2011-08 Newsletter TNBV

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Dear colleague,

We are proud that Tebodin Netherlands has produced

good results in the first half of 2011, in a very volatile
economic climate.
After fantastic sales during 1, sales dropped in the
first half of 2. !uc"ily, sales in #une pic"ed up
again, $hich made up for the shortfall. The
fluctuation is a good reflection of current mar"et
conditions. We shall be organi%ed in such a $ay to
deal $ith these continuous changes.
Ne$sletter Directors
Tebodin Netherlands &'
August 2011
Tebodin Netherlands increased its focus on countries outside the Netherlands, in Western Europe and Africa, which is part of
our strategy to best use our expertise for growth. or the upco!ing half year, we ha"e to be "ery alert and flexible on what is
going on in our !ar#ets due to the dyna!ic econo!ic cli!ate.
$uring the first half of 2011, we !anaged to increase our resources for the first ti!e since a period of two years% Ne"ertheless,
the growth of e!ployees is still a little behind target, which lea"es us a challenge for the re!ainder of 2011.
&ro'ect results are still "ery good, despite the price pressure. Also the fact that we encounter no !a'or pro'ect losses for!s a
solid basis for our financial result.
(afety and uality
(p to )2 the *ost Ti!e +ncidents ,*T+- still stand at .ero, and focus on i!pro"ing safety awareness a!ongst all e!ployees
re!ains top priority.
+n /une we successfully obtained the 012A2 13001 certificate. This 0ccupational 1ealth and 2afety Assess!ent 2eries
replaces our 45A certificate. 1owe"er, 45A certification of our e!ployees who wor# at sites will re!ain in place. 2e"eral
positi"e reactions of our clients confir! our choice.
(ome highlights
New fra!ewor# contracts were obtained for 1eine#en, Nuon and 6&. The $27 fra!ewor# contract has been
extended for three years up to 2018.
Tebodin was also awarded for se"eral nice pro'ects such as the 6erger!eer pro'ect for 9asunie, the 9usher
pro'ect for 5he!tura A!sterda!, a bio:gas pipeline in Noord:0ost riesland ,6ioNof- for 2tedin, the basic
engineering for $74:onterra, se"eral pro'ects for NA7, such as $e Wi'# etc.
The pro'ects 1eiligerlee ,9asunie, E&5- and $anone are on schedule, and both ;uality and costs are well in
0n 13 /une, the staff association organi.ed the traditional Tebodin fa!ily day, this ti!e in <2lagharen=. 0"er >00
Tebodin e!ployees, partners and their children participated. +t was lo"ely to see so !any happy faces.
(uccessful )oint efforts and leadership
Wor#ing together, balancing the wor#load and sharing resources is a continuous challenge to opti!i.e our
+n "arious sessions in 2011, !any of our depart!ent !anagers are being trained in people !anage!ent s#ills.
We belie"e this is needed in order to change leadership style into a !ore people oriented focus. We trust this will
result in an increase of engage!ent of our e!ployees. 0ur depart!ent !anagers are all "ery positi"e about the
training, which is "ery encouraging. Trainings will continue during the second half of 2011 and also in 2012.
1+T tea!s ha"e a strong focus on de"eloping and ac;uiring business in the !ar#ets 0il ? 9as, 1ealth ?
Nutrition, 5he!icals and Energy. This is a 'oint effort where "arious offices wor# closely together to opti!i.e the
result for Tebodin Netherlands. To date we sold o"er @ 1 !io ser"ices in the field of sustainability pro'ects, and
o"er @ 1 !io bio:energy pro'ects, which both exceed our annual target figure. Two good exa!ples of what can
achie"ed by a focused tea!.
2teering tea!s to boost consultancy and push inno"ations are in full swingA 2ustainability, 2afety and
En"iron!ental 7anage!ent. A two:day sustainability course was organi.ed in /une with B0 participants. 6oth
En"iron!ental and 2afety consultants ha"e for!ed expert tea!s across the offices, helping each other with
proposals and organi.ing ,client- wor#shops.
/oint client "isits of consultants and engineers has been enforced : this is a clear target for steering tea!s. The
new consultancy product <asset ? !aintenance radar= for!s a good opening for discussing !aintenance wor#s
with clients.
+n 7arch, !anage!ent of our 9er!an operations was brought under the sa!e wings as Tebodin Netherlands
6.4, 2ince then, we ha"e intensified wor#ing together on proposals and pro'ects.
6ig pro'ects are still scarce and co!petition is fierce. Ne"ertheless, we will re!ain focused on ac;uiring big
pro'ects. Wor#ing together is crucial for being successful in winning these proposals. E&5 tendering for so!e
bio!ass fuelled power stations for Nuon and Essent is in full swing.
A lot of attention is gi"en to &C D branding, both externally and internally, with a high nu!ber of articles in Tebodin
World, spea#ers on se!inars and !ore "isibility on 2hare&ortal. The strong focus of 1+T tea!s and 2teering
tea!s towards branding is paying off.
urther!ore, contacts with uni"ersities and colleges were intensified, resulting in an increasing nu!ber of
students underta#ing their practical period with Tebodin.
+n order to !a#e 2011 a successful year, we will need your full support for the re!ainder of the year. We count on
Eind regards,
Niels "an Chenen and 7ar# 4ossen

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