Non-Profit Management and Organisational Development

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Non-Profit Management and Organisational Development

Organisational Planning and Development Toolkits

CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participation
CIVICUS offers a number of free, informative and educational toolkits aimed at improving our
organisation!s strategic planning skills" #$ese toolkits include %Planning &vervie'!, %Action
planning!, %(onitoring ) *valuation! and %Strategic Planning!" All t$e toolkits provide practical tips
and tools to $elp CS&s build t$eir capacit and ac$ieve t$eir goals" #$e toolkits are available in
(S Word and P+, formats at '''"civicus"org-ne'"asp0c1234,56"
Non-Profit Management Resources
7unning a non8profit organisation is c$allenging 'ork, and it often $elps to seek advice from
ot$ers in similar situations" Action 'it$out 5orders provides a guide to resources on running non8
profit organisations, including information on starting an organisation, recruiting and managing
volunteers, and fundraising" Vie' t$e guide at '''"idealist"org-tools-management8resources"$tml
Capacity Building for Local NOs
9uidance (anual for 9ood Practice
Cat$olic Institute for International 7elations :CII7; and International Cooperation for
+evelopment :IC+;
#$is compre$ensive manual on capacit building for local <9&s can be used b trainers and
development 'orkers or b local <9&s in developing countries as a self8$elp manual" #$e
manual 'as developed from practical capacit building 'ork 'it$ organisations in Somaliland " It
includes e=amples and e=ercises for users to 'ork t$roug$" It s$ould prove to be a valuable aid
to organisations and individuals 'orking in capacit building in developing countries 8 and to
local <9&s seeking guidance on $o' to effectivel set and ac$ieve t$eir ob/ectives" +o'nload
t$e free manual in P+, format at '''"ciir"org-#emplates-Sstem-5asket"asp0<odeI+16>4?@"
Also available free of c$arge on C+87om b e8mailing CII7 Publications at salesAciir"org"
!Managing "our NO!
Association for Progressive Communications
#$is toolkit 'as developed in response to t$e gro'ing tension faced b <9&s as t$e seek to
balance sustainable business practice 'it$ t$eir missions" It brings toget$er t$e creative ideas,
e=pertise and e=periences of members and private sector partners and includes articles, issue8
specific presentations and read8to8use forms t$at address t$e various business planning
processes for mission8driven organisations" ,or furt$er details see
#olunteering $mpact %ssessment Toolkit & Cost '()*++
Institute for Volunteering 7esearc$
#$is ne' >32 page toolkit $as been 'ritten to $elp organisations understand $o' t$e can
undertake t$eir o'n researc$ to demonstrate t$e impact made b volunteers" #$e toolkit
includes a C+ 7&( of materials '$ic$ users can adapt" #o order visit '''"ivr"org"uk"
,oft-are and Management tools for non-profit organisations
(alian ,oundation
#$e Australia8based (alian ,oundation is offering free computer soft'are and management tools
to non8profit organisations :<P&s;" It offers:B#ransactB, a specialised tool '$ic$ $elps c$arities to
manage inventories, donor orders and point of sale activities more efficientlC BCommunicateB
'$ic$ can assist non8profit organisations to build closer relations$ips 'it$ donorsC and B+iscoverB
'$ic$ provides support in training volunteers" It also offers business8planning tools suc$ as
BVentureB, BPublis$B and B9overnB for t$e effective fiscal management in accordance 'it$
international accounting standards" #o do'nload t$e soft'are and tool, register at:
.ffective Capacity Building in Non-Profit Organisations
#$is report offers insig$ts and e=amples of $o' non8profits are building up t$eir organisational
muscle, contributing to t$e gro'ing conversations on $o' to $elp nonprofits become stronger,
more sustainable and better able to serve t$eir communities" #$e report also includes a practical
assessment tool t$at non8profits can use to measure t$eir o'n organisational capacit" +o'nload
a cop at $ttp:--vppartners"org-learning-reports-capacit-capacit"$tml
Manage/ Risk %ssessment
<ort$ern Ireland Council for Voluntar Action :<ICVA; (ember Services
#$is D22E guide is a careful e=amination of '$at could potentiall cause $arm to people" It
involves identifing t$e $azards present and t$en evaluates t$e e=tent of t$e risk t$e pose" #$is
guide uses five steps to e=plore t$e issue and includes a proforma to $elp ou conduct our o'n
risk assessment" +o'nload a P+, cop at
Participatory #ulnera0ility %nalysis/ % step-0y-step guide for field staff
ActionAid International
#$is guide is 'ritten for field staff 'orking in bot$ emergenc and development8related
programmes" Centering around participator vulnerabilit analsis :PVA;, it aims to assist field
'orkers and communities to analse peopleGs vulnerabilit, dra' action plans, mobilise
resources and enact appropriate policies, la's and strategies to reduce t$eir vulnerabilit to
disaster" #o vie' t$e guide, visit ''"eldis"org-cf-rdr-rdr"cfm0doc1+&C>F2F4
Non-Profit ood Practice uide
#$is guide is a useful resource for t$ose '$o are ne' to t$e sector" #$e eas8to8use site offers
ke information designed to $elp manage a nonprofit organisation efficientl and effectivel"
,ollo' t$e links to find articles, standards of practice, resources and glossaries to ten different
topics '$ic$ include Accountabilit and *valuation, Advocac, ,undraising and ,inancial
Sustainabilit and 9overnance" Visitors to t$e site are also encouraged to s$are t$eir
e=periences, comments, suggestions and resources" #o vie' t$e guide, visit
T1e Mission-Driven Business Planning Toolkit
Association for Progressive Communications :APC;
#$is toolkit 'as developed in response to t$e gro'ing tensions faced b <9&s as t$e seek to
balance sustainable business practice 'it$ t$eir missions, and brings toget$er t$e creative ideas,
e=pertise and e=periences of APC members and its private sector partners" It includes articles,
issue8specific presentations and read8to8use forms t$at address t$e various business planning
processes for mission8driven organisations" #$ese tools are aimed at $elping individuals 'orking
in non8profit businesses but ma be more broadl applicable to ot$er mission8driven sectors" #$e
toolkit is available online at '''"apc"org-englis$-ngos-business-busplan-inde="$tm
2o- to Run a 3orks1op
(aeve (oni$an, Hean8HaIues 9uilbert, 5ran Walker, Adi Walker
#$is manual guides activists t$roug$ t$e decision8making and action procedures of running a
'orks$op" It includes planning t$e 'orks$op content, planning t$e administration and facilitating
and running t$e 'orks$op" #o vie' t$e manual, visit
2o- to Lo00y at $ntergovernmental Meetings & Cost 45)*(+
&rganisations spend considerable resources taking staff to international meetings, often 'it$out
understanding $o' t$ese meetings 'ork" #$is ne' publication b ,eli= +odds, *=ecutive +irector
of t$e Stake$older ,orum for &ur Common ,uture in Jondon, is a guide on $o' to participate and
be $eard at intergovernmental meetings, '$et$er as a stake$older or a government official"
5ased on >2 ears of lobbing at t$e international level, t$is book provides advice on t$e
preparation and presentation of ideas, t$e consultation and negotiating process, and practical and
logistical matters" It also contains reference material including tips for navigating t$e
intergovernmental $ot spots of <e' Kork and 9eneva, lists of U< commissions, conferences and
permanent missions, contact details of ke international organisations, <9&s and stake$older
groups and useful 'eb addresses" #o order, go to '''"stake$olderforum"org

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