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TDHS railroad my
daughter and me

By Stanley Green

TDHS railroad my daughter and me!
Tennessee Department of Human Services (TDHS) has railroad
my daughter and me. TDHS closed my daughters case and left her
in harms way. TCA 37-1-406 (b) requires TDHS dispatch a team
of investigators to interview each family member. TDHS has
neglected to carry out investigative procedures that would have
prevented my daughter from suffering further child sexual abuse.
Let me back track from the beginning to bring you up to speed. I
have filed two (2) police reports of child sexual abuse. My first
police report 1986 I reported my next door neighbor of molesting
my daughter where no indictment occurred. My second police
report 1991 I have reported myself whereby I have been indited.
Case Closed
I am furnishing a copy of TDHS Commissioner Robert Grunows
letter dated January 11, 1993. The print has faded and the text may
not be legible. I have typed a duplicate of the text for examination.
Please take a minute of your time to examine his letter and review
TCA Title 37 Part 4 Mandatory Child Abuse Reports. You will
discover that TDHS was negligent to close my daughter case. It was
economically cheaper for TDHS to close my daughters case as
opposed to dispatching an investigation team as required under
Tennessee Law TCA 37-1-406 (b). The latter would have safeguard
any likelihood of Barbara becoming reoffended as a minor age child.
TDSH should award my family financial remuneration for its neglect.

This is my oldest daughter Barbara (top right)
This is my oldest daughter Barbara Green. She is my first born child (July
31, 1976) by my ex-wife Sandra Strickland Green. 1986 I lawfully filed a
child sexual abuse police report in accordance to TCA 37-1-403 with
Shelby County Sex Crime Squad Division (SCSCSD) accusing my next
door neighbor Jerimiah Allen (Butch) 40 years old of sexually abusing
Barbara at the minor age of ten (10). Lieutenant Swain (later promoted
to Captain), SCSCSD interviewed Mr. Allen and didnt arrest him. The very
next day Mr. Allen and I began to engage in verbal altercations. Sheriff
Deputies were dispatched to our resident but couldnt arrest Mr. Allen.
Tennessee Department of Human Services (TDHS) wrote a letter to
schedule Sandra, I and kids attend counseling sessions. TDHS neglected to dispatch an investigative
team to our home or assign Barbara a caseworker to supervise our familys recovery. We didnt attend
our family counseling sessions, because Mr. Allen had not been placed on criminal bond and Shelby
County District Attorney had failed to submit my first police report to Shelby County Grand Jury to
seek an indictment for criminal prosecution. I have obtained a copy of Mr. Allens divorce decree. It
states his address was Federal Prison located next to Shelby County Correctional facility. I have written
to the Bureau of Federal Prisons (BOFP) for a copy of Mr. Allens jail record. In 1989 Mr. Jeremiah
Allen was arrested and indicted in US District Court Memphis, TN on Federal drug charges sentenced
to three (3) years at Butner Federal Prison in North Carolina his home state. Mr. Allen was released on
parole. He violated his parole five (5) times. The very first violation was for strong arm bank robbery in
Knoxville, TN. Mr. Allen received three (3)-year added sentence for each of his 5 parole violation. Mr.
Allen was ultimately released in 2007. He served eighteen (18) years on an original 3-year sentence.

Robert A. Grunow Letter
Burney T. Durham, Deputy Counsel to Governor McWherter, sent
me a copy of your correspondence regarding your concern about
the Child Sexual Abuse referrals involving your daughter. In
response to your correspondence, I have asked my staff for a report
on your familys situation
When our Department receives a complaint of child neglect or
abuse we are responsible for investigating the complaint. There are
specific guidelines and procedures which are followed in our
investigation. These guidelines and procedures are established in
accordance to Tennessee Law and Department policy.
My review of your case shows that staff followed correct
procedures and appropriate action was taken on both case
investigation. According to my review when the investigation was
completed several years ago, counseling sessions were arranged for
your family. However, your case was closed after approximately one
year, when you failed to follow through with scheduled sessions.
I am aware that the sexual abuse allegations or sexual abuse cause a
great deal of pain, not only for the child, but for others who are
directly involved with the child. I wish you well as you deal with the
situation on you and your family.


TCA 37-1-402


TCA 37-1-403


TCA 37-1-403 CONT


TCA 37-1 404


TCA 37-1-405


TCA 37-1 406


TCA 37-1-406 CONT


Title 37 Juvenile Court Part 4 Mandatory Child
Abuse Reports
Title 37 Juvenile Court Part 4 Mandatory Child Abuse Reports is a
comprehensive piece of legislation. TCA 37-1-402 Legislative Intent:
The protective services of the state shall be brought to bear to
prevent futher abuses, to enhance and safeguard the welfare of
children, and preserve family life. TCA 37-1-403 is purposed to
enforce mandatory reporting requirements. TCA 37-1-406 has
outlined the investigative procedures Tennessee Department of
Human Services (TDHS) Children Services (CS) must follow. Commissioner Robert Grunow has
admitted in his letter that Barbara Green has two Mandatory Child Sexual Abuse Reports filed in her
behalf. My family was lawfully entitled to an investigative team visit our home to interview each family
member. 1986 case, TDHS has written a letter to Sandra and I to schedule family counseling sessions.
After a period of one year TDHS closed Barbaras case, because we had failed to attend couseling
sessions. TDHS had a lawful duty to assign Barbara a caseworker to supervise our familys recovery.
1992 case Shelby County District Attorney indicted me on charges of rape and incest. I was deprived my
legal rights to bring counter claim against TDHS for closing Barbaras case leaving her in harms way.
TDHS should have threaten to take custody of our kids unless we attended our family counseling.
Eyewitness News
I welcome an opportunity to share my exclusive story with
Eyewitness News so our community will learn the whole truth
about why TDHS has railraod my daughter and me. It was more
economical to close my daughters case as opposed to dispatching
a team of investigators as required under TCA 37-1-406 (b).

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