UBD Intro To Persuasive /argumentative Speeches: A Technology Integration Lesson Plan

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Kevin Kerr

Applications of Instructional Technology

Understanding by Design
FRIT 8530
Spring 2013

Technology Integration Plan : UbD Assignment 2

Title of Unit Introduction to
Stage 1 Desired Results
Established Goals/Content Standards:
ELACC9-10W1: Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid
reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.

ELACC9-10W10: Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and
shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of tasks, purposes, and audiences.

ELACC9-10SL4: Present information, findings, and supporting evidence clearly, concisely, and logically such
that listeners can follow the line of reasoning and the organization, development, substance, and style are
appropriate to purpose, audience, and task.

Students will understand that:
(1) Valid reasoning and the use of evidence are needed to write effective arguments.

(2) Writing improves with routine practice.

(3) Effective use of structure and organization maximizes clarity and effectiveness of persuasion

(4) Effective employment of correct grammar and conventions for the English language give a
writer/speaker credibility in the eyes of the audience.

(5) Diction style that is appropriate for one audience and purpose may not be for another.

(6) Many of the best practices for writers of argumentative/persuasive essays are also best
practices for public speakers.

(7) Effective persuasive speakers employ a variety of strategies to better communicate with and
to persuade their audiences.

Related Misconceptions:
(1) Effective arguments require little or no planning toward logic, but may rely mainly on emotional
(2) Writing is a talent. Either you have it or you dont.
Technology Integration Plan : UbD Assignment 3
(3) Impromptu arguments provide clear and effective persuasion.
(4) People dont expect teens to speak or write using correct standard Englishthey dont really
expect anyone to.
(5) By relying on usual and colloquial English, an individual is only being oneself and everyone
knows that, so changing speech coding for varios audiences is not only unnecessary, but fake.
(6) The techniques employed in writing have little, if any, relationship to oral communicationor to
any other real situation.
(7) Effective persuasive speakers are born with the gift of gab, they dont have to plan or practice.

Stage 2 - Evidence
Performance Task(s)
Goal: The goal is to use prior knowledge of persuasive writing, review of that knowledge, and
effective speaking skills to produce persuasive speeches.
Role: You are an inventor determined to persuade investors to give financial backing to a
product that you have created.
Audience: The target audience is an audience of perspective investors.
Situation: To introduce investors to, and inform them about, the amazing and potentially
profitable invention that you wish to bring to the public market.
Product: You will write and present a speech that demonstrates the marketable potential of
your unique and needed invention. The speech should effectively communicate the important
information that possible investors need to know about your inventions potential to change
the world.
Standards and Criteria for Success: Your presentation needs to demonstrate knowledge the
effective use of persuasive writing and public discourse skills, in a unique way as it informs
potential investors (your teacher and classmates). The effectiveness of your presentation will
be rated by class members using a class-compiled rubric.
Performance Task(s) Rubric(s)
Technology Integration Plan : UbD Assignment 4
Performance Tasks:
Students write and present a persuasive speech to serve as an investment pitch presentation
for a fictional product that they have invented.
Students devise an organized and unique way for the presentations audience to grasp the
potential world-changing possibilities of the invention.
Students must include a written copy of all pre-writing and drafts of their speeches and a
review/re-cap or 5-question review for students to orally participate at the end of their
Speech and Presentation Rubric

10-9 9-8 7-6 5-0
Posture &
Eye Contact
Excellent posture & you
kept eye contact with
your audience
You maintained good
eye contact most of
the time.
Little eye contact
& your posture
No eye contact &
poor posture.
Your word choice was
excellent & appropriate
for the audience. You
avoided ums, ers, &
Some of the words
you chose could be
replaced, but for the
most part, your
speech was good.
Your audience
seemed confused
at times.
Poor word
Content Your content was always
accurate and clear.
Your content was
essentially accurate
and clear.
Your content was
mostly unclear
and or inaccurate.
Not enough
was presented or
was not relevant.
Use of Time:
2-3 min.
Maintained time frame. You mostly stayed
within the time
You exceeded the
time frame, but
thats okay.
Your message was too
short or too long.
Confidence Your confidence was
Your confidence was
good, no wonder
Your confidence
was okay.
You lacked
Technology Integration Plan : UbD Assignment 5

everyone likes you! confidence.
Dress Appropriate & Very sharp Good Needs some
Introduction 1) gets attention
2) clearly identifies topic
3)Establishes credibility
4) previews the main
points (thesis)
You met three of the
four criteria
You met two of
the four criteria
You met only one, or
none, of the criteria
Body Your main points were
clear, well supported,
and logical.
Your main points
were mostly clear and
your support was
Your main points
need more clarity
and support.
Your main points are
unclear/you did not
support them.
Conclusion You reviewed the main
points, brought closure,
and it was memorable!
You reviewed the
main points and
brought closure
You reviewed the
main points or
brought closure
You did not bring
closure the audience
was left hanging!
Clarity You spoke clearly and
distinctly with no
mispronounced words
Clear and distinct-
most of the time, with
3 or fewer
mispronounced words
Some problems
with clarity-3-5
You often mumbled or
garbled your words.
Pronunciation was a
You were a great
audience, listening
quietly and paying
You were a good
audience, listening
quietly and paying
You were a
You were a poor
audience, not listening
quietly or not paying


Name of presenter:______________________________________________


Other Evidence
(e.g. tests, quizzes, work samples, observations)
Work Samples: Variety of effective digital media presentations that cover previous
Technology Integration Plan : UbD Assignment 6
Overarching Questions:
(1) What is considered to be a truly persuasive

(2) Why are some speakers more effective at
persuading their audiences?
Topical Questions:
(1) What strategies result in effective
persuasive arguments?

(2) What are some effective ways to
present persuasive arguments
Daily Plans
Day 1

1. W, H= After having read and discussed the short story, The Bronze Bees by Marco Denevi, and having discussed
the theme of the often unexpected results of replacing nature with technology, each student will be asked to
think of an invention that could make the world a better place.
2. E= The students will be expected to share their ideas with the class.
3. R, O= After sharing, students should re-evaluate their own individual ideas by writing a short one-paragraph
critiques in which they will be expected to describe the quality of that idea and to provide constructive criticism
about improving it.
4. W= The student will be introduced to the concept of persuading investors to support an innovation through a
youtube video excerpt from the tv show, Shark Tank: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1L0Yz7FKwo
5. W, H = Entry question: What makes an effective persuasive presentation?
6. W, E, R = Whole class discussion of what makes an effective persuasive presentation.
7. T, E, = Students will be presented with the details involved in the RAFT assignment via video podcast; Raft 1-Intro
Podcast and handouts.
8. W, H, O= The students will be given performance requirements, including scoring rubrics and learning standards
when the challenge is announced.
9. W, H = Present EQ: What strategies result in effective persuasive arguments?
10. E, R = Students work in pairs to review persuasive techniques and effective support for contentions from earlier
units on argumentative essays, persuasive letters, and propaganda and advertising techniques and share ideas
with the class. The teacher acting as monitor/ moderator coaches and guides toward the categories of: 1)
relevant and arguable topics, 2) knowing your audience and situation, 3) supporting ideas with logic, 4)
recognition and rebuttal of opposing views 5) clear and standardized language usage, and, 6) effective
introductions, thesis statements, transitions and conclusions.

Day 2
Technology Integration Plan : UbD Assignment 7

1. Students will work in cooperative groups, with each group researching one of the five design aspects of digital
presentations. Students will be provided with some beginning resources, such as: http://office.microsoft.com/en-
* Students should be made aware that much of the available information is geared toward the use of
PowerPoints, but that same information transfers well to other modes of presentation. W, E,
2. Each group will be responsible for reporting back to the rest of the class with their findings with a list for
effective ________________________ usage tips for their assigned aspects, and a list of online resources
for all to use. R, E,
3. Each group will contribute a checklist for use with presentation creation. These checklists will be combined to
form a master checklist, which will be distributed for use as students work on their Super-Duper Multimedia
Challenge. O, E,

Week 2

4. Students will exchange checklist for peer evaluation. Each group will select at three items from each checklist
reviewed that they feel are most relevant to presentation creations. (NOTE: Teacher will have collected the
checklist previously for team participation grade and will re-distribute to groups for peer evaluation. Each checklist
should have 3 evaluations) E2, R
5. Teacher will introduce multiple online presentation software tools such as Prezi, Slide Rocket, Zoho Show,
Empressr and Google Docs. Teacher will model how to use each online tool by creating a short presentation using
each online presentation tool. W, H
6. Teacher will conduct an open review on each presentation tool discussed. Then, students will choose one online
tool and create a quick 5 slide presentation, All About Me for teacher assessment. E, T
7. Teacher will lead an open discussion with students about the new tools introduced and comment on the student
created presentations. Teacher will then select the best student created presentations from each online tool
utilized so that one student created example for EACH of the tools will be represented. E, R,
8. An informal verbal assessment / discussion will take place on each of the presentations presented. Additionally
this will be the question and answer time for students before the Super- Duper Multimedia Challenge. E, E2, O

Technology Integration Plan : UbD Assignment 8

Document 1The Story

Week 3

17. Students will work independently to develop a multimedia presentation on the five literacy criticism theories
(archetype, formalism, psychoanalytic, feminist, reader response). E, T
18. Students will read the basic foundations of literacy criticism handout given out in class. Students will define 10
vocabulary words listed in the textbook associated with the terms using www.virtualsalt.com/litterms.htm. E
19. Students and teacher will orally discuss the five aspects and vocabulary associated with the literacy criticisms. R,
20. Students will develop a class presentation incorporating the five aspects of design of digital presentations to
explain the five literacy criticisms, using the vocabulary associated with the theories. E, T
21. Students will include a works cite page of resources used at the end of their presentation to share with peers. E
22. Students will self and peer evaluate presentations using the project rubric. Students will develop a chart to
compare and contrast presentation tools. E2, E, R
23. At the conclusion of the unit, students will review the use of the five design aspects of digital presentations; and
ways to enhance understandings of findings, reasoning, and evidence through multimedia. E, E2, O

Notes to the Instructor

Use this area, if needed, to explain to the instructor how your planned activities above satisfy
specific elements of the scoring rubric.

Supporting Documents
Technology Integration Plan : UbD Assignment 9
Las Abejas de Bronze
(The Bronze Bees)
By Marco Denevi (Argentina, 1922- 1998)
Since the beginning of time, the fox had lived by selling honey. It was, apart from
being a family tradition, a kind of inheritance. On the one hand, nobody had the
foxs knack of handling the Bees (when the bees were live insects and very
aggressive) and make them perform at their best. On the other hand the Fox
understood the bear, a great consumer of honey, and thus his best
It wasnt easy to get along with the Bear. The Bear was a bit brutal, a little wild,
but if life in the outdoors maintained it in good health, it would refrain from its
rough ways that not everyone was willing to tolerate.
Even the fox, despite his practice, had to undergo some unpleasant experiences in
this regard. Once, for example, (I dont know what trivial matter caused it), the
bear destroyed the scale, used to weigh the honey, with his claws. The Fox didnt
flinch and never lost his smile. (He will be buried with a smile on, his uncle, the
tiger, disdainfully said of him.) But I pointed out to bear, that according to the
law, he was obliged to compensate me for the loss.
Naturally, laughed the bear, I will compensate you. You just wait, Ill break
my neck running to pay you back for the damage.
He laughed loudly and beat his thigh with his paw.
Yes, said the Fox in a calm voice, yes, I recommend you to hurry, because the
bees are impatient.Look, sir! he said, making a theatrical gesture, a studied
gesture, toward the hives. The Bear noticed and instantly stopped laughing,
because he saw thousands of bees had abandoned hives, with his face red with
anger, frowning and mouth clenched, he looked at him from head to foot and
seemed ready to attack.
They do not wait for a sign from me, added the Fox, sweetly. You know, they
hate disrespect.
The Bear, which in spite of his strength was a braggart, turned pale with fear.
Technology Integration Plan : UbD Assignment 10
Its all right Fox, he babbled, I will restore the scales. But please, tell
them not look at me that way; order them to return to their hives.
Listen sweet little ones, said the Fox gently to the Bees, Mister Bear has
promised to bring us another scale.
The Bees buzzed in unison. The Fox listened to them with a respectful
expression. All the while he was agreeing with the queen bee he was murmuring:
Yes, yes, agree. Ah, it is understood. Who doubts it? I will tell him.
The bear was going out of his good skin.
What are they saying, fox? You are keeping me in suspense!
The fox fixed his eyes on him.
They say that the scales must be brand new.
Yes, of course they will be brand new. Now, what kind of finish do you want on
In agreement, nickel-plated.
Foreign manufacture.
Also that.
Preferably Switzerland.
Ah, no, it is too much.
You are extorting me.
Can you repeat that a little louder, Mr. Bear? they havent heard you!
I said I support that!
Its OK, its OK. I will try to like them. But once and for all, tell them to return
to their honeycombs. So many bees heads all looking at me, makes me
Technology Integration Plan : UbD Assignment 11
The fox made a rare gesture, like an illusionist, and the bees, after throwing the
bear a last warning look, disappeared inside the beehives. The bear moved away,
ever so gloomy and with the vague sensation that the bees had cheated him. But
on the following day he reappeared, bringing in his arms a brand new nickel-
plated set of scales, with a little bronze plate that read: Made in Switzerland.
As I have said: the fox knew how to handle the bees and could handle the bear;
but who didnt, that foxiest of all foxes, know how to boss around?
That was until one day they invented artificial bees.
Yes! Insects made of bronze, directed electronically, by remote control (as it said
in the illustrated brochures); they could do the same work as the living bees; but
with enormous advantages. They would not get tired, would not get lost, would
not stay caught in the spider webs, and not devoured by birds; they did not feed
on honey, like the natural Bees (honey, that in the accounting and in the soul of
the fox, appeared with big red numbers); between them, there were no queens,
no drones. They were all equal, all workers, docile and obedient, strong and
active, with unlimited life. In any sense, they appeared to him to be infinitely
superior to live bees.
The fox immediately saw the business potential, and did not hesitate. He killed all
his swarms, demolished the hives of wax, and with his savings bought a thousand
bronze bees and its corresponding hives, also of bronze, ordered installation of
the control board, learned how to handle it, and one morning the animals
watched, stunned, how the bronze bees flew in the air for the first time.
The Fox was not wrong. Without even getting up from his seat, he moved a lever,
and a cloud of bees went roaring toward the North, moving another lever, and
another group of bees barreled toward the South, a new movement of the lever,
and a third swarm flew in the direction East, et sic de ceteris
.The bronze
insects were soon flying at speeds never seen, with a sort of buffered buzz that
sounded like the echo of another buzz; they cascaded like an arrow to the flower
cups, quickly sucking up the nectar, returned to flight, went back to the hive,
deposited the nectar it carried in its pocket, did a few quick contortions, and
some small, dry noises. , tric, trac, cruc
, and within a few moments they had
created honey, pure, clean, golden, uncontaminated, aseptic honey; and were
able to resume again. No distraction, no fatigue, no fad, no anger, for twenty-four
hours a day. The fox was beside himself with joy.
The first time the bear tried the new honey, he rolled his eyes, smacked his
tongue and not daring to express an opinion, he asked his wife:
Technology Integration Plan : UbD Assignment 12
-Have a go, what do you think?
-I dont know, she said, I get a metal taste from it.
-Yes, I think so too.
But the children protested in unison:
Dad, Mom, what nonsense. The taste proves that this honey is very superior.
Superior in every way. How can you prefer the other, made by a few dirty bugs?
On the other hand it is cleaner, more hygienic, and more modern; in short, better
The bear and his wife did not find reasons to refute their children and remained
silent. But when they were alone they insisted:
-Say what you want, I still prefer the old type. It had a flavor
-Yes, me too. We can agree that without doubt it comes pasteurized. But that
Ah, the flavor!
They didnt dare to tell anyone, because, basically, they felt proud to serve in an
establishment where this eighth wonder of the world, the bronze bees, was
If one really thinks about it, the bronze bees were invented exclusively for us
said the bears wife. The bear didnt comment and appeared to be indifferent,
but inside he was proud as his wife.
So no-one in the world would stop to buy and eat the honey distilled by artificial
bees, and even less when they realized other animals also flocked to foxs shop to
buy honey; not because they liked the honey, but because of the bronze bees and
to brag about being modern.
And, with all this, the Foxs profits grew like wildfire in the forest. He had to hire
an assistant to help him and after much thinking, chose a Raven; above all
because it assured him that it abhorred the honey. Soon the thousand bees were
five thousand; and the five thousand, ten thousand. They began to consider the
foxs wealth a fabulous fortune. The Fox smiled and rubbed his hands with
Technology Integration Plan : UbD Assignment 13
And meanwhile the swarms came, and went. Animals could barely se or follow
the bursts of golden points crossing over their heads. The only ones who didnt
admire them were the
ignorant spiders, who complained loudly that the bronze bees went straight
through their cobwebs and tore them to pieces.
What is this? The end of the world? Those affected the first time squawked,
but when someone explained to them what is was, they threatened to sue the fox
for damages.
What stupidity! Said the bears wife.
-It is the eternal struggle between light and shadow, between good and evil,
between civilization and barbarism.
The birds were also a surprised, because one of them, when first it saw a bronze
bee, opened its beak and swallowed it. Poor devil!
The metal bee tore its vocal cords, and embedded itself in the body, where it he
formed a tumor, as a result of which it died shortly after, in the midst of the
cruelest suffering and without the consolation of singing because the other birds
had flown away, having learned a lesson.
After the fox had relished its prosperity for a time, some problems began to
appear. First it was just a little cloud, then another little cloud, until the entire
sky looked like a threatening storm. The chain of disasters began with the event
of the gooses peonies. One afternoon, while emptying a hive, the Fox discovered
some small flecks of grey in the golden honey, opaque and repugnant. He tasted
it on the tip of his finger and found it to have a noxious odor and bitter taste. He
had to pull all the remaining honey that was contaminated. It was the gooses
peonies that changed the storm to a hurricane.
-Fox -he whistled, do you remember those artificial peonies that adorned the
porch of my house in memory of my deceased husband? Do you remember
them? Well: look what your bees have done to my peonies.

He raised a hand. The Fox looked, saw the mess, understood, and as a good
merchant, didnt beat around in the bush.
How much? He asked.
Twenty pesos, said the goose
Technology Integration Plan : UbD Assignment 14
-Are you crazy? If you think that this is the stock market
I do not think that it is the stock market. But I do charge interests.
-Hold it! Take your twenty pesos.
Okay, stop it, Ill pay.
When the goose had counted its money and gone, the Fox let go of all his
frustrations. He walked through the store, kicked the ground, and struck the
walls with its fist, screaming between his teeth.
The first time- the first time that someone charges me money. And look at this
idiot goose. Thirty-two pesos for a few artificial peonies, which are not worth
more than forty. And all because of the bronze bees- be damned. They make
mistakes because of their lack of instinct. They have confused artificial flowers
with fresh flowers. The others would never make such a mistake. But who thinks
of the others. Well, not everything is perfect in this life.
Another day, a bee, entering the crown of a lily, cut the throat of a hummingbird
that was feeding there. The blood of the bird dyed the lily red; but as the bee was
insensitive to smells and tastes, reacting only to electrical impulses, it mixed the
nectar and blood together. The honey thus turned pink, which alarmed the fox.
Fortunately his employee took the worry off his shoulders.
If I were you, chief, he said with his little voice, hoarse and with the air of a
spinster- I, would sell it as a special childrens honey.
And if it turns out to be poisonous?
If such was the unfortunate scenario, I would be dead, chief.
Technology Integration Plan : UbD Assignment 15
Ah, so you have tasted it. So you, my junior, are robbing me of honey. And did
you not tell me that you abhorred it?
One sacrifices himself and look how you pay me back muttered the Raven,
putting on a face of outraged dignity-. I loathe it; I abhorred it all my life. But I
wanted to test it to see if it was poisonous. I ran the risk for you. Now, if you
think that I have acted badly, fire me, chief.
What was it they wanted but to make the fox follow the advice of the Raven? It
was a great success, this special pink kids honey. He sold it entirely, and no one
complained. (The only one who could complain was the pig, because of certain
poetic whims which in those days inflicted their children). (But no pig in its right
mind is capable of relating this strange madness to produce verses, to a bottle of
honey, colored by the blood of a hummingbird).
The fox felt safe. Poor fox, he ignored that his troubles would be the same for his
A few days later, he noticed that the insects took more and more time to return
to the hive.
One night, locked in the store, he and the Raven began to ponder this new
Why are they so late? Said the fox-. Where do those devils go? Yesterday a
swarm took five hours to return. The daily production, thus, reduces, and
electricity costs increase. Furthermore, this pink honey is still stuck in my throat.
Every moment I wonder: what will appear today? Green honey? Black honey?
Blue honey? Salt honey?
Accidents such as the one with the peonies have not been repeated, chief. As for
the rose honey, I dont think you have anything to complain about.
-I agree. But what about the mystery of the delays? What can the explanation
Nothing. Except
Except what?
The Raven, looking serious, crossed its legs, joined hands and looked up.
Technology Integration Plan : UbD Assignment 16
Chief he said, after reflecting a few moments-. To go and watch the bees is
not easy.
They fly too fast. No one or almost no one can follow them. But I know a bird
that, if you grease his palm, would deal with the case. And I give you my word
that he would not return without having learned the truth.
And who is this bird?
Yours truly.
The fox opened his mouth to cover his insults to the Raven, but then thought the
better of it and chose to accept the offer, since any remedy was preferable to
staying with their arms crossed, contemplating the progressive and relentless
decline in earnings.
The Raven returned very late, gasping as if it had flown all the way from China.
(The fox suspected that this was all a farce and that perhaps his employee knew
the truth from the first day). The expression on his face did not portend anything
Boss he stammered-, I dont know how to say this, but the bees are late, and
will be so more and more, because there are no flowers in the region and they
must go to feed abroad.
What do you mean; there are no flowers in the region. What foolishness is that?
Listen chief! It seems that the flowers, after that the bees have sucked their
nectar, bend,
weaken and die
And why are they dying?
-They cant tolerate the bees metal tube.
- And it doesnt end there. The plant, after that the bees have assassinated the
flowers, die.
Assassinate! I forbid you to use that word.
Technology Integration Plan : UbD Assignment 17
Let alone killed. The plant, after that the bees have killed the flowers, they wont
flower again. Consequence: there are no more flowers in the whole region. What
do you say, chief?
The fox didnt say anything. Nothing. It was stupefied.
And the worst thing is that the Raven was not lying. The artificial bees had
devastated the flowers in the country. Then they went to neighboring countries,
then to the closest, then to
the less close, later to the remote and distant, and thus, from country to country,
then all the world and then returned to the starting point.
That day the birds were overwhelmed by a strange grief and no one knew why.
Some inexplicably, committed suicide. The Nightingale had stopped singing and
the colors of the Robin paled. It is said that, for example, the rivers stopped
running and the springs no longer babbled. I do not know. All I know is that,
when the bronze bees went from country to country, they turned the whole world
upside-down; there were no flowers in the world, there were no flowers in the
field, in the cities nor in the forests.
The bees returned from their travels, they nested in their combs, they writhed,
did tric, trac, cruc
, but the fox didnt collect a single, miserable drop of honey.
The bees returned as empty as they had left.
The fox was desperate. His business collapsed. It prevailed a while thanks to his
reserves, but even these were exhausted. He should bid farewell to the Raven and
close the store, losing all his customers.
The only one that didnt give up was the bear.
Fox! vociferous-, either I get honey or Ill beat your brains out.
Wait. Day after tomorrow I have some coming from abroad the fox promised
.But the supply never came.
He made a few attempts at rewarding them. He sent swarms in different
directions. All useless. He said the tric, trac, cruc
, all in mockery, but no honey.
Finally, one night the fox disconnected all the cables, destroyed the control
board, buried the bronze bees in a pit, picked up his money and, under the cover
of darkness, fled in an unknown direction.
Technology Integration Plan : UbD Assignment 18
As he crossed the border he heard behind a few giggles and some old voices that
called him.
-Fox! Fox!
That was the spiders, who in the light of the Moon wove their prehistoric webs.
Fox made an obscene grin and took off in great strides.
Since then, no one has ever seen it again.
Translated in April, 2011, by
Kenny Beechmount
(1) Latin and the same for all the rest(2)
(2) Combination of syllables used to teach children pronunciation.
(3) Some versions of the story use roses, rather than peonies as the artificial
flower type.


Document 2The Handout

RAFT Writing--Introduction

Last month we wrote argumentative/persuasive letters based on the techniques
we learned for writing argumentative essays during the first semester. This time
the format of your RAFT will be an oral presentation.
Technology Integration Plan : UbD Assignment 19

Role: You are an inventor.
Audience: Investors --People that may loan you money for your invention
Format: Speech (of 2-3 minutes length)
Topic: You have come up with a product that is going to change the world.
Tell the investors how you came up with your invention and how your invention
will change things going forward. Your invention must have a name and a

RAFT WritingWriting Your 1

Follow these 6 easy steps:

spend about 15 minutes on your pre-writing. Think of an invention that will be world
changing. Write down your ideas as a list, a brain-bubble, an outline, or whatever type that you
have become most comfortable with.

Write your introductory paragraph- Introduce yourself and your product, explaining what
your product is, its name, and why it is needed. Get their interest without scaring them off and
conclude the paragraph with a strong inclusive thesis statement!

3rd Skip 2 lines and then number 1-8.
Beside each number: List one specific quality of your product, or one specific reason it is
needed, or one specific reason your idea deserves to be funded. Be sure that you have
Technology Integration Plan : UbD Assignment 20
sufficient specific qualities or reasons to support the production of your invention, even if you
do not actually come up with eight.

4th Write your body paragraphs. In each paragraph, explain one specific quality of your
product, or one specific reason it is needed, or one specific reason your idea deserves to be
funded. Repeat with several of your best ideas from the list.

- Anticipate any arguments against the funding or effectiveness of your invention. Give a
rebuttal to those opposing views.
Basically you want to communicate, Some people may say, _______________ but actually,
________________. This is because______________.

Write one concluding paragraph in which you briefly remind the potential investors of
each of the points that you have already made and give them a call to action, that is, ask them
to invest in your invention, using a strong persuasive tug at their hearts, heads, or both.

All together, these paragraphs make up your speech. Revise your speech being sure that all of
it makes sense and that you are not just repeating yourself. Check for spelling and grammar

Type the second draft of your speech. Dont forget to omit the list from the third step, since
those ideas are now incorporated into your body paragraphs.

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