Heritage Christian Academy Monday Memo

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We sold $3,220.00 in SCRIP cards last
week. This gives us a weekly profit of
$140.50 and a year-to-date profit of
$1094.99 at no cost to parents. We must
have your orders & checks in the school
office by Wednesday morning at 8:15 am.
Checks are not deposited until Friday

Dont forget to link your BI-LO card for the school rewards program. Go to
www.hometowneducationalrewards.com and enter our school code: 55536 or call 1.800.352.4658.

The Flu Mist will be available here at school on October 8
from 7:30 am to 8:30 am. Call the office if
you plan to have this done for your child or yourself. The cost is $25.00.

There is a Silent Auction meeting tomorrow morning, September 23
, right after drop-off. This is for anyone
interested in helping out with our biennial fundraiser. This fundraiser is a wonderful opportunity to get to know
other families, have fun, and help keep tuition down . Elizabeth Gause is chairing the event, so if you have
questions or want to help but cannot attend the first meeting, contact her at
elizabethgause@heritagechristiansc.com or call 520-4986.

The Middle School & High School Retreat to Ridge Haven is scheduled for October 23
, 24
, & 25
Please mark your calendars if you have a student in classes 6-9.

School Jackets & Sweaters: All Students must wear our school fleece jacket or sweater when
needed. No other jackets or sweaters are allowed. The only exception for this requirement is for
students in the Kindergarten and Lower School; they may wear overcoats when outside during
extremely cold weather.

Optional tennis practice for MS team tomorrow, Tuesday, September 23, from 3:00-4:00 pm at
the Country Club of Lexington (CCL). The next match is Friday, Oct. 3

The current Google after-school sessions will run through October 2
. We will begin the
next Google after-school club on October 14
. This sessions theme is based around story
telling. The classes are two days a week for four weeks, and each class lasts for an hour and
fifteen minutes. We will offer this numerous times during the year as well as a repeat of previous
class themes.

A special thank you to Class One for all the goodies they brought our faculty and staff last
week. It is greatly appreciated.

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