Claverdon PTA Minutes

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Claverdon School PTA

Monday 15th October 2007

1. PRESENT: Chris Bown; Lois Bransby; Sharon Cooke; Sian
Edginton; Julie Fenwick; Robert Ford; Nic Gotrel; Sue
Herbert; Rachel Ollerenshaw; Cheryl Pilling
Apologies : Kate Gover; Susan Head; Jenny Phillips;
Michele Seaman; Phil Upton; Jane Whitehurst; Lynn
2. Financials and Funding Opportunities Julie
• We raised £80 from the Macmillan coffee morning
• We have received an invoice from School for the
smart board for Reception which will be paid this
3. 100+ Club Sian
• Sian Edginton has agreed to take over running the
100 club – many thanks to her and to Susan Head
for doing it for the last year.
• 100 club drawn
 First prize for October (£53.25) : no 11 – Alison
 Second prize for October (£17.75) : no 9 – Gill
4. Ladies Night – 8 November Julie/Rachel
• Good range of stalls now arranged, but still space
available for a few more – any ideas to Julie/ All
• Starts 7.30pm, at Church Centre
• Tickets available from PTA members - £5 each – All
All to sell
5. School View Cheryl
• School have identified some ancillary equipment
for smart boards (visualiser) that they would like –
Julie to investigate with Neil Julie/Neil
• School also have an outstanding invoice for an
overhead projector purchased last year – the
meeting agreed to fund this.
6. Volunteers
• Class reps have now volunteered for the remaining
classes – many thanks to all. Mention Angela H and Nic/Sue
Sian for 100 Club in next newsletter

7. Events This Year and Diary

• Christmas Production – agreed to provide hampers Julie/All
for raffle as previous years
• Christmas disco for the children confirmed as 18th Phil/Sue
• Chocolate Fridays – Julie/Rachel/Lois to organize Julie/Rachel/
an information note to go on the stall each Friday Lois
when we sell goods.
• Proposal to hold an outside camp – Hatton Country
World have an available camp site which we could
hire on a Friday evening. Cost would be £4/tent,
toilets and hot water available, cooked breakfast
can be available also. Meeting agreed that this
would be a good idea, run as a family event.
Various parents offered sources of tents to
borrow/hire. Julie to check dates with Hatton. Julie
• Quiz Night – Julie to confirm date with Phil Julie/Phil
• Summer event – Julie to confirm date with Phil Julie/Phil
8. Any Other Business
• Individual years are organizing contact lists for All
parents in that year – contact your year rep
• Diary dates updated – see web site Sue/Angela
9. Date for next meeting:
• AGM - 7.30pm, Monday 19th November 2007 All
• Children in Need day (16 November) – Julie to get Julie
PR pack. Cheryl to check with Kate ideas on what Cheryl
the children could do to raise money.
• Top Class cash scheme – tokens now available in the
Coventry Telegraph – depending on the number of
tokens we raise, we can generate funds for School.
All to encourage parents/friends etc to collect All
tokens and bring them to School.

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