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SAP Busi ness Pl anni ng and

Consol i dat i on Dat a Manager :
Now and t he Fut ur e
Prakash Darji, SAP Business Objects
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 3
1. Overview of Data Manager
2. Run-time
Data Manager Packages
Running & Scheduling Packages
3. Design-time
Transformation Files
Conversion Files
UI Script
Large Files
Delivered Objects
4. Future
5. Wrap-up
What Wel l Cover
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 4
BPC Ver si ons
Pr evi ousl y
Fut ur e
BPC 5.x
BPC 7.5 BPC 7.5 M
Microsoft based
SAP NW based
Mi gr at i on
Ut i l i t y
SAP SAP NetWeaver NetWeaver
MS Version MS Version
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 5
Dat a Manager
Data Manager is an SAP Business Planning and Consolidation (BPC) module that helps you
manage loading, transforming, and manipulating data
The focus of this session is to discuss Data Manager capabilities in general, however, when
examples are given, the details will be described for the NetWeaver version of the product
As opposed to using typical ETL tools such as Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services
(SSIS), or NetWeaver BI ETL (Process Chains, InfoPackages, DTPs, etc), the Data
Manager provides basic ETL operations to an business user (end-user).
This means that loading a flat file isnt an Administrator or IT function.
The premise is such that the data is owned by the business.
The BPC User has no idea that this underlying technology is being used when they are
using the Data Manager
Data Manager includes a delivered with a set of packages to import, copy, clear and move
data within and across applications
Data means transactional data as well as master data (no meta data)
In addition, Data Manager supports mapping and complex transformations of transactional
data files as well as master data files*
* Master Data loading is only supported in the NetWeaver version
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 6
Dat a Manager
Within the two platforms, there are two different underlying base technologies employed
BPC 7.0 (M), uses SQL Server Integration
Services (SSIS) as the base technology
BPC 7.0 (NW), uses the SAP NetWeaver BI
Process Chain Framework as the base technology
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 7
Dat a Manager Ter mi nol ogy
Object: Acronym Description
Data Manager DM The module to transform and load and manipulate data
Package The operational unit that user can execute for a data process, like import,
export, etc.
Task / Process Type The module to deal with specific functionality. E.g. load helps to transfer
data from file to cube, from cube to cube, from cube to file. Package is built
on Process Chains which include task(s).
Process Chain PC PC is a framework, which is provided by BW, that helps to schedule
packages, maintain status of running packages, wrap tasks into packages
and so on. PC is the foundation of a package.
An SSIS package is roughly equivalent to a NW BI Process Chain.
InfoCube The Multi Dimensional Data Cube in BW. (ROLAP)
DTS (SQL 2000)
SSIS (SQL 2005)
DTS or SSIS Data Transfer Service or SQL Server Integration Services, provided by
Microsoft. These are no longer relevant for BPC 7.0.
Dimension Is a BI InfoObject that contains dimension members (Master Data)
Measure Is a BI Object that stores the value (Key Figure)
Transformation File This is an Excel Workbook that defines mappings for data transformations
Conversion File This is an Excel Workbook that defines conversions within data
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 8
Ac c essi ng t he Dat a Manager
From the Launch Page, click SAP Business Planning and Consolidation for Excel.
From the Action Pane, click Manage Data.
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 9
1. Overview of Data Manager
2. Run-time
Data Manager Packages
Running & Scheduling Packages
3. Design-time
Transformation Files
Conversion Files
UI Script
Large Files
Delivered Objects
4. Future
5. Wrap-up
What Wel l Cover
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 10
1. Overview of Data Manager
2. Run-time
Data Manager Packages
Running & Scheduling Packages
3. Design-time
Transformation Files
Conversion Files
UI Script
Large Files
Delivered Objects
4. Future
5. Wrap-up
What Wel l Cover
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 11
Dat a Manager Pac k ages
Data Manager packages are implemented allow you to do common data
manipulation activities
The packages that come with BPC 7.0 are designed to be dynamic so that you do
not need to modify the packages in order for them to work with your applications
and dimensions.
You might want to modify packages to behave differently or to perform
additional tasks.
You can make modifications to the packages supplied with BPC (not best
practice) or use those packages as templates to build packages as per your
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 12
Upl oadi ng Dat a i nt o BPC Fi l e Ser vi c e
A typical activity a user would do would be to load a flat file into a BPC application (cube)
To do so, the user would first upload data to the BPC File Service as described below
Choose Manage Data -> Upload Data File
Enter your source and destination file
Within the BPC 7.0NW product, files are stored within the NetWeaver database, whereas
within the BPC 7.0M product, files are stored on the .NET File Server (file system)
NOTE: The following web admin parameters affect the behavior of file upload
ALLOWEXTENSIONS: Defines allowed file extensions for upload
ALLOW_FILE_SIZE: This is the maximum file size a user is allowed to upload. The default value is
100 MB.
DEFAULT_EXTENSIONS: This is the list of default extensions that are allowed. This list includes:
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 13
Dow nl oad Dat a f r om BPC Fi l e Ser vi c e
In some cases, a user may want to download a file from the BPC File Service
To do so:
Choose Manage Data -> Download Data File
Enter your source and destination file
The files for data manager have special storage within the NW BI Database
The files are stored in a special generated table, not as a compressed file within file
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 14
Dat a Pr evi ew
After uploading a file, it is a good idea for users to preview the data just to ensure
that you havent made any mistakes with your file and the file is in the expected
Data Preview is accessed by clicking Preview data file from the Action Pane.
It allows you to preview the first 200 lines of a data file.
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 15
ASCI I I mpor t Fi l e For mat s
The source file for a data import can be a text file containing delimited strings.
Each field represents the name of a dimension member.
The source file can be in either of three formats:
Fixed - requires a first row defining the name and position of all dimensions.
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ASCI I I mpor t Fi l e For mat s
The third file format:
Variant - allows the user to define the name and position of the dimensions using multiple
lines beginning with an asterisk (*).
Can not be viewed in delimited data type only fixed width
While the above example is very simple, some extra features of the variable format can
demonstrate its potential as a more useful tool.
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 17
Var i abl e For mat
Ex ampl e 1
Repetitive field values can be moved into the header section. For example, the above file
could also be read in the following format, where the value of the category (ACTUAL) and
time (1999.J an) are set in the header section and removed from the value rows
*<DIMENSION>=<VALUE> specify the value of the dimension, this has the same effect
with *NEWCOL command in mapping section. The line start with is the comment line
which will be skipped during process.
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Var i abl e For mat
Ex ampl e 2
If one of the pre-defined values changes along the body of the file, a redefinition of the
current member can be inserted anywhere in the file and as many times as desired, like in
this example:
If the *<Dimension> =<value> header occurs in the middle of data file, all the records
following this header are affected, but the records before the header will not.
The results of Example 2 is :
ACTUAL, 1999.J an, UK, Sales, Sedan, 1234
ACTUAL, 1999.J an, UK, Sales, Coupe, 2345
ACTUAL, 1999.J an, FR, Sales, Sedan, 986
ACTUAL, 1999.J an, FR, Sales, Coupe, 945
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 19
Var i abl e For mat
Ex ampl e 3
A set of members of one or more dimension can span across multiple columns (Typically 12
months of budget values). The following example of header section will accept 12 value
*<Dimension> =<value1>,<value2> has the similar effect with *MVAL command in
mapping section, this type of header can only occurs in the beginning of the data file but
not in the middle of data file.
Essentially, the variable format allows the user to specify which dimensions are in the page (CATEGORY=ACTUAL), which dimensions are in
column (TIME=1999.J an, 1999.Feb, etc.) and which dimensions are in row (ENTITY,ACCOUNT,PRODUCT,PERIODIC).
Irrespective of the format of the source file, the output file will always be in the "fixed format" described for the input file, i.e:
The first line will contain the delimited list of all dimension names with their corresponding positions for the data fields.
All subsequent lines will define one data cell per line.
For example, the above 12 periods variable format file will generate the following output (if we exclude any conversion of the members labels):
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 20
The Dat a Manager Menu
For users who are familiar with menus instead of the action pane, BPC has an
eDatadropdown menu to choose all the actions available within Data Manager
action pane
Menu item Description
Run Package Opens the Run Package dialog box, where you can run a package for a user, team, or
Package Schedule Status Opens the Package schedule status dialog box, where you can view and edit
scheduled packages.
View Status Opens the View Status dialog box, where you can see the status of currently running
or previously run packages.
Organize Package List Opens the Organize Package List dialog box, where you can add packages and assign
them to teams.
Manage Team User Package Access Allows administrators to assign packages in certain teams to the users who belong to
these teams.
New Transformation File Creates a new transformation file Excel workbook.
Manage Transformation File Show file list and allow you to edit, save, copy, and validate transformation files.
Validate and Process
Transformation File
Checks the structure and syntax of transformation files and reports any potential
Copy Transformation File Creates new transformation files based on existing ones that you can then modify for
your needs.
New Conversion File Creates new conversion files.
Manage Conversion File Allows you to edit, save, copy, and validate conversion files.
Validate and Process Conversion
Checks the structure and syntax of conversion files and reports any potential
Copy Conversion File Creates new conversion files based on existing ones that you can then modify for
your needs.
Add Conversion Sheet Adds a sheet to an existing conversion file. You can have multiple sheets in one
conversion file in order to use different sheets depending on the context of the
Clear Saved Prompt Values Clears saved values for all Data Manager dialog boxes. Values include references to
folders and lists of members.
Data Manager Help Opens the help (Only available in BPC 7.0M, not BPC 7.0NW)
About Data Manager Displays version information about Data Manager.
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The Dat a Manager Tool bar
For users who dont like the action pane or menu, BPC also has a Data Manager
Icon Task Description
Run Package Opens the Run Package dialog box, where you can run a package
for a team and application.
View Status Opens the View Status dialog box, where you can see the status of
currently running or previously run packages.
New Transformation File Creates a new Transformation File Excel workbook.
Manage Transformation
Sub menus allow you to edit, save, copy, and validate
transformation files.
Validate and Process
Transformation File
Checks the structure and syntax of transformation files and
reports any potential problems.
Copy Transformation File Creates new transformation files based on existing ones that you
can then modify for your needs.
New Conversion File Creates new conversion files.
Manage Conversion File Sub menus allow you to edit, save, copy, and validate conversion
Validate and Process
Conversion File
Checks the structure and syntax of conversion files and reports
any potential problems.
Copy Conversion File Creates new conversion files based on existing one that you can
then modify for your needs.
Add Conversion Sheet Adds a sheet to an existing conversion file. You can have multiple
sheets in one conversion file in order to use different sheets
depending on the context of the transformation.
<Selected Dimension> Works with the Show Member List button to show the Data
Manager member selector for the selected dimension.
Show Member List button Clicking this button shows the Data Manager member selector.
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 22
1. Overview of Data Manager
2. Run-time
Data Manager Packages
Running & Scheduling Packages
3. Design-time
Transformation Files
Conversion Files
UI Script
Large Files
Delivered Objects
4. Future
5. Wrap-up
What Wel l Cover
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 23
Runni ng a Dat a Manager Pac k age
To run and/or schedule packages
Choose Manage Data ->Run a Data Management Package
From the Run Package dialog box, select a team from the left, if desired, select a folder under the Package Group
folders, then select a package from the list on the right.
Click the Run button at the bottom of the dialog box.
The screens that follow differ depending on the package chosen. Each package allows you to set options for running the
package, scheduling the package, or both. Follow the instructions on the screen.
After supplying the required information the package is sent to the server and executed. You can view the status of the
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Dat a Manager Sc hedul i ng Tool bar
When scheduling Data Manager Packages, you have the following toolbar to help
Icon Task Description
View Status View the status of all scheduled and finished packages
New Automation Allows you to create an automation for reuse of scheduling
Edit Automation Edits an existing automation
Run Automation Run an automation
Data Upload Upload a file to file service
Data Download Download a file from file service
Refresh Package List Refresh the list of packages (discards all changes that havent
been saved)
Exit Exits the scheduling package functionality.
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Sc hedul i ng a Dat a Manager Pac k age
To schedule a package to recur, choose schedule, and choose your periodicity
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Usi ng Dat a Manager Aut omat i on Fi l es
New Aut omat i on
Data Manager Automation allows you to save particular schedules to reusable macro files
To create a new automation, choose New Automationin the scheduling toolbar
NOTE: These automation files are
saved to file service
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Vi ew Pac k age Sc hedul e St at us
To view a scheduled or running package, choose View Status
NOTE: To refresh the view, you can choose Refresh status everyand specify the polling time
to refresh the job list.
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Det ai l ed Log f or Dat a Manager Pac k ages
The detailed log will give you detailed information for success or failed jobs:
The runtimes for each process type within the process chain
The successful and failed records and package status
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Pr ompt Fi l e Management
All user input for data management prompts
are automatically saved
This improves usability for repetitive DM
A user can clear the saved prompts by
selecting the appropriate menu item
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Dat a Manager Runni ng Pac k ages
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 31
1. Overview of Data Manager
2. Run-time
Data Manager Packages
Running & Scheduling Packages
3. Design-time
Transformation Files
Conversion Files
UI Script
Large Files
Delivered Objects
4. Future
5. Wrap-up
What Wel l Cover
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 32
Or gani zi ng Pac k ages
Packages are arranged for the convenience of the customer and their end-users.
All packages in companyare visible and available to all users with Data Manager task access
Packages can also be organized by defined security teams. In the image below, adminis a team of users.
The list is NOT a reflection of available packages, it is a reflection of what packages are available to the
users of an application.
These packages are copied from an application when you create a new application and are delivered
by default for all applications
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 33
Or gani ze Pac k age
Organize package is controlled by administrators and team leaders (only for their teams)
Package options
Add - allows authorized users to select from available packages on the server
Modify allows authorized users to change the variables or behavior of a package, it is
best practice to first copy a pre-delivered package prior to modification to ensure the
original package remains as shipped with the product.
Copy creates a duplicate package with a new package ID
Move moves a package between teams and/or package groups, it is common to remove
rarely used or potentially damaging packages from the company team to the admin team
Remove remove the package from the selection screen
Package groups equivalent to folders unique to each team
Add creates a new grouping
Modify allows for a change in the grouping name
Remove removes the group
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 34
Or gani zi ng Dat a Manager Pac k ages
Cr eat e Pac k age Gr oup
Within the Company area or within a Team, you can create Package Groupswhich act like folders to
organize your packages within a team.
To do this, right click on any folder and choose Add Package Group
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 35
Or gani zi ng Dat a Manager Pac k ages
Cr eat e Pac k age
In BPC 7.0 NW, a Data Manager Package can be created from a BPC Process Chain
To Create a New Package, go to Manage Data-> Maintain Data Management-> Manage
Packages-> Add Package
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Or gani zi ng Dat a Manager Pac k ages
Cr eat e Pac k age
In BPC 7.0NW, only one package type is available (called Process Chain)
You can then choose which process chain to use for Data Manager
Only Process Chains in the /CPMB/ namespace are displayed
In BPC 7.0M, the package types allow you to choose SSIS packages on the file system
You can then name your BPC Data Manager Package (ie. Import into Financial Application)
NOTE: The following screenshots are from the BPC 7.0NW version of the product
You can assign your package to a Group.
This is the folder to which the package will be added.
You can add a new group by typing a new group name.
This is just used for organization and categorization. The group field has no functional impact.
You can populate a description as well to describe your package
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 37
Or gani zi ng Dat a Manager Pac k ages
Cr eat e Pac k age Task Type
The Task Typecan either be a User Packageor an Admin Package.
This allows you to control who has access to run the package: A user or an administrator.
It only makes sense to flag either User Packageor Admin Packagebut not both.
If you flag Admin Package, this will take precedence, and ignore that User Package is flagged
If the task type is flagged as Admin Packageonly users who are BPC Administrators will be able to run
this package.
This package can still be saved to any team (even non-Admin) teams, but only Administrators can run
this package
A BPC Administrator is defined by a user who has access all the DM Tasks assigned see the list
User Packagecan be seen by all BPC Users that are assigned Execute Data Managementtask security
Packages can be assigned to teams using the menu Manage team user package accessby a team leader
or as part of organize packages if an administrator
The primary purpose is to restrict a user from running a package that could damage to the data like clearing
all data (zero values) by accident.
BPC 7.0M has two additional package types
that are not used in BPC 7.0NW for special
actions or packages that process the fact
or cube
Fact or Cube Process Package
Special Package
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 38
Modi f y Pac k age
BPC 7.0 allows for the modification of a package via the BPC Excel eData interface
Package type
Name of the process chain or SSIS package
Package name
Descriptive name to display
Task type
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 39
Assi gn Pac k age t o Teams
In BPC 7.0, a Data Manager Package can be assigned to teams
To assign a package to a team, go to Manage Data->Maintain Data Management->Manage team
userpackage access
This will allow you to flag packages as available to be executed
Only packages that are flagged as Task Type = User Package and not flagged with Task Type =
Admin Package will be allowed to be executed by BPC Users that have the Execute
You will not see any packages within this list that have been flagged as Admin Package
Data Manager Task Security:
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 40
Or gani zi ng Dat a Manager Pac k ages Tool bar
In addition to using the context menu to organize package, BPC provides a toolbar to organize packages
After changes are complete, be sure to save your changes to the DM package list
Icon Task Description
Add Package Used to add a new data manager package (choose the Process
Chain to assign)
Modify Package Allows you to update package definition
Copy Package Gives you the ability to copy packages between teams and
package groups
Move Package Allows you to move packages between teams and package groups
Remove Package Delete a pacakge
Add Package Group Create new package groups (folders) for organizing your packages
Modify Package Group Allows you to rename package groups (folders)
Remove Package Group Delete package groups (folders)
Save Package List Saves all changes made to packages. None of the changes are
committed to NW until this button is clicked
Refresh Package List Refresh the list of packages (discards all changes that havent
been saved)
Exit Exits the organize package functionality.
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 41
Cr eat i ng Pac k age Li st
Administrators have access to all packages for the AppSet. You
may want to customize the list of packages you run often so you do
not have to find the packages each time. You do this using the
Selected List button on the Run Package dialog box.
You can also use the Selected List dialog box for the following: Use
the data file transfer button to upload packages to the server (see
Transferring data files) or use the view package status button to
view package status.
Users can create a package list using the Selected List
To organize a package list, you can choose
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 42
1. Overview of Data Manager
2. Run-time
Data Manager Packages
Running & Scheduling Packages
3. Design-time
Transformation Files
Conversion Files
UI Script
Large Files
Delivered Objects
4. Future
5. Wrap-up
What Wel l Cover
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 43
Tr ansf or mat i on Fi l es
Process performed by setting up two Excel files:
Transformation file (required)
Conversion file (optional)
Transformation file is selected during the run time of the import package.
Transformation definition are in Excel files that contain one worksheet named
The file is divided into 3 parts (*OPTIONS; *MAPPING, *CONVERSION)
The transformation file references conversion files that may contain multiple
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Tr ansf or mat i on Fi l es
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 45
Cr eat i ng Tr ansf or mat i on Fi l es
Transformation Files allow application administrators or
team leaders to set up the rules for reading data from a
source and putting it in the proper form within your SAP
BPC 7.0 target application. To create a new Transformation file,
select eData > New Transformation File.
To edit an existing Transformation file, select eData >Manage
Transformation Files, choose a team in the left column of the
dialog box, choose a folder, and then double-click an existing
Transformation file name.
Fill out or define the options, mapping, and conversion file
*OPTIONS: Set up Mapping Options
*MAPPING: Map Dimensions to source
*CONVERSION: Setup Conversion Files for
Save the Transformation file.
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 46
OPTI ONS w i t hi n Tr ansf or mat i on Fi l es
(SAP Net Weaver Ver si on as Ex ampl e)
The *OPTIONS supported within BPC 7.0NW Transformation Files are:
AMOUNTDECIMALPOINT =<text_character>
Optional Parameter
Allows you to specify a non-period decimal point for countries that use a different character, such as a comma. Note:
the character specified in this option must differ from the character specified for the DELIMITER.
Default Value: Period
Optional Parameter
Specifies which dimension to look at for value calculations.
You must specify a dimension conversion sheet using the Amount *Conversion option
If there is no formula in the Formula column of the Amount conversion sheet this parameter has no affect at all. For
example, the Formula column has the following formula: Value*1.10. All accounts will be increased by 10% during the
Default Value: Account
Required Parameter
If No, all amounts referring to an ACCOUNT type (LEQ, INC) will have their signs reversed.
Default: YES
DELIMITER = <text_character>| SPACE | TAB
Required Parameter
If the FORMAT option is set to DELIMITED, this option defines the single character that is the delimiter between
columns. use the keywords SPACE or TAB if space- or tab-delimited.
Default: , (comma)
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 47
OPTI ONS w i t hi n Tr ansf or mat i on Fi l es
(SAP Net Weaver Ver si on as Ex ampl e)
The *OPTIONS supported within BPC 7.0 Transformation Files are:
Required Parameter
The format of the data in the input or output file. You must enter a format type. Delimited means that there is a
special character between each column of data, defined by the Delimiter option (below). Fixed means that the data is
in a fixed field format. Use the FCOL mapping option.
NOTE: CategoryByTime is out of scope for BPC 7.0
Default: There is no default. This option must be defined.
Required Parameter
If YES, then your input file contains one header row that defines the fields. If you do have a header row, you can refer
to a field by name in the MAPPING section.
Default: YES
MAXREJECTCOUNT =<empty_string>| -1 | positive number
Required Parameter
If validating records, the number of rejected records at which to stop processing. A value of -1 implies that DM should
keep processing no matter how many rejected records exist. The default value is 500, which can be represented by
an empty string.
Default: <empty_string>
This option is used to remove certain text in records, the text is specified by <text>, for example
SUPPRESSCHARACTER =abc will remove all abc occurs in the data records.
Default: <empty>
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 48
OPTI ONS w i t hi n Tr ansf or mat i on Fi l es
(SAP Net Weaver Ver si on as Ex ampl e)
The *OPTIONS supported within BPC 7.0 Transformation Files are:
ROUNDAMOUNT =<integer>
Required Parameter
Specifies the amount of decimal places to round values during the transformation.
When specifying integer, the integer can be zero or any positive integer.
Default: no rounding occurs
SKIP =<integer>
Required Parameter
Number of lines to skip at the top of a data file. If your data file has a header, set this value so that those lines are
skipped during transformation.
Default: 0 (zero)
SKIPIF =<text string1>| <text string2>
Required Parameter
Skip a line in the data file if it begins with the specified strings the strings are separated by |,in the above case. If a
record contains <text_string>or <text_string2>, the record will be skipped. Setting this option to an empty string
means that no lines are skipped in the body of the data file. Header lines can still be skipped using the SKIP
command, above.
Default: <empty_string>
Required Parameter
Default: No
If YES, validate the mapping and that members exist, and map data in the proper order for Business Planning and
Consolidation. For example, the Amount field is always moved to the end of the records even though it might be
written in the first line of the mapping section.
If NO, will not validate. In this case, if the mapping section is out of order or just wrong, fields will be skipped.
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 49
OPTI ONS w i t hi n Tr ansf or mat i on Fi l es
(SAP Net Weaver Ver si on as Ex ampl e)
The *OPTIONS supported within BPC 7.0 Transformation Files are:
SELECTION = <Dimension1_techname>,<Dimension1_value>;<Dimension2_techname>,<Dimension2_value>
This option is only used for importing transaction data from infoprovider, it is illegal when running other packages.
The SELECTION option set the select rules when exacting transaction data from
infoprovider.<Dimension1_techname>is the technique name of the dimension, <Dimension1_value>is the value of
Condition statement set to this dimension. For example 0SX_ACCS, US;0SX_CSLC, 1 represents the selection
statement 0SX_ACCS=US and 0SX_CSLC=1
NOTE: This is used for loading transactonaldata as is new in BPC 7.0
Default: <empty>
This option is only used for importing master data, it is illegal when running other packages.
The FORMULA option set the K2 functions referenced by the master data members formula attribute, because all
The libraries are syslib, the *syslib prefix is not needed here. Different libraries is separated by | .
NOTE: This is used for loading master data as is new in BPC 7.0
Example: DAVY_KP1_DEV7A2_Q_Mdxlib_1.LGF| DAVY_KP1_DEV7A2_Q_Mdxlib_2.LGF
Default: <empty>
If NO, the input member names will be compared with external column in conversion file.
If YES, the input member names will be compared with internal column in conversion file.
Default: NO
BEST PRACTICE: Always keep this set to NO. There is really no functional reason to set this to Yes,
While this is supported, it will just cause confusion by setting this to yes
This is there for legacy reasons
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 50
MAPPI NG w i t hi n Tr ansf or mat i on Fi l es
The *MAPPING section of the transformation file defines how data is mapped to your
Business Planning and Consolidation Application
The following options are available:
*If(Condition1 then Action1;Condition2 then Action2;Default Action)
By default, Data Manager associates fields to header names when you have a header row in
your data file. This makes it easier to define mappings in this section of the transformation file.
For example, if you have a header row and it defines a column named "AccountVal," you can
map the Account dimension to the Account field from the data file this way:
Account = AccountVal
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 51
MAPPI NG w i t hi n Tr ansf or mat i on Fi l es
A = column index in the data file
Defines a dimension for a field in the data file when the data file does not have a header row.
See the note below about automatic field names when you do have a header row.
NOTE: This command is only valid in delimited format
Account =*COL(2)
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 52
MAPPI NG w i t hi n Tr ansf or mat i on Fi l es
A = column index in the data file
B:C = start/end position within the column
Defines a dimension for a subset of a field in the data file.
NOTE: This command is only valid in delimited format
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 53
MAPPI NG w i t hi n Tr ansf or mat i on Fi l es
A:B = start/end position within the data row
When using Fixed format data files, this option allows you to define the start and end
character columns for each field. In the example below, the columns 4 through 7 represent
the Account dimension.
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 54
MAPPI NG w i t hi n Tr ansf or mat i on Fi l es
A:B = start/end column of time period
Use this command if your data file has multiple period columns. For example, if you have
columns that are like this:
You would use Time = *MVAL(7:18), since columns 7 through 18 contain data based on time
periods. Using this command requires that you use a Time.xls conversion sheet. See the
sample Time.xls conversion file, located in the ConveresionFiles folder, for more information.
If your data does not have a header row, the time periods will be named P1, P2, P3,...,PN
by default.
NOTE: This command is only valid in delimited format
Time = *MVAL(7:18)
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 55
MAPPI NG w i t hi n Tr ansf or mat i on Fi l es
A = dimension member
Creates a new field with the given value.
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 56
MAPPI NG w i t hi n Tr ansf or mat i on Fi l es
Adds a text string to the members of a column. Useful if you need to map data file fields to
fields in your application that have the same names, except they have extra characters
appended or in front of the field name.
Entity = *Str(NE) + *COL(1)
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 57
MAPPI NG w i t hi n Tr ansf or mat i on Fi l es
A = Field name - (the field name is header name in data file)
B = Total length
C = Padding direction
D = Padding character
Use to format exported data into fixed-width records. Use in conjunction with the "None"
delimiter. The Padding character is optional and is a space by default.
NOTE: This command is only valid in delimited format and with header turned ON
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 58
MAPPI NG w i t hi n Tr ansf or mat i on Fi l es
*If(Condition1 then Action1;Condition2 then Action2;Default Action)
Condition1 - If this evaluates to "True," map using Action1
Condition2 - If Condition1 is "False" and Condition2 is "True," map using Action2
Default Action - If both Condition1 and Condition2 are "False", map using this Default Action
Condition1 and Condition 2 can contain multiple items that are added together (using the plus
(+) sign), as in this example:
Product=*if (Product+ID+Entity = *str(148552) then *str(MHarn);ID(1:1) = *str(C) then
*str(XX) ; *str(YY))
which means:
IF Product + ID + Entity value are equal to 148552 then Change Product value to
MHarn or
Else IF ID field is equal to C then Change Product value to XX
Else change product value to YY
* the field name (Product, ID in the above example) is header name in data file, not the
field name which users write in the mapping table, so the if the *IF command contains
field name , the data file must contains headers.
TIPS: By default, Data Manager associates fields to header names when you have a header
row in your data file. This makes it easier to define mappings in this section of the
transformation file. For example, if you have a header row and it defines a column named
"AccountVal," you can map the Account dimension to the Account field from the data file this
way: Account = AccountVal.
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 59
* I I f () Ex ampl e 1
Example 1:
Given this data:
Entity, SEntity
U1000000, US01
Z2000A01, CA03
K3430000, J P04
And this mapping formula:
Entity=*IF(*col(1,1:1)=U then SEntity;*col(1,1:1)=Z then *col(1,3:6); *STR(ERR))
The result is:
Entity, SEntity
US01, US01
A01, CA03
ERR, J P04
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 60
* I I f () Ex ampl e 2
Example 2:
Given this data:
14, 85, 52
And this mapping formula:
Product=*IF (product+ID+Entity=*Str(148552) then *str(MHarn);ID(1:1) = *str(C) then
*str(XX) ; *str(YY))
The result is:
MHarn, 85, 52
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 61
Ex ampl e: Var i ant For mat s
Besides the simple header(the header with only one line), the data file can also contain variant header, the header can have
several lines, each line must start with *(star), here is four cases for variant header
Case 1 This case is same as the simple header.
ACTUAL, 1999.J an, UK, Sales, Sedan, 1234
ACTUAL, 1999.J an, UK, Sales, Coupe, 2345
ACTUAL, 1999.J an, FR, Sales, Sedan, 986
ACTUAL, 1999.J an, FR, Sales, Coupe, 945
Case 2--*<DIMENSION>=<VALUE>specify the value of the dimension, this has the same effect with *NEWCOL command in
mapping section. The line start with is the comment line which will be skipped during process.
*TIME=1999.J an
'----------------------------------- this is the comment line, will be skipped when processing
UK, Sales, Sedan, 1234
UK, Sales, Coupe, 2345
FR, Sales, Sedan, 986
FR, Sales, Coupe, 945
The results of Case 2 is :
ACTUAL, 1999.J an, UK, Sales, Sedan, 1234
ACTUAL, 1999.J an, UK, Sales, Coupe, 2345
ACTUAL, 1999.J an, UK, Sales, Sedan, 986
ACTUAL, 1999.J an, UK, Sales, Coupe, 945
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 62
Ex ampl e: Var i ant For mat s
Case 3If the *<Dimension>=<value>header occurs in the middle of data file, all the records following this header are affected,
but the records before the header will not.
ACTUAL, 1999.J an, Sales, Sedan, 1234
ACTUAL, 1999.J an, Sales, Coupe, 2345
ACTUAL, 1999.J an, Sales, Sedan, 986
ACTUAL, 1999.J an, Sales, Coupe, 945
The results of Case 3 is :
ACTUAL, 1999.J an, UK, Sales, Sedan, 1234
ACTUAL, 1999.J an, UK, Sales, Coupe, 2345
ACTUAL, 1999.J an, FR, Sales, Sedan, 986
ACTUAL, 1999.J an, FR, Sales, Coupe, 945
Case 4--*<Dimension>=<value1>,<value2>has the similar effect with *MVAL command in mapping section, this type of header
can only occurs in the beginning of the data file but not in the middle of data file.
*TIME=1999.J an, 1999.Feb, 1999.Mar, 1999.Apr, 1999.J un, 1999.J ul, 1999.Aug, 1999.Sep, 1999.Oct, 1999.Nov, 1999.Dec
UK, Sales, Sedan, 100, 200,320,450,600,700,850,900,230,200,340,560
UK, Sales, Coupe, 1120, 1230,1220,470,1600,7900,1850,1900,1230,3200,3340,2560
The results of Case 4 is :
ACTUAL, 1999.J an, UK, Sales, Sedan, 100
ACTUAL, 1999.Feb, UK, Sales, Coupe, 200
ACTUAL, 1999.Mar, UK, Sales, Sedan, 320
ACTUAL, 1999.Apr, UK, Sales, Coupe, 450
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 63
Ex ampl e Loadi ng Tr ansac t i on Dat a f r om
SAP Net Weaver BI NEW!!!
Here is an example of loading data from an existing InfoCube from SAP NetWeaver BI (this is available in
the SAP NetWeaver BI version only)
All filters are specified within the SELECTIONkeyword.
Conversion Files can be used to convert data as well.
All loads are full loads using this package.
Merge, Replace, and Append options are all available!
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 64
Val i dat i ng Tr ansf or mat i on Fi l es
(SAP Net Weaver Ver si on as Ex ampl e)
After you define a transformation file, you can validate it.
You can validate the transformation file by itself, or by supplying a live data file.
If you are an application administrator, select eData > Validate & Process
Transformation File.
When you choose to validate, you can
choose the type of transformation file youd
like to validate against:
Transaction data
Loading a flat file into a BPC Cube
Transaction data from infocube (new)
Loading data from one NW BI EDW cube into a
BPC Cube
Master Data
Loading a BPC InfoObject Master data and
Desc for Master Data (new)
Loading a BPC InfoObject Texts
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 65
Val i dat i ng Tr ansf or mat i on Fi l es
Once you choose to validate, you will get a log telling you any issues validating the
transformation file.
NOTE: Validation will only work on a transformation file that is open
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 66
Copyi ng Tr ansf or mat i on Fi l es
You can choose Copy Transformation Fileto create a new transformation or use save as
with an open transformation file
You will be prompted you to copy the file to a target location
Transformation files can be saved without validation
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 67
Mappi ng Di mensi ons bet w een Appl i c at i ons
When you want to copy dimension files between applications, but the dimension names are
different, you can create a transformation file to map the dimensions.
For example, if the dimensions in the source application are:
Category, Account, Entity, Time, Rptcurrency, Intco, and Datasrc
and the dimensions in the target application are:
Cat, Acc, Ent, Tim, Currency, Int, and Dat
then you can use a transformation file to map the source to the target.
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 68
1. Overview of Data Manager
2. Run-time
Data Manager Packages
Running & Scheduling Packages
3. Design-time
Transformation Files
Conversion Files
UI Script
Large Files
Delivered Objects
4. Future
5. Wrap-up
What Wel l Cover
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 69
* Conver si on
Conversion files define the mappings
by Dimension
Define the mapping from external to
internal member names (source to
Provide the ability to perform arithmetic
and rounding on data.
Can contain one or more worksheets
for different types of data
* Skip Ignore external data
You can use the asterisk (*) and
question mark (?) wildcards in the
External and/or Internal columns.
asterisk (*) stands for ANY character,
while question mark (?) stand for any
SINGLE character.
Within BPC 7.0NW, Data Manager Supports
J avascript in Conversion Files
Within BPC 7.0M, Data Manager Supports
VBScript in Conversion Files
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 70 SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / <Session ID>Page 70
Conver si on Fi l es
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 71
Mappi ng Di mensi ons t o Conver si on Fi l es
Conversion files define how to map the master data in input files (external) to application
master data (internal)
Also supports formulas to convert the data
The transformation file section directs the usage of a conversion:
Dimension Name =[COMPANY]WorkbookName[!SheetName] or
[TeamName]WorkbookName[!SheetName] - Items in brackets are optional.
Workbook name is the name of the conversion file.
Sheet Name = is the name of the worksheet to use within the conversion file. If not specified, Data
Manager assumes the sheet name is: Conversion
If [COMPANY] is defined or doesnt exist, then DM will try to obtain the conversion file from the Main
company Data Manager folder; if [TEAM_NAME] is defined, Data Manager looks into the
corresponding team folder.
Dimension Name is either the dimension name to correlate with the conversion file or the keyword
When using DimensionName to specify the conversion file to be used, the external member names
of the specified dimension name will be converted according to the rules defined in the referenced
conversion file.
When using the keyword Amount as DimensionName to specify the conversion file to be used, the
value of ConverAmountWDim option in the *Options section will be considered together when doing
conversion. This allows you to use a formula to do calculations to the input values.
For example using a formula to scale the input or output values.
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 72
Mappi ng Di mensi ons t o Conver si on Fi l es
Ex ampl es
Where AccountConv.xls is the name of the Account dimension conversion file.
Account = AccountConv.xls
the input member names of dimension Account will be converted according to the
conversion rules defined in the conversion file AccountConv.xls.
It will use the sheet CONVERSION.
Amount = AccountConv.xls!Calculus
Use the keyword Amount and the transformation option ConvertAmountWDim to get
Account = AccountConv.xls!newaccount
Account = [COMPANY]AccountConv.xls!newaccount
This conversion file should be in the company folder
Account = [AdminTeam]AccountConv.xls!newaccount
This conversion file should be located in the corresponding folder of AdminTeam
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 73
Cr eat i ng and Usi ng Conver si on Fi l es
To create a new conversion file, go to Manage Data-> Maintain Conversions-> Create
New Conversion
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 74
Cr eat i ng and Usi ng Conver si on Fi l es w hen
When working with this conversion file you have three columns:
NOTE: When transformation option CONVERT_INTERNAL =NO, the external column refers to the source value, the
internal column refers to the target dimension member you want to load into the application. When Convert_internal =
YES, the external column refers to the target and the internal column refers to the source value.
The following example is for when CONVERT_INTERNAL =NO
The External Column r
Refers to the source value since
You can use wildcards to
match source values
The Internal Column
Refers to the target dimension member you
want to load into the application (since
You can use formulas within this column
Use %EXTERNAL% in your formula to refer to
the source value for derivation of the target
You can use wildcards to replace target values
The Formula Column is used to
derive values for signeddata only.
You can use the keyword
VALUE to refer to the
signeddata value in the source file
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 75
Di r ec t Mappi ng (No For mul as)
When working with conversion files, you can directly map external values to internal values
This is similar to what a VLOOKUP formula in Excel would do
Anytime the Externalvalue appears in the source, Data Manager would low the Internalvalue into
the target
Special Options:
*SKIP: You can ignore some data records and just skip them without loading them into the target
The below example means that all the data records will be skipped and not be loaded into target cube, if the
member of dimension ACCOUNT is ACCPAY.
Wildcards: You can use the asterisk (*) and question mark (?) wildcards in the External and/or
Internal columns. asterisk (*) stands for ANY character, while question mark (?) stand for any
SINGLE character. You also can use colon mark (:) for a specified range.
For example, if you want to reference all members, use the asterisk (*). This would be useful to apply a formula to
updated signeddata for all members of a particular dimension:
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 76
Usi ng Wi l dc ar ds
Wildcards can be used within both the external and internal columns!
This will allow for very dynamic replacements
(convert_internal = NO, the input member name will be compared with External column)
Correct examples:
Case Input member name External Internal Result
1 abcdef a*f c*g cbcdeg
2 abcdef abc* c*g cdefg
3 abcdef *f c*g cabcdeg
4 abcdef a*f cg* cgbcde
5 abcdef abc* cg* cgdef
6 abcdef *f *cg abcdecg
7 abcdef a*c*f cg cg
8 abcdef a*f c*g* cbcdegbcde
9 abcdef a*c?*f cg cg
10 abcdef a*c?? c*g cbg
11 abcdef abcdef c*g cg
12 abcdef abc??? ???cg defcg
13 23 1:100 abc abc
14 abs aba:abz def edf
15 c100 c001:c999 def def
Wrong examples:
Input member name External Internal Result
17 abcdef a*c*f *cg Error, the meaning of asterisk (*) for replacement is vague.
18 abcdef a*d*f *c*g Error, the meaning of asterisk (*) for replacement is vague.
19 abcdef abc??? ????g Error, the number of ? is not consistent
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 77
Over vi ew of For mul as
(SAP Net Weaver Ver si on Ex ampl e)
There are two types of formulas within conversion files
Formulas for Dimensions
To write a formula for dimensions, you will write this formula within the INTERNAL column
This formula will do the following: If the value for category in the source file begins with act, then it will map this
value to Actual. Otherwise, it will check if the value for category in the source is 4 characters long. If it is, it will
write the value Budget. If not, it will write the value Actual
Formulas for Measures
To write a formula to update SIGNEDDATA, you will write this formula with the FORMULA column
This formula will take multiple the value of signeddata in the source by 100 and round it to two places for all time
periods and then load this into the target.
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 78
Usi ng KeyWor ds AMOUNT and VALUE
This can only be used in the formula column of a conversion file
It refers to the signeddata in the source file you are trying to load from.
The Keyword VALUE is treated as a formula variable in a conversion file
The keyword AMOUNT can only be used in the conversion section in transformation files;
It cannot be used in conversion files.
Amount is the keyword to specify a conversion file to do conversion on Signeddata
It is not used as a variable in formulas.
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 79
Usi ng J avasc r i pt
(SAP Net Weaver Ver si on Ex ampl e)
If transformation option Convert_internal = NO, the javascript can be used in Internal column.
If transformation option Convert_internal = YES, the javascript can be used in External column;
Precede the J ava Script code with string js:, which is mandatory.
You can use J ava Script code in IF statements, too.
js: %external%.substring(0,2)
Return a Long containing the number of characters in a string
js: %external%.length
Return the length of the string contained in external.
js: %external%.replace("apples", "oranges")
Return a string in which a specified substring has been replaced with another substring a
specified number of times.
Currently, we do not allow creating custom javascript includes
(This is being evaluated for a feature pack)
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 80
Usi ng J avasc r i pt w i t hi n For mul as
(i n FORMULA Col umn)
J ava Script can be used in the FORMULA column
Of the Source value is 200.356, the target value will be 200.36
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 81
Tr ansf or mat i on For mul as vs. Conver si on
For mul as
You cannot refer to another dimension or dimension property within a formula when trying
to derive the value of a dimension (writing formulas in the INTERNAL column) within a
conversion file
Example 1:
The input member names are acc123 and bcdef.
The rules in AccountConv.xls are:
External internal formula
acc* Accpay
bcdef Accrec
The output member names will be Accpay and Accrec respectively.
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 82
For mul as Ex ampl e 2
Example 2:
The input member names are Acc123 and bcdef.
The rules in AccountConv.xls are:
External internal formula
Acc123 Accpay
bcdef Accrec
The output member names will be Accpay and Accrec respectively.
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 83
For mul as Ex ampl e 3
Example 3:
ConvertAmountWDim= Account
The input member names of Account are Acc123 and bcdef with values 100 and 200
The converted member names of Account are Accpay and Accrec.
The rules in the sheet Calculus of conversion file AccountConv.xls are:
External Internal Formula
Ac* *pay value*2+1
bcdef Ac?rec value*4+2
The output values will be 201 and 802 respectively.
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 84
Addi ng a Conver si on Sheet t o an Ex i st i ng
Conver si on Fi l e
To add a conversion sheet to a conversion file, choose Add Conversion Sheetwithin the
eData menu
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 85
Val i dat i ng Conver si on Fi l es
To validate a conversion file, choose Validate & Process Conversion Filewithin the eData
The validate process performs only one thing:
Check if the excel sheet format (the header line
should be External, Internal, Formula) is correct.
It will not perform:
check formulas --- this will be checked at runtime.
check dimension names --- dimension name will not
appear in conversion file, so it will not be checked.
check valid dimension members --- dimension
members will be checked at runtime if the value of
the transformation option VALIDATERECORDS is
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 86
Copyi ng Conver si on Fi l es
To copy Conversion files
Choose Manager Data -> Manager Existing Conversion Definition
Open a Conversion File
Choose Copy Conversion
Click Save
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 87
1. Overview of Data Manager
2. Run-time
Data Manager Packages
Running & Scheduling Packages
3. Design-time
Transformation Files
Conversion Files
UI Script
Large Files
Delivered Objects
4. Future
5. Wrap-up
What Wel l Cover
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 88
Dat a Manager Pac k ages UI Sc r i pt
(SAP Net Weaver Ver si on Ex ampl e)
The UI Script is used to display a dialog to pass user parameters back to the BPC Packages
Within BPC 7.0NW, this would be Process Chain Templates
Within BPC 7.0M, this would be SSIS packages
The User Interface of Data Manager Packages is dynamically generated from the UI Script
To get to the UI Script
Choose Organize Packageand selected the package name
Right click for menu to choose Modify Package
Then choose the View Packagebutton
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 89
UI Sc r i pt
Dynami c Sc r i pt Edi t or Task s
The UI Script can be updated from the Dynamic Script Editor for BPC Data Manager
The tasks will display the BPC Process Types or SSIS tasks that are assigned to the BPC Package
Within the Dynamic Package, you will be able to define 3 sections:
Prompt: This command generates customized
dialog boxes, and, by answering the requests of
these dialogs, the user tells BPC things like: what
file to load, what selections of data to export, in
which application to copy the selected data, etc.
The syntax for the PROMPT( ) command is:
PROMPT([prompt type], [variable name],
[second variable name], [parameters,])
Info - The INFO instruction is not an executable
instruction, in the sense that it does not 'do'
anything specific to the package. Its purpose, as
stated earlier, is only to define and assign a value
to a script variable.
The syntax for the INFO instruction is:
Task The Task displays all the values that can
be passed to each BPC Process Type or SSIS
The syntax for the TASK instruction is:
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 90
Ex ampl e: Modi f y Pac k age Task s
(Ex ampl e f r om SAP Net Weaver Ver si on)
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 91
Modi f y Pac k age Dynami c Pac k age Sc r i pt
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 92
UI Sc r i pt
Dynami c Sc r i pt Edi t or Dynami c Const ant s
The Dynamic Constants display any system parameters from BPC that can be sent to the backend Process
Types or SISS Tasks
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 93
UI Sc r i pt
Dynami c Sc r i pt Edi t or Advanc ed
In Advanced mode, all code for the dynamic script can be directly edited and saved.
The prompt, info, and task have template syntax here which can aide in writing the
dynamic script
The package options can be set in a script using the advanced option (rather than navigate
each option in previous dialog.
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 94 SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / <Session ID>Page 94
UI Sc r i pt
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 95
1. Overview of Data Manager
2. Run-time
Data Manager Packages
Running & Scheduling Packages
3. Design-time
Transformation Files
Conversion Files
UI Script
Large Files
Delivered Objects
4. Future
5. Wrap-up
What Wel l Cover
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 96
Dat a Manager Task Sec ur i t y
Data Manager security is based on tasks only
No Admin Roles are required specifically to run DM tasks
Assign by specific tasks
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 97
1. Overview of Data Manager
2. Run-time
Data Manager Packages
Running & Scheduling Packages
3. Design-time
Transformation Files
Conversion Files
UI Script
Large Files
Delivered Objects
4. Future
5. Wrap-up
What Wel l Cover
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 98
Loadi ng Lar ge Fi l es f r om AppSer ver I nst ead of
Dat abase (SAP Net Weaver Ver si on Onl y)
When the user wants to execute this package (i.e. package runtime), he will be asked to
select the file they want to use in their Data Manager package. The user will be given a
dialog box containing an F4/Value Help function, to select from a list of files.
Instead of choosing a file, the user can specify a NetWeaver application server file
system location to import a file from the NW Application Server.
This may be useful for any files that are already being stored on the NW Application
Server from 3
party applications
For example:
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 99
1. Overview of Data Manager
2. Run-time
Data Manager Packages
Running & Scheduling Packages
3. Design-time
Transformation Files
Conversion Files
UI Script
Large Files
Delivered Objects
4. Future
5. Wrap-up
What Wel l Cover
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 100
Del i ver ed Pr oc ess Chai n Templ at es
(SAP Net Weaver Ver si on)
There are four broad types of
delivered Process Chain
Templates which can be used to
build BPC Packages:
Standard Data Loading
Financial Packages
Administrative Packages
Example Packages
These process chain templates
can be displayed and edited in
ABAP transaction RSPC
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 101
Del i ver ed Pr oc ess Types
(SAP Net Weaver Ver si on)
BPC 7.0 (NW) delivers 19 process types
Admin Task
Audit Archive
Clear BPC Table
Clear Comments
Clear Cube
Convert for Copy and Move
Create Dimension
Dynamic Modify
Finalize Optimize
J ournals
Master Data Load
Master Data Description Load
Optimize Cube
Ownership Calc
Run Logic
OnLine Status
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 102
St andar d Dat a Manager Pac k ages
(SAP Net Weaver Ver si on)
Standard Data Manager Packages perform their function while the system is live (i.e. users
can be online).
For example, you can use a standard package to load monthly data.
Allow you to move data into and out of SAP BPC databases.
The packages that come with BPC 7.0NW are designed to be dynamic so that you do not
need to modify the packages in order for them to work with your applications and dimensions.
You might want to modify packages to behave differently or to perform additional tasks.
You can make modifications to the packages supplied with BPC or use those packages
as templates to build packages as per your requirements (best practice)
We recommend that you use standard packages whenever possible, because they work
within the SAP Business Planning and Consolidation user ID security framework and
there is little risk of data integrity issues.
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 103
St andar d Dat a Manager Del i ver ed Pac k ages
BPC 7.0 (NW) delivers 7 process chain templates that are standard data manager
Process Chain Template Description TechName
BPC: Import Master Data This package allows you to load dimension member data directly into a
BPC Dimension's Member Table (BW InfoObject's master data table)
BPC: Import Master Data Description This package allows you to load dimension member texts directly into a
EVDESCRIPTION (BW InfoObject's text table)
BPC: Import Transaction Data This package imports one or more ASCII files into the current application.
You are prompted for one or more import file and associated
transformation files. The signs of the amounts are reversed based on the
Account type.
You can use the import.xls transformation file with this package.
BPC: Load Transaction Data from Other Cube This package allows you to load data from one BI Cube (EDW or BPC)
into a BPC Application. You can associate a tranformation file to do the
BPC: Move Transaction Data in one cube This package lets you move any selection of data within an application.
You are prompted for source and destination data selections for all
dimensions. The destination selection's fact table records are cleared
before the source's records are moved. The source's fact table records
are cleared after they are moved to the destination.
BPC: Clear Transaction Data in One Cube This package clears the data in the BPC Application by importing zero
values. The optimize process removes the zero values, which clears all
values from the table. Running this package also clears comments from
the comments table.
You can use the import.xls transformation file with this package.
You must select at least one dimension in order to run this package. If you
select [All], the package will not run.
BPC: Copy Transaction Data in One Cube This package copies data between dimensions within BPC application. /CPMB/COPY
BPC: Append Transaction Data This package imports data into the application by appending the data to
the fact table, and then runs default logic against the imported data set.
You can use the import.xls transformation file with this package.
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 104
St andar d Dat a Management Pac k ages
BPC: I mpor t Mast er Dat a
BPC: Import Master Data
This package allows you to load dimension member data directly into a BPC
Dimension's Member Table (BW InfoObject's master data table)
If the source dimension member (the member record in data file) already exists
in the AppSet (ID is the only key to identify if the member already exists), the
source dimension member will overwrite the member exists in AppSet
If the source dimension member does not exist in the AppSet, the source
dimension will be inserted into AppSet as a new one
The dimension members in AppSet but not in source file will stay untouched
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 105
St andar d Dat a Management Pac k ages
BPC: I mpor t Mast er Dat a Desc r i pt i on
BPC: Import Master Data Description
This package allows you to load dimension member texts directly into a
EVDESCRIPTION (BW InfoObject's text table)

Dimension: Account. Member: ACCPAY
Description before:
ACCPAY E Account Payable
ACCPAY F Account Payable in French
Descriptions in data file:
ACCPAY E Account Payable in English
ACCPAY C Account Payable in Chinese
Description after:
ACCPAY E Account Payable in English
ACCPAY F Account Payable in French
ACCPAY C Account Payable in Chinese
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 106
St andar d Dat a Management Pac k ages
BPC: I mpor t Tr ansac t i on Dat a
BPC: Import Transaction Data
Imports source data from a file into the current application
You are prompted for one or more source and associated transformation files
The signs of the amounts are reversed based on the Account type and option defined in
the transformation file
The source is a file stored in file service or on the Application Server
Replace lets the user resetthat region of the Application similar reloading the file as if it
was a new data set
It is the same as inputting a new financial statement for a specific region of the Application
The business requirement for replace within the import package is the same as inputting a
new financial statement for a specific region of the cube
If your GL only provided a new export for actual and May on its entirety, you would not
be able to determine accounts that have been reclassified, changed or remain the same
Replace lets the user reset that region of the cube similar reloading the file as if it was
a new data set
It is really an option for what the import file represents
The merge option (alternative to replace) changes only like data between source and
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 107
BPC: I mpor t Tr ansac t i on Dat a
Ex ampl e of Mer ge vs. Repl ac e
2006.J AN 500
2006.J AN 250
2006.J AN 15
2006.J AN 20
2006.J AN 30
2006.J AN 1600
2006.J AN 160
InBPC7.0,usingtheMerge option,theoutputwouldbeasfollows:
2006.J AN 1600
2006.J AN 500
2006.J AN 250
2006.J AN 160
2006.J AN 15
2006.J AN 20
2006.J AN 30
InBPC7.0,usingtheReplace option,theoutputwouldbeasfollows,becauseitwillfirstdeleteallCATEGORY=ACTUAL,DATASRC=INPUT,

ENTITY=SALESITALY andthenaddthedatatothecubeItwouldnotdeleteentrieswhereCategoryisbudget
2006.J AN 1600
2006.J AN 160
2006.J AN 15
2006.J AN 20
2006.J AN 30
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 108
St andar d Dat a Management Pac k ages
BPC: Load Tr ansac t i on Dat a f r om Ot her Cube
BPC: Load Transaction Data from Other Cube
This package allows you to load data from one BI Cube (EDW or BPC) into a BPC
You are prompted for one or more source and associated transformation files
The signs of the amounts are reversed based on the Account type
Security is required to be granted to the BPC service users to allow NW BI access to any
source EDW cube if an EDW cube is used
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 109
St andar d Dat a Management Pac k ages
BPC: Move Transaction Data in one cube
Lets you move any selection of data within an application
You are prompted for source and destination data selections for all dimensions.
The destination selection's fact table records are cleared before the source's records are
The source's fact table records are cleared after they are moved to the destination
BPC: Clear Transaction Data in One Cube
Clears the data in the Application by importing zero values
Running this package also clears comments from the comments table
BPC: Copy Transaction Data in One Cube
Copies data between members within the same dimension
BPC: Append Transaction Data
This package imports data into the application by appending the data to the fact table
All packages that manage data can run default logic, must will unless a prompt is included
within the package or the administrator changes the behavior of the package.
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 110
BPC: Append Tr ansac t i on Dat a Ex ampl e
2006.J AN 500
2006.J AN 250
2006.J AN 15
2006.J AN 20
2006.J AN 30
For example, assume we have this as our dataset in the cube:
Suppose we were loading a new file with these contents:
2006.J AN 1600
2006.J AN 160
2006.J AN 3100
2006.J AN 500
2006.J AN 250
2006.J AN 160
2006.J AN 15
2006.J AN 20
2006.J AN 30
In BPC 7.0, using the Append capabilities, the result would be as follows:
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 111
Loadi ng Language Spec i f i c EVDESCRI PTI ON i n
Data Manager packages for loading dimension members
Updates Member Sheet
Can load master description from flat file into a NW text table
Language codes can be converted to NW required codes
NetIncome EN Net Income
NetIncome FR revenu exempt d'impts
NetIncome DE Nettoeinkommen
In the underlying table, EVDESCRIPTION isnt stored in the member table
A foreign key relationship to this language specific table
Logon will read the dimension member table, and join to this language specific table
Text returned based on end-user setting
Users member sheet will only show this text
Updating EVDescription will update this language specific table.
The user can maintain there language view My Settingsusing BPC Web
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 112
Fi nanc i al Pr oc esses Pac k ages
Process Chain Template Description TechName
BPC: Default Formulas
This package executes default formulas stored in your default.xls
BPC: Allocation The package runs the Allocation logic. /CPMB/ALLOCATION
BPC: Calculate Ownership The package runs the CalcOwnership logic. /CPMB/OWNERSHIPCALC
BPC: FX Restatement This package is used for currency translation. The package runs
the FXTrans logic.
BPC: IC Elimination This package is used to Perform Inter-Company eliminations. The
Package runs the ICElim logic.
BPC: ICBooking The Package runs the ICBooking logic. /CPMB/ICBOOKING
BPC: ICData The Package runs the ICData logic. /CPMB/ICDATA
BPC: Legal Consolidation The Package runs the LegalConsolidation logic. /CPMB/LEGAL_CONSOLIDATION
BPC: Opening Balances The Package runs the OpeningBalances logic. /CPMB/OPENING_BALANCES
BPC: Run CalcAccount The Package runs the CalcAccount logic. /CPMB/RUNCALCACCOUNT
BPC: Clear the J ournal
Clears J ournal tables and creates an output file. /CPMB/CLEAR_J OURNALS
BPC: Export the J ournal
Exports J ournal tables to an output file /CPMB/EXPORT_J OURNAL
BPC: Restore J ournal
Allows you to load J ournal tables from a File /CPMB/RESTORE_J OURNALS
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 113
Admi ni st r at i ve Dat a Manager Pac k ages
Designed to perform operational tasks on Application.
For example, you can use an administrative package to include back-end data
manipulation where you are loading bulk data for the first time, exporting an entire
database, and running default logic formulas on your data.
Take the system offline.
Can only be run by administrators with the appropriate task security.
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 114
Admi ni st r at i ve Dat a Manager Pac k ages
Process Chain Template Description TechName
BPC: Admin Task Make
Creates dimension members using a SQL table and
schedules the processing of dimension members. For
example, if a new member ID is added, this process
updates the fac2 table with the updated list.
See Scheduling dimension member processing
BPC: Admin Task Validate Validates the logic file. /CPMB/ADMINTASK_VALIDATE
BPC: Validate Transformation
Validates the Transformation Files for Data Manager /CPMB/VALIDATE_TRANSFORM
BPC: Validations Runs BPC Validation of Business Rules Table /CPMB/VALIDATIONS
BPC: Archive Activity Archives Audit Activity /CPMB/ARCHIVE_ACTIVITY
BPC: Archive Data Archives Audit Data /CPMB/ARCHIVE_DATA
BPC: Clear Comments Clears comments from the comments table. /CPMB/CLEARCOMMENTS
BPC: Full Optimization Runs the BPC Admin Full Optimization Process - this
chain can be run from Admin Console
BPC: Light Optimize Cube Runs the BPC Admin Light Optimization Process - this
chain can be run from Admin Console
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 115
Mi sc Dat a Manager Pac k ages
Process Chain Template Description TechName
BPC: Import and Send Mail Import an ASCII file and send the result to specific user. /CPMB/IMPORT_A_SEND_EMAIL
BPC: Import Using FTP This package allows you to import an ASCII file to download from an FTP
site into the current application. You can use modify the server name
within the package. After you modify the server name, you can run this
sample package at any time.
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 116
1. Overview of Data Manager
2. Run-time
Data Manager Packages
Running & Scheduling Packages
3. Design-time
Transformation Files
Conversion Files
UI Script
Large Files
Delivered Objects
4. Future
5. Wrap-up
What Wel l Cover
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 117
Fut ur e Pl ans f or Dat a Manager
(SAP Net Weaver Ver si on)
In the near future:
We have plans on releasing information on how to build your own Process Chain
Templates and UI Scripts
Tighter integration between Data Manager prompts and Script Logic variables
Ability to pass Data Manager prompts natively to script logic
In the not so distant future:
Delivered packages for tighter integration to ERP
Today, there is a how-to guide available for the MSFT version already
Tighter integration to NW BI
Use Data Manager packages to natively transform NW BI data to BPC format data
Tighter integration to 3rd party data sources
Possibly via Data Integrator/BICS/UD Connect
In the future:
Enhanced parallelization and performance enhancements
Enhanced user experience and even simpler user interface
This slide outlines our general product direction and should not be relied on in making a purchase decision. This slide is not subject to your license agreement or
any other agreement with SAP. SAP has no obligation to pursue any course of business outlined in this slide or to develop or release any functionality
mentioned in this slide. This slide and SAP's strategy and possible future developments are subject to change and may be changed by SAP at any time for any
reason without notice. This slide is provided without a warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to, the implied warranties of
merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. SAP assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in this slide, except if such damages
were caused by SAP intentionally or grossly negligent.
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 118
1. Overview of Data Manager
2. Run-time
Data Manager Packages
Running & Scheduling Packages
3. Design-time
Transformation Files
Conversion Files
UI Script
Large Files
Delivered Objects
4. Future
5. Wrap-up
What Wel l Cover
SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / IM106 Page 119
Fur t her I nf or mat i on

Rel at ed Wor k shops/Lec t ur es at SAP Tec hEd 2008

IM100, BPC -- Architecture, Functionality, and Roadmap
1 Hr Lecture, Scott Cairncross (RIG) & Ryan Leask (Product Management)
IM163, SAP BPC 7.0 -- Hands-On Exercises for Business Planning
4 Hr Hands-on, Chris Pauxtis (RIG) & Prakash Darji (Product Management)
IM206, Integrating BPC with SAP ERP and SAP NetWeaver
2 Hr Lecture, Guru Ron Silberstein (RIG)
IM208, SAP BPC 7.0 and SAP NetWeaver Enhancements and Features
2 Hr Lecture, Ryan Leask (Product Management)
IM211, SAP Solutions for Financial Consolidations
1 Hr Lecture, Bryan Katis (RIG) & Kirk Anderson(Product Management)
IM269, Migrating to SAP Business Planning and Consolidation Version 7.0 From 5.1
2 Hr Hands-on, Jeffrey Holdeman (RIG), Scott Cairncross (RIG) & Daniel Settanni (RIG)

RKT I nf or mat i on (avai l abl e t o r ampup c ust omer s onl y)
-> SAP Solutions for Enterprise Performance Management
-> SAP BPC 7.0, version for SAP NetWeaver
-> SAP BPC 7.0, version for the Microsoft Platform

SAP SDN/BPX Communi t y:

EPM Page:
EPM Blogs:
EPM Forums:
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