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1. You MUST usethis answer booklet when responding tothequestions. For each question, write
your answer inthe space provided and return the answer booklet at theend of theexamination.
2. ALL WORKING MUST BE SHOWN inthis booklet, since marks will be awarded for correct
steps incalculations.
Copyright 2002 Caribbean Examinations Council.
All rights reserved.
1. Table 1 shows the relationship between the temperature, T, of the measuring junction of a
thermocouple and the thermocouple emf, E, that is measured by amillivoltmeter.
Thermocouple emf Elm V 0. 1
0. 4
0. 7
1. 0 1. 4 1. 8
Temperature TOle 44 118 163 202 247 293
Use the values in the table to plot E against T. Draw your BEST straighfline.
(10 marks)
Use your straight line graph to determine To ' the temperature at which the
thermocouple emf E = O.
(ii) Use your straight line graph to determine, Ex' the thermocouple emf when
T = 200 C
.: t- i! t 1 t #- t i . .~ . . .
J. r..;-
... ~: ..,... !... j- .. :.; ; ;. t i... t
+.;. r
:T:~: ;Ti:j :::
..f t t
: : :
:~T ;: r
(iv) Determine thedifference between theexperimental value asgiven inTable 1and
that obtained using the formula in Part (iii), and explain the significance of this
(v) Compare athermocouple and alaboratory mercury inglass thermometer interms
of (i) range (ii) speed of response (iii) sensitivity.
Feature Common Dry Cell Car Battery
Size/weight Large
Electrolyte Ammonium
Chloride paste
Electrodes Lead,
Lead Dioxide
Current Small to
Capacity moderate
(b) A generator and abattery of secondary cells areconnected through anammeter as shown
inthe circuit of Figure 1.
(ii) Show, on thediagram, the polarity of the ammeter for it to properly measure the
current ( 1 mark)
(c) A calculator battery of terminal voltage 3V supplies acurrent of 0.1 mA to the calculator
Write down the formula that defines the moment of aforce, giving the meaning of EACH
symbol and the unit in which it is usually expressed.
(c) Security guard posts intheCaribbean areusually equipped with aboomandcounterweight
arrangement as shown inFigure 2. It allows the security guard to use arelatively small
force to raise the heavy boom.
( O.3m
Path followed by \,
end of boom ...-... ~

(e) Usetheresults of (c) (i), (ii) and(d) above tofind themass of thecounterweight that must
beused if FA = 25N isjust enough to start raising theboom. ( 3 marks)
(b) Figures 3 and 4 below are representations of current-carrying conductors. Sketch the
magnetic field associated with the conductor ineach of thecases described below
(ii) The conductor is tightly wound into asolenoid carrying current inthe directions
(c) A flat coil isconnected to asmall bulb and adiode. The assembly fixed inposition near
acurrent-carrying solenoid is shown inFigure 5 below.
(i) What will be the effect on the magnetic flux inside the flat coil if the current
through the solenoid is steadily increased?
(iii) If the diode isremoved so that the flat coil is connected to thebulb alone, indicate
by use of a tick ('./) which of the following effects will cause the bulb to glow
more brightly.
Increasing the number of
turns on the flat coil
Placing apiece of soft iron
in the core of the solenoid
Decreasing the rate of change
of the current through the
State the nature of the unbalanced force which is responsible for circular motion in the
(b) A small bob of mass 0.2kgisattached toastring oflength 0.5mandwhirled inavertical
circle with aspeed of 2.5 m/s as inFigure 6.
Bob in position A
Bob attached to string
(i) Indicate onthe diagram theforces acting on thebob when it is inposition C.
(2 marks)
(iv) If the. string is released when the bob is at C, what is the tension immediately
after therelease of the string?

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