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Technology Action Plan

GOAL 1: Effectively use technology as an integrated tool for

teaching and learning in order to increase student
OBJECTIVE 1.1: Student’s regularly make use of current and
emerging technology in the learning process.
LRPT Category: Teaching & Learning

RATIONALE: STaR chart results reveal no growth in teaching and learning.

Strategies Timeline Person(s) Responsible
Provide input devices for displaying
Fall Director of Technology
1.1.1 instructional materials in every
2010 Principal
Provide a minimum of one distance
learning experience each year for all Fall
1.1.2 Technology Instructional Coordinator
students and increase utilization of 2011
distance learning courses.
Establish policy and procedures for use Board of Trustees
1.1.3 of online interactive communication Superintendent
(Blogs, Wikis, Podcast, Etc.) Director of Technology
OBJECTIVE 1.2: Use data and digital diagnostic tools to monitor the progress
of students and make informed decisions to differentiate
LRPT Category: Teaching & Learning

RATIONALE: Interviews with principals, teachers, and students reveal weaknesses

in the area of differentiated instruction.
Strategies Timeline Person(s) Responsible
Collaborate with curriculum, instruction,
and assessment department to
investigate the use of digital diagnostic Director of Technology
1.2.1 tools for formative evaluation to monitor Principals
progress toward the mastery of Teachers
instructional objectives and provide
training as tools are implemented.
Collaborate with curriculum, instruction,
and assessment department to
investigate the integration of student
performance data from district and state Director of Technology
1.2.2 assessment instruments with electronic Principals
curriculum resources to inform and Teachers
differentiate instruction for every child
and provide training as resources are
GOAL 2: All educators will receive and benefit from high quality, research
based professional development and support necessary to prepare
students for a 21st century global society.
OBJECTIVE 2.1: Administrators use a variety of evaluation data to make
decisions related to technology professional development.
LRPT Category: Educator Preparation and Development

RATIONALE: The STaR chart reveals that Educator Preparation and Development
was the area most in need of improvement.
Strategies Timeline Person(s) Responsible
Promote and fund attendance at state Spring
2.1.1 Principals
technology conferences 2010
Provide for teacher technology
certification levels and goal-related Spring
2.1.2 Director of Technology
incentives based on knowledge and 2011
training attended
Implement an online staff development
system which will provide 24/7 access
to instruction in basic technology skills, Fall Director of Technology
assessment of individuals’ skill levels, 2010 Technology Staff
and documentation of skill level
Analyze STaR Chart results as a
Summer Campus Technology Facilitator
2.1.4 measure of teachers’ mastery of SBEC
2010 Principal
Technology Applications Standards I-IV
Provide more professional development Technology Instructional Coordinator
2.1.5 opportunities to meet diverse learning Principal
styles of staff and students Campus Technology Facilitator
GOAL 3: All students, teachers, and administrators will have access to the
appropriate technology resources and infrastructure necessary to
support teaching, leading, and learning.
OBJECTIVE 3.1: Instructional spaces, media centers, and administration
offices will have sufficient network bandwidth to support the
learning, communication and administrative goals of the
LRPT Category: Infrastructure for Technology

RATIONALE: Infrastructure of technology must be in place in order to maximize the

technology use in the district
Strategies Timeline Person(s) Responsible
A sufficient amount of the district’s
budget will be allotted for technology Person(s)
infrastructure Board of Trustees
3.1.1 Ongoing
Director of Technology
See outside grants, corporate funds,
3.1.2 and community partnerships to expand Ongoing Technology Staff
and enhance technology resources
Implement a plan to provide a 1:1
student to computer ration in Fall Director of Technology
classrooms to align with TEA STaR 2011 Principal
Chart Target Tech recommendations
Continue to purchase the latest up to Director of Technology
3.1.4 date hardware and software Ongoing Principal

The Director of Technology will provide the updated report to the Superintendent and the Board of Trustees after each
formal review, and will post the report on the Georgetown ISD website

Evaluation Methods:
The following tools will be used to gather data for use in the evaluation of this plan:
 Texas Teacher and Campus STaR Chart survey results
 Sign-in sheets from technology professional development sessions and records from online staff development
 Usage data from online teacher resources (K-8 Technology applications state-adopted materials, United
Streaming, K-12 online databases)
 Sign-in sheets from student and staff video conferences
 Usability survey results from intranet, district websites, and listservs
 Monthly HelpDesk system reports
 Network traffic reports

Annually, teachers complete the Texas Teacher School Technology and Readiness (STaR) chart survey, and campus
principals complete the Texas Campus STaR Chart survey. This self-assessment provides data in the areas of
technology Teaching and Learning; educator Preparation and Development; Leadership, Administration, and Instructional
Support; and Infrastructure for Technology. The GISD Long Range Plan for Technology strives to move our district to the
Target Tech level of progress on the STaR Chart. The committee will use the STaR Chart survey results to determine the
impact the plan is having on School Technology and Readiness (STaR).

All staff will complete a survey or assessment to determine their personal technology proficiency. All staff will attend in-
person technology professional development sessions or complete online technology professional development to allow
them to improve their technology proficiency. All teachers will attend sessions or complete professional development on
the integration of technology into the curriculum. Sign-in sheets from these sessions and records from the online staff
development system will provide data on the type and number of sessions offered and on the number of staff members

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