ELTE2.3 DBS3900 LTE FDD Optional Feature Description Draft A 20140210

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Optional Feature Description
Issue Draft A
Date 20!"02"0
Copyright Huawei Teh!o"ogies Co., Lt#. $%&'. A"" rights reser(e#.
#o part of t$is %ocu&ent &a' (e repro%uce% or trans&itte% in an' for& or (' an' &eans )it$out prior
)ritten consent of *ua)ei Tec$nolo+ies Co., Lt%.
Tra#e)ar*s a!# +er)issio!s
an% ot$er *ua)ei tra%e&ar-s are tra%e&ar-s of *ua)ei Tec$nolo+ies Co., Lt%.
All ot$er tra%e&ar-s an% tra%e na&es &entione% in t$is %ocu&ent are t$e propert' of t$eir respecti.e
T$e purc$ase% pro%ucts, ser.ices an% features are stipulate% (' t$e contract &a%e (et)een *ua)ei an%
t$e custo&er. All or part of t$e pro%ucts, ser.ices an% features %escri(e% in t$is %ocu&ent &a' not (e
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Issue Draft A (2014-02-10)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
e%!&2#' D()'*00 %!& +DD ,ptional +eature
Des"ription Contents
1 Radio & Performance....................................................................2
1#1 %!& 2 Antenna 1-0./-0.0ps#######################################################################################################################################2
1#1#1 %,+D-001001 D% 212 .I.,####################################################################################################################################2
1#1#2 %,+D-0010'0 )upport of 2& Category 2/'/4############################################################################################################4
1#2 Interferen"e Handling#####################################################################################################################################################3
1#2#1 %,+D-001012 2% Interferen"e 4e5e"tion Co60ining###############################################################################################3
1#2#2 %,+D-0010*4 Control Channel I4C##########################################################################################################################7
1#' 8o)#################################################################################################################################################################################9
1#'#1 %,+D-00101- &nhan"ed )"heduling##########################################################################################################################9
1#'#1#1 %,+D-00101-01 C8I Ad5ust6ent###########################################################################################################################9
1#'#1#2 %,+D-00101-02 Dyna6i" )"heduling####################################################################################################################*
1#'#2 %,+D-001023 !CP Pro1y &nhan"er (!P&)##############################################################################################################10
1#'#' %,+D-001027 A"ti:e 8ueue .anage6ent (A8.)##################################################################################################12
1#'#4 %,+D-00102* &nhan"ed Ad6ission Control###########################################################################################################1'
1#'#4#1 %,+D-00102*01 4adio/transport resour"e pre-e6ption#######################################################################################1'
1#'#- %,+D-0010-4 +le1i0le 2ser )teering######################################################################################################################14
1#'#-#1 %,+D-0010-401 Ca6p ; Hando:er (ased on )PID###########################################################################################14
1#'#3 %,+D-0010-* 2% Pre-allo"ation (ased on )PID####################################################################################################1-
1#'#7 %,+D-00110* D% <on-=(4 Pa">et (undling########################################################################################################13
1#4 )ignaling )tor6 ; !er6inal (attery %ife )a:ing########################################################################################################17
1#4#1 %,+D-070207 Intelligent A""ess Class Control#######################################################################################################17
1#- 4efar6ing#####################################################################################################################################################################19
1#-#1 %,+D-0010-1 Co6pa"t (andwidth#########################################################################################################################19
1#3 High )peed .o0ility####################################################################################################################################################20
1#3#1 %,+D-001007 High )peed .o0ility#########################################################################################################################20
1#3#2 %,+D-001009 2ltra High )peed .o0ility###############################################################################################################21
1#7 Co:erage &nhan"e6ent################################################################################################################################################22
1#7#1 %,+D-00100* &1tended Cell A""ess 4adius###########################################################################################################22
1#7#2 %,+D-0010'1 &1tended CP#####################################################################################################################################2'
2 Networking & Transmission & Security.........................................24
2#1 !rans6ission ; )yn"hroni?ation#################################################################################################################################24
2#1#1 %,+D-00'002 2=/'= and %!& Co-trans6ission#####################################################################################################24
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
e%!&2#' D()'*00 %!& +DD ,ptional +eature
Des"ription Contents
2#1#2 %,+D-00'011 &nhan"ed !rans6ission 8o) .anage6ent######################################################################################23
2#1#2#1 %,+D-00'01101 !ransport ,:er0oo>ing##############################################################################################################23
2#1#2#2 %,+D-00'01102 !ransport Differentiated +low Control######################################################################################27
2#1#2#' %,+D-00'0110' !ransport 4esour"e ,:erload Control#######################################################################################29
2#1#' %,+D-07021* IP A"ti:e Perfor6an"e .easure6ent###############################################################################################29
2#1#4 %,+D-00'01' &nhan"ed )yn"hroni?ation###############################################################################################################'1
2#1#4#4 %,+D-00'01'0' Clo"> o:er IP (Huawei proprietary)##########################################################################################'1
2#2 IP:3###############################################################################################################################################################################''
2#2#1 %,+D-00'02' I&&& 1-99:2 o:er IP:3####################################################################################################################''
2#' )e"urity#########################################################################################################################################################################'4
2#'#1 %,+D-001010 )e"urity .e"hanis6#########################################################################################################################'4
2#'#1#1 %,+D-00101001 &n"ryption@ A&)########################################################################################################################'4
2#'#1#2 %,+D-00101002 &n"ryption@ )<,A '=##############################################################################################################'-
2#'#2 %,+D-00'00* IPse"##################################################################################################################################################'3
2#'#' %,+D-00'014 Integrated +irewall############################################################################################################################'7
2#'#'#1 %,+D-00'01401 A""ess Control %ist (AC%)########################################################################################################'7
2#'#'#2 %,+D-00'01402 A""ess Control %ist (AC%) Auto Configuration########################################################################'9
2#4 4elia0ility#####################################################################################################################################################################'*
2#4#1 %,+D-001019 )1-fle1###############################################################################################################################################'*
2#4#2 %,+D-00'007 (idire"tional +orwarding Dete"tion#################################################################################################41
2#4#' %,+D-00'009 &thernet %in> Aggregation (I&&& 902#'ad)#####################################################################################42
2#- )ite Ar"hite"ture###########################################################################################################################################################44
2#-#1 %,+D-00'02* )+<###################################################################################################################################################44
3 O&........................................................................................... 4!
'#1 ),< )elf-Configuration###############################################################################################################################################43
'#1#1 %,+D-002004 )elf-"onfiguration#############################################################################################################################43
'#2 ),< )elf-,pti6i?ation################################################################################################################################################4*
'#2#1 %,+D-0010'2 Intra-%!& %oad (alan"ing################################################################################################################4*
'#2#2 %,+D-00200- .o0ility 4o0ust ,pti6i?ation (.4,)#############################################################################################-0
'#2#' %,+D-00201- 4ACH ,pti6i?ation#########################################################################################################################-2
'#' ),< )elf-Healing#########################################################################################################################################################-'
'#'#1 %,+D-002010 )leeping Cell Dete"tion####################################################################################################################-'
'#'#2 %,+D-002011 Antenna +ault Dete"tion###################################################################################################################-4
'#4 Power )a:ing################################################################################################################################################################--
'#4#1 %,+D-00102- Adapti:e Power Consu6ption##########################################################################################################--
'#4#2 %,+D-0010'* 4+ Channel Intelligent )hutdown####################################################################################################-3
'#4#' %,+D-001040 %ow Power Consu6ption .ode#######################################################################################################-7
'#4#4 %,+D-001041 Power Consu6ption .onitoring######################################################################################################-9
'#4#- %,+D-001042 Intelligent Power-,ff of Carriers in the )a6e Co:erage#################################################################-*
'#4#3 %,+D-0010-3 P)2 Intelligent )leep .ode#############################################################################################################30
'#4#7 %,+D-001070 )y60ol Power )a:ing#######################################################################################################################30
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
e%!&2#' D()'*00 %!& +DD ,ptional +eature
Des"ription Contents
'#4#9 %,+D-001071 Intelligent (attery .anage6ent#######################################################################################################32
'#4#* %,+D-00107- 442 PA &ffi"ien"y I6pro:e6ent####################################################################################################34
'#- Antenna .anage6ent###################################################################################################################################################3-
'#-#1 %,+D-001024 4e6ote &le"tri"al !ilt Control##########################################################################################################3-
4 "cronyms and "##re$iations........................................................!%
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
e%!&2#' D()'*00 %!& +DD ,ptional +eature
Des"ription +igures
Figure 1-1 Prea60le for6ats and "ell a""ess radius#############################################################################################22
Figure 2-1 2=/'= and %!& "o-trans6ission#########################################################################################################2-
Figure 2-2 +ra6ewor> of Huawei proprietary proto"ol########################################################################################'2
Figure 2-3 IPse"####################################################################################################################################################'3
Figure 2-4 "onne"tion topology 0etween ..& Pool and e<ode(s####################################################################40
Figure 2-5 the one-hop and 6ulti-hop (+D appli"ation s"enarios#######################################################################42
Figure 2-6 the &thernet lin> aggregation##############################################################################################################4'
Figure 3-1 general networ> topology####################################################################################################################49
Figure 3-2 )y60ol power sa:ing (<or6al CP)####################################################################################################31
Figure 3-3 )y60ol power sa:ing with .()+< su0fra6e (e1tended CP)###########################################################32
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
e%!&2#' D()'*00 %!& +DD ,ptional +eature
Des"ription !a0les
Table 1-1 Downlin> physi"al layer para6eter :alues set 0y the field UE-Category##############################################4
Table 1-2 2plin> physi"al layer para6eter :alues set 0y the field UE-Category###################################################-
Table 1-3 !otal layer 2 0uffer si?es set 0y the field UE-Category##########################################################################-
Table 1-4 Co6pa"t 0andwidths list#######################################################################################################################1*
Table 3-1 (attery 6anage6ent 6odes##################################################################################################################3'
Table 4-1 A"rony6s and A00re:iations################################################################################################################39
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
e%!&2#' D()'*00 %!& +DD ,ptional +eature
Des"ription 1 4adio ; Perfor6an"e
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
e%!&2#' D()'*00 %!& +DD ,ptional +eature
Des"ription 1 4adio ; Perfor6an"e
1 Radio & Performance
"#out T(is C(a)ter
2#1 %!& 2 Antenna 1-0./-0.0ps
2#2 Interferen"e Handling
2#' 8o)
2#4 )ignaling )tor6 ; !er6inal (attery %ife )a:ing
2#- 4efar6ing
2#3 High )peed .o0ility
2#7 Co:erage &nhan"e6ent
1.1 *T+ 2 "ntenna 1,-.,-#)s
1.1.1 *O&/0--1--1 /* 212 2O
!his feature is
appli"a0le to .a"ro fro6 e4A<1#0
appli"a0le to .i"ro for6 e4A<'#0
appli"a0le to %a6psite fro6 e4A<3#0
!wo antenna ports are "onfigured in the downlin>$ and the trans6ission s"he6e per user is
dyna6i"ally sele"ted 0etween spatial di:ersity and spatial 6ultiple1ing to i6pro:e the
downlin> throughput and "o:erage perfor6an"e#
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
e%!&2#' D()'*00 %!& +DD ,ptional +eature
Des"ription 1 4adio ; Perfor6an"e
!his feature pro:ides the gain of high pea> rate and throughput perfor6an"e using spatial
6ultiple1ing (two "ode-words) and good "ell edge perfor6an"e using spatial di:ersity (single
!he downlin> 212 .I., is a "riti"al feature to allow an %!& syste6 to deli:er 0etter
perfor6an"e$ su"h as higher data rates$ than the lega"y syste6# (oth spatial di:ersity and
spatial 6ultiple1ing are supported as defined in %!& spe"ifi"ations$ and sin"e e4A<1#0 the
following four 212 .I., s"he6es are supported in the downlin>@
!rans6it di:ersity
%arge-delay "y"li" delay di:ersity spatial 6ultiple1ing
Closed-loop spatial 6ultiple1ing
Closed-loop spatial 6ultiple1ing using a single trans6ission layer
!rans6it di:ersity and "losed-loop spatial 6ultiple1ing using a single trans6ission layer are
spatial di:ersity solutions to "o60at signal fading# (oth s"he6es trans6it a single strea6 (i#e#$
single "ode-word) and i6pro:e the "ell edge perfor6an"e# !he for6er applies the spa"e
freBuen"y 0lo"> "ode ()+(C)$ and is ro0ust to 6o0ility# !he latter applies the "ode0oo> 0ased
ran>-1 pre"oding and is typi"ally used at low 6o0ility as 2& is reBuired to report its preferred
pre"oding 6atri1 inde1 (P.I) ti6ely#
%arge-delay "y"li" delay di:ersity is an open-loop spatial 6ultiple1ing s"he6e with high
ro0ustness to 6o0ility# Closed-loop spatial 6ultiple1ing applies the "ode0oo> 0ased feed0a">
and is typi"ally suita0le to low 6o0ility# (oth open-loop and "losed-loop spatial 6ultiple1ing
trans6it two separately en"oded strea6s (i#e#$ two "odewords) to i6pro:e the pea> rate and
throughput perfor6an"e of 2&s under good "hannel "onditions with 6ultiple1ing gain#
,pen-loop/"losed-loop spatial 6ultiple1ing "an 0e ena0led/disa0led 0y 6eans of ,;.#
Ahen this fun"tionality is ena0led$ adapti:e swit"h 0etween spatial di:ersity and spatial
6ultiple1ing is perfor6ed ta>ing into a""ount the 2& spe"ifi" lin> Buality and ran>
infor6ation# Ahen this fun"tionality is disa0led (0y setting the 6a1i6u6 ran> for spatial
6ultiple1ing to 1)$ a single "odeword is always s"heduled for all 2&s#
(esides fi1ed .I., 6odes$ adapti:e open-loop .I.,$ adapti:e "losed-loop .I.,$ and
adaptation 0etween open-loop and "losed-loop .I., 6odes "an 0e "onfigured 0y 6eans of
Downlin> 212 .I., reBuires the e<ode( to pro:ide 2 !C "hannels and 2 antennas#
)patial 6ultiple1ing is supported for ter6inals with 2& "ategory of greater than one#
!hat is$ for "ategory-1 2&s$ only a single "odeword is s"heduled# 4elati:ely a""urate
P.I report fro6 2& is a prereBuisite for the "onfiguration of "losed-loop .I., 6odes#
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
e%!&2#' D()'*00 %!& +DD ,ptional +eature
Des"ription 1 4adio ; Perfor6an"e
1.1.2 *O&/0--1-3- Su))ort of 5+ Category 2.3.4
!his feature is
appli"a0le to .a"ro fro6 e4A<2#0
appli"a0le to .i"ro for6 e4A<'#0
appli"a0le to %a6psite fro6 e4A<3#0
&-2!4A< needs to respe"t the signaled 2& radio a""ess "apa0ility para6eters when
"onfiguring the 2& and when s"heduling the 2&# )o there are fi:e "ategories defined in the
proto"ol# !his feature "an ena0le () to support 2& "ategory 2/'/4#
!his feature "an ena0le () to support 2& "ategory 2/'/4#
&-2!4A< needs to respe"t the signaled 2& radio a""ess "apa0ility para6eters when
"onfiguring the 2& and when s"heduling the 2&# )o there are fi:e "ategories defined in the
proto"ol# !his feature "an ena0le 0ase station to support 2& "ategory 2/'/4#
Table 1.1 Downlin> physi"al layer para6eter :alues set 0y the field UE-Category
num#er of
#'ocks #its
wit(in a
num#er of
#its of a
wit(in a
num#er of
num#er of
'ayers for
g in /*
Category 1 102*3 102*3 2-0'39 1
Category 2 -1024 -1024 12'7249 2
Category ' 102049 7-'73 12'7249 2
Category 4 1-07-2 7-'73 1927072 2
Category - 2**--2 14*773 '337200 4
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
e%!&2#' D()'*00 %!& +DD ,ptional +eature
Des"ription 1 4adio ; Perfor6an"e
Table 1.2 2plin> physi"al layer para6eter :alues set 0y the field UE-Category
5+ Category a1imum num#er
of #its of an 5*0SC6
trans)ort #'ock
transmitted wit(in a
Su))ort for !47"
in 5*
Category 1 -130 <o
Category 2 2-4-3 <o
Category ' -1024 <o
Category 4 -1024 <o
Category - 7-'73 Des
Table 1.3 !otal layer 2 0uffer si?es set 0y the field UE-Category
5+ Category Tota' 'ayer 2 #u8er si9e
Category 1 1-0
Category 2 700
Category ' 1400
Category 4 1*00
Category - '-00
!he 2& should 0e "ategory 2/'/4#
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
e%!&2#' D()'*00 %!& +DD ,ptional +eature
Des"ription 1 4adio ; Perfor6an"e
1.2 2nterference 6and'ing
1.2.1 *O&/0--1-12 5* 2nterference Re=ection
!his feature is
appli"a0le to .a"ro fro6 e4A<1#0
appli"a0le to .i"ro for6 e4A<'#0
appli"a0le to %a6psite fro6 e4A<3#0
!his feature allows e<ode( to effe"ti:ely o:er"o6e the inter-"ell interferen"e# !he 6ethod
"an 0e used with re"ei:ing di:ersity and "an 0e used for .I., de"oding in any s"enario#
!his feature "an i6pro:e the syste6 perfor6an"e in the presen"e of interferen"e# !herefore$
enhan"ed networ> "o:erage and 0etter ser:i"e Buality are pro:ided for "ell edge users
Interferen"e 4e5e"tion Co60ining (I4C) is a re"ei:e-antenna "o60ining te"hniBue to
effe"ti:ely "o60at the inter-"ell interferen"e# I4C is often used together with re"ei:e
di:ersity# In theory$ I4C "an 0e used for .ultiple Input .ultiple ,utput (.I.,) de"oding in
any s"enario$ and it is parti"ularly effe"ti:e for "olored interferen"e#
!he 6ain ad:antage of I4C lies in that it "an outperfor6 .a1i6u6 4atio Co60ining (.4C)
in ter6s of de6odulation of a signal in the presen"e of interferen"e or 5a66ing#
!he e<ode( 6ust 0e eBuipped with 6ultiple re"ei:e antennas (eBual to or 6ore than
,ther features
%(+D-00202001 2% 2-Antenna 4e"ei:e Di:ersity or %,+D-00100- 2% 4-Antenna
4e"ei:e Di:ersity#
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
e%!&2#' D()'*00 %!& +DD ,ptional +eature
Des"ription 1 4adio ; Perfor6an"e
1.2.2 *O&/0--1->4 Contro' C(anne' 2RC
!his feature is
appli"a0le to .a"ro fro6 e4A<3#0
appli"a0le to .i"ro for6 e4A<7#0
appli"a0le to %a6psite fro6 e4A<3#0
Control "hannel interferen"e re5e"tion "o60ining (I4C) prote"ts physi"al uplin> "ontrol
"hannel (P2CCH) and physi"al rando6 a""ess "hannel (P4ACH) fro6 inter-"ell interferen"e#
Control "hannel I4C re"ei:er suppresses interferen"e for uplin> "ontrol "hannels and
i6pro:es the "ontrol "hannel "o:erage# Downlin> perfor6an"e 6ay indire"tly 0e i6pro:ed
due to 6ore ro0ust ACE/<AE reporting in uplin>#
Control "hannel I4C on P2CCH and P4ACH "o60ines signals on "ontrol "hannels re"ei:ed
0y 6ultiple antennas# !his feature "an suppress "olored interferen"e$ while 6a1i6u6 ratio
"o60ining (.4C) is not fit for su"h s"enario#
e<ode( supports adapti:e swit"hing 0etween I4C and .4C for P2CCHs and P4ACHs#
Ahen "olored interferen"e is dete"ted$ e<ode( sele"ts I4CF In other "ases$ e<ode( sele"ts
!he e<ode( 6ust 0e eBuipped with two or 6ore re"ei:e antennas#
P2CCH I4C isnGt appli"a0le to %((P" 0oard#
+or .i"ro P4ACH I4C is only appli"a0le to'202&/'20'&F P2CCH I4C is only
appli"a0le to'20'&#
,ther features
%(+D-00202001 2% 2-Antenna 4e"ei:e Di:ersity and %,+D-00100- 2% 4-Antenna
4e"ei:e Di:ersity
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
e%!&2#' D()'*00 %!& +DD ,ptional +eature
Des"ription 1 4adio ; Perfor6an"e
1.3 7oS
1.3.1 *O&/0--1-1, +n(anced Sc(edu'ing *O&/0--1-1,-1 C72 "d=ustment
!his feature is
appli"a0le to .a"ro fro6 e4A<1#0
appli"a0le to .i"ro for6 e4A<'#0
appli"a0le to %a6psite fro6 e4A<3#0
!his fun"tion reinfor"es the traditional A.C feature 0y introdu"ing downlin> Channel
8uality Indi"ator (C8I) ad5ust6ent#
!his feature 0rings the following 0enefits@
&ffe"ti:ely "o6pensates for the ina""urate C8I 6easure6ent and 6a>es the .C)
sele"tion 6ore a""urate 0y using a "losed-loop 6e"hanis6#
I6pro:es the syste6 "apa"ity 0y sele"ting 6ore a""urate .C)#
Allows an adapti:e C8I 6easure6ent for different s"enarios and therefore i6pro:es the
syste6 "apa"ity#
!he C8I ad5ust6ent s"he6e enhan"es the "on:entional A.C s"he6e 0y introdu"ing
downlin> C8I ad5ust6ent# It "ould pro:ide additional perfor6an"e gains#
2nder the "on:entional A.C s"he6e$ the e<ode( "hooses a .odulation and Coding )"he6e
(.C)) for a 2& 0ased on the reported C8I# As a result$ .C) will 6ainly "hange a""ording to
the reported C8I# )in"e the 2& 6easure6ent error and "hannel fading "ould 6a>e the
reported C8I so6ewhat ina""urate$ the .C) sele"tion 0ased on the ina""urate C8I "ould
"ause the D% trans6ission fails to rea"h the (lo"> &rror 4ate ((%&4) target# !he
"on:entional A.C s"he6e does not ha:e a "losed-loop feed0a"> 6e"hanis6 to guarantee
that the a"tual (%&4 rea"hes the (%&4 target#
!he C8I ad5ust6ent s"he6e introdu"es a "losed-loop 6e"hanis6 to "o6pensate for the C8I
6easure6ent errors# Ahen an e<ode( sele"ts the .C) for the D% trans6ission$ 0esides the
C8I and trans6its power$ the e<ode( also "onsiders the differen"e 0etween the target (%&4
and the a"tually 6easured (%&4# <ote that the a"tually 6easured (%&4 is "al"ulated on the
0asis of the "losed-loop ACE/<ACE that the e<ode( re"ei:ed fro6 the D% trans6ission# In
addition$ the "losed-loop solution used 0y the C8I ad5ust6ent s"he6e allows the e<ode( to
instru"t a 2& to "hange the (%&4 target for C8I reporting$ whi"h "ould 6a1i6i?e the syste6
A "o66on target (%&4 is opti6i?ed for all "o66on s"enarios$ 0ut in so6e s"eanrios "ell
throughput "an 0e in"reased 0y in"rease initial target (%&4$ espe"ially for "ell edge users or
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
e%!&2#' D()'*00 %!& +DD ,ptional +eature
Des"ription 1 4adio ; Perfor6an"e
users only trans6it s6all pa">ets# A swit"h allows operator to ad5ust the initial target (%&4
for "ells of su"h s"enarios#
In e4A<3#0
!his feature is enhan"ed to allow ad5ust initial target (%&4 of a "ell#
<one *O&/0--1-1,-2 /ynamic Sc(edu'ing
!his feature is
appli"a0le to .a"ro fro6 e4A<1#0
appli"a0le to .i"ro for6 e4A<'#0
appli"a0le to %a6psite fro6 e4A<3#0
!he dyna6i" s"heduling feature pro:ides the fun"tion that guarantees the user 8o) and
a"hie:es effi"ient resour"e utili?ation# !he fairness 0etween different 2&s is also "onsidered
in the fun"tion# !he dyna6i" s"heduling algorith6 6ainly fo"uses on the =(4 and non-=(4
!he s"heduling feature is the "ore fun"tion to pro:ide 8o) in a %!& syste6# Huawei
s"heduling solution "ould pro:ide the following 0enefits@
=uarantees the 8o) for =(4$ and non-=(4 ser:i"es#
A"hie:es an opti6al tradeoff a6ong throughput$ fairness$ and 8o)#
!he s"heduling fun"tion fa"ilitates to the a"hie:e6ent of effi"ient resour"e utili?ation on a
shared "hannel# In a %!& syste6$ the s"heduler allo"ates resour"es to the 2&s e:ery 1 6s or
e:ery one !!I# !he s"heduling algorith6 needs to 6eet the 8o) reBuire6ents for different
ser:i"es and to a"hie:e a good tradeoff 0etween priority differentiation a6ong different
ser:i"es and the fairness a6ong users#
!he 8o) spe"ifi"ation is 0ased on the nine 8o) 8CI defined in %!& standards# !he nine
different 8CI "lasses "an 0e di:ided into =(4 and <on-=(4 ser:i"e# !he s"heduling
solution is reBuired to guarantee the 0it rate reBuire6ent for =(4 ser:i"es$ and enfor"e the
A.(4 for <on-=(4 ser:i"es# .ini6u6 =(4 is set for <on-=(4 ser:i"es to a:oid
!he uplin> s"heduler "ontrols the ser:i"e rates 0y using the to>en 0u">et algorith6 for =(4
and <on-=(4 ser:i"es# Proportional +air (P+) algorith6 is the 0asi" strategy to ensure
s"heduling priorities (0ased on 8CI) a6ong different ser:i"es# Higher priority is assigned to
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
e%!&2#' D()'*00 %!& +DD ,ptional +eature
Des"ription 1 4adio ; Perfor6an"e
I.) signaling and =(4 ser:i"es# )e6i-persistent s"heduling is e6ployed for HoIP ser:i"e to
ensure the :oi"e Buality# Ahen the "ongestion indi"ator fro6 load "ontrol algorith6 is
re"ei:ed$ the s"heduler 6ight redu"e the guaranteed data rate for =(4 ser:i"e# !he s"heduler
6ight also "onsider the input fro6 2% ICIC to redu"e interferen"e#
!he uplin> s"heduler will di:ide the %ogi"al Channel =roups (%C=) a""ording to ,perator
"onfiguration# H,IP ser:i"e is assigned with signaling in the sa6e %C= and non-=(4
ser:i"es 0elong to two %C=# )u"h "onfiguration "an guarantee the high priority non-=(4
ser:i"es are s"heduled in uplin># Prioriti?ed 0it rate (P(4) is not sa6e as .ini6u6 =(4 and
P(4 is "onfigura0le 0y operator#
!he D% s"heduler e6ploys an enhan"ed s"heduling strategy# During a gi:en ti6e window$
the s"heduler is reBuired to guarantee =(4 and A.(4 for all ser:i"es# +or =(4 ser:i"es$ the
user "hannel Buality and the ser:i"e pa">et delay are ta>en into a""ount when "al"ulating the
priority# +or <on-=(4 ser:i"es$ in addition to the user "hannel Buality$ the s"heduled ser:i"e
throughput is also "onsidered when "al"ulating the priority# <ote that se6i-persistent
s"heduling is used for HoIP ser:i"e again and the 0andwidth allo"ated for HoIP traffi" is not
s"heduled 0y the s"heduler# !he enhan"ed D% s"heduler "an a"hie:e an opti6al tradeoff
a6ong throughput$ fairness$ and 8o) guarantee# !he sa6e as the 2% s"heduler$ the D%
s"heduler also "onsiders the input fro6 D% ICIC to redu"e the inter-"ell interferen"e#
As =(4 ser:i"es ha:e higher priority than non-=(4 ser:i"es$ when syste6 is in "ongestion$
non-=(4 ser:i"e 6ight 0e star:ing as it "annot 0e s"heduled# !he D% s"heduler will reser:e a
"ertain portion of resour"e for non-=(4 ser:i"es to pre:ent the issue#
In e4A<3#0 this feature is enhan"ed for D% non-=(4 ser:i"es to pre:ent non-=(4 ser:i"es
fro6 star:ing at syste6 "ongestion#
1.3.2 *O&/0--1-2! TCP Pro1y +n(ancer ?TP+@
!his feature is
appli"a0le to .a"ro fro6 e4A<2#0
appli"a0le to .i"ro for6 e4A<'#0
appli"a0le to %a6psite fro6 e4A<3#0
!he !CP/IP proto"ol was initially de:eloped for wired trans6ission and later also used in
wireless networ>$ while the lin> "hara"teristi"s in wireless networ> is Buite different fro6 the
wired networ># A series of enhan"e6ent on !CP fun"tions are i6ple6ented in the e<ode(#
!his feature ena0les the perfor6an"e of the !CP proto"ol deri:ed fro6 the wired networ> to
0e greatly i6pro:ed in the wireless networ>$ thus i6pro:ing user e1perien"e and syste6
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
e%!&2#' D()'*00 %!& +DD ,ptional +eature
Des"ription 1 4adio ; Perfor6an"e
!his feature 6itigates the i6pa"t of so6e fa"tors su"h as pa">et loss in the 4A< side to
i6pro:e the perfor6an"e of !CP data trans6ission$ a""elerates the slow startup of the ser:er
during the data trans6ission$ thus greatly i6pro:ing the !CP trans6ission perfor6an"e#
!he !CP/IP proto"ol is e1tensi:ely used all o:er the world# It was initially de:eloped for
wired trans6ission and later also used in wireless networ>s# Howe:er wireless networ>s ha:e
so6e "hara"teristi"s Buite different fro6 the wired networ># !o 6itigate this effe"t$ a nu60er
of enhan"e6ents ha:e 0een i6ple6ented in the e<ode(#
A !P& (!CP Pro1y &nhan"er) fun"tionality is i6ple6ented in the e<ode($ whi"h i6pro:es
the data trans6ission perfor6an"e in the wireless networ># !he !P& pro"esses the !CP/IP
pa">ets 0y adopting !CP perfor6an"e opti6i?ation te"hnologies su"h as ACE splitting and
ACE "ontrol# !his feature a""elerates the slow startup of the ser:er and de"rease pa">et
drops# !herefore$ this feature greatly i6pro:es the !CP trans6ission perfor6an"e#
ACE splitting
In !CP$ the "ongestion window is updated a""ording to the nu60er of re"ei:ed ACE
6essages and is e1panded 0y in"reasing the nu60er of ACE 6essages# Ahen a slow startup
o""urs$ ACE splitting "an Bui">ly in"rease the "ongestion window#
ACE Control
In %!& syste6$ flu"tuations o:er the air interfa"e are ine:ita0le# !herefore$ HA48/A48 is
trans6itted in the uplin> to ensure data is trans6itted properly# A""ording to '=PP
spe"ifi"ations$ 4%C 6ust "a"he data and wait until the HA48/A48 "o6pleted$ then hand in
data "a"hed to PDCP in seBuen"e# Howe:er$ the HA48/A48 trans6ission ta>es at least 9 6s$
whi"h "ould 0e delayed o:er air interfa"e and 0urst layer# As a result$ downlin> !CP ser:i"es
also 0urst$ and "ausing pa">et loss if the 0uffer si?e of trans6ission eBuip6ent is li6ited# !he
ACE "ontrol fun"tion "ontrols the uplin> ACE traffi" to pre:ent 0ursts of downlin> data#
.!2 Control
Ahen pa">et length is greater than P.!2(Path .a1i6u6 !rans6ission 2nit)$ pa">et is
frag6ented on trans6ission path$ whi"h will redu"e effi"ien"y of trans6ission and "ause
pa">et drop pro0a0ly# .!2 Control allows operators to define the pa">et .)) (.a1i6u6
)eg6ent )i?e) so the pa">et frag6entation "an 0e a:oided#
In e4A<3#0
!he uplin> ACE "ontrol fun"tion is introdu"ed#
!he .!2 Control fun"tion is introdu"ed #
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
e%!&2#' D()'*00 %!& +DD ,ptional +eature
Des"ription 1 4adio ; Perfor6an"e
1.3.3 *O&/0--1-2A "cti$e 7ueue anagement
!his feature is
appli"a0le to .a"ro fro6 e4A<2#0
appli"a0le to .i"ro for6 e4A<'#0
appli"a0le to %a6psite fro6 e4A<3#0
!his feature pro:ides an approa"h for 0uffer opti6i?ation to intera"t with the !CP proto"ol in
a fa:ora0le 6anner and shorten the 0uffering delay#
!he A"ti:e 8ueue .anage6ent feature i6pro:es the end user ser:i"e in different ways# Aith
A8.$ where the 0uffer fill le:el is 0alan"ed to the 2& data rate$ the delay is signifi"antly
In an intera"ti:e "onne"tion$ the pa">et data to 0e transferred is typi"ally "hara"teri?ed 0y
large :ariations$ so the 0uffer is introdu"ed to e:en out the :ariations# Howe:er$ if the 0uffer
is filled up or an o:erflow situation ta>es pla"e$ it will result in loss of data pa">ets#
Currently$ !CP as the 6ain transport layer proto"ol is used on Internet# Pa">et loss is regarded
as lin> "ongestion 0y !CP$ and !CP will "orrespondingly redu"e the data trans6ission rate#
!CP proto"ol is also sensiti:e to round trip delay and it will ta>e a"tions differently in "ase
5ust one pa">et is lost or if a 0urst of pa">ets is lost# In "ase of un"ontrolled pa">et losses$ it
6ay ta>e a "onsidera0le ti6e for the data rate to in"rease again$ leading to poor radio lin>
utili?ation and "ausing long delays for the end user#
In addition$ in "ase a user is perfor6ing parallel a"ti:ities$ e#g# +!P downloading and we0
0rowsing$ if the file downloading as a do6inant strea6 would fill the 0uffers and there0y
"ause a long delay for we0 0rowsing$ 0efore anything would happen when "li">ing on a lin>#
!he fun"tionality of A8. is pro:ided as an opti6i?ed 0uffer handling 6ethod$ in order to
intera"t with the !CP proto"ol in a fa:ora0le 6anner and redu"e the 0uffering delay#
,perators "an swit"h on/off the A"ti:e 8ueue .anage6ent fun"tion#
1.3.4 *O&/0--1-2> +n(anced "dmission Contro'
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
e%!&2#' D()'*00 %!& +DD ,ptional +eature
Des"ription 1 4adio ; Perfor6an"e *O&/0--1-2>-1 Radio.trans)ort resource )re0
!his feature is
appli"a0le to .a"ro fro6 e4A<2#0
appli"a0le to .i"ro for6 e4A<'#0
appli"a0le to %a6psite fro6 e4A<3#0
!his feature ena0les ser:i"e differentiation when the networ> is "ongested to pro:ide 0etter
ser:i"es for high-priority users#
!his feature pro:ides operators with a 6ethod to differentiate users a""ording to their priority#
High priority users "an o0tain the syste6 resour"es in "ase of resour"e li6itation# In this way$
operators "an pro:ide 0etter ser:i"e to those high priority users#
Pre-e6ption is the fun"tion related to ad6ission "ontrol and is the 6ethod for differentiating
ser:i"es# It ena0les operators to pro:ide different ser:i"es 0y setting different priorities$ whi"h
will affe"t the user "all setup su""ess rate during the "all setup pro"edure# If there are not
enough resour"es and a new "all is not ad6itted to a""ess to the networ>$ high priority user
will ha:e 6ore "han"es to a""ess to the networ> than low priority users 0y pre-e6pting other
low priority users#
!he priority infor6ation is o0tained fro6 the &-4A( %e:el 8o) Para6eters in"luding A4P
(Allo"ation / 4etention Priority)$ in the 6essage of &4A( )&!2P 4&82&)!# !he e<ode(
will assign the user priority 0ased on A4P#
Pre-e6ption will ta>e a"tion if ad6itting a "all fails due to la"> of resour"e$ in"luding )1
trans6ission resour"e and radio resour"e (for e1a6ple$ 8o) satisfa"tion ratio 0ased ad6ission
"he"> is failure)# !he ser:i"e with the attri0ution of Pre-e6ption Capa0ility and Pre-e6ption
Hulnera0ility indi"ates the ser:i"e a0ility of pre-e6pt and pre-e6ption :ulnera0ility# !he pre-
e6ption "apa0ility indi"ates the pre-e6ption "apa0ility of the reBuest on other &-4A(s$ and
pre-e6ption :ulnera0ility indi"ates the :ulnera0ility of the &-4A( to pree6ption of other &-
In "ase of )ignaling 4adio (earer ()4()$ the pre-e6ption will not 0e triggered if resour"e
allo"ation for )4( fails# +or the e6ergen"y "all (e#g#$ &*11) ser:i"e$ on a""ount of their :ery
high priority$ it always has the pree6ption "apa0ility# +or the )4($ e6ergen"y "all and I.)
signaling$ they "annot 0e pree6pted#
In e4A<3#0
!his feature ena0les pree6ption when the nu60er of 2&s that ha:e a""essed "ells
rea"hes the 6a1i6u6 nu60er of 2&s supported 0y an e<ode(# Aith this enhan"e6ent$
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
e%!&2#' D()'*00 %!& +DD ,ptional +eature
Des"ription 1 4adio ; Perfor6an"e
high-priority ser:i"es and ser:i"es that 6ust 0e guaranteed to "o6ply with laws "an
pree6pt resour"es of "o66on ser:i"es and therefore get 0etter a""ess#
An e<ode( ad6its all initially a""essing 2&s$ allowing setup of 4adio 4esour"e Control
(44C) "onne"tions for the 2&s# !hen during &-2!4A< radio a""ess 0earer (&-4A()
setup$ the e<ode( triggers pree6ption for high-priority ser:i"es and e6ergen"y "alls$
whi"h are sele"ted 0ased on allo"ation/retention priority (A4P) :alues# !he e<ode(
sele"ts ser:i"es to 0e pree6pted in the following seBuen"e@ non-=(4 ser:i"es on
unsyn"hroni?ed 2&s$ non-=(4 ser:i"es on syn"hroni?ed 2&s$ and low-priority =(4
!his feature needs the "ore networ> to 0ring the A4P I& to e<ode( during &-4A(
assign6ent pro"edure so that e<ode( "an get the ser:i"e priority with those &-4A(
1.3., *O&/0--1-,4 &'e1i#'e 5ser Steering
1.3.,.1 *O&/0--1-,4-1 Cam) & 6ando$er 3ased on SP2/
!his feature is
appli"a0le to .a"ro fro6 e4A<2#2
appli"a0le to .i"ro for6 e4A<'#0
appli"a0le to %a6psite fro6 e4A<3#0
!his feature is used in the s"enarios under whi"h the operator wants to "ontrol the 6o0ility of
an 2& to 6a>e it "a6p on$ redire"t or hando:er to a suita0le "ell# !he priorities for the "ell
sele"tion is predefined and "onfigured to e<ode( through )PID ()u0s"ri0er Profile ID for
4A!/+reBuen"y Priority)#
,perators "an 6a>e its su0s"ri0ers to "a6p in$ redire"t or hando:er to a suita0le 4A! (a "ell
of %!&/2.!)/=).) or freBuen"y (a "ell of %!&) 0ased on the ser:i"e "hara"teristi"s# +or
e1a6ple$ for a data "entri" su0s"ri0er$ a %!& "ell will 0e the 6ore suita0le sele"tion than an
2.!) "ell or a =). "ellF for a :oi"e "entri" su0s"ri0er$ a =). "ell or an 2.!) "ell will 0e
the 6ore suita0le sele"tion than a %!& "ell#
!he )PID is an inde1 referring to user infor6ation (e#g# 6o0ility profile$ ser:i"e usage
profile)# !he infor6ation is 2& spe"ifi" and applies to all its 4adio (earers#
!his inde1 is 6apped 0y the e<ode( to lo"ally defined "onfiguration in order to apply
spe"ifi" 44. strategies (e#g# to define 44CIID%& 6ode priorities and "ontrol Inter-
4A!/inter freBuen"y redire"tion/ hando:er in 44CIC,<<&C!&D 6ode)#
In 44CIID%& 6ode$ 2& "an "a6p in a "ell with its suita0le 4A! or freBuen"y#
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
e%!&2#' D()'*00 %!& +DD ,ptional +eature
Des"ription 1 4adio ; Perfor6an"e
In 44CIC,<<&C!&D 6ode$ when load 0alan"e or o:erload "ontrol triggers an inter-
freBuen"y or Inter-4A! hando:er or redire"tion$ e<ode( will "hoose a suita0le target fro6
the "ells a""ording to the priorities inde1ed 0y its )PID# In addition$ when 2& finish its
ser:i"e$ e<ode( "an release it into a suita0le "ell a""ording to its )PID priority# +or 2&
without )PID$ when o:erload happens$ the 2& "ould also 0e redire"t to a suita0le "ell
a""ording to "o66on priority and o:erload infor6ation#
!hus$ ,perator "an "onfigure and push su0s"ri0ers into the suita0le "ell a""ording its
su0s"ription# +or e1a6ple@ a dongle user usually stays in a %!& high freBuen"y 0and for a
high ser:i"e rateF a HoIP user is prior to stay in a %!& low freBuen"y 0and to guarantee the
"ontinuous "o:erage#
In e4A<'#0
Ahen 2& triggers an inter-freBuen"y or inter-4A! hando:er$ e<ode( "an not only
"hoose a suita0le target fro6 the "ells 0ut also "hoose a HP%.< "ell for national
roa6ing su0s"ri0ers a""ording to the priorities inde1ed 0y its )PID# +or national
roa6ing su0s"ri0ers$ HP%.< "ell will 0e 6ore suita0le to 0e sele"ted than roa6ing "ell
when entering HP%.< %!& or '= "o:erage area through "onne"ted 6ode hando:er#
It depends on )A& to support the )PID "onfiguration#
,ther features
!he )PID-spe"ifi" load-0ased hando:er poli"ies fun"tion in this feature depends on
%,+D-0010'2 Intra-%!& %oad (alan"ing or %,+D-001044 Inter-4A! %oad )haring to
2!4A< or %,+D-00104- Inter-4A! %oad )haring to =&4A<#
!he )PID-spe"ifi" hando:er 0a"> to the HP%.< poli"ies fun"tion in this feature
depends on %(+D-00201902 Co:erage (ased Inter-freBuen"y or %,+D-00101* P)
Inter-4A! .o0ility 0etween &-2!4A< and 2!4A<#
=)./2.!) networ> should support this fun"tionality to a:oid ping-pong hando:er#
1.3.! *O&/0--1-,> 5* Pre0a''ocation 3ased on SP2/
!his feature is
appli"a0le to .a"ro fro6 e4A<2#2
appli"a0le to .i"ro for6 e4A<'#0
appli"a0le to %a6psite fro6 e4A<3#0
,perator "an "onfigure a suita0le )PID ()u0s"ri0er Profile ID for 4A!/+reBuen"y Priority) in
"ore networ> for ea"h 2&# Ahen an 2& a""esses to the networ>$ its )PID will 0e trans6itted
to the e<ode($ 0y whi"h the e<ode( "an ena0le or disa0le the 2% pre-allo"ation for the
"orresponding 2&#
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
e%!&2#' D()'*00 %!& +DD ,ptional +eature
Des"ription 1 4adio ; Perfor6an"e
Aith this feature$ ,perator "an assign different 2% pre-allo"ation "apa0ility for different 2&#
2% pre-allo"ation is used when the "ell is in a light load situation to a"hie:e the s6all laten"y
for a "ertain 2&#
!he )PID is an inde1 referring to user infor6ation (e#g# 6o0ility profile$ ser:i"e usage
profile)# !he infor6ation is 2& spe"ifi" and applies to all its 4adio (earers#
!his inde1 is 6apped 0y the e<ode( to lo"ally defined "onfiguration in order to apply
spe"ifi" 44. strategies#
,perator "an "onfigure a suita0le )PID in "ore networ> for ea"h 2&# Ahen an 2& a""esses to
the networ>$ its )PID will 0e trans6itted to the e<ode($ 0y whi"h the e<ode( "an ena0le or
disa0le the 2% pre-allo"ation for the "orresponding 2&#
2% pre-allo"ation fun"tionality allo"ates P2)CH 4(s to the 2& while the "ell is in light load
situationF e:en the 2&Gs sending 0uffer is e6pty# It gi:es the 2& the possi0ility to hit the
sending "han"e Bui">ly# +or instan"e$ this fun"tionality "an a""elerate the ACE of a D% 44C
signaling 6essage#
Aith 2% pre-allo"ation$ the sending delay of 2& will 0e shortened$ 0ut the power
"onsu6ption of 2& will in"rease# ,perators "an ad5ust the related para6eters to get
"o6pro6ise on the laten"y and power "onsu6ption#
!his feature depends on )A& to support the )PID "onfiguration#
1.3.A *O&/0--11-> /* Non0B3R Packet 3und'ing
!his feature is
appli"a0le to .a"ro fro6 e4A<3#0
appli"a0le to .i"ro for6 e4A<3#0
appli"a0le to %a6psite fro6 e4A<3#0
Delay-0ased downlin> (D%) pa">et 0undling introdu"es delay "ontrol and 0undles D% pa">ets
0efore trans6ission#
Delay-0ased D% pa">et 0undling offers the following 0enefits@
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
e%!&2#' D()'*00 %!& +DD ,ptional +eature
Des"ription 1 4adio ; Perfor6an"e
!his feature redu"es PDCCH o:erheads and in"reases the PDCCH "apa"ity#
Co6pared with non-delay-0ased fun"tions$ this feature 0etter 6eets the delay
reBuire6ents of 0est effort ((&) ser:i"es and in"reases the e<ode( throughput in hy0rid
ser:i"e s"enarios when 0oth guaranteed 0it rate (=(4) and non-=(4 ser:i"es e1ist#
Delay-0ased D% pa">et 0undling pri6arily introdu"es delay "ontrol for (& ser:i"es#
If the networ> load is light and the resour"es for "ontrol and traffi" "hannels are suffi"ient$
delay-0ased D% pa">et 0undling is not ne"essary# Ahen the networ> load in"rease$ PDCCH
pa">et delay will also in"rease and PDCCH trans6ission 6ight 0e "ongested# (y 0undling the
PDCCH pa">ets$ e<ode( redu"ed the o:erhead on the PDCCH trans6ission# !his feature
i6pro:es (& user e1perien"e $ and in"reases the e<ode( throughput in hy0rid ser:i"e
s"enarios at high load#
Ahen the feature is used$ a:erage PDCCH pa">et delay of =(4 ser:i"es 6ight in"rease when
it is 6i1ed with non-=(4 ser:i"es# +or non-=(4 ser:i"es$ when Proportional +air (P+)
s"heduling is used s6all PDCCH pa">et delay 6ight in"rease#
1.4 Signa'ing Storm & Termina' 3attery *ife
1.4.1 *O&/0-A-2-A 2nte''igent "ccess C'ass Contro'
!his feature is
appli"a0le to .a"ro fro6 e4A<7#0
appli"a0le to .i"ro for6 e4A<7#0
appli"a0le to %a6psite fro6 e4A<7#0
!his feature ena0les a""ess "ontrol in s"enarios where a large nu60er of users a""ess the
networ> si6ultaneously$ su"h as <ew Dear party$ "on"ert$ or gathering# A""ess "ontrol is
perfor6ed 0ased on the "ell "ongestion status to ensure s6ooth a""ess of 2&s and pre:ent a
sharp in"rease in signaling load#
!his feature 6ay affe"t user e1perien"e in networ> a""ess# !herefore$ it is re"o66ended that
this feature 0e ena0led only when a large nu60er of users a""ess the networ> si6ultaneously#
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
e%!&2#' D()'*00 %!& +DD ,ptional +eature
Des"ription 1 4adio ; Perfor6an"e
!his feature offers the following 0enefits@
Controls 2& a""ess to pre:ent a sharp in"rease in signaling load#
4elie:es "ell "ongestion and i6pro:es user e1perien"e of 2&s that ha:e a""essed the
As defined in '=PP spe"ifi"ations$ a""ess "lass "ontrol supported sin"e e4A<2#1 ena0les an
e<ode( to send a""ess "ontrol para6eters in syste6 infor6ation 0lo"> type 2 ()I(2) to 2&s
in a "ell# (ased on a""ess "ontrol para6eter settings$ 2&s then deter6ine whether they "an
a""ess the "ell#
(ased on the a""ess "ause$ )I(2 "an "ontain a""ess "ontrol para6eters for different types of
ser:i"es# !he "auses in"lude ., )ignaling$ ., Data$ &6ergen"y$ ))ACI..!&%IHideo$
))ACI..!&%IHoi"e$ and C)+(#
+or &6ergen"y ser:i"es$ the a""ess "ontrol para6eter "an spe"ify whether to ena0le a""ess
0arring# +or other ser:i"es$ a""ess "ontrol para6eters "an spe"ify the 0arring fa"tor$ 0arring
duration$ and 0arring of a""ess "lasses 11 to 1-#
Intelligent a""ess "lass "ontrol is an enhan"e6ent to a""ess "lass "ontrol# Aith this
enhan"e6ent$ an e<ode( "an deter6ine whether to start a""ess "lass "ontrol 0ased on the "ell
"ongestion status# After a""ess "lass "ontrol is started$ the e<ode( "an dyna6i"ally ad5ust
a""ess "ontrol para6eters until "ell "ongestion is relie:ed#
Currently$ only intelligent a""ess "lass "ontrol for ., )ignaling and ., Data are supported#
Intelligent a""ess "lass "ontrol pro:ides the following enhan"e6ent@
&na0les an e<ode( to start a""ess "lass "ontrol 0ased on the "ell "ongestion status#
&na0les an e<ode( to dyna6i"ally ad5ust a""ess "ontrol para6eters after a""ess "lass
"ontrol is ena0led#
2&s 6ust support AC 0arring "ontrol defined in '=PP 4elease 9#
1., Refarming
1.,.1 *O&/0--1-,1 Com)act 3andwidt(
!his feature is
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
e%!&2#' D()'*00 %!& +DD ,ptional +eature
Des"ription 1 4adio ; Perfor6an"e
appli"a0le to .a"ro fro6 e4A<2#2
not appli"a0le to .i"ro
not appli"a0le to %a6psite
Huawei %!& supports the "o6pa"t 0andwidths 0y stri"t filter and 4( pun"hing# Co6pa"t
0andwidths for - .H?$ 10 .H?$ 1- .H? and 20 .H? are supported#
Co6pa"t 0andwidth "onfiguration helps operators 6a>e full use of "ertain non-standard
freBuen"y 0ands and redu"e the waste of freBuen"y frag6ent#
Co6pa"t 0andwidth need not to a""ord with standard 0andwidthF Co6pa"t 0andwidth
produ"es higher throughput and 0etter user e1perien"e#
Co6pa"t 0andwidth is "o6pletely transparent to 2& and has no i6pa"t to 49/4* 2&#
Huawei %!& supports the Co6pa"t 0andwidths listed as follows@
Table 1.1 Co6pa"t 0andwidths list
<one )tandard
A:aila0le 4( nu60er )tandard (andwidth(.HJ)
4#9-4#* 2- -
*#3-*#* -0 10
14#3-14#* 7- 1-
19#'-19#- *4 20
19#3-19#* *3 20
1*-1*#2 *3 20
1*#'-1*#* 100 20
!his feature is only supported on 1900. 0and with .4+2d$ 442'*29 or 442'*2*#
,ther features
!he feature %,+D-001014 Dyna6i" Inter-Cell Interferen"e Coordination "annot 0e used
together with this feature when the "o6pa"t 0andwidth is fro6 19#'.H? to 1*#2.H?#
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
e%!&2#' D()'*00 %!& +DD ,ptional +eature
Des"ription 1 4adio ; Perfor6an"e
1.! 6ig( S)eed o#i'ity
1.!.1 *O&/0--1--A 6ig( S)eed o#i'ity
!his feature is
appli"a0le to .a"ro fro6 e4A<1#0
not appli"a0le to .i"ro
not appli"a0le to %a6psite
Huawei e<ode( supports the 6o0ility up to 120 >6/h at 2#3=H? or 200>6/h at 1#9=H? with
good perfor6an"e#
High speed a""ess is one of the >ey differentiators for Huawei )ingle4A< %!& solution to
pro:ide high speed "o:erage# !his feature 0rings the following 0enefits@
Allows Huawei %!& syste6 to support high-speed 2&s at different speed and freBuen"y
"o60inations with good perfor6an"e@
K 120>6/h at 2#3=H?
K 130>6/h at 2#1=H?
K 200>6/h at 1#9=H?
K 4-0>6/h at 700.H? ; 900.H?
Pro:ides a sea6less user e1perien"e in a high-speed s"enario#
!his feature allows a Huawei %!& syste6 to operate in a high-speed s"enario and deli:er
good perfor6an"e#
!he higher the :elo"ity that the 2& e1perien"es$ the se:erer the effe"t of fast fading that the
syste6 suffers# !herefore$ it is 6ore diffi"ult to a"hie:e the sa6e perfor6an"e in high-speed
s"enario as in the nor6al speed#
Huawei e4A<1#0 supports the 2& :elo"ity at different freBuen"ies as 6entioned a0o:e$
whi"h has al6ost "o:ered all 6o0ility s"enarios in ur0an en:iron6ent# !he e<ode( should
6easure the 2& 6o0ility speed and refine the "hannel esti6ation s"he6e a""ordingly# In
addition$ the .I., s"he6e and resour"e allo"ation 6e"hanis6 is adapti:ely ad5usted 0y the
radio resour"e 6anage6ent (44.) fun"tion to 6eet the high-speed perfor6an"e reBuire6ent#
+or e1a6ple$ it is suita0le to use freBuen"y di:ersity 6ode rather than freBuen"y-sele"ti:e
s"heduling$ or trans6it di:ersity rather than spatial 6ultiple1ing for a 2& at a high speed#
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
e%!&2#' D()'*00 %!& +DD ,ptional +eature
Des"ription 1 4adio ; Perfor6an"e
1.!.2 *O&/0--1--% 5'tra 6ig( S)eed o#i'ity
!his feature is
appli"a0le to .a"ro fro6 e4A<1#0
not appli"a0le to .i"ro
not appli"a0le to %a6psite
Huawei e<ode( "an support the 6o0ility up to 4-0 >6/h at higher freBuen"y in %o) (%ine of
)ight) s"enario with good perfor6an"e#
High speed a""ess is one of the >ey differentiators for Huawei )ingle4A< %!& solution to
pro:ide high speed "o:erage# !his feature 0rings the following 0enefits@
Allows Huawei %!& syste6 to 0e deployed in any high speed s"enario and supports 2&s
at a speed of up to 4-0>6/h at higher freBuen"y#
Pro:ides a sea6less user e1perien"e in a high speed s"enario#
In addition to the a:aila0ility of speed in High )peed .o0ility feature$ this feature allows
Huawei %!& syste6 to support 2&s with al6ost any 6o0ility profile at up to 4-0 >6/h in
s"enario with %o) path (e#g#$ 4i"ian) and deli:er good perfor6an"e# +or e1a6ple$ a 2& on a
high-speed train "ould rea"h up to 4-0 >6/h#
!he higher the :elo"ity that the 2& e1perien"es$ the se:erer the effe"t of Doppler shift and
fast fading that the syste6 suffers# In Huawei 44. solution$ the .I., s"he6e and resour"e
allo"ation 6e"hanis6 is adapti:ely ad5usted to 6eet the ultra high speed perfor6an"e
In e4A<2#0
4-0>6/h is supported#
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
e%!&2#' D()'*00 %!& +DD ,ptional +eature
Des"ription 1 4adio ; Perfor6an"e
1.A Co$erage +n(ancement
1.A.1 *O&/0--1--> +1tended Ce'' "ccess Radius
!his feature is
appli"a0le to .a"ro fro6 e4A<2#0
not appli"a0le to .i"ro
not appli"a0le to %a6psite
!o i6pro:e wireless networ> "o:erage$ '=PP !)'3#211 has defined four types of prea60le
for6ats (0 - ') for fra6e stru"ture type 1# +or for6at 0$ it "orresponds to s6all "ell a""ess
radius$ for for6at 1$ 2 and '$ they "orrespond to e1tended "ell a""ess radius#
!his feature is used in large "ell s"enario to e1tend the "ell a""ess radius#
!his feature pro:ides operator with support of e1tended "ell radius# A""ording to the '=PP
!)'3#211$ there are four types of prea60le for6at (0-') for P4ACH are defined to support
different "ell a""ess radius$ shown in +igure 0elow#
Figure 1.1 Prea60le for6ats and "ell a""ess radius
+or for6at 0$ the supported "ell a""ess radius is a0out 1- >6$ it is used in s6all "ell s"enario$
and "onsidered as 0asi" "ell radius# !he e1tended "ell radius "onsists of for6at 1$ 2 and '# +or
for6at '$ the supported "ell a""ess radius is a0out 100 >6$ whi"h is used in the large "ell
s"enario to enhan"e the syste6 "o:erage#
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
e%!&2#' D()'*00 %!& +DD ,ptional +eature
Des"ription 1 4adio ; Perfor6an"e
1.A.2 *O&/0--1-31 +1tended CP
!his feature is
appli"a0le to .a"ro fro6 e4A<2#0
not appli"a0le to .i"ro
not appli"a0le to %a6psite
!he Cy"li" Prefi1 (CP) is the guard inter:al used in the ,+D. to de"rease the interferen"e
"aused 0y the 6ulti-path delay# !he '=PP !)'3#211 supports two types of CP length$ na6ely
nor6al CP and e1tended CP#
!he nor6al CP and the e1tended CP are used in different "ell s"enarios# In "ase of s6all
6ulti-path delay s"enario$ nor6al CP "an a"hie:e 0etter syste6 perfor6an"e# In "ase of large
6ulti-path delay s"enario$ e1tended CP "an a"hie:e 0etter syste6 perfor6an"e#
+or 0oth downlin> and uplin>$ the e1tended CP is "al"ulated as follows@
&1tended "y"li" prefi1@ !CP L -12M!s
Ahere !s L 1 / (2049Mf)$ f L 1- >H?
+or nor6al CP there are 7 sy60ols a:aila0le in one slot# Ahile for e1tended CP there are 3
sy60ols a:aila0le in one slot# !he e1tended CP in"reases o:erhead in e1"hange for larger
6ulti-path "apa0ility#
!he CP length is set in the networ> planning phase a""ording to the syste6 appli"ation
2&s should support the e1tended CP length as the e<ode(#
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
e%!&2#' D()'*00 %!& +DD ,ptional +eature
Des"ription 2 <etwor>ing ; !rans6ission ; )e"urity
2 Networking & Transmission &
"#out T(is C(a)ter
'#1 !rans6ission ; )yn"hroni?ation
'#2 IP:3
'#' )e"urity
'#4 4elia0ility
'#- )ite Ar"hite"ture
2.1 Transmission & Sync(roni9ation
2.1.1 *O&/0--3--2 2B.3B and *T+ Co0transmission
!his feature is
appli"a0le to .a"ro fro6 e4A<1#0
not appli"a0le to .i"ro
appli"a0le to %a6psite fro6 e4A<3#0
2=/'= and %!& "o-trans6ission pro:ides the operators the possi0ility of %!& "o-trans6ission
with lega"y networ>s su"h as =).$ 2.!)$ or CD.A for 0etter resour"es utili?ation and
,P&C redu"tion#
In a "o-site s"enario@
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
e%!&2#' D()'*00 %!& +DD ,ptional +eature
Des"ription 2 <etwor>ing ; !rans6ission ; )e"urity
(etter utili?ation of trans6ission resour"es is a"hie:ed#
,P&C (rental fees of the trans6ission resour"es) is redu"ed#
!he e<ode( supports "o-trans6ission with other 2=/'= 0ase stations#
During e<ode( site deploy6ent$ it is possi0le that an e<ode( shares a site with a 0ase station
of different te"hnologies su"h as =).$ 2.!)$ or CD.A# In this "ase$ "o-trans6ission
fa"ilitates 0etter utili?ation of trans6ission resour"es and redu"es the ,P&C (rental fees of the
trans6ission resour"es)#
!he following figure shows the 2=/'= and %!& "o-trans6ission
Figure 1.1 2=/'= and %!& "o-trans6ission
!he i6ple6entation of the "o-trans6ission fun"tion depends on four su0 fun"tions@ 6ultiple
ports$ IP route$ DHCP relay$ and Aeighted 4ound 4o0in (A44) s"heduling# !hey are
des"ri0ed as follows@
.ultiple ports@ e<ode( supports se:eral &thernet and &1/!1 interfa"es#
IP route@ !he data of the "as"aded 0ase station is swit"hed to IP networ> 0y the IP route
fun"tion in the e<ode(# IP routes "an 0e "onfigured 0y users#
DHCP relay@ In general$ a "as"aded 0ase station o0tains the IP address 0y the DHCP
fun"tion# Aith the DHCP fun"tion$ the DHCP "lient$ that is the 0ase station$ and the
DHCP ser:er are reBuired to 0e lo"ated in the sa6e 0road"ast do6ain# In the "o-
trans6ission s"enario$ howe:er$ the "as"aded 0ase station is not lo"ated in the sa6e
0road"ast do6ain as the DHCP ser:er# DHCP relay pro:ides a 6eans to transfer DHCP
6essages 0etween different 0road"ast do6ains#
A44 s"heduling@ It ensures fairness 0etween the "as"aded 0ase station and the e<ode(
for the data transport# Data are s"heduled on the 0asis of the weight "o6puted a""ording
to the traffi" 0andwidth# &a"h 0ase station and e<ode( has a weight and then has a
"han"e to 0e s"heduled#
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
e%!&2#' D()'*00 %!& +DD ,ptional +eature
Des"ription 2 <etwor>ing ; !rans6ission ; )e"urity
2=/'= should support IP trans6ission#
2.1.2 *O&/0--3-11 +n(anced Transmission 7oS
anagement *O&/0--3-11-1 Trans)ort O$er#ooking
!his feature is
appli"a0le to .a"ro fro6 e4A<1#0
appli"a0le to .i"ro for6 e4A<'#0
appli"a0le to %a6psite fro6 e4A<3#0
!he trans6ission o:er0oo>ing allows ad6ission of 6ore users with the guarantee of "ertain
Buality with the enhan"ed ad6ission "ontrol 6e"hanis6 (!AC@ !ransport Ad6ission Control)
and 8o) 6e"hanis6 (traffi" shaping and "ongestion "ontrol)#
!his feature allows ad6ission of 6ore users with the guarantee of "ertain traffi" Buality#
!he trans6ission o:er0oo>ing 6e"hanis6 allows ad6ission of 6ore users with the guarantee
of "ertain traffi" Buality#
!he i6ple6entation of this fun"tion depends on the su0-fun"tions !AC$ traffi" shaping$ and
"ongestion "ontrol#
!AC@ It allows the 0andwidth for user ad6ission "ontrol to 0e larger than the 0andwidth
of the physi"al port# !hat is$ operators "an set the ad6ission threshold to allow ad6ission
of 6ore users#
!raffi" shaping@ It guarantees that the total a:aila0le traffi" 0andwidth is not larger than
the total "onfigured 0andwidth# !he 6ini6u6 transport 0andwidth of ea"h resour"e
group supported 0y e<ode( is 34>ps for dual rate and '2>ps for single rate !he
0andwidth granularity is 1>0ps#
Congestion "ontrol@ It dete"ts "ongestion# If "ongestion o""urs$ two steps would 0e
ta>en# +irst$ a signal is sent to the data sour"e to indi"ate the "ongestion# )e"ond$ so6e
low-priority pa">ets are dis"arded#
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
e%!&2#' D()'*00 %!& +DD ,ptional +eature
Des"ription 2 <etwor>ing ; !rans6ission ; )e"urity
<one *O&/0--3-11-2 Trans)ort /i8erentiated &'ow
!his feature is
appli"a0le to .a"ro fro6 e4A<1#0
appli"a0le to .i"ro for6 e4A<'#0
appli"a0le to %a6psite fro6 e4A<3#0
!rans6ission Differentiated +low Control enhan"es the ad6ission "ontrol 6e"hanis6 (!AC@
!ransport Ad6ission Control) $8ueue s"heduling (Priority 8ueue-P8 s"heduling and
Aeighted 4ound 4o0in-A44 s"heduling) and 0a">-pressure flow "ontrol to pro:ide users
with differentiated ser:i"es while guaranteeing fairness#
!his feature pro:ides users with differentiated ser:i"es while guaranteeing fairness#
!rans6ission Differentiated +low Control pro:ides users with differentiated ser:i"es while
guaranteeing fairness#
+airness@ &a"h ad6ission user should 0e allo"ated so6e 0andwidth to a:oid hungry
Differentiation@ High-priority users ta>e pre"eden"e o:er low-priority ones#
!he i6ple6entation of this fun"tion depends on the su0-fun"tions !AC $ 8ueue s"heduling
and 0a">-pressure flow "ontrol#
!AC@ If the =(4 reBuire6ent e1ists$ the transport 0andwidth is "o6puted on the 0asis of
the =(4F otherwise$ it is "o6puted on the 0asis of the default reser:ed 0andwidth of$ for
e1a6ple$ non-=(4 ser:i"es#
8ueue s"heduling@ ser:i"es enter to P8 and A44 Bueues 0ased on ser:i"e priority#
)er:i"es that entered the P8 Bueues ha:e the highest priority to 0e s"heduled$ )er:i"es
that entered the A44 Bueues are s"heduled on the 0asis of the weight "o6puted
a""ording to the traffi" 0andwidth# &a"h ser:i"e has a weight and then has a "han"e to 0e
(a">-pressure flow "ontrol@ It dete"ts "ongestion )1 o:erhead # If "ongestion o""urs$ two
steps would 0e ta>en# +irst$ a signal is sent to the data sour"e to indi"ate the "ongestion#
)e"ond$ so6e low-priority pa">ets are dis"arded#
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
e%!&2#' D()'*00 %!& +DD ,ptional +eature
Des"ription 2 <etwor>ing ; !rans6ission ; )e"urity
<one *O&/0--3-11-3 Trans)ort Resource O$er'oad
!his feature is
appli"a0le to .a"ro fro6 e4A<1#0
appli"a0le to .i"ro for6 e4A<'#0
appli"a0le to %a6psite fro6 e4A<3#0
!rans6ission 4esour"e ,:erload Control is a way to rapidly enhan"e the trans6ission
sta0ility when o:erloaded happen une1pe"tedly#
!his feature pro:ides prote"tion for the syste6 when trans6ission resour"es are o:erloaded
!rans6ission 4esour"e ,:erload Control pro:ides prote"tion for the syste6 when
trans6ission resour"es are o:erloaded une1pe"tedly#
!here are two s"enarios of the une1pe"ted o:erload@
A great 0andwidth "hange of transport 0earer (the 0andwidth a:aila0le in the syste6)
o""urs# +or e1a6ple$ the trans6ission 0andwidth de"reases fro6 20 .0/s to 10 .0/s
0e"ause of networ> failure#
A great 0andwidth "hange of ser:i"e traffi" (the 0andwidth used in the syste6) o""urs#
+or e1a6ple$ the traffi" 0andwidth in"reases fro6 - .0/s to 10 .0/s rapidly#
Ahen the a0o:e-6entioned s"enarios happen$ it is ne"essary to ta>e so6e e1tre6e a"tions
su"h as releasing low-priority users to guarantee high-priority usersG8o)#
!he strategy depends on 8o) para6eter Allo"ation and 4etention Priority (A4P)# A4P
defines whether user "ould 0e released during o:erload or not#
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
e%!&2#' D()'*00 %!& +DD ,ptional +eature
Des"ription 2 <etwor>ing ; !rans6ission ; )e"urity
2.1.3 *O&/0-A-21> 2P "cti$e Performance
!his feature is
appli"a0le to .a"ro fro6 e4A<7#0
appli"a0le to .i"ro fro6 e4A<7#0
appli"a0le to %a6p)ite fro6 e4A<7#0
IP perfor6an"e 6onitoring (IPP.) introdu"ed 0y the Internet &ngineering !as> +or"e (I&!+)
0oosts IP transport networ> de:elop6ent and i6pro:es the test perfor6an"e of IP lin>s
0etween trans6ission de:i"es and test de:i"es#
!his feature is de:eloped 0ased on IPP. spe"ifi"ations$ in"luding 4+C-'-7 (!AA.P)$
4+C2379$ 4+C2390$ 4+C2391$ and 4+C''*'#
!his feature supports IPP. 0etween wireless networ> ele6ents (<&s) and de:i"es supporting
the !wo-Aay A"ti:e .easure6ent Proto"ol (!AA.P) in the wireless 0a">haul networ># +or
e1a6ple$ IPP. "an 0e perfor6ed 0etween@
e<ode(s o:er the C2 interfa"es
(ase stations and 0ase station "ontrollers in the =). or 2.!) networ>
e<ode(s and de:i"es in the e:ol:ed pa">et "ore (&PC)
(ase station "ontrollers
(ase station "ontrollers and de:i"es in the "ore networ> (C<)
Aireless <&s and trans6ission de:i"es (su"h as routers)
Aireless <&s and test de:i"es
!his feature supports the Buality of ser:i"e (8o)) test on the transport networ>$ fa"ilitates
pro0le6 lo"ation and re"tifi"ation$ and therefore redu"es 6aintenan"e "osts#
!his feature supports traffi" 6easure6ent o:er a long duration$ ena0les operators to 6onitor
the 8o) of the transport networ>$ and therefore redu"es 6aintenan"e "osts#
!his feature uses 2DP pa">et in5e"tion for testing$ "onsu6ing networ> 0andwidths# +or
e1a6ple$ if a pie"e of 6onitoring strea6 is sent in "onse"uti:e pa">et trans6ission 6ode at a
speed of 10 pa">ets per se"ond and the length of ea"h pa">et is 90 0ytes$ the networ>
0andwidth to 0e "onsu6ed is 3#4 >0it/s#
!his feature dete"ts the trans6ission perfor6an"e of the IP networ> 0etween e<ode(s and the
&PC$ or 0etween transport de:i"es and test de:i"es 0ased on the !AA.P# .eanwhile$ this
feature 6onitors "hanges in 8o) para6eters related to the transport networ>$ su"h as round-
trip delay$ one-way pa">et loss rate$ and one-way 5itter#
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
e%!&2#' D()'*00 %!& +DD ,ptional +eature
Des"ription 2 <etwor>ing ; !rans6ission ; )e"urity
A 6easure6ent 6odel is defined 0ased on the !AA.P# !he 6easure6ent 6odel pro:ides
fun"tions of the Controller and the 4esponder# !he Controller "onsists of the )ession-)ender
and Control-Client$ and the 4esponder "onsists of the )ession-4efle"tor and )er:er#
!AA.P "ontrol pa">ets are trans6itted 0etween the Control-Client and )er:er for
6easure6ent tas> negotiation (also >nown as initiali?ation)$ start$ and stop# !AA.P "ontrol
pa">ets are trans6itted 0ased on !CP$ and the )er:er uses port 932#
!AA.P test pa">ets are trans6itted 0etween the )ession-)ender and )ession-4efle"tor 0ased
on 2DP#
!he following figure shows the wor>ing 6e"hanis6 of the 6easure6ent 6odel#

!he Controller sends !AA.P pa">ets o:er a negotiated strea6 0ased on the 6easure6ent
tas> negotiation result# !he strea6 "onsists of the Controller IP address$ 4esponder IP
address$ 2DP port nu60er$ and !ype-P infor6ation# !ype-P infor6ation "an 0e the proto"ol
type$ port nu60er$ pa">et length$ or differentiated ser:i"es "ode point (D)CP)# A !AA.P test
pa">et "ontains the sending seBuen"e nu60er and sending ti6esta6p# (ased on the !AA.P
test pa">ets$ lin> perfor6an"e indi"ators (su"h as one-way delay$ one-way 5itter$ one-way
pa">et loss rate$ and round-trip delay) "an 0e "al"ulated#
!he 4esponder sends responses to the pa">ets sent 0y the Controller# !he 4esponder re"ords
the re"ei:ing ti6esta6p$ o0tains the sending seBuen"e nu60er and ti6esta6p$ and generates
a response pa">et# !he response pa">et "ontains the re"ei:ing ti6esta6p$ sending seBuen"e
nu60er$ and sending ti6esta6p of ea"h pa">et sent 0y the Controller$ as well as the sending
seBuen"e nu60er and sending ti6esta6p of ea"h pa">et sent 0y the )ession-4efle"tor#
!his feature wor>s in una">nowledged 6ode$ and supports the fun"tions of the Controller and

!his feature "al"ulates the pa">et loss rate within a 6easure6ent period using the following
Pa">et loss rate in the dire"tion fro6 the )ender to the 4efle"tor L (<u60er of pa">ets
sent 0y the )ender N <u60er of pa">ets sent 0y the 4efle"tor)/<u60er of pa">ets sent
0y the )ender
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
e%!&2#' D()'*00 %!& +DD ,ptional +eature
Des"ription 2 <etwor>ing ; !rans6ission ; )e"urity
Pa">et loss rate in the dire"tion fro6 the 4efle"tor to the )ender L (<u60er of pa">ets
sent 0y the 4efle"tor N <u60er pa">ets re"ei:ed 0y the )ender)/<u60er of pa">ets sent
0y the 4efle"tor
!his feature "al"ulates the round-trip ti6e (4!!) using the following for6ula@
4!! L (!2 N !1) O (!4 N !') L (!4 N !1) N (!' N !2)
!1@ ti6e that the )ender sends the pa">et
!2@ ti6e that the 4efle"tor re"ei:es the pa">et
!'@ ti6e that the 4efle"tor sends the response pa">et
!4@ ti6e that the )ender re"ei:es the response pa">et
!his feature "al"ulates the one-way 5itter 0ased on the delay 0etween ad5a"ent pa">ets#
!his feature supports fault lo"ation of the transport networ> in seg6ents in daily operation
and 6aintenan"e 0y "onne"ting the e<ode( and !AA.P supporting de:i"es su"h as the
inter6ediate router# !his feature supports traffi" 6easure6ent o:er a long duration and
Buality 6onitoring of the transport networ>#
!ransport <etwor>
,ther +eatures
Peer de:i"es 6ust support the !AA.P proto"ol#
2.1.4 *O&/0--3-13 +n(anced Sync(roni9ation *O&/0--3-13-3 C'ock o$er 2P ?6uawei )ro)rietary@
!his feature is
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
e%!&2#' D()'*00 %!& +DD ,ptional +eature
Des"ription 2 <etwor>ing ; !rans6ission ; )e"urity
appli"a0le to .a"ro fro6 e4A<1#0
not appli"a0le to .i"ro
appli"a0le to %a6psite fro6 e4A<3#0
Clo"> o:er IP is an alternati:e networ> "lo"> syn"hroni?ation solution if the networ> does not
support the I&&&1-99 H2 Clo"> )yn"hroni?ation# It is Huawei proprietary "lo"> proto"ol#
Huawei proprietary "lo"> o:er IP proto"ol does not reBuire e1tra reBuire6ent to 0e in:ested
into the IP networ># !his feature has the sa6e reBuire6ents for the networ> as the ser:i"e
!he I&&& 1-99H2 "lo"> syn"hroni?ation solution reBuires that all the de:i"es on the "lo">
relay path support I&&&1-99H2 proto"ol# If the networ> does not support I&&&1-99H2
proto"ol$ Huawei %!& e4A<2#0 "an use Huawei proprietary proto"ol to support "lo"> o:er
!he following figure shows the fra6ewor> of Huawei proprietary proto"ol# !he "lo"> ser:ers
generate ti6e sta6ps and send the ti6e sta6ps to e<ode(s "onne"ting to it$ whi"h a"t as
"lo"> "lients in this "ase# (e"ause there is delay and 5itter in pa">et networ>s$ e<ode( uses an
adapti:e 6ethod to get rid of the delay and retrie:e the ti6ing signals# !he ti6e sta6ps are set
in pa">ets at the 2DP layer and will 0e trans6itted at the physi"al layer after the related
pa">et header is added$ so there will 0e an e1tra e1pense in 0andwidth#
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
e%!&2#' D()'*00 %!& +DD ,ptional +eature
Des"ription 2 <etwor>ing ; !rans6ission ; )e"urity
Figure 1.1 +ra6ewor> of Huawei proprietary proto"ol
Pay attention to the following infor6ation@
!here are "lo"> ser:ers and "lo"> "lients# !he ser:ers "an 0e lo"ated in the networ>
independently$ and the "lients are integrated into the e<ode(s#
An adapti:e algorith6 is in:ol:ed in the syste6# !he "lo"> ser:ers send ti6e sta6ps$
and "lo"> "lients re"ei:e ti6e sta6ps to retrie:e the freBuen"y#
,ne "lo"> ser:er ser:es a 6a1i6u6 of -12 e<ode(s#
!wo or 6ore "lo"> ser:ers "an 0e used together to i6pro:e the relia0ility# !his is
!he reBuired trans6ission 0andwidth for ti6e sta6ps in uni"ast 6ode is fro6 ->0it/s to
100>0it/s for ea"h "lo"> "lient# In 6ost "ases$ 2->0it/s is re"o66ended#
!his proprietary proto"ol only supports freBuen"y syn"hroni?ation# +reBuen"y a""ura"y
o0tained in the e<ode( is 0#0-pp6#
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
e%!&2#' D()'*00 %!& +DD ,ptional +eature
Des"ription 2 <etwor>ing ; !rans6ission ; )e"urity
2.2 2P$!
2.2.1 *O&/0--3-23 2+++ 1,%%$2 o$er 2P$!
!his feature is
appli"a0le to .a"ro fro6 e4A<'#0
not appli"a0le to .i"ro
appli"a0le to %a6psite fro6 e4A<3#0
!his feature ena0les e<ode( to pro:ide freBuen"y syn"hroni?ation 0y transporting I&&&
1-99:2 P!P 6essages through IP:3 uni"ast pa">et#
!his feature is appli"ati:e in +DD syste6#
Ahen e<ode( a""esses the IP:3 networ>$ I&&& 1-99 :2 "lo"> syn"hroni?ation "ould 0e used
in IP:3 trans6ission networ>$ pro:ide an alternati:e "lo"> solution for the =P) "lo">
I&&& 1-99 :2 standard ena0les pre"ise syn"hroni?ation of "lo">s in 6easure6ent and "ontrol
syste6s i6ple6ented with te"hnologies su"h as networ> "o66uni"ation$ lo"al "o6puting and
distri0uted o05e"ts# It is appli"a0le to syste6s "o66uni"ating :ia pa">et networ>s#
!he "lo">s in the "o66uni"ation syste6 "o66uni"ate with ea"h other o:er a "o66uni"ation
networ> and the 1-99 fun"tion generates a 6aster sla:e relationship a6ong the "lo">s in the
syste6# All "lo">s ulti6ately deri:e their ti6e fro6 a "lo"> >nown as the grand6aster "lo">#
I&&& 1-99 :2 o:er IP:3 ena0les the use of 1-99 in networ>ing en:iron6ent deploying IP:3#
!i6e ser:er as "lo"> 6aster sends the I&&& 1-99:2 P!P 6essage whi"h en"apsulated in IP:3
uni"ast pa">et# !hen the e<ode( as "lo"> "lient re"ei:es these 6essage and uses the Adapti:e
Clo"> algorith6 to i6ple6ent freBuen"y syn"hroni?ation#
!he syn"hroni?ation 6e"hanis6 is the sa6e as I&&&1-99 :2 o:er IP:4$ please refer to
%,+D-00'01' &nhan"ed )yn"hroni?ation#
!ransport networ>
!he peer eBuip6ents should support IP:3#
,ther features
!his feature depends on %,+D-00'01' &nhan"ed )yn"hroni?ation#
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
e%!&2#' D()'*00 %!& +DD ,ptional +eature
Des"ription 2 <etwor>ing ; !rans6ission ; )e"urity
!his feature needs ti6e ser:er support 1-99:2 o:er IP:3#
2.3 Security
2.3.1 *O&/0--1-1- Security ec(anism *O&/0--1-1--1 +ncry)tionC "+S
!his feature is
appli"a0le to .a"ro fro6 e4A<1#0
appli"a0le to .i"ro for6 e4A<'#0
appli"a0le to %a6psite fro6 e4A<3#0
!he en"ryption fun"tion pro:ides "onfidentiality prote"tion for 0oth signaling data and user
data 0etween the e<ode( and the 2&#
!he pro"edure pro:ides "onfidentiality prote"tion for signaling data and user data in order to
>eep the6 fro6 illegal inter"eption and 6odifying#
%!& handles the "iphering prote"tion for the 44C signaling and user data# !he en"ryption
fun"tion in"ludes 0oth "iphering and de"iphering and it is perfor6ed at PDCP layer# !he
"iphering is a"ti:ated 0y the initial se"urity a"ti:ation pro"edure after re"ei:ing the 2&
"onte1t fro6 the &PC# 2pon "onne"tion esta0lish6ent $ the "iphering algorith6 and >ey to 0e
used are generated 0y the 44C$ whi"h is "o66on for all radio 0earers$ for e1a6ple$ the
"onfiguration is used for the radio 0earers "arrying signaling data as well as for those "arrying
user data#
!he "iphering algorith6s "an only 0e "hanged with hando:er# !he "iphering >eys "hange with
hando:er or 44C "onne"tion re-esta0lish6ent# An intra-"ell hando:er pro"edure 6ay 0e used
to "hange the >eys in 44CIC,<<&C!&D 6ode#
+ro6 e4A<1#0$ en"ryption algorith6 A&) is supported#
!he 2& should support the sa6e en"ryption algorith6 as the e<ode(#
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
e%!&2#' D()'*00 %!& +DD ,ptional +eature
Des"ription 2 <etwor>ing ; !rans6ission ; )e"urity *O&/0--1-1--2 +ncry)tionC SNOD 3B
!his feature is
appli"a0le to .a"ro fro6 e4A<2#0
appli"a0le to .i"ro for6 e4A<'#0
appli"a0le to %a6psite fro6 e4A<3#0
!he en"ryption fun"tion pro:ides "onfidentiality prote"tion for 0oth signaling data and user
data 0etween the e<ode( and the 2&#
!he pro"edure pro:ides "onfidentiality prote"tion for signaling data and user data in order to
>eep the6 fro6 illegal inter"eption and 6odifying#
%!& handles the "iphering prote"tion for the 44C signaling and user data# !he en"ryption
fun"tion in"ludes 0oth "iphering and de"iphering and it is perfor6ed at PDCP layer# !he
"iphering is a"ti:ated 0y the initial se"urity a"ti:ation pro"edure after re"ei:ing the 2&
"onte1t fro6 the &PC# 2pon "onne"tion esta0lish6ent $ the "iphering algorith6 and >ey to 0e
used are generated 0y the 44C$ whi"h is "o66on for all radio 0earers$ for e1a6ple$ the
"onfiguration is used for the radio 0earers "arrying signaling data as well as for those "arrying
user data#
!he "iphering algorith6s "an only 0e "hanged with hando:er# !he "iphering >eys "hange with
hando:er or 44C "onne"tion re-esta0lish6ent# An intra-"ell hando:er pro"edure 6ay 0e used
to "hange the >eys in 44CIC,<<&C!&D 6ode#
Huawei e4A<2#0 supports )<,A'= with 129 0its >eys#
!he 2& should support the sa6e en"ryption algorith6 as the e<ode(#
2.3.2 *O&/0--3--> 2Psec
!his feature is
appli"a0le to .a"ro fro6 e4A<1#0
appli"a0le to .i"ro for6 e4A<'#0
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
e%!&2#' D()'*00 %!& +DD ,ptional +eature
Des"ription 2 <etwor>ing ; !rans6ission ; )e"urity
appli"a0le to %a6psite fro6 e4A<3#0
IPse" is used to prote"t$ authenti"ate$ and en"rypt data flow for ne"essary se"urity 0etween
two networ> entities at the IP layer#
!his feature pro:ides the se"urity 6e"hanis6$ "onfidentiality$ integrity$ and authenti"ation
0etween parti"ipating peers at the IP layer#
!he following figure shows the IPse"
Figure 1.1 IPse"
IP )e"urity (IPse") pro:ides a fra6ewor> of open standards dealing with data "onfidentiality$
integrity$ and authenti"ation 0etween parti"ipating hosts# IPse" pro:ides these se"urity
ser:i"es at the IP layer# It uses IE&H1 ; IE&H2 (Internet Eey &1"hange) to handle
negotiation of proto"ols and algorith6s 0ased on the lo"al poli"y and to generate the
en"ryption and authenti"ation >eys used 0y IPse"#
IPse" "an 0e used to prote"t one or 6ore data flows 0etween two e<ode(s$ 0etween e<ode(
and )=A/..&$ or 0etween se"urity gateway and e<ode(#
!he >ey "hara"teristi"s of IPse" are as follows@
!wo en"apsulation 6odes@ transport 6ode and "hannel 6ode
!wo se"urity proto"ols@ Authenti"ation Header (AH) and &n"apsulation )e"urity Payload
.ain en"ryption 6ethods@ <2%%$ Data &n"ryption )tandard $ !riple Data &n"ryption
)tandard $ and Ad:an"ed &n"ryption )tandard
.ain integrity prote"tion 6ethods@ H.ACI)HA-1$A&)-CC(C-.AC-*3$ )HA2-3 and
H.ACI.D-$ where H.AC stands for Hash .essage Authenti"ation Code$ )HA stands
for )e"ure Hash Algorith6$ and .D- stands for .essage Digest -
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
e%!&2#' D()'*00 %!& +DD ,ptional +eature
Des"ription 2 <etwor>ing ; !rans6ission ; )e"urity
In e4A<2#0$ PEI (Pu0li" Eey infrastru"ture) "ould 0e used to pro:ide authenti"ation for
IPse"# !his needs the support of feature %,+D-00'010 Pu0li" Eey Infrastru"ture (PEI)#
In e4A<'#0$two new integrity prote"tion 6ethods A&)-CC(C-.AC-*3 and )HA2-3 "ould
0e use#
!ransport networ>
)e"urity gateway is needed$ and it should support IPse"#
,ther features
!his feature depends on %,+D-00'010 Pu0li" Eey Infrastru"ture(PEI)#
2.3.3 *O&/0--3-14 2ntegrated &irewa'' *O&/0--3-14-1 "ccess Contro' *ist ?"C*@
!his feature is
appli"a0le to .a"ro fro6 e4A<2#0
appli"a0le to .i"ro for6 e4A<'#0
appli"a0le to %a6psite fro6 e4A<3#0
A""ess Control %ist is "o6prised of a series rules$ the e<ode( pro:ides pa">et filtering 0ased
on A""ess Control %ist#
!he e<ode( pro:ides pa">ets filtering a""ording to A""ess Control %ist to pre:ent so6e
!he e<ode( identifies spe"ifi" >inds of pa">ets$ whi"h need to 0e en"rypted and
authenti"ated 0y IPse" a""ording to A""ess Control %ist#
A""ess Control %ist (AC%) is "o6prised of a series rules# !he operating in the syste6 is
a""ording to the rules of AC%#
AC% is supported 0y e<ode(# Aith AC% rules$ the e<ode( pro:ides pa">ets filtering
a""ording the pa">et attri0utes$ su"h as$ sour"e IP addresses$ destination IP addresses$ sour"e
port nu60ers and destination port nu60ers of the pa">ets# !he AC% rules "an also 0e 0ased
on the !ype of ser:i"e (!,))$ D)CP and address wild"ard#
Ahen IPse" is applied to guarantee se"urity of the data flows$ operators "an sele"t data flows
that need to en"rypted and authenti"ated 0y IPse" with A""ess Control %ist#
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
e%!&2#' D()'*00 %!& +DD ,ptional +eature
Des"ription 2 <etwor>ing ; !rans6ission ; )e"urity
In e4A<'#0
AC% "an 0e utili?ed 0y %2 filterF wor>ing under %2$ AC% rule will filter pa">ages 0y
H%A< identify# !he e<ode( "an identify the H%A< ID of the pa">ages$ only pa">ages
with own H%A< ID will 0e allowed#
e<ode( support that IPse" en"rypted and authenti"ate sele"ted data flows with AC%
under IP:3#
<one *O&/0--3-14-2 "ccess Contro' *ist ?"C*@ "uto
!his feature is
appli"a0le to .a"ro fro6 e4A<7#0
appli"a0le to .i"ro fro6 e4A<7#0
appli"a0le to %a6p)ite fro6 e4A<7#0
!his feature auto6ati"ally "reates a""ess "ontrol list (AC%) rules for operation and
6aintenan"e (,;.) data$ ser:i"e data$ signaling data$ data fro6 the Certifi"ate Authority
(CA)$ data fro6 the se"urity gateway ()e=A)$ and "lo"> data# !he auto6ati" AC% rule
"reation si6plifies whitelist "onfiguration for the pa">et filtering fun"tion#
!his feature redu"es the "o6ple1ity of "onfiguring the pa">et filtering fun"tion#
!his feature wor>s as follows@
&na0les the e<ode( to o0tain the IP addresses and port nu60ers of peer <&s fro6 the
6anaged o05e"t (.,) infor6ation a0out ,;. lin>$ ser:i"e lin>$ signaling lin>$ CA$
)e=A$ and "lo"># 2sing the IP addresses and port nu60ers$ this feature auto6ati"ally
"reates AC% rules# !hese auto6ati"ally "reated AC% rules "an ensure that the e<ode(
pro:ides 0asi" ser:i"es#
2pdates related AC% rules when ., infor6ation "hanges#
Ahen an ,;. fun"tion is ena0led at the peer end$ not at the lo"al end$ the e<ode( "annot
o0tain the IP address of a 6aintenan"e pa">et# !o ensure infor6ation se"urity$ AC% rules for
6aintenan"e data 6ust 0e 6anually "reated#
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
e%!&2#' D()'*00 %!& +DD ,ptional +eature
Des"ription 2 <etwor>ing ; !rans6ission ; )e"urity
!ransport <etwor>
,ther +eatures
2.4 Re'ia#i'ity
2.4.1 *O&/0--1-1% S10Ee1
!his feature is
appli"a0le to .a"ro fro6 e4A<2#0
appli"a0le to .i"ro for6 e4A<'#0
appli"a0le to %a6psite fro6 e4A<3#0
!his feature is part of the ..& Pool solution whi"h needs the support fro6 0oth the e<ode(
and the ..&# It allows an e<ode( to 0e "onne"ted to 6ultiple ..&s si6ultaneously#
Huawei e<ode( supports a 6a1i6u6 of 13 )1 interfa"es# !here is one ..& on ea"h )1
interfa"e whi"h "an 0e also "onne"ted to se:eral ..&s#
!his feature in"reases the fle1i0ility of )1 interfa"e and pro:ides the following 0enefits@
In"reases the o:erall usage of "apa"ity of ..& pool#
I6pro:es the load sharing a"ross ..&s in pool#
A:oids unne"essary signaling in the "ore networ> when the 2& 6o:es in the ..& Pool
Area 0e"ause the ser:ed ..& of the 2& will not "hange#
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
e%!&2#' D()'*00 %!& +DD ,ptional +eature
Des"ription 2 <etwor>ing ; !rans6ission ; )e"urity
A "onne"tion topology 0etween ..& Pool and e<ode(s is shown as +igure 2-1@
Figure 1.1 "onne"tion topology 0etween ..& Pool and e<ode(s
If an e<ode( "onne"ts to a ..& Pool$ it indi"ates that the e<ode( 6ust 0e a0le to deter6ine
whi"h ..& in the pool should re"ei:e the signaling sent fro6 a 2&@
If the 2& gi:es the ..& infor6ation in the 44C signal 6essage$ the e<ode( will sele"t the
..& a""ording with this infor6ation#
If the 2& does not gi:e the ..& infor6ation or the registered ..& is not "onne"ted to the
e<ode($ the e<ode( will sele"t a ..& as follow@
!opology-0ased ..& Pool sele"tion
!he ..& pool is sele"ted 0ased the networ> topology to redu"es the possi0ility of swit"hing
..& during 6o0ility#
%oad-0ased ..& sele"tion
!he ..& is sele"ted 0ased on its "apa"ity and load# !he "apa"ity of the ..& "an 0e
infor6ed to the e<ode( during the )1 setup 0y the ..&# Ahen an ..& is o:erloaded$ the
e<ode( will li6it assigning new 2&s to the ..& a""ording to the o:erload a"tion
infor6ation ..& sent to it when o:erload started#
In e4A<3#0
!he priority-0ased ..& sele"tion 6ethod is added# Ahen ..&s or the )1 interfa"es to
..&s are assigned different priorities$ the ..& with the highest priority is
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
e%!&2#' D()'*00 %!& +DD ,ptional +eature
Des"ription 2 <etwor>ing ; !rans6ission ; )e"urity
preferentially sele"ted# If 6ultiple ..&s ha:e the highest priority$ the ..& with the
lowest load a6ong the6 is preferentially sele"ted# An ..& with a low priority is
sele"ted only when all high-priority ..&s are faulty or o:erloaded#
!he "ell-0ased ..& infor6ation "onfiguration is added# In the "ase of !DD and +DD
syste6 sharing the sa6e e<ode( 0ut with separated ..& group$ 2& will only a""ess
the ..&s whi"h ha:e 0een "onfigured to the "ell#
..& 6ust support ..& Pool fun"tion si6ultaneously#
2.4.2 *O&/0--3--A 3idirectiona' &orwarding
!his feature is
appli"a0le to .a"ro fro6 e4A<2#0
appli"a0le to .i"ro for6 e4A<'#0
appli"a0le to %a6psite fro6 e4A<3#0
(+D is a >ind of 0idire"tional-dete"ting 6e"hanis6$ whi"h "an 0e used to dete"t the fault of
the IP route#
(+D help the operator to dete"ting networ> fault#
(+D a"hie:e relia0ility and high a:aila0ility of &thernet ser:i"es$ ena0les the ser:i"e
pro:ider to pro:ide e"ono6i"al and effi"ient ad:an"ed &thernet ser:i"es#
!he (+D feature is a 6ethod for IP "onne"ti:ity failure dete"tion 0y periodi"ally trans6itting
(+D pa">ets 0etween two nodes# Ahen no (+D pa">ets are re"ei:ed during the dete"tion
inter:al$ failure is de"lared and related re"o:er a"tion will 0e triggered$ su"h as IP route$ to
a:oid traffi" drop# (+D "an dete"ting the failure rapidly$ so it "ould use for tele"o6 ser:i"e
a0o:e IP networ>#
!he one-hop and 6ulti-hop (+D is supported 0y e<ode(# .ulti-hop 6eans there is at least
one router on the IP path 0etween the sour"e node and destination node# ,therwise it is one-
!he one-hop (+D is used for the gateway a:aila0ility dete"tion when router is used#
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
e%!&2#' D()'*00 %!& +DD ,ptional +eature
Des"ription 2 <etwor>ing ; !rans6ission ; )e"urity
!he 6ulti-hop (+D is used for dete"ting the "onne"ti:ity of two networ> ele6ents$ su"h as
e<ode( to e<ode($ e<ode( to )=A/..& and e<ode( to transport eBuip6ent# !he
following figure shows the one-hop and 6ulti-hop (+D appli"ation s"enarios@
Figure 1.1 the one-hop and 6ulti-hop (+D appli"ation s"enarios
!ransport networ>
!he peer eBuip6ent 6ust support (+D when (+D is used to dete"t the fault of the IP
2.4.3 *O&/0--3--% +t(ernet *ink "ggregation ?2+++
!his feature is
appli"a0le to .a"ro fro6 e4A<2#0
not appli"a0le to .i"ro
appli"a0le to %a6psite fro6 e4A<3#0
!he &thernet %in> Aggregation 0inds se:eral &thernet lin>s to one logi"al lin>#
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
e%!&2#' D()'*00 %!& +DD ,ptional +eature
Des"ription 2 <etwor>ing ; !rans6ission ; )e"urity
&thernet lin> aggregation enhan"es the relia0ility of &thernet lin> 0etween e<ode( and
transport eBuip6ent#
&thernet pro:ides loading 0alan"e on the lin> 0etween the e<ode( and transport
eBuip6ent and in"reases the 0andwidth of the lin>#
&thernet lin> aggregation is a proto"ol defined in I&&&902#'ad# I&&&902#'ad defines a lin>
aggregation "ontrol proto"ol (%ACP)# !he lin>s status of lin> group "ould 0e dete"ted 0y
!he e<ode( supports stati" %ACP# +or stati" %ACP$ the para6eters of the lin> group are
"onfigured 6anually# !he fault dete"ting uses the %ACP#
!he &thernet lin> aggregation "an 0e used in the following figure#
Figure 1.1 the &thernet lin> aggregation
!his feature is not appli"a0le to 2.P! 0oard#
!ransport networ>
!he tranport networ>Gs ingress eBuip6ent fro6 e<ode( 6ust support this fun"tion#
It 6ust support &thenet#
2., Site "rc(itecture
2.,.1 *O&/0--3-2> S&N
!his feature is
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
e%!&2#' D()'*00 %!& +DD ,ptional +eature
Des"ription 2 <etwor>ing ; !rans6ission ; )e"urity
appli"a0le to .a"ro fro6 e4A<3#0
not appli"a0le to .i"ro
appli"a0le to %a6psite fro6 e4A<3#0
!his feature "o60ines 6ultiple 442(4adio 4e6ote 2nit) or p442(Pi"o 442) into one
single freBuen"y networ> ()+<) logi"al "ell# ,nly one PCI (Physi"al Cell Identifier) is used
for this logi"al "ell#)+< i6ple6ents the 5oint s"heduling of air interfa"e resour"es in 6ultiple
442/p442 0y trans6itting the sa6e data with the sa6e ti6e-freBuen"y resour"es fro6
different 442/p442#
!he )+< feature redu"es interferen"e and greatly i6pro:es the signal to interferen"e plus
noise ratio ()I<4) at the "ell edge in a densely populated area#
!he )+< feature i6pro:es the 0lind/wea> point "o:erage and indoor "o:erage#
!he )+< feature redu"es hando:er ti6es and "all drop rate "o6pared with the independent
442/p442 depoly6ent#
!his feature pro:ides independent de6odulation of signals fro6 6ultiple 442s in one "ell#
In uplin>$ the e<ode( perfor6s independent de6odulation of the 6ultiple 442 re"ei:er
signals within a ((2# !he e<ode( re"ei:ing P4ACH and )4) fro6 all 442s first#
!hen the 442 with shortest 4!D (4ound !rip Delay) of P4ACH loop0a"> is sele"ted
for P4ACH re"ei:ing# !he 442 with 0est )4) 4)4P is sele"ted for P2)CH and
P2CCH re"ei:ing#
In downlin>$ the e<ode( "opies the signal of a "ell and outputs it to 6ultiple 442s#
Co6paring to single 442 "ell$ the 6ultiple 442s "o60ined "ell has no interferen"e
0etween 442s$ 0ut o0tained gain fro6 trans6itting fro6 6ultiple 442s#
A "ell "an 0e di:ided into 6ultiple "o:erage area$ ea"h "o:erage area has independent 442$
and 6ultiple 442s 0elong to the sa6e "ell and ha:e the sa6e PCI#
!his feature supports two to si1 442s/p442 groups to 0e "o60ined to support one )+< "ell
0ased on %((P 0oard type# All 442s/p442 used for one )+< "ellPs "o60ination shall 0e
"onne"ted to sa6e %((P 0oard#
Ahen using this feature$ Carrier Aggregation$ &1tended CP$ Intra-e<ode( 2% Co.P and 2%
212 .2-.I., "an not 0e supported#
All 442s used for one "ellGs "o60ination shall 0e "onne"ted to sa6e 0ase0and 0oard#
.ultiple 442s per e<ode( are needed#
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
e%!&2#' D()'*00 %!& +DD ,ptional +eature
Des"ription 2 <etwor>ing ; !rans6ission ; )e"urity
All 442s used for one "ellGs "o60ination shall 0e all 1!14 442s$ all 2!24 442s or all
2!44 442s#
!his feature is not supported with %((P" for .a"ro 442 "o60ination#
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
e%!&2#' D()'*00 %!& +DD ,ptional +eature
Des"ription ' ,;.
3 O&
"#out T(is C(a)ter
4#1 ),< )elf-Configuration
4#2 ),< )elf-,pti6i?ation
4#' ),< )elf-Healing
4#4 Power )a:ing
4#- Antenna .anage6ent
3.1 SON Se'f0Con4guration
3.1.1 *O&/0--2--4 Se'f0con4guration
!his feature is
appli"a0le to .a"ro fro6 e4A<1#0
appli"a0le to .i"ro for6 e4A<'#0
appli"a0le to %a6psite fro6 e4A<3#0
!he e<ode( "an auto6ati"ally esta0lish an ,. lin>$ o0tain the "onfiguration data file and
software fro6 the &.)$ and then a"ti:ate the "onfiguration data file and software
auto6ati"ally# !he "onfiguration data file "ontains radio para6eters and transport para6eters#
+inally$ the e<ode( perfor6s a self-test and reports the test result to the &.)#
!he e<ode( "an 0e trigged auto6ati"ally 0y the 22000 or %.! to laun"h a "o6prehensi:e
self-test after the software and "onfiguration data file are downloaded# After the test is
"o6plete$ the 22000 or %.! "an o0tain a test report#
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
e%!&2#' D()'*00 %!& +DD ,ptional +eature
Des"ription ' ,;.
&1"ept hardware installation$ no other 6anual operation needs to 0e perfor6ed 0y field
engineers for the e<ode( startup for the first ti6e#
Ahen the e<ode( is powered on$ it o0tains the data needed to esta0lish the ,. lin>$ su"h as
the IP address$ su0net 6as>$ IP address of the &.)$ and IP address of the se"urity gateway$
through the DHCP ser:er# If transport networ> DHCP ser:er "annot pro:ide these
infor6ation$ the info 6ust 0e input into the e<ode(s 0efore installation (in storehouse or
other "on:enient pla"e) or through a 2)( sti"> (the 2)( sti"> is not spe"ial for site 0ut pu0li"
for 6any sites) 0y field engineers#
Ahen the ,. lin> is esta0lished su""essfully$ the e<ode( downloads and a"ti:ates the
"onfiguration data file and software auto6ati"ally a""ording to the instru"tion fro6 the &.)#
!hen$ the e<ode( perfor6s a self-test to ensure that it is ready to pro:ide ser:i"es and reports
the test result to the &.)#
+or .i"ro e<ode($ if PPPo& is used for transport authenti"ation$ then the PPPo& a""ount
info 6ust 0e pre-"onfigured into the e<ode( 0efore installation (in storehouse or other
"on:enient pla"e) or through 2)( sti"> 0y field engineers#
After the software and "onfiguration data file are downloaded$ the 22000 or %.! "an
laun"hes a "o6prehensi:e self-test pro"edure on the e<ode(# After the test is "o6plete$ the
22000 or %.! o0tains a test report$ indi"ating the e<ode( status#
!he test report "ontains the following "ontents@
e<ode( 0asi" infor6ation$ su"h as type$ na6e
)oftware :ersion infor6ation
(oard status infor6ation$ su"h as infor6ation a0out the 0ase0and and 4+ units
!ransport status infor6ation ( physi"al layer and lin> layer)
Cell status
In e4A<2#0$
!he e<ode( "an esta0lish an IPse" lin> with the se"urity gateway auto6ati"ally during
the self-"onfiguration pro"edure#
If the e<ode( is eBuipped with a =P) de:i"e$ it "an report geographi"al infor6ation
(fro6 the =P) de:i"e) to the &.)$ and the &.) will identify the e<ode( auto6ati"ally
0y "o6paring the re"ei:ed geographi"al infor6ation with the predefined geographi"al
Auto6ati" transport setup is supported# !he e<ode( has three types of transport-related
interfa"es@ )1 interfa"e$ C2 interfa"e$ and ,. "hannel interfa"e# A""ordingly$ the
e<ode( pro:ides three auto6ati" transport setup pro"esses@ )1 setup$ C2 setup$ and ,.
"hannel setup# !he general networ> topology is shown in the following figure#
In e4A<2#1
A 0ar"ode of e<ode(ID (In e4A<'#0$DID is used instead of e<ode(ID)"an 0e s"aned
into e<ode( 0y a 0ar"ode reader "onne"ted to the 2)( port of the .P!# !he s"aned
e<ode(ID "an 0e send to &.)$ so &.) will identify the e<ode( auto6ati"ally#
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
e%!&2#' D()'*00 %!& +DD ,ptional +eature
Des"ription ' ,;.
Figure 1.1 general networ> topology
In e4A<2#1
!he e<ode( has para6eters pre-"onfigured in fa"tory or other pla"es 0efore the
installation$ su"h as the .AC address$ lo"al ,. IP$ and uniBue ID# All these para6eters
need not 0e set or 6odified 6anually#
!he auto6ati" transport setup pro"edure is as follows@
1# Ahen the e<ode( is powered on$ it negotiates auto6ati"ally the transport layer 1/2
(PHD/.AC) para6eters$ su"h as duple1 6ode$ with the peer de:i"e# !he peer de:i"e
"an 0e a %A< swit"h$ router$ or another e<ode(#
2# !he e<ode( is a0le to get H%A< ID of peer de:i"es (swit"h$ router) 0y H%A< s"anning#
)o the peer de:i"es "ould re"ei:e the data fro6 e<ode( "orre"tly#
'# !he e<ode( re"ei:es the ,. "hannel para6eters fro6 the DHCP ser:er$ su"h as the
Internet IP address$ <etwor> &le6ent .anage6ent (<&.) IP address$ and )e=A IP
address and operator CA infor6ation (e#g# na6e$ IP address$ proto"ol type)#
4# (ased on the operatorGs CA infor6ation$ e<ode( is a0le to retrie:e operator "ertifi"ate
fro6 CA using C.P:2 proto"ol# !he "ertifi"ate is used for ))% and IPse" "ertifi"ation
-# !he e<ode( esta0lishes an IPse" tunnel with the )e=A$ o0tains the Internal IP address$
and then esta0lishes the ,. "hannel with the <&.#
3# After the software and "onfiguration file are downloaded and installed$ the e<ode(
re"ei:es the ne"essary transport para6eters of the )1 interfa"e fro6 the <&.$ su"h as
the e<ode( traffi" IP address and ..& )C!P IP#
7# !he e<ode( starts the )1 interfa"e self-"onfiguration pro"edure and esta0lishes the )1
!his feature also in"ludes the C2 interfa"e auto setup fun"tion of the Auto6ati"
<eigh0or 4elation feature# Ahen the networ> is laun"hed$ the e<ode( "an find out its
new neigh0oring site$ whi"h is not "onfigured as neigh0oring site# After re"ei:ing
ne"essary transport data fro6 the 22000 or "ore networ>$ the e<ode( esta0lishes the C2
lin> with this new neigh0oring site auto6ati"ally#
e<ode( is a0le to get H%A< ID of peer de:i"es (swit"h$ router) 0y H%A< s"anning# )o
the peer de:i"es "ould re"ei:e the data fro6 e<ode( "orre"tly#
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
e%!&2#' D()'*00 %!& +DD ,ptional +eature
Des"ription ' ,;.
(ased on the operatorGs CA (Certifi"ate Authority) infor6ation$ e<ode( is a0le to
retrie:e operator "ertifi"ate fro6 CA using C.P:2 proto"ol# !he "ertifi"ate is used for
))% and IPse" "ertifi"ation later#
(ased on the "onfiguration of DHCP ser:er$ e<ode( is a0le to reBuest ,. IP address
fro6 either DHCP ser:er or <.)#
In e4A<'#0
e<ode( supports auto6ati" o0taining and "onfiguring IP:3 transport infor6ation
through ,A.# !his fun"tion is only appli"a0le to .a"ro e<ode(#
e<ode( supports C2 interfa"e auto setup fun"tion of the Auto6ati" <eigh0or 4elation
feature under IP:3# !his fun"tion is appli"a0le to .a"ro e<ode(#
e<ode( supports C2 interfa"e auto setup with IPse" prote"tion on C2 interfa"e lin>s#
e<ode( supports to o0tain )=AGs IP address for ..& when one ser:i"e is set up# After
e<ode( o0tains )=AGs IP address fro6 the signaling 0etween ..& and e<ode($
e<ode( auto-"onfigured )1-2 interfa"e#
,ther features
!he C2 interfa"e auto6ati" setup fun"tion in this feature depends on %,+D-002001
Auto6ati" <eigh0our 4elation (A<4)#
3.2 SON Se'f0O)timi9ation
3.2.1 *O&/0--1-32 2ntra0*T+ *oad 3a'ancing
!his feature is
appli"a0le to .a"ro fro6 e4A<2#0
appli"a0le to .i"ro for6 e4A<'#0
appli"a0le to %a6psite fro6 e4A<3#0
!his feature resol:es load i60alan"es 0etween the ser:ing "ell and its inter-freBuen"y
neigh0oring "ells#
!his feature a"hie:es 0etter utili?ation of networ> resour"es and in"reases syste6 "apa"ity# In
addition$ it redu"es the pro0a0ility of syste6 o:erload and in"reases a""ess su""ess rates#
Intra-%!& %oad (alan"ing is re"o66ended in "o66er"ial %!& networ>s with 6ultiple %!&
freBuen"ies where one freBuen"y has a higher load 0ut other freBuen"ies ha:e lower load#
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
e%!&2#' D()'*00 %!& +DD ,ptional +eature
Des"ription ' ,;.
After this feature is ena0led$ a lo"al "ell 6easures its own "ell load If the lo"al "ell load
e1"eeds a preset threshold$ the e<ode( of the lo"al "ell will "olle"t neigh0oring "ell load
infor6ation# If a neigh0oring "ellGs load is lower than a threshold$ the e<ode( to whi"h the
lo"al "ell 0elongs will de"ide whether to hand o:er so6e 2&s to the lower loaded neigh0oring
"ell# !he "ell load is represented 0y the physi"al resour"e 0lo"> (P4() usage$ as defined in
'=PP !) '3#'14#
!he load 0alan"ing pro"edure "onsists of the following a"ti:ities@ load 6easure6ent and
e:aluation$ load infor6ation e1"hange$ load 0alan"ing de"ision$ load 0alan"ing e1e"ution and
perfor6an"e 6onitoring#
Intra-%!& %oad (alan"ing is used in s"enarios where inter-freBuen"y %!& "ells ha:e highly
o:erlapping "o:erage#
(lind load 0alan"ing is supported for the s"enarios where no C2 interfa"e is a:aila0le or the
C2 interfa"e does not support load infor6ation e1"hange#
In e4A<7#0
+reBuen"y priority 0ased .%( is supported#
(lind load 0alan"ing is appli"a0le to s"enarios where no C2 interfa"e is a:aila0le or the
C2 interfa"e does not support load infor6ation e1"hange#
3.2.2 *O&/0--2--, o#i'ity Ro#ust O)timi9ation
!his feature is
appli"a0le to .a"ro fro6 e4A<2#0
appli"a0le to .i"ro for6 e4A<'#0
appli"a0le to %a6psite fro6 e4A<3#0
.4, ai6s to redu"e ping-pong hando:ers$ too early hando:ers$ and too late hando:ers# It is
i6ple6ented 0y opti6i?ing the typi"al 6o0ility "ontrol para6eters#
!his feature pro:ides the following 0enefits@
4edu"ing ping-pong hando:ers$ too early hando:ers$ and too late hando:ers#
)a:ing la0or "ost for typi"al and "o66on 6o0ility opti6i?ation s"enarios
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
e%!&2#' D()'*00 %!& +DD ,ptional +eature
Des"ription ' ,;.
!his feature redu"es ping-pong hando:ers$ too early hando:ers$ and too late hando:ers in
different s"enarios@
Ping-pong hando:ers$ too early hando:ers$ and too late hando:ers of Intra-%!&
!he 6a5or .4, para6eter ad5ust6ent are the CI, (Cell Indi:idual ,ffset) of e:ent A'
for intra-freBuen"y .4,$ CI, of e:ent A'/A4 and 6easure6ent threshold of e:ent A2
for inter-freBuen"y .4,#
(oth too early and too late hando:ers are "aptured at the sour"e e<ode(# ,nly outgoing
hando:er failures are "aptured# !here is no need to "apture in"o6ing hando:ers#
CI, offset is ad5usted auto6ati"ally 0y steps a""ording to the nu60er of a0nor6al
hando:ers in a "ertain period# CI, offset e1pli"itly de"lares the hando:er threshold
0etween 6easure6ent results of signaling Buality fro6 0oth sour"e and target "ells#
Hen"e$ "hanging the CI, offset will shift ahead or delay the happening of hando:ers#
!he redu"tion of ping-pong hando:ers e1ploits the 2& History Infor6ation that is passed
fro6 the sour"e e<ode( to the target e<ode( during the hando:er preparation# Ahen
the 2& History Infor6ation is re"ei:ed$ the target e<ode( identifies ping-pong if the
se"ond newest "ellGs =CI is eBual to that of the target "ell and the ti6e spent in the
sour"e "ell is less than a ping-pong ti6e threshold# Ping-pong is "orre"ted 0y de"reasing
the Cell Indi:idual ,ffset$ thus delaying hando:ers#
In the intra-freBuen"y s"enario$ there is a 2& spe"ifi" ping-pong hando:er redu"tion
algorith6# If the 2& is identified under ping-pong hando:er$ spe"ifi" CI, para6eter is
applied for the 2& to stop the ping-pong hando:er#
!oo early hando:ers and too late hando:ers of Inter-4A! s"enarios#
&:ent A2 and (1 6easure6ents thresholds are ad5usted for inter-4A! s"enarios#
In e4A<2#1
.4, feature is enhan"ed with the following ad6inistration fun"tions@
K +eature ,n/,ff )wit"h@ operator "an ena0le or disa0le the feature
K %og@ re"ords the >ey e:ent during the .4, pro"ess and this infor6ation "an 0e used
for Buery and statisti"# ,perator "an also analy?e the log to "he"> the feature running
status and >ey e:ents#
In e4A<3#0
2&-le:el .4, against ping-pong hando:ers is introdu"ed# !he e<ode( identifies ping-
pong 2&s and sends "orresponding 2&-le:el .4, para6eters to these 2&s# !his type of
.4, redu"es the nu60er of ping-pong hando:ers$ redu"es 2u resour"e usage$ and
i6pro:es Buality of e1perien"e (8o&) of 2&s#
!he 2&-le:el .4, algorith6 is independent of the "ell-le:el .4, algorith6# !hey are
"ontrolled 0y different swit"hes#
+or intra-%!& .4, s"enarios$ C2 interfa"e is needed#
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
e%!&2#' D()'*00 %!& +DD ,ptional +eature
Des"ription ' ,;.
3.2.3 *O&/0--2-1, R"C6 O)timi9ation
!his feature is
appli"a0le to .a"ro fro6 e4A<2#2
appli"a0le to .i"ro for6 e4A<'#0
appli"a0le to %a6psite fro6 e4A<3#0
!he feature supports the following fun"tions@
Dyna6i" ad5ust6ent of prea60le groups
Dyna6i" assign6ent of P4ACH resour"es
,pti6i?e the 0a">-off ti6e
!he feature in"reases the rando6 a""ess su""ess ratio#
!he nu60er of P4ACH prea60le is 34$ the prea60le is di:ided into two parts whi"h is for
"ontention-0ased rando6 a""ess and non-"ontention-0ased rando6 a""ess separately# !he
e<ode( "an dete"t whi"h part is enough while another part is not enough$ and e<ode( "an
ad5ust the nu60er of the prea60le group dyna6i"ally a""ording to the de6and#
!he P4ACH "onfiguration inde1 indi"ates the nu60er and positions of su0-fra6es whi"h are
used to send rando6 a""ess prea60le# !he e<ode( 6easures the nu60er of prea60le during
the period$ and e<ode( will ad5ust the P4ACH "onfiguration inde1 to fulfill the de6and# If
the nu60er of prea60le is 6ore than threshold$ the P4ACH "onfiguration inde1 will 0e
ad5usted to indi"ate 6ore su0-fra6es$ and :i"e :ersa#
Ahen "onfli"t on P4ACH resour"e dete"ted$ e<ode( "ould send different 0a">-off ti6e
indi"ator to 2&s# 2& "ould sele"t a rando6 0a">-off ti6e 0ased on the 0a">-off ti6e indi"ator
to try a""ess again$ so that the "han"e of "onfli"t again is redu"ed#
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
e%!&2#' D()'*00 %!& +DD ,ptional +eature
Des"ription ' ,;.
3.3 SON Se'f06ea'ing
3.3.1 *O&/0--2-1- S'ee)ing Ce'' /etection
!his feature is
appli"a0le to .a"ro fro6 e4A<2#0
appli"a0le to .i"ro for6 e4A<'#0
appli"a0le to %a6psite fro6 e4A<3#0
)leeping "ell refers to one "ell 6ay ha:e so6e serious pro0le6s 0ut no o0:ious a0nor6al
e:ent or alar6 had 0een triggered# 2&s 6ay "a6p in this "ell 0ut they "annot setup any
ser:i"e "onne"tion or a""ess into the networ># !his feature is pro:ided to dete"t su"h issues
and to notify operator#
!his feature will shorten the ti6e to dete"t so6e "ell with serious fault pro0le6 0ut not
ha:ing triggered an alar6 yet
!he sleeping "ell dete"tion is a fun"tion that an e<ode( "an auto6ati"ally dete"t faulty "ell
whi"h "annot pro:ide nor6al ser:i"e 0ut e<ode( does not report alar6 to &.)$ so operator
does not >now if "ell is under sleeping status and "annot sol:e it in ti6e#
e<ode( "an dete"t sleeping "ell itself and report alar6 to &.)# &.) also "an i6ple6ent an
algorith6 to dete"t sleeping "ell and generate an alar6# !hese two ways "an 0e "o60ined
together to find sleeping "ell 6ore a""urately than only 0y one way#
e<ode( uses the "onne"ted user 6easure6ent 6ethod to dete"t the sleeping "ell# e<ode( will
"ount "onne"ted user e:ery se"ond# If the user nu60er >eeps ?ero for a gi:en period of ti6e
(this ti6e :alue "an 0e "onfigured)$ e<ode( will generate an alar6 to &.)# &.) will
"orrelate this alar6 with so6e other alar6s (for e1a6ple$ the alar6 fro6 antenna to whi"h the
"ell is asso"iated$ the alar6 fro6 the !1/41 "hannel$ et")# !his alar6 is generated when the
e<ode( dete"ts that the "ell has no a""essing of any user for a long ti6e#
After dete"ting the dor6ant "ell$ the e<ode( will dea"ti:ate and a"ti:ate the "ell
It is suggested that this feature will 0e used with &.) sleeping "ell dete"tion feature together
to get 6ore a""urate result#
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
e%!&2#' D()'*00 %!& +DD ,ptional +eature
Des"ription ' ,;.
3.3.2 *O&/0--2-11 "ntenna &au't /etection
!his feature is
appli"a0le to .a"ro fro6 e4A<2#0
appli"a0le to .i"ro for6 e4A<'#0
appli"a0le to %a6psite fro6 e4A<3#0
!he faults on the antenna syste6 and radio freBuen"y (4+) "hannels are "aused 0y the
i6proper installation of pro5e"ts when the pro5e"ts are "reated$ relo"ated$ or opti6i?ed# !he
faults "an also 0e "aused 0y natural or e1ternal "hanges#
!his feature pro:ides the fun"tion of dete"ting faults on e4A< antennas and ena0les users to
dete"t and lo"ate antenna faults#
!his feature i6ple6ents the dete"tion of "o66on antenna faults$ thus i6pro:ing the
effi"ien"y and a""ura"y of fault diagnosis#
(y using this feature$ 4+ engineers need not use eBuip6ent to 6easure e<ode( on site e:ery
ti6e$ thus redu"ing the pro5e"t "ost#
!he antenna syste6 plays an i6portant role in 6o0ile "o66uni"ations# !he perfor6an"e of
the entire networ> is affe"ted 0y the following pro0le6s@
I6proper type or lo"ation of the antenna syste6
I6properly "onfigured para6eters of the antenna syste6
+aulty antenna syste6
!he antenna fault dete"tion syste6 "an dete"t the following faults and raise related alar6s@
K Aea> re"ei:ing signal
K 2n0alan"e of re"ei:ing signal 0etween the 6ain and the di:ersity
K Holtages )tanding Aa:e 4atio (H)A4) a0nor6al
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
e%!&2#' D()'*00 %!& +DD ,ptional +eature
Des"ription ' ,;.
3.4 Power Sa$ing
3.4.1 *O&/0--1-2, "da)ti$e Power Consum)tion
!his feature is
appli"a0le to .a"ro fro6 e4A<2#0
not appli"a0le to .i"ro
not appli"a0le to %a6psite
Huawei %!& supports the green e<ode( solution with power sa:ing 6anage6ent# !his
solution has two su0-features@ Adapti:e Power Ad5ust6ent and 4+ 6odule regular ti6e sleep
!his feature i6pro:es the effi"ien"y of the PA and sa:es power "onsu6ption of the e<ode(#
Huawei %!& supports the green e<ode( solution with power sa:ing 6anage6ent# !his
solution has two su0-features@ Adapti:e Power Ad5ust6ent and 4+ 6odule regular ti6e sleep
Adapti:e Power Ad5ust6ent
Huawei Adapti:e Power Ad5ust6ent solution$ 0ased on the traffi" load$ supports dyna6i"
ad5ust6ent of the PA wor>ing state$ and there0y i6pro:es PA effi"ien"y and sa:es e<ode(
power "onsu6ption#
!he typi"al s"enarios are des"ri0ed as follows@
1# (ased on the "hange of "ell load in the day and at night$ the PA wor>ing state is "hanged
2# (ased on the "hange of "ell load in the wor>ing days and non-wor>ing days of the 0usiness
distri"ts$ the PA wor>ing state is "hanged dyna6i"ally#
'# At the early stage of networ> deploy6ent$ there are usually less users in the "ell$ and when
thereGs no any user in the "ell$ the PA wor>ing state is "hanged dyna6i"ally#
4+ 6odule regular ti6e sleep 6ode
In so6e s"enarios$ su"h as high-speed railway$ whi"h will stop operating at late night$ the 4+
6odule of e<ode( "an 0e put into sleep 6ode auto6ati"ally at preset ti6e 0ased on the
operatorGs "onfiguration#
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
e%!&2#' D()'*00 %!& +DD ,ptional +eature
Des"ription ' ,;.
!his feature depends on ,)) feature A,+D-200200 (ase )tation Power-)a:ing
.anage6ent -%!&#
QAdapti:e Power Ad5ust6entQ is not supported in 1#4$ ' and - .H? syste6 0andwidth#
3.4.2 *O&/0--1-3> R& C(anne' 2nte''igent S(utdown
!his feature is
appli"a0le to .a"ro fro6 e4A<2#0
not appli"a0le to .i"ro
not appli"a0le to %a6psite
In .I., 6ode$ the "arrier for a "ell is transferred through different trans6ission "hannels#
Ahen no traffi" is on the "ell$ the "arrier "an 0e swit"hed off on part of trans6ission "hannels#
In this way$ the power "onsu6ption of the e<ode( in e6pty load 6ode is de"reased# Ahen
there is traffi"$ the "arrier "an 0e swit"hed on auto6ati"ally to ha:e the "ell run nor6ally
Aithout load$ the e<ode( "an swit"h off "arrier on so6e trans6it "hannels to redu"e the
power "onsu6ption of the e<ode(#
An e<ode( in the %!& syste6 is usually "onfigured with two or four antennas# !he traffi" in
the "ell :aries 0y ti6e# In so6e "ertain periods$ for e1a6ple$ fro6 the 6idnight to the early
6orning (operators "an "usto6i?e the periods)$ there is no traffi"# Ahen the idle status is
dete"ted 0y the e<ode($ it swit"hed off the "arrier on one trans6ission "hannel (if there are
two trans6ission "hannels) or on two trans6ission "hannels (if there are four trans6ission
"hannels) to de"rease the power "onsu6ption# Ahen a 2& a""esses the "ell or the periods
end$ the e<ode( "an auto6ati"ally swit"h on the "arrier that is swit"hed off# !hen$ the "ell
re"o:ers to the nor6al state and "ontinues with ser:i"es#
!he e<ode( 6ust ha:e 6ore than one 4+ "hannel#
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
e%!&2#' D()'*00 %!& +DD ,ptional +eature
Des"ription ' ,;.
!his feature depends on ,)) feature A,+D-200200 (ase )tation Power-)a:ing
.anage6ent -%!&#
,ther features
%,+D-001001 D% 212 .I., or %,+D-00100' D% 412 .I.,
!his feature is not supported in 1#4$ ' and - .H? syste6 0andwidth#
3.4.3 *O&/0--1-4- *ow Power Consum)tion ode
!his feature is
appli"a0le to .a"ro fro6 e4A<2#0
not appli"a0le to .i"ro
not appli"a0le to %a6psite
In so6e "ases where an e<ode( dete"ts a power outage or re"ei:es a "o66and$ the e<ode(
"an opt to or 0e for"ed to enter low power "onsu6ption 6ode$ whi"h helps e1tend the in-
ser:i"e ti6e of an e<ode( powered 0y 0atteries#
Co6pared with the e<ode( in nor6al 6ode$ an e<ode( in low power "onsu6ption 6ode
"onsu6es less power and has a longer in-ser:i"e ti6e if powered 0y 0atteries# In addition$ if
the power supply "annot 0e Bui">ly restored$ the pro0a0ility of an e<ode( going out of
ser:i"e is also lower#
%ow power "onsu6ption 6ode has three stages# If the e<ode( stays in a stage for a ti6e
eBual to the operator-defined duration threshold and the power supply fails to restore within
this ti6e$ the e<ode( enters the ne1t stage# !his pro"ess "ontinues until the "ell 0e"o6es out
of ser:i"e#
An e<ode( enters low power "onsu6ption 6ode if either of the following "onditions is 6et@
!he power outage alar6 is reported#
If power insuffi"ien"y or power failure lasts for a ti6e eBual to the operator-defined
duration$ this alar6 is reported and the e<ode( enters low power "onsu6ption 6ode#
!he ele6ent 6anage6ent syste6 (&.)) deli:ers a "o66and#
!he operator deli:ers a "o66and using the &.)$ instru"ting the e<ode( to enter or e1it
fro6 low power "onsu6ption 6ode#
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
e%!&2#' D()'*00 %!& +DD ,ptional +eature
Des"ription ' ,;.
!his feature is only appli"a0le to .a"ro e<ode( "onfigured with (attery
!his feature depends on ,)) feature A,+D-200200 (ase )tation Power-)a:ing
.anage6ent -%!&#
3.4.4 *O&/0--1-41 Power Consum)tion onitoring
!his feature is
appli"a0le to .a"ro fro6 e4A<2#0
appli"a0le to .i"ro fro6 e4A<'#0
not appli"a0le to %a6psite
!he e<ode( reports the power "onsu6ption status to the &.)# !hrough the &.)$ the "hange
in power "onsu6ption of the e<ode( "an 0e 6onitored 0y the operator$ and a report on the
power "onsu6ption "an 0e generated#
!he e<ode( reports the power "onsu6ption status to the &.)# !herefore$ the operator "an
6onitor the power "onsu6ption of the e<ode(# Aith the report on the power "onsu6ption$
the operator "an e1a"tly >now the 0enefits 0rought 0y the de"rease in power "onsu6ption#
!he e<ode( periodi"ally 6onitors the power of ea"h 6onitoring point and reports the power
"onsu6ption within a period# !he &.) re"ei:es and "olle"ts all data a0out power
"onsu6ption# !hrough the &.)$ the operator "an o0ser:e the "hange in the power
"onsu6ption and analy?e the power "onsu6ption a""ording to a statisti"s report generated 0y
the &.)#
!his feature depends on ,)) feature A,+D-200200 (ase )tation Power-)a:ing
.anage6ent -%!&#
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
e%!&2#' D()'*00 %!& +DD ,ptional +eature
Des"ription ' ,;.
3.4., *O&/0--1-42 2nte''igent Power0O8 of Carriers
in t(e Same Co$erage
!his feature is
appli"a0le to .a"ro fro6 e4A<2#0
not appli"a0le to .i"ro
not appli"a0le to %a6psite
Ahen there is light traffi" in an area that is "o:ered 0y 6ultiple "arriers$ so6e of the "arriers
"an 0e 0lo">ed$ and all ser:i"es "an 0e auto6ati"ally ta>en o:er 0y the "arriers that re6ain in
ser:i"e# Ahen the traffi" in"reases to a "ertain degree$ the "arriers that are 0lo">ed "an 0e
un0lo">ed again auto6ati"ally to pro:ide ser:i"es#
Ahen there is light traffi" in an area that is "o:ered 0y 6ultiple "arriers$ so6e of the "arriers
"an 0e 0lo">ed$ and all ser:i"es "an 0e ta>en o:er 0y the "arriers that re6ain in ser:i"e# !his
"an help redu"e the power "onsu6ption of the e<ode( without any i6pa"t on the ser:i"e
Ahen 6ultiple "arriers pro:ide "o:erage for the sa6e area$ the traffi" of the area :aries 0y
ti6e# In so6e "ertain periods$ for e1a6ple fro6 the 6idnight to the early 6orning (the
periods "an 0e preset 0y the operator)$ the traffi" is light# Ahen the e<ode( dete"ts the light
traffi"$ it triggers 2&s to perfor6 6igration to so6e of the "arriers and then 0lo">s the
"arriers without any load# In this way$ the power "onsu6ption is redu"ed# Ahen the traffi"
in"reases or the preset periods end$ the e<ode( "an auto6ati"ally swit"h on the "arriers that
are un0lo">ed to re"o:er the fun"tionality of the "arriers# In this way$ the syste6 "apa"ity is
in"reased without any i6pa"t on the ser:i"e Buality#
!his feature depends on ,)) feature A,+D-200200 (ase )tation Power-)a:ing
.anage6ent -%!&#
!his feature should not wor> to a "ell si6ultaneously with feature %,+D-001074
Intelligent Power-,ff of Carrier in the )a6e Co:erage of 2.!) <etwor>#
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
e%!&2#' D()'*00 %!& +DD ,ptional +eature
Des"ription ' ,;.
3.4.! *O&/0--1-,! PS5 2nte''igent S'ee) ode
!his feature is
appli"a0le to .a"ro fro6 e4A<2#2
not appli"a0le to .i"ro
not appli"a0le to %a6psite
!his feature introdu"es the fun"tion of P)2 (Power )upply 2nit) intelligent )leep .ode#
Aith this feature$ "ertain P)2s "an 0e powered on or off a""ording to the power "onsu6ption
of the e<ode($ thus redu"ing the power "onsu6ption#
Ahen the traffi" is light$ the e<ode( "an power off "ertain P)2s to redu"e the power
"onsu6ption# In the following s"enario$ ' P)2s in 1 e<ode( and low traffi"$ turning on this
feature "ould help to sa:e 4R to R- power "onsu6ption#
If an e<ode( with AC input is "onfigured with H2AA&I P)2s ("on:erting AC into DC) and
H2AA&I P.2$ the fun"tion of P)2 intelligent )leep .ode "an 0e used# !he nu60er of
"onfigured P)2s depends on the 6a1i6u6 power "onsu6ption of the e<ode(# !he purpose
is to ensure that the e<ode( operates properly e:en at the 6a1i6u6 load# In 6ost "ases$ the
e<ode( does not operate at full load$ and thus the P)2s do not operate at full power#
=enerally$ the P)2 "on:ersion effi"ien"y is proportional to its output power# In other words$
the de"rease in the "on:ersion effi"ien"y in"reases the o:erall power "onsu6ption of the
Ahen the e<ode( is powered 0y 6ultiple P)2s$ the P)2 intelligent shutdown fun"tion
ena0les shutting down one or se:eral P)2s a""ording to the a"tual load and the power supply
need# In this way$ the re6aining P)2s wor> in full load 6ode$ thus ensuring their 0est le:el of
!he e<ode( with AC input 6ust 0e "onfigured with H2AA&I P)2s ("on:erting AC
into DC) and H2AA&I P.2#
3.4.A *O&/0--1-A- Sym#o' Power Sa$ing
!his feature is
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
e%!&2#' D()'*00 %!& +DD ,ptional +eature
Des"ription ' ,;.
appli"a0le to .a"ro fro6 e4A<'#0
not appli"a0le to .i"ro
not appli"a0le to %a6psite
!his feature introdu"es the fun"tion of sy60ol power sa:ing# !he e<ode( "an shut down the
PAs (Power A6plifier) when a sy60ol is e6pty# .()+< (.ulti"ast (road"ast )ingle
+reBuen"y <etwor>) su0-fra6e "ould 0e used to redu"e the referen"e signal further so that
6ore e6pty sy60ols are a:aila0le for PA to shut down longer#
Ahen the traffi" is light$ the e<ode( "an shut down the PAs when sy60ol is e6pty to sa:e
the stati" power "onsu6ption of the PA# !he power "onsu6ption of the e<ode( is redu"ed#
PAs "onsu6e the 6ost power in e<ode(# &:en when there is no signal output$ the PA has
stati" power "onsu6ption# If PA "ould 0e power on and off Bui">ly$ the syste6 "ould utili?e
this fun"tion to i6ple6ent sy60ol power sa:ing#
!he e<ode( "an shut down the PAs when sy60ol is e6pty to sa:e the stati" power
"onsu6ption of the PA# In order to guarantee the integrity of data$ the syste6 needs to "ontrol
the ti6e of PAGs swit"hing on and off#
+or e1a6ple@ when there is no a"ti:e user in the "ell$ in so6e su0-fra6es only 4) (4eferen"e
)ignal) signal is trans6itted$ PA "an 0e powered off in the ,+D. sy60ols when there is no
And if the "ell is not using e.(.) ser:i"e$ the e<ode( "an "onfigure so6e of the e6pty
su0-fra6es into .()+< su0-fra6es for further power sa:ing# Ahen one su0-fra6e is
"onfigured as .()+< su0-fra6e$ only the first 4) need to 0e trans6itted in the air interfa"e#
!he rest sy60ols in the su0-fra6e "ould 0e set to e6pty so that the PA "ould 0e powered off#
Figure 1.1 )y60ol power sa:ing (<or6al CP)
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
e%!&2#' D()'*00 %!& +DD ,ptional +eature
Des"ription ' ,;.
Figure 1.2 )y60ol power sa:ing with .()+< su0fra6e (e1tended CP)
!his feature is only supported 0y the following %!& 4+ 6odules@ %4+2e(900.H?)$
442'221(2300.H?)$ 442'240(2300.H?) and 6ulti-6ode 4+ 6odules@
.H?)$442'941(AA)) wor>ing on %!&-only "onfiguration#
.()+< su0-fra6e "onfiguration need that 2& "an identify and apply the
ser:ing/neigh0or "ellGs .()+< su0-fra6e "onfiguration related#
3.4.% *O&/0--1-A1 2nte''igent 3attery anagement
!his feature is
appli"a0le to .a"ro fro6 e4A<'#0
not appli"a0le to .i"ro
not appli"a0le to %a6psite
Aith this feature$
!he 0attery 6anage6ent 6ode auto6ati"ally "hanges depending on the sele"ted grid
type$ whi"h prolongs the 0attery lifespan#
!he 0attery self-prote"tion fun"tion is triggered under high te6perature$ whi"h a:oids
the o:eruse of 0atteries and the "onseBuent da6ages to the 0atteries#
!he runti6e of 0atteries is displayed after the 6ains supply is "ut off# A""ording to the
runti6e$ users "an ta>e 6easures in ad:an"e to a:oid ser:i"e interruption due to power
supply "utoff#
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
e%!&2#' D()'*00 %!& +DD ,ptional +eature
Des"ription ' ,;.
Prolonged 0attery lifespan
4edu"ed operation "osts
I6pro:ed syste6 sta0ility
Auto6ati" "hange of the 0attery 6anage6ent 6ode@
!he P.2 0oard re"ords the nu60er of ti6es power supply is "ut off and the duration of ea"h
"utoff# !hen$ the P.2 0oard deter6ines whi"h grid type is "hosen and "orrespondingly
a"ti:ates a spe"ifi" power 6anage6ent 6ode# In grid types 1 and 2$ 0atteries "an enter the
hi0ernation state in whi"h 0atters do not "harge or dis"harge$ whi"h helps prolong 0attery
Table 1.1 (attery 6anage6ent 6odes
Aithin 1-
=rid !ype Charge
n Holtage
n Duration
ent 4ate
S - 1 .ode A 0#10 C -2 1' 100R
--'0 2 .ode ( 0#1- C -2 3 -0R
'0-120 ' .ode C 0#1- C </A </A 0R
T120 4 .ode C 0#1- </A </A 0R
!he fun"tion of the auto6ati" "hange of the 0attery 6anage6ent 6ode is under li"ense
"ontrol# In addition$ this fun"tion is disa0led 0y default and you "an ena0le it 0y running an
..% "o66and#
)elf-prote"tion under high te6perature@
Ahen 0atteries 6aintain a te6perature e1"eeding the threshold for entering the floating
"harge state for - 6inutes$ they enter the state and no alar6s are generated#
Ahen 0atteries 6aintain a te6perature e1"eeding the threshold for the self-prote"tion fun"tion
for - 6inutes$ they are auto6ati"ally powered off or the :oltage of 0atteries is auto6ati"ally
Display of the 0attery runti6e@
After the 6ains supply is "ut off$ the 0ase station wor>s out the runti6e of 0atteries 0ased on
the re6aining power "apa"ity$ dis"harge "urrent$ and other data# !his runti6e "an 0e Bueried
0y running an ..% "o66and#
!o "al"ulate the runti6e of 0atteries$ use the following for6ula@
4unti6e of 0atteries L (4e6aining power "apa"ity 1 !otal power "apa"ity 1 Dis"harge
effi"ien"y)/(.ean dis"harge "urrent 1 Aging "oeffi"ient)
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
e%!&2#' D()'*00 %!& +DD ,ptional +eature
Des"ription ' ,;.
!he AP.'0H (Her# C)$ (!)'*00A%$ !P49300A$ and 0atteries 6ust 0e "onfigured#
3.4.> *O&/0--1-A, RR5 P" +Fciency 2m)ro$ement
!his feature is
appli"a0le to .a"ro fro6 e4A<3#0
not appli"a0le to .i"ro
not appli"a0le to %a6psite
!his feature 6onitors the e<ode( trans6itting power$ and dyna6i"ally ad5usts PA wor>ing
state when 442 trans6itting power is low# !here0y it i6pro:es PA effi"ien"y and sa:es
e<ode( power "onsu6ption#
!his is si6ilar to feature %,+D-00102- Adapti:e Power Consu6ption$ 0ut it is spe"ifi" to the
(lade 442 series whi"h has utili?ed the new PA te"hnologies# !his feature pro:ides 6ore
power sa:ing and "an also 0e used at narrow freBuen"y 0andwidth (1#4.H?$ '.H? and
!his feature i6pro:es the effi"ien"y of the PA and sa:es power "onsu6ption of the e<ode(#
(y de"reasing eBuip6ent power "onsu6ption$ operatorGs operating "ost is de"reased# !he
lower power "onsu6ption also i6pro:es the relia0ility of eBuip6ent#
(lade 442 series utili?ed the latest PA te"hnologies# Ahen 442 trans6itting power is low$
this feature will dyna6i"ally ad5ust the 0ias :oltage of 442$ to i6pro:e the PA effi"ien"y of
this >ind of 442#
PA (ias Holtage Dyna6i"ally Ad5ust6ent
In the "o66er"ial networ>$ e<ode( traffi" load is >eep "hangingF PA trans6itting power
is also "hanging with it# Ahen PA trans6itting power is high$ PA effi"ien"y is higher and
a higher PA 0ias :oltage is needed# Ahen PA trans6itting power is low$ if PA 0ias
:oltage >eeps high$ the PA effi"ien"y will 0e low#
!his feature >eeps 6onitoring the e<ode( traffi" load# (ased on the real ti6e traffi"
load$ 0y de"reasing the PA 0ias :oltage PA effi"ien"y is in"reased#
!his feature is spe"ifi" to the (lade 442 series# Co6paring to %,+D-00102- Adapti:e
Power Consu6ption$ this feature pro:ides 6ore power sa:ing and "an also 0e used at narrow
freBuen"y 0andwidth (1#4.H?$ '.H? and -.H?)#
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
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Des"ription ' ,;.
!his feature "annot 0e used with %,+D-00102- Adapti:e Power Consu6ption at sa6e ti6e#
e<ode( will only ena0le this feature when the 442 type is (lade 442 series#
!his feature is only supported 0y following 4+ 6odule@ 442'239(2300.H?)$
3., "ntenna anagement
3.,.1 *O&/0--1-24 Remote +'ectrica' Ti't Contro'
!his feature is
appli"a0le to .a"ro fro6 e4A<1#0
not appli"a0le to .i"ro
not appli"a0le to %a6psite
4e6ote &le"tri"al !ilt Control i6pro:es the effi"ien"y and 6ini6i?es the ,. "ost for
ad5usting the down tilt of the antenna# Huawei %!& 4&! solution "o6plies with the AI)=2#0
spe"ifi"ation$ and it is 0a">ward "o6pati0le with AI)=1#1#
!he appli"ation of the 4&! pro6inently i6pro:es the effi"ien"y and 6ini6i?es the ,. "ost
for ad5usting the down tilt of the antenna# !he appli"ation of the 4&! 0rings the following
!he 4&! antennas at 6ultiple sites "an 0e ad5usted re6otely within a short period# !his
i6pro:es the effi"ien"y and redu"es the "ost of networ> opti6i?ation#
Ad5ust6ent of the 4&! antenna "an 0e perfor6ed in all weather "onditions#
!he 4&! antennas "an 0e deployed on so6e sites that are diffi"ult to a""ess#
4&! downtilt ad5ust6ent "an >eep the "o:erage pattern undistorted$ therefore
strengthening the antenna signal and redu"ing neigh0oring "ell interferen"e#
!he 4e6ote &le"tri"al !ilt (4&!) refers to an antenna syste6 whose down tilt is "ontrolled
ele"tri"ally and re6otely#
After an antenna is installed$ the down tilt of the antenna needs to 0e ad5usted to opti6i?e the
networ># In this situation$ the phases of signals that rea"h the ele6ents of the array antenna
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
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Des"ription ' ,;.
"an 0e ad5usted under the ele"tri"al "ontrol# !hen$ the :erti"al pattern of the antenna "an 0e
!he phase shifter inside the antenna "an 0e ad5usted through the step 6otor outside the
antenna# !he down tilt of the 4&! antenna "an 0e ad5usted when the syste6 is powered on$
and the down tilt "an 0e 6onitored in real ti6e# !hus$ the re6ote pre"ise ad5ust6ent of the
down tilt of the antenna "an 0e a"hie:ed#
Huawei %!& 4&! solution "o6plies with the AI)=2#0 spe"ifi"ation$ and it is "o6pati0le with
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
e%!&2#' D()'*00 %!& +DD ,ptional +eature
Des"ription ' ,;.
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
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Des"ription 4 A"rony6s and A00re:iations
4 "cronyms and "##re$iations
Table 1.1 A"rony6s and A00re:iations
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
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Des"ription 4 A"rony6s and A00re:iations
3BPP !hird =eneration Partnership Pro5e"t
"3S Al6ost-0lan> su0fra6e
"C; a">nowledg6ent
"C* A""ess Control %ist
"+S Ad:an"ed &n"ryption )tandard
"&C Auto6ati" +reBuen"y Control
"6 Authenti"ation Header
"3R Aggregate .a1i6u6 (it 4ate
"C Adapti:e .odulation and Coding
"R Adapti:e .ulti-4ate
"NR Auto6ati" <eigh0oring 4elation
"RP Allo"ation/4etention Priority
"R7 Auto6ati" 4epeat 4eBuest
3C6 (road"ast Channel
3CC6 (road"ast Control Channel
32TS (uilding Integrated !i6ing )upply )yste6
3*+R (lo"> &rror 4ate
C" Carrier aggregation
C.2 Carrier-to-Interferen"e Power 4atio
CCC6 Co66on Control Channel
C/" Code Di:ision .ultiple A""ess
C+5 Cell &dge 2sers
CB2 Cell =lo0al Identifi"ation
CP Cy"li" Prefi1
CP2C6 Co66on Pilot Channel
C72 Channel 8uality Indi"ator
CRC Cy"li" 4edundan"y Che">
CRS Cell-spe"ifi" referen"e signal
CS20RS Channel state infor6ation referen"e signal
/CC6 Dedi"ated Control Channel
/6CP Dyna6i" Host Configuration Proto"ol
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
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Des"ription 4 A"rony6s and A00re:iations
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
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Des"ription 4 A"rony6s and A00re:iations
/i8Ser$ Differentiated )er:i"es
/*0SC6 Downlin> )hared Channel
/R3 Data 4adio (earer
/RG Dis"ontinuous 4e"eption
/SCP Diff)er: Code Point
/TC6 Dedi"ated !raffi" Channel
+C &P) Control .anage6ent
eCS&3 &nhan"ed C) +all0a">
+/& &arly Deadline +irst
+& &1pedited +orwarding
e6RP/ &:ol:ed high rate pa">et data
e2C2C &nhan"ed Inter-"ell Interferen"e
e3S e:ol:ed .ulti6edia (road"ast .ulti6edia
+ &P) .o0ility .anage6ent
+S &le6ent .anage6ent )yste6
eNode3 e:ol:ed <ode(
+PC &:ol:ed Pa">et Core
+PS &:ol:ed Pa">et )yste6
+SP &n"apsulation )e"urity Payload
+TDS &arthBua>e and !suna6i Aarning )yste6
+05TR" &:ol:ed N2ni:ersal !errestrial 4adio
&CPSS +ault$ Configuration$ Perfor6an"e$ )e"urity
and )oftware .anage6ents
&// +reBuen"y Di:ision Duple1
&+C +orward &rror Corre"tion
&TP +ile !ransfer Proto"ol
B3R =uaranteed (it 4ate
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
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Des"ription 4 A"rony6s and A00re:iations
B+R"N =)./&D=& 4adio A""ess <etwor>
BPS =lo0al Positioning )yste6
6"R7 Hy0rid Auto6ati" 4epeat 4eBuest
622 High Interferen"e Indi"ator
6"C Hash .essage Authenti"ation Code
6"CH/, H.AC .essage Digest -
6"CHS6" H.AC )e"ure Hash Algorith6
6O Hando:er
6RP/ High 4ate Pa">et Data
2C2C Inter-"ell Interferen"e Coordination
2;+I Internet Eey &1"hange Hersion
2S IP .ulti6edia )er:i"e
2P P IP Perfor6an"e .onitoring
2Psec IP )e"urity
2RC Interferen"e 4e5e"tion Co60ining
;P2 Eey Perfor6an"e Indi"ator
C+ Configuration .anage6ent &1press
*T %o"al .aintenan"e !er6inal
"C .ediu6 Ad6ission Control
23 .aster Infor6ation (lo">
C6 .ulti"ast Channel
CC6 .ulti"ast Control Channel
CS .odulation and Coding )"he6e
2O .ultiple Input .ultiple ,utput
minHB3R .ini6u6 =uaranteed (it 4ate
+ .o0ility .anage6ent &ntity
* .an-.a"hine %anguage
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
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Des"ription 4 A"rony6s and A00re:iations
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
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Des"ription 4 A"rony6s and A00re:iations
OS .ean ,pinion )"ore
RC .a1i6u6-4atio Co60ining
TC6 .ulti"ast !raffi" Channel
502O .ultiple 2ser-.I.,
N"CC <etwor> Assisted Cell Changed
N"C; <on a">nowledg6ent
N"S <on-A""ess )tratu6
NRT <eigh0oring 4elation !a0le
OCGO ,:en Controlled Crystal ,s"illator
O&/ ,rthogonal +reBuen"y Di:ision
O&/" ,rthogonal +reBuen"y Di:ision
.ultiple1ing A""ess
O2 ,:erload Indi"ator
OC ,peration and .aintenan"e Center
OO; ,n-,ff-Eeying
P3C6 Physi"al (road"ast Channel
PCC6 Paging Control Channel
PC&2C6 Physi"al Control +or6at Indi"ator Channel
PC6 Paging Channel
PC2 Physi"al Cell Identity
P/3 Pa">et Delay (udget
P/CC6 Physi"al Downlin> Control Channel
P/CP Pa">et Data Con:ergen"e Proto"ol
P/6 Plesio"hronous Digital Hierar"hy
P/SC6 Physi"al Downlin> )hared Channel
P& Proportional +air
P63 Per-Hop (eha:ior
P62C6 Physi"al Hy0rid A48 Indi"ator Channel
P Perfor6an"e .easure6ent
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
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Des"ription 4 A"rony6s and A00re:iations
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
e%!&2#' D()'*00 %!& +DD ,ptional +eature
Des"ription 4 A"rony6s and A00re:iations
P*N Pu0li" %and .o0ile <etwor>
PC6 Physi"al .ulti"ast Channel
PR"C6 Physi"al 4ando6 A""ess Channel
P5CC6 Physi"al 2plin> Control Channel
P5SC6 Physi"al 2plin> )hared Channel
7" 8uadrature A6plitude .odulation
7C2 8o) Class Identifier
7oS 8uality of )er:i"e
7PS; 8uadrature Phase )hift Eeying
R" 4ando6 A""ess
R"C6 4ando6 A""ess Channel
R" 4ando6 A""ess .e6ory
R"T 4adio A""ess !e"hnology
R3 4esour"e (lo">
RC5 4adio Control 2nit
R+T 4e6ote &le"tri"al !ilt
R& 4adio +reBuen"y
R*C 4adio %in> Control
RRC 4adio 4esour"e Control
RR 4adio 4esour"e .anage6ent
RR5 4e6ote 4adio 2nit
RS 4eferen"e )ignal
RSRP 4eferen"e )ignal 4e"ei:ed Power
RSR7 4eferen"e )ignal 4e"ei:ed 8uality
RSS2 4e"ei:ed )ignal )trength Indi"ator
RTT 4ound !rip !i6e
RI 4edundan"y Hersion
R1 4e"ei:e
S1 interfa"e 0etween &PC and &-2!4A<
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
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Des"ription 4 A"rony6s and A00re:iations
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
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Des"ription 4 A"rony6s and A00re:iations
S3T )6art (ias !ee
SC0&/" )ingle Carrier-+reBuen"y Di:ision .ultiple
SCTP )trea6 Control !rans6ission Proto"ol
S/6 )yn"hronous Digital Hierar"hy
S&3C )pa"e +reBuen"y (lo"> Coding
S&P )6all +or6 N fa"tor Plugga0le
SBD )er:ing =ateway
S23 )yste6 Infor6ation (lo">
S2/ )ilen"e Indi"ator
S2NR )ignal to Interferen"e plus <oise 4atio
SR3 )ignaling 4adio (earer
SRS )ounding 4eferen"e )ignal
SS* )e"urity )o">et %ayer
ST3C )pa"e !i6e (lo"> Coding
ST" )6art !.A
T"C !ransport Ad6ission Control
TCP !rans6ission Control Proto"ol
T// !i6e Di:ision Duple1
T" !ower .ounted A6plifier
T& !ra"ed .essage +iles
ToS !ype of )er:i"e
TT2 !rans6ission !i6e Inter:al
T1 !rans6ission
5+ 2ser &Buip6ent
5*0SC6 2plin> )hared Channel
5S3 2ni:ersal )erial (us
52--- Huawei ,.C
I*"N Hirtual %o"al Area <etwor>
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#
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Des"ription 4 A"rony6s and A00re:iations
Io2P Hoi"e o:er IP
DRR Aeighted 4ound 4o0in
G2 interfa"e a6ong e<ode(s
Issue Draft A (2014-02-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright Huawei
!e"hnologies Co#$ %td#

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