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ConLacL: Monlca McCafferLy, 303.903.3394

Amendment 68 Shows 5398 M||||on |n Loca| Lconom|c Impact and 5418 M||||on Statew|de

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DLNVLk1he ?LS on 68 campalgn Loday released Lhe resulLs of an Lconomlc lmpacL AssessmenL
developed by Lhe lnnovaLlon Croup, a leadlng global experL ln gamlng markeL research, deLalllng Lhe
economlc lmpacLs LhaL AmendmenL 68 would have when lL passes Lhls november.

"Amendment 68 w||| |ncrease k-12 pub||c and charter schoo| fund|ng by more than 5114 m||||on each
year by perm|tt|ng expanded ||m|ted gam|ng at Arapahoe ark horse racetrack. et what |s [ust as
noteworthy |s the number of new construct|on and permanent [obs that w||| be created and the
pos|t|ve |mpact Amendment 68 w||| have on the state and |oca| economy," sa|d 1homas 2|tt, h.D.,
Sen|or V|ce res|dent of Strateg|c |ann|ng for the Innovat|on Group and ma|n author of the report.
"In add|t|on to the econom|c |mpacts, the expans|on of expanded ||m|ted gam|ng at Arapahoe ark
shou|d generate s|gn|f|cant new taxes for |oca| and state governments."

ln summary, Lhe expanslon of llmlLed gamlng aL Arapahoe ark horse raceLrack would generaLe an
annual economlc lmpacL of $418 mllllon Lo Lhe stotewlJe economy. 1he locol lmpacL ls esLlmaLed aL
$398 mllllon. ln addlLlon, Lhe more Lhan $114 mllllon paymenL Lo Lhe k-12 LducaLlon lund ls esLlmaLed
Lo generaLe more Lhan $61 mllllon annually ln lndlrecL and lnduced economlc beneflLs Lo Colorado.



Loca| Lconom|c Impact: 1he LoLal economlc lmpacL ln Lhe reglon around Lhe Lrack (Arapahoe, uenver
and Adams counLles), lncludlng dlrecL, lndlrecL and lnduced effecLs relaLed Lo Lhe expanslon of Arapahoe
ark horse raceLrack represenLs $398 mllllon annually ongolng economlc lmpacL.

ultect, loJltect, ooJ loJoceJ lmpocts ote ossesseJ fot botb tbe coosttoctloo of tbe foclllty ooJ
ooqoloq opetotloos/ ultect lmpocts tesolt ftom tbe ecooomlc octlvlty tbot occots oo tbe ptopetty
ltself. loJltect lmpocts teflect tbe ecooomlc splo-off tbot ls moJe posslble by tbe Jltect potcboses
of tbe foclllty. loJoceJ lmpocts tesolt ftom tbe Jltect lmpocts oo lobot locome, so tbot os o
boosebolJ locome tlses tbot mooey ls te-cltcoloteJ cteotloq oJJltloool ecooomlc octlvlty.

Lmp|oyment: 1he faclllLy aL Arapahoe ark horse raceLrack ls esLlmaLed Lo generaLe a LoLal of more Lhan
2,300 [obs (more Lhan 1,400 dlrecLly aL Lhe llmlLed gamlng faclllLy) and labor lncome of $123 mllllon ln
Lhe locol commoolty. 1he spendlng from ongolng operaLlons wlll have an lndlrecL and lnduced lmpacL on
oLher communlLles wlLhln Colorado, supporLlng an addlLlonal 108 [obs and $6 mllllon ln labor lncome
LhroughouL Lhe sLaLe, resulLlng ln a LoLal of approxlmaLely 2,400 [obs and labor lncome of $129 mllllon

1axes from Gam|ng: 1he $114 mllllon annual paymenL Lo Lhe k-12 LducaLlon lund ls esLlmaLed Lo
generaLe more Lhan $61 mllllon ln annual lndlrecL and lnduced beneflLs Lo Colorado.

1axes from keta|| and Iood & 8everage Sa|es: Sales Lax based on food and beverage and reLall sales
would LoLal more Lhan $1 mllllon, wlLh Lhe sLaLe recelvlng $760,000. (looJ ooJ bevetoqe ooJ tetoll soles
woolJ be sobject to Atopoboe coootys 0.25 petceot soles tox, tbe keqloool 1toospottotloo ulsttlcts
soles ooJ ose tox of 1.0 petceot ooJ tbe 5cleotlflc ooJ coltotol locllltles ulsttlcts soles ooJ ose tox of 0.1

1axes from roduct|on: 1he spendlng from ongolng operaLlons ls esLlmaLed Lo generaLe $26 mllllon ln
sLaLe and local Laxes. Cngolng operaLlons may be deflned as: Laxes LhaL go lnLo producLlon" (l.e.,
consLrucLlon and operaLlons), buslness Laxes (lncludlng sales Laxes from Lhe properLy's purchase of
goods and servlces), payroll Laxes, and sLaLe lncome Lax from employee wages.

Construct|on Impacts: Ooe-tlme consLrucLlon cosLs for expandlng Lhe faclllLy aL Arapahoe ark are
pro[ecLed Lo LoLal over $120 mllllon ln ouLlays of abouL $97.4 mllllon, wlLh $17.7 mllllon ln furnlshlngs,
flxLure and non-gamlng equlpmenL, and $6.1 mllllon of archlLecLural and englneerlng fees.

ln addlLlon, consLrucLlon of Lhe gamlng faclllLy aL Arapahoe ark ls esLlmaLed Lo generaLe a LoLal of more
Lhan 1,320 [obs (more Lhan 800 aL Lhe faclllLy) and labor lncome of $90 mllllon ln Lhe locol oteo, on a
one-year equlvalenL basls. 1he spendlng from consLrucLlon wlll have an lndlrecL and lnduced lmpacL on
oLher communlLles wlLhln Colorado, supporLlng an addlLlonal 80 [obs and $4.3 mllllon ln labor lncome
LhroughouL Lhe sLaLe. ln LoLal, Lhe one-Llme, one-year equlvalenL stotewlJe lmpacL of consLrucLlng Lhe
gamlng faclllLy aL Arapahoe ark ls esLlmaLed aL approxlmaLely 1,400 [obs and labor lncome of nearly
$93 mllllon.

1he flscol lmpoct of consLrucLlon ls esLlmaLed aL approxlmaLely $6.9 mllllon sLaLewlde


ln addlLlon Lo Lhe above flndlngs and under AmendmenL 68, Lhe hosL horse raceLrack (lnlLlally Arapahoe
ark) wlll work wlLh Lhe hosL [urlsdlcLlon Lo agree on paymenLs from Lhe raceLrack for local lmpacL
mlLlgaLlon. lncluded ln Lhe mlLlgaLlon paymenLs wlll be funds for flre, pollce, emergency response and
necessary Lrafflc flow lmprovemenLs. Any expanslon of Arapahoe ark horse raceLrack wlll requlre
approval by Lhe local [urlsdlcLlon. 1hls lncludes local zonlng and permlLLlng approvals such as land-use
and bulldlng permlLs, whlch ls Lhe same process LhaL exlsLlng caslnos followed when Lhey were
auLhorlzed ln 1990.

"We are conf|dent that the expans|on of Arapahoe ark horse racetrack w||| comp|ement and |mprove
the ex|st|ng area," sa|d 8ecky 8rooks, spokeswoman for Arapahoe ark. "We are comm|tted to do|ng
whatever |t takes to ensure a good exper|ence for the guest, our ne|ghbors and the |oca| commun|ty
as a who|e. Lach and every day, we have been meet|ng w|th voters, |oca| off|c|a|s and our ne|ghbors to
ensure we're tak|ng |n a|| and any feedback |ead|ng up to the e|ect|on. We are p|eased to see the
enthus|asm and support for Amendment 68."

lor campalgn updaLes, follow [voLe?esCn68 on 1wlLLer or vlslL voLe? Lo learn more.


AmendmenL 68 quallfled for Lhe november balloL on !uly 28 wlLh 136,000 slgnaLures. ln addlLlon Lo Lhe
$114.3 mllllon ln revenue Lhe measure wlll generaLe annually, an upfronL paymenL of $23 mllllon wlll be
pald by Lhe Lrack Lo offer lmmedlaLe rellef for k-12 publlc and charLer schools. 1he new revenues wlll be
ralsed wlLhouL lncreaslng Laxes for Colorado Laxpayers by one penny. Whlle currenLly appllcable Lo
Arapahoe ark horse raceLrack, where wagerlng on horse raclng has exlsLed for more Lhan Lwo decades,
Lhe amendmenL allows for llmlLed gamlng aL one fuLure horse raceLrack ln each of ueblo and Mesa
counLles once speclflc quallfylng crlLerla are meL.

colotoJoos fot 8ettet 5cbools ls o teqlsteteJ lssoe commlttee. lolJ fot by colotoJoos fot 8ettet 5cbools.

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