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WKNJ Newscast

September 24, 2014

Writers Test

Start: 11:45

Good afternoon, its Wednesday, September 24, 2014 and youre listening to WKNJ
90.3 FM, Union, New Jersey and Im ______________________ with the news.

In Local News:
Jersey City police responded to 2 separate reports of shots fired on Montgomery
Street just before 3:50 a.m. While searching the area, officers found four 9mm (MILI-
METER) shell casings in the area of the vehicle and a bullet hole in the front
passenger fender of a white Ford. A separate police report stated that witnesses
heard 2 to 3 shots fired from the corner of Woodlawn Avenue and Martin Luther
King Drive. Investigation is still underway.
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A Middletown seventh graders hopes of running with her cross-country team have
been crushed.

Legally blind Jillian Milton was told earlier this week by Middletown school officials
that she can no longer participate on her schools cross-country track team. The 12-
year-old was banned from the team on Monday after being told last Friday that she
would no longer be taking gym class because of the potential injury it may cause her,
and students who dont take gym cant be involved in extra-curricular sports. Her
parents insist the school should take measures to accommodate their daughters
disability, not discourage her from pursuing her interests. You cant kick someone
off just because of their disability, Jillian said. Running is the only sport I can do.
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In National News:
President Obama has ramped up the fight against Ebola, committing troops to
combat the virus. U.S. Aid organizations loaded 100 tons of medical supplies onto a
Seven-Forty-Seven to send to West Africa to help fight the outbreak. Resources were
running low and fear running high, as many infected with the virus do not survive.
One doctor examined more than 1000 possible Ebola carriers and confirmed 21

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Violence in Ferguson, Missouri is ongoing as police arrested at least 7 people after a
fire destroyed a memorial honoring 18-year-old Michael Brown, the unarmed man
who was shot and killed last month by police officer, Darren Wilson. Protestors took
to the streets and looted a beauty store. Police arrived at the store quickly and were
able to calm down the situation. Residents are still angry that Officer Wilson
remained free on paid administrative leave. A state grand jury is considering
whether Wilson should face criminal charges.

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In International News:

India has managed to do what few other nations have accomplished: putting a
satellite into orbit around another planet and did so a lot cheaper than the
competition. The $70 million Mars craft started circling Mars after a 24-minute
engine burn to slow it down enough to be pulled in by the Red Planets gravity.
Mission control in Bangalore cheered for the successful launch of the satellite. Fewer
than half of all missions ever sent to Mars have been successful, including U.S.,
Russia, and the European Union. India had also beat space rival China back in 2011,
when their mission got stuck in Earths orbit.

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One of Vatican Citys citizens is under house arrest.
Former archbishop Jozef Wesolowski was taken into custody, who had already been
defrocked back in June following allegations that he sexually abused young boys
while he was the Vaticans ambassador to the Dominican Republic. He is to stand
trial in a Vatican criminal court. Wesolowski is the first-high ranking Vatican official
to face criminal charges for sexually abusing children.

More news, sports, and weather coming up
(play PSA #1 here.)

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In Sports:

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