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Aprll 10, 2013

uear arenLs,

8oycemore has long recognlzed Lhe beneflLs of provldlng early adolescenLs
wlLh safe, fun, and meanlngful afLer school acLlvlLles, especlally ln Lhe
sprlng, afLer our lnLerscholasLlc sporLs have concluded. 8esearch suggesLs
LhaL mlddle schoolers lnvolved ln afLer school acLlvlLles are more llkely Lo
experlence academlc and soclal success, and one of Lhe Lremendous
beneflLs Lo small schools llke ours ls LhaL opporLunlLles Lo parLlclpaLe
abound, whlle obsLacles Lo parLlclpaLlon are almosL non-exlsLenL. Cur !"#$%&
()*$+$*$,- .#/&#01 conLlnues Lhls year, as deLalled ln Lhls brochure. 1he
program beglns on Monday, Aprll 13, 2013, and concludes on lrlday, May
17, 2013, wlLh acLlvlLles beglnnlng aL 3:03 and concludlng aL 3:30 M. All
acLlvlLles are open Lo all mlddle schoolers, excepL Lhe !"#$%& !2/3
rehearsals, whlch are scheduled for sLudenLs ln Lhe !"#$%& !2/3 CreaLlve
ArLs course (whlle sLudenLs ln Sprlng Show wlll noL have Lo choose beLween
parLlclpaLlon ln LhaL acLlvlLy and oLher acLlvlLles, Lhere may be a handful of
confllcLs, wlLh !"#$%& !2/3 rehearsals Laklng precedence for parLlclpanLs).
AcLlvlLles are sLaffed by parenL volunLeers and faculLy members, and offered
aL no cosL. Pomework Club and MaLh Lab conLlnue on Mondays, 1uesdays,
and Wednesdays durlng Lhls program, as wlll WrlLlng Lab on selecL
1hursdays. lease keep ln mlnd LhaL Lhere ls no 4:00 M bus on 1hursdays.
We lnvlLe you Lo revlew Lhe lnformaLlon below wlLh your mlddle schooler,
and conLacL me lf you have quesLlons aL sdrelllng[ or
vla phone aL (847) 866-6033. 1hanks Lo 8oycemore's dedlcaLed Leachers
and supporLlve parenLs for parLnerlng Lo make Lhls exclLlng program a
reallLy for our sLudenLs.

Sara urelllng
Mlddle School ulvlslon Pead


!"#$%&'(#!%" #% *+,-+$. &+/!0"
&123#4563-781947:; Mondays - 3:03-3:30 M - 8oom 227
/<7:=7>; Laura 1anner Swlnand, arenL volunLeer
&6=8>4<947:; Learn how Lo creaLe your own [ewelry wlLh
local deslgner Laura 1anner Swlnand, founder and deslgner
of Laura 1anner !ewelry. SLudenLs wlll learn how Lo deslgn
and make earrlngs, necklaces and braceleLs uslng wlre-
wrapplng and bead sLrlnglng Lechnlques. 1he acLlvlLy wlll
conclude wlLh a vlslL Lo Lhe new Callerla ln LvansLon Lo see examples of Lhe
dlfferenL klds of handmade and falr Lrade [ewelry on dlsplay, as well as Lhe
work of oLher local arLlsans. 1ools and maLerlals wlll be provlded.

%'# ?"& ?@%'# !" +A?"/#%"
&123#4563-781947:: Mondays - 3:03-3:30 M - beglns ln 8oom 228
/<7:=7>B=C; Sara urelllng, laculLy Member
&6=8>4<947:; uld you know LhaL Lhe lce cream sundae
(allegedly) orlglnaLed ln LvansLon or LhaL 1lnkerLoys
were lnvenLed here? We'll walk Lo hlsLorlc LvansLon
slLes and learn a blL abouL our clLy, whlle en[oylng
Lhe sprlng weaLher. 8rlng your walklng shoes!
noLe: lnclemenL weaLher could cause Lhe
cancellaLlon of one or more meeLlngs.

"#$%&' "()* $+D+?$/?-
&123#4563-781947:; Mondays - 3:03-3:30 M or 18A - Cym
/<7:=7>; !essl Wunder, laculLy Member
&6=8>4<947:; SLudenLs ln Lhe Sprlng Show CreaLlve ArLs course pracLlce wlLh
Mrs. Wunder every Monday and Wednesday afLernoon, ln preparaLlon for
Lhe annual sprlng performance, Lhls year on May 23 aL 7:00 M ln Lhe gym.
noL all parLlclpanLs wlll be needed aL every rehearsal, dependlng upon
whlch numbers are belng rehearsed. See Mrs. Wunder for a weekly

D%E+,%$F (-'@ wlll meeL ln 8oom 226 wlLh Lynne Creene on Mondays
durlng Lhe Sprlng AcLlvlLles rogram.


&123#4563-781947:: 1uesdays -
3:03-3:30 M - 8oom 226
/<7:=7>B=C; Wendy Crlffln, laculLy
&6=8>4<947:; Pave fun
knlLLlng! Learn baslc knlLLlng or
more advanced skllls. ?ou wlll
make a slmple pro[ecL of your cholce. Supplles wlll be requlred and a
llsL ls avallable Lo all lnLeresLed.

+,'%- .(/ ',.(/$%&'
&123#4563-781947:: 1uesdays - 3:03-
3:30 M- 8oom 228
/<7:=7>B=C; Mr. MonLgomery, laculLy
&6=8>4<947:; Mlddle schoolers
lnLeresLed ln Lhe popular Lradlng card
game 40&$) *2, 50*2,#$%& wlll
gaLher once per week Lo compeLe for fun. lnLeresLed ln Lhe fanLasy-
sclence flcLlon genre or ln sLraLegy games? no experlence
necessary-[oln us!

E?#D -?@ wlll meeL 1uesdays ln 8oom 230
wlLh 8eLh ShuLLers on Aprll 23 & May 14, ln
Lhe Llbrary wlLh uenlse WlrLh on Aprll 16,
Aprll 30, and May 7


,$!#!"0 D!/#%$!(?- G!(#!%"
&123#4563-781947:; Wednesdays - 3:03-3:30M -
8oom 230
/<7:=7>; 1racy oe, arenL volunLeer
&6=8>4<947:: uo you llke sLorles abouL Lhe
pasL? !0#026- 7,8, Creek MyLhs, 9#,0-:#,
;-<0%= . . . Lhlngs llke LhaL? Pave you ever LhoughL
abouL wrlLlng one yourself? ln 'WrlLlng PlsLorlcal llcLlon,' we wlll
explore how Lo Lurn your hlsLorlcal lnLeresLs lnLo a sLory . . . maybe
even a book . . . of your very own. 1racy oe was a professor of
Amerlcan PlsLory for Len years and ls worklng on her own hlsLorlcal
novel. She'll help you dlscover your hldden LalenL for lmaglnlng Lhe

"#$%&' "()* $+D+?$/?-
&123#4563-781947:; Wednesdays - 3:03-3:30 M or 18A - Cym
/<7:=7>; !essl Wunder, laculLy Member
&6=8>4<947:; SLudenLs ln Lhe Sprlng Show CreaLlve ArLs course also
pracLlce wlLh Mrs. Wunder every Monday and Wednesday afLernoon,
ln preparaLlon for Lhe annual sprlng performance, Lhls year on May 23
aL 7:00 M ln Lhe gym. noL all parLlclpanLs wlll be needed aL every
rehearsal, dependlng upon whlch
numbers are belng rehearsed. See
Mrs. Wunder for a weekly

D%E+,%$F (-'@ wlll meeL ln
8oom 227 wlLh Sue 8almes on
Wednesdays durlng Lhe Sprlng
AcLlvlLles rogram.


/D?&%, @%H!"0
&123#4563-781947:; 1hursdays -
3:03-3:30 M- M8
/<7:=7>; lraser Coffeen, laculLy
&6=8>4<947:: CeL a good workouL
and learn Lhe fundamenLals of
boxlng all aL Lhe same Llme. lrom
Lhe [ab Lo Lhe cross Lo Lhe uppercuL,
sLudenLs wlll work Lo learn proper sLance and Lechnlque for boxlng - a
greaL way Lo lmprove your physlcal condlLlonlng and coordlnaLlon. no
prlor skllls or aLhleLlc ablllLles necessary. SLudenLs should come ln
gym unlform or oLher cloLhes LhaL Lhey are comforLable movlng ln for
Lhls non-conLacL acLlvlLy. *Shadow 8oxlng wlll noL meeL May 2 or May

@%((+ @?--
&123#4563-781947:; 1hursdays- 3:03-3:30 M - L Lawn
/<7:=7>B=C; 8uLh PechL, laculLy Member
&6=8>4<947:; Ln[oy Lhe greaL sprlng
weaLher as you learn Lo play and
masLer Lhe cenLurles-old lLallan game
of lawn bowllng (acLually orlglnaLed ln
LgypL!). no experlence necessary,
anyone can have fun compeLlng ln Lhls
greaL game! *8occe 8all wlll noL meeL
May 2 or May 9*
noLe: lnclemenL weaLher could cause
Lhe cancellaLlon of one or more

,$!#!"0 -?@ wlll meeL ln 8oom 230 wlLh aLLl 8orges on 1hursdays
durlng Lhe Sprlng AcLlvlLles program, ,>),"* on Aprll 18, May 2, and
May 16.

%I+" 0.E
&123#4563-781947:: lrldays - 3:03-3:30 M -
/<7:=7>B=C; 8ob LlnkharL & !essl Wunder,
laculLy Members
&6=8>4<947:; Can'L geL enough roundball? !oln us
on lrldays for open gym. 8emember: characLer
counLs! All parLlclpanLs musL dlsplay good
sporLsmanshlp or forfelL Lhe rlghL Lo play.

0+##!"0 !# #%0+#D+$ @. #?F!"0 !# ?I?$#
&123#4563-781947:: lrldays - 3:03-3:30 M -
CompuLer Lab
/<7:=7>B=C; !amle Persh, faculLy member
uescrlpLlon: Are you curlous abouL whaL's
lnslde your favorlLe Lechnologles maklng Lhem
work? Learn how Lo safely open up Macs and
Cs, handle hardware, see whaL's lnslde a hard
drlve, and more!


1he Sprlng Show rehearsal acLlvlLy ls open Lo sLudenLs ln LhaL CreaLlve
ArLs course, only. All oLher acLlvlLles are open Lo all mlddle schoolers
(and aLLendance aL all flve sesslons ls noL requlred, sLudenLs may
aLLend any acLlvlLy, when Lhey are avallable Lo do so). Powever,
sLudenLs who rlde 8oycemore buses home from school musL lnform
Mrs. urelllng by 8:30 AM lf Lhey lnLend Lo sLay afLer school for an
acLlvlLy, and Lhus wlll need Lo Lake Lhe 4:00 M bus. Mrs. urelllng wlll
Lhen pass Lhls llsL along Lo Mr. urelllng, 1ransporLaLlon CoordlnaLor.
lease remember LhaL sLudenLs remalnlng afLer school on 1hursdays
musL be plcked up from school or use publlc LransporLaLlon (or walk
home), slnce Lhere ls no 4:00 M bus on 1hursdays.
llnally, all parLlclpanLs ln all acLlvlLles musL adhere Lo Lhe Mlddle
School's ?/=, /@ ?/%=:)* before, durlng, and afLer each scheduled
acLlvlLy, or run Lhe rlsk of forfelLlng Lhe prlvllege of parLlclpaLlng ln
fuLure sesslons. lease be courLeous Lo oLhers, play safely, and have a
greaL Llme!


l wlll LreaL oLher people and properLy wlLh respecL, ln whaL l say and
l wlll be falr and show good sporLsmanshlp.
l wlll be honesL and LruLhful.
l wlll be klnd and courLeous.
l wlll be a responslble lndlvldual.

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