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... through Bertha Dudde

The spirit of heartlessness ....
Divine intervention ....
The spirit of heartlessness rules the earth and its inhabitants,
and the opponent has beo!e vitorious over ountless beings
"hose lives are devoid of all love. #nd ountless people are thus
driven into the haos he has aused and "hih bea!e feasible
preisel$ beause of this heartlessness, "hih aroused
inoneivable hatred and disord a!ongst people.
%eople have lost all o!!on sense for the$ are guided b$ the
spirit of dar&ness, and this also &eeps people's thin&ing enslaved
or distorts it suh that the$ no longer &no" "hat the$ are doing.
(u!anit$ has indeed rarel$ subordinated itself to the opponent's
"ill so thoroughl$ as is the ase no", and therefore the
ounter!easure "ill have to be e)eptionall$ harsh too, if a
higher spiritual state is to develop and people's present*da$
spiritual delusion re!edied again.
#nd so this spiritual hardship re+uires divine intervention, and
divine love and "isdo! are ai!ed at using an event for the sa&e
of re!oving this hardship "hih, ad!ittedl$, !a&es hu!anit$
doubt divine love and "isdo! but "hih is nevertheless the onl$
option left to save people fro! ertain ruin.
%eople re!ain irredee!able, the$ annot be persuaded in an$
other "a$ to aept the faith and the$ o!pl$ even less "ith the
o!!and!ent of love for God and their neighbour ....
#nd then again, the hu!an being has to a+uire the right "a$ of
thin&ing if he is to be spared the adversit$ of the approahing
ti!e and his earthl$ life left to hi!.
For the divine intervention "ill befall people "ith ele!ental fore,
no one "ill be prepared for it "ho has not united hi!self "ith
God beforehand. #nd there "ill be a pani "hih onl$ God
(i!self an avert again if (e is sinerel$ alled upon to do so.
-et people "ill la& the faith in God. For even those "ho live "ith
faith and love "ill be stri&en b$ an)ious doubts sine the$, too,
"ill ver$ learl$ hear God's voie. Their spirit "ill ertainl$ ta&e
refuge in God, $et their soul "ill fearfull$ and "ith dis!a$ a"ait
the events "hih are $et to o!e. The$ "ill barel$ be able to
o!fort their fello" hu!an beings and "ill have to struggle for
faith the!selves,
$et God "ill support the! so that the$ shall not "aver in their
But those "ho don't reognise God "ill loo& for resue on earth
and find no help. The$ have to hange their thin&ing or beo!e
viti!s of the ele!ents "hih are instruted b$ God, the .ord
(i!self, to serve (i!.
There "ill be indesribable onfusion, sine onl$ the !ost
e)tre!e adversit$ an still bring about a hange in hardened
sinners .... onl$ the fear of losing their earthl$ life "ill !a&e
people soft and sub!issive and "illing to pra$. (o"ever, "ithout
pra$er no gift of help an o!e fro! above, for onl$ pra$er
provides the ertain guarantee that God (i!self "ill ta&e are of
(is earthl$ hildren and release the! fro! all anguish.
#nd the hour "ill see! a"full$ long to people "ho see ever$thing
the$ found desirable up to no" fall pre$ to destrution. #nd $et,
people annot be spared this hour sine all of God's love and
&indness has been re/eted and there is no other possible "a$
out of the spiritual adversit$.
#gain and again God's forbearane has postponed this event, but
finall$ (is prophes$ shall be fulfilled ....
For the ti!e has o!e "hen e)tre!e "ea&ness of "ill and
unbelief an onl$ provo&e this atastrophe. The ti!e is near
"hih the .ord has announed through (is Word "hen (e lived
on earth and referred people to this ti!e of apostas$ fro! God.
For (is Word is eternal truth and "ill o!e to pass, do"n to the
ver$ last letter ....
%ublished b$ friends of ne" revelations of God 0 1nfor!ation,
do"nload of all translated revelations, the!e*boo&lets at2

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