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contemporary south east asian art gallery in london

Created by artwork connoisseur Anthony Smith and with over 30 years of experience in
finding and sourcing art from the region, Asart know the way to produce quality every time.
Having started creating contacts within the field of Asian contemporary art in the 1970s, Asart
are affiliated with the best artists, collectors and providers in the region now.

modern asian investment art and website about modern south east asian art investment
Website about contemporary asian art The political units found in this area are Myanmar
(Burma), Singapore, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, and the

Dancing in much of Southeast Asia also includes movement of the hands as well as the feet,
to express significance and the dance's emotion of the narrative that the ballerina is going to
tell the crowd. Most of Southeast Asian introduced dance into their court; particularly,
Cambodian royal ballet symbolized them in the early 7th century before the Khmer Empire,
which was tremendously affected by Indian Hinduism. Apsara Dance, famous for strong hand
and feet movement, is a terrific example of Hindu representational dance. Puppetry and
shadow plays were also a favoured type of entertainment in previous centuries as the well-
known one known as Wayang from Indonesia. The arts and literature in some of Southeast
Asia is affected by Hinduism brought to them centuries ago.

Indonesia, despite conversion to Islam which opposes particular forms of art, has retained
many forms of Hindu-affected literature, art and practices, culture. An example is the
*Wayang Kulit (Shadow Puppet) literature and like the Ramayana. This is also true for
mainland Southeast Asia (excluding Vietnam). Arts, and dance movements, Hindu gods were
also fused into Thai, Khmer, Lao and Burmese cultures.

An inverted triangle stretching from the snowbound Himalayan ranges of Asia toward the
equator is formed by the Indian subcontinent. Known also as South Asia, the area comprises
the nations of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, and Bhutan the Tibetan
highlands also form part of the region. Stretching some 1,800 miles from north to south, and
almost the same distance from west to east, the region is home to an ancient and diverse
group of cultures.

The artistic remains, consisting of sacred image as well as sensuous, commonly flamboyant
bodies of women, accentuate the intermingling of the holy and the secular in India's art.

India is the largest single nation of South Asia. The Indiansubcontinent currently twenty-four
states show a cultural diversity comparable to that seen among the nations of Europe. The
Tamil region of South India has dancing types, a language, script, musical tradition, and an
artistic heritage that are rather distinct from those. It is this diversity that makes India's artistic
traditions rewarding to follow and so complex.
The Appeal of Contemporary Art

With globalisation, contemporary art became a global occurrence. The view of contemporary
art as a 'Western product' no longer uses. Artwork hearts are not limited to a select group of
cultural capitals in the West, but all have mushroomed all around the world. expert in asian
art and modern south east asian art in london London contemporary south east asian ART
Southeast Asian artwork, which for the past decade has been slowly gathering momentum, is
ready to make a breakthrough on the world stage.

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