Food Sample Test For Procedure Observation Inference

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Practical 2: Food Test.

Objective: 1. To test the presence of starch, reducing sugars, non-reducing sugars,

proteins and lipids in food samples.
aterials and apparatus:
!odine solution, "enedict solution, sodium h#drogen carbonate solution, 2$ % sodium
h#dro&ide solution, h#drochloric acid, 1 % copper'!!( sulphate solution and food samples
'un)no*n to students(.
'+ , raisin-dates solution , " , pounded groundnut, . , mil) / ,hone# s#rup and 0-
ma#onaise ( The food samples can varies.
Test-tubes, test-tube holders, bea)ers, "unsen burner, dropper, *ire gau1e, tripod stand,
*hite tile and filter paper.
1. Five samples of food labeled +, ", ., / and 0 are prepared.
2. Food tests are carried out to determine presence of starch, reducing sugars, non-
reducing sugars, proteins and lipids in these food samples.
Test for Procedure Observation Inference
Objective: 2. To determine the vitamin . content in various fruit juices.
Problem: /o imported fruits contain more 3itamin . than local fruits4
aterial and apparatus:
1.$ % dichlorophenolindophenol solution '/.P!P(, $.1 % ascorbic acid solution, freshl#
prepared guava juice, papa#a juice, mango juice , orange juice, )i*i juice and lime juice,
specimen tubes, s#ringes *ith needles '1 ml and 5 ml(, bea)ers, gau1e cloth and )nife.
1. 1 ml of 1.$% /.P!P solution is placed in a specimen tube using a 1 ml s#ringe.
2. The 5 ml s#ringe is filled *ith $.1 % ascorbic acid solution.
6. The needle of the s#ringe is placed into the /.P!P solution.
7. The ascorbic acid solution is added drop b# drop to the /.P!P solution. The mi&ture
is gentl# stirred *ith the needle of the s#ringe. The ascorbic acid solution is
continuousl# added until the /.P!P solution is decolourised. The volume of ascorbic
acid solution used is recorded.
5. 8teps 1 to 7 are repeated using freshl# s9uee1ed guava juice, papa#a juice, mango
juice , orange juice, )i*i juice and lime juice. The volume of fruit juice re9uired to
decolourise the /.P!P solution in each case is recorded.
:. The results are tabulated. The percentage and the concentration of 3itamin . in each
of the fruit juices are calculated using the formulae given.
8olution-fruit juice 3olume of solution -fruit
juice needed to
decolourise 1 ml of
/.P!P solution
Percentage of
3itamin . in fruit
3itamin .
concentration in fruit
1 2 6 +verage
$.1% ascorbic acid
guava juice
papa#a juice
mango juice
orange juice
)i*i juice
lime juice

3olume of $.1 % ascorbic acid used to decolourise /.P!P ; x cm<
3olume of fruit juice used to decolourise /.P!P ; y cm<
x cm< $.1 % ascorbic acid ' concentration of 1 mg-cm6( can decolorise 1 cm< of /.P!P and
y cm< of fruit juice concentration of k mg/cm< can decolourise 1 cm< of /.P!P
the 9uantit# of ascorbic acid in x cm< of ascorbic acid $.1 %
; 9uantit# of ascorbic acid in y cm< of fruit juice
x cm< = 1 mg-cm< ; y cm< = k mg-cm<
k mg-cm< ; x cm< = mg-cm<
y cm<
; x mg-cm<
Therefore the concentration of ascorbic acid in fruit juice ; x mg-cm<
1. 0&plain the need for our diet to contain: carboh#drates? sodium chloride? fresh fruits
and mil)
2. @o* do vegetarians ensure that the# receive a balanced diet4
6. The bod# cannot digest fibre. Ah# is it still important in our diet4
7. + slightl# over*eight friend decides to go on a crash diet. 8he-he tells #ou that
she-he is onl# going to eat grapefruit and drin) blac) coffee for t*o *ee)s. Ahat
advice *ould #ou give #our friend4
5. 0s)imos *ho eat mainl# fish, seal oil and *hale meat rather than beef and butter
have a lo* incidence of heart disease. @o* do #ou e&plain this4

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