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Serving UNC students and the University community since 1893

Good teachers know how to bring out the best in students.

Thursday, September 25, 2014 Volume 122, Issue 80
Middle grades education major Melvin Ford (left) takes notes in an education class. Senior George Sullivan (right) is also in the School of Education.
Only 9 male undergraduates are education majors
By Sara Salinas
Senior Writer
The population of under-
graduate men in UNCs School
of Education can be counted
on two hands.
There are 128 undergraduate
students majoring in education,
and only 9 are male. Ninety-
three percent of undergraduates
in the school are female.
You definitely notice it when
you first get there, when you first
get into the School of Education
and in the classroom, said senior
George Sullivan, a middle grades
education major. It kind of hits
you in subtle ways.
Sullivan said between the two
education methods courses he is
enrolled in, he is one of two males
among roughly 20 females.
Bill McDiarmid, dean of
the School of Education, said
several factors contribute to
the gender disparity, including
the negative environment sur-
rounding education in the state.
Low pay and low status for
teachers have drawn students
from the school, he said.
Its certainly had a very big
impact on males in particular,
McDiarmid said. Wed get a
lot more males into the profes-
sion if we could pay teachers
what they deserve.
A low percentage of male edu-
cation students is also the result
of a gendered society, he said.
Its considered womens work,
he said. And people are sort of
suspicious of you if youre a male
teaching elementary.
Nate Fisher, a fifth year mid-
dle grades major, said he feels
society often steers males away
from teaching.
Theres the gender stereo-
types of men should be the
primary breadwinner and youre
not getting rich teaching, thats
for sure, he said.
Fisher said the portrayal of
teachers as women in media cre-
ates the impression that educa-
tion is a womans profession.
Women are thought of as
more nurturing for children,
he said. I think that partially
accounts for why you see that
major variance.
The gender disparity in
teaching dates back to the 1900s
when young women began
attending school in increasing
numbers, McDiarmid said. The
main shift took place in World
War II when men were sent to
war, and women took over the
The demographic that we
have today is not all that dif-
ferent than it was 60 years
ago, he said.
The problem has gotten worse
in recent years, McDiarmid said.
As someone whos a
male teacher, Im very sad-
dened that there arent more
males going into teaching,
McDiarmid said. I would love
to turn that around but I dont
know quite how you turn it
around to be honest.
The school does what it
can to recruit males into the
program by encouraging male
education faculty to be vis-
ible on campus. The school
hasnt done much in the past
to recruit male students out of
the education minor and into
the education major, he said,
but they are going to start,
McDiarmid said.
Gender gap in the field
The gender disparity in the
School of Education doesnt dis-
appear at graduation.
Those are the very pools
that we draw upon to recruit
candidates, said Mary
Gunderson, coordinator of
teacher recruitment and sup-
port for Chapel Hill-Carrboro
City Schools.
Gunderson said she has hired
181 teachers for the district this
year only 43 were men.
What you see at UNC is very
typical of what you see in the
state and nationally, she said.
Gunderson said she tends
to see more male teachers in
content areas like science and
math, and very few in elemen-
tary grades.
Absolutely it has implications,
she said. It means a male child
could go all the way through
elementary school and never have
a male teacher.
Gunderson said she would like
the teaching population of her
district to be representative of the
student population, and with the
gender disparity in teaching, its
far from representative.
Adam Holland, now
an investigator with the
Frank Porter Graham Child
Development Institute, worked
as a kindergarten teacher at a
school with only one other male
teacher in the building.
For me it was an adjust-
ment, he said. When youre in
the minority, youre always cog-
nizant of that fact.
Holland said he experienced
subtle discrepancies as a male
kindergarten teacher, includ-
ing expectations that he would
dress more nicely than his
female colleagues.
Holland was also cautioned
as a man working with young
children to always have another
teacher around, partially out of
fear of lawsuits, he said.
I was always told by my pro-
fessors and by administrators
that I needed to be very care-
ful, he said. That kind of thing
can make you wary of going
into a profession.
Holland said hes known
males who start out to become
teachers to reroute from edu-
cation because of the gender
disparity. Its difficult to enter a
field that doesnt feel welcoming
In NC, more
By Lindsey Brunson
Staff Writer
They come up through Mexico, most from El
Salvador and Honduras, alone and underage,
fleeing the possibility of rape, assault and kidnap-
ping. What will happen to them once they reach
U.S. soil is vague at best.
It isnt a new story unaccompanied minors
have been coming to the United States for dozens of
years but the numbers are increasing, and many
of the children are coming to North Carolina.
Data released in August by the U.S. Department
of Health and Human Services shows that nearly
43,500 unaccompanied minors have been released
to the care of a U.S. sponsor since the start of
2014, and 1,648 of those children are in North
Carolina making the state the eighth largest
location of child refugees in the nation.
The number of unaccompanied minors in the
United States has rapidly increased every year.
The annual number has grown since 2011 from
6,560 children to an expected 60,000 unaccom-
panied minors by the end of the 2014 fiscal year,
according to the DHHS 2015 budget proposal.
And North Carolinas school systems have to
find new ways to accommodate them.
The Surry County Board of Commissioners
drafted a resolution stating that undocumented
children would stretch the school districts funding,
security and public health and safety infrastructure.
The board asked the federal government for the
authority to deny the applications of unaccompa-
nied minors awaiting their deportation hearing.
But a coalition of state civil rights groups filed
a federal discrimination complaint on behalf of
immigrant students denied enrollment in several
state school districts earlier this year.
Matt Ellinwood, policy analyst at the N.C.
Justice Center, said many unaccompanied chil-
dren have experienced difficulties enrolling in
public schools nationwide.
They are just children who are here through
no fault of their own, and they really need to have
access to the education system and the benefits
that come from it, he said.
Ellinwood said undocumented minors might
be discouraged from registering for school when
they begin to fill out documents and find that
they are asked for a social security number or a
specific form of ID but neither requirement is
mandatory for registration by law.
William Sudderth, Durham Public Schools
director of public information, said they do not
ask for documentation or social security numbers.
They are people with an equal right to an
education from Durham Public Schools, he said.
Sashi Rayasam, Durham Public Schools director
of the English as a Second Language program, said
Public schools work to provide for
the 1,648 new refugees in N.C.
Town aordable housing supply threatened
By Caroline Hudson
Senior Writer
Tina Vaughns job at Chapel Hills Public
Housing Department has become increasingly
difficult over her decades-long career.
Its been about 20 years since the town of
Chapel Hill received an increase in federal
funding for public housing, which comes from
the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
Development. And the process to apply for fund-
ing has become more complex, said Vaughn,
director of the towns public housing department.
Its very competitive to get housing, she
said. There is some, but its not as easy as it
was in the past.
The last increase funded 24 housing units in
Chapel Hill, bringing the towns total number of
units to 336 apartments in 13 neighborhoods.
The disconnect between how much money
Chapel Hill has for affordable housing and
how much it needs has forced the town to look
for other options to accommodate its low-
income residents. With its supply of federal
funds stagnating, the town has implemented
provisions for private housing developers to
secure additional affordable housing options.
Private developers are required to allocate
15 percent of the units for affordable housing
within the town limits and only 10 percent if
the development is within the downtown area.
To qualify for public housing, a persons total
income cannot exceed 50 percent of the areas
median income for newer units, and 80 percent
for units occupied before October 1981.
The qualifications for a person to receive
affordable housing provided by a private
agency differ from the towns. For private com-
panies, the ceiling on a persons total income
can be as low as 30 percent.
The town draws money from the U.S.
Department of Housing and Urban
Developments Community Development
Block Grant and HOME programs to also
provide money for private agencies, includ-
ing EmPOWERment Inc. and Habitat for
Humanity, which use the money to manage
affordable housing of their own.
The towns reliance on private developers
to provide a strong supply of affordable hous-
ing was questioned this summer after several
housing companies stopped accepting Section 8
housing vouchers and more than 60 local fami-
lies said they were at risk of losing their homes.
In August, Mayor Mark Kleinschmidt and
Carrboro Mayor Lydia Lavelle held a joint
press conference to address the situation.
Kleinschmidt admonished the companies for
no longer accepting the vouchers.
The Supreme Court tells us that corporations
are people, Kleinschmidt said, referencing the
Supreme Courts Citizens United decision. So
those corporations should have hearts.
In the press conference, Kleinschmidt prom-
ised the town would find a long term solution to
provide more affordable housing options.
In an interview Wednesday, Kleinschmidt
said the town will continue to use affordable
housing as leverage when a developer requests a
zoning change to accommodate a building proj-
ect. While it is illegal for the town to control rent
rates, Kleinschmidt said the Town Council can
do its best to provide incentives for developers
who allot parts of projects to affordable housing.
In November 2013, the town announced its
plans to partner with the Raleigh-based firm
Downtown Housing Improvement Co. to build
more housing for low-income residents on
Legion Road.
The N.C. Housing Finance Agency threw
out the companys application, which asked for
tax credits for the affordable housing projects
because DHIC failed to include a commitment
letter. The company plans to reapply in January.
Robert Dowling, executive director of
Community Home Trust, which focuses on
finding affordable houses, said residents have
a hard time finding housing, whether it is a
house or rental apartment.
For low-income people, theyre both difficult,
he said.
Dowling said the market has still not fully
recovered from the recession meaning banks
are still hesitant to loan money to home buyers.
Dowling said he thinks the town is doing a
good job being proactive about the situation.
He said he has also seen college graduates
now turning to affordable housing as they
struggle under the burdens of student loans.
The ramifications of (the housing crisis)
are still being felt today, Dowling said. That
has ripple effects on the economy.
Missteps and a lack of money
have hurt the towns supply.
Gender disparity in education major
Of the 128 undergraduate education majors, only 7 percent are men.
Mystery Novelist Ruth Moose:
Join Ruth Moose, retired UNC
creative writing professor, at
Bulls Head Bookshop, where she
will read from her new novel,
Doing It at the Dixie Dew: A
Time: 3:30 p.m. to 4:15 p.m.
Location: Bulls Head Bookshop
MPA Open House: Learn
about the UNC Master of Public
Administration program at this
open house, which includes a
question-and-answer session for
prospective students.
Time: 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Location: Knapp-Sanders Build-
ing, Room 2603
Board of Trustees (meet-
ing): At its full meeting in the
Chancellors Ballroom of the
Carolina Inn, the Board of
Trustees will hear presenta-
tions on MBA@UNC, ways to
engage future scientists and
the medical struggle to contain
Ebola. Chancellor Carol Folt
and Student Body President
Andrew Powell will also give
Time: 8 a.m.
Location: 211 Pittsboro St.
NOTED. A woman who had been charged
with credit card fraud chose the most
interesting and uncomfortable of
hiding places to live out her brief life as a
fugitive. Police received a tip that she was
hiding in a neighboring home, which is
exactly where they found her: in the oven,
squished and sweaty.
QUOTED. If youre equipped to handle
the zombie apocalypse then youre pre-
pared for any other natural disaster
Kansas usually faces.
Devan Tucking, of the states Division
of Emergency Management, which is ask-
ing residents to ready for an apocalypse
through Zombie Preparedness Month.
bachelor party in Manchester, England, has finally given us
all an answer to the age-old, all-important question: Wheres
Waldo? Well, we can now confirm that he has, in fact, been-
brawling in a train station with a lot of identical friends.
The footage of this bizarre and informative fight was released on
Saturday, though it apparently took place in March 2013. Members of the
bachelor party dressed up as Waldo (duh) and ran into a group of plain-
clothed people returning from a soccer match (football, if we pretend to
be English for a moment). The encounter went south rather quickly, and
were willing to bet a lot of people at the train station that day would have
been much happier if Waldo had never been found.
The world fnally found Waldo
From staf and wire reports
Someone reported
communicated threats at
306 Estes Drive at 5:40
a.m. Monday, according to
Carrboro police reports.
Someone was cited for
possession of drug parapher-
nalia and given a trespassing
warning at the 500 block of
Jones Ferry Road at 8:29
p.m. Monday, according to
Carrboro police reports.
The person was trespassed
from the property for 10
years, reports state.
Someone drove while
impaired and struck a steel
post in a parking lot at
207 W. Main St. at 12:27
a.m. Tuesday, according to
Carrboro police reports.
The driver was trans-
ported to UNC Hospitals,
reports state.
Someone reported mis-
demeanor larceny, fraud
and trespassing at a Dollar
General at 104 N.C. 54 at
12:01 p.m. Tuesday, accord-
ing to Carrboro police
A lighted angel valued at
$13 and a long sleeve shirt
valued at $20 were stolen,
reports state.
Someone reported mis-
demeanor larceny at a Food
Lion at 602 Jones Ferry
Road at 6:24 p.m. Tuesday,
according to Carrboro police
The person stole beer,
diapers and paper towels,
valued at a total of $71.96,
reports state.
Someone reported lar-
ceny from a motor vehicle
at 5639 Old Chapel Hill
Road at 5:10 p.m. Monday,
according to Chapel Hill
police reports.
The person stole a telephone
or telephone equipment and an
MP3 player, valued at a total of
$65, reports state.
To make a calendar submission,
email calendar@dailytarheel.
com. Please include the date of
the event in the subject line, and
attach a photo if you wish. Events
will be published in the newspaper
on either the day or the day before
they take place.
Conversations in New Music:
Composer Eric Moe will give a
guest lecture as part of the mu-
sic departments Conversations
in New Music series. The event is
free and open to the public.
Time: 4 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Location: Person Hall
News Thursday, September 25, 2014 The Daily Tar Heel 2
ne-third of The Windy Hill Trio,
Dave Hart, performs live at Mellow
Mushrooms Live Music Wednesdays.
Predominantly a cover band, the trio has a reper-
toire filled with the sounds of rock and the blues.
Due to a source error, Mondays page 3 story Local activist groups raise environmental con-
cerns incorrectly identified one of the protesters in the story. UNC freshman John Fleshman did
participate in the protest. Due to a reporting error, the same story mischaracterized Fleshmans
opinions regarding the protest. He is advocating for social revolution, and he said many of the
worlds environmental issues are a result of technological and industrial intervention. The Daily
Tar Heel apologizes for the errors.
The Daily Tar Heel reports any inaccurate information published as soon as the error is discovered.
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on that page. Corrections also are noted in the online versions of our stories.
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News Thursday, September 25, 2014 The Daily Tar Heel 3
look to
move away
from coal
Sierra Student Coalition
will work with the board for
future clean investments.
By Jane Wester
Assistant University Editor
The University moved one step closer
to a coal-free endowment Wednesday.
The finance and infrastructure
committee of the Board of Trustees
approved a resolution sponsored by the
Sierra Student Coalition to target clean
energy in future investments for the
Universitys $2.1 billion endowment.
The resolution does not affect cur-
rent coal investments.
Its a really important step through
which the student activist group dem-
onstrated to the Board of Trustees
(that) we were able to use compromises
to take small steps to the greater goal,
for the greater good, said junior Jack
Largess, one of the Sierra members who
presented to the board.
Largess said the student activists will
work with the Board of Trustees and
UNC Management Company to follow
through on the resolution.
It was a nonbinding statement
of intent, which we think and the
Board of Trustees I think would also say
is an excellent place to start a new
chapter in the conversation about coal
and energy policy.
Night Parking
Charles Streeter, chairman of the
Employee Forum, told the Board of
Trustees Wednesday that he solic-
ited staff opinions on night parking
and received more than a hundred
responses in less than an hour.
He eventually received countless
phone calls and 397 email responses,
some several pages long, which he has
compiled into a 65-page document for
University administrators.
The majority of the staff felt that
there should not be nighttime parking
(fees), but about a third of respondents
said no, that they felt that the nighttime
parking should happen, he said.
Streeter said staff members had vari-
ous reasons for their opinions, which
the Employee Forum will be exploring
in the next several months.
We are very appreciative of the
University for taking a step back and
saying lets not do this right now and
have, you know, a very detailed look at
whats happening, he said.
Streeter said he knows action needs
to be taken on night parking but is not
sure how to resolve the issue.
It is a very big topic, its very touchy,
its a conundrum, he said.
Entrepreneurship update
Judith Cone, special assistant to the
chancellor for innovation and entre-
preneurship, said more resources are
needed for UNCs startups to expand.
This is not rocket science, this is
an investment, and I think were at
the moment when weve got to have a
greater investment, she said.
The University needs a central
space dedicated to supporting entre-
preneurship, Cone said. Cone said
many other universities have programs
like the Massachusetts Institute of
Technologys Media Lab, where cre-
ative entrepreneurial ideas can find
resources and support.
During the finance and infrastructure
committee meeting, Vice Chancellor
for Research Barbara Entwisle gave a
presentation on the benefits of UNCs 80
centers and institutes, which might see a
$15 million cut from the UNC Board of
Governors this year.
The centers and institutes only
receive about six percent of their $465.1
million budget or about $30.7 mil-
lion from state general funds.
The University must support its
research, instructional and service-
based centers and institutes to honor its
commitment to innovation, Cone said.
We have patchworked together
great spaces on the campus on a shoe-
string with our deans footing the bill
and helping Barbara split up some
money, she said.
We got the town and the county.
Were a really scrappy group of people
that make things happen.
Omololu Refilwe Babatunde, a geography and African studies major from Newark, Del., speaks about the Unsung Founders Memorial on Wednesday.
The Real Silent Sam group draws attention to memorials
By Sarah Kaylan Butler
Staff Writer
The Real Silent Sam, an activ-
ist group of students, faculty and
community members, created
a human replica of the Unsung
Founders Memorial Wednesday to
bring attention to the controversy
surrounding it.
The Unsung Founders Memorial,
installed in 2005, is a bronze table-
like structure found in McCorkle
Place, but is often overlooked
because of its shorter stature.
Senior Omololu Babatunde, a
Real Silent Sam organizer, said
the goal of the demonstration was
to unsettle people and make them
take a second look at the memorial
because the history of black people
on campus is minimalized.
As a person of color on this cam-
pus, the memorial makes me angry,
Babatunde said. I think it makes
me angry because it was built to
have a certain function that is used
not for the memorial of a certain
people, but is used for sitting down
and changing a babys diaper.
She said instead of memorial-
izing the legacy of black people on
campus, like the University intend-
ed, the Unsung Founders Memorial
generally serves the public, exactly
what the people it is supposed to be
honoring did serve.
The group is planning an edu-
cational campaign this year, called
Get to Know Your School, which
will focus on a different contested
site each month.
What Real Silent Sam is trying
to do is illuminate the history, but
its also trying to allow students to
complicate the present, too, to see
that these things are still occur-
ring, Babatunde said. We real-
ized that what we were frustrated
about wasnt necessarily that these
things exist, but more so that peo-
ple arent talking about them.
The Black Student Movement is
a partner to The Real Silent Sam
and helped publicize the event.
Trey Mangum, president of
BSM, did not attend the event, but
said he was shocked the memorial
is not more prominent.
It is interesting that a memo-
rial for people who literally built
this University has such a minimal
presence on this campus, espe-
cially in relation to monuments
like Silent Sam, he said.
Destiny Planter, vice president of
Black Student Movement, said The
Real Silent Sam successfully hosted
the progressive demonstration.
Planter said she does not think
the memorial does a good job
of making students aware and
respectful of black history.
Its seen kind of as like a table,
Planter said. People dont really pay
as much attention to it. Some people
even smoke there. So I think that its
a big disrespect to my culture.
The Real Silent Sam plans to
continue the conversation Thursday
in the Pit with a similar demon-
stration at 12:20 p.m., Babatunde
said. The group is also promoting a
discussion on blackness at UNC and
the Unsung Founders Memorial at 7
p.m. in Saunders Hall.
Student veterans face tough transition
By Anyssa Reddix
Staff Writer
Senior Steven Chickos was home for less than
a month after serving three years in the U.S.
Marine Corps, before coming to UNC and the
transition was hard on the infantryman.
I got out Dec. 24, 2010, and I immediately
enrolled for that January semester in 2011,
he said.
Chickos, now the vice president of the
Carolina Veterans Organization, was disap-
pointed with the resources UNC offered when
he first came to campus.
There werent a lot of resources to cater
toward the difficulties that some of the student
veterans had, Chickos said. I think that was
the worst part of it.
After years of hearing from advocates, UNC
is starting to make real progress connecting
student veterans to more services.
After coming to UNC from George Mason
University, Assistant Dean of Students Brian
Papajcik started the Green Zone program, which
trains faculty to issues veterans face. This fall,
the program will be offered to students.
Papajcik said most student veterans have dif-
ficulty connecting with their peers in classes.
How do you go on and collaborate your expe-
rience with people who havent gone through
what youve gone through? Papajcik said.
The organization is planning to create a
resource center, which Chickos hopes will cre-
ate strong relationships for vets.
We wanted a safe haven for veterans to feel
at home, Chickos said.
But UNC still has a lot of work to do when it
comes to providing support for its veterans.
Senior Jacob Hinton, president of the
Carolina Veterans Organization, explained how
the needs of veterans can be difficult to under-
stand because they arent typical freshmen or
transfer students.
Advisers do not know how to work around
the G.I. Bill, he said.
Shane Hale, who works in Davis Library
and served five and a half years in the Army
before attending UNC, advises the Carolina
Veterans Organization part-time. Upon his
return, he said he most struggled with not
knowing what Facebook was.
When you come back, youre behind the
times, he said.
Weve gained a lot of momentum, said Lara
Taylor, a 2014 UNC graduate and a founding
member of the Carolina Veterans Organization.
From left to right, Jacob Hinton, Lara Taylor
and Steven Chickos, of the Carolina Veterans
Organization, meet to discuss upcoming plans.
Carolina Veterans Organization
are fighting for more resources.
I think Carolina will be a great place for veter-
ans to come.
Hale said hed like to see better understand-
ing from other students.
You kind of feel invisible, Hale said.
Sometimes you get some disrespect from other
people due to their view of the military, and
they dont agree with the politics of the war you
went to, even though you had no choice.
SafeWalk gets funding back from Congress
By David Doochin
Staff Writer
SafeWalk will no longer operate
in the red, Student Government
officials believe.
In a finance committee meeting
Monday night, members of Student
Congress passed a bill to allocate
$25,000 to SafeWalk, the Student
Government initiative that promotes
safety for UNC students. Before
Monday, the program had owed
about $20,000 to Student Congress.
Finance committee chairman
Josh Aristy said it was important
to offer financial help to the pro-
gram for it to become more eco-
nomically sustainable.
We really do care about
SafeWalk, so we want to make sure
that they can survive in the best
way possible, Aristy said.
The money comes from the
Student Government reversions
balance, which includes any
funds allotted to student groups
that went unspent by the end of
the academic year. Student Body
Treasurer Brittany Best said its not
uncommon to end up with a lot
left in the reversions balance.
At the end of the year there will
be some money that hasnt been
spent, and all that reverts back on
the last day of the fiscal year, she
said. We have $116,000 in rever-
sions, which is a high number.
Ryan Darge, SafeWalks pro-
gram and finance director, said he
is confident that the more sustain-
able economic plan for SafeWalk
will prevent future debt.
I dont think we ll reach a point
ever again where theres a deficit
because the plan that weve put in
place over the past few weeks will
counteract that, he said.
Best said the student safety
and security committees organi-
zational issues have caused con-
fusion about whos responsible
for funding SafeWalk.
Josh (Aristy) and I are going to
go to (the student safety and secu-
rity committee) and basically say,
Hey, time to pay us back, because
were basically fronting safety and
security this money since they
cant meet yet without a chair,
she said. This is a situation that
needs to be rectified, and we dont
want SafeWalk to be punished
because of this situation. Its our
responsibility to fix this.
No matter who ends up paying
the $25,000, Aristy said SafeWalk
wouldnt be expected to pay it back.
Its essentially a grant, but were
gonna be getting that money back
from safety and security, and if not,
for whatever reason, then it will
just be a grant, he said.
Best said even if the student
safety and security committee
fails to reimburse the finance
committee, giving the $25,000 to
SafeWalk will not be a waste.
Because SafeWalk is obviously
very, very important on campus, I
personally feel that if they can get
one student home that wouldnt
have gotten there otherwise, its
worth every penny, she said.
The program previously
owed more than $20,000
to Student Congress.
The frst special issue from
the Project and
Investigations Team will
feature stories on local
seafood, dining hall waste,
the ABC Commission
and more.
The Daily Tar Heel presents the issue Wednesday.
Arts & Culture Thursday, September 25, 2014 The Daily Tar Heel 4
By Jamie Stuart
Staff Writer
When Timothy Holley
picks up his cello in Person
Recital Hall tonight, the piece
he says will carry the most
meaning will be played in
memory of Trayvon Martin.
Its a reference both to the
tragedy of Trayvon Martin
two years ago, as well as the
sense of human tragedy, said
By Samantha Sabin
Senior Writer
Although comedy troupe
Three Dollar Bills show for
N.C. Pride tonight will be
LGBTQ-themed, not every
joke will be about being gay.
The comedy isnt centered
around being a member of
the LGBT community, said
Robbie Wiggins, a member
of Three Dollar Bill. It just
showcases the normalcy of
the community.
Along with being the first
LGBTQ-themed show the
group has done, tonights
show at DSI Comedy Theater
also marks the reunion of
Three Dollar Bill, which has
been performing off-and-on
throughout the past two years.
Formed about three years
ago by five gay comedians at
DSI, Three Dollar Bill is now
made up of seven comedi-
ans who are all a part of the
LGBTQ community.
You get excited about
every show that you do, but
this shows kind of got that
Pride feel to it, said Brandon
Holmes, who has been with
Three Dollar Bill since it first
formed. Everything at (N.C.)
Pride just feels more fun and
When DSI moved to Chapel
Hill in May, the manage-
ment team decided to expand
their scheduling from three
nights a week to five nights.
DSI associate artistic direc-
tor Ashley Melzer said with
the expansion, DSI wanted to
have Three Dollar Bill back on
a more consistent basis.
We wanted this to be a
show that was about per-
sonal identity, she said. Its
just about these people who
are who they are and are
proud of it.
LGBTQ comedians kick o NC Pride
Meagen Voss, Robbie Wiggins and Brandon Holmes are members of Three Dollar Bill LGBTQ comedy
group. They play a warm-up game to rehearse before their performance Tuesday night at DSI Comedy.
Cellist uses personal piece to
honor Trayvon Martin
The troupe celebrates all of
its shows, Holmes said. But
tonights show is special.
We were talking about
more ways to get the commu-
nity involved, and theres no
better way than to become a
part of (N.C.) Pride, Holmes
said. Ultimately, its a show
for everybody, but I think it
specifically resonates with the
LGBT community.
Three Dollar Bills typi-
cal show features a variety of
short and long-form improvi-
sational games. But this show
will include a third act of
just local stand-up comedi-
ans who are also members of
the LGBTQ community, and
improv games tailored to the
nights theme, Melzer said.
One game is called Gaga
an adaptation of a game
called Dr. Know-It-All, in
which one person asks ques-
tions of an all-knowing figure.
But tonight, Lady Gaga will
appear with all the answers.
After that, we just want
it be a comedy show run by
LGBT folks, Holmes said.
Five local stand-up come-
dians including Gretchen
McNeely, Tucker Bullock,
Mimi Benfield and Satana
Deberry will then perform
their routines.
Melzer said there might
also be surprise appearances
by Chapel Hill Mayor Mark
Kleinschmidt and Carrboro
Mayor Lydia Lavelle. Lavelle is
also celebrating her 40th anni-
versary with her partner today.
Wiggins said its the people
in the comedy show who will
make the experience unique.
Its really just people
who happen to be a part of
that community and also do
comedy, Wiggins said.
We want to state the fact
that this is just who we are,
and we do comedy.
Three Dollar Bill
is returning to DSI
Comedy tonight.
Holley, a professor at N.C.
Central University whose solo
cello recital will feature the
works of African-American
Trayvon Martin was a
17-year-old Florida resident
who was shot dead by George
Zimmerman, a neighborhood
watch volunteer, in 2012.
Zimmermans subsequent
trial drew national media
attention and sparked an
ongoing dialogue about racial
profiling and gun violence.
Zimmerman was acquitted
in 2013.
Holley said the work dedi-
cated to Martin was written
by African-American com-
poser James Lee III.
The concert is hosted by
the UNC Music Department
through its Guest Artist
Recital program.
Holley is a formally trained
classical musician who did
his doctoral research on the
music of African-American
composers for the cello, a
field he said has interested
him for a while. Tonights
performance, entitled
Mors Janua Vitae Music
in Progress and Process:
Memory Projected Into the
Future, will feature the works
of four composers, three of
whom are African-American.
The last work on the pro-
gram is a three-movement
solo cello sonata written
specifically for Holley by com-
poser Adolphus Hailstork.
For the past month, Holley
has been doing a series of per-
formances of the piece.
The word sonata is par-
tially derived from the Latin
word that means a song for
sounding, Holley said. I
certainly get to sing a great
deal on my instrument in this
piece, but there is no text that
is intended to be sung in the
process, but it is still a sound-
ing and singing process.
Holley said he has prob-
ably performed more music
of Hailstorks at UNC than
any other composer thus far.
The two are close friends, and
Holley played another piece of
Hailstorks at UNC in 2013
one which Hailstork ended up
dedicating to Holley thanks to
his help editing the score.
The connection between
what I performed last year
for the folks who came to the
recital and Thursday will cer-
tainly be the ongoing celebra-
tion of Adolphus Hailstorks
music, Holley said.
Holley has lived in the
Triangle area for about 18
years, the majority of which
he has spent working as a
professor at NCCU.
He certainly brings that
performing feel and that
literature and that tradi-
tion along with his teaching
and the scholarship that he
does in the music of African-
American composers, said
Ralph Barrett, chairman of
the NCCU Department of
Brent Wissick, UNC music
professor and head of the
departments strings area,
said he hopes concert attend-
ees receive a rich and gratify-
ing musical experience, but
also that they leave thinking
about the issues the theme
I think some students may
not realize the classical cello
can be a part of this great tra-
dition of approaching Afro-
American music, Wissick
Many boundaries can be
The professor will
perform in Person
Recital Hall tonight.
9/25: LONNIE WALKER, Dinosaur Feathers
9/26: Brendan James**($12/$14)
9/27: Carrboro Music Fest Kickoff show: THE LOVE
9/29: Torche - 10 Year Anniversary Tour ( $15)
10/ 3: GARDENS & VILLA**($10/$12) w/ SANDY Alex G
10/8: Elastic Bond ($7)
10/10: Perfume Genius w/Matteah Baim**($13/$15)
10/13: Slothrust (CEG has moved to 10/14 at Local 506)
10/15: Busdriver w/ Clipping and Milo**($12/$14)
w/ Loudermilks**($8)
10/18 The River Whyless
10/19: KNOX HAMILTON / Colony House**($10/$12)
10/21: Arum Rae w/Shannon OConnor**($8/$10)
10/24: Brother Ali w/ Bambu & DJ LAST WORD**($15)
10/25: DADS, Tiny Moving Parts, Nai Harvest, Naked Naps
10/27: ORENDA FINK*($10)
1028: Wampire w/ TOPS ($10, presented by Local 506)
10/30: Denzel Curry / Deniro Farrar ($15)
10/31: Neon Hitch
11/3: THIS WILL DESTROY YOU**($12/$14) w/Future Death
11/5: CAPTURED! BY ROBOTS**($10)
11/7: CunninLynguists w/J-Live**($12/$14)
11/10: LILY & MADELEINE ($10/$12) w/Shannon Hayden
11/12: GREG HUMPHREYS Electric Trio**$12/$15)
11/15: SLOAN**($15)
11/16: Empires
12/2: Stephen Kellogg**($20)
12/6: The Stray Birds**($10) w/Jordie Lane
10/3: KING TUFF**($12/$14) w/Lee Bains III & the Glory Fires
11/5, 11/6 ( two nights): ROBYN HITCHCOCK**($20/$23)
9/27: THE HEAD AND THE HEART ($24/$30) w/Belle Brigade
10/25: WILCO (Sold Out)
11/ 14: STARS w/ Hey Rosetta**(20/$22)
10/17: THE WAR ON DRUGS w/ Peter Matthew Bauer
(of Walkmen)
10/30, 10/31: SYLVAN ESSO (both nights are sold out.)
11/6: LAKE STREET DIVE**($18/$20)
11/29: Relient K w/ Blondfire and From Indian Lakes**
12/12: LOST IN THE TREES**($15/$17)
9/27: THE CONNELLS w/ the Backsliders and Chris
SHOWS AT LOCAL 506 (Chapel Hill):
10/14: Cymbals Eat Guitars
11/ 4: MEAT PUPPETS and CASS MCCOMBS**($17/$20)
12/2: GENERATIONALS w/Lowell**($10/$12)
11/4: IAN HUNTER (and the Rant Band)** ($22/$25)
11/6: CARL PALMERS ELP LEGACY** ($25/$28)
SHOWS AT Hayti Heritage Center (Durham):
12/12: MANCHESTER ORCHESTRA w/Chris Staples
SHOWS AT THE RITZ (Raleigh) have been moved:
10/15: PHANTOGRAM** w/Lia Ices ($25/$28) now at
Haw River Ballroom
10/22: JIMMY EAT WORLD**($25/$28) now at
Lincoln Theatre
25 TH: OK Go ( Sold out)
27 SA: WHOS BAD? ( MJ Tribute)
28 SU: Carrboro Music Festival ( Free show/ 3 PM-
29 MO: POMPLAMOOSE**($14/$16) w/John
1 WE: GLENN TILBROOK**($25) w/Jefferson
2 TH: WALTZ NIGHT (Chocolate Suede) ($10)
3 FR: THE BLACK LIPS, The King Khan & BBQ
Show, Shine Brothers**($17)
CELEBRATION feat. The Julie Ruin, Ex Hex,
Mount Moriah, Shirlette Ammons, Pink Flag, Silent
Lunch, Midnight Plus One, Cosmic Punk
OCT 7: AFGHAN WHIGS**($30) w/Joseph Arthur
8 WE: OLD 97s**($20/$22) w/David Wax Museum
10 FR: WXYC 90s Dance**($8 / $5 for students)
11 SA: FLYLEAF w/Lullwater, Ryan White **($15/
12 MO: FLYING LOTUS w/ Thundercat**($28/
13 TU: ELECTRIC SIX**($13/$15) w/ The Soft
White Sixties
15 WE: NEW POLITICS w/Bad Suns, Some Kind Of
16 TH: tUnE-yArDs**($18/$20) w/James Tillman
18 SA: WARPAINT**($17/$20) w/Liam Finn
19 SU: TY DOLLA $IGN*($20/$23)
22 WE: THE JAYHAWKS**($22/$25)
24 FR: TODD SNIDER**($20/$23) w/Elizabeth
26 SU : Less Than Jake w/ The Interrupters**
Oct 29: TEMPLES w/ Spires**
Oct 31: WATSKY w/KYLE, Anderson .Paak**
2 SU: SOHN**($12/$14) w/ Wet
3 MO: Run the Jewels w/ Ratking and special
guest Despot ($20)
4 TU: JOEY BADA$$**($20)
w/Kevin Garrett
7 FR: BROAD CITY LIVE (Sold Out! )
8 SA: The OLD CEREMONY w/DSI Comedy (Mr
Diplomat) ($10/$12)
11 TU: YELLE** w/Lemonade** ($18/$20)
13 TH: TIMEFLIES** ($25/$28)
14 FR: YANN TIERSEN**($18/$20)
15 SA: [The GUIDED BY VOICES show has been
16 SU: CARIBOU**($18/$20) w/Jessy Lanza
w/ The Twilight Sad
19 TH: MC CHRIS**($13/$15) w/MC Lars and
21 FR: BLONDE REDHEAD**($17/$20)
22 SA: JONATHAN RICHMAN (featuring Tommy
Larkins on drums!)**($15)
28/ 29 ( Two nights!): MANDOLIN ORANGE
10 WE: LIVING COLOUR w/John Wesley**($22/
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Thursday, September 25, 2014 The Daily Tar Heel 5
Visit the Arts & Culture blog:
Arts & Culture this week
Time: 8 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 27
Location: Carrboro ArtsCenter
Time: 5 p.m. Friday, Sept. 26
Location: Carrboro Farmers Market
Time: Various times, Saturday and
Sunday, Sept. 27 and 28
Location: Carrboro
Time: 4 p.m. Friday, Sept. 26
Location: Person Recital Hall
Time: 8 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 27
Location: Cats Cradle, Carrboro
Chapel Hills treasure in the woods
By Robert McNeely
Senior Writer
Despite its eye-catching archi-
tecture and the various rumors
surrounding its history, Forest
Theatre might still be the best
kept secret on UNCs campus.
Built into the hillside on the
Universitys eastern edge on
Country Club Road, the stone
amphitheater has existed for
nearly a century, and many stu-
dents arent even aware of it.
I dont know much, but its
been around a long time, said
senior dramatic arts major Max
Bitar. Ive heard this rumor that
one of the stones in the theater is
actually from the Globe Theatre
from when Shakespeare was alive,
but I dont know if its true.
The first dramatic perfor-
mance at Forest Theatres
location was to celebrate
the tricentennial of William
Shakespeares death in 1916, and
Shakespearean plays have been
staple of the location ever since.
In 2013 Bitar starred in
LAB! Theatres Henry VI pro-
duction, which was staged in
Forest Theatre. He said he not
only loved the experience, but
thought using the space added
depth to the performance.
It really lends itself well
to theater like Shakespeare,
he said. The space is so large
it gives you a lot of room to
invest. I mean, how much more
Shakespearean can you feel
when youre surrounded by
stones in an amphitheater?
Bitar said the theater could
also be difficult to use because of
the lighting, acoustic and weather
issues that come from being out-
side and that its not ideal for most
contemporary performances.
It was very active and fun
but a different experience, said
Catherine Shocket, a sophomore
dramatic arts major who also
acted in Henry VI.
The biggest difficulty we had
was that there was one flood light
at nighttime and so trying to run
around behind the theater to get
on the stage in two minutes, you
had to hurry, she said.
Shocket said in spite of techni-
cal challenges, the space was still
wonderful to work in and one of
her favorite experiences in college.
Live theaters always exciting,
but (Forest Theatre) adds even
more elements, she said. If
youre actually outside and you
can hear trees rustling and birds
it just makes it that much
more real and alive than being
in a dark auditorium.
The location was developed into
a permanent theater by Carolina
PlayMakers founder and UNC
professor Frederick Koch, a few
years after it hosted its first per-
formance. Today, Forest Theatre
is a part of the North Carolina
Botanical Garden, which manages
and schedules its bookings.
Its used by departments who
put on plays, but the most well-
known use is by the Paperhand
Puppet Intervention, said Johnny
Randall, director of conservation
programs at the Garden.
Randall said Paperhand has
been staging shows in the venue
for years and that they share
similar interests in the message
of environmental protection and
being out in nature.
Although the theater books
everything from plays to weddings,
the space is still not widely used by
UNC students and performers.
I think most people come
about the theater by stumbling
upon it, said UNC graduate
Madison McKenzie Scott, who
performed in LAB!s Henry VI
as a senior.
Also, if a company hasnt
seen something done in a space,
theres a bit of a cognitive block in
understanding how to use it. That
might deter people as well.
Scott said despite many
peoples lack of familiarity with
the theater, she still remembers
rumors floating around about
its use, such as the secretive
Order of Gimghoul utilizing it for
covert activities.
Though no rumors about
Forest Theatre have been sub-
stantiated, Randall said the venue
is currently raising money to
install a permanent lighting and
sound system, in the hopes that a
renovation will make the theater
more accessible.
I hope if they do change it, they
dont change much, Bitar said.
Its really rare for a college
campus to have a space like that,
and it provides an opportunity
to take on some really big, really
challenging shows. I hope its
my very large hope we ll start
to see more there.
News Thursday, September 25, 2014 The Daily Tar Heel 6
By Sofia Edelman
Staff Writer
At 12 years old, most kids
arent starting a project that
will one day become a suc-
cessful company. But Brent
Comstock was, and continues
to be, an exception.
Comstock, a sophomore
Robertson Scholar from
Auburn, Neb., is the founder
and chief innovator of BCom
Solutions, LLC, a creative
marketing and technology
solutions firm.
Growing up in rural
Nebraska, Comstock occu-
pied his time by playing the
keyboard for his churchs
choir and fixing computers in
exchange for cookies.
Bob Engles, former mayor
of Auburn and a good friend
of Comstocks, said he has
always been mature.
Whether it was academics,
music, in the line of commu-
nity involvement, you could
tell he was always way ahead
of all of his peers, Engles
Even before Comstock
graduated high school, he
moved his childhood business
into the adult realm.
Everything was all me
until junior year of high
school. I was programmer, IT
repair man, salesman, cable
puller, he said. Then we
started adding on a lot of web
design components. So then
we started to bring on team
The title of team member
was Comstocks choice.
We have 15 people in total
who work as team members,
no one is an employee. Its
one of those cultural things
that bothers me, he said with
a smirk. Its hard enough
taking instructions from a
One of Comstocks men-
tors at UNC, Ted Zoller,
director of the Center for
Sophomore Robertson Scholar Brent Comstock is the founder of BCom Solutions, LLC, a creative marketing and technology solutions firm.
By Mohammed Hedadji
Staff Writer
A group of about 15 stu-
dents gathering Wednesday
night in Greenlaw Hall
to discuss the history of
banned books agreed that
banning literature keeps
people from considering
important ideas.
The discussion was
hosted by the UNC
Student Organization for
Undergraduate Literature,
which invited participants
to bring books that had been
banned at one point in time.
Senior and SOUL
Co-President Andrew
Soboeiro said the event
allowed students to commu-
nicate their personal expe-
riences with their favorite
It is a great outlet for dis-
cussing and expressing the
ideas that you have while you
read, Soboeiro said.
The event took place dur-
ing Banned Books Week, an
annual, national event that
promotes the right to access
forms of literature freely,
without bans or censorship.
It is important to reflect
on why we are really con-
cerned about the issue of
censorship, Soboeiro said.
Recognizing why things
were banned in the past
will hopefully stop us from
banning things for the same
reasons now.
The discussion began
with each student sharing a
favorite banned book and the
reason it was banned.
Many books are banned
over themes such as sex and
sexuality, religion, acts con-
sidered morally repulsive and
gender issues, such as the
depiction of females as pow-
erful or as protagonists.
When governments
ban books, they usually
want to control part of the
publics thoughts, said Alice
Martin, senior and SOUL
Martin said governing
bodies shouldnt have the
right to limit what people
can read.
Everything, regardless of
your opinions on it, deserves
to be discussed. Even if you
disagree with it, she said.
Sophomore political
science major Stephanie
McCormick agreed.
You have to recognize
alternative viewpoints than
your own, she said.
Sophomore physics major
Emma Dedmond agreed.
It is important to have
access to information and
to be able to form your own
ideas and your own beliefs,
she said.
Another talking point at
the meeting was governing
bodies tendency to deem
certain works inappropriate
for children and young
adults and then ban them for
readers of all ages.
Many popular contempo-
rary books including The
Great Gatsby, The Catcher
in the Rye, the Harry Potter
series, and One Flew Over
the Cuckoos Nest have
been banned at one point or
Dedmond said such books
were valuable to read as a
They seemed like such
positive influences on my life
at the time, she said.
Dedmond added that ban-
ning books keeps the public
from discussing important
You should never censor
an idea.
Senior Andrew Soboeiro, co-president of SOUL, speaks at the banned books event Wednesday.
Sophomore Brent
Comstock runs a tech
company from UNC.
The group shared
their favorite
banned books.
Hes an innovator in chief
SOUL talks banned
books, censorship
Entrepreneurial Studies, said
Comstock sees opportunities
where others do not.
He is a hard-wired entre-
preneur, Zoller said. There
is no doubt in my mind that
Comstock will be a wildly suc-
cessful entrepreneur.
Comstock said technologi-
cal startups are much more
rare in rural Nebraska than in
Durhams Research Triangle
Park, and his Auburn commu-
nity supported him immense-
ly. Comstock also credits his
parents for their support.
My dad was a plumber
and my mom was in public
education and they always
said, When youre going to do
something, put your all in it,
Comstock said.
Even though hes busy man-
aging his business from about
1,100 miles away, Comstock
makes time for school.
When I came to college, I
realized I had to be a student
then an entrepreneur, he said.
From an academic stand-
point, Ive found classes that
challenged me to apply what I
was learning in the classroom
to my business ventures.
Even with the added
responsibilities of working
with the Wesley Campus
Ministry and advising the
Technology and Web branch
of Student Government,
Comstock said he has time to
be a typical college student.
I really enjoy playing the
piano and musical things.
Just doing things that dont
require a lot of energy, a lot of
stress, he said. Anything that
takes me out of technology,
that brings me out.
Engles said Comstock still
puts an unparalleled amount
of passion into his work.
He is what small towns
need to be evolving into.
Its hard enough
taking instructions
from a 19-year-old.
Brent Comstock,
Founder of BCom Solutions, LLC
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News Thursday, September 25, 2014 The Daily Tar Heel 7
Tar Heels
on defense
By Hannah Jaggers
Staff Writer
Staff at HOPE Gardens
have been under stress since
their land was listed as a site
that could be sold by the town,
but their community garden
has remained productive.
The garden is doing really
well, said junior Mari Moss, a
HOPE co-chair.
Were a little bit overgrown.
We have so much squash, tons
of tomatoes. Its one of the
most productive summers that
weve ever had.
The HOPE Gardens prop-
erty is not likely to be sold
in the near future following
a community petition to the
Chapel Hill Town Council.
Staff at HOPE Gardens peti-
tioned the council at its Sept. 8
meeting to reconsider adding
the gardens Homestead Road
property to a list of plots to
potentially be sold.
As of right now, the council
has stated that it has no imme-
diate plans for the sale of the
property, said Emily Auerbach,
senior adviser at HOPE
Gardens and a senior at UNC.
A group of local real estate
professionals and Chapel Hill
town staff reviewed town assets
and disposable properties to
determine whether they could
be used for other purposes.
Six properties, including
the HOPE Gardens site, were
put on a list of plots in con-
sideration to be sold.
Junior Jocelyn Pianowski,
co-chair of HOPE Gardens,
said the student-run com-
munity garden did not imme-
diately feel threatened by the
addition of their property to
the asset list until they were
approached by developers.
We have been approached
by two separate entities that
are interested in purchas-
ing and developing the
Homestead Road property,
Pianowski said at the council
Moss said council members
responded positively to the
They told us that they had
already seen a lot of grass-
roots support for the move-
ment, said Moss. They saw
that we were a valuable asset
to the community and that we
were doing a lot of good.
Town staff will present
a reponse to the petition
to the council Oct. 15 busi-
ness meeting, said Jason
Damweber, assistant to the
town manager, in an email.
Jim Orr, director of
the Chapel Hill Parks and
Recreation Department, also
expressed his support for the
community garden, whether
it stays at its current site or
We partnered with them
since day one, said Orr.
We will continue to help
the garden if the location is
there. If it is sold, what we
would do, we would assist
them in trying to find anoth-
er location.
Auerbach said HOPE
is not likely to have to find
another location at this point.
She said council member
Lee Storrow assured her the
council would not seriously
consider selling the HOPE
Gardens property any time in
the near future.
Despite the support shown
by the town, the future of the
HOPE Gardens plot will be
determined by the council
Its all in the hands of
the council, said Auerbach.
They have complete
By Carlos Collazo
Assistant Sports Editor
Before practice Wednesday
afternoon, North Carolina
defensive coordinator Vic
Koenning thought back to the
worst times in his coaching
After Saturdays 70-41 loss
to East Carolina, Koenning
realized that a loss hadnt felt
this bad since his time with
Wyoming, when he was the
head coach from 2000-02.
This season with the Tar
Heels, Koenning has found
himself working more on fun-
damental issues than he has
since he was with the Cowboys.
Its been a long time, since
I probably was at Wyoming
that I had to work, try to
coach all these little bitty
details, Koenning said.
Typically, youve got guys
that just do these things and
its not something that you
have to try to fix everything.
So this week, in prepara-
tion for its biggest game of
the season against Clemson,
the team is going back to its
usual defensive scheme one
thats been in place for three
years now with Coach Larry
Fedora in charge.
Were more in a base
scheme, Fedora said. It ll be
a lot more simplified. We ll
be doing things that weve
been doing since day one of
installs from three years ago
For the defensive players,
thats a comforting thought.
Oh, it gives us a lot of con-
fidence, said senior bandit
Norkeithus Otis. Its some-
thing that we know a little bit
better than what we played
last week (against ECU).
(Clemson is) a good offen-
sive team. They do a lot of
eye candy to try and get you
distracted have a motion
going this way, then run the
ball another way. So you gotta
stay alert on your keys, do
your keys and just play ball.
Koenning said the team has
worked on several areas this
week: getting more players
to the ball carrier, taking bet-
ter routes and sticking with
gap assignments. More than
anything though, tackling has
remained the primary focus.
Tackling, tackling and get-
ting to the ball, he said. We
were missing tackles at a 30,
40 percent clip. There wasnt
any play where we didnt have
somebody there technically,
we just werent able to tackle
people in space.
(The) two biggest things
we felt like we gotta get better
at is what we call gap integri-
ty whos got what gap, stay
in that gap, thats your job
and then missing tackles.
Koenning has been working
on all of these things with his
defense this week to prepare
for the Tigers, but there comes
a point where, as a coach,
Koenning cant do anything.
Sometimes guys overthink
and they stop, he said. Its
fear. Fear of failure, fear of
getting hit, fear of hitting. We
got some guys that, thats part
of the reason why they strug-
gle with tackling. And you
know, coaches cant fix that.
Still, Koenning isnt offer-
ing up excuses.
We have to achieve regard-
less of the circumstances, he
said. Were trying to do right
by these kids, and by the fans,
and by everybody else and I
tell you: Nobody cares about
these guys more than we do,
nobody wants them to do well
more than we do, nobodys
working harder or has more of
a desire to get them to succeed
more than we do.
Chapel Hill Town Council members promised HOPE Gardens staff they would not seriously consider selling the gardens land.
Town not likely to sell
HOPE Gardens property
Town staff working
on response to
community petition.
From Page One Thursday, September 25, 2014 The Daily Tar Heel 8
they received a small amount
of supplemental funding for
programs to help immigrant
children many of whom
have an interrupted education
succeed in school.
Because this is a new
dynamic that weve had
and its very recent, since
January were trying not
to be in triage mode and try-
ing to kind of look ahead in
knowing what our needs are
now and how they are about
to grow, she said.
Veronica Aguilar, co-chair-
woman of the UNC Students
United for Immigration
Equality, said public education
is necessary for undocumented
minors to support themselves
financially in the future.
Theres already a limita-
tion to higher education, and
to completely block off the
only type of education that
they would be able to access
public education its just
cruel, she said.
Gov. Pat McCrory held a
press conference in August to
address the issue and signed
a letter in July with five other
state governors, urging the
president to return the influx
of unaccompanied children to
their home country.
We are concerned that
there will be significant num-
bers who will end up using
the public schools, social
services and health systems
largely funded by the states,
the letter said.
More importantly, we are
concerned that the failure to
return the unaccompanied
children will send a message
that will encourage a much
larger movement toward our
southern border.
Unaccompanied minors
face a complex legal process
once they are detained and
placed with a sponsor, who is
often a relative and serves as
the childs legal advocate.
Because they are minors
of age, they dont have the
capacity to admit to the
allegations against them,
to admit that they are not
admissible, that theyre
removable, said Mark
Bowers, an immigration
attorney from Legal Services
of Southern Piedmont.
Each child is given the
opportunity to appear in
court and claim asylum or
status as a special immigrant
juvenile, said Raul Pinto, N.C.
Justice Center attorney.
Because of the recent
influx, the Department of
Justice has issued a directive
ensuring the cases go to court
within 21 days.
That is really limiting your
options to look for compe-
tent legal representation, to
the point sometimes where
children just dont look for
representation, and often
dont show up to these hear-
ings and receive deportation
orders, Pinto said.
Daniela Hernandez Blanco,
UNC student and immigra-
tion rights activist, said the
influx of undocumented chil-
dren is a humanitarian crisis
and it shouldnt be as politi-
cized as it has been.
Were people, were not
just media headlines, she
said, referring to herself as an
immigrant. Were just trying
to make it to tomorrow with-
out getting deported.
toward you, he said.
A different route
Its common at UNC for
males to pursue an education
minor because they are inter-
ested in larger policy issues,
which McDiarmid said some-
what evens out the gender
distribution among education
minor students.
William Brown, a senior
history major and education
minor, said the gender dispar-
ity is still apparent in the edu-
cation minor.
If theres only two dudes
in the class, you kind of lose
out on the guys perspective
on things as well, he said.
Brown said he has taken
three education classes
through his minor and each
time, males have been in the
severe minority.
The only other male in
Browns education class this
semester is fellow senior,
history major and education
minor Dylan Kite.
Kite said he chose an
education minor because he
didnt decide on teaching
until later in his undergradu-
ate career. He said hes not
surprised so few men major
in education.
Its not surprising but I
wish it were different, he
said. You just dont meet that
many guys in education.
McDiarmid said UNCs
Baccalaureate Education in
Science and Teaching pro-
gram boasts a larger percent-
age of males than the tradi-
tional education major.
UNC-BEST provides sci-
ence, technology, engineering
and math majors with educa-
tion licensing opportunities.
There are 53 students
currently enrolled in the
UNC-BEST program, 12 of
whom are male. He said that
23 percent figure is a slight
improvement from the seven
percent of education majors,
McDiarmid said.
McDiarmid said he didnt
think the BEST Program was
pulling males from the tradi-
tional education major though.
Theyre two different
populations, he said. The
folks who go into the STEM
program are very serious
about their subject matter in
science or mathematics.
UNC-BEST students are
more driven by a passion
for the subject matter, while
education majors are more
driven by a desire to teach,
McDiarmid said.
Self-perpetuating cycle
McDiarmid said a small
percentage of male teachers
in elementary schools can
serve as a self-perpetuating
If you dont have male
teachers as a boy, you dont
think of that as a possible
profession for you, and it goes
on and on, he said.
McDiarmid said he has
felt for a long time that
the gender distribution in
the school of education is
a problem that needs to be
Theres something terri-
bly wrong with this, he said.
Theres now a heightened
awareness of the need to do
something about this.
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search study at Duke is recruiting healthy
adults 18-25 diagnosed with or having ADHD
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atric medication. Compensation provided.
Please call Aruna at 919-681-0048 or Joe at
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Child Care Wanted
Meet 10 and 12 year-old at bus stop. Drive
to afterschool activities. Clean driving record
needed. Previous child care experience and
positive references required. Must love chil-
dren! Send resume to or
AFTERSCHOOL CHILD CARE for 6 and 10 year-
old girls needed ASAP for 2-3 days/wk. Pick up
from school and drive to activities as needed.
Must have own car, excellent driving record
and references. Please contact Maureen., 919-597-9530.
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campus. Negotiable rent. References required.
showing and leasing properties for 2015-
16 school year. Walk to campus, 1BR-6BR
available. Contact via or
WALK TO CAMPUS. 2BR/1BA. Fully renovated.
W/D. Dishwasher. Central AC, heat. Available
immediately, $825/mo.,
ty, wooded, private, 1 acre property. 5
minutes to UNC or Park and Ride. 1BR,
small study. Private, brick patio. New
paint and carpet. No pets, but looking
for tenant to help with ours in exchange
for use of W/D. $650/mo. Includes utili-
ties. Available immediately. 919-632-
Help Wanted
LIVE IN HOUSEKEEPER for 1 person. No heavy
domestic work. Some meals, shopping. Pass
background check. Private furnished loft living
space +more. Much free time. Write for details.
DANCE DESIGN is now hiring. Part-time em-
ployment. Must have dance background.
Call 919-942-2131.
self motivated individuals that work well in-
dependently and on a team. Responsibilities
include: Assisting medical provider in direct
patient care, patient education and medical
documentation. Must have organizational and
exceptional communication skills. Must work
well with people. No experience required. 40
hrs/wk, M-F. Email
to apply. 919-401-1994.
PATHWAYS FOR PEOPLE, INC. is looking for
energetic individuals who are interested in
gaining experience while making a difference
in the life of an individual. Positions available
are: Adult male with autism in Chapel Hill. M-F
7-8:30am. Contact Michele. Teenage female
with down syndrome in Chapel Hill. M/W/F
4-7pm and every other Saturday for 5 hours.
Contact Rachael. Adult female with CP, lo-
cated in Briar Creek. Must be able to lift and
transfer individual. 2 positions available. M-F
8:30-11:30pm or Sa/Su 11 hours each day.
Contact Diana. Adult male with moderate DD
in Hillsborough. M-F 9am-5pm. Contact Ra-
chael. Adult female with IDD in Hillsborough.
30 hrs/wk, exible schedule. Contact Rachael.
Call 919-462-1663 and ask for the specic su-
Work in the heart of campus! The Carolina Club
is seeking a daytime lunch server. M-F 11am-
3pm. Apply in person. Kevin, 919-962-1101.
cepting applications for member service staff.
Must have customer service, computer and
phone system experience. Apply online at EOE.
FUN, VERY part-time, high energy event pho-
tography position for reliable, approachable
and outgoing students. Equipment and training
provided. Most events are Friday and Saturday
evenings 11:30pm-1am. Pay scale $30-$40 per
event. Call Tonya at 919-967-9576.
marketing ideas etc. Have some ideas? Great!
Just to do in your spare time. Email me: rob-, 919-888-1980.
Gymnastics has part-time positions avail-
able for energetic, enthusiastic instructors.
Applicants with knowledge of gymnastic
terminology and progression skills preferred,
but will train right candidate. Must be good
with children and available to work 3:30-
7:30pm, some weekends. Send a resume to
CAREGIVER FOR WOMAN. Evenings 4-7pm.
Duties: Medication and dressing assistance,
cooking, and light cleaning. Must be punctual,
trustworthy and practice good hygiene. Call
571-221 7342.
PART-TIME JOB: Looking for part-time or
full-time help with transferring electronic
medical records. Flexible hours. Temporary
position: Now through mid-December. Please
email resume to,
is accepting application for soc-
cer and volleyball staff. Apply online at EOE.
MODELS NEEDED for evening sessions for
Durham sculpture studio. Classical gure and
portrait. Andrew Bryan, 919-929-9913.
ARE YOU A freshman, sophomore, junior? Year
round, low stress job on campus: STUDENT as-
sistant needed at Lineberger Cancer Center.
FLEXIBLE 3 hour shift Minimum. 12 hrs/wk.
Email resume:
and caring part-time afternoon assistant teach-
ers for infants and toddlers. Applicants must be
available to work M-F 1-6pm, 2-6pm or 3-6pm.
Must have passed at least 1 early childhood
education course. Requires energy, depend-
ability and excellent health. A TB test, screen-
ing and criminal record check through the Divi-
sion of Child Development and Early Education
is required prior to starting. Send resume and
letter of interest to or call
919 929-3585.
PAID INTERNSHIP: Gain valuable business
experience with The AroundCampus Group,
a Chapel Hill collegiate marketing company.
Flexible schedule. Average $13/hr. Email re-
sume to
Tutoring Wanted
10th grader needs help. Either Monday or
Tuesday evenings in our home near Pittsboro.
$30/hr. Leave message, 919-545-0175.
10th grader at Chapel Hill High School with
a diagnosis of ADHD. Prefer an education
graduate student with excellent organi-
zation skills. Salary negotiable. Contact with resume
and references.
BE AN ESL VOLUNTEER! Help school age
ESL students from various countries, Chapel
Hill-Carrboro schools. Training 9/23 or 9/30,
5:30-9pm. Register:
teer. or call
919-967-8211 ext. 28339.
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To get the advantage, check the day's rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging.
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
Today is an 8 -- Let hope replace an old fear.
Dont do a job thats no longer necessary.
Use your imagination. Listen, dont argue.
Theres potential for breakage. Clean up
messes. Good luck comes out of left field.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
Today is an 8 -- Dont worry about the
money. Follow your heart. A lucky break
arises when you least expect it. Dont
over-extend, though. Consider what you
really want, and go for that. Live simply,
pursuing joy.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
Today is an 8 -- Group efforts bring magni-
fied rewards. Unexpected luck fills in the
gap between what you have and what you
intend to accomplish. Keep in action, and
invite more participation. Many hands make
light work.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
Today is an 8 -- Being well organized is cru-
cial. Gather valuable information, and care-
fully file. You dont mind shaking things up a
bit. Your good work adds to your reputation.
Take it up a notch. Luck blesses dedication.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
Today is a 7 -- Focus on the adventure at
hand, rather than future prospects. Theres
more money coming in. Dont drive love
away by being unavailable. Allow for some
spontaneity. Intuition matches the facts.
Explore new territory.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
Today is an 8 -- A fortunate surprise impacts
your bottom line. Organize paperwork and
process financial documents. Sign on the dot-
ted line! Manage family assets. Give away
what youre no longer using. Work together
to make it happen.
Aries (March 21-April 19)
Today is an 8 -- Unexpected good fortune
surprises you. Count your blessings, and
maintain your idealism. A dream provides
a secret clue. Discover you have what it
takes. Partnership is the key that unlocks
the lucky door.
Taurus (April 20-May 20)
Today is an 8 -- Lucky surprises show up
at work. Handle important tasks and listen
to your intuition about which way to go.
Friends and partners can help make a con-
nection. Focus on short-term goals.
Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Today is a 9 -- Get swept away by romance,
carried off in a passionate whirl, and capti-
vated by someone (or something) you love.
Dont worry about the future. Enjoy the
present moment, and company. Fun is the
name of the game.
Cancer (June 21-July 22)
Today is an 8 -- A lucky break interrupts
previously scheduled programming at
home. It could cause some chaos at work,
but you can resolve this. Watch your steps
and dance with changes that improve your
domestic bliss.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)
Today is an 8 -- Your studies and research
wander in a lucky direction. Discover a
happy surprise. Take advantage of emo-
tional expression. It can be a useful tool,
especially with writing and recording proj-
ects. Inject passion into your work.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
Today is an 8 -- Plug a financial hole.
Youve got the facts at hand, and profitable
prospects. Develop your income potential
by providing excellent work. Dont give up.
Make a startling revelation. Watch out for
accidents. Be logical.
If September 25th is Your Birthday...
Shake your moneymaker this year, and
dance with abundance. Use your power for
good. Seek and serve your highest purpose.
Encourage freedom, beauty and justice. Love
bursts forth when least expected, especially
around October eclipses (this year and next).
Discipline pays. After 12/23, shift into a new
30-month phase in communications, net-
working and connection. Share your heart.
Place a Classified Today!
News Thursday, September 25, 2014 The Daily Tar Heel 9
Student veterans
The University will begin
offering more resources for
student veterans this fall. See
pg. 3 for story.
Forest Theatre is a cam-
pus secret, but performers
love its rustic feel. See pg. 5
for story.
Affordable housing
Chapel Hill is devising
ways to increase the supply of
affordable housing. See pg. 1
for the story.
Board of Trustees
A committee of the trust-
ees voted to support the
Sierra Student Coalition.
See pg. 3 for story.
Solution to
Wednesdays puzzle
Complete the grid
so each row, column
and 3-by-3 box (in
bold borders) contains
every digit 1 to 9.
2014 The Mepham Group. All rights reserved.
Level: 1 2 3 4
(C)2014 Tribune Media Services, Inc.
All rights reserved. Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle
1 Stick on the ground
5 Notes on a Scandal
Best Actress nominee
10 Legal suspension
14 How awful!
15 Villa on the Volga
16 After the bell
17 *Hobby shop purchase
19 Rte. 66 goes through it
20 African capital with a
21 *World Wildlife Fund
23 Health care org.
24 Matter, in law
26 Burning sign
27 Anthony Bourdain:
Parts Unknown
28 Glittery strand
30 Utter
32 Sweet and sour
36 Extremely dry
37 Common sports injuries
... and a hint to hidden
words that span
both parts of the
answers to starred
41 Die down
42 Kenyans neighbor
43 John of England
45 Spurred
49 Showy wrap
50 Yale alum
53 Batteries for mice
54 Something to grind
55 *Florida city with
over 400 miles of canals
58 Lets up
60 European range
61 *Movin Out
63 Flight unit
64 Movie toy in a cereal
box, e.g.
65 Inner: Pref.
66 Hoopla
67 Early stage
68 Sauna phenomenon
1 Alley prowler
2 End of many a riddle
3 Mauritius ocean
4 Movie trailer?
5 Banned pesticide
6 Notable Old West
7 Sweet Sixteen org.
8 Holiday dishes?
9 Ones working around
the clock?
10 Disorderly sort
11 Be well!
12 Its 2011 landing marked
the end of the Space
Shuttle program
13 Pined
18 Because were worth
it sloganeer
22 Relaxed remarks
25 Anything __?
29 Fla. University named
for a pope
31 Actress Shire
33 Vikings seek them,
34 Rock genre
35 Total
37 Silicon Valley city
38 Yet to be used
39 Epic tale
40 Hanger hangout
41 Online program
44 Japanese electronics
46 Aquafina rival
47 Puts forth
48 Coup target
51 Game most people lose
52 Novelist Shaw
53 Kates sitcom pal
56 Old Bruin nickname
57 Shouts of support
59 Polite interruption
62 Raid target
Performers with the Dorrance Dance / New York dance group will take the stage alongside
BIGLovely to present The Blues Project at Memorial Hall at 7:30 p.m. tonight and 8 p.m. Friday.
By Brielle Kronstedt
Staff Writer
A group of UNC scientists
are celebrating after finding a
genetic link for autism.
Through a recent study,
scientists at UNCs Maness
Laboratory connected insuf-
ficient pruning of dendritic
spines to a defective form of
the gene NrCAM. Dendritic
spines receive messages from
neurons in the brain, and
the overgrowth of spines has
been shown to be a possible
cause of autism.
It might sound like a tough
concept filled with science
jargon, but Patricia Maness,
professor of biochemistry and
the leader on this project, said
it feels like a light at the end of
a long, dark tunnel after two
years of research for the scien-
tists in the Maness Lab.
The discovery is by no
means a cure for autism,
Maness said.
There are more than a
hundred genes, but they
could all fit into a similar
pathway, Maness said. So,
this is the first step.
About 45 to 50 percent
of the dendritic spines are
pruned during adolescence,
said Vishwa Mohan, first co-
author of the projects pub-
lished research.
There have been genetic
studies suggesting that
NrCAM might be a risk fac-
tor for autism, but they didnt
know what it did or how it
was involved, Maness said.
Maness said the scientists
first noticed the connection
between the gene and deficient
spine-pruning while studying
mice with limited NrCAM.
Normally, (NrCAM)
prunes. But when it doesnt
prune we get too many syn-
apses, Maness said.
Recently, there have been
two reports showing a con-
nection between too many
spinal densities and autism in
humans, Maness said.
We are working with
computer modeling people
to identify the sites of these
molecules that maybe a drug
would fit into, Maness said.
Mohan said the break-
through could lead to a pos-
sible treatment for autism.
Maybe we have a drug we
can give it to them before they
go through that adolescent
period and maybe establish
the correct excitatory neurons,
Mohan said. Because we have
plenty of time to make the
intervention if we can come up
with a drug target or anything
which can rectify this spine
density regulation it could
be an amazing breakthrough.
Junior Shubham Upadhyay
has been working with the
Maness lab for almost a year
and is currently researching
the path the initial NrCAM
defect takes to autism.
Working in the real world
instead of just soaking up
the textbook information is
very different, he said. And
actually working with some
groundbreaking research in
such a great lab is an amazing
The Blues Project features hometown favorites
UNC makes autism research breakthrough
By Marisa Dunn
Staff Writer
They have big shoes to fill.
For Michelle Dorrance, her
father is a national champi-
onship winning coach at UNC
and her mother founded the
Ballet School of Chapel Hill.
For Toshi Reagon, her par-
ents belonged to the Freedom
Singers, a musical group that
advocated for civil rights
beginning in the 1960s. Her
mother founded the interna-
tionally-acclaimed folk band
Sweet Honey in the Rock.
But when the two take the
stage at Memorial Hall tonight
for The Blues Project perfor-
mance, all eyes will be on them.
The Blues Project will
feature tap dance group
Dorrance Dance / New York
alongside Reagon and her
band BIGLovely. BIGLovelys
music provides rhythm for the
dancers and the dancers pro-
vide percussion for the music.
Michelle Dorrance, founder
of Dorrance Dance and one of
The Blues Projects choreogra-
phers, is a Chapel Hill native.
Her father, Anson Dorrance,
is the UNC womens soccer
coach and her mother, MLiss
Gary Dorrance, founded the
Ballet School of Chapel Hill.
Anson Dorrance said he
recalls running into then-UNC
Chancellor James Moeser
after Michelles off-Broadway
performance of STOMP at
Memorial Hall in 2008.
The Chancellor was sur-
prised to see me, he said.
I had to tell him the lead
female was my daughter.
It was this same per-
formance where Michelle
caught the eye of the Carolina
Performing Arts staff. After
The Blues Project debuted in
2013, they recruited the show
to Memorial Hall.
It was something we want-
ed to do not only because it
was a great piece of work, but
just with all her connections,
its a great fit for us, for cam-
pus and for Chapel Hill, said
Mark Nelson, a spokesman for
Carolina Performing Arts.
Gene Medler was
Dorrances tap instructor
for 10 years when she lived
in Chapel Hill. He said hes
eager to see her latest work.
Shes really pushing the
art form into the future and
its incredible and exciting to
watch, he said, referring to
Dorrances co-choreographers
Dormeshia Sumbry-Edwards
and Derick K. Grant.
A lot of times choreogra-
phers have great ideas but they
dont have the dancers that can
execute them. She does.
Sumbry-Edwards previ-
ously worked as Michael
Jacksons tap instructor and
Grants work has been fea-
tured on the Fox show So
You Think You Can Dance.
Theyre like Michelle
theyre creative and theyre
dedicated and theyre the
future of tap, Medler said.
Michelle Dorrance has been
a fan of Reagon for years, but
the two officially linked up
when Reagon invited her to
perform in one of her blues
and jazz concerts. Afterward,
they decided to work together
on The Blues Project.
Joel Richardson, a spokes-
man for Carolina Performing
Arts, said he thinks the fusion
of dance and music in The
Blues Project will make for a
unique performance.
The audience will get
a kick out of the dancing
being a part of the music,
Richardson said. You wont
simply be coming to see one
or the other, youre getting
to see both perform at once,
creating one piece of perfor-
mance art.
were here for you.
all day. every day
A dynamo in tap shoes, New York-based Dorrance Dance founder
Michelle Dorrance hails from Chapel Hill. Declared one of todays
most imaginative tap choreographers, Dorrance brings sexy,
seductive style to her Blues Project, inspired by artists ranging
from the Squirrel Nut Zippers to Fiona Apple.
Opinion Thursday, September 25, 2014 The Daily Tar Heel 10
he Board of
Trustees Finance
and Infrastructure
Committee should be
applauded for its deci-
sion on Wednesday to
publicly back the UNC
Sierra Student Coalitions
mission. The full Board
of Trustees should follow
suit today.
During its meeting
Wednesday, the Finance
and Infrastructure
Committee unanimously
voted in favor of the stu-
dent groups proposal to
the board To promote
economic growth, energy
independence and environ-
mental and public health,
we recommend that the
University target invest-
ments in clean energy.
Wednesdays win for the
Sierra Student Coalition
should not distract its
members from their long-
time mission of encourag-
ing UNC Management
Company, the company
responsible for investing
the Universitys endow-
ment, to divest its money
from coal-related compa-
nies and industries.
In May 2010, the Sierra
Student Coalition expe-
rienced its first major
policy success when the
University agreed to
stop burning coal at the
Cogeneration Plant on
Cameron Avenue. The
University committed to
fully eliminating its car-
bon footprint by 2050.
Shortly after its first
victory, the Student Sierra
Divesting duel not done
Established 1893, 121 years of editorial freedom
SSSC responsible for
funding confusion
Like David Goldberg,
Id like to help Student
Congress set the record
straight on the abysmal
record of the 2013-14 safe-
ty and security committee.
(UNC Student Congress
Sets Limits on Funding,
Sept. 24)
Until Congress passed
a bill prohibiting it, SSSC
meetings took place via
email last year. No public
discussion or debate was
held regarding thousands of
dollars of student fees, just
emailed votes with no record
or paper trail whatsoever.
The SSSC held an April
15 meeting with Buzz
Rides on its agenda. Those
minutes include only the
positive comments in favor
of Buzz Rides. Members
of the committee and
those speaking in public
comment questioning
the legality of funding a
for-profit are left off of
the minutes. Not exactly
the full and complete
minutes the Student Code
At perhaps its most
famous meeting on May 6,
the SSSC, without proper
meeting notice and with-
out quorum, held one final
meeting on Buzz Rides. If
an illegal meeting wasnt
enough, nearly $15,000
was allocated to a for-profit
business when questions
continued to swirl on the
legality of the action.
Though he spoke out on
emailed votes and viola-
tions of meeting laws last
fall, SSSC Vice Chair David
Goldberg said little about
the SSSCs illegal meet-
ing on May 6 and nothing
about their incomplete
April 15 minutes.
Considering the SSSC
has very few records of
their work last year (out-
side of lawsuits and Daily
Tar Heel articles) Im happy
to provide this clarification
so Congress can truly set
the record straight.
Connor Brady
Class of 14
Speaker Emeritus,
Student Congress
Life at the DTH has its
During a brief respite
from the drudgery of
grown-up work I recently
read opinion editor
Henry Gargans column
Opinion editor tells all.
As a former Daily Tar Heel
opinion editor, I rather
enjoyed it.
I miss the satisfying
contradictions of the opin-
ion desk a motley crew
who managed to simulta-
neously take themselves
too seriously, and not seri-
ously enough a body
that could inspire anger in
the face of general apathy
(I was 0-3 on editorial
board student body presi-
dent endorsements).
It was absurd. And it
was a blast.
Gargan writes of the
Exploitative labor practices are wrong, no
matter where they occur. Theyre wrong at
McDonalds. Theyre wrong at UNC.
Matthew H. Clark, on working conditions for non-tenured faculty
It is interesting that a memorial for people
who literally built this University has such a
minimal presence on this campus.
Trey Mangum, on the Unsung Founders Memorial in McCorkle Place
y first idea when
reviving the UNC
Computer Science
Club was to group idea-
makers with people who could
make those ideas happen.
This phrase should have
never gone beyond a mission
statement. As a sophomore,
I met with one of these idea
people in hopes of partnering
him up with a programmer. He
wanted to make a Facebook
app that could psychologically
analyze profiles an idea so
brilliant he would only tell me
about it over lunch. So, could I
find someone to create this?
No one would bite, it turned
out, and I shrugged him off
when he messaged me with
two more of his ventures in
a week. I approached idea
people differently afterward,
usually running in to two or
three a semester. All of them
were fully prepared to give a
programmer 15 percent equity
of a nonexistent tech company.
It has the potential to be
the next Facebook.
I need a team of dedicated
mobile app developers.
No, I wont tell you what
my idea is. Intellectual prop-
erty something something.
Tech is at the center of the
most famous startups in recent
years, and a lot of up-and-
coming entrepreneurs want to
be a part of that.
This is natural. But too
often they do not think, I will
learn how to make it, but rath-
er, I will find a code monkey.
Tech companies are not
founded by idea people. All
of the 23 Fortune 500 tech
companies founded after 1975
were founded by people with
backgrounds in engineering or
inventing those who person-
ally worked on the companys
initial tech product.
All of Business Insiders 20
Silicon Valley Startups to Look
Out For in 2011 were either
founded by coders or experi-
enced tech executives who had
enough money and clout to
make it happen. Foursquares
founder spent years seeking
a code monkey before finally
opening a book to teach himself.
Coding is an exponential
learning process, and the atmo-
sphere of intimidation that sur-
rounds it is a problem. Its hard,
but this is being countered with
efforts to make coding acces-
sible. Nationally, theres Udacity
and Codecademy, among
others, and UNCs computer
science department is build-
ing many support systems for
beginners. The ideal attitude is
to openly welcome those who
want to learn.
On the other hand, if youre
trying to make a tech startup
from your dorm room, and
you wont learn to code, thats
an iron door. Kenan-Flagler
students might have pet anec-
dotes against this something
they saw at some startup event,
a feel-good blog somewhere
on the Internet but tech
companies are made by cod-
ers, not businessmen. Coders
are the thought leaders behind
the origins of these companies,
not MBAs. Businessmen are
needed to sustain a company
later, but a techie does not
need a business co-founder. As
one guy on the internet put it,
They are not the code monkey.
You are the biz monkey.
Am I saying you shouldnt
think of creative tech ideas? No,
but make your ideas happen
Nikhil Umesh breaks down the
states rejection of Medicaid.
Coalition built a campaign
and galvanized a network
of students, faculty and
staff to encourage the
UNC-system to divest its
endowment from coal.
They were at first met
with resistance from
administrators and execu-
tives at UNC Management
Company. Some members
of the Board of Trustees
thought completely
divesting from coal would
leave the portfolio vulner-
able. The Student Sierra
Coalition has spent years
fighting administrators to
make the change anyway.
In an interview with
The Daily Tar Heel, Tait
Chandler, a senior and
a member of the of the
Student Sierra Coalition
since 2011, said that until
today, Weve had very few
tangible results from the
administrators. This is the
first time that weve been
able to collaboratively
come to a decision and
pass something. Its actu-
ally in the flesh.
Despite his impend-
ing graduation, Chandler
said hes committed to
strengthening the group
for future encounters with
the Board of Trustees.
Unfortunately, the com-
mittee appears to remain
hesitant to consider
divestment as a viable
action. One board mem-
ber expressed his opti-
mism for the approach the
Sierra Student Coalition
took with its most recent
request, making it clear
the committee preferred
the compromise to invest
in clean energy. This is
not optimal for the Sierra
Student Coalition, which
should keep an eye on
reopening discussions of
UNC has long been a
leader in sending power-
ful messages through the
companies it invests in.
In the 1980s, student-
led protests called on
UNC to stop investing in
companies operating and
doing business in South
Africa in response to
apartheid. Those protests
in which students set
up shantytowns in Polk
Place in solidarity with the
conditions endured by the
black population in South
Africa culminated in
the University divesting
from those companies.
During the commit-
tee meeting, Chancellor
Carol Folt told the student
presenters they demon-
strated maturity because
of their apparent willing-
ness to compromise. Folt
and the rest of the Board
of Trustees should under-
stand that the fight for the
University to divest is far
from over. Seventy-seven
percent of students voted
yes to a referendum call-
ing for the University to
divest in March 2013. That
number cant be ignored.
The Board of Trustees
commitments can only
succeed if they are held
accountable by the agents
of change for a period
longer than a typical stu-
dents stay at UNC. As the
Sierra Student Coalition
moves forward, it must
keep this goal in mind.
It must remain resolute
in its mission to divest
from a form of energy
that should be left in the
ground and history books.
The Sierra Student
Coalition secured a
minor victory.
Matt Leming
Dropping the The
Senior computer science and
Russian major from Asheville.
Please type. Handwritten letters will not be accepted.
Sign and date. No more than two people should sign letters.
Students: Include your year, major and phone number.
Faculty/staff: Include your department and phone number.
Edit: The DTH edits for space, clarity, accuracy and vulgarity. Limit
letters to 250 words.
Drop off or mail to our office at 151 E. Rosemary St., Chapel Hill,
NC 27514
hours the DTH consumes.
I thought the same then.
As an investment banker, I
chuckle at that now.
I miss the annoyances.
I miss the tight deadlines,
Staceman yelling at me
about a cartoon submitted
in .png format, copy desk
being a funnel for factual
inaccuracy on its way to
print, the desperate search-
es for the Please Donate
Blood letter to fill empty
I miss ending on
Thursday and making the
ritual pilgrimage to Lindas,
seeking salvation in cheese
fries and cheap beer. And I
miss my friends.
I miss Sarah Palin
being a legitimate password
for email and social media
accounts at my place of
If I may offer it, my
advice is to find the sweet-
ness in the hits as well
as the misses, the epic
takedowns and the obvi-
ous space fillers. Be bold,
because you can be. And
revel in the contradiction
that this may be demand-
ing, but in its own way, its

Cameron Parker
Class of 12
More technology isnt
the answer
In the Sept. 11 letter
More discussion on frack-
ing needed, Robert George
wrote What we need
is not revolution or rebel-
lion but a prudent Energy
Reformation. He then goes
on to explain that solar and
wind energy is the answer
to our energy problems.
Dr. George is wrong. We
do need a revolution. We
need to ask ourselves what
the root of fracking and
the Atlantic Coast pipe-
line is and without very
long consideration we will
plainly see that the root is
our societys technological
Technological society is
defined as one that values
efficiency, artificiality,
and rationality. Since the
Industrial Revolution,
the world has been domi-
nated by a technological
way of life, and as a result
modern man and nature
have been reduced to cogs
in one great, efficient
machine whose operators
are a small elite of techno-
crats and large organiza-
Technological values are
social values, and simply
replacing fracking with
green energy will not be
enough. In fact, green
energy will only allow our
technological society to
carry on.
No, we dont need a
reformation. If we are
to get to the root of the
problem, we are going to
need a social revolution
a radical change in the
values our society is based
on, a change to values that
respect the freedom and
dignity of wild nature and
wild ways of life.

John Fleshman
Information and library
Its not enough that UNCs
football team is having a
rough week. Its
not enough that
the Panthers
backfeld is
hobbled. No,
Duke also has to have a
legitimately good football
team. And the Blue Devils
beat UNCs top-ranked
soccer team. What have we
done to deserve this? (Pack
Pride, thats your cue.)
Tuesday, Kendrick Lamar
released his new song, i,
his frst solo ma-
terial since the
release of good
kid, m.A.A.d city.
Leave it to K-Dot
to drop an unambiguously
positive hip-hop song as a
single. Who else includes
Maya Angelou references
in a pop smash? Kendrick
says he loves himself in the
songs lyrics. We do, too.
An article making the
rounds on the Internet
Thursday sug-
gested in fairly
strong terms
that non-celiac
people who
refuse to eat gluten are full
of crap. We arent scientists,
so we wont take sides.
But the one thing we are
sure of is that lunchtime in
Carrboro is gonna be tense
from here on out.
Sorry, sports gods The gluten gauntlet i is for everyone
Just as the best of the four
seasons had lured us into its
crisp embrace
and convinced
us to don our
jeans and sweat-
ers, a full day of
steady rain reminded us
that fall isnt all pumpkin
spice and crunchy leaves.
Sometimes its the feeling of
wet denim clinging to your
inner thighs and the rhyth-
mic squelching of socks.
In case you hadnt heard,
Time-Out Restaurant has
moved to the
corner of Frank-
lin and Hen-
derson streets.
People tend to
hate on Time-Out, but we
have no self respect, so we
love it. It is now among the
closest restaurants to The
Daily Tar Heels ofces. Why
must temptation be so deli-
cious? Pray for our arteries.
Biscuits ahoy!
Everyone should stay hy-
drated, and those CamelBak
water bottles
with the rubber
things make it
easy. But that
doesnt make up for the
inconvenience of getting
down to the last inch of wa-
ter and having to unscrew
the lid because the straws
too short. Our forearms are
tiny and unwilling. Help.
EDITORS NOTE: Columns, cartoons and letters do not necessarily rep-
resent the opinions of The Daily Tar Heel or its staff. Editorials reflect the
opinions of The Daily Tar Heel editorial board, which comprises five board
members, the opinion assistant editor and editor and the editor-in-chief.

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