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Dear Sir or Madam:

As the lecturer of COMSATS Institute of Information & Technology Abbottabad , Mr.

Ibal!s teacher as "ell, I fully recommend Mr. Ibal, my student, to further his ma#or
study in your $ni%ersity.
&irst of all, I!d li'e to tell you that Ibal is one of the most e(cellent students "hom I ha%e
met in our de)artment. Im)ressed by his %ersatility, I am also es)ecially touched by his
conscientious "ay of study and s)lendid academic records. I taught him such courses
as Signal & Systems and Discrete Time Signal *rocessing, during "hich he sho"ed
himself as being acti%e in thin'ing and original in %ie")oint. And after class he often
came to %isit me to discuss )roblems, some of "hich seemed to go beyond the teaching
)rogram though. Ibal o)erated e()eriments effecti%ely.
Mr. Ibal is diligent and intelligent. Our de)artment im)lements difficult courses and strict
e(ams, for "hich many students fail in the e(ams. Ibal ne%ertheless remains the to)
+, among his classmates.
In short, Mr. Ibal, as an outstanding young man, has sho"ed great )otentialities in
academic learning. -e "ill surely be the )illar of the state if he gets enrollment in your
$ni%ersity for further study. I strongly recommend him and "ill a))reciate your
assistance to his a))lication. Should you need any further information about this
)romising young man, )lease feel free to contact me.
.ours sincerely,
MSc /ing0s College 1ondon, $ni%ersity of 1ondon, $/
Member : *A/ISTA2 324I2335I24 CO$2CI1.
1ecturer of COMSATS Institute Of IT Abbottabad *a'istan
*hone 2o. 6789778:;<;+7=:+
Mobile 2o. >>78 ;?+ 7@;;7A7
&a(. 6789 778:;<;??=

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