Howard Davidson Arlington MA - Entertainment Giant Disney Applies For Patents For Entertainment Drones

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Entertai nment Gi ant Di sney Appl i es for Patents for Entertai nment Drones

Patents for three new drones has been fi l ed by entertai nment gi ant Di sney. Wi th
that, peopl e vi si ti ng the Wal t Di sney Worl d wi l l enj oy wi th the ri des but even become
happi er wi th the drone show.
Mi ckey Mouse bal l oons wi l l be avai l abl e soon. Ci nderel l a wi l l al so be movi ng over.
Ani matroni c robots at Epcot Center wi l l be there as wel l . There are three types of
drones fi l ed by Di sney. These wi l l fi l l the ai r to thei r amusement parks. Cooki e-cutter
fami l i es enj oyi ng thei r vacati on at Di sney Worl d wi l l not be the onl y drones i n the
park. I fi rml y bel i eve that those i n the Amazon wi l l not beat the drones of Di sney.
I ndeed, thi s i s somethi ng we shoul d l ook forward to. Repl aci ng the common bal l on
and bl i mp characters i n Di sney s parades i s what one of the patents i s al l about. Wi th
thi s, I woul d presume that the characters have a l arger range of moti on and more
detai l ed. You wi l l be l yi ng i f you wi l l say that you don t want to see a huge dro ne-
operated Mi ckey Mouse fl oati ng around the street. Of course, we wanted to wi tness
that ki nd of scenari o.
Fl yi ng vi sual di spl ays i s what the other patents are al l about. Thi s may sound si mpl e
si nce the drones wi l l onl y hol d a fi l m screen for that matter. By j ust i magi ni ng about a
gi ant fi l m screen hangi ng i n mi d-ai r i s extraordi nary. However, what i s more
i nteresti ng i s the other patent. Thi s patent i s about an aeri al di spl ay system wi th
fl oati ng pi xel s maki ng the sky as the screen. Thi s technol ogy has made me curi ous. }
Are you not sati sfi ed wi th the l arger than l i fe characters together wi th fi reworks and
bal l ons? For me, these thi ngs are enough. Of course, I wi l l not waste my ti me queui ng
j ust to take a ri de and have fl i xel s fl yi ng above my head. Actual l y, I wi l l not dare to
vi si t a butterfl y museum wi thout weari ng my hat. Howard Davi dson Arl i ngton MA-
Entertai nment Gi ant Di sney Appl i es for Patents for Entertai nment Drones

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