Honors GS1 Final Review Answer The Following Questions:: Iliad and Odyssey (1.1)

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Honors GS1 Final Review

Answer the following questions:

1. Neolithic Revolution (I)

2. patriarchal (I)

3. How did trade and war impact early civilizations?


4. How do archaeologists learn about early peoples

before writing? (I)

5. Describe Egyptian religious beliefs and major

gods. (I)

6. The Nile River was essential to live in which

civilization? (I)

7. How did Sumerian religious beliefs differ from

those of Egypt? (I)

8. polis (1.1)

9. What was the first Greek city-state? (1.1)

10. Persian Wars (1.1)

11. Peloponnesian War (1.1)

12. Iliad and Odyssey (1.1)

13. Define type of government was created in

Athens? How is our government similar and different
from theirs? (1.1)

14. Who established an empire that extended from

Greece to Egypt and India? (1.1)

a. What was his greatest achievement?

15. Who wrote the Republic? How did he suggest

that government should be organized? (1.1)

16. Who wrote Oedipus Rex? (1.1)

17. Describe what life in Roman Cities was like:

18. Why did the Romans have civil wars at the end of
the Republic? (1.2)

19. Describe the relationship and struggle between

Mark Antony and Octavian: (1.2)

20. Cleopatra (1.2)

21. What are Rome’s most lasting achievements and

how did they influence later civilizations? Which of
these can be found in the United States today? (1.2)

22. What were the causes of the fall of Rome? (1.2)

23. Jesus (1.3)

24. Which country/civilization invented the process of

silk making? (1.4)

25. Who ruled Indian villages? (1.4)

26. How did Hinduism shape civilization in India?

Explain the various levels of the caste system. (1.4)

27. Compare and contrast the beliefs of Hindus and

Buddhists (similarities and differences) (1.4)

28. Who was the found and what impact did

Buddhism have on politics and society in Asia?

29. Constantine (1.4 and 2.1)

30. Byzantine Empire (2.1)

31. The Byzantine Empire and the Muslims preserved

the cultural heritage of which ancient civilizations?

32. Who was the founder of Islam and how and

where did it spread over the following centuries? (2.2)

33. Islam split into two major groups _________ and

___________. (2.2)

34. What are the five Pillars of Islam? (2.2)

35. Describe the role of women in Ancient Cultures:

36. Compare and contrast the beliefs of Christians,

Jews, and Muslims (similarities and differences) (1.3,
2.2, I)

37. Feudalism (2.5)

38. Charlemagne (2.5)

39. What was the relationship between popes and

emperors/kings during the Middle Ages? (2.5)

40. How did monks and nuns improve life during the
Middle Ages? (2.5)

41. Which group made up the largest part of the

population in feudal society? (2.5)

42. Who was King John and what did he sign? (2.5)

43. What were the crusades? (2.6)

a. Who was involved?

b. What were they over?

c. Who won?

44. What were the results of the Bubonic Plague in

Europe? (2.6)

45. Why did the Renaissance start in Italy? (3.1)

46. List at least three Renaissance artists and their

famous works. (3.1)

47. What did artists of the Renaissance begin to

focus on? (3.1)

48. What are the results of the Renaissance and

Reformation? (3.1)

49. Henry VIII (3.1)

50. Calvinism (3.1)

51. What were the effects of the development of
printing in Europe? (3.1)

52. Which of Henry VIII’s daughters was Catholic and

known for killing Protestants? (3.1)

53. What beliefs did Martin Luther and John Calvin

share about salvation and the Bible? (3.1)

54. How did Bacon and Descartes ideas shape the

Scientific Revolution? (3.3)

Spend a lot of time on the following and be able to write about them:

55. Important Rulers throughout the world and

their achievements

56. Art and Literature and how it changed over


57. Crusades: Causes and Effects on economy,

society, religion, politics

58. Monotheism and Polytheism including

examples and major beliefs

59. Social Hierarchies of the civilizations and

how power was gained and lost and the how

social structures changed over time.

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