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Mobile Application Testing

Mobile applications are booming,so mobile apps are big business, but with
this hyper-growth comes the challenge of releasing apps that are stable on
multiple portable devices and platforms. Unfortunately, when it comes to
mobile apps, quality assurance can be a complex, time-consuming and costly
task. This can be especially true if you rely only on manual testing or on
traditional tools for testing.
Mobile pplication testing is a process in which Mobile applications are
tested for its functionality,usability and consistency.
Mobile devices differs from screen si!es,input methods with different
hardware capabilities.There are different Mobile "perating #ystems in the
market. The ma$or ones are ndroid, %"#, &'(), &'()M*, #ymbian,
)indows +., Mango, and &lackberry -'%M.. (ach operating system has its
own limitations. Testing a single application across multiple devices running
on the same platform and every platform poses a unique challenge for
There are over /00 mobile network operators in the world1out of which
some are 23M-2ode division multiple access., some 4#M-4lobal system
for Mobile communications..(ach network operator uses a different kind
network infrastructure and this limits the flow of information.
s devices differ in keystrokes, input methods, menu structure and display
properties a single script doesn5t function on every device.

Types of Mobile Application Testing
Functional Testing6 7unctional testing ensures that the application is
working as per the requirements.
Laboratory Testing6 8aboratory testing, usually carried out by network
carriers, is done by simulating the complete wireless network. This test is
performed to find out any glitches when a mobile application uses voice
and9or data connection to perform some functions.
Performance Testing6 This testing process is undertaken to check the
performance and behavior of the application under certain conditions such as
low battery, bad network coverage, low available memory, simultaneous
access to application5s server by several users and other conditions.
*erformance is checked on both client and server side.
Memory Leakage Testing6Memory leakage happens when a computer
program or application is unable to manage the memory it is allocated
resulting in poor performance of the application and the overall slowdown of
the system. s mobile devices have significant constraints of available
memory, memory leakage testing is crucial for the proper functioning of an
Interrupt Testing6 n application while functioning may face several
interruptions like incoming calls or network coverage outage and recovery.
The different types of interruptions are6
%ncoming and "utgoing #M# and MM#
%ncoming and "utgoing calls
%ncoming :otifications
&attery 'emoval
2able %nsertion and 'emoval for data transfer
:etwork outage and recovery
Media *layer on9off
3evice *ower cycle
Usability testing6 %t is carried out to verify if the application is achieving its
goals and getting a favorable response from users as the usability of an
application is its key to commercial success.
Installation testing6 2ertain mobile applications come pre-installed on the
device whereas others have to be installed from the store. %nstallation testing
verifies that the installation process goes smoothly without the user having
to face any difficulty. This testing process covers installation, update and
uninstallation of an application.
Certification Testing6 To get compliance certificate each mobile device
needs to be tested against the guidelines set by different mobile platforms.
Mobile Application Testing Tools
1. eggPlant:
egg*lant is a 4U%-4raphical User %nterface. based automated test tool
delivering a robotic solution to mobile testing across all operating
systems and devices.
egg*lant delivers a robotic solution to mobile application testing
across all operating systems and devices. Using 'eal;:2, generic
;:2 or emulators, egg*lant deploys patented intelligent image
recognition technology to see any device display. This approach to test
automation is easy to use, non-invasive and requires no special
)rite one script and use this script to test across multiple devices and
emulators. egg*lant can be used in a continuous integration
environment, for regression testing and provide statistics in a load
tested environment. egg*lant provides a scalable and flexible solution
for all functional testing and data driven testing ob$ectives.
)ith egg*lant mobile application testing solution < test automation
engineers can 6
=. Test on real mobile devices
>. Test across mobile "# with a single script
?. Test within your firewall
s a result, testing applications with Test*lant is much faster than using
traditional test tools, meaning robust mobile applications can be brought to
market very quickly. %n addition, it brings great manual test productivity, so
costs can be dramatically reduced.
8ink for egg*lant testing #mart phone6!*lCDici/EfeatureAplayerFembedded
2ross *latform Testing.
egg*lant scripts work regardless of the environment you are testing.
#upported platforms include6
a. )indows G,, GH, >000, :T, D*, ;ista, and )indows +
b. Mac "# D
c. 8%:UD
d. #olaris
e. B*-UD
f. (ven &%"# and other hardware devices
Bere is a link for egg*lant in action6
'ich %nternet application testing.
%. TML!:%ts is the new '% and growing rapidly. )ith growing adoption in
mobile app development BTM8, is set for great growth. &ut testing it
remains a challenge. &ut with egg*lant you can test it as any other '%
%%. dobe 7lex6&ecause egg*lant doesn5t rely on code hooks for application
testing, it5s perfect for 4U% testing graphic rich applications designed and
built in 7lash J where no code-level tool integration is possible.
%%%. A"A#:s egg*lant does not rely on ob$ects, testing CD functionality is
simple and easy as well as allow for performance metrics to be used.
%;. $il%erlig&t:)ith egg*lant, scripting a #ilverlight application is no different
from scripting any other application.
;. "a%a:s 4U%5s are developed using Cava with #wing or #)T. Testing them
for functional validation becomes more important.)ith egg*lant you can
conduct diversified 4U% testing.
7or more information on how it works,click on the following link6,wd(wEfeatureAplayerFembedded
*erformance Testing using egg*lant
i. pplication *erformance Testing is conducted to determine if an
application, system or component meets such metrics as responding in
an appropriate amount of time or handling an acceptable number of
ii. #tress or 8oad tests are one type of *erformance Testing that can often
be automated with a test tool that simulates multiple users. 2ommon
deficiencies encountered during this phase of performance testing are
related to things like slow execution cycles, data corruption, or
complete system failure.
iii. There are a number of different methods one can use to create a
performance test with egg*lant.
iv. egg*lant application performance testing tool can time individual
events or sequences of events, and it can be used either to generate
small loads or to enhance an existing load test scenario by simulating
real user interactions while another tool creates an artificial load on the
v. *erformance testing example
4%M* is the 4:U %mage Manipulation *rogram. %t is freely distributed
and used for such tasks as photo retouching, image composition, and
image authoring.
To determine the performance impact of having multiple images
open for 4%M*.
To determine the number of open images that the system can
handle L the threshold that the system will allow.
Test $pecs:
"perating #ystem6 8inux 'edBat +.=
Iernel6 >./.>
3esktop6 4nome
pplication6 4%M* =.>.=
Test )etails
"ur test example will use one M+HN/?, $peg image with a file si!e of ?,+,/
bytes. The sample image must reside in the home directory of the current
user and will be named eggplant.$pg. 7or consistency, no other U%
applications will be allowed to run concurrently with 4%M*.
The following settings for 4%M* will be used6
Tip of the day will be disabled.
ll other windows, with the exception of 4%M*5s main window, will be
hidden from view.
Test execution will consist of the following6
=. 8aunch 4%M* from the 4nome menu bar.
>. "pen a new image using the 2ontrol-o keyboard shortcut.
?. )ait for the O8oad %mageP window to appear.
/. )ait for the O8oad %mageP window to appear.
,. *roceed by selecting Oeggplant.$pgP.
M. *ress (nter to open the image.
+. Measure the amount of time that it takes for 4%M* to load the image. The
time limit for an image to open will be set to =0 seconds. "nce the threshold
is reached end the test.
H. 8og the time.
G. 'epeat steps > through H.
%ntegration and validation with %&M 'ational <uality Manager /.0.
egg*lant5s integration with %&M 'ational <uality Manager, egg*lant5s
market-leading automated 4U% and screen testing is available to %&M
&usiness *artners and customers as part of the Q'eady for %&M 'ational5
program. This opens up opportunities for new users to harness egg*lant5s
capability for consistently delivering powerful business-driven 4U%
automation and software testing results across legacy, desktop and mobile
environments.The egg*lant integration allows you to call egg*lant scripts
running on any platform -Mac, )indows, 8inux or Mobile. and return the
results to your '<M server.

:on-invasive J does not load to test devices or interact with underlying code
Transparent processes, results and metrics J vital for ensuring that
application development teams, <uality ssurance teams and business teams
are all on the same page
)orks with )indows G,, GH, >000, :T, D*, ;ista and )indows +1 Mac "#
D1 8%:UD1 #olaris1 B*-UD1 plus &%"# and other hardware devices
#upports BTM8 ,1 dobe 7lash97lex1 #ilverlight1 CD and Cava
>. )e%iceAny*&ere : cloud based platform for carrying out testing and
monitoring the functionality, usability, performance and availability of
mobile applications.
?. elusi%estars6 crowd sourced Mobile pplication service where 3evelopers
have their pps tested by real users with real devices.
/. Cucumber+7unctional utomation tool
2ucumber is a functional test automation tool for lean and agile teams.
%t supports behavior-driven development, specification by example
and agile cceptance testing. Rou can use it to automate functional
validation in a 7orm that is easily readable and understandable to
business users, developers and testers. This helps teams create
executable specifications that are also a goal for development,
acceptance criteria and functional regression checks for future
2ucumber is one of the rare tools that try very hard to stay out of your
way, to let you do your work without making you worry about the tool
itself too much. %t helps teams automate their specifications efficiently
in several ways6
%t is relatively easy to set up.
%t supports multiple report formats, including BTM8 and *37.
%t supports writing specifications in about ?0 spoken languages,
making it easy for teams outside of (nglish-speaking territories or
those working on internationally targeted software to engage their
business users better.
%t supports different ways of describing executable specifications L
including story-like prose, lists and tabular data.
%t allows scripting, abstraction and component reuse on several levels,
allowing both technical and non-technical users to efficiently describe
%t generates the tricky parts of the code so that you donSt have to write
most of the boiler-plate automation or make mistakes doing it.
%t integrates nicely with the rest of the development ecosystem. %t does
not try to impose a version control system, but works off plain-text
files that can be stored in any version control system. 7or continuous
build integration, it emulates CUnit -and everything else in the world is
already integrated with Cunit..
lthough it is a 'uby tool, people who work on other platforms do not
have to learn 'uby to use it. Rou can use 2ucumber with .:(T or
C;M languages almost natively.
%tSs integrated with all the most popular web testing libraries.
%t allows you to mark tests with tags so that you can quickly run a
group of related tests -eg quick tests, slow tests, integration tests,
accounting tests..
!. MobileClou,+Interacti%e by Perfecto Mobile
The Mobile2loud-%nteractive service enables users to test mobile
applications, websites or services on a multitude of real handsets and tablets
via the web and control them as if holding them in their own hands. Using
Mobile2loud-%nteractive, youSll be able to streamline development, testing
and support processes, perform more tests and ensure optimal compatibility
of your product or service, on more handsets, networks and locations.
-. .obotium+%ts like a #elenium but for ndroid

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