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To study the workability of concrete mix and the strength of each cube that poured with the
concrete mix.
1. Able to determine the workability of concrete by slump test according to BS 1881: Part 102:
2. Able to determine compressive strength on cubes according to BS 1881: Part 116: 1983

Concrete samples should be taken directly from the ready-mix trucks discharge system and shall
be taken out of the middle portion of the load. In any case, do not obtain samples until after all
of the water has been added to the load also do not obtain samples from the very first or last
portions of the batch. The elapsed time between obtaining the sample and initiating the testing
should not exceed 5 minutes for slump and air content tests and 15 minutes for strength tests. It
is best to transport the concrete sample to the place where the tests will be made and it should be
combined and remixed with a shovel or scoop in order to offset any segregation that may have
occurred during movement. All tools including shovels, scoops, tamping rod, cylinder molds,
slump cone, and wheelbarrows should be rinsed with clean water and drained thoroughly just
prior to each test. All tests should be performed on a level, rigid, horizontal surface free from
vibration and as near as possible to the location where they will be stored during the first 24
Out of many test applied to the concrete, this is the most important which gives an idea about all
the characteristics of concrete. By this single test one judge that whether Concreting has been
done properly or not. For cube test two types of specimens either cubes of 15 cm X 15 cm X 15
cm or 10cm X 10 cm x 10 cm depending upon the size of aggregate are used. In our experiment,
mould with size 10cm x 10cm x10cm is used. The concrete are pour in six mould.

This concrete is poured in the mould and tempered properly so as not to have any voids. After 24
hours these moulds are removed and test specimens are put in water for curing. The top surface
of these specimen should be made even and smooth. This is done by putting cement paste and
spreading smoothly on whole area of specimen.

These specimens are tested by compression testing machine after 7 days curing or 28 days curing.
Load should be applied gradually at the rate of 140 kg/cm2 per minute till the Specimens fails.
Load at the failure divided by area of specimen gives the compressive strength of concrete.

1. Concrete cubes mould

2. Slump-test apparatus

3. Weighting machine

4. Curing tank

5. Concrete compression machine

MATERIALS (Needed for 6 moulds)

1. Cement 7 kg

2. Sand 14 kg

3. Aggregate 28kg

Slump Test
1. Before commencing the test, the plat base and inner surface of the mould is wiped with a
damp cloth.
2. The slump cone is placed centrally on the plate with the small opening facing upward.

3. The slump cone is filled with concrete in 3 layers, each layer tamped lightly 25 times
with steel rod in definite pattern, working from outside into the middle.
4. Top up the cone till it overflows. Level off the surface with the steel rod using a rolling
5. Cleaned off the plate base from any of concrete excess.
6. The cone is slowly raised vertically by the handles and allowed to fall in 5 to 10 seconds.
7. Turn the cone upside down and place the rod across the up-turned cone.
8. The slump is measured by using the ruler (difference in level between the height of the
mould and that of the highest point of the subsided concrete)
9. All slumps must be measured and recorded (if the sample slumping still persist due to
shear/collapse the test should be repeated).If the slump still persist, measure the height
and types of the slump.

Cube test
1. 10 mm x 100 mm x 100 mm standard cube mold is to be used for the concrete mix
2. Make sure the apparatus and associated equipment are clean before test and free from
hardened concrete and superfluous water
3. Assemble the cube mold correctly and ensure all nuts are tightened.
4. Apply a light coat of proprietary mold oil on the internal faces of the mold
5. Place the mold on level firm ground
6. Fill with sampled concrete to a layer of about 50 mm thick
7. Compact the layer of concrete thoroughly by tamping the whole surface area with the
tamping rod not less than 35 tamps
8. Repeat steps 6 & 7 until the mold is all filled
9. Remove the surplus concrete after the mold is fully filled and trowel the top surface flush
with the mold
10. Mark the cube surface with an identification number (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6) with a nail or
match stick
11. Cover the cube surface with a piece of damp cloth or polythene sheeting and keep the
cube in a place free from vibration for about 24 hours to allow initial set
12. Strip off the mold pieces in about 24 hours after the respective pour is cast. Press the
concrete surface with the thumb to see any denting to ensure the concrete is sufficiently
hardened, or otherwise de-molding has to be delayed for one more day and this
occurrence should be stated clearly in the Test Report.
13. Mark the test cube a reference number with waterproof marker pen on the molded side

Place the cube and submerge in a clean water bath or preferably a thermostatically controlled
curing tank until it is delivered to the accredited laboratory for testing.
Testing for cube test (Testing should be carried out on the 7
and 21
OR 28

1. Remove specified test specimen from the curing tank. Wipe to a surface dry condition
and remove any loose sand grains for test surfaces
2. Determine the unit weight of the specimen by carefully weighing, and measuring the
dimensions of, each cubical specimen.
3. Place specimen below the center of the upper bearing block of the testing machine
ensuring the most flat and clean of the mold
4. Check the gauge and start the machine. Record the total maximum load as indicated by
the testing machine.

Slump = The height of the cone The height of the concrete cone after the slump
= 30.0cm 17.0cm
= 13cm

Specimen size : 100mm x 100mm
No. of cubes : 6 Cubes ( three for 7 days and three for 28 days compression )
Area for each cube : = 0.1m x0.1m
= 0.01m

Volume for each cube : 0.1m x 0.1m x 0.1m
= 1 x 10

Ref. Mark Age (Days) Mass (Kg) Max load
strength (KN/m
1 7 2.36 202.8 2360 20280
2 7 2.46 202.8 2460 20280
3 7 2.48 140.1 2480 14010
4 28 2.44 193.9 2440 19390
5 28 2.46 290.0 2460 29000
6 28 2.46 230.0 2460 23000
Density each cube =

Cube 1 : =

= 2360 kg/m
Cube 2 : =

= 2460 kg/m
Cube 3 : =

= 2480 kg/m

Cube 4 : =

= 2440 kg/m

Cube 5 : =

= 2460 kg/m

Cube 6 : =

= 2460 kg/m
Compressive strength
Compressive strength of each cube =

Cube 1 : =

= 20280 kN
Cube 2 : =

= 20280 kN
Cube 3 : =

= 14010 kN
Cube 4 : =

= 19390 kN
Cube 5 : =

= 29000 kN
Cube 6 : =

= 23000 kN
1. From the graph, we can observe the difference of compressive strength. Mould 1, 2, and
3 are curing for 7 days and give lower compressive strength compare with the 28 days
curing. These means that the longer the age of curing, the better value of compressive
strength will be.

2. Mean compressive strength for 7 days


= 18190

Mean compressive strength for 28 days
= 19390



= 23796.67

Weight of water = 1.5 kg
Weight of cement = 3.0 kg
Water-cement ratio =

= 0.5
From the water cement ratio, cube test for 7 days shows 24

and for 28 days indicates


Convert units from


7 days test

= 24000

28 days test

= 35500

Comparison between mean compressive strength and actual result.
Mean compressive strength (

) Actual compressive strength (

7 18190 24000
28 23796.67 35500

The standard slump test is very simple and can be performed with great accuracy if the ASTM
guidelines are followed. The two things that contribute most to an invalid test are improper
rodding and carelessness in removing the mold. A lack of rodding may cause poor compaction
and over rodding could bring about segregation. Both lead to invalid results. Removing the
cone is also very critical and a sudden twist or jerk can greatly reduce the accuracy of
the results. It is also very important that the base on which the slump test is being taken is level
and free from even the slightest vibration. Movement will very likely indicate a greater slump
than is actually being used. Finally, do not use a piece of rebar or any steel rod with a square end
to tamp the sample. This may force the large aggregate to the bottom of the cone and cause the
test to be invalid. As with any type of quality assurance testing, the people who perform the tests
should be well aware of the proper procedures to be followed and that if specific standards are
not met the test results may prove to be invalid. This will consequently result in a loss of
valuable time and may result in the need for more expensive testing.
Function why cube test is carried out because we want to determine the characteristic
strength of the concrete. In this experiment, we already compress two concrete cube. First test is
after seven day concrete have been harden and second test is after 28 day concrete have been
harden. From this two experiment, we found that concrete in 28 day more strength because the
result show the load that can be patch by the concrete is 23796.67kN compare to concrete 7 day
is only 18190kN
Another function why cube test is carried out is to measure the workability of concrete.
The workability of the fresh concrete shall be judged by its suitability for the condition of
handling and placing so that after compaction, it surround all, reinforcement, tendons and ducts
and completely fills the formwork. Our cube strength only 23796.67kN this is because in our
mixture of concrete, volume of water is higher so that our strength of concrete is lower. To get
higher strength of concrete, volume of water must reduced. Problem of concrete we need to face
is segregation and bleeding. Another problem is shrinkage, expansion, cracking, tension cracking
and so on.

Pattern for slump test

Pattern for cube test

From both test, we can conclude that the longer the age of curing, the higher the compressive
strength. There are huge different between the mean compressive strength and actual
compressive strength due to lower workability of the concrete. The lower of workability of the
concrete can we proof by the slump test which the difference between the height of cone and the
concrete after the cone released is 13cm which mean it have lower workability. This two test is
important to determine the strength and the workability of concrete before pour to mould to
make structure of building.

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