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VOLUME 15, NUMBER 3 (hole Number 73) SAU FALL-WINTER 1968-69 ‘$1.00 CER NEWS A JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC UFOLOGY ICATION OF THE SAUCER AND UNEXPLAINED CELESTIAL EVENTS RESEARCH SOCIETY PUBLISHER: Soucetion Public: EDITOR IN CHIEF: Gray Barker EDITOR: James W. Moseley ASSISTANT EDITOR: John J. Robinson OFFICE MANAGER: Patty Johnson CIRCULATION MANAGER: Linda Bortlett PHOTO EDITOR: August C. Roberts" ASST. PHOTO EDITOR: Michael G. EASTERN EDITOR: Timothy Green Beckley WESTERN EDITOR: Al K. Bendor LIASON WITH NoAS.L Schreibstei CONSULTANT: Dominick C. Lycchos! MILITARY EDITOR: Gory Oxion EUROPEAN EDITOR: Bryon Essenhigh EDITOR AT LARGE: Eugene R. Steinberg INTELLIGENCE DIRECTOR: Don Leigh MeCulty HISTORIAN: Yonah ibn Aharon ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Mary Robinson, Gledys Fusaro, Richord E. Wallac Robert Tigrelt, Mike Clevelan Pomela Spelimon INTERPLANETARY AMBASSADOR: Horry Heffron SAUCER NEWS SCULPTRESS: ‘Andres Flonmende Norman J. SAUCER NI Publications, 26301 Gur. UFO elippings ual articles wel~ Contd, thouxh no payment ean be mad, Wien wating, please uncloxe e stamped Helfeddrinacel "envelope for reply fons expressed herein pre thoze of the nu V1 do mot necestarily reflect the ne of the editersy nor do the editors for he authenticity of any auch al SAUCER NEWS has an cper ind considers all toories ed lt ides St every question V8 tm published ty Sucerian ioe 2275, Clarksburg W Ireued a | Mfen In Bl "dreamed us" ck" aid the'black Cadillacs they aerive in are not something ” by UFO bulls, as an article inside, by Joba J. Robinson, oint out, The large black auto, pictured above, carried. man in black wha watched the Robiason home for more thant a week, It wus potograpked by James W. Moseley, who olso took our back-cover photo, Although SAUCER ENS hus not yot established the identity of the Robinsons! stiange visi tors, we HAVE proven that REAL and PHYSICAL visitations of UFO. ro- seatchers, by unknown persons of questionable motives, are taking place. Don't laugh for they may be at YOUR HOUSE tonight CONTENTS OF THIS ISSUE EDITORIAL NOTES: The 1968 Congress. : A"'Fiasea' Hos Two Sides . Christ of the Mountain FEATURE ARTICLES: ‘The Nature of the UFOS - by Erich Agen, Jr Men In Black, Cadillecs, Dappelgengers ond Laser Beams - by John J. Robinson... +++ The Crawling Lights - by Timothy Green Beckley More Ufology Terms - by Allen H. Greenfield . RECENT NEWs: Vicar Soee 5: UFO Detector. Triangular Soucer . « UFO Interrupts TY 2... Saucer Stop: Clock + Cops Chose Little Mew Professor Puerto Rican Photo . » ‘The Thing’ Strikes Agel Mop Venus by Radar...» Neer Landing in Australia. Strange Powers. - Odd Shaped Saucers. Saucors Over Columbus ‘Air Force Social Note. REPORT FROM SOUTH AMERICA. REPORT FROM CANADA - by Gere Duplastier REPORT FROM AUSTRALIA. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR «Inside Front Cover 2 Editorial ‘ABOUT THls ISSUE This 38 adoubleissue,combining the: fall and winter numbers in an effort to get back on schedule, When we took over SAUCER NEWS, itwaz behind schedule, and this is cho best way of catching up. Your subserip~ jon account, however, will. be charged for only ONE issue, When you subscribe or rene for one year you are really credited for FOUR ISSUES, not a calendar year, This couble issue, therefore, means that you are getting extxa value for your aulacription mony, You will note wo are adding a stiff cover with this issue, in a for- ther effort to continve to improve SER NEWS, We thank the hun= Jers who bave sentmany compliments - and many brickbats. THE 1968 CONGRESS The ffi Congress. of Sciencitic Urologists, held in Cleveland, Ohio on June 21-28, 1968, wasauccessful and rewarding, according te abroad sampling of members polled. Closed sessions, (for members only und to which the public was not invited) wore held on June 2statthe Inn Amertea, Allen), Mandkactedas Chairman, Included In the business of me Congress was: ‘A report on the Paming Com= mittoe on Recording. Nv. Ralph Fen— ning reposted that the year’sstudy by the Commlites had iraicared that a recording project, such os had been suggested ly the previous Congress, yas unrealistic, becauseof thethou- sands of man hours and fands which Would be required, Unless 0 stzable grant could be obtained and such a projec: operated ona scale which it was determined wuld be roquired, the [clea should be deemed un- feasible, Fanning distributed the voluminous report toall members. An open letter to the assembled delegates by Edward Biebel, Mr. Bievel stated he hoped the Congress: would tke a much more definiewwe and positive approach than it had sone previously, and that he fele the Gorgress could accomplish much Notes Mocha BS Cone tk mut right Rue ihe Comers et ft Hi Gisele, Hana, Wve, Sotioar Ga Ea moro thay Ithad done \ yevieiw of the Constitution of the Scientific Union of UFO Organi~ zations, \fier a discussion of tx subject’ the Charman wrned the mittter of review over to Commit 4 review ofthe question of aCon— solidatod Statement of Ethics, \ttex discussion, a motion was that the Permanent Oxganizing Commitie aad the Operations Committee mest jointly and create or dzaft a format fhy-luws for the conduct of furure Congresses was adopted (Attendance report, Chairman ‘Manuk informed the second session that of the 58 organizations which had been Informed of the Congress, 34 had responded, Twenty-wo or- ganizutions were Fepreseaved at the current aeaston, \ bid fax the 1969 Congrass site Gray Barker was called upon © In= trodice fulph Jarrett, president of UFO Investigators, of Charleston, W, Virginia, Jarrett made a formal bid that the next Congress be heldin Charleston, and this was accepted unanimously by the members. A discussion of MIB (Men in Black) cases, ‘The Congress heard Tirarhund reporss of interference by mysterious Individuals who at tempted, by threats, coercion (and in one cose even shooting ata re searcher] te silence members of the Congress, A special commission Was Set up to study all such cases daring 1998-69, though it wes stipu~ lated that the detual commices te~ main enenymous for reasons of se~ ‘curity, An avenue of communication was established, whavaby those re- porting such cases shouldcommuni= cate the information dizect to the editors of SAUCER NEWSwho would forward it confidentially, Revision of the Code of Ethics, Among revisions to this code were: Provision that neorganizarionor individual convey the impression that they constitute or represent agencies of legally established au— thority; that they not give the Im= pression of conveying exelusive au= thority in any matter; thar they should oppose abuse of investigative apacity by unscrupulous or irte- sponsible individuals engaging in peuctices that violate the nevessary stindurds of sciemific discipline; indispensable prerequisite of entific Urology. hat the free flow of informa the Phe Conilon Resolution; A spe= cific Congress resolution, unani- mously accemced by the Congress, concerned the work of Dr. Edward U, Condon, and read as follows: (1) That Dr, Edward U, Condon is a distinguished scholar and is- tinguished American, (2) That Or, Condon has, by bis unfailing good cheer and uniformly courteous consideration of thoso a~ round him, made a valuable contri bution to the progressof UFOlogy (3) That it is the sense of this Congress that Dr, Condon has been subjected to the unnecessary and unmerited burden of irresponsible personal vilification, which bas needlessly complicated che already impressive challenge of his office. (Gl) That the leaders of the Con gtess appreciare Dr. Coneon's ap- parent inertion of full publte disclosure in the conduct of his present investigation, Therefore, it is the hope of the Congress that the close coopera- tion and mutually amicable relacions between De. Condon and self will remain ip the furure, as in the pest, ‘a gource of conatarr encouragement = 4 bright light on the horizon of tomorrow's UFOlogy. WOTHMAN “CONGRESS Of somewhat less import wassthe First Annual Mothman '*Congress"’, held at the Pleasant Point Resort, Point Pleasant, W, Virginia, over the Labor Day weekend, Organized by editor Gray Barker, the ‘Congrees"’ repre- sented nat only saocial get-together for many top Lfologists. hurproviled the opportunity for researchers to do on-the-spot investigation of the many UFO ard "monster reports which have come from the area, Members iso visited the site orthe Silver Bridge disaster, uml looked into the legend of the “Curse of Cornstalk"', whoreby the town of Point Pleasant was conlamned by the murdered Indian chief for rough- ly 200 years, Ironically thistime was said t0 elapse, almost to the day, at the dace of the collapse ofthe bridge, Members examined carefully areas where 'Mochmun"’, a huge bird-like creature with glowing eyes, was Seen by wimesses, ‘Members’ occupied ono ontixe evening with o saucer wach", which proved to be unsuccessful be WS Gray Bosker arrives at tims MCoggress** yond the sighting of some unideat|~ figble red lights - and a mysterious cloud of Smoke which nobody could explain, ‘Among the 460 members at- tending, and the organizations represented were: Allen H, Greenfield, Fourdattoa for Philosophic Advancement; James W. Moseley, S.A,U.CERS. Kevin J, Collins and Mark A, Sam- Wick, Aerial Phenomens lavestig tions and Research Center; Rick R. Hillberg, UFO Magazines ‘Publica tions; Gray Barker, Saucer New! William E, Jones, NILC.A.P.; War- ren B, Nicholson, A,P.R,O,; Timothy Gredn Beckley, Searchlight Mega ary Hyr=, The Athens Mes senger: Benjamin Franklin IV (de~ seendant of thar noed. ancestor); Barbara futon, The Group; Ralph R, Jarrett, Flying Seucers Investi- gators, SUBSCRIBE TO! THE U.F.0, DGEST ‘bet dita fre Bondeets of UFD perodeaty Sonide fo ine pclae, Rives: 6390 br € conte S50 rs al yew (Conrad Hunter - Editor 1434, Foitield Chetleston, South Cortina 29407 sutsebe to: LICH? OF UNDERSTANDING” [A Fatrotis New Age Pehlfcation end 82,00 for Sobverg er write for Free tntormatton 1725 Grange Avenue "D” Limg Beich, California 90813 Gates eee) 1

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