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2 Shannon West

(Dark Hollow Wolf Pack 4)

Shannon West

Erotic Romance

Secret Cravings Publishing

Gabes Alpha 3

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4 Shannon West

A Secret Cravings Publishing Book
Erotic Romance

Copyright 2012 Shannon West
E-book ISBN: 978-1-61885-397-4

First E-book Publication: September 2012

Cover design by Dawne Dominique
Edited by Larriane Barnard
Proofread by Julie Reilly
All cover art and logo copyright 2012 by Secret Cravings Publishing

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Gabes Alpha 5

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Gabes Alpha 7

To my namesake
8 Shannon West


Shannon West

Copyright 2012


Pull in there, sweetheart, Gabes mother said, pointing at a rest stop sign ahead. Itll be
safer than waiting on the side of the road for a wrecker to come, and besides they have
bathrooms. His mother smiled over at him and Gabe shrugged irritably, unwilling to give her a
smile in return. He knew he was being a grouch, but it was only the third day of their little
vacation, and he wasnt ready to take off back home just because some stupid alarm had gone off
signaling a minor break-in at the barn back home. The neighbor whod been watching things for
them called and said he had taken care of everything, and there was no need to interrupt their
trip. Still, nothing would satisfy his mother except to get up in the middle of the night and head
back home.
Gabe turned into the rest stop area on the highway, bumping along on the flat tire. Theyd
taken his mothers car rather than his old truck, and shed neglected to tell him before they left
that the spare was flat. Shed dropped that little tidbit only after the tire blew in the middle of
nowhere. Theyd be lucky if the rim wasnt destroyed.
He got the car as close as he could to the rest rooms, and she hopped out with a fond,
apologetic glance back at him. Go get yourself something to drink and a candy bar, honey,
while youre waiting. You always get grouchy when youre hungry. She hurried up the
sidewalk to the deserted rest rooms.
Gabes Alpha 9

Gabe sighed and got out of the car to stretch. Hed taken his mother on a week-long trip to
the North Georgia mountains as a celebration that summer had arrived, and school was over for
another semester.
His mother and father had been to these same mountains years ago on their honeymoon.
With his father gone, this was a trip of nostalgia for her. Shed spent the days shopping in the
little stores, and Gabe put in some time at the motel pool, working on his tan. It had been a nice,
relaxing trip after his grueling finals, and he was looking forward to a summers break from
When their neighbor called in the middle of the night, his mother insisted on getting up and
driving home, despite the hour, and despite his vehement protests. He was still a little angry they
couldnt have stayed a couple more days. After all, hed turned down a trip with his friends to the
beaches in Florida to take his mom on this trip, and she was ruining this for him too.
Gabe walked toward the vending machines to get something to drink, but before he could
get to them he heard a strange animal-like growling coming from behind him. It sounded close
very close. He whirled around to look, but saw nothing. The woods beyond the paved area were
dark and deep, but he could see nothing moving. The quiet surroundings made the howl that
vibrated through the air next all the more blood-curdling. His reasoning mind told him it
probably wasnt anything to worry about. It had to be some coyote that ventured a bit too close
to the rest area. Then a second howl shot reason all to hell. Gabe trotted back for the safety of the
car, but not soon enough. A dark form slammed into him, knocking him down with a vicious
swipe of teeth grazing his shoulder. Gabe threw his arms up instinctively, only to feel fangs sink
deeply into his forearm, as his head struck the pavement. The feel of saliva dripping in his face
was the last clear thing he knew for a few horrifying minutes. He was vaguely aware of someone
screaming as he tried to fight the monster off. The world tilted. He was flipped from his back to
his stomach and his face slammed down on the pavement. He didnt know anything else until he
came to, covered in his own blood, headlights shining on him. His mothers still form lay beside
him on the sidewalk, and men shouted as they ran toward them. Gabe crawled to his mother,
10 Shannon West

grinding his teeth so as not to scream in pain, refusing to accept what was happening, too
overwhelmed with the shock.
I pulled in here to make a traffic stop and saw the guy on top of you, someone said,
touching him lightly on the shoulder as another uniformed officer knelt beside his mother.
Gabe tried to sit up, crying out in pain, too devastated for tears as he watched the officers
make a valiant attempt to save his mother. A trucker who seemed to come from nowhere tried to
stop the bleeding from the most obvious and worst of Gabes wounds on his arms and shoulder.
What the hell was that thing? the trucker asked.
Some freak in a Halloween costume, I guess, the officer answered, still panting for breath.
Jesus, what did he use to cut them?
I dont know. The officer glanced up at Gabe, his eyes drifting down to his nakedness
from the waist down and darting quickly away. Sorry, son, shes gone.
With a pool of blood spreading beneath where he sat and a scream starting in his throat,
Gabe wished hed died as well.

Gabes Alpha 11

Chapter One

Gabe Sullivan raised his head and opened one bleary eye to look around him. Groaning, he
closed the bloodshot eye and fell back on the pillow. He had no idea whose bed he was in. Nor
did he have a clue who the guy was snoring softly beside him. Gabe eased his legs over the side
of the bed and sat up, immediately wishing he hadnt. Shit, how much did he have to drink the
night before? He spotted his clothes on the floor beside him and pulled on his jeans as fast as he
could, considering he only had use of one eye. The other one, throbbing in time with the heavy
metal drum pounding in his head, he had to keep tightly shut. Picking up his shirt and his shoes,
he tiptoed to the doorexcept for when he stumbled over the other guys shoes, stubbed his toe,
and did a little impromptu dance on one foot before crashing into the wall. The dude in the bed
must have been really drunk or pretending hard to be asleep. He never moved. In fact, if not for
the steady rising and falling of the bed sheet in time with the snores, Gabe might have gone over
to check his pulse. That crash had been epic.
Gabe got the door closed behind him with a minimum of noise considering he was still
pretty damn wasted himself. He slipped into his shoes, jammed his arms into his shirt sleeves and
stepped out of the house, hoping like hell his old truck was outside somewhere. Sure enough, he
saw it right away, pulled more or less into the driveway behind a sleek, black BMW. He looked
around the upscale neighborhood and failed to recognize it. Making his way to his vehicle, he
found the keys still in the ignition. Thank God for the nice neighborhood, though it was doubtful
anyone would want to steal his battered 1985 pickup truck. Still, it was all he had. He drove
slowly down the street, hoping to find a landmark to tell him where the hell he was.
Once he got out onto a street with more traffic, it didnt take long to see he was in
Dunwoody, one of the wealthier northern suburbs of Atlanta and very distant in a lot of
12 Shannon West

significant ways from the Stay Lodge on the interstate, his current abode. As he drove slowly
home, he watched the rear view mirror for any signs of a cop. His breath would still probably
blow way over the legal limit, and the last thing he needed was to get put in jail for another DUI.
He tried to remember what had happened the night before.
He could recall drinking. And dancing. Lots of dancing. Slow, dirty grinding on the crotch
of a guy with a hell of a bulge in his jeans. He couldnt even picture his face or remember how
theyd met in the little gay bar hed been frequenting for the past two weeks hed been in town.
He wondered briefly if he was the one whose bed he woke up in, then shrugged in irritation. The
blackouts were getting worse, and he wondered if he should be worried about them, then decided
the hell with it. If he was lucky, hed drink himself to death soon.
Hed sure been trying to ever since the attack the year before had turned him into a monster.
Not bad enough the fucker had killed his sweet mother. Hed also raped him violently enough
that hed torn him, even though Gabe had healed incredibly fast, leaving the doctors scratching
their heads. If that hadnt been enough, the bastards bite had turned him into the same kind of
beast, waking every full moon.
Mentally clicking through a calendar in his head, he remembered today was Saturday, no
work, thank God. A few more days before the full moon, probably the reason he was feeling
restless and ready to move on. The temporary roofing job had lasted a few days longer than hed
expected, due to some problems the boss had run into. When theyd pulled off the old shingles,
the decking underneath was rotten in places and had to be replaced. Gabe was cutting his
departure a little close, and he needed to be out of town and far away from people before he
shifted. Hed thought hed pack his belongings and get out of the city this morning, and he still
needed to, but it would be a few hours later than hed planned. Hed head toward the North
Georgia mountains. He hated the place after what had happened there a year ago, but it was close
by and offered plenty of places to get lost for a few days. Despite his hatred of the area, he was
strangely drawn to it more and more on these full moon nights. He had to wonder what the
conflicting emotions were all about.
Gabes Alpha 13

He had his camping gear in the back of the truck. All he had to do was swing by the motel,
pack his few possessions, pay his bill, and get on the road by noon. He headed up Georgia 400
toward Gainesville. Figured hed stop there and get something to eat while he decided how to get
to the closest hiking trails.
He used to live in Alabama, in a little town called Centre, just across the Georgia line. Hed
been going to school at Jacksonville State, studying agriculture, and hed always planned to
settle down to work his familys farm, find a little house close by, and figure out how to tell his
mama he was gay. Hed known shed cry a little and then find a way to be okay with it. She
loved him, and she wanted him to stay close to home and help her with the farm. His father died
of cancer when he was in the tenth grade, and shed been running the farm ever since, with his
help and the help of some hired hands, and shed done a pretty good job too. She was getting
older, though, and was looking forward to the day she could hand the reins over to her only son.
But now his mama was dead and gone like the rest of his life, destroyed by a crazy, vicious,
ravening beast of a werewolf. The monster had ripped out her throat and left him for dead lying
beside heror at least he was interrupted before he could finish the job.
By lunchtime, he sat in a drive-in in Gainesville, a medium-sized town in the foothills of the
North Georgia mountains, eating a hamburger and trying to figure out where to go. Poring over
the map, he found what looked like a large forest near the Georgia/North Carolina border which
looked even more remote than the camping sites hed been to before. He figured out the best
route to take to the Nantahala National Park, not too far away and offering plenty of hiking trails
where he could lose himself for a few days. The park was perfect for his purposes. Large and
sprawling, the national forest would offer him plenty of trails to lose himself on. He would need
to stay off the main trails and confine himself to the more remote areas, but the park was wild
and parts of it so rugged and remote he could shift in relative safety.
Like in all the horror movies hed seen since he was a kid, shifting was a painful process for
him and turned him into something not quite human. Hed once glanced into a calm lake and
seen himself during a full moon. Hed been horrified. He still had a human body, though it was
14 Shannon West

covered in hair, but his face was bestial with a wolf-like snout and horrible fangs descending
from his mouth. Sickened by the hideous image, he had dashed the water with his fist and run
away. Since then, hed tried never to look at himself again while the beast was on him.
Mentally, he still retained most of his intellect when he changed, his sense of who he was,
but when he shifted he became unreasonably angry and brutal. Small obstacles became large,
insurmountable ones, and he wanted to fight somebody. Hurt somebody. Anybody really. He
was afraid he wouldnt be able to hide from anyone who came too close. Instead he might jump
out of hiding and attack. He was terrified the bite had made him a killer like the monster whod
killed his poor mother. He didnt know much about this thing, and there sure wasnt anybody to
ask. Hed figured out most of it on his own after the first traumatic shift alone in his home.
He finished his lunch, started the truck, and pulled back out into traffic. Making his way
back to the highway, he figured he could make it to the park in another hour or so and have
plenty of time to hike up and find a campsite by nightfall. His werewolf vitality had helped him
make it this far after a night of smoking pot and drinking way too much, but he could feel
himself wearing down, and the tequila alligator was chasing him hard. As soon as he made camp,
he promised himself he would sleep for hours. Tomorrow night was the full moon.

* * * *

Gabe woke up to utter darkness. He shrugged off his sleeping bag and stuck his head outside
the small tent. With no hint of moon or stars peeking through the cloud-blanketed sky, it took his
eyes a few seconds to adjust. The cool night air kissed his skin, and the air was fresh and sweet,
so what the hell smelled so rank? It took him a few confused seconds to figure out the sour,
sweaty smell came from his own body.
Hed picked this campsite specifically for remoteness and its proximity to a mountain
stream. He could hear the water tumbling over the rocks and murmuring to itself. The clouds
parted, and the moon came out, lighting up the scene enough for Gabe to see the trail leading
down to the little stream, probably left by deer. Peeling off his jeans first, he made his way to the
Gabes Alpha 15

small creek. It was way too shallow to immerse himself, so he squatted over it and splashed the
icy water over his body till he shivered, but he did wash away some of the stink from the night
As he stood looking up at the stars, he got the feeling someone was watching him and
looked nervously around in all directions, his senses heightened. Seeing and hearing nothing, he
climbed out of the stream and stood on the bank for a moment, enjoying the soothing sound of
the water splashing on the rocks. The crack of a branch somewhere close by brought him back to
alertness and he moved quickly back to his tent, wanting the assurance of a weapon in case
someone was stalking him. He knew he was strong enough since the change to handle most
anyone or anything, but he was still human enough to want the feel of a gun in his hand if he had
to face an adversary.
He emerged from his tent with his daddys old twelve gauge shotgun, and his eyes swept the
dense forest around him. He was in a tiny clearing, off the trail by a good fifty feet and well-
hidden from the casual observer by the small pines growing around the campsite. He listened
again, and he could hearnothing at all. No sound of cicadas or frogs or the usual nighttime
sounds of a southern forest in June. His senses heightened even more.
A deep voice behind him and to his left made him swerve quickly in that direction and lift
the shotgun to his shoulder.
What are you doing in my territory, rogue?
A figure out of a dream walked toward him. Tall, broad-shouldered, and handsome, he
stepped out from the tree line and crossed his arms over his chest. Incredibly he was totally
naked, and his large erection bounced up to hit him on the stomach as he walked. Gabes mouth
fell open at the sight. He was a big guy, strong and powerful, and Gabes nose twitched
immediately. Wolf. How could he have missed the smell? He must have been downwind of him,
the only explanation for missing his strong, musky wolf scent, and not only the animal scent
teased his nose. An underlying smell of something sweet, too, almost like burnt sugar filled his
nostrils. Unreasoning fear gripped him for a moment, and he pushed it back down. He wasnt the
16 Shannon West

same weak young boy hed been the last time he came up against a wolf. His hatred for the
bastards remained the same though. He opened his mouth and let some of the hatred spill out.
This is a public park, and I have every right to be here. Who the fuck are you, asshole?
Youre some kind of wolf, so you must recognize who I am. Lower that gun before I take it
away from you and wrap it around a tree. Lets try this again, and watch your mouth. What are
you doing in my territory without permission? Rogue.
Gabe could feel a flush travel over him as he lowered the gun. I dont need the gun anyway
to handle you, whoever the fuck you are. And who said this is your territory? Must be news to
the park service.
The man stepped closer, sauntering nearer to Gabe to show he feared nothing. Gabe had
time to notice his ripped body, cut and perfect. He looked to be in his late twenties, maybe, with
dark hair and eyes, and a face like a male model. The smell radiating off him got even stronger
as he came closer. Instinctively, Gabe took a couple of steps back before he caught himself and
was angry for giving ground.
I say its my territory, thats who. This is Dark Hollow Wolf Pack territory, from here all
the way to Asheville, North Carolina and stretching over into Tennessee. Every wolf on the East
Coast has heard of us. Im Alpha of this branch of my pack, and any wolf or Werekin crossing
my land needs my permission. I dont recall you asking me. Which makes you a rogue and
subject to discipline.
Gabe laughed in nervousness and a chill went down his spine. The mans eyes were steely,
and his face was set, not in anger, but in determination. Look, I dont know about all this shit
alphas and territory and rogues. For Christs sake, all I want is to be left alone. I came out here to
get away from people because of the full moon. Thats all. You say this is your territory. Okay,
fine. Ill pack up and get out. Ill find another spot. But like I said, the full moon is coming, and I
have to get away from people. I dont want to hurt anybody or get killed myself. If its all the
same to you, Ill just pack my stuff and get out of your way.
Gabes Alpha 17

Youre not going anywhere. Moving so fast Gabe never even saw him coming, the man
was beside him and grasped his wrist in a steely grip. Before Gabe could react, he took the
shotgun from his hand and threw it to the side, twisted Gabes arm around behind him and
brought his naked body slamming against his. He caught Gabes flailing other wrist and pushed
it behind him to join the other, holding both with one of his huge, incredibly strong hands. Gabe
was shorter by a good four inches, and his cock hit the man at thigh level. He opened his thighs,
and clamped Gabes cock between his thighs, trapping him neatly. After a few moments of brief
struggle, Gabe experienced only pain and frustration, and damn it! Why was his cock getting
hard? It must be the friction from the mans thighs. Had to be. That and the rock-hard dick
pressing into his stomach. Controlled and helpless, he couldnt free his hands or his dick. He
threw his head back and looked up at the man who had him imprisoned.
Let go of me, damn it! What the fuck do you want?
Im not sure what you are yet, rogue, and until I am, youre coming with me. Do you want
to walk or do you want me to carry you?
Im not going anywhere with you! Leave me the hell alone! Defiantly, Gabe struggled,
succeeding in creating more friction and pressure against his cock, making it even harder.
Breathing hard in frustrated fury, he tried to stomp the mans foot. A dumb move, he discovered
ruefully. He was barefoot, and the guy had a body like steel. Bruising his own instep was all he
managed to do. He hissed his breath, and the wolf shook him hard.
Stop it. Youre hurting yourself! The wolf dropped his wrists and pulled him into a bear
hug, squeezing Gabe tight and the air out of his lungs. He squeezed tighter and tighter, cutting
off Gabes breath until his vision went black, and all Gabe could see was little sparkling stars,
swirling in the darkness. His knees gave way, and he was swept up and thrown over the wolfs
shoulder, landing on his stomach with a little whoof as the last bit of oxygen left his lungs, and
he passed out.

* * * *
18 Shannon West

Zack was headed home from a run along the perimeter of his territory when he smelled it
some kind of wolf for sure, but something more. The scent stopped him dead in his tracks and
beckoned him like a sirens call. His senses screamed mate. Pure testosterone flooded his wolfs
body. The smell was sweet. It smelled like mine! His brain screamed the word at him, making
him almost stumble and fall.
He always shifted to make the runs once every few months, and it took days to cover the
entire perimeter. He loved the feeling of freedom and solitude during them, but never before had
he caught a scent like this.
Zack was one of the alphas of the Dark Hollow Wolf Pack. Each division had its own alpha,
and Zack took his responsibilities seriously. From Hunters to rogues and rogue packs springing
up occasionally in their territories, the Dark Hollow Pack faced near continual challenges to their
authority. It was a good idea for an alpha to know his perimeters well and be able to detect any
encroachment as soon as it happened. He had his regular patrols out, but he liked to do some of
the work himself.
Whoever hed found didnt smell exactly like a wolf, but something more, something
unknown and unexpected. Another smell layered over that too, the smell of his mate. Whoever or
whatever he was, he had to get to him and fast. Overwhelmed with the need to have sex, his
erection sprang up urgent and painful. He shifted back into his human form and cautiously
approached the campsite. Sensing movement up ahead, he slowed his steps even further. He
smelled water just ahead and heard splashing in a stream. Standing behind a tree, Zack got his
first look at the man. The smell definitely radiated off him. Along with the mans own sweet,
almost sugary odor, Zack shifted through layers of cigarette smoke, beer, and spunk. He hated
the smell of smoke and beer, but the last smell made him furious, the smell of someone elses
jizz coming off his mate. His mate had been with a human male and recently.
I hope you enjoyed it, baby, because he was the last man wholl ever touch you besides me.
Gabes Alpha 19

Possessive jealousy and the urge to punish the man for being with someone else swept over
him. Luckily his rational mind knew he was being unreasonable. It didnt make him feel much
The man was young, just into his twenties, he would guess. He was naked in the moonlight,
kneeling down and splashing himself. The sight almost made Zack lose control. He wasnt very
big, but his body was amazing, with broad, muscular shoulders tapering off to a small waist.
There was almost no hair on his chest, but even from where he stood Zack could see the faint
black treasure trail leading from his navel downward. He stood up and turned around, giving
Zack a good view of his rounded little ass and perfect legs.
He turned again, and Zacks mouth went totally dry. His mates very respectable cock was
drawn up a bit from the icy cold water, but was still very nice. His balls were large too, and he
had a thatch of black hair covering his groin. Zacks own cock grew uncomfortably hard. He
shifted his feet to adjust himself and a stick beneath his feet cracked loud enough to cause the
young man to tense and look around him warily.
Zack watched him silently until he settled down and climbed back up the bank to his tent.
He hadnt fooled him, though. He came back out carrying a shotgun. Zack experienced a little
sense of pride in his mate for being smart and fearless.
Moving quietly up near his tent, Zack watched him scan the tree line. He didnt want to
scare him, but he needed to challenge him, find out who he was and what pack he belonged to. It
didnt matter who he belonged to, really, because from this point on, the man was his. He made
his first words harsh and challenging, wanting him so much and fighting the urge to throw him
on the ground and make love to him for hours.
What are you doing in my territory, rogue? Actually, he wasnt sure if he was rogue or
even if he were a wolf or a pet, but he almost hoped he wasnt a member of any pack. If not, he
wouldnt have to worry about complicated negotiations with his alpha. He wasnt quite sure of
his mates status, but he was no alpha, even if he did offer up a defiant remark to his challenge.
20 Shannon West

Zack was puzzled by the conversation that followed. He thought any Werekin would
recognize the alpha of a pack, and hed just told him it was his territory. This young man acted
like he knew nothing about pack life, being belligerent and challenging, yammering on about the
full moon. If he didnt know how to give proper respect, he wasnt going to learn any younger.
Smarting off to an alpha could get you severely reprimanded unless you immediately apologized
and showed signs of submission. This young whelp wasnt showing the proper respect. A lesson
was definitely in order.
He stepped up closer to him, hearing him continue to run his smart mouth with only half an
ear. He was looking at his gorgeous, pale blue eyes sparkling in the moonlight, and at the way he
bit his full lower lip when he got nervous. Zacks crotch got tighter every minute. When the boy
started backing up and talking about leaving, Zack paid closer attention. Oh, hell no.
Youre not going anywhere. He grabbed him and held him close, but the little fool kept
struggling. Zack had both his mates arms trapped behind him and drew him up to his body
where he fucking belonged. With the mans dick between his thighs, Zack almost came from the
sweetness of holding his naked mate close in his arms, his delicious scent beneath the other
smells seriously testing his control. The damn man wouldnt be still and even stomped his foot.
All he succeeded in doing was hurting himself, and holding him, Zack felt the pain radiating
through his sweet body.
Knowing his mate would continue to struggle, Zack couldnt allow him to hurt himself any
further. He had courage, he thought proudly. A suitable mate for an alpha. He caught him up in a
bear hug and squeezed him till he passed out, cradling his sweet body as he collapsed.
He laid him back on the ground and quickly gathered his few belongings. He found a duffle
bag inside the small tent and looked for some clothes to put on him, but everything reeked of
unpleasant smells. Hed take them back to be washed before he could allow his mate to wear any
of them. He found a blanket and wrapped it around him, picked him up, and threw him across his
shoulder. Picking up the boys duffle and his gun in one hand, Zack began the ten-mile trek back
to his home.
Gabes Alpha 21

* * * *

Gabe woke up, thinking for a moment he was having a crazy dream. He was hanging upside
down, being carried through the woods like a sack of potatoes. He yelled and cursed, trying
frantically to move his arms and get away, but his arms were trapped at his sides, and he was
wrapped tightly in a blanket. He reared up, bucking his body, and got a hard swat on the ass for
his troubles.
A voice called out, harshly, Cut it out!
Let me go, you crazy fuck! Another hard swat on the backside caused him to yell out in
pain. Ow! Stop hitting me. Damn it, fight me like a man! The man carrying him ignored his
orders and taunts. He tried again. Are you afraid to fight me like a man? Is that it? Crazy wolf
The man carrying him stopped and lowered him to the ground. Gabe tried to get his arms out
but the asshole kept the blanket bunched tightly in his hand as he pushed down on his chest,
keeping him firmly in place. Damn, the son-of-a-bitch was strong. How could there be so much
difference in their strength? He was a werewolf himself. Wasnt he? As Gabe stared up at him,
the man sank long fangs into his own wrist, and Gabe watched, fascinated as the blood poured
out. He put his wrist down to Gabes mouth and held it there.
Drink! he commanded.
Gabe pressed his lips together tightly and thrashed his head, but the big wolf followed his
every movement. He was supernaturally quick, his bloody wrist following him no matter which
way Gabe tried to move. Even worse, his forearm was pressing against his nose, blocking his air.
To get a breath, he opened his mouth, and the wolf pressed the bloody wrist right between his
teeth, wedged his mouth open more and prevented him from closing his jaw. God, the smell was
overpowering in its sweetness. Blood dripped onto his tongue, and the taste was like nothing
hed ever tasted before. Instead of being disgusting, as he expected, the blood was sweet and
delicious, almost like honey.
22 Shannon West

His tongue curled, and his lips sealed to suck. He was lost in seconds, transported into a
dreamlike state, flying high in the sky where the oxygen was thin. The wrist at his mouth was the
only thing keeping him alive, and he drank from it to keep the sweet air flowing into his lungs.
From far away, he heard a voice he almost recognized as someone very important calling to him.
Enough, sweetheart.
The wrist was pulled away. Gabe tried to grab it and hold on but couldnt. He was pulled
down toward Earth again, down and down into soft darkness.
The next time he awoke, he was on a cot of some kind in a darkened room. Wait a minute,
not a room, but a cell. Gabe had been in jail before and knew exactly what a jail cell looked like.
This one was no different. A cot, a pillow, and a blanket adorned the cell, but not much else. A
toilet sat on the side against the bare gray walls. He was still naked, wrapped up in the same
blanket, though not so tightly. Swinging his legs over the side of the cot, he sat up, listening. He
could hear nothing. Slowly getting to his feet, he wobbled over to the toilet to piss. He felt hung
over like hed just awakened from an all-nighter. Finishing, he made his way to the bars of his
cell. He gave the door a shove to make sure it was locked. It would be pretty stupid to stay in
here for days and discover the door was unlocked all along. He rattled the bars. It was locked all
Hey, let me out of here! he yelled, and down the long hallway, he heard someone coming
A large, unfamiliar young man with dark hair, dressed in jeans and T-shirt peered through
the bars at him. His expression was neutral, and he walked up to the cell and opened the door
with a key he pulled from his pocket. Gabe tried to rush past him, but his large, solid body
blocked the opening.
Let me out! You have no right to keep me here! Gabe made his voice loud and defiant, but
the man gazed at him furiously. Gabe took an involuntary step backward. What the hell had he
done to get this guy so pissed? If anyone should be angry, it was Gabe. He was minding his own
business when he was attacked, kidnapped, and abused by the big dude on the mountain.
Gabes Alpha 23

You need a bath, boy. Your stink is fouling up the whole area. Follow me and Ill take you
to the bathtub. Ive just prepared it for you and was coming to get you.
Fuck you! Get out of my way before I knock you out of it.
The man rolled his eyes, sneering at him. Gabe could see him flex his hands. Zack said
youd be difficult. He told me to tell you if you dont cooperate, hell come downstairs and bathe
you himself. What do you want to do? Should I call for him?
Who the fuck is Zack? Gabe asked, stalling for time.
Hes our alpha. He brought you here.
Memories of being carried over the brutes shoulder and whacks on his ass came flooding
back. He had no doubt the asshole would make good his threat to bathe him.
Look, I dont know about all this alpha shit. Ill leave, I promise. I just want to get out of
here, Gabe said, trying to reason with the guy in front of him.
Bath, the man said implacably. Now.
Damn it! Gabe yelled. Whats the matter with you people?
Right, the man said. Maybe Id better go get the alpha.
No! I-Ill go with you.
Casting him a furious glare, he motioned for Gabe to precede him down the hall. He waited
with thinned lips added to the glare, watching Gabe make a break for it and run up against a
locked steel door at the end of the hall. Gabe had to make a walk of shame back to where the
man stood with his arms folded over his chest.
If youve got that out of your system, go inside and get in the tub.
Gabe stomped his way through the door into a kind of bedroom. A large bed was in the
center of the room, and the room was nicely appointed, though windowless. An open door led off
to a bathroom where the tub waited. Gabe pulled off his blanket and showed his body to the man.
He knew he had a very nice body, and maybe he could seduce the guy into letting him go. He
stepped up close to the guy and looked up at him from under his long lashes.
24 Shannon West

Are you going to get in with me? He put his hand out to touch the man, but the guy gasped
and jerked away like Gabe was a poisonous snake.
Dont touch me! He turned his face away and covered his nose with his hand.
Damn, I must stink worse than I thought. The guy turned his face back toward him with an
obvious effort and spoke to him through almost gritted teeth.
You belong to the alpha, and youd better remember it.
I dont belong to anybody but myself!
The large wolf pointed toward the bathroom. Please go in and get in the tub, so I dont have
to make you.
All right, all right. Damn!
Frowning, Gabe turned around and made his way to the steaming tub. He stepped in
gingerly and lowered himself into the water. Some kind of flowery bath salts had been used. He
snorted through his nose. Talk about stink. When he got out of the tub, hed smell like fucking
roses all day.
The large wolf stood at the door and pointed out the shampoo and soap. Use plenty of
those. Scrub yourself.
Okay, keep your shirt on. Damn, I dont smell that bad.
Yes, the large man said firmly. You do. He retreated into the other room, but Gabe
could hear him close by.
Gabe snorted and soaped himself all over. Maybe he really did stink, not that he gave a shit.
Since he was there, though, he may as well take advantage of the tub. The hot water really did
feel great. He allowed himself to sink back into it for a few moments and just soak. It had been a
long while since hed had time for that kind of luxury. Most nights during the past year, hed
been either too tired or too drunk to do much more than grab a quick shower. He sat forward
after a bit and reached for the shampoo. After lathering and rinsing in the tub, he turned a
dripping face toward the door. Could you hand me a towel at least?
Gabes Alpha 25

Of course, sweetheart. The deep voice from the night before sounded too close for
comfort, and Gabes eyes flew open. He flinched in surprise. Instead of the large wolf from
before, the alpha stood lounging in the doorway, looking even bigger and more powerful than
Gabe remembered. Dressed in jeans and a white button-up shirt, he wasnt naked this time, at
least. He snagged a towel from a rack on the wall and walked toward Gabe.
Gabe fought hard to resist the impulse to lower his head in submission when the man
approached him. Where did that even come from? He vaguely remembered drinking blood
directly from the guys wrist the night before. Had he been changed again in some way?
He made himself take the towel and wipe his face as calmly as he could, his hands trembling
slightly. When he looked up, the alpha leaned against the wall, looking down at him curiously.
How do you feel?
Oh, just fuckin great, he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. I highly recommend
being beaten up, kidnapped, and thrown in a jail cell. You should try it some time.
The alpha continued to study him with interest. Do you always respond this way when
youre frightened?
Who the fuck said I was frightened?
The alpha continued to regard him closely and stepped further into the room, making Gabe
flinch back involuntarily. Calm down. No one here is going to hurt you.
Gabe snorted. Well, thatll make a nice change.
Whats your name? His voice was calm and completely unmoved by Gabes sarcasm.
Who wants to know? Tell me what the fuck Im doing here!
Unless you want your mouth washed out with the bar of soap in your hand, I suggest you
stop all the cursing. Settle down and answer me. Whats your name?
Gabe fought a real battle with himself. On the one hand, he hated obeying this guy, but on
the other, he figured the man was crazy enough to do exactly as he said. He was plenty big
enough to get the job done too, not to mention the dude from before, who probably still lurked
26 Shannon West

around somewhere close by in case his help was required. Hed have to bide his time and pretend
to cooperate.
He sat up straighter and lowered his gaze, not wanting to see any look of triumph on the
alphas face. My name is Gabe, Gabe Sullivan
What pack are you from?
I told you I dont have any fuckany pack. I dont even know what youre talking about!
A silence followed--long enough for Gabe to sneak a glance at the alpha to make sure he
was still there. He was, standing tall and strong, his arms crossed over his muscular chest.
Who made you, Gabe? Youre not a wolf, so you must be some kind of pet or Werekin.
Who did this to you?
Gabe bit his lower lip as painful thoughts of his mother seared through his body. His voice,
when he was able to speak, came out harsh and ragged. I told you I dont know what youre
talking about! I am a damned werewolfa fucking monster just like the one who bit me and my
The alphas voice was soft as he asked the next question. Your mother? Where is your
mother, Gabe?
Tears sprang to Gabes eyes, and he angrily dashed them away, managing to get soap in his
eyes. They burned and filled with moisture. Shes dead! he choked out. Murdered by the
filthy monster who bit me! I guess he thought hed killed me too, but I wasnt quite dead! He
laughed, a strange, hysterical sounding laugh even to his own ears. I fooled him! I woke up
bleeding from my wounds while my p-poor mom He sputtered as he tried to keep the sobs
from bursting from his throat, visions of his mothers bloody body in his head.
They tried to save my mother, but Gabe looked up with blurry vision into the
sympathetic gaze of the alpha, and the tears streamed down his cheeks. He hadnt ever cried like
this about it, not even just after it happened.
Picked up out of the water, he was cradled against a strong, hard chest. Grabbing a huge
towel off the rack, the alpha carried him in his arms to the bed and sat down with him. He
Gabes Alpha 27

wrapped the towel around Gabes shivering body and held him close, letting him cry against his
chest. It only took a moment for Gabe to understand what was happening, and he reacted with
Get off me, Gabe said furiously, struggling in his arms. I dont need anybody! Especially
not some damn wolf!
Ignoring Gabes words, the alpha held onto him, murmuring something to him in his ear.
Soft words he couldnt even make out, but the murmuring sound was soothing. He stopped
struggling and leaned into him even closer. It had been a long time since anyone had touched
him with anything other than lust, nothing like this sweet, sympathetic kindness being shown to
He was tiredexhausted from running from the truth of what hed become. He relaxed into
the alphas arms, feeling safety and power radiating off the man. He closed his eyesjust for a
minuteand drifted gently down into a soft, dark sleep.

28 Shannon West

Chapter Two

The moon was full, and the shift was later that night. The whole pack was edgy as a result.
Some disagreements had broken out earlier, and Zack had spent most of the day arbitrating and
soothing ruffled feelings while Gabe slept.
A pack rule required that any unknown newcomer spent some time isolated before the pack
members let him near their mates and children, even the alphas new mate. His scent was strange
and unhealthy, too, and none of them, including Zack, knew exactly what to make of him. Hed
sent his cousin down to deal with him in his place that morning, intending to go down later and
talk with his mate.
Unable to stop thinking about him, Zack decided to take the time to go downstairs. Hed told
Tim to call if there were problems. Tim hadnt called, but a nagging, uneasy feeling made Zack
go down to check. Aggravated with his distraction, he entered the bathroom, but his irritation
only lasted until the moment he saw his mate again, his body slick and wet and his head covered
in soap suds. Hed stood there in the doorway of the bathroom, watching him rinse away the
soap and get some in his eyes. Hed turned toward the door to ask for a towel with an adorable
When Zack spoke to him, he was still angry and hurtdamaged. It brought out every one of
Zacks strong, protective urges. When Gabe had burst into tears, he hadnt hesitated to pick him
up and cradle him next to his body.
Zack was heartsick as he held his sweet mate to his chest. He mentally kicked himself for
not finding out more about his new mate before leaving him to fend for himself. Hed had no
idea this young man had been so abused and damaged by one of Zacks own kind, another wolf.
The strongest pack law forbade preying on humans, an offense punishable by death. His outrage
Gabes Alpha 29

and fury warred with his sympathy and regret for what his mate had been through. He laid him
gently down on the bed and covered him with blankets before leaving the room and going out to
pace the hallway. Having what they thought might be a new young whelp to care for so close to
the full moon had thrown them all for a loop, but to realize the newcomer was an abused human
Werekinit was almost unimaginable.
Tim sat in a chair by the door, watching Zack warily as he paced up and down. Is
something wrong, Zack? Did he do something to upset you? I didnt touch him.
Zack glanced over at his cousins worried face. Touching another wolfs mate was forbidden
by the pack. Even though he hadnt gone through the mating ritual as yet, he had claimed him,
and Tim respected that claim. He wondered if Gabe had flirted with Tim. The idea made him
surprisingly jealous and possessive. Though Tim was his younger cousin and the only wolf Zack
trusted enough to allow unsupervised around Gabe, Tim had been reluctant to take on this chore.
He told Zack he knew how bad his temper could be if something went wrong.
Tim was another alpha male, but he suppressed his dominant tendencies to be able to stay
with the pack. Some years ago, they had faced each other in the ancestral ring to see which of
them would lead the pack when the time came. Zack had won quite easily, and Tim left the pack
for over two years, going to live and work with the North Carolina wolf pack. Once Tim came
home, Zack put him on the council, and he became an important council member. Zack relied on
him a great deal.
No, Tim, its nothing youve done. Its Gabe. He told me he was bitten and left for dead by
a wolf. The same bastard killed his mother.
Oh my God! The poor kid. He doesnt even know what he is or whats happened to him?
No wonder he seems so lost and angry.
Yeah, and I didnt help any by grabbing him and throwing him over my shoulder like a
caveman. The blood lust was strong in me last night, and I was afraid Id take him right there. I
just wanted to get him back here and get some distance between us for a while so I could control
myself. I must have scared him to death.
30 Shannon West

What is he, exactly, Zack? He smells so odd.
I think hes feral. Ive heard about them, but Ive never actually seen one. I heard Marco,
the western North Carolina alpha, had a pet who went feral last year, though he recovered fine.
He was the first one we knew about for over a century, though we know a little more about the
condition today.
Feral? What is that, exactly?
It means no one ever cared for him properly, and after the wolf attack, it changes him into a
kind of half-wolf creature. All of the ones Ive ever heard of become savage and crazy, just like
the TV shows about werewolves. This is the first time I heard of them changing only with the
moon and then changing back, though. Marcos pet changed when he got angry, I think, but
theres so much we dont know about the condition. Theres a mystery here, and I mean to get to
the bottom of it. He must be very strong mentally and emotionally to have survived alone as long
as he has, keeping himself away from other humans when he changes.
Will hewill he shift tonight?
Not if I can help it. Our blood is supposed to keep them from changing. Hes been fed
once, and Ill feed him again before tonight. Ill put him in restraints and lock him in this room,
too, just in case, but I wont put him back in the cell. Hes been through enough already. Dont
worry. Well keep the other pets safe. He hesitated before adding, Keep this between you and
me for now, Tim. No one else needs to know.
Tim nodded, seemingly reassured. I just feel bad about the way I treated him. I thought he
was only being a brat.
Me too. Zack took a deep breath and turned back to the room. And he was, he said,
smiling at the memory of his defiance. But at least its a little more understandable. Im going
to spend some time with him before the moon comes up. Go back upstairs and cover for me if
any problems come up.
Tim left right away, leaving him alone with his mate.
Gabes Alpha 31

Zack opened the door and walked back into the room. Gabe was curled up on his side, tear
tracks still evident on his sweet face. Zack pulled back the covers and lay down beside him,
spooning him. Gabe snuggled back into him with a little moan. He stirred restlessly and then
turned to open his blue eyes and stare at Zack. He rolled to his back, and the wide blue gaze
stayed carefully trained on Zacks face.
I must admit youre better looking than most guys I wake up with. Did youdid weuh?
Zack stirred restlessly, hating the idea of his beautiful mate waking up with other men.
No, he said more roughly than hed intended. Im not a rapist. When we mate, youll
definitely know it, and it will be because you want me more than youve ever wanted anyone
before in your life. A good thing, because Ill be the last man you ever sleep with too.
Oh yeah? Possessive much? Who are you, really, and why did you bring me here? I told
you, Id leave quietly and get out of your territory you seem to be worried about.
We need to talk, though, and its hard with your cute little naked ass in my crotch. Lets get
up and get you dressed.
Zack swung his feet over the side of the bed and crossed over to the dresser. He rummaged
through the dresser drawer and found Gabes jeans and T-shirt, washed and folded neatly. He
threw them over to Gabe. Put these on.
Gabe caught them and pulled them on quickly before sitting back down on the edge of the
bed while Zack watched. Okay, talk. It cant be too much longer till the full moon, though, and
I need to get outside soon. Gabe looked around the room. Unless you want your house
destroyed. I usually make a bit of a mess.
Is shifting painful for you?
Hell, yeah. I hate every second of it. Isnt it the same for you?
No. Im a born shifter. Shifting comes naturally to me, and it feelswonderful. Freeing
and familiar, like coming back home after Ive been away a long time. But Im a wolf, and not a
feral creature, like I think youve become.
32 Shannon West

Gabe stared at him with narrowed eyes. What do you mean? Theres more than one kind of
Any of our people who arent wolf shifters are called Werekin. Theyre non-shifting kin.
Some are humans weve adopted and mated with, and some were born of a wolf and a Werekin
or Werekin parents without the inheriting the genes necessary to shift. Weve been around just as
long as humans and coexisted peacefully the whole time. Over the centuries, weve had our
outlaws, our killers, just as humans do. These wolves exist outside our packs, and when we find
them we punish them. These murderers, like the one who attacked you and your mother,
sometimes attack humans as weaker prey. Its possible he was even trying to mate with you. Did
hedid he rape you, Gabe?
Gabe frowned and turned his head away. I dont talk about what the son-of-a-bitch did to
Zack was silent for a moment, giving him time. He wished he didnt have to press him, but
he needed some answers before he could mate with him. Even if some other wolf had claimed
his bloodmate before, it wouldnt matter in the long run. He had abandoned him, and Zack would
still have him, no matter what. It might take longer to develop a mating bond, however, and
could make it even more painful for Gabe when he claimed him with the ritual while his essence
eradicated the others.
Did he try to give you a mating bite? Its important, Gabe. I need to know.
How the fuck do I know? I dont know what a mating bite is! At Zacks steady look, Gabe
sagged a little and sighed. Okay, he bit me on my arms and hands, when I tried to throw him off
me. The doctors were amazed at how I healed so fast without scarring. Hurt like hell though. He
ripped my pants off and forced himself on me when I was unconscious. I was fighting him and
screaming, andthats when my mother must have He bit his lower lip and looked down at
his hands clenched on his lap. She must have tried to help me. How could he do something so
vicious to her? She was such a little thing.
Gabes Alpha 33

His eyes filled with tears, and Zack kept his voice soothing and soft. I cant explain why it
happenedno more than you could explain a human killer to me. Im so sorry, sweetheart, but I
need you to focus for me. The one who attacked you bit you and mingled his saliva with your
blood and changed you into Werekin. The mating ritual involved more than that, just as the
rogue taking Gabes blood created a connection in the wolf, but Zack wasnt going to confuse
him any more by going into details.
Werekin? Is that the creature I turn into at the full moon?
No, honey. It means your body has changed forever, and youve become part of the wolf
clansthe Werekin. Adopted Werekin, or humans who have undergone the change, turn feral if
they arent fed regularly. In other words, they become like the monster you say you turn into.
You can live a good life, though, a long, happy life. We can take you into our clan. As long as a
wolf cares for you properly and feeds you, youll be fine. It all works better, of course if the wolf
mates with you. I have to ask again, did he bite you on the neck? He held off asking if theyd
been tied up for any length of time. Knowing if the wolf gave the bite was enough.
Gabe shook his head, No, not on the neck. Just my shouldermy arms and hands.
Defensive wounds the doctor called them. He hesitated a moment, seeming to consider all Zack
was telling him. But slow down. I can take care of myself. I mean, its nice of you to want to
take me in and all, but Im doing just fine on my own.
Gabe wasnt getting it, yet. Sweetheart, I dont want to just take you in. I want you for my
Like a sex partner?
Not just a sex partner, a life partner. In your world it would be like a marriage.
The word startled a brief laugh from him. I just met you, dude. Zack stared steadily back
at Gabe for so long he started to fidget. Look, like I said, I appreciate the offer and all. Hell,
youre gorgeous, so Ill have sex with you, if you want, but I can take care of myself.
Zack shook his head. You still dont understand, Gabe. If you dont drink wolf blood from
time to time, I think your body will continue to force the change on youpainfully, as you said,
34 Shannon West

and not always just with the full moon. I think it can happen when you experience strong
emotion too. Lets say you were suddenly cut off in traffic or got mad at your boss. You could
spontaneously change wherever you were. I think a full mating is needed to provide you with
complete protection.
You keep saying you think these things will happen. How come you dont know?
Ive never actually met a feral creature before. Its very rare. Actually, we always thought a
human Werekin who went feral died right away. Maybe the shock was so great to many, they
did, but we know now that doesnt always happen. Until now, we didnt know you could change
back to human after becoming feral. We obviously havent had much experience with the
phenomenon, but Im pretty sure if you mate with me, you wont shift anymore at all. The
chemicals you receive from me should dominate then.
I wont? Gabe said excitedly, rising to his feet. You mean, if I drink your blood, like I
did earlier, I wont ever have to become a monster again?
My blood or any other wolfs, and no, not if you drink it regularlyevery couple of
Then I want it. Quick, give me some more before tonight!
Gabe, be very sure. I already fed you a little to calm you down when I brought you here. As
I said, Im not sure its enough. Giving you my blood affects me as well, and I want you so
much, I wouldnt be able to control myself. The bloodmatch is too strong with you. There are
other wolves here who could feed you, but wed have to lock you up until were certain a simple
feeding is enough to stop the shifting.
No! Gabe said quickly, surprising Zack. I want your blood. I tasted it already, and I liked
it. As for the mating thing, youre not exactly hard to look at. I can do this. Id rather be with you
than anybody else, I guess, and I dont want to go through that even once more.
Zack smiled a slow, sexy smile at him. You guess, huh? Baby, I dont think you realize the
seriousness of what Im telling you. Once we mate, youll belong to me forever, and I would
Gabes Alpha 35

settle for nothing less with you. Wolves mate for life. Youll move in here and live with me. Ill
take care of you, and youll join our clan.
The amount of longing in Gabes eyes surprised Zack. He remembered how young Gabe
was and how hed been on his own for a long time.
Gabe shrugged and said softly, Okay, sounds good. Might be nice for a change to belong
somewhere for a change. To be with others who are like me.
Zack smiled down at him. Well, Im not going to stand here and talk you out of it. If you
think youre sure?
Gabe nodded confidently. Lets do it!
When do you want to start?
Now! Gabe shucked off his clothes as quickly as hed put them on a few minutes before
and soon stood deliciously naked in front of Zack. Well, cmon, babe, lets do this. He patted
the bed beside him.
Zack smiled indulgently as he stood, pulled off his shirt and unbuttoned his jeans. Okay,
babe, well do this as you say. Remember, once you become my mate, its for life. I wish you
had more time to make a proper decision and didnt feel rushed. I dont know if I could let you
go, though. He took a deep breath and took Gabes hand. One more thing. No more other men
for you after thisever.
Okay. He grinned. You look like you might be more than enough for me. As far as being
sure, its not like I have much of a life anyway with this werewolf thing hanging over me.
Wolf blood alone may be enough to prevent it, Gabe. You can feed from another wolf.
Zack had to force himself to say the words, and in reality he had no idea what he would do if
Gabe agreed. The idea of his mate with another wolf made his stomach clench. Damn it, hed kill
them both. We can wait and test it tonight, see if stops you from shifting.
No, Im positive. You attract me a lot, and damn, do you use some kind of sweet cologne
or something? You smell so damn good.
36 Shannon West

Filled with overwhelming relief, Zack pulled him into his arms. He still wore his boxers, and
he enjoyed Gabes expression of lustful delight as he rubbed against the large bulge in front of
them. You smell good to me too, Gabe. Irresistible, in fact. Its the mating scent. My blood
sings to yours and yours to mine.
I hope you like to top, cause I want some of that. His hand slipped between them almost
reverently touching Zacks large bulge. Im more of a bottom man, myself.
Oh, Ill top you, as you say, sweetheart.
He lifted Gabe by the ass and held him effortlessly. Gabes legs wrapped around his waist,
Zacks bulge nudging Gabes hole. Gabe let his head fall back and wiggled, trying to work the
head through the slit of Zacks boxers.
Slow down. There are other rules youll have to follow. No more drinking or smoking and
abusing your body. Youll live with me, and I warn you, Im jealous.
Yeah, well that goes both ways, babe. Gabe dropped his head to nibble at Zacks ear and
whispered. Hey, are you going to fuck me or talk me to death?
Zack growled at him and threw him down on his back on the bed. He crossed over to the
side table and pulled out a tube of lube. Turn over and let me prepare you.
With pleasure, Gabe said, twisting around and propped himself up on his hands and knees,
putting his ass in the air provocatively. He looked over his shoulder to see if Zack was paying
Zack popped his ass playfully. Be still, whelp. Im getting you ready.
Im ready, babe. Im not a virgin. Just smear a little lube on and lets get this show on the
road. Take off those shorts and let me inspect the merchandise.
Zack slapped his butt again, and Gabe laughed. Oh, baby!
Im glad you like a spanking. I have a feeling youll be getting a lot of them in the months
to come.
Promises, promises. Ill give you some too, honey. All you got to do is ask.
Gabes Alpha 37

Zack smiled and shook his head. He opened the lube and squirted out a good glob of it in his
You wont need much. I told you its not my first time.
Oh, but I will.
Zack turned to face him and pushing his boxers down, giving Gabe his first look at a wolfs
penis. Gabes eyebrows flew almost to his hairline, and he fell down on the bed to twist around
and look at Zack more closely. Whoa, baby, youre hung like a horse, and what the hell is that?
Zack looked down at himself and tried to imagine what his mate must be seeing. Around the
base of his larger than human cock was a large, circular knot, a bulbus glandis found in every
canine species, including the wolf. The knot was natures way of ensuring conception for the
male and female of primitive species by tying the two together long enough for the sperm to be
effective. In shifters, the gland also secreted hormones to create the bond. The same hormones
sealed a bond in male matings with the added benefit of providing incredibly long, intense
orgasms in the way it affected the prostate. Though the secretions only occurred in the mating
bond, the bonus of exceptional climaxes occurred whenever the knot was embedded strictly for
pleasure, an involved explanation Zack was not going to take the time for then.
Its my knot, sweetheart, and it will hurt like hell going in, but you can stretch to take it. Ill
go slow and be careful. I promise. Once its in, youll have a lot of orgasms, and theyll be very
mind blowing. Just hang on and try to ride it out till its over.
Gabe went back to his hand and knees, stuck out his ass, and wiggled it again. Multiple
orgasms? Lets do this! Oh and dont forget the condom. Im not suicidal.
I dont need a condom, baby, and neither do you. Our blood affords us immunity from most
Gabes eyes widened. You mean we can always go bareback? Damn, thats a perk!
Zack laughed out loud, proud of his adventurous, sexy little lover. He lubed him up well and
put his fingers in to stretch him before nudging the large head of his cock inside. Gabe twisted to
look at him, taking his width without difficulty. A wave of love washed over Zack. He thrust
38 Shannon West

deeply inside him, right up to the knot. Gabe pushed back on him. Zack took the opportunity to
push in deep and hard, forcing some of the knot inside him. Gabe cried out and tried to pull
away. Zacks hand, clutching Gabes cock and balls, pulled him back. The other hand worked in
the knot.
I warned you, baby. Push back against me, honey. Bear down and push out. You can take
it. While Gabe stopped trying to get away, he moaned pitifully and almost broke Zacks heart.
Im sorry, darlin. I dont mean to hurt you, but its the only way. One more push.
He pulled Gabe back into him with one hand while he eased a finger in to help lever the knot
inside with the other. With a pop, the knot slid past its thickest part and rammed deep inside him.
Gabe arched his back and cried out with an immediate and intense orgasm, his prostate rubbed
and bathed in the chemicals released from the gland. He reared back against Zack, lifting up to
his knees.
His own body pulsing, filling Gabe with his cum, Zack pulled Gabes head to the side by his
hair, neck up to meet his mouth. He bit down on the side of his neck sharply, giving him the deep
mating bite, ensuring Gabe was his forever. Gabe cried out in surprise and pain, followed quickly
by a deep-throated groan of pleasure.
His climax ebbing, Zack released the bite, licking at the wound on Gabes neck, taking his
sweet blood. Zack held to Gabes body, twisting out of control. Making mindless whimpering
sounds, Gabes breath came in big hitches as his body processed the chemicals flooding into
him. Zack lowered him down, going with him as Gabe collapsed to the bed, their bodies tied

* * * *

Wave after wave of bliss engulfed Gabe. He cried out a lot from an experience too intense to
lastexcept it did. On and on it went until he thought he might die. Zack wedged his hand under
him and wrapped his hand around his cock, stroking it gently and soothingly. One orgasm started
to ease off and another took its place. Gabe thought he might have howled a time or two, but
Gabes Alpha 39

most of the time he wanted only to be held and comforted by the very man who was killing him!
He begged Zack to end it, but Zack murmured to him instead. The feelings grew too powerful,
and he lost himself in a faint.
He woke up in the middle of another orgasm. Too tired to fight it, he let it take him over and
rode it like a wave. Another, then another and Zack whispered to him, soothed him, told him
over and over he was his sweetheart, his lover, his mate.
Gabe wasnt sure hed survive until the pressure in his ass eased, and Zack pulled out,
stroking his back to relax him. Zack bit into his wrist and held it to Gabes mouth.
Drink, sweetheart. It will help to make you mine completely.
Gabe let the bright sweetness spill over his lips. He remembered the taste and musk of
honey, thick and delicious as he closed his eyes and latched onto Zacks wrist. The blessed
lassitude came over him in waves, soothing the pain and making him feel boneless and totally
relaxed. He was flying again, higher than before. He soared up into the clouds, and they
thickened around him.
He awoke slowly, sensuously, feeling more relaxed than hed been in months even with a
raging hard-on. He stretched and tried to roll over on his sideand came instantly awake. His
left wrist was handcuffed to the bedpost. What? Was he kidding? Wide awake and fuming, Gabe
tried to twist his wrist out of the restraint without success.
Looking around him for something to use to help him break free, he realized how very dark
it was. Considering it was the night of the full moon, it wasnt as dark as it should be. A soft light
came through a casement window high on the bathroom wall. The moon was shining brightly
outside. For a moment, his body tensed as he waited for the pull of the moonlight, but it didnt
come. No hint of the change came over him, no feelings of bestial savagery. He breathed a sigh
of relief. At least that much was true. Zack had promised him the shifting would be over after he
mated with him. Apparently he hadnt been lying.
Why in the hell had he handcuffed him? The idea made him furious. He would not be
anyones prisonernot even Zacks no matter how crazily his body cried in need of him.
40 Shannon West

Impotently, Gabe pulled at the cuff and gripped his hard-on for relief. From outside, he heard the
distant howling of wolves, and it made him shiver. What if one of them came in here and
attacked him? Another distant howl and his mind traveled back to the night a little over a year
ago when hed heard that sound beforethe night his mother was murdered. If one of those
murdering wolves came in, hed be a sitting duck. Shaking, he forced his mind not to think about
what might be lurking outside the walls of the room. He pulled desperately at the handcuff. His
hand slipped a tiny bit down into the cuff, and an idea was born. The lube still lay within reach
on the bedside table.

* * * *

As wonderful as running through the woods with his pack was, Zacks thoughts kept
straying back to his sweet mate. If there hadnt been the pressure of the full moon coming so
soon, he would have waited, making sure they had time to learn more of each other before
mating. He promised his cousin he wouldnt endanger the other mates and children and
handcuffed Gabe to the bed once he fell asleep, in case the mating wasnt strong enough. He
hoped Gabe wouldnt wake up until after he got back home to remove the restraints. It might
upset him. The last thing he wanted.
He made his way back home way ahead of the rest of the pack, excited to see Gabe. Shifting
quickly, he grabbed his clothes and almost ran to the basement, anxious to move him to what
would be their new bedroom. A little nervous, he hoped Gabe would like his new home and
settle into his new life. He knew it would be quite an adjustment to get used to pack life,
particularly considering the traumatic and tragic way he was made. Experience and tradition had
proved wolves and Werekin were ultimately happier within a pack, following rules and laws.
Rogues were those who didnt assimilate for whatever reason and some became the equivalent of
human outlaws, refusing to obey the laws of wolf or human, often violent and destructive.
Zack wished he could make Gabes turning right to him somehow, but he couldnt erase the
pain and horror of the attack. No one could bring back his poor mother. He would like to help
Gabes Alpha 41

Gabe find the murdering rogue, not only for his sake, but for the sake of other humans the rogue
might encounter.
In the meantime, he would try to help Gabe understand pack life and assimilate into it
gradually. He figured he was going to be a handful as a mate. He certainly had a mind of his
He opened the door to the basement room and stopped in horror. The bed was empty, and
the cuff hed used to restrain his mate hung discarded by the bedpost. He turned in a panic to run
from the room, when a slight noise from the bathroom stopped his wild flight. Crossing quickly
to the door, he flung it open to see Gabe standing calmly by the sink, wearing only a towel and
shaving. He cast Zack a frowning look in the mirror and kept at his task, not bothering to even
acknowledge him otherwise.
Gabe? Honey?
Gabe finished and rinsed his face carefully before turning to look at Zack. Dont honey me.
You handcuffed me to the bed! Im not your fucking prisoner, so you may as well get used to the
idea right away.
No, Gabe, that wasnt why I handcuffed you. Honestly, I was afraid the mating and the
blood might not totally work at first, and I had to leave to shift with the pack. I didnt want to put
you back in the cell, but I couldnt leave the other mates and the children unprotected, in case
something went wrong.
Humph. If I didnt want you to come over here and kiss me so much, Id probably make
you grovel a little more, but okay, I can understand. This time. He pointed a finger at Zack.
Dont ever do it again.
Zack walked over to him and took the finger in his mouth, enjoying the little sigh slipping
from Gabes lips before he took him next, bending him back in his arms to kiss him thoroughly.
Am I forgiven then?
Only a little. He pushed Zack away. Stand over there, he said, nodding toward the door.
Your damn bite and blood has me feeling loopy. All I want to do is lick you all over. I cant
42 Shannon West

think straight with you so close. Go on. He made a little shooing motion with his hand and
waited until Zack went to stand by the door, smiling.
Actually, youre doing very well, Zack said. Surprisingly so. I thought youd still be
sleeping. Usually when humans are mated, it takes them days to come out of heat. Your system
must be totally different from most humans. It must be because you were already turned.
When the rogue monster bit me? He sagged against the sink. Ive been running with the
full moon for almost a year. Damn, I hope its really all over.
It is, honey, I promise. As long as you feed from me occasionally and let me care for you.
Okay, so what happens next? I can care for myself, you know. I keep telling you. Weve
mated, like you said, and you told me Id be part of your pack from this point on. Right?
Yes, well move upstairs to my room, and well need to go get your car soon. Ive already
sent someone out to gather up your camping gear.
My truck, but yeah. I left it in the campground parking lot. Where are the rest of my
clothes? And my gun? The shotgun belonged to my dad.
I brought your gun with us. Its upstairs in our room. Im having your clothes washed for
you. Uhabout that, our new pets usually wear leather pants. Your ass will look fine in leather,
Uh huhokay, back up. First of all, what the hell is a pet? Second of all, are you kidding
me? Im not your dog, you know.
I know, and I figured you wouldnt like the idea. We call our non-shifting pack members
pets. Its just a name, though a lot of new pets dont understand and get all torn up about it. In a
mating, its a mark of ownership, too, so other wolves will know youre takenwell, that and
the collar.
As in dog collar? So not happening.
Now, Gabe, honey Zack began to say, shifting his feet uncomfortably.
Gabes Alpha 43

Dont Gabe honey me, either. I dont mind the leather pants much, because yes, my ass will
look fine in them, but no collar. This is not S&M, or it better not be. I mean, I like a little kink
and all, but Ive never seen the point in a collar.
Zack lost his patience, never long to begin with, and shouted. The point is to let others
know to keep their damn hands off you, because youre mine!
Ill wear one only if you wear one too! Gabe shouted right back. And the leathers, come
to think of it, since Id like to look at your ass in leather just as much as you like to look at
Damn it! Zack grumbled, turning around to go back and sit on the bed. I knew youd be a
lot of trouble.
Gabe came out of the bathroom and sat beside him on the bed, smiling as he pulled off his
towel. Im worth it, though.
Oh yeah? Zack said, snarling and pulling Gabe to him. Prove it.

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Chapter Three

Zack sat at the head table, watching Gabe eat. The young man had a voracious appetite. He
dug into his second steak and showed no signs of being full. His metabolism must be amazing to
burn off all those calories. Zack almost wished he would put on a little weight, maybe even get a
little pot belly. He wouldnt have to be as jealous all the time of the attention his handsome mate
received. From the moment theyd walked into the dining room, almost every eye had been on
him and not just from curiosity. What had pissed Zack off even more was the fact Gabe looked
back. Not really flirting, he did let his eyes roam more than once to a good-looking young
gamma as he passed by, making Zack furiously jealous.
Zack had always considered himself to be nice looking, having been told he was handsome
numerous times. Like all the wolves he was large and well built, muscular like a body builder,
though Zacks muscles came from hard work, not from lifting weights. He had the family trait of
dark hair and deep brown eyes, along with high cheek bones, supporting the long held family
belief that Native American blood ran through their veins. Gabe, on the other hand, was simply
beautiful, as different from Zack as night from day. He was smaller, though probably only in
relation to the huge wolves roaming around the compound. Probably of average human height,
he had a beautiful body, slim, but ripped and cut all along his chest and abs, tapering down to a
small waist. His midnight black hair and his icy blue eyes made Zack want to sit and stare at him
all night. The combination was striking and beautiful. His lips were full and soft, almost pouty,
and his nose was short and straight. Gorgeous, Zack thought, and all mine, though Gabe needed
reminding constantly.
The night before had been their mating ceremony. Gabe had actually agreed to wear the
white robes, but only if Zack had worn one too. No amount of frowning, growling, or attempts at
intimidation worked. Finally Zack slipped a robe on over his bare chest, and Gabe had done the
same. No collaring, though. Hed been absolutely adamant on the issue. Zack was still trying to
Gabes Alpha 45

figure out a way to bribe him into that one. He didnt want to force him so early in their
Gabe had quickly figured out something it took most pets years to learn. For all their
posturing and tough talk, wolves were powerless against their pets. Sworn to protect and serve
them, they were completely unable to deliberately hurt them physically or even emotionally. Any
pain they doled out would only hurt them just as much, since wolves were unable to stand seeing
their mates upset in any way. Most used intimidation and threats as their weapons, even
spankings, but with Gabe, these tools didnt work in the least. Actually, Zack hadnt tried a good
spanking yet. He had the feeling Gabe would enjoy it too much, taking away all its power as a
tool of intimidation. Still, sometimes, like tonight, his hands itched to spank that ass.
The night before, they had stood in front of the entire assembled pack, some fifty strong, and
Zack had repeated the traditional words as he held Gabes hand in his. This is Gabriel, and I
hold him to my heart where he will lodge forever. I pledge to him my love and faith, and my
promise to always care for him, always protect him. My soul has found its mate, and I will never
forsake him. Even unto death, my heart will follow his.
Gabe had dropped his head as he said the words to him, refusing to meet his gaze, yet when
hed finished speaking and tipped up Gabes chin to kiss him, his beautiful eyes were
suspiciously wet. Zack whispered in his ear as he held him close. Were your family from now
on, sweetheart. Youll never be alone again.
Gabe had shuddered and wrapped his arms tightly around Zacks waist. Zack left him then
as he and the pack went outside to shift, a tradition after a mating ceremony, and he thought hed
detected a tightening of Gabes lips and a disapproving glance. Hed been in the throes of strong
emotion, though, and by the time he and the pack returned from their moonlit run much later
during the night, Gabe was sound asleep. He hadnt awakened him, just slid in beside him and
held him close the rest of the night.
Tonight they were having the wedding feast, with dancing afterward. Zack had been kept
busy all day with pack concerns and had hardly seen Gabe until an hour before the feast. Gabe
46 Shannon West

had been in the shower when he came in and had opened the shower door enticingly when he
heard Zack.
Want to come in and get a shower with me? hed asked seductively, thrusting his hips
toward him.
A strangled sound came from Zacks throat at the sight of his mates gorgeous body, with
his large cock bobbing around in front of him. Zack had backed away with drops of pre-cum
already leaking from his cock. Hell, no. If I get in there with you, neither one of us is making it
to the feast.
Gabe closed the door and laughed, pressing his erect, rigid cock up against the glass. Are
you sure? I could use a little help in here. I actually think its your duty as my mate to make sure
I dont miss cleaning any spots, especially those hard-to-reach places.
Growling, Zack tore his clothes off and climbed in, wrapping his arms around his mate and
pulling his hot, wet body up against his own. He lowered his mouth to Gabes throat, kissing and
sucking his way downward to his cock. He spent some quality time with it before flipping a
breathless, weak-kneed Gabe around and bending him over to brace himself on the wall. Zack
soaped his hands and his cock before putting a finger up his mates rosy little hole.
Youre right. I believe in hygiene. Dont you, sweetheart? I think you need a thorough
cleaning, and Im just the man for the job. Zack touched Gabes prostate, just sweeping a soapy
finger over its surface and held him tightly around the waist as he bucked his hips.
Settle down. You asked for this. I have to make sure youre nice and clean everywhere.
He nudged his swollen cock up inside and pushed hard, lodging himself in deep. He waggled his
hips in a circular motion. Getting all the little nooks and crannies, baby. Just hold on.
Gabe gasped for breath. Oh, you asshole! Oh my God!
Feel good, baby? Here, let me get this one little dirty spot again. He pulled his cock back
across his prostate, and Gabe screamed, pounding his hands against the tiled shower. Zack
reached around in front of him and took his weeping cock in hand, giving it only two pulls
before Gabe reached a shuddering climax, clawing helplessly at the wall in front of him. Zack
Gabes Alpha 47

thrust into him in earnest then, his climax followed in seconds, holding Gabe up as his knees
sagged beneath him.
Zack continued to hold him up as they rinsed their bodies of soap and cum, and helped him
from the shower. They laughingly dried each other off. The trouble erupted when they started to
Gabe took a pair of leather pants from the drawer and tossed them to Zack. Here, put these
on. I had a hard time getting some in your size. I had to ask around everywhere.
Zack caught them and tossed them on the bed. No, he said shortly. Pets wear the
Well, youre my pet, so put em on. Gabe picked them up and advanced on him with the
pants in his hand. Cmon, babe. Youd look great in them.
Okay, let me explain this to you again. Traditionally
Oh, the hell with tradition! Lets start something new! From this time on for special
occasions, wolves and pets both wear the leather pants. Do it for me? He batted his long
eyelashes at Zack.
Zack snatched them from his hands and threw them back on the bed. I said no.
Gabe thinned his lips and turned away, going back over to the dresser. You just have
everything your way, dont you? You even left me after the ceremony minutes after saying you
would hold me to your heart forever. Yeah, rightso long as it doesnt interfere with a night out
with the wolf boys.
Zack cleared his throat, nervous, worried about what Gabe might do. He was so
unpredictable. I thought you understood about the ceremony and our traditions. I guess youll
say you wont wear the leather pants, either.
Oh no, Ill wear them. He smiled sweetly at Zack, which should have been his first
Zack quickly dressed in his jeans and a white shirt and looked over his shoulder at Gabe as
he left the room. I have to check on things. Isuheverything okay?
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Just peachy. Gabe gave him another toothy smile and lay back on the bed. Ill get dressed
and be there in a minute. I want to rest awhile first.
Okay. Youre sure youre not mad?
Why would I be? Ill be there soon.
Zack was still uneasy at Gabes quick compliance. Usually, he would have argued with him
about it for an hour or more, probably ending in a screaming fight. Tonight, hed given in
awfully fast. Hed like to believe Gabe was finally accepting things, acknowledging Zack as his
alpha and doing as he told him to do. Hed like to believe it, but he didnt. Hed had a feeling
Gabe was up to something.
He found out when the feast started. About twenty minutes into it, just when hed decided to
go find his mate, he heard a buzzing in the room, and Gabe made his entrance. He wore the
leather pants all rightat least two sizes too small. God alone knew how hed managed to
squeeze his round little ass into them. They showed off his bubble butt and his bulging package
nicely, just barely making it up over his hips. He twisted those hips as he walked toward Zack.
He wasnt wearing a shirt, and he sported rings in both his nipples. Where in the hell had those
come from? Apparently, hed had them somewhere in his duffle bag, along with the dark
eyeliner around his eyes and the peach colored lip gloss on his full lips. The rings had little blue
stars dangling from them, hitting his chest as he walked.
On his feet he wore combat boots, with the legs of his pants stuffed down inside them.
Clunky and at odds with his makeup, they made him look androgynous and hot as hell. His short,
black hair was spiked up with gel, and he looked a little like a sexy rocker someone had plopped
down incongruously in the middle of the woods. Twisting his ass, he walked over to Zack and
smiled, pirouetting in front of him. Do I look all right, babe?
Zack growled at him. Damn it, Gabe. Youre playing with fire.
He laughed out loud. Then Id better be careful not to get burned. He put a finger to his
tongue, wet it, and touched it to his ass. Ssssyep, pretty damn hot stuff. He laughed as he
patted Zacks cheek. Spotting the buffet table against the wall, he said, Something smells good,
Gabes Alpha 49

and Im starving. Go fix me a plate, will you, babe? Im still tired from earlier. He winked at
Zack and sat down, playing with his nipple ring.
Zack slapped his hand down and got up. Ill fix your plate, honey. Then since youre so
tired, you can go on up to bed.
And miss the dancing? Not a chance. As if on cue, the music from the stereo started up,
some Lady Gaga song the younger pets liked. Are you kidding? I love this song!
Some of the younger wolves and their pets were already on the dance floor, and Gabe
jumped up to join them. He pulled a few others onto the floor and soon he had a large group
dancing around him. With no one dancing with anyone in particular, Zack allowed it, but
watched his pet carefully, his eyes hooded, his arms folded over his chest.
Gabe put his arms over his head and gyrated his hips until Zack could feel his cock about to
burst through his pants from watching him. He saw more than one wolfs eyes on his mate as he
ran his hands seductively down his naked chest and bent over to bump and grind his ass in the
Unable to stand it a second longer, Zack jumped to his feet and moved over to stand behind
him, pulling the ass in question right up against his rigid cock. Grind this, he whispered in
Gabes ear, pulling his body close to him.
Laughing, Gabe turned in his arms and ground his cock obligingly into Zacks before
pulling away and dancing in front of him, just out of reach. There are children watching, babe.
Remember where you are.
Good advice you should take yourself, Zack grumbled and looked around him. They
arent the only ones watching, either. Several male members of his pack watched Gabe. Okay,
youve made your point, and everyone has seen how sexy you are. Can you sit down? Please?
Gabe danced by him on the way back to their table. Since you said please, Ill sit down and
have something to eat, but were dancing later. I have plans for you tonight.
Back at you, baby. Now sit your little ass down, please.
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Zack watched his mate eat the plate hed filled for him, wondering how hed lost control so
easily. Gabe really did look amazing in those tight pants, but those would be kept in their
bedroom from this point on for private showings only, and Zack was reconsidering Gabes
wearing leather and going shirtless at all.
I know what youre thinking, Gabe said with a smile. But Im wearing these every day
until you agree to put yours on too. When you do, Ill wear the proper size.
Oh really? Youre making the rules? What about what your alpha thinks? Zacks voice
had dropped down low and menacing, a voice which made all of the wolves in his pack shiver
with fear. Gabe was unimpressed. Im not a wolf. Not anymore. Ive been making rules for
myself for a long time. Oh, by the way, I have an idea about the collar you keep nagging me
about. Ill show you when you take me to town. When are you taking me, by the way? I need to
get my truck out of the parking lot before they think its abandoned.
Zacks voice was still gruff as he answered him. Tomorrow, I guess. Will that suit you,
your highness?
Yes, it will. He wiped his mouth with his napkin. And stop being so grouchy. Ill suck
your cock for you when I get you upstairs. He grinned and winked at him.
Zack had to shift in his seat to adjust himself. Damn it, Gabe! Dont say stuff like that.
Somebody will hear you.
Let em. He stood up and stroked his hand over the bulge in his tight leathers. Cmon,
babe. I want you to rub this for me on the dance floor for a while before we go upstairs for the
blow job I promised you.
He held out his hand and waggled his fingers. Zack stood up, sighing. I dont know what
Im going to do with you. He took Gabes hand, but swatted his ass as Gabe led him onto the
Gabe reached up to put both arms around Zacks neck, rubbing himself on Zacks erection.
Just love me, babe. Its all I ask.

* * * *
Gabes Alpha 51

Gabe gave his T-shirt a tug. Back in what he called his civvies for a trip to town, he actually
missed the feel of the soft leather pants. Not that hed tell Zack. He yawned widely as he ate his
muffin and drank a large glass of milk. The milk was Zacks idea. He made him drink some
every morning, saying he didnt think he looked healthy enough. Gabe thought he was trying to
make him gain a little weight. Jealous ass. Gabe smiled to himself. Good luck with that. His
mother had fussed for years over the fact he could eat pretty much anything and never gain
weight. Besides, he loved milk. He only pretended not to, to let his sexy man think he was
bossing him around a little.
They got a late start, after Zack kept him upliterallyhalf the night. The man was
insatiable, but Gabe loved every minute of it. He was beginning to care very deeply for this man,
which was a good thing, he supposed, since he was mated to him for life, as Zack kept reminding
him. He needed Zack to tell him he loved him first, though, to say the words, before he admitted
how he felt about Zack. Hed been hurt before too many times to put his heart out there to be
trampled on again. No, Zack was going to have to work a little harder for it.
Zack finished his coffee and put his hand under Gabes jaw in a soft caress. Almost
finished? I had one of the guys bring my truck around the front.
Gabe swallowed the last bite of muffin and got to his feet. Ready to go. Can we go into
town first? I had an idea about the collar I wanted to show you.
Why do I get the feeling this is going to cost me some money? What kind of idea,
Youll see.
They walked out the front of the building together and got into Zacks year-old black
pickup. Compared to Gabes old truck, the newer truck was luxurious. Gabe sat back in the
leather seat and arched a look at Zack. Can I drive this sometime?
Of course, darlin. Whats mine is yours.
You really mean it? Gabes voice was low and hesitant.
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Zack looked over at him in surprise. Of course I do. Were mates, baby. Everything I have
is yours. Id do anything for you.
Why, Zack? You hardly know me, really.
I know you, Zack said indignantly. Youre my mate. It was love at first sight for me.
Love? I know you dont mean it, really. More like lust.
Well, that too. Gabe made a little sound of disapproval, and Zack turned to him smiling.
Oh, cmon baby, lighten up. You were standing in the moonlight when I first saw you, naked,
splashing water on your luscious body. What did you expect? Then, of course, I got to know the
real you.
You did?
Uh-huh, and I loved you in spite of it. Ouch! He yelled as Gabe gave him a punch on the
arm. Im kidding.
Gabe stared out the window as they traveled down the mountain and got very quiet. Zack
touched his arm. I love you, Gabe. I have almost since the first minute I saw you. Not just lust.
Gabes heart thumped in his chest, and he got a funny butterflies feeling in his stomach.
Zack was saying it, just like hed wanted him to, but now the moment was here, it left him
flustered. He wanted to say it back, but he was still afraid. Stalling for time, he laid a hand on
Zacks thigh. I-I dont know how I feel yet. I mean, I think I do, but Id like to be sure before I
say it. Is that all right for now?
Zack squeezed his hand. Its okay. Youll say it when youre ready. Okay, where do you
want to go? Clayton is the closest town to us. Is that all right?
So long as they have jewelry stores.
Shit, Zack said. I knew this was going to cost me.
I keep telling you Im worth it, baby.
Yeah and I keep telling you to prove it.
I thought I proved it already. Guess Ill have to remind you tonight.
Gabes Alpha 53

Or I could pull over now.
No way. Take me to the jewelry store. Were going to work on settling this collar thing
once and for all.
Thirty minutes later, they arrived in Clayton and drove around looking for a jewelry store.
Finally spotting one, Gabe made Zack pull in, and they went inside, Zack following Gabe
around, a little puzzled as he passed by the chains and made straight for the wedding rings. He
found one right away, a plain, white gold band, not too expensive. Can we see this one, please?
The store clerk got it out for them, looking back and forth between them. He seemed a little
uncomfortable and out of his depth. Homophobe, Gabe thought, and decided to ignore him.
He held the ring out to Zack. Try this on. When Zack slipped it on his finger, Gabe
smiled. I like it. Give us a minute, please, he said to the clerk. Turning to Zack, he smiled
shyly, choosing his words carefully, not making any promises. I might agree to do this collar
thingId only be doing it to make you happy, not because Im your possession or anythingif
you do something for me. Id give it more consideration if I had my mark on you too, with a
wedding ring.
Zack smiled. Of course, Ill wear a wedding ring. Ive told you, honey, youre it for me. Ill
never even look at another person, male or female. If it makes you happy, then lets do it.
Smiling, Gabe turned back and signaled to the store clerk. Well take this one.
Wait a minute. I didnt say I liked this one. Zack handed the ring back to the clerk, and
Gabe got a mutinous look on his face. Show me this one. He indicated a yellow gold band with
three rather large diamonds across it. The clerk pulled it out, and Zack slipped it on his finger.
Much better.
The clerk said, These are called Forever Bands. The stones represent past, present, and
future. He looked Zack up and down, taking in his casual jeans and T-shirt. This particular ring
is rather expensive. We have cheaper ones.
54 Shannon West

No, I think well take two of these. One for me and one for him. Nothing is too expensive
for my darlin. He pulled out a credit card and gave it to the clerk, who took it and moved away
to the register. Close your mouth, darlin, he said to Gabe with a sideways glance.
They had two of the right sizes in stock and soon the clerk handed the rings over to Zack.
Zack slipped them in his pocket and strolled down to another counter where gold, silver, and
yellow gold chains were displayed. Picking out a heavy wide yellow gold collar, he told the clerk
to charge it as well.
When they got outside to the truck, Zack took out the rings, handing his ring to Gabe. Put
this on me, sweetheart.
Not trusting himself to speak, Gabe wordlessly slipped the ring on Zacks finger.
Zack took Gabes ring, kissed it tenderly, and slipped it on Gabes finger. Forever, I like
the sound of that.
Gabe nodded, tears standing in his eyes. It had been so long since he thought anyone cared if
he lived or died. He hadnt expected anything like this when he set out to test Zack.
Zack pulled out the yellow gold collar in its heavy box. This is for you, whenever you
decide. Im going to give you a little more time to get used to the idea, because Im such a good
Gabe punched Zack in the arm, but he laughed, and his eyes blurred with tears. He hadnt
fooled Zack a bit. Zack tilted his chin up to plant a kiss on his lips. I love you, Gabriel. Please
dont doubt me, honey.
He scooted over and tried his best to climb into Zacks lap and cover his face with kisses.
Zack laughed, pulling him up close by his hips. Damn, baby, is jewelry what it takes to win
you over? I wish Id known a week ago.
Its not the jewelry, although I love it. Gabe held out his hand to admire the ring.
Itsits everything! Im beginning to think you really do love me.
Beginning to think? If youre not absolutely positive by this time, Im not doing something
right. I may have to take a little more time with you tonight.
Gabes Alpha 55

Yes, please, Gabe said, nuzzling his neck.
Zack lifted him off his leg and firmly pushed him over to his side of the truck. Lets get out
of here before they call the cops and tell them were making out in their parking lot. We still
have to go get your truck.
They started out of town, stopping at a quick shop to get Gabe something to drink and a
candy bar he told Zack he needed to fortify him for the trip to the park. The rangers were used to
vehicles being parked for long periods of time, but it wasnt a good idea to leave your vehicle for
too long, in case someone decided to vandalize or steal it. Not a common occurrence, but it had
been known to happen.
They located the old truck right away, and Gabe climbed out of Zacks vehicle. Zack opened
his own door, climbed out, angled a look over at Gabe, and handed him his pickup keys. You
can listen to some CDs as we go up the mountain. Radio reception isnt the greatest up here.
Hell, do you even have a radio in this piece of junk?
Gabe snatched the keys from Zacks hand without question and tossed his over, pleased
Zack had remembered his request to drive his truck. Yes, I have a radio. It may not be top of the
line, but its not that bad. Ill have you know this old truck is a classic. I read somewhere that
after twenty years, a car or truck becomes like an antiquea classic collectors item.
Hmm. A classic junkyard item, maybe. Okay, okay, well take it back up the mountain. I
really dont want you driving it until we can have a mechanic check it out anyway.
Is that the reason youre letting me drive this truck? he demanded, losing part of his
excitement. Damn, Im not a kid, you know.
I know, honey. Just humor me on this. Maybe we can get you a new truck? Wouldnt you
like a new vehicle?
No. Youve bought me enough. I like this old truck. My mom helped me pick it out.
Okay, but dont drive it around on these roads until we can have it checked.
All right, since you asked nicely. He angled his face up for another kiss.
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Instead Zack picked him up and pulled him up close so he could grind his erection against
his. Shit, I cant get enough of you. We may have to stop on the way up the mountain. I know a
nice little secluded spot by a stream. A nice day to go skinny dipping?
Sounds good, Gabe said with a little blush. Even if the over-protectiveness about drove
him nuts, he loved how Zack constantly showed him how much he loved him. Maybe tonight he
would admit how crazy he was about Zack too. Lead the way, babe, Gabe said with a little
seductive smile.
Zack got into the old truck, and Gabe got behind the wheel of the big new one. Sitting in the
luxurious seats, his new ring glittering in the sun coming through the windshield, and music
blasting through the radio, Gabe thought he could definitely get used to all this. He wanted to
pull his own weight though, and he thought as long as they were getting along so well, he might
ask Zack about finishing college to get his degree. Maybe he could take some online courses to
get him back on the track he was on before he was attacked. Zack would have to loan him the
money, but he could convince him he was good for it. So far, hed really denied him nothing
hed wanted.
He wondered if there was anything he could do for the pack with the knowledge he had
about agriculture. Hed noticed a rather scraggly vegetable garden out in back of the big lodge
they all lived in. Maybe he could start there and let Zack see what a green thumb he had. The
area was large enough to supply all their needs and even have some left over to sell in the local
farmers markets if it was utilized right. He really wanted Zack to be proud of him.
He followed Zack up the twisty mountain roads, admiring how easily the big truck hugged
the curves. Zack seemed to be having a little more trouble with Gabes old truck. Theyd almost
reached the top where the road ran along the ridges, going up and down along the natural slopes.
They just reached one such ridge and were descending, when Zack took the curves a little too
fast. Gabe could barely keep up with him. Another car passed them on the opposite side of the
road, and Zack almost sideswiped it. Looking on with growing alarm, Gabe realized Zack had no
Gabes Alpha 57

Zack crossed the center line and swerved into the side of the mountain, turning the wheel at
the last second to just glance off the high bank. In horror, Gabe saw what he was doingtrying
to slow the truck by crashing it into the cliff wall. Gabe turned down the blaring radio to hear
Zack blowing the horn wildly in an attempt to warn oncoming traffic. Fear clutched at Gabe, but
all he could do was follow helplessly and hope Zack could figure a way to stop the truck. Zack
managed to careen around another curve, but Gabe could see a long straight slope coming up.
The truck would only pick up speed going down it and make things worse.
Gabe pushed his foot down on the accelerator and caught up to him. Praying nothing was
coming, he swerved in front of his old truck and put on the brakes, not stopping totally, but
slowing way down. He hoped the bulk of the bigger truck would be enough to stop the old truck.
He remembered how heavy the older ones were, though, with their mostly metal parts, unlike the
newer trucks with all the fiberglass paneling. His old truck slammed into the bumper, rocking
him backward, and he hit his head hard on the back glass. He fought to control the wheel and
stop both trucks. Though they skidded and swerved all over the road, it seemed to be working. A
car came from the other direction and thankfully the driver saw what was happening, pulling
well off the roadway to let them pass.
Finally, the road leveled out and even began to climb again. Gabe was able to gain control
and stop them. The two trucks, locked together by their bumpers, came to a grinding halt. Gabe
sat in the truck, shocked and trembling, unable to move once it was over. His head and neck hurt
a little, and he wanted to throw up. The car door wrenched open next to him, and Zack leaned in,
taking his face in his hands.
Are you okay? Why did you do such a stupid thing? Are you crazy? I could have probably
stopped it at the next runaway truck ramp! Damn, you could have killed yourself! Zacks face
was furious, and his hands ran all over his neck and shoulders as he yelled at him.
I-I didnt know about a truck rampthought you were going to crash. I dont feel so good,
Zack. He must have looked as bad as he felt, because Zack turned him toward the ground and
held his forehead while the soda and candy bar came up. When it was over, he helped him from
58 Shannon West

the truck and over to sit down on the side of the road. Several cars had stopped by then, and
people stood around on their cell phones, no doubt calling 911.
Zack told him to sit still and went back over to the trucks. Gabe lay back down on the grassy
shoulder of the road and let it all swirl around him. He heard people talking to him, but he had to
concentrate on not vomiting again, ignoring most of their well-meaning advice.
Paramedics came up beside him, Zack with them, telling them what happened. The EMTs
wrapped a collar around Gabes neck and lifted him onto a backboard. They made Zack sit
down, too, to be fussed over and put them both in the back of an ambulance together at Zacks
insistence. When they reached the hospital, they made Zack go in another cubicle, and Gabe
closed his eyes to rest. He could hear Zack complaining loudly through the curtains and smiled.
His man was worried about him.
In another minute or two, Zack was beside him, the hospital staff having abandoned their
efforts to stop him. He held Gabes hand possessively, snarling every time the doctor suggested
he might want to step out. He had to let him go to X-ray, but he was there waiting when he came
out. When the doctor told them he was fine, no cracked vertebrae, just a mild case of whiplash,
he put a cervical collar on him with orders to wear it for a few days and come back if there was
any pain, finally allowing them to leave.
Zack had refused treatment altogether, and already the small cuts and abrasions on his face
were healing over. Wolves healed supernaturally fast, and Zack was no exception. They all tried
to avoid any kind of examination, to conceal what their bodies would expose in human tests
theyd want to give him. If the accident hadnt been so public, he wouldnt have gone to the
hospital at all. As it was, he couldnt very well avoid it, but he could and did refuse treatment. He
held Gabes hand as they walked outside to find the car and driver sent for them by the pack.
As soon as I get you home, Ill feed you. My blood will help you heal faster. Are you sure
youre feeling all right? Zack sat beside him in the back seat, his arm firmly around his
Gabes Alpha 59

Yes, Dad, Im fine. You worry too much. Its the vehicles you should be worried about. I
guess my truck is pretty much totaled.
Yes, honey, Im sorry. My trucks in better shape, though it needs some body work and a
new back bumper.
Gabe straightened up in the seat in panic. Oh, wait! Stop the car!
The driver glanced nervously back at them, and Zack asked in alarm, What is it?
The gold necklace collar thing! Its still in the truck!
No, I got it. Calm down. You were worried about it, huh? Must mean you kind of like it.
No. I mean, of course, I was worried about it, idiot. Its an expensive necklace. Doesnt
mean Ill wear it, necessarily.
Zack looked so disappointed Gabe had to laugh at him. He stopped pretty quickly though,
when he felt a sharp twinge in his neck as he threw his head back. Ouch!
Serves you right, Zack grumbled, pulling him back into his arms. Just rest until we get
back to the lodge.
Im resting, damn it. Im not exactly running alongside the car.
Shut up. Zack leaned over to kiss him thoroughly to shut his smart mouth. If I have to, I
can keep this up all the way home.
Mmmsounds good to me. Gabe said, as he leaned his upper body back for another kiss,
cursing the uncomfortable collar.

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Chapter Four

Zack looked in on Gabe for probably the third time in an hour, only to find him still sound
asleep. Hed made him keep the cervical collar on, even though theyd had a huge fight about it.
After Zack fed him, Gabe said he wasnt even sore anymore, but Zack wanted to follow at least
some of the doctors orders. He insisted he wear the collar for a minimum of twenty-four hours,
just to make sure. The resulting fight had been ugly, with Gabe trying to kick him and head-butt
him as he held him down until Zack had to stretch out full length on him to hold him in place and
stop him from hurting himself. Gabe was so furious it took him almost half an hour to go to sleep
even after drinking Zacks blood.
Zack got such a cockstand from it he had to take a cold shower. God, Gabe was stubborn.
Zack hoped he had given him enough blood so hed sleep for a good while. Hed been worried
about his neck, and hed maybe given him a little too much.
He went back to his office where his top aides waited for him. His beta was Jamie, a taller
than average wolf, with a shock of red-gold hair. Zack trusted his good judgment with his life.
Tim, his cousin and lead gamma, was also present, along with Scott, another gamma leader and
his best fighter, an expert on the Hunters. They were his team, and he relied on them for help in
solving problemslike who was trying to kill his mate.
Scott spoke up from the end of the table. Is he still asleep?
Yeah. I hope hell stay asleep for a while. Hes wearing me out. He pulled out a packet of
old fashioned headache powders from his pocket, opened the paper, and swallowed the powder
down, chasing it with a glass of water.
Have a headache, Zack? Jamie asked.
Hell, yeah. Hes right next door.
Gabes Alpha 61

The men around the table all smiled. Theyd never seen their normally rough and tough
alpha so frustrated by anybody before. Since Gabe had arrived, hed been run ragged trying to
keep him safe and satisfied, and the whole pack was amused by it. Not that theyd ever openly let
Zack know itthey valued their own skin too much.
Scott shook his head. I dont see how you take those things. They taste terrible.
Theyre fast, and I dont taste them. I just swallow them. He looked around the table.
Okay, answer my question. Who do you think is trying to kill my mate?
What makes you think someone is trying to kill him? Tim asked. Isnt it possible the cut
brake lines were just simple vandalism?
Scott spoke up thoughtfully. Anythings possible, I guess, but theres nothing simple about
it. Youd have to know what you were doing, and youd have to be pretty vicious to do
something like it, willing to kill or seriously hurt somebody. Scott leaned forward as he spoke,
his green eyes glittering dangerously. And if it was just vandalism, why not break some
windows or spray paint the truck? No, I think Zack is right. I think it was deliberate.
Who would want to hurt Gabe, Zack? asked his beta. Do you have any idea?
No and thats what bothers me. According to what hes told me, hes totally alone in the
world. His parents are both dead, no brothers or sisters, or any close relatives. Hes been a
nomad, no close friends, either.
So who would even know where he was? Tim asked. It has to be a coincidence, Zack.
Maybe so, but I want a twenty-four hour a day guard on him. Scott, can you handle that for
Of course, Alpha. Ill put my best men on it.
Thanks. Until then, everybody needs to keep their eyes and ears open. Its possible
someone has been snooping around the lodge. I dont know what the hells going on, but I wont
rest until I find out. Thanks everyone, and well meet again tomorrow.
Zack went back to his room and thankfully found Gabe still asleep. He was pretty exhausted
himself and didnt feel up to fighting with Gabe again. He took off his clothes and lay down next
62 Shannon West

to him, wanting to spoon him, but knew Gabe would probably rather he didnt. Hed been
spitting mad when Zack held him down earlier. Honestly, the man was the most stubborn hed
ever met. Pack life required a certain amount of obedience to the alpha, even for the alphas
mate. An obedience Gabe chose to ignore outright. Zack was going to have to do something
about his behavior and soon, or Gabe was never going to be a proper mate. Trouble was he didnt
know what to do. In most of the packs, the old ways were still followed. If a mate really started
acting out, the dominant mate would spank them and put them in restraints. As hard as it made
his cock to think of Gabes sweet ass over his knee, he knew it wouldnt work too well with the
man. If he really thought Zack meant it as more than love play hed go ballistic, and Zack could
hurt him trying to restrain him. He couldnt bear to harm him, and Gabe knew that fact very well.
Locking him up somewhere didnt even bear thinking about. Once he got out, hed leave and
never look back.
Tossing and turning, he tried to remember what his father did with his mother, another
strong-willed human who agreed to submit her own dominant tendencies to his father out of her
deep love for him. Two dominant personalities found it next to impossible to mate, unless one of
them willingly submitted. The nature of wolves was to protect and dominate their mates, while
the mate was the spoiled submissive partner, the beloved mate who had to defer to the wolf in all
major decisions. Gabe refused to accept the role.
His independent mother had found it very difficult to submit to his father. The conflict had
nearly wrecked his parents marriage. He remembered one occasion when he was a small child.
His mother had gotten in the habit of threatening to leave, and one day his father had simply
called her bluff. He told her if she wished so much to leave him, he would no longer stand in her
way. She had to make a decision then to stay and submit or leave and live her life somewhere
without him. In the end, shed chosen to stay, deciding she loved his father more than she loved
her wish for control. While it would be scary as hell to give Gabe the chance to leave him, he
thought he had to do it, for both their sakes.
Gabes Alpha 63

The next morning, he was awakened by the cervical collar being thrown into his face. Gabe
was on his feet next to the bed, already dressed in his old clothes, and as predicted, mad as hell.
How dare you treat me like Im some kind of not very bright child! I wont stand for you
manhandling me every time I disagree with you! I wont! Im giving you fair warning, Zack!
Zack sat up. He had never been a morning person, and this was not a pleasant way to wake
up. Not in the least. He glared at Gabe. If you dont want to be treated like a child, why do you
persist in acting like one?
You asshole! Im going out for a walk to clear my head. I need some space!
Gabe sat down, pulled on his shoes, and stomped to the door, giving Zack one long
backward dirty look as he walked out. Zack rubbed his forehead. His headache was coming back.
Getting out of bed and getting dressed, he made his way downstairs for coffee. He saw Tim
and Scott and sat down beside them with a sigh.
You okay? Scott asked. You look a little pale.
Damn headache is back. Maybe some coffee will help.
Tim looked out toward the patio. We saw Gabe leave a few minutes ago. Said he was going
for a walk. Scotts got one of the guys following him, from a distance, of course.
Zack nodded. Good. Distracted, he gazed out toward the door Gabe had left by. Where
was he going, and when would he come back? Pretty bad when he couldnt stand to be away
from him even for a short time.
Tims phone rang, and he took the call, speaking into the receiver for a moment. He put his
hand over the small mouthpiece and looked over at Zack. This is Gabes guard. Heuhhe
says Gabe is out in the woods smoking. You said to let you know if he did anything against the
Zack pressed his lips together in a grim line. Damn him. Tell the guard to confiscate the
cigarettes and bring him back in here. He has my permission to put hands on him if he refuses.
Dont hurt him, but use force if necessary.
Yes, sir.
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Tim spoke into the phone and disconnected, glancing over at Zack. Whenever the alpha was
upset, it made the whole pack nervous, and Zack was definitely upset. He stood up and spoke to
the men tersely.
Tell the guard to bring him upstairs to our room. Ill be waiting for him.
He turned on his heel and walked quickly back upstairs. He knew Gabe would be right
behind him. Gabe was doing everything he could to deliberately defy him. Where in the hell did
he even get the damn cigarettes? He remembered he went into the quick shop alone to buy his
drink and candy. He either picked up the cigarettes then, despite the trip to the jewelry store, or
had them hidden in his duffle bag all along. Zack hoped, at least, hed had them hidden.
He heard Gabe shouting on the stairwell long before the door opened. The guard had been
pushing him along ahead of him by holding both his arms pulled behind him. Gabe was furious.
The minute the guard opened the door and shoved him inside, he whirled around and swung on
him. The guard managed to duck and get the door closed before he could swing again.
Gabe turned and took out his fury on Zack. That does it. I hate you! I hate this stupid lodge,
your stupid pack, and everything about you stupid wolves! Im leaving! Dont you dare try to
stop me!
You can leave whenever you want to, Gabe. I wont stop you. Obviously, this is not
working out for you.
What? Gabe had stopped in mid-rant and stared at him. Im not kidding, you know. Ill
really leave.
Zack shrugged.
Gabe got a mean look in his eye. Oh, you dont give a shit! I see how you are. It was all
lies, wasnt it? Yesterday when you said, I love you Gabe, dont ever doubt me. You never
meant any of it.
I did mean it, and I do love you, but Im afraid its not going to work. You're beautiful,
honey, but you rely on your beauty a little too much. What you want is for me to love you just
Gabes Alpha 65

because you're so desirable. The problem is, aside from all your beauty, theres not too much to
Gabes mouth fell open in shock. What did you just say to me?
You heard me. You're rude, hostile, and sullen. Not to mention sneaky and dishonest. You
knew I didnt want you to smoke, and you promised you wouldnt. Basically you lied to me. You
outright refuse to give me the respect every Werekin owes their alpha. I know you want someone
to look past your behavior to see the real person underneath, but the only reason anyone would
bother to look past all of it is because you're beautiful. Thats the irony, Gabe. You say you hate
pack life and you hate me. You refuse to accept me as your alpha, despite knowing how
important it is. As long as you wont, it wont work between us. Unless you can change, Im
fighting a losing battle.
Gabe still hadnt said a word. He simply glared, his eyes filling with tears.
I release you from your vows, Gabriel. Zack took off his ring and laid it gently down on
the bedside table next to him. Im more sorry than youll ever know. Ill provide you with a new
vehicle and some money to get a new start.
Gabe stood in the middle of the floor, trembling. His chin actually quivered, and it broke
Zacks heart. Taking every bit of self-control he had to not grab Gabes hand and beg him to
forgive him, he shoved his hands in his pocket to keep from reaching for him. This was a turning
point for them. Gabe had to choose to stay with him and not stay because he had no choice.
You know why I cant leave. Gabes voice was low and heartbreaking.
I know theres the issue of blood, and something can be worked out there. You may have to
agree to settle down around Clayton or one of the adjoining towns, so I can arrange for you to be
fed once every couple of weeks. Youd be free otherwise to live your life the way you want. Its
the only thing I can think of, baby, but Id never just abandon you to the beast. Ill find someone
to feed you regularly.
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Gabe stood there for another moment, glaring at him, hurt feelings in every line of his body.
His anger came to his aid. He turned and went to the dresser, yanked it open and pulled out his
clothes. He whirled around with tears standing in his eyes and stalked to the closet.
Zack stayed silent, not trusting himself to speak for fear hed break down, throw himself at
his feet, and beg him to stay.
Gabe pulled out the duffel bag and crossed back over to the dresser to throw his clothes
inside. When he finished, he stood facing Zack. Im ready to go. Can you at least take me down
the mountain or do I walk?
Zack picked up the phone by his bed, dialed an internal number, and spoke into the receiver.
Scott, can you bring a car around? Gabe is leaving us. He hung up and got to his feet. Without
looking at Gabe, he said over his shoulder. Go down to the front and wait. Ill make sure Scott
has everything you need.
Gabe hesitated for a long moment while Zack held his breath. He thought Gabe almost
backed down, but in the end he was just too stubborn. Without a word, he marched to the door
and stopped. Pulling off his ring, he threw it on the bed where it bounced on the cover and
landed on the floor. They both watched it roll across the floor and stop at Zacks feet.
Keep your damn ring. Youre not the only one who can take it off like its nothing! He
turned on his heel, hurried through the door, and slammed it behind him. Zack bent over and
picked up Gabes ring, putting it on his little finger. He put his own ring back where it belonged.
He had no intention of letting Gabe go far, but he had a point to prove. He hoped it would work
or else hed have to go after him and drag him back, then throw himself at his feet and beg
forgiveness. He simply couldnt live without him, but he didnt want Gabe to know it just yet. He
went slowly down the steps after Gabe and saw him sitting forlornly outside on the front porch
Scott came up to Zack with a worried look on his face. Alpha? Did you mean it about the
car? Ive got one ready, but
Gabes Alpha 67

Take Gabe to town and get him a nice hotel room somewhere. Tell him it will take some
time for me to get him an apartment and a car, and in the meantime hes to stay at the hotel. Give
him some money. He reached in his pocket and drew out a couple of one hundred dollar bills.
Then watch him. Dont let him out of your sight, but dont let him know about it. Keep a low
profile and call me if you need any help. Im going to give him until tomorrow to calm down
before I talk to him again.
Scott nodded and turned to leave. Zack stopped him. Remember, dont let him out of your
sight, Scott. You know what we talked about earlier.
You got it, Alpha. Scott turned and went out to speak to Gabe, who handed him his bag
and looked back over his shoulder at Zack without any more anger. He raised his hand and gave
Zack a sad little wave. It almost broke Zacks heart, and he had to grip the back of a chair to
keep himself from going to him.
The rest of the afternoon passed slowly, more like ten years than a few hours. Scott texted
him the hotel and room number when they arrived, but it didnt help a bit. Everywhere he looked
he saw Gabe or heard his teasing laughter. Around six thirty, his cell phone rang, and Scott was
on the line.
Uh, Alpha, I think you might want to get down here right away.
Zack jumped to his feet and started running for the door. Is he hurt? What hospital are you
at? God, I should never have let him go.
No, hes not hurt. At least not physically, although he cried all the way down the mountain.
Didnt want me to see it, but he was in bad shape. It must have been a hell of a fight you two
had. At Zacks angry growl he continued. Oh, uh, anyway, Ive been watchin him every
minute like you told me. He stayed in his room for a long time, then came out and walked down
to this little country western bar about a block from the hotel. You know the onethe Dew
Drop? Hes wearin the tightest damn pants I ever saw, and hes been gettin really plastered.
Doesnt look like a little thing like Gabe could hold so much liquor. I think hes going to spend
all the money you gave him on booze.
68 Shannon West

Ill be there soon. Dont let anything happen to him!
You know I wont. The thing is hes dancin.
Dancing? Zack was in the car, starting it up to race down the mountain. Who the hell is
he dancing with? Ill kill him! Zack wasnt too sure if he meant Gabe or whoever dared to touch
his mate. Maybe both.
Not really with anybody. See, hes kind of up on the bar.
Zack groaned loudly.
Yeah, and everybody in the place is watchin him. Hes puttin on quite a show. Some of
the girls are puttin dollar bills in his waistband. These are a bunch of good old boys in this bar,
but the way some of them are lookin at him, he might get a few to follow him home.
Zack actually felt his claws extend and hair sprout out on the back of his neck. Mine! he
growled into the phone.
Sir, you know I know! I wont let anybody get near him. Im watchin him, like I said, and
hes still dancin. Ill call you back if he goes on the move.
Zack made it down the mountain in fifteen minutes, a drive which usually took half an hour.
Pulling into the parking lot on two wheels, he tried to calm himself down and barely succeeded.
He could already smell his mate, his own unique scent layered over with tequila, lots of tequila
and cigarette smoke. Zack practically ran inside the bar, and what he saw nearly made him shift
into his wolf right there and then.
Gabe was certainly wearing the tightest pair of jeans hed ever seen, Scott wasnt
exaggerating. He looked like hed been poured into them. Where in the hell had those come
from? He should have gone through his duffle bag, the only place they could have come from.
Not only were they skin tight, but on one leg had little tears all along the back where his ass met
his thigh, and that delectable part of his anatomy was on full display. He was commando, of
He had his shirt off, displaying his hot little body for the world to see, and dollar bills were
sticking out of his pockets and waistband. He had a bottle of tequila in one hand, holding it by
Gabes Alpha 69

the bottle neck, and a half-smoked cigarette in the other. Head thrown back, he gyrated his hips
in time with the music, singing along at the top of his lungs to a Trace Adkins song about honky-
tonks and something called badonkadonks, and shaking his beautiful ass. He had his eyes closed,
never knowing when Zack came to stand under him. He was right at the point in the song where
the singer asks, Lord have mercy, howd she even get them britches on? Zack wondered the
same thing himself.
Scott came over to stand beside Zack and grinned until he saw the look in his alphas eye.
He dropped his head and shuffled his feet.
Zack raised his voice above the music and yelled at Gabe. Hey, baby, having fun?
Gabe opened his eyes and glanced down Zack, before doing a double take. His reaction was
almost comical except for the fact he fell off the bar still holding onto his bottle and would have
hurt himself if Zack hadnt caught him. Zack flipped him over his shoulder and carried him
straight out of the bar with Scott trailing along behind them. Catcalls and hoots sounded off as
Zack strode out. Gabe even had the nerve to rise up and wave to the crowd.
Zack dumped him in the front seat, removed the cigarette from his hand, and threw it on the
ground. He pulled the bottle of tequila away and handed it to Scott without comment before
going around to the drivers side and starting the car.
Wait a minute, baby. Gabe called out drunkenly, slurring his words and lunging for the
bottle. I was gonna use that tequila. I thought you might gimme a tequila backdoor.
Zack looked at him steadily. Okay, Ill bite, what the hell is a tequila backdoor?
Ooh, its nice, babe. You just sprinkle a little salt on my rim, pour on a little tequila, gimme
a squirt of lime, and enjoy, baby! Gabe fell back in the seat laughing uproariously at his own
Rolling his eyes and not saying a word, Zack drove down the road to the hotel where Scott
said he was staying, took him upstairs to his room the same way hed taken him out of the bar,
and locked the door behind them.
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Carrying Gabe straight to the bathroom, Zack started the shower, and pushed Gabe inside,
clothes and all. The water was ice cold, and Gabe put up one hell of a fuss, fighting to get out
and cussing. Zack held him in with a steely grip on the back of his neck, keeping him from
turning the water off until Gabe shivered and his teeth clacked together. He turned off the water
and helped him to strip off the skin tight jeans. Wrapping him in a big towel, he pushed him out
to the bedroom and sat him down on the bed while he sat in the only chair in the room.
Zack sat there brooding, staring at him until Gabe finally spoke. Why are you doing this to
me? What are you doing here, Zack? Just leave me alone. You said you didnt want anything
else to do with me.
I never said that, and you know it.
Gabes voice suddenly choked with tears. You told me to go.
Zack sighed. No, honey, its not what I said at all. I said I wouldnt stop you, and I released
you from your vows if you were really so unhappy. I love you. Ive told you again and again.
Youre my mate, and Ill never want anyone else. Obviously its not anything you really wanted.
Youve never said you love me, and I could have even lived with that, but you constantly fight
me on every little thing. Ive tried to compromise. Ive really tried while you disrespect me all
the time in front of my pack. Packs have hierarchy, Gabe, which you well know. Im the alpha,
and I have to have the respect of my people. Theyll soon lose respect for me if your contempt
and disrespectful attitude continues. If youre really miserable, I cant, in good conscience, force
you to stay.
Gabe sat looking at him, but made no more comments. Zack had called his bluff, and he
could see Gabe hadnt really wanted to leave, but didnt know how to get out of the situation
hed created. Afraid his sheer stubbornness would overrule his heart, Zack helped him out.
Of course, if you changed your mind and wanted to stay, Id be very happy. Really happy.
You only have to tell me. Youd have to decide being with me is something you want, and it will
be forever, Gabe. Make no mistake about it. If you come back home, youll have to agree to
some things. If you stay, youll take orders from me in the important issues. Ill try not to be too
Gabes Alpha 71

bossy, and Ill always respect your opinion, but Im the alpha, as well as your mate. As your
alpha, Im owed your obedience and allegiance.
Gabe was silent for a long moment, obviously thinking it over. Zack was careful to keep his
face neutral.
So if I decided to stayand thats a big ifyoud still want me as your mate?
Of course. Ill always want you as my mate. I love you, Gabe.
I cant believe you would take your ring off. I would never take mine off. Gabe turned his
head away, biting his lip, completely disregarding the fact he had taken his own off and thrown it
across the room. Zack could see tears standing in his eyes. Since he didnt trust himself to say
anything in response, he simply held up his hand and showed him the rings.
Im still wearing it. I have yours right here too. Zack could see Gabe really wanted the
ring back on his finger.
Gabe sighed heavily. If I decided I wanted to stay with you, what would happen?
Happen? Well, youd need to apologize to me, accept your discipline for disrespecting me
so badly and promise to try harder to be a good pack member and obey my direct commands. In
return, Id promise to protect you and provide for you always. Ill never put this offer on the
table again. Its a one-time good deal. This marriage is not going to be a revolving door. If you
dont want me, if you want to leave, this is your chance. Your one and only chance. If you come
back home, and dont change, the offer is no good any more. Next time Ill lock you down and
spank you every day until you straighten up.
Gabe flushed and angled a strange look at Zack. What about you apologizing to me? You
treated me like a not too bright child. I ought to be able to decide for myself if I want to wear a
damn cervical collar.
Zack dropped his gaze, considering his mates words. He nodded and glanced back up at
him. Youre right. I admit I was being overprotective. Im sorry, and it wont happen again.
And the threats to spank me? I dont respond to threats.
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It wasnt a threat, Gabe. It was a promise. If you agree to be my mate, then you are
agreeing to accept my discipline. Think it over. This is your decision. If I feel its in the best
interests of both of us, I will discipline youits part of the deal.
Zack noticed Gabes cock had hardened as he spoke. Did he like the idea of being
dominated? Or was it just the spanking? Zack filed that idea away for later and focused all of his
attention on his mate.
Gabe sat sulkily on the bed, his eyes cast down. Okay then. I accept the conditions, and Im
Zack felt a tidal wave of relief rush through him. Still he had to keep his face stern.
You are? Sorry for what? Zack prompted.
Gabe blew out a long breath and looked away from Zack. Sorry for disrespecting you and
not being a good pack member and saying I hated you.
Do you hate me?
Gabe pressed his lips tightly together and then whispered. No.
Zack hesitated for a long moment before he asked the next question. Do you love me?
Gabe bit his bottom lip and dropped his gaze. Zacks heart fell. He had resigned himself to
giving Gabe more time to come to love him, but was still disappointed. Maybe Gabe would come
to love him in time. Then his ears pricked up as Gabe whispered a word very softly. A single
word that made Zacks heart almost jump out of his chest.
Yes? Y-you love me?
I said yes, okay?
Zack took a deep breath, reminding himself to calm down, to not rush him. And do you
remember what your promise is?
I promise to try harder and obey your commands. Gabe practically spit out the words, but
he said them, and for Gabe it was a major accomplishment. And my discipline? What might that
be exactly? He shifted on the bed and tried to hide his erection with his arms. Spanking?
Gabes Alpha 73

No. He had the feeling Gabe would enjoy that too much. Take a chair and go sit in the
corner for an hour. One hour, with no music, no TV, and no books. Face to the wall.
Youve got to be kidding! Thats just humiliating and stupid. Youre putting me in a
corner? Id hate it!
Thats the idea. Decide. Whats it to be? Do I put your ring back on, and we make this
work, or do I leave here and walk away forever?
Youre blackmailing me.
Im sorry you see it that way. Ive already said I wont just leave you high and dry. Ill
make sure you have an apartment, a car, and money to get started again. If you decide to stay,
itll be because you want tobecause you want to be my mate and a pack member. If you want
the same things I do, then take your naked little ass over to the chair, sit it in the corner, and face
the wall. No talking. Not one word. One hour.
Gabe sat on the edge of the bed fuming for a long time, shooting Zack looks which would
peel paint from the walls. Zack had begun to despair and worried hed gone too far. Gabe was
still pretty drunk after all, but Zack wanted to try to give him time to sober up. The hour in the
chair would do that. He wanted Gabe to know exactly what he was doing.
A lifetime passed for Zack before Gabe stood and stalked over to the chair, dragged it across
the floor, and turned it to the wall. Dramatically, he threw himself down in it and faced the wall,
his chest heaving up and down.
Zack almost was sorry for him, but Gabe had a huge erection when he threw himself onto
the chair. Well, his boy liked a little discipline. Zack smiled, watching the clock next to him. He
lay back on the bed, knowing full well Gabe was sneaking peeks at him from the corners of his
eyes. He called out the time in increments of fifteen minutes and was treated each time to some
very unrepentant huffs and puffs.
When the hour was up, Zack sat up on the side of the bed and spoke to Gabe very softly.
Your time is almost up, Gabe. When I call time, you will pick the chair up and place it back by
the table. Then youll put on a shirt and pantsones that fit you properlyand go back up the
74 Shannon West

mountain with me. From this time on, if you have a problem with me, you will speak to me about
it in private. In public you will treat me with the respect due to my rank. As soon as we get there,
you will change into leathersnot the tight ones eitherand wear them until I tell you
differently. In addition, for the next week, you will start your mornings by sitting in a chair
facing the corner in our bedroom for one hour.
Gabe jumped to his feet and stood with his fists clenched. That was not part of the deal!
No, it became a part of the deal when you made all the inappropriate noises. Sit your ass
back down until I call time.
Gabe threw himself down again and crossed his arms over his chest.
Your hour is up.
He jumped back to his feet and dragged the chair across the floor, rather than picking it up,
glancing over at Zack to see if he reacted. When Zack made no comment, he went over to his
bag and pulled out a pair of jeans and a black T-shirt. He stuffed his wet jeans right on top of the
others in the bag and zipped it shut. Gabe was going commando just to irritate him, Zack was
certain, but he didnt say anything. Slipping his feet into his combat boots, but not lacing them,
Gabe turned and grabbed his bag.
Im ready to go.
Zack walked over to him and took him into his arms. He resisted at first, struggling and
turning his head, but in the end, he allowed Zack to kiss him for a very long time. When his
knees started to sag, Zack put one arm around him. Hold out your hand, baby.
Trembling, Gabe held it out, and Zack put his ring back on his finger. Somewhat mollified,
Gabe leaned against Zack for a moment before Zack escorted him out to his car. Behind his
back, Zack breathed a huge sigh of relief. Life with Gabe was certainly interesting. Since hed
won this particular little skirmish, when they got back to the lodge, he was going to push the
envelope a little. He thought about the collars at home in his dresser. After all, hed told Gabe
once hed made his decision, he couldnt go back. In for a penny, in for a pound, he thought
ruefully. It would seem Gabe still had a few more lessons to learn, and Zack knew just what he
Gabes Alpha 75

had to do to make sure Gabe learned them. He was going to have to make a quick trip down the
mountain in the morning.

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Chapter Five

Gabe went downstairs the next morning in a fury, barely acknowledging all the greetings
from the rest of the pack. He didnt know exactly how he felt, really. Part anger at being bossed
around by Zack, part relief he wasnt being sent away from Zack. He also had an erection
refusing to go away and making it difficult to walk. The day started with Zack rousing him out of
bed before the sun was fully up. Hed just spent an hour in a chair facing the wall, while Zack
watched him. It was infuriating. It was maddening. Shit, it was sexy as hell. The idea of Zack
making him sit there naked and watching him do it was a turn on. Probably why his dick was still
so hard even after the extra hours of sleep hed put in after Zack left.
Damn, did he like being bossed around and controlled by his mate? A little part of him did,
and he had to admit it. He appreciated the fact Zack had given him a choice of whether to stay or
not. Of course he wanted to stay. Hed only been bluffing when he threatened to leave, and it
made him furious and damn near ripped his heart out when Zack had called his bluff.
Once hed agreed, Zacks dominant nature came out to make him toe the mark. He liked that
too, though hed never admit it to Zack. There was a real need inside him to surrender his will to
someone who would care for him and protect him, but not let him get away with some of the
outrageous things he was compelled to do sometimes. Maybe it was because of the traumatic
experience of the attack on him. His mother was killed right in front of him and he wasnt able to
do anything to stop it. He wasnt sure, but whatever caused it, he had a self-destruct button inside
him, and he needed someone strong enough to prevent him from pushing it. Still, it was his
nature to tease and be as defiant as he could get away with. It also kept Zacks attention firmly
on him, which was the real point. He craved Zacks attention and seriously couldnt do without
acting up, to make Zack notice him.
Gabes Alpha 77

He got some toast at the buffet table and a glass of milk and sat down to eat a late breakfast.
Aware of Zacks presence, he glanced up to see him walking toward him with determination.
Excitement rippled through him, but he kept his eyes down and pretended to ignore him. Zack
veered off to go to the buffet table. In a few minutes a plate plopped down in front of him.
Not just toast. Ive told you repeatedly. Eat these eggs too. Toast wont last halfway
through the morning.
Yes, sir, Gabe snapped back. Anything you say, sir.
Stop being a smartass or youll go back upstairs to our room and Ill put you over my
knee. Zack sat next to him and began to calmly eat his breakfast. Gabe glanced down at his
hand and a flood of relief swept over him as he saw his ring on his finger. Still he was angry hed
taken it off in the first place.
Gabe finished his meal in silence and started to get up when Zack reached for his hand. Not
yet. We need to talk about some things, and Ill be busy the rest of the day. My beta, Jamie, and I
are going up to the mine to check on operations. I wont be back until late afternoon.
The mine? What mine? What exactly do you do up here anyway? Youve never really told
Zack glanced over at him. You never asked. We own mines all over north Georgia. The
most productive one is the one were going to today.
What kind of mines are they?
Zack smiled. Gold mines, mostly. A few sapphire mines and some ruby mines.
Gold mines? Gabe said quietly. You actually own gold mines? He started laughing, hard
enough he fell up against Zack.
Zack smiled and nodded his head. Yep. Gold mines. Its why I bought gold rings and you a
gold collar. Sort of symbolic, you know?
Yeah, I guess so.
I need to talk to you about some things, like I said. If youre finished, lets go up to my
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Your office? This must be really official. Youve never asked me to your office before.
Standing up and drawing out Gabes chair, Zack looked confused. You dont have to be
asked to come to my office. You can go anywhere you want. Youre my mate.
Uh-huh. Ill remind you of it someday when I crash one of your meetings with all your big,
scary wolves.
Zack leaned over and whispered in his ear. You never have to be scared of anyone, baby.
Anyone who messes with you messes with me. Remember that.
A little thrill went through Gabe at the words, but he tried to look unimpressed. He allowed
Zack to take his hand, but he was still angry with him. He just hadnt decided how hed show it
yet. Agreeing to stay didnt mean he was going to be a door mat. Oh, hell no.
He followed Zack to his office and sat down across from him, feeling a little nervous. This
all seemed so official, somehow. Zack didnt sit behind his desk. Rather he perched on the desk
in front of Gabe and looked down at him.
I have something I want to talk to you about, but I dont want you to freak out. Im
handling the situation.
Okaywhat is it?
I think the brakes on your truck were deliberately tampered with. In fact, Im sure of it.
Deliberately tampered with? Who would do such a thing?
I was hoping you could tell me. Are there some enemies you havent told me about? No
matter what it is, you can tell me.
No. I have no idea. No one I know has any clue where I am, and if they did, theyd have no
reason to harm me.
Someone did try. It could have been a random act, but until we know more, I want you to
have a guard on you at all times. After I leave this morning, Scott will have one of his best men
sent up to guard your door and go with you everywhere you go.
I can take care of myself.
Im sure you can, but Id feel better if you had a guard.
Gabes Alpha 79

Gabe shrugged. Whatever.
Zack looked relieved. Gabe wondered if Zack really thought hed fight him on this?
One more thing. He pulled a black leather collar from his pocket. I know I told you I
could wait till youre sure. As far as Im concerned you made your decision yesterday, and you
belong to me. Youll wear this one until you earn the gold one. Put it on.
Gabe looked up at him in fury. Actually, hed already decided to wear the gold collar after
coming so close to losing Zack in the crash. He knew he loved him to distraction, but with recent
events, he couldnt bring himself to tell him. He hated Zack ordering him to wear this ugly
leather one. Until he earned the gold one? Bullshit!
No, he said softly, shooting a defiant look at Zack. If I wear one, itll be the gold one.
I thought we established the fact that you dont make the rules, baby. He tossed the black
collar onto his lap. Put it on.
I said no. Gabe tossed the collar back at Zack.
Zack stood up with a stern expression on his face, giving Gabe warning. He was in big
trouble. Still, Gabe folded his arms and stuck out his lips in a pout.
In one swift move, Zack picked him up in his arms and carried him to the adjoining
bedroom. He literally kicked the door open and threw Gabe onto the bed. Not giving him a
chance to recover, Zack bent over him and ripped his shirt over his head and tugged down his
pants, while ignoring the blows being rained on his head and shoulders by his furious mate. He
straightened and began to take off his own clothes, stopping only one time when Gabe scooted
toward the edge of the bed.
Zack pointed a finger at him and growled. Dont you move!
Gabe sank back down and considered his options. There didnt seem to be many. He knew
he was about to get fucked into the mattress, and the idea excited him. He couldnt wait to see
what other interesting things Zack might have in mind for him.
Lie down on your backknees up.
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Gabe lay down and pulled them up, expecting the lube to come next. Instead, Zack went to
the closet and pulled something down from the top shelf. He came over to the bed with
something in his hand, a rigid steel bar, with a long chain hanging from the middle and double
cuffs on either end. A sex toy! Gabes excitement grew exponentially as his cock hardened. He
couldnt hide his cock, but he could hide the big grin he felt coming on.
What-what are you going to do? Even to him, his voice sounded quivery and scared.
Sit up and dont you dare fight me. Ive had enough out of you. Take hold of your ankles.
Gabe sat up, giving token resistance, pulling back slightly with each hand and foot while
Zack opened the two cuffs on one end and put Gabes left ankle in one and his left wrist in the
other. He pulled back a little harder, anxiety building when his other wrist and ankle got the
same treatment. He was going to get fucked, he knew, but Zack had never pulled out any sex toy
before, making Gabe even more interested in what else was going to happen. His legs were held
wide apart so no amount of struggling would close them. With his hands cuffed helplessly beside
his ankles, he was basically hog tied.
Where did you get a spreader bar? Even more, he wanted to know, What are you going to
On his knees on the bed, Zack took the chain in his hands and moved toward the headboard,
forcing Gabe to his back, pulling his legs and arms off the bed. The farther he pushed the chain,
the more Gabe struggled, uselessly. Zack didnt quit until a link in the chain slipped over a hook
Gabe had never seen before, at the top of the tall headboard, leaving Gabes ass up in the air. He
could roll a little from side to side, but that was about it.. Zack took pillows and wedged them
under him and at his sides to prevent him from even rolling.
Im about to remind you whos the alpha. Zack answered the second question. He drew
back his hand and gave Gabes butt cheeks a hard spank.
Ow! No, stop! Gabe yelled, wiggling his ass. Ill kill you when I get out of this!
Zack got off the bed and returned to the closet, drawing out a short flogger, made of soft
suede. Zack returned and dragged the strands slowly across the backs of Gabes thighs and the
Gabes Alpha 81

cleft between his spread legs, dangling the soft ends in feather light touches on his throbbing
cock. Want to apologize, baby? Tell me how very much you want to wear my collar?
Youre not really going to beat me with that, are you?
Its designed to give more heat than pain. Im going to heat up that bottom of yours until
you beg me to put the collar on you.
Never! Gabe spat back at him.
Zack smiled down at him. Still not too late to stop it, baby. Say the three little words I want
to hearplease collar meand it all stops.
Fuck you! Gabe spat at him and wiggled violently, trying to get out, knowing damned
good and well he couldnt. He wasnt too sure he hadnt broken off more than he could chew.
Zack watched him until his head fell back on the pillow, defeated, before he raised the
flogger and gave him two licks on each butt cheek. Gabe was furious, but he had to admit, the
flogger didnt really hurt. Like Zack said, it warmed his bottom for him pretty good, but there
was no real pain. The pain came from the humiliation and thought of giving in to a battle of
wills, and Zack had to know it.
You never gave me a safe word! Youre supposed to give me a safe word, and if I say it,
everything stops!
Hmmyou do seem to know a lot about this. Thats a conversation we need to have later
on. No, baby, you dont need a safe word. Im not going to really hurt you, and you know it. And
you already know the three little words that will make it all stop.
Gabe made a loud, frustrated noise. I hate you! And I hate this!
Little liar. Bad boys lie, baby. You love every minute of this, and you know it. Wouldnt it
be better to give in like a good little boy?
Oooohh! When I get out of this, IllIll
Shhh, baby. Time for another reminder. The flogger came down again and again, and his
ass was beginning to get uncomfortable. Gabe threw back his head and was horrified to feel tears
streaming down his face, but he couldnt help it. He could hear the whimpers coming from his
82 Shannon West

throat. His back, ankles and wrists were beginning to ache. He was also so fucking hot he
thought he might come all over himself.
Zack stopped and leaned forward to put his face right over Gabes. Got anything you want
to say, honey?
Gabe bit his lips and turned his head. Zack sighed and laid into him again, until it was
actually getting pretty painful. Gabe knew his ass would be sore for a week. Zack stopped after a
few more strokes and by then, Gabe was breathing in short hitches.
Baby? Sure you dont want to ask Daddy something?
Gritting his teeth, his throat catching on a sob, Gabe forced out the words. Would
youwould you please c-collar me?
Zack unhooked the chain, bringing Gabes ass down on the bed. He opened the cuffs on first
one side and then the other, freeing his wrists and allowing him to ease the strain on his back.
Releasing his ankles and removing the spreader bar, he said, Sit up, baby.
Gingerly, his ass burning, Gabe sat up. Zack put the black leather collar around his neck and
fastened it on. You only take this off to bathe and then right back on. Understood?
Gabe nodded, too angry and frustrated to speak, and so horny he was about to explode. The
collar was heavy and warm on his neck.
When you learn to be a good boy, you can have the gold one. Say thank you, sir.
Thank you, sir, Gabe mumbled.
Zack smiled down at him. Dont you look pretty wearing my collar and nothing else? I
think from now on in our morning sessions, youll be wearing only your collar. Then afterward,
Ill let you suck my dick.
Gabe glanced up at him, barely controlling himself. Can I get up, please?
Not a chance. Ive never been this hard in my life. He grabbed him around the hips,
picked him up and flipped him over. Zack pushed the pillows up under his stomach, bent down,
and kissed his reddened ass. Your little ass looks perfect this way, baby. He rubbed his hands
over the tender flesh. So beautifully spanked.
Gabes Alpha 83

He kissed each of his butt cheeks and trailed the kisses over to his rim. He lavished attention
on it with his tongue until Gabe squirmed and panted. Gabes cock was rock hard too. Zack took
hold of it gently, sliding his hand in an up and down motion, moving his mouth to the backside
of Gabes balls, which he thoroughly licked and teased with his tongue.
He lay over Gabes back and put his tongue in his ear before whispering to him. Do you
want this, baby?
Gabe hesitated for only a few seconds before he spoke, his voice ragged with need. Yes, I
want it, dammit.
Zack couldnt keep the smile off his face. Then ask me to fuck you, baby. Dont forget to
call me sir.
Gabe groaned. Sir, will you please fuck me?
With pleasure, darlin.
Gabe had wanted to say no. He really had. Every brain cell he had was screaming at him to
tell Zack to go fuck himself. But all those other pesky tingles tormenting his cock and his balls
even his damn toes curled at the ideacame from the fact that Zack made him beg to wear the
damn collar. They were cheering him on. What a fucking turn-on.
Zack left Gabes balls and rim and headed up toward his mouth, making him turn his head
so he could nip at Gabes bottom lip. His tongue traced the crease in his mouth until it fell open.
He thrust his tonguehis goddamned, magical, wicked tongueinside his mouth and swept
over the inside until he was needy and sweating.
Zack turned his attention back to his ass, and Gabes ass rose in the air of its own accord and
thrust itself back at him. Zack kissed around the rim again before he put a well slicked finger up
his ass and crooked his finger, searching for the spot he knew would drive Gabe crazy with need.
He found it and had Gabe writhing under him in seconds, grinding out his name through gritted
Whats that, baby? Do you like that?
God, Zack! Please!
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Please what, honey? Do this? He swept his finger over the spot again, and Gabes hips
bucked uncontrollably. He was about to go, and he couldnt stop it. Zacks hand slid around to
his cock and squeezed the base with his forefinger and thumb until Gabe could breathe again.
No, not yet. Settle down, baby.
Gabe thought if he didnt stick his cock in him quickly, he was going to die from
spontaneous combustion. How in the hell would that look to the coroner? Zack, he groaned.
Please do something!
I will, darlin. All in good time. He bent over and licked his ass from his balls to the top of
his crease. Gabe screamed, and Zack tightened his grip on his cock. No more backtalk, okay?
No more tight pants wiggling around in front of the other wolves either. No more drinking or
dancing on tables. This is my little ass, and I wont have you flaunting it around.
He rolled Gabe over to his side and put his mouth over the tip of his cock and sucked it hard.
Say, Yes, Zack.
Sweet baby Jesus!
Say, Yes, Zack, or Ill suck your brains out through your cock.
Dammit! Yes, Zack!
Zack rolled him back over and spread more lube inside his ass, raking his sinful fingers over
his prostate again. When Gabe thought hed pass out from wanting him, Zack thrust his big cock
up Gabes ass and pounded him hard. After only three of his thrusts, Gabe spurted all over the
mattress, spurted until he was bone dry, but he couldnt stop shuddering. Zack pounded a few
more times and then stiffened as his orgasm overtook him, grinding into Gabe and burying
himself deep inside.
He collapsed on top of him, way too heavy, pushing Gabes face down into the mattress, but
it didnt matter at the moment. Gabe could die happy, secure in the knowledge hed been well
and truly fucked to within an inch of his life. Zack rolled off him and pulled his body up close,
throwing his leg over Gabes thighs and began snoring in seconds.
Gabes Alpha 85

Gabe lay on his stomach for about a minute, sweaty and sticky with his own cum under him
and Zacks cum leaking out his ass. He panted hard to catch his breath, but he felt pretty damn
good. He turned over, got up stiffly and went into the bathroom to clean himself up and even
brought a warm cloth out and took care of Zack.
Zack opened one eye as he worked on him and mumbled something which Gabe took for a
thanks. He crawled back in bed and cuddled up close to Zack, who opened his arms and pulled
him in tightly, settling his dick in the crease of Gabes ass.
Gabe touched the collar around his throat. Hed already decided to wear the gold one, and it
didnt really matter about the leather one. Still he hadnt like the earn it remark, and hed make
Zack pay for it a bit. Hed wanted to play with Zack a little though hed almost got more than
hed bargained for with the spreader bar, cuffs, and a flogger. Of course he still really wanted the
gold collar, because he liked jewelry, damn it, and Zack knew that very well. No matterhed
get it soon. Hed make sure of it. In the meantime, the weight of the leather collar made him feel
safe and protected. He snuggled his ass further back against Zack and heard him whimper a little
in his sleep. The collar was definitely a mark of ownership. The question was who owned

* * * *

Zack finished his business at the mine early, and he and Jamie started back to the lodge. All
afternoon, his mind had been on Gabe, and what had happened that morning. He really didnt
know what to expect when he got home. Theyd had their first really serious fight, and hed
pushed Gabes limits to the max. He had worked his little man over pretty good and punished
him most of the morning, starting with the time-out in the corner and ending with restraining and
then flogging himnot to mention the mind-blowing sex. Hed left him asleep on their bed
around noon, wearing nothing but his new collar, and he had no idea what to expect when he got
86 Shannon West

He really didnt want to punish him anymore. He loved him so much, and he wanted to just
take care of him and make his life easier. Gabed had such a hard time since the attack and his
mothers passing. But before he could do any of what he wanted to do, Gabe had to assimilate
into the pack. He had to follow the orders of his alpha.
Every member of the wolf pack had a place in the hierarchy, and Gabe was no different. He
was the mate of the alpha, and as such he had certain obligations, not just to Zack, but to the
entire pack. He needed to show a good example for the other pets. He should actually be a leader
and a spokesperson for the pets, much like Zacks mother had been. Zacks mother had sat in on
the council meetings and spoke up for any inequality she noticed. One of the most important
aspects of being mate to the alpha was to cooperate and obey his wolf mate, so long as the wolf
was reasonable and acting in his pets best interest. Even the alphas pet didnt get any free
passes, or it would cause jealousy and dissention in the entire pack.
As soon as he got home he went in search of Gabe. He found him in the bedroom, working
on Zacks laptop, wearing his collar and snug, but not overly tight, leathers. He looked up and
smiled tentatively at Zack as he walked in, and Zack grinned widely back at him, relieved and
happy to see he didnt seem to be holding a grudge.
Hello, baby. Are you feeling okay?
Gabe laughed. Do you mean is my ass sore? A little, but in a good way. He reached up
self-consciously and touched his collar, but didnt mention it.
Zack came over closer to him. What are you doing? Are you on Facebook?
No, I stopped posting on Facebook after I left home like I did. I think most people think
Im dead or something, but its okay. I guess I dont have much in common with them anymore.
Then what are you doing?
Ive been looking at classes online. Id like to take a few if you dont mind spotting me
some cash. I can pay you back when I graduate.
You dont have to pay me back, honey. You can take classes if you want to. Just let me
know, and I can let you use my credit card to sign up. What kind of classes?
Gabes Alpha 87

Agriculture. It was my majoryou know, before. I dont have many more credits to get my
degree. I dont know exactly what I could do with it. Id always planned to run our farm at
His voice took on the lost quality Zack hated to hear. He crossed over to him and sat down
beside him, touching his leg. You can do anything you want to do. You decide, and Ill support
you. Maybe you could farm on some of our land here. Whatever you decide, Ill be there behind
you if you need me.
Gabe closed the laptop and looked up at him. I dont want to fight anymore, Zack. I feel
like Ive been fighting everything and everyone for the past year, and Im so tired.
Zack touched his jaw and rubbed his fingers along it. I dont want to fight either, darlin. I
just want to love you.
Gabe hesitated for only a few seconds before he threw his arms around Zacks neck and held
on tightly. I was scared when you sent me away.
Oh, honey, I didnt send you away. I gave you a choice. I didnt want you to think you had
no alternative and wind up resenting me for it. You had no need to be scared, either. I would
have always watched out for you, no matter what your choice was. Youre my mate, baby. I
cant not protect you and worry about you.
You came for me, though. I was afraid you wouldnt.
You were?
Gabe gave him a wicked little smile. Uh-huh. I wondered how long it would take Scott to
call you. He didnt for the longest time.
You knew Scott was watching you?
Well, duh. Its pretty hard to hide a wolf. Youre all pretty damned big. I figured when I
got up to dance on the bar hed call you.
Why you little Zack pulled him up in his arms, and Gabe wrapped his legs around
Zacks waist, his arms around his neck, cuddling his face into his neck. With both hands on
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Gabes ass, Zack massaged the cheeks slowly and sensuously. I really should punish you again
for your little stunt and for drinking so much.
Mmmwith the flogger? Yes, please. I really have been bad.
Zack put back his head and laughed. Yes, you certainly have. What am I going to do with
you? He dropped him down a bit, rubbing their cocks together and nibbled at his neck.
Make love to me again?
Zack smiled and kissed his nose. Try and stop me.

* * * *

Gabe stretched luxuriously and reached over for Zack, but he was already gone. Pouting a
little, he rolled over in bed and smiled over the delicious sting on his butt. Their lovemaking the
night before had been hot and wild. Gabe had talked Zack into using some of the other sex toys
Zack told him hed made a special trip to town to buy. Gabe was determined to try each and
every one of them out. Hed thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it. He wondered idly what else
he could do to get Zack mad enough to give him a little more of his undivided attention.
He heard a knock at the door and got up to answer, pulling on his pants and smoothing down
his hair.
Scott looked frantic. Gabe, youd better come quickly. Zack just collapsed downstairs. We
carried him to our infirmary, but the doctor hasnt been able to bring him around yet.
The last words were yelled at Gabes back as he raced downstairs, his heart racing even
faster. Scott caught up with him easily and passed him on the stairs, which was a good thing,
since Gabe had no idea where he was going. He followed Scott down into the basement and into
a small room set up like a hospital. He stopped in the doorway and stared, clutching himself
around the waist. Zack was still and white on his back on the bed, some men standing around
him, all looking concerned and upset.
Gabe hesitated only a second in the doorway before he raced across the room and flung
himself on top of Zacks body, wrapping his arms around his waist.
Gabes Alpha 89

The doctor standing next to him cried out. No, no, young man, you must get off him! Im
still examining him and running tests. Well know more soon, but please control yourself.
Scott motioned him gently down to a chair beside Zacks bed and stood close by to keep him
in place. He leaned over to whisper in his ear. Settle down, Gabe. The doctor knows his stuff,
even if he is a tight ass.
Gabe sat stunned, listening with half an ear to the talk swirling around him. He couldnt lose
Zackhe wouldnt. The very idea was unthinkable. He stood up and turned to the doctor, his
voice steady and firm. What happened to him? Tell me everything.
The doctor looked at him with irritation and spoke instead to Scott. Will you please keep
this pet out of my way? Im trying to work here.
Gabe stepped forward, grabbed a handful of the doctors shirtfront, and pushed his face up
into his. His voice came out low and menacing. Listen up, asshole. This is my mate on this bed.
You talk to me, or Ill rip out your throat.
The doctor sputtered a few times and looked to the men standing around the bed for help.
None of them made a move to stop Gabe. One or two even looked a little impressed at his
Seeing no help was forthcoming, the doctor put up both hands in a placating gesture. All
right, all right! Please release me and Ill tell you what I know.
Gabe let go of him begrudgingly, but stayed close, glaring at him.
Uhwell, these men here told me the alpha collapsed at the breakfast table. He clutched
his stomach and just fell over. From my examination, even though it seems impossible, Id say
hes been poisoned.
Feeling like hed been hit in the gut with a fist, Gabe turned to the men standing beside the
bed. Who was with him? he asked sharply.
Jamie, the beta, spoke up. I was.
Scott nodded. Me too.
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He was fine when he left our room this morning. What was he eating? Gabe addressed his
question to Scott, who shrugged.
Nothing the rest of us didnt have. He ate some eggs and toast. A little fruit, I think. We
were all having the same thing. He said he had a little headache from staying up too late last
night. He took some headache powders.
Headache powders? Gabe sounded puzzled. You mean the powdery stuff in those little
packets? Wheres the package?
Try his pocket. I think I saw him get them out of there.
Gabe rifled through his pockets and came out with a small packet of old fashioned headache
powders. These? he asked. Scott nodded. Do you know if the box was already open? Think,
Damn, I dont know. He had it in his pocket. I think he keeps a box in his office. He just
opened one up and threw it back like he does.
Gabe turned to the beta. Did he vomit anything before he collapsed?
Yeah, just as he started to get up. He said he wasnt feeling well and The beta yelled to
one of the guards. Go upstairs and find me some samples. Dont let anybody clean it up. We
need to get the samples to a lab. He turned back to Gabe. You think he really was poisoned?
Gabe shook his head miserably. I dont know, but like I said, he was fine when he left our
room. It doesnt make any sense.
The doctor shook his head. So far nothing to indicate any kind of illness or attack. Hes
very weak, though. He must be given blood immediately if he is to survive.
Then give him some, damn it! What the hell are you waiting for?
Zacks an alpha, Gabe. Scott told him. Only another alphas blood will work. Jamies his
beta, and he gave him some already, but it wasnt enough, and theres only one other alpha in our
packTimbut hes not here. He left early this morning for the mine, and we havent been able
to reach him on his cell phone. Jamies blood is the strongest we have to give him, and its
probably the only thing keeping him going this long.
Gabes Alpha 91

Get some more damn alpha blood then! How can we?
Jamie spoke up. The nearest alpha is in North Carolina, another alpha of the Dark Hollow
Pack, named Marco. Ive called him already, and both he and his battle commander, another
alpha, agreed to come and are on their way. Trouble is, it will take at least a couple hours for
them to get here on the mountain roads. I dont know if I can keep him going long enough.
A tiny sob burst from Gabes throat, but he quickly stifled it and turned to Scott. Load him
into a car, Scott, and call the alpha back. Tell him were on our way from here, and well meet
him halfway. It should cut our time in half.
Jamie and Scott looked startled over not thinking of the idea themselves. Scott ran from the
room to make preparations while Jamie pulled out his cell phone.

* * * *

Racing along the mountain roads, Zacks head in his lap, Gabe never was more frightened in
his life. Not of the breakneck speed with which Scott was taking the curves, but of the possibility
of losing the love of his life, the one person he simply couldnt live without.
When he left the compound a few days before, hed cried going down the mountain at some
of the hurtful things Zack had said to him, however true they might have been. Hed been a little
scared too, that too much had been said, and hed pushed Zack too far.
Yet hed known deep down Zack would come for him. They both knew it was an elaborate
game they played and though feelings may get hurt and tempers might flare, in the end they
would work it out. There simply was no other option.
This was different, and Gabe was too wounded for simple tears. His grief at Zacks possible
loss was stark and desolate. He gazed down into Zacks face, watching his breathing, listening to
Jamie on the phone while Scott drove like a madman on the mountain roads, lights flashing and
horn blaring.
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Jamie hung up and turned to Gabe. That was the doctor. He says cyanide traces are in the
packet, crushed up into a fine powder like those headache powders. If it hadnt been for his
strong wolf metabolism it would have killed him immediately.
Damn it! Scott banged his hand on the steering wheel. We were within the compound
its supposed to be safe!
Jamie looked over at Gabe. Were questioning everyone, and nobody knows anything.
Somebody does, Gabe said tersely. And when we find them
I just got off the phone with Marco and Caseys driver. Marco and Casey are the alphas
from North Carolina. We think were about fifteen minutes away from each other. Im going to
give him some more of my blood. Its not helping much, but if it can just keep him going theres
a chance.
Jamie got on his knees, leaned over the front seat, bit into his wrist, and placed it next to
Zacks mouth. Gabe applied pressure on the hinges of Zacks jaw to get him to open up enough
to let the blood in, and then massaged his throat over and over to get him to swallow. A slow
process, but it helped Gabe to be able to do somethinganythingother than just sit and wait
Jamie smiled at him encouragingly. When Zack wakes up, hes going to be so proud of
For the first time since they got in the car, Gabes eyes filled with tears. Oh, Jamie, he
whispered. Do you really think he might wake up?
Jamie nodded. I really do, Gabe. Hes one of the strongest people I ever met, and hes got
an awful lot to live for. Defying pack law, he reached over with his left hand and squeezed
Gabes arm. Dont give up. Were almost there.
Scott called out excitedly. I see them ahead! Im pulling over. Brace yourself, Jamie.
Jamie, still bent over the front seat, grabbed hold of the seat with one hand and held on tight
as Scott swerved onto the shoulder of the road. He jumped out and opened the back door. Things
started happening quickly.
Gabes Alpha 93

The door beside Gabe opened too, and a tall, very good looking man stood there looking
down at him with compassion. Im Marco. If youll move, I can get in to help him.
His voice was kind, but Gabe couldnt bring himself to move. He had a sudden,
unreasonable fear if he moved, hed never see Zack alive again. Marco was shoved out of the
way and a beautiful face looked in. The young man was blond with startlingly blue eyes, and he
smiled sympathetically at Gabe, his voice low and soothing.
Cmon, Gabe, let me help you get out. He took hold of his arm and tugged gently. Marco
is here to help Zack, and he wont let him die. Will you, Marco?
The big man shifted his feet nervously. I certainly A sharp elbow to his ribs made him
straighten up rapidly and then bend back down to look at Gabe. No, Gabe, I wont let anything
happen to him. Okay? Just let me get in there to him.
Gabe allowed them to help him from the car and almost collapsed when he tried to stand, his
knees buckling under him. Instantly, two arms went around his waist, holding him up, and he
looked up to see the beautiful blond on one side and a very cute brown-haired young guy on the
other. They took him back to their car, and Nicky, the blond, as Gabe found out, put his arm
around him and started babbling about when Marco had been shot a year before and about how
scared he had been.
Gabe was aware of how the blond and the brown-haired guy kept exchanging worried
glances over his head, but he couldnt seem to be able to speak, not until he found out how Zack
was. It seemed to take a very long time, and finally Nicky sent Rory, the other man, out to check
on things. Calmed down a little, Gabe could tell that Rory was a wolf too, though not quite as big
as the others. Gabe wondered how Rory had come to be the mate of another wolf, deciding there
must be a story there hed like to hear someday. If only ZackGabe bit his lip and tried not to
think of what might be happening in the car in front of them. Rory came back in just a few
minutes and smiled encouragingly at Gabe.
Theyre still giving him blood. My mate, Casey, is feeding him now. Hes about half-
conscious and cooperating more in drinking. Its a very good sign.
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Nicky squeezed Gabes shoulders. See? I knew hed be okay. Marco and Casey are really
strong. Right, Rory?
I know Casey is, for sure, he laughed. A little too strong sometimes.
Just like Marco. I hear your mate, Zack, is really something too. I just know hell be all
Gabe leaned into Nickys shoulder a little, comforted by his kindness, but exhausted and
beginning to shiver. He still was wearing only a pair of skin tight leather pants.
He shuddered, and Nicky patted his shoulders, taking charge again. Rory, give me a
blanket from the trunk, Gabe is cold.
Im just so scared, Gabe mumbled as Rory hurried out, even more than when I went
You were feral?
Gave gulped and nodded, But Zack said it would be better if no one ever knew. Dont
repeat it, please.
No problem, but its something Id like to hear more about it when were alone. I went feral
one time too. Scary shit.
Zack saved me from that. God, I love him so much. I dont know what Ill do if
Rory opened the door and handed Nicky a blanket. Nicky draped it around Gabe and
launched into a story about the weather, for Gods sake, but Gabe was actually grateful. Not only
did it show Nicky would keep his secret, but he didnt want to think about what was going on in
the car ahead of them. He listened to Nickys chatter, knowing he was only giving him a chance
to recover by distracting him.
After about another ten minutes, Scott came and looked in the back seat where the three
young men sat. Hes awake, Gabe, but just barely. Theyre going to get him to shift so hell heal
faster. The two alphas are shifting with him and taking him into the woods.
They got out of the back seat in time to see the two alphas, Marco and Casey, supporting
Zack between them as they headed toward the trees. They could see Zack walking, if a bit
Gabes Alpha 95

unsteadily. Scott went with them and came back in a few minutes, carrying their clothes. Nicky
walked up to the tree line and yelled for Marco. He had to yell a couple of times, but finally, a
huge silver wolf stood in the shadows, looking out at them.
Gabe needs to see Zack, Marco, if only for a minute. You can imagine how hes feeling.
Go get Zack, please.
Gabe stepped up beside Nicky and touched his arm, at a loss for words. He did need to see
his mate, but hadnt known what to do to make it happen. Nicky smiled down at him. Wolves.
Beautiful, but dumb as dirt sometimes.
Rory punched him in the arm. Hey! he said, playfully.
Nicky smiled at him. Present company definitely not excluded!
A large wolf stepped up almost out of the shadows and looked straight at Gabe. It was the
first time Gabe had seen Zacks wolf, and he was almost speechless at his beauty. He was gray
and black, and his eyes were the same color as Zacks dark ones. Gabe ran over to him and put
his arms around his neck, luxuriating in the feel of his soft fur. The wolf swayed a little, nuzzled
his nose into Gabes neck, and nipped ever so gently at his skin. Then he pulled away and was
gone, joining the others, their howls sounding far away and echoing through the hills.
Cmon, Gabe, we need to get you back to your lodge. Marco and Casey will bring Zack
home once hes healed. It shouldnt take long. Nicky led the younger boy to his car. Scott and
Jamie helped them all in and took off back toward the lodge. Gabe put his head back on the seat,
suddenly unable to keep his eyes open, and no one spoke on the short journey back home.

* * * *

Zack sat with the other two alphas, Marco and Casey, at a large table in the common room,
watching their mates dance. Casey had a proud, appreciative look on his face, as Rory in his tight
blue jeans and T-shirt swayed provocatively to the music. Sexy, but refined and respectable, he
had eyes only for Casey as he beckoned him out on the dance floor. Casey declined with a wave
of his hand, but his eyes rarely left his mate.
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His voice was warm and proud as he spoke of his mate. Casey told them, Rory used to be
too self-conscious to dance, especially out there with the other pets, but hes overcome much of
his shyness in the months since weve been together.
Marco, on the other hand, had an expression of dismay, much as Zack suspected he looked,
as they watched their beautiful pets strut their stuff on the dance floor. Both Gabe and Nicky had
taken off their shirts to show off their nipple rings. Gabe had come up with another pair of the
damn things for Nicky to wear. Nickys blond hair and Gabes midnight black hair whipped
around together as they bumped and ground their way through an old school Donna Summer
disco number.
Rory came back and sat down after just one dance and leaned his back up against Casey,
while Casey stroked his arm and whispered something in his ear to make him blush.
Watching them together, Zack sighed, wishing his pet could be a little more like Caseys,
instead of flaunting his sexy little ass all over the dance floor.
Marco saw the expression on Zacks face and laughed, clapping a hand on his back. Get
used to it, Zack. If hes anything like Nicky, your life just got very interesting. He stood. If you
cant beat em, he said over his shoulder, join em.
Behind Nicky, Marco grabbed his waist and pulled him sharply up into his crotch. Whatever
he said in Nickys ear made Nicky smile and cuddle his butt even closer into Marcos bulging
crotch. That left Gabe out there dancing alone, his eyes on Zack as he danced closer to where he
sat. Zacks legs opened up as he came closer, and Gabe stepped in between them, his bulging
crotch almost even with Zacks face.
Would you like a lap dance, baby? Gabe didnt bother to lower his voice.
Zacks face flamed. He pushed Gabe into the chair next to him and growled into his ear. I
may be recovering, but I can still spank that ass. Stop showing off.
Ah, honey, Im just having a little fun. I like to dance.
You know I dont like it when you dance that way in public.
Gabes Alpha 97

I dont want to fight with you, Zack. Nicky and I were just having some fun. Gabe sat next
to Zack, his chin in his hand watching Nicky and Marco dirty dancing. He sighed a little, and
Zack groaned, pulling him over to put an arm around him and whisper in his ear. Im sorry to be
such a grouch, honey. I guess Im just frustrated, because I cant get out there with you yet like
Marcos doing with his mate.
Its all right.
No, it isnt. I shouldnt take it out on you. I keep going over and over in my mind how this
could have happened. This is my packs home, Gabe. Im the alpha. Im responsible for my
packs safetyfor my mates safety. Hell, I cant even protect myself.
Scott appeared at the door and crossed quickly over to Zack. He glanced nervously at Gabe,
who leaned against Zack contentedly. Uh, Alpha, could I speak to you privately? Over there?
Zack, a little irritated over the interruption, nodded and followed Scott to the side of the
room. What is it, Scott? Did you do the search of the house like I asked you to do?
Yes, sir, and its what I have to talk to you about. You know how you said to search
everybodys room while most of them were down here celebrating your recovery?
Zack nodded impatiently. Well? Did you find something? What was it?
Youre not going to like this, sir. We searched every room like you said. We even searched
your room, Zack. Tim insisted we do every room. Anyway, we found this. He held out a small
plastic zip bag containing small white crystals. We think this is the cyanide.
Zack shook his head. Im not understanding. Are you saying you found this in my room?
Are you saying I poisoned myself?
No, sir. It-it was found in Gabes boot, sir, stuck all the way down in the toe.
Zack turned shocked eyes to his gamma. What? Are you trying to say Gabe poisoned me?
No, its impossible. He shoved the bag away and started back to the table, but Scott pulled on
his arm.
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Wait, sir, please. Just at least let us talk to him. Question him some. Jamie is upstairs
waiting, along with Tim. Of course, you can come with him. Its just hes an outsider, and
nothing like this ever happened in our pack before he came.
Zack snarled and turned such a furious gaze on him he backed up a step or two.
Scott tried again. I like him, Zack. I like him a lot, but he never wanted to come here, and
the way you two fight sometimesI heard you say hes never told you he loves you, even when
you were so sick. Hell, he cried all the way down the mountain when you made him leave, but
when we all thought you were dying, I never saw him shed one tear. Not one, Zack.
Zacks face was red with fury, and his hands trembled. I dont believe it. He strode
furiously over to where Gabe was sitting and took his arm. Can I see you a moment, Gabe?
Marco, who was back at the table with Nicky, looked up curiously as Zack turned to him. If
youll excuse us, Marco, everyone. Well be back later. Pack business.
Marco nodded. Of course. We can entertain ourselves. Actually, its getting late, and we
need to be on our way early tomorrow. Well just see you in the morning.
Zack nodded and drew Gabe quickly out of the room, only speaking to him once, sharply, as
he pulled him along behind him up the steps. Put on your shirt, Gabe. Were going to talk to the
Scott followed quietly along behind them.
Zack burst into the council room, holding Gabes hand tightly and spoke to the wolves
assembled there. I understand you have an accusation to make about my mate.
Gabe turned startled eyes on Zack and at the people sitting around the table. Accusation?
What is it?
Jamie, Zacks beta, had the good grace to blush, but he held his ground. Alpha, he said
formally. Do we have permission to question your mate?
You do not! Zack said firmly. All you need?
Gabes Alpha 99

Tim jumped to his feet. Zack, dont be foolish. This man doesnt care for you. Its plain for
all to see. He argues with you constantly, disrespects you, and flaunts himself in front of the
other wolves. He makes a fool of you!
Gabe gasped in anger and took a step forward, his fist held back at his side. Shut your
mouth, Tim! You dont know a goddamned thing about me!
Zack pulled him back beside him. Be quiet, Gabe. Let me handle this. He turned back to
face Tim. Do you have any other evidence to present against him other than those crystals?
What crystals? Zack, I have a right to know whats going on.
Zack ignored him and spoke louder. Well? Is there any other evidence against him or any
other accusations? He glared around the table and tugged Gabe to the door. Thats what I
thought, he yelled back over his shoulder.
Gabe stopped and jerked his arm away from Zacks grip. Backing up into the room he held
up a hand. Wait a minute! Just wait one damned minute! If Im being accused of something, I
want to know what it is. Right this damn minute!
He turned toward Zack as he came back for him. Zack, please. Im not trying to disrespect
you. Im not! I know youre only trying to protect me, and I appreciate it. He whirled around to
face the other wolves. But I have nothing to be protected from! I didnt do anything wrong, and
I defy each and every one of you to prove I did!
Tim stepped nearer to him, stopping a few feet away when Zacks growls warned him away.
He glanced over at him and back at Gabe. We found a bag of cyanidethe same substance that
poisoned our alphain your closet. In your damned boot! How the fuck did it get there if you
didnt do it?
Tims feet went off the floor. Zack held him around the throat with one hand, his face within
inches of Tims. Dont you ever cuss at him! Hes mine! If you cant show him the respect he
deserves you can get the hell out of my pack! He threw Tim back down, choking and coughing,
as Jamie came around the table and touched his arm, putting himself between the two.
100 Shannon West

Please, Alpha. No one means to show disrespect to your mate. Can we all please just sit
down for a minute?
No! The discussion is over! He turned on his heel and would have walked out if Gabe
hadnt been standing in his path.
Zack, honey, please. Let me answer their accusations. I know you believe me, but they
need to believe me too.
Gabe sat down at the council table. All right. Im ready. What do you have to say to me?
Zack went to stand protectively behind him, but Gabe pulled him down in the chair next to him.
I want them to tell me the truth, Zack. They wont if you intimidate them.
Zack glared down the table.
Gabe started the discussion by turning to Jamie. Thats it? A bag found in my boot? Is this
all you got?
Jamie nodded, his face red. Its the only real evidence. Theres circumstantial evidence
Like what?
Scott spoke up. Im sorry, Gabe, but you know yourself how much you two argue, and the
whole house can hear you fighting sometimes. Andwell, I sort of thought you might be more
upset when we thought Zack was dying. I didnt see you crying any like you did when you left
him that time.
Gabe looked disgusted. Seriously? Did it ever occur to any of you dimwits our arguments
are just between us? Theyre more lovers quarrels than anything else if you must know, and
some of those times you say the whole house hears us is probably me screaming when were
having sex.
All the men at the table dropped their gaze in embarrassment, looking shocked, and Zack
actually groaned a little. Gabe turned to him. Dont be ashamed of it, darlin. Youre a
wonderful lover, and were mated. We have every right to enjoy each other. They need to get
over it.
Gabes Alpha 101

Gabe looked at Scott menacingly. As for me not crying or being upset when I thought my
mate was dying, youre full of shit. I was beyond tears! Whose idea was it to put Zack in the car
and meet the other alphas halfway when all of you were standing around with your thumbs up
your asses? It was my idea. Thats who! He stood up and stared at each man in turn. I have no
idea who planted the shit in my boot. You should be out looking for him instead of wasting your
time in here. He slammed his hand down on the table. And the next motherfucker who implies
I dont love my husband is getting my foot up his wolf ass!

* * * *

Zack jumped to his feet and pulled Gabe away. He came reluctantly, still spoiling for a fight.
Zack was a little worried hed jump on one of them, and they might defend themselves and bring
about their deaths when Zack had to kill them. He put his arms around Gabe and led him from
the council room and into their bedroom down the hall. As he closed the door, Gabe reached the
throwing stage. Things were flying around the room as he threw books and kicked shoes and
generally wrecked the room. The only way Zack got him to stop was by wrapping his arms
around him and sitting down with him in his lap.
Honey? Please calm down, okay? Im so proud of you, baby. You stood up to all of them
and you were like a tiger in there.
Sons-of-bitches saying I dont love you. That burned me up!
Uh, baby, youve never exactly told me you loved me.
He turned on Zack. Dont you start! Of course I have! You know I do! How can you even
say something like that?
No, honey, Zack replied. I asked you once, and you said yes. Not exactly the same
thing. Seeing he was upsetting Gabe again, Zack did the only thing he knew to do. He pushed
Gabes head back and kissed his mouth, running his tongue inside and teasing Gabes tongue
until he sighed against his mouth and wiggled his cock on Zacks crotch. But Im very glad you
102 Shannon West

do, sweetheart. Zack picked him up and carried him over to the bed. Clothes off, he ordered.
Gabe scrambled to shed his jeans and shirt, while Zack pulled off his clothes, never taking
his eyes from Gabes. Youve been teasing me with your little ass all night long, and by God,
Im going to tear it up.
Oh, is that right? Gabe said teasingly, scooting back up on the bed.
Right. Youre going to scream like Im killing you, and well probably wake the whole
house up. What do you think about that? Zack crawled onto the foot of the bed and up toward
What, baby? Speak up. I want to know about this love stuff. You love me, huh? Really love
me? Isnt that what you said? Oh and something about me being a wonderful lover? Yeah, I want
to hear all those words again.
Well Gabe lay on his back, looking intimidated as hell as Zack prowled toward him.
Zack bent over and engulfed his dick in his mouth, held him down with his weight and
showed him no mercy. He took him in all the way to the root of his shaft, and he tasted so damn
sweet. Gabe arched his back and moaned, but Zack pushed him back down and held on to his
hips. He moved up and down on his cock until he had him writhing under him, releasing him for
Gabe to pump his hips in a screaming orgasm. Zack sucked down every drop and licked up any
remainders before leaning up on one elbow and smiling down at him.
Jerk yourself off for me while I watch, baby. You say you love me. You need to show me.
Get hard for me again. Cmon, hot stuff. Lets see what you got.
Gabe whimpered as he put his hand around his half-hard cock and pulled at it. Zack knew it
must be almost painful for him as hard as hed come, but watching him was the hottest thing
hed ever seen. Thats right, pump it for me, baby. Youre doing just fine. Its so hot, darlin.
Get yourself ready for me again, cause Im about to fuck you hard. He bent over and teased
Gabes nipple, ring and all, with his tongue, making Gabe whimper. You like that, baby? He
Gabes Alpha 103

bit the other nipple, causing Gabe to stop stroking himself, shuddering. Covering Gabes hand,
Zack moved it up and down his cock again. Dont stop, baby. Get yourself ready for me. Show
me how much you love me.
Gabe came up again. Zack nipped at his thighs and his balls until Gabe almost cried with
need, his cock hard and weeping with pre-cum. Sweet, baby, very sweet. Gabe arched his ass
back at him, and Zack laughed. You need something? You need my cock up your little ass?
Please, Zackplease
Zack rolled him over and rubbed a finger over his pre-cum covered slit for lube. He put his
finger inside his sweet, teasing hole, and crooked it, finding his prostate, enjoying his groans.
Please what, baby? Do this? Sweeping his finger over his sweet spot, teasing and playing
with it, he drove Gabe crazy, just like he wanted him, crazy with need. He nipped at his ass,
making him cry out. Or this? He bit him all over the insides of his thighs, biting hard and
licking the bite until Gabe sobbed. Keep stroking, baby. Youre doing so good. Zack licked all
the way up the crease in his ass, lapped to moisten it and get him ready.
Please, Zack!
First you got to tell me how much you love me. Tell me, baby, or I wont let you come for
a long, long time.
Oh God, I love you, Zack! I love you!
Good boy and whose ass is this, darlin?
Yours, he whimpered.
Damn straight! I love you too, baby, and this is all mine.
He lined up his cock and drove balls deep into Gabes sweet ass, pumping him and rocking
him hard, the bed groaning in protest. He pounded him, holding Gabe by the hips so he couldnt
move away. They both came in an explosive orgasm, rocking Zack to his core.
Zack stayed deep inside him even as he softened, kissing him on the back of the neck before
gently pulling out. Gabe cuddled back into him, breathing hard. Zack bent over his ear. Say it
again, sweetheart. I cant get enough of it. Tell me how much you love me.
104 Shannon West

Gabe turned his head, not even bothering to open his eyes. Love you so much. Always have
from the first time.
You did? Zack murmured, delighted with his answer, kissing him on the back of the neck.
Mm-hmm. Smell goodlike burnt sugar.
Zack laughed softly. Honey, thats how you smell to me too. God, I love you, darlin.
Zack wrapped his arms tight around him and put his nose up into his soft hair. Within minutes,
he was asleep.

* * * *

Something nudged Zack on his leg, insistent, demanding, something hard and sharp. Zack
looked up and froze with fear. Standing beside the bed, holding Gabe against his chest, stood his
cousin, Tim, a long, wicked-looking knife in the other hand. Move and hes dead, Zack. I swear
to God, Ill finish him this time.
W-what have you done to him? Gabe was completely limp, his naked body slumped in
Tims hold, looking small next to Tims bulk. Zack was immediately terrified. Give him to
Relax. Hes not deadyetbut Ill kill him if you attack me.
What are you doing, Tim? Zack fought against every instinct he had to leap up and tear
Tims throat out.
Im taking whats mine. Hes been mine for over a year, long before you ever saw him.
What the hell are you talking about? Zack snarled.
Im the one who changed him. Me! It was my bite that made him Werekin. Im claiming
whats mine. Youve taken everything else away from me, but youre not taking him! I knew
him for mine from the moment you brought him here. His smell almost drove me crazy! He
laughed shortly. I even tried to put floral scent in his bath to drown out the smell, but it didnt
help. If you hadnt come in when you did, Id have taken him and finished what I started back at
that rest stop.
Gabes Alpha 105

My God, Tim, what are you saying? Youre the one who raped him? Who murdered his
She tried to stop me. I smelled him when he got out of his car, and I had to have him. I
would have made him mine if we hadnt been interfered with. He bent his head down, as if he
couldnt help himself and buried his nose in Gabes hair for a moment.
Zack was murderous. His claws and fangs descended, and he could feel the hair springing
out of the back of his neck.
You shift, and Ill kill him. If I cant have him, then at least you wont ever touch him
again. Do you know how I felt seeing you with him? My God, to listen to him tell me what a
wonderful lover you are! I thought Id shift and kill both of you right then.
Zack made a conscious effort to calm himself. Tim was unstable, obviously insane. What he
was doing was totally irrational and without forethought. Thered be no way he could just walk
out of there with Gabe, and there was no way of knowing what hed do next. Zack had to watch,
his nails digging into his palms, while Tim licked his mates neck.
I tried to kill you, but you wouldnt fucking die! I fixed the brakes on his truck, because I
knew youd play the big man and let him drive your truck. Then I poisoned you, but you even
survived that. I thought if I planted the cyanide in his closet, you might reject him, and I could
have him. He glared wildly at Zack. Instead you took him in here and fucked him! The whole
house could hear his screams. He pulled Gabe closer and kissed the side of his face. I came for
you as soon as I could, baby.
Zack tried to make his voice low and calm. Tim still had the knife, pressing it against Gabes
heart. Tim, if you love him, dont hurt him.
You should talk! I know you beat him, and you had no right. He was mine! I saw him first,
but I didnt get the chance to complete the mating, and then I couldnt find him. I searched
everywhere. He just disappeared when he left the hospital.
Tim, put him down and let me call a doctor for him. Dont let this go any further.
106 Shannon West

Gabe stirred, moaning a little, and it terrified Zack even more. If Tim let Gabe know he was
the one who killed his mother, there was no telling what Gabe might do. Hed ignore the knife
pressed to his heart and attack Tim. Zack had to act before he woke up, but he didnt know how
to end their standoff.
A knock at the door saved their lives. Caught off guard, Tim turned toward the door for a
split second, snarling, long enough for Zack to shift to his wolf and launch himself, his jaws and
fangs clamping down on the hand holding the knife to Gabes chest. He bit down hard, causing
Tim to howl and drop the knife and Gabe to the floor. Tim started to shift, but Zacks lunge took
him to his back and Zack ripped at his throat, the hot, slippery blood spurting out, bathing his fur.
Vaguely, Zack was aware of shouting voices, but he threw himself over the body of his mate
and growled viciously at the men crowding into the room. The only thought running through his
lupine brain was to protect his mate.
Others in his pack shifted, whining and snarling with the emotions of their alpha. Zacks
wolf lay over the body of his mate, his animal blood savage and strong, unable to make the shift
back to human.
Someone touched him gently, and he snapped up his head, his eyes looking into the still
human face of the alpha, Marco. He spoke to him, soothingly, softly. In his primal state, Zack
couldnt totally understand what he said, but he recognized another alpha male. He growled and
hunched over his mate more closely. Other scents came closerpets. He was unable to hurt a
pet, even in his wolf. Following the second strongest of the pack laws, he whined and turned his
face away as they gently tugged at his mates body. He allowed them to pull Gabe away, though
he hated the idea, and jumped to his feet to pace anxiously back and forth. They put Gabe on the
bed, and Zack jumped up next to him, laid a paw on his leg and slowly regained control. The
shift came over him, and he reverted to his human form.

* * * *

Gabes Alpha 107

Gabe got up from the bed and stole softly into the bathroom. He woke up with his bladder
bursting, and he knew Zack wouldnt allow him to get out of bed without a damn escort. He was
still a little weak, but much better, the excruciating headache almost gone. Tim had hit him on
the head as he slept and given him a serious concussion. The doctor said he was lucky not to
have been killed by the blow.
Zack had been feeding him his blood daily since the attack, and he was getting sick of it.
Not the taste, he never grew tired of Zacks taste, but of the feeling of lassitude and weakness it
brought on. Hed done nothing much more than sleep for the past three days. Alphas were
notorious for over-feeding their mates when they were ill, Nicky and Rory told him when they
visited, and Zack was certainly living up to that reputation.
He finished and was about to go back to the bedroom when the light turned on, and Zack
came in, sweeping him up in his arms.
What are you doing out of bed? His voice was gruff and demanding.
Uh, what does it look like? I dont need you to carry me around everywhere, honey, though
I do appreciate the sentiment.
The doctor said you were almost killed. I have to take care of you. Zack laid him tenderly
down on the bed and kissed his cheek.
I know, darlin, and Im better, really. Lie down here beside me and lets make love. My
heads not hurting anymore.
Zack shook his head. Too soon, but Im glad youre feeling better. He kissed his neck and
trailed kisses down to his chest.
If youre not going to fuck me, stop teasing me, Gabe said, laughing. Tell me whats
been happening while Ive been asleep. I only remember snatches of it.
What do you want to know? Tim was buried yesterday after the doctor finished his
autopsy. He didnt find any anomalies, no reason for him to do the things he did. We know he
killed your mother, and we think he was responsible for some other deaths while he was away
from us. The pack is still investigating. I regret killing him like I did, but he would have been
108 Shannon West

executed anyway by the pack for attacking and killing humans. He was totally out of his mind,
Gabe. Its the only explanation.
Yeah, well, I would have killed him if you hadnt. He killed my mother and destroyed my
I know, sweetheart. Im cant tell you how sorry I am about your mother. They were silent
for a few moments, as Zack trailed his fingers along Gabes abs. Gabe understood his need to
touch him. They had been almost inseparable over the last few days, having come so close to
losing each other twice in a short time.
Nicky and Rory said to say goodbye. They all left yesterday. Theyre the ones who pulled
you away from me afterafterward and got the doctor up to look at you. Oh, and Scott and
Jamie are anxious to apologize for doubting you.
They were trying to protect you. Tell them I understand.
Zacks fingers trailed down to Gabes cock, lightly skimming over the sensitive skin. Gabes
erection quickly filled his hand, and Zack looked down into his eyes. Are you sure youre
feeling better? Dont lie to me.
Gabe grinned wickedly. Im feeling fine, or I would be if youd take care of me like a good
Zack made a sound in his throat, half growl, half moan, as he got to his knees and pushed
Gabes legs apart. Gabe closed his eyes and arched his back as Zack bent down to taste him,
swirling his tongue over the head of Gabes cock in a tease. Look me in the eye, then, like a
good pet.
Gabe kept his eyes closed tightly, playing along with the game, his chest rising and falling in
passion. Zack waited him out, his lips just brushing over the sensitive head until Gabe finally
opened his eyes and looked straight at him.
Thats right baby, my sweet boy. Ill take care of you.
Gabes Alpha 109

Zack kissed Gabes lips, surprised for a moment by the searing possessiveness of Gabes
mouth. He bent back down to his task, and Gabe smiled. His alpha was really coming along quite
nicely. Hed have him trained in no time.

110 Shannon West

About The Author
Shannon West lives in the mountains of North Carolina, and loves to write
erotica and paranormal. This her fourth novel in the Dark Hollow series, but
definitely not her last. The next one in this series has already been written, with
hopefully a few more to come.

Other Books by Shannon

Winning Bette
Street Angel
Lube Job
Georgia Heat
Come Hell or High Water
Fire and Ice
Training Tristan
The Alphas Pet (Dark Hollow Wolf Pack 1)
Cry Wolf (Dark Hollow Wolf Pack 2)
Logans Choice (Dark Hollow Wolf Pack 3)
Remember When
Breaking Up is Hard to Do

Gabes Alpha 111

Secret Cravings Publishing

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