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In September 2011, we began our first two-year Comenius School Partnerships with schools in Poland,
Turkey, Belgium, Romania, Czech Republic, France and Hungary. So far we have focused these
partnerships in years 4 and 5. These initial projects have now finished and we have to produce a final
report for submission to the British Council. As the children and staff have benefited so much from
these projects we have applied for two further projects. We found out that we have been successful
and we have funding to run both Comenius projects until July 2015. Our projects are called Forgotten
Valuesopen your arms to change, but dont let go of your values and the other is based upon families
working together to remember the way in communities were in the past. The other is called War and
Peace and focuses upon the Making of Europe as an inter-related, democratically accountable conti-
nent. From their starts in September 2013, we have ensured curriculum delivery of these projects in all
age groups but we will only be taking older children on residential visits.
Comenius school partnerships enable pupils and staff from across Europe to work together on joint
curriculum projects. As part of these projects a small number of pupils and staff have had the
opportunity to take part in exciting visits to our partner
schools around Europe. In 2013/2014 we have undertaken
visits to other European countries, all of which included chil-
drenItaly, Spain, Poland, Finland and Germany.
As Comenius comes to an end in July 2015 we are looking
to apply for new funding through the new Erasmus+ scheme to
keep our international links going into the future.
As a school that acts and works
globally, we have embraced the
opportunity to work with our
European partner schools on the
Comenius projects. The projects
give our children real
understanding of people s lives and
show how we are all the same and
yet different. Our children have
truly benefited from learning in
this interactive, challenging and
exciting way.

Mr. J Aldred
Assistant Head Teacher
From 2012 to 2014, we hosted our second Comenius Assistant Mr
Chardin and he was from the South of France. He taught French in
years 3 to 6, assisted in Reception and organised cultural events includ-
ing Mardi Gras and French breakfasts. We are sad to announce that Mr
Chardin has moved on to another school and we are looking to replace
him with a new teacher from Septemberwe will make an announcement
about his replacement as soon as possible.
The International DimensionComenius

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