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Aternative Medicine

1.2 Vocabulary:
1.1 Warm up:
1. Have you ever used alternative
medicine to recover from some
disease? Why?/Why not?
2. Do you no! some herbs that can
help you to recover from some minor
cold? Ho! are they useful?
". Do you no! someone !ho used it
and !hat !ere the results?
#. $re you a bit sceptical to!ard this
ind of alternative help? Why?/ Why
%. What do you usually do after you
catch a cold?
&. Do you do somethin' to prevent a
(. What is considered by the name
)$lternative *edicine)?+ What ind of
method does it include?
enrich / nutrients / healin' bene,ts /
restorative / synthetic antibiotics /
ine-ective / treat / common disorders /
lo!+'rade infections / antiviral /
antifun'al / antibacterial /
naturopathic /
.ome popular branches of $lternative
acupressure / acupuncture / $le/ander
techni0ue / aromatherapy / auto'enic
trainin' / autosu''estion / ayurveda /
massa'e therapy / chiropractic /
1hinese medicine / colour therapy /
creative visualisation / chiropractic
/shiatsu / macrobiotic lifestyle / me'a
vitamin therapy / naturopathic
medicine / neuro lin'uistic
pro'rammin' / hypnotherapy / pilates /
phytotherapy / osteopathy / reii / 2hai
massa'e / therapeutic touch /
therapeutic horsebac ridin' / sound
Herbs as Healin' 3oods
Hippocrates said4 5 2hy food shall be
thy medicine45 and herbs4 as
concentrated foods !ith vital nutrients4
vitamins4 and medicinal properties4
more than ,ll the bill. 6n Hippocrates)
time4 herbs !ere the o7cial medicines.
2hrou'hout the a'es4 people in every
culture have taen herbs for their
healin' bene,ts in the same !ay !e
tae 'arlic or eat oran'es4 for the vital
nutrients these herbs provide4 and their
special restorative value to the human
6n our current medical climate4 !e)ve
been fore!arned that synthetic
antibiotics are provin' to be ine-ective
a'ainst ne! viruses. Where do !e turn
to treat common disorders lie colds4
the 8u4 sin eruptions4 and hosts of
lo!+'rade infections that crop up
re'ularly and eep us from feelin' our
best? 6f you turn to herbs4 you !ill ,nd
that there are more antiviral4
antifun'al4 and antibacterial herbs that
you ever dreamed.
*ore and more scientists are returnin'
to herbs as sourced for ne! medicines.
*any modern+day hospitals are
includin' naturopathic clinics as part of
their treatment facilities4 to provide a
!ider ran'e of options for care. 6t)s a
si'nal that the ne! medicine for the
millennium !ill include more natural
1." 9eadin'
1.4 Grammar:
A short revision of present continuous and
Explain the use of present continuous and
will+infinitive in this text.

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