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TO-LAD-4tr V 1.

3 Filter for Shruthi-1 from Mutable Instruments

Calibration instrutions
!OT4 "#T"$%AL I% !OT1 LI%"A$IT&
!OT3 I%T"$%AL VOL'M" !OT( $"SO%A%C" AD)'ST
What you need:
1*+ fre,uen- multimeter or a .uitar tuner or the TubeOhm filter-alibrator
(*+ sre/ 0ri1er
%o/ /e ome to the im2ortant 2oint3 the alibration.
4e ha1e on the La00er Filter four trim-2otis for the alibration.

!ot15 linearit-
!ot(5 resonane a06ust 3lo7/ise more resonan-3 anti lo7/ise less resonan-
!ot35 internal Volume 3 lo7/ise less Volume3 anti lo7/ise more 1olume
!ot45 e8ternal 1olume
First step -- adjust the internal volume.
1*+ onnet the filter boar0 /ith the Shruthi motherboar0 an0 s/ith it on.
(*+ sre/ !ot 3 A%TICLOC94IS" to ma8imum 1olume an0 let it so :::::
-ou /ill hear a li7 if the 2oti is on ma8imum.
3*+ no/ -ou shoul0 hear soun0 3 if -ou 2la- /ith Shruthi :
Second step adjust the resonancy
1*+ Set all Osillators an0 the subosillator in Shruti to OFF. Set in the filter !a.e in Shruthi the
Filter ADS$ to ;"$O3 set the Filter LFO to ;"$O.
(*+ Set C'TOFF to 3<
3*+ Set $"SO%A%C" to =3 ::::
>>>>> is there $"SO%A%C& F""D?AC9 @@@AAAAAAAAAA
4*+ if not3 sre/ the !ot (BC<7Ohm+ lo7/ise until -ou /ill hear the resonan- :::::
C*+ no/ it is time for the fre,uen- ounter or the TubeOhm filter-alibrator
=*+ Set resonan- to =3 an0 mo1e the utoff 7nob on Shruthi3 until the resonane fre,uen- reah
1<< DE. From FCDE to 1<C hE is O9
G*+ no/ set the $esonan- 7nob in Shruthi to C1 an0 a06ust the !ot ( . On 1alue C1 -ou must hear
the be.innin. of the resonan- on F 51<< DE. Mo1e the resonane 7nob to C< an0 the resonan-
s/ithe0 off :
H*+ test it a fe/ times.
F*+ 0o the same settin.s /ith 1<<<DE. The resonane be.ins at the resonan- 1alue 54G.
IIIbeause of 2art tolerae 3 it an be that 1<<< D; resonan- fre,uen omes on 4G JK- a fe/
Short form.
!ot ( to ma8 L lo7/ise3 selet 1<< DE3 set the reso 7nob to C1 an0 a06ust the !ot ( in this /a- that
the resonan- 1<< DE on 1alue $eso 5C1 be.ins an0 sto2 at 1alue C< ::
Test it /ith 1<<< DE3 reso 1alue must be 4G JK- 1..(
O9 @@ Mreat3 let us a06ust the filter linearit-.

Third step filter linearity:
The Filter beomes from Shruthi a VKOCT 1olta.e. It is 1er- im2ortant that the Filter mo1es itNs
fre,uen- /ith the note -ou 2la-.
One ot hi.her must 0ouble the fre,uen-. ?ut attention3 the fre,uen- is relati1e to the utoff 1alue
an0 not absolute.
Absolute is the 0ifferene bet/een C(3C33C4.....
"8am2le. Cutoff 3<3 both osillators an0 the sub to OFF3 Filter LFO an0 ADS$ to off.
$esonan- ma8imum.
If -ou 2la- no/ C 3 -ou ha1e a O-Fre,uen- 1<< D;3 C4 5(<< D; an0 CC 54<< DE
?ut this 0e2en0s on the utoff :::
Turn the utoff to (<3 -ou /ill ha1e ma-be on C 3 5GCDE3C45 1C< DE an0 CC53<<DE
This I mean /ith NA?SOL'T" 0ifferen-sN.
The linearit- is stable from C< D; 2 to 3<<< D;3 o1er 3<<< D; it an be that the linearit- is minus
C..1< P.. That 0oesnNt matter3 beause onl- the soun0s a little.
Im2ortant is3 that the linearit- is in ra.e from C< to 3<<< D;.
1*+ ta7e a .uitar tuner or a fre,uen- ounter or the TubeOhm Filter alibrator.
(*+ 2la- on the 9e-noar0 C(3 C33 C4 an0 measure the Fre,uen-.
3*+ from C( to C3 -ou shoul0 ha1e the 0ouble fre,uen-.
4*+ from C3 to C4 -ou shoul0 ha1e the 0ouble fre,uen-.
Adjust Pot 1 linearity until in the lo/ an0 mi0 ran.e B C<...3<<< DE+ the filter 0oubles the
fre,uen- from one ota1e to the ne8t.
This is 1er- im2ortant for the Filter FM3 beause FM interat /ith the resonan-.
Is the resonan- out of tune3 it .i1es more intermo0ulations an0 0istortions .
Stepp !"T!#$A% &'%()!:
One beha1ior of a La00er filter is3 it 0oesnNt /or7 on hi.h Am2litu0es.
Another effet is3 more in2ut 1olume3 less resonan- 1olume.
Less in2ut 1olume3 more resonan- 1olume 3 but a ba0 SIM%AL to %OIS" ratio :
So -ou ha0 to a06ust the P'T !*ternal +nput in this /a- that the noise is less an0 $esonan- is
not to lou0.
III %ote for the internal Volume !ot3. I ha1e test it /ith 0ifferent internal Volumes.
Less internal Volumes .i1es more resonan- out2ut3 but more noise in the si.nal.
So3 2lease set !ot3 to Ma8imum. This .i1es the best results.

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