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<p style="text-align: justify">what is the most important criteria to choose your next destination?

For me, it is the aaila!ility of cheap <a href="http:""www#ma$emytrip#com"flights""

title="http:""www#ma$emytrip#com"flights"" target="%!lan$">flight tic$ets<"a># &fter !oo$ing a
flight tic$et, ' can arrange the leaes, finances, hostels etc, !ut getting a cheap air tic$et is the first
criteria for my international trip# ' $eep a regular watch on the airfare and wheneer fare comes
down ' usually !oo$ that destination# (oweer, ' do international trael only once in a year, !ut to
get the !est deal, ' generally analy)e the flight !oo$ing sites throughout the year, either for me or
for my friends# *o, (ow to get the !est aaila!le deal in the mar$et? (ere are some useful tips that
can help you to get a cheap flight to your dream destination:<"p>
<p style="text-align: justify"><strong>+# ,ecide your expected price !rac$et:<"strong> -efore
searching for the cheap airfares, it is always a good practice to decide your expected price !rac$et#
.ou should hae a clear idea that how much you want to pay for a particular flight# /here are
extreme and continuous fluctuations in airfares till closing of !oo$ing for a flight, so you can not
predict that when the fare is at minimum# 0nce you find the fare in your expected price !rac$et just
go ahead and !oo$ at that moment# ,o not wait for another day#<"p>
<p style="text-align: justify">' was expected to pay '12 34444 for a return flight to 5airo from
,elhi# *o, when ' found a return flight in '12 +6444, ' did not thin$ twice and !oo$ed that
immediately, !ecause that was in my price !rac$et# &fter 7-days price went up to to '12 38444 for
the same flight#<"p>
<p style="text-align: justify"><strong>3# *earch on multiple online portals: <"strong>5hec$
multiple online portals to get the !est price# &t least chec$ three <a
href="http:""www#ma$emytrip#com"flights"" title="http:""www#ma$emytrip#com"flights""
target="%!lan$">flight !oo$ing sites<"a> !efore !oo$ing your flight tic$et# *ome portals do not
include low cost airlines in their flight search, so you should also aware of that fact# *ome portals
offer certain discount on an airfare that may not !e offered !y another portal# <"p>
<p style="text-align: justify">9hen ' was !oo$ing the return airfare to 5airo, ' found that two
portals were offering almost the same price :second portal price was '12 744 higher;, !ut second
portal was offering an additional discount of a!out '12 +644 on a particular !an$ credit card, so '
got the cheaper tic$et on the second portal in comparison to the first portal#<"p>
<p style="text-align: justify">&lso, sometimes when you go on a particular airline<s we!site to !oo$
a tic$et, there is an option to select your country# 'f you select your country other than the airline
home country, you may get a tic$et at higher price# /his is what happened to me when ' !oo$ed a
flight from 5airo to &swan on =gypt&ir# 9hen ' selected 'ndia as my country, the fare was a!out
'12 >644, !ut when ' selected =gypt as my country ' paid a!out ?84 =@A :approx# ?+44 '12; for
the same flight# /his was a huge difference#<"p>
<p style="text-align: justify">For the same flight when ' searched on the portals li$e ma$emytrip
and yatra, they also showed '12 >644 approx# as the tic$et price, !ut when ' searched it on $aya$, '
saw the price was '12 7B44# (oweer, ' !oo$ed it on =gypt&ir we!site in '12 ?+44 approx# as
$aya$ also directed me to that site only#<"p>
Ccaption id="attachment%?B+D" align="aligncenter" width="D44"E<a
src="http:""www#solo!ac$pac$er#com"wp-content"uploads"34+7"47"'F@%3D>D#jpg" alt="=gypt&ir
&ircraft at 5airo 'nternational &irport" width="D44" height="7D+" class="si)e-full wp-image-?B+D"
"><"a> =gypt&ir &ircraft at 5airo 'nternational &irportC"captionE
<p style="text-align: justify"><strong>7# -oo$ on &irlines Aortal:<"strong> &t least in the case of
domestic flights, it is always adisa!le to !oo$ on the airlines< we!site unless flight engines offer
huge discounts# /his way, you may get cheaper fare !y '12 744-?44 in comparison to !oo$ing on
any portal# /his also helps you to sae '12 644 serice cost deducted !y those portals in case of
flight cancellation or reschedule#<"p>
<p style="text-align: justify"><strong>?# Gse .our 5redit 5ard:<"strong> *ometimes using a credit
card from a particular !an$ also helps you to get some discount on your flight tic$et# 't also helps
you to pay the tic$et price in =F's later on, if you are not a!le to pay the price at that moment# 'f
you hae a trael card from any !an$, then after sometime you can also use the points and miles
earn !y you to !uy a tic$et later on# (aing a credit card from a particular !an$ helped me to sae
'12 +644 on my ,elhi-5airo return tic$et#<"p>
<p style="text-align: justify"><strong>6# -e Flexi!le on .our /rael ,ates: <"strong>&s far as
possi!le, !e flexi!le on your dates# 'f you are going on a holiday, you can adjust your date of
departure and arrial !y one or two days# /his always help you to get cheap air tic$ets# .ou may get
a cheaper <a href="http:""www#ma$emytrip#com" title="http:""www#ma$emytrip#com"
target="%!lan$">air tic$ets<"a>, if your flight is on /uesday or 9ednesday and costlier tic$ets if
your flight is on Friday or *unday# *imilarly, during the high festie seasons, if you do not !oo$
wisely, you may ended up !y paying more due to rush# /his is the season when there were discounts
as well as high price fares on !oard at the same time, so !oo$ wisely#<"p>
<p style="text-align: justify"><strong>D# -oo$ =arly:<"strong> &lways !oo$ at least D-8 wee$s in
adance !efore your date of departure# /his is the !est way to get the cheapest possi!le flights# .ou
may get a higher price !efore this period as well as after this period# *o, this is an ideal period to
!oo$ a flight, !ut my suggestion is always the first point###wheneer you get a particular fare within
your expected price, don<t wait, !oo$ that immediately, may !e 6 months, 8 months in adance# .ou
will neer regret your decision# <"p>
<p style="text-align: justify"><strong>># -oo$ &lternate &irport to .our ,estination:<"strong>
*ome low cost airlines prefer to fly to small airports in the neigh!orhood , rather than flying to a
popular airport# 'f you want to go to (ong Hong, it is cheaper to !oo$ a fare to Facau and then ta$e
a ferry from Facau to (ong Hong# /his way you can see another destination with cheaper flight
tic$ets# *imilarly, if you want to go to ,u!ai, you may get a cheaper air tic$et to *harjah in
comparison to ,u!ai and from *harjah, you can easily reach to ,u!ai# <"p>
<p style="text-align: justify"><strong>8# 'f Aossi!le, Arefer 5onnecting Flights:
<"strong>5onnecting flights are always cheaper than the direct flights# -ut, choice of connecting
flight always depends on the connection time and isa reIuirement in a transit country# 'f my
connection is within 7-? hours and there is no reIuirement of transit isa, then ' do not feel any
pro!lem to !uy that connecting flight#<"p>
<p style="text-align: justify"><strong>B# Joo$ 0ut For the 'naugural Flights: <"strong>'naugural
flights are always cheaper upto one month at least from the date of inauguration# *o, always hae an
idea if a particular airline is going to fly on a new route or any new airline is coming to your nearest
airport# /his is always the !est !et to get a cheap air tic$et# 'ntroductory return flight of 'ndi@o to
-ang$o$ was in '12 BBBB from ,elhi and introductory return flight of *piceKet to @uang)hou was
in '12 +8444 only#<"p>
<p style="text-align: justify"><strong>+4# *u!scri!e to the &irfare 1ewsletter: <"strong>/his is
also a good way to $now a!out the cheap flight tic$ets# *u!scri!e to the newsletters from portals
li$e airfarewatchdog, and from the airlines li$e &ir&sia, *audi &ra!ian &irlines etc to get the first
news of airfare sales# <"p>
<p style="text-align: justify">/hese tips do not guarantee you the cheapest aaila!le airfare in the
mar$et# /here are many factors counting towards the price of an airfare# -ut, if you com!ine these
tips in your flight search and use them wisely, there is a strong possi!ility to get the !est aaila!le
airfare in the mar$et#<"p>

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