1456 Omnipotence of Divine Love.... World Events....

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... through Bertha Dudde

Omnipotence of divine love....
World events....
Record the folloing! "ou humans have the rong idea a#out the
omnipotence of divine love. "ou use different guidelines to evaluate
events hich signif$ #oth suffering as ell as %o$ for people.
"ou onl$ see the effects in an earthl$ respect #ut cannot even
remotel$ imagine the spiritual effect of the necessit$ on one hand
as ell as the conse&uences on the other hand.
"ou ala$s #ase $our %udgment on human feelings' and this even
ma(es the love of God seem cruel to $ou. "et $ou are not aare of
the agonising state hich ill aait the souls one da$ ere ) to
protect them from all suffering on earth and seemingl$ onl$ #esto
*$ love upon them.
+his love of *ine is so great that ) ant to spare *$ living creations
the suffering in the #e$ond and thus let them suffer #efore in a
state in hich the$ do not feel this suffering so much. ,nd $et' $ou
do not recognise *$ love and crave to &uarrel ith *e.
"ou live in a orld here sensual pleasure provides $ou ith a
certain amount of satisfaction' $et in the orld of the #e$ond $ou
ill' if $ou are enlightened' strive for the union ith *e.
-evertheless' $ou first must detach $ourselves from all matter in
order to #e a#le to unite ith *e. But $ou are still ver$ far from it'
for $ou are still too captivated #$ matter and this to an e.tent that
$ou still regard it as enticing. ,nd thus ) forci#l$ destro$ hat
stands in $our a$ to far greater happiness.
) ant to shorten $our path on earth hich $ou still have to travel
in the #od$' ) ant $ou to learn to despise matter hich is onl$ an
o#stacle for $ou.... and $ou don/t recognise *$ love.... $ou are still
too strong0illed and don/t succum# to divine ill' hich trul$ onl$
considers $ou such as is helpful for $our soul....
,la$s and in ever$ instance tr$ to imagine that *$ greater than
great love is the motive for hat ) send or allo to happen to $ou'
and $ou ill learn to thin( differentl$.
)t trul$ gives *e no pleasure to atch *$ living creations suffer and
thus ) tr$ to avert greater suffering from them.... "ou onl$ ought to
learn to loo( at orld events around $ou from this perspective'
hich should #e seen more as evidence of *$ love for $ou than an
act of cruelt$.
Resist the thoughts hich ma(e $ou dou#t *$ love' #ecause it is
onl$ *$ love hich ma(es *e act in a a$ that $ou appear to #e
the sufferers.
B$ $ourselves $ou are too ea( and don/t desire enough strength
hich ould help $ou overcome matter' and thus ) ta(e care of
$our difficult$ and remove the o#stacle from the path of $our higher
development. ) ta(e all earthl$ possessions aa$ from $ou precisel$
#ecause this ph$sical hardship ma(es $ou ta(e refuge in *e and
thus loo( for heartfelt contact ith *e' and then *$ infinite love ill
ta(e hold of $ou.... and *$ infinite love ill help $ou prevail.
1oever' until $ou have entrusted $ourselves to *e the loss of $our
earthl$ possessions ill #e painful to $ou' and thus $ou are still in
an enslaved state' $ou are still too attached to matter' and $ou still
don/t recognise *e and *$ love sufficientl$. ,nd $ou are even
inclined to anting to den$ *e altogether' #ecause $ou loo( at all
happenings from an earthl$ point of vie and fail to consider to
hat e.tent the spiritual necessit$ e.ists so as not to let $ou
+he danger of $our spiritual donfall re&uires *$ intervention in a
a$ that $ou dou#t *$ love.... But ) onl$ have $our spiritual ell0
#eing at heart'
and ever$ happening is intended to #ring $ou this spiritual
happiness. +herefore $ou should confidentl$ su#mit $ourselves to
*$ guidance and hum#l$ and o#edientl$ accept $our fate from *$
hand and it ill #e a #lessing for $ou' and one da$ $ou ill than(
*e that ) have there#$ averted from $ou far greater suffering in the
2u#lished #$ friends of ne revelations of God 3 )nformation'
donload of all translated revelations' theme0#oo(lets at!

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