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Covers 0-25 years and includes guidance relating to disability
Focus on participation of young people and parents
Focus on high aspirations and better outcomes
Co-operation between education, health and social care
Publication of the Local Offer.
Graduated approach for identification and support replacing School Action and School Action+
Education Health and Care Plans to replace Statements
Focus on support which enables success in education and transition to adulthood
Information is provided on duties under the Equality Act 2010 and the relevant provisions of the
Mental Capacity Act 2005.

DfE- Principles:
Childrens SEN are picked up early and support is routinely put in place quickly. Staff have the
knowledge, understanding and skills to provide to provide the support for children and young people
who have SEN or are disabled.
Parents know what they can reasonably expect their local school, LA and local services to provide.
Aspirations for children and young people is raised through an increased focus on life outcomes.
For more complex needs, a coordinated assessment and a single Education, Health and Care Plan from
birth to 25 and there is greater control for parents and young people over the services they use.

What does it mean for the SENCO?
Person centred work with children and young people and parents enabling child/young person and
parents to express their views and be part of decision making.
Highlight strengths and capabilities. Identification of needs - not just educational needs. Tailor
support to meet needs of the individual. Organise assessments, bring together relevant professionals
to discuss and agree together overall approach. Delivery of outcome focused and coordinated plan
for the child/young people and their parents. Engage with parents and children/young people when
drawing up policies and procedures.

Local Offer:
The local authority must publish information about the provision they expect to be available for
children and young people from 0-25. This offer must be engaging, easy to understand, transparent
and comprehensive, responsive to local needs and easily accessed by children, young people and their
Schools must also develop and publish their own school offer as part of this.

School Offer:
SEN Information Report - Information regarding SEN systems have to be published by schools and
updated annually. Any changes during the year should be updated as soon as possible. Schools are to
ensure that the information is easily accessible by young people and parents.
All staff to be aware of the information to be able to discuss with parents.

Update on SEN Code of Practice 2014

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