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SCRIPT: Creating a Teacher Weebly Account for your Classroom and Setting up

Student Accounts.

Please read through the entire script to familiarize yourself with the actions youll be completing
during this activity. Also, before you begin recording, open the Internet Browser on your screen.

Step Action on Screen Narration

Hello and welcome to this video tutorial on how to create and
use Weebly for Education.

Im going to show you how to create a teacher weebly account
and add student accounts so that each one of your students
can have their own webpage. These can be used for uploading
class assignments or to make a portfolio of their best
Open up Google Crome
You should first open your Internet Browser.
Go to Education Weebly

Then you will type in

If you have never used weebly before, you will need to put in a
unique user name, password and your email.
Log in to Weebly.
Since I already have an account, I will just use the log in
feature at the top of the screen.

Click Add Site
First, I will show you how to create your teacher website. You
will need to click on the Add Site Button.
Choose a Theme
Next you will need to choose a theme for your website. The
theme can be easily changed later if you decide you do not like
it. Once you find the theme you want, click the Choose theme
button at the bottom of the theme.
Enter Subdomain
Next you will enter your subdomain of weebly. This should be
something that you can easily remember. I am going to call
mine ASikesComputers.
Add pages
Now I will show you how to add pages to your website.
Click the pages button at the top of the screen. Then click the
Add pages button. On this screen you can add up to 5 sub
Pages to your website. I am just going to add one page as
An example. Once you add the name of the page and choose
The style of the page, click Save and Edit at the bottom.
Add Titles, Text, Images
Now I will show you how to add text and images. First you can
Give your website a title. As you can see to edit the title
You just click and type. You can also edit the headline as
Well by doing the same thing. If you want to add text or
Images, you use the drag and drop commands on the side of
The page. You can make the text bigger or smaller and
You can easily change the color. If you want to add an
Image, just use the drag and drop image command from the
Side. Then you can easily upload a photo from your computer.
Add Students
Now that you have added your site, you can add your
Students to the account. The students will each have their own
name and password to access weebly. Weebly for Education
comes with 40 free student accounts so you will only be able to add
40 students. You click on Add Class if you want to add your
entire class or you click on add student if you just want to
add one single student. I will click on add class.

Enter the Class Name
Now you will enter your class name and the grade. I suggest
Making the sites private and setting up a password. This
Password can be shared with the class and they can share
With their parents. Once you create the class, you will be
Given the option to enter your students names and passwords.
Go to
Once you have set up your students, then they can visit and log in using the user name and
Password that you provided for them.
Teacher Home Page
When you are logged into your account, you have access to
All student accounts and websites. You can view them at any

Thanks for watching my Weebly for Education Screen cast. I
Hope you learned something new!

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