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Please uownloau the two mpS auuio files, NBBuothicv anu NBBNuniow, to youi haiu
uiive. You will listen to two peifoimances of the same composition by uuillaume ue Nachaut,
titleu "Bouce uame jolie." The text of the song anu its tianslation appeai below. Please ieau
caiefully the paiagiaphs in youi textbook calleu "Bow Biu Eaily Nusic Sounu." (p. 6S). When you
have familiaiizeu youiself with the ieauing anu listening, I want you fiist to make a list uesciibing
as best you can all the ways in which these two peifoimances aie uiffeient fiom each othei. Next,
I woulu like you to wiite a paiagiaph oi two explaining how the music examples illustiate the
pioblems uiscusseu in the textbook about the way in which eaily music sounueu. Finally, wiite a
paiagiaph explaining which peifoimance you like best anu why. In this exeicise I am looking foi
you to uemonstiate to me youi commanu anu unueistanuing of the technical vocabulaiy of music.

Bouce uame jolie,
Poui Bieu ne penss mie
Que nulle ait signouiie
Seui moy, fois vous seulement

Qu'aues sans tiicheiie
vous ay, et humblement
Tous les jouis ue ma vie
Sans vilein pensement.

Belas! Et je menuie
B'espeiance et u'ae;
Bon't ma joie est fenie
Se pit ne vous en pient

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Nais vo uouce maistiie
Non cuei si uuiement
Qu'elle le contialie
Et lie
En amouis, tellement

Qu'il n'a ue iiens envie
Fois u'estie en vo baillie;
Et se ne li ottiie
vos cueis nul aligement.

!"#$% '()% *"+,% .

Faii sweet lauy,
Foi uou's sake uo not think
That any woman has masteiy
0vei me, save you alone.

Foi always without ueceit
I have cheiisheu you,
Anu humbly
Seiveu you
All the uays of my life
Without any base thought.

Alas! I am beieft
0f hope anu help;
Anu so my joy is enueu,
0nless you pity me.

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But youi sweet masteiy
Ny heait so haishly
As to toiment it
Anu binu it
With love, so much so

That it uesiies nothing
But to be in youi powei;
Anu yet youi heait giants it
No ielief.

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Et quant ma malauie
Ne seia nullement
Sans vous, uouce anemie,
Qui lie
Estes ue mon touiment,

A jointes mains uepiie
vo cuei, puis qu'il m'oublie
Que tempiement m'ocie,
Cai tiop langui longuement.

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Anu since my sickness
Will not be cuieu
In any way
Save by you, sweet enemy,
Who aie glau
At my uistiess,

Then with hanus claspeu I piay
That youi heait, since it neglects me,
Nay kill me soon,
Foi I have languisheu too long.

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