Refer To Instructions at Annexure For Guidance

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Refer to Instructions at Annexure

For Guidance:


36-38, Galle Road, Colombo – 3.

Telephone: 2422788,2327587 Fax:2472685,2448166


Visa Application Form

The Visa Application Form ( with effect from Feb 1,2008 ) is available free of cost at the Mission or can be photocopied or
downloaded from our website.

Space for Space for

affixing affixing
photographs R NR photographs
(2.5cms X (2.5cms X
2.5cms) S D M 2.5cms)
<3M 6M 12M

1. Full Name (Surname) Mr./Mrs./Ms:______________________________________________________________________________

(As in your passport)

Other Names: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Name of spouse (if applicable) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3. Father’s Name:___________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Date of Birth:_______________________ N.I.C. Number____________________________

DD MM YY ( NIC copy or Birth Certificate copy attached)

5. Place of Birth: ______________________ _________________________ ____________________________

City District/Province Country

6. Applicant’s Nationality:__________________________

7. Passport No:__________________ Place of Issue: _____________Date of Issue: ___________________Valid till:________________

8. Previous Passport No:_______________ Place of Issue: _____________Date of Issue: _______________Valid till:______________

9. Give details of previous nationality, dual nationality , green card , resident visa of any other country (attach

10. Profession:__________________________________________________________ ( P.T.O )

11. Exact purpose and place(s) of visit in India _______________________________________________________________________

12. Are you visiting any other country from India? If so, name of country (ies)________________________________________

13. Details of last visit to India (if any)



Date of return:

14. Previous Applications and Travel

a)Have you had a visa for India cancelled: Yes No

b)Have you been refused a visa or entry clearance` Yes No
by an Indian Mission/Post
c)Have you ever been refused permission Yes No
to leave India
d)Have you ever been refused visa Yes No
for another country
e)Have you ever been deported, Yes No
removed or otherwise required to leave India
f)Have you ever been deported, Yes No
from any other country

If the answer to any of the above questions is ‘Yes’ , please give details below:

Details: (e.g. reason/s, reference number, visa number,

purpose of visit, etc.)

15. Complete residential address (business address in case of businessmen) and contact telephone /cell numbers:




(P.T.O. )
16. Name & address of relatives/friends/business associates/employer, with contact telephone numbers:

In India: In your country

17. Documents enclosed: (1)_________________________________________________________________________________



18. Declaration:

i) I have read and understood the instructions in the Annexure to this Visa Application Form. I am willing and

able to abide fully by them. I declare that the information given by me in this form is complete and correct and the

visit to India will be undertaken for the purpose indicated in this application. I shall not, on arrival in India, try to

obtain employment, set up business or extend my stay for any other purpose.

ii) I undertake that in case the information provided by me in this form is found to be incorrect, I shall be liable for

denial of visa/entry, deportation and/or other penalities, during my visit, as provided by Indian law.

iii) I undertake that I shall subject myself to a medical test including for AIDS within one month of arrival in India. In

case I am found positive for AIDS, I will leave India immediately.

Signature of Applicant


Date: _______________________ Tel/Mobile No:_____________________


For Official Use only:


(Applicants are advised to study these instructions carefully and furnish supporting documents wherever necessary. This
Annexure can be detached from the Application Form by the Applicant):


* Encircle the appropriate boxes on top of the form to indicate your visa requirements carefully.
* (S),(D) and (M) stands for single, double and multiple entries/visit to India. {<3M},{6M},and{12M} correspond to
period for which visa is required. It may please be ensured that the passport is valid for the period for which visa is requested.
[T],[B],(M),(MX),[S],[E],[TR],[R],[C],[J] and [X] stand for the type of visa, like Tourist - [T].

* Visa Application Form is accepted at the counter only if the applicant presents himself/herself for interview.
* All columns must be correctly and carefully filled. Incomplete forms will be rejected summarily.
* Photocopy of National Identity Card (NIC) or Birth Certificate (BC) must accompany the visa application form. Original
must be shown during interview.
* Previous Passports (Original must be shown) and details (enclose a photocopy) of dual Nationality/Green Card must be
* Visa applicants with dual nationality must produce both the passports ( along with photocopies) at the time of
* Acceptance of visa application does not necessarily mean grant of visa.
* Visa Fee, once received, cannot be refunded even if the Visa application is withdrawn or service cannot be rendered.
* Finalise your travel arrangement only after you ascertain visa requirements and obtain appropriate visa.
* It is the responsibility of the applicant to verify visa particulars on receipt of passport and before traveling.
* Suppression of facts or furnishing misleading/false information will result in denial of visa without assigning any reasons.
* Granting of visa does not confer the right of entry and is subject to the discretion of the Immigration Authorities.
* For non-Sri Lankan nationals applying for a visa, photocopy of their passport must be enclosed with the visa application
* In cases where a fresh application is filed during the validity of an existing visa, the new visa issued will automatically
annul existing visa irrespective of its validity still remaining and no fee refunds are admissible.
* Children (irrespective of age) intending to travel to India, must apply on a passport in their own names.

* In the following cases, processing of application will take longer.

( Minimum of 3 working days):

a)Sri Lankan nationals with Resident visa of some other country.

b)Applicants not resident in Sri Lanka for at least 12 months prior to date
of application.
c)Where clearance from India is mandatory.
d)Visitors to restricted/protected areas.(Details available on our Mission).
e)Certain cases where documents need to be verified.

* Canvassing for visa, suppression of material facts or submission of forged / false documents is a disqualification.
Overstay of visa or violation of visa rules is a disqualification for grant of visa.
* Invitation to foreign sports teams and sports persons to visit India are to be extended by concerned Sports
Federations/Associations in India after obtaining approval of Ministry of Sports & Youth Affairs ,Govt. of India . The Organisers should
obtain approval from the above Ministry before inviting foreign Sports persons/teams.
* An applicant who desires to visit any Restricted/Protected areas in India is required to submit an application in the
prescribed proforma for issue of a special permit, in addition to the visa application. The form is available at the Mission.
* Change of purpose of visit is not allowed. In a rejected case, fresh application will not be accepted by the Mission on
other grounds.
* If the old passport/s of the visa applicant is/are lost, a photocopy of the police complaint should be submitted along
with visa application and current valid passport.

* Visa forms sent to the High commission by e-mail/fax will not be accepted nor any correspondence entertained.
Processing of Visa request commences only after payment of visa fee and referral charges. Visa fee is non-refundable.
* Visa is valid for the given period from the date of issue.
* The HCI reserves the right to delay/refuse visa without assigning any reasons. Visas are issued subject to
various checks and clearances.
* The High Commission of India reserves the right of granting and deciding type of visa / duration of visa /
number of entries, irrespective of the fees tendered.

* Duly filled in visa application ( in prescribed format) should be submitted along with following documents.
* 2 recent color passport size (about 2.5 cms x 2.5 cms ) photographs, showing full frontal view of face against a light
background, to be pasted firmly on the application form. Scanned photographs are not acceptable.
* Valid current passport (at least 6 months validity with 2 adjacent blank pages for affixing visa) and previous passports.
Non- production of previous passports can result in delay/refusal of visa. Photo on the Passport and Form must tally with applicant’s
present appearance. The applicant may face risk of deportation by authorities in India on arrival if the photograph does not match with
his/her appearance.
* Copy of N.I.C. card or Birth Certificate (For Sri Lankan nationals only) should be enclosed.
* No objection letter from either of the parents if the child is traveling with one parent or, both parents should sign the
visa application form..
* Additional documents are required depending upon the type of visa applied for. Details are below (Types of Visas).
* Correct visa fees payable by cash only in Sri Lankan rupees.(please see Fee schedule for details). Visa fees may be
changed without notice.

VISA FEES AS ON 01.11.2004 (In Sri Lankan Rupees) :


1 TRANSIT Rs.310/- Rs.3180 Rs.120 Rs.1060

2 TOURIST 3 MONTHS (S) Rs.310/- Rs.6360 Rs.840 Rs.4230

3 TOURIST 6 MONTHS (M) Rs.610/- Rs.6360 Rs.840 Rs.4230

4 TOURIST 1 YEAR (M) Rs.610/- Rs.9000 Rs.840 Rs.6880

5 BUSINESS 3 MONTHS[S] Rs.610/- Rs.6360/- Rs.840/- Rs.4230/-

5 BUSINESS [06/1 YEAR][M] Rs.910/- ----- ----- ------

6 MORE THAN 1 YEAR Rs.8440/- ----- ----- Rs.14630/-

* For non-Sri Lankan nationals and non-resident Sri Lankans, an additional fee of LKR 270/-will be charged for fax reference
process. Fax reference form can be downloaded here.


I Tourist Visa (T):

* It is non-extendable and non – convertible to other types of visas and its misuse would entail deportation by Indian
authorities. It may also entail denial of visa by the Mission.
* Proof of financial solvency and proof of confirmed return tickets may be sought in some cases.

II Business Visa (B):

* It is generally granted for short visits to India for engaging in business or attending business meeting/negotiations. Stay
or seeking employment in India under Business visa is illegal. This visa is to be used for short visits and not for continuous stay in India
for engaging in business. It is non-extendable.
* Appropriate endorsement of occupation/profession on the passport as businessman is necessary.
* Also, documents such as company registration certificate, position held by the applicant in the company, invitation letters from
company in India or a letter from applicant’s company sponsoring the business visit to India indicating nature of applicant’s business,
probable duration of stay, places and companies in India to be visited, are to be enclosed.
* Copy of Business Registration Certification issued by the Sri Lankan authorities should be enclosed along with application. Applicants
desiring Multiple entries should enclose the recent copy of “Bill of Lading” issued by Indian/Sri Lankan authorities.

III Student Visa (S):

* It is granted for study only in Government of India recognized educational institutions/Colleges for foreigners to
pursue a recognized course. Before seeking admission, Students are advised to confirm these two aspects, as production of documents
relating to recognitions of the institute/college for study by foreigners and recognition of the course will be necessary for grant of student
visa. Please also note that some new courses run by a few established colleges have not yet been recognized by the Government.
* Tourist Visa is not convertible to Student Visa. Seeking admission /studying in India under Tourist visa is illegal.
* Student visa would be granted only for full term of the course. Student visa for primary school education will not
be entertained . Bonafide certificate, issued by the educational authorities in India, should indicate the full term of the course as well as
the relevant year in which the applicant would be pursing the course.
* Submission of proof of Academic records in respect of education
completed will be necessary. Evidence of admission to the Institute/Course from recognized University / Board ( Indicate name of
Institution/address/Tel & Fax no. & e-mail/website address); bonafide certificate as a student if already pursuing studies in India,
Photocopies of relevant academic certificates on the basis of which admission is sought or has been obtained and Satisfactory
evidence of financial support - bank guarantee / letter of support from parent / guardian. The Student should also produce evidence
of transfer of funds for at least 4 months sustenance in India or show Travellers Cheques for a similar amount.
* No Objection Certificate (NOC) from Government of India (G.O.I.) is necessary for grant of student visa to pursue a
medical/ para-medical course in recognized medical colleges and diploma/degree/post-graduate courses in recognized engineering
institutions/polytechnics. Aspiring students are advised to obtain G.O.I’s NOC from the institution before applying for visa. It may please
be noted that admission to professional courses is regulated by GOI and institutions cannot grant admission directly without the
consent/approval of the GOI/concerned state Government.
* As regards institutions/procedures, aspiring students may take guidance form the Education Wing of the High
Commission. (Details on our website).

IV Employment Visa (E)

* Contract/Agreement of Employment with the Indian employer for a minimum period of One Year in Senior
Managerial/Executive positions or jobs needing very special skills, will be necessary.
* Proof of registration of the company under relevant provisions of the Government of India rules,
* A letter from the employer indicating nature of the job, salary structure and duration of hire
* Justification letter from the employer for proposing to hire a foreigner should be submitted. Proof of qualifications and work
experience of the applicant also need to be enclosed .
* The spouse and children accompanying the applicant would be issued the visa only after the applicant obtains
employment visa. The copy of the applicant ‘s employment visa should be attached with the spouse/children application along with a copy
of marriage/birth certificate/s.
* Employment visa is extendable in India by Immigration Department. Registration is mandatory.
* Non-residents of Sri Lanka will not be issued Employment visa by our Mission.

V Transit Visa (TR)

* It is granted for the sole purpose of enabling a foreigner to travel through India to reach his ultimate destination.
* For stay in India beyond 3 days, appropriate visa must be obtained.
* Applicant must submit detailed travel plans along with his/her form and produce confirmed tickets.
* No transit visa is required for a person passing through in direct transit by air, where then is no through flight,
provided he/she does not leave the specified precincts of the Airport.

VI Research Visa (R)

* Foreigners desiring to undertake research work in India must apply (6 copies)in the prescribed format, at least three
months in advance, to the Secretary, Department of Education, Ministry of Human resource development, Govt. of India, New Delhi, giving
full bio-data and synopsis of the thesis. Research visa needs prior clearance form the Government of India.
* Acceptance letter from the Indian institution and details such as period of proposed research in India, educational
qualifications, arrangement for stay and meeting expenditure towards boarding/lodging, must accompany the Application Form.

VII Conference Visa (C)

* Conference Visas are given to foreign delegates to International conferences/seminars/workshops/meetings/symposia

held by Government bodies, International Organisations , Public sector units and NGO’s.
* The conferences, etc. should have been cleared by the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) and Ministry of External Affairs
(MEA) , Government of India . It is the responsibility of the Organizers to obtain clearances through the nodal ministries from MHA and
MEA before the sending the invitation letters to the foreign participants.
* The applicants for the conference visa should produce the invitation letters at the time of application.
* Applicants are advised to apply well in advance and ensure that the organizers who are inviting by them have obtained
necessary approval from the MHA & MEA, Government of India.

VIII Journalist Visa (J)

* Applicants representing recognized print/electronic media and visiting India on professional work must apply well in

IX Entry Visa (X)

* It is granted to spouse of Indian nationals, particularly those who want to live in India with their Indian wife/husband.
Permanent place of residence of the Indian national in India is necessary.
* The spouse of the Indian national must enclose along with the application form, a copy of the Indian passport of his/her spouse
with the applicant’s name duly endorsed in the Indian passport, along with a copy of the marriage certificate. Orginal marriage certificate
should be shown at the time of visa application.
* It is extendable in India. Return to Sri Lanka is not necessary to renew the visa.
* Foreigners coming to India for learning Yoga/Vedic Culture in recognised institutions in India will also get Entry Visa.
X Medical Visa(M ) & Medical Attendant Visa(MX):

Applicants going to India for medical treatment need to submit the following:

* Original medical papers indicating appointment in India and treatment in Sri Lanka.
* Bank statement for 6 months and solvency certificate from bank.* May fill up addition proforma as
below, on a separate page.

S.No. In Srilanka In India

1 Name of hosp/clinic which referred you to Name of hosp/clinic where you wish to undergo

India.Name of Doctor. treatment.Name of Doctor.

2 Complete address of hosp/clinic. Complete address of hosp/clinic where you plan to go for


3 address address

* MX Visa will be issued for spouse/children/blood relations of the patient who has been issued M Visa . Not more than 2
attendants will be issued MX visa with each patient. The MX visa will be co-terminus with the M visa issued to the patient.

Registration of Foreigners by Bureau of Immigration in India:

* It is necessary when a foreigner intends to stay in India continuously for a period beyond 180 days. It is mandatory in
respect of foreigners visiting India on Student/Employment/Research/Entry/Medical/Medical Attendant Visas.
* The registration has to be done within 14 days of his/her first arrival with the concerned Foreigners Regional Registration
Office (FRRO) in India.
* Registration is not endorsed on passport and acceptance of disembarkation card on arrival by Immigration officials does not
amount to registration. A separate Certificate of Registration / Residential Permit (RP) is issued by Immigration officials in India on
fulfillment of certain conditions.
* Registration in required only once during the validity of a long-term visa, irrespective of number of times the foreigner is
visiting/departing India on a multi-entry facility.
* The registration document is required to be shown to the Immigration officials at the port of departure, every time, while
departing India. It is required to be surrendered to the immigration officials at the port of departure at the time of last departure, when
another immediate visit on the same visa is not anticipated.
* For more details, log-on to””.


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