a lawyer's point of view."
She debated for a moment, but then looked up to me. "No matter what the judge says, Bellathere
will never be a sentencing harsh enough for what they did. That's what I think."
I nodded and backed away, holding up the envelope. "I'll give this to Edward." Going back inside, I
walked straight to my office, ignoring Angela and Larry as they came back in, and shut I shut the
Sitting at my desk, I stared at the envelope, knowing what was in it already. I was there the day he
sat on the plane, flying to Paris with me, listening as I ranted about how with traveling so much, he
needed to have a Will made out, just in case.
He said he was going to leave everything to his niece.
As far as I knew, he never changed it and I felt sort of bad, wondering how that would make Rose feel
now. Not that Edward or myself would allow Peyton to do without anything, but still.
"I hope she spends it on something good, Em." I tossed it on the desk and stared at the paper again.
Lauren's words reigned in my ears and as much as she irritated the shit out of me, I knew she was
right. Nothing could ever justify what was done to Emmett and just thinking about how these
assholes could possibly be free to roam around and harm someone else.or Flower Child.
I held my belly and breathed, trying to stay calm, but that was quite a task when the possibility of
losing all you held dear to you was in question.
Knock Knock
"Bells?" Charlie poked his head in and I smiled.
"Hey Dad."
"Just wanted to let you know I was here. Sorry I ran a little late this morning."
"Dad, are you crazy? I should be apologizing to you. Not only was being a brat the other night, but
you have been helping without one word of complaint for months now." I slumped down into my
seat and sighed.
"I told you I'd stay until the baby was here. I try to be a man of my word," He shrugged.
"Well, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you."
"Have you thought about what I said, at all?" He asked.
"I'm trying. Change isn't easy for me thoughobviously." I rolled my eyes.
"Well, just try. I think you and Larry could get along great if you just tone it down a bit, Bella.
Anyhow, just wanted to check in. Are you staying for service?"
"No, Edward and I are supposed to go shopping for baby stuff after Tatu closes."
"Alright, well, just stop in before you go, Kid." I nodded to him and he ducked back out.
I snatched the paper and the envelope from my desk, opening up the bottom drawer, thinking if I
tossed it in there I could forget about it for a while, stupidly.
As I shoved the files back, making room, there was a business card in the bottom drawer I hadn't
seen since the Fourth of July.
I picked it up and rolled my thumb over the name, then looked back at Em's face.his smile and the
envelope that contained his entire life.
There was no fucking way these asshole's were going to get away with taking it from him.
~Flower Child~
I wondered if she knew she was glowing.
The smile that was begging to spread across my face was hard to hide as I watched her hold up item
after item to me, fully amused by each little saying the baby outfits had.
So far, we had made the educated guess that our son would, love his Daddy, think his Grandma was
the greatest in the World, and Bella's favorite the shirt that said, I'm not staring at you, I'm
"What are we forgetting?" She asked, chewing her lip.
"I think we have everything, Sweetheart. Other than the furniture, but we should save that for after
we move, probably."
"Word." She nodded and looked down to Squeaks. "Is there anything you want Pipsqueak?"
"Puppy," She pointed to the pet store as we passed it.
"We can't have a puppy right now, Squeaks. One thing that likes to poop a lot at a time, okay?" She
"Peeeese?" She begged.
"Maybe after the baby is born, but not now. How about shoes or a shirt?"
Ness crossed her arms and didn't answer.
"Renesmee, Bella asked you a question."
"I want puppy!" She whined.
I scooped her up and pulled her hand down from her face as she rubbed her eyes. "We can't have a
puppy. Daddy and Bella would have to trade you and the baby in, is that what you want?" I tried to
tease, but she was too cranky and shoved her face into my neck to hide.
"Alright, fine. Someone obviously had a hard day at school." I hoisted her up higher and took Bella's
hand in my free one as we started to walk again.
"Sorry," Bella said.
"It's no big deal. Something tells me school is going to make my child much moreinteresting." I
"Well, she has a lot more influences...but we were sort of dragging her around all day, too. It's only
natural," She shrugged. "We should get going, let her rest."
As we exited the mall, my eyes couldn't help but to dart around the parking lot.
Was I paranoid?
Wouldn't you be?
I had no idea where those guys were, now that they had been released on bail and the thought that
they could harm Bella or Ness or myself was at the forefront of my mind.
"Here," Bella dug into my pocket, finding my keys as I held Ness, who had fallen asleep in my arms,
and helped me to get her in the car.
When we arrived home, Bella carried Ness in her arms so I could grab our bags. As we rode the
elevator up to our place, I watched as she rocked Ness and kissed her face.
How I had gotten so lucky, I was clueless.
Bella helped me put Ness to sleep and as we closed her bedroom door, I took her face into my hands,
kissing her softly as I trailed my feet backwards, walking towards our room. She held onto my wrists;
following me as I led her to the bed. I sat down on the edge of the mattress, lowering my hands to
her hips and guided her onto my lap, so she could straddle me.
My face nuzzled into her hair and planted a few kisses along her neck, then rested my face against
her chest, holding her close to me and loving how her fingers felt, massaging into my hair.
"I love you." I whispered. "You're so beautiful, Bella." My lips kissed once to her chest and I hugged
her tighter.
"I love you too, Babe," She said quietly. "I missed you today."
"Me too. I think tomorrow you should come play with me."
Bella laughed and pushed me gently with her hand to my back. "If I weren't so tired, I'd play with you
right now." She rested down onto my chest and I laughed.
"I am serious. I'd like for you to spend some time with me tomorrow. I think it would be good for you
to get away from that place for a while, Angel."
"You just want me to bless your stupid restaurant with my genius." She poked my face and I grabbed
her hand.
"Don't be a smart ass. I'm trying to be serious, Bella," I huffed.
"Why is everyone trying to bring me down lately?" She pushed against me, looking upset.
"I'm not, come here." I pulled her back toward me and kissed her face. "I just miss you."
"SorryI'm not trying to be Sensitive Sallybut I spend all day with that dry ass Larry dude, having to
watch everything I do and getting Charlie's stupid mouth running at me to not be.well fucking me
and then if you start too, I think I might go jump off a cliff. I swear."
"No cliff jumping," I laughed. "I'm not telling you to change, baby. I love you as you are, you know
that. Charlie is just being your dad and looking out for you."
"I don't know why I have to change just because this one dude doesn't get me."
"You don't," I cupped her face in my hand and rubbed my thumb along her cheek. "Being Bella is
what got you where you are in life. She's the type of girl I look at and hope someday, my daughter
will grow up to be like. The kind of girl I'm going to marry and love for forever."
"Are you trying to swoon me, Flower Child?" She smiled.
I pulled her closer, wanting that smile pressed against mine. "Always."
I kissed her until she started to squirm on top of me, making me laughing against her lips. "I thought
you were tired?" I teased.
"Mmm." She rubbed her face along mine and then slumped down to my shoulder. "I am."
"Then stop giving Lt. Dan ideas," I whispered, slapping her playfully on the ass.
We changed after that and I held her in my arms, lulling her to sleep as I hummed her our song, but
towards the end, as I rubbed my hand over her stomach, I felt something against my palm and Bella
tilted her head back.
"Did you feel that?" Bella asked and I nodded. "Mmm." She snuggled back into me and I left my hand
over the spot, felling a few more faint thumps.
It was a wonderful way to fall asleep.
Bella looked so happy right now and I was ecstatic that she was working in my place today and not
hers. She needed to be here, around people who loved her and not over there, dealing with the
bullshit Angela was putting her through or staring at that stiff, new general manager, Larry, wishing
he were Emmett.
"You are going to have the best fucking pancakes of all time," She smiled wide and poured the
coconut milk into the batter. "Oh my God, you should like, be so happy you know me and shit."
"I am," I smiled, watching her work.
"The pussy lickings will be so amazing," She giggled and poured a ladle of batter onto the griddle. "I
can't believe no one around here has coconut pancakes, like, are they fucking nuts? You can buy
fresh coconuts on every damn corner practically."
"Maybe people don't want to eat coconut pancakes?" I shrugged and she whipped her at me, looking
as if I just peed on the Pope's head or something.
"I'm sorry, but I believe I've agreed to give you my vagina for the remainder of my lifetime, yes?"
"Mmm hmm," I nodded, pursing my lips, trying not to laugh.
"Okay, so maybe you'd like to take that back now. 'Cause, I'm pretty fucking sure that my three-time-
award-winning, five-star-ass, knows that people should flock to any place, on the goddamn planet,
that serves coconut pancakes." She made a face and looked back to her creation.
"It was just a guess." I leaned off the counter and moved to stand beside her. "I'm sure they'll be
great, but what are you going to top them with?"
"Fresh berries and a coconut sauce. Speaking of which, get me some fucking cream and make
yourself useful. Shit. I'm pregnant up in this bitch and doing all the work. Lazy fucker." She shoved me
with her free hand.
I scooted behind her and pushed her hair to the side, so I could bite her neck.
"Flower Child!" She squealed and scrunched her arm, trying to get me off, but I didn't let her. "You're
going to make me burn them!" She laughed.
I kissed the spot I bit and rested my chin down on her shoulder, rubbing my hands over her stomach.
"Have I told you that I love you, today?" I kissed her again and she relaxed into my arms.
"This isn't going to get you out of helping," She laughed and tilted her head towards me. "But I love
you, too."
I cupped my hand to her cheek and kissed her only long enough to get my point across and not long
enough to burn her precious pancakes.
"Fuck, I am good!" She said, flipping it over as I went for the cream.
"You're telling me," I said under my breath as I looked in the fridge.
"Babe? Can you get me some juice or something, too? Thirsty as a motherfucker over here."
I snorted and shook my head. Thank God Grandma Cullen wasn't here yet. Regardless of how much
she loved Bella, I don't think she could handle the new language in the kitchen. She could barely
tolerate my cursing and it wasn't nearly as bad, or consistent as hers.
"Sweetheart, I love you being you, but there is a small person in there that can hear you." I tipped
the glass of juice towards her stomach before I handed it to her.
"He can't hear me," She took a drink and after she swallowed said, "It's like being underwater. All you
hear is muffled words."
"How do you know? Maybe he has super hearing."
She stared at me, scrunching her face all up like I spoke in a language she didn't understand.
"What are we having? Fucking Superman or Spiderman or something? Of course he can't fucking
hear me, idiot." She handed me back the juice and I laughed, watching her mumble under her
As I was putting her glass in the sink, I saw my grandmother come in and smiled.
"Well look who it is," She wrapped an arm around Bella and squeezed. "My favorite person."
"I thought I was your favorite person?" I teased.
"You just moved down the list. You stole my parking spot this morning, Junior Cullen."
"You're too old to drive anyway. You should be getting a ride Grandma," I laughed.
She looked at Bella. "There is a reason why we love him, right?"
Bella laughed. "Yeah, but I only do because of his skills in the bedroom. I don't know what you could
possibly have to love him for, seeing as how you probably haven't looked at his pecker since he had
one the size of my pinky."
"It was never the size of your pinky," I said adamantly.
"He's right," My grandma said, "It was smaller."
Bella cracked up at my expense. "Burrrrn, Flower Childand by a fucking lady with a cane and shit."
"Laugh it up, Bella. See if you ever get another ride on it."
"Awe, poor baby got his feelings hurt." Bella patted my cheek as she walked by. "You know this
kitchen sucks ass. You have it all out of whack."
"That's what I've been sayin'," Grandma agreed.
"Well, since you two are only going to talk crap about me, I think I'll go hide in my office."
"You make a sucky chef, Edward! Real chefs dish it back out." She snorted and kept working.
"Ha-ha," I made a lewd gesture to her as I exited and she laughed harder.
My grandmother thankfully didn't see.
As I walked through the kitchen doors, I saw something taped there. I walked towards it and
unlocked the door, pulling it off and then closed back up.
As I unfolded it, I saw it was from Jessica, asking me to meet her later on. It was odd and I had no
idea why the hell she would do that. I hadn't spoken to her except for a couple of times when she
actually called to talk to Ness since I was awarded temporary custody.
I shoved the paper into my pocket and decided I'd tell Carlisle about it later on.
"Flower Child!" I heard Bella calling me from the kitchen and I walked back over to see what she
wanted. As I entered she smiled and curled her fingers at me.
I was fed the best damn coconut pancakes of all time.
Bella stuck around for most of the morning, cooking and randomly helping out. One of the girls I had
working in the kitchen was new and not really that experienced, but she worked hard and I
appreciated her efforts. Bella seemed to really take a liking to her as well and showed her some of
the things she could do better, but it wasn't like how she would have normally yelled or
She was being patient and kind and understanding.
It baffled me to no end.
When the rush slowed down in the morning, we took a break outside and I asked her about it.
"So, you seem to really like Lucy. What's that all about? I don't think I heard you curse once," I
"She's a fast learner. You should hang on to her. She'll be good."
"How do you know that? I mean, how do you see it? I know she works hard, but so does Ben, that
doesn't mean he'll be good."
"It's just a feeling," She shrugged. "I can't explain it. It's the same way I felt about hiring you. It's just a
"So you want to drag Lucy into your office and make sweet, sweet love to her?" I narrowed my eyes
playfully and she gave me a shove.
"Fuck off, Flower Child. I didn't want to nail you. Okay, that's a lie. I did, but beyond that, I just got a
vibe. I told you, I can't explain it. If you want me to train her, I will. You just have to beg."
"Beg? What am I a dog?"
"No, you're a boy.a boy who desperately wants the smartest, prettiest girl in the entire land to train
the only person in that shit brigade of yours, how to be an amazing cook, possibly chef." Her smile
made me want to kiss her, but her words made me want to do evil things.
"Fine, Bella, the smartest, prettiest girl in all the land, will you please," I reached for her hand and
kissed it, "please, pretty please, teach Lucy how to cook?"
"Maybe." She shrugged.
"That wasn't very nice." I shook my head and let go of her hand.
"Alright, fine. I'll teach her, but under one condition," She said.
"Name it."
"You let me and Grandma re-arrange the kitchen."
"Deal," I stuck out my hand and she shook it. "You know you're not a very good deal maker, Bella?"
"Um, fucking excuse me, Flower Child? How so?"
"I would have given up the best pussy lickings in the world, too."
Her mouth opened and then closed, turning up into a smile. She patted me on my arm and said, "You
might just make a chef after all, Flower Child. You might just make a chef after all."
"Maybe if you're nice," I leaned in to her ear, "I'll still give you some." I kissed her cheek and she
grabbed onto my coat, tipping up to meet my lips.
"You better." She whispered, pressing her lips to mine.
I pushed her hips down gently, resting her back on her feet and bent to meet her instead. My hand
cradled the back of her head, kneading her hair as we kisseduntil Grandma made her presence
"Boy, we have food to cook in here. Don't even think I won't yank my money out from under your
behind, Junior Cullen. And leave that girl alone, I think you've done quite enough already," She
nodded to Bella and then waited, holding the door open.
"I'll be right in, Grandma." I smiled, knowing I couldn't dare move without showing the woody I was
"I'm giving you 'til ten. One, two, three" She went back in counting louder from inside.
"Like I can lose wood in ten seconds," I said, pushing Bella away.
She looked down to it and slapped her hand over Lt. Dan.
"Are you crazy?!" I cupped my dick, apologizing silently for the abuse.
"I'm not supporting your punk ass and she looked pretty serious." Bella tugged me along and I
continued to rub my hand over my crotch.
Just like old times.
I was really enjoying working at Flower Child stupid restaurant.
Who knew?
At the end of the day, I was pretty much covered in syrup, reeking of grease and my feet were a little
sore, but hell, I loved it.
It had been a long time since I actually worked in a restaurant, if you know what I mean and it I
missed it. This was why I wanted to go into this business, not to be a pencil pusher or sit in meetings.
I just wanted to cook and be creative and see the way people's face lit up when they enjoyed
something you made with your hands.
I smiled the entire time we drove to Ness school, right now, and didn't even realize I was until I felt
my cheeks start to hurt. That hadn't happened in a long time too, and even thought I felt a little
guilty, I enjoyed it as well.
Flower Child parked in the school lot and took my hand as we walked towards Squeaks' classroom.
The other parents stared at us as we approached and for a minute I didn't know why until I took in
our clothing.
Edward looked just as bad as I did, possibly worse and I brushed my hand over his shirt laughing.
"I thought I taught you better than this."
"You're just as bad, Angel. Though," He ran his hand over me quickly. "It's much more fun to clean
you off."
"Small children at play," I warned, whacking his hand away.
"Just take that thing off before you embarrass the snot out of Squeaks. I hated it when Charlie
showed up at my school looking like a dirty dish rag. Kids picked on me for forever."
He listened, unbuttoning his coat and handed it over to me. There wasn't much I could do, seeing as
how I had no coat to remove. I patted down my shirt and just decided I would try and hide when
class let out.
"Are you little Renesmee's dad?" A woman asked.
"Yes," Edward nodded.
"I thought so. She said you were a chef to my son, Garrett. I'm Charlotte." She stuck out her hand to
Edward and he shook it. "You must be her mom, she said she was a chef too," The lady stuck out her
hand to me and I shook my head.
"I'm not her mom. Her motherJessica used to work for Rachael Ray's Show," I explained.
"Oh, but Garrett said her name was Bella." The woman looked confused.
"Yes, I'm Bella, but I'm not her mom." I wasn't sure how the fuck to explain this crap.
"Bella is my fianc," Edward interjected. "And a chef and in her spare time, she tries to be a mother
to my daughter," He smiled.
"I see. Well she's very lucky. I can't cook at all," She laughed and looked back at Edward. "I actually
run the PTA and I was wondering if you would be interested in signing up for the school's annual
bake sale? Possibly being in charge of it? We are really short on help this year and it would be so
great to have someone like you help out."
"Um" Flower Child laughed. "It's kind of hard to make time, but maybe I can do something. Why
don't you stop by for breakfast in the morning, maybe we can work something out?"
"That would be great. It's the old library building, right?" She asked and I looked at her, wondering
how the hell she knew that.
As I caught sight of the other mother's, I realized, Flower Child was like the last shiny coin at the
bottom of the ocean. He was probably all they gossiped about. A dude with a daughter who cooks,
owns a restaurant, is way too politeand looks like a God.yeah.he wasn't allowed to pick up Ness
at school alone anymore.
That was for damn sure.
"Is that what it used to be? I never knew." He smiled and I thought they would all faint.
I know, Butterbean.
The bell rang and she wrapped up her little conversation, agreeing to have breakfast at Tatu. All the
little boogers ran out of the class room and I scooted back, both to hide my disgusting self from the
kids and also, because they scared me quite frankly.
Squeak's face lit up as soon as she saw Flower Child and he scooped her up, kissing her face. "There's
my baby." He reached for my hand and she stopped him.
"Daddy, wait! Need to say bye to Gawwett." She pointed back to the little boy next to Charlotte.
"You're too young to be saying good bye to Garrett's. Wave as we walk." I smiled, looking at his face
that was clearly freaking out and Ness wiggled herself, leaning on his shoulder to wave.
"Byyyyyee!" She hollered.
"Bye Crazy Frog Girl!" The boy yelled.
Ness Squealed and waved again.
"Bye Gummi Bear Boy!" She giggled back.
"Definitely too young for nicknames," Flower Child grumbled, digging his keys from his pocket.
"I think it's cute. Will you be my Gummi Bear Boy?" I hung on his free arm and he gave me the evil
As we got to the car, he placed her in the back and I turned around as he started up the car.
"Why is Garrett a Gummi Bear Boy?" I asked.
"Cause that's how the song goes," She said happily.
"What song?"
"Daddy knows," She pointed to him.
Before I could even get my mouth open, he held up a hand and shook his head. "I'm not singing it
so don't even ask me to. I'll show you the video at home."
"Why are you the Crazy Frog Girl?" I asked again.
"That's how the song goes, Bewwa!" She flailed her little arms, like 'duh!'
I looked back to Edward and he sighed. "I'll show you that one too."
I sat right in my seat, and was half way through trying to figure out how a song about a Gummi Bear
would go, when it happened.
The song on radio was that stupid Pink song I used to sing to Emmett and even though it was stupid
and ridiculous, it brought me to my knees. I tried to look towards the window and hide my tears, but
as the chorus came on, Edward heard one of my sobs and touched my cheek.
"You alright, baby?"
I nodded even thought it was a lie and wiped my face, not wanting to ruin Squeeks' good mood in the
backseat. She deserved to be happy and carefree and think about nothing but silly songs about crazy
frogs and Gummi Bears.
Edward realized it was the song and changed the station, putting on AM talk instead.
For the first time ever in my life, fucking politics were less depressing than pop music.
I watched the videos once we reached the apartment and laughed like crazy at how funny that stupid
frog was, doing his little motorcycle impression dance thing.
The Gummi Bear song, I decided, was the best fucking song ever created and should win endless
Edward did not agree and seemed to really hate it.
I played it non-stop for the rest of the after noon and until dinnertime.
After I checked in with Alice, to make sure all was cool at The Workshop, I met Edward in our kitchen,
ready to school his ass on how to make the best goddamn coconut chicken in all of creation.
As you can see, my love for cheese has been replaced with coconuts.
Not only was this a choice I made consciously, because I found out that soft cheeses can actually
make Baby-Edward-Anthony-Cullen-Junior-Mini-Him retarded, but also, I just really was feeling
coconuts lately.
I loved how they smelled, tasted, felt.
I just craved the ass out of them.
Unfortunately, they were about as fattening as cheese, and do nothing to help this bump issue I had
going on. Edward assured me, nothing would do that and it was inevitable to even try to control, but
I told him to shut his pie hole and tried my damndest not to feed mine so much.
That of course didn't go very well.
"Ready to get your sweet ass handed to you, Babe?" I wiggled my eyebrows at him and he smiled
that stupid grin of his.
Butterbean liked his smile; she thought it was the most intelligent smile of all time.
"What are we making?" He asked.
"Coconut chicken with almond rice."
"Angel, aren't you tired of coconut? Can't we have likeI don't knowlasagna?" His face lit up,
bouncing his brows in enthusiasm.
"I can eat cheese, dick." I rolled my eyes and his face slumped.
"How about stir-fry? I could really go for stir-fry and it's loaded with veggies, perfectly acceptable for
weird pregnant woman who eat way too much coconut."
"You're walking on dangerous ground, Edward. Do not speak ill of the coconuts," I warned.
"Please?" He begged. "Or honey chicken? I'd give my right nut for honey chicken," He nodded.
"I like your right nut, so no," I teased.
"Bell, I love you, but please don't make me eat coconut chicken." He put his head down on the
counter, tucked into his arm and because Edward has the amazing power of persuasion on his side,
he peeked up at me showing me his stupid blue eyes that didn't let me say no and begged, "Please?"
one more time.
He was eeeeeeeeeevil!
"Fine, make honey chicken, Jerk." I sighed, tossing the rag at him, wishing it were something much
"Thank you." He leaned across the counter, like a kid who just got permission to go driving from his
parents and kissed me.
"Yeah, yeah." I waved him off and he came around, digging out a pan for his stupid chicken.
As he worked on dinner, I sulked, really wanting to have been able to eat coconut chicken and really
fearing that I would love his stupid honey chicken and become addicted to it too.
Did he not know how scary new foods were?
I watched him as he stood there, smiling all happy like and I wanted to punch Butterbean in her
goddamn mouth for letting him get away with this shit, but in truth, he looked so cute and pretty
fucking sexy if I really was being honest.
It had been a while since I downright just ogled his ass, especially in the setting of a kitchen and
forgot just how great it was.
No wonder bitches from the PTA were all up on his junk.
I'd be too, or fuck should be. I was the one with damn ring, right?
"Papa, I made this," Ness held up a picture to him as she came running into the kitchen.
"Daddy has dirty hands, Sweet Pea," He wiggled then at her. "Show me."
She held it up a picture to him with two hands and he smiled. "Show Bella," He nodded to me and
she turned around holding it up.
It was a picture much like the one on the fridge, except this one had me sporting a rather
unattractive stomach that resembled a beach ball.
"I'm not that fat," I shook my head.
"It's Baby," She explained.
I smiled and hoisted her up onto the counter, handing her the bottle of garlic powder. "Show your
daddy how to cook, would ya?" I winked and she shook some into Edward's hand until he said stop.
"Papa? Can we cook for Gawwett?" She asked and I thought Flower child was going to have a
"Why do you like that boy?" He sighed, mixing the chicken a little harder than needed.
I, of course, laughed my ass off.
"He makes other kids stay way." She said quietly.
"What kids?" Edward asked.
"Mean ones." She said even quieter.
"Who is being mean towards you?" I asked.
Jesus, this was kindergarten, no? Was I really going to have to get all 'Hand That Rocks the Cradle'
already? I was sure that wouldn't come until at least fifth grade.
She didn't say anything and I held her chin in my hand.
"Squeaks, if someone is mean to you, you don't take any shit from them. You kick them in their knee
until they beg you for mercy." She laughed a little and I nodded to her.
"Um, I don't think that's the best advice, Angel. Just tell your teacher, Ness."
"Edward if you tell the teacher, they will just pick on her more, because then she will be a tattle tale
too. I was picked on in school, I know these things," I argued.
"I don't think violence is the right answer, Bella. She's five."
"Fine, how about this; you play with Garrett, we'll make him cookies and when we move to our new
house, were going to have the biggest bad-ass playground there ever was and when those mean kids
ask to come over and play on it, they wont be allowed and we'll laugh at eat cookies while they are at
home, crying and being the mean little shit heads they are."
Squeaks smiled and nodded, looking pretty happy at this new knowledge of having a bad ass swing
set to look forward to.
Edward didn't seem quite as amused, but let it go anyhow.
Obviously he didn't have any better ideas.
Edward went back to the chicken and as I was about to help a knock on the door came. "I'll get it."
I left Ness with him and walked over, looking in the peephole and saw Rose. I paused for a moment,
not expecting to see her and then quickly opened the door.
"Hi, umsorry to drop by like thisbut I was hoping we could talk?" She looked like hell. Her blonde
hair had dark roots showing, no make-up on her face that was riddled with dark circles under her
eyes and I swear, those were the same clothes I saw her wearing last week.
"Sure, we're just making some dinner." I held open the door and she stepped through, looking just as
unsure as I felt.
"Hi Wose!" Ness waved and she smiled small at her in return.
"Have a seat," I motioned to the couch.
She sat in one corner and I sat in the other. It was extremely awkward. "Um, do you want something
to drink?" I went to stand, but she shook her head.
"No, I'm fine. UhI just have something that I thought maybe you would want and I umwell here."
She handed me over an envelope and I opened it, shoving my hand in and pulled some papers and
pictures out.
They were things from Emmett, shit we had done from the openings and as friends. I shoved the
pictures back in and tossed it on the coffee table.
I heard Edward telling Ness to go put on her shoes and I looked back to him.
"We're going to go down to the gym for boxing lessons. Be back soon," He winked.
As they exited, Rose looked at me confused.
"Some kids are picking on her," I explained.
"Why? She's so sweet. I could see if she was like Edward, but she's the complete opposite." I stared
at her and she broke a smile. "It was supposed to be a joke. Sorry."
"I know, I was just surprised to hear you say one," I explained.
"There's only so much crying one can do," She said quietly.
"How's Peyton? I've been trying to make it down to see him, but you's just been really busy
and everythingso"
"It's alright. I know it's hard. I don't even want to be there most of the time," She looked up to me.
"He's doing better, though. Gained a pound, doctor says that's really good. I just wish I could take
him home, you know?"
"Yeah," I nodded, even though, I really had no damn idea what the hell she was going through.
"Look, I came here for something else too. It's probably messed up to ask, considering that I have
never really been very nice to you, but it was what Emmett wanted so, for him, I am going to ask."
She wiped her face of her tears and I waited.
"He wanted you and Edward to be the Godparents. I don't have any sisters or brother's or anything,
so I'm alright with that, if it's alright with you? Would you do that?"
"Yeah, sure," I nodded. "I mean, I don't know what the hell one does, but I'll learn. I'll learn and I'll do
She laughed, finally. "I don't know what they do either."
I laughed at her omission and for a brief moment didn't fucking hate her.
"We fought about who it should be. I wanted Jess for a long time, before all the shit at the wedding
happened of course, and he wanted you. SoI just thought it was fair," She shrugged.
"Rose, I'm sorry, but what the hell do you see in Jessica? Seriously? Why are friends with her? You
obviously have an entirely different set of ethics, seeing how you are being a great mother to Peyton
and shit, so I don't get it."
"You don't know her, Bella. And Edward is your man; of course you're going to want to hate her."
"Um, Rose, I sat and watched Jessica sell her kid to me for a job on Rachael Ray. That had nothing to
do with Edward. I'm not trying to pick a fight, but Jessica made me hate Jessica, not Edward. In fact,
all he ever did was defend her behavior."
"Well, I just know a different side. He wasn't always the nice guy you know today."
"Maybe not, but that has nothing to do with Ness. Her being a shit mother has nothing to do with
how she feels about Edward and whatever he failed to give her when they weretogether."
"I know," She nodded, "I know."
"Edward is a good father, no matter what happens between him and Jessica. He is always a good
father," I said.
"I know that, too," She sighed. "I didn't come here to talk about Jessica though, hopefully that will all
be over soon."
"They still haven't set a court date," I huffed.
"Well, I'm pretty sure he will win, seeing all that Jess has going against her." Her words sounded very
bitter. "She fucking deserves to lose, too. I knew Newton was a creep, but I never thought," she
looked down and sniffled. "I never thought this would happen.
"What" I was nervous to ask and not so sure I wanted to know. "What exactly happened that day?"
"Didn't Edward tell you?" She asked.
"I never asked," I admitted. "I wasI'm scared to know."
"Then maybe I shouldn't tell you."
"Noit's ok. I should know andyou should be able to talk about it. If you want to. What I mean is;
I'm here if you want to talk about it."
I really didn't want to talk about it and prayed she would just leave.
That would be best, if she just left.
Rosalie scooted closer to me though, and I trembled, feeling like the damn Grim Reaper was sitting
next to me, not just Emmett's widow.
"He asked me the night before if I would make him cookies for Ness' class so he could bring them to
her. He was scared that she would be too shy, since Edward always babies her so much. I offered to
make them at home, but he said it would be easier for me to just make them with all the others in
the morning and didn't want to bother me," She started to sniffle and I just knew this was a bad idea,
as my own tears began to run.
"He was so sweet to me, always. I opened early that day for this old couple that I saw sitting in the
chairs on the patio. I felt bad because they always came in everyday and they shouldn't have to wait
if I am there, right?" She shrugged, not waiting for me to answer.
"Anyhow, I opened for them and they came in and got coffee, like always and went back out, but I
forgot to lock the door again and when I was taking the cookies out of the oven, I heard the door
chime and thought it was Em, 'cause he should have been there already.
"When I went to go tease him for being late, there was this group of guys I knew Mike was friends
with and I knew they caused trouble, so I tried to play it off and act like I wasn't ready to open, but
the one guy remembered me from one night I was with Jessica and knew that I knew Edward.
"He asked me where he was and I told him I didn't know, then he started asking me about his brother
and I asked why he needed to know that and he told me he had a favor to pay back to Mike. I didn't
know what he was talking about, since Emmett never told me about what happened to you at the
beach and sure as heck didn't know he was in jail for hitting Newton." She shook her head and then
"He told me about it, saying Edward's brother beat up Mike and I was shocked, told them they were
liars and he asked me how I knew that, and stupidly I told him that he was my fianc and I knew he
would never do that. He smiled when I said it and I knew right away that he was going to hurt me or
somethinghe shoved me and I told him I was pregnant and to stop.
"I begged him to stop! I was so scared he was going to hurt the baby and by the time he got me to
the kitchen doors, Em was coming in and rushed towards me.
"There was like, three or four of them I thinkand all I know is that one minute they were fighting
and the next Em was on the ground and there was blood. It happened so all just happened so
fast." She put her head down and cried.
I sat there in shock, unable to move, unable to speak, seeing it all play out in my head. I remembered
the guys and how they acted that day, how scared I felt and how Rose must have felt the same, being
all alone in there with them.
Then Emmett
"He saved me. If he weren't there, they would have probably killed me or raped me or something. He
saved me."
I could smell Flower Child's honey chicken was done and the timer went off just as I recognized it. We
both jumped and I got up to pull it out of the oven. Standing there for a moment, I pulled my shit
together and got her a glass of water and a paper towel for her face.
Walking back towards the couch, I felt so stupid; she didn't need a glass of water and napkin, she
needed a fucking award or something, because she was a tough ass bitch.
I was wrong, again.
Settling the glass down on the coffee table I reached for her hand and tugged her off the couch,
making her follow me to the bathroom.
I put the seat down on the toilet and sat her there.
"No offense, but you look like shit." I grabbed the towel and wiped at her face.
To my surprise, she laughed through her tears and I smiled in response.
"Seriously, you look like a fucking raccoon and Em would kick my punk ass if he knew I let you get like
this." I turned on the water at the sink, wetting the towel with some warm water and wiped her face
clean again.
"My Gran used to say a little lip gloss makes everything better." I reached into the drawer that was
mine and pulled out my bag of cosmetics.
"She sounded like a smart lady," Rose sniffled in agreement.
"She was," I nodded. "This is called 'tickle my fancy', so, let us pray." I went to apply it and she
laughed harder. "Hold still, woman."
After I got the lip gloss on her, I applied a little make-up to her dark circles and then attempted to
brush out the rat's nest her blonde hair had become.
When it was pulled back into a neat pony tail and she had changed into one of my shirts, she almost
looked brand new and no longer like a woman who had the weight of the world on her shoulders.
"Bella?" She called quietly. "Do you think it was my fault? You know, like karma for all the shit I did to
Edward? I think it was. I think it was God trying to get even with me for saying that stuff."
"No, I don't think that. Emmett was just trying to be nice and was in the wrong place at the wrong
time. It is no ones fault except those assholes that killed him and they will pay Rose. They will fucking
I left her in the bathroom as I heard Edward coming back in with Ness. She came running up and
punched me in the leg.
"Owe!" I laughed.
"Ness, I didn't say to hit Bella and if I remember correctly I said not to hit anyone unless it was to
protect yourself. Bella clearly was unarmed." He smirked.
"Sowwy." The Squeak squeaked.
"It's alright." I smiled at her and Edward picked her up with one arm, curling her into his face and bit
her tummy. "Mi pequea boxeadora"
"What's that?" She asked.
He flipped her over his shoulder and held onto her hands, looking at her. "My little boxer," He blew a
fart at her cheek and she wiggled to be free. "You gonna be good if I let you go? I know a choke hold
you can't get out of, Ness." He teased and she nodded, so he freed her.
"Help set the table please," He pointed to the drawer and I was glad he was making her do things on
her own. Normally he would let her go play while we did this. Flower child was letting go, finally.
"Um, Rose is going to stay for dinner, so we need an extra plate." I said.
"Oh, okay." He nodded and reached for another. "How is she?" He asked softly.
"She's alright, just freshening up a little," I shrugged and went for glasses, the same time he went to
reach for something and I knocked the door into his head.
"Oh, Babe," I laughed. "I'm sorry." I reached over and pulled his head to me, kissing where I bumped
"I think you just killed my last brain cell." He winced, big baby. "I was saving it for a special day too."
He laughed.
I gave him a few more kisses and let him go, rubbing it with my hand. "Sorry."
"It's alright. I'll just go over here while you get cups. Where it's safe." He pointed to the other counter
and moved.
I caught sight of Rose paused in the hall as I looked back and gave a light smile. "He was talking
smack about your hair earlier, I wacked him for you."
"He needs more than a cabinet door to the face, but it'll do for now." She looked at Edward and his
lips curled, setting out the silverware.
"Keep it up and see if I share my chicken with you, Hale." He teased.
"Cullen," She corrected.
"No, you're not a Cullen yet." He shook his head and smiled looking at Ness. "You haven't been
"Um, I married your brother, that makes me a Cullen."
Edward shook his head and whispered something to Ness, cupping his hand so we couldn't see. She
smiled wide and wiggled down from the table, running over to Rose and kicked her hard in the leg.
"What the" She reached down and rubbed her leg and Ness giggled.
"Now you're a Cullen."
I stood the next day in front of the dreaded damn door.
When I told last night Rose I would come see Peyton, I meant it, but standing here now, I just wanted
to run. I hated that it scared me, fucking hated it.
"Emmett, I swear to holy Christmas, I better not faint or pass out or do any of the million things I
think I am going to do if I go in there, fucker," I myself.
I blew out hard and turned the handle quickly, opening and closing the door like I was running from
someone and hiding.
Rose was there and she looked up and smiled. The baby was in her arms today, not in that scary baby
baker thingy and that at least was nice. It seemed less.scary, somehow.
I had asked if it was alright to bring gifts and they said yes, so before I came, I brought this little hat
that I found originally for Baby Cullen, but seemed like it would be more meaningful now for Baby
After the nurse made me put on one of those creepy outfits that made a 'shoo shoo shoo' sound as I
walked towards Rose, I held it out to her, taking a seat beside her.
"I brought this, I don't know if he can wear it," I shrugged and let her decided.
She laughed softly reading it.
I survived the birth canal.
"I think it's supposed to be funny, like when you ride a roller coaster," I explained.
"It's great. Thanks." She smiled and I let it rest on my knee, gathering the courage to look at the baby.
I chanced a peek and it wasn't as bad as I thought. He was sleeping and looked kind of peaceful. His
face didn't look like Emmett's as I feared it might, in fact it actually looked like aturtle?
"He's beautiful, right?" Rose asked, sliding her finger down Peyton's little face.
"He looks like a turtle," I whispered.
She whipped her head towards me and her jaw dropped. I felt bad, thinking I offended her. She
looked back to Peyton and snickered a little.
"He kind of does."
"I mean, he's a cute turtle, but I think I just expected him to look like Em. He doesn't, he just looks
like.a really cute turtle," I laughed quietly.
"Emmett would kick your butt for saying that," She whispered.
"I know. It scares me. You don't understand. We used to joke that who everyou know.went
first.would come back to haunt the other. You have no idea how fucking scared I am at night that
shit is going to happen and like I'm gonna have Em's big ass sitting on me in my sleep. Seriously, I'm
petrified of that happening."
"I wish it would," She said. "I wish I could see him. Sorry," She stood and placed Peyton back into the
baby baker thing.
"Rose," I called out, wanting to apologize.
"It's alright. I just need a second." She walked out and I looked at the nurse, unsure of what to do.
"It happens to her everyday. It wasn't you." The woman said reassuringly.
I nodded and looked back to Peyton. His eyes were open and it was then I saw it. He did look like
Emmett. He had his blue eyes and when he looked at me, it nearly knocked me breathless, because it
was just like looking like Emmett.if he had looked like a cute turtle, that is.
"I'd sing to you, booger, but I can't carry a tune worth a crap. You'll have to wait for your Uncle
Flower Child. He has musical gifts and stuff. I'll keep you fat though, when you're old enough to eat
hard foods. Swear. You'll eat so much trifle and cheese you will have to be rolled to most places." I
smiled at him and scooted to the edge of my chair to get closer.
"I'm sorry I didn't come see you sooner," I stuck my hands in one of those weird holes, feeling a little
brave and touched his mini hand. "I was too afraid you'd be handsome like your Daddy. I was right,
you are. Lucky shit." I smiled and he still stared at me.
"Your father was the greatest friend I ever had and it was because of him I get to have my babyin
more ways then one, seeing as how he introduced me to your uncle in the first place. He always
looked out for me and made sure I was happy and I promise I'll do that for you too, kid. I'll always
protect you. I promise."
I invited The Cullen's to come and eat at The Workshop tonight. It had been a long time since we all
sat and shared a meal and that was important to me. It was what you did as a family and all of us
deserved that shit.
Also.we had been putting off the engagement shit and needed to come clean.
I saw Grandma Cullen eye my ring that day I worked at Tatu, and I'm sure she was only going to keep
quiet about it for a short time.
Before they arrived, I went over things with Larry, who was actually doing a good job, despite his
desert-like personality.
In the kitchen, Alice had Ness next to her and I smiled, seeing her having fun at the pass, dinging the
bell I hated. Bells were for tools and I tried to convince Alice to get rid of it, but she said she hated
shouting and needed it.
I wanted to debate over this and tell her real chefs fucking yelled, but in the grand scheme of things,
a little stupid bell really didn't matter and if it made her happy, then fuck it, let her have her stupid
bell and ring it 'til the damn cows came home.
I grabbed a take-out bag while no one was paying attention and slid the envelope from my pocket
inside of it, making my way back out to the dining room, wishing them all a good service before I
slipped through the doors.
There was a band here tonight, a group I knew from New York and it made for a nice backdrop as the
air, that was way too warm for November, blew in through the doors, mingling with the aromas of
the restaurant.
I lingered only at the table four long enough to drop off the take-out bag and then walked away,
being sure to wish the man a good night and to return to again soon.
Flower Child was at the bar when I walked over. He held up his drink to me and said, "It's just Coke."
I smiled and kissed his cheek. "I wasn't going to say anything. Where are your folks?"
"Mom called. They're running a little late. My father got held up with work. You know, same old
same old," He shrugged.
"That's alright. I just wondered." I looked to Jasper as he came over. "Can I have some water with
"Feeling a little risky tonight, Darling?" He teased.
"Drop a cherry in it if it makes you feel better," I shot back.
He winked and nodded. "One risky water with a cherry, coming right up."
"What is that guy's fascination with you?" Edward asked, nodding towards the dining room.
"No, but this is the second time I've seen him in here trying to impress you with his fancy wristwatch
and he doesn't look like the type of guy I'd expect to see you talking to."
"I wouldn't talk to a well-dressed business man? Have we met, Flower Child?" I asked teasingly.
"He looks.shady."
"He had on Armani," I rolled my eyes.
"He looks like his name should be Tony and asking if you want to sleep with the fishes."
I laughed at him and reached for my drink as Jasper set it down. "On the house, Ma'am," He winked.
"Thanks sexy." I winked back and he smiled, then tended to paying customers.
"What? Jasper's Mohawk is sexy," I shrugged.
"I'm not talking about his retarded ass hair," Edward shook his head and I saw jasper's eyes glance
over, but then back to his customer. "I'm talking about Fisherman Tony."
"He's just a business dude making business deals, Flower Child." It was true, that was what this was -
A business deal.
"What kind of business deals?" He asked more seriously.
"The kind little innocent boys like you want to know nothing about and wouldn't understand if you
"Tell me," He demanded.
"You don't want to know, Edward. Trust me. I don't want to know." I slid down from the bar stool
and held my hand out to him. "Dance with me?"
Flower Child stared at me for a moment, but gave in, slipping down from the bar stool and followed
me towards the make shift dance spot in front of the piano.
"You look very sexy tonight," I smiled placing my hand into his.
"I could say the same to you."
My eyes closed as I rested my head to Edward's chest and I counted his heart beats along with the
piano keys playing in the background.
When we stepped along with the chorus, moving to the right, I imagined the man getting in his car,
placing the take-out bag to the seat and turning over the ignition.
On the middle of the chorus, stepping back to the left, I hugged Edward tighter and saw each one of
the asshole's faces as they pushed me around that day on the beach.
Stepping back to the right; Edward's hand slamming into the guys face and him falling down to the
To the left, Newton telling Edward he would hurt me and Ness. To the right, the man would have
spotted them coming from their lawyer's office, and waited, following behind as they drove to their
next destination.
I wondered if they had families as Flower Child kissed the top of my headif anyone would miss
When he spun me around, I smiled and pretended it was a dance of celebration, as I counted down
the final seconds in my head, knowing that when the song came to an end, so would all of my fears.
For all of my jokes, silliness and inability to take most things too seriously, there was one thing in life I
did; the people I loved.
There was nothing humorous in thinking someone could harm them, had harmed them and there
sure as fuck wasn't a price on any of their heads that was too high.
The businesses could go under, parish along with the accolades, prestige and clout. None of that shit
mattered to me anymore. There was a medium somewhere I needed to find in between Edward
telling me I could be myself and Charlie wanting me to change and tonight, I found it.
As I finished my dance with Edward, it began to rain outside, and instead of sitting at the dinner
table, like adults, waiting for his parent's to show up and being bored, I pulled him outside and made
him dance to the second song with me along the desolate sidewalk.
We were soaked and laughing like crazy, lost in our own stupid world as he twirled me and lifted me
into his arms. His smile was all I wanted to live for and worth everything and anything that needed to
be done, or lost or changed in order to keep it for forever.
I needed to be able to be silly with him, even though, I was serious about marrying him and
committing everything in my life to him, to our son and to Squeaks.
There was one thing about me that no one ever understood though. It was something only Emmett
had ever come to realize. Most of my humor was truthful and filled with all the things I couldn't
normally find the courage to say, with a straight face.
If they paid attention, they would have known that, perhaps.
Flower Child caught it, on occasion, but I'm pretty sure this one passed him by.
I wasn't joking when I said I knew a man with a meat grinder who owed me a favor.
His name wasn't Tony.
I smiled as he twirled me one last time and I caught sight of Rose's Bakery. My breathing was hard
from dancing and playing and I wiped the wet strands of hair from my face as I stared at it.
Flower Child's hand found mine again and I took my eyes away from the door to look at him. He
kissed my hand and twirled me around again, then swooped me up into his arms.
I looked over his shoulder as he walked back towards The Workshop, locking my eyes back on the
door and then closed them tightly, allowing the last vision before I reentered my new life, be him.
It was his laugh, his smile and the way his eyes always said everything was going to be alright, even if
his voice said nothing at all.
I needed to carry it with me, even if he wouldn't be.
"Good bye, Emmett."
My heart, finally felt at peace, no milkshakes needed.
Chapter Thirty-One ~ Truth and Trust
I was humming, humming, humming.
Baby Cullen, Junior EdwardAnthony- whatever- was humming, humming, humming, too.
Toasted marshmallow topped, vanilla ice cream milkshake- in my mouth-, being served by Flower
Child's sexy-Mother-of-Mary-ass.
Oh, this fucker gave such good milkshake.
Normally, I would be pretty pissed off right now, seeing as how Carlisle, otherwise known as,
Edward's asshat of a father, ruined our dinner tonight by getting stuck in his office.
But Edward, other wise known as, the greatest fucking man of all time who doesn't deserve to have
an asshat for a father, made me a fucking milkshake to make up for it.
I might not be twelve, but who doesn't like a milkshake, right?
Listen peoplethe fucking ice cream was made by him, with magical vanilla beans that did things to
my tongue which I am pretty fucking sure should be, or is, illegal in most states.
Then the fucker made hand-made, yes, with his two perfect, stupid ass flower tattoo-hello-this-is-
What was I saying?
Oh yeah
He made fucking hand-made marshmallows and then.breathe with me folks.fucking swirled them
in with the illegal vanilla ice cream, then added the marshmallow fuckery, then topped Satan's
creation with the more marshmallow-hello-I-was-made-by Mr. Hot Hands.and then the fucker took
out a little torch and toasted them.
I had the most illegal, pussy wetting, gateway to the best blow job Flower Child was ever going to
receive, sitting in my hands.
Soooo, I was humming, humming, humming.
His stupid face, however, was staring at me and making feel all sorts of self conscious. I turned away
from him in my seat and hid my milkshake orgasm.
Fucker was so invasive sometimes.
Mamma needed some alone time with this bad boy.
I would deal with him and the blow job shit later.
The idiot started laughing.
"Flower Child," I turned back around to face him, "Do you mind? Toasted marshmallow and I are
having a moment."
"Mmm hmm." Asshole was highly amused, resting his perfect face against the back of the couch, still
staring at me and marshmallow goodness.
"You know," I pulled the straw out of the glass and sucked it clean, "if you served this shirtless at
Tatu, you could retire in five years, I bet."
"That's a very sexist thing to say, no?" He slid closer and I rolled my eyes.
"How about thisI have a child in my gut, so you see, when God made man and woman, he was a
funny ass guy and decided that 'woman' never have to worry about being sexiest, seeing as how he
made 'woman' push human beings from our twats.
"Human beings, who happen to be the size of seedless watermelons. Twats, being the size of
apricots. You see the humor he had and the right I now have, to tell you that serving milkshakes in
the buff is a-oh-fucking-k, don't you?" I took another pull of that deliciousness in debate and he
laughed at my words.
"Watermelon babies and apricot twats, got it," he nodded.
"Good." I took my last sip and then set the glass aside. "On a serious note though, I really think that
you should wear less clothes. I mean, you have a pass window, people can see you. I would pay
double for a burger if I could ogle your ass while you cooked. I'm just saying, Babe," I shrugged and
sunk down into the seat, full of milkshake and great ideas.
"So, you're telling me to be likewhata male version of Hooters or something?" He scrunched his
face, looking rather unenthused about the idea.
I smiled.
"Peeners," I giggled. "No waitI can do better than that." I shook my finger at him as I thought, but
he didn't allow me to finish.
"I think it's time for bed, Angel," he sighed and scooped me up into his arms, lifting me from the
"Lt. Dan's," I tried again. "You could all wear camo pants and nothing else. Umph, you could retire in
two years, then."
"I'm not serving burgers in camo pants or half naked, but thanks for the business advice, Bell."
"Fine, but when you're fifty and still slinging burgers, don't expect me to help or be around, 'cause
my happy ass is going to lounging on a deserted island somewhereprobably fucking eyeing up a
dude I'm paying to strut around in camo pants."
He said nothing, simply rested my annoying ass down on the bed and walked to his side. I laughed
lightly and tucked my feet under the covers, snuggling myself in.
"Can I ask something?" I looked over and he was sitting with his back to me, tipping his head to look
over his shoulder.
"What Babe?"
He turned a little more, but kept his eyes down.
"Do you have a problem with the type of place I opened?" he asked softly.
"What are you talking about?"
"Because it's not like the fancy shit you do." He was looking at me now.
"No," I shook my head and sat forward. "Babe, why would you say that?"
He looked away, simply bobbing his shoulder as his only reply.
"Flower Child, I was just joking. Not that you wouldn't make money doing that," I laughed, "but I was
just kidding. You're place is fine, shit, I liked working there better than I like working in my own."
He nodded and reached over to turn off the light. I waited until he was settled in bed and then
moved over towards him, laying my head to his chest.
"Edward?" I said softly and he hummed. "I really was kidding. I'm sorry if it hurt you. I wasn't trying to
do that."
"I know," he kissed my head and played his fingers through my hair, but didn't hum our song like
He was thinking; distracted.
"I really am sorry," I said again, hoping he would believe me.
"It's not you, Bell. Go to sleep," he whispered, moving his free hand to my cheek, caressing
soothingly at my skin.
"Are you happy there?" I asked.
"Then what's wrong?" I lifted my face and he sighed hard.
"I just wish sometimes that maybe I waited" he laughed humorlessly and shook his head(.) "That's
sounds funny, right? Like, it should be my damn motto for life."
"Are we still talking about the restaurant?"
He laughed and tucked my face back under his chin. "Yes, but saying that aloud just made me realize
how much shit I do out of emotion, orI don't know, impulse? I guess that's the word."
"Why do you wish you waited? You're doing well, better than I thought you would, to be completely
honest. Last month your sales were actually better than The Workshopwhich really kinda chaps my
"I could have hired someone, like a manager and done things differently, from a more business-like
"Um, what am I? Fucking chopped liver? Shit, you could pay me in milkshakesand that would be
about the smartest fucking business decision you ever make," I laughed.
"That's what I mean, though. I shouldn't have to come to you and ask those things."
"Because, the whole point was to do something on my own and be able to take care of us."
"So you are just going to go to one side of Miami and I'm going to go to the other. Like, we high five
and then meet up after the game? That's bullshit, Edward."
"So is not being able to take care of your wife," he argued and my head popped the fuck back up.
"Don't even start that shit, Flower Childand I'm not your wife yet, so really don't start with that
"You didn't want to do things on your own, little Miss I-moved-to-New-York-All-By-Myself?" he shot
"I wanted to be successful. If I wanted to be on my own, I wouldn't have hired Emmett. Every
Superman needs a Lois, Edward."
"You want to be my Lois?" He smiled.
"I'm fucking Superman, stupid. You're Lois." I poked his cheek and he laughed.
"Thanks, I feel so much better already."
"Okay fine, on your turf, you can be Superman, but in most instances, you're Loisespecially when
you're crying like a little fucking girl in bed over not having an awesome partner and wha wha wha,
my name is Edward" He started tickling me at this point, rolling me off his chest and to my back.
"And I have it soooooo hard! My mommy stills buys me underwear and nobody loves meeeeee!" I
started making crying sounds and he tickled harder.
Baby Cullen didn't like Daddy's tickles.
"You're going to make me pee, stop, Jerk!" I laughed, pushing him away.
He paused but stayed over me. I pressed my hands to his face and leaned up to kiss his perfect,
stupid ass chin.
"If you were to wear a cape cooking burgers, you could retire in one year."
My shoulder; someone was shaking it.
I tried to ignore it for the first thirty seconds, but by the next forty five, I was highly annoyed and
slipping out of my dreams that were laced with coconut filled tubs, toasted marshmallows and
Edward's lips. Oh, the lips.
"Angel." The shoulder shaker was now bothering my ear. "Baby, wake-up."
My eyes fluttered and I looked over my shoulder. First thing I saw were those damn lips. I licked my
own and debated briefly over the morning breath issue I was sure to have going on.
He smiled with those damn, perfect lips. Fucker.
"I'm sorry, I know it's early, but I didn't want you to miss this."
He waved towards the open sliding-glass doors of the bedroom and I tore my eyes away from his lips
long enough to try and figure out what the hell he was talking about.
"Come on." He helped me out of bed and we stepped out onto the patio. I rubbed my sleep filled
eyes and squinted against the bright glow of the rising sun, sneaking its way up from behind the
ocean that seemed to go on for forever.
As my eyes adjusted, they focused on what he was trying to show me. The sea was filled with boats
and as my eyes really adjusted, I saw.Santa Claus?
What the eff was Santa doing on a boat?
I had to be fucking dreaming.
"No more milkshakes before bed, Baby Cullen."
Edward laughed and wrapped his arms around me from behind. "They do this every year. It's
appropriate I supposed, considering we don't get snow in Miami."
"Is that really fucking Santa?"
"Yeah. Ness is down there with my mom. He hands stuff out to the kids once they dock."
"Free stuff? Like presents? We are so going down there." I pushed away from the rail and Edward
followed me as I went for clothes.
Down on the beach, Flower Child was right. Santa fucking handed out candy canes, coloring books
and score! Weird looking elf hats!
Miami was like, the best fucking place on earth. I swear.
I sat in the sand, watching the sun as it finished rising alongside Flower Child as he watched Ness and
Esme play with the other kids.
Santa was pure win, because the free candy cane fuckery was allowing me to be able to finally lean
over and kiss his stupid ass lips that had been taunting me, especially right now, as they smiled
watching Squeak's cute 'lil self.
He flicked the bell on my elf hat and laughed, breaking our kiss. "Sexy," he commented.
"I know. I think I'll wear it all day." I lay back on the sand, really not giving a shit- I needed a shower
anyway- and went back to eating my candy cane, wondering how life could possibly be any better.
"What do you want for Christmas?" Edward asked, lying next to me.
"Got it," I shrugged.
"Got what?"
"What I want." I closed my eyes and tilted my face to the sun.
"And that is?" he inquired further.
Was he serious?
I pulled the candy from my mouth and looked over to him squinting. "You, stupid. The baby, free
candy.fucking Santa Claus on a boat. This is like the Willy Wonka fucking.I won the golden ticket
bullshit, Flower Child. Jesus."
He was still looking like at me like a 'tard.
"Allow me to clarify. You're perfect, Squeaks is perfect, I have a successful business, in few months I'll
have Baby Cullen and I'm filthy ass rich. What else could I possibly ask for?"
"Mmm, how about a restaurant in Canada?"
My face fell a little at his words and I looked away, going back to sucking on my candy.
"Is that a yes?" he asked.
"That's a, 'I don't want to talk about this'."
"Because you still want it and are being stubborn and not going to admit it?"
Must not hit the man we just professed was perfect.
Must not hit the man we just professed was perfect.
Must not hit the man we just professed was perfect.
"You know, for someone who didn't want me to go, you bring it up a lot. I'm starting to wonder if
you're dropping subtle hints to me, Flower Child." Not really, but it was deflection and we already
talked about my issues with being a deflecting motherfucker.
"Fine, I'll drop itfor now. Would you like to go sit on Santa's lap? He's free, now." Edward nodded
towards the red suited dude who looked rather relieved to have no kids on his lap.
Was he stupid? Of course I did.
He helped me to my feet and we did just that. I asked for nothing, but told Santa that Baby Cullen
would love to have very easy, very painless birth that didn't involve a wide-set vagina afterwards or
any stretch marks on his mama's tummy.
What? He wanted those things. I am his mother, I know this shit.
"You need this," I shoved my elf hat onto Esme's head and she laughed. "Get some candy cane
striped thigh-highs and you might have a very happy Mr. Cullen on your hands, Mama Cullen."
"Bella," she blushed, shaking her head.
"I'm just sayin'. You all have been married for like what? At least twenty-two years? I think some elf
loving might be needed. Plus, Papa Cullen probably has a freaky side. He's a lawyer; meaning he is
highly stressed and I read that people who have very stressful jobs tend to be very freaky between
the sheets. How do you think I ended up with Baby Cullen?" I patted my stomach as we walked.
Her face was bright red and Flower Child looked like he wanted to follow Santa as he left on his boat.
I laughed all the way back to our apartment.
Flower Child
I had to rush once we got back up to the apartment, as I was already late for work. Bella had Ness
today, since it was the weekend and she and Esme made plans to go pick out furniture for the baby's
room. We were moving tomorrow and my apartment looked like a warehouse with all the boxes
stacked around.
"Be good for Bella and Grandma," I kissed Ness' cheek and she ignored me, completely consumed by
the French toast in front of her. "Love you." I kissed her again and then Bella, who was seated beside
"Tell Grams I said 'hi' and 'where the heck is the baby blanket and bread pudding she owes me?'"
Bella took a bite of her food and I smiled against her hair.
"Will do. I'll see you guys later. I love you." She gave me her lips this time and I kissed her gently,
then, moved to the door.
"I see how it is. No love for the woman who bared you," Esme said.
I paused in front of the door and walked back towards Esme. Bella looked amused and I hugged my
arms around my mother's shoulders, getting laugh from her. "There, now I am extremely late and
grandma will kick my butt for sure. Happy?" She tilted her head and shook it 'no'. "And I love
you.even though you are totally messing up my morning by being a needy mother. You know I love
you, Jesus Christ," I laughed and she hit me.
"It is sacrilege to say that. I don't like it."
"I'm leaving for work, feel free to explain that to Bella. I'm sure she could use some knowledge on the
Bella whipped her head towards me and I winked at her.
"Just because you are no longer my executive chef, does not mean I am opposed to throwing things
at you inside the confines of a kitchen, Flower Child."
"I am leaving. Enjoy your day of shopping. I love you all."
Finally I went for the door and made my way out, mumbling a million words under my breath and
thankfully arrived only twenty minutes behind.
Unfortunately, when I got thereI ran into the last fucking person on Earth I wanted to see.
"I left you a note, prick." She had her arms crossed, sitting on top of her car as I climbed out of my
"Oh yeah, I must have.forgot." I didn't forget, I gave it to my father and he said to not speak to her.
I was trying to do that right now, but she was making it difficult as she followed me to the back door.
"I need to talk to you."
"Well Jess, I'm not allowed to do that. Call my lawyer and talk to him if you have something to say." I
rifled through my keys for the one to the door and she placed her hand over the lock. I looked up to
her and she stepped closer.
"I have something you might want."
"You don't have anything I want, Jessica. Not anymore and never will. Move your hand, please." I was
only going to ask once.
"Yes, I do. I'm willing to trade for it." She didn't move her hand.
I dug in my pocket and pulled out my phone, flipping it open. "Are you even listening to me?" She
"Nope." I started pressing the keys and she knocked it from my hand.
"You're really pissing me off, Jessica and being incredibly stupid." I pointed up. "There is a camera
right there."
"I'm trying to tell you something, prick."
I leaned down and picked up my phone, then knocked on the back door, as she was still holding her
hand over the lock and I was not going to fucking touch her in any way, shape, or form. Ben opened
the door and she stepped back finally as I smiled at her and turned to step inside.
"Fine, let your brother die in vain. See if I care, shithead." Her words stilled me. I spun back around
and stepped through the door, slamming it hard behind me, causing her to jump.
"What the fuck are you talking about?"
"I thought you didn't want to know," she shrugged.
"If you're playing games you can go fuck yourself, Jess. You have thirty seconds to say something or
I'm fucking calling the police on you for trespassing and breaking my phone. I don't have time for this
"Fine, I know where they hid the knife." She smiled, looking rather proud of herself and it took every
ounce of restraint in my being to not beat her where she stood.
"Where? How?"
She laughed. "Like I said, I'll trade you."
"I'm not giving you Renesmee. Emmett is gone and as much as those assholes need to fucking fry for
what they did, I'm not giving you Ness to see that it happens. You can go fuck off now." I took a step
back and she stepped forward.
"I don't want Renesmee, you idiot." She rolled her eyes and I wasn't sure if I should feel relieved or
want to beat her even harder.
"What the hell do you want then? I have nothing else," I shrugged.
"I want out of this place. I want to never see you again. I want my fucking life back that you stole.
That is what I want," she spat.
"Well, I don't have a fucking time machine, Jessica, how the hell would you like me to help you
achieve that?"
Insane, she was insane. My dick, my dick had been insane.
"I need money. I need to get out of here," she said angrily.
"I can't help you out there, either. Sorry."
She rolled her eyes and waved towards the building. "You have all of this. Bella has an entire fucking
empire and your parents are loaded, yet, you don't have anything!? You know, why am I even
wasting my time with your ass!?" She turned and went towards her car.
Shit what if she was telling the truth.
Hesitantly I took a step and called out to her. "How much?"
She turned and looked at me. "Five million."
"I don't have that kind of money." She shoved her keys in the door and I scrambled for words. "Fine,
wait. What if I could? What if I did give it to you?"
She looked up, "I'd tell you where it was."
I stood there for a second; trying to think and she huffed, then, went to get in her car. I moved
quickly to the door and closed it before she could get in.
"I want you to give me Ness. If I agree to this, you have to give up Ness, too. There's no fucking way
I'm doing this shit unless you give her to me."
"Then you better double that number." I hated her so much for even considering it, yet, at the same
time, was beaming with joy on the inside.
"I mean it, you're going to sign whatever my father tells you to sign and you never come back, ever.
She has a mother and it isn't you."
"Yeah, yeah I know. Bella, your precious fucking Bella." She shoved me and I stepped away from her
car. "You better tell Bella that I don't take checks, prick."
I wasn't going to ask Bella. Bella would kill me.
"I'll call you when Carlisle is ready."
Carlisle. I was going to ask Carlisle.
She climbed into her car and I stood there watching as she drove away. It wasn't until my
grandmother opened the door and started to yell at me that I snapped out of my thoughts.
It was going to be a long fucking day.
I sat in my car when I arrived at my parent's house. Could I really do this? It went against everything I
believed in and everything that had separated me from my father. Agreeing to give and trade money
for my daughter, money for vindication of my brothers death was just wasn't right.
My heart knew this, it screamed it to me.
What was though?
What if I allowed things to take their natural course and let the chips fall as they may? Would I be
righted? I've tried to do all I could to prove myself worthy; to do what was right, legal, permitted by
God, and it never seemed to work out in my favor.
What if Ness ended up back with Jessica?
What if the courts still couldn't see me as worthy?
NewtonI'd fucking kill Newton if he touched her, thought of her, even.
She was my child, I was her father, her protector, the person who was supposed to make everything
alright and keep away all the bad thingseven if one of those things was her own mother.
I blew out a hard bit of breath and climbed from my car. My feet felt heavy, as if they had boulders
attached to them as I made the walk to the door.
The house was quiet and I looked around for a moment. It seemed each little piece of this house was
a reminder of something, even if some reminders, like Emmett's pictures, had been removed. Their
absence seemed fruitless, seeing as how them not being there was actually more painful than if they
It was like everything else though in this family; sweep it under the rug and pretend it doesn't exist,
then, maybe it will go away.
I remembered each insignificant thing.
The third railing of the banister was missing because as children, we broke it horsing around and
Emmett begged my mother not to replace it during her remodeling phase, for he wanted to have it
be a constant reminder than he could always kick my ass.
Well, it was.
The room I passed on my way to the staircase was where I saw Esme sitting everyday when I used to
drop off Ness before I went to work at the grocery store. It was after the separation papers were
signed and she thought she no longer needed sleep or food.
It was much the same way she often looked now whenever anything, everything, reminded her of my
This needed to end.
All this pain, it just needed to end. It began with began with me. It needed to end that
way, too.
I gave a light knock to the door and turned the handle. Carlisle looked up from his work and then
waved me in. "Have a seat."
He went back to working and I studied his movements silently, just debating, thinking, wondering
how the hell he had lived with all of this for so long. How could he have lived with himself?
"Is there something you wanted, Edward?" He still wasn't looking at me.
"It's why you don't like me, isn't it?"
His face crinkled as he lifted a stack of papers and spun in his chair, towards the fax machine, placing
them into the slot.
"Care to explain that further? Then, perhaps I could answer."
"You tried to pay off Jessica and I ruined it. If I never knew, never stopped you that day, everything
would be differentor the same."
"Except that you wouldn't be here speaking to me right now," Carlisle added.
"Like I said, the same." I looked down to my hands and listened as he punched the numbers on the
fax machine.
"I never went out of my way to ignore you, Edward. I only wanted to provide for my family in the
very best way. You're now a business owner, tell me, is that not your intention?"
"I see Ness off to school every morning and make sure I am there to pick her up everyday. I planned
my work around her. Not the other way around."
"Well, then you are very lucky to have such a luxury. If this is why you came here, to blame me once
again for everything I have ever done wrong, then you can leave. This has grown tiresome."
I looked up to him and shook my head. "It isn't, but sitting here with the reason for why I came has
me thinking that I feel very much like how you must have that dayand for the first time in over five
years, I understand why. I don'tI won't ever forgive you for doing thatbut I think I understand it."
"Why?" He asked.
"Because it was wrong."
"No, why do you understand now?"
"Jess came to me today. She was sitting on her car when I got to work and she made me an
offer.and I agreed to it even though I know in my heart it isn't right, but it would be right for Ness."
"Care to share?"
"She wants money..a lot of money.she will give up Ness and tell us where the knife is thatyou
"She knows this?" he asked surprised.
"That's what she said," I shrugged.
"How much money?"
"Five for the knife, five for Ness."
"How very ironic," he mused. "Same price for life as death."
He started fumbling through papers and said nothing else. I watched him and he seemed unshaken
by what I just said, going back to his work.
"So?" I asked.
"So what?"
"So, what are we going to do?"
"I'm not giving her money. The case around Emmett is solid and there is no way you're going to lose
custody over Bunny Rabbit this round."
"But Dad-"
"Edward," he put his pen down and faced me. "The point of a father is to not allow your children to
make the same mistakes you did. I am supposed to be wiser. I am not going to fail you this time and I
am certainly not going to honor Emmett's life by paying those who harbor those who took him
"And if you can't? If you can't win this case, then what, Dad? What happens when I have to hand
Ness over Jessica and she is married to Newton? What then? Still hanging onto foolish pride?"
"This isn't about pride. This is about right and wrong and handing over ten million dollars to some
little whore that both blessed our lives and took away our lives is wrong. Staying up night and day to
ensure to that this family receives no more heart ache is right. That is what I am doing. That is what I
have always tried to do. That is what you have never been able to see.
"Forgetting that the damn bike on your birthday, when you were a child, does not makes me the
worst father who ever graced this earth, Edward. I have been trying to explain to you for how many
years that good intentions are useless and actions mean everything, haven't I?
"A roof over your head, a good school, proper education, sufficient food in the fridge and on the
table every evening- that is my purpose as your father. That is what I gave, that is what I worked for,
that is why I would be viewed a fit parent.
"I made a mistake that day with Jessica, I'll admit to it and own up to my wrong doings, but I won't
allow you to make the same mistake I did and I certainly won't allow her to manipulate everything I
have worked so hard for and had to lose along the way.
"I didn't enjoy missing your birthdays, school affairs or having you look at me with disappointment in
your eyes all these years, but it was what was necessary in order to provide for you; to be able to
provide for my granddaughter now and not allow trash like Jessica to dictate what happens to this
He looked back down to his work for a moment and then back up again. "And don't you even think
about asking Bella for the money."
I almost wanted to smile.
"Bella would beat me within an inch of my life for even suggesting such a thing."
"Really? I was under the assumption she had no qualms about such things."
"Dad," I warned. "Don't talk bad about the woman I am marrying."
His eye brow quirked and I closed my eyes, shaking my stupid head.
"You and Bella are engaged?"
I sighed and rubbed at my face. No way out now.
"We were going to tell you all last night, but you know, you were busy.providing."
To my surprise, the corner of his mouth lifted, allowing a light smile to don his lips.
"Don't say anything to Mom, Bella would kill me." I rubbed at my face again and Carlisle chuckled
"Don't worry, I won't. That is good news, I'm glad you stepped up to the plate."
"I didn't do it to appease you, Dad."
"I didn't say you did. I simply said I was glad."
I nodded and then went back to my original reason for this meeting. "Anyhow, Jess broke my phone,
its on camera, too." I dug out my phone from my pocket and tossed it on the desk.
To my surprise, Carlisle laughed. "She really is a piece of work, isn't she?" He shoved the phone into
his desk drawer and then looked back to me.
"The court date is set. That is what I was working on when you came in. Two weeks. Renesmee will
be yours in two weeks."
"Bell?" I called out, entering the apartment. "Baby? I'm home."
It was quiet and I made my way to the bedroom to find her lying in there with Ness. She saw me and
placed a finger over her mouth as I made my way to the bed. I laid down, cuddling up to Ness as she
hugged herself to Bella's front.
"Hey baby," I whispered, placing a kiss to her forehead. "Sorry, I'm late. I had to go see my dad."
"What happened?"
I shook my head. "They set a court date."
"Oh. When?"
"Two weeks," I drew Ness' hair away from her sleeping face and tried to find the trust I needed in my
father to keep his words. There was no way I could lose her again.there was just no fucking way.
"We have a crib," she snickered. "I opted to purchase it disassemble, just to fuck with you."
"Thanks," I smiled at her and she wiggled her head closer, asking for a kiss.
"I bought Ness some things for Christmas, too, but I had to lie and say they were for your other
illegitimate children she doesn't know about. Hope you don't mind."
I sucked in a breath, pretending to be shocked. "How did you know about those?"
Bella laughed, leaning against my face. "This is why I love you."
"And I love you." I kissed her face and she leaned back, looking at me with soft eyes; that glowed in
the faded light of the sun.
"Flower Child?"
"Yes Angel?" I stared at her, allowing my fingers to feel how perfect she was and all my words in the
parking lot to Jessica, about my daughter having a mother already, came true as Ness wiggled herself
into the comfort of Bella's arms, further.
"What do you want for Christmas?" she asked, leaning her head atop Ness' and keeping those soft
eyes on mine still.
I leaned in and kissed her face, then locked my eyes with hers again.
"Got it."
Chapter Thirty-Two ~ Sugar
Fame will go by and, so long, I've had you, fame. If it goes by, I've always known it was fickle. So at
least it's something I experience, but that's not where I live.
Marilyn Monroe
"I know, I know, a day off. Whatever will Bella do?" Emmett handed me a cup that housed coffee and
I smiled. "Got room for me on that bench?"
I scooted over and allowed him to take a seat beside me. It was Arizona and way too hot to be
drinking coffee outside in the sweltering heat, but it was how we always started our mornings, work
or no work.
"Gran is making banana bread." There was a smile on his face that just couldn't be described. "And
she told me I could have the first piece."
"Congratulations." I took a sip of my coffee and hummed.
"Did I get it right this time, Sugar-Sugar?" Fool called me that because I had an obsession.
"Like I'd tell you." He knew, he understood me and shit.
Emmett smiled into his mug and sipped happily at my side. The sunrise in Arizona was amazingeven
if it did make it too hot for drinking coffee, but I had a friend at my side and a lovely grandmother in
the kitchen.
She was making banana bread.
Emmett was a fucking fool in my mind because he actually believed he was going to get the first
piece. Not that Gran wouldn't let him, but I sure as hell wouldn't.
I didn't sit through Renee's bullshit about how fifty-two different pairs of pants looked on her newly
renovated ass- I gave her Lipo money for Christmas- to get second dibs on the best banana bread
known to man.
Man was a fool. Fool was Emmett.
I fucking loved his ass.
"You're thinking about work, aren't you, Sugar?"
"Laurent needs an ass kicking."
Not much had changed.
"Bella?" I turned to see Edward stepping out onto our new porch.
I heard the truck when it pulled up five minutes ago and all the guys laughing and joking with each
other and even Angela calling out for me, but the bench in the middle of my new backyard had me
trapped- locked up in the memory of Emmett and all the joy simple things like sitting on a bench and
sipping morning coffee could bring.
I missed those days.
"That bench needs to go." I climbed to my feet and kissed his cheek as I passed.
Edward didn't need to know why.
He followed me back around to the front and returned the kiss I gave him before walking to Sam's
"This is a really nice house," Angela commented.
It really was. Not in that fancy, expensive sort of way that would warrant features in magazines and
shit, but it was justhome. I wanted a home. Not a house.
A fucking home.
Some place Squeaks could play. A backyard, that would allow us to do those normal things, like
barbeque and have parties. Maybe for birthdays. I wanted to swing on a stupid porch swing watching
the sun rise and set, with Flower Child, until his face wrinkled and still looked handsome like his
grandfathers'. I don't knowdrink a nice glass of sweet tea and yell at Edward Anthony Junior for
playing to close to the street.
Fuck, being pregnant was doing shit to me.
We took a seat on that swing of happy thoughts and watched as the boys unloaded our things.
We talked about the Ben issues, which at this point was like the pink elephant no one wanted to
mention and finally decided to call a draw. Basically, Ben was better with Edward, regardless of how
he arrived there.
I was growing so much as a person, I tell you.
Angela did all the weird shit everyone wanted to do to me at this point: poking my stomach, talking
about my stomach and asking to see it.
I let her touch it, but anyone who requested to see it, even Edward, could fuck off like no one had
ever fucked off in their life.
When the truck was empty, Edward took a seat on the stepsthen laid down and called me a million
curse words.
I laughed so hard.
It was funny marking something fragile when it was simply a box full of books.
Lots and lots of books.
"You're pure evil," he groaned, placing his arm across his face.
Sam took a seat next to Edward and wiped his face on his shirt. "Man oh man, we are almost in
December, right?"
"I know." Edward sat up. "I was thinking the same thing. You'd think after living here most of my life
I'd be used to it by now, but no, disappointment every year when it's the middle of summer in the
middle of winter." He looked over to me.
"Are sure you don't want to move to Canada? We could be snowmobiling right now, Angel." Edward
lay back down and groaned again.
"Awww, and I thought I was only having one baby. Apparently I'm having twins." I patted his cheek
and he pulled back, giving me the evil eye. "You little babies want lunch? I'm starving and I bet
Angela could be persuaded to give me a ride to the store to get all that is needed for sandwiches."
3, 2, 1
"Roast beef with Swiss cheese, on French. My wallet is" Edward lifted his head a little, "Somewhere
over there."
I laughed and waddled my way off the steps- darn Baby Cullen - along with Angela, to her car.
When we arrived to the store, I filled up a cart with the stuff for lunch, along with other items we
would be in need of, not only because we just moved, but also because we just moved into a house
that had a fridge the size of Texas. I was so going to fill that bad boy. We had all the essentials, some
major non-essentials (I would lie and blame Squeaky) and I was going to be a nice person and let the
fuckers drink, so I grabbed them beer, too.
I can be nice, really. I can.
Standing in line, I saw my stupid face staring back at me on the front of a magazine and groaned.
Angela thought it was funny and picked it up. "Let's see what you have been up to lately, shall we?"
"It's probably about the baby. I can't exactly hide this thing anymore." I placed some items on the
conveyor belt and she laughed.
"Oh man, did you know Edward is only dating you to promote Tatu?" She sucked in hard breath and I
shook my head. "And he has been spotted with a young blonde, having coffee while you are at home
crying your pregnant eyes out?"
"What?" I whipped my head her way and she faced the paper towards me. "That's just fucking
Lauren." I rolled my eyes and went back to unloading the cart.
"Man, tabloids are so fucked up." She shoved the magazine back into the rack- backwards- she was a
good friend after all.
"I wish the biggest issue Edward and I had were him having coffee with a blonde. My life would be
much easier."
"What's wrong now?" She asked, tossing a candy bar in with our order.
"He has court, again." I grabbed a fistful of candy bars and tossed them on counter.
"I thought he was done with all of that?"
"No, this is for keeps. Win, lose, no chance at a draw, type of shit. If we lose, you are never going to
see me again, as we will be moving to an undisclosed location. You may keep all my businesses and
let Ben burn them all to the ground if you wish."
She laughed. "I'm sure it will all work out. Edward has been working really hard."
"Yeah, well, let's hope. I really can't take anymore shit this year." Angela nodded at my words and I
pushed our cart forward, allowing the bag-boy to begin loading our groceries.
I used my time wisely as we waited to be checked out, by rifling through Edward's wallet. Angela
laughed and said, "He really is a trip, you know."
I glanced at her in between my snooping. "Why?"
"Because you are Isabella Swan, owner of everything food related and yet he makes you pay for
groceries with his money."
"He's gotman issues," I shrugged.
"I think it says a lot," she said softly.
I pulled out money and handed it to the clerk. "Like that he isn't using me to promote his
restaurant?" I nodded towards the magazine stand.
"Yeah, but also, that he really doesn't think of you like that. Like, he doesn't treat you differently.
You're justBella to him."
I smiled at her and took my change from the clerk. "Fianc."
I wiggled my finger at her. "Fianc."
"When? Holy" Her eyes went wide, taking my hand into hers.
"Fitty can suck it," I laughed and turned back towards the cart, waving off the guy as he offered to
help us out.
"So, when are you doing it?" She asked.
"I don't know, we haven't really gotten that far." I stopped at her car, waiting for her to open the
trunk and caught sight of a familiar face. "Hey, look. It's Rose. Rose!" I waved to her and she paused,
then, walked towards us.
"Hey Bella."
"Hey yourself." I gave her a hug, because like I already stated, I could be nice. "How are you?"
"Goodwella little nervous. Peyton is home."
"Really? When did that happen?"
"They discharged him this morning. I called you guys, but no one answered," she explained.
"Oh, shit, we have been moving all morning. I haven't checked my phone. How is he?"
"Good, really good. My mom is watching him so I could" She paused, looking past me and I
followed her gaze.
It was damn Jessica getting out of a car with Newton, a few rows down.
"Just ignore her Rose. Finish what you were saying, please?" I touched her arm and she looked back
at me again.
"I hate her so much, Bella."
"Join the club."
She looked back to me and sighed. "Anyhow, he's doing really well. I just needed to stop and get
some things, but I guess that isn't going to happen now." Her eyes moved back to Jessica and
Newton as they entered the store.
"Well, I just bought like enough shit to feed a small country, so, you can rifle through my cart," I
"I needed wipes and stuff. I should have already had them, butI just didn't." She looked down and
Baby Cullen kicked me in the bladder for making his Aunt Rose sad.
"I'll get it for you," I offered. "Just tell me what you need."
She debated for a minute but then gave in, giving me a small list of things and I left her with Angela
as I went back inside. Should Angela have gone in instead? Yeah, probably, but I agreed to be the
kid's godmother and fuck Jessica and all her bullshit. She didn't scare me and I could shop wherever
the hell I wanted.
Plus, I wanted to buy a copy of that tabloid magazine, just to fuck with Flower Child.
I grabbed a basket and made my way around, trying to find all the things she asked for, hoping the
shit I picked out was right. As I rounded the last aisle, I saw Bitch-Face and her asshole fianc heading
my direction. I stared at her the entire way to the check out and didn't back down.
Like I said, fuck her.
They of course got in line behind my happy ass.
"Oh, look, Mikey. A whore on the front cover of a magazine," Jessica said and I heard her flipping
through the pages.
I set my stuff on the counter and ignored heror at least, didn't acknowledge her.
"Well, well, well, seems the whore and the prick are having issues. What a surprise. And let's see," I
heard more pages flip. "He's using her for money. How sweet, I mean, when I asked him for the
money I was sure he would give it to me, but to steal from his little whore, that is justthat is just
I knew she was fucking with me, but my mind started to wander; wondering what the fuck that
meant. She asked Flower Child for money? When and why? And why the fuck was she calling me a
whore? Did she not know the meaning of the word?
"So, has he asked you yet, Bella? Or did he go to Daddy?"
Just pay and leave
Just pay and leave
Just pay and leave
"Maybe he changed his mind and doesn't really care about his brother as much as he said. Maybe I
should have told you, since you were fucking him at one point too, right?"
I turned around and knocked her shit off the conveyor. "Shut your fucking mouth and don't say shit
about shit you don't know anything about you fucking cunt-rag."
"OhJess," Newton pulled Jessica's arm, laughing, "Don't upset Bella. She is veryfragile."
"I guess that means he didn't tell you," Jessica smiled.
I turned back around and tried to just pay attention to the guy in front of me speaking in French on
his cell. It helped to distract me. She was still babbling on and I prayed that he would just pay and
leave, so I could too.
"Unless he doesn't want to pay up. I mean, if that's the case, I could just all of a sudden have amnesia
and not remember until he forks over the money. I know Edward is stupid, but he couldn't be that
stupid that he would actually allow such a valuable piece of evidence to pass him by? Or his daddy,
right Mikey?" I froze in my place, unable to move or breathe until the French speaking man boasted
about his brother's baby girl being born over the phone.
I looked forward again and he apologized to the cashier in English, saying he needed to leave a
message for his mother or she'd kill him. Jessica was still laughing along with Dick-hole Mike and I
laughed and looked back to her.
"You just so fucked up, Cunt-rag." I said nothing else and paid for my things in a rush, when it was my
turn, keeping an eye on the man as he exited.
I walked way faster than a fat, pregnant woman should and hurried to the lot. He was fumbling with
his keys and I waved and hollered until he looked up.
"Sir, I need your phone, please!" He looked at me like I was crazy. "The person you just called, you
left a message, yes?"
He was still staring.
"I need to know the person you were speaking with. The message, it could haveit could have
information on it I need."
He started to get into his car.
"Wait. Please. I know I sound crazy, but you don't understand." I explained the rest in French and
cried and sobbed as dramatically as possible.
Angela and Ben unloaded the bags from the car when we arrived to the house. I needed to find
Edward too badly to even try and help. He was laughing with Sam on the back steps and looked
towards me as I stopped short in the doorway.
"You look flushed." He was right. Mama was highly flushed. Flushed and spent and fucking elated.
"I'm glowing." He smiled at my sarcasm and reached for me, but I held my ground. "You're in it big
time, Mister."
"In what? I'm just sitting here. Sitting here after I just moved an entire truck of shit."
"I know about the money. Jessica was at the store and told me all about your dirty secret. Stand up,
so I can junk-punch you." His face soured at my words.
"I'm not giving her anything, Bell." He shook his head and I held out the golden ticket.
"I know." My smile had to have of looked like Emmett's that day in Arizona, years ago. No banana
bread needed.
Without another word, I flipped open the French dude's mother's phone - Claire - she was a very nice
lady - and pressed the magical numbers she gave me.
"Unless he doesn't want to pay up. I mean, if that's the case, I could just all of a sudden have amnesia
and not remember until he forks over the money. I know Edward is stupid, but he couldn't be that
stupid that he would actually allow such a valuable piece of evidence to pass him by? Or his daddy,
right Mikey?"
Flower Child's expression looked like how I felt the first time I ever saw a penis.
"I still want to junk-punch you, Jerk." I flipped it closed and after many blinks, he finally closed his
mouth, stood up and lifted a woman -who was way too fat and pregnant and sore to be lifted in such
a manner - and kissed her.
And kissed her.
And kissed her.
And kissed her.
Andwellyou get the damn point.
Team Cullen for the motherfucking win- we needed shirts.
I fed him the melted chocolate off my finger.
It was meant for the pie, but he couldn't wait and really, what was better than feeding a person with
your fingers?
Nothing I tell you, nothing.
Especially when they had lips that looked as delicious as what you were feeding them and they
hummed and gave you the best kisses in between.
Ever just feel so damn happy, that you swore you might start to float away? I know, it sounds fucking
weird and shit coming from me, but right now, I'm telling you, in my new kitchen with Flower Child,
feeding him and making silly things like chocolate peanut butter pie, I just.
I was floating.
Sue me, but I just was.
"I should give this a weird ass name like the chick from The Waitress." My finger swiped through the
chocolate again and traveled to lips I loved.
"Like what?" He slowly took my finger into his mouth, being way too naughty for someone who had a
small child at his side.
"I couldn't say, right now," I nodded to Squeeks who was lost in a world of confectioner's sugar and
chunky peanut butter.
Edward released my finger and allowed me to finish my lesson. I told Ness we would learn how to
make something every weekend and today, it was pie.
Daddy was interrupting in the most blissful, enjoyable ways.
"Ready Bewwa?" She tipped the bowl to show me her work and I nodded. "Where?"
I slid the full pie plate over to her. "Throw it on top, Squeaks. Go wild."
She took my words to heart and tossed handfuls of the crumbles on top, until we built a mountain of
peanut butter Heaven-like pie.
I don't give a shit whose body she came from, she was clearly my child.
"We eat now, Bewwa?"
"It has to get cold and set, Sweet Pea. After dinner, okay?" I handed over the chocolate-covered
spoon to make up for the disappointment and she seemed to be quite alright with the news.
This week was insane. We had unpacked all of our stuff, attended our first PTA meeting- oh my God
those bitches are crazy and finally, fucking finally got to tell everyone that we were engaged.
Grandma Cullen laughed- like, gut busting laughter and called Edward stupid. I told you guys, she
already knew.
Esme hugged me until I prayed for my air supply to be returned and Edward pried her away. It was
adorable, but damn.
My father basically did the father thing, congratulating us on one hand and threatening Edward's life
on the other. It went better than I thought. Probably because we had arranged for Sue to send some
of her chicken and dumplings, God bless dry ice and overnight mail.
Bribery, it goes a long way.
I earned some cred with Edward's father by getting that shit with Jessica on tape and let me tell you,
serious loving down below.
By Edward, not his father. Don't be sick.
We piled the shit Dickward found in New York with the camera from Flower Child's camera at Tatu -
he was getting so smart and then the phone message I had and rolled it up into a nice ball, topped
off with all the positive changes in Edward's life.
Edward vetoed the shirt idea. He was seriously no fun.
Soby the time court custody had rolled around, we had a new home, long meaningful kisses and
one of the best peanut butter pies ever consumed under our belts.
As I looked at him this morning, he was shining much the same way our Miami sun did. Edward was a
far cry from the half-man half-boy I knew not too many months ago. He didn't look scared, he stood
straight when I tightened his tie and smiled when I grabbed that motherfucker and kissed him for the
millionth time this morning.
I wasn't nervous walking into the courthouse and all the jewelry bullshit was at home. There was only
one piece I needed and it wasn't a bangle or a fucking pair of studs in my ears. When I sat next to
Esme and she poked my stomach, I didn't give her shit over it, because she was happy today and it
didn't happen to often anymore. She could poke all she wanted.
Fuck, I might have even showed it to her if she asked.
The color orange never looked so good. Not many people could pull it off, but Jessica, Jessica pulled
it off like nobody's business as she entered the room.
Orange was fine on her, but the dark circles and baggy eyes made me believe five-to-ten wasn't.
Ormaybe it was the thought of her precious Newton being owned by a man twice his stature from
behind, right now?
Hmm, maybe.
Baby Cullen and I planned out shit like what type of outfit to bring him home in when he was born
and whether or not we wanted cute baby stuff painted on the nursery walls for most of the hearing.
It really wasn't much of one, seeing as how, there was no case here.
Mothers in orange were not given children.
Well dressed Edwards in black suits were.
Mothers in orange also lost all rights they had. God is good and all that shit.
I decided that the very first report card Squeaks would receive, I would send to Jessica. Along with
photos, and black and white copies of any and all pictures Ness ever drew in her life.
Jessica only deserved them in black and white.
The colorful ones, that held all the vibrancy and lively hood of a happy faced- well rounded Squeaks,
would hang on our fridge, in our home.
That is where they belonged. Where she belonged.
I didn't want Jessica to ever forget, though. She didn't deserve to forget. Squeaks never would.
Everyday of Jessica's life needed to be worst than the last, as everyday of Ness' life would grow
better than her last.
I would never forget that.
Edward would never forget that.
It was the most important part.
"Sugar, I'm heading out. You sure you don't want to come?" I looked up and shook my head. "Come
on, Bella. Have fun."
"I am. Can't you see?" He loved my sarcasm. "Go on. You can call me drunk and tell me all about it
later." I went back to endless piles of paper work. Being a new owner of a business sucked ass.
Except for the new money part. That was fucking great.
"Well, I'd say don't work too hard, but" he smiled and I tossed something at him. "See ya."
I watched him leave and hated the silence left in his wake. It was never quiet when Emmett was
around and I loved his disturbing ways. The pokes to the side when I was trying to concentrate, or
the pieces of paper he drew faces on and held up to his face, trying to make me laugh when I took
conference calls.
Edward's head popped up and looked at me. "Have I moved up the ranks?" He teased.
I didn't know I said it aloud. "I'm just thinking."
"About sugar?"
"About Emmett," I admitted.
His face fell, but then cracked a smile. "Do I even want to know?"
"No, probably not." I went back to my work, helping Flower Child get his office at Tatu in order.
"Sowant to hear something that will make you smile?" He asked, smiling himself as he worked.
"Sure. Hit me, Babe."
"They're opening a Voo-Doo Doughnuts in Miami. They just bought over Rosalie's place."
"I heard about that. Rose told me." It was fucking wonderful and sad all at the same time.
Wonderful, well, because they had fucking delicious-ass-shit like bacon topped-cream-filled
doughnuts and sad because.well.I don't think I need to explain that shit, now do I?
"I still think you should ask Rose to come work here. She's cooped up with the baby all day. That can't
be good. I'd be going crazy away from work if it wasn't for you and all your virgin restaurant fuckery.
And our baby isn't even born yet."
"I seriously doubt Rose wants to work here, Bella. Plus, who would watch Peyton?" He tapped a stack
of papers and handed them over to me.
"I could watch him," I shrugged.
He stared.
"I could," I said again, but he only cracked a smile. "Are you trying to say I'm going to be a bad
mother? 'Cause if you are, you can just go-,"
"I'm not saying that. At all." He held up his hands and laughed. "I have no doubts about your
motherly instincts, or qualities. You're perfect with Ness, but she isn't a newborn baby, Angel. That's
a completely different ballgame. They cry all the time and need constant diaper changes." He shook
his head, going back to his work.
"So, it's like dealing with you."
He looked up and tried not to smile but failed. "Good one."
I smiled in return and looked back to the computer screen, filling in his order form for the next food
I loved Edward and the jokes we shared, but it was still too quiet.
When he came home from work on Friday afternoon, I had twice-baked potatoes in the oven and
chicken noodle soup on the stove. Squeaks had been feeling sniffly. Damn kids and germs. Not
Squeaks, those other fuckers she went to school with.
I was swinging on our porch, doing what I said I wanted to and sipping sweet tea still decaf, thanks
and he took a seat at my side. Squeaks plopped herself down on the steps with a coloring book and
ignored us.
"Dinner smells good." He gave a kiss to my cheek as I flipped through a magazine.
"That's because it is good, Babe."
He leaned his tired face down on my tired shoulder and made the swing 'do its thing' with his feet.
"What's this?" He picked up the envelope I had sandwiched in between us.
"I should have given it to you a long time ago, butit was just hard. It was like it was official." His
eyes lowered to read the front and then looked back up.
"Why I am I getting this?"
"He left it all to Squeaks. At least, last I knew of," I shrugged.
Edward nodded and settled it back in between us, not saying a word as he leaned his head back
down to my shoulder and said 'hello' to Baby Cullen with his hand. We went back and forth slowly,
until the sun grew dim and Squeaky was done coloring her pictures. Edward helped me to stand and I
couldn't go the same direction he was headed. He paused and turned to me, but I had no words. I
took his hand and led him to the garden, until we reached the bench.
"I was thinking of when Em called me Sugar. He stopped doing it when you started working for me. I
never even realized it until today, when I saw this benchand I tried to think of why. It sounds
cheesy, I know, but it's kind of likeyou took over shit he used to do and's like everyone's
life has a purpose and maybe his was to make sure I found you. That we found each other. It's really
cheesy." I looked away and wanted to kick myself for becoming such a sap.
"Well, you have a thing for cheese, remember?"
He was a saint, pure and simple. I looked back towards him and gave a faint smile.
"I want to keep the bench. It completes our home." Edward nodded in agreement and led me back to
the porch and then to the kitchen.
We ate our baked potatoes and chicken soup and for dessert, laid in bed, kissing and whispering
things were way too naughty for little ears to hear. Thankfully, this house had thick walls. The dishes
were left for morning, floating in a sink of bubbles and degreaser. Life was too short to be wasted on
such insignificant things that didn't matter.
I just wanted whispers and kisses and those dirty words that followed dirty deeds and to get up with
Edward at two in the morning to check on our sick girl and see how she was doing.
She was fine.
She would always be fine.
The light on the porch, shining over our small garden bench, made sure of it.
Chapter Thirty-Three ~ Love Notes
It was way too warm to stay in Miami for Christmas.
We had this sort of, 'make shift' Thanksgiving thing where everyone opened presents early and shit,
ate food and gathered and were all.merry.
I'm funny, right?
We made plans to go to New York and have one of those fabulous white winter wonderland type of
holidays. Squeaks needed to play in snow and make snowmen and just.see the huge tree in
Rockefeller Center and gaze into windows and do all the magical shit you just do on Christmas.
And fuck, I loved and missed the shit out of New York.
So, we closed up shop and hopped our happy asses on a plane.
As we exited the airport, I slipped on my heavy coat and tried to bundle up and brace for the cold. As
I shoved my hands into my pockets and followed the family out of the airport, I smiled. Edward had
been leaving me notes, describing all the things he loved or remembered about us, leading up to
Christmas. He said since I asked for him and Squeaks for my present, it was only appropriate.
I pulled the paper out and stopped to read it as they loaded up our rental car with luggage.
The best sleep I ever received was every night I slept with you.
I held in a giggle.
When his family was distracted, I tugged on his coat. "You do realize I could take your words two
ways, right?"
He smiled and tucked his lips under my ear. "Both would be true."
My laughter echoed among the sounds of the busy pick-up area. He leaned away and winked at me,
then picked up a shivering Squeaks into his arms. She buried her face into his neck and he rubbed
against the back of her puffy coat to gain warmth from the friction.
"You are definitely a Miami girl," He teased.
"She'll warm up once we get to Serendipity," I offered.
"What's that?" He climbed into the backseat of the car, with me following. Once the door was closed,
I replied.
"Heaven, Edward. It is where Heaven is, seriously, you can Google it. Trust me."
Squeaks wiggled her way in between us and then proceeded to play with the buttons on the door for
the remainder of the drive. Flower Child looked annoyed slightly, but I found it rather amusing for
some reason. It was just hercuriosity? I suppose.
That curiosity only grew once we entered Heaven and she struggled with me to pick out which sinful
delight we wanted to shove our faces in first.
Get it? Sinful things in Heaven and it's called Serendipity- ha motherfucking, haright?
Thank you, thank you. No applause.
As I shared a frozen hot chocolate with her (again, do you see the funny?) Grandma Cullen spoke up.
"I always loved this place. My Husband took me here once before and it has been too long. Thank
you for reminding us, Bella." She tipped her cinnamon stick to me and I tapped my own stick to it.
"Anytime, Old Lady." My eyes went back to searching the menu and I swear to pie- Baby Cullen felt
like he was trying to nom my insides.
It's like he could read what I was reading!
"Know what you want?" Edward asked, stretching an arm over my shoulder.
"Everything," I practically was drooling at this point. "I think I am going to get a foot long with chili
and pretend it also has cheese, though."
He laughed. "Are you trying to open the door to wiener jokes, Bell?"
I pushed my face into his. "Shut it, Flower Child. What are you getting?"
"Steak Char Char," He smiled.
I eyed the menu and read what it was.
Sliced Roumanian Steak served open-faced on garlic rye toast with greens and salsa.
"Mother of Balls," I whispered.
His chest rumbled with laughter and I looked over to him with a pleading expression. "Will you please
He debated silently for a moment and then nodded, but added, "May I have some of your-," he was
going to say frozen hot chocolate, but as he looked to the glass, a loud suction noise was all that
Squeeks' cheeks ballooned with fullness and looked to Edward like 'what?' as she attempted to
swallow it down. I started laughing and couldn't stop, falling into Edward's side.
I laughed so hard it fucking hurt. She was priceless.
We ordered our food after that and fell into a casual conversation. It was odd, yet comfortable. Even
Charlie came with us, and Sue was arriving tonight. He seemed anxious sitting here and I had to smile
at how juvenile he looked.
"Bella," Esme called, snapping me from my fixation on my dad. "After lunch I was thinking maybe we
could do some baby clothes shopping?" She smiled, clasping her hands together.
"You buying?" I teased.
"Nope, but he is." She patted Carlisle's back and I laughed lightly.
"Then we can definitely do that."
"Perfect. We'll have a nice girl's day, then. You, me, Grandma, Rose and Nessie," She nodded.
"What are we supposed to do?" Edward asked, motioning between himself and the other men.
"It's a big city, Son. I'm sure you can figure out something." She smiled at him, but it was odd and I
looked back and forth between the two of them.
They were definitely up to something.
Flower Child.
While the ladies did their shopping, I made sure to hide the overnight bag in the hotel suite so Bella
couldn't find it before it was time, along with the tickets.
She was a snoop and that shit was a secret.
Charlie wanted to get Sue a gift, for when he greeted her at the airport tonight. I accompanied him
so I could get a few things myself and of course my father, being my father, chose to stay behind and
do what else on Christmas Eve, but work.
Grandpa took nap, as that is what he did best.
The cab ride was pretty silent between Charlie and I. He wasn't really much of a talker and that was
fine. It gave me time to collect my thoughts and take in a place I had never seen before. I could
understand why Bella liked here so much. It was just as alive and vibrant andwell, busy as she was.
Once we arrived to our destination, we walked along sidewalk that was crowded and full of last
minute shoppers. It was almost chaotic and at times, maddening, but the buzz and electricity in the
air, somehow, made it all worth it- if that's makes any sense.
As Charlie snooped around the inside of a small store, I eyed all the people passing by from the
store's window. There was a girl weaving her way quickly through all the people and I had to laugh at
how her scowling expression and clear irritation reminded me of Bella. I tried to picture her here, as
that eighteen-year-old girl, on her own, full of dreams.
Her dreams.
"Ready to go?" Charlie's voice snapped me from my reverie and I gave him a nod before we exited.
Walking along the street again, I made sure to buy a few things from some random vendors for Bella
and Ness. They were silly and really, rather pointless, but they would find humor in them.
"Look at that," Charlie knocked my shoulder and pointer his finger towards the sky.
Smack dab in between two other billboards was a huge billboard, claiming Bella's restaurant as
number one in New York. It featured Bella wearing a red dress, sitting on a steel-top table, slicing and
apple, with lips painted just as red as the fruit and dress.
It was without a doubt, the coolest, hottest, fucking thing I ever saw.
Literally, took all my will power to not point to it and shout to the people around us, "I'm marrying
Let's just keep that between us though, okay?
I just took a picture of it with my phone and sent it to Bella.
"Let's stop in there," Charlie suggested, nodding towards where Riley's was located just a few blocks
"Uh" I debated for a minute, giving a scratch to the beanie on my head. "I don't think that's a good
idea. Her umBella's executive chef there doesn't like me very much. I don't want to piss off Bella by
starting trouble, especially today."
"Well, we aren't starting trouble, Edward. We are simply checking out what my daughter and your
fianc's place looks like. No harm in that." He hit my arm and started off towards Riley's.
I begrudgingly followed.
It smelled good as we entered; warm and inviting. A man greeted us offered a table, but Charlie
declined as he looked around quickly. There was a framed photo on the wall that caught my eye and I
smiled once I realized what it was. A very small Bella sat on a man's lap, smiling wide.
"That was my Dad." Charlie said; looking almost lost as he stared it. "Man, she looks just like him."
"She was precious. Is, is precious." My eyes lingered on the image for a moment longer and then
were drawn up to a framed article above it.
If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere.
I remembered the day Bella told me about it.
"I'm sorry, but if you all aren't going to be dining here, I will have to ask you to step outside, please."
Charlie faced him and gave a wave of his hand. "I just wanted to check it out. Didn't mean to cause
trouble, we'll be going." He smiled and stepped towards the door.
I moved closer to the man.
"Do you have a ticket book on you?" He nodded and reached into his apron's pocket. "Do you mind?"
I held out my hand and he hesitantly handed it over. I tore off a page and then handed it back to him.
"Thanks, man."
His face looked perplexed, but I paid him no mind as I followed Charlie out. I slipped the ticket into
my pocket and waited as he hailed a cab for us. My phone beeped and I reached for it, smiling when I
saw it was a message from Bella.
She replied to her billboard picture.
Hot, right?
I typed the keys and replied:
Your lips painted red does things to me that should make your father want to murder my ass, Angel.
Like what Babe?
I'll tell you in full detail later.
Race you home?
You're on.
*You* I hope.
Don't we all Bella. Don't we all.
Back at the hotel, she was sitting in the middle of our bed, smiling wide, as I entered.
"Where's Ness?" I asked.
"With Rose and your mom, getting their toes painted in the salon downstairs." She wiggled her own
at me.
They were cherry red, just like her lips were right now. And holy fuckwhat was she wearing?
Ornot wearing?
"I should leave you alone with my mother more often." I walked to the edge of the bed and leaned
down, kissing her perfect toes and worked my way up, making her squirm and giggle.
My nose skimmed along her silky legs, pushing up the white fabric of the skimpy slip she wore, until I
could press my lips into her belly, finally. She sighed and pulled my face towards her, as I helped to
ease her down on her back.
"You look sexy in a winter clothes. Not that it surprises me." She smiled, plucking my hat off and
tossing it to the side. Her fingers coursed through my hair until she achieved whatever she was going
for there. "I missed you."
"Did you?" I pressed my lips against her chin.
"Mmmhmm," she nodded, pulling me into her.
"How much?" I moved my self between her legs and was careful to keep my weight off her.
"I watched Esme buy you underwear all afternoon. How much do you think?" She teased, rubbing
her feet along the back of my legs.
I lowered my mouth to the bountiful cleavage showing itself and got lost there for a bit, cupping her
into my hands and teasing her with my tongue dancing around her nipples. Her hands tucked
themselves in between us and she fumbled to free me of my pants until I took my attention away
from her breasts and removed them myself, along with my sweater.
"Scoot this way, Angel," I whispered, helping her move to where I needed her.
She laid back, feet resting on the edge of bed, legs spread- all pink, caramel and perfect and soft and
smooth. I palmed the space next to her with one hand and allowed my other one to find her center,
sliding over her slippery skin and watching her face as she closed her eyes and sighed and held her
bottom lip in between her teeth until I could handle it anymore.
I leaned over her, framing the sides of her head and allowed my body to enter her, slowly, achingly
so. She opened wider for me and held me gaze and I moved in and out of her with a steady rhythm.
My eyes moved from hers, down to her cherry colored lips and then my mouth followed, crushing
into them with all the fever I had to restrain from the rest of my body that desperately begged to
pound into her, knowing that was not allowed.
My lips dragged from her mouth, pulling the red color with them and left a faint smear down her
neck, to her collar bone and then back up again and again. Her body was tight and swollen around
mine as I grew inside of her and she scraped and clawed along my back, neck and shoulders in
pleasure and need with her nails.
"I missed you too," I rasped in her ear, burying my face into the side of her neck as she fisted tightly
to my hair.
"How much?" She whispered back.
"So fucking much, Baby." She trembled under me and I felt her body tense, her breathing hitch and
the constriction around my cock.
I forced my eyes open and watched as her red lips fell open, panting my name as she came. I focused
all my attention there, pumping with more vigor until I felt my own breathing pause in my throat,
eyes close and body tense- burying my cock deep inside of her, coming hard.
"Mmm" I couldn't quite pry my eyes open yet and felt her face with my own until I rested my
forehead upon hers.
"That.was way better than shopping for underwear with your mom," she sighed.
"Please don't talk about my mom right now," I whispered.
Bella laughed quietly and I felt warm lips in the crook of my neck that sent a tingle down my spine
and straight to my dick. "I wish we could stay like this tonight," I rolled my face against hers. "I'm
guessing that Ness will be back soon, though."
I placed a kiss on Bella's face and crawled beside her. She tucked herself into my side and snuggled
there. "I told Ness we would build a snowman. I am wishing I never opened my mouth," she groaned
with a chuckle.
"Then we better get dressed before she arrives," I sighed. "Bell?" She looked at me as we sat up, on
the edge of the bed. "I love you."
She opened her mouth to speak, but then started laughing hysterically.
"You look like you attacked something." She rubbed at my lips and chin. "Fuck, I could only imagine
how my face looks." She wiped at her mouth and I laughed, realizing that she had red lipstick
smeared just about everywhere, thanks to mywellattack.
"We definitely need to clean up before Ness comes knocking. We'd scare the shit out of her." I took
Bella's hand and led her to the bathroom.
We showered together and rid ourselves of any and all traces of red lipstick and love making, except
for the goofy ass smiles we both wore.
There was just no getting rid of that.
Ness looked like that little girl "Boo" from the Monster's Inc. movie, all bundled up, barely able to
move as we stomped through the snow, finally reaching our destination.
I hadn't been here in forever and missed it. It was a place in the park I always loved to come to and
think. I would sit and write out recipes and just 'get away' when things got too much to handle.
Tonight, we were just making snowmen.
"Okay Daddy, get to making the pile at the bottom." I ordered, plopping myself down into the snow.
"You're just going to sit there?" He gave me the evil eyebrow and I smiled with a nod.
"I will jam the carrot in his ass, well, nose and find stuff for eyes. We all have a duty, Flower Child.
Get to piling."
He laughed at me and began gathering snow into a heap to form the base. "I help." Ness kneeled
beside him and I watched them interact. It warmed me in ways I couldn't describe and seeing them
of course made me think about the years ahead and how someday the baby inside of me would be
here too, building snowmen and helping his daddy.
Shit guys, I need to get a grip. Fast.
I wiped my eyes and went back to my task, finding some shit to put as eyes and while I waited for
them to build the blob, I mounded my own snow, into my hands and threw that fucker as hard as I
could at Flower Child's head.
He stilled, not even looking at me and I tucked my lips, trying hard not to laugh. Retaliation was
coming, I knew it from the hard expression on his face, but I couldn't move. He simply tilted forward
on his knees and scooped an enormous amount of snow into his hands, balling it slowly- using
psychological warfare like the dirty bird he was.
I was in for it.
I tried to crawl away, 'cause running was not an option thanks to Baby Cullen, but a tiny tossing of
snow fell against my head. I heard Squeaky laugh and I gaped at her, amazed that she would turn
against me.
While I had been distracted, Edward plopped down into the snow next to me and started burying
me, his snowball forgotten, and I begged and pleaded with all I had.
"You'll kill our baby!"
He paid me no mind.
"God will hate you, it's Jesus' pre-birthday!"
I was buried deeper.
"My vagina will get frost bitten and fall off!"
The man was ruthless, I tell you.
Finally, when my legs were completely covered, he stopped and looked up to me with a cocky ass
"Oh please, Edward, you defeated a fat, pregnant woman." I heard giggles at my side. "With the help
of a traitor." I swatted some snow at Ness.
"Gimme carrot, Bewwa," She curled her tiny fingers at me.
"Tell your ridiculous father to unbury me." I waved to my snow-covered legs and she giggled.
"Papa, I need his nose," she pointed to lump that was supposed be the snowman. Edward simply
reached out and pushed her over into a pile of snow. She laughed and scurried to recover, charging
at him and they felt backwards.
I kicked until my legs were free and then dumped a huge scoop of snow onto Flower Child's head and
shoved the carrot my from pocket to Ness. "Run Ness Run!" I gave my best Forest Gump impression
and suffered the consequences for the attack as she left me to fend for myself.
He didn't do anything but hold me though, shaking the wet from his hair and allowing it to fall over
me. I squealed and tried to move but he stopped and slumped down, still keeping me locked in his
arms. I tilted my head back and kissed him, sighing into his mouth. Edward pulled back after a few
moments, thumbing my cheek, gently.
"If you lay down in the snow, Bell, you could quite literally make a snow angel."
I pushed his face away and hid my own before he could see the red in my cheeks his stupid,
swooning, bastardly self made.
Squeaks had shoved the carrot way too low and Edward fell backwards, laughing hard. His hands
were over his face and I could only hear him and watch his stomach shake. It made me laugh too, but
I had to correct that shit.
Pulling myself to my knees, I trudged through the snow and plucked the carrot out of his lower half
and stuck it into his upper half. Edward was still dying of laughter and I shook my head at him.
Squeaks looked a little confused, but as she turned back to face her creation, she beamed with pride.
I hugged herand then used her head as an object to lean on, so I could stand up.
"Come on, Babe." I held out my hand and he quieted his laughing fit.
We walked towards the where they hosted the Festivals of Trees and weaved through all the
different displays. Ness' face looked in awe and full of wonder, same as the other children wondering
around. Edward and I held hands, stealing peeks at each other, stirring the butterflies in my stomach
each time. It was amazing how connected I could be to him, yet he could still do such a thing.
We finally ended up at the gift shop area and he allowed Squeaks to pick out something to bring back
to Esme and Elizabeth. She chose two small ornaments and we waited as they wrapped them up,
eating peppermints sticks and the home-made style fudge they sold.
Did I say I loved Christmas and New York, yet?
"Here you go. Merry Christmas," The lady handed over our bag and Edward took it, thanking her.
He shoved the peppermint stick in his mouth so he could place his wallet back into his pocket and
then produced something else. It was a soggy white piece of paper and he laughed as he handed it to
Taking the candy from his mouth, he said, "Sorry, I didn't take the snow into account. Can you still
read it?"
I unfolded it and to my surprise, the note was still legible. There were only three words written
across it and this time, my red cheeks didn't escape him.
"That was my favorite memory," he murmured, before shoving the candy back in his mouth and
picking up Ness to carry her on his hip.
I hooked my arm around his and leaned my head to his shoulder as we walked back towards the
rental car.
When we arrived back at the hotel, we changed clothes and then met in one of the lounge areas,
where my father promised he would recite the story I begged him to. When I was a little kid, nothing
made me happier. I wanted Ness to experience it,
also. She had snuggled herself into his side, with Sue on the other, as he sat in a one of the lounge
chairs. Edward looked almost as intrigued as she did and I couldn't hide the smile on my face even if I
Grandma Cullen held Gramps hand, even though the dude was passed out, snoring up a storm. Old
people, geeze. I was huddled up with Edward in a chair, probably squashing him, but I didn't care and
he didn't seem to mind much, either. Carlisle managed to pull himself away from working and join us,
taking a seat next to Esme.
Rose held Peyton close to her in the seat next to ours and I felt my heart sting, both at her bravery
and the thought of Emmett. I shifted us in our chair, so we were leaning more towards her and held a
hand over hers, which was over Peyton.
She smiled, looking thankful at my gesture and then faced Charlie as he began.
"Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house Not a creature was stirring, not even a
mouse. The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, In hopes that St Nicholas soon would be
The children were nestled all snug in their beds, While visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads.
And mamma in her 'kerchief, and I in my cap, Had just settled our brains for a long winter's nap."
My head landed on Edward's shoulder and the day took me over as Charlie's story telling faded from
my ears. The next thing I knew, I was being placed down gently into the bed and warm covers were
tucked all around me.
"Flower Child?" I heard him hum in response, pressing equally warm lips on my cheek. "This will be
the best night of hotel sleep I had," I mumbled, remembering his note from the beginning of the day.
Amazing how nothing smelled of disinfectant spray and everything, smelled of Edward's warmth and
Ness' bubble gum bath-wash.
In the morning, I was woken by a soft whisper in my ear.
It was growing louder and more irritableand backed up by familiar laughter.
I peeked one eye open, and saw four blue eyes looking at me.
"Santa came," The Squeak squeaked, holding a present to my face.
I cleared my throat and sat up a little, taking the gift into my hand. She waited patiently, looking
eager and I glanced at Edward. "Shouldn't she go first?" I asked.
"She didn't even wait for me to wake up, Bell," he laughed.
I looked at her and scowled. "Now I have no pictures. This was my first Christmas with you guys, you
know," I complained.
"Open Bewwa," she ordered, ignoring my rant.
"Fine," I slid my finger under the paper and cast it aside, revealing a wooden frame that housed a
picture she drew.
She slid closer and poked her finger at each person she had colored on the paper. "You and Papa and
Baby and me."
I drew her head to me and kissed her, holding her to my chest. "It' beautiful Squeaks. I couldn't have
gotten a better gift. Thank you." She patted her little hand over my stomach and then smiled at
Edward, looking proud.
"So, can I give you my present now?" He asked.
"I thought we said no gifts?"
"It's just your last note," he shrugged.
I laughed and held out my hand, but he shook his head. "Actually, I don't have it here. We'll have to
get up and go get it."
My face crinkled. "Why cant you just bring it here, you know, to the nice warm bed where I am
extremely comfyand warm."
"It's no where around here and it's a bit of a surprise," he explained, feigning a smile.
"You're giving me the creeps."
He laughed, but moved off the bed, saying nothing else. I sighed and placed the picture to his side
and then climbed out, hating that he was making me do so. Squeaks reached up for him and he
placed her on his hip.
As I went for my slippers and walked past the two of them, towards the bathroom, I heard her
whisper, "Daddy, where are we going?"
I paused at the door of the bathroom and listened, only hearing him faintly as he replied, "To see
Bella's dream."
Chapter Thirty-Four ~ Forever and Ever
As soon as I heard the pilot announce our destination, the heat flared in my cheeks, and I glared at
Flower Child and all his 'bright' ideas.
"Peanut?" He offered- looking not the least bit worried.
"The only nuts you should be worried about right now, Edward, are your own."
He sighed and tilted towards me. "Let's just wait until we get there and then you can do me bodily
harm if you are still pissed, okay?"
I looked out the window, crossing my arms and ignored him for the rest of flight. Why was he doing
this to me, guys?
Couldn't he just be happy that I was agreeing to marry him, having his love child and planning on
cooking and doing various lewd and lascivious acts to him for the remainder of my existence?
We landed, drove and then arrived at the place I had avoided like the plague.
It was closed today and that made me smile.until I saw Flower Child pull a key from his pocket and
unlock the door.
"Where the hell did you get that?" I asked.
"I know a friend, who knows a guy, who knows a girl I know," he winked and waved me on in.
Squeaks was already running her way inside, and I followed.
I looked around, taking in all the dcor, layout, colors. It was like my dream brought to life, in physical
form. Chancing a few steps further inside, I allowed the blade of my finger to slide down the smooth
countertop that had gold specks imbedded in the black granite and I smiled.
It was perfect and I was damn good; considering I picked that shit out waiting in a doctor's office, on
my laptop.
It was perfect, stunning.
I wanted to punch Flower Child in the face.
As I turned around to give him shit, he simply held out a folded paper to me. I debated briefly before
I took it into my hands, slipping my finger under the paper and opening it. The black writing was
written just as beautifully as all the other notes - except the soggy one- of course- and I felt the same
damn butterflies making my insides flutter about as I read it.
If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere.
As my watery eyes adjusted, I realized the paper was more like an order ticket, and then it hit me.
"Did you go todid you go to Riley's?"
"Your dad wanted to see what it looked like, after we saw the billboard," he nodded.
I was speechless, which didn't fucking happen often, but the fact that he put so much thought into
this, it did shit to me that made my brain fuzzy and my mouth stupid. I just stared at him, looking into
those damn blue eyes that got me from the start.
"I like the picture of you with your grandfather. It was a nice touch," he smiled sweetly and took a
seat on the edge of a barstool.
Tears blinked themselves out of my eyes and I clear my throat of thickness, to speak. "He would have
liked you, Babe."
Edward's eyebrows lifted as he looked down shyly, playing with his fingers. "I didn't know him, but I
would guess if he knew you were giving up your dreams for a man, he wouldn't be too keen on that
He looked at me again. "I'm not blind, Bella. I know you didn't fight this," he waved between us, "so
hard from happening just because you didn't want people talking shit about you."
"We already talked about this," I argued, shaking my head.
"And I remember saying that you could have it. Actually, I remember promising that you could have
it. Do you really want to marry a man who breaks his promises?" There was playfulness in his eyes,
but his words were serious.
He held out his hand, asking for me to come to him and I did. "Look around and tell me this isn't what
you want and we'll go. I won't ever bring it up again and we'll forget all about it." His hands tilted me
to face the room.
Squeaky was grabbing all of the salt and pepper shakers, placing them all on one table and building
something; lost in her own little world. It made me smile and I tried to imagine her older, helping out
and cooking with us, like I used do as a kid.
Then I imagined this place, full, alive, and everything I hoped it would be.
Damn Edward.
Damn Edward.
Damn Edward.
His arms came around my waist, his mouth near my ear. "Good things happen when you trust me,
you know," he whispered, making circles with his hand over my stomach.
Damn Edward, indeed.
That day in Canada had been a very long time ago, but that night, I had gone to bed with promises of
forever and ever, in my mind. Soft kisses from a man who promised things that he had no control
over, but I trusted him and I tried to believe that even if he couldn't keep his word, his good
intentions would be enough.
His heart and the good faith he kept there- it would be enough.
Enough for forever and ever.
What I wouldn't do - couldn't do - was make the same mistakes I had before. Edward was right, I
wanted Invoke, that dream- but not at the price of sacrificing first steps and first words and birthdays
and all that shit I told Edward he had to miss in order to be successful in this industry.
It was one dream that was just going to have to wait.
I wasn't afraid, I wasn't running, I was just.growing up?
Or down, I wasn't sure.
So, while the weather grew colder and darker and then brighter and warmer, we did all the normal
things that normal people do. We took down the Christmas tree and argued about how to store the
lights and juggled Ness' schedule in between our own and thanked parents who were way too
Time had never passed so quickly.
I sat in the grass of our backyard, watching as Ness and all of her little friends hunted for Easter eggs,
along side Flower Child.
"She's winning," I smiled.
"It's not a competition, Bella."
"Everything is a competition, Edward."
"Bella, can't we just sit here and be happy that our daughter looks happy finding speckled eggs in our
yard? Does everything have to be"
I stopped listening to him at this point. All the rest was like being under water and I stared at his face,
feeling a little stunned.
"Bella? Bella? Bella? Are you alright.Angel, what's wrong?" He was panickingit snapped me out of
my moment.
"Nothing, I'm fine." I had to swallow and get all the mushy words out of my throat.
He rubbed my back and slid closer, feeling tense. My voice was barley audible and I didn't dare look
at him. "You said our."
Edward looked at me, I felt it, but still couldn't look at him.
I should have just lied and said it was gas.
"You always say my, not our." Please understand, Dense Man.
"Oh." I finally looked up to him, but he wasn't looking my way. He had his eyes on Squeaky, those
perfect eyebrows in full scrunch-mode.
Maybe he made a mistake? Maybe he didn't mean to say it like that?
Yup, I should have lied.
Blue eyes finally found mine, then his hand found my face, and his soft voice found my ears.
"It's just a habit, Bell. I refer to the baby as being mine, too. Doesn't mean he's any less yours, does
it?" He lowered his hand to my stomach and thumbed gently over my shirt.
"But she's not, it's different."
He shook his head. "Technicality. Let me ask you something, if Charlie didn't 'make' you, but you had
grown up with him all the same, would you still consider him your dad?"
"Well, it's no different."
But it was and I could never make him understand.
Ness came running over with her little basket full and plopped down in front of us.
"Daddy," she held up an egg to him to show off her finds and he smiled, placing her into his lap.
"Show Bella." She extended it to me and I nodded and smiled, but in truth, he had just proved me
I was just Bella- not Mom, or Mommy or Mama. Edward was Dad, Daddy and Papa. She knew the
difference- she would always know the difference.
Edward whispered something in Ness's ear and she laughed. "Bewwa, we have a surprise." She
reached for my hand and Edward pulled me to my feet.
I followed him into the house. He led us to Baby Cullen's room and covered my eyes in front of the
"I don't like surprises, Edward," I grumbled.
"You'll like this one." I heard the door open and a little hand reached into mine, pulling me forward.
Once we were stopped, he lowered his hand, but I kept my eyes closed. "Open."
I blinked, trying to focus my eyes. When I finally could, a drawing was in front of me on the wall
behind the crib. It was a lotus flower, with a bird perched on its petals.
"Sam drew it. It's nice, right?" His arms surrounded me from behind, as he planted kisses to my
"It's perfect." And it really was.
"It's kind of crazy to think that in.." The shit from before happened again - Edward's words turned
into underwater jumble- except this time, it had nothing to do with things he said. It had to do
"Holy fuck." I was frozen in place. Never in all my life has anything so disgusting occurred. It was vile
and to make it the worst possible scenario of all time fucking disgusting scenarios.
"I think I just totally peed on your leg, Babe."
I was officially out of my goddamn mind, lead straight to the House of Embarrassment by Baby Cullen
and all his baby bullshit.
"Bell, you didn't pee. I think your water broke."
"Well fix it!"
No, no no. This couldn't happen. I wasn't ready. There was still a ceremony we needed to have to
unmake me the whore mother I was and I mean, we never finished reading those last three baby
books and shit.oh, my poor vagina.
Edward's stupid ass was laughing.
"Your vagina will be fine and baby books don't teach you shit, anyway."
Fuck thinking out loud and who ever invented it!
"This can't happen. Oh my God. Make it stop, Edward. Make it stop!"
He was still laughing. What an asshole. Why was I marrying him?
"Because you love me. Now, if you'll please give me your hand, Angel," he held out his and I let him
lead me to the rocking chair. "Stay."
Great, now he was talking to me like I was fucking dog.
"Stay with Bella, Love," he told Squeaks as he exited the room.
She came over and stood by the chair, petting my knee. "S'okay, Bewwa."
She was such a little liar, because before we even made it to the front door, it was most certainly
NOT okay.
"I want them to cut me open and take it out. Just tell them to come here and cut me open and take it
out." I was begging Flower Child, promising things and threatening various parts of him that could
not be replaced - regardless of technological advances - but he wouldn't budge.
"Pay up, Cullen." My eyes flashed to Rosalie as she scooted around us in the doorway. "Told you
she'd freak out."
"You fuckers were betting against me? Oh, ha-fucking-ha. I swear to God, if my knee could connect
with your nuts, right now, Edward!"
"Relax," he rubbed the side of my face and then turned to Rosalie. "My mom is like five minutes
behind you. Can you wait for her and stay with Ness, please?"
"Sure. Have fun." She sounded way too fucking chipper. Again, if I could perform random acts of
violence, I would have.
In the car, my mouth continued on with its demands.
"I don't want a doctor's hand in my vagina, Edward. I have watched the Discovery Health where they
show women in real life scenarios giving birth and I swear to God, if I get fisted, I am going to castrate
you on sight!"
"Right, no fisting."
"And I only want you to touch the baby. It's like the worst fucking luck ever if anyone but you touches
the baby and when they stick that blue suction thingy in his mouth don't let them just fucking JAM it
in there like those fuckers on TV. Oh my God.they will kill our poor baby before he even gets
"We're almost there."
"And no drugs. I don't care what I say or who I try to harm, NO DRUGS. I don't want one of those red
diaper doper babies Savage talks about, even though I don't really know what the hell a red diaper
doper baby is. The point being, I don't want to wake up one day with a fifteen year-old Baby Cullen
who likes dope because his whoretastic mother couldn't handle a little human body ripping its way
through her vagina. Okay?!"
"No drugs, no jamming blue suction things and no random hands anywhere. Got it, Bella."
I don't even know how we ended up in the hospital room, as it was all a blur of me yelling, Edward
trying to tell me to calm down, me yelling, and then poof- Esme.
In that order.
So.I was spread eagle like the whore Flower Child had turned me into, with all the world staring at
my unmentionable areas that were definitely being mentioned and I was trying to find my happy
Peanut butter pie
Peanut butter pie
Peanut butter pie
Coconut pie
Coconut pie
Coconut pie
"Almost there. Give me a good one, Bella."
"Fuck-OFF!" I didn't know who I was yelling at.
Could have been Edward.
Could have been the doctor.
Could have been Esme, for all I knew.
"I can see the head."
"Are you trying to kill me?" I whined. "Don't say anything about heads coming out of anywhere!"
I could feel Edward's mouth on my forehead, but my eyes were still closed. He needed to know THIS
And by THIS, I mean the dirty, unprotected sex we had.
"I'm so going to light your flag on fire. I'm so going to light your flag on fire. I. Am. SO.going to light
your flag on fire."
I chanted and chanted until.
"One last push. Just reach down and you can touch him."
My brain was smart enough to know that was not a good idea, but when someone says to do
something absurd, my normal reaction is to look at them, like the retard they are, and tell them
exactly what I am thinking.
So, my stupid eyes opened.
And low and behold.there was human entering the world, via my vaginal port of entry.
It was like instinct or maybeinsanity.but I reached down, like the asshole doctor told me to, and
as Baby Cullen slid free, I grabbed him and laid him all gross and disgusting and fucking beautiful, on
top of the blue papers on my stomach and just like that, it was all over.
And I no longer hated Flower Child.
.And if anyone, I mean ANYONE, came at us with one of those blue suction thingies, I was going to
shove my foot, right up their ass.
(Okay, well, I let them 'suction cup thingy' him, fine, I didn't want him to suffocate, but they didn't
jam the fucker in there like on Discovery Health.)
And the gross shit all over him didn't bother me. It didn't even register in my mind as he lay warm
and gentle and dark-haired and looking just like a carbon fucking copy of Edward on my chest, his
skin on my skin, like he just knew who I was.
Likehe just belonged there, all along.
"Happy birthday." He just stared at me through his wrinkled, little eyes that looked perfect- and I had
to laugh. "Your father is definitely the Arnold."
Edward's head leaning on my head, made me once again aware, others actually existed.
"Aren't you glad I knocked you up and not Emmett?" He whispered.
He kissed my face and I took my eyes off the baby long enough to kiss him back.
"You did so good, Bella." More kisses. "You did so good."
I looked back to Baby Cullen and sighed. "We both did, Babe. We both did."
"Still love me?"
Laughter broke in my throat and I looked back to him. "Sorry I said mean things and threatened your
unmentionables. And yes."
He smiled. "I love you too. And it's okay. I'm pretty sure I deserved it."
"You sort of did."
It was quiet for a few minutes as we just stared and stared and stared at Baby Cullen, but then
Edward interrupted it with more laughter.
His head fell into my shoulder. "Only you would actually reach down and pull your baby from your
own body, Bella." He laughed harder.
"The doctor said to."
He just pressed his lips into my cheek and went back to staring.
A nurse came over and tried to grab my baby and I looked at her like she was insane.
Edward, of course, found this highly amusing.
"I just need to check his vitals and record weight and size. I'll give him right back, promise."
I eyed her name tag and imprinted it to my memory.
"I have seen those shows on TV where fake nurses steal babies. He's going with you, baby snatcher."
I handed our son to Edward and he smiled the whole way over to where they needed to measure and
do whatever it is they do, to new babies.
I kept my eyes on the shifty nurse as she handled Baby Cullen and swore silently to myself I would
end her if she did anything wrong.but eyes, oh, they were so heavy and even though I
fought and fought and foughtthey just wouldn't stay open.
There was soft humming in my ear and fingers I knew all too well on my cheek. They felt amazingly
comforting and I tried to hold on to the feeling and take it with me into the darkness. It stayed there
the entire time and never left.
But it wasn't Edward. It was my dad and his humming and hands on my face pushed me further into
my dreams and I slipped and fell so far, I was back at Christmas and remembering all of the things he
said and why today was even possible.
Why anything was ever going to be possible.
"You always liked Christmas lights," Charlie whispered, inclining his head towards my ear. "That was
always you're favorite part."
I nodded and stared at the ones in the church, remembering.
"Your speech was beautiful that day, Bells. I should have told you that." My head turned his way and
he took my hand. "I understand now why you always liked the lights. You're name needed to be in
lights, baby girl. You're name- it deserved to be lit up somewhere. You did good, kid. You did real
I shook at his words and all the shit I had always pushed down, everything that lay buried somewhere
in the pit of my stomach, streamed from my eyes and down my cheeks and onto Charlie's finger that
caught them.
"Thank you, Dad. Thank you." I looked into his eyes- eyes that were really looking back at me for the
first time since I was a kid - and he smiled.
"Merry Christmas, kid."
Then, we were on my porchSqueaky showing everyone her new toys insideit was our first night
home from New York and everyone commented on the tree until my ears couldn't take it anymore
and I escaped to the porch, finding Charlie sneaking a smoke from his pipe.
"Sue will gut you like a fish if she catches you."
He puffed and then patted the seat next to his. "Dad, there's a reason I gave up smoking and I'm not
ruining it by breathing in that funk." I waited until he smothered it and then took a seat.
"What are you doing out here, anyhow?" He asked.
"Just needed some air. It's been a long time since.wellyou know," I shrugged.
"Yeah, yeah I do. Your stocking back at home misses you, ya know."
"Dad? Why.why did you agree to help me? I've been like.I pretty much left you behind. I don't
deserve your help, so why are you even here?"
"I already told you that, tonight."
"But I was terrible to you," I argued.
"You were a kid being a kid. And I'm just a dad being a dad. Don't over complicate things, Bells.
There's enough of that without trying."
I stared at the bench in my yard and nodded. "I've heard that before."
It was quiet between us for a long while after that. I could hear all the chatter and laughing from
inside and gave a quick glance, seeing everyone watching Rose hold the baby and then looked back
to Charlie.
"Edward wants me to go to Canada. I was supposed to open a place there and he used Em's money
to buy back my share. But.but if I go, isn't that likemaking all the same mistakes I made? I mean,
you're supposed to learn from mistakes, not repeat them, right?"
He stared at me and then replied, "How is this a mistake?"
"Because I'd be doing the same thing to Edward I did to you. The samethe same things mom did to
me and the same things Squeaky's mom did to her."
He nodded in understand and then leaned forward, resting his arms on his knees.
"Bells, there is one thing I know and that is that you are not your mama. And by the looks of things,
that little girl in there does not think you are like her mama, either. Edward is a good father to that
girl and if you were anything but Bella, he wouldn't want you to be around her, now would he?"
"I'm not the same when I'm working like that. I have to be selfish and all my time is mine. I didn't just
stop visiting and shit because I wanted to lose you all."
"Well, what did you just say to me? That you learn from your mistakes, right?"
"It's not as easy as it sounds, Dad."
"Nothing you ever did was, kid. Nothing you ever did was."
Epilogue ~ Full Frames
I am back in my Miami office.
This is the first time in two weeks I have sat here. I am dying to go home. There is a framed picture
on my desk that is screaming at me. Dark hair with light eyes and a scrunched face, peering just over
the top of the pass, with a woman, who looks so similar, but slightly different, scrunching her nose
just like him, and bending her knees to be eye to eye. It's my favorite picture of all time and for once,
I am grateful to fame and the media and the magazine photographer that took it when they did a
spread in Epicurious about my life.
Our life.
But he is my life.
I was showing them the kitchen and introducing Alice that day when small, familiar footsteps came
pitter-pattering in. He loves flip-flops. He loves the beach. His tan skin and light tips of his hair
resemble that love. But, his flip-flops alerted me to his presence and I turned around to see him
peeking through the pass. There was a stool in the kitchen just for him and his sister and he used it
often and well.
"Hi Little Boy," I was smiling. Looking at him. I was always smiling.
"Hi Mommy." His face was a little red, a little burnt and a little peeling. His smile was perfect. His
eyes were perfect. His cheeks- I wanted to slather them with my kisses he wiped away two seconds
after I left.
"What's up?"
"Nutt'n." He rested his head down just as casually as mine- like this was just a normal way to
communicate. I'm sure if I looked at the man standing behind him, he would be smiling wide, but not
even that man could make me look away- even if he was just as perfect.
"Do you know I adore you?"
This was when his face started to scrunch. He wasn't grossed out, he was just two. And shy and
sweet as sugar and I lived for him. And the scrunch. I gave him my own and that's when it happened.
I finished grabbing my things and shoved them into a bag. Two weeks in Canada had me on edge,
feeling sick everyday and to make matters worse, I couldn't even just jump off the plane and run my
ass home. No. I had to stop at Tatu and grab something for Edward, then here - The Workshop - and
of course - people couldn't just let me do my thing and leave.
No. Questions, commentsthey were endless.
This is why Isabella Swan lived a lonely existence. Families didn't work with work.
Instead of twenty minutes, it was two hours and the sun was setting. No way. I grabbed my shit and
hauled ass. They could suck it. I had plans and those plans involved the sun. If I let him down, I
couldn't bare to see his face. I promised and I wasn't going to break my words.
They would break him and he would break me.
Our family was whole.
Thankfully, I didn't have to travel very far. I changed in my office, pulling on a pair of denim shorts
and a tank top and my flip-flops that made me smile all crazy because I couldn't help thinking of his
little, mini feet and the sound they make.
Edward and I would lay on the couch and just listen as he walked around our house; laughing
It was a mom and dad thing. Some people - like Angela and Ben just didn't get it.
The restaurant was a little full, now, and I waved my hand bye to Jasper as he served the customers
overtaking the bar. He gave me a warm smile and goodbye nod and I felt more free than ever as I
exited the door that held one world, and entered the world in which held another.
I didn't care about the wait going on, or if Alice could manage tonight or what if, what if, what if.
What if what? The only 'what if' scenario I cared about was 'what if the sun sets'.
So, I ran my way down the road and when I hit the sand I kicked off my flip flops and shoved them in
my back pocket and hurried my way towards the canopy and circle of people and the little boy
running my way, wide smile and hair blowing free. His feet were bare, but he was dressed in the
cutest, smallest, tropical shirt I had ever seen.
It was priceless and this was priceless and the only thing better was seeing the bigger version of him,
waiting patiently and looking happy, not pissed, that I was late for one of the greatest days in our
"Mama, fowers." He stuck a yellow hibiscus in my hair, over my ear as I carried him towards the
canopy and attempted to smother his face in kisses.
"You're late," Charlie whispered. "I thought you might have changed your mind."
"Sorry." I kissed Anthony once more on the cheek, breathing in a little of his face before I lowered
him to his feet. He took Ness' hand and I winked at her before she turned around, facing forward.
"Ready, kid?" I shoved my arm into Charlie's and nodded.
The sun was perfect.
There were only a couple of dudes playing one of those little guitar things and some bongos. No silly
march or pianos or organs or flowers and tule and chiffon that made me gag. Fuck no. I was in denim
shorts and Edward.oh my Lord- that man did some serious justice to a simple white shirt and cargo
Yes, cargo pants.
Esme was horrified and I didn't even have to look at her to know it.
"You're in so much trouble, right now," Edward whispered as I placed my hand into his.
"I was trying to wrap it up with my new Canadian boyfriend, sorry."
He smiled and kissed my hand as the ceremony began.
Our son constantly stepped on my feet as the pastor recited the words he read and I had to bite my
lip to keep from laughing. Edward noticed and steadied him between us, holding onto one of his
hands. Squeaks was perfect. She just stood and listened and when it was time for the second part of
this 'non-traditional' ceremony, she looked at me.
There was paperwork saying Squeaky belonged to me.
There were hugs before school and pictures strune across our fridge and on the backs of doors across
the world, in my various offices, which said I was her mom.
But, never had it been spoken. Never had it been official. Never, had she not flinched when Anthony
called me mommy and I flinched when still - two years later- she called me by my first name and I
was still just Bella.
Today- today there would be words.
Edward spoke to me and our children, like he had these words written in his heart for all his life. They
flowed effortlessly and truthfully. Anthony finally stopped stepping on my feet.
"I take you now, in the presence of God and these witnesses, to be my wife. I promise to love you, to
hold you and to honor you, in good times and in bad, to enjoy you, console you, to delight you and
astound you when I can. I will give thanks for you always, and cherish you with all my heart until the
end of our days."
He looked at just me for the next part. His blue eyes burning into me with the same intensity as that
day two years ago and I felt myself fall just as easily as I did that night, but the fireworks- they were
in my heart this time.
"Not only do I promise to be a good and faithful husband to you, but also to be a patient, loving
father to Renesmee and Anthony, caring for them and providing for them as my own. I promise to be
their strength and their emotional support, loving them with all my heart until the end of their days."
I repeated the same words back to him and our children, and then the pastor took over, once again.
"Edward and Isabella are blessed with these children, Renesmee and Anthony, as fruit of their love
and giving together. Edward and Isabella, do you commit to love and care for Renesmee and
Anthony, and to teach them of love through your examples? Do you pledge to treat Renesmee and
Anthony with honesty and dignity, respecting them as a person, listening to them, teaching them and
helping them to grow?"
"I do," We both spoke together.
"Not only are Edward and Isabella creating a marriage today, but they also are forming a family with
Renesmee and Anthony. Just as it is appropriate for Edward and Isabella to begin their marriage by
affirming their love for each other by exchanging rings, they also wish to show their love for
Renesmee and Anthony with a gift of a ring."
I kneeled down with Edward to give Renesmee her little ring. I hugged her and made her more
promises in her ear and she knew she was loved. The same went for Anthony and then we both
stood back up. Edward's thumb removed tears from the corner of my eyes and then reclaimed
Anthony's hand, again. He had very shifty feet.
"And now, Renesmee and Anthony do you promise to love your parents, Edward and Isabella? Do
you promise to support their marriage and their new family? Do you promise to accept the
responsibility of being their children, and to encourage them and support them in your new life
Renesmee answered right away with a high pitched "Yes!" and then she nudged Anthony to say the
same. He was his own brand, though, and simply nodded.
"Edward, do you take Isabella to be your wife?"
"I do." A ring slid on to my finger at the pastor's request.
"Isabella, do you take Edward to be your husband?"
"I do."
One more ring and it seems that I was right on time, after all.
The sun set, just as our lips touched and my heart, I am telling you, it was just as golden and just as
big and just as fucking perfectly warm.
It was complete.
"Son, stay close." Edward sat next to me in the sand after the ceremony.
"I'll watch him, Daddy." Renesmee love, love, loved being a sister.
Edward continued to stare, eyes trained on their direction. He would never forget the pool incident.
"Don't worry, I'll keep an eye," Rose winked as she passed, holding a hand to a child that was the
second most beautiful boy- but I was severely biased of course. Even if he was Emmett's boy.
She followed them as they played by the ocean. It was getting busier and I kept my eyes focused on
them as Edward brought my head to his chest.
"Beautiful right?"
"Our kids or the view?" I asked.
"Both, Angel."
"Mmm. Perfect. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else."
Soft laughter vibrated from his chest. "Things in Canada not so good, Baby?"
"Things are fine, but it's just not here. Traveling sucks and not even Anthony's blanket could take
away the creepy smell of clean hotel rooms."
"I'm sorry, but I am glad you're back. We missed you."
"Same, Babe. Same."
"You know what I found out this week?" He laughed. "Anthony has your cookbook stashed under his
I lifted my head and stared at him with my surprisedand slightly confused eyes. "Why would he
have that?"
Edward's hand tucked some loose hair behind my ear and his lips smiled lovingly. "He said he likes
looking at you when you cook. He thinks you look pretty."
I was lost for words and feeling like that precious child was much too far away.
"Fuck, I am a horrible mother."
He laughed. "Why would you say that?"
"I should be here."
"You are."
"All the time, Edward."
"You are." He tapped his fingers over his heart. "Always."
"I want to build a sand castle." He laughed at my pouty lips and then stood up to find our kids.
The rest of the family came over and we all built things in the sand until the beach was too crowded
and we had to stand up and watch as our creation was trampled. Anthony loved watching it smash
and crumple.
I had to laugh.
He was going to give me grey hairs at some point, I'm sure.
Esme stood at my side, smiling at my son with sheer adoration. "Want to come to Grandma?"
He hugged me tighter.
"I'd love to say I'm sorry, but I'm not." I hugged him just as tight and she smiled with understanding.
"It is amazing how much he looks like Edward. I don't think I will ever get used to it." She brushed her
fingers gently through his hair, as he rested his face on my chest.
Her words made me realize how much that truth held.
"Thank you."
Esme lifted her eyes to mine. "For what, Dear?"
I needed to tell her this with all my heart. It was my whole my heart.
"For Edward. For Emmett," I paused, trying not to cry. This was our happy day. "I wouldn't have
anything without them. I would be anyone without them."
Esme looks touched- so touched. I was so glad.
"Well Dear, thank you for my grandson. Both of them, actually. I wouldn't have Peyton or Edward JR
without you, so thank you for giving them to me. Thank you for making my son so happy, too. You're
a blessing to our family."
I just nodded my head and shoved my face into Anthony's hair, allowing his warmth and innocence
and to flood through me and no tears show themselves, even if they were happy tears.
"Here, Mommy." Edward handed me a sparkler and kissed my cheek, then turned to Esme. "And my
mommy." He gave one to Esme, too.
"Pop-pop!" Squeaks ran to Carlisle, as he approached. He picked her up and walked towards us,
along with my dad and the rest of our family.
Just like last year and the year before, when the sky fell totally dark, the ship out at sea lit it up with a
vast array of colors and streaks and booms. I watched most of them in the reflection of small blue
eyes that were full of wonder. A hand went under my hair and pulled me towards his lips.
I kissed him until a smaller hand pulled my chin away and looked at me with extreme disapproval. He
wanted me to watch the fireworks with him. Edward laughed and held me to his side.
"Happy Fourth of July, Angel."
I sighed in contentment.
"Happy Fourth of July, Flower Child."
As I closed the door to our son's bedroom- him tucked inside and sleeping soundly- I crept my way
toward our living room. Edward was showering and the house was so quiet. It felt good and I sat
down on the couch, amid all the toys and unfolded clothes and smiled to myself.
It was a world apart from where I had been.
The past week I had screamed and yelled and fought for standards and details and rules. Not much
had changed in that area. You always had to fight for those things. You always had to fight for your
dreams. Invoke was beautiful and fun and alive, but it wasn't here.
And at night, alone in the hotel, it wasn't here.
And the sheets that still smelled of that same, familiar disinfectant weren't here.
And mint candies didn't match the sweetness of a little boy's smile, because it wasn't here.
My home was home. It smelled of sneakers and dinner and suntan lotion and laundry soap. I tripped
over toys and shoes and woke up in the middle of the night to a small person crawling his way over
my chest to settle into a bed he loved more.
I woke up to see him snuggled under a strong arm of protection, looking like past and present
versions of one another and ate my cheddar cheese eggs with kisses on my cheek and syrup in my
hair and someone always asking for something.
I leaned forward and picked up a picture from the coffee table. It was one of my other favorites. It
reflected all that chaos and happiness and here. It was here. It was us- all of us.
Cake was smashed into a little face and a huge smile was on a woman's face and another huge smile
with a hand pressed to a forehead was on a man's face and a little girl was covering her mouth and
looking shocked, yet amused.
It was Anthony's first birthday and he was way too eager to try cake for the first time.
That was one of the best days of my life.
Another, had been winning twenty bucks and a foot massage.
"Say mama. Say mam-ma. Mam-ma."
He was making every noise except that word.
"It's going to be Daddy or Papa. Watch, Bell."
"Kiss my ass, Flower Child. Say ma-ma."
"Wanna make a bet?"
"Little boy, if you say 'Daddy' first, you will break my heart and then I'll have to break your Daddy's
face. Please say Mama first. Please?"
"Daddy, it will be Daddy."
It was Mama and the best foot massage ever.
Then, it was tiny feet. I was coming through the door, returning home from my trip to Las Vegas to
check on Twilight, when it happened.
"Look, Bell!" Edward was so excited and I could barely get my keys out of the door.
Edward was sitting on the floor and as I came inside, my little boy came towards me with very
wobbly legs. I dropped to my knees immediately and extended my arms for him as he fell into them.
I had never cried and laughed so hard.
We sat there for the next three hours, feet pressed together on the floor, watching as he went back
and forth between us. It was wonderful, until he realized walking meant freedom and freedom
meant, you could get into a lot of shit you weren't supposed to.
I don't think Squeaky has yet to forgive him for the destruction of her art book. Who knew kids who
were only two feet high could reach four feet high, right?
Crafty little shits, I tell you.
I placed the picture back down and smiled at the collection that was building along the table and
walls. We had so many. It was like a lifetime of memories was painting itself right here, in our house.
Like, a documentation of progress and life.
Real life- not just existing, but really, truly, living.
The memories could be happy, could be sad. Sometimes, they were both. I kissed my thumb and
stamped it over Emmet's face, like I did every night. He was the both category- happy, sad. But, more
happy then sad. Always.
Edward was already in bed and waiting for me with open arms as I crept my way in. His fingers glided
slowly through my hair as he held me, making soft sounds of contentment as I kissed along his neck.
I didn't get very far.
We both laughed as the door creaked open and the paddles of small feet, four of them, made their
way to our bed.
"So much for a honeymoon, right?" He whispered as I made room between us.
"It's alright. We have forever for that stuff."
I petted Ness' hair as she wiggled her way down to where I had been laying beside Edward. Anthony
had taken over the spot Squeaks had grown too big for, on his chest. There was nothing, simply
nothing better than waking up to the vision of him sound asleep there.
When I die someday, I will allow that memory to play itself in my mind until my mind can no longer
"Thanks for marrying me today," he whispered.
"Sure, anytime. I love you."
"I love you, Angel. For forever. I promise."
I kissed his shoulder and he kissed my forehead.
"Night, Babe." I rested my head against the little piece of him I could and then hugged my arms
around Ness.
"Night, Squeaks. Little Boy," I whispered, closing my eyes.
"Night, Mommy," Two voices whispered back to me and my heart swelled.
Okay, so maybe it was a just a silly name, I know this. And I wasn't that petty. But, I was built on
believing in certain things and those things made me who I was and all I wanted was for those
around me was to be the best that they possibly could, because all I ever wanted was to give those
people the best that I possibly could.
I said a lot of things over the years that I would take back and change and wish I never had, because I
had been wrong.
I had done a lot of things I wished I never had and wished I could take back, because I was wrong.
But some of those things.some of those things I was dead right on and would never take back,
would never, ever change.
It didn't just make me, it made us.
It gave Flower Child a restaurant that was successful and made him feel proud and alive. It made him
a better man, a better father and a husband who would be just as good. It made Carlisle, the father
who never looked at him like he was anything, look at his son suddenly like he was everything.
Through clear and present eyes that finally, finally let go of the past. And Edward did, too.
It made Squeaks a little girl who would grow up to have anything, everything, she needed and more.
It took the weight off her young shoulders and the pain from her heart that had no place there. She
would always be happy.
And this little boy - my biggest surprise- something I never knew I wanted until he appeared and
blessed me with a life I couldn't imagine being without- he was created two years ago, today, based
off letting go and trusting my life in the hands of another. Hands I placed a ring upon and promised to
cherish and love and be my only, like our song.
When Edward showed up at The Workshop that first day, the first thing I wanted to know about him
was the story behind his lotus tattoos. I often wondered since that day- why?
It wasn't really until I lay here, right now, hearing two out of the three most precious people in my
life call me their mom that I understood something I preached and fought for everyday, since my
career began.
It was one of the first things I ever taught Edward and one of the things I knew I was always right
about, but it was something he taught me too, through his heart and his love and our children and
our life and all those pictures that would fill our walls until we had to pack some away, or buy a
bigger house to be able to support them all.
It was all about the details and our life, it had many.
The Workshop Outtakes
Outtake #1
Years later.
Bella and Edward are on the couch, lounging. Baby Cullen is no longer such, as he is about 7 or 8,
Ness is 12 / 13ish. Young teen. You know.
Anthony comes in, dumping his bike at the back door- It's red. Bella eyes his muddy footprints and
dirty clothes, but doesn't care. She just sees Older Edward's nose and his messy hair and blue eyes-
blue eyes that are up to no good.
"What?" She is mom, she knows.
He gives the smile he inherited. "Can I ride to Billy's?"
She knew it.
Billy's house is far away, though. She would die if he got hit by a car or kidnapped.
Oh my God.
"You know that's too far."
"But mom." He is so whiny and loses that Cullen Cool. His father is shaking his head.
"Anthony, no. That is too far. I didn't stretch out my insides so you could just run off and let a strange
man with a van take you away from me."
"You're crazy, Mom!" She is laughing. It makes him even more whiney..
"I'll drive you there if you want to go."
"You're my mom!" When he says it like a dirty word, she hates it. Her heart, it is breaking.
Fix it.
"Hey, be nice to your mom." Edward always knows- he doesn't even have to look away from his
football game on TV.
"Can I at least go up the block?" That too is far too, but doable. She knows all the neighbors and they
love her pie, Edward's burgers. Everyone hangs out in their yard for cookouts in the summer.
They would never harm this child and lose the 20% discount they receive from both restaurants.
"Give me a kiss." He hates this, but does it. He loves it.
"And tell me you love me." Gosh, moms are so annoying. At seven, he has mastered the eye rolling
he picked up from his sister.
"Can I go now?" No, never.
"Tell me I'm pretty. If you even half way mean it, I might say yes." She is batting her eyelashes and
making him ridiculously annoyed, even though, when she says she doubts she is pretty, he agrees
that she IS pretty in his little mind.
She is perfect. She is Mom. She makes the best cookies and tells the greatest stories and her laugh is
like sunshine and no one hugs better.
"Son," Edward is calling him over- his face is full of no good. Bella does nothing but stare at it, she
knows. Oh, she knows.
"You can't cheat. He has to mean it, Edward."
"If it's a lesson, he is not cheating, Bella" He winks. Damn Cullen men and stupid swooning.
Anthony is in his daddy's lap, leaning his tiny ear to daddy's mouth.
Yes, they are up to no good.
Her son looks at her. Damn he looks like Edward. "It can't be half true because you are 100% pretty,
Mama." He used mama, she is a puddle of mush.
"Fine, go. I hate you both."
He slides down daddy's legs.
"Wait!" She reaches for his collar and slings him back towards her. He laughs, knowing it was much
too easy. She puts her face to his, he needs to hear her and she needs to kiss him.
"I love you to death and you better be home by six. You gave me an ugly belly button and evil stretch
marks that prevent me from wearing two-pieces-; don't make me come looking for you, Little Boy."
"Love you, too." He knows better than to argue.
Mom is just insane.
One last kiss and smell of his face before he heads off and Bella watches him run and pick up his bike
and ride down the three porch steps she has told him too many times not to. He is going to fall and
break his head one of these days, inevitably, breaking her heart in the process. But boys, they will be.
"You're belly button is fine." Edward always makes it better.
"I know, but it makes him feel guilty and I always get what I want."
Bella is the best mom ever.
Edward was about to make good use of his alone time, but then walks in trouble number two and
suddenly, he doesn't feel so playful.
"Where the hell have you been?" She didn't call, didn't check in, didn't even say hi as she entered, as
she was trying to sneak to her room.
"I was out."
"Name." Edward knows. He is Dad and this is his baby girl and he knows.
Boys- he could smell them from a mile away. If she were even thinking about a boy, he would know
"It's just a friend, Dad."
He was dead serious and fuck, she never changed her shirt. Too much non-existent boob.
Bella was praying for her.
"I'll kill him."
Bella's hand is on his leg. So worried. Oh my God.
"Daddy." Ness knows.
"Don't Daddy me. Go to your room."
His look could kill right now. Where is Jacob?
"Ness, your Dad and I are going to talk, go to your room, sweetheart, okay?"
She doesn't need to be told again. She knows what murder is. She needs Jacob to live so he can take
her to the junior dance this Spring. It would be her first, ever.
"Edward relax, Jacob is a good boy."
"He's a boy."
"He is a GOOD boy."
"No boys are good, Bella." An aneurysm- He is having one. "And how do you know who Jacob is? I
haven't ever heard of, or met a Jacob."
"Girls don't talk to their dads about boys."
"Apparently. And she is 12, this is not happening. Where is the Advil?"
Such a drama queen.
"In the bathroom and Jacob is a very nice kid. You know his father, he is the guy who does the
maintenance for us at The Workshop."
They are now in the bathroom. Advil has only half-way slid down his throat. He chokes.
"Jake? That Jake's Jacob? The kid who used to eat all the pickles from the jar? No, no way."
"What is wrong with him?" Bella is trying not to laugh, but fails.
"She is 12."
Bella laughs at his craziness/ senselessness.
"Jacob JR," she put emphasis on JR. "is only 11, so technically, you're daughter is taking advantage of
an older man."
He loses it on man. She should have stuck with JR. Poor Renesmee will be cast into a chastity belt
thanks to Bella.
The cookie mix, where is it?
Edward is walking toward her door and his anger is still high and fully present.
Shit, maybe she should make brownies instead.

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