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D 5.18.2012 fourth Issue

Yao Jun Zhang Fei Jiang Bao Cai
C 3.20.2012 third Issue
Yao Jun Zhang Fei Jiang Bao Cai
B 2.20.2012 Second Issue
Yao Jun Zhang Fei Jiang Bao Cai
!.1".2011 Initia# Issue
Yao Jun Zhang Fei Jiang Bao Cai


DRWN Yao Jun
CHKD Zhang Fe 5.18.2012
!PPD Jang BaoCa
DOCUMENT No. VA1"DEC"00100"M"M1D"PHL"'202
$he dra%ing nu&'er( )1*D+C*00100*,*,1D*-ID*8301
//ro0ed '1( Jiang Bao Cai

+2a&ined '1( Zhang Fei

Chec3ed '1( Zhang Fei

Co&/i#ed '1( Yao Jun
Table of content
1. Su&&ar1......................................................................................................................."
2. $echnica# /ara&eters....................................................................................................."
3. 40er0ie% of Condensate -o#ishing S1ste&................................................................11
". +5ui/&ent structure and /rinci/#e..............................................................................12
5. Design descri/tion.......................................................................................................21
6. Instru&ent 7 Contro# re5uire&ents............................................................................31
!. 8unning and o/erating /rocedures for the s1ste&......................................................3"
8. Insta##ation and co&&issioning of the /rocess s1ste&...............................................36
9. Instructions of insta##ation..........................................................................................."0
10. 4thers.........................................................................................................................."1
. S!mma"#
)ietna& )ung ng -o%er -#ant inc#udes t%o 600,: units. In order to i&/ro0e the
5ua#it1 of the condensate %ater; the safet1 of the unit and shorten the starting duration of
the unit; a Condensate /o#ishing s1ste& is e5ui//ed. $he /rocess f#o%s of the s1ste&
insta##ed in this /ro<ect is(
Condensate %ater fro& the &ain Condensate %ater /u&/ the /refi#ter high s/eed
&i2ed 'ed resin tra/ #o% /ressure heating s1ste&
$he Condensate /o#ishing s1ste& inc#udes the /refi#ter s1ste&; desa#ting s1ste& =the
&i2ed 'ed s1ste&>; e2terna# regeneration s1ste&; re#ated /i/e#ines a&ong s1ste&s;
instru&entations and contro# s1ste&s.
+ach unit is e5ui//ed %ith three /refi#ters; each out/ut is 50% Condensate %ater f#o%.
$%o /refi#ter s are running and the other one is stand'1. :hen starting the unit; the
/refi#ter %i## fi#ter the foreign conta&ination o0er 10&. :hen the units are running
nor&a##1; the /refi#ter %i## fi#ter the foreign conta&ination o0er 1&.
+ach unit %i## 'e e5ui//ed %ith three sets of &i2ed 'ed e2changers; each out/ut is 50%
Condensate %ater f#o%. $%o &i2ed 'eds are running and the other one is stand'1. 4ne
set of %ater recircu#ating /u&/ and three resin tra/s %i## 'e /ro0ided. $he designed f#o%
rate of the &i2ed 'ed e2changer is nor&a##1 100&?h and 120&?h at the &a2i&u&. fter
the e2hausted resin is de#i0ered out off the e2terna# regeneration s1ste&; the residua#
resin in the &issed 'ed %i## not 'e &ore than 0.1%.
$he /refi#ter s1ste& and high s/eed &i2ed 'ed s1ste& %i## 'e e5ui//ed %ith one set of
100@ ca/acit1 '1/ass s1ste& res/ecti0e#1. $%o units share the sa&e set of e2terna#
regeneration s1ste& and au2i#iar1 s1ste&.
$. Tec%n&cal 'a"amete"(
2.1 Design 'asis
2.1.1 $he Condensate %ater 0o#u&e each unit needs to treat(
8ate( 1390&
,a2i&u&( 1506 &
2.1.2 $he in#et /ressure of the condensate /o#ishing s1ste&(
8ate( 3.1 ,-a
,a2i&u&( 3.9 ,-a
2.1.3 $he te&/erature of the Condensate %ater(
8ate( 35.8
,a2i&u&( "0.8
2.1." :ater 5ua#it1 at the Condensate /o#ishing s1ste& out#et
$1/ica# start u/ Aor&a# running
8e5uired guaranteed 0a#ue of
the out/ut %ater
8e5uired guaranteed 0a#ue
of the out/ut %ater
Sus/ended so#id Bg?. 100 5
$ota# disso#0ed so#id &atter =e2c#.
disso#0ed so#id &atter>=Bg?.>
50 20
Si42 =Bg?.> 50 10
Aa =Bg?.> 5 1
$ota# Fe =Bg?.> 100 5
$ota# Cu =Bg?.> 15 3
C# =Bg?.> 10 1
Cation e#ectrica# conducti0it1=25 ; after
cation /o##ar Bs?c&>
0.15 0.10
/C=under 25 the &i2ed 'ed runs in
for& of C?4C.>
6.5!.5 6.5!.5
2.1.5 Che&ica#s =/ro0ided '1 the 'u1er> CC#
$ota# acidit1 ='ased on CC#> D31%
Iron ='ased on Fe> 0.01%
Su#/hate ='ased on S4"> 0.00!%
rsenic ='ased on Sn> 0.0001% Aa4C
Aa4C ='ased on Aa4C> 3 0%
Sodiu&& car'onate ='ased on AaC43> 0.06%
AaC# ='ased on AaC#> 0.00!%
Fe243 ='ased on Fe243> 0.0005%
Sodiu& ch#orate 0.002 @
Ca#ciu& o2ide 0.0005 @
#u&inu& o2ide 0.0006 @
Si42 0.002 @
Fe243 ='ased on Aa2S4"> 0.002 @
2.1.6 8esin $he resin sha## co&/#1 %ith the 5ua#it1 re5uire&ents on resin used for the
Condensate /o#ishing s1ste& in the #atest 0ersion of Technical Codes on Chemical
Design of the Thermal Power Plant. $he cation and anion resins fi##ed inside the high s/eed &i2ed 'ed sha## ha0e good
/h1sica# and che&ica# natures and the d1na&ics /ro/erties. )o#u&e ratio of the cation and anion resins( 2(1
2.1.6." $ota# height of the resin 'ed #a1ers( 1000&&
2.1.! -o%er su//#1
Po)e" (!''l#( $he 'u1er sha## /ro0ide C "00?230) three /hase four %ire /o%er
2.1.8 ir su//#1(
P"e((!"e( genera##1 0.5*0.8,-a
De) 'o&nt( $he de% /oint under %or3ing /ressure is 10 #o%er than the &in.
te&/erature under the %or3ing en0iron&ent.
D!(t content( $he dia&eter of the dust /artic#e inside the /urified air sha## not 'e #arger
than 3u&.
O&l content( the oi# content in the air de#i0ered out '1 the air resource faci#ities sha## 'e
under 8//&.
2.1.9 $he de&inera#iEed %ater resource of the Condensate /o#ishing s1ste&
$he de&inera#iEed %ater for the Condensate /o#ishing s1ste& is fro& the &a3e*u/ %ater
tan3s of the 2F unit.
2.2 $echnica# re5uire&ents
2.2.1 :hen the #oad is 'igger and the Condensate /o#ishing s1ste& is dirt1; the /ressure
at the in#et and out#et &ain /i/es of the /o#ishing s1ste& sha## not e2ceed 0.35,-aG %hen
the units are running at the rated f#o% rate and the Condensate /o#ishing s1ste& is c#ean;
the /ressure at the in#et and out#et &ain /i/es of the /o#ishing s1ste& %i## not e2ceed
2.2.2 :hen the resin inside the Condensate /o#ishing s1ste& is co&/#ete#1 out/ut;
na&e#1 the &i2ed 'ed 'eco&es in0a#idG the &i2ed resin re&o0ed fro& the &i2ed 'ed
sha## 'e 99.9%.
2.2.3 $he se/aration efficienc1 of cation and anion resin inside the regeneration s1ste&;
the anion resin contained in the cation resin #a1ers =0o#u&e ratio>( <0.1%G
the cation resin contained in the anion resin #a1ers =0o#u&e ratio>( <0.1%
2.2." Hnder the &a2i&u& f#o% rate; the 5ua#it1 of the out/ut %ater sha## cater for the
re5uire&ents in ite& 2.1.".
2.2.5 $he high s/eed &i2ed 'ed %i## 'e designed as C

&ode# %ith fu##
considerations on the o/eration of AC

2.3 .ists of the &ain e5ui/&ents
2.3.1 -refi#ter s1ste& ,ain e5ui/&ents of the /refi#ter =one unit>
Ite& IIS code Descri/tion S/ecifications Jt1
1 10?20.DB22BB001
1F; 2F 7 3F
?h 3 sets
2 8un the fi#tering
N50L1!!8;fo#ding t1/e;
-- s3e#eton; 20" /ieces in
each fi#ter
612 /ieces
3 Start u/ the fi#tering
612 /ieces
shared '1 t%o
units B1/ass of the /refi#ter e#e&ent =one set>
Ite& IIS code Descri/tion S/ecifications Jt1
1 10?20.DB21201 ,otor*dri0en regu#ating
'utterf#1 0a#0e
DA"00;C.SS300 1 set
2 10?20.DB21501?502 ,anua# iso#ating 0a#0e of
the &otor*dri0en 'utterf#1
DA"00;C.SS300 2
3 10?20.DB21503 ,anua# '1/ass 0a#0e DA"00;C.SS300 1 set
2.3.2 ,i2ed 'ed s1ste& ,ain e5ui/&ents of the &i2ed 'ed s1ste& =one set>
Ite& IIS code Descri/tion S/ecifications Jt1
Cigh s/eed &i2ed
?h 3 sets
8esin tra/ K628L1";JM!53&
?h 3 sets
8ecircu#ating /u&/
1 set B1/ass of the &i2ed 'ed e#e&ent
Ite& IIS code Descri/tion S/ecifications Jt1
1 10?20.DF21201 ,otor*dri0en regu#ating
'utterf#1 0a#0e
DA"00;C.SS300 1 set
2 10?20.DF21501?503 ,anua# iso#ating 0a#0e of the DA"00;C.SS300 2 sets
&otor*dri0en 'utterf#1 0a#0e
3 10?20.DF21502 ,anua# '1/ass 0a#0e DA"00;C.SS300 1 set
2.3.3 8egeneration s1ste&
Ite& IIS code Descri/tion S/ecifications Jt1
1 00.D-1"BB001 8esin se/aration tan3 O2"20210?O1620210 1 set
2 00.D-13BB001 nion regeneration tan3 O1516L8 1 set
3 00.D-12BB001 Cation regeneration tan3 O1820L10 1 set
" 00.D-10BB001 :aste %ater resin tra/ O1212L6 1 set
5 00.D-11BB001 8esin dosing ho//er )M0.15 &
1 set
6 00.D-11BA001 8esin In<ector 1 set
2.3." 8egenerati0e au2i#iar1 s1ste&
Ite& IIS code Descri/tion S/ecifications Jt1
1 00.D$12BB001 +#ectric %ater heater
O1820L10 )M!.5&
2 00.DA11BB001
cid un#oading
'uffer tan3
O812L6 )M0.5&
3 00.DA11-001
cid un#oading
?h hM20&; 33: 1set
" 00.DA11BB002 cid storage tan3 O2520L10 )M20&
5 00.DA21-001?002 cid &etering /u&/
,BC6"2; JM2500.?h;hM0.50,-a
2 sets
6 00.DA11BB003 cid fu&e a'sor'er DA!00 1set
! 00.DA12BB001
Caustic un#oading
'uffer tan3
O812L6 )M0.5&
8 00.DA12-001
Caustic un#oading
hM18&; 33:
9 00.DA12BB002
Caustic storiage
O2520L10 )M20&
10 00.DA22-001?002
Caustic &etering
,BC561; JM1500.?h;hM0.50,-a
11 00.DB10-001?2 Bac3%ashing /u&/
CCZ80*160; JM110&
hM35& ;223:
12 00.D-10-001?2 F#ushing /u&/
CCZ65*200; JM100&
hM50& ;303:
13 00.DA21,001 cid &i2ing tee 10*15t?h 1set
1" 00.DA22,001 Caustic &i2ing tee 5*10t?h 1set
15 00.DC21?22A001 8oots '#o%er 9.36&
?h;0.08,-a 22I: 2sets
16 00.DC12BB001 Co&/ressed air
storage tan3 for
O1816L8 )M10&
1! 00.DC13BB001
Co&/ressed air
storage tan3 for the
&i2ed 'ed and the
O1816L8 )M10&
18 00.DC11BB001
Co&/ressed air
storage tan3 for
O1616L8 )M8&
19 00.DY10Z001 Safet1 sho%er 1set
20 00.D811?12-001 :aste %ater /u&/
80:FB*; JM60&
?h hM30& ;
*. O+e"+&e) of Con,en(ate Pol&(%&n- S#(tem
3.1 ,eaning of condensation %ater( $he condensation %ater genera##1 refers to the %ater
coo#ed and condensed through circu#ating coo#ing %ater after %or3 is done '1 tur'ine for
the stea& generated fro& 'oi#er. In fact; the condensation %ater in the hot %e## of
condenser a#so inc#udes the drain =the drain refers to the %ater condensed after feed %ater
enters into heater and is heated> fro& high*/ressure heater =nor&a# drain canPt reach hot
%e##> and #o%*/ressure heater. Since there are %ater 0a/or #osses for ther&a# s1ste&
ine0ita'#1; a certain 5uantit1 of &a3eu/ %ater =the %ater is fro& the de&inera#iEation
%ater tan3> is needed to 'e su//#e&ented to the ther&a# s1ste&. So the condensation
%ater &ain#1 inc#udes( the condensation %ater after %or3 is done '1 stea& in the tur'ine;
a## 3inds of drains and 'oi#er &a3eu/ %ater.
3.2 -ur/ose of condensation %ater /o#ishing treat&ent
$he condensation %ater %i## suffer fro& a certain degree of conta&ination for so&e
reasons; there are a//ro2i&ate#1 the fo##o%ing /oints(
1> See/age or #ea3age of condenser
$he &ain reason for the /o##ution of condensation %ater is the coo#ing %ater #ea3s into
the condensation %ater fro& the untight /art of condenser. $he untight /art of condenser
is genera##1 at the <unction of tu'e 'und#e and tu'e /#ate inside the condenser. Since the
0ariation of %or3ing conditions of unit can generate &echanica# stress inside the
condenser; e0en if the &anufacturing and insta##ation 5ua#it1 is good for the condenser;
the /heno&enon of see/age or #ea3age of circu#ating coo#ing %ater &ight a#so occur in
use. :hi#e there are &an1 sus/ended &atters; co##oids and sa#ts in the coo#ing %ater; so
the %ater 5ua#it1 of condensation %ater %i## 'e affected ine0ita'#1.
2> Conta&ination of &eta# corrosion /roducts
$he /i/e#ine and e5ui/&ent of condensation %ater s1ste& %i## 'e corroded for so&e
reasons; so there are often &eta# corrosion /roducts in the condensation %ater; &ain#1 the
o2ides of iron and co//er =there are 'asica##1 no co//er &ateria#s in the ther&a# s1ste&
e5ui/&ent of our co&/an1>. $he for&s of iron are &ain#1 Fe243 and Fe34"; the1 are in
sus/ended state and co##oida# stateG &oreo0er; there are a## 3inds of ions of iron. $he
content of corrosion /roducts in condensation %ater is re#ated to the o/erationa# state of
unit. $here are &an1 corrosion /roducts in the condensation %ater at the initia# stage of
unit startu/G &oreo0er; the content of i&/urities &a1 a#so increase under unsta'#e unit
3> $he &a3eu/ %ater of 'oi#er 'rings a fe% i&/urities.
$he eff#uent of de&inera#iEed %ater treat&ent &i2ed 'ed is the &a3eu/ %ater of 'oi#er;
genera##1; su//#e&ented to ther&a# s1ste& through condenser. Due to the strict contro# in
the o/eration of eff#uent of &i2ed 'ed; there is #itt#e i&/urit1 content in the &a3eu/
%ater; the %ater 5ua#it1 is re5uired( DDQ0.2Bs?c&; Si42Q20Bg?.. If the eff#uent of &i2ed
'ed is un5ua#ified; conta&ination &a1 'e caused to the condensation %ater.
$here is &ore or #ess conta&ination in the condensation %ater due to the a'o0e reasons;
%hi#e in ter&s of the unit e2ceeding critica# /ara&eters; due to its high re5uire&ents for
the 5ua#it1 of feed %ater; dee/er /urification to the condensation %ater is needed; na&e#1
condensate /o#ishing treat&ent.
3.3 Introduction to condensate /o#ishing treat&ent e5ui/&ent
Condensate /o#ishing s1ste& ado/ts &ediu& /ressure condensation %ater &i2ed 'ed
s1ste&; for detai#s; the /refi#ter is in series connection %ith high*s/eed &i2ed 'ed;
3R50@ tu'u#ar /refi#ter and 3R50@ s/herica# high*s/eed &i2ed 'ed is set for each unit.
$he Fu##se/ &ethod e2terna# regeneration s1ste& %i## 'e ado/ted after the fai#ure of
&i2ed 'ed resin. 4f %hich; Ao.1 and 2 units use one set of regeneration de0ice for
/recision /rocessing. $he regeneration s1ste& &ain#1 inc#udes 8esin Se/aration $an3;
anion regeneration tan3 and Cation regeneration $an3G &oreo0er; it a#so inc#udes acid*
'ase e5ui/&ent; +#ectric :ater Ceater; F#ushing -u&/; roots '#o%er and air tan3; etc.
.. E/!&'ment (t"!ct!"e an, '"&nc&'le
".1 -refi#ter
".1.1 Function
It is used to re&o0e the &atters in the condensation %ater such as sus/ended &atters;
co##oids; corrosion /roducts and oi#s. It is &ain#1 used for deironiEation and si#icon
%ashing to the condensation %ater %hen unit is started; shortening co&&issioning ti&e
of unit. ,oreo0er; the &atters %ith #arge /artica# siEe are re&o0ed %hich %i## /ro#ong the
o/erationa# c1c#e and ser0ice #ife of resin.
".1.2 Structure and o/erating /rinci/#e
$he %ho#e /refi#ter is straight c1#inder sha/e and ado/ts car'on stee# structure. $he
interna# fi#ter e#e&ent is tu'u#ar. $here are tota# 20" tu'es =tu'e 'und#es> fastened
'et%een the u//er and #o%er ends of /refi#ter 0ertica##1. $here are se0era# %ater /ores in
each tu'e and /o#1/ro/1#ene fi'er fi#tering &edia are t%ined outside the tu'e; the
fi#tration /recision of fi#tering &edia is 1B&. $he %ater enters a&ong the tu'e 'und#es
fro& the 'otto& of /refi#ter; through fi'er fi#tering &edia; the i&/urities are he#d 'ac3 on
the fi#tering &ediaG the %ater f#o%s into the /ores and the %ater in tu'e 'und#es
con0erges outside the /refi#ter. :hen the differentia# /ressure at in#et and out#et of
/refi#ter reaches the set 0a#ue; the /refi#ter %i## need 'ac3%ashing. $he %ater enters the
tu'e fro& the %ater out#et at the 'otto& to conduct 'ac3%ashing to the fi#tering &edia;
and the %ater is discharged fro& the %ater in#et =contrar1 to the f#o% direction of running
%ater>. In addition; the air suction fro& the 'otto& %i## #oosen the fi#tering &edia;
enhancing the 'ac3%ashing effect of /refi#ter. In order to ensure the e0en air distri'ution
u/on air 'ac3%ashing; there are tota# four air in#ets are set 'e#o% the e5ui/&entG
&ean%hi#e; 5uic3 o/ening /neu&atic 'utterf#1 0a#0e is set for the air out#et at the to/ to
'e 'eneficia# to the generation of aeration to 'rea3 a%a1 the dirt attaching the fi#ter
e#e&ent fro& the surface of fi#ter e#e&ent; con0enient for the c#eaning u/on
".1.3 Fi'er fi#tration /rinci/#e
$he fi'er fi#tration is a re#ati0e#1 ne%*t1/e fi#tration techno#og1. $he /refi#ter of this
/ro<ect is 0ertica# sus/ension t1/e /refi#ter; it can &a3e the %ater current f#o% fro&
&acro/ore fi#tering #a1er to &icro/ore fi#tering #a1er; i&/ro0ing the se%age interce/tion
ca/acit1 and reducing %ater current resistance and eff#uent 5ua#it1 is a#so i&/ro0ed
#arge#1 =re#ati0e to granu#ar &ateria# fi#tration; such as the air scru''ing fi#ter cha&'er at
/urification station; dou'#e*&edia /refi#ter in &a3eu/ %ater treat&ent e5ui/&ent; etc.>.
$he fi#tering &edia of the /refi#ter in the /ro<ect is a 3ind of high /o#1&er che&ica# fi'er
&ateria#; ca##ed /o#1/ro/1#ene fi'er; ha0ing the ad0antages of s&a## fi#tering &edia
dia&eter and #arge free energ1 for s/ecific surface area and s/ecific surface of the
fi#tering &edia; increasing the contact o//ortunities of i&/urit1 /artic#es in the %ater
%ith the fi#tering &edia and the adsor/tion ca/acit1 of fi#tering &edia. It has sta'#e
che&ica# /ro/ert1 and doesnPt ha0e an1 acti0e functiona# grou/. $he &o0e&ent of the
sus/ended &atters in the %ater to the surface of fi'er fi#tering &edia not on#1 has
/h1sica# adsor/tion 'ut a#so has che&ica# adsor/tion.
$his &ateria# has no s/ecia# acti0it1 to the sus/ended /artic#es in the %ater; &ain#1
/#a1ing the ro#e of /h1sisor/tion %hich is si&i#ar to the grain1 fi#tering &edia such as
5uartE sand; the co&'ination /otentia# energ1 for adsor/tion is %ea3; so the s#udge
adsor'ed on the fi'er surface can 'e re&o0ed %ith the /h1sica# &ethod such as f#ushed
%ith %ater and scru''ed %ith co&/ressed air. $he dia&eter of /o#1/ro/1#ene fi#a&ent is
on#1 se0era# &icrons and its surface area is far #arger than the grain1 fi#tering &edia such
as 5uartE sand.
".2 Cigh*s/eed &i2ed 'ed
".2.1 Function
It is &ain#1 used to re&o0e the sa#ts =na&e#1 a## 3inds of anions and cations>; in addition;
it can a#so re&o0e the sundries #i3e sus/ended &atters and co##oids #ea3ed fro& /refi#ter .
".2.2 Structure and o/erating /rinci/#e of high*s/eed &i2ed 'ed
$he high*s/eed &i2ed 'ed of our co&/an1 ado/ts the s/herica# &i2ed 'ed %ith the
dia&eter of 3000&& and the inf#o% %ater distri'ution de0ice is /erforated /#ate %ith
%ater 0a#0e 'onnetG there are tota# 96 %ater 0a#0e 'onnets %hich can not on#1 ensure the
e0enness of inf#o% %ater distri'ution; 'ut a#so /re0ent the %ater current direct#1 %ashing
the surface of resin resu#ting in surface roughness; thus arousing drift current and
reducing the c1c#ic %ater 1ie#d and eff#uent %ater 5ua#it1 of &i2ed 'ed. $he %ater enters
into the 'ed 'od1 fro& the to/ of &i2ed 'ed and f#o%s out fro& the %ater out#et de0ice at
the 'otto& after /assing through the resin. $he %ater out#et de0ice is designed to 'e
'utterf#1 /#ate %ith %ater 0a#0e 'onnet; there are tota# 196 %ater 0a#0e 'onnets. It has t%o
functions( first#1; the %ater can f#o% through the resin #a1 due to the e0en distri'ution of
%ater 0a#0e 'onnets in the e5ui/&ent; each /art of resin is &ade fu## use of and the %ater
1ie#d can reach the &a2i&u& #i&itG second#1; the s&ooth arc stain#ess stee# /erforated
/#ate can reduce the adhesi0e force to the resin; &a3ing the trans&ission of resin
thorough. fter the &i2ed 'ed #oses effecti0eness; the resin is out/utted fro& the 'otto&;
after de#i0er1; the stand'1 resin in cation regeneration tan3 of the regeneration s1ste&
%i## 'e in/utted fro& the to/ of &i2ed 'ed; entering into the ne2t o/erationa# c1c#e. :hen
the &i2ed 'ed is /ut into o/eration; it sha## 'e for%ard %ashed through recircu#ating
/u&/ '1 circu#ation; on#1 after the eff#uent is 5ua#ified can it 'e /ut into o/eration.
".2.3 De&inera#iEation /rinci/#e
$he &i2ed 'ed is e5ui//ed %ith &i2ed resins of strong acid cation resin and strong a#3a#i
anion resin. $he cations in condensation %ater are re&o0ed through reactions %ith cation
resins and anions are re&o0ed through reactions %ith anion resins. $he cation and anion
resins are re/resented '1 8*C and 8*4C res/ecti0e#1; the reactions are as fo##o%s(
8eaction of cation resin8*CAa
8eaction of anion resin8*4CC#
40era## reaction8*C8*4CAa
:hen the resin e2hausted; the cation resin %i## 'e regenerated '1 acid and anion resin
%i## 'e regenerated '1 a#3a#i. $he regeneration che&ica# reactions are the re0erse ones of
a'o0e reactions.
".3 8esin tra/
".3.1 Function(
:hen the 'ro3en resin is #ea3ed or resin #ea3age accident occurs for the eff#uent de0ice
of &i2ed 'ed; the resin tra/ %i## ho#d 'ac3 the resin to /re0ent the resin #ea3ing into
ther&a# s1ste& and affect the %ater 5ua#it1 in the 'oi#er. 8esin is &acro&o#ecu#e organic
&atter; a/t to deco&/ose har&fu# &atters to the s1ste& in high te&/erature and high
/ressureG if #ea3ed into %ater su//#1 s1ste&; it %i## ine0ita'#1 resu#t in #arge inf#uence on
ther&a# s1ste&.
".3.2 Structure and o/erating /rinci/#e(
$he interna# fi#ter e#e&ent of tra/ is 'as3etr1 structure and the ga/ of %ire %ra/ of fi#ter
e#e&ent is 0.25&&G the %ater %ith a fe% resins f#o%s out through fi#ter e#e&ent; the
resins are he#d 'ac3 '1 the fi#ter e#e&ent. $he e5ui/&ent is designed to 'e the structure
eas1 to 'e dis&ounted %ith circu#ar s3e#eton; in the condition of no need to dis&ount
/i/e#ine for o0erhau#ing; the tan3 can 'e o/ened for chec3 and the fi#ter e#e&ent can 'e
ta3en out to re&o0e the '#oc3ing dirt; con0enient for o/eration and &aintenance. :hen
the differentia# /ressure of in#et and out#et of tra/ e2ceeds the set 0a#ue; 'ac3%ashing is
"." 8ecircu#ating /u&/
It is used for circu#ar for%ard %ashing %hen the &i2ed 'ed is /ut into o/eration. $he
inf#o% of recircu#ating /u&/ is direct#1 eff#uent fro& the &i2ed 'ed %ithout through
resin tra/; then f#o% into the &i2ed 'ed through rec1c#e 0a#0e to for& a c1c#e. $he
function of recircu#ating /u&/( first#1; the %ater 5ua#it1 is un5ua#ified at the initia# stage
of /utting into o/eration of &i2ed 'ed; the o/eration can 'e /ut into on#1 after rec1c#e
unti# 5ua#ifiedG second#1; after starting recircu#ating /u&/; co&/act the 'ed #a1ers e0en#1
%ith #ess f#o% to /re0ent the occurrence of drift current in o/eration %hi#e #arge f#o% is
hard to &a3e the 'ed #a1ers co&/acted e0en#1. $here is one recircu#ating /u&/ for each
/recision /rocessing s1ste& of unit res/ecti0e#1; its out/ut is "!0&
".5 8esin Se/aration $an3
".5.1 Function(
:hen air scru's resin; the sus/ended i&/urities and corrosion /roducts are ru''ed offG
%ater 'ac3%ashing &a3es the se/aration of anion and cation resins and re&o0es the
sus/ended i&/urities and corrosion /roductsG store a s&a## a&ount of &i2ed resin #a1er
not se/arated co&/#ete#1 for se/aration ne2t ti&e.
".5.2 Structure and o/erating /rinci/#e(
$he 8esin Se/aration $an3 is %e#ded %ith car'on stee# and ru''er #ining is ado/ted. Its
structura# features are 'ig to/ and s&a## 'otto& the 'otto& is a #ong 'arre# and the to/ is
cone*'arre# t1/e. $he structura# design can &a3e fu## use of %ater current characteristics
in 'ac3%ashing to se/arate the anion and cation resins thorough#1. 1& high &i2ed resin
#a1er is reser0ed in the &idd#e of e5ui/&ent to a0oid the cross conta&ination of anion
and cation resins in trans&ission. $here are e2hausted resin in#et; anion resin out#et;
cation resin out#et; u//er %ater in#et =a#so as u//er co&/ressed air in#et and u//er %ater
out#et> and #o%er %ater in#et =a#so as #o%er air in#et and #o%er %ater out#et>. $he
ca/itation at the 'otto& is designed to 'e dou'#e*'utterf#1 /#ate %ith %ater 0a#0e 'onnet;
the ga/ %idth of %ire %ra/ or %ater 0a#0e 'onnet is 0.25&& %hich %i## &a3e the
distri'ution of %ater current e0enG the u//er %ater distri'ution de0ice is 'ranch and
&other /i/es t1/e and the 'ac3%ashing drainage de0ice is &ade of tra/eEoid %ire %ra/
screen tu'e; con0enient for for%ard %ashing inf#o% and 'ac3%ashing drainage. $here are
a#so se0en sight g#asses set for 8esin Se/aration $an3; to o'ser0e the resin state in the
$he s/ecia# structure of 8esin Se/aration $an3 has the fo##o%ing ad0antages(
+0en co#u&nar f#o% is for&ed %hen in 'ac3%ashing; not for&ing #arge /ertur'ation
insideG there is enough 'ac3%ashing s/ace for the cone*'arre# structure at the to/ of 8esin
Se/aration $an3; 'eneficia# to 'ac3%ashingG there is no inter&ediate header de0ice %hich
can cause /ertur'ation and affect the se/aration of resinsG %hen in 'ac3%ashing;
sedi&entation and trans&ission of resin; interna# /ertur'ation is decreased to 'e the
&ini&u&G the section of 8esin Se/aration $an3 is s&a## and the cross conta&ination area
of resin is s&a##G there are &an1 /ee/ho#es for 8esin Se/aration $an3; con0enient for
o'ser0ing resin se/arationG the %ater current %ith different 'ac3%ashing intensities can
'e /ro0ided '1 'otto& &ain inf#o% door and au2i#iar1 inf#o% ad<usting door; 'eneficia#
to the re/aration of resins.
fter the e2hausted resin in high*s/eed &i2ed 'ed is in/utted into 8esin Se/aration $an3;
scru' and #oosen resin through the air inf#o% at the 'otto&; &a3e the sus/ended
i&/urities and &eta# corrosion /roducts se/arate fro& resin; and 'ac3 %ash through the
inf#o% at the 'otto& unti# eff#uent is c#ear. $hen through %ater 'ac3%ashing %ith
different f#o%s to &a3e the se/aration of anion and cation resins unti# one #a1er of
interface occurs. nion resin is in/utted into anion regeneration tan3 fro& the to/ and
cation resin is in/utted into cation regeneration tan3 fro& the 'otto&; anion and cation
resins regenerate in anion and cation regeneration tan3s res/ecti0e#1. $he re&aining
interface resin is &i2ed resin #a1er; reser0ed to /artici/ate in se/aration in ne2t
".6 nion regeneration tan3
".6.1 Function( to conduct air scru''ing; 'ac3%ashing and regeneration to anion resins.
".6.2 Structure and o/erating /rinci/#e
$he %ater distri'ution de0ice at the to/ of anion regeneration tan3 is 'aff#e t1/e and the
%ater distri'ution de0ice at the 'otto& is stain#ess stee# 'utterf#1*t1/e /erforated /#ate
%ith %ater 0a#0e 'onnet %hich not on#1 ensures the e0en %ater and air distri'ution %hen
e5ui/&ent is in o/eration 'ut a#so &a3es the resin is thorough and c#ean %hen out/utted
fro& the e5ui/&ent. $he distri'ution de0ice of a#3a#i is $ t1/e %ire %ra/ 'ranch and
&other /i/es structure =a#so ca##ed fish'one t1/e>. Its ga/ not on#1 can &a3e the
regeneration a#3a#i #i5uor distri'ute e0en#1 'ut a#so &a3e the resin %ith co&/#ete
/artic#es not #ea3 and re&o0e the s&a## and 'ro3en resins and dirt scru''ed '1 air.
fter the anion resin in 8esin Se/aration $an3 is sent to anion regeneration tan3; the
anion resin %i## 'e scru''ed through 'otto& air suction and 'ac3 %ashed through 'otto&
inf#o% unti# the eff#uent is c#ear. $hen feed in a#3a#i fro& the to/ of resin for regeneration;
re/#ace&ent and rinsing.
".! Cation regeneration $an3
".!.1 Function( to conduct air scru''ing and regeneration to cation resinG to &i2 anion
and cation resinsG to store the stand'1 resins %hich ha0e 'een /re/ared.
".!.2 Structure and o/erating /rinci/#e =the structure is the sa&e as the anion regeneration
fter the cation resin in 8esin Se/aration $an3 is sent to cation regeneration tan3; the
cation resin %i## 'e scru''ed through 'otto& air suction and 'ac3 %ashed through 'otto&
inf#o% unti# the eff#uent is c#ear. $hen feed in acid fro& the to/ of resin for regeneration;
re/#ace&ent and rinsingG after resin regeneration in anion regeneration tan3 is 5ua#ified;
the anion resin is de#i0ered into cation tan3 and &i2 %ith cation resin; 'eco&ing stand'1
".8 8egeneration au2i#iar1 e5ui/&ent
".8.1 -o#ishing S1ste& acid =caustic> un#oading 'uffer tan3
$he &ateria# is stee# #ining ru''er; there is one acid and caustic tan3 res/ecti0e#1 %ith the
0o#u&e of 'oth 0.5 &
ensuring the in#et of /u&/ %ithout /ressure; /re0enting acid and
caustic un#oading /u&/ id#e and da&age /u&/ %hen tan3 car is /u&/ed out.
".8.2 -o#ishing S1ste& acid =caustic> storage tan3
$he &ateria# is g#ass fi'er reinforced /#asticsG there is one acid and caustic tan3
res/ecti0e#1 %ith the 0o#u&e of 'oth 20&
used to store acid and caustic.
".8.3 -o#ishing S1ste& acid =caustic> un#oading /u&/
$here is one set of acid and a#3a#i &easuring tan3 res/ecti0e#1; the f#o%s are 'oth
?hused to send the acid and a#3a#i into acid =a#3a#i> storage tan3.
".8." -o#ishing S1ste& acid =caustic> &etering /u&/
$here are t%o sets of acid and caustic &etering /u&/s res/ecti0e#1; the f#o% of acid
&etering /u&/ is 2500.?h and the f#o% of caustic &etering /u&/ is 1500.?h; resin is
trans&itted into regeneration s1ste& through acid =caustic> &etering /u&/ %hen resin is
".8.5 -o#ishing S1ste& cid Fu&e 'sor'er
For concentrated h1droch#oric acid is 0o#ati#e acid; cid Fu&e 'sor'er is set to /re0ent
the acid fu&e corroding e5ui/&ent and 'ui#ding and da&aging hu&an hea#th. Introduce
the e2haust of air out#et in &easuring tan3; a'sor' the acid &ist after stuffed %ith %ater
s/ra1ing. $he acid %ater a'sor'ing acid &ist is drained into /recision /rocessing %aste
#i5uor /oo#.
".8.6 -o#ishing S1ste& acid =caustic> &i2ing tee
Its function is to di#ute the acid =caustic>; &a3e acid =caustic> &i2 %ith %ater fu##1; then
enter into regeneration s1ste&.
".8.! -o#ishing S1ste& +#ectric :ater Ceater
$he 0o#u&e of +#ectric :ater Ceater is !.5&
and there are four e#ectric heaters inside
%hich are used to i&/ro0e the te&/erature of a#3a#i #i5uor thus i&/ro0e the regeneration
effect of anion resin. It &ust 'e fi##ed %ith %ater %hen in o/eration and the heaters
conduct ti&ing heating according to the te&/erature of +#ectric :ater Ceater. $he heaters
%i## sto/ auto&atica##1 %hen heating to high #i&it set 0a#ue and %hen the %ater
te&/erature is #o%er than the set 0a#ue; the heaters %i## restart auto&atica##1. $he co#d
%ater enters into the +#ectric :ater Ceater fro& the 'otto& and the hot %ater co&es out
of the to/ to the a#3a#i e<ector. $he out#et te&/erature of a#3a#i e<ector is contro##ed '1 the
three*%a1 0a#0e at the out#et of +#ectric :ater Ceater; at "0 or so.
".8.8 :aste %ater resin tra/
$he e5ui/&ent is o/en container t1/e and acid and a#3a#i*resistant ru''er is used for
#iningG &eta# net tu'e is set %ith the net ga/ of 0."0&& %hich can ho#d 'ac3 the resins
f#o%ing out due to i&/ro/er f#o% contro# of 8esin Se/aration $an3; anion to%er and
cation to%er in resin scru''ing or %ater 'ac3%ashing; /re0enting resins discharging into
%aste #i5uor /oo# and resu#ting in /o##ution. #i5uid #e0e# s%itch is set in the e5ui/&ent;
%hen the #i5uid #e0e# is high and a#ar& is gi0en; the o/erator is re&inded of '#oc3ing of
fi#ter e#e&ent of tra/.
".8.9 F#ushing -u&/ and 'ac3%ashing /u&/
$here are t%o F#ushing -u&/s and t%o 'ac3%ashing /u&/ for -o#ishing S1ste&
regeneration s1ste& of Ao. 1 and 2 units. $he out/ut of F#ushing -u&/ is 100&
?h and
the out/ut of 'ac3%ashing /u&/ is 110&
?h. $he %ater source of %ash*%ater
='ac3%ashing> /u&/ is de&inera#iEed %ater; fro& the %ater tan3 of de&inera#iEed %aterG
the F#ushing -u&/ is used for the 'ac3%ashing; c#eaning and trans&ission of resin;
c#eaning of /i/e#ine and di#ution of regenerantG the 'ac3%ashing /u&/ is used for the
'ac3%ashing after the /refi#ter #oses effecti0eness.
".8.10 8oots '#o%er
$here are t%o roots '#o%ers for -o#ishing S1ste& regeneration s1ste& of Ao.1 and 2
units %ith the air 0o#u&e of 9.36A&
?&in. $he roots '#o%er is a 3ind of 0o#u&etric
/o%er &achiner1. /air of i&/e##ers in &eshing se/arate the air in#et and out#et; dri0en
'1 s1nchroniEer gear; the t%o i&/e##ers are in re0erse rotation %ith constant s/eed in the
c1#inder. In the /rocess of rotation; the air in air in#et is continuous#1 /ushed '1 the
i&/e##ers to the air out#et; thus reaching the /ur/ose of forced e2haust.
$he roots '#o%er is used for the scru''ing #ooseness of resin and &i2ture of resins. Its air
source is airG there is fi#ter screen for in#et to /re0ent the access of i&/urities. $here are
&uff#ers at front and 'ac3; 'eneficia# to reducing noise re#eased. :hen roots '#o%er
needs to 'e started for regeneration ste/s; /re*startu/ is often conducted to '#o% the
sundries in air ducts; at this &o&ent; the air e2haust door in air duct sha## 'e o/ened.
".8.11 -o#ishing S1ste& ir $an3
$here are t%o 10&3 air tan3 and one 8&3 air reser0oir for the -o#ishing S1ste& s1ste&
of the /ro<ect; of %hich one air tan3 is set for /refi#ter s1ste& =10&
one air tan3
is set for &i2ed 'ed and regeneration s1ste&; one air tan3 8&
is set for air
using of 0a#0e instru&ent. Its air source is the co&/ressed air fro& %or3sho/.
".8.12 8esin Dosing Co//er( used for the addition of resins in anion to%er and cation
to%er. It &a3es use of the f#o% of %ater to dra% the resin into the tan3G 0.15&
0o#u&e of
resin is fi##ed each ti&e.
".8.13 :aste %ater /u&/
$%o %aste %ater /u&/s are set %ith the out/ut of 60&3?hde#i0ering the %aste %ater
fro& -o#ishing S1ste& and regeneration s1ste& to unit drainage channe# for centra#iEed
0. De(&-n ,e(c"&'t&on
5.1 Descri/tion of s1ste& design
$he i&/urities in the Condensate %ater &ain#1 inc#udes t%o 3inds( one is the disso#0ing
sa#t %hich is co&/osed '1 eff#uent residua# sa#t fro& de&inera#iEed %ater /#ant; the sa#t
together %ith the stea& and the sa#t #ea3ed fro& the condenserG the other 3ind is
corrosion /roducts fro& the &eta# /arts of the ther&od1na&ic s1ste& such as iron and
co//er dio2ide. In order &eet the re5uire&ents of the 5ua#it1 of %ater su//#1G the
Condensate %ater &ust 'e dee/#1 treated. For this /ro<ect; /refi#ter s S e2terna#
regenerati0e high s/eed &i2ed 'ed s1ste& %i## 'e used. $he resin regeneration s1ste& is
e5ui//ed %ith the resin se/aration tan3. :e choose the Fu##se/ se/aration s1ste& for
resin se/aration.
5.1.1 ,i2ed 'ed s1ste& for the Condensate /o#ishing s1ste&( +ach Condensate /o#ishing s1ste& consists of 3R50@ /refi#ter s; 3R50@ high
s/eed &i2ed 'eds; three resin tra/s; one recircu#ating /u&/ and t%o '1/ass s1ste&s. $%o
of the /refi#ter s and high s/eed &i2ed 'eds res/ecti0e#1 %i## 'e running and the rest one
res/ecti0e#1 stand'1. t the 'eginning of starting u/ the unit; the iron content in the
sus/ended so#id in the Condensate %ater %i## 'e higher. If a 'ig &ount of Condensate
%ater inc#uding iron f#o%s into the tu'e fi#ter =/refi#ter s1ste&>; unreco0era'#e da&ages
%i## a//ear for the fi#ter e#e&ents in the fi#ter; and the fi#ter e#e&ents cannot 'e c#eaned
co&/#ete#1; as a resu#t the origina# functions of fi#ter e#e&ents %i## 'e da&aged.
$herefore; the Condensate %ater %i## /ass through the '1/ass s1ste& of fi#ter and the
&i2ed 'ed; and drained out. :hen the tota# iron content in the Condensate %ater
decreases to 10001500Bg?.; the /refi#ter can 'e started u/. $here are so&e certain
re5uire&ents on the Condensate %ater entering into the &i2ed 'ed. :hen the tota#
sus/ended so#id and iron is #ess than 500Bg?. at the in#et of the Condensate %ater; it can
'e a##o%ed f#o% into the &i2ed 'ed. :hen the units are running nor&a##1; and if the
out#et %ater 5ua#it1 of the &i2ed 'ed at the 'eginning of starting is not satisfied; the
%ater sha## 'e rec1c#ed in the recircu#ating /u&/ and then f#o%s 'ac3 to the in#et of
&i2ed 'ed. :hen the out#et %ater 5ua#it1 of the &i2ed 'ed is 5ua#ified; it can on#1 f#o%
into the s1ste&. $%o sets of auto&atic '1/ass s1ste&s =one for /refi#ter s1ste& and the
other for &i2ed 'ed res/ecti0e#1> are e5ui//ed for each Condensate /o#ishing s1ste&.
$here is a resin tra/ at the out#et of each &i2ed 'ed; used to tra/ the resin /assing through
the out#et de0ice of the &i2ed 'ed. :hen the resin inside the &i2ed 'ed #ea3s
dra&atica##1; the resin tra/ can tra/ the resin to a0oid it enters into the ther&od1na&ic
s1ste&. ccording to the re5uire&ents in the technica# agree&ent and the /rocess
$here are differentia# /ressure trans&itters insta##ed at the front of and at the 'ac3 of the
'1/ass 0a#0e in /refi#ter; &i2ed 'ed and the resin tra/. $he differentia# /ressure
trans&itter insta##ed at the front of and at the 'ac3 of the '1/ass 0a#0e of the /refi#ter %i##
&onitor the differentia# /ressure of the %ater /assing through the /refi#ter. :hen the
differentia# /ressure e2ceeds 0.12,/a; the '1/ass %i## o/en to &a3e 100@ Condensate
%ater f#o%s through the '1/ass s1ste&G %hen the differentia# /ressure e2ceeds 0.1,/a;
the stand'1 /refi#ter %i## 'e acti0ated. fter the acti0ation succeeds; the e2hausted
/refi#ter %i## 5uit in the /rogra& and /erfor& the 'ac3%ashing /rocess. $he differentia#
/ressure trans&itters insta##ed at the front of and at the 'ac3 of the '1/ass 0a#0e of the
&i2ed 'ed %i## &onitor the differentia# /ressure of the &i2ed 'ed s1ste&. :hen the
differentia# /ressure e2ceeds 0.35,/a; the &i2ed 'ed s1ste& %i## 'e sto//ed; and the
'1/ass 0a#0e %i## o/en to &a3e 100@ Condensate %ater f#o%s through the '1/ass
s1ste&G %hen the differentia# /ressure e2ceeds 0.1!5; the stand'1 &i2ed 'ed %i## 'e
acti0ated. fter the acti0ation succeeds; the e2hausted &i2ed 'ed %i## 5uit in the
/rogra&; and then transfer the e2hausted resin to the resin se/aration tan3 for se/aration
and regeneration. nd then it again transfers the stand'1 resin to the &i2ed 'ed and
resu&es its stand'1 status. $he differentia# /ressure trans&itters insta##ed at the front of
and at the 'ac3 of the resin tra/ %i## &onitor the differentia# /ressure of the resin tra/.
:hen the differentia# /ressure e2ceeds so&e setting 0a#ue; the stand'1 &i2ed 'ed %i## 'e
acti0ated. fter the acti0ation succeeds; it %i## 5uit the e2hausted &i2ed 'ed; and
'ac3%ash the re#ated resin tra/.
1> $e&/erature trans&itters and /ressure trans&itters are insta##ed on the &ain
/i/e at the in#et of the Condensate /o#ishing s1ste&. $he te&/erature
trans&itter is used to &onitor the te&/erature of the Condensate %ater in
the &ain /i/e at the in#et of the s1ste&. :hen the te&/erature e2ceeds
50; t%o '1/ass 0a#0es %i## 'e 100@ o/ened at the sa&e ti&e; and each
in#et and out#et 0a#0es of the &i2ed 'ed and /refi#ter %i## 'e shut. nd
100@ Condensate %ater %i## /ass through the '1/ass s1ste& to a0oid
da&age to the fi#ter; fi#ter e#e&ents; the resin and the &i2ed 'ed. $he
/ressure trans&itter is used to &onitor the /ressure of the Condensate %ater
at the in#et of the &i2ed 'ed. :hen the /ressure e2ceeds ".0,-a; t%o
'1/ass 0a#0es %i## 'e 100@ o/ened; and each in#et and out#et 0a#0es of the
&i2ed 'ed and fi#ter %i## 'e shut. nd 100@ Condensate %ater %i## /ass
through the '1/ass s1ste&.
2> F#o% &eters %i## 'e insta##ed at the out#et of each fi#ter and the in#et and
out#et of each &i2ed 'ed; and the /ressure 'a#ance '1/ass 0a#0e =DA15>
sha## 'e insta##ed at the in#ets of each /refi#ter and &i2ed 'ed. $he f#o%
&eter is used to &onitor the f#o% rate of the Condensate %ater in the
/refi#ter and the &i2ed 'ed and the out/ut signa#s /assing the f#o% &eter;
and it can a#so accu&u#ate the %ater treat&ent 5uantit1 in each /eriod. $he
/ressure 'a#ance '1/ass 0a#0e is used to s#o%#1 raise the /ressure at the
in#et of the /refi#ter and the &i2ed 'ed /rior to acti0ation of the /refi#ter
and the &i2ed 'ed to a0oid the i&/act to the inner structure of the /refi#ter
and the &i2ed 'ed fro& the /ressure. Differentia# /ressure s%itch %i## 'e
insta##ed 'efore and after the /ressure 'a#ance 0a#0e. :hen the differentia#
/ressure decreases to 0.02,-a; the in#et 0a#0e o/en auto&atica##1; /ressure
'a#ance 0a#0e shut do%n. Besides; the change of /ressure %i## 'e &easured
'1 the #oca# /ressure &eter.
3> $he cation conducti0it1 &eter; si#ica &eter =share %ith the &ain condensate
%ater /i/e>; are insta##ed at the out#et of each &i2ed 'ed. $hese &eters are
&ain#1 used to &onitor the 5ua#it1 of the out#et %ater fro& the &i2ed 'ed.
:hen one of the& is not satisfied; the stand'1 &i2ed 'ed %i## 'e acti0ated
and &a3e the e2hausted &i2ed 'ed sto/.
"> $he S/ecific conducti0it1 &eter; cation conducti0it1 &eter; si#ica &eter;
sodiu& ana#1Eer and /C &eter are insta##ed at &ain /i/e of the &i2ed 'ed
to &onitor the 5ua#it1 of the %ater fro& the Condensate /o#ishing s1ste&.
5> $he #i5uid #e0e# s%itches are insta##ed on the &ain 0ent /i/e of the /refi#ter
and the &i2ed 'ed to auto&atica##1 &onitor if the %ater in the &i2ed 'ed or
/refi#ter is fu##.
5.1.2 $he regeneration s1ste& of the Condensate /o#ishing s1ste&( $he &i2ed 'eds of t%o units %i## share the sa&e regeneration s1ste& %hich
&ain#1 &eets a## re5uire&ents on thorough se/aration; c#eaning and co&/#ete
regeneration of the resins for the &i2ed 'ed under AC"
&ode#. Besides; it %i## not
cause unnecessar1 da&ages to the resin. $he regeneration s1ste& &ain#1 co&/oses of the resin se/aration tan3; nion
regeneration tan3; cation regeneration tan3 =a#so as the stand'1 resin storage tan3> and
the %aste %ater resin tra/. $he resin se/aration tan3 %i## thorough#1 se/arate the &i2ed
resin through high s/eed %ater f#o%. $he cation and anion resins %i## 'e transfer to the
nion regeneration tan3 and cation regeneration tan3 res/ecti0e#1 through u//er and
#o%er %ater inco&ing &ethod. fter the cation and anion resin is thorough#1 c#eaned in
cation regeneration tan3 and anion regeneration tan3 res/ecti0e#1; the t%o resins %i##
regenerate the rinse at the sa&e ti&e. fter the resins are 5ua#ified; it %i## transfer the
resin to the cation regeneration tan3 for &i2ing and rinsing. fter the s/ecific
conducti0it1 is 5ua#ified; the resin %i## 'e stored for s/are using. $he %aste %ater resin
tra/ %i## /re0ent the resin in the regeneration tan3 fro& #ea3ing into the %aste %ater
s1ste& through tra//ing the resin in the regeneration tan3. ccording to the re5uire&ents of the /rocess s1ste&(
1> $he o/toe#ectronic s%itch is insta##ed on the 'od1 of the resin se/aration
tan3 to &onitor the interface 'et%een the resin and %ater; and contro# the
transfer end /oint of the cation resin according the different reactions of the
resin and %ater ref#ected #ight to the o/toe#ectronic s%itch.
2> $he s/ecific conducti0it1 &eter %i## 'e insta##ed on the drainage /i/e of the
regeneration tan3 to &onitor if the resin regeneration and c#eaning are
5ua#ified in the regeneration tan3.
3> $he #i5uid #e0e# s%itch is insta##ed on the &ain 0ent /i/e of the regeneration
tan3 to auto&atica##1 &onitor if the %ater in the regeneration tan3 is fu##.
"> f#o% &eter is insta##ed on the f#ushing %ater /i/e of the cation and nion
regeneration tan3s to &onitor the f#ushing %ater f#o% in the to%er.
5.1.2." In order to guarantee the 5ua#it1 of the out#et %ater fro& the &i2ed 'ed and the
&i2ed 'ed can 'e running at AC
&ode#; the resin &ust 'e co&/#ete#1 %ashed at a
higher regeneration degree and after the co&/#ete#1 regeneration of the resin. $he
fo##o%ing &easure&ents are ado/ted for this /ro<ect(
1> Hse high /urit1 CC# to regenerate the cation resin; and use high /urit1 ion dia/hrag&
Caustic to regenerate the anion resin; and reduce the /o##ution to the %ater due to the
i&/urities in the regenerant.
2> $horough air scru''ing &ethod %i## 'e used /rior to regeneration. $he /artic#e
dia&eter of the &eta##ic o2ides attached on the face of the resin is re#ati0e#1 'ig; and
the different 3inds of &eta##ic o2ides ha0e different densities. Aor&a# 'ac3%ashing is
hard to f#ush the &eta##ic o2ide a%a1. ir scru''ing &ethod can scru' a%a1 the
&eta##ic o2ides on the face of the resin in the resin se/aration tan3; and then
do%n%ard f#ushing &ethod %i## drain the re#ati0e#1 hea0ier i&/urities a%a1 fro& the
do%nside. nd then air scru''ing &ethod is used again to f#ush the regeneration tan3
of the anion resin after the resin is se/arated so as to re&o0e the i&/urities and ta3e
a%a1 the re#ati0e#1 #ighter o2ides in a &anner of sea#ed air. $he foreign
conta&ination %ith a re#ati0e#1 'ig densit1 %i## fa## a%a1 fro& the do%nside. $his
&ethod can 'e used to thorough#1 re&o0e the /o##utants on the resin fro& the
&eta##ic o2ides and the frag&entar1 resin as %e## so as to regenerate the resin easi#1.
3> rc /erforated /#ate structure and air*%ater transfer of resin( the arc /erforated /#ate
of the &i2ed 'ed and the regeneration e5ui/&ent not on#1 satisf1 the unifor&it1 of
the %ater distri'ution for the e5ui/&ents 'ut a#so generate a s&ooth transfer of the
resin. :hen the e2hausted resin or the regenerated 5ua#ified resin is transferred into
the resin se/aration tan3 or the &i2ed 'ed; the co&/ressed air is used to distur' the
resin together %ith the %ater and then transfer the resin and %ater together into the
tan3. t #ast; %ater f#ushing e5ui/&ents and /i/es are used to transfer co&/#ete#1 the
residua# resin. $his %a1 can co&/#ete#1 transfer the resin in the running &i2ed 'ed or
the regeneration tan3; and the transfer /ercentage can reach 99.9@.
"> $he Fu##se/ se/aration &ethod( after the e2hausted resin is transferred into the resin
se/aration tan3 for air scru''ing; at first the regu#ating 0a#0e is o/ened to 'ac3%ash
at a 'ig f#o% rate. fter 'ac3%ashing f#o% rate reaches a'out 30&?h; the cation and
anion resins are #ifted to the cone under this f#o% rate. $hen the regu#ating 0a#0e
gradua##1 reduces the f#o% rate of the 'ac3%ashing #o%er than the critica# fa## 0e#ocit1
of the cation resin. t #ast the f#o% rate %i## 'e reduced unti# it is #o%er than the
critica# fa## 0e#ocit1 of the anion resin. $his %a1 can &a3e the cation and anion resins
se/arated co&/#ete#1. fter the 'ac3%ashing and sedi&entation; the anion resin
co&/#ete#1 se/arated in the resin se/aration tan3 and %i## 'e transferred into the
nion regeneration tan3 fro& the side of the resin se/aration tan3; and then transfer
the cation resin. $he transfer end /oint %i## 'e contro##ed '1 the o/toe#ectronic s%itch
%hich %i## 'e insta##ed on the suita'#e /osition on sides of the resin se/aration tan3.
$his de0ice %i## generate different actions according to the different ref#ecti0it1 of the
#ight to the %ater and the resin. Different reactions of the o/toe#ectronic s%itch
contro# the cation resin transfer 0a#0e so as to contro# the transfer end /oint of the
cation resin.
5> ir scru''ing again after regeneration of resin( the sa&e &ethod as the air scru''ing
in the air roo& of the anion and cation regeneration tan3s /rior to regeneration. It is
good for re&o0e the foreign conta&ination #eached out fro& the 0oids of the resin
during regeneration of cation and anion resins. ,ean%hi#e; it can re&o0e the residua#
regenerant and co&/#ete#1 c#ean the cation and anion resin after regeneration.
5.1.3 u2i#iar1 s1ste& of the Condensate /o#ishing s1ste&(
26 $he &i2ed 'eds for t%o units share the sa&e au2i#iar1 s1ste& %hich can satisf1
the re5uire&ent on se/aration; c#eaning; %ater; air and regenerant for regenerating the
resin in the &i2ed 'ed resin transfer s1ste& and the regeneration de0ice. $he au2i#iar1 s1ste& co&/oses of the f#ushing /u&/; e#ectric %ater heater; 8oots
'#o%er; co&/ressed air tan3; acid 7 caustic &etering de0ices; acid 7 caustic storage
de0ices; and acid un#oading and caustic un#oading de0ices. $he f#ushing /u&/ can &eet
the re5uire&ent of %ater for resin transfer s1ste& of the &i2ed 'ed; &a2i&u&
'ac3%ashing in the resin se/aration tan3; si&u#taneous regeneration of cation and anion
resins. $he e#ectric %ater heater can satisf1 the "0UC di#ution %ater needed for the
/ri&ar1 regeneration of resin and strengthen the e#ution rate to the si#icon '1 the anion
resin as a resu#t the regeneration rate of the anion resin is i&/ro0ed. 8oots '#o%er
/ro0ides the air f#o% for air scru''ing in the regeneration tan3 and the &i2ing of cation
and anion resins in the regeneration tan3. $he co&/ressed air tan3 /ro0ides the air f#o%
for transferring the resins to the &i2ed 'ed and the regeneration tan3. $he acid 7 caustic
&etering de0ices; storage de0ices; and acid un#oading and caustic un#oading de0ices %i##
/ro0ide the acid and caustic #i5uids needed for regenerating the cation and anion resins. ccording to the technica# agree&ent and the /rocess s1ste&(
1> $he f#o% &eter is insta##ed on the acid 7 caustic di#ution %ater /i/e; %hen o/en
the regu#ating 0a#0e; the f#o% &eter indicates the f#o% rate.
2> cid and Caustic concentration &eter is insta##ed on the acid 7 caustic di#ution
%ater /i/e to indicate the concentration of the acid and Caustic #i5uids.
3> f#o% &eter is insta##ed on the out#et &ain /i/e of the f#ushing /u&/ to indicate
the f#o% rates to different sections after start u/ of the /u&/.
"> te&/erature trans&itter is insta##ed on the caustic #i5uid di#ution %ater /i/e. $he
out/ut signa# fro& the te&/erature trans&itter can contro# the o/ening of the three*
%a1 contro# 0a#0e.
5> $he te&/erature trans&itter and #i5uid #e0e# s%itch are insta##ed on the e#ectric
%ater heater. $he out/ut signa# fro& the te&/erature trans&itter contro#s the
s%itch*on?off and acti0ated grou/s of the heaters. $he #i5uid #e0e# s%itch contro#s
the #i5uid #e0e# in the e#ectric %ater heater to a0oid da&aging the heaters %hen the
#i5uid #e0e# is #o%er;
6> ,agnetic shutter #i5uid #e0e# &eter %ith re&ote trans&itting signa# is insta##ed on
the acid and caustic storage tan3s; %hich not on#1 has the function #oca# dis/#a1 of
the #i5uid #e0e# 'ut a#so has the function of dis/#a1ing the higher and #o%ers #i5uid
#e0e#s on the C8$ screen after the signa# is in/ut into the -.C.
5.2 Descri/tion of the structura# design of the e5ui/&ent
5.2.1 -refi#ter
$he e5ui/&ent is designed so that the fi#ter e#e&ents can 'e easi#1 changed. ,anho#e
design sha## 'e ado/ted so that on#1 o/ening the &anho#e can &a3e the re/#ace&ent and
&aintenance of fi#ter e#e&ents s&ooth#1. $he %ater in#et sha## 'e designed at the 'otto&
of the e5ui/&ent; and the %ater out#et sha## a#so 'e designed at the do%n dish head.
:hen the f#o% /asses through the e5ui/&ent; it can fi#ter a%a1 &ost of the i&/urities
and sus/ended so#ids in the %ater. In order to achie0e the /ur/ose of s&ooth and a0erage
distri'ution of the air during 'ac3%ashing; four air in#ets %i## 'e designed at the 'otto&
of the e5ui/&ent. ,ean%hi#e; the e2haust out#et at the to/ sha## 'e /ro0ided %ith a
/neu&atic 'utterf#1 0a#0e to generate the aeration air to se/arate the dirt1 &atters
attached on the fi#ter e#e&ents and &a3e it easier to c#eaning during 'ac3%ashing.
5.2.2 ,i2ed 'ed
$he &i2ed 'eds inside the /o#ishing s1ste& are /ro0ided %ith the %ater in#et de0ice and
%ater out#et de0ice.
$he %ater in#et de0ice sha## 'e of 'aff#e /erforated /#ate turning strainer t1/e. It can not
on#1 ensure the a0erage distri'ution of the in#et %ater 'ut a#so /re0ent the %ater f#o%
direct#1 f#ushing the resin #a1er to cause une0enness and inc#ined f#o% and #essen the
%ater treat&ent 5uantit1 in each c1c#e and the 5ua#it1 of the out#et %ater in the &i2ed
$he %ater out#et de0ice sha## 'e of arc /erforated /#ate strainer t1/e; and the %ho#e
de0ice %i## 'e &ade of the stain#ess stee# %ith t%o functions( first#1 the strainers are
a0erage#1 distri'uted inside the e5ui/&ent so the %ater can f#o% a0erage#1 through the
resin #a1ers and &a3e fu## use of the resins in each #a1er and generate the &ost out/ut of
%ater treat&ent 5uantit1G second#1 the s&ooth arc /erforated /#ate %i## #essen the
adhesion of the resin to &a3e it co&/#ete#1 transferred.
5.2.3 8esin tra/
$he e5ui/&ent is designed to 'e the dis&ounta'#e surrounding s3e#eton structure. During
re/air and &aintenance it is not necessar1 to dis&ant#e the /i/e if the o/erator %ants to
o/en the resin tra/ to chec3 and ta3e out the fi#ter e#e&ents to re&o0e the '#oc3ing dirt1
&atters. It is eas1 to &a3e it running and &aintaining.
If the %ater out#et de0ice of the &i2ed 'ed #ea3s the frag&entar1 resin or resin; the resin
tra/ can retain the resin to /re0ent the resin entering into the ther&od1na&ic s1ste& and
affecting the %ater 5ua#it1 inside the 'oi#er.
5.2." 8esin se/aration tan3
$he resin se/aration tan3 is designed to 'e of u//er 'igger and #o%er s&a##er in0erted
cone containers. $he dia&eter of the s&a##er end is 1620; and the 'igger end 2"20.
$his design can &a3e fu## use of the f#o% characteristics of the %ater of the 'ac3%ashing
to &a3e the cation and anion resins co&/#ete#1 se/arate. 'out 1.0& &i2ed resin #a1er
%i## 'e re&ained in the &idd#e of the e5ui/&ent to a0oid cross*conta&ination of cation
and anion resins during resin transfer.
$he ca/tation de0ice at the 'otto& of the e5ui/&ent is designed to 'e the arc /erforated
/#ate strainer t1/e; %hich &a3es the f#o% distri'ute a0erage#1. $he in#et and 'ac3%ashing
drainage de0ice on the to/ are #adder*sha/ed %ire %inding /i/es so as to conduct the
f#ushing and 'ac3%ashing.
In order to &a3e it eas1 to &aintain the to%er; &anho#es are designed on the to/ and at
the 'otto& of the to%er.
5.2.5 nion regeneration tan3
$he %ater in#et de0ice for this de0ice is designed to 'e 'aff#e t1/e. $he ca/tation de0ice
at the 'otto& of the e5ui/&ent is designed to 'e the arc /erforated /#ate dou'#e s/eed
strainer %hich not on#1 ensures the a0erage distri'ution of %ater and air during running
'ut a#so &a3es the resin co&/#ete#1 drain out off the e5ui/&ent. $he Caustic feeding
de0ice sha## 'e of the fish'one t1/e. $he 'ranch /i/e sha## 'e of #adder*sha/ed %ire
%inding structure %ith the 0oids ena'#ing to a0erage#1 distri'ute the regenerated caustic
so#ution 'ut a#so /re0enting the #ea3age of the %ho#e siEe resins. nd the frag&entar1
resin and dirt1 &atters '1 air scru''ing sha## 'e re&o0ed. $he &anho#e is designed on the
to/ and 'otto& of the e5ui/&ent.
5.2.6 Cation regeneration tan3 =&i2ed resin storage tan3>
$he structure of this e5ui/&ent is si&i#ar to the regeneration tan3 of the anion resin
regeneration tan3. $he %ater in#et de0ice for this de0ice is designed to 'e 'aff#e t1/e. $he
ca/tation de0ice at the 'otto& of the e5ui/&ent is designed to 'e the arc /erforated /#ate
dou'#e s/eed strainer. $he Caustic feeding de0ice sha## 'e of the fish'one t1/e. $he
'ranch /i/e sha## 'e of #adder*sha/ed %ire %inding structure. $he &anho#e is designed on
the to/ and 'otto& of the e5ui/&ent.
5.2.! :aste %ater resin tra/
$his e5ui/&ent is an o/en t1/e container. :hen resin #ea3age ha//ens inside the
regeneration tan3; a## resins inside %i## 'e retained to /re0ent the resin f#o%ing into the
%aste %ater /i/e and causing da&ages. #i5uid #e0e# &eter is insta##ed on this
e5ui/&ent. $he a#ar& of the #i5uid #e0e# &eter can re&ind the o/erator of the '#oc3ed
fi#ter e#e&ents.
1. In(t"!ment & Cont"ol "e/!&"ement(
$he Instru&ent 7 Contro# of the Condensate /o#ishing s1ste& &ain#1 contro#s the
Condensate /o#ishing s1ste& and the regeneration s1ste&.
6.1 Condensate /o#ishing s1ste&
6.1.1 -refi#ter and the '1/ass s1ste& :hen the te&/erature of Condensate %ater in the in#et &ain /i/e e2ceeds 50;
t%o '1/ass 0a#0es %i## 'e 100@ o/ened at the sa&e ti&e; and each in#et and out#et 0a#0es
of /refi#ter and the &i2ed 'ed %i## 'e shut. nd 100@ Condensate %ater %i## /ass
through the '1/ass s1ste& to a0oid da&age to the /refi#ter ; fi#ter e#e&ents; the resin and
the &i2ed 'ed.
30 t the 'eginning of the unit start*u/; the iron content in the sus/ended so#id in the
Condensate %ater %i## 'e higher. If a 'ig &ount of Condensate %ater inc#uding iron f#o%s
into the tu'e fi#ter =/refi#ter >; unreco0era'#e da&ages %i## ha//en for the fi#ter e#e&ents
in the /refi#ter ; and the e#e&ents cannot 'e c#eaned co&/#ete#1; as a resu#t the origina#
functions %i## /erish. $herefore; the Condensate %ater %i## /ass through the '1/ass
s1ste&s of the /refi#ter and the &i2ed 'ed; and then drained out. :hen the tota# iron
content in the Condensate %ater decreases to 10001500Bg?.; the /refi#ter can 'e
started u/. :hen the te&/erature of Condensate %ater is #o%er than 50C; the /refi#ter and
&i2ed 'ed s1ste&s of the Condensate /o#ishing s1ste& sha## 'e started. fter it confir&s
that t%o fi#ters and &i2ed 'eds are o/erated; it %i## auto&atica##1 shut do%n the '1/ass
6.1.1." :hen the differentia# /ressure of the /refi#ter s1ste& e2ceeds 0.12,-a; the
'1/ass %i## o/en to &a3e 100@ Condensate %ater f#o%s through the '1/ass s1ste&G
%hen the differentia# /ressure e2ceeds 0.1,-a; the stand'1 /refi#ter %i## 'e acti0ated.
fter the acti0ation succeeds; the stand'1 /refi#ter %i## &a3e the e2isting running fi#ter
in0a#id and /erfor& the 'ac3%ashing o/eration.
6.1.2 &i2ed 'ed and the '1/ass t the 'eginning of the unit start*u/; %hen the iron content e2ceeds 500Bg?.; the
%ater sha## not f#o% into the &i2ed 'ed s1ste&. $he '1/ass of the &i2ed 'ed sha## 'e
o/ened; and the 100@ Condensate %ater sha## 'e discharged through the '1/ass s1ste&
of the &i2ed 'ed s1ste&. fter the o/erator chec3s the iron content in Condensate %ater
and finds that the Condensate %ater 5ua#it1 &eets the re5uire&ent on 5ua#it1 of
Condensate %ater in#et; the Condensate %ater &a1 f#o% into the &i2ed 'ed s1ste&. :hen
t%o &i2ed 'eds are confir&ed in running state; the '1/ass 0a#0e can 'e co&/#ete#1 shut
off. :hen the differentia# /ressure of the '1/ass of the &i2ed 'ed e2ceeds 0.1!5; the
stand'1 &i2ed 'ed %i## 'e acti0ated. fter the acti0ation succeeds; the stand'1 &i2ed 'ed
%i## &a3e the e2isting running &i2ed 'ed e2hausted; and then transfer the e2hausted
resin to the resin se/aration tan3 for se/aration and regeneration. $he differentia# /ressure
trans&itters are insta##ed at the front of and the 'ac3 of the resin tra/s %i## &onitor the
differentia# /ressure of the resin tra/s. :hen the differentia# /ressure e2ceeds so&e
setting 0a#ue; the &i2ed 'ed at the sa&e side as the resin tra/ %i## 5uit in the /rogra&.
nd then the stand'1 &i2ed 'ed %i## 'e acti0ated. fter the acti0ation is affir&ed; it %i##
5uit the in0a#id &i2ed 'ed; and 'ac3%ash the resin tra/. $he condensate /o#ishing s1ste& &i2ed 'ed runs unti#( a. the differentia# /ressure
>0.1!5,-a; b. out#et %ater Aa>1Bg?.; c. Si42>5Bg?.; d. cation conducti0it1 =25C>
>0.2s?c&; e. the accu&u#ation of the treated %ater 5uantit1 reaches to the setting 0a#ueG
if an1 of these conditions a//ears; the u//er co&/uter %i## &a3e the a#ar& to re&ind the
o/erator to 5uit the re#ated &i2ed 'ed. :hen 5uitting the &i2ed 'ed; it is necessar1 to
confir& the '1/ass of the &i2ed 'ed is o/en.
6.1.3 8esin tra/
In order to /re0ent the out#et %ater %ith resin fro& the &i2ed 'ed f#o%ing into the
ther&od1na&ic s1ste&; a resin tra/ is insta##ed at the out#et of the &i2ed 'ed. :hen the
resin tra/ encounters the differentia# /ressure 0.1,-a; the u//er co&/uter in the contro#
roo& %i## &a3e a#ar&s on high differentia# /ressure of the resin tra/; and first#1 o/en the
'1/ass of the &i2ed 'ed; and shut do%n the in#et and out#et 0a#0es of the &i2ed 'ed after
confir& the '1/ass is o/en. nd then the /rogra&&ing %i## sto//ed auto&atica##1. $he
o/erator can change o0er the stored /rogra& contro# to inching o/eration. fter the
'#oc3ing is re&o0ed &anua##1; the o/erator can &anua##1 o/en the in#et and out#et 0a#0es
of the &i2ed 'ed; and then shut do%n the '1/ass of the &i2ed 'ed; and then change o0er
to the stored /rogra& contro#.
6.1." 8ecircu#ating /u&/
t 'eginning of the &i2ed 'ed acti0ation; if the %ater 5ua#it1 of &i2ed 'ed out#et is 'ad;
and the %ater sha## not 'e /er&itted to f#o% into the ther&od1na&ic s1ste&; a
recircu#ating /u&/ sha## 'e insta##ed in the Condensate /o#ishing s1ste&. -rior to
acti0ation of the &i2ed 'ed; recircu#ation /rocess can 'e conducted that the %ater fro&
the &i2ed 'ed %i## 'e transferred into the in#et &ain /i/e of the &i2ed 'ed through the
recircu#ating /u&/. fter it recircu#ates for se0era# &inutes and the 5ua#it1 of the %ater is
o3; the re#ated &i2ed 'ed can 'e acti0ated to ensure the 5ua#it1 of the out#et %ater fro&
the &i2ed 'ed.
6.2 condensate /o#ishing regeneration s1ste&
6.2.1 $ota##1 6 sets of resin are set for t%o units of this /ro<ect inc#uding four sets running
and t%o sets stand'1 inside the &i2ed 'eds. :hen the resin in one &i2ed 'ed is
e2hausted; the stand'1 &i2ed 'ed %i## 'e acti0ated. fter the acti0ation is confir&ed; the
in0a#id &i2ed 'ed %i## 5uit in /rogra&; and the resin in this &i2ed 'ed %i## 'e transferred
into the regeneration s1ste& trough the resin transfer /i/e; and at #ast the regenerated
resin %i## 'e transferred into the &i2ed 'ed. nd then this &i2ed 'ed %i## 'eco&e
stand'1 state again.
6.2.2 Inside the 8esin se/aration tan3; /ri&ar1 air scru''ing sha## 'e first#1 conducted for
the resin to re&o0e the i&/urities attached on the resin; and e#i&inate the accu&u#ation
of cation and anion resins. nd then 'ac3%ashing sha## 'e conducted. First of a##; contro#
the 'ac3%ashing f#o% at the setting 0a#ue for co&&issioning to f#oat a## cation and anion
resins in %ater and on to/ of the resin se/aration tan3. nd then use /rogra& to contro#
the 'ac3%ashing f#o% rate and reduce the f#o% rate in &an1 stages unti# the 'ac3%ashing
gate is co&/#ete#1 shut do%n so as to thorough#1 se/arate the cation resin fro& the anion
resin. c#ear interface 'et%een cation resin and anion resin %i## 'e for&ed in the resin
se/aration tan3.
6.2.3 Si&u#taneous %ater inf#o% transfer &ethod on the to/ and at the 'otto&( transfer
the anion resin fro& the resin se/aration tan3 to the anion regeneration tan3; and then use
the u//er air inf#o% and 'otto& %ater f#o% &ethod; the o/toe#ectronic #i5uid #e0e# s%itch
%i## 'e used to transfer the cation resin to the cation regeneration tan3 =&i2ed resin
storage tan3>. $he &i2ed resin #a1er %i## 'e #eft into the resin se/aration tan3 for the ne2t
6.2." ir scru''ing and air*%ater f#ushing %i## 'e conducted for the cation and anion
resin in the cation resin generation tan3 =&i2ed resin storage tan3> and anion resin
generation tan3. $he re/eated ti&es %i## 'e deter&ined '1 the o/erator according to the
conditions of the resins. fter that; acid and caustic so#ution %i## 'e in<ected in the cation
and nion regeneration tan3s for regeneration. fter the re/#ace&ent of acid and caustic
so#ution is finished; air scru''ing and %ater*air f#ushing sha## 'e conducted to the cation
and anion resins res/ecti0e#1; at #ast fast s/eed con0entiona# f#ushing sha## 'e conducted
to &a3e the conducti0it1 in the cation regeneration tan3 is #o%er than 10Bs?c&; and that
in the nion regeneration tan3 #o%er than 5Bs?c&. If the con0entiona# f#ushing is not
5ua#ified; it is necessar1 to conduct air scru''ing and %ater*air f#ushing again for the
resin; and then re*regeneration and re*f#ushing sha## 'e conducted.
6.2.5 fter the regeneration of cation and anion resins is finished; %ater*air transfer
&ethod sha## 'e used to transfer the anion resin to the cation resin generation tan3 =&i2ed
resin storage tan3>; and then the 8oots '#o%er can 'e acti0ated to &i2 the cation and
anion resins. fter the conducti0it1 of the out#et %ater 'ased on f#ushing is #o%er than
0.2Bs?c&; it %i## 'eco&e stand'1 state; and the %ho#e regeneration /rocess is finished.
2. R!nn&n- an, o'e"at&n- '"oce,!"e( fo" t%e (#(tem
!.1 $he running and o/erating /rocedures for the s1ste& are referred the detai#s in
V/rogra& contro# ta'#e of condensate /o#ishing s1ste&W and the re#ated docu&ent nu&'er
is )1*D+C*00100*,*,1D*.S$*8203.
$he f#o% rates and ti&e data #isted in the /rogra& contro# ta'#e are on#1 references; and a## data sha##
'e fina##1 deter&ined according to the site co&&issioning.
!.2 8unning reco&&endations
!.2.1 $here are certain re5uire&ents for the Condensate %ater f#o%ing into the /refi#ter
and &i2ed 'ed. During starting the ne% unit; the sus/ended so#id and iron content in the
s1ste& is high; and the %ater sha## 'e drained out. :hen the iron content in the
Condensate %ater at the in#et is #o%er than 1000*1500Bg?.; the Condensate %ater &a1 'e
a##o%ed to f#o% into the /refi#ter . :hen the tota# sus/ended so#id and iron content at the
in#et is #o%er than 500Bg?.; the Condensate %ater &a1 'e a##o%ed to f#o% into the &i2ed
!.2.2 :hen the conducti0it1 of the Condensate %ater at the out#et of the &i2ed 'ed
during nor&a# running e2ceeds the #i&it; so&eti&es it cannot regenerate the resin; the
recircu#ating /u&/ sha## 'e used to circu#ate it unti# it is 5ua#ified. nd then the &i2ed
'ed &a1 'e continuous#1 running.
!.2.3 'nor&a#ities and so#utions during running the &i2ed 'ed(
Ite& 'nor&a#it1 na#1sis of reasons So#utions
1 $he 5ua#it1 of
the out#et %ater
in the &i2ed
'ed is not
a. ,i2ed 'ed 'eco&es
'. Deterioration of the
Condensate %ater.
c. Bad regenerated resin.
a. Sto/ and regenerate the re#ated
&i2ed 'ed.
'. Chec3 %hether there is #ea3age in
the condenser or other s1ste&s.
c. Chec3 the content and
concentration of the regenerant and
the foreign conta&ination.
2 $he treated
%ater 5uantit1
in a c1c#e
a. sa&e to ite& 1
'. 'ias f#o% in the &i2ed
c. Bad regeneration and
d. high /C 0a#ue at the
a. sa&e to ite& 1
'. Chec3 the safet1 of the inside
/arts to e#i&inate the 'ias f#o%
c. Chec3 and &a3e &easures
d. .essen the /C 0a#ue at the in#et
3 Differentia#
/ressure of the
&i2ed 'ed
a. ,an1 i&/urities at the
in#et of the Condensate
'. Dirt1 resin
c. Cigh f#o% rate
d. ,uch frag&entar1
a. +2terna# air scru''ing
'. Interna# air scru''ing
c. 8educe the f#o% rate
d. Judge the reasons of frag&entar1
resins and &a3e &easures
3. In(tallat&on an, comm&((&on&n- of t%e '"oce(( (#(tem
8.1 -recautions for insta##ation
8.1.1 $he s1ste& sha## 'e insta##ed according to the re5uire&ents in the dra%ings and the
re#ati0e regu#ations in the /o%er /#ant construction codes. $he e5ui/&ents %ith ru''er
#ining sha## not 'e stored under e2/osed conditions and sha## 'e stored at the te&/erature
range 530UC. During insta##ation; i&/act or direct %e#d on the surface are for'idden.
8.1.2 :hen accessing into the tan3; the o/erator sha## %ear ru''er shoes and the sand
under the shoes sha## 'e re&o0ed a%a1.
8.1.3 :ooden #adder sha## 'e used. If &eta# #adder is used; the 'otto& end of the #adder
sha## 'e /added %ith ru''er cushion.
8.1." Cea01 too#s and instru&ents sha## not fa## on the #ined /art.
8.1.5 -rior to sto//ing the unit; if the Condensate /o#ishing s1ste& /#an to 5uit for a
re#ati0e#1 #ong ti&e =one %ee3 or #onger>; it sha## 3ee/ running unti# the resin 'eco&es
e2haust. During sus/ension of the Condensate /o#ishing e5ui/&ents; the tan3 sha## 'e
sea#ed to a0oid the resin 'eco&ing dr1 due to %ater #oss. If the tan3 cou#d 'e froEen;
saturation sa#t %ater sha## 'e fi##ed into the tan3. :hen restarting u/ the unit; the sa#t
%ater sha## 'e discharged at first; and then conduct &an1 ti&es of 0a#id regenerations. If
this e5ui/&ent <ust sto/s for a short ti&e =o0er night or the %ee3end>; it is o3 <ust to sto/
it. :hen restarting u/ the unit; recircu#ating can 'e conducted unti# the 5ua#it1 of the
out#et %ater &eets the nor&a# setting 0a#ue.
8.2. -recautions for the co&&issioning
8.2.1 Aecessar1 conditions for co&&issioning ## e5ui/&ents; /i/es =inc#uding the hangers and the insu#ation #a1er>; 0a#0es;
/u&/s and fans are a#read1 insta##ed; and the te&/orar1 de0ices used for trans/ort and
insta##ation are a#read1 dis&ant#ed; and the site is c#ean and the ground is tid1; and the
road is free fro& 'arriers.
Aote( s%itch on?off test sha## 'e conducted for a## 0a#0es es/ecia##1 the &otor*dri0en
0a#0es and the /neu&atic 0a#0es /rior to insta##ation. fter the1 are confir&ed to 'e
nor&a#; the1 &a1 'e insta##ed to the s1ste&. fter insta##ation of the s1ste& is finished; the o/erator sha## chec3 the correctness
of insta##ation for the s1ste& and the e5ui/&ents; and /erfor& acce/tance according to
re#ati0e regu#ations. ## interna# /arts for a## e5ui/&ents sha## 'e ins/ected to chec3
%hether the connecting f#anges are tightened and sea#ed; %hether the scra/ iron inside the
/i/e are c#eaned co&/#ete#1; %hether the #ining ru''er #a1er is good; %hether there is
da&age to the %ire %inding; sie0e tu'e and strainer; and %hether the strainer is tightened
fir&#1. $he inside of the e5ui/&ent sha## 'e c#eaned co&/#ete#1; and no i&/urities sha##
re&ain inside. ## i&/urities inside the /i/e#ines &ust 'e re&o0ed co&/#ete#1. $he co&/ressed air s1ste& for the instru&entations and e5ui/&ents is running
nor&a##1; and the air source is sufficient; dr1 and c#ean. nd the air /ressure is sta'#e.
8.2.1." $he e#ectrica#; ther&a# &easure&ent &eters and che&ica# &easure&ent &eters
are insta##ed; and the indications are correct; and the1 can 'e used. $he /o%er su//#1 is nor&a#; and the rotation directions of a## &otors are correct
and nor&a#. $he trenches and '#ind %e##s sha## 'e s&ooth co0ered and not 'e '#oc3ed.
8.2.1.! I##u&ination is a0ai#a'#e. Che&ica# agents and the regenerants are sufficient; and the 5ua#it1 sha## 'e as
re5uired. Ser0ice %ater and f#ushing %ater sha## 'e sufficient#1 su//#ied. the o/erators sha## 'e 5ua#ified after training; and sha## ha0e the o/eration
/er&its; Conditions of che&ica# ana#1sis sha## 'e a0ai#a'#e.
8.2.2 -re/aration %or3s /rior to co&&issioning $horough#1 c#ean the %ho#e s1ste&( first#1 shut the in#et and out#et of the
e5ui/&ent; f#ushing the /i/e to a0oid foreign conta&ination entering into the e5ui/&ents
%ith the f#ushing agentG then f#ush the e5ui/&ent first#1 %ith 'ac3%ashing &ethod to
co&/#ete#1 re&o0e the i&/urities and fo##o%ed '1 con0entiona# f#ushing. During
f#ushing; the o/erator sha##(
1> Hse the de&inera#iEed %ater as the f#ushing %aterG
2> F#ush the /i/e#ines seg&ent '1 seg&ent; and f#ush the e5ui/&ent se/arate#1. $ria# running of the s1ste&
1> $ria# running for the recircu#ating /u&/; 'ac3%ashing /u&/; f#ushing %ater
/u&/ and the 8oots '#o%erG
2> Conduct o/en?c#ose tests for a## 0a#0es; and confir& the o/eration is nor&a#.
8.2.3 C1drostatic test $he sea#ed h1drostatic test for the &i2ed 'ed in site sha## 'e 'ased on the /ressure
5.0,-a =inc#uding 1.0,-a for the sea#ed h1drostatic test for the co&/ressed air /i/ing
and 0.6,-a for the sea#ed h1drostatic test for the f#ushing %ater>. $he sea#ed h1drostatic test for the container of the regeneration s1ste& sha## 'e
'ased on /ressure 0.!5,-a. :ater fi##ing test sha## 'e conducted for the acid and caustic storage tan3 and the
%aste %ater resin tra/ in site.
8.2." Feeding the resin; /retreat&ent and regeneration of the resin
8esin feeding ho//er and resin in<ector can 'e used direct#1 to &anua##1 feed the resin
into the regeneration e5ui/&ents. -retreat&ent and regeneration sha## 'e conducted
strict#1 according to the re#ati0e regu#ations of the resin &anufacturers.
Aote( If the cation resin is su//#ied in the for& h1drogen status; the anion resin sha## 'e
su//#ied in for& of o21h1drogen. $he &anufacturer has a#read1 conducted the
/retreat&ent; and the resin is authoriEed '1 the &anufacturer; the resin can 'e direct#1
used %ithout regeneration.
8.3 Ite&s and contents of the co&&issioning
8.3.1 $he o'<ecti0e of the co&&issioning is to &a3e the running /erfor&ances of the
e5ui/&ents &eet the design re5uire&ents and o'tain 'etter running /ara&eters through
running ad<ust&ents.
8.3.2 Ite&s of ad<ust&ent test $est of the ratings the /refi#ter of the Condensate /o#ishing s1ste& and '1/ass
0a#0e of the &i2ed 'ed. 8egeneration co&&issioning of the e2hausted resin
1> ir scru''ing for the e2hausted resinG deter&ine the scru''ing ti&es and
2> Deter&ination of the f#o% rate of the 'ac3%ashing #a1ers for the e2hausted
3> d<ust&ent test for the acid 7 caustic so#ution concentration; f#o% rate for
resin regeneration. Deter&ination of the duration of transferring and f#o% rate during the transfer of
the resin.
8.3.2." d<ust&ent of the o/ening of a## 3inds of 0a#0es in the s1ste&.
Aote( $he detai#ed re5uire&ents on ad<ust&ent running &ust 'e conducted according to
the co&&issioning guide#ine. fter a## ad<ust&ent data are deter&inedG the /ara&eters of the /rocedures sha## 'e
a&ended according#1.
4. In(t"!ct&on( of &n(tallat&on
Before the co&&issioning of condensate /o#ishing s1ste&; the o/erator &ust read and
understand the contents in this artic#e; and &ust co&/#1 %ith these ru#es at an1 ti&e to
a0oid /ersonne# death 7 in<uries and da&age to the e5ui/&ents.
9.1 $he o/erator of the e5ui/&ent &ust ha0e the e2/eriences of running the e5ui/&ents
and training on haEardous che&ica# &atters 'efore he o/erates the e5ui/&ent.
9.2 Be es/ecia##1 carefu# %hen using the acid and caustic regenerant. Contact to these
corrosi0e che&ica# reagents %i## cause se0ere 'urning or e0en '#indness.
9.3 //roaching to the containers and the e5ui/&ents
9.3.1 $he o/erator sha## 'e es/ecia##1 carefu# %hen he %or3s near the container. 4nce an1
/art of the hand#e of the 0a#0e; the sa&/#ing /i/e and other e2/osed /arts contact an1 /art
of the 'od1; it %i## cause se0ere in<ur1. :hen %or3ing under the /i/es and surrounding
the e5ui/&ent; the o/erator sha## %ear safet1 he#&ets and safet1 gogg#es. $he1 sha## 'e
carefu# %hen re&o0ing the e5ui/&ent.
9.3.2 If the e5ui/&ent is insta##ed or running; and if the height is out of reach of the
o/erator; safe and chec3ed #adder or #ifting de0ice sha## 'e used to reach to the indicated
9.3.3 $he o/erator sha## not use e2tended or sing#e face #adder to a//roach the container.
Xenera##1 the round container cannot /ro0ide an e0en sta'#e su//orting face for the
sing#e face #adder. If /ossi'#e; %ide and sta'#e fo#ding =free to /#ace> #adder sha## 'e used.
$his #adder sha## 'e fi2ed on the container or the /i/e.
9." $he o/erator sha## 'e es/ecia##1 carefu# to o/en the container and re&o0e the hea01
co0er of the &anho#e. If there is no #ifting rod; /u##e1 chain and other #ifting de0ice can
'e used to &o0e a%a1 the co0er. -rior to confir&ing that the co0er is safe#1 #ifted and
su//orted fir&#1; the o/erator &ust not dis&ant#e a## 'o#ts on the co0er /#ate.
9.5 If the resin fa##s on the ground during transfer the resin; the o/erator sha## c#ean it to
a0oid s#i//ing.
9.6 :hen %or3ing on the &otor; contro# /ane# or other e#ectrica# e#e&ents; the o/erator
and the %or3ers &ust 'e carefu#. ## these /arts &ust 'e connected right#1 and re#ia'#1
grounded; and sha## not contact the /rocess #i5uid or other #i5uids.
9.! During de#i0er1; the '#o%ers and /u&/s are not asse&'#ed; and &ust 'e correct#1
insta##ed to a0oid an1 &o0e&ent and e2cessi0e shoc3ing.
$he /rocess contro# /ara&eters in0o#0ed in this instruction are on#1 for reference; and the
detai#ed data sha## 'e fina#iEed '1 the site co&&issioning.
Aote( this s1ste& descri/tion a#so inc#udes the 4/eration and ,aintenance Instructions
for %ho#e condensate /o#ishing s1ste&.

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