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The AIM Magazines
Editorial Team: Issue 52

Sally Watson (Editor)

Bea Broadwood (founder)

Sadie Brown (Hebridean View)

Marianne Cook (features)

Pauline Coombes (small scales editor)

Diane Gregory (advertising)

Janet Harmsworth ( COC, needlework)

Shelly Norris (show reports)

Malcolm Smith (grapevine)

Mo Tipton (Members Gallery)

Christine Verstraete

Contact the team at

Please note
AIM is an active association to which
all members are expected to contribute.
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Dear Reader
Here in the northern hemisphere we are beginning to feel
slightly chilly mornings and evenings but there is still some
beautiful sunshine and the slow turning of the leaves to enjoy.
This is a time to begin thinking of those lamp lit evenings
snuggled up in a favourite chair with a book to enjoy. Issue 52
has taken the idea of home comforts in a variety of scales
through features and projects. We have lighting and cushions,
elegant luxury and cosy comforts for your enjoyment
including some edible ones.

Along with our regular features we have a new occasional one
for book reviews. This will detail titles that AIM members have
found useful and inspirational for their work.
We have also begun a Twitter directory compiled by Malcolm
Smith as what he likes to call a 'tendril' of the regular
Grapevine. To many of us Twitter is quite new so I was
delighted when fellow editor Janet Harmsworth offered her
daughter, Abis, expertise. She has produced an easy to
follow guide for the uninitiated a twits guide to Twitter,

I hope all went well for AIM members and our loyal readers
who exhibited or visited Miniatura. Not long now until the
Kensington show in December; I hope to be able to get there
for the first time in three years. I have some serious spending
to catch up with! And I will be armed with camera and pad -
please wear your AIM badge to help me detect you. Not got
one? Use the contact on the left.

Enjoy 52!

The way in which
AIM Association membership
is offered has changed!

The overwhelming uptake of
membership over recent years means
that as from July 31st 2010 the AIM
Association now has limited
membership places

The AIM Association was set up in 2007 in
order to provide a global platform for
professional miniature artisans who wish to
actively promote their work and actively take
part and support the opportunities and
promotional facilities which AIM uniquely
offers for free: notably including...
The AIM online forum
FREE AIM magazine
AIM Member's online directory
AIM website

Artisans In Miniature

An association of professional artisans, dedicated to promoting a
high standard of excellence in original handcrafted scale miniatures
AIM membership is only available for professional miniature artisans,
selling quality handmade miniatures to the public.
Membership is reserved for artisans who wish to
showcase & promote their work,
through active participation within the AIM Association.
Please note; A waiting list has now been introduced regarding
new membership applications.
AIM is completely FREE to join and completely FREE to be part of.

So if you are a professional miniature artisan and you would like to find out more about joining the
AIM Association, please email AIMs Membership Secretary, Tony for more information:
Or alternatively visit our website
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