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The Quiz covers Anglophone countries.

These are divided generally into three groups:

The United Kingdom and Ireland The United States and Canada
English-Speaking Countries of the Southern Hemisphere

I. Same questions for all teams. Turn in answers at end of each round.
I (a) General Knowledge
1. What is the oldest university in the United Kingdom? Oxford
2. What is the capital of Wales? Cardiff
3. What are the colours of the Australian Flag? Red / White / Blue
4. Which State of the United States was bought from France during the reign of Napoleon? Louisiana
5. In which city is the Empire State Building? New York
I (b) Sports
1. Before Andy Murray, who was the last British tennis player to win Wimbledon? Fred Perry
2. How many times have England won the football World Cup? 1
3. Whats the nickname of the New Zealand football team? All Whites
4. Name all the countries that have won the Rugby World Cup. NZ, AUS, SA, ENG
5. What is the most popular indoor sport in the USA? Basketball
I (c) History
1. Who was the first female Prime Minister of the United Kingdom? M. Thatcher
2. In what year did the Normans invade England? 1066
3. Which plant, and drink of the same name, did the British introduce to India in the 19
C? Tea
4. In which year did the United States declare independence from British rule? 1776
5. In what year did the United States enter the Second World War? 1941
I (d) Culture
1. Which English author wrote the play Romeo and Juliet?
2. What is the title of the national anthem of the United Kingdom? God Save the Queen
3. What is the town of Stratford upon Avon famous for? Birthplace and hometown of Shakespeare
4. Which domed religious building did Christopher Wren design? St. Pauls Cathedral
5. Who wrote Pride and Prejudice?

I (e) Abbreviations

1. What do the letters BBC stand for? British Broadcasting Corporation (Company not accepted)
2. What is an MP? Member of Parliament
3. What is the RAF? Royal Air Force
4. English speakers use the abbreviation e.g. but it is not English. How do we say it in English?
5. Can you tell me when I would use R.S.V.P? 6. What does ASAP stand for?

II. Questions for individual teams. If they cant answer, question passes over to next team, who may steal points.

1. Which is the largest state of the USA? Alaska 663,300 sq miles (1.718 million
km). Wales could fit into that 82 times
2. How many oceans border Canada? Three: Atlantic, Pacific, Arctic.
3. What is the longest river in the USA? Missouri 2,341 mi / 3,768 km
4. Which country in the United Kingdom is home to the highest British mountain?
Scotland Ben Nevis, a whopping 4,409 ft, or 1,344 metres above sea level.
5. Who wrote Murder on the Orient Express?
6. Who wrote Robinson Crusoe?
7. Who wrote Oliver Twist?
8. Who wrote Animal Farm?
9. Who wrote A Brave New World?
10. Who wrote The War of the Worlds?
11. Who wrote Frankenstein?
12. Who wrote Wuthering Heights?

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